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Previous thread
How do I turn picrel into a device that easily hooks up to a TV for emulating games AND streaming (movies, cartoons, anime, youtube, twitch etc).

My zoomer cousins are coming over and I don't want them to get too bored.
Sorry, but what does /sqt/ stand for again? I'm confused.
You install a bunch of emulators and a browser on it and control it with a wireless keyboard and mouse.

Yeah I KNOW you want an interface with lots of pretty tiles sorted by genre media type game system that displays a big image and a summary and some statistics no one cares about on the left with the same design language for absolutely everything but possibly changing colors depending on what category you're browswing.
If you want that buy a game console, you'll just be restricted by copyright bullshit more.

Maybe you should play a board game or other non electronic party game instead.
I'm having a problem with my mouse, when I press the left click once, sometimes it registers as a double click. Also, and this is making me insane, when I do a click it randomly minimize everything and sends me to the desktop.
I wanted to try something and made the right click act as the left click for a day to see if this error would persist but it didn't, so I know something is messing ONLY with my left click, what could be causing this?
Also I bought a new mouse, because maybe my old mouse was damage or something, and the problem happened to it too so idk what's happening anymore...
Does it happen in safe mode?
I have an old Sony Xperia Z3 Compact tablet and I'd like to turn it into a Bluetooth speaker. Is there any way to do it it?
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But how will gentoomen post images of lust provoking female anime characters?
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how do i transport a 24 inch monitor to a new house safely if i threw away the box?
Nothing's stopping them, go for it. Just keep it safe for work.
Bubble wrap it first, then tape cardboard to it, and place it upright in-between other boxes if it's going in a uhaul, or behind a seat in your vehicle.
I just tried it and yes it happened on safe mode too
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How to grab URLs posted on 4channel thread?
There's no href tag, it's just plain text.
of course I'm using the API, and filtering the reply with
jq '.posts[] | .com'

But matching urls that has some html tags isn't working, or it match other words and adding it to the match, rendering the url wrong.
Happens with both mice in safe mode?
Did you install any drivers for it? Maybe you need to remove/reinstall/reconfigure the driver.
Regex, staet with this and refine it
Your mouse switch is wearing out. You'll likely need to replace the switch, but sometimes cleaning it or recalibration is an option.
Yeah, I asked LLM and gave me the same results.
needles to say it's not correct

This is the best that I got.
>be me
>go to https://iknowwhatyoudownload.com/
>browse my peers and their peers
>spend hours reading their torrent logs
Is it wrong?
Am I on a watchlist for doing it?
To add, yours isn't wrong, but it capture <wbr> tags and <br> tag
The weird thing is that it happened to a brand new mouse too, that's what make me question wtf was going on.
Yep both, also both are generic mice that install drivers automatically, so idk when to install their "best drivers"
is fruity loops still free?
not free as in freedom, but free as in "you'll buy a licence at some point... right?" free
Make a mint linux installer and boot to usb and use their live environment without installing, or use another windows computer if one is available. Does the problem persist?
They have a demo, yes, but you can't save or load project files; You have to get your project done in a single session and export as ,wav or ,mp3
16:9 or 16:10?
Look for htpc setups and copy what you're looking for.
This simplest solution would be to use two regexes. The first getting everything after the final forward slash, and the second replacing the -.
I did find this single regex solution however: https://regex101.com/r/9gfHnd/1
You can replace that _ in the substitution with a space or nothing if you want.
If you have a usb-c to usb-A dongle, you couple probably use a mouse or keyboard with your android phone - then you could turn on usb debugging and all that
Any way to get RemoteFX back in Hyper-V on 10 after Microsoft removed it in 2020?
Yeah, I thought of this.
But I couldn't figure it out.
This took me so fucking long to make, Jeeesusss.
The version that removes the - is really easy. There's also an easy way to replace the - but it also adds a symbol after the substitution string too, since it was adding a symbol for each match.
So I made the first two into a single match and that kinda works
>can't safely remove USB storage device
>fuser -vm /file/on/device only gives back kernel mount
The fuck?
Idk, reboot computer and try again.
What's a good security camera on amazon looking to spend up to $100. Must have a good reputation. Not a bad reputation. Thank you.
Install RetroPi which comes with Kodi for streaming media
Download ROMs for games online and transfer via USB
>>>/vr/6775606 for emulation guide
I'm not understanding how that regex work.
Was going to do that anyway. Seems to be fine after. Weird though.
Or if you're lazy install RetroArch and Kodi on Windows, open by default and lock them if you don't want kids to use internet
Is there a cheaper way to split a speaker channel between two devices without buying a separate audio interface and sacrificing audio quality?

If not, is there a recommended audio interface in an affordable price range, say < 50$
This was the best that I could do.

Kudos to you
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If you look at the matches it's a bit more obvious.
The basic idea is ?([^-]+)-? which matches a word that may or may not be surrounded by -. If you replace them with some underscores the regex will is a bit simpler to read:

It's an or statement (the | symbol) that either matches:
1. the text up to and including the first forward slash, with the first word, possibly surrounded by -, with an optional second word, also possibly surrounded by -
2. a word, possibly surrounded by -
Oops, the ?([^-]+)-? should be -?([^-]+)-? (the first - was missing)
How do I hide the navigation toolbar in quickmedia's manga reader? I'm going bonkers, cannot figure out how to get rid of it.
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Thanks, what is this you use?
Also your explanation made it easy to do this

This capture XNSBHPD only
Do you have easier way?
Here's a match version of the first regex: https://regex101.com/r/s6apBn/2
As opposed to the substitution regex
works - If you're using lookbehinds/lookaheads, it's not necessary to capture the entire string
I read that some ISPs use transparent proxies or something for DNS or other things, how can I tell if my ISP is up to fuckery that should concern me?
Thanks man.
How can I get a firefox extension to work in a PDF tab?
All ISPs are evil, if you're not running DNS over https consider yourself fucked.
What are some good places to upload sub 50mb files these days that aren't going to ring alarm bells when sent to governments or large businesses? Don't really want to link them catbox, I need about a month's worth of uptime and ideally the ability to delete the file later.
Give them the cockfile.com
What is this thread about
If you're a professional, you should just be using your own domain. Pretty simple to set up an S3 bucket and you can upload files with cli/scripts. Thousands of people can download the file and you'll still be in the free tier, if your use case requires more traffic, then just put a CDN in front of the bucket. This will be a small amount of work but once you do it you won't ever need slow and shitty free file hosts again.
It's one file that needs to be downloaded maybe 5 times in a worst case scenario. I'm not going to all that effort.
in java did they make it so I can use range in my switch statements? like so:
switch (num) {
case 1 .. 5:
case 6 .. 20:
Is youtube refusing to load videos for anyone else on their site?

mpv works fine
I need to do some simple pdf editing, remove a couple of pages, save a couple of pages as their own pdf, are there any decent free editors these days or do I have to go pirate acrobat?
Stupid Questions
Libre office should get it done
How risky is it to have firefox store/autofill your passwords?
Yeah, but even if I change it they could change it to something else via the transparent proxy apparently.
even on vpn?
How come snap packets are larger than the apt packs for the same software
>distributed as cracked games, applications, and services
lol, how many decades of uploaders saying, "it's a false positive!" and getting free reign over your computer
>distributed as cracked games, applications, and services.
real shit lmao
you can never trust executables
When I moved home 6 months ago, I wrapped mine in my bed's soft under blanket and put the whole thing in a bag.
there is no option for that
DoH is some bullshit ad companies came up with to defeat local filters. DNS over TLS is the correct solution for honest people. It has much lower latency and less code exposure.

VPN companies are even scummier than ISPs. They have one job, which is to run interference on copyright enforcement. Everything you send over VPN should be encrypted such that the provider can't eavesdrop on it.
Before I ask for recommended portable monitors and post specs for it, I need to know something. Do all portable monitors lack adjustable brightness? Because I've bought 2 of them and, although they both came with adjacent options, I couldn't just make the screen brighter or darker without sacrificing picture quality.
Does charging your phone/laptop/whatever battery above a certain % hurt it's lifetime performance?
fug, thanks
post more info
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Don't lithium ion questions go to /o/ instead of /g/? Or /sci/ even?
Generally you want to avoid charging to the fullest, limit the charge to 80-90%. (assuming everyone means 4.19999 volts by "100%" (nobody knows where they put "0%" (around 3V?)))
And when you really need the 100%, don't charge it too early beforehand. Do it just before taking the battery into use, that's how I kept my chink EV moped battery in nice condition.
iphones say they throttle charging at 80% to preserve battery life. I'm assuming it's the same for most other batteries, or it's apple lying again
>Don't lithium ion questions go to /o/ instead of /g/? Or /sci/ even?
I'm gonna answer my technology questions on the technology board
>Generally you want to avoid charging to the fullest, limit the charge to 80-90%
>when you really need the 100%, don't charge it too early beforehand
cool, thanks
Had this recent thing happen when my computer will reboot back to BIOS with no explanation. It did it twice last night while I was playing a game, it did it this morning, and apparently 2 more times when I booted it up like 30 minutes ago according the the Reliability Monitor. There's nothing on the event viewer or reliability monitor as to why it happened, it just says Windows shut down unexpectedly, which I assumes means it might be hardware related?
So right now its still running, no reboots since the last 2, but I have noticed my Logitech keyboard has crashed twice, I had to unplug it and unplug it to start it back up, and now I switched USB ports and it's working so far.
Is it possible the system reboots were caused by the keyboard or USB port somehow? Or should look elsewhere for the source of the reboots?
Running Windows 10
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>I'm gonna answer my technology questions on the technology board
Are chemicals and minerals tech?
OK, fine, when the thing's wrapped inside a plastic casing let's call it tech.
>iphones say they throttle charging at 80% to preserve battery life
If you limit your lithium cell to something like 4.1 instead of 4.2 then that's your so called 100% if you decide so. It's your chemical goo and you decide what to do with it.
Scratch that, computer rebooted anyway, have no idea how to diagnose this. Feels like it must be hardware related, checked all my cables and everything is connected. Temperatures don't seem bad either. Where else can I look?
been out for a while what happened to the edc threads?
go ahead and bake one
I'm using kde in opensuse with x11
My second monitor doesn't work properly, it's black but I can see the mouse. Can't move anything to it either or it will disappear

What do I do?
I prefer to use x11 because it's faster than Wayland, but I don't have this issue on Wayland
Sounds like a power problem. Could be your PSU, could be crappy electrical supply to your house.

Get a UPS and if the problem goes away it's the electrical supply. If the problem doesn't go away, check the PSU and wiring.
here's the truth
(You) don't need to know.

If you think you do, and you're curious, here's the answer.
Charging to max capacity is bad.
Depleting is bad.
20-80, or somewhere between is ideal.

Here's where it gets tricky.
Because (You) don't need to know, as I have already mentioned, (You) probably won't know what's happening.
You will think you do, but you don't. Literally.

When your device says "100%" that might be 75% or 85%, and the charging controller will be handling business while the phone lies to you.
For any properly designed products you are supposed to be able to leave them plugged in 24/7 and on the charger when they're at 100% with no problems. If the charge is high enough to not need charging, the power just won't be getting sent to the battery. It'll lie and say it's charging, but it will just be maintaining whatever is optimal.

(You) are lied to, by design, but if you're asking about old (ancient by tech standards) batteries like early 2000s devices then the whole "is it bad to charge to 100%" becomes relevant.
I've got a couple of lenovo thinkcenters with i5 CPUs and 16 gb ram each. The hard drives had to be removed because they're from a medical business but I got to keep the machines themselves. A quick check with a linux boot usb tells me they work just fine. There is no room for a graphics card, what should I do with these machines?
Shred them, you do not want them.
Lenovo is CCP botnet.

you can like build pxe server on one and boot other over network?
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Why does serial console look like shit: no colors, the screen width isn't recognized and generally everything is buggy as hell? How to make serial consoles prettier and better?
>inb4 "why don't you SSH?"
It's troublesome when monkeying around with a router box. The serial line just keeps connected, no matter reboots or poweroffs etc.
>add cheap SSD
By breaking HTTPS? I don't think so, DoH uses certificate pinning anyways so not even a compromised CA would be effective.
Home server, compiler farm, heater cluster. The possibilities are endless.
So if I run my own DNS with TLS and use only https the isp can't use some transparent proxy or otherwise fuck with me?
>For any properly designed products you are supposed to be able to leave them plugged in 24/7 and on the charger when they're at 100% with no problems.
I was very worried about this
Thanks for the write up!
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>never went out with a girl in the sunset and have her look at me like that.
When you format a drive, the data isn't deleted, just marked to be overwritten.

If that's the case, why can't people "unformat" a drive after formatting it? The filesystem is said to be reset, is there some location where the "filesystem" data is? Why can't you backup the filesystem schema and restore it onto the storage device to interpret the block data like it was before?
>If that's the case, why can't people "unformat" a drive after formatting it? The filesystem is said to be reset, is there some location where the "filesystem" data is? Why can't you backup the filesystem schema and restore it onto the storage device to interpret the block data like it was before?
You can do all that though
You can do that stuff, it's just not as simple as it sounds.
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I'm trying to turn this to 1.0
How do I do that?
I tried
set-volume ID VOL[%]

>wpctl set-volume 52 VOL[1.0]

What am I doing wrong?
>>wpctl set-volume 52 VOL[1.0]
What makes you think those brackets belong in there?
I've tried
wpctl set-volume 52 100% and 60%+ and i've gotten no change in volume
explain what? it's possible, but there's no point
Unsure on whether to have asked here or pcbg, but either way, Ausfag looking at getting a UPS.
>reputable UPS brands?
>stores that may sell said brands?
>poorfag options?
let's just say I bought a relatively early days 3D printer from a now-defunct company (DaVinci 1.0 Pro from XYZPrinting) because it was super cheap, and me being a fucking retard, I didn't think to look up reviews, parts availability (since I bought it at a thrift shop), or literally anything, and I predominantly bought it because I know they start at a couple hundred+ for Bambu/Creality "baby's first 3D printer" types
assuming that, how feasible would it be, upon realizing it's broken and would require I buy a few parts from some literally who's on ebay, how feasible would it be to scrap it for parts and potentially buy a real 3D printer from a real company?
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i'm having an issue where pressing the right shift key on my keyboard causes windows to lock into context menu shortcuts - i cant type any letters or capitilize, which is why this post has no capitals or punctuation.
anyone experience this issue. ive already reinstalled my drivers, it did nothing.
What are some good and cheap flash drives without abysmal write speeds these days?
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How to bypass cloudflare protection when parsing 4chan archives like desuarchive/archived.moe?
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> board game
> zoomer cousin
I'm practicing regex.
Is there a resource of given names and surnames in text form?
Different applications use different regex, consult the applications instructions.
the only difference between a serial console and ssh is that ssd is encrypted
if you want a pretty serial console, configure the OS of the device you're connecting to so that it knows what kind of terminal you have, it's probably just defaulting to something safe (i.e. nothing fancy like colour escape code support)
i'm gonna assume it wants "100" as in percent or maybe "1.0" as a float
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I derived this intuitively but I don't understand why it works.

function foo(next) {
return next;

function bar(next) {
return next;

function delay(f) {
return ((x) => (() => f(x)));

let lst = [

let seq = null;

for(let f of lst) {
seq = delay(f)(seq);

while(seq) {
seq = seq();
Is there a FOSS tool for pulling data off an iPhone? I fucking hate iTunes.
I'm trying to use Mokuro OCR with GPU

I installed Cuda 118, cuda 125, (Like several attempts with different ones)
pytorch as instructed
import torch
shows as TRUE

Python also tried with 3.9 and now 3.10.10
My GPU is a RTX 3050 6gb VRAM

It just keep using 100%CPU and even goes below 40% CPU, unusable... Please help.
>the only difference between a serial console and ssh is that ssd is encrypted
Clearly not. Guess you confused serial line with telnet.
no, i didn't
terminal colours are just about sending appropriate colour escape sequences and having the terminal on the other side understand them, it's all text, so it doesn't matter if the transport is ssh, telnet, or plain old serial
run "echo $TERM" and see what it's set to, if it's something like vt102 or something, then it won't be in colour, because the vt102 terminal doesn't do colour, so it won't send colour sequences. common colour examples are "export TERM=xterm" (16 colour) and "export TERM=xterm-256color" (256 colour)
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Does something but doesn't fix it.
maybe you have to configure your serial getty to initalise TERM with xterm-256color (or whatever you want), i haven't used linux over serial so i'm not sure if there's another gotcha for that
i do know you can configure what TERM to use as part of your getty config though, so it's possibly relevant. most distros tend to configure serial terminals to something conservative like vt220 (systemd default), which don't do colour, with the assumption that they're more likely to be hooked up to a real-life serial terminal (most of which don't do colour)
You are onto something
ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty -o '-p -- \\u' --keep-baud 115200,57600,38400,9600 --noclear --autologin root - $TERM

There's the damn $TERM. Wonder where systemd gets it.
the answer seems to be "it's complicated"
maybe just set "Environment=TERM=xterm-256color" in your serial getty service (i think that's the one you got that snippet from), otherwise it seems to be just a hardcoded value or inherited by pid1 (maybe you could set this with "TERM=xterm-256color" as a kernel boot argument)
regex101.com and regxr.com make it pretty simple
They allow you to choose the regex engine - though regexr only allows javascript and PCRE
What's it expected to do?
if it works, send a picture, i had a tough time finding any pictures of someone using a colour serial console (to post as proof it's a thing), even though i found plenty of people saying they got it working
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Bumping this stupid question

I'll open a video and get greeted with a grey screen with only a few separator elements but no video, text, or comments. If I wait like 1-5 minutes, it finally loads the video.
The alternative is that it does load the video frame correctly and everything else, but it buffers for like a minute before actually playing.
I suspected this might be them trying to fuck with adblockers, but I turned Ublock Origin off and it still behaved like this. I also cleared cache for youtube

And again, mpv is completely unaffected
Working fine on brave
In Waterfox, videos constantly spam
>Ignoring the less restricted referrer policy “origin-when-cross-origin” for the cross-site request
in console when trying to load videos.
Doesn't matter if I have ublock origin on or off, same behavior. Sometimes the video plays instantly in a new private window, other times it'll randomly start after I forget about it and go back to shitposting.

Googling the NS thing above gave a fix from plebbit, so not sure what it's actually doing or what this even is.
network.http.http3.enable = false

Now I have to go find all the paranoia settings I slightly undid to try to troubleshoot this.

>on their site
This was oddly specific way to phrase it so I didn't answer despite fixing this last night. Find the above setting in about:config
If a 14 inch HDD were made today and assuming it has 9 platters, how much could it hold if it has the bit density of modern drives (~ 1.1 TB per square inch)?
I was recommended in the last thread to buy a WiFi card instead of a router. What WiFi card is fully compatible with Linux?
Is there a no-bullshit tl;dr guide on cryptocurrencies?
I need to extend my subscription for a service but being from Zhat country crypto is my only option, and USDT seems to be the most common one here.
But I'm lost at what the fuck do I even do to receive crypto and pay with it. Like... there's like dozen of different wallets? Shit like TRC20 whateversomethingsomething?
What the fuck is all this?
All I want is to use an exchange service to convert my roopies to USDT for which I need a wallet.
Do I just pick whatever wallet app that supports Tether, make an account there and that's it?
What if it doesn't show me any peers? Am I peerless? I am the only one here?
If I'm installing as a daily driver on my ssd is it better to use a swap or not? And if so should I enlarge my ram?
How do I know if the zip file I downloaded is a zip bomb?
Use zram, it's way better than using disk
It will make swap live on your RAM as compressed memory instead
Based, thanks anon!
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Help, i'm at the end of my wits...
I keep trying to learn some shit technology to make projects so i could snipe some job to get experience...

Spent 1 month turbo recaping java and i understand most of the code i read so far, problem is i've been getting my paws wet with spring framework (not boot, i was gonna learn basics of framework first so i could get a deeper understanding) but it's literally so convoluted.. I got this book and i'm almost 100 pages in and all i've done is create fucking beans and add automatically classes to the context and i've got no fucking idea why i would do that
It's all so fucking tiring... I've been baiting myself today that maybe i should give up and move to Python Django but i dont think there's that many jobs in central europe for that...

What the fuck do i do frens? I'm losing my mind
nowadays, pretty much everything has drivers, whether it's qualcomm, intel, realtek, or even broadcom
I don't know if any other wireless card manufacturers exist
What could possibly cause something where .txt files on my android phone, either internal storage or SD card, and that are verified as real files, viewable on multiple apps on the phone, are invisible or show up as empty files when connected to my Windows 10 PC as a storage device? Also, a newly created text file is invisible on PC, old files are there. When copied to another location on the phone with a file manager instead of the notepad app used to create it, the file shows up on PC but is empty (0B). Still real viewable files on the phone with multiple apps.
Why the fuck are you starting with Java and bloody Spring of all things? Do you hate yourself?
i'm not new to programming, it's been my hobby for past years but i've been hopping between like 6 languages and just coding for fun and automating some shit for my non related job... but i need to make some websites and maybe some apis so i could show something to get hired.. no i wont do js simple as
Going to have to look into that. Should I even bother if I have 32GB memory?
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I'm looking for a software that I used to have but apparently didn't move to my new computer for some stupid reason. it was standalone (ie didn't install) and all it did was do fuzzy search for image duplicates. I've found similar duplicate file programs, but they seem to focus more on general files, so they don't have the useful image-specific features this one did (displaying both images, resolution and filesize data, etc). I feel like it was just called something like "batch image finder" or something like that, I also feel like the icon had fire on it, but I'm not totally sure about that part. also I guess if no one knows what this is, do you have any similar suggestions?
>no i wont do js
I respect that. On the bright side, there are not many people willing to work with Java/Spring these days, so maybe just stick to it? If you move to Python you will face much more competition (and a miserable programming language).
/g/uys im planning to install arch on my system but my build has an nvidia 1060 6gb, did they fix wayland for nvidia and pascal architecture or im fucked if i want to play some games?
>need to make some websites
>i wont do js
You are shooting yourself in the foot
Everyone hates javascript, but trying to sell yourself as a webdev without knowing javascript is like trying to sell yourself as a chef that can't make staple dishes
Do you understand that every webdev job requires javascript experience
i can write shitty js and modify it, i just know 0 webdev
I feel like im not making any progress with spring tho, all i saw so far was just annotations and spring context, no real shit and it seems like i wont get anything up and running for a good while aswell since u have to know so much shit
You're fucked
I have an i-7 RTX 3070 16gb and Wayland performs far worse than x11
Also has a ton of display issues
I can barely play little indie games without severe lag, it's strange.
Hoping it's just a bug that will be updated soon
have you tried to install the latest drivers (555.58)? they should fix most of the problems for what i know
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that's not the one I was looking for, but searching for that and its alternatives did help me actually find the one I was thinking of, Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder
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How do I use glif without an account?
I am trying to find a good bluetooth keyboard that can be used on my lap, while I am lying on my bed.
Pic somewhat related: remove the screen of a laptop and that is what I actually wanted, just that I wanted it to connect with my desktop some meters away or my tablet that is on a stand near me.
Normal bluetooth keyboards are not long enough and tablet style keyboard covers are not wide enough.

I did, maybe I'll try reinstalling
Thanks for the advice
I love xfce but the themeing is kinda weird. I installed a few and somehow it's fucked everything up even after choosing another one
Is there a way to fix this? Or do I just remove the themes?
What's with the new(ish) MEGA perms?
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I have no idea why this shit isn't working anymore for google accounts. The "exceptions" I mean.
I've whitelisted gmail, google, youtube, but I still get my cookies cleared each time I restart. This used to work. Any ideas?
raid 5 or raid 10
for a nas that will hold movies/shows/music and all the random shit i save
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How can I make 4chan-X or 4chan XT (I'm on the latter) wrap all posts to 80 columns?

The bandaid solutions I have right now are:
>Resizing the whole browser window so that it's 1/4th the width of my screen (terrible for expanding images/gallery)
>Zooming in, which blows up the fonts but does get ~80 characters per line (even worse)
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Why do you need a monitor this
I got a bunch of bookmarks in iridium browser that id like to transfer to firefox.
I'm trying to import the HTML file to firefox but it only copies like 56 bookmarked out of a bunch more that i have on iridium.
Anything I can do with the HTML file or whatever so firefox can copy all the bookmarked pages?
nevermind got it
are there rules on what context menus are able to list when you use javascript to change them from the default, like in google docs or different email services?
what i mean is, if i'm making a wordpress blog or something, can i change the context menu to show different blog articles on the site or images in a gallery on a right click? or in lieu of that, is there anything cool i could do with changing the context menu, or would it be better to just leave it because it could be annoying for the site's users?
For posts? In custom css do:
.postMessage {
max-width: 80ch;
word-break: break-all;
font-family: monospace;

You will need a monospace font because ch is the width of a 0, and variable-width fonts have characters thinner/wider than a 0, hence causing less or more than 80 characters per line (the characters won't be aligned to the columns either).
The word-break is optional, it forces 80 characters per line rather than word breaking, which you may not want
Thank you so much anon!!!! I really have to learn some basic web stuff.
I made it 79ch and without word-break so that it behaves how I would expect it to (no characters on 80th)
On that note, what other custom CSS do you guys use for 4chanX/XT?
Well, actually no, it doesn't force 80 per line, it instead breaks similarly to wrapping in a text editor, rather than word based like in a document or book
any good free video editor?
Why is example not spelled xample?
Could try out kdenlite
This css moves dead threads to the top of the 4chanX thread watcher with a border underneath:
/*move the active threads to the bottom of the thread watcher*/
#watched-threads {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;

line-height: 1lh; /*make lines the same size - even if there's japanese writing causing a shift*/
#watched-threads > :not(.dead-thread) /*dead threads don't have a data-page attribute*/ {
order: 1;
/*add border to bottom of the last dead-thread (aka, the dead-thread without any dead thread siblings afterward)*/
:not(:has(~.dead-thread)).dead-thread {
padding-bottom: 0.2rem; /*smaller padding than margin since text rendering is weird*/
border-bottom: dashed #85a2d1 1px !important;
margin-bottom: 0.2rem;

Requires :has support (I think firefox only got support a few months ago)
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Oh, some of the comments are outdated (the data-page and smaller padding comments) :P
>don't make my own thread
>nobody answers my stupid question

What's the lowest cost and effort way of setting up local file streaming to my TV? Fire stick? Chromecast? Other?
I'd also want access to some sort of adblocked youtube like youtube revanced.
That's really useful!! thanks again

I'm curious what your setup looks like overall, if you've customized it any further. Have you done anything to the quick reply window?
what theme is that?
oh hey that's sick, any way to put the active threads at the top instead though?
excuse me just doing a quick test to see how this CSS >>101208690 handles a single long unbroken line

ah ok it just breaks it at an arbitrary point when it's too big
interesting that it does so at 70 instead of 79
what hosting should i use if i want to make a forum? it probably won't be anything too big but i'd like to have something that can stay afloat if there happens to be an influx of users for whatever reason.
i'm kinda scared about self-hosting and don't want the servers in my country so i don't wanna do that, but should i go for something that advocates privacy that i can pay for with crypto, or just any popular hosting service like bluehost or hostgator?
What kind of TV do you have?
Virtualbox, and plex server, and a roku streaming device would probably get the job done. Or a raspberry pi
try shotcut
works amazing, quick, tons of features
I use it as my main
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It's an OneeChan theme based on Blue Phallus (the one at the bottom of the menu)

Uhh, does this work?
/*move the active threads to the bottom of the thread watcher*/
#watched-threads {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;

line-height: 1lh; /*make lines the same size - even if there's japanese writing causing a shift*/
#watched-threads > .dead-thread {
order: 1;
/*add border to bottom of the last active thread (aka, the active thread without any active thread siblings afterward)*/
#watched-threads > :not(:has(~:not(.dead-thread))):not(.dead-thread) {
padding-bottom: 0.2rem;
border-bottom: dashed rgb(133, 162, 209, 0.5) 1px !important;
margin-bottom: 0.2rem;
I figured out how to make it so that it's only active while inside a thread (I don't want the font changes in the catalog)
/* 80 character limit */
:root.tomorrow.thread-view .postMessage {
max-width: 79ch;
font-family: monospace;
font-size: 18px;
what is the best way of forcing https with nginx only for browsers that support tls1.2?
user-agent matching works but should be done without giant if loop for every chromium version above 29, firefox version above 27 etc
it does work
also thank you for reminding me OneeChan exists. I remember I used to have StyleChan (a fork of that one) way back
I change TVs depending on what I find at kerbside throw outs. At the moment, some old 4k sony bravia. It has no decent OS to speak of so I don't want to run anything on the TV directly.
>Uhh, does this work?
yeah! thank you anon that's very useful.
Singular characters generally have different pronunciation to how they're used in words.
Don't those use custom js context menus?

Maybe you could export the html by firefox and compare them?
DiVinci Resolve if you need it to do everything.
There's probably some simpler ones if you just want to make things to shitpost.

$100 SFF or usff off ebay and put kodi on it. Then get a wireless remote/keyboard/controller for it.
There are probably more steps involved if you want it to cast youtube videos from your phone or something.
I want to block the /ftl/ threads on /tv/

how do I get 4chanx filter to just filter the "/ftl" part in the Subject?
Add this to your Subject section in Filters

Here's a freebie
# Filter /d+g+h+aco+wsg/ AI generals
Why are brits like this?
Youtube-dl not working for me (Windows)
What do?
how do i get my second monitor to work? sometimes it shows up, sometimes it doesn't, sometimes it's black and i can see my mouse and I can try to move my windows but I can't see them there when I do
is anyone else having this issue that's got it fixed?
>t. no idea how to regex
You can point out where I'm wrong if you like
recommends for a google free smartphone
install the latest nightly instead of release
get yt-dlp instead.
Yo, quick (stupid) question: how did you get the Settings icon on the top right to appear as such? For me it just says "OneeChan" in text.
(I should clarify the other icons do work, and Header -> Shortcut Icons are enabled)
why did my monitor start turning black screen for a few seconds ~5 times a day
What's a good bodycam that's discrete to wear. I have paparrazi that wants me to notice them. Thanks lol
Hmm, not sure. Are there any errors in the console (excluding the ones 4chanX causes)?
Why does a game crash when I set it to low graphics but when I'm playing on ultra it works perfectly fine?
That's a pretty vague question
But why would the game crash on low if it works on ultra?
That doesn't make sense
Idk but it sounds scuffed as hel
not that I can see. I'll poke around in the code

another question: I seem to remember there being some option to have the thread watcher remain toggled on when loading a new page. Am I tripping or was that ever a thing in oneechan?
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Not him but I've never seen this bug.
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>that class name
what is this, is like saying running better when you have sneakers leave sneakers at home since barefoot is lighter
The game is buggy, simple as.
Plug in the power cord properly.
That's part of 4chanX - "Persistent Thread Watcher"
Ok thanks
Aaah there we go, thanks anon
Try a different kind of port maybe.
the best option for that: any google phone.

does low graphics entail a lower resolution than display default?
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I'm using an external HDD to download a massive torrent. I paused the torrent and closed my torrent program temporarily and checked the drive in Crystal Disk Info, and it's showing up as "Caution" with a "Current Pending Sector Count" error.
Could this be related to the torrent, or is there a genuine problem with the drive? I've never seen such an error before, and I don't know shit about hard drives, I usually just check Crystal to make sure they're not overheating or anything. I've also never used an external for torrenting so I'm hoping that it's just a false positive but I don't actually know.
It means the drive has sectors which failed to read, ie it lost data, and they'll be remapped when the data is overwritten. It's a problem with the drive. Force verify all your torrents and see if pieces need to be downloaded again.
Yeah it's the favicon for
fa fa-gears
not loading on 4chan for some reason. No idea why, because it loads on other websites just fine...

relevant piece of code is on line 1088
I guess it's not getting the source for me? But it is for everyone else?
I'm on Firefox if it matters
Yeah that's super weird, especially considering that the 4chanX icons are also using font-awesome.
What happens if you change which fa icon it uses by editing the script itself?
I don't think OneeChan even imports fa since it expects X to have it.
Doesn't seem to make a difference if I swap out fa fa-gears for fa anything
Not sure how much it really matters, but what script engine are you using? Werks for me with Violentmonkey
Violentmonkey here too
Fuck me, so it's not the torrent's fault? I don't have any other empty drives to move this shit to.
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Shrug. I guess you could change it to an emoji instead if it's too much of a pain.
Yeah I suppose so, just added the gear emoji instead and removed class='fa fa-gears'
How weird
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I do my emails for work over Roundcube (cpanel gui).
I want to start scheduling when I sent them out, but roundcube doesn't have any scheduling feature.
Is there any solution to this without needing to use an actual mail program and having my PC on?
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Does anybody here have a HAF 932? And if so, is it at all potentially hazardous to remove the front fan vent panel while running? I wanna vacuum out the dust, but can't be bothered to turn off my PC.
do it no balls
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Why the fuck do my tabs get stuck aaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa
I did it without thinkin any further. Like what's the worst that could happen?
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>is it at all potentially hazardous to remove the front fan vent panel
Well yeah, it's glowing red so it must be around 300 degrees C in there.
anyone have and is willing to post the webm of a man raging because windows is about to reboot while he is in the middle of rendering something. i recall this event made him a racist and he blames obama for something.
Has Twitter really blocked all third-party apps or are there currently any good or functioning alternatives for it?
I'm tired of scrolling and seeing the same ads over and over again.
>i recall this event made him a racist and he blames obama for something
I'm managing an association, with some members. Not all of them will pay the yearly subscription, and I want a few local places to have a small discount on them. So my idea is to give each member his ID card with a custom QR (since anyone could just read that) so any place where they go and have a discount, could just read the QR and check if they are still associated with us.

A friend of mine is doing the database, but how could I implement that so only the member's date of expire is shown? That way they could know when they need to pay again.
I'm in the market for a new TV but youtube is 99% shills and 1% wet noodles that just laud everything blindly. Which manufacturer actually makes the best these days? Sites like RTINGS don't seem reliable -- too valuable for corporate capture.
and the archive.org link
Which webm converter do I use for VP9? WebM for Retards' VP9 option results in 4chan telling me there's a file embedded in my webms
I miss yuuki la
Why does this feel scripted?
>ffmpeg -i "Input.mp4" -c:v linvpx-vp9 -an -sn -map_metadata -1 "Output.webm"
why does my phone (redmi note 10 pro) use 4g for data but when i make phone calls it switches to 3g? i ask because the 3g towers are kill in about 2 months in Australia and every time i make a call i get a warning saying my phone wont work after aug 31st.

but when i check the bands it should work? any ideas?
is godaddy retarded / how do i get someones email?
i really wish to contact this nigger: https://www.randallhyde.com/#Main ;
but the whois query says this:
> Registrant Email: Select Contact Domain Holder link at <boo hoo> godaddy <mr spam> whois <system> results domain=
its probably a whoisguard or similar, namecheap for example hides who i am
if so its, the stupidest way to go about it. just say REDACTED or something.
anyways, never mind, he dead. it happened recently too. fuck.
How can I get around servers detecting that my crawlers are crawlers?
I'm already being very sensible with my request rate.
>Don't those use custom js context menus?
well yes, i was just wondering what was the extent of what those menus could include.
I want to get a large network drive to store movies and TV on that will plug directly into my router so that I can access my medium from any of the computers/tvs in my house and not have to carry around portable hard drives any more. Any recommendations for a good one that will last, minimum 5tb? And will I have any issues with buffering or stuff like that? I have google fiber so I'm guessing if it plugs directly into the router I should be more than fine.
I have a seagate 6tb over usb 2 that's been great even for streaming VR video
I have a surplus of NRF tags. Any ideas what I can use them for?
If someone self-publishes a video to the internet, it is generally a skit. Unless they're truly schizo, hence lolcows.
Whats the less moderation effort settings you can run a Discord server?
Install 7zip
>open file with 7z file manager(right click or by browsing with it)
>make sure it says ..../file.zip/7z
>click info
It should give you size before and after compression
This method also allows you to poke around and see what is within, and open standalone files(eg. .txt)
If the file is .7z it will also give you header size (smaller means either highly compressable or not very depending on other clues)
It is possible the above is only on windows though

Alternatively test the file (similar info to file manager)

The probability of it being a zip bomb is highly unlikely though, and if it is there should be default system protections
Have google switched back to uses pages, instead of infinite scrolling?
Or is it just me?
how do i demaximize firefox in plasma? i kind of need to do multitasking with a browser...
>good security camera
>good reputation.
What does f11 do?
>How can I get a firefox extension to work in a PDF tab?
Don't know.

But perhaps a workaround could work?
Someone wanted the PDF Viewer with Reader Mode
so they forked the PDF Viewer
and instruct to disable the built-in PDF Viewer.

Alright, here's some dumb shit: I have a computer on my network that is experiencing degraded internet/network performance, but it is the only computer on the network experiencing it. Windows 10 machine, fully updated. I have tried:
- Different network cables
- Different switch/router change
- Different browsers
- Safe mode w/ networking
- Nuking mainboard and ethernet drivers
- USB ethernet dongle
- DISM and sfc checks, no damage found

All other devices using the same network switch and router are fine, but on the affected computer I'm getting anywhere from 1-3% packet loss and googles speedtest shows 95% lower upload speed than the other devices. I think I've narrowed it down to Windows, as I booted up a Linux liveCD and the issue is not present there. I'm trying to avoid nuking my windows installation, so I'm looking for any thoughts on how I might be able to find a resolution.
If you're on mac
you can drag the thumbnails of the pages of the pdf between files.
Can also just delete pages from pdf.
Change performance settings to performance mode? Check out your network settings. Turn off eco mode.
Already in high performance mode and eco mode isn't on for any process that I'm aware of.
backup your files and nuke the fucker. you know it'll make you feel good.
is there an alternative to wifi for wireless networking ? just need to be able to relieable connect my laptop to my desktop which is like 15m away and behind multiple walls, neighbors wifi networks dont help and kill my own signal.
Have you run the network troubleshooter?
makes it even bigger, i need to use multiple windows of different applications
Could try using a wifi analyzer and swap your wireless channel to a less congested one.
Yep, no issues detected.
I'm interested in building a NAS with NextCloud but I'm utterly clueless about the whole topic, all I know is I'd like to use a commercial hardware option like the Synology stuff (no tinkering with raspberry pi or anything of the sort). The goal is to have a full suite of cloud drive, calendar, photo management, e-mail and if possible, git repository. Googling this stuff brings me an ocean of dense info, I'd appreciate any pointers.
Check out this article and see if it helps.
Any idea if a Sapphire RX 550 will work on a Asrock Z68 Extreme4 Gen3 (LGA1155, Sandy bridge/Ivy Bridge)?
Apparently there is a whole uefi vbios things on graphics cards that I missed. The motherboard bios does say it's uefi, but I've installed stuff on an MBR hard drive so windows/linux say it's a legacy bios install - not sure if that will change whether it works. My understanding is that if the vbios isn't supported it won't post.

Was weighing up getting a cheap RX 550 to toss in there since the iGPU is starting to show its age, but then discovered this whole uefi/legacy bios crap. Thought it'd be a simple plug and play.
A memory test is always a good idea.

I'd use ebay to research your prices
- for an attempted repair
- for selling a broken printer
- for selling a working printer

If the printer doesn't have any glowing reviews or anything going for it
then you might not be able to get much for it considering the price of the cheapest new machines on the market.

Perhaps It is best kept for parts?

Some videos for your perusal.

>guy buys dirt cheap 3d printer

>guy upgrades dirt cheap 3d printer

(1) Reboot computer.
(2) Unplug keyboard cable. Check to see if cable and port are still good. Plug cable back in.

returns a function that takes one argument.
calls that returned function, and receives... a function
that when called will
call f (ie: foo, or bar), passing to it... a function or null... which it won't call, but simply return.

The while loop
simply calls the function
which calls foo or bar
and returns another function or null
which we then call...

If it helps, it is a teeny tiny bit like a linked list.
The word 'thunk' might also be helpful.

It's just a matter of working through it.
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I wanna make use of the projector I have but I don't wanna move my PC around, should I buy a long ass wire for the VGA cable (yes, it's an old ass projector) or get a cheap ass laptop to use whenever I wanna use it? If so, which laptop would suffice.
I want to understand how computers work starting at the point where hardware meets software, so I thought about learning assembly. How do I approach this topic (what's the roadmap) and what books do I read?
>there's like dozen of different wallets
a bitcoin wallet is for bitcon
an etherium wallet is for etherium
a trc20 walled it for trc20 tokens

>wallet app
yes, an app is one option
a hardware wallet is another option
Why the frick can't I download anything using firefox? I have to switch to another browser to download my games and shit.
i use 4chanx and use soundposts but the download file button next to the filename has been eating the % needed to make them work, turning them into underscores
this started happening around the 18th, anyone else dealing with this? im on firefox
crossposting because i am never going to get a reply on diy

because you are trying to Downloads to anything that is not ~/Downloads and that doesnt work for some reason even if you change the downloads directory in firefox
Just move things manually
What controller should i get for my pc?
budget? games?
why is everything on the web so slow now? I know I haven't update my PC but it's not like webpages do anyting more than 10 years ago. 4chan specially is unbearably slow
20-50 bux
w/e i will pirate as i am eastern europoor
is2.4chan.org by any chance?
millenials are not having children but stay wageslaving 10 hours 5 days a week.
It is a ghost town.
I'm on linux
What are your specs? What internet speeds are you paying for?
What is the ideal PC/Laptop Model, for the person who hates steam, hates valve, hates Gabe Newell, hates the steam deck and hates PC gaming?
There should be ports to linux as 7z is open source
They might lack in features but should have if nothing else a test function (plus extracting/compressing/etc)
Does keepassxc store your password hash and compare the hash of the password you entered when it decrypts the database?
Well, what do you know, it's installed.
does anyone who uses mihon (prev tachiyomi) know how to add my own repositories for webcomics and other sites not listed in the github json file?
dell latitude 7200 2 in 1
>connected to my Windows 10 PC as a storage device
Can you connect a different way?
Like connecting to the phone like it's a network share?

Alternatively, try:
- shuting down your phone
- powering it on again
- then connecting from your windows box

>good bluetooth keyboard
lenovo trackpoint ii

>Normal bluetooth keyboards are not long enough
>and tablet style keyboard covers are not wide enough

Does all your shit fit on a single disk?
How many disks do you have?
What about zfs ?


>influx of users
I say you deal with that if it happens.

>scared about self-hosting
>should i go for something that advocates privacy that i can pay for with crypto
>or just any popular hosting service
That's really down to the type and amount of risk you are willing to risk.
Also, the discussion topics of the forum might sway things.
Eg: forum for discussing gunpla vs forum for whistleblowers.

Wherever you get your hosting
buy your domain from somewhere else.

Also check them out on trustpilot to see if they're going downhill.
Reasons why would a Dell Latitude 7200 2 in 1 give me the image of a person who hates PC gaming and hates Gabe Newell?
I'm looking for file folder names that start with the the letter(s) v, w, x, y, or z for use in TV show folders in Jellyfin. The goal is to have autistic sorting power since, as far as I know, there is no custom sorting for seasons or other folders when on a Jellyfin TV show detail page

here are some example folder names:
Behind the Scenes
Bonus Episodes
Bonus Features
Episode #
Episode Bonus
Episodes Bonus
Extra Episodes
Season #
Season # - [arc name]
Themesongs and extras
Themesongs and bonus features
Volume #
its a tablet basically while still retaining all the functionality of a laptop, or just get an ipad then
very good What anti-PC gaming activities and what anti-Steam programs would you recommend?
Try downloading and booting a different distro or OS and see how that behaves.
By looking at the differences you might be able to figure what's going wrong with your current setup.
I need a just werks(tm) distro for work with as new Linux kernel as possible and up to date dev toolkits (gcc, python, openocd). Considering Linux Mint EDGE and Ubuntu right now, any anons got other suggestions?

>how computers work
These are the books I read.

In terms of programming,
it would be nice if it was something simple like a computer running DOS.

Maybe micropython running on a microcontroller might be an idea?
nvm, I'm retarded. I just need to use sort titles for "folders" / seasons
What is the best free video editor?
I don't need a fuck ton of features or whatever, just something simple I can do the basics for simple and little things.
oneshot, or openshot
it's something shot, and it's incredibly basic but works
Which simple software can I use for basic image editing that its not Photoshop, Gimp, Paint.net but something smaller and easier to use?
Layers support is a must
A huge downside is its exporting encoding settings. Poor settings support and limited templates
>I'm managing an association
>with some members
>some pay an annual subscription
>my idea: give each member an ID card with a QR code (since everyone can read QR codes)

>have some local places to offer members a discount
>they check QR code
or they could just read what's on the card with their eyeballs

>friend of mine is doing the database

>but how could I implement that so only the member's date of expire is shown
If you want to only show that
then only show that.

"Final day of membership: YYYY-MM-DD"
or something.

I'm not understanding the problem.
>new TV
You don't need a perfect TV.
You don't need The Best TV.
A good enough TV is good enough.

>corporate capture
Are you a technical person,
or a people person ?

If you are a technical person,
then you can read the raw test results from RTINGS
and form your own conclusions instead of reading their opinions.

If you are a people person
then you ask a good personal nerd friend of your
and you get whatever they recommend.

>random TV calibration guy I follow on youtube
>RTINGS youtube channel
I got two 1.5tb HDD's, they've been in a drawer for years, don't remember when I got them, but I stopped using them and I can't remember why
no harm in using them is there? not for anything irreplaceable, just weights and shit I could download again if needed. It's fuzzy but I seem to recall that a bad mechanical drive can lock up the system when it fails to read, which might be why I stopped using them, but I don't remember
HDDs support SMART diagnostics.
Have a look through its fields like Number of Blocks Relocated, Number of Spin-ups, Power-on Hours, etc.

Can't remember but I thought that was a tool (on linux?) that offered a short test and a long test.
Might be worth looking into?

Personally, I would look at the SMART details.
Zero the drive, then look at SMART details again to see if anything ballooned more than it should have.
only if the os is installed on them, other than that then you will get io errors and a froze file manager, do this >>101222174 or what I like to is to run macrorit sector analyzer and let it complete, if the drive has completely fucked sectors where the head crashes it will freeze, if its just a bad sector if will mark it as red and what I usually do is to take note of the sector / gb position and isolate it by creating empty space there and create partitions on the rest of the drive, but only to store stuff like torrents or installers, etc.
why does microshit allow microsoft activator to exist publicly on a legit site and doesn't cause them any issues?
Probably because the only thing it does is let you change your wall-paper.
I use Blender.
i know there is a "this windows is not genuine" message and that it blocks the wallpaper or even give a black background.
but doesn't letting people install free windows cut into their profits?
or do they go after businesses even if they used the microsoft activator.
one more thing. it unlocks microsoft office too and removes the trial period so that's more than a wallpaper change.
They're basically giving that shit away for free to students/schools. If they gave a fuck they would go back to S mode, but I think they lost a lot of users when that was around.. They're taking and selling analytical data to the government, so the more users the better.
Best RAID type for home NAS for movies/tv etc? thinking 5 or 10 but I'm new to this stuff
imho 5, 6, or zfs.
you dont need raid for a home server
New thread: >>101222499
New thread: >>101222499
New thread: >>101222499
Let's call it a big RAID server then.
If the player/device at the tv can handle any codec/decoding, yes you can attach a disk into the router and mount a network share at the tv.
>google fiber
has no meaning here unless you want to access the share outside of your house.

Cheapest/simplest would be to ebay a lenovo/hp/dell usff or sff. They usually come with enough of a baseline to get you started and then you can figure out upgrades (ram) or something else for storage expansion. They limit your storage capacity, especially if your photo management is scrape 4chan tier.
That is assuming you want to roll a common OS instead of being gated into an appliance nas ecosystem. The software side of this is relatively painless nowadays but you have to be able to at least do the OS install.

raidz2, but if you're considering 10, then you're probably not getting enough disks in the first place.

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