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Previous thread: >>101182219
same question
someone please help
thank you reinstall now cause oculus software setup decided to not wat to install anymore so fuck windows
i would do as other anon suggested and try another linux distro, you don't have to keep it but it will be useful diagnostic information.
Any stylish conky configs?
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I found the issue
there was a hidden UEFI security setting in the BIOS
fucking hp products man
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I have numerous picrels. How do I pin them to specific /dev/tty-something nodes?
I specifically want one of them connected to my router at all times as I don't want it to have SSH or any kind of servers running.
# ~/.minirc.rockpiS
pu port /dev/ttyUSB0
pu baudrate 1500000
pu bits 8
pu parity N
pu stopbits 1
pu rtscts No

creates a race condition for /dev/ttyUSB0. Wat do?
What's a good display (login) manager?
Can't be SDDM.
You should just use the one that the DE you're using expects. Like SDDM for KDE, LightDM for any GTK DE and GDM for GNOME.
I'm using KDE and I cannot be assed to create a custom nix package just to change the wallpaper.
I guess you could always try launching KDE using LightDM.
Looks doable. Ty
Is there any easy way to exit out of a guest OS that is fullscreen in QEMU/KVM without pressing the full-screen button? I want a faster way to switch between the guest and the host instead of constantly pushing the fullscreen button. On GNOME the dash to dock extension still shows up in full screen applications so you can switch between the two very quickly but I'm on KDE now. Any solutions?
im ready to switch to linux but im scared of needing some software that doesnt have a linux version
Your fault for falling for the meme and using Nix. Normal distros don't have this problem
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like what?
The benefits outweigh this edge case dramatically.
I love it. It's also fun to get shit working and know you'll never need to configure that program again.

The only truly tragic loss is that I can't use the libbie office mod...
Searching for 'linux versions of software' usually results in crap. You need to think in terms of 'linux version of performing the task' instead. That way you'll find the software that is actually fit for purpose.
Sometimes it can be useful to search for "Alternatives to X"

Some of the results you'll find will still be Windows only but most likely some of them will be cross-platform and work on Linux.
alternativeto.net is your friend
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Come on, come oooon, what takes you so long.
>been using endeavour for a month or so
>everything is great and comfy
>see 'W3M' and think it would be cool to try
>look it up on pamac
>file is 2.2mb
>get ready to download
>700+ mb of repos to upgrade also queued up. alsa, systemd libs, qt6, loads of shit

ah. this is what they mean by a rolling distro, huh? I'm nervous this will break something...
What's so special about a Debian point release?
I just nabbed it with no issues via yay. Thanks for your indirect help.
The Breeze cursor is so ugly.
Still better than Adwaita. I use the white version of the cursor, it looks better in my opinion but this is all subjective.
Im trying to mount a drive that has a whole linux installation on it. I can mount the root from my file manager but home is still locked for some reason which is weird because i didnt put encryption on it
I figured fstab might resolve the issue but i cant get it to mount the drive at all, what am i doing wrong?
UUID=95b26b09-82b2-48c3-a25a-26674d6c757e /run/media/random/thedrive ext4 defaults 0 2
Do you get an error when you try to mount?
> mount -a
will try to mount everything in your fstab
No output at all from that, im assuming that means no error. It usually stops me from booting if theres even something slightly wrong with it but here i am, booted
what is EGL and how do i know if my system is compatible with it?
It's a graphics API. If you have a decent GPU and driver for it, it's probably compatible with it.

why is vlc a kde dependancy
if you run
> mount
do you see the relevant entry listed? can you paste it here
I would try a udev rule matching the serial number, that would create a symlink to the correct file in /dev:
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{serial}=="XXXXXXX", SYMLINK+="ttyUSBrouter"

Then your script could use something like
pj port      /dev/ttyUSBrouter
. You can try any combination of attributes like vendor/product IDs, etc.

Just ask. There's enough people here willing to help.
>Still better than Adwaita
lol what
Adwaita's cursor is the only good thing about Adwaita
Because your distro decided it should be one. VLC is not a direct dependency, it's an optional dependency of Phonon but your distro decided to make it mandatory.

It also supports Gstreamer, Mpv or no backend (uses Qt Multimedia framework directly)
To each their own. I'd sooner use the Oxygen cursors KDE provides before Adwaita.
is there any way to check?
Do you have a working GPU driver?
Yes? Then it supports EGL.

You can run:
from mesa-progs or mesa-demos if you really want to.
yeah i guess if im using mesa it works then
Perfect example of how something DE-independent like xrandr changed into a mess of multiple things that all don't work everywhere.
I did find something but having looked at the name of the drive, i realized something crucial, im a dumbshit
I was trying to mount the drive i booted from this entire time. Im shocked that nothing caught on fire by trying to mount my whole system within my system. Thank you for helping me
Oh, dear! Now I have to write a switch statement in my script. I don't get paid enough for this.
>defending inconvenience
It's not like a switch statement is some complicated black magic:
case "${XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP:-none}" in
dbus-send whatever the fuck GNOME does
kscreen-doctor ...
wl-randr ...
What's the state of Sway and Hyprland? I like Plasma and GNOME, but I'm curious about Wayland WMs/compositors.
>defending inconvenience
>having to enumerate all DEs you want to support
Kill yourself, Wayland shill.
Or, here's a thought:

As a KDE user I don't give a shit what GNOME does. I'm never going to support them and won't go out of my way to do that.
Until KDE krashes and you switch to GNOME.
That doesn't happen and if it did KWin, unlike GNOME's Mutter, can safely restart itself without any of your windows disappearing anyway.
Mutter doesn't crash to begin with.
>just rewrite all of your scripts every time you try a new DE
This is especially dumb because I don't know what to switch yet. My X11 setup just werks, but mentally ill trannies will force me to switch to this half-broken retarded wayland garbage.
Bullshit. If your GPU driver crashes or resets then Mutter isn't going to like that.
Not all crashes are the compositors fault but it needs to be able to handle it still.
This is what standards are for. Outside of KDE and GNOME almost everything follows what Wlroots does. If you do find something else that also has their own way of doing things then consider asking them to add support for the Wlroots protocols.
Dead meme.
They're not ditching the protocols (unless there's something wrong with them or they want a proprietary protocol for themselves)

You're mistaking the XML protocol definitions for the implementation. An implementation of these protocol doesn't have to use the Wlroots library and in many cases it won't (e.g the implementations in KDE and GNOME definitely aren't using the Wlroots library)
Not to be too greedy with my questions but home is still locked
I noticed that i cant access any directory that doesnt allow the "others" group any access. Would it be safe for my current user to take ownership of a home directory thats on another drive if i still plan to dualboot into that drive from time to time?
if you haven't updated in a month then you can expect most of your system needs updating
Is it really not possible to only enable VRR for fullscreen applications in GNOME?
What's the use case for that?
Is there a better file picker for firefox on xfce?
I just need thumbnail view for my webm folder.
Actually your example doesnt work because some desktops don't assign that variable to anything and the whole script will fail
Im on sway atm and $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP doesnt return any value
So yes it actually is complicated black magic
Sway is "almost" more or less feature complete i3 for wayland. I say "almost" because its not 1:1 like IME still doesnt work properly
Hyprland works but can sometimes randomly break like the last time i used Hyprland it would keep invoking suspend when i exited out of it because for some reason it treated the laptop like if the lid was closed invoking elogind to suspend
This makes no sense just because Hyprland is switching away doesn't mean wlroots will stop being used for the other billion wms that use it
Just open up Thunar and drag/drop the webms you want into the file selection in the quick reply.
That's your responsibility to set it. If you were using a display manager it'd set it for you. Autostart scripts / DBus services for things like the Wlroots XDG Portal don't work properly without this.
How the fuck is COSMIC pre alpha already better than GNOME?
>write your own file picker using dbus org.freedesktop.portal.FileChooser
>kill existing Desktop Encrapment dbus server which implements this, like on KDE do killall xdg-desktop-portal-kde
>start applications that should use it with GTK_USE_PORTAL=1
It's what I did.
Is it possible to install Linux on my Samsung S5e tablet?
install lxqt's desktop portal and make firefox use it by enabling their respective settings
it's functionally the same thing as kde's file picker without the crap-ton of dependencies
Knew it
>t. anon that originally told you about UEFI

Only Linux on DEX if it supports that, otherwise Termux but it's not a full blown Linux
Check PostmarketOS compatibility pages.
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do I HAVE to uninstall KDE before installing Gnome?
Swapping DEs is such a mess that reinstalling is always the better choice.
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I forgot to make my home folder separate so I'll just stick to KDE for a little longer
What's the use case of switching from KDE to GNOME?
Protip for keeping same home folder without dying
>Bootup live cd
>mount / partition
>sudo mv /home /.home
>install normally
>sudo rm -r /home
>sudo mv /.home /home
>remove everything from / expect /.home
Does suspension on closed lid works on LxQt? Is the only thing that would stop me from using it on my spare laptop.
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penguins are the poos of the animal world
did you ever see how much they shit?
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Should I install:
> MX-23.3_x64, with a standard Debian 6.1 64 bit kernel and hardware support from Debian Stable. Suitable if your PC is a few years old.
> MX-23.3_x64 “ahs”, an “Advanced Hardware Support” release for very recent hardware, with 6.6 kernel and newer graphics drivers and firmware. 64 bit only. For newer hardware.
picrel is my CPU and GPU
I'd take into consideration mesa packages as well. If the "ahs" version also ships a newer mesa, then go for it, otherwise stick to the standard
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Thoughts on hyprland?
It's the future of tiling wms on wayland and it looks nice
I'm looking for a good application for backups
Currently using Timeshift which does work rather well, but is lacking in a few simple things like being able to actually define the fucking time which a backup is preformed. It always does it at 8am for me when I'm trying to just dick around on my PC with my morning coffee, all the hard disk I/O does make things laggy a bit till it finishes up. Its ridiculous I can't tell it to run at like 1am or whatever.
Using KDE 5.27, a QT application would be preferred but if it's GTK whatever.
yeah makes sense
I'll go standard.
I don't really care about any newer mesa packages anyway.
I'm installing it on another ssd and if I don't use it for anything else, I'll use its GRUB2 bootloader.
I have 4 SSDs and one M.2. I boot to Debian off of the M.2, Windows on one SSD, and MX will be on the other SSD.
I used MX since 2017, and switched over to straight Debian this year.
I set up Debian like MX for all intents and purposes, except I have all the gnome tools installed now :)
I want to make two audio out active and playing the same. I can set one as default in wireplumber and it works but want them both working as I switch between them.
I there an auto detection way to switch or can I split the stream to both?
Don't really like how it does some things and seems to go against standards, it's apparently not that stable though I didn't notice, maybe focuses on ricers too much - I want to just use my computer. Drama is lame and not something I care about. It's pretty but any window manager can be really
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you can send audio to two sound cards at the same time. i already use qpwgraph for audio routing, so i can set it up there, i haven't looked into other methods
>I don't really care about any newer mesa packages anyway.
In order to get the best out of a newer kernel version, mesa drivers should also be newer as well. This is scoped to GPU's only, which seems like your case. There are other scenarios where the platform on itself (CPU/motherboard) is newer and require additional stuff only found on newer kernels.
Archlinux COSMIC Live CD update
I was able to automatically build cosmic-epoch-git using yay without manual intervention.
Currently on the process of generating a custom repo to inject into the Live CD
Compilation takes a while gotta say
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On kubuntu website they have torrent for 24.04 LTS iso, but there is also torrent for 24.04.4 LTS

What is the difference between these? Which one of these should I download?
Nevermind I can't read>>101202277
one is a .0 patch, the other is a .4 patch
you're welcome
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What was the dnf/Fedora equivalent for Debootstrap again? There's like one page on the entire internet and I can't be arsed to look that up again.
it went something like
dnf --something /mnt/fedora --something https://whatever_fedora_mirror/blah

and then I'd end up having a minimal Fedora system under /mnt/fedora.

(Fedora root filesystem tarball is also okay (can't be arsed to find one))
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MX is one of those small projects that put me in awe for how advanced they're for their size, and really wanna try it, but the fact upgrades between major versions are unsupported holds me back. That and the fact i use Podman often, and not sure how does it work on SystemDless distros. That's why i mostly stick with the best lesbian distro.
Friends, can someone help me out with a BTRFS backup solution? Something graphical would be ideal (I loved TimeShift but it won't let me save snapshots on my external drive, which is formatted to BTRFS, for some reason).

I know of BTRBK but like I said anything graphical would be way better for me. Still a novice when it comes to backups.
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I renember this from a thread years ago, not sure if it still works.
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Wrong picture sorry
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>"wheel" group
Why is there gypsy symbolism in Fedora Linux system?
any linux-friendly notebook?
I saw a DELL one with Ubuntu, but it is one of those stylish notebook with just one single USB port or something like that.
The wheel, stop reinventing it.
i just built 1000 packages THEN found out emerge can merge more than 1 package at a time
How do I mount another directory in the main partition via fstab?
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what's a main partition
What's the use case of gnome?
Like >>101203001 , I'm kinda confused.
I think you're trying to ask "How do I mount another file system (e.g. a secondary hard drive) to the root directory via fstab?" Am i getting that right?
I have no idea what GNOME is or does sorry.
Create a directory under /mnt, such as /mnt/anime. Then create a fstab entry that uses the UUID of the filesystem to mount it under /mnt/anime.
>inb4 someone mentions /media
No. /media is for the automounter robot, leave it be.
swap partition or swapfile?
i’m using xfs if that makes any difference.
chad swap partition VS virgin swap file
Literally neither of those are correct or answer what anon is asking
If you want to use hibernation you'll need one of either and it must be large enough to fit everything in RAM.
If you don't care about hibernation, it literally doesn't matter which you use or how many.
cheers, space did work, can't believe I didn't try that before posting.
My putty session timed out and when I logged back in everything was already restarted and finished updating but was able to test later in the night and confirm
It just works.
Well, a minimal netinstall achieves a ver barebonea experience already, you can't really get more much more minimal without just building the ISO yourself.
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Sorry for the newfag question, I'm only a casual user. I'm on Linux Mint 19.3. Installed it almost 5 years ago and never updooted because "it just works". Now too many websites demand newer technology and stopped working. I saw that 19.3 has been out of support for quite some time. The newest LTS version seems to be 21.3. Do I have to updoot incrementally or can I jump directly to the newest version? And is there a mechanism for snapshots to recover my system if something goes wrong?
I found this post from the LM blog when I searched for "Linux Mint Upgrade".
I'd say to go into Update Manager->Edit and see which version it's suggesting you upgrade to.
The post also has instruction for creating snapshots with Timeshift.
dogshit that killed unixporn
That didn't worked. Neither bind or ln -s didn't do me any good here.
I'm trying to mount a /home directory inside the main partition (i.e the root partition) so I can assign it as read write and the main partition as read only.
just write them in order, like;
/dev/sda1 / ext4 defaults 0 1
/dev/sda2 /home ext4 defaults 0 2

kind of thing. / will mount first, which means /home now exists, and then the next one mounts to /home, it's really that simple
That is what I did before -- and whatever was inside the home directory disappeared for whatever reason. Until I removed the line out of fstab.
Oh wait, just noticed you are suggesting a directory for a separate partition -- I'm trying to place more than one mounting point in a single partition. Which in my case, that'd be /dev/sda1 for / and /home.
that would be because the stuff you have in /home is on your root volume, not your /home volume
when you mount a volume to a folder, the contents of the folder becomes to contents of the mount
>disappeared for whatever reason
The new mount overrides whatever was under there. Seems like you don't need the whole thing.
>I'm trying to place more than one mounting point in a single partition.
use a bind mount
>Which in my case, that'd be /dev/sda1 for / and /home.
that makes no sense, like sure you can bind mount it like that, but i mean it logically makes no sense to have / and /home be the same volume
I thought you would have given up trying to force your shitty meme already
as in like, if you want root and home on /dev/sda1, then you don't need a /home mount at all, just put /home on / as a folder
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Wife decided to just fucking remove python out of the blue after configuring an anaconda install. Tons of her shit that depended on it is was just wiped and she isn't concerned in the least. I have no idea how much damage was done or what is no longer installed.
most package managers have a log where you can see what was removed
Podman isn't a daemon so it shouldn't hook an init system at all. At most maybe (e)logind for permissions.
How do I know what did I use to install yt-dlp?
I can't remember if it was pip or something else.
Check your installed packages on your system with your package manager first. If it's not there then you probably installed it with pip or grabbed a binary from their releases.
Which is what I probably used.
Is it safe to just delete it? and use pacman?
>This what happened when you use debian and move to arch.
Good call. I found what I need. Thanks!
>Is it safe to just delete it? and use pacman?
pip uninstall yt-dlp

paru yt-dlp-git

yay yt-dlp-git

(You might as well build it from git and update it when you feel like it. You always get the latest one then)
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alhamdullilah we will take down the windows infidels for the glory of allah
They're not asking for a netinstall barebones
Maybe next time read the actual question
Follow this one after
how do i install NVIDIA 550.90.07 drivers in debian? I'm running sddm kde-plamsa wayland. I had to kill the GUI to unload the drivers and then I installed them using the .run file. After that the GUI would not load anymore. nvidia-settings told me that control display was not defined and when I tried to manually launch plasma I was told that my DISPLAY was not set or could not connect to the x server.
to the kernel parameters in
and then run
and reboot.

That might fix it.
why is every single fucking stacking wayland compositor that isnt connected to gnome or KDE an unmaintained piece of shit?
Labwc is active:
>mint for work
>ltsc for gaymen
feels good bros
unless you are playing multiplayer games mint will work for both
because wayland isnt ready or stable yet despite what all the shills try to make you believe
the only one that barely works is hyprland simply because they use the bleeding edge wlroots git branch instead of the cucked stable branch everyone else uses
>muh aquamarine standalone library
IT's literally a WIP
Using a bleeding edge branch will bite them in the end. Distros like Debian won't care to package it, this has already happened in some distros.
actually i have decided to stick to 585.183.01 since the gui seems to work fine with that
oh I know, I like to keep them completely separate, I've been getting more work done lately. lstc is for completely dicking around, plus it's better for DAWs.
>completely for
ok it works but how do i set super as the resize/drag shortcut instead of fucking alt?
Not sure, I don't use it. I imagine they have a config to swap them somewhere though:

It's supposed to be a Wayland version of OpenBox so I imagine it does whatever that did.
Maybe it's this?
Why does Stallman have Rossman's name?
ya i figure it out camming in secondlife finally works again
>have a maximized firefox window /w youtube in one of my two screens
>press fullscreen on youtube
>it transitions to the other screen and goes fullscreen
why does cinnamon do this??? im on mint
its probably sending it to whatever is seen as the primary screen
i also noticed that when i clicked on the "un-maximize" button, the non-maximized window moved to the other screen
so i guess maybe Cinnamon sees that its a window in the left screen, even if its maximized on the right screen, so when i go fullscreen it moves it to the left screen? just guessing
also no, once i moved the non-maximized firefox window to the screen where i wanted to go fullscreen, the fullscreen mode actually worked in the monitor i wanted
>right click, then click delete
>get popup asking if I'm really sure I want to delete the file
>select then press delete key
>instant delete, no popup
I'm not exactly complaining, but why would it be designed like this? Linux mint btw
Which DE and file manager?
Why would you use anything other than KDE and GNOME?
have this (You), you clearly need it
Eventually you'll realise that GNOME and KDE are all you ever need and that you're wasting your time with all of these other ricer alternatives.
Ranger keeps trying to generate a preview for html files any time the cursor passes over them. It can't so the task to do so just runs indefinitely. Why is it retarded about this?
You may want to look into why it can't in the first place? Is it doing something stupid instead of just running
on it?
but i dont like or need either?
You'll settle down with one of them in the end
Its far easier to misclick then it is to have you hand travel across the keyboard and press delete.
Its the exact same behavior in Windows and MacOS
i can tell you for a fact that i wont, i tried both and didnt like either so i switched to a tiling WM
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>installed MATE
>try using a flatpak
>works fine, but it mentions in the titlebar it's running as superuser
uuuuh should i be worried?

# pacman -Syu
:: Synchronizing package databases...
core is up to date
extra is up to date
multilib is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: installing miniupnpc (2.2.8-1) breaks dependency 'libminiupnpc.so=17-64' required by dolphin-emu
I have two folder with a lot of files. I know a lot of them will be the same files. What's the best tool to find duplicates ?
Time to distro hop.
pacman -Rcs dolphin-emu

you're welcome, no need to thank me
oh no, anon has an out of sync mirror
Fixed itself.
Have to use LXDE myself because I only have 1 GB of RAM.
wtf with `xcb_get_image` you dont provide a pointer to a buffer but instead it mallocs a buffer for you?
I assume >>101207680 was correct and I was getting a broken package list or something.
fdupes or jdupes.
I second jdupes
jdupes is good if you're using BTRFS, XFS or ZFS because it can create reflinks with -B to make the duplicates reference the same extent on disk so they don't take up any extra space anymore (except for metadata).

I have a lot of Pictures in different directories and some of which are dupes. I don't want to delete them but also don't want them to be stored separately and take up loads of extra space.
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How can I make
vim -p +
start at the end of every file I open? It only works for the first file, and adding a + before each file doesn't work.
Why did I bring my hope that your image had something?
I'm using XFS, but I just want some good cleaning on my files, so no need for this feature I guess.
Thx for the advice, I'll rtfm and figure out which one is suited for my need.
whats the best solution for virtual machines on linux
Oh yeah it's gibberish. Just testing a script:
# Picture Not Related - make an image from pseudorandom data
cleanup(){ rm -f -- "$cache"/*; }
trap cleanup EXIT
[ -d "$cache" ] || mkdir -p "$cache"

f="$cache/$(date +%s$(shuf -e '-' '+' -n 1)%N | bc)"
head -c $(shuf -i 1-1023 -n 1)k /dev/urandom > "$f" && s2png -sb '' "$f" && dragon-drop "$f.png"

Probably could be done more portably with ffmpeg/imagemagick but w/e
virt-manager frontending for QEMU/KVM. It's Linux's native virtualization framework.
vim -p -c 'tabdo norm G' <files>
Linux Mint Wilma, Doko?
So before i set out on setting up a virtual machine of windows on my linux install with single gpu passthrough and all that i just wanna know if i can do everything windows offer with it? Like i can use hdr and third party tools to enable auto hdr just as i can in windows? It works exactly like windows other than whatever overhead it takes to run the virtual machine, even for gaming?
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Well, here's this
ffmpeg  -hide_banner -loglevel error -i "milkies.ogg.jpg" -pix_fmt rgb24 -f rawvideo - | ffmpeg  -hide_banner -loglevel error -f u8 -ac 2 -ar 32000 -i - -f wav - | mpv -
Yes. When you pass-through a GPU the VM has direct control over it and your display output so nothing changes there.
Cool, thanks. New to linux but enjoy learning it. VM with single gpu passthrough seems a bit complex for me still so i wanted to make sure the end result was how i imagined it before learning the whole process
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Nvm turns out there's a theme package that lets you set the wallpaper after all :^)
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I updated from bash 5.1 to 5.2 recently and I noticed since then it creates a bunch of .bash_history-xxxxx.tmp in my ~/ ; my .bashrc is unchanged since years.
How to stop this madness ?
In any other distro you'd just do this through the sddm-kcm. But Nix is too complicated for a point and click GUI.
But how long would it take you to try and replace one display manager with another?
In nix you can just change a value in your config, rebuild, and it just werks. 30 seconds. Didn't even need to restart.
I'm only bad at this because I'm still learning.
Does btrfs still fuck up the arch installer?
If I want my system to boot directly into a Wayland compositor no log in or anything how would I set that up?
arch installer?
How do you guys sync, store, and migrate your config files?
Manually moving them feels wrong
It's a script that makes installing arch a breeze (except when it fucks your shit up for trying something non standard like using btrfs half the time)
I've seen some upload their dotfiles to a github so they can just git clone them to new computers.
I used to do the whole "dotfiles in git" thing but I stopped because it's been years since I've reinstalled Gentoo and I don't think I ever will again.
Sometimes I get a weird bug that all media in browser start refusing to play and it seems to occur system wide across different browsers. This happens to me rarely on linux and so far I have just restarted my system to fix it. What is causing this and what else can I do about it?
I'd go for jdupes (fork of fdupes). fdupes on Debian never seems to delete the fucking files for me.
>What is causing this
This is likely an Ffmpeg bug. All browsers on Linux use the systems Ffmpeg to playback videos.

It's odd that a restart would fix it though. Maybe it happens after an update if you upgrade Ffmpeg without closing everything or rebooting. Browsers tend to open system libraries like Ffmpeg dynamically using dlopen, it's possible for a mismatch to happen under certain circumstances.
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I have a long list of webbum. How do you anons post webbums, what do you use? I use Fedora 40 and I don't like how it handles webbums.

Webbum tips?
Programs I should get in general?
arch users have you noticed any issues on arch recently with audio, video or anything else?
Are you retarded? WebM is just a filetype. Every media handling program will use it fine.
My second display is not working after installing NVIDIA drivers. I'm running debian 12, KDE-Plasma on wayland. My laptop detects the monitor but nothing shows up on it.
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>Every media handling program will use it fine.
My Fedora doesn't. I just see files of webbums. I can't see playback of what's in them or even a picture. They appear like files with just numbers when I want to upload to 4chan and other places in general.
Your drivers do not allow this behavior on that release of kwin_wayland.
That's a Gtk file picker issue and not Fedora specific. People have been yelling at them to fix it since like 2004. Just drag and drop from your file manager onto the file choice button.
I have not an update and just got the problem. The video start playing when I press play but does so for only one frame and then stops. The controls don't change when the playback stops, they are as if thr video is actively playing.
Is it possible to copy an image file and post it, without first having to save it?
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>That's a Gtk file picker issue and not Fedora specific.
I didn't even know. Thanks senpai. I got Fedora last month and have been slowing tweaking and altering to my liking. I'm just happy 80% of my 600games work now.

>People have been yelling at them to fix it since like 2004.
I'd yell at them too mother fuckers. Why are they the default?

>Just drag and drop from your file manager onto the file choice button.
Pic related, but I'll figure it out after trail and error now that I have a direction to head to.
I restarted pulseaudio and it seemed to fix it. So I guess it was that.
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If the PulseAudio server crashes or stops that'd do it. Most browsers tend to synchronise the video that the audio and if the audio doesn't play properly (because the PulseAudio server is down) then everything is broken.
they already updated that shit to have thumbnails but i dont know maybe firefox doesnt use the new file picker
File deleted.
>they already updated that shit to have thumbnails
It does have thumbnails, but they're fucking TINY and don't work with webbum files. Only png. jpeg. .gif and other STILL images. Which sucks ass for real hard use. I want the preview images to be Huge with webbum files that play so I can see what they are.
no they actually updated it some gnome versions ago
i think firefox uses its own file picker
check if you have a package installed called xdg-desktop-portal-gnome or something like that
>i think firefox uses its own file picker
>check if you have a package installed called xdg-desktop-portal-gnome or something like that
I'll try another web browser and see what happens.
okay what the hell did dirmngr mean by this?
That's not an achievement. Almost anything is better than current day GNOME. Including GNOME itself but in the past. The real question is: is it better than KDE ?
try brave
apparently that one should work
but you can change the firefox filepicker
could you link to 'Sex Hair Karou' in some fashion?
that sucks. what should I do?
>want to add linux clipboard support to my codebase because its nice to have
>look up some implementation
>1k lines
i hate linoox so much bros
>linux clipboard
Linux has no clipboard.
Gnome is hardly a benchmark to go by.
Try the X11 session or add kernel+mesa from Backports.
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Testing Brave
A man of culture I see. Also, I got banned for 15mins for discussing Linux friendly browsers and testing them here. Brave and Chromium seem fine, though not exactly what I want. I'll take something that works half assed over something that doesn't work at all.
Why does shutting down/restarting/logging out in Linux Mint take two attempts no matter what?
Anyone else have signal-desktop no longer downloading files?
>The real question is: is it better than KDE ?
Not as an alpha/beta. When they can get feature parity with KWin then it might be.
Guys, I dual boot windows and debian. Cucked as fuck I know. I only use windows rarely and for specific tasks. Anyway, I was using windows today and it updated my firmware and now I no longer have a UEFI entry for debian and I cannot get to grub. Even when I go into my boot options and etc I can't get to grub.
All my debian files are still there, and they are backed up too, but i've been googling literally all day and I don't understand how to fix this.
I want to fucking cry. I hate this fucking malware OS so much bros. When I do eventually get booted back into debian I plan on nuking windows from fucking orbit. How the fuck do I fix this anons.

This UEFI shit is fucking wizardry and I really don't want to reinstall.
It probably deleted your boot files on the EFI partition.
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>apparently that one should work
>but you can change the firefox filepicker
I'm just heading to brave. I like its style and seems fun. Been on firefox for 16years but it's time to put old yeller away. Firefox has been kinda shit for 6years but I kept using it cause why not? Thanks for the help senpai. Have a random webbum from my collection and final Firefox post.
So how to fix it?
boot a live disk, mount your partitions including EFI, chroot in, and run update-grub as root
Usually when that happens, I still have my Linux bootloader still installed, it just gets pushed back in the ordering. You should be able to push windows down below it in bios.
so you got thumbnails now?
Will look into it tomorrow. I used LVM for the debian install so its prolly gonna be an additional pain in the ass to get the LVM to mount. I'm so tired. Thanks for your help senpai.
I don't know how microsoft gets away with this shit without being sued. "Allow me to ruin the other operating systems you have installed despite linux never ruining windows"
Nope, ive tried it and its fucking gone senpai. It's not in my boot options when i press F12 during boot, and its not in my bios options when I press F2 during boot.
And you can't even opt out of the fucking windows update.
...should mention, Linux Mint 21.3 Virginia, Cinnamon 6.0.4, kernel 5.15.0-113-generic
is the "latest" image from guix a rolling release same as nixos unstable?
I may be wrong, but I think the guix doesn't really have a stable version, although there are branches of the repo that are more in-development, but I think it's highly developmental stuff, like if you install it you're almost definitely going to break something.
The main branch is basically rolling release. I think what you're talking about by "latest" is just the installation image which gets rebuilt, whereas the "standard" installation image will be older and was a version of the image that was probably actually tested, whereas "latest" won't have been tested (but should ideally still work).

I'm pretty sure you'll get the same exact installation regardless of which one you choose. Just that the "latest" one might work out of the box with a newer config, whereas with the "standard" install it may complain about a package definition that didn't exist at the time or something like that.
I usually just install from the "standard" with a very minimal config, then boot into the system and upgrade it, and then rebuild with my real config.
Also, everything just went read-only earlier for no reason in particular, apparently this is a sign of issues with my SSD possibly, going to hop into Live CD so I can safely check on it
well after trying mpv I'm curious as to why it is leaps and bounds above everything else I've tried on linux, unlimited zooms, real time trimming and so on, lightweight and does every little thing I want
It's just very highly optimized and customizable. After I first tried it I literally couldn't go back to any other video player.
It's made by anime watching spergs for their (our) own needs.
Here's the one page:
dnf install \
--installroot=/mnt \
--releasever=30 \
--setopt=install_weak_deps=False \
--setopt=keepcache=True \
--assumeyes \
--nodocs \
systemd dnf glibc-langpack-en passwd rtkit policycoreutils \
NetworkManager audit firewalld selinux-policy-targeted kbd zchunk sudo \
vim-minimal systemd-udev rootfiles less iputils deltarpm sqlite lz4

All that junk. Fedora doesn't have a "base" package?

Fired up "udevadm monitor" and plugged in the thing.
UDEV  [3582997.461819] add      /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:08.1/0000:0e:00.3/usb5/5-4/5-4.1/5-4.1.2/5- (usb)
UDEV [3582997.462520] add /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:08.1/0000:0e:00.3/usb5/5-4/5-4.1/5-4.1.2/5- (usb)
UDEV [3582997.471442] add /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:08.1/0000:0e:00.3/usb5/5-4/5-4.1/5-4.1.2/5- (usb-serial)
UDEV [3582997.474098] add /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:08.1/0000:0e:00.3/usb5/5-4/5-4.1/5-4.1.2/5- (tty)
UDEV [3582997.474451] bind /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:08.1/0000:0e:00.3/usb5/5-4/5-4.1/5-4.1.2/5- (usb-serial)
UDEV [3582997.474937] bind /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:08.1/0000:0e:00.3/usb5/5-4/5-4.1/5-4.1.2/5- (usb)
UDEV [3582997.484755] bind /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:08.1/0000:0e:00.3/usb5/5-4/5-4.1/5-4.1.2/5- (usb)

which gives zero info. How did I ID USB devices on Linux again?
I already installed it.
they really do a good job maintaining it.
don't try and add repositories.
I mean, you can if you want, but they make it purposefully difficult to do so because it keeps it stable. Their libraries are pretty huge. They use the Debian repos.
come to think of it, you can run it with systemd, but I think that defeats the whole purpose. The option to use systemd shows up in the Grub2 bootloader
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What The Fuck
I got a 3day ban for discussing Linux Browsers and testing webbums. Cock sucking faggot jannies. Anyway, yes bro. I'm making Brave cozy right now and it works fine. Reminds me of 2009 Firefox which is a good thing. Take care.
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Well, it's happened. I have spent a week trying all supported Arch Linux desktops trying to get comfy, and have ended up on Cinnamon. I am trying to configure Cinnamon to be nice and have realised that maybe I should simply install Linux Mint which should give me Cinnamon the way its makers intended. But I am worried that once I am on Mint, I will miss all the benefits that Arch gives.

Has anyone else flowed down the Arch to Mint pipeine?
Updated my Debian box for the first time in months today. Nothing happened, still works perfectly. Thanks for reading my blogpost.

If you're on Debian stable and you don't have the proposed-updates repo enabled, you only get security updates until the next point release drops with additional bugfixes. It isn't a big deal, but the OS is so boring that it makes you get excited even over the little things.
>[Debian stable] is so boring that it makes you get excited even over the little things
As long as your hardware works and you have access to all the software you need, you are in paradise, desu
t. not-Debian user
Wasn't asking for a CD-ROM, was asking how to bootstrap a system.
On a non-fedora system you need dnf installed and at least one repository defined under /etc/yum.repos.d/. To skip some corners apply the --nogpgcheck option.
Or take the Mint Cinnamon package, dissect it and find out what makes it special.
Any idea why I couldn’t boot Pop OS from a flash drive but Ubuntu worked just fine? Same for Ventoy, couldn’t get it to load. I figure it’s some weird hardware issue, toggled some BIOS settings but still nothing. Ultimately installed Ubuntu, but then gave installing Pop OS one last chance, no matter what I did, it booted straight into Ubuntu and couldn’t get it to boot from the flash drive.
>flash Armbian to sdcard
>doesn't boot
>nothing on serial line, like the thing's bricked
>flash Ubuntu
>fast forward a year
>try Armbian again
Not sure what to think of this. My reaction is to start shitting on sdcards and USB drives.
Should I prefer single board computers with eMMC instead?
Should I try out devuan instead of debian proper or is the systemd hate a meme? I don't get why everyone hates systemd.
are stable distors better for development?
my favorite distro is arch but i have been thinking maybe using ubuntu/ubuntu base distro would be the best because ubuntu is the most supported distro
You could use an Ubuntu base and then use a Flatpak of your IDE of choice if you wanna go that route.
>is the systemd hate a meme
Yes. Dinit looks promising though but I wouldn't recommend trying to avoid systemd unless you had a reason. Being bloated and complex is valid reason but only if it really bothers you.
The alternatives (except Dinit maybe) are kind of trash but on the other hand you have systemd complexity. Although complexity means lots of features.
tl;dr do your own research
>are stable distors better for development
Isn't this the exact reason for them existing?
>been thinking maybe using ubuntu/ubuntu base distro would be the best because ubuntu is the most supported distro
You can have Ubuntu or whatever inside a chroot-able environment so you can build your stuff in there.
Already mentioned in the thread: Debootstrap. Use that to pull any deb-based system into a directory tree.
Systemd hate comes from being a grumpy old sysadmin or programmer (the lines blur on *nix) who wants to keep the whole state of a system in his head. Systemd isn't necessarily bad technically (but OH BOY was it early on), and some of the features really help if you're running a gorillion servers, or a gorillion daemons on a few servers, but a lot of extra complexity if you're just noodling on your own system for fun. I use Gentoo with OpenRC on my personal systems, but on work systems I typically do use systemd (or containers with no init system at all).
>are stable distors better for development?
Stable distros are mostly for servers and enterprise.
If it's your own pc get whatever you like, these days with flatpak and the AUR, combined with VMs, docker, toolbx... your base distro matters very little.
I'm a stupid simpleton and I enjoy my systemd/Linux.
# /etc/systemd/system/iperf3.service 
Description=Iperf3 TCP Server
ExecStart=/usr/bin/iperf3 -s

Shit like this is much easier. And how does your openRC or whatever do DynamicUser?
Holy hell
I've been using everything but LXQT this entire time and now I realize how much of a waste that has been
debootstrap seems cool
how would you chroot into a folder
i never done that
You mean, is LXQT good then? I haven't tried it in years, but I used to love LXDE, shit was my first contact with linux too.
>LXQT in 2024
maybe once they release LWQT
It's basically the only other Qt DE worth using.
It feels like it's everything I want at the base level and it just works, fast as hell, faster than anything i've used before
I love XFCE too and for comparison i've been using it, but the way that I can style things and just how simple everything looks out of the box is very attractive
I was thinking of trying LXDE too, I think i've been too restricted with using KDE, and then I was trying out iceWM and realized I like the simpler things
DynamicUser looks like a solution in search of a problem. I don't run thousands of services on a machine outside of containers. If I do need to run thousands of service containers on a machine, systemd becomes completely inadequate and I throw things in Kubernetes anyway... and Kubernetes does work with OpenRC.
i'm trying to upgrade python3_10 to python3_12 on gentoo and it's kicking my ass
>what happened to 3_11
i'm updating a 2 year old abandoned install because i have a good cpu now
no i'm not reinstalling, i want to learn to fix this
right now i'm stuck in a circle where i can't remove stuff because they're dependencies of other stuff still built for 3_10
any ideas?
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>how would you chroot into a folder
systemd-nspawn -D /mnt/foo

idk why but works better than "normal" chroot. I personally failed at installing Gentoo using the actual Gentoo medium but pulled it off with Ubuntu installer as Ubuntu comes with systemd suite.
yeah i prefer arch for up to date packages
i also liked fedore until they removed h264 hardware decoding from mesa and have to use mesa from rpmfusion that doesnt get updated at the same time as mesa from the repos so it causes conflicts all the time
on what, exactly?
fuck i finally got it
did it by listing everything that depended on python-3.10 with;
emerge -av --depclean \<dev-lang/python-3.11

then adding all them at once to;
PYTHON_TARGETS=python3_12 emerge -av --oneshot ...

(ignoring dev-python/backports-tarfile as that didn't support python3_12 on account of being something from python3_12 backported to older versions)
for whatever reason, setting the python_targets from in package.use didn't do the same thing, which is whatever everything i found said to do
well now i'm super confused, i got rid of python 3.10 entirely, but when i do a world update, it wants to add the 3.10 stuff i removed back, and i can't see why
ok for realisies i got it now
there was an ancient entry in zz-autounmask where layman wanted portage to have python3_10, which was causing portage to want python3_10
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I'm using Void Linux (musl) with LXQt and Xfwm4. It seems like most of my Xfwm4 themes use the same primary accent color: #15539e (blue). I tried copying the Ops theme (/usr/share/themes/Ops) to the equivalent user dir, renaming it according to what color I wanted the accent (~/.themes/Ops-Orange), and adding the line "
active_color_1=#eb7140" to the themerc file in the xfwm4 subdir, but it looks like shit now because there's still blue elements left (see pic). I tried it with RedmondXP and it looked a lot better (again, see pic), but still, I feel like I shouldn't have to do this for each individual theme that uses #15539e as the primary accent color. Is there an easy way to change the primary accent color for all themes? Thanks.

I should also point out that someone else asked about this two years ago on the Arch Linux forums but never got an answer: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=277148
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Ive been fucking around with privileges and now im greeted with the omninous message "root privileges are required to control the system" every single time i log in. I cant find anything about this message online
How do i make it go away? I dont want to give it root privileges
is wine-staging not being mantained on arch anymore?
Is Debian good for gaming now it got updated?
probs not a linux specific question but what is the point of LUKS/Bitlocker?
from what kind of scenario does it protect me? the scenario where the burglar steals only 1 specific part of my pc(hdd/sdd)?
and dont modern storage devices nowadays come with some kind of built in hardware encryption system? whats the difference?
how does this hardware system work? do i need to enable it on my OS? does it come pre-enabled?
it's so if your machine is stolen or similar, that person can't see your files without knowing your password
>how does this hardware system work?
Works so you can tell the hardware to lose its keys so everything gets totally lost. The hardware is completely transparent and done only on-device.
It basically just means that if anyone is able to take your PC via a break-in or something they won't be able to access the system drive without knowing the password or having the hardware key. It's more so a peace of mind thing if you take your laptop to lots of outside places or you think your house will be broken into one day.
the downside of this is that if you forget your password, you're fucked.
Better not install this on a relative's setup.
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>without knowing the password or having the hardware key
>hardware key
My key is a small file stored on a flash drive lmao
This is why a passphrase is much more safe
I mean it works don't it? If it's with you at all times then basically your computer is completely thief proof as no matter what they can't access it.
that is true, with encryption, a password is a genuine lock, so you best take steps to ensure you never lose it. there's no resetting it (without losing all your data)
Requires a small tweak where the drive is mounted before cryptsetup and it has to be connected while booting. That's it.
>they can't access it
The system itself isn't encrypted but home folders among some other stuff is.
Having at least your /home encrypted is probably good enough overall.
nspawn works more like an lxc container than a chroot
What distro would work well on a laptop from ~9 years ago with a dual core Celeron? I've tried Mint Cinnamon on it but it has a lot of trouble loading programs and basic multi tasking.
I want to stick to something windows-like because the person who is going to be using it doesn't have linux experience.
is ther a way to start a window manager automatically on getty login without completely thrashing my ability to open terminals?
really REALLY not interested in a display manager
Why are distro support forums and Reddit so useless for troubleshooting actual problems? Everyone there presumes that you're an idiot and ignores all the relevant info you provide and the troubleshooting that you've already done, only to try to convince you that your problem doesn't actually exist or that the breakage works as intended. Those are people with tens of thousands of posts - it'd seem like they live on the forum and yet they cannot apply common sense. It's almost worse than Microsoft's Technet or Experts Exchange.

I swear, each and every obscure issue that I've had on Linux, I have ended up solving or working around myself and I'm a low IQ layman hobbyist.
> I have ended up solving or working around myself and I'm a low IQ layman hobbyist.
Congratz, don't forget to contribute back your solution.
if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ] && [ "$XDG_VTNR" = 1 ]; then
exec startx

in ~/.bash_profile (assuming bash login shell, adjust to suit)
this will run startx only if DISPLAY is empty (i.e. you're not already in a graphical session) and your VT (linux console) is 1 (so you can login normally at other VT's if need be)
thank you that worked perfectly
This is how you can also start Wayland sessions from the tty as well, just replacing "startx" with your DE's Wayland session start command.
i don't use wayland so i didn't want to presume wayland uses DISPLAY
actually i tested it and it works just the same started right into labwc with it
figured out how to make the root menu show up even with no visable desktop i dont think i need a panel at all now
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How to fix screen tearing on Mint 21.3 Cinnamon with Intel iGPU? I have already upgraded to Linux kernel 6.5 via Update Manager. I think I need a newer X.Org to get a newer modesetting driver, but that obviously means deviating from the Mint repo.
>I think I need a newer X.Org to get a newer modesetting driver,
why you'd think that?
I'd guess it can be solved via configuration.
>why you'd think that?
Because when I try to add the TearFree option to xorg.conf, I see from Xorg.0.log that the option is parsed but not used. And then I see in forums that TearFree got added to modeset driver. So I'm guessing I need a newer modeset driver.
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Fixed it. Switched from modesetting driver to intel driver and added TearFree option to the config.
That's not an issue on Silverblue and Kinoite.
GNU thread
This is the single reason I don't recommend Mint to people.
It's not 1k lines to read/write the X CLIPBOARD. Should be 20 at most, maybe more if you want to support the PRIMARY selection too. Just ignore wayland.

udevadm info -a /dev/ttyUSB0

Web browsing will be a pain regardless of what distro you choose due to js bloat. Try something lightweight (stock arch/debian with just a simple wm), then add convenience features until you get limited by performance.

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