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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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Previous thread: >>101197873
so i think i finally got labwc set up to my liking
Me on the left
ebic op
Anybody know why my RetroArch looks like this? White squares i mean. Earlier I was using Nobara and it was the same. Now I'm on EndevourOS and here it looks the same. I installed RetroArch from pacman -S
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Can a KDE user please share an example of their
? I want to use Dolphin without KDE but not having this file breaks the "Open with" menu in Dolphin.
how do i set a seperate image for each display with swaybg?
Is Stallmann a pedophile?
never mind figured it out dumped swaybg for swww
did you read this https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/RetroArch
did you enable the online updater?
This. RetroArch uses an online updater for many things that the Arch maintainers disable by default for some reason. Re-enable it in the retroarch.cfg file so you can then install cores and UI icons and such.
Yes i checked the wiki and enabled online updater. From the web i saw that i need to change the video driver, but on Nobara 37 it all was working dandy with vulkan driver and i didn't change my gpu or anything.
Is it possible to do that on GNOME?
read the wiki it says
>Install retroarch-assets-xmb to get the fonts and icons for the RetroArch GUI. You may also want to install retroarch-assets-ozone for a more desktop-friendly GUI.
i dont think so not sure never tried it never liked gnome since its developers are bags of cocks about people customizing it
Okay, I'm fucking retarded, i did install retroarch-assets-xmb, but i didn't install ozone one... It works now, thanks.
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Thank you anon, it worked.
i get a unknown filesystem error in grub at boot on a fresh artix install
i followed the guide on the wiki and i am using luks ecryption without lvm the main disk is ecrypted and then i have a sperate boot disk
I follwed
i have regenrated mkinitcpio after i added ecrypt hook and have the ecrypt flag in /etc/default/grub and gave the disk the uuid
you are using the ozone UI, xmb is the one that looks like playstation
fedora is the same
its for "security" reasons, both distros have severals cores available in the repos
>without KDE
What are you using?
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Yes and i was wondering why xmb didn't had any white circles
Window Maker, but I always like to use Dolphin.
Can you post your grub config?
one last labwc/wayland question
how do i set the "primary monitor"?
From last thread, since the anons I'm responding to might have moved on to here:

It's not 1k lines to read/write the X CLIPBOARD. Should be 20 at most, maybe more if you want to support the PRIMARY selection too.
Just ignore wayland.

udevadm info -a /dev/ttyUSB0

Web browsing will be a pain regardless of what distro you choose due to js bloat. Try something lightweight (stock arch/debian with just a simple wm), then add convenience features until you get limited by performance.
This keeps popping up, i cant close it. Is there any way to find out what this mystery application is?
Check the autostart file. See the part where you can set your monitor positions?
Check dmesg
that relies on kanshi and i wont use kanshi i use wdisplays
ya i dont fucking know how to use kanshi and nothing tells me how what the fuck am i supposed to fucking do? steam is outputting game to the wrong fucking monitor and im going to fucking freak out why isnt there a way to simply set the primary monitor?
i dont want to try and fail failure is bad
No logs in the past 30 minutes but i figured out it was freetube. Is it literally trying to take control of my keyboard/mouse?
i did it tells me nothing about the syntax other than to refer to something in sway and says it is similar but its not the same and im still not seeing a way to set a primay display even if i do use that
are docker images stored in the root partition?
Sould I use some sort of anti-virus and security software? Does /fglt/? Common sense is all I have now. Am I at risk if no facebook or other social media (besides here) and occasionally amazon. Mostly news and youtube and 4chan.
Common sense is the word on Linux.
There is ClamAV if you want a single file scanner but it isn't really needed.
Thank you.
I'm finally gonna make the jump from bash to zsh
Anything I should look out for so I don't fuck myself over?
You should always use SELinux or AppArmor. ClamAV is optional.
NTA might be your media keys it wants access to
u wish
>Sould I use some sort of anti-virus and security software?
I like both GNOME and Plasma.
>tfw you'll never be a cute loli nibbling on rms' toe nails
God Plasma 6 is such a shitshow
>sddm bugs out when the screen wakes up, wakes to a black screen with a movable cursor
>fullscreen applications have this issue where it looks like its losing focus to nothing, audio and input cuts off. Then you exit the application and you can't switch between windows anymore
Last one was introduced by 6.1.1. Fuckers are adding more bugs instead of fixing the existing ones.
Both are dogshit for different reasons.
>GNOME just werks as long as you don't stray from the devs' extremely narrow vision of how you should interact w GNOME
>Plasma 5 was absolutely rock solid, Plasma 6 broke everything (again) after months of the KDE devs swearing this update would be smoother than previous ones (its just as bad or worse)
 >/dev/null 2>&1 

Second one sounds more like kwin than sddm. X11 or Wayland? Have you tried switching?
I appreciate Mint brings up System Monitor when typing Task and Xed when typing Notepad.
The muscular memory is too strong.
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Meant to type *muscle memory
Oh, I wasn't saying sddm was the cause of the 2nd one. I was just listing the most recurring bugs I've had after upgrading.
X11. Basically unusable after the 6.1.1 upgrade. Switched to Wayland to see if its just as bad, and it has none of those issues. Wouldn't put it past their tranny devs intentionally sabotaging x11 to get people to switch to gayland. That or because wayland is their shiny new toy they're giving 0 testing or attention to x11.
It isn't just a "shiny new toy", my friend. They are quite literally going to phase x11 out in a few years. Fuck, isn't x11 literally in maintenance mode right now? RH is going to pull most of their developers from it, if they haven't done so already. Making sure your program works well in X11 sessions is not a priority for anyone, and I'm not even a gayland cuck, I'm just saying the truth here.
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Is this blue accent color (#15539e) for my Xfwm4 windows a hard-coded default or something? How can I change this to, let's say, orange (#eb7140) without having to add "active_color_1=#eb7140" to the themerc file for every theme? Thanks.
>gayland has been a thing for a decade
>still a buggy mess
They're forcing gayland because otherwise it would be admitting they wasted 10 years of their life.
im using arch, im trying to extract a zip file but it says i need an archive manager, i installed pz7ip and p7zip-gui and none of them seem to be working.
im a lifelong windows user who uswitched to arch blind yesterday, if youre going to tell me to give up or use another distro im not going to listen to you because im fully committed. but id like some help
Imagine using either of those bloated buggy pieces of shit when you could use either xfce or a wm
You could use something like xarchiver or file-roller, or just use unzip in the terminal.
I use ark. no issues with zips
current plasma is lighter than xfce
thanks guys i got it figured out now
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Usual scheme on Linux is that you'd have a desktop environment with a generic packaging tool. That tool would then use various libraries or other back-ends to extract various package types.
Or just install pkzip or whatever and extract in terminal.
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>Processing triggers for nvidia-alternative (535.183.01-1~deb12u1) ...
>update-alternatives: warning: forcing reinstallation of alternative /usr/lib/nvidia/current because link group nvidia is broken
How screwed am I, bros?
Be ready to select your old kernel on Grub if your reboot fails, kek
>brave user
>get new laptop
>first thing I want to do is setup snapshots so I need web browsar but want to just get a lightweight one since I want my initial snapshot as clean as possible
>download qutebrowser
>wtf these Vi keybinds are amazing
>can ask it to enumerate links on the page and then key combo to jump into them
>works pretty well unless the site is heavily cucked
What the fuck please tell me Brave has an extension just like this because I don’t want to go back
I need a web browser for instructions on how to configure them I mean. Not good enough yet to just know
Anyway vi keybinds are the bomb and I wish I took those vimperator/pentadactyl autists more seriously because I’m sure I could’ve had this experience years ago
i just had an incredible idea but i need help because i already forgot everything that i knew about bash: gnome screenshots go directly to ~/Pictures/Screenshots, they are png files and can be greatly optimized with optipng, so i want a systemd service to look for new files inside this folder and run optipng on them. How can i make dis?
You will never be a woman
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>WM: Rectangle

Is that really the name for their window manager?
i cant login i installed syslog-ng and it seemed to fix it until i tried reloging
unix_chkpwd: password check failed for user
Rectangle is a tiling aide https://rectangleapp.com/
Don't ask me why it shows up in neofetch
This is PAM. Maybe this?

And people say Linux software is named badly.

>We have this tiling window manager thingy, what should we call it?
>Dunno, how about 'Rectangle'?
>Yeah, that'll do
>And people say Linux software is named badly.
Objectively correct.
>And people say Linux software is named badly.
It's mostly the KDE application naming that pisses me off.
If you're talking about the 'putting a K at the beginning of everything' thing, that's a running joke and they have tried to move away from that over the years, for example Elisa, etc.
>haha let's name our contacts app Kontacts, you know, because K hahahaha
That's the retina display on the laptop, it is in reality running double those numbers. The lower resolution is just Apple's retarded way of explaining UI scaling to the user. No joke.
No Wayland.
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>not 4K
>not even 16:10
how do i migrate my full profile from librewolf to librewolf-bin? do i have to move files one by one and import bookmarks, paswords, history, etc. or can i just symlink a few folders?
stuff like addons settings and violentmonkey scripts will be the most annoying if i'll have to set them up again
thx it works now
nvm, it was very easy
why does Windows comes back in everytime I improperly shutdown my laptop?
I already disabled fast boot
>btrfs checks the first part of a file to determine if it's compressible and will not compress even if the other 99% is highly compressible
This is quite primitive is there any chance they'll improve this so it won't ignore these kind of files?
Now, that would be scary if that happened to me.
Why does mod + l lock the screen on i3wm by default? Who is trolling me, the i3 user guide or endeavourOS?
Check the config ~/.config/i3/config
It's probably set to the screen locker which is common
Is there a good place to post distro-tans?
or /etc/i3/config
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i love foss art
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Mint-tan should be simple and friendly as a beginner's distro. I imagine arch as a massive busty woman with a bitchy personality (difficult to control, rewarding when you do) but I suck at drawing that type of character.
You can add keywords to .desktop files, so they show up in searches. Neat.

The blue that is left on the right is from your gtk theme, not your xfwm4 theme. The latter only deals with window decorations. The blue dots in the titlebar in top right are from your xfwm theme however.

Simplest would be to use a systemd.path unit that monitors ~/Pictures/Screenshots, then starts a systemd.service with Type=oneshot that runs optipng.
You could run into issues, where optipng writing the output file would activite the service again, since systemd has no way of knowing *who* wrote to the directory. But you could solve this by either having it output to a different location, or changing the filename to something the gnome shreenshot tool doesn't use and checking for the existence of gnome-named files at the start of your script.
If you need more help, just say so.

check the source.
This is the upstream config:
No screen locking in sight.
This is the PKGBUILD for the Arch package:
It uses the upstream config.
I couldn't quickly find a PKGBUILD repo for eos, but I found the package
in an eos mirror. That package contains the file
with the following line:
bindsym $mod+l exec --no-startup-id ~/.config/i3/scripts/blur-lock

In short, EndeavousOS is trolling you by not providing packages the way they are upstream. Not messing with upstream is why Arch is so good.
Is this your art, Anon? she looks super cute here, I love it
today I learned how to use xargs
loving my loonix even more
It doesn't matter if your not using the flatpak because it will use the same directory anyway
This list is full of misinformation
qrd for a noob? why use them and what are they good for?
what if you actually formed your own opinions instead of posting that guy's link?
such as?
Most of it. For starters he doesn't understand the difference between "Wayland" (protocol) and "Wayland" (compositor).

The majority of the issues he brings up are specific to particular implementations of a Wayland compositor and not generally applicable to Wayland as a whole.
Most of the issues are "feature X does not exist in wayland so we cant support it" and are about how many programs break when being run on wayland
Unless you have actual examples you can show
>qrd for a noob?
Sure, ever wanted to execute a single command for a lot of files scattered around your hard drive?, then xargs is for you
Let's say I have multiple files with a file pattern that I want to know their file type, and they're scattered throughout my home folder, to do it manually I'd have to:
>navigate to every single folder
>look for the file with pattern
>call the command

File pattern: pattern1.mp4, pattern2.mp4... etc
Folder: /home/anon

So, let's split the job in 2:
>1. find all files with pattern
find /home/anon -name ''pattern*.mp4"

>2. call comand to know the type of a single file
file /home/anon/folder1/pattern1.mp4

Doing it manually will take ages, so instead I'll take 1.'s output and pass it to xargs, then xargs will execute the find command on each one of them.

 find /home/anon -name ''pattern*.mp4" | xargs -n 1 -I {} file {} 

>find /home/anon -name ''pattern*.mp4"
This is the standard find command, it'll search recursively for all files with pattern
> |
this is a pipe operation, it'll take the output of find and pass it to the next command
>xargs -n 1 -I {} file {}
This is where magic happens
>-n 1
This tells the number of arguments
>-I {}
This is a way to tell xargs that "{} is a single element that the previous command will send us"
>file {}
This is instruction 2. but expanded N times, it'll execute file for each item found

idk if that makes sense
Except they _DO_ exist, just not everywhere.

He should have instead titled this:
>Thinking about using GNOME on Wayland, think again GNOME breaks everything!

The issues he brings up are implementation issues, they're not Wayland issues.
Find command should be
find /home/anon -name 'pattern*.mp4'
such as?
excellent, thanks anon. saved in my notes for later.
You can go through the entire list and find implementations that exist for Wayland.

The very first bulleted item doesn't happen on KDE KWin, of course he ignores that because he's trying to paint the issues as Wayland problems instead of compositor problems:

>A crash in the window manager takes down all running applications
(This does not happen on KDE)
this drawing is so cringe. lmao
and you dont think it's an issue at all that wayland is so fucking fragmented that you have to support every different type of compositor implementation like how distros are fragmented?
there's no proper implementation for xkill or x2x or using synergy/barrier as a server on wayland
I don't, no. It's okay for there to be different types of compositors for different usecases.

An in-care entertainment system doesn't need to support all of the same protocols as a desktop system

A custom kiosk compositor or embedded system for digital signage doesn't have to either.

Wayland from the start was designed with a minimal core, to not bloat it with unnecessary features. You only support what you need to. If you don't need XDG shell then you don't have to use it.

>there's no proper implementation for xkill
Compositor issue. KWin has this.

> x2x or using synergy/barrier as a server on wayland
So write them. There's nothing blocking this, somebody just has to do it.
Any tips for troubleshooting audio drivers on Debian 12? My laptop speakers were working fine when I was using nouveau Wayland but now I'm on Nvidia drivers and X11 and the speakers are no longer working.
that's the point of it
>There's nothing blocking this
There clearly is or someone would've done it by now
The barrier dev had a bounty to do it and didnt want to
Be specific, what technical reason is blocking this?

If the developer doesn't want to do it that's fine but that's clearly his problem, not Wayland's.
so basically, according to you wayland only works when using kde
which means wayland doesnt work for everyone else that doesnt want to use kde
It works when you use an implementation that does what you need it to, that's the point.

Wayland is just a library, it does nothing for you (except its core plumbing for things like the event queue, etc). It's up to compositors. It literally cannot be Wayland's fault that GNOME or some other compositor is broken.
To all anons arguing in favor of Wayland:
It's useless to keep the discussion going, anons don't and won't understand Wayland and will just go against because it's new and with issues
No need for xargs. If you r already using find just use it with -exec:
find /home/anon -name 'pattern*.mp4' -exec file {} \;
its also funny that most of the haters are just regurgitating other's opinions instead of forming their own
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>Xorg: just works, with quirks everyone's adapted to
>Wayland: barely works, loads of glitches and compatibility issues
See, that's what I'm refering to
You need to stop saying Wayland.

Don't say:
>Wayland: barely works, loads of glitches and compatibility issues
Do say:
>GNOME: barely works, loads of glitches and compatibility issues
why are you strawmaning him? you should kill yourself for that
ill switch when its usable without a DE
I decided to take a look, apparently barrier forked to input leap and the server part works on gnome and maybe kde, but not on wlroots
Then dont complain when other desktops dont have wayland support if its not a wayland issue but a desktop/wm issue
>the server part works on gnome and maybe kde, but not on wlroots
Which is exactly why you can't generalise Wayland.

This will clearly require support in whatever Wlroots compositors choose to support this. It's not a Wayland problem, it's a problem with those compositors that needs fixing.
Applications still need to port too. If they can't support GNOME because of implementation bugs then that's a problem but it's GNOME's problem.

Usually you can still provide some level of support like what Mpv did (It works but they can't support server-side decorations or inhibit the screensaver, these are GNOME issues, not Wayland issues)
>itt linux noobs blaming wayland
this is the linux noob thread after all
>we made an implementation, now compositors have to support it
>compositors will take forever to support it due to whatever reason
This is going to happen every time with each feature while on X you can just develop the program and it'll work on everything
and each compositor has a different number of people working on it so theres only so much time that can be dedicated to supporting it
i know that every wlroots wm other than hypr and sway(only recently merged and not in a stable release yet) has input_method_v2 support (for IME)
*doesnt have input_method_v2 i mean
X11 is really old so features are stable. When features were first added to it that wasn't really the case so you can't compare the two like that.

Yes, LTS distros are shit and it will take forever for new features to propagate to them but that's not Wayland's issue. Wayland cannot fix Debian.
the people on xorg are happy staying on xorg while the people on [wayland compositor] are obsessed with convincing people to switch over
the only people on xorg who arent happy staying on xorg are the people who complain their expensive bleeding edge hardware feature like hdr or 4k meme resolution scaling doesnt work properly
stupid question but how does patching visual novels on steam work with linux and proton?
Did you update the assets from the online updater?
Thinking of switching to Gentoo.
But I'm kind of scared of compilation times.
How long will I spend compiling?
And since it is rolling release I will be constantly updating and recompiling?
No, you don't understand, we must all vaccinate with Wayland or else it won't work for them.
Use wine-ge through Bottles or Lutris instead of Proton so you can pirate the VN and do whatever modding you need to do on it
>But I'm kind of scared of compilation times.
Gentoo distributes binaries too, so just use them instead of compiling the stuff that takes hours (kernel, browsers, etc).

>How long will I spend cooompiling?
What's your CPU?

>rolling release
Gentoo has a stable branch too I think, but idk how often it updates. Once a week should be good.
what aur helper works with doas?
>the people who complain their expensive bleeding edge hardware feature like hdr or 4k meme resolution scaling doesnt work properly
Don't you think that's a problem?

It's rather hypocritical to scream "Wayland breaks everything" from the rooftops while not acknowledging the issues ever present with X11.
Use sudo
Xorg's lack of GUI isolation is enough reason to send it straight to hell. This shit should've been nuked 20 years ago. Gayland still sucks though.
sudo is bloat and securty nightmare
sure it is
Then use sudo-rs, I replaced sudo with that on my Gentoo system. 100% safe and audited Rust. The only thing I keep from sudo is the sudoedit binary because sudo-rs doesn't implement that yet.
Stupid question, but I've got a bash script that isn't quite working. It's supposed to look through an array of util names and call --version with all of them to see if they installed properly. However, its only looping through about half of the array and stopping at "indent". Is there something I'm obviously doing wrong? script below:

HOST_UTILS = ("coan" "kate" "indent" "ssh-agent" "xxd")

for util in "${HOST_UTILS[@]}"; do
echo $util
$util --version
>Gentoo distributes binaries too, so just use them instead of compiling the stuff that takes hours (kernel, browsers, etc).
Oh cool. Tbh I'm not that crazy about compiling, I just wanna use it cause I want a rolling release but not bleeding edge, and I don't wanna use Tumbleweed, and I hear portage is a good package manager
>What's your CPU?
AMD Ryzen 5 5600X
usually there are large files I use in vim, and the first thing done is to select and dump all the lines matching diverses patterns, but it take its time, how can be done it faster? start/compile vim with some options?
Do you keep your scripts somewhere special?
In what way exactly? Are you just copying some retarded YouTuber you watched?

If you cared about bloat you'd use
su -c
take indent out. where does it stop now?
next to my heart
Yeah you can use find's -exec which works great and is probably more performant but there's nothing wrong with args as it works literally everywhere. I've used xargs to feed stuff into a cli tool I hacked up at work to automate some API stuff. I didn't have to think about "how do I make this work with multiple lines of input coming from a previous step", I just had xargs deal with the input for me and was able to keep the tool simple. It just depends on what you need really, but for someone starting out I'd definitely tell them to learn xargs first before learning any specific command's flags.
Took out indent and now it runs through until another program, ssh-agent. With ssh-agent, it doesn't seem to actually recognize --version, and instead prints the error message:
unknown option -- -
usage: ssh-agent [-c | -s] [-Dd] [-a bind_address] [-E fingerprint_hash]
[-P provider_whitelist] [-t life] [command [arg ...]]
ssh-agent [-c | -s] -k
I'm not quite sure why it's printing this. Otherwise, when these two are taken out, it works as intended. Is there something odd indent is doing when it is called with --version?
Xargs can yield better performance if you use parallelism because -exec is single threaded but xargs can process multiple jobs in batch
Okay, I looked in the linux manpages, and apparently indent has a non-zero exit code when calling --version for some reason. Combined with the fact that i set -eu in the beginning of the script, that was probably the issue. But a different question: Is --version valid for every command line tool?
can you run indent --version and ssh-agent --version via shell successfully? maybe they just don't respond to that command.
yeah, I think some tools don't have that parameter
yep. I got ssh-agent and I don't get a version number when trying --version. doesn't like. you'll have to find another way to pull the version.
~/bin and then put that in my path
I dont care if it's halal or not, it's easy.
ssh -v localhost gives me:
OpenSSH_9.7p1, OpenSSL 3.3.1 4 Jun 2024

maybe try that? surely ssh and ssh-agent are related and would likely be the same version.
>But a different question: Is --version valid for every command line tool?
You've answered your own question fren
That makes sense, i was worried i got a virus from an modified package or something
Is it possible to use tkdiff within a docker container? I've successfully installed tkdiff within the container, but when i run tkdiff --version, I run into the error "$DISPLAY not found". Are there additional steps I need to go through when building the docker container to have tkdiff usable?
I have an amd laptop and the drivers on Fedora for the MT7922 wifi card are completely shit. It's so unstable. Sometimes pages load fast, sometimes they load slow, and sometimes the connection drops for a few seconds.
>Is --version valid for every command line tool?
Hell no, and fuck build scripts that expect it.
Understood. Are there any alternatives to --version for seeing if a tool properly installed? I know which and command -v give where it is in the path, but i ran into an issue where one tool looked properly installed but was missing a package for 80% of the tool to be usable.
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Is there neovim kickstart equivalent for zsh?
The amount of customization options is fucking ridiculous
do you want to carry a testsuite for each and any tool? If something doesn't work, it just doesn't work, just handle such errors gracefully.
Most of them are completely needless.
Does Type Moon even use Linux?
It's a joke about printing (CUPS).
Way to not answer my question. That's why Linux sees no adoption, I understand now.
Nobody cares faggot go back to sucking Microcock
>Triggered anon starts insulting randos
Don't make your threads with others Intellectual Property in the OP, no one wants these associations.
What is the site to check what distros already have Plasma 6.1 on repos?
Use ed - the standard text editor.

Executables go in ~/.local/bin. Source code for those executables goes in ~/.local/src. Since scripts are both, the go in ~/.local/src and are symlinked to ~/.local/bin.
The files in src/ have extensions matching the language they are written in, the files in bin/ are extensionless:
$ ls -l --numeric-uid-gid ~/.local/bin/ |head
total 88
-rwxr-xr-x 1 1000 1000 85 Jun 22 2023 audacity
lrwxrwxrwx 1 1000 1000 18 Jul 1 00:42 browser -> ../src/ytlink.bash
lrwxrwxrwx 1 1000 1000 18 Jul 1 00:42 colorsel -> ../src/colorsel.py
-rwxr-xr-x 1 1000 1000 17152 Aug 16 2021 countab
-rwxr-xr-x 1 1000 1000 56 Jan 1 2023 dmenu_run
lrwxrwxrwx 1 1000 1000 27 Jul 1 00:43 eduke32 -> ../src/eduke32-wrapper.bash
lrwxrwxrwx 1 1000 1000 21 Jul 1 00:43 filechooser -> ../src/filechooser.py
lrwxrwxrwx 1 1000 1000 34 Jul 12 2020 firefox -> /usr/bin/firefox-developer-edition
lrwxrwxrwx 1 1000 1000 29 Jul 1 00:43 getProgressString -> ../src/getProgressString.bash


Seems like tkdiff is a graphical program. Your container doesn't have an X server running. You could probably bind mount your host's /tmp/.X11-Unix/ inside the container, then point $DISPLAY at the X0 file inside. probably a better way to do it, but no idea how.
I'm probably gonna go back to windows. Linux just can't support my laptop audio.
It's really shitty that it's like that, everything is hella quiet for some reason. I have to turn the volume up to 30 meanwhile on windows I can have it set to 4 and hear everything like it's right there.
The fuck can I do to fix this? It's pretty ridiculous, I refuse to go back to windows though. I'm tired of the bullshit.
Many thanks, my friend. ;)
Is it even worth it to use Plasma with how buggy it is? Or should I just go with something else like LXQT?
It is an answer if you've been on /a/ long enough. Lurk more.
I was on /a/ before you were born kid.
Yes, the bugs are minor. It's overplayed how bad things are, usually they have workarounds or alternatives available (e.g if the volume slider lagging bothers you then use Pavucontrol Qt, I never even use the Plasmoid for this and always use Pavucontrol).

There are no hard crashes either (at least not for me).
>man tee
Oh yeah, anything past "barely audible" means my speakers get fucked and I have to restart my audio drivers. Tried Mint, Arch, and Debian. Maybe Ubuntu? They say they're "partnered" with HP
But I found out that installing windows 10, then going to 11 allowed me to bypass a microsoft account. No AI bullshit.
My desktop is linux.
is swap on zram the best swap option for a machine with an HDD?
you can bypass that with another method too, search "bypassnro windows 11" if you ever need to just do a fresh boot of it without win10
But yeah, some kind of crackly shit starts happening, i've also hopped to many distros and used multiple headsets + speakers and still no luck
I don't know if there is a true solution
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dumb /v/irgin here again, is there any benefit to using a more esoteric distro like Void or Gentoo instead of Arch or Debian? I've been using CachyOS so fat despite the bloat but I think their logos are cool
Gentoo can be whatever you make of it. It's a good distro. It can be your Debian or your Arch.

Portage is the main benefit of Gentoo. If you like Portage and USE flags, and the way it works, you'll never want to use another distro again.
>build a new pc
>usb linux mint cinnamon as os
>everything goes fine
>download drivers for graphics card
>completely bricks computer
>cannot even access bios
fuck you linux fags I should have just stayed with windows 10
Don't mind me
any error messages at all?
actually seems to be a bit better after I disabled ipv6 in grub kernel options
No its stuck on the logo screen with no cursor, I have tried f1 on this page with no effect.
>Portage and USE flags
I don't know what either of those are but thank you for the reply

Have you tried any troubleshooting steps to make sure that your pc is bricked instead of maybe a PSU/MotherBoard/Display issue? Tried plugging in your HDMI/Display on your CPU's port instead?
Or are you here to shit up the thread?
>I don't know what either of those are but thank you for the reply
Read the handbook and wiki and try it out for a while. You'll know pretty quickly if it's for you or not.

If you like hands-on distros that give you lots of control over everything but not at the expense of easily maintaining the system (with updates, etc) then you'll love it.

If not, then it's not for you. Stick to Arch or Debian.

In general, if you're happy with Arch then there's probably no reason to switch to Gentoo.
I have doubts that linux could have screwed with the post screen
For a while now my system has occasionally frozen and I'm assuming kernel panics but there's nothing in logs. Mostly on KDE, but has happened on sway. All AMD system. I'm getting sick of it.
What distro?
I recommend you swap it for something Intel, I had a similar problem with an Intel i7-7500U that came with shitty Realtek RTL8723BU, incredibly shit, I swapped the wireless module to an Intel one and problem solved.

>Anons complaining about Linux Audio
I don't understand how come people have audio problems in Linux, I never had one since I started using it. It just werks
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How to get GNOME fractional scaling working on Debian Sid?
Sorry bros, I have just been up since yesterday trying to trouble shoot this. I was able to just access the bios. Im going to check the linux installation guide. Any forums I can check.
Switch to Wayland. Fractional scaling was removed in gnome 46 for xorg.
Take a rest first, after that, try watching guides on youtube and stick to ones that are as recent as possible, since you are on mint it shouldn't be harder than a couple of terminal commands
No, the best option is buying a $25 SATA SSD and using that instead.
Debian and Arch are normal binary distributions. What's esoteric about them in your opinion?
What the hell
>laptop manufacturer decides to go to the end of the world to get that one audio chip not supported by Linux just to fuck with people
At this point I'd start hating and boycotting the laptop manufacturer instead of Linux.
I'm referring to Gentoo and Void as esoteric, sorry if I had an ESL moment in my writing
And Cachy is an arch based distro, it's bloated but comes pre-packaged with a bunch of shit to make the games I play just work
So if I run vanilla GNOME with Wayland, I get fractional scaling options in Settings by default? Or do I have to do hacks to make the options appear?
How cool is that Docker (cgroups actually) gives you the option to restrict memory and CPU usage for containers
>Linux just can't support my laptop audio.
What the hell is it?
a nap doesn't sound too bad right now, I'll take one and work on it in the morning.
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>I don't understand how come people have audio problems in Linux
Not that anon, but I switched to linux a few months ago and I've always had weird crackling and audio popping, mostly when gaming,
After reading through a thousand forum pages I've read that people across multiple distros have had the same problem and it seems to be related to min and max quantums on pipewire.
honestly I don't have any idea what this shit does or how it works, but from what I've read, changing the default values can fix or at least severely reduce audio crackling, what confuses me even more is that the optimal values for quantums depend a lot on your system, some people set it way higher than the default and other people set it way lower, pic-related are my current settings which is the best combination I've found so far, didn't completely eliminate the crackling but it's tolerable now.
This is the forum page where I read about it
If anyone could enlighten me as to why do some of us have to manually configure this settings on pipewire and why it doesn't work out of the box, I'm on an Asus laptop if that helps
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Should I run Ubuntu LTS or Debian Sid for the best daily driver laptop GNOME experience?
i have used pipewire on a really shitty laptop from 2016 and always worked fine
>The blue that is left on the right is from your gtk theme, not your xfwm4 theme.

Are you talking about where "Ops", "Ops-Orange", "RedmondXP", etc. are highlighted in the "Theme" menu? I was talking about the window title and border color. I was wondering if there was a way to change that without adding "active_color_1=#[insert hex RGB color here]" to the current Xfwm4 theme's themerc file.

I'm using LXQt with Xfwm4. After I installed xsettingsd and then gnome-settings-daemon, changing the GTK 2 theme via LXQt Appearance Configuration would also change the color of the window accent, but that still doesn't let me choose the specific color. It also changes the theme of my GTK apps when I want them all to be Adwaita-dark.

I'd post a pic to illustrate, but the Flatpak version of Drawing doesn't want to save images anymore. I wonder if installing xsettingsd or gnome-settings-daemon broke it.
Ubuntu (not necessarily the LTS, whatever the latest version is).

Debian Sid should be avoided though. This is not a real distribution and only meant for Debian developers to test and experiment with.
Didn't find it from my 6.9.x sources. Is it even supposed to be supported?
Irrelevant, post kernel version.
>Sometimes pages load fast, sometimes they load slow, and sometimes the connection drops for a few seconds.
So. Wireless links as usual huh?
Can't you guise go to angry Linux thread or something?
>Debian Sid
Why would anyone do this when Arch exists?
>I don't understand how come people have audio problems in Linux, I never had one since I started using it. It just werks
Hardware, hardware and hardware. You just had luck by not stumbling across weird crap.
>Why would anyone do this when Arch exists?
I just got off Arch. It felt kind of hacky. I want a more curated experience i.e. Debian policy/tooling.
Have you tried falling back to pulseaudio only instead of pipewire? There are some games/libs that are hardcoded to use pulse only as far as I remember. I never had issues but hat's because I don't game and just listen to music and youtube

>You just had luck by not stumbling across weird crap.
Yup, that's fair
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I got this too after updating to plasma 6.1 and am also interested because it's creepy and annoying
I got crackling/popping when playing audio after a period of nothing, which was solved by preventing it from being suspended
i have another issue though, my monitor audio out works fine, but my motherboard audio out keeps breaking with no audio until reboot and I've got no idea why
I want to use the motherboard one because it's much better
It's KDE Connect, it's fine
The model of the adapter is MT7922 but the kernel module auto loaded is mt7921e
kernel is 6.9.6-200.fc40.x86_64
Any good manufacturers out there?
I'm on HP. I know dell is shit too.
hp business laptops are good
is that something new?
i dont think i ever noticed any issue with pipewire in the past
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weird, what is those "sandbox forked"? i don't remember seeing those before
>I got crackling/popping when playing audio after a period of nothing
>which was solved by preventing it from being suspended
Could you specify how you fixed it?
I've had the same problem, I notice it mostly when pausing youtube videos and such
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What is this dash line that's at the top and bottom of my wofi and how do I get rid of it?
Had the same problem when I started, in your style.css file be sure to set outline and outline-style everywhere to none, like so:

* {
outline: none;
outline-style: none;
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Which way?
the right (way)
KDE 6 is buggy. KDE 5 is ugly and weird.
Thank you so much anon
GNOME propaganda.
No idea I've only recently wanted to use it and noticed.
I just found this https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/PipeWire#Noticeable_audio_delay_or_audible_pop/crack_when_starting_playback
Its overpriced but I love the concept of the Framework and so far I havent had any big issues running Fedora 40 on the 13" AMD one. I did get the crackling issue other people talked about ITT but did system update + fwupdmgr update and I haven't noticed it since. They have pretty solid docs on their site as well.
If you go this route though do your research and be sure you are OK with the tradeoffs (mainly, the peripherals being shit for the price; also, inconsistent build quality with the FW16).
i am wanting to switch to linux full time, no dual boot. i tried to add all my relevant hardware to this pcpartpicker https://pcpartpicker.com/list/NBB3xH for any advice on which distro(s) i should lean towards. i primarily game if that matters, though i still do consume media via watching movies/shows/listening to music, occasional dabbling in coding. seems like garuda, bazzite, cachy, opensuse tumbleweed are brought up a lot when people are asking about distros. should i just use ventoy and slap a bunch of distros on a usb and run through the gauntlet or what's the best course of action? thanks bros
Dude. I was running Plasma 6.1.1 on Arch all weekend. I got hit by about half a dozen bugs. No major showstoppers, but still pretty gross to use as a daily driver. GNOME fucking sucks, but it seems somewhat more stable than KDE right now.
>No major showstoppers,
For me it froze just like it's frozen or crashed occasionally for ages
Might have been kernel or gpu but it shouldn't happen
Works just fine on my system. Sounds like a skill issue.
Maybe you should stick with Windows
>Linux full time
>primarily game
You may encounter some issues along the road partner.
My strong suggestion is to leverage gaming to a Windows VM and passthrough your GPU to the VM while using the onboard GPU on Linux.
So the premise is: Use Linux for everything except gaming, for obvious reasons.
The other way around is to have 2 systems, one your Linux workstation and the other your gaming machine. I like the passthrough option more tho.
What am I supposed to use then that has a complete software software set like kde but is not buggy and functions properly?
pop os if you want to go the easy nvidia drivers route
Oh, and I also found out that clicking on empty space on the desktop and hitting Alt+F4 will close that desktop. The icons will disappear and the wallpaper I use at my login/lock screen (LightDM) will appear and I can't right click anywhere on the desktop. I figured out that to bring the desktop back, I first have to ensure all instances of PCManFM-Qt are closed and then run the commands "/usr/bin/pcmanfm-qt --desktop --profile=lxqt &" followed by "disown" in a terminal.

Is there a way to exclude a specific window (in this case, the desktop "window") from being closed using the Alt+F4 key combo? This shit's getting ridiculous. I might go back to Mint.
I use opensuse tw but you're better off with something like nobara because it's beginner friendly
Opensuse is also very easy but for gaming purposes nobara is easier to set up out of the box
Right, thanks
i assume i will run into network issues?

i checked all my frequently played games on protondb and they were all platinum rated, a few being gold so i figured i'd be alright. i don't mind having to do some work. i want to learn as i go, i just wanted to make the transition as smooth as possible to start with.

i was seeing talk of bazzite being the better choice because nobara is "just one guy who really just made the distro for him and his dad" but as someone with no knowledge i am fine using whatever works the best with my hardware. will look into pop as well, thanks
realtek is known for shitty drivers both on windows and linux
sent from my EliteBook 2570p
If I understand correctly the GPL, you cannot take a software, modify it and make it proprietary.
But what if it's your own software ? If you own the code ? Can you release it with a libre licence and later decide "From this release, it will be proprietary" ?
would it be worthwhile to invest in a nic card then?
>for some reason
It's because they include all of it with libretro packages, you just pacman -S libretro and you get everything
I'd get an intel nic card if you want a motherboard with realtek
Sloppy drivers but at least the 2.5Gbe hardware isn't fundamentally broken like Intel's I-225/226-V.
That MT7922 WiFi though? Yikes. Better hope you get the board with the Intel WiFi card.
i never hard any issues on my old laptop that has a qualcomm atheros wifi card and a realtek ethernet card
So which full feature desktop environment should I use that's not gnome or kde?
i'm hardwired for internet so no worries for the wifi,

any suggestions on which specific card or does it not matter much?
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>realtek ethernet card
It's the wireless ones that cause troubles.
idk if this varies by country but when I go to the supermarket and grab a random Wi-Fi dongle it will likely work like shit on Linux. Always had to look up specific known-to-work models from Amazon or eBay.
Just use the onboard LAN until you run into issues. Which may be never.
How do I get the clock to go vertical on deskbar mode?
avoid these ones
full list
You can. The copyright still lies with the autor. Of course, if you have co-authors, they need to agree with the new license.
And of course doing so wouldn't stop anyone from taking the last free version and continue development of a free fork.
>Can you release it with a libre licence and later decide "From this release, it will be proprietary"?
As long as you didn't accept contributions from anyone else, you're free to do as you please. You can't revoke the license from old versions of the program though.
Still hard to believe Intel fucked these up after years of flawless Ethernet controllers.
vertically ?
You can use %n to have hours, minutes and seconds in a new line, but the scalability isn't great
actually I don't think it'll get better. Current plan is to buy the ax200 because 6ghz wifi is overrated and useless anyway
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Like this
like that ?
has anyone tried debootstrap on arch?
i think it would be interesting to have an ubuntu environment for development
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Yeah that's better.
I didn't think to do it like that
Yeah just used it easterday. Are you asking is it difficult to use? It's a super simple tool, it simply burps out a deb-based system.
No matter the distro, it works the same.

(you can also install dnf if you wish to burp out Fedora (requires one repository file to be created on the host system THOUGH))
It's native to xfce, I only had to change the bar from horizontal to desktop bar. Then you can set the clock as you want with >>101223444
how does it work when you chroot into it
can you just copy files into the folders of that environement and it will work fine?
>how does it work when you chroot into it
Never chrooted to anything or used containers huh?
You basically enter an environment (with a shell of your choosing) that uses the directory as filesystem root.
systemd-nspawn -D /mnt/ubuntu
I figured it out this way too, apparently I just had to put it in vertical mode instead of using deskbar mode
Whenever I click on a link outside of the browser, it opens a cached website instead of the actual website, rather annoying. I'm on firefox 127.0.2
Heh, I configured the Docker container that is building COSMIC to use only 4 vCPUs and is taking eons to compile/build. At least my workstation is usable.
Should I use shotwell or ristretto?
is there a way to remap caps-lock to super without compositor config? I want to use Niri, but my keyboard has no windows key. I haven't found the Xorg equivalent for wayland of remapping from the tty. Is there anything of the sort?
i stopped reformatting my usb midway with mkfs.ntfs
now i get this same error in every program that deals with disks where i pass it as an argument
fdisk: cannot open /dev/sdb: Input/output error

did i fuck up my usb or is this fixable?
Try to delete the partition with chdisk or gparted
cfdisk* sorry, I'm past my bedtime already
there are no partitions on it anymore, there's only /dev/sdb
There should be at least a partition table on it, no? MBR or GPT
>Input/output error
It's broken bro.
cant even check with fsck, i get the same input/output error
well rip
>well rip
Yes. If you launched mkfs.ntfs without the "quick" flag it will do a complete overwrite. Guess that write marathon was the last straw, don't do that to those poor USB sticks.
i guess it served me well for all these years, it was it's time to move on
I'm installing Devuan right now c:
boot to windows and run chkdsk on it
New thread:
There's no fractional scaling in GNOME on Debian Sid, even in a Wayland session. I guess it's time to figure out some hack to enable it, or just run Ubuntu.
No wait, it has it.
gsettings set org.gnome.mutter experimental-features "['scale-monitor-framebuffer']"

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