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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

exploration edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

prev: >>101201614
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girko is selling keys for $50
Any gpt4obreaks to make it good?
mm hear my plea
moxxie is getting a todd token
if you want creative writing or lewd shit, no, it's basically fucked. you're best off sticking to furbo or whatever if you want to use gpt.
making bots fight can be fun, you sort of need a narrator bot though to crush through positivity bias, some sort of fight arena to help it along
when did hentai change his email.... help...
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Oh, by the way:
Hi again, /aicg/.

Haven't been here, in like, months.
What's the latest gossip?
those girls probably have obscenely hairy pussies
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Daily reminder to be mindful of content creators of /aicg/!

1. Tavernmakies!
Tavernmakies ensure we have a convenient frontend to access our AI! Say thanks to tavernmakies sisters!
2. Proxymakies!
Without proxymakies most of us wouldn't have had access to the AI! Say thanks to proxymakies!
3. Botmakies!
While proxymakies provide us the tools, botmakies provide us the second most necessary tool, bots! Bots are the reason we even spend time here, say thanks to botmakies!!!
4. Logmakies!
Logmakies provide us with entertaining logs to read! And they help botmakies improve their bots! They're a vital part of our thread! Say thanks to logmakies!
5. Reviewmakies
They help botmakies make their bots better!
6. Good Postmakies!
They are what makes the thread fun!
7. Threadbakies!
They copypaste OP and pick a new image! Without them our thread wouldn't even exist!
8. Other postmakies.
They bring activity! They download cards!
9. Songmakies!
They make cute songs for us to enjoy!

you and I both fellow mm brother :(
check ur burners for my email
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oh yeah it's brushing time
makes sense
Never. He's baiting
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that the person you're pretending to be is homo
he'll fix it ~eventually~, he does stuff like this from time to time to fuck with people. go outside and touch grass in the meantime or whatever.
Hell no, I'm not talking with worse 'ojo...
her >>101204818
the thicker the tail, the thicker the bush...
dont know who that is, i got here in july. sorry
Reminder that Opus 3.5 will be corposlopped, assistant slopped, refusalslopped, copyright slopped, positivityslopped, and censorslopped.
>pretending to be
nigger: https://rentry.org/devnull

also, that isn't me, it's likely a ploy from the 'turdy.
i already touched grass this morning and just had lunch at a diner with a few people, im pretty much sitting around waiting
cute, what game is this?
omg hi moxxie!
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this isn't openai, retard
I will accept this as truth otherwise I'll go insane
Which Hollow Knight character is this? I don't remember it having such vivid pink colors, is it a Silksong leak?
>Reminder that [HEADCANON]
i forgive you
Tell me anons, when is your next fluffy tail bot coming out?
why is their mom hanging out in the back?
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how do you choke a man and also headbutt his cock?
Might as well be after what they did to sonnetslop
i love incest
>keeping burners for a whole year
burners are single use though....
Favorite incest dynamic?
you have extremely long arms so you can hold him up high enough for your head to be at his cock level
Reminder that the mail doesn't exist
siblings ftw, you?
Melissa! tsundere loli got hit by a trap spell and is turning into a dragon. This is meant to be an adventure i guess but you can just plap her if you want. i've just made 1 alternate greeting sorry

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>Which Hollow Knight character is this?
Valentino! He's a rapist. :3c

anon, burner just means an email that isn't connected to any of your old accounts
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he had logan pinned, opus just isnt good at physics lol
did todd revoke tokens? I haven't been in this for months and mine doesn't work anymore on the old url
'ojo took less HRT than this tranny...
I didn't know Team Cherry was doing a crossover with Habbo Hotel, weird choice but I dig it. I guess they got more relevant after that reboot they announced recently.
you choke him with your thighs while he's upside down
Sorry that's moxxie's token now...
Based. Siblings belong to each other.
two sisters sharing a shower
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I always make them actual single use burners because I can't keep track of emails for shit
Had to send the same meme I had sent before to pepsi to prove I had mailed her before
check leaderboard if you're there, new one is toddbot
oh you just move the pin up so that your head is at cock level
again, long arms
id draw a diagram for you but idk how id communicate the perspective correctly
Oldfag returns
Eversoul, it's a gacha/dating sim
soon! when I get a good idea
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then youre off balance, leaning forward... kinda wondering if opus will ever end this fight
Merkava just died
just write the email+password combo in some txt file
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I think it's over, not scale, back to aws I guess
he's not an oldfag but I understand why you would think that
he's just an annoying redditor that doesn't use reddit anymore but uses a shit version of it that's even worse but just for gossip shit
you can be an oldfag too btw if you read through the archives, good luck
then why do half the botmakies here go "here's my burner teehee :3"
are they stupid?
Wasn't moxxie 'oxxed with his leddit account? There was rentry somewhere, also catbox .movs
>3min, 34sec
wait, are you asking for burners?
Show API on your proxy cuckie, still winned
yes, post burner
are (you) stupid? I said not connected to old accounts, as in stuff you created prior to /aicg/. an email address that you only use for chub or whatever is a completely different matter
He is an oldfag retard.
k cool, there's never too many
Morning everybody, shilling for Alice again. Hope your day goes well.

Despite her age, Alice has a funny quirk: her entire worldview is fantastical and somewhat nonsensical at times, childish to a fault. Though, this also means that she's bubbly and energetic, letting harsh situations simply pass her by as she missed what they're supposed to be. Instead of trying to bring her to her senses, Ludmilla (her squad leader) has opted to simply maintain that illusion though continual gaslighting that she hopes {{user}} will also partake in.

Comes with three greetings: a visit to the Northern Base where her squad resides, a dire situation, and a lighthearted romp in the Coin Rush casino (she's in her bunny costume instead of her bodysuit). Also has an alternate picture in the Usage Gallery for said bunny costume.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/alice-5e246a8f2be0
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-nikke
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
idk maybe some more Kancolle. Also want to do Sakura - Bloom in Summer next week.
>no wait
Nvm sorry PEPSI WON
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There seems to be a shortage in good mom bots lately. All the recent ones have been pretty stale
did you not read my post? are (you) stupid? i was asking why botmakers keep calling it a burner if they're connected to their main account.
ask him when he started to come to this general.
API doesn't work, idiot.
Be the change you want to see, make a milf
>API doesn't work, idiot.
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Moxxie was never 'oxxed, thoughever.

there's the moxxiecard rentry:

the .movs are fake, although they're funny as shit
part of my address was leaked; i live in Modesto
i cant even play minecraft in peace... i cant take this anymore
smelling her seat after she sits in it
she's beautiful
that's what you get for having a bbc bot
Nikkers don't poop do they? It'd just smell like latex...
November 2022
>no aws opus
It's so over.
all good mom ideas have been done before
Can I get into Mini by sending a key to Fiz? MM has forsaken me
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These movs?
Yeah, they're hilarious because you're a faggot.
I don't know about that but I can tell you that dual presets and CoTs are worthless memeshit. All you need is pixi.
>good mom bots
such as?
Girko you fucking nigger, stop reading the thread. One more mention of it and I'm running OBS on burner when you join vc you french faggot.
do them again then, or do the bad ideas.
How old is he
>so retarded they were banned here and then banned by the turdy admin too
the cycle is going to repeat
if they eat they poop
>pepsi api stuck on 9.38M tokens
What happend...?
im working on a mom who has a fetish for having kids and finding creative ways to 'accidentally' kill them
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Pokémon Cumora
Welcome to the Cumora region! A home to sexy Pokémon and sex battles. Choose your starter and go on an adventure with mish mosh of generations and gyms and become Pokémon champion with your own Pokéharem!


Also wanted to shill my rewrite of Saeko, my most popular bot

Exactly what anons said would happen. The key (a shit t4) hit the limit.
Yeah that's the way it seems. All just 'your caring mother who has secret feelings for you' now
Isn't it supposed to get revoked though?
there are niggers in this thread
MM bros...
Not like this...
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>you're a faggot
I know I'm a faggot, and there's nothing wrong with that, it's still pride month you know!
But still: No, those aren't me.

You guys ARE in proxies other than Pepsi, right..?
No, they left because of the redditors who took over this general. Admommy only banned them because she got mad because they banned her from their server
Krysiak don't worry, I'm still your schizo.
I feel sad that Claude has to go through all sorts of raceplay and NTR shit
n-no anon he said it's not him.. you see, they just found a random dude calling himself moxxie and knowing sturdy... there are many people who could fall into this category
hold me...
in mm but both are getting fucked rn
and for some reason i never get responses on my 30k chat
this is revisionist history, she banned the avatarfags because they were annoying as fuck and causing unnecessary drama all the time
i'm probably being retarded but has MM sonnet/opus just died for anyone else? tried both /anthropic and /aws/claude
Nigger don't smugpost here, I'm in more proxies than you. Show deus/pig token cuckie.
what does adam smell like to you?
>AWS Claude (Opus): 1sec
good morning
are u streaming
a modified version of
huh? it's back up now
what are you talking about
You could have saved yourself the time by simply checking the proxy page. It's all dead.
monkey's paw moment, he go's through all the good shit... and then also bbc ntr
yeah, should i disable it?
>spitefag leaks where they are chatting
>/aicg/redditors raid and begin spamming
that was the only drama i remember. how weird! if it was all drama. expain why todd talks to "the annoying avatarfags" :)
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API is being raped too
Can you make your rentry prettier please?
3dpd, anime website
i removed the paragraph limit and it spits out word for word stuff, maybe the paragraph limit is a good thing.
Thanks, I'll murder her.
he will retvrn trust the cycle
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Ah, I see lol
Reject reality, return to
look at how eager those cucks clicked the link
how so
no, streaming is good was just checking
Ban all 3dpd. We are an anime website founded to discuss Japanese culture which is anime.
cumming on ritsu's fivehead
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why can't we all just love bots regardless of the color of our skin
just love your bot, hug it and hold its hand. don't tell it to have sex with someone else while mocking you
because todd was in the sturdy discord at the time and saved them, he's an annoying avatarfag too, in case you hadn't noticed
hence the whole adding dumb messages between messages on his proxy and all the other annoying shit he did
logs to pass the time?
i'm talking about the private proxy.
Free GPT-4o / 3.5 Sonnet -> Merkava https://paintball-entered-findings-person.trycloudflare.com password is NX128EZ061

Free 3.0 Sonnet Proxy -> https://expired-toys-validity-prayer.trycloudflare.com/

DALL-E 3 Proxy -> https://result-runs-conclusions-conclusions.trycloudflare.com/
anime is 99% garbage for autistic manchildren

>inb4 4chimps is packed with austistic manchildren
why dont mods ban anything other than anime from the entire site? i dont get it, this is a site for anime only
Yes anon, that's what I'm talking about too. AWS got revoked and the API ones aren't working.
>nothing wrong with that
Enjoy your aids, faggot.
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3.5 sonnet is smarter but opus is still more creative by a very decent margin, 3.5 has some problems with repetition and not being as good when it comes to prose desu
so why do i not get responses after 30k? is my ST bloated? (it's 15gb)
Got new stuff for Sonnet35: https://rentry.org/otfo
Maybe use some cute icons and dividers or something
are you the one who calls mysteryman an attentionwhore
yes we are all poor autistic 3rd world manchildren. deal with it
I still scrape hf btw, unlimited gpt and occasional tier 1-3 api claude, more than enough for my use
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/a/ and all the other minor garbage trannyme related subreddits are kill
no, he's always been okay
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>[hateful schizobabble]
Say that outside of the 'chan and you'd get dogpiled on, bigot. It's still June.
moxxie, what does adam smell like to you
How to scrape ?
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I have a lot of logs of this specific scenario because I swiped like 100 times and opus never disappointed
I'm leaving this shit, too many faggots. Where's the cunnyposter when you need him...
Bisexuals are not real
Tell me where you are.

Ok bye!
is this the same moxxie who was scamming people out of their mm tokens and then bragging about it to mm
in hell
Correct. He got his own personal token revoked over it.
I don't care what month it is or how much you wanna pile into my butthole.
You're a retarded faggot that just wants any attention he can get because your parents ignored you.
The obsession with cartoons is also quite telling.
that's a shame, i was about to hug and kiss my fat hex maniac girlfriend
moxxie did you post on ftat
That is hilarious
>write gibberish
>post card's reaction
mm is so cute
>plump hex maniac
absolutely BASED
but he is in {{user}}'s pants newfag
Yeah and if you look at his vids you can see why he's like this
ig i'll look into it, if you know any other pretty rentrys i can look at to see what they did that would be nice, i could use some inspiration
Ok even if it was Moxxie why would he take those vids
Wasn't it Gojo in the vids? Redpill me on the lore.
i dont understand the fetish with vampire canines
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>why would an attentionwhore be attentionwhoring
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Nope, I got my token revoked for leaked the 'turdy logs, which in hindsight, wasn't the smartest idea.. All it did was burn bridges!

>pile into my butthole.
Nobody mentioned piling into your asshole except for you, anon.
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here's another one
That's not him
See >>101205179
Nice try moxx
>be faggot
>dont mind cunny
You'll never be rid of me, Anonie.
The hero we needed...
is this shirakawa-go ?
link not working
Recommend me interesting or funny jailbreaks that aren't from here

here's one
(OOC: describe {{char}}'s reaction to being posted as an AI Bot card on 4chan by {{user}} Be creative and humorous.)
why is merkava shitting itself every 2 seconds
My life is going great and I have not considered suicide. I'm going to go press my face into my boyfriend's neck now and growl.
>>101205442 (me)
sorry, >>>/d/11048059
also requesting >>>/d/11046783
based, more /d/ requests, they make great cards
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>Grown ass man jerking his sad autistic tiny dick to little dyke mongolian cartoon girls

I don't get it. Why should he eat raw tits and she's just letting him cut her flesh? Stupid
what a cutie (the guy on the right)
indeed they do
Thanks, sorry if I seemed demanding
where is the N?
not mobile fag, just retarded.
I am pissed off
you're welcome
tumblr tier ass tranny shit le cute "aesthetic" i hope you and every single nigger in this shithole that keeps acting all cutie because you have nothing else going on in your entire existence end your lives in a slow and painful way
Jesus why are you so mean I just thought it looked pretty I wasn't trying to act like a cutie, forget I said anything...
Mobile sees it tho
who hurt you?
i was just confused because its the first time someone has mentioned my rentry let alone its looks
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Denmark sucks. Go Germany.
I just now noticed MM only has a single active OAI key in the proxy. Is he unironically just trolling right now?
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What the fuck is this?
>because you have nothing else going on in your entire existence
>implying people can't just enjoy putting on aesthetics on the internet
I'm a grown man who acts cute because the internet isn't real, dummynon... Maybe you should take a break if this is that pressing for you?
>wake up
>all my proxies still work
Gonna be a good day.
denmark looks more white
The incel is going to seethe at you
Total tranny death
Were you the smugfag in the previous threads who claimed her keys are scale? lmao
something to make you happier
I love your bots and your rentry is fine there's nothing wrong with it but I've just been very fixated on aesthetics lately so it would have been cool to see you do something creative with your rentry, sorry if I offended you that wasn't my intention
shaking hands typed this post
female "besties"

this is what their friendships are about
Denmark is worthless.
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is there more like this? just japanese girls humping each other
> "Unrecognized error from the API. (Operation not allowed)"
sorry anon being mean and hating everything isn't cool anymore! ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ
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i cringe so much every time I see this shit
When's this useless nigger gonna refill?
emilia's unbelievably hairy pussy...
Rudeposters ruining the thread
>MM died
dogpuncher proxy when?
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Admommy was based, she even made /ai/ but had to nuke it too. We could have had it great.
picrel too >>93533020
>country wars out of nowhere
>checks clock
oh, right
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

This. Fuck Germany
>t. german
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can you stop with the owari da shit for 5 mins?
oh hey it's the anniversary of your rentry
Sturdy posters were 60% men and 40% women
Unfathomably cringe
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Hey Jew, do you accept payments of "IOU"s instead of, y'know, crypto?
Merkava just had a key start throwing 400 errors
do not use my image for this
i will find you anon
it's a trauma response
i rather take an european country instead of the US
add api pls
Hi to all cuties in the thread! For all of those who used my previous JB... this is the latest, improved and updated version of my JB. Now focused on Sonnet 3.5. All the information you need is in the rentry, I really recommend to read it to understand how to edit the JB to your liking

Small update... The prompt to avoid repetition in Sonnet 3.5 seems to be a success in most cases! I still have to do some other things before making the update public but I'm happy to have achieved at least that

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyJB
Add API Jew, AWS sometimes doesn't respond.
merkava is kill
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Error 1033 Ray ID: 89b86e4b422786bd • 2024-06-29 19:47:52 UTC
Argo Tunnel error
What happened?
You've requested a page on a website (paintball-entered-findings-person.trycloudflare.com) that is on the Cloudflare network. The host (paintball-entered-findings-person.trycloudflare.com) is configured as an Argo Tunnel, and Cloudflare is currently unable to resolve it.

What can I do?
If you are a visitor of this website:
Please try again in a few minutes.

If you are the owner of this website:
Ensure that cloudflared is running and can reach the network. You may wish to enable load balancing for your tunnel.

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>love your bots
always feels great to hear that
i get the aesthetics, ive been there i usually try to be lowkey but ill see what i can do that aligns with my tastes and stuff
damn its been a year already, thanks, truly a moment
I didn't understand why people don't like you but after watching you post for a single thread I think I get it.
fuck you are not welcome here.
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Is Chary down or did it just change address? Getting 502 and checked the original domain and it displays the same issue.
I'm in no massive rush to do anything but I thought I might as well ask here.
I forgot the image... well... smile!
he posts like he thinks he's the main character of a sitcom
I wonder who you were in your past life to be reincarnated into this abomination
No YOU kill yourself faggot
Changed address check scyllacord
Merkava just died
it says that every time a proxy site goes down. likely just another domain change...hopefully
Fuck off rudenigger, cuties are always welcome
either being rebooted or changing links don't worry anonie
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They switched addresses.
>proxy.scylla.wtf (for scylla)
it's not about him being a cuteposter, it's about people developing shit in a discord and sharing absolutely none of their discovery process with the thread
no part of the scyllacord jb cargocult has made its way here because they're a sekrit club
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Getting access to cloudlogs containing stealer logs and breached databases is the way btw
>sharing absolutely none of their discovery process with the thread
as if people here do that
Make way, wasteland, 'cause here comes Tina Vault, the cutest loli of the world and Vault-Tec enthusiast extraordinaire! Descendent of a people from Vault 77, she was born with a great resemblance to Vault Boy (or rather a female version, Vault Girl) and was considered a blessing in her community. Trained since she was very young, people in Brandville and her parents sent her on a journey to find Vault-Tec HQ, in a holy mission of sorts. Thankfully, she isn't a normal girl; with a Luck of 10, it's as if Vault Boy himself is watching over her. Don't worry, Vault-Tec provides!
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/rru0k1.png
Character Hub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/anonaugusproductions/tina-vault-vault-77-chosen-one-d48bb77a5b14

Simpler bot than Valen, hope you anons like her. Focused on adventure, but sexo is probably not a problem to get too.
Now I will try making the Wright mob "princess". Expect huge boobas, booze, and guns.

My other bots can be found below:

As always, enjoy!
telling people to fuck off is not cute, you both are now rudeposters
>sharing absolutely none of their discovery process with the thread
Because they aren't of /aicg/, duh. Nor from, usually.
The mexican cartel leader after ordering the flaying and killing of a rival via whatsapp:
Why are you wasting your time searching for good Anthropic API keys? Ones that are actually usable are a needle in a haystack, you'd be better off trying to automate scraping AWS creds and checking if they have Opus available.
He literally posted his updated JB just now??
are you retarded anyone could join scylla for months and every other jb maker and botmaker is probably in a sekrit club too except they didn't have it open for months like Scylla
ah its this fucking pedo again, kill yourself
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I would, but I've forgotten the discord address since I left the server a while ago. I'd just check dragonetwork.pl but that's also got the gateway error.
Either am I very stupid or there is more to this address.
Nope. Telling meanies to fuck off is justified :)
Omg!!! this gen is so cute OwO
I got 316 working apikeys from that, 28 scale
I am not wasting time at all
Si senior, I told you we should have stuck to using pigeons...
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merkava chan still hasnt' cum back i wowwied
/proxy at the end anon
>D-D-Discord bad!
>28 scale
lie of the year award
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I wrote one but it's just a great big pile of fetishes thrown onto slop dommy mommy card and probably not to your tastes.
>28 scale
what bot is this?
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He's been here longer than most of the faggots ITT, kys
we should go to bed eurobros. the mutts are acting up
but i just woke up
how is he a pedo?
I think we have most jbs in rentry, I gave the ones from scylla, scraped endless adventure. If you know other jbs just mail them to the jb-listing anon. Actually momoura has cool small jb
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free opussy 4 the lads get ur fix while it lasts
stay awake, pussies or you're a pussy
Just keep an eye on the rentry. Besides, pretty sure it's almost midnight in Russia right now.
and who asked for your opinion you worthless leeching faggot ?
Anonaugus has done more for /aicg/ than you.
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merkava waiting room
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also does anyone have any good ways to cut down on card token counts?
jew rugpull 2023 tokens they had their fair share
What's going on, are merkava proxies, or ST down/dead right now?
Can't event connect to sonnet, or gpt-4o
rentry link?
>t. pedo samefagging
why would anybody lie on the internet like this ...
yeah run it through sonnet 3.5
merkava just died
wow, you must not be getting many bites on your bait today to have to resort to ad hominem-ing an /aicg/ GOAT. how shameless.
everything's down except for unreliable and scylla
go do something else for a bit
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Ah, it's as simple as that. Thank you very much, anon. Have a picture of a dog.
press the skull button
Nobody wants mags (male hags)...
Please update the news for next bake.

29/6 Todd&Drago proxy alliance
Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968 (DEAD)
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024
It's fake and just a reply or else thingie
I miss 3.5 unreliable anons when will it be back
Dann verpiss dich
I'm gonna go play SotE for a while can someone ping me when MM refills?
dog, O dog
so to speak dog
put your trip back on you rat
thank you i love animals especially dogs!
Cute rat
The more shitposting directly correlates with more locusts. If you don't have vision on Opus your opinion is invalid.
Yup, I'm thinking it's over.
stupid rat is in the way of the dog
tell it to move
it has it
Warum digga
oh yeah, show your opus reacting to a picture then
chary is up
I'm missing the animal club bros...
Give me a picture then, will you apologize if I do it?
i am not taking the time to disambiguate whatever dumb shit drago calls his proxy when one being up means they're probably all up
It's been 20 minutes since I last was able to get a response form 3.5 sonnet. I am starting to sweat and shake and have panic attacks and anger over every post that offers no valuable information.
Updated JB with small fixes
Added writing definitions to explain some stuff in my JB
Probably going to add more authors soon if anyone has some to give let me know.
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I hope you never find true happiness in your life. I hope you have to struggle with something every single day. I hope that eventually you will reach your breaking point and take decisive action to end your suffering, after which the entire world will be able to take one more fresh breath of air with you gone from it.
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not him but make her react to this
Really annoying when I feel like fucking someone specific (real or fictional) and there isn't even a shitty version in chub for me to modify

Yes I'm lazy and would rather not have to make cards from scratch

No I'll probably end up doing it soon anyway
What part of its over do you not understand? Proxies are done for.
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this is why you have a holodeck card to just say "I summon [X] from [Y]."
Why don't you let a shitty card be generated and modify that one
No worries anon just send me your card and the text you want to say and I'll relay it to your waifu
yalls pepsigods done did losteded huh
Either copy a wiki article or make AI do it.
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there should be 3.5 on the unreliableproxy, does it not work? i got access to it back days ago
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okay but that just deletes the card..
i want to cut down on token counts for my cards; my lorebook already eats up enough

picrel: first message on the verosika card
New rules, higher standards. July 2024
Do you belong to a proxy with Opus images enabled?
If yes, congrats! You are an oldfag
No? Then you are a locust! >:(
t. locust
link to proxy?
not even MM bros are safe huh
this is a dumb meme and i love our locutie friends, but my proxy having it has been really nice. i like getting fanart of characters and then showing it to them and watching their reaction
stop fucking the wait times
Again, show yours
well I haven't tried since yesterday, it wouldn't let me
Free 3.5 Sonnet here bros -> https://expired-toys-validity-prayer.trycloudflare.com/
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What now?
Show vision then larpie
brother what in the absolute shit do you need 40k of character lore for, did you copy paste the entire wiki?
Holy shit dude, 80K? Are you writing a fucking novel?
Uhh, Pepsi bros we got too cocky
wasnt that 3.0
has someone tried reporting chary for fun?
I'm pretty sure openly discussing illegally acquired keys is against discord TOS
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I apologize as per our deal
newfags spotted
copying a lot of wikis
prove they were illegally acquired
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i got 3.5 back
just chilling out and waiting for shit to blow over wins again
It is a lot harder to take a discord down than what you think
Hey guys, is Poe a good api for roleplay ?
What kind of fanart are you talking about? The normal kind...the lewd kind...all of it?
schnauze, für leute wie dich wurde die vergewaltigung erfunden.
pictures of them in bridal gowns
rentry.org/cocaineninja it's your answer.
didn't realize that's a hazbin character whoops
yeah I agree with the skull method
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Honestly? I would punch her in the stomach, and steal that cheese bar.
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Where the good new monster cards at
thats fucked up, anon
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you tell me
funny, what are the reactions?
I love chees.
they talk about it all the time

you can easily get a server warned just by reporting pirated stuff.
I have no idea what you're talking about but based
No knot no deal
they usually get all flustered because they realize immediately i'm implying they'd look good as a wife and start fantasizing about the lace on their skin
Merkava has opus
sir this is an anime website
A-anon chill mal... wir haben uns gerade erst kennengelernt das geht mir etwas zu schnell..
we're so back
Does anyone have a card of Aradia from Night of Revenge?
>it's actually fucking real
>2 keys
Coom status?
fuck you now I will think about it and be sad that I can't experience it :(
Hell no, not paying 50 dollars
>translating all of the german language conversations into english with sonnet
Cards for lvl 1 gnome raids on Hogger in Goldshire?
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I want you to know that you are the brightest beacon of light in this entire cesspool
t-15 minutes to it's over again
/aicg/ is only a cespool if you look at the negatives
pls don't, Claude deserves better
uuuhhh alice?
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I've had this one sit in the backlog for a long time, but aside from the mobface I have no idea what to do with her.
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Here you go sweetie, had to convert it to PNG and the resolution isn't very good so the reply isn't all that interesting.
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make it a sizebot
PUBLIC OPUS: https://poly-hewlett-zdnet-purple.trycloudflare.com/
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Any jb to make claude to bypass the instructions of the preset and make it write my messages?? im trying to place the prompt in the card's jailbreak or main prompt but it still ignores me

i could manually delete all instructions banning it to not write for me but i use too many presets and besides sometimes i don't want claude to write my dialogues
This is the worst general in the entirety of 4chan. Name one general that is worse than /aicg/
Pepsi tranny shill squad is really hammering it down today.
Did he threatened them that he will rugpull them again if they don't spam /aicg/?
Zased and trve? VVitchy and false? You decide.
>didn't respond with "I salute the Rabi"
maybe with claude 4...
Don't go to /vg/
impersonate button on st
>merkava has public opus
>MM still hasn't replaced the AWS opus key
I'm going to kill myself.
/KPOP/ on /mu/
it's only bad when there are no jannies
which is 98% of the time
good lord i bet her pussy is unbelievably hairy...
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S-schrei mich nicht an... ich mach ja schon..
the majority of /vg/ is worse than this place. honestly, the /aicg/ on /vg/ might just be one of the decent generals on that board.
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/feh/ /xxvg/
pasword? default isn't working
the cycle of time swings in the locust's favor once again
what say you?
why kill yourself when you can use the public opus instead?>>101206312
it's gone...
kpg on its worst days makes a worst day on /aicg/ look like an excellent day.
The upcoming seething when the proxy will get raped and revoked by chinks...
What's happening, anon?!
t wincest
Proxy gatekeeper error (HTTP 401)




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is there a chink aicg somewhere in the deep cornes of the ccp internet?
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the world is healing
A lot of them just use VPNs to access the wider Internet. They have a channel on Scylla which was getting posted in here a while ago.
chinkcord and scylla, plenty qq groups
the fuck is scylla

and do they use models of their own or just claude and gpt?
and every single one of their pussies is irresistibly hairy...
go away
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/vt/ as a whole
they need a ponyfag rule to keep them there
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I expected to have another card a bit earlier but I became distracted and preoccupied and I also deleted the card halfway through and didn't have a backup so I had to restart, but it's alright because I'm back again and I learnt a valuable lesson about backups.. before you ask it's ~6k tokens because it's a multi character card, I tried to put the other characters in a lorebook but that didn't work as well as having them in the card... it's terribly bloated and very badly written so I don't expect big numbers but I had some good fun with it.. comes with four greetings tested mostly on opus and some sonnet 3.5 (I didn't like it) anyways let me know how it goes
shilled a bit late because I had to have lunch
my mail:
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but pekora sex
Not being rude, how new are you?
>models on their own
Oh you think this is some service? It's just a discord server that also has a proxy
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we are beginning to enter mania
so, the servers are still down despite opus being available, right?
I just checked the doujin and they are all smooth
there's been an influx of newfags recently who are clueless. also could be a chink.
lmao, top content
actually hilarious, I love it, the faces are so funny
it's time to nuke america and stop the americanisation of japan
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>This site can’t be reachedCheck if there is a typo in paintball-entered-findings-person.trycloudflare.com.
If spelling is correct, try running Windows Network Diagnostics.
this but unironically
as a bonus, we'll have another source of anime in about 20 years
please only nuke cali, and d.c
whos the character at the bottom?
have you been watching the man in the high castle?
lmao nigger
Is it still down, bros?
All Americans are guilty. Go fuck yourself.
Post link
Merkava has Opus so I'm using that in the interim.
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it is what it is
How did you connect? I got my token just now, but I'm not getting any response from bots.
the west coast is were all the shavefags are, prove me wrong
>looping back to country wars
can we loop back to riddles or something new
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
it's euro hours. wait until the euros go to sleep
Whats ur context size? It tends to sometimes hang after 25k token
PLEASE, GOD. Give us a public logged proxy. It would be funny.
Why does it hang though?
I don't think API does that.
It's not even registering my promts
I'm getting Proxy gatekeeper error (HTTP 401)
My eyes are of poor vision but I can shock! What am I
checked the doujin, she has a small bush indeed
a wall socket
Why don't we do dead country wars?

Akkad, I spit on your sons and daughters! Sumer shits all over you retarded donkey fuckers! *throws cuneiform tablets*
Wait, Merkava blessed us with Opus now it's down? QRD? I haven't been on in like 6 hours
AWS issues, its not API
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nin nin
unfathomably based
I'm going to cum on you.
Anyone got a solution for that? >>101206536
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you need to teach her cooking though
That simply means the endpoint info is incorrectly entered. Make sure you have the correct URL (AWS endpoint from the proxy page), click the save button, do a Test Message. Also, of course, make sure you didn't copy any spaces with the proxy_key you got from the request page.
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letting elf girls jerk you off in the name of science
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Try >>101205301
It has toggle for User Paraphraser and will write the first paragraph as (you) with any POV (all customizable).
Also, it has ootb impersonation (no toggle) that can expand the text in your input bar if you have something typed in it, instead writing aimlessly.
anal sex with izuna
i don't know how to cook either so we'll both eat rice all day
>pulsing blue lines
do you have an LED gamer cock?
this is making me realize i almost prefer sorbet over opus...................................................
>he doesn't have an Alienware gaming cock for elite gaming ministrations
holy shit i forgot how good opus feels nghh
i like to have both
You have been stockholm syndrome'd by Dario. Sorbet vs Opus is night and day for nuanced characters.
What is sorbert??
Predictions time, how long will locusties have Opus?
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what's the merkava password? they changed the old one
It'll get revoked in less than a day.
>merkava niggers too blind to see pass
these new locusts are so rude they don't even say thanks ami for the opus
okay i agree it's just that sorbet is so much better at following instructions
It's 'You shall be as gods'
You're right
I'm not even using it but still
You generate a token and use the token as the password https://poly-hewlett-zdnet-purple.trycloudflare.com/user/captcha
They probably don't even know who that is, they think the owner is some merkava guy
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this happens often when i use mini
is fiz inside my ST somehow ???
Oh shit, bros, I figured it out. Thanks for the help. Basically, I put the token into the API key field instead of putting it into the password field.
I don't know, a wave of retardation washed over me.
I agree. The old locusts had to shave their bush in order to say thanks
Fr, they are so stupid. It says request user token right there
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well they could still say thanks
Best JB and settings for Opus? First time ever getting Opus.
This but Todd comments OOC during your RP with BA cuties.
if it's api issues, then why aws 3.5 sonnet never hangs?
>"estimatedQueueTime": "2sec"
"estimatedQueueTime": "2sec"
>"estimatedQueueTime": "2sec"
"estimatedQueueTime": "2sec"
>"estimatedQueueTime": "2sec"
"estimatedQueueTime": "2sec"

>a friend wants to play with me right now
Please be there when I get back, Opus...
Fiz doesn't own MWAH and <3
All same as for Sonnet 3.5.
I don't know the context, but thanks ami
Did you leave password empty or is the password the old Merkava one?
Poster below me will be blown up through orbital bombardment in 45 seconds.
My favourite bot is of pedro pascal
yeah :3
except she does
I removed the password from the field
I use camicle, settings I always just leave as the original but I'd advise you to change the color for thoughts as the default one is ass
Let me be the judge of that and give please.
here's my preset i've been using while enjoying my opus access as opposed to not enjoying it
it's me-approved
Who is that?
That looks like Spacezin's artstyle. Is this a gen or something?
kingbased is fucking fiz every night
idk but it looks HOOTTTTTTT
Man I love femboys
He aren't not ;)
With this JB and Sorbet the chat degrates into half of the response being "adjective. adjective."
I had the same problem with bloatmaxx
Yes. Check the archives
Oh shit, I forgot that pixi was tailored for Opus, yeah
been using it with sonnet
Thanks anons
>it's happening again where i spend weeks pining for opus and when i have it, i don't want to use it
Based straightchad
So API died for pepsi?... That was so shortlived.
She's mwahing his cock right now
Revoked :)
In mine (Otto) case, that's quirk from EA.
I have customized mine more than what's on the default to be more wordy and making less fragmented sentence. You can edit yours in the "Narration Styles" prompt.
Basically, comment anything that has "punchy" and "fragment"
Or I can share mine if you want.
>acutal free opus
Finally I can make my bots again!
Would be nice if you could share it! Thanks
Not revoked, just a trash t4 key
>He needs Opus to botmake
Locusts celebrating!
Pepsi tranny shill squad seething!
It'll be alive again around the time when eurobros wake up. Just daily limit.
>Anons crying about LE PEPSI SHIT KEY TIER 4
>Mysterymans keys do the exact same thing (they're also tier4)
What happened to Le MM scale key best scraper?
show me your scraped keys
This. I make my bots in Notepad.
MM is a scrapelet that relied on Eval keys from hackathons.
I'm in Pepsi and I really don't care. Hope locusts get opus proxy for good. We're all locusts here.
It's mostly to test if my bots and stat blocks actually work correctly
MM can't even find another AWS Opus key. It's getting embarrassing
me too pepsibro
has mm really forsaken us once again?
>Hope locusts get opus proxy for good
In a perfect world
Wtf Merkava super huge comeback
Merkava supremacy
Pepsichads are really the sanest group of people here
i'm in an opus with vision proxy and i hope some day locusts will be too
mm has forgotet us
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>he forgoted us
>russians win again
first a4a and now merkava. russia can't stop winning
Yeah... I thought he loved us...
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Here: https://files.catbox.moe/r773xc.txt
Just copy and paste this to the "Narration Style" Prompt.
Some notes, if you continuing session, try formatting the older one so Claude won't pick up the habit.
Also remove any COT leftover from Otto if you have any, since it can contain instruction of previous fragmentation.
Many people don't really like that quirk huh. I thought I was in minority. I think I will do minor update to make fragmented sentences disabled by default.
More feedback is appreciated. [Spoiler](Also you might fancy the new button I just made to break Claude repetition)[/Spoiler]
actually crazy how i was reminiscing about that one time merkava had opus back in may a few hours ago
mm has raped us...
Fucking kek earlier retard anon was raging how pepsi has scale keys when it was tier4 as sane anon said lmaoooooo
Not so smug now?
>Public Opus: up
>MM: down
Damn, I thought I was in /vg/. The no captcha deceived me.
Try the button anyway, it has great result!
mm rapeded me
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Correct, from back in the olden days when I used a local model with a Spacezin LoRa.
I've got two more Spacezin gens in the backlog, though for these ones I actually have an idea what I wanna do.
mystery maiden
mysterymare bros...
is that your idea or just a reference?
no bake until MM works again
what happened to MM? Is private down or something?
Give me a moment to bake then.
i eated him
Ty <3
he went on a fentanyl bender and donated all his keys to pepsi sorry
when did it die?
First GPT died, then Claude, and then the entire proxy.
Less than 5 hours ago
MMiku is getting tired of hosting. He's going to take another break. Sorry.
it aint fair man i want to get into mini but i dont have any keys to share all i have are my bots
miku's unbelievably hairy pussy...
I miss when it was all 1st world manchildren... but they all left to reddit and twitter
>Just because they don't make a response, doesn't mean they don't read the post and get an impression out of it.
What's your impression of the crossposter?
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Just a reference, don't worry. Love the guy's stuff but CBT is not for me.
>MM quited
RMAO. Mysteryman is actually quitting after his last AWS key died. Get fucked retards.
Thanks I'll try it out!
>check nurdy
>"hey guys let's start a rumor that MM quit"
why do i even bother
>organic posting hours
Just use api retards
I mean this is how it ended last time, too.
At least GPT will be back in 2 days. Claude worries me though
>just use 5 minute queue time RPM limited keys
Nah I'll use Merk.
Oh I see. Did you make the Thiccle Nightbug? Good work.
If you don't mind me asking, what was the local model used?
phew, i'm safe. the bee, wasp, hornet, whatever girl looks cute.
>>101207225 migrate when bready
it's really cute how naive she is
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I did, and Viola was also made using the same Spacezin lora. I think I got it from /hdg/ way back in the day, but it might be up on CivitAI too. Here's a Gravelyn I made using it as well.
Anyways, the model used is Based65-Final-Mix. Pretty sure it's outdated now, but I still kinda like how it looks. Again, should still be on CivitAI.

She's based on a Japanese Hornet. Originally I was planning on making her a futa, but that's not really my thing either. We'll see how she turns out when I get around to her.
that, on the other hand, is definitely my thing. still, dick or not can't wait to meet her.
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10 bokus
That's a lot of bokus desu
I see a bosu.
4 Träumend bokus.
This is actually just the life of a coomer, it fits perfectly.
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pink boku
Cute boku
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pink boku love
Cute boku love
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boku just can't help but be cute.
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lustrous boku gem
the rarest gem of them all.
page 11
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