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>/g/ makes a 13th album
Theme: Music for your god. (divine music, your interpretation)
Deadline: Midnight between August 31st and September 1st (UTC)
Please post title suggestions

Upload the file somewhere and post the link here. If you want to update your track, make a new post.
If possible use a lossless format and upload to a file-sharing service, not to a music site like Vocaroo or SoundCloud.
Include the title of the song in the post. Don't rely on us reading it from the filename or tags.
When you post the submission make sure that the song is clearly a submission for the album, otherwise it might get skipped.
Songs that contain anything against YouTube's policies won't be uploaded on YT (but will still be added to the album).
If your track's volume goes above 0 dB it will be clipped for the release.

>Where can I hear the previous albums?


A board dedicated to all aspects of music making and audio would be great for many reasons. Here's why:
If you like the idea, let 4chan know at https://4channel.org/feedback (under Board Suggestion)


Previous (actual): >>101279489
Previous (failed): >>101350288
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1st for tracker master race
ESI Midimate is decent. At least doesn't mangle sysex like all those shitty chink chips
recommend me a mixer for some synthesizers and drum machines
what features do you need, what's your budget, how many channels (mono and stereo) do you want analog or digital, etc.. some synths and drum machines is not very specific.
RIGHT NOW my subcoscious is working on bass design techniques hitherto undreamt of by mortal souls
All my basses are just samples from my ambient buss stretched out and processed
>bass music
>bass "design"
ah i see everyone here is stuck being 12 years old and thinking post-2008 dubstep is the coolest shit
Post what you think is cool
strong harmonic structures
I mean what genre or type of music
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cheapest viable mixer these days is Moukey (or so people on lines are saying), doesn't have aux or eq or things like that.
I really like my soundcraft epm8. Honestly one of the analog behringer mixers is also fine.
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i think they're chronic procrastinators, some of them have been at it for 10+ years and never upgraded their computers or audio equipment so they haven't kept up with the zeitgeist, the general public's music taste is more likely to align with fantano's or max martin's taste than skrillex or whatever, even formerly popular EDM artists like tiesto and david guetta are considered washed up, while for instance audiophiles who are stereotypically not the type of person who would relate to taylor swift's lyrics and such actually really appreciate her stuff because of the superb sound design, mixing and mastering in a lot of her songs
>some of them have been at it for 10+ years and never upgraded their computers or audio equipment so they haven't kept up with the zeitgeist
Are the newer genres more resource-intensive than brostep and the likes?
>while for instance audiophiles
had me in the first half, not gonna lie
>a/b'ing a millioin different Valhalla configurations against one airwindows sound just to make sure you're not placebo'ing yourself into thinking it's a *unique* shitty sound for like half an hour

the autism deserves bullying sometimes
wasting time making bad decisions over something that doesn't matter isn't autism, it's stupidity
uhh.... good one??? i think??
>performing irrelevant testing on a millioin different irrelevant things against one irrelevant thing just to make sure you're not placebo'ing yourself into thinking it's a *unique* irrelevant thing for like an irrelevant amount of time
at least in professional productions there might be more realistic sounding instruments, convolution reverbs, generally a lot of different plugins which add up in resource usage, a higher project sample rate, some anons won't even run ableton live 12 because of system requirements
>something that doesn't matter
Very debatable.
Attention to detail in small things like that is what cumulatively leads to things sounding much better.
In this particular case, going the extra mike to make sure your ears aren't being tricked, isn't even that insignificant of a thing, as at the very least it can train your ears to recognize minute differences in sounds, which is undoubtedly an important skill to have.
That has been the case since well before dubstep blew up. The only difference is that now people can afford to keep more/all tracks unfrozen, while back then when people wanted to use those things they had to freeze the tracks.
And actually, even back then, a lot of bass edm genres were pretty demanding relative to other genres, considering all the layering and effects that people used for those sounds.
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my main thought was more about the audio equipment (but i think using the same old slow computer can contribute to brain rot), as even normies have access to relatively high fidelity gear compared to the 2000s and 2010s so they would be more accepting of more natural sounding music instead of doing the cliched whining about how mainstream music sucks
Your main thought was in a post that's an obvious troll. I hoped that there could be some truth behind this one part of it, but seeing how nonsensical your replies are getting, I now realize that it was all bait all along.
even giga neckbeard dan worrall upgraded his computer
go back
Reminder that Kesha confessed under oath that she made the whole thing up to get out of her contract, and Dr Luke is completely innocent.
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Not sure if this is the best place to ask but anyone know where to get Sound Canvas VA 1.0.3?
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Is there a reason that you're looking for the old version?
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My songs were made in that version so I'm afraid of any compatibility issues if i use a newer version. Bit of a schizo in that regard. Wouldn't mind an updated version if it'll work fine.
Ok, here is 1.1.6
Thanks friend
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You're welcome, fren; hope it works.
I am the Fort Minor of bumping this thread
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After like two or three weeks of re-coding the fuck out of my MIDI app code... I finally have looping over N number of beats working the way I want. I had to almost completely rip out the existing implementation and rebuild it. I should have done it this way from the beginning... The worst part is almost none of the changes are visible, so it looks like I haven't been doing anything this whole time. Maybe I'll record a new demo webm tomorrow, but now I'm tired.
keep at it blud, it'll all work out in the end
Do you prefer an endlessly powerful synth like Phase Plant, an extremely powerful synth like Vital, a decently powerful synth like Hive, or a simpler synth like Diva?
Asking to know how people see the philosophy of sound design. With a simpler synth you'll do more post processing outside of it. With something like phase plant, often everything is done inside of it.
Which approach offers you the most control/fluidity?
>With a simpler synth you'll do more post processing outside of it. With something like phase plant, often everything is done inside of it.
A bigger synth isn't necessarily big because of all the included effects, which you can replace with external stuff on a simpler synth.
There's also a lot more when it comes to oscillators/generators, modulation, etc.
The pros of a simpler synth like Diva are mostly in its sound/character, so if you want that you're gonna have to give up the more advanced features.
When character isn't a factor the bigger synth has the obvious advantages, but I might still use a simpler synth even if it doesn't have any particular sound, if it's easier to grab/use or it's lighter on the CPU. Like if the sound I want to make can be made in Operator, I'm much more likely to grab that than to use a bigger plugin (obviously this mostly applies to basic sounds, at least as far as the pre-fx signal).
When it comes to effects, I tend to prefer external ones even if the synth comes with good ones, since I can map their parameters to the same macros/modulators as the parameters outside the synth, but I'll still use the internal effects some times for things like envelopes and keytracking, since it's often easier than using external modulators for those (particularly with polyphony).

If you're into sound design, choosing one is too limiting. Have one of each "type" and use the appropriate one for the situation.
sound design is a retard trap. you and a million other producers are looking for muh perfect sound using the same tools when good songwriting and taste is what separates you from others
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Finally found a half decent tool for showing MIDI messages.
>hurr durr songwriting is important
yeah no shit. and so is sound design. it isn't about "looking for the perfect sound" you sound retarded
I think we both mostly have the same viewpoint. My only thing is running into roadblocks with modulation. Obviously, any post effects can't be per note like they can in the synth. So if I want to modulate a chorus, reverb, or whatever, I'm kinda out of luck (as far as I know)
That's been leading me to use something like Phase Plant because I can do everything in it. Trouble is, everything's in it. I don't have full granularity over mixing or post effects anymore if so much is in one patch.
Lots of my favorite patches have been a combination of Pigments + a few third party effects (saved as a chain). I've messed with plenty of soft synths, but that one is just a joy to use (for me).

Also, I always do sound design separate from working on songs at this point.
Hey anons, sorry for the off topic request but I wanted to see if anyone could help me with identifying this effect used on the background vocals of these examples. I don't how to describe it but it gives a vibrating electric/chromatic feel and sound. you could hear it better with headphones. https://voca.ro/12Hx6AfsMr6N
Pigments is really good. Have you perhaps taken a look at Current? The subscription shit they tried to pull aside, it's really cool because you can have two wavetables, granular, sub, and sample oscillators all at once. Essentially having a whole other wavetable to work with in that setup over Pigments. Pigments does have the additive and virtual analog engines though
I remember reading about Noisia that they sometimes had a 2nd separat pc running just a bass patch.
isn't bass music just an umbrella term that recent genres (amapiano or gqom or whatever the kids are into these days) also fall under?
you don't write them, you play them
After 3 years of Vital i'm looking into Harmor for a different paradigm. Dune and Pigments seem cool too but i can't get too excited over subtractive wavetable bs anymore.
Also is it just me or is PhasePlant really cumbersome? No direct automation, simple settings behind floating windows, barebones interface for the fx...
harmor's dope. it's literally the most powerful additive synth ever made. image line doesnt get enough credit for it
i find phase plant really ergonomic and fast honestly, but it's definitely not for everyone. it definitely feels very barebones and it looks really uninspiring at first. but then you really give a go at making a complex patch and you just look at all the shit moving and morphing, knowing it was completely empty to begin. pretty cool feeling
>muh big room edm
>extremely powerful synth like Vita
This + ridiculous processing.
Also Diva deserves to be in a tier higher than say, sylenth1 or something- it can do a fair bit more than what *sound* like basic subtractive sounds.

Okay see early on I was very much the "do as much of the sound as possible in the synth" kinda designer, and that still holds true for frequency range to an extent (not overly bright or overpowering fundamental etc) but over time i've become much more loose and essentially approach it as sculpting while controlling little by little throughout a chain with occasional large jumps.

Idk how to word this but this is like, a linear process mostly- you can't jump backwards and stuff without side chaining.

THE THING with phase plant is that you *can* jump around more, but if you actually make a list of the "unique" things you can do with it while leaving out the jumpy modulatey things you can do with it (which are more like details rather than large aforementioned "jumps" of effects) it's actually not that much, and they all go down to the oscillator or uniform movement to the effects section etc.....

probably a better way to put it is that the resulting sounds you can make aren't so varied as the *number of ways* you can make them or people would lead you to believe. Feels like a wide but shallow lake to explore rather than a deep ocean so to speak. A lot of utility but not a lot to discover necessarily.
That's my feel at least. Obviously you can go nuts with it but you can go nuts with a lot of stuff.

To more concisely answer the question though: I prefer something that inspires and is easy to use while being capable of variety.
It's the reason I still use massive so heavily. Effects or layering pick up slack later on if needed.
Sorry for ramble, just woke up,,

>Have one of each "type" and use the appropriate one for the situation.
I've never used Phase Plant but from what I've seen I think its big advantage is in those patches that take advantage of everything being in one thing and interacting together, such as the oscillators modulating each other, modulators controlling multiple things at once, etc. but if you don't need that, I think it's often better to just use synths that are perhaps more narrow in scope but really shine at their one thing, and use those as "oscillators", layering different ones according to their strengths, abd feeding them to your own effect chain that's also composed of whatever is best.
If your patch can support this, the routing flexibility (with the ability to input audio streams from other tracks at any point in the chain) alone makes it way more powerful.
In other words, why limit yourself to the components of one synth to make a "traditional" patch when you can use any component you want and make the entire track (or project even) the patch?
In Ableton you can use racks and M4L modulators to really do whatever you can think of (with some caveats of course).
Bitwig and FL Studio (with Patcher) are also very good for this workflow.

The advice of getting one powerful synth that can do everything makes a lot of sense for beginners and possibly the majority of producers doing sound design, but if you like to explore and mess around with all sorts of ways of doing things, IMO it makes more sense to use the aforementioned mix-and-match approach.
And it's also way more practical for saving the patches for later use, since you can so easily take parts to use in other patches, remove/add/change pieces of it, make variations, etc. which is more troublesome (and some times impossible) when everything is contained within a single synth instance.
some great advice here, i agree completely. i was starting to feel that way about phase plant/all eggs in the basket type sound design too. feel like vital is the maximum for complexity while still being quick and inspiring. the only thing is i wish we had a better sample oscillator with granular. it's not what vital's going for though so i guess i should just look elsewhere. if only there were a good granular focused synth like alchemy on windows
>feel like vital is the maximum for complexity while still being quick and inspiring
Yeah, my main is Serum mostly for that reason, but I think a possible alternative workflow is to use "ballpark" placeholder sounds (from a rompler or something, or just by placing samples on the timeline) for inspiration and vibe while you make the song, and only after the musical side is at least sketched out, you start making/importing the real sound design stuff.
I've also used this method a lot with basic sounds like saws, sines, or some piano, which has the disadvantage of not giving you the right vibe, but lets you compose without being tricked by the cool sounds into thinking you're composing something cool when you're not.
A/Bing can be a good way of testing your compositions in different "vibes", which can be pretty eye-opening, especially when dealing with harmony and how different sounds can show different ways that the notes phase/interact with each other.
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i was learning modplug years ago i want a polyend and an amiga....

getting renoise soon :3 and also plan to use a mac os9 tracker i found

picrel my current learning efforts though :3 just got it this week

i so want a music production board so i finally have somewhere to go besides /lgbt/ ;-;
Yeah, I actually got it a few weeks ago. I really like it so far. I love the dedicated sub oscillator (with the harmonics and all) and the fact that the sampler has time-stretching built in. I've always wished Pigments would add time-stretching. Currents might not be the most original synth on the market, but they definitely stood on the shoulders of giants to make it (and I think they nailed it).

I'm actually hoping Arturia will add another engine slot (or two) to Pigments in a future update. It seems like it would fit into the architecture without issues, and the latest update already improved the performance a good bit. I think that was the most obvious thing that was holding it back - they probably didn't want a bunch of 3-oscillator presets that couldn't run on people's computers.
I am the Lin Dan of Dancehall vocals
KINDA upset nobody told me about airwindows cajones wtf is that thing???

Like it's definitely shitty but i'm doing an old school lo-fi techno thingy right now and it's kind of perfect for that sound
I just recently finished a new song, what do you all think?
It honestly depends on what you're doing and how fast you want it done. I have coaxed some pretty complicated sounds out of just a single oscillator (without a filter or envelope) using VCV Rack's extensive modulation capabilities. Figure out what kind of sound pallette you're going for and then find the tools that help you arrive at those sounds the fastest. If you don't know yet, then just screw around and develop preferences for certain kinds of synthesis methods, filter and oscillator types, etc.
sound design is masturbation
- tyler durden
lmao why is he allowed to praise his own song like that when it's ehhhh
he's been releasing a song every 2 weeks for 2 years and barely gets any views and subscribers
nobody cares stop watching so much youtube you little nerd
> getting renoise soon
renoise is excellent.

> mpc one
i want one of these (or mpc live 2) so i can move away from trackers and daws since all i usually do with trackers is make hiphop beats. what's it like? worth getting?
do delays besides valhalla delay exist? or matter??

my autism also prevents using unsynced times even though i know this is wrong, especially at low settings
>transcribe melody
>reverse it
>add occasional harmony
>it's better and also mine now
What are people's thoughts on Sunvox?
why do you constantly ask how people feel about it? it gets jerked off here enough already
you can't afford to neglect sound design
an amateur could write a good song but without studio tier production it won't be a hit
for example this wouldn't be half as impressive with more generic sounds and vocals without the airy flute sound
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Ok, here's a video demoing the new number-of-beats-to-loop-over system. You can see it starts with four, but then goes up to 5, 6, 7... Before, it could only do factors or multiples of four (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32...). It's also able to switch back and forth between modes. When switching into "multiple" mode, it will round up and add empty beats at the end. It also synchronizes the playing position with the metronome at the top. I don't know if looping over any number of beats is particularly useful... most electronic music is four beat based afaik... but by making all of these behind-the-scenes changes to how inputs are recorded and looped, it will enable to me to add new features easier I think. Probably not going to release a new version with just these changes unless anyone wants it.
Audio version: >>>/wsg/5617020
supermassive, mspectraldelay, multiband delay (FL), delay+ (Bitwig) can do very special things

not to mention granular delays
also the flanger thing at low times ya
>I don't know if looping over any number of beats is particularly useful.
would be useful for stuff like hiphop.
i believe you without even looking it up and i would buy the melda everything bundle if they weren't insanely priced. all of their shit is good.

will look at fl and bitwig delays but not download them (lol) ty for answering though

I use a shit load of granular but not granular delays aside from occasional grain delay to do that death grips skitter thing or before any reverb for shimmer.
Absynth FX would actually be goated as a sound designy delay if it weren't so shitty to use t b h
When Serum first came out it was original enough to become an instant success, but several synths came out since then that offer pretty much the same package, and in some cases much more.
Now Duda has said that he's working on a much more powerful Serum 2
Is it only going to be more powerful than Serum 1, or is it also going to be worth using with today's competition?
What could it possibly have that would make it interesting at a time when people already have Phase Plant, Pigments, Vital, etc?
>When Serum first came out it was original enough to become an instant success
the success mostly came from deadmouse fag shilling the fuck out of it.
>What could it possibly have that would make it interesting at a time when people already have Phase Plant, Pigments, Vital, etc?
very little.
he's gonna make it free and open source, and let people write modules like vcv for it
>What could it possibly have that would make it interesting
instant neuro bass, yoy, growl, dub siren, donk, telephone bass, square4 generators
the thing about serum is i see most people parrot that you need it because most tutorials use it and it's the most popular. remember that people are slow and cant follow along someone modulating a filter cutoff if the GUI isnt the exact same.
most people dont have or use those other synths for that reason. theyre not nearly as popular and therefore dont have the preset amount
considering vital already has insane shit like spectral operations, vocoding, stereo modulation, etc. but people still pay $200 for serum, i dont think it needs to add much to remain on top
im thinking itll be primarily a GUI overhaul and maybe more extensive mod remapping.
Do you anons have any general studio monitor recommendations?
apparently this kind of music is still a thing in bongland but i can assure you it's extremely niche in other parts of the world so turning it into a career is like finding a needle in a haystack. the appeal is some kind of ironic "laughing at you, not with you" trashy chav shit
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>screenshotting and reposting your own shitposts in youtube comments
>I don't know if looping over any number of beats is particularly useful... most electronic music is four beat based afaik...
I really hate these kinds of artificial guardrails in music software. People act like odd time signatures/beats and polyrhythms are some kind of arcane rocket science that you need to be 300iq for but in reality it's just everywhere and happens almost automatically in some kinds of music. Some of the most basic bitch techno has 3/4 or 5/4 over 4/4. 6, 5, or 7/8 are very common in folk and classical. A single odd measure is often used as a transition or pickup beat. Why limit what could be a general purpose tool to something only useful for "most electronic music afaik"?
rant over
that said your program does look really nice and useful. Was just playing with mlr a bit, a really old multichannel looper for monome, reminds me a bit of that but for midi.
go to bed, joel
for osc, try "protokol"
do any plugins or historical effects let you modulate dc offset? been playing with this for asymmetrical distortion
Historical effects?
any simple math module should be able to just add a constant. try MUtility from melda.
also airwindows dc voltage
i was using airwindows dc. i meant inside the plugin or synth itself it used that. i've done it before in vcv rack but wasn't aware of real life occurrences of it in synths/hardware
What advantage does it being inside the plugin itself bring over it being a separate effect?
not the question i asked
I know. It's the question that I asked.
ableton dynamic tube and probably a lot of guitar amps let you adjust bias

had a lot of fun doing ridiculous basses modulating that kind of stuff in guitar rig recently lul

>This is exactly what it says on the tin. Do NOT just put this in a mix and crank it up to see what it’ll do. If your whole system is DC-coupled you will blow your woofers, just like that, after a big ‘whump’. I will not take responsibility for damage caused by misusing unusual tools.
bruh WHAT i'd 100% break something doing what i usually do wtf i wanna see what it can do but too dangerous :/
Thanks, yes, I'm not actively trying to limit the app to four-on-the-floor, but it's a matter of prioritization on my end. I'm the sole developer, and my target user base is electronic music producers who do livesets, so I try to choose features/changes to work on that would support that use case. Obviously though... I have no real idea wtf I'm doing since I don't create music myself, so all of my assumptions could be wrong. The code that runs the metronome at the top is generalized enough that it could be configured to loop over different time signatures, I just haven't built the the UI or wrapper code to add the capability yet. There's some tricky situations too, like if a user saves a recording that loops over four beats, but then changes the app to three... I'm not sure what should be done. Anyway, I can prioritize that work if you think it would help get people to try the app.
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ohh I thought you meant exactly the opposite
mda combo has a bias parameter
surely you make at least a little bit of music, why would you even be making this otherwise?
No, I don't. I have no musical talent, training, or background. The only thing I'm good at in life is coding. As for why: I saw some videos of people doing a live(ish) sets and they all had whole messes of different equipment and laptops, and I was like, "I could probably build something to make that easier." And then I got laid off last year and had the time to work on it.
autism, dude spams the thread with this and doesn't even know what people want. eventually he wants to sell it too
I like to read his progress updates.
I would never use it, but it's cool that he's making something music related.
Once upon a time, I had dreams of modifying some tracker code, but ain't nobody got time for that.
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>from 1 year ago
after researching a ton of synthesizers and listening to a bunch of demos and a lot of long 'no talking' demos - these 'boring' soundscapes of semi-random arps, pads and bleeps n' bloops kinda grew on me and inspired me to make something similar

You found an old screenshot in your folder, or remembered the comment and went back to screenshot it to post it here.
you should probably take your meds
>i've been found out
I can't decide which computer I want to use for making music. Help.

[a] Surface Laptop 4
> I hate trackpads and the single small screen.
> Would end up docking this, but it only has (1) USB-C port that I would need to use for Displayport, and (1) USB Type A port for a USB hub that I would connect my mouse, keyboard (typing), and keyboard (MIDI)
>400GB hard drive -- not really a problem since I have a huge NAS and all my computers are connected to my home network

[b] Desktop computer
>Currently running Windows 10, but I want to switch to Linux eventually
>I want to use Windows for making music with Ableton Live so I don't have to fuck with Wine and plug-in bridges
>Not as portable as my laptop if I ever wanted to make music in a different room, which I may want to do in the future once I set up my drum set

First world problems.
What's the best open source DAW for linux?
The only ones I keep coming across are Ardour and Zrythm
I don't really understand why you can't use both. All you need is an interface to switch between them.
Like a KVM switch? Genius.
Thank you.
I was thinking more of an audio interface, because that's the only thing you need to maybe keep consistent between the two systems. Or you could just buy two of them. You can just store project files on your NAS.
best daw for linux is windows
yeah.. gonna pass
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good, probably for the better
Free software is generally garbage. There are a few decent options for some things, but I don't see the logic of going open sores for your DAW when all the virtual instruments you'll want to use are DRM'd out the ass anyway, unless you're seriously going to stick with stock sounds or only open source synths.
surge is insanely powerful but agree otherwise. such a tiresome meme it should practically be in the op "there are no good free/open source daws on linux"
Surge is powerful but I hate the UI design and how you can't even resize it well because it decides it needs to take up half my monitor.

It's the age old problem with free software, no thought given to UX.
agree, hate the ui but i use the modules in cardinal (free vcv rack vst)
I see. I have both computers at the same (small) desk, so I'll need to go the KVM route to share peripherals.
I will archive project files on my NAS, but I'll keep them local to the machines when working on them.
I'll keep my desktop running Windows 10 until support ends.
Not open source, but I would be using Reaper if I were to go all in on Linux.
gave up and reinstalled valhalla shimmer: i am defeated

why hasn't chris made a shimmer reverb bros? :/
What if you take a normal reverb and send the wet output to a new track and then auto the pitch on that new track to go up?
classic shimmer method dictates you do that before the reverb, along with your chorus and delay or whatever

It's not like, hard to make that sound, it's just easier and sounds better (imo) with the actual plugin.
Hybrid reverb is underrated but its shimmer setting is pretty awful
maybe ask on a video or one of his streams.
you could try using sends. route a channel to an A send, put your pitch shift there (could use grain delay), delay/reverb, some eq, derez3/distortion, send to B, then send some of B to A. make sure to use clippers/limiters to not blow out your speakers/ears.

the valhalla site has a lot of good resources on the page itself for the structure and what's happening. in the next month or two i'll be trying to get back to writing vsts and might play with it
>grain delay
yeahhh that's what i typically do but i wish it had like, actual modulation for everything on there (YEAH lfo exist but i'm still on 11 so it does that thing and it gets messy).

Actually I never thought about using glitch shifter in that setup... that might go kind of nuts actually.
Those valhalla posts are great rescources fr
i love glitch shifter and have used it like that but it's definitely not a traditional shimmer anymore

>YEAH lfo exist but i'm still on 11 so it does that thing and it gets messy
what thing?
l m a o
so much autistic turbofaggotry and unwarranted stubborn opinions both with random people who casually listen to music, fanboys of certain artists/genres, audiophiles and producers
modern windows running on modern hardware is mostly painless
I was thinking of the other thing mb
you could be forgiven for using a mac if you don't want to tinker with PC hardware, i've heard the mac mini m1 is reasonably powerful, runs in fanless mode at idle/low loads, the OS has a similar audio pipeline as linux, for the most part it's supported by DAWs and plugins
or the M1 macbook pro turns its fan off, not sure about mac mini, maybe it still spins its fan just quietly enough to satisfy most people
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good tracks, well put together, interesting and pleasing to the ear, professional quality.
last one was my fav.
Thank you. they're almost completed and ready to be stored away.
no reason to use surge when theres vital
vital also has the best UI of any synth ive used, it's incredibly fast and efficient
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couldnt find a more appropriate thread so hopefully a fellow DAWtist in here who knows something about speakers might be able to help me

i have two devices (pc w/ 4i4 + ddj400 dj controller) that i want to send to my studio monitors but have heard plugging in multiple devices to them simultaneously is retarded. will something like a mackie mix5 solve this issue?

currently my pc goes to my 4i4 which outputs 1/4inch jacks to xlr inputs on the back of the monitors. the ddj400 outputs rca to 1/4 inch jacks. if i just bought a cheap mixer like the mackie and some new cables to output from it to my monitors, would i be good to go? dont really know shit about audio. thank u
Just plug the ddj into the the 4i4 and either use direct monitor or set up a monitor track in your DAW?

Isn't the 4i4 redundant already?
o shit maybe u right. would the ddj400 go into the line inputs on the back?
i mean you can just route out from the ddj

you can plug in there or from the front- with the "instrument" level disengaged (setting it to line level) i'd assume they're the same- I've never owned a 4i4 and my solo is last gen, so idk if they've changed anything
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i was just thinking that this song is sonically beautiful, just might upset some prudes with its seedy lyrics and music video
then this reddit thread about babby freddy mercury came up
and this is a song
even a lot of snobs would consider queen to be quality music
Is there any large company out there egregiously selling their 17 year old vsts for 99 fucking US dollars?
Selling Sawer and Toxic Biohazard for 69 is awful too for how outdated and limited there are....

Any worse scams out there from a known company?
Serum is still $190 after ten years.
>spend 3 days trying to learn to read music
>still have to go through FACE every few notes because I'm retarded
I haven't even started the base clef yet.
yeah, definitely when that free knock off vst is virtually (pun intended) just as good
but at the very least it had that 'industry standard' thing going for it eliminating it as an outright scam
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>Serum is still $190 after ten years.
piracy is free. every version of serum has been cracked. deadmouse faggot and his gay friends have enough money.
bro I've been reading music for 25 years and I still fuck up low D and high C/D/E sometimes. It's only been 3 days you'll manage.
Duda is literally morphing into Mr. Beast wtf
im pretty sure they do this to make the value of FL higher, so they can say you get $1500 worth of plugins or whatever
they know nobody is actually going to pay for this in 2024, and making it free does nothing for them
>vital is a knock off because... because it has oscillators and lfos and serum does too!
Yes. I had a similar setup years ago.
You are the only person on this planet who doesn't think Vital was heavily inspired by Serum
Is this satire?
yes, like every creation, it had an inspiration
but to say it's a knock off because of it is retarded
vital does so many unique things
4chan posts are always put in the most extreme way possible. You always need to read them as "what is this deranged retard trying to communicate?" instead of taking every word literally.
Agree and the pirated software works better without all the bullshit packed in.
Probably not. A lot of talented musicians don't really care what a chord is, only the vibe that it evokes. If you can play it, and it sounds good, who cares about the theory?
you've unlocked the 4chan matrix
i haven't used serum since like a 2018 version
Keyboard guy is the creator of Patreon.
Having millions and just making music for fun has to be the absolute dream for a musician.
well if you know theory can't you find "the vibes brooo" more easily?
I want an oberheim with proper CC mapping. GForce sounds great, but you can't fucking map a range, so if I want to just modulate a bit of filter cutoff with MIDI, I can't.

I tried out bitwig because it's supposedly the most built for MPE support, but I can't even work out how to get it to pass timbre and pressure per note via expressions mapping, so if I press multiple keys then the pressure just keeps jumping between those two values. Which is a shame, because otherwise I quite like the mapping options. Ableton seems like a mess for MPE, I tried mapping to cutoff and it's just randomly sending full zero messages all over the place even though I have a defined range.
Where my gearfest niggas at
went to a guitar center and played with a minifreak yesterday. holy shit what a god awful led screen on it, filter was yucky, and just sounded digital and sharp in a bad way. the ribbon part was cool, keypad definitely not. i wonder who these types of devices are for because a computer is better in every way, i could understand like a simple monophonic bass synth like a minibrute for playing live, but thinking about playing this in a live scenario seems unimaginable
The microfreak did well, so they stuck a crappy keybed on it for the retards who wanted something a little better to use for doodling at their desk while being deathly afraid of DAWs. The funniest part of the minifreak is that the VST is just better. And free.

None of these mini synths are for live scenarios. They're shelf ornaments or for kids, the modern version of a light up casio keyboard with more of an electronic focus and half the keys.
Who is any synth for? They're all inferior to using a computer

But unlike virtually all other synths, the minifreak at least has a VST you can connect to and control with the physical synth
some small cheap synths are absolutely better and more reliable than a laptop when they're used as instruments in a band/live situation. microkorg is a massive one
It is what it is, you press the button and a sound comes out, you turn the knob and the sound changes, someone could use that in a live situation if it fits the music they're making. Less hassle than dealing with a laptop and usb midi jank during a live performance I'd think.
what is this MPE meme I see everywhere suddenly? Haven't we had "polyphonic aftertouch" since forever? Is it the same thing or something new?
MPE is poly aftertouch but with more gimmicks, typically you get an extra couple of degrees of modulation per note, like left and right movement for pitch bending, and forward to back movement for timbre.

Realistically it's difficult to modulate more than a couple of these at once on more than 2 notes, but it's a bit nicer than having to lose a hand to a mod wheel, your mouth to a breath controller, or your feet to some pedals.
fwiw I really enjoy having a sustain and expression pedal lately, played for ages without them but it's ace.
Pedals are great, but expression pedals are a little slow and they apply to all the notes at once, or maybe half if you're being a bit clever with it. You don't have the per note specificity that MPE offers. It just gives you more options for expression.
just get more expression pedals
All this talk of expression...
When is Behringer's new BCR thing coming out? I need my knobs now!
You can get as many as you want, the problem is not having enough feet. I guess you could rig up some toe trackers to get an extra 2 points of modulation, though.

Soon. Maybe.
idk I make rave.
what is "rave" in current year
beep beep boop boop 4x4 beat
isn't that electronica
you're thinking of house.

>Ableton seems like a mess for MPE
probably skill issue. try reading: https://help.ableton.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019144999-MPE-in-Live-11-and-later-FAQ
>Who is any synth for? They're all inferior to using a computer
factual. and so much cheaper. if you know nothing about computers or electronics, spending $5k on one synthesizer with limited options seems reasonable but people like me are just offended by the pricing.
chad squarepusher
it's here
Question. How would you mix Boom Bap with DnB without making it sound bad?
make music and experiment, retard. stop asking so many stupid questions
But I'm asking you.
bitwig MPE works on my machine, but it is a bit autistic abput it. IIRC you have to make sure MPE is enabled on the midi track itself _and_ on the individual plugin in the inspector if you're using a vst (the native synths should work out of the box).
what defining features are you even looking for, DnB has higher bpm. do you want something like trap music? grime?
pretty nice reverb. will get it.
It's a well-established genre called halftime (boombap being half the BPM of DnB).
Look up acts like Ankou, Ivy Lab, Chee, Resonant Language...
>Ivy Lab

i've been listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiXh00HySNA a lot recently

i fucking suck at making half time stuff though it's actually been stressing me out lmao
I feel ya, I've stopped making halftime because everything is so exposed. Midtempo is much more forgiving lol.
this is awful. i thought "boom bap with dnb" was going to sound good, not whatever this is
well first of all, you're wrong

secondlyyyy FIX IT YOURSELF
make it in your own vision
>Ankou, Ivy Lab, Chee, Resonant Language...
all of them are literal whos wannabe producers, maybe 2% of avicii or taylor swift's production
>Day 1 learning Pure Data
haha wow! cool! autechre lol

>Day 3
I'm going to kill myself.
many years ago i downloaded installed did the MIDI thing and learned how to do one single function with super collider completely convinced I was going to bring IDM to the masses before ever hearing about (cool music)

oh how wrong i was
learn juce lol
Even if you're a decent developer, a training in physics/math modelling comes very handy for those.
Does anyone have any recommendations for a good "travel mic"? I'm going to be on the road for several months and want to be able to record vocals during that time. I'll be in a car or in a hotel room, with no sound treatment and high potential for background noise. Maybe something aggressively directional that I can put very close to my mouth to really make sure my voice overpowers the room sound/background noise?
probably a dynamic mic like an sm57 with a windscreen or sm58
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>probably skill issue.
I was actually messing up with the random full zero messages, I forgot I'd remapped in the VST as well. But the problem with Ableton's implementation of MPE is that it doesn't preserve the channel order, it just reassigns at random. So I press a key, my instrument sends it out on channel 7, ableton puts it out on channel 5 instead.

So my instrument sends out channel 1, then channel 2, then 3, etc, while ableton sends 7, 6, 3, etc instead. When the VST expects notes to come in order on channels, this is a massive issue and makes the DAW unusable.

You can get the expressions mapping here to work polyphonically? I've got my controller set to MPE, I've got the instrument set to MPE, but I don't know what you mean by setting it on the midi track.

I think ultimately the problem here is just OB-E. The program implements MPE in a very half-assed way, and the CC remapping option in the VST itself doesn't offer enough control. I had it working well in bitwig, but without a range constraint it isn't playable. Maybe there's some fancier modifier I can apply up the line where Bitwig takes all CC74 messages from 0-127 and constrains them down to a 55-80 range which would make it work.

SM7b is known for shutting out the room even more so though
trying to make some dnb similar to 2010 netsky. haven't added a bassline yet but just trying to get a simple groove going

bongo thing could probably be panned more to a side and maybe less bass/mid on it, sounds alright otherwise
So after trying stuff out I found that polyphony mode for expressions (green arrows instead of blue) is tied to the MPE initialization setting on your controller and something the VST/synth has to send back to Bitwig, because I get green arrows in all my other synths but not OB-E.

Ableton does work with remapping in the VST, so either the channel order thing I read about is fixed or it just isn't an issue here. I think it's more of a problem for playback if you're using different channels for different sounds.

As for modifying a CC, it looks like I have to write a new controller script to do basic functionality like that because most daws seem designed for "ease of use" and don't let you do anything that might make a control unresponsive or whatever, you have to map to a virtual dial or something and then have like 3 different little in-line programs that take the CC, hide it from the following VST, reassign it to a dial, assign that modified dial to send that CC instead, and then probably do that 16 times for each channel or something retarded. A project for another day maybe.
And I'm double retarded, because I can change that range on my actual controller in a sub-menu. Problem solved.

The expressions option is still a mystery to me, though. Sometimes I get green ones and it works, sometimes I get blue ones and it doesn't. Most MPE synths let you remap in the VST so it hasn't really been an issue yet, but I should probably try and get to the bottom of it. Polysynth is always green, I thought it was based on the MPE initialization setting but I don't know anymore.
I am the Steve Jobs of third party Reaper themes
You are the Jony Ive of the Reaper default theme

Any pointers to what could be improved?
nice try AI fag
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god i wish that were me
I don't see the 4chan logo
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The discourse is heating up...
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I bought these today because I'm tired of using the same headphones for producing that i use for running. The stench was getting crazy. I replaced the earmuffs yesterday. Is there going to a difference if I plug the headphones into the interface vs my monitors?
how is that conversation even still happening lol
today i will steal other peoples' music :)

(sampling hard)
check impedance of cans and whatever you'll plug them in
What do you guys think of AI music from Udio? also did 11Labs make any music yet?
offtopic. fuck off to the ai threads
Impressive as a novelty.

No realistic use currently.

An annoying source of conversation from people who know nothing about how art works or its integration in culture.
Are you sound effect faggots looking for work?
I need SFX for a shooter RTS that's 24/7 shooting and killing armies of squid robot aliens, like a zombie game.

I need SFX for: fireballs, blue fireballs, black fireballs.
Ballistic giant fireballs.
Minigun or machinegun.
Giant frigging LASER with a 5 second cooldown that lights up the sky.
A boomerang.
Potentially a double eyed lazer attack like in the final boss in Animal Well.
Colored plasma fireworks in red, green, yellow, purple and their equivalent colored enemies. These colored projectiles bounce between enemies and whwn the colored enemies die they explode in various plasma sphere that last at best 2 seconds.
Freeze projectile.
Hitting an enemy. Death of an enemy
Colored enemy explosion.
Your melee allies dying.
Fuchsia explosipn bomb enemies.
Ice explosiom bomb enemies.
Dark-red-purple enemy projectiles, giant projectiles and tiny red projectiles.
Player taking damage from various sources luke melee enemies.
Vacuum gem sucking enemies.
Player character sucking gems.
Gem/crystal sound effect.
Miniboss dying
Large enemy dying n summoning normal enemies.
Vertical neutral yellow enemy getting hit 5 times n summoning tiny yellow enemies you have to suck into your vortex to kill.
Final boss zipping around like a retarded dragondly or golden snitch. He has blue n yellow shields he summons n can get destroyed.
He jumps on your face to bait you into hitting yourself (need a specific SFX for before he's about to do this and when you're hitting yourself.
A SFX for when you hit his golden shield and he summons more bullets.
A SFX whwn you hit his bullets and they get destroyed.
A SFX when his bullets ricochet instead of being destroyed when when he's under 50$ I mean 50% HP.
A SFX for whwn you ping pong a large projectile that has a 33% to turn into a black hole or vortex absorbing bullets.
A bunch of SFX varied a bunch of ways for when you kill the tiny flying son of a bitch.
And some SFX for button clicking.
>no visuals attached

could totally do all this t b h
what engine are you using?
>Requiring visuals.
You're a sound guy, just feel the sound, smell the sound, imagine the sound.
Imagine any R Type shootEMUp game that's nothing but a spam of projectiles and enemies dying and that's your game. Space Invaders sounds calm compared to Gunstar Heroes.
Unity. So luckily it's not custom. Why, are there any particularities I forgot about Unity such as the son of a bitch refusing webps and webms?
Sorry, but I'm simply not interested in making SFX for a Unity game right now. I wish you all the best in your endeavours.
>You're a sound guy, just feel the sound, smell the sound, imagine the sound
Not him but this is clueless investor guy talk.
I can just tell that you don't understand aesthetics and your game will be the usual unappealing mess we see from indie devs on this site.
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>You're a sound guy, just feel the sound, smell the sound, imagine the sound.
bro wtf
You're them kinda 3D cinematic theatrical heavy depth SFX in UE5 and love those echoey sound samples from Alien Isolatipn, don't ya?
Oh yes this might turn you off even more. My project is 2D top-down perspective. Someone called it Space Invaders on steroids. I simply based it off the Billy n Mandy Fright Before Christmas Flash game AS A BASE and kept building on top of it adding Kingdom Newlands elements, but atm my programmer told me to chill and focus on the shooting aspect before I go full retard RTT RTS RPG aspect with it.
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lol if you freelanced you'd be familiar with the nonsense, he's telling you to
m a k e
i t
p o p
Hey it's the one time I get to play the clueless executive soundguy asking you for a free massage and a weenie, mr intern. I was going to make a much worse joke about interna doing things not in their job descriprions, but unlike the tripfags here my name actually traces back to me so I can't afford to go full retard.

And here is my basic bitch knowledge about what I need for my game.
The BGM will need a kinda simple base feel and any leitmotif going on must be distinct and loud as fuck rather than sublte else nobody will hear the leitmotif over all the bullets firing and enemies dying. Luckily all engines simply let you limit the SFX to 5 or 10 sound effects, especially for a one screen game.
The BGM needs to be made in such a way that it combines with the spam of SFX. No idea if adding echo and making each SFX sound cinema heavy like Inception will be such a great idea.
Luckily I told my programmer we are designing a Winamp system inside my game for easy audio modding without having to enter the folders to change that 1 SFX of an enemy. you get to choose your own SFX and nobody can sue me if you copied Street Fighter's SFX library.

Besides I'd first ask you guys for your SFX samples and if I not only hear that R&B trash zoomers listen to these days, but also horrible sound samples while you're asking me $3000 to pay your rent in California then HAHA HAH HA to you, my good man or madam. Move to Ohio or Wisconsin. Nobody is forcing you to live in Beverly Hills with the fritz.
sometimes (like 5 minutes ago) i wonder what life would have been like had i made an effort to freelance music and be a "working" musician rather than a solo creative.
Sounds a different kind of miserable
It absolutely is, my progammer called me underatanding when usually I'm not. And I called him a talented professional who knows how to program when I bet my ass he'll flake hard at the netcode and more complicated stuff. Especially when he doozes off and quits working cause I forgot to check my Fiverr for a eeek thinking I can just lrt him do his thing cause I only answered 2/3 of his questions.

So you can just imagine how much worse clients get if I'm considered one of the nice ones who eas understanding enough to give him 6 extra days after I gave him 30 days to slack off.
And imagine how bad the pajeets are there and how ridiculously they can lie and insult to the point I'm this close to hiring an indian hitman to find myself a scammer from india.
any kind of creative work for money can be soul draining, you still have to make things you want to make on the side. the whole "do what you love and never work again" is a bunch of lies.
And god typing from a phone while on vacation at 1AM is another type of hell.
It absolutely is. Right now I'm trying very hard to tuen this project into my baby after I told my 1st programmer behind the 1st prototype to STFU when he kept telling me this is just another gig it isn't my dream game. It will include things/practices I've always wanted in a game such as an in-game soundbar, a way to turn on/off various gameplay mechanics from the Inspector without even entering the script.
But right now I have the advantage that I'm the director. Imagine on the receiving end. My 1st programmer called me a lunatic and the 2nd programmer kept questioning my at almost every turn.
so what kind of time table and rate are we looking at here boss
not high quality or creative enough
non-musicians who hate on modern mainstream music because they have shit audio might overhype AI music because of the ikea effect and dunning-kruger
usually it's someone being amazed at a song that they generated themselves, while other people won't even give them (You)s
Well if it is the full package: Package of SFX with and without heavy echo or heavy ringing. (meaning at least 2 versions, which in my uneducated producer self it is easy to add an echo effect).
Maybe $10 on average per SFX assuming I have 40 SFX. Without counting variations.
That's 400$ for the Alien Isolation type of sound effects that feel like a rubber just thud and hit a heavy plastic and someone used a flamethrower instead of a puny blowtorch.

And another $400 for 40 SFX for the Genesis soundboard and some SNES, we will combine Genesis and SNES SFX cause we are unorthodox luciferian rebels.

I could go higher if I'm generous and you really pull your weight on separating the heavy cinematic ones from the crisp plain ones. I also don't suppose a program exists thst automatically turns them into a Genesis soundboard or NES? or gives them a different feel so I can make the most out of my money? no of course not, I must be stupid thinking AI advanced that much.

Yeah so take note that for 10$ per SFX I'll beat the butter out of you unless you already have a SFX package I enjoy. I'll make you stusy SFX packs I enjoy and you'll try to convince me your SFX pack just what I enjoy, and is also original and not sound sampled from somewhere that can sue me if I use it for commercial purposes. Else a puny $2 per SFX like it's normal for an indie game. While I'm not sucking Gunstar Heroes cock, beither Animal Well, AVP2010 and Alien Isolation they had sone pretty good SFX and ambiance.

I'll require a good base SFX before I teach the kids how to mod in their own SFX straight in-game after I non chalantly give them one of my non affiliated fanboy's favourite vertical shooter sound pack and when someone tries to sue me I say it's a mod.

But once again I require your sound gallery.
My email is aaveflame@gmail.com

The timeline is 7 months cause my investors are insanely slow with the funds, but I's like it done in 3 months starting from the 20th of August.
May I throw my two cents into the fray?
As an audiophille the samples are abysmal like a fly, a gnat, a tse tse fly ringing in your ears. It feels like a drunk man making music, it feels like someone making up shit as it goes, because that's what it is. It's chaotic, it steps over its own feet, it has no direction, no main theme, no leitmotif, it changes instruments, vocals, tempo every 30seconds, it's like a mediocre to talented intern that has a semblance of an idea, but keeps fussing and fucking up at the audition cause nobody taught it.
Just like voice AI, it's the same bloody voice actor with talent but 0 education, experience, polish. They just shoved a 70 trillion data poibts down the AI's throat and told it "figure it out, dumbass, lol."

And you know the saddest part? It can still produce music better than some snobbish anti talent richkid who spebt 300k on music college wasting his life for 4 years not understanding what makes audio sound good, wasting 30k in sound equipment he has no idea how to use and then asking you to pay his rent cause he doesn't want to come back to mommy and daddy and tell them he wasted 300k and his music career never even began.
This is why AI kicks anti talents asses, cause AI at least chaotically copies talented people who know what they're doing, poorly, but at an acceptable level if we lower our standards and ignore al the buzzzz buzzzz buzzzz I'm a robot buzzing in your ear. Also I cannot do maths neither 8-bit music despite being a robot, cause I'm a neuronal network parrot with no filter, not an actual logical computer, I can't even reference wikipedia to check the poetry I gave you was correct, I simply improvised into a chaotic mess.
babe wake up new shitposter just dropped
Babe I don't think this is the average shitposter. I think it's one of them sayian types.
the episode of spongebob where he's stuck in the shadowrealm or whatever and he's scared of the dark and he goes "this is... advanced darkness"

there you go meme editor, i got you
Bros go to Youtube and type in RTS Starcraft Atrox Truth of Bellum. Give it a listen to all 6 tracks and tell me what do you think, could you evolve them?
Yoy're not dealing with the average poster anymore. You're going to love this. This is what I call a shutloster, it's a level above a poster who has ascended above the average poster.
Now this... mmm mmm this is a tripfag, some may call him average, they don't do much beyond grow their neckbeard and screams for attention..
Hehe you ready for the main attraction? there's a level beyond a tripfag, far above it.
And this.... THIS IS TO GO EVEN
>UGH how.... how is he amassing so much energy.
>Stop it, Gosu!!! Stop it now!!! there's obly so much dignity you have left on this planet and you need every last bit of it.
>That power level... it's not possible... unless....

mmmmmmmmm oooohhhhhh....

*Disney executive producer has entered the thread*.
Ya'll ready to shitpost? *Spacejam starts playing*
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??? sounds fine to me
the bernth youtube channel is for edgelord metalheads i guess
even the vocals in sugar sugar are very cleanly recorded for 1969 while suspicious minds sounds like dated boomer horseshit
>fireballs, blue fireballs, black fireballs.
What the fuck does this mean? I made a guess, but I cannot understand what you want. As in, are red fireballs standard, blue fireballs weak, and black fireballs dark? I can't make a decision on what to make the sfx cause your vision isn't being communicated, that's what anons are talking about.
But I'm curious on what the AAVE has to do with the game, so here you go with some questions.
>Ballistic giant fireballs.
No idea if you want a mini gun fireball or just one giant fireball,
>Giant frigging LASER with a 5 second cooldown that lights up the sky.
You want it to spin up or just zap an cool down? I did the later
Heres a sample.
just fuck off and stop replying to him. email each other and erp there instead of shitting up the thread
why do retards keep thinking that people who can't even name the keys of a keyboard will care about le unique chord going to other le unique chord

We theory now
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Hello, I have quick question coming from /pcbg/, hopefully someone can spoonfeed me. I'm deciding between two motherboards where (among other things) one of them has an extra blue audio port, and the other a S/PDIF port.

1. What would each help with?
2. If I ever want to use a keyboard to compose with, which is better?
blue is analog line in
SPDIF is digital so you would need a receiver
don't use the motherboard's built in analog audio, it's terrible
So neither should be something to consider when making a decision?
Neither are useful for making music. If you want to make music, you'll really want an audio interface so you can use ASIO for much lower latency, and audio interfaces just plug into your USB. You can use ASIO4ALL with on-board audio, but there are issues with exclusivity so you can't do basic shit like listen to your DAW and a video or something at the same time.

Buy whatever has more USB ports. They're by far the only useful connector on a modern motherboard.
Thanks, you've been helpful.
>for free
>Need to have max for Live
I hate how fuckers just assume you have Live Suite and/or forked out extra for max.
Live Lite chads, it's time to rise up.
there's literally no reason buying live unless it's suite
But ableton is free? I didn't pay for it.
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>Live Lite chads
I am the Mark Cuban of radio on the Internet

Been working on a 90s house track. I love house music and just wanted to create something with a good groove but im admittedly pretty bad at music theory and structure. Some of the transitions feel really clunky and off, same as the sample timing. I want to keep working on it and would love some constructive criticism or advice.

>spend a grand on a MIDI controller
>use a piece of cardboard as a dust cover
Anyone else slumming it?
I'll make you bullies eat your words. ;_:
I don't want to risk r2r stealing my btc.
this slaughters 99% of producers, really shows off your audio system if you have a high tier setup with a low noise floor
Don't waste your time with either one. Get yourself a USB interface.
>really shows off your audio system if you have a high tier setup with a low noise floor
oh yeah I can almost hear how good it is through the youtube compression. :)
I wish I could make music like Factor B
Reminder: play this song around pussy or girlcock and they will want you. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7fepEhc4MKo
Works everytime.
girlcock haver here i'd just quiz you on joy division/new order

sending this to my mom though i think she'll like it thanks uwu
Or some Depeche Mode
i saw them live with (og) crystal castles and i'm still mad that the venue cucked the sound so hard just because CC was opening like that was ridiculous
He made this song for his mama when his dad passed away https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dOYI9QemjUM&pp=ygUhU29ucyBvZiBtYWdkYWxlbmUgYSBzdHJhbmdlIHNvdW5k
sad for so many reasons now

great little synth melody tho
The vocal melody kills me too…so sweet
Has there been any submission for the 13th divine themed album yet? I'm almost done with my submission
>13th divine
Oh shit, I didn't realize it is our 13th album.
...I better do something for this one, but I still haven't installed my DAW and learned how to use it (my previous submissions were phone recordings + audacity)
>Beatport Access

Fucking pig-disgusting piece of shit software. I am never fucking ever buying anything which uses this crap from Plugin Boutique again.
>buying software that treats you like a criminal to use it in the first place
There are essentially no VSTs worth buying, they all have this DRM bullshit somebody else needs to strip out to make a functioning program, not subject to the whims of some auth server half a world away.
Don't cracked programs usually have the anti-piracy components taken out entirely?

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