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old >>101405177
How come every time it's poo poo time, it's pee pee time but not every time it's pee pee time, it's not poo poo time?
Post current year slide rule sold online.
How are some image names evading my filter?
They all have a period, so I don't see why they're showing up.
is that regex?
if you want to filter everything with a period you need .*\..*
.* will filter every single text
no idea what would happen with what you posted but it's not how you filter all on regex
What's a good starting book/s for someone who's never programmed in his entire life?
just do it
that's literally all there is to it
I have no idea. I guess it's a wildcard, and it should be blocking all posts that have an image, because each extension has a period.
just use the regex
Didn't change anything
to filter with regex you need to put /.*/
put it on it's own line just in case too
Worked, thanks
which Laptop to get for 500€ for office usage?
Where would a tard like me learn regex? Is it universal? Would the same regex that works here work for pihole?
looks quite fragile. also it costs more than 500€ here. Also I forgot to mention, it has to be compact / small
Yes, you just need to learn the basic rules
() [] | * + and ?
anything more complex you can just check in here https://regexr.com
one until it works
So if I wanted to filter "/b/" to the top of /b/ what would I type?
I don't know if 4chanX let's you change that using regex alone but you can match threads containing /b/ using \/b\/
if you write something on that website most often it's the exact same string, and if not you will probably get an error message
no one really learns the entirety of regex so sites like that are really useful
>it costs more than 500€ here
where? I got one dirt cheap and take it everywhere
what do you think about this one?
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>Intel Core i5-8265U Quad-Core 1.60GHz (up to 3.90GHz) Processor
>Intel Core i5-8265U
8 threads and 3.8 Ghz doesn't seem too bad for an office pc?
So if I have a computer running a VPN and I want to connect to it locally, how does that work exactly? Can I even do that since it shares an IP address or something? If I do have to connect via the VPN, wouldn't that break the anonymity?
is there a way to listen to voice memos before i send them in signal?
Don't cover your ears while you're speaking them
get something made in 2020s
wut? Just connect to the private IP address, I imagine you're running a VPN client in which case you can connect to it through the VPN if you've done port forwarding in the server.
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I only play Dota 2 on PC. Playing on Linux would be a plus. Which card should I gel?
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I downloaded these music files, I can open them fine with VLC but I don't know how to "rename" them properly. I can't even select a default program to open them. I already tried putting ".mod" at the end.
oh thanks bro
For linux probably should get amd card something like 6500xt is plenty for dota2
>Just connect to the private IP address
Aren't there hundreds of people using it though? I thought that's the point of VPNs, how does that work?
i've got a verizon plan and an s20fe. if i buy a cheap walmart phone that's unlocked will the sim card work in it?
That's overkill, bu it depends on what you will be doing with it, if just light computing (word processing, web browser, file management) it is defiitely over kill, but with OS optimized settings, it should run nice and silent most of the time - well, if you install Winhoes.
Nah man, the local network IP address, you should have 5 IPs, 3 privates 2 public ones, there is the public IP of the VPN server shared by everyone using it, the public IP of your ISP shared by everyone on your network, the private IP of the VPN client, the private IP on the local network of the computer running the VPN client and the private IP of the other computer trying to connect to the first one.
i want to make my own microphone, however for the moment i do not have the electronics to amplify its output. do motherboards typically have a amplification circuit for microphones built in?

specific mobo in question is ga-a320m-s2h however i may get new ones in the future.
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If I highlight, add notes/comments, or otherwise annotate a PDF file, is that saved to the PDF file, or is it saved to the program or mobile app I did it in

If the latter, is there a way to import or export those annotations?
i'm pretty certain its the former but you can test it yourself by saving it then opening it with a browser, different device, etc.
How do I get Cisco images to work properly in GNS3, specifically QEMU VMs? My IOSvL2 switch interfaces don't come up regardless of what I do, same for the router interfaces. The IOSvL2 in particular keeps booting with what seems to be a broken vlan.dat file, and attempting to change the number of interfaces from anything other than 12 breaks the whole thing. Tried PNetLab for a few minutes, but the whole ESL nature of the thing and the fact that my nodes turn off instantly pushed me away from it. What do?
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First, do you have file extensions enabled? At the top bar of any windows folder
>scroll until you find "Hide extensions for known file types" and make sure that's unchecked
That'll make sure you can see the file extensions and can edit them. I'll assume the files you downloaded are .mod files, so you put .mod at the end. You should get a windows popup that says
>If you change a file name extension, the file might become unusable. Are you sure you want to change it?
when you are actually editing the file extension. If you don't have that popup, you're just changing the name (as would happen if the file extensions are hidden).

So long as a file is functional, the extension doesn't really matter for player programs like VLC because they have to read the file info to know things like format, writing library, or whatever other data is used to decode it. That's why it's working for you. File extensions are used by windows to find the right programs that use it, like the default program, the things you're struggling with. If windows doesn't recognize a file extension, like "*.basic instinct," it won't offer a default program in the Open With list. "*.mod" is recognized though, as setting that immediately prompts ye old winamp and VLC as choices for me.
Is really there no way to move the terminal cursor to where I click? Even in the current command I'm writing?
to clarify: i'm talking about zsh.
if i'm typing out a long command and want to go back without needing to manually move the input cursor with the keyboard... this seems like the most basic thing in the world but I can't seem to find any solutions for this.
you could write a script yourself for it. it'd be major pain in the ass but nothing too complicated. you would have to get the number of characters between your cursor and the mouse cursor then trigger the keyboard inputs required to move to it.
you seem to be unfamiliar with computers in general so i recommend python3 with pyautogui
my terminal emulator supports text selection with the mouse. (kitty)
so why is it unreasonable for it to tell the shell where i'm clicking to move the cursor?
please enlighten me, oh familiar one.
because there's no reason to. use your keyboard, the devs probably didn't think to add accessibility features for someone the application isn't meant for. if your commands are > 200char you're probably doing something wrong. there might be another emulator that does cater to you, but you'd probably have to dig or modify it yourself.

also still waiting for some insight on >>101425776
it's not completely universal, there's several variants of regex, the kind you use on 4chan X and the like are the javascript variant, though they aren't very different to each other
You sound like a gnometard. Also a VIM pseud.
Sure let me just press ctrl+left 10 times when it would be less taxing for me to just click where I want to type. This isnt 1999 where we all have massive keyboards and ball mice.
ok, so i looked at your emulator on github, the fact that it doesn't let you by default is a bug. its actually intended as a feature. someone said something about it working under domterm but i think you might be better off waiting for the bug to be fixed or fix it yourself.
nah, vim is only used to say you use vim. same with arch, the main benefit of running arch is being able to say i use arch btw. if you need to go to the beg/end of the command just use the home/end keys. if your keyboard doesn't have them rebind one of the useless ones.
>vim is only used to say you use vim
yeah that's how I feel about it. hence the pseud.
yes you can also press ctrl+a to go to the start. that's not what I want though.
long commands do exist. take ffmpeg for example.
you should use scripts for stuff like ffmpeg.
use the text editor of your choice (gui is probably better for you, i.e. xed) and save with .sh extension(optional)

to run mark file as executable and use ./filename to run it.

script files are essentially the same as entering commands normally, newline = new command with exception of additional syntax. you could also use commandline from other languages, high level ones like python3/java make this stupidly easy.
does anyone know if there's a script that autoloads catbox links inline as if they were normal image uploads?
Hey /sqt/. So I had a PC for 4 years and never had a single issue, got a new PC and decided to give my old one to my friend. I did the built in Windows reset to clear all my personal data and then mailed it cross country to him. Now he's getting constant crashing in different video games, the same games I played on the machine just fine, not whole PC crashes but just different games CTD'ing constantly. Obviously he's halfway across the country so it's hard for me to help him troubleshoot, so I'm trying to narrow it down as to what it could be.

Could the Windows reset thing have fucked something up, or could it be a hardware issue, perhaps something came loose in transit? I know it's a very vague question and without extensive error logs and stuff there isn't much anyone can do but I'm not really a massive expert and I'm just trying to figure it out remotely. I THINK it's probably a software issue since the PC itself isn't crashing, but could like slightly loose RAM cause something like this for example?
ignoring the inherent instability/unpredictability he may have mistakenly updated is to shitdows 11 or something.

also he could just be using cheat software or playing the game differently from you. did you install say nvidia drivers yourself when you played them? also ask where he sources his games, pirated software even without intentional malware is usually pretty sketch.
if you have delayed contact you could also ask him to verify the file integrity of his games. file corruption happens to the best of us on cheap hardware.
yeah it seems 'shell integration' just isnt working.
tried some debugging but it doesn't output anything wrong.
oh well, not a huge deal.
do elaborate?
The games he's tried so far are both regular ass games from regular ass storefronts (Honkai Star Rail and Total Warhammer 3 on Steam, both of which I have played without any issues). It was giving him a memory error for one of them but he said he tried memtest and nothing came back as being wrong.

As for Windows, I did the reinstall thing with the Windows 10 System Reset thing before I shipped it off. and left him to update it. I suspect this System Reset is the culprit because after the fact I looked it up and it's pretty unstable, but what can possibly be done from this point, get him to try it again? I severely doubt it's the games because it's 2 widely different games with vastly different requirements.

Last thing I can think of is probably an overclocking/underclocking issue? I bought that PC prebuilt before I learned to do it myself and it came overclocked, could the Reset have fucked something like that up?

I know this is all vague shit that is super hard to help with, but google isn't much better because 90% of it is people getting entire system shutdowns and stuff which isn't the same. It's hard to imagine it being a hardware issue since it's just games soft crashing to desktop and not like the PC is shutting down or overheating, but I'm stupid and that's why I'm asking stupid questions in /sqt/.
windows is a little bitch when it comes to hardware issues, if something when wrong in system memory you'd get a bsod. star rail i know comes with a rather... special anticheat so that may cause issues what with the elevated privileges and touching things a game shouldn't. as for warhammer, desu ive never actually tried it so i have no input. if you could get him on say a discord call and have him screenshare you could probably get info quicker. also send screenshots of error codes, this is a image board after all.
He went to bed after we spent a while talking about it, I'll try and get proper error messages and stuff from him when he's back on.

He did get a BSOD exactly one time when Starrail crashed but he hasn't had it since, if I recall the memory was about trying to read write only memory.
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does firefox still not have native vertical tabs? this is practically unusable
is Tree Style Tabs still the go-to extension?
oh actually, since this used to be your pc you have all its hardware info right? if we know the hardware we could also infer what drivers would have been installed automatically and more.
I got the motherboard, cpu and gpu, couldn't for the life of me tell you the ram or psu.
Gigabye x470 Aorus Ultra
Ryzen R7 2700x
AMD RX 590
do you know the ram capacity and number of sticks?
16gb, 4x4.
decent pc, better than my best one for sure.i'm fairly certain that even shitdows wouldn't have any problem getting those to work nicely. given my experience with windows, and what little info i have to go on i'd say the most likely culprit is disk error/file corruption. i usually use 3 or more disks at any given time; one for system, one for backup, one for bulk files. run disk checks or see if it consistently bsods while moving large files. if so, its a disk problem. if he was able to run a memory test himself i think he should be able to run all the other usual tests too.
I'll talk to him about it when he comes back on. I'll try to get some specific error logs and get him to run a disk check, and if all else fails try to reinstall Windows again.
well basically like this script for 2/5ch https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/437165-2ch-5ch-image-inserter
but for here, so when you post a catbox link like this https://files.catbox.moe/4r4f1g.mp4 it loads as a toggleable thumbnail at the left of the post as if it were uploaded directly onto the site. currently, 4chanx only puts an "(embed)" next to it.
i'm sure something like that would exist by now but i can't find anything like it.
oh... i don't think i really have to say this but he should try turning his computer of and on again. fixes a lot of problems, and if its the first boot you'd need to restart for automatic updates to take effect too.
why is this board slower than the Secret Service response time? Also what is best flavor of Kit-Kat that I could import from Japan?
have you tried simply making greasyfork work for 4chan?

source available

and its already made for other -chan sites so with a few tweaks i see no reason it wouldn't work if you just changed the filter to include 4chan like lines 12-13
Any word processors that let me look at two different spots in the same document at the same time? Basically, I want to have two copies of the text right next to each other in the same window independently scrollable so I can easily move text from later in the document to earlier in it.
any reason why multiple instances of same program wouldn't work for you?
Is it possible to hide parts of the URLs (like https://www.) on Firefox like on Brave?
Most operating systems don't let you open multiple windows of the same exact file in the same program in the same user session at the same time. But I guess I could just copy the file and delete it later.
don't all good text editors do this? Or am I misunderstanding the intention?

stuff like emacs, vs code, vim they all have it lately.
i think he's looking for something like libreoffice writer, word, notepad, etc. while i don't understand it i am aware of his kind.
i beg to differ. in windows 10 right click the window in taskbar and then left click the name of the program. in most gnu/linux distros just run the program twice.
this is xed, windows notepad should give the same functionality if you either ignore or dismiss the warnings.
Open with ffprobe and see what codecs they're using, then change the file name accordingly. mod_filename.m4a for example
i'm still here, waiting for a response. that being said i'll be leaving in around 5-10 min or so.
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How are these? I use Google Assistant usually.
Actually really good Bluetooth speakers. But no "assistant" is worth the botnet and only being able to speak according to the botnet's rules inside your own home.
What would I use to write a script that posts on twitch chat based on what's in twitch chat?
In particular, I want to read the entirety of a stream's twitch chat then
>when a particular user posts a message with a particular phrase inside, my script posts a pre-set message, then five seconds later another one
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I need an unused virtual phone number for telegram verification. /biz/raelies have drained all smspools I can find.
Does DDR5 make everyday stuff like web browsing faster too or is it just gaming?
On paper it makes everything faster yes, but although they are measurable they are hard to perceive because many things still take less than a second on both DDR4 and DDR5
What is the real maximum capacity of USB flash drives that you really need?
And who need 256/512/1024 and more GB of storage in current year? Normies that use them for backups aside.
Also, what size does /g/ use and daily drive?
For me the controller on the stick is bigger issue that caps the useful capacity. With a 1TB nvme-> usb stick I've been able to use it as primary drive for everything for a while.
that makes sense, actually. though i tried adding
// @include      *.4chan.org/*/*

there and it didn't seem to work, so i'll have to get back to change it more later when i have some free time, but thanks for the suggestion.
Are you supposed to attach the charging cable while reprogramming a laptop bios with a CH341a? I've heard that you need additional power or the SOIC8 clip will try to power the entire board, but never a clear explanation on what that actually entails, nor seen anyone plugging in a loose laptop mobo while reprogramming chips in videos.
Getting tired of Windows 11 explorer being shit at searching and sorting things in a timely/consistent manner, what's your replacement file browser of choice?
Considering that you can install an OS to a flash drive, the more space the better, also, lossless codecs take up a lot of space. Makemkv can pack the 60gb contents of a Blu-ray disc into a directory. In short, there's never going to be a limit, and the progression of technology will see to it.
You might as well, so you don't end up with a brick if something goes wrong.
I used Everything Search because it was quick and easy to use and was way better at searching, then I switched to linux and now I have a native file manager search that just "works".
16/32GB for me since I only use them for moving around small files and installing operating systems. Big capacities should call for hard drives or SSDs, not cheapo USB sticks.
Good file manager for music when you are transferring it from computer to phone?
Would loading data from main memory use more electricity if the bits are all 1 as oppose to 0?
USB 3 flash drives work as well as a SATA 2 SSD.
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nodejs. the chat is handled by websockets pic related. you subscribe to a websocket and get to see a live feed of everything being said. you can react to the criteria by sending your own chats to the socket.
Why would you need to install something for that? This isn't the early 2000s. You just plug the phone in to your computer and copy the files over.
I don't have time to label and organize all this unorganized music, hence the question.
Would it be a retarded move to buy good bluetooth headphones with AAC if used on a Thinkpad T480s? I have no idea how bluetooth behaves across devices, does it make a difference if it's old or new?
a file manager would still have you do that manually though
How come lc.f has tiktok embeds but not 4chan? I thought women were bad at tech
what is that?
An acronym for the site I'm referring do, dingus.
my computer is old as fuck and I'm using windows 7. can I just get and install 10 or 11, or does it need some specific hardware that requires me to update my whole build? I get decision paralysis whenever I try to think about this and just knowing would make my life a lot better thanx
which site, tranny
That might just do the trick, though I feel like the day of linux is coming for me soon as well...
Any websites like hiddenlol before it was censored by the kikes? I miss the humor and unapologetic racism
what's the best way to scrape someone's twitter profile in the current year?
years ago there was some software, but back then twitter was still fairly open and didnt require you to login to see people's tweets
i believe ifunny is pretty edgy. i dont use it but ive seen some stuff there.
Don't forget that windows is rolling out AI and recall onto windows 10 because not enough windows 11 users are using it
theres also https://communities.win/
a few subs started their own version of reddit there after getting purged, like consumeproduct.
Yeah but you still find tons of fags being butthurt, hiddenlol was an ethnostate of pure anti-subraces energy.
Picture relates. Obviously you need to figure out sound and networking too.
no way in hell will windows 10 run on 2 gigs of ram. not in 2024 with all the service packs and updates.
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holy that imageboard is very poorly developed. look at this shit. over 500 requests from one single thread before i even began to scroll down the page.

i got bored of looking for an embed of tiktok, but, i imagine they are using some kind of proxy which is tedious to maintain. all it takes is tiktok to change one little thing and it breaks. not worth the hassle. if tiktok doesnt want their shit to embed on other websites you shouldnt try to fight them. besides the fact that its tedious to maintain, you have to pay the bandwidth to serve the videos, which is not cheap.
How the fuck is that site still up despite being KF on steroids?
>wowzers I downloaded 500 images opening a thread with 500 images, why don't they just kill threads after they hit 20 images like 4chin does hurhurhu
You get the same amount if you scroll through any 4chan thread.
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Run Memtest and measure wattage lmao

I don't, I only get thumbnails at first.
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>138 images
>25 requests on page load
>loads 95% faster
>I don't, I only get thumbnails at first.
The thumbnails are unixtimestamp and the file is original name.
Not everyone uses 4chans dumb file renaming and modifying scheme.
faster server
i'm getting false flagged arent i. trannies trying to stir up some shit between our sister autistic gossip girl imageboard.
>autistic gossip girl imageboard.
i wouldnt' be surprised if k_f was also majority women. Guys usually have a live and let live policy while women like making up baseless unverifiable claims about random people for no good reason besides them being slightly popular. But I digress
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Any networking knower here?
I got the following setup
>Router 1: The one connected to optic fiber and giving internet
>Router 2: Set up to extend the wireless range through a very long ethernet cable that goes through the house from one side to another
>AP2 has DHCP disabled
>AP1 wifi does not give devices internet for some reason
>AP2 wifi works fine
>Both work for devices connected through ethernet ports
>Both are set on the same 192.168.1.x subnet
>Both have the same wifi name and password
Why isn't the main router giving internet to the devices connected through wifi?

I've also noticed that when i tap "configure router" on the Router 1 Wifi details on my phone it shows me the configuration page for Router 2 rather than the one for Router 1 so that could be a hint to whats happening here

TLDR I have two routers but only one of them gives internet to wifi clients
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more details in case its useful
Why is there no AI to find porn videos on the internet? I want something simple where I write out more specific things and it finds videos with it.
>AI to find
probably because the most popular use of AI right now is to summarize not find new, Also how do you make that profitable? power aint free
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What a vile and sinful world we inhabit.
I'm going cross-eyed here. I'm trying to buy a tv. I keep hearing that the tcl qm8 is the same as the c805 and the c755, but whenever I look at reviews for the c805 they are much more lukewarm than the praise the qm8 gets. There's a cheaper c805 available, but I don't want to pay less for something that will be less impressive.
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I need to (re)learn some proficiency with the Microsoft suite, such as Excel, Access, Powerpoint etc.

Where should I look for guidance on doing this? any good online tutorials or "courses"?
Well that's because 4chan uses lazy loading for thumbnails - that other website should do too
This looks pretty good, also consider youtube search "subject + lecture"
Do you have router one setup as AP instead of router? That's probably your issue.
If I get a Netgear CM2000 to replace my ISP modem, do I need a router AND a switch to plug multiple devices into it, or do I just need a switch, and the CM2000 also functions as a router?
Nevermind. Just went with the c805k. Head empty now.
It's just a modem, so you would want a router. How fast is your network supposed to be? I imagine there are cheaper modems that would provide gigabit speeds.
1400Mbps tested. I need DOCSIS 3.1.
Also in that case, do I need a router AND switch, or just a router with multiple ports? I've got like 3-4 devices to plug in.
A router with multiple ports is fine, a switch doesn't have DHCP if I'm not mistaken. Depending on your ISP, they should just give you a modem. I ended up buying a tp link for Xfinity back in the day, was only $80. Have since switched to spectrum and their modem was free. My current router was $200 though.
They only have one modem for my plan, and for some stupid reason you can't port forward without using their app that doesn't work. Like if you log into the modem directly, that tab is just non-existent, but every other option is there. Might get an MT8733 instead of the CM2000 then.
I feel you pain, that's why I returned spectrums router and bought an Asus router. The modem itself doesn't need port forwarding unless it's a gateway (modem/router hybrid)
Yeah the Xfinity one is a full gateway.
The problem with youtube is it's hard to separate the good from the bad now
Too much content is just for SEO clicks and you get a 20 minute video for something that could have taken 5.
The Microsoft support stuff seems handy for specifics but I was kinda hoping on some kind of guide series to walk me through and relearn
Just got a poe switch and the engrish manual barely explains anything. There's a switch for vlan or 100m. Which do I want it on if I just want to plug-and-play?
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What's the difference between these boards?
kino image
How the fuck do I authenticate as root in ubuntu 24?
In ubuntu 22 and before the user made during installation had sudo privileges, now in 24 it doesn't anymore?
Anyone know how do I get all results for a certain word when searching it on a search engine? Even when putting the word in quotation marks it doesn't show all the results as I tested with multiple search engines and they show different results for the exact same words searched.
Nevermind I'm stupid I booted an older ubuntu instead of the freshly installed one
oh interesting, i was gonna say theyre doing what debian does
No dicks on /s/.
My internet occasionally cuts out for a bit and I think i damaged one of the rings on my wifi card at some point that's holding the antenna
if i buy a 1080p 540hz monitor and my PC hardware cannot reach that framerate (i9-9900k, 3090) will I experience lag? or will it simply "match" the framerate that it can reach? e.g. if i hit ~280 fps in CS/valorant etc?
A better question is why you think a 540hz monitor is a good purchase to begin with.
It'll refresh a couple times per frame, I think, so maybe cap your fps to 270
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Why are there AI websites taking my search description for things I'm looking for (like a painting from the 1800s which name I forgot) and turning them into autogenerated pictures? I'm not even fucking browsing them.
I like piling up a lot of tabs (100+) to make my memory usage go into the 70-80% range so I can close them all at once and see them dip down to 20-30% in less than a second. I've been doing this for weeks since I got the memory usage widget on kubuntu, but now I'm wondering if this is a bad idea, like dipping your hand into boiling water and then into ice cold water right afterwards.
They're all relevant tabs on stuff I'm looking into so it's not like I'm just doing this for the fun of it (though it is fun), but if I want to close dozens or even hundreds of tabs at once, would it be better to close them in smaller amounts, or does it not matter?
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Why does Microsoft Security Essentials get hung up on custom scans by having a delay but it fires off quick scan and full scan right away?
My x-chat trial ended.
What are some decent actually free IRC clients for windows?
Why not hexchat
Why not linux
Why not indeed...
Quick. Recommend me a 240hz [spoiler]1080p[/spoiler] monitor for games like CS2 or TF2. (I play a lot of other types of games, too.)

Looking at ASUS VG249QM or ViewSonic XG2431. Read a lot of good things about the latter. But also read that quite a few were failing after some while. Any ideas?
My budget is also 240$, and I am in the United States.
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is there a local DALL-E yet?
Most routers come with a switch. You know, all those LAN ports and all.
Of course you can get more switches to go with your router box if you feel like it.
>Router 1: The one connected to optic fiber and giving internet
An actual router that does routing? Not a simple media converter, no?
>Router 2: Set up to extend the wireless range through a very long ethernet cable that goes through the house from one side to another
An actual router or just an access point?
>Both are set on the same 192.168.1.x subnet
So not a router but an access point, yes? As it should be.
>Why isn't the main router giving internet to the devices connected through wifi?
But it gives the Wi-Fi link, yes? The problem is no DHCP?
The problem here is "router1" and it's Wi-Fi settings. Or the router can simply be buggy, there's loads of software involved in Wi-Fi and bridging it to the LAN side of things.

t. router builder
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My current SSD (which is a Crucial 256 GB 2.5") is dying after about 9 years, and I'm looking to replace it. Has anyone used this one before? How hard will it be to clone my old one onto this one? I'm using Windows 10, if that matters.
Not very hard
How do I get my old phone to power on? When I put it on charging over night the screen just flickers and it vibrates once every second or so like its trying to start but can't
Dead battery, if you just want it to power on use a better charger so it can stay on while plugged.
Is missing 1996-2006 unhealthy? Its been painful lately bros. I just want the simplicity of things again. And no faggots everywhere. GUIs had soul...
Apps are for faggots. Real men use websites.
I don't have a stronger one so I guess that's that for that one.
Was I having a lot of gay sex during that time period; Just didn't publicly disclose it to everyone. It's normal to feel nostalgic when you're unsatisfied with your present.
>Web browsers are apps
Most phone "apps" are achtually just web browsers.
How can I get an Apple iPhone unlocked? I bought the fucking thing from BestBuy's ATT Kiosk and ATT claims its not theirs. All the IMEI checkers do not report any brand ownership and report nothing wrong with the device (e.g., stolen, etc) -- What can I do here? ATT is being fucking gay
Well, return it and get the carrier unlocked version I guess. At least you've got a physical store you can show up at and nag until they give you what you want.
Are the Proton services actually worth it? Im too retarded to even know how to properly use ProtonMail with that other one Simplelogin, are they good or nah?
I've never used anything like this. I typically either use a regular username and password, or if the service provides it, 2FA via text message, email, and/or an authenticator app. What's the catch?
Passkeys are just auto-generated passwords, very long and complex passwords.
Are you asking if a free mailbox is worth zero dollars?
Or if it's worth the social stigma you think comes with it because we have threads shitting on it constantly because the people who post them know a lot of use use them and they like to watch us squirm? Cause no one except the trolls actually care.
Yes it is somewhat annoying that you have to wait a bit before they let you receive "confirm your email address" messages but you're still not paying for it so what are you complaining about.
Which are stored on the device TPM and require something or other to decrypt them.
Just so he has a more complete picture of what's going on, so you know, don't lose your phone.
So it is a software solution? Does it have a name?
t. different anon
Everything is a software solution
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Ok but does this *something* appear as a security device or what?
t. only used picrels
Oh there's a bunch of different authentication schemes that are collectively being lumped under the umbrella term "passkey", stuff like FIDO and U2F to name a couple. Big Tech doesn't particularly want you to know these things but doesn't want to look like it's hiding them, they just want you to think "if I consoom the latest iphone every year I won't have to worry about not being up to date on lots of things including multi factor authentication standards".
As someone uses Yubikeys to do all the same stuff (I might say "I use a yubikey for my passkeys" if I didn't like the umbrella term for being too nonspecific) I would appreciate it if you tried using usb security keys instead of your phone just so the services I use don't take that as an excuse to demand phones.
>I would appreciate it if you tried using usb security keys instead of your phone just so the services I use don't take that as an excuse to demand phones.
Only NameCheap supports the USB security key in my case, the rest of the services just start blabbering about phones and stuff.
This reminds me when ID cards got the chip and you could use it to log into gubment services but then smartphones+banking apps came and made the chip thing a niche. No private businesses even bothers to support ID'ing with the chip card.
I am looking for a HDD enclosure for a single storage purpose. I want to know more about the chipsets used in them. I've heard of more chink ones corrupting data. An non-chink enclosure I am eyeing has an ASM1153E in it. However, I've heard both good and bad things about ASMedia chips. Some things I've read said that they're quite good for enclosures, but other things I've read about them say that they're bad in SATA extenders. Anyway, what chipset should you be looking for in an HDD enclosure?
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If I implement the following having set it to my porn folder, will I brick my PC?

`` while($true){ Invoke-Item $(Get-Random -InputObject $([System.IO.Directory]::GetFiles("C:\dir\dir\dir")))} ``

Will there be endless porn pop-ups forever?
Can you use your laptop in bed? Most google pages say that the problem comes from blocked vents, lets assume you're using it on a small wooden table to keep the vents open. Will the electrostatic build up (because I toss around all over when I'm in bed) affect the laptop?
All hardware has to be programmed to function, and all programs can be reverse engineered. Modern GPUs can guess millions/billions of passwords per second. (Brute force) Most online services would consider brute force the equivalent of a DoS attack though. So social engineering, and back-doors are the main exploits people need to be worried about.
>10 billion passwords were leaked less than a month ago, and it's going to get worse with the help of AI.
I would look for ones that aren't on the Linux kernel UAS blacklist. Problems with these chips are usually chinkshit UAS implementation that was only tested briefly on one version of Windows. If it works well enough to pass a sniff test on two separate kernels it's probably alright.

Another source of problems is trying to run random HDDs off USB power. Don't do that.
>Another source of problems is trying to run random HDDs off USB power.
Do you mean just connected solely by USB? I see that some of the 3.5 in enclosures include a separate adapters. Are you referring to those as well?

What would you recommend as an alternative for someone who needs a portable storage solution for upwards of 6TB?
>portable storage solution for upwards of 6TB
the most portable is having a home server accessible from anywhere, and you can schedule backups, defrags, scrubbing, and all that other stuff you'll neglect to do with a portable drive
if you insist on carrying spinning-rust around with you, 2.5" HDDs don't usually need more power than USB can provide, but just in case you can use dual-male cables
but if you really need more than 6TB you won't find it in a 2.5 form-factor
also the only 2.5" 6TB available now (afaik) is a garbage SMR drive
Is it OK for my GPU to idle at 50c? It's a RX 6600 with the zero-fan thing. I live in Arizona and even A/C isn't making a difference to make things cold. It doesn't get past 75c during gaming, sometimes it doesn't even get past the idle temps if the games are shit like ports (Digimon/One Piece sloppa).

My CPU idles at 40c and doesn't even hit 60c while gaming. It's a Ryzen 5 7600 and I got a Thermalright Assasing King 120 SE cooler for it.

Both CPU and GPU are dead silent during gaming. My old system (i5 3570k and 660 ti) is loud as fuck in comparison despite the i5 having a cooler master cooler.
Well, shit. Right now, that's not an option for me because of my living circumstances. I suppose I'll have to hold off or something like that.
Hey I just installed mint, I have a main nvme which the os and shit is on, however I have two extra HDDs, I was wondering is there an easy way to combine these into one mounted drive? Most posts I could find from doing a search are asking about two partitions being combined.
how come you want to bother doing that?
Can someone in the simplest terms possible explain to me how the FUCK an SQL injection attack works?
I like my casio f91w, but need a nice functional watch with a timer and alarm. Calendar would be nice but not necessary
What would be a good choice?
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is there a telephone over ethernet for sale?

I got a fiber optic from my house to my farm about 2 and 4 km away and I wanna use the excess fiber optic line as telephone line.

no I don't internet. I want point to point communication.
>telephone over ethernet
>fiber optic line
these are not the same thing
you'd need to get point-to-point modems (not cheap) for each end of the fiber, essentially creating a LAN between the two
then you can get SIP ethernet phones (cheap) and set up point-to-point VoIP
>these are not the same thing
I can just use media converter on fiber optic to have ethernet.
>parents have some automated Seagate backup tool for their PC
>check on it
>says backup is up-to-date
>look at folder properties for the main storage drive
>original is 1.19 TB, 274,247 files and 48,499 folders
>backup is 1.16 TB (1.18 TB on disk,) 102,276 files and 5,330 folders
What the hell gives? If I manually browse the backup, every folder's contents mirror the actual drive's, but I obviously can't inspect them all. I thought maybe the backup program wouldn't copy empty/hidden folders and files, but that begs the question of why there would be 40k empty/hidden folders and 170k hidden files. I don't think it can be a case of write protection/admin restriction or anything, because this is purely a storage directory. There are no system files or programs or anything anywhere in it.

In the case of one subfolder on the original drive, if I view the folder properties, it reports 1 more file than if I select everything inside the folder and view the properties of those. This would suggest a hidden file, but I have the option to show hidden files turned on.

In what other way can I be sure that all of the files are ACTUALLY backed up, instead of just taking the word of the backup program?
Why is VSCode opening the same file in a new tab but with an absolute path instead of a relative one any time I use the "problems" tab or use 'find declaration/definition/all references'?
run WinDirStat on both drives; since they differ by >2x files it should be really easy to visually spot the difference
unlikely given the size of the discrepancy, but it might be the recycle bin, backup software often skips that
>There are no system files or programs or anything anywhere in it.
Turns out I was slightly wrong about this - AppData was stored in there and, being a hidden folder, is not being backed up.
If AppData is discounted then that leaves only a difference of 2,362 files and 321 folders between the original and the backup. Which is still quite a lot, but not outside the realm of possibility for hidden stuff. That doesn't explain why I wouldn't be able to see the hidden stuff myself, though - I can see AppData, after all.
>but it might be the recycle bin, backup software often skips that
The Recycle Bin might be contributing, but I can see discrepancies in other high-level folders. For example the Documents folder has 42 fewer folders and 410 fewer files in the backup than in the original. Most of the times I've drilled down folder by folder by comparing the discrepancies though, I end up finding that it is in fact some hidden folder. Maybe that's really all it is for the whole backup? I don't know why I couldn't see the apparently hidden file in the earlier folder, though.
Considering SSDs are now mature tech, is it still a bad idea to download torrents to one?
Drive enclosure with a wall plug adapter.
That was never a thing, but they're still not economical bulk storage.
it was never really a bad idea (unless you left the older SSDs unpowered for a long time), SSDs have nearly always had a lower overall failure rate than HDDs
the downside is that SSDs (esp. QLC) have much more limited total number of writes you can do on the device compared to an HDD
if you fill up an SSD with data and never write to it again, and leave it powered forever, there's no issue at all
the question is why? the point of an SSD is speed, not capacity
>program inserts unfiltered user input into database
>user inputs sql statements in info fields
na, it's fine. you have to really be hammering one to run out of writes before the ssd is so old you'd want to replace it with something bigger anyway
from what i understand it happens if you make queries which include user-defined input as part of the query itself in such a way that they can be interpreted as part of the query and not just data
like to give a bash example, since i don't know sql, say you have a user input a username which you want to assign to a variable, where you take user input, then construct a query like;
username="<the text the user inputs>"

a user could input a username like;
username"; uname"

which would result in the command;
username="username"; uname""

which will instead run uname as a command, because the user input double quotes which ended the variable input and then a semicolon which allows for running another command
should be noted that i don't intend to scare people off user input in bash, you have to go out of your way to do this, like using eval incorrectly or something
For a new TV, do I buy LG C3 or G3? The G3 has a limited 5-year warranty included, which seems like it basically pays for the upgrade. Does anyone know if that would include burn in on the warranty claim?
Because your peenus says "might as well".
I'm about to do the jump from Ubuntu to Arch (specifically Archcraft). Will I have to look up pacman equivalents for the apt packages I use everyday, or would you say installing apt and using .deb packages on Arch is not that terrible of an idea?
so one time on Lainchan there was a thread about making QR codes that can use ANY color and they're sort of masked over an actual image so they just look like an actual image with a checker pattern over it, diamond shaped too not square or at least they can be

when I tried looking into HOW to make those the thread and information was just gone, couldn't find any good information on archives either. haven't seen anything like it until there was a tut, how to via stable diffusion make QR code masks for like businesses and stuff, and while they're pretty good looking that isn't even close to what I originally saw either plus since you're splicing the QR with a picture and SD it its always square

anyone know about the former thing im talking about and related programs to make those? to be clear I don't mean black and white QR codes with a picture in the center I could DRAW that and have it work I mean whole ass pictures that can READ with a phone camera QR reader in which the QR is made of colours.
I do not have an example sorry.
>Will I have to look up pacman equivalents for the apt packages I use everyday
>would you say installing apt and using .deb packages on Arch is not that terrible of an idea?
it's a terrible idea
Say your PSU is really overpowered. It has to only handle like 200W out of 1000W for years. Then you run much more power hungry components and it has to deliver like 800W now. Is this realistically a problem because the PSU "got so used" to 200W all this time?
is there an alternative to Coomer.su thats still working? you guys reccomended this so im hoping you know of something new -tia
inb4 degenerate..yep.i know.
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Where do I buy resisters not Amazon?
Above is why I don't want buy from online. What's did boomers buy these from before amaxon existed? The hardware store?
in the UK - RS components.
I'm in the US but I appreciate the response in case someone else can use it
mouser electronics
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Some time ago I made this function cdd()
when I use it, it changes folders and displays the folder with these cool icons. i can even hover images for a preview.
yet I don't remember why this happens or how to get the icons to appear without using this function.
function cdd(){
builtin cd "$@" && ls -F

typing ls -F does not show icons.
what is going on here?
nevermind it's lsd.
i had an alias for ls="lsd" but for some reason that no longer works unless I use this cdd command. weird.
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>is there an easy way to combine these into one mounted drive
You can take one and 'overlay' the other on top of it. But nobody really does that, regardless the OS.
>Most posts I could find from doing a search are asking about two partitions being combined.
That's what you wanted, right?
If that's not good enough, get more drives and make a RAID.
k it worked by loading my aliases after omz
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Possibly looking to get a TV with prime day sales. There's a cheap one for ~$210 at the 50'/4k I'm looking for, all I need it for is to watch stuff with (I already have a 1440p monitor for gaming), but I'm wondering if there's any catch to getting the cheapest option. All smart TVs (is it even possible to find non smart outside second hand?) have upscaling no? That's basically all I'm looking for, a cheap big TV to watch anime/movies at upscaled 4k.
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I went to look at my recent sign in activity on my Microsoft Account.

There are like 10 attempted accesses per DAY from random countries across the world. They're not me.

I've had this account for 20+ years and it's definitely been in some data leaks. Should I be worried about this and is there anything I can do?
>is there anything I can do?
Use a strong password.
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Can someone recommend a jerry-rigged way to get the AC air from room A to room B with both doors open?

Room A gets nicely chilled but the air doesn't really go into room B and what gets blown out with the fan instead spreads to the rest of the apartment which doesn't have any doors to close to trap the air in a smaller space.
i mean, yes - the more expensive screens from reputable manufacturers are 'more likely' to have better panels, possibly better QA. But i feel like everything has inbuilt obselesence now so even if it could physically last 50 yrs, the software will make it defunct in 10 so id buy cheap...
Google "custom QR" and there's plenty of options. QR code monkey and adobe are the top two results.
If it opens loads of windows too quickly and oyu can't be bothered closing them all, then you could always just restart your computer
>What's did boomers buy these from before amaxon existed?
radio shack before they turned until a cell phone store
Put a fan on the top of the door frame of room A pushing air in, same with room B but pushing air out, or get one of those inline fans and air hoses used by indoor weed setups.
none of those (google images) are what im talking about those are just the square ones with color.
*I guess I should try to be a bit clearer, they don't look like QR codes if done right, and can be any shape. the QR colors blend with the picture. and importantly it still scans.
Are broadband extenders a meme or do they actually work
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Buffer I/O error on device sdh2, logical block 56562259
device offline error, dev sdh, sector 61938262 op 0x1:(WRITE) flags 0x9800 phys_seg 76 prio class 2
Aborting journal on device sdh2-8.
device offline error, dev sdh, sector 61753346 op 0x1:(WRITE) flags 0x9800 phys_seg 1 prio class 2
device offline error, dev sdh, sector 61753346 op 0x1:(WRITE) flags 0x9800 phys_seg 1 prio class 2
Buffer I/O error on dev sdh2, logical block 30810113, lost sync page write
EXT4-fs error (device sdh2) in ext4_reserve_inode_write:5735: Journal has aborted
JBD2: I/O error when updating journal superblock for sdh2-8.
EXT4-fs error (device sdh2): mpage_map_and_submit_extent:2276: inode #4456651: comm kworker/u64:16: mark_inode_dirty error
EXT4-fs error (device sdh2): mpage_map_and_submit_extent:2278: comm kworker/u64:16: Failed to mark inode 4456651 dirty
EXT4-fs error (device sdh2) in ext4_do_writepages:2692: Journal has aborted
device offline error, dev sdh, sector 37128474 op 0x1:(WRITE) flags 0x0 phys_seg 1 prio class 0
EXT4-fs warning (device sdh2): ext4_end_bio:343: I/O error 17 writing to inode 4456651 starting block 18564237)

Been using that USB thumb drive for testing various operating systems and that happened in the middle of an upgrade. Is it finally broken?
Never broke a flash drive before. (never had operating systems in them either)
I have two 1080p monitors. When I build a new PC, it will have a graphics card capable of 1440p. One monitor is for the game/Unreal editor etc, the other is for Discord and web browsing.

If I got a 1440p monitor for my "focus" gaming/editing/working screen, and used one of my current 1080p monitors as the Discord/web browsing screen, would that be possible? Or would having two screens each with different resolutions be problematic?
assuming you've tried other usb ports and it's not dirty or anything, and it still happens, yea you may have cooked it
most flash drives are very cheap in construction and aren't mean for tons of writes like "ssd's" (even though they're based on similar technology, there's some major differences in execution)
So you are carrying a 256GB+ stick with you all the time? With an OS installed, your favorite BD movie rips and enough space for what ever data?

Not the anon you replied to.
I'm not sure how a USB 3 sticks differs from a USB 2 in durability and life time. I also don't know how a USB 3 stick competes against a SATA 2 SSD. But if you say that USB 3 sticks are equal to SATA 2 SSD, than SATA 2 SSD must be a piece of shit, because I had a bad experience with USB 3 sticks.
I once copied a file to a USB 3 stick which worked fine and well without problems, 2-3 times later that file somehow had decreased in size and was suddenly corrupted. And I always safely unplug my stuff.

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