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Previous thread: >>101449132
Death to Windows
new to linux, been using it for two months
how badly did I fuck up if the linux mint updater keeps giving me errors in the way of dependency issues? says it is lacking the proper dependencies, and it looks like the 31 pending updates are still present after a restart
>Death to Windows
Friendly enough
My ARM MacBook just works
I installed Linux on it and that was the most unpleasant experience I ever had
enjoy your Windows key
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just bought a IBM T42 with the intention of installing a linux distro but im torn between Debian 12 or Arch
im retarded with little linux knowledge so please bear with me here
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yeah picrels are awful, there's no standards
everything's so hacky
your deparment uses crowdstrike?
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I dual booted ubuntu for the first time on a shitty hp with win10 and it doesn't appear on the BIOS bootloader (accidentally installed it as legacy instead of UEFI). Is there a way for grub to appear on startup or do i have to reinstall?
I think basically every big company are gonna cut ties with CrowdStrike at this rate.
They should cut ties with Microsoft as well.
>dual boot
The tetralogy of shit.
Is there an OC guide for nvidia on linux? powerctrl translates fine on amd's side (except for cpu but I can control that from bios) but nvidia has just gwe. It doesn't look like it can actually do much beyond maybe the profile offset, which is just a flat amount as opposed to a curve editor like msi afterburner. Is it just that nvidia is really that terrible? Is there a more "terminal-esque" way to play with clocks and volts?
It's not really MS's fault though, it's CrowdStrike's update which included drivers that made Windows BSOD while it was fine and dandy before. CrowdStrike need to be dragged over the coals for this.
Honestly i just wanted the laptop to atleast feel useable, at this point anything is an upgrade than windows.
First check if your laptop has hybrid support, if not, you can probably look up a way to convert to uefi and, if not, just reinstall.
GreenWithEnvy is what you use for this kind of shit for NVIDIA cards on Linux these days.
Plus with NVIDIA finally fully open sourcing their kernel modules it'll be even easier to do whatever you want to it in a Linux environment in the future.
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I think the desktop attracted too many end-users and gamers. The user-space
has turned into garbage for that audience. Windows as the Unix/Linux
Desktop was popular for 30 years. Now these casual "Enthusiasts" who are
paid agents force their 3rd-world-OS ideas into everyones ass.

The future is *BSD as a server only operating system. *BSD's strength is
that nobody cares about it.

Linux on the desktop is about to be replaced by WSL because Windows just is
the better Linux Desktop. Always has been. In the end convenience trumps
ideology. Why should someone install Linux with a Desktop that isn't the
Windows Desktop when you can have the Windows Desktop and WSL? Soon the
only people using a Linux Desktop will be the same people who are developing
it. Just leave them behind.

And who is still using Desktops anyways? It is either servers (Linux and
*BSD) or Apps on Smart Devices or dedicated Video Games hardware. Apps
don't need a full blown Desktop to be launched. Games don't need a full
blown Desktop to be launched. Desktop is just a workplace for sad people.
But tuxclocker is still the one whose fan curve gets used, gwe just drools or passes the baton to the vbios. There's no voltage control, it only raises max clocks on the core and memory (which I am not certain of how to go about, since it's significantly different than windows). Well, I guess, it's a wait and see thing then.
anyone? reading up on this online is only confusing me more
There is no voltage control for Nvidia on Linux. The intended way is to play with the power limit and set an offset to clocks.
If you want a terminal tool use nvidia-smi.
why do people even use DEs when you can customize OpenBox to look like literally any DE?
Too lazy and indifferent. It's like the difference between someone who goes directly into the options menu of an application or game and sees what they might want to change to their liking and someone who just immediately starts using the thing and never even realizes that they can change things they dislike.

Installing session manager, window manager, compositor, audio server, important services/tools, fundamental applications, etc and configuring it all is a substantial investment. I did it fairly recently for my first linux install and I still haven't yet bothered with configuring my status bar properly (and general ricing of fonts and colors), making desktop entries or launcher scripts and keybinds, learning vim or otherwise replacing nano, getting a GUI file manager to supplement ranger, email client, startup autoexec or workspace profiles, etc.
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bumping in case anyone knows how to ensure most heavy stuff landing on different drive, be it by moving /home or configuring system/whatever to keep games and other software separated from system as much as possible.
I'll play around with it some more on monday or tuesday as for now I have to read bunch of legal shit for promotion procedure at job on monday.
Current plan is to try:
>perma mounting partition as something other than home and reading up on flatpaks to ensure software will be stored on bigger partition and still work after restoring system partition
>moving /home by force and ensuring system actually will automatically mount it and have access/ownership
So I'd appreciate tips on configuring system to put stuff in specific places, anything about flatpaks as I haven't touched them yet, and automatic mounting on launch + access/ownership which I assume should be just one chmod command.
Also seeing how lot of config files like grub or fstab are sitting on /etc, I wonder how viable is it to have /etc on different partition if I wanted to switch distro or simply restore system partition from image?
In linux mint, do you have to do all this to bulk rename files?

Is there a way to just select the files you want, type a new name, and then it automatically figures out how to name the rest of them?
>Old_Name134231.jpeg, oldname.jpeg, Old Name 64_89_490.jpeg
NewName (1).jpeg, NewName (2).jpeg, NewName (3).jpeg

I don't care what the format is, I just want to rename the old names to something else. In fact I don't even care what the new name is, I just want it to be different from the old name. Bonus points if the new name stays the same for all the files and just adds a number next to them.
I have a concern about the way I set up audio.
I'm using (cheap) earbuds, and because the 3.5mm socket in my case is broken I'm using a (cheap) usb-a/3.5mm converter.
I'm using pipewire and am having the bug described here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/PipeWire#No_sound_from_USB_DAC_until_30%_volume
After applying this fix, my audio works, but I have to turn the volume up past 100% with
wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 1.2

to hear anything, because otherwise it is much too quiet.
Can this be a problem? Without the aforementioned change, having the volume on 25% is already too loud, and I'm terrified something might 'undo' that change and destroy my eardrums with 120% volume.
Never mind, just watched a quick tutorial video. Wish some of this software came with some kind of built-in documentation.
This was the video btw:
Oh look, it's THIS pasta again...
I see. Linux truly is the land of the red team. Well, it won't stop me from using it, anyway, thanks for the answer!
A sirful powered widely used SaaS antivirus firm released a borked upgrade that caused a Windows BSODs at global scale. It was literally straight from the XP era (shitty kernel level driver).
>Ironically copying using cp command did copy all files from /home to that partition. I added it in fstab file as /home using its UUID but it didn't fix it
Did you copy with cp -a? You have to use either that or rsync -a otherwise you'll mess up your permissions. If you're sure that your fstab is correct and the partition is getting mounted on /home, just log in as root and fix your user's home dir. It possible that simply running
chown -R 1000:1000 /home/your_username
will work.

>I wonder how viable is it to have /etc on different partition if I wanted to switch distro or simply restore system partition from image?
I don't think this is a good idea. Copying your /etc as-is onto a different distro will definitely cause all sorts of issues. You should learn the exact files that you usually modify there (there will only be a few) and then copy/merge only those changes to the new distro. In regards to restoring the system partition, you'll want to restore /etc along with /usr, /lib, /var and so on, otherwise you won't be restoring much
>red team
Red, white and blue.
Learn bash and you'll know how to do that and much more with a one-liner. You don't have to rely on GUI bloatware for everything
>use linux for 15+ years
>still distro/desktop/theme hop
What do?
In flatpaks, is there a way to make an application uses a certain runtime?
I'm getting this error
could not load multimedia backend "ffmpeg"
QtMultimedia is not currently supported on this platform or compiler.
Failed to initialize QMediaPlayer "Not available"
Failed to initialize QMediaCaptureSession "Not available"
Failed to initialize QMediaRecorder "Not available"

After updating to the latest runtime.
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Just cp or cp -r, don't remember as it was late at night trying to make it work. I'll look up what -a flag does.
In fstab I simply added something like
>UUID={copied gibberish from lsblk -f} /home defaults 0 3
as apparently last number is responsible for loading order and obviously /boot and / takes priority over loading user files.

>you'll want to restore /etc along with /usr, /lib, /var and so on, otherwise you won't be restoring much
Just to clarify, /usr is separate from /home, right? Asking because /home seems to hold user config as seen by linux running but unable to log into user account when I modified fstab.
I can simply copy few config files and redo changes on recovered/freshly installed system, that is no problem. I just want to achieve similar outcome as I did with windows where I don't have to reinstall everything after fresh start because software is either portable and thus doesn't make registry entries, or system partition image is made with registry and drivers so it all works after format of just system partition. I find it extremely comfy and useful in long term even if it requires more work to set up at first.
>SSH CVE-2024-6387 was fixed on 9.2p1-2+deb12u3
>I am on 9.2p1 Debian-2+deb12u3 but not on 1:9.2p1-2+deb12u2

do any of you guys know about the p1-2 part and if i am good or not? I cant tell.
typo...I meant the CVE was fixed on 9.2p1-2+deb12u3, but not 1:9.2p1-2+deb12u2... and i am on 9.2p1 Debian-2+deb12u3
There is a short honeymoon phase but I am never satisfied and it bothers me more over time.
Why is Fedora not a rolling release distro? I get it for distros like Debian that get almost no updates for two years and the whole point of it is stability, but it makes no sense for a distro like Fedora which is constantly pushing for new stuff.
Never satisfied with what? What do you use your computer for, some work or meaningless jerkoff (linux tinkering)?
Think about the SSDs you're destroying by distro hopping. I installed Fedora Silverblue and stopped doing that.
her face is quite expressive, and charismatic
Install Bedrock Linux
Fedora is usually not bleeding edge. Arch, openSUSE, and other rolling distros beta test for some of Fedora's software such as Gnome and systemd. Also, you can get some more stability in Fedora if you upgrade to every release behind the new one (when 41 comes out, you switch to 40). So in reality, Fedora is just another point release distro.
So you always have an easy way to upgrade old installations to current.
>I'll look up what -a flag does.
-a preserves all metadata. If you made the copy using root, your home dir is now owned by root and your user can't read anything in it, which would be why logging in fails
>as apparently last number is responsible for loading order
That only affects file system checks (i.e. fsck). There's no such thing as priority when loading files. Once the partition is mounted on /home, it doesn't matter what was on /home before the mount. The system simply won't see any of it until/if you unmount the partition.
Your fstab line looks fine, btw
>Just to clarify, /usr is separate from /home, right?
Correct. Read this to get a better understand of each of those directories and their purpose
>I just want to achieve similar outcome as I did with windows where I don't have to reinstall everything after fresh start because software is either portable and thus doesn't make registry entries, or system partition image is made with registry and drivers so it all works after format of just system partition.
This would mean taking control of all your software and its dependencies away from your distro and into your own hands. You might as well forego any distro and use linux from scratch instead.
Windows programs usually have all their dependencies statically compiled into them, which is why they are more portable. On linux, programs tend to share dependencies, and that creates a so called dependency hell which distros solve for their users through their packaging systems (apt, rpm and so on). Those also make it very easy for you to install any number of programs with a simple command, so reinstalling everything after switching to a new distro is not a big deal at all.
Desktop hopping is normal. They all shit the bed eventually.
>Your fstab line looks fine, btw
Oh, actually you forgot to include the filesystem type in your post. It should be
>UUID={copied gibberish from lsblk -f} /home ext4 defaults 0 3
Otherwise, it's fine
It bothers me during real work. Something is triggering my autism.

SSDs do not easily die anymore.

I get what you are suggesting but I do not believe that will fix my indecisiveness.
>Have a virtual desktop with a Steam window(s) and some other window open
>Put the other window on top of the Steam windows
>Change to another virtual desktop
>Change back
>Steam windows are on top of the other window
Any idea why this is happening? I'm using XFCE
This. SSDs can last as long as 3/5 years with tons of daily wear these days. Longer if its less strenuous.
I'm pretty sure that is steam's fault. It aggressively grabs focus any chance it can. It annoys the hell out of me too. I tend to keep it minimized because of that
Thanks, that's reassuring. I guess I should write a bugreport.
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Thanks for explaination. I appteciate it.

>Once the partition is mounted
I assume it should mount automatically if fstab entry is made for it? If that would be the case I think I wouldn't brick login. So either it doesn't mount or mounts but can't access it. I'm still confused why command was able to copypaste files but click menu couldn't. I guess it's because your normal actions lack sudo privileges. And it's still unknown to me why I don't have permissions to partition even right after formatting whole disk and recreating partition from linux through gparted.

Yeah, I know, I've read up on that when I decided to plan out partitions with that in mind. That's where flatpaks come in. I could install flatpak and reinstall just it after recovering system assuming I could configure it to store software packs on bigger drive. It would work like portble soft on windows with only one depenfecy to maintain being flatpak itself as it's what system uses to run runtime.
Alternatively I could run windows on 512 disk and linux on 4TB, but my laptop has only 2 slots, one being m.2 and other being SATA, and I want both systems to run on drive with faster interface.

Yeah, I forgot to type it in post. I did have filesystem in there.
I'm bored, thinking about swapping Mint for EndeavourOS on my ShitPad, see what's the big fuss about Arch is.
The big fuss about Arch is that it basically lets you do whatever you want without holding your hand, which feels really liberating.
Also basically no package that can't be found in the main repos or the AUR.
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Yes, there are batch rename utilities for Linux like KRrename or whatever Double Commander, Caja and Thunar use. I recommend you, if the files you're trying to rename are too heavy, use a script to create a bunch of empty txt files that share the same structure and names as your target files to test your bulk renaming on them, just in case. Something like this (i threw it together so test it with files you don't care about).

find /path/to/source/directory -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} bash -c 'mkdir -p "/target/directory/$(dirname "{}")" && touch "/target/directory/{}"'.
Well the ShitPad (T420) is just my tinker box anyway so I might as well.
i=1; for file in *; do while [ -e "NewName ($i).${file##*.}" ]; do ((i++)); done; mv "$file" "NewName ($i).${file##*.}"; ((i++)); done
>I assume it should mount automatically if fstab entry is made for it?
It should be. You can check with df or lsblk
>If that would be the case I think I wouldn't brick login.
Did you check the permissions on your home dir and everything inside? You should still be able to log in with root since root's home dir is not inside /home. If you don't know your root password, you can boot from a live cd instead
>I'm still confused why command was able to copypaste files but click menu couldn't.
I'm not entirely sure what you're saying. If you first tried to copy all of /home using your unprivileged user, then that would surely fail from lack of permissions. If you then used sudo cp, that means you made the copy as root, so everything is owned by root now because you didn't use -a. That's why you should try the chown command I told you before
>And it's still unknown to me why I don't have permissions to partition even right after formatting whole disk and recreating partition from linux through gparted.
I'm also not sure what you mean here. If you're trying to resize/repartition things that are currently mounted, then it makes sense that gparted wouldn't allow you to. Boot from a livecd and do it from there

>That's where flatpaks come in. I could install flatpak and reinstall just it after recovering system assuming I could configure it to store software packs on bigger drive.
Ah, I see
>I assume it should mount automatically if fstab entry is made for it?
Sorry, I misread this. It is true that your /home should be getting mounted automatically now. In general, an fstab entry is not sufficient, though. It needs to have the auto option enabled (or defaults, which implies it)
Getting a very loud jarring POP on pipewire
The codec is snd_usb_audio not snd_hda_intel so no powersave option quick fix.
I've changed the headroom the min/max quantums and ran without a config folder for both pipewire and wireplumber and restarted them both and it still happens.Help?
QRD on crowdstrike? is it just placebo security protection?
Can a t42 even run 64 bit operating systems?
Anyone know of a way to screen share in discord while in wayland? I tried webcord, but my stream would drop to like 10fps whenever I'd start moving around in-game and switching my DE to it's xorg version just introduces stuttering
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Based AC enjoyer
It's basically spyware put on work computers. You can tell it either doesn't work or the owners are lying glowies because Crowdstrike performed the """analysis""" of the DNC servers blaming Russia for Seth Rich's whistleblower actions in 2016. Crowdstrike getting heemed hours after Trump accepted the nomination again is someone sending a message.
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I want to move to Linux, I really do. But I just have one problem: I have the most autistic and niche use case known to man.

I collect ancient-ass rpgmaker & enterbrain games from the early 2000s. I've got 76gb of these things. Can Linux's windows emulators run these things? Can they evern run the locale emulators needed to run these things?
Proton can probably handle them just fine.
>noooo I cannot hire someone with the bare minimum intelligence to not fall for the nigerian prince scam! I NEED to give control of EVERY single PC on my company to a third-party app. Yep, that's the wise thing to do.
People dig their own graves.
Proton (steam has many version), Bottles (like a wine helper) should do the trick. Really old games should work better than things from like 2010 desu.
WINE can change locale by setting one environment variable, so yes.
I playing a game native to linux on mint, but I found out that for some reason the game doesn't show up on the volume mixer. What do?
>Really old games should work better than things from like 2010 desu.
Something something wrappers master 2000's Windows API's better than modern Windows but still shit themselves at modern Windows API's
What should you do if you start a game and nothing happens?
I've had such problems and trying different proton versions under steam's force compatibility menu, or having bottles or any other wine helper download a shitload of missing .DLL's usually does it. It's because if nothing starts it might be missing a .DLL, directX etc.
are there .dll packages for wine I can download?
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I remember there being a GUI to do it on bottles or lutris but looks like there's commands. You need winetricks, but that should always come with wine.
EasyRPG runs on anything, or winetricks fakejapanese ffdshow and use gamescope for scaling. Proton usually just adds regressions for old games.
I have bottles, so maybe its in the bottle settings?
Then you do the needful and redeem a different game
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what did it do?
iirc it means you have hybrid sleep or whatever they call it enabled on windows
I think you can still mount your drive as read only though
old rpgmaker games work fine with wine
it's not an operating system drive though, it just has visual novels on it. I do remember the VM I had it on crashing on me and one of my save files got corrupted, and I haven't touched the drive since then until now. was just curious on what the mount program meant when it said it "fixed" something. did it touch the corrupted data?
Im trying to run a windows python3 script under wine that modifies files inside a windows file system, i thought using wine explorer would work but it didn't, is the only option left a virtual machine? or is there a better way to simulate a windows file system to actually run the script?
You're not really going to be able to find out until you test it yourself
There was already a bunch of yes-es so have mine and some extra information:
You can use Lutris for minimal hassle GUI setup even for a shitload of games
You make a single WINE Prefix for these and only make more for problem children (shouldnt happen). If it's primarily japanese games set the language there (it behaves like a windows PC with changed locale, no issues) and, if necessary, add the rpgm extra files and install the necessary extra fonts into it, there are options for that in Lutris. It's basically a windows C: drive and you can make whatever modifications you want to it - keep that in mind and you can get even the most obscure bullshit working. You say it's the most autistic and niche usecase and you are right, in most relevant other threads you wont find any expertise (at least I havent in years) but if you search around you can find relevant hints on fonts and what have you elsewhere, not like it would matter for rpgmaker which generally runs smoothly.
Don't bother trying whatever tools you use on windows through wine, there are probably equivalents (gamescope). But if you really want to you can start secondary .exe files (like cheat engine, text extractors, etc) within the same prefix and they will have full access to the game. One bit of personal experience is that x11 plays better with somee stuff than wayland, though that might be bias because the easy fix for wayland issues has always been "go back" for me. Godspeed Anon.
Anybody knows how to enable multi monitor support with wm-utils?
Playing RPG Maker games on Linux is a nightmare. I just want to play Black Souls 1 and 2...
At least without running 2 wm-utils instances on both of my monitors..
I can help you Anon, I got those 2 running with minor hassle a while back. What is it doing, what are you trying?
>Use pacman to download something from Arch repo
>It recognizes the target and its dependencies
>But it fails to retrieve any packages
>"The requested URL returned error 404"
but why
Trying to find outdated packager versions. Run pacman -Syu
>2 gig download
It hasn't been that long since I updated... has it?
Can happen with some extreme outliers like CUDA I guess
you can run -Sy alone to just update the package database without updating your whole system, but its kind of risky since updating a single package can break others
Bad news fellow anons. My computer (T470) is occasionally freezing after returning from suspend and it happens on both Fedora and Ubuntu. I am going back to an Ubuntu derivative and try the LTS kernel but if it still happens then I will need to kill myself. Pray for me.
I recently switched to arch and anybody else having problems with librewolf crashing every few seconds? Only started happening a few hours ago.
>Get told that instead of bothering to install wine I should just use Lutris
>Install Lutris
>It tells me to install wine
Update again until the dependencies are met(?)
because that's what lutris does ?
maybe you could use their guides for dependencies or flatpak, >>>/vg/lgg op might help
I came from years of Windows. I need a DE for a while, like training wheels or crutches or one of those obesity scooters.
And now I'm back to square 1 where wine just doesn't install right. Fantastic.
It's weirdly satisfying, like leveling up. Enjoy yourself, there are much worse things you could be doing.
who the fuck told you that?
You don't know me. I need the GUI. if you knew me, you'd understand.
Some guy in the last thread
You can't do that because you need to fulfil DEI goals.
I can't follow any of the guides but is it possible to virtualize an existing windows install into linux?
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I am trying to get "aseprite-thumbnailer" to work, and that thing looks broken.

If the input file has a space in the filename, it just craps it pants?
I tried double quotes and single quotes, and it does nothing.

any ideas? or is the thing just broken
>aseprite 1.3.7-1, I think newest version
escape the space?
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used the "aseprite" binary itself, it offers some non-gui automation utilities

the \ escape didn't work, so the tool is broken 100%, I should make a bug report but I'm too lazy
>use Pipewire
I figured that out. My mistake was that I didn't realize that all those things are layers on top of each other. You don't choose ALSA *or* PulseAudio *or* PipeWire, you use PipeWire on top of PulseAudio on top of ALSA.

I'm still having a hell of a time with networked audio though. Unfortunately the PipeWire documentation isn't nearly as good as the PulseAudio documentation on Arch wiki, I have been trying to follow the PulseAudio instructions for networking but the computer I'm trying to connect doesn't add the audio server to its list of stereo sinks
You can always dual boot. Try Linux and those RPGs and then see how it goes from there.
where do you put the options under arch where I previously put in crypttab in other distros, using systemd bootloader btw

nvme0n1p3_crypt UUID=[long ass UUID] none luks,discard,keyscript=/etc/initramfs-tools/tpm2-cryptsetup
For Arch/Artix, what would a build need if it's telling me that I'm lacking the "32 bit development libraries"? I had to point to lib32 (and it's there) for the PCKCONFIG, but past that I'm fucking lost.
is there a way to automatically apply patches on official arch packages or do i have to turn into a maintainer? the thumbnail sizes in nsxiv are annoying and i need to patch config.h but that also means checking for new nsxiv releases myself.
the way i'm thinking about this is that if your aur helper finds a patch file or something, it actually downloads the package from the ABS and patches it for you instead of getting the binary.
I am not a developer but I use CUDA for a few apps.
After sudo pacman -Syu I go this right under upgrading cuda:
- The default host compiler for nvcc is no longer configured using symlinks in
/opt/cuda/bin/ but by the $NVCC_CCBIN environment variable in
/etc/profile.d/cuda.sh. You need to source /etc/profile or restart your
session for it to be available in your environment. Additionally, you may
need to clear the build cache of your projects where the old path may have
been recorded.
- When you uninstall an old, unrequired version of GCC that was previously
required by cuda for the default host compiler ($NVCC_CCBIN), you may need
to source /etc/profile or restart your session. Additionally, you may need
to clear the build cache of your projects where the old path may be still

Ummmm, any help what is this about?
Oh, I think I had a brainfart there. If I understand correctly all is well after I reboot(which I am going to do anyway), correct?
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I'm suffering man, the wayland experience has been just terrible, this is not usable, not trustable at all
I will try macos for work instead, it should be similar to linux
no, it's a 32bit Pentium M machine, so he would have to go with a 32bit (i686) distro
debian has official 32bit builds, and arch has the unofficial archlinux32
Is there a built-in way to use diff to check only the files in common between two dirs? I want to use "diff -q" but it also tells me about every file that is only in one of them, and piping the output to grep just to cut out those lines feels odd. It has a bunch of options, but none of them seem like they'll disable this output, which is odd since it seems like a pretty straightforward use for this tool. I thought about cmp, but it has even fewer options.

If it has NTFS, it probably noticed an error from the journal. Hard to say what it did exactly, possibly nothing. Sometimes it just sees that the "cleanly shutdown" flag wasn't set, but that according to the journal, everything was written correctly. If that happens, it just sets the flag and lets you go on your way. Look up ntfsfix, it probably did something with that.
by default wine outputs a bunch of basic info/warn/error messages on the terminal which you can use to figure out where it may be going wrong
you won't understand it at first, but you can post suspects on google or here. you start to notice common things after a while
like >>101484214
said it noticed the filesystem wasn't unmounted properly last time, but i'll add that the fix will just be resetting that flag. linux has no fsck for ntfs, so it's better to run chkdsk in windows for ntfs volumes
just switch to x11
well lutris is a wine frontend, so you need wine for lutris to work
he probably meant to use lutris instead of wine directly, not to literally install only lutris and not wine
yes, you can attach an existing disk with windows on it to a vm
You can even do this with DOS hilariously enough. I've set up DOS machines in KVM+QEMU and a virtual NIC.
fedora sway or arch with hyprland? I'm finally evolving and ready to try out if wm is my thing or not
that is an option, too. for dos machines you're probably better off running them using 86box though. that's a proper pc emulator with 80's/90's era hardware
depends on what you're using it for i suppose, like if you want to play dos games in it, 86box (or dosbox) is better, but perhaps running an old dos-based server would work better in qemu since it's a vm and not an emulator (better cpu performance)
Fedora Atomic Sway so you can do a clean rebase to GNOME or KDE if you decide you don't like it.

I was installing stuff to the CF card for a Pocket 386 physical DOS laptop.
>I was installing stuff to the CF card for a Pocket 386 physical DOS laptop.
i see, yea it shouldn't matter what you use just for running installers
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New to ubuntu, I'm getting "Unable to locate package flatpack" after trying "sudo apt install flatpack"

I tried following this guide in the hopes of fixing this and it didn't work: https://www.tecmint.com/unable-to-locate-package-error-ubuntu/
And this is just to install GIMP, I imagine other software and utilities I hunt down may need flatpack as well.
it's spelled "flatpak"
anyone have any idea of why my mouse doesn't work in gentoo or debian testing with wayland+KDE? do I need to enable something for USB devices that run at 2kHz or something? didn't have any problems in pop
oh fuck, that has been my problem

it's the end of the day, I'm tired, bedtime soon
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Haven't tested too long, but Firefox Wayland crashes seem to be fixed in 128.0.2.
There was still some wonky stuff going on with youtube playback and the like but:
options nvidia_drm fbdev=1
options nvidia NVreg_EnableGpuFirmware=0

one of the kernel module parameters above helped. I am not certain if it is fbdev or EnableGpuFirmware one.
Just wanted to do a mini PSA.
that's funny you posted that, I was just testing out my Firefox after waiting for the 128.0.2 release. I've been tracking various bugs, and this update and some mesa changes (I use AMD, Wayland also) seem to have solved the YouTube, PDF, Google Maps, and other crashes/issues I was seeing as well.
I didn't try either of those parameters though, beforehand. I was just waiting on a Firefox media playback fix for YouTube to get pushed out, and was using widget.dmabuf-webgl.enabled=false in about:config to avoid the canvas-type crashes.
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Hello friends, any of you willing to tard handle a noob with theming issues? I want to apply the following Plasma theme
But i want to set the Panel and Windows decorations to the dark version, while everything else staying in the bright version. If you know a bright GTK theme that looks close to this one I'm all ears too. I an using Plasma 5 on Debian if that matters.
ON my 2 monitor setup I can't move my games below a certain point on my main monitor. As in my mouse, when selecting the screen can't move below the half way point no matter what I do. Why is this and can it be fixed?
You need to edit it from the .colors file
If there's a 50% dark and light theme it's easy to just copy past one and move it to another.
Usually in the .colors file there are sections that tell you what you're editing, like a section that says tooltip or wm. ONce you've edited the .colors file you upload it in the global theme colors section.
Here anon, i've linked you an easy one to edit.
But i've thought of an easier solution, use a dark theme color and then use a light theme plasma style, that might work best.
>I didn't try either of those parameters though,
Well yeah, I doubt your amd gpu has the nvidia modules I mentioned:D
You can also try MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=0 to force xwayland and bypass any future wayland specific issues if need be. I was using that.
>canvas-type crashes
Mine were explicit-sync related ones.
I was dooming since I've read someone on github say that there won't be an easy fix, but it was fixed in a month luckily.
Happy yours got fixed too though.
That's funny we had such different issues, but they both got fixed in the same release.
>nvidia modules
No, but I was surprised when looking through the bug reports to see something similar. Someone had an Intel iGPU, and disabling an Nvidia feature fixed their problem. Apparently the Nvidia feature would be attempted, fail because there was no card, but then the same call would be attempted in the Intel hardware, which would obviously fail. So even though they didn't have Nvidia, disabling the Nvidia feature would prevent the fallback from causing a crash. Strange, but true.
I'm not using it, but yeah, that's true, and thank you foxbro.
Well I spoke too soon apparently.
It took far longer and I got a different error this time though.
"IPCFatalErrorMsg: SharedMemory::Map failed"
Huh, whatever that is...
I think i get it though I'll have to research more. The specific theme i want needs both the Plasma Theme and a Kvantum one, i still don't understand what role is each one supposed to fit
The dark version looks like this
If i understand correctly i have to use the Kvantum entry in the plasma style section for this to work.
anyone of you installed cinnamon on regular linux? my uncle was here he heard about this copilot shit and went.. linux now anon I want this ubuntu

so I installed cinnamon, but before he left.. I didn't get to install the yaru theme which is what I use, I stole it from there lol

anyways I made a vm and it fucking crashes when I do it, he can't handle that

so I don't know it's the vm;
tl;dr anyone of you install cinnamon and the yaru-theme in ubuntu is it just my vm that shits? because I can't send him this script if it fucks up
>anyone of you installed cinnamon on regular linux?
err ubuntu regular linux.. more like systemd infected poitering anus aids with flatpacks and that other crap no source code, compile
I think I talked to you the other day.
Good luck bro, I haven't made any progress on the peoblem in, well, ever.
What processor does your rig have?
What? Why not install linux mint with cinnamon and the yaru theme?
What's the state of linux support for old hardware?
I have a bunch of old machines from the 90s/2000s, and Id like to use them for tinkering.
Do any of you guys have experience with amything like this?
What am I in for?
You can install Yaru theme on Cinnamon. In fact i think it comes bundled by default with many others on Linux Mint.
the older you go, the more hands-on the process will become, for multiple reason, including;
- more limited hardware requires more careful use of resources and less/lighter software to be used, which generally means losing some conveniences
- the older you go the less likely it will be that popular distros support that hardware, either because they require more resources or aren't built with that hardware in mind (ex. no 32bit build, no bios booting, lack of drivers for old hardware in the default kernel, etc)
if you've used linux >20 years ago, you probably already have an idea what i mean, otherwise you're up for some learning
I'd say the best bet is probably using something Debian based like AntiX.
I'm down for that, I want to do a LFS install as a hobby project, I'm just not sure how to go about finding older drivers, kernels for older stuff, etc.
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Linux didn't blue screen today. My desktop is still up and running fine. For the 12th day in a row.

Also I just made this in krita. I just started thinking about gnome GTK toolkit and the paintbrush started flowing.
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Do any of you fine folks have experience with SUSE? As in, the actual, commercial SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE)?

Everywhere I've worked has just used RHEL and/or Ubuntu, so I don't know the first thing about it. Is it more popular in Europe? Why would someone choose it over an alternative?
the "vanilla" kernel sources contains all the drivers supported by linux outside of ones never mainlined into linux, it's just a matter of configuring it and building it with said drivers enabled
drivers tend to stick around in linux for a long time, but they do sometimes get removed if they're left unmaintained for a long time, like recently they dropped a bunch of old gpu drivers;
if you happen to want to use one of these you would have to use an older kernel, you can use an older kernel without resorting to older userspace software, to a point
unironically linux has better support for recent hardware than old hardware
linux for old hardware is a lie
>linux for old hardware is a lie
Yeah, you can't even checkout an older version from git that supports your obsolete shit and built it yourself.
Hmm, sounds doable enough.
I'm dreading the compile times, but its not like im in a hurry.
you can build stuff on a newer computer, but really, most things aren't that bad
like linux doesn't take all that long to build IF you're making a build with just the features/modules you need, like regular distro kernel only take a while because you're building hundreds of modules for hardware you don't have. as for applications, well you're probably not going to run KDE5/6 on a 20+ year old computer, rather you'd be using something like fluxbox or similar, which is way faster to build
With Wine compatibility as good as it is, even if it isn't perfect but nonetheless getting there, why should devs even bother putting resources native Linux builds? Especially games.
How is RHEL as a home operating system?

I just learned they've got a no-cost option and was thinking about trying it.
That might not be so bad then.
in many cases windows builds run faster than native builds exactly because they don't put much effort into linux builds (assuming the game mainly targets directx, if it's an opengl/vulkan game, they should be equivalent)
not that there's much to gain, just testing their game to make sure it works well with wine is enough, really. there's even winelib if they want to ship something without depending on the user having wine installed
check out distcc if you haven't heard of it yet as well
it allows you to offload compilation to another machine(s)
this is all of course you're planning on lfs/gentoo/etc where you build everything
I had not heard of it. I'll give it a look.
fedora LTS
i tried it and didnt like it, you have to enable EPEL or whatever is called, i think there is also rpmfusion for it
Is a somewhat interesting choice. It was discused a while ago in a past thread. By default EL and its clones are bland. But the external repos availabe for them are very solid. Like ElRepo + EPEL has little to envy to Debian's and in fact some packages are better maintained. Main drawback would be the awkard release cycle (could make the external repos to go out of sync on a point release) and lack of support for BTRFS.
Centos Stream has a more straightfoward life cycle (a mix between Ubuntu's and Fedora where packages receive minor version bumps as soon as they arrive from Fedora, but has 4-5 years of support for security patches cause this is the last test window for RHEL) but is a very green field. Few people use it for desktop.
Odds are whatever time you save not updating Fedora will be wasted trying to install software that would have been easy to get on Fedora. It depends on your use case though.

You just never learned any RH distro at a useful level.
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Why can't gnome icons look like this?
Legit: Why does Arch list (in the wiki) pantheon as an "officially" supported window manager when the "AUR" listing has it being not updated for two years?

You'd think an "official" window manager would be supported in the "core" (or extra, whichever repo) files and managed by Arch maintainers themselves instead of the AUR?
maybe because they're in the official extra repo instead of the aur
WTF. Then why is it giving a warning:
>warning: cannot resolve "libswitchboard-2.0.so=0-64", a dependency of "pantheon-applications-menu"
>warning: cannot resolve "libswitchboard-2.0.so=0-64", a dependency of "pantheon-applications-menu"
>warning: cannot resolve "pantheon-applications-menu", a dependency of "pantheon-session"

Looking at https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/pantheon-applications-menu/

>libswitchboard-2.0.so=0-64 (virtual)

Is included (if I'm understanding it right), unlike the AUR: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/pantheon-applications-menu-git

Which reds it out:

I mean I can just install it through pacman despite it being a warning, but I'm curious why the virtual .so isn't being included.
nobody uses pantheon it's probably barely maintained.
I think it's just because no one gives a shit about Pantheon. If you want Pantheon, you use elementaryOS, but why use elementaryOS when Mint exists?
Well, that goes back to my original question: Why list it on the wiki as an "official" if it isn't maintained? Might as well kick it back to the AUR at that point.

On that note: I've been hopping between DE's to try them out and pantheon's "mac like" one was what I was wanting to go for, Budgie seems nice, but is there some setting in gnome/kde that I'm missing for their dock functions to remove the "start menu" (so to speak) and just leave dolphin/gnome's option for a "finder" left-most option like on Macs?
>Why list it on the wiki as an "official" if it isn't maintained?
Not a clue. The only distros I knew support it are Elementary and NixOS.
GNOME doesn't have a start menu though just the dash which is closer to a MacOS dock. If you just mean the app menu button in the dash you might be able to remove it with dash-to-dock but I'm not sure.
swithboard provides libswitchboard-3.so=0-64,
they fucked up the updates.
>they fucked up the updates.
not arch
Huh, you're right. Alright, I'll have to query that on pacman in the morning and see if I can get pantheon up to try it out before customizing gnome/kde.

At this point I might just stick with Budgie though, even though I hate gnome's "discover" app over KDE's... "Discover."
it's been like that for a while, if you want it fixed you'd have to tell the maintainer that his package(s) are broken and he needs to rebuild them.
What is the name of that photo effect/filter that makes dim reflections on photos much clearer? Can you do something like that on GIMP? I don't really know what to search for
Not sure if there are any distributions alive still supporting 32bits.
Posted before: take Gentoo and use it as a dev platform to build a 32bit userland. Then transfer it over to the old PC.
Got it? Use your beefy PC to build optimized binaries for older hardware. This is like exactly what Gentoo and Nix and whatever else are for.
you're reaching territory where you'd be better of using a pi or some shit.
>Not sure if there are any distributions alive still supporting 32bits.
debian is a thing
Arch32 is still maintained as well
Switched to Pop this past month and I found a few things I'm really getting annoyed with
1) my installs on NTFS drives may/may not work for steam
This is kinda fine though because all I have to do is move a file
2) Display settings via UI is fucking trial and error. I set it like I want then I click apply- 3 monitor setup. 3 seconds later my all my displays except for one are disabled. This makes things super annoying because I switch my middle monitor for my work comp.
my drivers are NVDA so thats probably part of it but I'm just curious if anyone else has had this issue.
>Not sure if there are any distributions alive still supporting 32bits.
there are, but it's very much on it's last legs. also there's more than one "32bit", such as;
i386: dead, linux doesn't support it anymore
i486: almost dead, basically only gentoo supports it, may be dropped from linux any day now
i586 (Pentium 1): almost as dead as i486, debian dropped it in 2017
base i686 (Pentium Pro/II): still some distros support this, probably not for long
i686 (Pentium III/SSE): about the same as previous
i686 (Pentium 4/M/SSE2): this is usually the minimum you can actually assume when a distro says "32bit support" these days
chinese year of the linux desktop
debian and lmde supports 32bit by extension. on really old hardware Q4OS might do the job.
When performing an action in the terminal it’s very obvious that you want to execute the command, such as mkdir or whatever were talking about, so why do we use sudo instead of su? I’m aware that su is an actual command but it can be used the same way depending on suffixes so why not just use su for everything?
oh and slackware obviously still has a 32bit version
su as a command changes your user to someone else while sudo allows a non-root user to run a root-only command.
You can do the same with su, but it's easier to just append sudo to the command you want to run instead of just changing to a root shell via su.
sudo <- 4 chars
su -c <- 5 chars
doas <- 4 chars
run0 <- 4 chars
how can su even compete?
>but it's easier to just
>how can su even compete?
By being part of a basic install, unlike sudo.
basic installs these days rather have sudo than a root user with password (and doesn't su need that?)
do all the fedora spins just give you the vanilla DE without theming?
I understand the difference but why can’t we just use the same command? If I type su David it’s obvious that I want to switch to David as the user, the same way it’s obvious that sudo dnf update means that I want to update Fedora. Why isn’t su implemented as a global command which can be applied for various uses depending on suffix?
I've been using debian for some time on my old thinkpad, but I have never been able to successfully install nvidia drivers on my desktop (no matter the distro I try) to play some games.
With the latest news on nvidia going open source does that mean it would be easier to install the drivers?
Correction, I have installed nvidia drivers before but with lackluster performance
Now I compile a program and name it 'David' and put it in your $PATH. Not so obvious what su/sudo David is supposed to do now eh?
there's definitely branding, if that's what you mean.
I don’t know if there’s anything similar in the English language but in my native language we have a saying, “freedom under responsibility”, and it feels quite fitting for GNU/Linux. It gives you the tools to do basically whatever you want but you also have to consider the consequences. There are many ways of creating issues by doing something that is technically possible but perhaps not suitable.
why don't all config files default to .config? why are you shitting up my home directory with your .config bullshit. vim, git, you fucking pieces of shit. even bash configs should be there. fuck you.
It's just a dev by dev basis. Some put all their config stuff in .config while some put hidden folders in your /home.
In a perfect world devs would just use .config as outlined by XDG but it isn't a perfect world I guess.
Will they remove X from XDG under wayland fanatics' pressure?
I think it'll always be called XDG because why change what something's been called for decades?
See master->main drama
i name all my branches "Antiquated John Deere's"
I mean that's different because some thought calling things "masters" and "slaves" was something that needed to change in an enlightened age, or whatever. Most likely just newbloods that kept getting triggered by it.
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Create a fstab entry or a systemd mount unit.

In that example a RAID array containing an EXT4 gets mounted under /mnt/raid6 with the option "lazytime" while muting possible errors.
For NTFS you want to specify the user.
Pop is good but it's been almost abandoned for two years. I'm waiting for 24.04 with COSMIC to go back to it.
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lsblk, df, findmnt are all shit and I want to script something better to give me an overall view on my drives and stuff. But where do I get all that info from?
>device type
>FS type
And what if the device has a "child" or whatever it's called? You know like a device/partition containing an encrypted volume. Or device/partition being a RAID member?
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Guys, focus steal prevention is driving me batty. I'm on Mint, I have an app that's in the system tray, it gets minimized to and from there.

It works fine 75% of the time, but if I open a browser window over the app, and then scroll inside the browser, clicking the system tray icon doesn't bring the app to the front, it just makes it flash red in the taskbar.

There's no option to override this in the settings and also not in dconf-editor. I've tried ridic shit like devilspie2 but ofc that doesn't work because that is also subject to focus steal prevention.
lsblk does all that already
It grabs those pieces I posted as an example, yes.
Care to share where it gets all that?
it's open source, read the code. It's gonna be from the kernel, as is /proc, /sys or /dev
Will MATE, Xfce and Cinnamon switch to GTK4?
It's done.
So is aquamarine just wlroots but better?
Drew Segfault is deprecated.
sysfs (/sys)
But you'd just be reimplementing lsblk, I'd parse the lsblk output myself.
Enable multilib/lib32 repos respectively and refresh the databases (pacman -Sy). If PKGBUILD can't automatically find what's needed, then you must inspect the error log.
yea it's annoying but most of them can be moved to .config in one way or another
>have a Xubuntu installation with two accounts, one admin (in sudoers) and one normal user account
>plug flash drive in while in admin account
>automatically mounts as expected
>plug flash drive in while in user account
>nothing happens
>clicking on the drive in the file browser says it can't be mounted because there's an operation in progress
>if I switch to the admin account, there's an authentication popup
How can I make it so that EVERY user can mount removable storage?
what is the linux equivelent of ctrl+alt+del? something i can press when the computer gets stuck except reset
Those repos are enabled but it either is missing some unnamed files or the configuration file just can't see them.
I checked over the dependencies once again, but the only thing related to 32-bit anything listed the Arch-type dependency as "?". Very useful documentation.
ctrl-alt-f1-12 to open another working tty
whats reisub
Telling the kernel to reboot safely with the Sysrq key, can do other things too but rebooting a non responsive system with it is a common use case
but than i lose my asaved work
assuming i go to another workplace with ctrl alt f2, can i from there fix my f1 workplace?
If it's totally frozen, as in your DE freezes, I don't think you can recover unsaved work. Has this happened to you? You can only save a reboot by logging out your session with loginctl or pkill -u.
my mouse moves but the programs don't respond
i haven't updated in several weeks because of the last python version change
So, you're not using a PKGBUILD. In that case you'll have to debug it yourself, it's usually either some missing header (.h) files or a library. Look up the error on a search engine.
Alt-SysRq-F will terminate the process hogging the system. It might be your unsaved process though.
Aah I see, I think what you want is a way to reload the desktop, it's really DE specific and not something I can help with sorry, but for example on KDE you can reload it with alt+shift+f12. There might also be a command line option you could run from another tty that reloads/replaces the desktop process though it's not something I would know how to do.
what bottun is sysrq?
what abouyt mint?
google 'sysrq key' duh
Maybe ctrl-alt-backspace? It will reload the X-server, I never used it myself outside of reloading a login screen... so I can't guarantee the safety of it.
I did and the results came back as fuck-all.
I gave up and used the prepackaged pacman version, which was very recently updated and didn't work before, so there's some hope, but now I have to install two patches, one that's infamous for borking things and the other that heavily relies on directories I did not control.
Why can't shit just fuckin werk?
ty ill try next time
my sysrq and my prtscn are same key, how do i make sure the bottun pressed is sysrq
Is it necessary to install userspace utilities for file systems (like btrfs-progs and e2fsprogs)?
They've some minor theming going on.
there is no difference, but you have to activate the sysrq functionality in the kernel first.
Strictly speaking no. Practically yes.
so while its active i don;t have prtscn anymore?
is there a shortcut for activation?
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>have to set up LEMP and compile some bullshit with bad documentation from source
linux SUCKS!
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1. Why It doesn't recognize my Hard drives (2) once I start with Mint? I always have to open the directory and go the hd and them it shows. I can't even use a (cute) wallpaper because this

2. How can I see the size of a program? I noticed that fucking fatpack is huge like 700 mb for the clementane player lol
you can save the image you intend to use as wallpaper on the home folder under images or something
Yeah, that seems to be the case. I just installed switchboard and tried to install pantheon again and a bunch of 404's during the install means it couldn't install. Removed switchboard and I'm giving up. Shame, as I really wanted to try the Aqua-like DE to see if I was worth sticking with or customizing KDE/gnome. But I guess I'll do the latter now.

I don't know why Elementary is doing all that work on a seperate distro when they can just do a DE and be done with it.
it's the same key with the same keycode, the question is just what the software does with it.
sysrq needs alt + sysrq anyway if I rememver correctly.
>Why can't shit just fuckin werk?
Imagine having paid too! Look at all those millions BSODs around the globe, kek.
It may activate with your Fn key.
>the Aqua-like DE
they turned this into a DE?
why does she wear e621 colors
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This seems excessive.
How hot is this shit supposed to get when i'm gaming? My fingers burn. I have a gaming rig. I don't think it got this hot on windows, or is it still fine? I don't notice that my games are having any issues but this seems too hot and whenever I use wayland it just overheats and shuts down, only on x11 can I play games without that happening so i'm concerned that there's something wrong.
how do i know it worked
House burning down tier.
83C -> 181.4F
94C -> 201.2F

You're in the upper part of it.

Maybe repaste/clean out the system to make sure?
stop gaming in hell
What do I do about it?
Why is it only on linux that it's not able to cool itself properly? Must I restrict myself to less intense games?

Here's when it's idle and completely cooled down. It doesn't feel hot at all though, is it possible that this is incorrect?
>I don't think it got this hot on windows
You should make sure it doesn't happen on Windows too.
I made sure, I've never had to check the temp on there before because there were no issues with overheating.
I see that it should be around 60c when gaming.
Another example of something that looks wrong, but I'm not even sure what i'm looking at really.
incoming blogpost
I remembered I had an old fucking laptop rusting in my drawer and decided to try some shit to see if it's barely usable, starting with my favorite DE: Plasma 5 (Kubuntu 24.04)

well, turns out that this fucker can effectively run Plasma 5 as fast as it can get, it suffers with ad/js-filled websites but an adblocker solves this, been shitposting on 4chan for a while now

I'm pretty impressed, I thought it'll have its fan spinning all the time and CPU choking at 90% but no actually

will GNOME behave the same or differently? stay tuned for my next blogpost! bye sisters!
If it's 60 on Windows and 90 on Linux under load/gaming, the temp sensors on Linux is probably screwing up.
btrfs for SSDs and ext4 for HDDs or just ext4 for both?
depends on if you want snapshots or not.
i've heard ext4 is faster and better for gaming, but that's probably negligible these days.
This looks cool, whats the catch?
Ext4 both, it's just better. Allegedly.
for me it's btrfs for both
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Too bad is Ubuntu at the end of the day; if Canonnical got over themselves and made Snap management more granular, i'd actually try to use Ubuntu distros. It works somewhat OK for things you usually would daemonize like LetsEncrypt, and would be willing to use them as i need Cups, but i refuse to use GUI apps packaged with this shit and alas, you can't just pick what packages you want from Snap, it's all or nothing.
GNOME failed to detect the laptop's external display basically rendering it useless, further gnome-shell is constantly pegging CPU at > 20% without the option to disable compositing so slower, hotter and less productive than Plasma. Compositing looks smoother than Plasma but at the cost of constant CPU usage and high fan revs

I was expecting a little bit more to be honest, I'm sorry sisters
Thanks for reading my blog

Certainly, I'd be installing Debian on this grandpa, I ain't messin' with them snaps and shit
how do i block 4chan? i need to leave this place. linux mint btw.
Open a terminal and run as root 'dmesg -wHT'
Then press Alt-SysRq-S (to sync disks), you should get a message from the kernel.
You have 4 GB of RAM. I recommend installing and configuring zram to 8 GB. It basically compresses RAM data on the fly at no noticeable performance loss. Fedora and chromeOS use it.
>you can't just pick what packages you want from Snap, it's all or nothing.
No, you can still get things like firefox without snaps. They are making it extra hard though, fuck canonical.
Is it real or "logical" temperature?
Some CPUs (especially those with many cores) add a constant amount to the real temperature so they throttle earlier.
sensors It should report both.

FWIW, this is mine (5800X):
$ sensors
Adapter: PCI adapter
Tctl: +51.5°C
Tccd1: +41.2°C
What kind of insane game are you playing that maxes out a CPU like that?
Gnome jfl
Fair observation anon, but extra RAM won't fix the undetected screen or the high CPU usage of GNOME
>high CPU usage of GNOME
Never seen that happen before.
This isn't what i meant. If you wanna pick a single snap package for something (let's say Cups) but forbid snap from being used for anything else in your system, you really can't in a straightfoward way, because Cannonical keeps fucking the base repos with empty APT packages that are just a script that downloads a snap, and you don't know beforehand what's a snap or what's a normal package unless you go and check in for every package you want to install.
The only way to achieve something like this is
>Find out that your package is just a snap
>Remove it (if you installed it)
>Go /etc/apt/preferences.d/ and instruct apt to check this specific package with negative priority from the official repos
>Also on the previous step get an APT repo that provides the package you want and create a rule that puts him on higher priority than the official repos
You basically have to blacklist packages from being pulled from snap and use external repos instead. Easier to just remove and blacklist the whole point of failure to being with (snapd).
How do I translate paltry learned skills with unix systems into a job?
>Unix users
>Having a job
Lol that's wild.
Learn to suck a mean dick and start stacking diversity points.
As I said I have a really good gaming rig, i've never had any issues with games before.
This is highly unusual. Playing something like poe for example shouldn't cause this.

According to the meat thermometer I used for real temp it's around 66c
but that's not incredibly bad as i thought, still it's overheating and shutting down my usbs after extended periods, whereas on windows i could game for hours and never have this issue.
I really don't know what to do.
I'm assuming pic related is what you mean.
Pretty much, Ubuntu repos are just going to get more barren over time without snapd. They should just stop releasing retarded minor versions and copy Centos Stream model if they hate maintaining packages so much.
Or better yet, the world should move on from Ubuntu, it has long outlived its usefulness to the ecosystem except for exclusivity nepotism.
Have you changed fan settings in BIOS?
Linux doesn't touch fans out of the box. No idea about Windows.

Can you check if any processes are ramming the CPU with htop?

Also, knowing which CPU you have could be useful.
haven't changed any fan settings in bios, I can hear them running strong
12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12800HX

aside from kwin_x11 which is using 14% cpu and Xorg -nolisten tcp which is using around the same and a bunch of other smaller stuff like my browser, it seems like plasma and k11 stuff is using the most but altogether its around a high of 25% idle
>autistic white male
Maybe AmTrak will take me
Here it is during a game, and i'm not sure why that is because I have a nvidia dedicated gaming gpu and i'm assuming it should be taking most of that wight off of the cpu?
why does this keep popping up whenever i press anything on my controller
yes, like I said, they are making it extra hard. I wouldn't use ubuntu if I have a choice.
why don't you have a choice?
because I don't get to decide the distro to use at my workplace.
KDE bug
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