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Previous thread: >>101469455
I'm on mint and I've noticed that sometimes firefox slows down a lot when I have multiple tabs open, which is funny because on win10 using Brave I had twice as many tabs, how do I fix this?
>don't have hundreds of tabs open
>use brave
>use a better DE/distro
any of the above
I've added the channel, is there something specific I have to do to add it to the path?
error: file 'nixos-unstable' was not found in the Nix search path (add it using $NIX_PATH or -I)
It wasn't hundred, but I'll stick with mint for at least a year before jumping, if I want to jump.
Now if Nvidia would just opensource the userspace.
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I've been trying to install drivers for the wifi card in my laptop and have been unsuccessful. I'm using the latest version of Mint and the wifi card is a Realtek rtl8852BE. I really wish these cards worked more seamlessly for Linux.
Open sourcing the userspace would also let vendors build ARM/UEFI boards with 80 gorillion full bandwidth PCIex16 lanes for AI and mining.
Realtek wifi is unworkable. Just change the controller out for Qualcomm, Intel, or Mediatek.
I'm retarded, named "nixos-unstable" as "unstable" ignore me.
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Swapped to manjaro yesterday after the CloudStrife incident broke the proverbial camels back on ditching windows.
I have a PCIe wifi card with an rtl8812ae and I spent a good hour and a half yesterday digging and came to the same conclusion as >>101495573 .
Basically, they're cheap chinese chips and no one maintains the drivers for linux systems, so if you can't write device drivers yourself, you should do yourself a favor and go on ebay and get a card with an intel chip. I got a nice one coming in the mail.
I got a prebuilt mini PC with Intel everything (no dGPU) and it all just werkz ootb.
Probably a better supported chipset for the wifi.
Honestly I think it would be pretty fun to write a driver in Rust for my realtek wifi card, but I mostly do scientific computing and don't know anything about device drivers.

>inb4 tranny lang.
Yes, it is. No, I don't really care.
>get a card with an intel chip
They're not flawless either, mine will sporadically give me shit like this on boot:

kern :err : [ 16.397373] iwlwifi 0000:00:14.3: SecBoot CPU1 Status: 0x0, CPU2 Status: 0xf3030903
... skip 100 lines of error log spew ...
kern :err : [ 16.399243] iwlwifi 0000:00:14.3: Failed to start RT ucode: -110
kern :warn : [ 16.399245] iwlwifi 0000:00:14.3: WRT: Collecting data: ini trigger 13 fired (delay=0ms).
... skip bluetooth initialization shit (successful) ...
kern :err : [ 17.553483] iwlwifi 0000:00:14.3: Failed to run INIT ucode: -110
kern :err : [ 17.566259] iwlwifi 0000:00:14.3: retry init count 0
kern :info : [ 17.579323] iwlwifi 0000:00:14.3: Detected Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6E AX211 160MHz, REV=0x430

The retry always initializes successfully.
It's not a matter of nobody wants to write a driver for the chip, it's just unsupportable. Every physical implementation requires different parameters to work, so you'd have to keep a database of inference points to guess how the driver is supposed to load. It only works in the context of disposable hardware with vendor supplied drivers.
Stochastic hardware errors are usually caused by literal ghosts in your pc. Please contact a pastor.
Intel Audio has similar issues.
Intel HDA is a standard, so I'm not sure what you mean by "Intel Audio".
Did you enable hardware acceleration on Firefox? Set media.ffmpeg.vaapi.enabled to true in about:config.
It's not actually a standard. The drivers are a huge mess of special cases. I ran into this with Haiku OS.
This is why the Mint forum requires you to post a full system info dump, because we have no fucking information to diagnose it otherwise.
i've got a potentially silly question.

i've been using linux for a while, headlessly and in a desktop environment, and i'm getting pretty comfortable with it. the problem is i don't really get whats *different* between many distros. the main differences seem to be different package managers (and some using runit instead of systemd), but at an admittedly very surface level that seems to be it.

it really seems to be a bunch of random extraneous features that i could install/replace manually at any time due to linux's open source nature. what am i not understanding? what are the fundamental differences between certain distros? perhaps another example would make this make more sense. i really want to delve deeper into my machine so i can more easily understand whats going on.

debian btw. i used arch for a bit but didn't fuck with it for school work (although that was with dwm/suckless stuff, now i'm just using kde because its more modern-user friendly).
xgamma if you're running X11, no idea if you're running wayland.
How do I back up? Do I just copy my home folder on my External? What will happen to my KDE vault?
Didnt mean to reply to anyone
>default settings, some are more sane than others depending on the use case, like how debian doesn't enable sudo for you
>quality of the distro repo/any patches they might apply
>release schedule
>"exclusive" features, like ubuntu's snaps or opensuse's yast
>dependency management, for example arch (not split), opensuse (split)
Little update. I got it working. I got clued into what I needed to do after looking at a couple m.2 wifi adapters. One I saw used the exact same Realtek chip I had but claimed to be compatable with Linux with Kernal 6.5 or above. After learning how to change my kernel version then changing it to 6.8, I got it working.
Probably because being AMD has nothing to do with it.
Using chmod, what number would stop programs from writing over a file but still allow myself write permissions?
Maybe 520 or 600?
>programs vs myself
There is no such distinction.
Is there no way to disallow writing to a file by a program invoked by my user?
I just want comments in my configs.
is there a way to disable modern standby from within linux? the laptop manufacturer hid the option behind 20 key combos that don't work. i peeked at efivars and there's a file called S3MemVariable which seems relevant.
You understand it just right, differences between distros are not fundamental, it's just on surface level. To create distro you just need your own package repo and installer and they all use same upstream sources, sometimes just mildly patching them to fit their system.
some distros are slightly harder to wrangle into what you want. what's the point of installing ubuntu if you prefer kde for example? hell, why go through the trouble of disabling snaps when you could use a distro that doesn't impose them?
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I think the desktop attracted too many end-users and gamers. The user-space
has turned into garbage for that audience. Windows as the Unix/Linux
Desktop was popular for 30 years. Now these casual "Enthusiasts" who are
paid agents force their 3rd-world-OS ideas into everyones ass.

The future is *BSD as a server only operating system. *BSD's strength is
that nobody cares about it.

Linux on the desktop is about to be replaced by WSL because Windows just is
the better Linux Desktop. Always has been. In the end convenience trumps
ideology. Why should someone install Linux with a Desktop that isn't the
Windows Desktop when you can have the Windows Desktop and WSL? Soon the
only people using a Linux Desktop will be the same people who are developing
it. Just leave them behind.

And who is still using Desktops anyways? It is either servers (Linux and
*BSD) or Apps on Smart Devices or dedicated Video Games hardware. Apps
don't need a full blown Desktop to be launched. Games don't need a full
blown Desktop to be launched. Desktop is just a workplace for sad people.
and how would you write those comment? Not by using a program?
Asking again.
Is it possible to make every user capable of mounting removable storage like flash drives without authentication, even for non-admin users?
No, by using an external text editor.
It's dolphin-emu, it uses inis and it removes comments as it was coded to do so.
>Is it possible
>should you do it
maybe write it in a seperate file and script your editor so it overwrites the real file. vim and emacs can do it.
have you considered that the program needs to write its own ini?
Is there any way to encrypt a btrfs subvolume individually?
That may be best.
I've ruled that out. I did consider it however,
When should you create your first snapshot? Immediately after installing the OS or should I install the programs I always want first? Or maybe create 2, one after each?
bros they're making fun of our marketshare again and calling us indians
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Why shouldn't I do it?
Also how would I do it?
mounting is an incredibly mighty thing that can compromise the whole system.
realtek documents their shit well, linuxtrannies are just lazy
No, but you can use stacked encryption like ecryptfs on any directory.

Kind of doesn't matter because there's no difference in storage used between having both of those or just one. Having multiple updates of the same programs snapshotted is when you start to use space, and even then it doesn't matter on multi-TB SSDs. Especially if you avoid snapshotting things that shouldn't be like /var/log and flatpak directories.
There's just no rational way to support it without playing "guess which adapter this is" so it'll never be mainlined. Same as nVidia open source kernel drivers. Some bullshit is rightly not tolerated.
Alsmost every time I fullscreen something or cause a screen re-draw I get a flash of green/blue horizontal lines on my screen. It's getting really annoying since I don't know if the GPU is dying or if it is the drivers.
What do?

X11, AMDGPU, Mesa, RX550, 6.10.0-gentoo.
VIDEO_CARDS="amdgpu radeonsi radeon"
Can I have:
> one cheap thinkpad with good battery
> A stationary server/workstation with high specs
I want both of them to use Linux
And somehow use the hardware of the server/worksation with ssh (or like virtual machine?) from that laptop? I am not a server nor IT guy and I was curious.
My use cases are
> Compiling
> Training my own AI model
> Lots of virtual machines
> Gaming(?)
Is this even a thing or am I retarded? What even is this called?
that's what SSH is for, yes
or VNC/Spice if you want something graphical
isnt ecryptfs unmaintained and only for /home(hardcoded)
Its 6.10
Rollback to 6.9.X
had the similar problems wait for 6.10.1 and mesa 24.2
lmao i just got a kernel update that seems to have finally fixed it
Ah, I see.
Will do, thank you.

By the way, is there any way that I missed that I can avoid these problems in the future or does it just happen that this particular version broke something?
i have a separate home partition on arch
if i reinstall, should i pass -m to useradd when creating my user?
Is there a way to have pacman/yay update while only prompting for things like choosing to replace a package and stuff like that. So basically only skipping the basic confirmations. I know there's --noconfirm but as far as I know that confirms absolutely everything, which is risky
windows fucked my grub now I can only access the debian partition using this tool
once in there I tried to do grub-update to see if that would fix it but nothing, tried to change the boot option for the drive in the motherboard menu but when it loads grub shows but when I choose debian it says it needs to load kernel first and shit like that
is there a quick fix for this
no but that would be nice
what you really should be doing is chrooting into your debian install from any iso THEN you run grub-mkconfig and grub-install.
I know, that's why I asked if there was a quick fix, also do I really need to do it from an iso if I can boot into the partition
i think so
It's basically the most typical use case. Just enable sshd on the workstation side, get your keys via ssh-keygen and configure it to only accept logins via keys. If you are going to connect remotely you need to make sure you have a static public IP from your ISP, or use some kind of DDNS.
this post reminds me that it's a shame that 9p never took off
In theory, yes, but in practice I just want the user to be able to plug a damn flash drive in to copy files or whatnot without needing the admin sitting there to authenticate the operation.
Windows can do it, why not Linux?
i think you can add the user to a group but i don't remember which
I don't know where else to post wihout shitting up this board but is (You)r firefox also fucked? Mine can't load ROM sites and for example photopea or the gentoo forums without loading forever, literally, forever.
Change your DNS server to something like Adguard or Quad9.
What's the most beginner friendly Arch distro?
Anything that comes prebuilt is about the same, manjaro, endeavourOS etc.
Endeavour or CachyOS
none, use vanilla arch and learn the hard way, you're only delaying the inevitable
Didn't work.
just use archinstall
shouldn't you be asking the arch wiki this?
What is the best no-bullshit password manager I can use on Linux Mint? I don't need cloud nonsense, I can manage backups myself. I don't need to be able to access my credentials from outside my home network.

Preferably just something that creates a "Database" file that I can unlock and open. I used KeePass2 on Windows and it worked well. Wine is a bit choppy with it.

KeePassXC seems to be recommended by many but just wanted to ask this thread first in case I accidentally plunge into another botnet
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what's the Linux equivalent of MSI Afterburner.
I accidentally left my GPU on the wrong settings before making the switch to linux
Yes, I endorse KeePassXC.
For Nvidia it's nvidia-smi.
There is an amd-smi as well, though I have never used it.
Absolutely can't go wrong with KeePassXC and KeePassDX if you intend to use it on your phone too. I like the browser integration but there's probably some security implication there. It's optional and you need to install a plugin in your browser anyway.
Can anyone recommend me some minimalist, Xorg bar that doesn't look like absolute shit?
How do I check if it is?
type about:config in the URL bar
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thanks for the input anon, but how Im suppposed to "monitor" something by using a CLI?
would it kill them to make a GUI
awesome, I set it to true, do I have to reboot the browser?
Using the watch command.
What are you trying to see? "watch sensors" might be all you need.
I actually need to change a few settings: voltage and the fan speed curve to be precise. which I left on the wrong settings from the time I used windows
I just put mint xfce on my t530, what's the best theme in (You)'re opinion?
>you're opinion
Goodmorning saar
Bloody bastard, give me you ARE opinion, yes? Thank you.
also I used to use vscode, what do I use on this toaster now?
>be on mint
>download music file
>click-drag it over to the left panel and drop it on the music folder
>It goes to the music folder
>download picture
>click-drag it over to the left panel and drop it on picture folder
>it doesn't go in
>dolphin has dual pane feature
>can't switch panes with keyboard
what's the point? i can't do quick file operations with my keyboard
Eversince I switched over to dwm C seems more and more fun to learn
Why do people hate Wayland? Every DE is moving to it, it's supposed to be more secure, right? Is it just that no one wants to leave their openbox/awsm rice?
don't know if its' a debian, gnome or wayland issue but every time I have 2 windows open and one is playing a video the other freezes for a second every few seconds, not a hardware issue cause it doesn't happen on the windows partition
Not many people hate wayland, they just prefer X because it's more reliable and a more traditional way of getting stuff done. There are also no heavy security flaws so it's not exactly necessary to move to wayland since X "just werks"
What the fuck is this BULLSHIT?
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Why do newbies do this to themselves?
Install Arch or Debian, probably arch for you since you picked manjaro.
bash <(curl -L christitus.com/archtitus)
Probably because it's the best arch-based distro. In 2015.
Why would you even want arch-based?
Arch is based enough as it is.
Settling for secondhand sources is just going to cuck you.
What would be the best way of retaining your current kernel when restoring a btrfs snapshot with a separate boot partition? The first thing I could think of was writing a script that copies the /boot folder to somewhere on your main partition before making a snapshot, but that sounds incredibly jank.
i know xfce looks like shit by default
what are some good themes for it

kinda weird that it's not on by default
>Install Arch or Debian
After three weeks of distrohopping, these are basically the only sane choices.

Hyprland is on debian now?
Nah dude we gotta embrace this shit, even if you don't need a baby tier distro yourself. I actually feel like that this is something I could let my mom and sister use though. While Linux Mint has come a long way, it's still not really there yet. Anything better than the shitty binary choice of either MacOS or Windows we have right now. And again, no, while Linux Mint and others are not bad, it's better to have more options, even if some of those options are paid.

I'll try it out, it would be funny if a paid distro would finally stop my incessant distro hopping. a one-time payment of 50 bucks is certainly not a problem to me. Ballsy how they advertise a MacOS-like theme like that...
No, the Hyprland bit was separate to the reply. I probably should have made that two separate posts. I thought the double-newline would suffice :)
In many, many, many cases no one else has access and it's convenient when not browsing in root.
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compiling anything from source on ubuntu never fails to take half a day and end up in the most byzantine expedition into the very depths of cryptic
error messages possible
Learn how to compile on ubuntu, its most likely a user error due to not enough knowledge.
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never mind, jesus fucking christ
I stopped using linux for the past 7 months, on windows right now, and i gotta say i miss it. Also havent been learning anything or being anywhere in the tech sphere for about a year now because i had other problems :/

i originally bought this windows disk for playing video games only. shit, i have to recompile and update everything on gentoo D: should i just go back to artix? its so much easier
>KeePassXC seems to be recommended by many
And not for undeserved reasons. It's a great program. Looks good, intuitive, well-appointed, and it's FOSS if you care about that.
Aren't they right though
not at all.
Firefox is different from brave it uses different engine beside Linux mint might use LTS version which is older regardless objectively Firefox is inferior to anything based on chromium i hate to admit so if you want you could download brave for Linux from there site you would fine instructions
it's without a doubt one of the best FOSS programs
anyone has sound issues recently on arch?
Its MATE config looks pretty sweet. But I'm not sure what benefit you get by not running systemd. It seems pretty good these days.
I guess I'll move back to brave then
hell no
the .EFI file has to be signed by microsoft and some UEFI only add the windows entry in the boot list automatically, you have to manually add your linux bootloader to it
i always had this once since i built this computer years ago where the audio output wont switch to the headphone port automatically. don't know how to solve it.
What is the point of having /bin, /sbin and /usr directories?
I installed Linux Mint about a week or so ago. How in the hell do I enable HDR? Most threads and shit I checked said to enable it on the monitor, but mine doesn't have that option (it is a HDR monitor tho, worked fine on windows (Samsung OLED G8)), so how do I enable it from Linux instead?

I installed mint at least 2 or 3 weeks ago and I never noticed if mine was in HDR or not, it looks like it is, how do I check?
Sorry unable to help with that. Unsure how to check inside mint, my monitor has a HDR status in the OSD, I just can't toggle it on or off via the OSD. I guess check if your OSD has a status for it somewhere.
Isn't that like the program files folder of linux, or do you mean partitions?
to my knowledge is not yet supported on cinnamon i think there is was a beta
This song is awful
>/bin, /sbin
Don't distros just symlink these to /usr now? They're for compatibility
it works with different privileges sbin won't be accessible unless you use sudo for example
False, Debian, Linux Mint and Fedora are able to set-up *and* enroll Secure Boot during installation without any user interaction. They do it out of the box without any input needed, in the background.
Even then, if you'd need to enroll MOK keys manually through mokutil after installation, that does not make Secure Boot irrelevant, nor ineffective. the fact a developer says this bullshit does make me very sceptical about their security consciousness.
Yeah just came across this just now, KDE Plasma Beta has it apparently, I will probably just wait, still too new to linux to be fucking around that much just yet.

This may help if you want to get it going tho. https://youtu.be/hSGWNq1rqAQ
>These distros automatically enroll Secure Boot during installation
No they don't. They just add EFI boot entries. You'll need 3rd party SB CA to boot them.
What is the Debian equivalent of "pacman Qe"?
Sorry, I meant
pacman -Qe
they use shim
i know fedora does i have seen the files on the efi partition
i dont like that systemd has so much control of alot of stuff, an example is the DNS exploit that enabled attackers to, if i remember right, get root access pretty easy
you mean dry run ?
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I don't think that is true, since shim is signed by microsoft, and shim can subsequently check the rest of the boot chain.

Regardless if it sets up SB autonomously or if you need to manually enroll MOK in UEFI between power cycles after installation, I'm strongly of the opinion that Secure Boot is a must-have for any daily driver, where you login to your email and bank account and such.

yeah exactly
HDR is implemented in kernel it's just a lot of work to implement it in GUI but hopefully one day we would be there
>I'm strongly of the opinion that Secure Boot is a must-have for any daily driver, where you login to your email and bank account and such.
Crock of shit.
care to elaborate, besides ventilating your ignorance?
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Stole this from a past thread:

use one of these for metacity: https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1007152
I'm actually using metacity on xfce cuz I like it a bit more than xfce's window manager.
this too: https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1080259/
the icons I have: https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1015867/
other than that, you just need to mess around with the panel. Not sure how the theme looks on mate's panel, but I had to use picrel as a background on xfce's panel for the panel look.
You can also remove the mate panel and use xfce's panel too.
why do you need secure boot?
i disabled it on my laptop
what kind of attack do you think secure boot protects you from?
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No, --explicit. Pic related.

Okay, I think you are right. I was confusing the CA with the shim. But the shim doesn't offer much protection since anything can sign against the 3rd party CA. True?
he means getting a list of manually installed packages
Because if the boot chain can be tampered, it is useless to set up LUKS FDE, SB helps at least detecting bootkits etc. There is a good reason Windows does it.

>inb4 you don't need it, nobody will tamper with your shit
Probably not, but I genuinely refuse to daily drive an OS that is less secured than a basic bitch Windows install with FDE. Might be less vulnerable to malware, but overall less secure from an information security perspective.

Evil maid attack primarily, what about it? Why do I need to defend my choices in wanting to have an OS that is at least as secure as basic W10?

>But the shim doesn't offer much protection since anything can sign against the 3rd party CA. True?
I don't think so, shim has its own (limited) list of accepted signatures and anything outside of those needs manual MOK enroll
GreenWithEnvy is a graphical GPU monitor and basic overclocker for nvidia GPUs
As far as I remember, Afterburner can only apply overclocks at login, so not logging into windows should mean that the overclocks aren't applied
Holy shit Zorin is polished, after spending 5 minutes with I freaking love it
If I can set it up the same way I did my mint install I might just buy Zorin Pro not going to lie
So can I finally switch from Krusader?
image previews don't even work in it for me anymore. only annoying behavior in dolphin is that it'll scroll automatically when you rename a file.
I have no idea what to install if I wanted to try Wayland. I don't even understand the concept of graphics stack but I do know how to search "xorg" from packages and install whatever until I get to desktop.
>Why do I need to defend my choices
If you'd only have said you use it no one would have given a fuck. But since you declared it a must-have you better have some reasoning for it.
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Arch bros, How do I downgrade a package that was installed from AUR?
dont you have to set an administrator password on the UEFI if you want to use secure boot, otherwise anyone can access the settings and disable it
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What's the best option to run windows 10/11 on linux machine with limited resources (250 GB HDD/4 GB RAM/ 3rd gen Core i5)?
>inb4 why
Because certain online exam require to install an applications that's only available for Windows/iOS.
I'd need to left the laptop, at the exam hall so they can install that bloatware for the exam, and take it there.
And I don't trust whatever cheap IT they hired they would know to deal with linux machine to boot into VM.
>Evil maid attack primarily
Only if you enrolled your own keys and made them the only acceptable ones.
>Old AUR packages can be built by checking out an old commit in the AUR package Git repository.
Remove Linux drive from your laptop, get yourself some cheap hard drive, put it into laptop and install W*ndows on it.
KeepassXC is pretty much *the* local password vault client for PCs.

if you get strange feeling it might be possible to flash mobo with same version bios from trusted source and build upwards from there
I'll test this to verify but to my understanding the OS should trip up and at least warn you when detecting an unauthorized disabled SB, which prevents you from inputting any key material into a potentially compromised machine.

but yeah setting up UEFI security and disable external booting for instance should be implemented

true, which I'll try, albeit relucantly, as it is reported some manufacturer drivers are signed with MS keys and could brick your device when running MOK keys only
I wonder what Valve is thinking after the Plasma 6 shitshow. They still haven't released the update on the Steam Deck lmao
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>uses brave which has been proven to have a high amount of telemetry spyware
I mean it's the same as default Firefox. What, you don't go in the settings to turn off all the cruft on new installs?
i disable all that shit, in fact the first time you run it, it lets you disable it
and as someone said firefox also collects data by default
>some manufacturer drivers are signed with MS keys and could brick your device
What are drivers in this context? Something inside ESP?
Not really real criticism if you can turn it off, though their meme coin crypto thing should be openly mocked and ridiculed.
Ok, this an old commit
Do I download the PKGBuild? and then
makepkg -si

And this would be seen by the package manger?Isn't there a way to automate it?
Or this only available for packages in the arch repo?
Thanks for the reply btw.
>install W*ndows on it.
And would win10 work on my toaster?
Would installing it on USB3 flash drive work?
I wish if there's a way to boot VM from usb drive.
I'd say it probably is by most. At least it's very easy to disable all the web3 garbage.
yeah, kernel drivers I think
Hiren Boot PE Live Windows from USB
works up to 72 hours I think
And you can Install applications normally?
I thought it lack a lot of features.
I mean if it can be used that way people would use it to run games, no?
You can boot VHD(X) files with Ventoy
Idk mane but then again this is /fglt/ not /fwt/
But yeah a quick 256GB ssd swap shouldn’t be too expensive and is the most safe route. Performance won’t be great but better than anything VM or LiveUSB. Whatever you need to install on windiws might detect & bitch about running in a VM too, to counter possible cheating and shieeet
>You can boot VHD(X) files with Ventoy
What now?
>Whatever you need to install on windiws might detect & bitch about running in a VM too, to counter possible cheating and shieeet
You have a point.
Maybe then, I should install on USB directly?
I guess /fwt/ is better place, but honestly they don't give much info for linux fag like me.
Windows (V)irtual (H)ard (D)isk (X) files. It's images of system drives that Windows itself can make. IIRC Ventoy can also boot Virtualbox derived virtual disks as well.
How to know what package is using a certain library/dependence?
Pacman shows I have several packages in the AUR that's flagged out of date
Orphan packages, and other not in the AUR.
What to do about these?
>Windows itself can make
So, need to install windows, then create vhdx? how big is this?
VB does make vdhx doesn't it?
Does this mean ventoy is running a vm? or it's just use clever trick to boot windows image on actual metal?
IIRC Ventoy's website says what happens when it boots virtual disk files. I think it's kinda complicated.
I reinstalled Arch recently and during boot my monitor briefly turns off as if it's switching resolutions or refresh rate (but actually does neither). My monitor stays off long enough that I can just barely see the end of the boot logs. Anyone know what could be causing this?
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Redpill me on the best Linux interactive shell. Should I switch from bash to zsh GRML like ArchISO has?
During my switching to linux from windows, I moved files from a NTFS partition to an EXT4 partition, the plan was to delete the NTFS partition and resize the EXT4 one, However, during the resizing (and moving to the left), I had an error pop up that the resizing couldn't be finished, now the NTFS partition shows up as unallocated (good) and the EXT4 as unknown. Can anything be done here?
So what's the best filesystem when the top priority is preventing corruption after a sudden power loss? (It's for a single-board computer that can and will have the power plug removed at any time)

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What is this garbage? It is a fresh Arch install with KDE. I didn't even do anything and it just breaks.
Looks like broken graphics drivers
>he used ventoy
Anon using Ventoy wouldn't do anything like this. It obviously loaded the Arch ISO totally fine and allowed anon to pacstrap and shit. Something's just gone wrong somewhere most likely in the graphics driver department.
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what was nvidia's justification for nvidia-open? surely, there must have be a business reason for it
I mean they currently have more money then god.

resizing partitions is not one of most popular ideas, maybe you can assing ext4 filesystem to unknown partition but not format
exactly, so why open their drivers when they can easily maintain the funding requirements of an in-house dev team?
They know that the only reason the market puts up with their proprietary shit is that there are no other good options. But that's changing quickly, and to stay relevant nvidia will have to get with the times and that means open sourcing, especially in the linux market.
The graphics drivers are a whole other Arch nightmare. I have no idea if I did the right thing because all of guides have different steps.

I have the following packages:
libvdpau 1.5-3
Nvidia VDPAU library
nvidia-dkms 555.58.02-1
NVIDIA drivers - module sources
nvidia-utils 555.58.02-1
NVIDIA drivers utilities

This is my relevant /etc/mkinitcpio.conf line:
MODULES=(nvidia nvidia_modeset nvidia_uvm nvidia_drm)
(and removed 'kms' from hooks)

This is my relevant /etc/default/grub line:
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="loglevel=3 nvidia-drm.modeset=1 nvidia_drm.fbdev=1 nvidia.NVreg_EnableGpuFirmware=0"

Am I missing something? Does this all look correct?
Personally what I do for NVIDIA drivers is use nvidia-dkms, nvidia-utils and nvidia-settings alongside lib32-nvidia-utils. Changing packages around if it's an old card that requires an older max version number via the AUR.
Then I just add "nvidia-drm.modeset=1" to the GRUB command line and that's all I need.
It's written out as nvidia_drm.modeset=1 actually
I've done it a lot on windows so I expected it'd be painless relatively here as well. Well, using testdisk I'm extracting my files to a backup rn.
I don't remember the graphics drivers ever being a nightmare on Arch.
I regularly use Chrome OS. Ask me anything.
Why are you gay?
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I'm trying to install OMV on a laptop that lacks an ethernet port, and I don't have any kind of ethernet to USB adapter. Looking online, I need the rtl8723du driver, but that's not an option in the list of drivers on the OMV installation media.

Is there a way I can add it into OMV installation media? OMV seems to REALLY not want you to log in locally, as entering the default credentials just spits me back at the login prompt, so I think it needs internet/network access as it is installed.
You are confusing me with Mac users. I am nonbinary.
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Idk if my Linux Installation fucked my new Windows installation. here's my issue.
if I start my PC and go into the boot menu to boot into Windows 11 nothing but my mint installation is there.
i already tried legacy mode but it didn't help either.
earlier I opened GParted to format another SSD and I noticed that GParted doesn't list the boot loader partition of my Windows 11 SSD.
where is it? i can see my Mint one.
We call it duel boot for a reason
DOgshit unstable bitchass "os" c ant even run shit without dying, useless garbage, and people wonder why th elinux user base is so low>!
gentoo's actually pretty ezpz once you get some idea of how to understand what emerge wants from you
yeah, but my w11 installation is on a different SSD.
What is the linux distro for furries?
A while back, some anon posted a sweet bashrc which solved duplicate entries in bash history, even when separated by other commands. It probably did some other cool shit as well which I don't remember. Would any of you happen to have it?
no, on both counts
only in the sense that you don't need it i guess, like most people don't need it with windows either, except when they want to run some gambling spyware for kids software that wants to install an all-seeing driver that requires it (none of that was hyperbole, sadly)
damn, sounds like I should update before it hits the repos.
Based, Drew Segfault BTFO
[  113.267565] usb 3-2.2: device descriptor read/64, error -110
[ 128.840994] usb 3-2.2: device descriptor read/64, error -110

can anybody help me with this error? So annoying that I need to wait one and half minute everytime I restart my system?
tried a different usb port already?
I do too. I have nothing to ask but to say: you're based
fish is the comfiest ootb shell imo, but the caveat is that it's not bash-compatible
How do I work with multiple drives on Linux? It doesn't feel as intuitive as on Windows. For example, I've got a Steam library split across drive A and B. Additionally, my Home folder is going to be on one drive, but I can easily be more selective of where I install things on Windows.

No doubt this problem is just a result of my lack of knowledge, but I'm wondering if someone could enlighten me, please.
Find whatever device is plugged into that USB port and try it in another port. If the issue persists replace the device in question.
that was the change I had the most trouble with as well - not telling things where they ought to be installed.
You can do some things with bind mounts, but it many cases it's just not worth bothering with it.
I just tell for a beginner's trap. I tried installing flatpak VS-Code on my Linux Mint from the software manager and it was a scuffed version that didn't work properly. After like 1 hour of research I found out I was supposed to just go to Microsoft's website and download the .deb version instead
this OS rots my brain sometimes
But say I wanted to install something on my HDD instead of SDD. Or even just my boot drive is about to run out of storage, how do I then start utiling my extra drive?

Making logical volumes or something?
symlinks are your friend
i've come to prefer them and have a tool for windows to make symlinks more easily there, too

basically, you just say, install a steam game normally, and if you want it on some other mount, move it, then create a symlink to the new location in its place. in many cases you can make the symlink first and then install something, which will make it get written to the place you want right away
should point out that steam on linux does also in fact support multiple library locations just like in windows, so for that specific example you can do it the same way you've always done it
>install something on my HDD instead of SDD.
been there, done that (by mounting partitions on the hdd to /home and /var), wouldn't recommend it.
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The absolute autism of this guy
A bit petty. Just a bit.
microsoft deserves it desu
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Wait there's more (all the previous posts in that thread have at least one legal threat somewhere in the reply)
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Oh shit he backed down after all that sperg lol
The one caveat with symlinks is that most flatpaks won't read outside your homedir by default, so you might need a bind mount for those.
Flatpaks have plenty of outside permission granters/deniers these days like KDE's built-in Flatpak settings panel and Flatseal.
Mount them in /mnt, like /mnt/games or /mnt/whatever and then symlink them to your home or point Steam directly to them
yes, because flatpaks are sandboxed. symlinks don't bypass sandboxing, you need access to the location the symlink points to for them to work
also, calling that a caveat of symlinks is a bit misleading. this is an issue regarding access to where the data is, whether you use a symlink or not isn't related
why does pipewire depend on bluetooth protocol libraries (bluez-libs)?
bluetooth audio handling
Is it possible to get a windows like taskbar in lxqt?
the AI stuff is happening on Linux and Valve.
What do you mean? Isn't it already quite similar?
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I mean launcher and active instances being in the same icon if that makes sense.
I do not see a widget for that on Lubuntu 24.04.
upgrade to KDE which does that by default
So what's going on with Nvida?
They made an open source kernel driver that's still poopdick code quality and depends on a proprietary x86 only userspace blob.
Are trying to turn the laptop into an actual server? Then use a device that actually has ethernet
There are no devices plugged into the USB ports.
In that case, assuming you don't have any add-on USB hubs or controllers, the only thing you can do is RMA the motherboard or pretend the error doesn't happen. Maybe try firmware updates, but don't expect a miracle.
If this is a laptop your keyboard or mouse may be dying.
It's a laptop, I think my USB C port is cooked.
Bluetooth is usually interfaced using USB, it could be the cause. Also RGB LED shit. Check if it can be disabled in BIOS or physically turn it off if there's an actual switch.
Can you show
lsusb -t
trannyfox keeps krashing. i just want to watch my youtubes.
I'm happy with Arch, should I switch to Artix?
because CUDA is implemented in that userspace driver stack and their market share is humped if AMD gets a look at it
Thanks for the advice.
The wonders of capitalism...
Made the mistake of cloning a btrfs file system on the windows side. Big mistake, holy shit. Had to do a full reinstall.
how do i set gpu fan speed? nvidia-settings have to be run by user, but changing fan speed requires root access. do i have to add some category to my user or change ownership of some directory/file?
Why would you? It should manage itself.
just ordered an RX7800xt and some 140mm fans, so tired of this shit
Make sure you have a recent kernel if you want that card.
isn't france taking action again in beedia's cuda monopoly?
(me) due to migration and up until recently dual booting, my drive has a kind of wild partition layout- which is to say, I have a small (200ish gb) partition at the start of the drive), after that is the /boot/efi, then swap and then home. How badly will I fuck it up if I try to move the 200ish gbs towards my home partition?
I uhhh.... I use, I use

>What do?
1. - Install windows
2. - Try to fullscreen some program
If It fails your GPU is dying :(


dumb question I asked in /sqt/ but is DisplayPort 2.1 for the monitor not the motherboard? Every single AM5 board has DP 1.4 support, not 2.1

I think im missing some crucial information
In about:config, force disable accesibility (accessibility.force_disabled to 1)
If you get a GPU, why do you care about the motherboard? The GPU has its own ports, depending on what the gpu makers put on them, they probably will have display ports.
I have 3 of 2.1 display ports on mine apparently.
yeah i don't think hdr is possible on cinnamon desktop yet, i think that gamemode thing can support it for fullscreen games so it "works" but only to that extent. only gnome and kde have proper desktop hdr right now.
that's what I thought. I think I need to check my carbon monoxide detectors...
my lg monitor has a fake hdr effect. it might just be something like that
i see if that what you mean then you would use dpkg but i don't rember what exactly the command but it exist just search about in google and you would find dpkg command that do the trick
>new panel edit pane in plasma 6 overlaps widget settings so you can't delete them before moving them first
i love kde but man
(me again) surprisingly, everything went well. maybe it's a kde partition manager skill issue or something.
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Mintsisters, please help. Mint wouldnt open any programs, and there was a kernal update. I tried updating and there was no indicator of anything. So I tried restarting and this happened. Can anyone help? What do I do?
desu i'm kinda sick of windows shills acting like linux distros don't need to exist anymore because of WSL
load an older kernel
>I'm happy with X, should I switch to X?
>unarj file.arj
>file.arj is not an ARJ archive
What the mother fuck is it then???
$ file file.arj
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Ok I tried that and booting in safe mode too and saw like 5 different errors. Some I didnt even get the chance to screen shot, heres 1.

I actually really liked mint, but if this shit keeps up, I'm going to have to go back to windows.
try this https://youtu.be/nIRSAlEoP1c
>paying for good software??????? preposterous!!!! I want something for nothing!!!!
When will freetards grow up and get a job?
that's not mint fault there's something else is causing all this problems if i have to guess i think there is problem in you file system and maybe there is problem with your storage device that caused a corruption of course that just a guess from what i have seen so far
is fedora kinoite a decent distro for gaming? ive had random bizarre issues with games in the past on a half dozen different distros and i want something that wont give me a headache
on some distros it was older games, on some it was newer ones (even across the same type of core with debian/ubuntu/arch)
i just wanna quit distro hopping
How do you feel about flatpak and containers?
i want to add that you probably need to login using live USB and check the filesystem
use https://nobaraproject.org/ it based on fedora and made for gaming
To add to this, Bazzite is the immutable equivalent. It's not related to the Nobara project in any way but it's the closest you'll get to an immutable version of that.
neutral to dislike, ive had issues with them in the past but it may be my own incompetence
ill check both of these out then thanks
I think Flatpaks have definitely improved but yeah, you'll be using either these or distrobox containers to install your user programs.
is there a package to pin crypto charts to your desktop?
Depends on your desktop environment/WM. You can probably script something with Conky.
I have mint ubuntu on a thinkpad. Thanks for the help I will look up conky.
New thread:
You beautiful motherfucker, this kinda worked. I'm back in. Currently making a backup now.
maybe someone made a widget for mint/cinnamon but if not, you can always run curl on rate.sx and try to parse that.
word of advice: back your shit up. suddenly needing a fsck is not a good sign, imo.
glad it worked out
You should test your RAM as it can cause corruption like that.
yes there i was carious about the root cause too
Okay, I switched it to 1 do I have to reboot it or is it effective immediately?
I'm not actually sure. I've never done it, personally. I just found the help info for you. Good luck, anon :)
>fish shell
Thanks anon. I have seen this shell mentioned but I always disregarded for some reason. Probably because it wasn't installed on systems I wanted to manage. But I don't have that problem anymore so I might take a fresh look at it.
type 'fsck /dev/sda3' like it says, press A to yes-to-all the errors it fixes than type 'exit' once its done. my old desktop with a dying ssd would do this every couple of months and that's how i would fix it.
If I already have a desktop window open how do I open another one?
Artix only exists because of systemd protest. If you're happy with Arch itself I see no reason to switch.
for future reference just type 'exit' first whenever you're in this situation, it should tell you why it can't exit busybox and boot. in this case it'd probably just tell you the fsck command like i said
fiSH doesn't help you that much. Could just use Bash with Bash-Completion.
Although Bash needs some extras like
local EXIT="$?"
test $EXIT != 0 && echo -ne "\033[01;31m(${EXIT}) \033[00m"

so it outputs any exit codes you get.
fish is actually looking really interesting so far. I like that it is a batteries-included, opinionated shell. Years ago I spent a lot of time on bash and felt like I didn't get much out of it for my time. But thanks for the snippet.
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I'm thinking about changing to OpenSUSE, is there anything I should be worried about the SUSE foundation or anything related to the distro itself?
Just this:
snapper is cool, although I never got around to using it because of other problems with the distro. Mirrors are slow. zypper is slow. It prevents you from running /sbin executables if you are non-root, even if regular users can run those commands. Also if you choose FDE you might get a really slow unlock of /boot because it is done by grub/firmware instead of Linux. All that said, KDE was reasonably stable on it, and it seemed like a nice distro in general. Plenty of people love it.
kek I love that video. What genre of music is that?
showtunes believe it or not, if you don't know what showtunes are you can alternatively look up "musical" or "informational musical"
That's what I heard the most, I'm used to Fedora's DNF so slowness won't be a issue to me. Safe to hear it is reputable, just hope the SUSE company itself isn't as bad to the point of the end of the distro. Changing to it definitely.
the one time i used tumbleweed it actually sent me to the grub rescue prompt after an update so i dropped it. i NEVER had this happen with arch.

>I'm used to Fedora's DNF so slowness won't be a issue to me
For me, dnf and Fedora repos are blazing fast compared to zypper and openSUSE.
>hope the SUSE company itself isn't as bad to the point of the end of the distro
Not sure what you mean, but SUSE is about to strip branding and logos from openSUSE, which isn't a good sign in my view.
Happens randomly regardless of your distribution.
>EFI system
>boots EFI-stub kernels -> doesn't need GRUB
>doesn't encrypt root -> doesn't need an initramfs -> boots even simpler
This shit works so good you can't believe it.
Just want to know if it already tried to push something unfair like telemetry or plans on doing stupid stuff that you would see Canonical or RHEL doing.
Don't do this unless you want to be at the mercy of a single guy that is willing to brick everyone's machine on a whim.
Only sane way to do rolling release if you still want a distro that just works.
Just turn it off, I guess.
My thoughts on bash is use it for general terminal traversal and tasks, but use bash when you need to setup scripts that you can rely on.

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