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Everything is already from China, but in here we discuss the cheap chink shit you see on various sites.

Useful links
>New guide (WIP): https://csg-guide.neocities.org/
>installgentoo wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Chink_shit_general
>Mergeboss links (click 3, post yours): https://pad.disroot.org/p/%2Fcsg%2F_ali_game

>What headphones/earbuds should I buy?
>I want a cheap smartphone what should I buy?
>I want to buy some sort of emulation device

Look below!

Previous: >>101450422
Previous previous: >>101412032
first for shit reviews
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I'm putting together my GM Spartan. How do these stickers work? Do I soak it in water to get it out? What's the white paper for?
XFS Spartan, nice. I believe those are waterslides, yeah. Word of warning, built the kit yesterday and it's actually pretty good aside from the polycaps. Polycaps need trimming and even the cap holes might.
I dont know what to buy
Then gtfo of this thread
buy me some stuff then
fucking kek

buy yourself a life
Thanks. I'll give the decals a try once I finished building it. I've only done the head, torso and left arm so far and I have no complaints. I got 3 sets of visors for some reason.
They gave me two sets. Everything else was in order and free is free.
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Custom watercooling loop for your pc from bykski.
But you cannot afford it, poorfag.
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>Xeon E5 V3 E5-2650V3 are so cheap there which makes me VERY skeptical about the seller. These used to sell for $1000 back then and now they're like $12? And some mobo+cpu combo with the same cpu only costs ~$120.
It's 10 year old, power hungry, hardware that's no longer supported by the manufacturer. local businesses in my area put 5 yo. hardware up for auction and recoup maybe 10% of the sales price. It's absolutely serviceable for entertaining children with video games and light office work, coding, media streaming, linux distro hopping and virtualization etc. but probably not acceptable in any competitive business environment.
I am going to buy more shitty cosplay and wear them in public.
Can confirm I have one and I play my old vido gems and play with stable diffusion using it too.
Ordered a fold 6
Is it safe to order phone case from aliexpress or should I wait a bit?
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What's the most worthwhile and economic SBC I can buy from the Chinks? I'd read that Orange Pi 5 Pro surpasses Raspberry Pi 5 in most benchmarks, and is reccommended in the guide, but is it adequate, insufficient, or overkill if the only things I need it to do are office/Word work, surfing, and watching non-streamed movies no larger than 1080p?

Basically, imagine a guy still using Windows 7 and a 15-year old PC looking for a cheap modern alternative with similar specs.
just buy those $150 intel n100 PC boxes
There's this $60 n100 SBC that just came out
RPi form factor without any of the ARM pains.

Alright, I got the ZT-303, AN870 seems a bit too bulky for my needs.
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I demand answers >>101492156
my autistic friends
i keep hearing about temu
do people order from there or is ali still king?
with several thousands spent on ali, im kinda hesitant to go to temu
can confirm these work, I have 40 of the older model
>Aliexpress disputes are 90% pointless. If the items cheap, then they have no problems with giving you the money back with a dispute. But on expensive items you'll never win disputes, even if you proved everything beyond a shadow of a doubt. And they will drag them on for 2 months.
>Never chat with these aliexpress sellers, you should ignore all messages. You are not speaking with the store owners, you're speaking with a scumbag that wants to scam you , so he can pocket money without his boss knowing. To make matters worse, there are even scammers inside aliexpress headquarters it's self. A number of times in the past when I did an aliexpress dispute, I would receive scamming emails, mostly wanting me to pay a small amount of money in order to get my issue resolved. Look at the address that the scamming emails are coming from, and notice slightly bad english and grammar.
>You will learn over time that chinese are scammers. It's been their culture for 100 years under the CCP and they even scam their own people, but their own people are wise to it. Don't ever buy something that expensive from aliexpress again. Good tip is the less you message sellers the better. I don't ever message these people anymore. The more you chat with them, the more they think they can scam you. Stop chatting and don't read their messages, they don't care about you or what you want. They will say what you want to hear, until you buy from them then they don't care anymore about you. It's not like the west, where you build business relationships from spending a lot of money at a store.
>Your credit card company is always going to believe you, so they are your solution. Wait until you receive whatever he sent you. Or wait until you see something fishy with the tracking details. Once you can 100% confirm that you've been scammed with proof, then phone your credit card company and file a dispute. It could take the credit card company a while, but they'll always side with you.
>People have to start ignoring aliexpress disputes because it's a lie and a scam. If it's a $5-10 item then sure do an aliexpress dispute. For everything else it's paypal and credit card disputes that should be made. If you get your aliexpress account banned, then you can just make a new one. Believe me, it works 10/10 times. You edit your old account details, change the name, address and remove your credit card. Then make a new one in your real name again. After I was scammed from aliexpress, I only pay with paypal now. It's a western brand and similar to your credit card company, they're going to believe you and resolve things in your favor, but you still have to prove it.
is there a significant performance increase from Rock 3A?

or is the main price difference due to the GPIO and 2 mini-HDMIs?
lad this thing is more powerful than rockchip's most powerful chip rk3588
i think temu might be like ali back in the day were they are selling shit cheap or at a loss to gain market share. but truly I am hesitant like you anon. My friend says that it was good, but you have a minimum spend or something (maybe he means to avoid shipping fee)..
I see, so for a <€60 SBC with an Intel processor I imagine Orange Pi not to even be worth looking into.Thank you.
I have one of those rock chips in an anbernig device and it struggles to play most PS2 games. Not much power at all.
anyone skilled in chinklish able to help me understand what this means?
find the number in 2 that's rotated 90 degrees
now click the object in 1 that have a total of the number from 1.

so, 4, which means cones.
Click on the 4 cones.
phew thanks bros, I think temu sensed my IQ is white nigger level and sent me an easy one. i'm in ..
bro this is not a chinklish test...
nigger i'm already in, there's no need to reply anymore.
OH SHIEET he entered the Chintrix
Looks like it's already sold out, damn this is exactly what I need to replace my old rpi2 I'm using as a crappy server.
>I'm using as a crappy server.
It'll still be a crappy server with a chink SBC
Are there any lists comparing the performance between the $60-100 (8GB+ RAM) boards?
idk why did I buy this usb tester.
all my chink cable/charger are fine. As long as you buy from tier1,2 or even 3 brand, it's all good. You don't need to test it

wasted 20$ I guess. It's the FNB48p.
that sbc would be perfect for so many shit, being x86 and intel, is the io full suported? i guess so
even a 16gbs version would be perfect for a desktop machine...
Same but I bought a cheapo one. Plug it into random USB ports to see how shit they are. I have a sectional with USB charging built into the arm rests. 4.6V output. lol okay.
Lol, you are a terminal retard. Are you greasy spic or stinky and brown amerishartian?
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I'm guessing Anon is home schooled
MFW 1949 was 100 years ago
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talk me out of buying the abyss 1266 chink clones
fucking rusniggers
It is called abyss because it breaks your neck since it weights 5 pounds.
and throwing your whole wallet into one
School is literally prison lite for children.
>said regular nigger
Who asked you?
True, but the purpose is to rehabilitate children into adults.
I heard Chang shadowban you if you have autoclicker on your phone
post pics of it here too
I'm fairly new to console repair and I'm trying to determine which caps are bad on a gamecube. What aliexpress tool do I pick up to test something like that?
>replublic of gaymers phone
A multimeter or the "LCR tester"
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protoarc trackball any good? ali reviews are mixed with negative ones saying the ball gets stuck amazon has it at a similar price but they have return guarantee I can also get the kensigton orbit at a similar price but its wired only
when is the next larger sale? I need to buy several more expensive items and I'm not sure whether I should wait.
without desoldering them? you are fucked unless you got something like a ring tester
I got mine for 25 euro on AliExpress, pretty good but does have some stick.
>diodegonegay watcher
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i asked for soldering station recommendations, i think i'll grab T12 on the next sale, but the cheaper version (STC) as i'm not interested in firmware shenanigans.
i was thinking of also getting hot air station, any recommendations for these?
Ship my fucking flashlight already, Chang
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Finished building this with my niece.
I really fucked up the stickers. Mah hands aren't as steady as they used to be.

The gattling barrel is crooked.
One of the light sabre is crooked.
The poly caps are tight as fuck sometimes.

For the price, 10/10.
Is there such a thing as a chink remagnetizer
Comrade Xi will provide.
Good store?
You can just make your own with two magnets by putting them side by side

Scroll down to the group reviews.
>hot air station
atten 862d
I bought two quansheng K5s and I have no idea what to do with them
fr i got a $3 baofeng off temu only to find out analog radio in my area is butt
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>With all the futbol coupons, I stockpiled more ESP32 boards than I have any use for. I don't even know what projects to make.
Something that will alart you when the /csg/ thread is missing from /g/.

Give them to your nephews and nieces.
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is this real?.. is magnetising things really this simple?..
Anyone tried one of those Lego engine models? Looks cool but I have a gut feeling it will arrive fucked up or missing pieces.
>fucking magnetic screwdrivers, how do they work?
a piece of metal becomes magnetic when its all one "pole", it becomes "demagnetized" when the magnetic regions of the metal piece become completely chaotic (1mm^2 is positive, the all around it is negative, and so on)
or something along these lines
Kensington Orbit has the better ball but the button layout (lack thereof) makes it basically useless.
but how?
Here you go
Sorry guys, I should've been more specific. I'm looking to re-magnetize some fridge magnets, not tools
that's completely bananas, what the fuck this is amazing
>re-magnetize some fridge magnets
No idea on how to magnetize a dead magnet (of any sort).

Idea #1: Remove old magnet from back of design. Glue in a new magnet.
So i installed aliexpress on a new phone and use same account on both phone. I notice coin discount (on same item& shop) on new phone is much worse...like 10-20% off compare to one on old phone

So either coin discount rate is some how calculated client based or this is Chang's anti abuse algo.

This is on all items btw
On one phone, put an item into your cart.
On the other phone, put a different item into your cart.

Now check both cart items from both phones
to see if the discounts remain unchanged.
the discounts from the coins page doesn't work in the cart, you get the actual discount in checkout when clicking buy now
but yeah you could click buy now for the same item on both phones and compare the the final prices
no chang, I am a white australian multimillionaire doing competition research.
actually loled
for that you would need some fucking massive and expensive electrical coil, capable of massive induction power. there is probably some video on jewtube about that as well, look for "how magnets are made" or some shit like that (no i aint gonna keep spoon feeding a brainlet)
wouldn't it make more sense that the fridge magnets are not actually magnets but just a magnetized material?
How did the fridge magnet even get de-magnetized in the first place?
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idk maybe test it yourself if you have a spare phone. Finally price is clearly different.
Discount is from coins only
They are shitty swags I got from my company event. Probably some chink shit my company got some from Alibaba warehouse to begin with. They are flat sheets with "cool facts" and the type, like how a sticker of shortcuts goes on a laptop.
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Mine coin page doesn't even come close to your price. Are you using the latest AliExpress app on both? Maybe the older app gives better prices.

For reference I'm using version 8.102.6
Coin deals and Superdeals can fluctuate day-to-day / same day opening up the app different times. Also, I believe your Ali social consoooomer score has an effect. Also possible following a store "unlocks," different deals from them.
Yeah but the guy is using the same account on both phones. The price "in theory" should be the same.
dude read my first post in the reply chain
the point being I used one(1) account on two(2) different phones.
On the newly installed phone on the right, the coin discount % rate is much worse, don't you see?

1 account, 1 item, 1 shop. How does that happen? Should it be the same on both phones ?
Either this is some aliexpress' anti cheat algo or coin discount is client based.

You can easily test it yourself.
Get a phone, it doesn't even have to be new, just that one never had aliexpress app installed on it.
Then use your account on that phone. Go to discount finder and check items there. It looks wildly different from your main phone.
I'd take more screen shot, but since anons think I'm nut so probably not

honestly I have no idea, I only have 1 account and even then, discounts are different on two devices lol.
you probably have shipping cost there, and something supply demand depend on where you live?
USA, but maybe I used the wrong link? Can you send the link you used so I can double check because maybe I clicked the wrong controller. I did pick the controller from the right seller, which the GameSir official store but the base price is about $10 higher.
should call it "rogslop" for short
my price is before tax bruh. That's probably it
My price is also before tax. Post the link, I want to double check because there are multiple controllers. One has a wireless dongle and one doesn't.
Just found this amazing item on AliExpress. GameSir T4 Cyclone Pro Wireless Switch Controller Bluetooth Gamepad with Hall Effect for Nintendo Switch iPhone Android Phone
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Okay this coin discount on this link is way better.

This is the price of the controller without the dongle.
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Picture related is with the dongle included
any working coupons on aliexpress?
Any reccs for a handful of drone batteries like the Emax in pic, either OEM or alternative?
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AliExpress is shilling the Cubot Max 5 and... If I wanted to get a phone directly from Chinese mail I'd buy it, it's fucking overpowered for $200 (before taxes, early bird price, shipping is $10 for me). It's also stupidly big and has an IPS display though
Hope it doesn't have any weird QC issues, also I haven't checked if you can root and install custom ROMs phones from that brand easily
Huh, tried to replicate it to no avail.
Used my iPhone and Sony Xperia with the same account in the latest version of the app for both then chose the same Huawei Earbuds from the coin page, went to check out and got $23.26 on both devices.
Chang's discounts are broken
Can you check the final price when doing >>101469870?
Isn't the cubot king Kong x seem slightly better if you don't care about the 5g network. Since it has a SD card slot and 10200 mAh battery
>and 10200 mAh battery
lel is that the standard nowadays?
i'm still on 2500mAh and charging every other day
The King Kong X's SoC is a lot weaker, and having a big battery would be nice but carrying a dense 388g brick at all times (2x what most phones weigh nowadays) wouldn't
i hate fat women so much bros
pls help me find m.2 to usb like picrel but straight facing instead facing upward
and how hard is it to solder a custom one if I can't find it
just use a 90 degree usb-a cable :^)
Cute jailbait
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I want to put it inside a laptop, it's pretty cramped there
also for context I want to use it for charging a gps module inside my laptop
thank you so much much nigga
just say nigger you nigger
you're welcome
How are the chink hdmi switches?
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Anyone got one of these? I need a 25m long usb cable and dont really know what to get?
no idea about Temu, but Ali is definitely shit since 2019 (new EU regulation + covid)
nothing is worth anymore unless it's impossible to find it locally
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I used them for HDMI, not USB
it works
>also for context I want to use it for charging a gps module inside my laptop
why do you need an actual usb port to just charge it? what the hell are you doing?
you can get 5v of many places, even you can stole from other usb without actually connecting the data lines so you can still use for something else
orange pi 3 zero 4gb, i have one i bought during the sale coming in
>competitive business environment.
other than specific machines that do need it businesses work exactly on prehistoric shitels, you only see anything new there (still the shittest stuff you can buy before getting actual garbage) if the business is new itself or if old stuff finally fucking died after 8-10 years of use
>not posting a link
works on my machine
i have no idea the fuck they mean that ball gets "stuck" pretty sure mine is rotating far better than on mx ergo
btw gaymer lights can be completely turned off permanently with the trackball buttons themselves if this matters
>firmware shenanigans
I've honestly never really got why a soldering iron needs updatable firmware, I ended up getting the a stc t12 too and it works great.
>Lego engine models
Bootleg technic parts can be a bit hit and miss, gears can be too loose, or rods too long, or connections too tight.
That sucks. Any good ones you know of? Or should I just buy an official set on amazon or something?
large corporations are typically price insensitive and plan for the obsolescence of their hardware for fiscal as well as technical reasons. a company that spends $1k on a server CPU probably isn't going to use the server until it's running on fumes.
i will add that the cpu price is kinda irrelevant compared with the power usage and the space usage on most places


and related also these, and the posts linked on them

this will be my final warning to you
forgot (the insides)

magnetic tape, how tf does it work?
look at your fridges door gasket, its basically the same but way slimmer and with some glue on it
dunno bros, watching stacy on youtube shilling this trackball is giving me a bad feeling, might just look for something else
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The only bootleg technic set I have is this porsche one, and it would actually be pretty good if it wasn't for the steering wheel connection being so loose that it falls apart all the time.
Now that I think about it though you could probably gamble with getting a bootleg set and then just get replacement parts for the defective bits, if there's not that many you might even be able to get them for free from Lego themselves.
I want a cheap FM radio to keep hidden away somewhere for emergency (or maybe if I'm really bored and want background noise)
Any recommendations?
Ideally something rechargeable
yeah i know that feel
When it's only random numpties reviewing the thing. That kind of instills less confidence. Then again there's so much product out there only few items can ever be reviewed by the high class review whores.
>so much product out there
it's completely in reverse here - trackballs have fuck all products so all you have is mx trackballs, protoarc, gameball (only for select few countries they deliver to) and various no button shit nobody likes like kensington orbit. So if you want a clickbait article and review a niche thing the most available and functional pick is most likely to get picked for it.
plus high traffic reviewers don't really need to review random shit when they have enough requests for years of videos so some literal whos reviewing rare stuff is more likely
Mustang is only $46 Canadian on Amazon.
Is the anon still making the list? I remember from a few threads ago.
Ew, almost as ugly as the real one
No, he forgot about it after 15 minutes
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big and high quality stickers
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basil, my beloved
small one has a lens on the badge
That's what I suspected. When is the guide getting updated or did the OP stop giving a shit too?
Not sure why I bought this. Nice to know my devices use electricity, I guess.
luv me stickers and pins from ali
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Three of the chink shit I bought say 'Package delivered to seller', should I open disputes or should I let the 80 something days run out?
I never seen that, did they fail to deliver to your house and send the item back to the seller? Or maybe it got stopped in customs?
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Any decent wireless (non-bluetooth) KB&M recs?
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No, from what I understand the things never left China. It's strange because it's half of the total order, the other half is already in my country.
I would wait like 2-3 days, maybe a week if you don't need the items in hurry and see if the tracking changed then if nothing happen do a dispute.

Did you use the soccer credits on this purchase? Maybe they are trying to chink you out of your credits and if you get a refund, the credit will be expired.
They're just bookmarks and sticky notes, nothing lifechanging really. I'll wait a bit more before opening disputes then, thanks!
And no, I didn't use such credits, only coins and promo codes.
The steering wheel is shit in the original as well, the cardan joint has like 45 degrees of wiggle room.
>sir, this is a girl costume, we have male costume too
Can anyone help me to find a extremely simple slim wallet without any bullshit?
I literally just carry 2 credit cards and my driver registration (9x6cm). I don't need anything more. I don't need a rape whistle, I don't need RGB, I don't need Bluetooth, I don't need a place to put coins, I don't need RFC, I don't need a place to put money (my currency is so worthless that it became comical to carry money around).
Can anyone help me with an alternative? Looking up "slim wallet" on alli express is a waste of time.
It's simple as the package was returned to seller. I can't say why, it could be variety of reasons like incorrect label, damaged during transit, etc. It's happened to me too. You should get auto refunded quickly when you dispute.
Something like this? aliexpress.com/item/1005006967328793.html
If that's still too bloated for you then I think the only alternative is a card holder, those things employees use with their ID.
unironically disgusting
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Get a fake ridge wallet for $5
The sides are elastic so if you only put it 1 or 2 cards they will still hold tightly and it will get even thinner
Ok I fixed it.
did full phone restore and discount is now normal. That also confirmed Chang's app scan your phone for illegal apps, macro app maybe? dunno what else.
I don't think my driver license will fit there without being damaged
my cunt driver license is bigger than a credit card, if a credit card barely fits, then my loicense will not.
>plastic brushing against each other
Sorry m8. I am terrified of going out and my credit card don't work.

what you guys think of this:
that look like low quality PU leather or some kind of split leather + plastic that will flake off and crack in 6-12 months. spend a bit more money and buy "first layer cowhide" leather.
Good point.
Do you think this one is really real leather?
Ok there was a use for it after all. I noticed my computer was using unusual high power when it should be idle. Turns out some nvidia mess was pinning a kernel thread at 100%. I wonder how long that's been going on for wasting energy.
thanks nvidia drivers
Will a chink meat thermometer poison my food or what.
What a gamer
That is not real leather, and the purple part looks like a stretching fabric. Will come loose in time and fall apart. This >>101528111 is clearly not real leather either. For wallets, you need to go for something authentic and not on ali. I use something from Lost Dutchman Leather. Obviously much more expensive than ali, but will actually last a lifetime.
>bison denim
I would, bought www.aliexpress.com/item/32792449102.html back then.
6 years later and still use the same wallet that looks just as new.
New minigame like soccer WHEN. I feel ripped off buying things full price now when I could be using a $50 coupon.
this one is real leather
wrong link, should be this one: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002651271550.html?spm=a2g0o.detail.0.0.5d00HYclHYclSi&mp=1
why is there shit all over your links
>all my packages are coming thru speedx and not usps anymore
Fuck fuck fuck I hate this shit.
best PC controller atm? dualsense is slowly losing battery life and I assume replacing batteries on these things is a pain in the ass.
flydigi vader 3/4 pro
>50-110 CAD
wew lad, the dpad better be good. i'm very particular about DPADs so it's gotta be good for platformers
with coupons they go for under 50 CAD easily, wait for the 1st when you find coupons.
I have two, one of them is perfect, the other one feels... less good. I also wish it would be used left and right handed, but while using it right handed it's pretty good none the less. I guess you gotta be lucky if you want to get one of the smooth ones though, because the second one I got randomly has these "hicups" where it takes extra force to roll the ball in one direction.
xbox sex
unmatched d-pad and easily replaceable AA batteries
d-pad's my favorite thing about it. went through pizza tower (all p ranks + john suit + sub 2 hours on both chars), tevi, mega man, and curse crackers with it and used it for gbf rising, can't think of a single time the d-pad let me down.
I haven't been watching prices on the newer controllers but I saw vader 4 pro released at 80 usd when 3 pro was going for 40ish, so 4 feels like a meme to me unless it comes closer in price point. Compared to 3 you get adjustable stick tension and I think a trigger gimmick, but that's pretty much it.
xbox since it just works
Any cheap chink google home speaker? I want one for my project
Why this shit is so expensive
It's Vader 3 Pro or nothing.
this? https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/98681971/#98748074
use search on the archive
batteries are overrated, being unable to see the charge level so it runs out mid game fucking sucks
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>being unable to see the charge level
win10 ltsc which is old as hell shows the charge level natively in settings
even fucking linux (at least KDE) does
Alright, thank you too anon!
nta but I figure it gives him the disgusting mutilated dick axe wound vibes
it shows random bullshit when you use batteries or at least rechargeables, the only actual level will be shown if you use the battery adapter, i have personally seen it show the usual 81% on both freshly charged ones and the ones that died 15 minutes later
i know that mine works fine because it always goes along with the other indicator of low battery, when the controller stops vibrating
also of course it'll show a lower battery percentage with rechargeables instead of alkalines
Bought a gulikit pro controller and still enjoying it
But it's not chink cheap
If you want a guide do it yourself.
Is there any possible customs issues when shipping these types of lego motors? I see them on Amazon so its obviously possible. However I've tried like 3 different stores and all of them have had some kind of 'logistics' issues according to Aliexpress tracking. I can't find anything about this in the archives.

>Internet of Temperature humidity control
now that's some chinglish
Maybe your country has some weird import rules with electric motors (like ones for electric cars) and chang is just playing it safe
A few months ago I bought a replacement LCD screen for my dad's tablet. It's pretty much an original screen, may even come from the same source as the people who made the screen themselves.
I check the listing several months later and...wow, okay, other people don't seem to like it as much as I did.
Yes, the LCD screen doesn't give true blacks (the original didn't either) and the brightness in this new screen is much higher than the original, but damn I really disagree that the colors are washed out. To check that I wasn't being gaslit, I downloaded a screentest app to see the RGB gamut and yes, it looks just as good as the original when it runs the color test. You just have to turn the contrast+brightness down.

I don't know guys. Some Changs are dickheads but this Chang in particular doesn't deserve what he's getting.
some people might have received a product completely different than the one you received, chang is known to use whatever is available for the cheapest instead of the "correct" part
Forgot to mention, I'm a leaf. And I don't think chang's at fault here - it looks like the packages are sent out, but then returned.
Possible, but they should really post pics like I did so I know they're on the level.
One thing I should've done is go to the specs page to show that it was an actual 1920x1080 reso screen.
Britfag here.
Only the things that were greyed out they won't not ship to me.
Everything else gave me a delivery estimate.
And honestly, special products like screen replacements and tools >$25 should require photos so people aren't 1-starring the product because they didn't like it or can't get it to work.
That's not just for the Chang, but for other people who want to buy it as well
That happened to me earlier. 3/5 items refunded, one sent and one returned to warehouse.
it clearly says that the problem is in the departure country sourcing center
right, but this has happened at 3 different stores where ive ordered the same thing - so I'm assuming the issue is the motor/shipping company, not the stores themselves. I guess customs isn't the word for it.

I've already got the refunds thankfully, but I would much rather prefer the motors lol. I've ordered a new batch from another set of stores.
thanks anon by cheap ones which are meant? just something like this https://aliexpress.com/item/1005003137954232.html ?
possible yeah, never seen that case design before
the ones i got look like these generic ones
which have existed for ages. hell, probably a decade ago i was considering getting one on ebay, and it was like $2 back then as well
btw, i dont think i have pictures at hand of insides on these generic ones, but if you want i can probably open those up and take a couple (i bet there are plenty online, there should only be a single pin difference between both parts and the only difference between these and the $25 scam ones is the inclusion of a $1 usb hub on one end)
i also remember finding about a chip from the same company that does actual usb2 speeds over an actual ip network and it was like $35 for the chip alone
and at those prices you could probably use some sort of microcontroller and nigger rig some /diy/ contraption
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This Marcille figure seems a lot better than the Frieren figure I got from aliexpress the other day, but that's because it's not a bootleg. I know it looks darker than the box art but that's just Sega lying, the box and figure look exactly the same as ones I saw in unboxing videos.
Anyway it was £10-15 cheaper than everywhere else and actually in stock so I'm very pleased with it.
How much was this compared to the Frieren? The paint is much better because it isn't shiny.
Honestly the Frieren itself wasn't too bad if they didn't make the hair with so many pieces.
I actually forgot how cheap the frieren figure was, Marcille was almost double the price (£20 vs £11 before taxes and coupons)
And yeah the only things that annoy me about the Frieren figure is how shiny the paint is and the colour/lack of shading of the hair.
5 pounds innit? I don't know if you included tax, but I do remember that it was cheap and it made me look for figures of my own.
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I used to get 10,20,30 coins per day. Now I get 2,3,4. Is it just me or is this change sitewide?
i still got 40 in the website and 70 in the app today
t. spanish
I wonder how hot the N100 runs complete bare like that.
If you're watching youtube on it you'll definitely need a fan or it'll throttle. Might even need a case so the air gets flushed out.
no. if in any operating system environment the memorycontroller/chipset will hotspot once interfacing with ram
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Does anyone use mini stereo amps from Aiyima and the likes? Do they get hot with the 48V power supply?
you are shadowbanned
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here is a pic of the insides, only difference i see between transmit and receive is a single moon rune on the silkscreen and a pin on the chip. dont be fooled by the markings on the chip, they are the same on both and its just a rebranded ch315g as far as i can tell
also, found a page written in invader language that shows that the one you linked is basically the same on the insides
get the cheapest you can find, they are all the same
Why? I didn't return anything and never left a bad review.
Whoops I forgot
The price has gone up almost £10 though since I bought it during the last sale.
where are stickers
>the same people that working in parcel sorting
Which one?
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It's so fucking over. First time I have a problem with an order. I hope the chinks don't put up a fight for $4.
>pirates using remote controlled explosive boats to try and stop your shipment
This is how they get "lost" then.
Based chang making sure our packages don't get stolen by pirates.
Oh they were ukrainians, didn't have the sound on. They're still based though for protecting our packages.
The first of the Euro Cup coupon chinkshink arrived today, it came in a red Euro cup bag with plenty of AE labeling unlike the normal featureless white bag.

>Wired lapel microphone with clip-on ($1.98)
Came with a long braided cord which is better than what I expected. The microphone itself is rather quiet even when close to the mouth, however this can be mitigated with mic gain, with the normal drawbacks. OK quality otherwise for $2.

>Component tester ($6.78)
It's the same identical atmega328p component tester everyone else have, derived from the same open source project like every other component tester. Works as intended.

>Tempered glass for my phone ($2.84)
Nothing special, works as intended.
was about to post this, that is a blyatman (and maybe a pajeet?)
this is very tiresome, so chang doesnt give a shit
I didn't realise you can just buy stick on Magsafe rings to upgrade Qi1 phones to Qi2. I don't have a Magsafe power bank or charger, but it still works with my old wireless charger and works great with the magsafe card holder I bought along side it.
What is this good for?
plugging in a pci express raiser, looks like
the pci express device it will be comunicating at x1 instead of x4
Anyone knows which metal bracelet will match the silver galaxy watch 7 color?
I can get the watch for literally half the price but i absolutely need a metal bracelet.
For a second there I thought that's a mini projector
I mean the peel and stick stickers. I haven't even gotten to the water slider. Next step is panel lines.

You can see the forehead red sticker is chipped from me tweezing / trying to poke the piece back in. The eye sticker behind the visor is also off centre but you probably can't see it from that shot.
News (because OP keeps being a lazy nigger)!
>What have you guys purchased from /csg/ that actually turned out good and wasn't broken/trashed in 6 months? >>101450459
Chink glasses review >>101452944
SBC advice wanted >>101453076
Anon bought ESP32 boards for his football credits >>101453679
Anon hopes for more credits during the Olympics >>101456691
Newly freed slaves >>101458516
Anon got chinked >>101456951
Controller recommendations and reviews >>101459155 >>101460077
>How much did you guys get from Euro Cup/Soccer Challenge? >>101461656
Are Optane SSDs worth it? >>101462468
Anon thinks he's close to a towel >>101466745
Chinese webcams are insecure and spies on you, nobody is surprised >>101474939
Anon is looking for a soldering station >>101480932
Poco x6 review >>101484687
Anon's tip for buying Chinkshit >>101490112
Temu is a scam, nobody is surprised >>101494336
Why does it need to match? Just buy a bunch of cheap ones and use whichever is best.
>because OP keeps being a lazy nigger
As I've always said a thread with no news is better than no thread.
>reposting to add racism
>some words hurt me
your da cringe, gaylord
>Why does it need to match?
Because i am autistic and i will not stand looking at a watch that has two different shades of silver.
Don't put "News! Look below!" if you have no intent of posting news then.
Skill issue.
Post the news yourself if it bothers you so much.
What do you guys actually gain from "news" anyway? You'd be better off posting reviews or something.
They were interesting or fun back in the day, now it's just "anon buys sd card and gets sd card #WHOA"
Just look at the post above, two review links and then 15 links of useless noise.
I don't want soldering anything and void the warranty
well that's unfortunate.
omocat is specifically pro shota and anti tranny.
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hey guys i am busy and sleeping like shit, so that is why i am not so often here lately, should be better maybe next month
thanks for the news anon
>Don't put "News! Look below!" if you have no intent of posting news then.
this, just this
>>With all the futbol coupons, I stockpiled more ESP32 boards than I have any use for. I don't even know what projects to make.
>Something that will alart you when the /csg/ thread is missing from /g/.
i would love to have that desu, and some way to know how many post the thread has if its up, without needing to open my browser or shit, i am very disorganized lately
you may be able to use electronics clips like
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Hello there,
I am in need for a MicroSD for a small surveillance camera.
Max size supported is 512GB, and such a card would be around 40€ on the normal channels.
BUUUT looking at Aliexpress there are some even "good" branded cards (sony, lenovo) that are suspiciously cheap, like pic related.
Is there any good, or at least proven that is not a scam and get-the-job-done brands?
Like, years ago the Mixza Sharks? Thanks
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gets me everytime
>512GB for $5
really mate
I know the Kodak cards are genuine but a 512GB card will set you back $30-$40 just like a proper one.
take care mate, I appreciate your work on OPs and news
>What do you guys actually gain from "news" anyway?
Thread culture.
which 8bitdo controller has the easiest to press dpad? The main controllers I'm considering are the pro 2 and the m30. My old dualshock 4 controller has a really mushy d-pad that wears down my thumb when I have to press it a lot.
99% of sd cards of AliExpress are fake, the ones that i know for sure aren't fake aren't any cheaper
>99% of sd cards of AliExpress are fake
That's false, just don't buy shit like 999TB for $5 and you'll be good.
Of course that's already very hard to understand for normalfags and judging by the posts on every single /csg/ thread for /g/ as well.
>>101530906 (Me)
as a fellow d-pad snob I'll weigh in some more
Webm's a Curse Crackers stage played on Vader 3 Pro, with input display. Obscure game so maybe not the most relatable reference, but it's a fast platformer with 8-way aim and frequent reasons to press down (high jump) and down-diagonal (long jump, slide, Chime ricochet, rapidly alternating down-forward and forward for faster ground movement), so you want a reliable d-pad for it. Webm's representative of my overall experiences; you get what you input, consistently.
If I were to be really nitpicky, I'm light on the d-pad and while I almost always roll my thumb between down and left/right, in spots like 0:27 and the later vertical sections I don't press hard enough to register a diagonal (not that I want one there). I don't expect that to be a problem for most people and they're perfectly fine when deliberate about it, but it's something to keep in mind.
As far as I'm aware all flydigi controllers with the circle d-pads have the same internals, so Vader 3/4, Apex 4, and to a lesser extent Direwolf 2 are worth considering, but Vader 3 Pro makes the most sense at current prices.
I don't think it applies in your case, but if one's dead set on symmetrical stick layouts I'd probably say stick to first party. Chinks haven't made anything with that layout since the 8bitdo pro 2 and I haven't had any good experiences with that brand's d-pads.
Fuck normies with thought process like >>101541639 for causing phone makers to remove microsd card slots.
Ironic of that twittard to credit the kikes with protecting the shipping lines while they go around stealing resources and territories from weaker nations.
Guess that's their service fee for providing maritime safety.
>Fuck normies with thought process like >>101541639 (You) for causing phone makers to remove microsd card slots.
They removed sd card slots because brown people keep buying $3 "1tb" cards from chink scammers
yeah i truly wonder why your dumb ass got chinked
>Webm's a Curse Crackers stage played on Vader 3 Pro
all i can see is a character sperging all over the stage
god i hate platformers
The store actually has a decent reputation though, and the package got lost in customs.
Its easy enough but took me a little too long. Captchas should not be this tedious.
>firmware shenanigans
This is a lot of work just to be a dumbass with your possessions. Just keep your expensive gaming laptop at home my dude. Dont need to brag at uni. Someone might steal it.
>Just keep your expensive gaming laptop at home my dude
i thought the point of laptops was portability
I always wondered what that meant :^)
I got this one from aliexpress. Looks rough but its just what I need. I keep my wallet in my back pocket and a fat wallet is bad for blood flow if you sit down a lot. (Im not fat)
Its "genuine leather" but not the best quality bits. The middle sleeve looks like different animal leather desu.
People on twitter being retarded? Color me surprised
Lot's of things are really simple, do you even watch Dr. Stone?
He's a juggalo. He's not gonna listen to a scientist like Senku.
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I wish that were me
I need cheap sd card for camera anon.
Didnt csg test a bunch? Which one is recommended? Camera writes often so it has to be durable
has anyone here bought Chang's solar panel?
Thats the point of cheap laptops for email jobs.

If youre takig a gaming laptop out in public and not to a close mates house for a lan party youre a genuine idiot and you deserve it getting stolen.
I bought a small one to charge a security cam and it does the job. Cant speak for large panels.
NTA, but thanks for the information. If we ever had news, this would be in it.
Also all youre really going to accomplish for yourself is get your laptop back (best case scenario)

And if best case scenario happens youll say "phew. Maybe i should be a bit more careful with my expensive possessions"

Just doesnt make sense. Waste of time and money to learn a lesson thats common sense.
how much did you pay
I checked and my camera has DC 12v port.
I'm looking at 12vDC 5-8w panel and they're ~30$ before discount. I thought it would be cheaper.
Mine was 10w (so probably 5w) and its was about 15 i think with some extra stuff.
Maybe a region thing. Leaf here.
Mine got reset from +40 recently so I have to start again at 10. App website and that matching game.
Not sure if ublock affects it but I have disabled for ali atm. I think I was 'shadowbanned' before since I couldn't collect coins from my desktop browser. Not sure if ublock or waiting it out got it back to normal.
As a side note, if I try to collect the aoo daily from my emulator, it'l only give +1
Has anybody gotten silent PC fans off aliexpress? or at least quality ones, got a couple a few years ago and the bearings are fucked already, few drops of machine oil helps for about a week.
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Ali has started offering me these Android Auto screens you can just install wherever in your car. (as in not instead of the infotainment system)
Has anyone gotten anything like that? is it any good?
I might get one right now, I've been looking at those android car sticks that you just plug in but they all kinda suck in some way or another.
Actually yes, every time I need fans I buy 120mm snowman fans.
4pin working silently at ~660 RPM and zero RGB trash.
you want quality ones get a used noctua or any other good manufacturer
>>101547396 >>101547419
got one of the 7 inch that are most squared than that one, works fine both in android and iphone, the radio emision of the music/sound is good enough but the interface could be improved, the included camera was shit thought, was happy with it
got it stolen last week ironically
that's a blatant fake
most sandisk ultras on ali are legit. i think kodaks are too. but you're not saving much compared to buying domestic most of the time other than free shipping or retail markup, especially not after the EU introduced the VAT one stop shop scheme so local taxes apply. where i live the prices are effectively the same, but the chinese sometimes put in goodies like adapters and cheap usb readers.
avoid anything with generic packaging like picrel in the reviews even if it's a "real" brand name like sony, lenovo or xiaomi, those three are the most frequent fakes I get recommended, and it's a miracle that ali has not cracked down on that since they generally go hard against fake branding.

buy a lexar, sandisk ultra, kioxia or samsung in a local retail store if you can.
>but you're not saving much compared to buying domestic
not for everyone
for instance i know that storage from ali is a godsend for the monkes in south america
kioxia is a good manufacturer?
pretty sure, yeah, they're formerly toshiba's flash division and co-own a factory with sandisk i'm pretty sure.
>Don't ever buy something that expensive from aliexpress again.
i bought a gotway tesla street wheel for €1.6K instead of 2K buncha years ago
no issues
but i picked a seller that seemed to be a leading dude who was known elsewhere
I've got a galaxy watch 6 and it uses standard watch straps with the quick release thing, so provided you know if it's the 40mm or 44mm kind, you can basically get anything you want. I'm imagining the galaxy watch 7 is the same body as the watch 6 and watch 5 and watch 4, which I'm pretty sure are identical to each other.
I bought this lil nigga here
And it looks like pic related
Did you buy panel or panel with battery?
Evening dears, a package arrived for me.
Any guesses?
why would you buy chink clone anyth...
>Manufacturer: ABYSS
>Model: AB-1266 Phi TC
>Price $: 4995
nvm anon you do you
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I'm a dumb fag and didn't send the pic
the future of every AGP
And opened.
>Dog leash
Self explanatory. Plastic feels very chinky, but mechanism feels pretty good and lock button seems to hold. Hope it lasts
>Screwdriver bits
I got very into snowboarding from a Japan trip in Jan. Bought a board and got a small ratchet screwdriver for changing bindings and shit, but the ratchet set didn't come with the right fucking bit and using a smaller than PH3 bit strips your fucking screws. Fucking Chang didn't do anything when I told him he didn't include the PH3 bit about it and I'd already pressed "goods received" fucking Chang.
These bits seem good, I like that they're longer as well, easier to get around all the plastic of the binding with the ratchet screwdriver. If anyone's interested, it's a great little screwdriver
>Bag with blue thing
Some new disks for my Dremel as well as some dubious saw blades. If it takes my eyes out, I'll post from the hospital with a 1 star review
>White bag
Small clear stomp pads for my snowboard. Looks nice and will hopefully go on invisibly. Will think about a fun pattern to lay them out on my board
>Sports gloves
Waterproof gloves with heating elements in them. They feel really really nice, way better than I was expecting is got some AA battery packs, but I've ordered some rechargeable battery packs for them. Either way, they're surprisingly nice
the only choice that makes sense are the cones - 4 if you rotate it *anti-clockwise*
no pic again dumbass
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Holy shit I might actually be retarded
Already had a 12v battery. Found a bunch of them in a dumpster outside a school. Must have been throwing out old tech class stuff because that was a good day (night). Still held charge and work fine
what? we're on PCIe 5.0 now grandpa
gonna make a new thread, 300s and all that. will prepare the news in an hour or so
what are some good affordable chink action cams
4k/60fps required, 120fps would be nice
Just bought these, would they support a m&k + controller? And how would i best hook it all up?
wtf are you guys on about, they removed microsd card slots so they could charge way more for phone models with bigger storage.

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