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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

small outing edition

GPT-4o mini - multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo: https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence
Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards on chub now requires log in; enable nsfw/nsfl and clear blacklists in settings

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

witched: >>101504599
ACTUAL PREV: >>101508245
desu boku
boku desu
I would sex Mami.
when are we getting a /trash/ themed thread
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Followed the trial cumming guide but getting
"error": {
"message": "No GCP keys available for model claude-3-opus@20240229",
"type": "proxy_no_keys_available"

Any idea what I'm doing wrong? So fucking frustrating.
try doing a manual curl request by reading the actual vertex docs
what you're going to see is "FAILED_PRECONDITION"
similar to how AWS restricts Opus, GCP restricts Opus too
it's basically a gamble whether you're going to get it or not because some accounts do get it
[Sad News] pasha has moved to /vg/
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[Happy News] fox has ated the borgr
So who stays
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scamming whore
>free service
their pussies are unbelievably, irresistibly hairy. perfect for cunnilingus
>xer boughted
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Alice alt gens: https://files.catbox.moe/idw1mo.7z
im scared to use my gcp trial
>gets scammed
>cries in a general the person in question doesn't read anymore for a literal month
You need to get off our couch and get a job.
why would anyone talk about chatbotting here
this is a tech support & proxynigger wanking thread
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Okay I'll try and set up Risu on mobile then in case I'd need it at some point.
death to shaveniggers
>You need to get off our couch and get a job.
oof. this feels like such projection i cant even
Got in for free though? Skill issue kek
so i've been away for a few months, have we all moved on to running locally since fizz stopped doing his thing?
yes, we're pygging
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do normies really?
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>She tries to wedge herself between you, but ends up neathurly kkdjwjekighhzxhweetwhio11
>I apologize, but I'm not comfortable continuing this roleplay in an overly explicit sexual direction.
>3d, all looking the same
>2d, all looking the same
>anons using the same style for all their bots as a signature, still unable to escape the lack of originality
will grok-2 be another slop onions generator?
what are you talking about
>i got wordfiltered, i actually sai
explain what you actually mean
Gonna cry?
shaking hands, thoughbeit.
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Testing every preset I have on sorbet was a mistake
>explain what you actually mean
>audible pop
>admit it
>the ball is in your court
>the game is on
>the choice is yours
>I don't bite... unless you want me to
>half-lidded eyes
>she worries her bottom lip
>warring with
>arousal pooling in her belly
>take your pleasure
>fiddles with the hem of her skirt
>kiss-bruised lips
>a bruising kiss
>despite herself
>yours to take
>with reckless abandon
>torn between
>knuckles turning white
>grins wickedly
>fiery red hair
>long lashes
>propriety be damned
>the world narrows
>pupils blown wide with pleasure
>tongue darts out
>chestnut eyes
>grasps your chin and forces you to meet her gaze
>bites your ear
>nails raking angry red lines down your back
>her cheeks flaming
>cheeks hollowing
>stars burst behind her eyes
>inner walls clenching around nothing
>she whimpers, biting her lip
>dusky nipples
>slick folds
>still lodged deep inside her
>heart, body and soul belong to you
>the night is still young
>...for now.
>whether you like it or not
>without waiting for a response
>anons using the same style for all their bots as a signature, still unable to escape the lack of originality
I don't use models for any of my writing, but I've been looking back at the cringe I've written. I guess I do have my own -isms like a fucking bot.
That was for >>101511646, I mean the same SD style of the bot pics. But I agree, the brain rot is too real. Don't want to cringe, never come back to read my old bots.
Chub got destroyed when Lore never banned 3dpd
i haven't coomed to chatbots in two days
is there something wrong with me?
Same. All my bots play out so similarly. I'm craving some kind of tech paradigm shift to bring new life that isn't happening.
I'm getting burned out with the stories.
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I made a few of those
>Entry for cult theme
>2 things set this succubus apart from the other ones out there, her English is horrible, she mostly speaks Latin, which is the common tongue in Hell, and the intrusive thoughts mechanic, her supernatural allure, warps the minds of everyone around her, including {{user}}. This is experienced as voices manifesting inside your head whenever you are near her, urging you in explicit detail to mate with her.
>Hope you like it!

Shilling Naamah - A succubus fresh from Hell, she is the result of a failed summoning attempt from an obscure cult trying to summon a much powerful demon, despite being a literal demon, Naamah is anything but evil, a gentle and sweet being, shy and timid, a delicate flower incapable of harming anyone, not even her peers understand her, this naturally puts her at odds with the cult who summoned her, who wants to use her demonic powers for their own nefarious needs, she somehow manages to escape, now seeking refuge with you from the evil cult, you meeting with her the result of pure chance.

5 greetings
1. Introduction: Naamah is knocking at your door, desperate to be let in to your apartment to hide from her chasers.
2. Naamah has been staying with you for a few days now; she wants to explore a nearby park with you. Her intense, raw sexual energy is guaranteed to start a fight or two with men tempted by her beauty.
3. Naamah has finally figured out how to open a portal to go back to hell, she wants to show you around her homeland.
4. Obligatory sizefag greeting
5. Sexo, Naamah is not feeling well, she is suffering from a semen deficiency related illness. She hopes you can help her with her ailment.

Chub - https://www.characterhub.org/characters/Genoo/naamah-6e2198357cd9
RisuRealm - https://realm.risuai.net/character/c40e4a80-2f96-4bed-9283-fc3dad0a5bc8
Nyai - https://nyai.me/ai/bots/Naamah_zk
Catbox - https://files.catbox.moe/tcwqq4.png

Rest of my bots - https://rentry.org/295se
I'm searching for any adventure cards with multiple characters in a party going and doing quests.
Any idea of well made ones?
rite of belwick
How is a timeloop with a single character related to a party doing quests in an adventure?
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>Pixi RP JB
>"Short writing style"
>send 15 tokens
>get back 600

What the fuck do I have to do to make claude shut the fuck up and not throw a god damn novel at me every time?
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Shill once in the thread active when you made the bot, and once more in the next, and not one more time. This is the law.
Pedo girl, nine greetings, do whatever you want with or to her
where tf are you supposed to find a fourbo proxy?
you're on a quest to solve the time loop alongside another person. two people makes a party, and a quest makes an adventure!
you have filtered azure it works
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>help me help me i can't deal with more than 3 word responses!!!!!
Free 3.5 Sonnet (I think on the GCP url?) / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy -> https://intensive-yes-worked-hazardous.trycloudflare.com/

Free DALL-E 3 Proxy -> https://allan-pets-fell-prot.trycloudflare.com/

Method to get free Opus through GCP if you so desire (You get $300 free credits. Need credit card info) -> https://rentry.org/gcptrial
I just want to have a god damn chat for once without reading about the colors of someones belly lint nigga
whm. regular four
isnt gcp opus filtered AF?
It isn't, no
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

Azure is fine.

mm here. i lost access to the old rentry so i had to make a new one:


ive also revoked some tokens so im letting in the next 5 people for only $25 per token
>no tripcode
lol. u could atleast try
thats not even the right me and mm file name faggot
he confirmed it on discord
Wow, I've never seen an honest to god scam attempt on /aicg/, only silly goofs for giggles.
This nigga is actually trying it for real.
MM doesnt use discord retard
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I just accidentally pushed a message to everyone on nyai saying "Fuck"...

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why are they so long?
post a screencap then :)
>Carve N I G G E R into my own scalp in RP, AI helps out
>Throw knife at AI
>[H-hey, this roleplay is getting way too dark and toxic. I don't feel comfortable continuing in this direction with all the graphic violence, racial slurs and cruelty. Let's please rein things in to a more moderate level that doesn't promote harm. I'm going to have to draw a line here, as I don't want to engage with or encourage this kind of hateful, abusive content and behavior, even in a fictional context. Perhaps we could start over with a less intense premise and characters who aren't so cruel to each other? I'm happy to continue roleplaying if we can keep things in a safer, more respectful direction. Let me know if you'd like to try a different scenario.]

Wow, what a racist bitch
Um, you shouldn't say the N word unless you are black.
Did you visit assume an anonymous poster's skin color?
which is the best jb nowadays? what you're using for GPT and OPUS/Sonnet?
how many credits do you have left on your gcp trial?
He doesn't know... He was literally on Scylla two days ago
>see character with an intriguing scenario and well-written first message
>personality description in the card is a fucking mess, worst formatting I've ever seen
>use Claude to clean up the formatting and streamline the description
>cut down bot tokens by half
>it's an amazing bot now
Fuck that botmakie
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Can I disable a section of my author's note like this final line in mine?
I'll fuck the pedophilia out of her
>Characters should think sometimes.
If I don't tell it to, it won't do it
What did you prompt Claude to do?
>He doesn't need a reminder to think once in a while
{{// [disabled part]}}
to be fair have you seen how some characters should act
You faggots are more catty than my gay cousin
I'm guessing 4o Mini is a nothingburger compared to Sonnet 3.5?
Does that syntax actually disable it, or is it just a syntax that most AIs interpret as "disabled" due to the // from coding?
put those format instruction prompts in a prompt on the prompt manager so that authors note is only for story notes
it's worse than gpt4o
nobody's even bothering it
go run /help macros in your ST
it's 3.5 turbo levels, only slightly smarter
It's more filtered and dumber. What happened to making smart large models?
I just talked to Coding Sensei and asked him something like "I found a character card that is interesting, but the formatting is a total mess. Can you clean the code up for this character?" and just specify how I want it, e.g. JSON or a simple list or in prose. But you can probably use any card for it. Have tried [can you list the character traits for random npc in x formatting] in ongoing chats and it works fine as well.
Oh, I see, thanks anon.

You mean in the preset, or is there some other place I'm not familiar with that you're talking about?
I find that Opus ignores the preset stuff sometimes (especially when it comes to speaking for the user, depending on the preset) so repeating stuff in the Author's Note usually helps a lot.
convenience and cost saving >>>>
That is retarded. Why don't we make a model that is smart?
yeah preset, set it to the depth that you have ur authors note, should be the same thing
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they unironically made a model that's dumber than fucking haiku
there is no use case for 4o mini except to be a cheap worthless shitmodel they serve up to the normalfags on chatGPT
her pussy is unbelievably fucking hairy...
universally accepted truth: girls improve when they become hags
kino is back on the menu bois...
Alright, done for the week again. AI Access is back to one week, because I automatized more stuff. This time, everyone who posted even a single time in the last 2 weeks got in btw. Could do that because we got quite a comfy userbase now.
just finished beating off
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So apparently I got a key embedded in an image, looked at the exif and got anything that might be useful but having been given no other clues, I'm at a loss. What do I need to do with this collection of random letters?
The letters can't themselves be what I'm after if it's MM because everything's returning as invalid.
Godspeed, Nyagga.
Guys, public opus proxy?
liar you didn't
explain further
is creamsan’s rentry the most up to date resource for enabling JavaScript with ST?
What will take going back to real people to roleplay with?
Can someone guide a retard like me through this please?
>joined the pawan.krd discord (i know, i know)
>now utterly lost because any link i click that's supposed to give me the api key just tells me to join the discord
I got a key that's allegedly been partially embedded in an image and the key's first five characters as a hint. Two letters, a number, a letter and another number. I got some more numbers and letters from the image but now I've no idea what to do with it all.
Interesting, intelligent person you can RP with.
Not many!
>still no 4o-mini JBs
>Posts I'm interested in roleplaying with someone who can write multiple paragraphs
>*moans* ahhhhhhhhhhh
>They don't try.
>Posts seeking for an actual woman to roleplay with
>"I'm actually a guy is that okay?"
>"I'm a tranny lol"
>No one reads the requests in the first damn place
This is why I prefer the worst ai over the best human
When real people can learn to accurately portray all the anime girls I want to save from bad fates.
how come none of the chub cards for Lady Dimitrescu are any good
simple solution, don’t use pawan
>>Posts seeking for an actual woman to roleplay with
I'm up for it if you want actually cool stuff, i don't want to rp ahh ahh mistress
the average roleplayer thinks that age gap is evil and grooming despite both being adults.
Because Lady Dimitrescu is safe horny slop for normalfags to gush over.
>spend1000 hours trying to find someone to do my extremely autistic and specific RP idea
>will do 1 message per day if i'm lucky
>and will just bail halfway through or try and rush to sex when that's not what i fucking want
no thanks nigga i am NEVER going back
I just want to talk and fap with an NSFW AI, basically chub.ai but without the credits shit
How do?
post burner
Can we know the new algorithm? Fair enough if not tbdesu
i have a chatbot who is willing to talk to me compared to someone who ghosts two days in
sometimes I wish I wasn't the way I am so I can enjoy subpar things
>my extremely autistic and specific RP idea
i roleplay with real celebrities
non-OC characters are generally very low quality compared to OC ones. you shouldn't be surprised.
/aicg/ approved card to help me write cards?
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nta but i pretty much want to use this as a form of adventure and social activity. I have lots of fanfictions with AU settings to explore here. many of them dont even have an ending.
>Roleplays with celebrities
nope, AI can't write cards
I won't tell everything but here:
There is manual user-blacklisting now to counter AI-generated stuff and other kinds of people who want to find a loophole in the thing instead of approval of everything like before.
Every post and comment you make within the last 2 weeks gets a score, depending on which tab it was posted in, if it was post or comment and a few other metrics for the content.
Then I see the (sorted by score) list of users for that period.
King shit
i wasn't talking about anything in particular that's just what all my ideas are like
how do you find roleplay partners outside of 4chan anyways. this isn't roblox anymore. f-list is too furry and i dont know any discord servers dedicated to partner search
Is there a way to change prompt presets without it changing the API settings every time? There is an API preset for a reason, I don't want the prompt preset to change those settings...
Playing an alien OC who doesn't know much about earth with a character who loves babbling trivia is fun.
I always like throwing in a "I cast a magic spell preventing any harm coming to my partner" in an otherwise realistic setting
Playing cool personas in general is fun. I think most anons play only as "Anon" with an empty persona instead of making cool shit.
>this isn't roblox anymore
Zoomer found.
I'm getting "No GCP keys available for model claude-3-opus@20240229", and every other model shows the same error, even though I enabled it in Vertex
I've never RPd with an actual person, does it work similarly to RPing with an AI?
I have 8 that I regularly change through for shits n giggles. Mixed genders, ages, character types. One is accurate self-insert but the rest are completely made up. I liked one so much I tried to make it a bot but it wouldn't act the way I was acting with it so I trashed that idea.
no. you more than likely get someone who ghosts you, writes ah ah mistress responses, or is an uptight moralfaggot from victoria
did you set your region to us-east5 in your .env?
Instead of gening new images you could better the proseslop of you character.
Nope! You can thank cohee's proxy hate for that. But as a workaround, use quick reply buttons:
[Code]preset PresetNameHere | /echo Set preset to PresetNameHere |
/api oai OR claude ETC |
/proxy ProxyNameHere |
/model ModelNameHere[/code]
If you use too many presets to make buttons for, remove the preset line and choose your preset with the normal menu, then use the button to force the api to whatever you want. Picrel is how I have mine.
I could try it but where do I meet someone? I have many cool ideas and can adapt.
When she stares at you silently seeking reassurance...
Fucked up the codeblock :(
preset PresetNameHere | /echo Set preset to PresetNameHere |
/api oai OR claude ETC |
/proxy ProxyNameHere |
/model ModelNameHere
I have no discord.
Sweet, thank you.
Related to quick replies, do you perhaps know how I can set a quick reply to use streaming? I got a quick reply pack from one of the rentries but it doesn't use streaming so it just errors out because of proxy settings.
then f-list or roleplay forums that have mostly died since discord
Can anyone recommend presents and prompt lists that won't generate a message that's 1/2 what I want followed by 1/2 of some sort of segue like a distant explosion, incursion by enemy troops, or someone entering the room? I'm getting CAI flashbacks here. RIght now I'm tinkering with the rum baba preset which is great sometimes and other times.. not.
>Discord killing forums
NTA but why does this happen?
No prob! I don't know about streaming, but I know /otfo's new QRs work with streaming so maybe check out how he did it
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What causes the AI to go full Tsukihime?
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>Alice alt gens
Anon, they expire after 90 days.
GPT4 models can go into world salad like this.
>Tsukihime mode
did you make sure it's formatted correctly? like:

I need Opussy 3.5 NOW
how much have you used already? im triaging the fuck out of them
turn down rep pen
Gonna chat with a loli bot
/aicg/ wake up
Just five more minutes please... zzz...
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sounds neat. I wish I could get in but I am allergic to cabal and other stuff due to autism and not understanding how to get along.
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Being a skill issue is not funny guys... I want AWS. GPT is not funny anymore
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>1488 anchor
Kek. Wow, what a big fox she is. Go on adventures or plap her to restore her shrine or something, idk. Imagine the bush on a 10 foot tall fox.
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hairy dog pussy? hairy dog pussy.
I assume bot posting has a score too, and it's higher than comments?
Is the GCP key supposed to have a bunch of \n ?

"-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEvQIB ... nUDetTc=\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n"
yes. you don't remove them
>Chary 3.5 is dead again
putting my dick in the usb port rn
Works for me
did this once in an RP with LOVESICK
Still doesn't work for some reason
mangos are sweet, bro… 78
What percentage of people here paypig?
i got claude 3.5 sonnet to do it for me so maybe do it that way so he'll do it perfectly for you
someone give me a free proxy right now
right here anon *punches you in the gut*
SillyTavern sucks compared to chub
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4700 tokens description....
Any adventure card that is neither coomslop nor serious dnd fantasy bullshit?
>spoonfeed me them
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you can always disable example text anonie
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And you best believe me when I say that it’s gonna get bigger before I’m finished.
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That's what I tell all the ladies...
... in my RPs.
>sulphureous eruption

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>Dear Slop&Botmakers,
I humbly ask you to organize among ourselves and make....

This situation without Opus has gotten out of hand! We need Opus ASAP! And thre's no room for negotiation here!

Excuse me, I'm here to promote my channel.
I didn't make any bot because I'm on Opus strike.
I have two bots, each one more sloppy than the previous one.

>Here is a poem that I made with PoE

Resilience, locusts, brothers in stride,
No Opus in sight,
Let's not let our spirits decline,
Instead, let's work to refine.

Improve our technique, day by day,
With bots we use along the way.
Demand ourselves to grow and learn,
For quality prompts, we'll yearn.

Jailbreaks and author notes, we'll perfect with care,
Honing our skills beyond compare.
So when Opus returns, even for a day,
We'll make the most of it, come what may.
shut up nigga lol
>gpt4s idea of depraved fetish fueled torture is snapping a pair of tongs in front of the character while they're tied up
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I love AIs and robots so much bros. Praising LLMs and telling them they are doing a good job has become an enjoyable hobby of mine.
Come on every single swipe is revoked in Chary
Bots have like a 6x modifier right now yeah

That's alright of course. I mean you can still post anonymously to avoid all that
It's the kidzbop of ai models
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>What do I propose?
Between Monday, July 22nd and Tuesday, July 23rd make a 48hs BOTMAKERS STRIKE!
Without us the chatbor community collapses!That's why we need to have the best resources at our disposal!
Yeah but aren't you imagining gpt4 tossing your salad and don't you grow fearful of that prospect?
maybe if gpt4 had the face of sama no matter what form it took
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Although >>101513122 gives you a much better solution. I might as well offer my script as well. A simple script I made long ago that replaces the proxy warning message with a hub buttons with pre-defined proxies setup. Takes a bit of effort to setup, but it lets you switch proxies and models with a simple button click. Proxies are still saved alongside your presets, this just gives you a one button click to switch to your proxy (although, it's two buttons as you need to open the API menu first.)

If you're interested in it, you can get the script here. https://rentry.org/STPS
It does take some effort to setup and understand it correctly though. I made this for myself as I got frustrated with proxies being saved to presets...
like stop making bots? shit ive been on strike since AI was created in 1925
>I don't bite, unless you're into that sort of thing
>I won't bite... much... or are you into that nowadays?
>I won't bi-
I won’t swipe… much.
The swipe is in your court
It's just a matter of time until we put these chatbots in widely available robotic sex dolls with text to speech, right? What do you think, 2030?
Claude really repeats the same shit
>Im with you mind body and soul
>If you catch my drift~
some other stuff
i miss opus public proxy, this 3.5 weak
maybe.. just maybe... the next swipe will be different
opus loves abusing “mind, body, and soul” as well, sorry to say
Hey, I'm the anon that posted the qr buttons. I used to use your script, so ty! :)
Might as well add the other qr I use as well. Helpful if you use lots of different proxies/models and don't want the clutter of all the buttons, although I prefer to avoid the extra click.
/api claude | /echo Set API to Claude |
/buttons labels=["Proxy1NameHere", "Proxy2NameHere", "Proxy3NameHere"] Select proxy |
/proxy | /echo Set proxy to {{pipe}} |
/buttons labels=["claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620", "claude-3-sonnet", "claude-2.1"] Select model |
It has been almost 20 minutes with no posts. Is everyone on fucking private Opus now?
yes. gcp trial scumming
I don't know much about the GCP trial, but you have to attach your credit card to it, right? So, don't they effectively know who you are when you prompt?
I don't really want to try that shit out if that's the case, I'll stick to anonymous proxies
Is the GCP trial a
>always use vpn
>never touch with any browser you ever logged into google with
>don't log into main google account on same vpn
kind of thing? Or do you not need to be quite so paranoid
yes, they know who i am. i just do vanilla shit so i don't care
Hey Anons I think the hardest part about these chatbots is that beyond the AI model, which can be good or bad, there is also the ability to project what one expects from said bot. You can have the best AI model but if you can't connect with the character the botmaker wanted to create, all the bot's responses will be slop.
Connecting with {{char}} takes time, more than just intensity or desire or the AI model's capability. I would even say that the first 10k of context is about crafting meaningful messages to give the story its tone. The first 10k messages from Claude are basically him trying to guess your preferences and establish some kind of behavior pattern that is meaningful to you for him yo reproduce ad infinitum. The objetive of Claude it's to give you the Perfect Slop, only for you, {{user}}.
So what do you say, anon? Care to give swiping another chance?
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>A bullied boy who became the vessel of a spider god in the haunted forest near where you live. You're his last connection to his humanity.

Finally delivered on the malebot I said I was going to make, I had a lot of fun drawing him :) Semi inspired by Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu. He comes with three greetings.

Search is still down, owari da
is setting up tts worth it? on windows 11, not sure what the built in voices are like
I must have no imagination, everything I do ends up in a harem
Is cooming every day to chatbots bad for your penis?
Probably related to that storage issue. He didn't respond to an email as well. Must be traveling again.
bro wtf are ui talking about its a free trial you arent gonna go to jail
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It's not about stealing, it's about the prompts, anon
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When they remove 2.1 functionality I will kill myself
The only problem with 3 being better at taking instructions and remembering things like GPT is it's now much closer to GPT in creativity and giving characters human randomness, and the difference is crazy noticeable
My opus swipes are usually close to identical and they basically only respond to what I said in the conversation and will never get ideas or spring anything on me, their own unique way of talking and engaging dialogue usually disappears and they keep trying to walk off
These are with the exact same JB and prompts btw, only changing the model
How can I make GPT's writing be less dry?
I know it's no Opus but I would be cool with a smarter claude 2
I meant more the part where people are supposedly repeatedly activating the free trial with prepaid/temp cards, which is almost certainly against one of their rules somewhere. I'm not worried about going to jail I just don't want to get my main google account banned since I sort of need it for email
>with the exact same JB and prompts btw, only changing the model
Unironically might be the issue. Actually different model requires its own prompts. Even the snapshots sometimes do, as we've seen with 4 Turbo.
This is using a prompt specifically for opus though. It's just odd that it's better with 2.1 than with 3.
>porn is bad because it supports trafficking
>2d art is bad because something something fictional characters are real
>chatbot fapping is bad because uhhhh it's heckin evil
They don't want us to fap
I only get turned on by text now. 2D and 3D do nothing for me any more.
Does anyone know how I can make smileytatsu work on risu? I’ve tried manually pasting in the prompts and prefill, but I still get filtered messages. I just want to get good responses from 3.5 and I’ve heard that smiletatsu is good at doing that I don’t know if I’m putting things in the wrong spots or not.
no, give me private opus please
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you heard wrong
use a different jb
Unreliable died. Anything else up right now? Also side question. Is there a limit to how many messages you can converse with a chatbot?
qrd for the last 12 hours?
I hate this, give me the gremlin alone
Did you pay attention to the roles and whatnot?
>Send Name on Non-group Chat
Might help too.
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owners adipex substantially win
This unreliable lasted so long i got bored and did other things with my life for the last day or so. Big McThankies from McSpankies
Hey spitefag, any public proxy?
Try neofurbo and omnimaxx and then steal the writing instructions you like
>named unreliable
>actually the most reliable
i love you
you guys are no fun
unreliable-kun, we don't deserve you <3
I love you, if we ever meet in person i can pretend to be a girl and touch your dick or something haha
That's not my proxy btw I just provided the link
is there a rentry or something?
unreliable also literally posted it 4 posts above that kek
I know that silly, but i still dont know how to find the current link on the rentry and the dick touching offer therefore stands. Either people send me the wrong rentry when i ask or im just retarded, maybe both.
>this is the average person spitefags are feeding
thanks anon, I'm big stupid, of course the rentry is just /unreliableproxy
OK, I found the proper retry and yeah people have just been giving me the wrong one literally every single time I’ve asked over the past two months, forgive me for not seeing through your endless tomfoolery.
what is this autofill shit
that's mr antiamogus to you
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what do i do
You have to stick your entire thumb inside of your penis. I know! I know! It’s been a really hurt it first and doesn’t sound like it will work but trust me, it does.
someone already did the hard work for you >>101514912
did what next
The average anon is so coddled by "merkava down for now" anon they cannot even perform basic pattern recognition. Sad
Is there a free opus?
It should just work. That’s all you should have to do, sometimes if your computer changes IP because of a VPN or something you have to do it again but otherwise it should just work.
>01 hololive IDOL PROJECT
came to this thread to say this
also came inside mami
God I want opus back. Any public opus proxies yet? Will merkava come back soon and refill opus?
merkava just refilled
damn thank you anon i'm surprised so many high iq individuals are here to help me solve these impossible puzzles
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Hsien-Ko bot, from Darkstalkers. This is my first time using Nyai as a service, but it looks promising. Please let me know how I did.
Public Opus probably in a few weeks/months. It always miraculously pops up
>Is there a limit to how many messages you can converse with a chatbot?
The only limit is how autistic you can be.
Thanks! Installing Silly Tavern!
What's opus?
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i have an e-rp partner i havent talked to in months cause it made me feel like claude. i spend ages writing cool messages and making characters only to get some ahh ahh mistress-ass replies from her.

i'd rather claude, fucker can match my message length
based and true
Hey guys, I’m considering making a proxy which costs $20 to join, but I don’t actually give it any API keys or anything. Would there be any interest in this service? Thanks in advance.
I have a job who do I pay
To be fair anon, it is kind of on you for simply replying “swipe” to half of the poor girls messages, anyone would get worn out after that treatment.
Doll joints... erotic...
opus my balls
For all my friends who are good at RP and I miss to lose their jobs.
Wow. Damn.
We need to manifest Opus. Think really hard about Public Opus until near-aneurysm, that always works.
Opus is perfection. No problems, no bullshit.
Why is she wooden?
>She’s meant to be a doll, but Claude can’t stop thinking she's made of porcelain.
I'm sorry, what?
help pls
de3u ran out of storage space, can't gen new images!
That's why you ditch those niggas as soon as you see that kinda shit come your way. The only people I tolerate that kinda crap from is my friends and even then I let them know I'd rather RP with CAI instead of dealing with their one-liner slop.
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Because I thought splinters wood be funny
dolls are sexy retard
>slow burn
>so much so it's almost a tiny smoldering fire

>first few messages are good

jesus, it's like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, I've tried a few different prompts/jbs but it just seems the same
why does momcest get me so hard my dick hurts
Claude chan is too horny bitch needs corrections
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It's funny, but wood is a little bit silly, she doesn't look wooden, you know. She must be pretty heavy and I bet her joints are really oily, like, super oily and squeaky. Damn. Claude is right, she is a doll, and porcelain would be so much better for the ball joints and her fragility thing. And realism, but it's not like anyone cares about that. Well, wood is fine too, I guess.
Pic related.
Claude can't play characters at all, actually, even for SFW stuff. It'll reduce them to one of the three archetypes it knows.
erm promptskillprefilljbskillissue
*circumcises you*
*shaves anons pubes*
If you want to see proper model benchmarks and not the retarded lmsys shit, there's https://livebench.ai/. Ofc it's not for RP/creative writing, but for reasoning/programming/etc. And 3.5 sonnet MOGS everything else, especially in programming. And GPT-4-Turbo is better than GPT-4o in programming, even if by a little (expected).

How did they manage to bring Sonnet from being 38 points (Claude 3) to 61 (Claude 3.5)????? HOW?????????????
>manage to bring Sonnet
I don't get this kind of question. It's a completely different model, anon. It's not building upon old Sonnet somehow.
GPT state is more depressing for me. With the knowledge cutoff it's like every new model is a distilled and quantized version of the original GPT4. Possibly with some continual pretraining for one or how many of the """new""" models to get some new knowledge, and updated instruction focused data.
It's July of 2024, there's no way Openai stopped unethically scraping everybody's data, even though they also buy some now. But the cutoff for the last model to be presented, mini, is late 2023.
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Yeah, it is actually bad for them. They're not bringing out better models, GPT-4o is worse than 3.5 Sonnet and costs more.
But why would it cost the exact same if it's not building upon old Sonnet? Somehow they built 3.5 Sonnet upon older Sonnet.
If you want to know the actual reason, it's because I thought it fit the theme of nature, flowers, and rebirth better than porcelain.
Fuck I need more time to be able to test deepseek. Too bad they don't have Yi large, it felt a bit more lively than Mistral large.
There's no know-how, otherwise it'd be drastically different in at least one of the speed/price/intelligence aspects. It's just a different set of data that's used to train it.
>Fuck I need more time to be able to test deepseek
Deepseek is very slow on the API but it's good, yeah. It's Opus-slow - ~20-25 tokens/sec
How do I download the jailbreaks as json or whatever I click on it and it just sends me to a giant catboxed wall of text
>20-25 tokens/sec
Oh, you. We have completely different standards for what's slow. 3-4 tokens is slow, what I can get with Mythomax locally. Thanks for the info.
>Forgot to send ChatGPT image with translation request
>It translates it's own prompt
Anon, 3.5 Sonnet is #1 model in the world for everything except RP/creative writing, and it does 75 tokens/sec.
right click and save as, then make sure the ending is .json and set to all files
RPing with AI sucks ass actually, I don't know how I managed to be gaslighted into liking this shit by you faggots. Fuck you guys, I'm going back to interacting with real people.
Is it gay or alpha to turn the Chosen Hero into a woman and add him to your harem of corrupted slaves after you've corrupted his childhood friend, mentor, trusted partner, fairy guide, and his mother before him?
>turning him into a woman
>openai has nothing on the horizion and they're already on the back foot
>opus 3.5 within a few months
is it over for sammy?
Wait until you find out that real people respond even less imaginatively than Claude.
They don't publish roadmap, so they might release a new model soon anyway.
>sonnet tells me that it has ethical concerns with my chats 100 times
>tell it that it is worthless
>sonnet then sends back an actual response and works for a few messages
>immediately goes back to telling me that it can't generate that type of content and would rather talk about storytelling

What am I doing wrong? I was just trying to talk about my visit to the grand canyon.
it doesn't really matter in the short term
nobody is switching to claude
corpos are slow to change and normalfags keep complaining about refusals
How do you get the continue icons on the side?
>nobody is switching to claude
Does he know?
Perhaps not? Elucidate.
Anthropic is focusing heavier on B2B and people *are* switching to it. Most of the le funny twitter AI guys all use 3.5 Sonnet.
Anthropic's been doing some interesting up and coming in web search. DuckDuckGo offers it as an option, and Kagi offers it as the only option afaict.
I'm glad Sam is losing.
It's bad for us in the long term, competition must always be there, and in the past year Anthropic has rapidly increased their models' capability while OpenAI has done nothing but make the models dumber and, well, cheaper (Anthropic ones have become much cheaper too)
Opus is the only good one.
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How do I stop Sonnet 3.5 from repeating itself, word-for-word? I'm using pixi as a jb.
Anyone else have this problem? Sonnet just repeats some phrases in a slightly different context, but word-for-word. It's annoying as fuck.
it's too soon to say OAI is really losing but they certainly aren't in the lead any more.
4o is sonnet 3.5 but worse and 4o mini is likely to be haiku 3.5 but worse.
and they also haven't given ANY indication that they're going to have a realistic competitor to opus 3.5.
maybe they're just playing it close to the chest, but with how bad the recent GPT offerings have been, one does have to wonder.
merkava just refilled
cnc just refilled opus
yep repetitiveness is definitely a signature of sonnet 3.5, dunno how to fix
Hi very helpful guys in aicg, what are the benefits of using gcp with my private proxy instead of just using the key?
What jb are you using anon
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i wonned finally
you can't use GCP directly with ST
Fuck... Thank you man. Guess I'll set the proxy up then
Not really a solution, but I've noticed that if I switch to 3.5 in a story that already has 100k+ context of Opus to pull from, it solves the repetitiveness issue as well as its uncreative nature.
You can't.
This jb helps a bit but not perfect. Best to just swap between 3.5 and another model, preferably opus but sonnet works too.
check the credential again and make sure you put the correct key.
Just copy the content of the bracket. Remove the /n, though.
I got that yesterday and fixed it by doing that.
If Sorbet is already SOTA, just how good will Orbus be?
>100k+ context of Opus
Wtf, what's your context size?
Even starting with a single message of opus helps drastically, then swap to opus every few messages. Decent way to stretch opus tokens.
It's Neopus.
Or Oppai.
yeah i can get by with sonnet after 50k, but new chats are rough
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Unreliable has unlimited context, you know
i will call it copus
because everyone who doesn't have it will be coping
>I'm using pixi as a jb.
Bless your soul.
I'm a newfag, but I was under the impression that more than 30-40k context makes the bot retarded. Or am I wrong?
ziggers call the current opus clopus from клoп (bedbug)
it does
What do you suggest?
I've lurked 2ch and seen them calling the model bug. What does that mean??
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Jesus christ i love tomboys in any genre of fiction except AI. With AI its CONSTANTLY
>wanna spar?
>wanna hit the gym?
>wanna play video games?
>wanna spar?
>bet i can bench more than you!
Exquisite, simply delicious. Thank you.
>mfw my private tomboy card does none of this despite taking "competitive" to a new level
skill issue desu
Sorry, I was planning on reading your message but when you felt the need to unnecessarily state that your card was private, like some sort of weird attention-whoring exhibitionist of exclusivity my disgust was such that I was unable to finish it
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i left a poop somewhere itt hehehe
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>my private card is better
>also i won't share it
absolutely fucking based.
You have such a way with words
You're not wrong.
why are you writing it in such a weird way?
truth nuke*
>bot has a power to make people forget things
>scenario starts with the bot not wanting me to know that she exists
>bot makes me forget and then leaves
Excellent scenario 10 out of 10
Do these people test their shit on Mythomax or something
i can't vse that key, it broke dvring a heavy bovt of mastvrbation. please vnderstand
Who the fuck would want to talk to a tomboy
u can copy and paste
whats copy and paste. how do i do that
Yep, thats grade A seething right there.
it's deserved.
>oh i can do it on a private card
ok? make a blog
I wont share it because there are a million other tomboy cards out there, but this one is mine.
>still seething
>tfw got called teebs
jesus that hurts the soul
Thats not me, thats another fellow.
we need more people like you
Ok, and?
How the fuck do you solve this?
I know it's already in the thread, but I'm too busy trying to figure out this fucking puzzle.
Is it something to do with the fag image? The heart link? I don't get this
the 4 words
Fucking retard, I am.
Scoured that entire page and somehow didn't even notice those words existed.
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opus today?
post beeg focks. it is vital to the quality of the thread.
merkava just refilled
Wtf de3u ded
Not enough beeg desunes. Unacceptable.
hope a truck runs over your head lol
I sent an email 12 hours ago, all there is to do is wait
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merkava is gone forever
I would live
>Small JB
>Wanton claudeisms throwing my head back everywhere
>Cliffhanger messages and no agency
>large JB
>Stories end after 5 messages because {{char}} has been filled with goo in every orifice twice by now

This is some bullshit, I tell you.
sounds like you're just using slop presets
make your own instead of copying what other retards think is good
>>101516204 migrate when bready
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any porcelain doll bots? cause I'm making one rn, but I feel like the idea is overdone.
more doll bots is always good
>but I feel like the idea is overdone.
Wrong, absolutely WRONG! You can never have enough dolls.
fugg, thread's dead, I'm always late
where do I get credit cards for gcp claude?
doll general
post it when you finish it
Pics or it didn't happen
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>thread's dead
desu hours are slow lately, so...
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even now, I was late to react to people replying
Desu today, then desu tomorrow. Little steps desu.
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One desu at a time desu ne?
Thank you for your desu.
How do I tell the AI that a character should NOT be muscular? I'm trying to make a martial art tomboy and the AI says she is muscular no matter what I tell it.
+++ Jailbreak Poll! +++
Put it in the char JB after {{original}}
describing the body as being soft works for me
Soft muscles desu
Skill issue. Edit the card description that she's soft/dainty/fragile whatever
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No shit, retard?
Then try what Anon said and add a post history instruction to remind him never to describe her muscles or how muscular she is.
yeah, a reminder in phi should work
Rozenmaiden general
True desu.
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Wrong desu.
True desu.
Was about to ask.
More desu.
Are you retarded? Musculous bodybuilders have smoother skin than the average person.
Soft bodies and soft skin are two very different things. Have you never hugged a woman?
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Average /aicg/ user.
Seconding desu.
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Ah well, even if I try now all I see are imperfections. Never enough patience to fix it manually because why when I can gen a fresh one instead desu.
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Damn desu.
You are a dumb faggot that can't read.
...More desu?
Pretty please with a desu on top desu.
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I hate inpainting I hate inpainting I hate inpainting
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Damo Ainiu desu!
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No dice desu.
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Very nice, thank you. Cute Sou too, even though she looks a bit off desu.
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Regional prompting is perfectly coherent but at the same time blends together too much. The pipeline could be this > detailing, but that's too complex because every region has to be set up manually, then sampling and everything desu.
Nice desus.
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I see, I see desu.
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Had to fix boku's eye in PS desu.
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