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Everything is already from China, but in here we discuss the cheap chink shit you see on various sites.

Useful links
>New guide (WIP): https://csg-guide.neocities.org/
>installgentoo wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Chink_shit_general
>Mergeboss links (click 3, post yours): https://pad.disroot.org/p/%2Fcsg%2F_ali_game

>What headphones/earbuds should I buy?
>I want a cheap smartphone what should I buy?
>I want to buy some sort of emulation device

Give me an hour or two

Previous: >>101499378
Previous previous: >>101450422
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You gonna share what that is?
nipple covers and a bit of rope to auto-asphyxiate
thought it was obvious
but maybe not so much

it's omori phone case 3$
1 contact wire 1$
led bulb 1.5$
mini pcie network card and antennas 5+1.5$
paracord 2$?
suction cups for tying thebcord to 1.5$ I think

how many nipples do you think I have
>how many nipples do you think I have
google tells me that humans typically have 2 nipples
pigs have 12-14 nipples
and dogs have 8-10 nipples
(male dogs also have nipples)
I assume it works the same as the one I got built in - you can just purchase an app off the play store to change the home screen. I got AGAMA for a few euros
>(male dogs also have nipples)
That's crazy. For what purpose?
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anon doesnt know what to buy >>101501225
anon wants to cosplay >>101503267
chink sbc discussion >>101503560 anon post one that is cheap and x86 >>101504895
anon seeks a chinkish expert >>101505581
anon wants to recap his gamecube >>101509318
anon builds a chink gundam? >>101512100
magnets, how do they work >>101512334 >>101514015 >>101514032 anon apparently managed to demagnetize actual magnets >>101514337
anon research in price differences in different devices >>101514462
anon wants to have the most overcomplicated usb charger >>101516514 just use an usb splitter in one of the usb ports if you dont have enough
reminder of the anon with the usb over ethernet >>101519813 >>101519844 and more info on those >>101533748 >>101534351
gamepad review with vidia gameplay >>101541775
anon reviews his haul >>101548343 >>101548504
stickers and pins >>101523390 >>101523422
>Internet of Temperature humidity control >>101523713
anon cannot get his fake lego motors >>101533273
anon reviews and lcd replacement, and disagrees with the other reviewers >>101533398
marcille figure review >>101533781
anon lost his coin privileges >>101533946

>>With all the futbol coupons, I stockpiled more ESP32 boards than I have any use for. I don't even know what projects to make.
>Something that will alart you when the /csg/ thread is missing from /g/.
Seriously is this even viable in an esp32?
Why do human males have nipples? Same answer.
for sucking on
I was beginning to think that they'd lost it.
bought an "unlocked" pixel 7 pro from ali, turns out it's sim locked. Opened a dispute, seller wants me to return it and he'll send a new one. I tell him to fuck off as I already paid 100 euros in import taxes and I'm not paying them again + shipping fees for return. Aliexpress can step in 2 days. What do I do here? Best case scenario I get a refund, but I have a useless phone on my hands.
thoughts on these cheap usb hubs? i want to buy one to plug some keyboards and usb gamepads on my pc so i don't need usb 3.0 speeds, usb c or any other fancy feature
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006519201306.html looks overkill and considerably more expensive, should i just go with the cheap one?
Hope aliexpress sides with you or take it as a learning experience
i just placed an order, but half of what i bought is still in the cart listed as $0
what the fuck happened? do i need to contact support?
9 items went through and 4 are stuck in the cart
god fucking dammit dude i hate this website
what are some good affordable chink action cams
4k/60fps required, 120fps would be nice
Good chink brands of sunglasses and watches?
I remember someone talked about them a few threads ago but I can't find it
>reminder of the anon with the usb over ethernet
I wonder if anyone here has tried USB over LAN by software? you can do that shit on linux, but IIRC you need drivers that supports it (I could be wrong though).
this says you can even share stuff from windows to linux:
really cool stuff, and the linux part doesn't look complicated at all. of course you'd need a couple of SBCs, a router that runs linux or something, though.
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i despise ali now, but your a faggot
Switch oled models are going for like 215€ on ali if anyone wants one
yeah but i didn't deselect them, why the fuck weren't they included during checkout
anyway, i resolved the issue by just adding some more chink shit to my cart and buying the rest of my initial order
chang won i guess
oh, and btw, you don't need special hardware for this
seller "forgot" to send all items of a set
I've looked at price of the missing part and want to get reimbursed for that amount, but want to keep the rest.
is that possible, or would I need to send back the whole set?
what should I pick / write to get a partial refund?
Nigga what are you doing? Intel 7260 cards are like $5 shipping included.
Guys what happens to us when china economy collapses eventually?

You can ask for a full refund if the seller fucked up.
Learn Hindi.
ya, but I don't want to send back the set.
by going with partial refund I hope that I won't have to bother with that.
I've got a lot of sunglasses and outside novelty stuff they kinda suck, some anons were talking about adiesdive watches and they look pretty solid.
Tell them the problem and what you want. Write plainly as if it's a work message. Use relatively short sentences that convey one idea at a time. Don't use slang/colloquialisms. Don't use emotion. Don't ramble.

>> I've looked at price of the missing part and want to get reimbursed for that amount, but want to keep the rest.
Like this sentence for example. Crop the 'and' into two sentences.

> I am a missing part.
> I want to get reimbursed for that amount.
>USB over LAN by software?
i tried with a race wheel, it is bad honestly
they only allowed me for a full refund with return for the 2 screws that my 2 axis positioning system lacked. and i was like no, just fucking link me were i can find those, bc they are not standard.
no option was given to me, yet they were helpful
the problem is that the seller was just a reseller with no idea of how shit actually worked
so ill just get some longer screws and cut and grind the head to size
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I bought a little project box for my microcontroller project. I misjudged the measurements and got this gigantic thing.
I am retarded.
>i tried with a race wheel, it is bad honestly
too much latency? did you try over cabled LAN or over wifi?
nah the problems was connections etc as is not properly supported, which is extra messy bc every time the wheel gets connected it zeroes in a very noisy and hard way. Like imagine needing 4 attempts to conect, and for every atempt it will be zero both when tries to conect to the host of the game, and then again when fails and tries to connect back to the pc is physically conected
but when is already working it worked fine
of course this was on windows bc trying that wheel and games in linux would be a headache
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csg goated
That's a pretty good box, there's never enough space with electronic projects.
Make sure to use these to keep it water tigh https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003093251442.html
I didn't see any mini pcie and this one was the most popular
How do I cure myself of mergeboss addiction?
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been over a week now with my 180$ Poco x6, and it's been fantastic.
games work well, music sounds good on speakers, screen is great, cameras are pretty fucking great also, at least in daylight (haven't tried low light)
have a bumblebee full res: https://i.4cdn.org/p/1721684263834980.jpg

you do have to debloat it like all Xiaomi phones, but it's been really easy with wireless adb, shizuku and canta from f-droid, I got it to 0.5% per hour idle drain, can get it lower I think I haven't done everything yet.
also with 67w charger battery temp goes up to 40c so I recommend not abusing it too much.
for the slot machine
for the bling ringwatch
How randomized is it? Triple bar seems to come often.
dude all 3 rows are stuck together, it's more like rolling a single die instead of 3
the final result depends on how you pull the lever, I tried pulling it with different intensities in the webm
>all 3 rows are stuck together
Oh, that's boring then.
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It will be a battery powered device but I have added this to my parts list for the future.
I wish other companies would copy motorola's approach to cheap camera setups. Which is to say, fuck the 2mp macro cam and instead just put on a decent ultrawide cam with autofocus (which lets it do macro photos). But a lot of these companies would rather put on a 2mp macro or depth camera instead, because more cameras = more premium to a lot of people
I need some suggestions of birthday presents (under 50 usd) for my girlfriend
Pretty neat
>gentoo installer
>programming socks
>plush toy
>no refunds
Seconding this, buy her 25 $2 plushies
>filtered by a fucking checkbox
how did you manage to even post here
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Anyone know what the idea behind these potable monitors is? Are they repurposed laptop screens? Are they tablets? are they knock off windows surface laptops without peripherals? do they use batteries? do they require an app to use with a phone?
small displays that you can carry
>that garfield
2 weeks!
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I agree and I'd rather not have a selfie cam or macro or wide but a better main, though the 2mp macro is better than I thought it was gonna be if I'm honest.
ultra wide I could take it or leave it, I feel like I'd rather it was 2mp and macro was better, don't really see any use for ultrawode personally
Why don't we have Pajeet Shit General now? Isn't India super power 2020 already 4 years old?
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another macro
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>80plus certification
>3 year warranty
>100s of positive reviews
>the 5% 1star reviews are all about shipping
this is fine right? I won't die in a fire if I buy one of these will I?
Seller's reply:
those PSUs are alright, used them for some builds before but at least for me the only ones that made economical sense to buy on ali were <500W ones
>3 year warranty
lol good luck trying to use it
to me warranties are a massive meme anyway so personally i don't give a shit
Buy the garfield anon >>101557964
Jeets are more subtle about trying to take over markets. They are deep in health products, food, and other general consumables. Check the shit you buy at your supermarket. So much shit is made in india now.
Well considering theyre mostly made in china anyway....
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>So much shit is made in india
Wasnt even on purpose.
Well then they need to make their own AliExpress and sell me food for 10 times less than the capitalist pig-dog supermarkets chains.
>may contain traces of faecal matter*
a cow shit sandwich coming up saar
Also china would do that if they could but world customs are anal about privately importing food.
if possible use a store near you instead of scamazon
the only amazon i know is the doujin artist that draws massive boobs
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I hope you will die in a house-fire caused by this oversized phone charger, poor peasant.
Want to order some back stickers for my phone, but fuck this "Free shipping over 10EUR", even if I buy multiple from the same seller it applies shipping to every separate item. Any way to get around that? Those prices start approaching amazon.de ones.
What's the best weapon that you can buy from a chink storefront? Find any particularly cool knives or something that can be used to bludgeon an attacker?
chink powebank, can detonate at the barest bump.
>Posting evidence of insurance fraud on a Himalayan nuclear physics forum
At least it's anonymous, but holy shit.
I mean, you might live, but for very little extra, you can get a half decent brand locally that isn't a housefire waiting to happen
I always just say it doesn’t work or it never arrived. When you get into the weeds of “details” like that it can be hard to be within their TOS and have them side with you.
>shady refurbishes
for 215 you can probably buy a used one, maybe even with chip
anyone actually used chink nike air ripoffs? do they disintegrate in month(s) like average shit footwear or they can al least hold for a part of original's lifetime?
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Don't buy anything with a built-in cable, it will start dying within a year
Look for USB hubs that either have a port or are like pic related
>bottom Kirby
>programming socks
those are for men only
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>car is 25+ old
>in dire need of replacement for idle air control actuator
>oem is $33
>paid for $4 "original" from good rating store.
>its all able to afford
>two weeks since
>it never arrive.

chang please, i cannot drive another week like this.
>Are they repurposed laptop screens?
15.6" is mainly for laptops, but they manufacture like 9 quintillion 1080p 15.6" displays every year so there's a very good chance that the displays on portable monitors aren't rejects.
Those displays are extremely cheap to make at this point, and LCD driver boards can be made for cheap too, so someone in China just figured that combining them and selling portable monitors would be profitable
They're the same type of LCD screens you see on tablets. Some of these portable monitors are even touch-enabled.
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>storebrand corn now from china
>also chestnuts

fuck fuck fuck
So basically all fast food ?
How cheap do you want them? You can get comfy athletic shoes for cheap on regular sites. Ali is for reps not comfort.
got the refund without having to send back anything.
after reading >>101552684 I wanted to edit the dispute, but there was no way to do that or adding something besides canceling the dispute.
I guess I got lucky that the person handling it understood what I wanted.
still, next time I'll just straight up tell them what I want as you said.
Fun fact. The brain putty on this robot was fake. They made this whole thing just to take a picture. It's not an actual brain robot at all
got my insta360 x4 on a massive discount
only issue is that I can't connect it to my phone
opened a request with insta360, but they told me I didn't buy it from an official reseller, basically a fuck you
at least I can edit the videos on my pc
the issue is that airs are pretty much the only shoes that not only have the looks and feel i want but also last years until the sole wears through, out of 3 i had none started leaking from the sides due to being shittily glued, which is exactly what i need the most
and since originals are retardedly overpriced locally i wanted to know if decent replicas even exist or they are like those skater shoes whatever are they called which die in months, maybe a year tops
They're fine for budget builds, I have one of these running in a Haswell-era Xeon/RX580 box. Keep in mind that they're 230V only though.
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Trimui Smart Pro handheld came in. Thanks soccer game, for making it free. Time for some comfy playing.
do zoomers really
how crappy is it?
Runs everything I throw at it fine so far. Can handle up to PSP, but select 3d games won't run well. Honestly good enough for what I bought it for though.
>Haswell-era Xeon/RX580 box.
that's a dogshit toaster, not a budget build though
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Chink haul arrived
>plastic shelves
Werks but really plastic-y. It was marketed as a bookshelf but I doubt it's gonna hold too many books
>"airsoft" glock
Fun and hefty in hand.
Werks and at least looks sharp enough
>PS4 controller accessories
Batman sticker for the light bar, trigger button extenders, and rubber cover for the controller
>hot wheels display cases
bigger than I thought
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Good afternoon.
may I ask you about a good/cheap bluetooth speaker?
I had one of these 3€ speakers and it broke down when I tried to charge. Charge port gor unwelded form the PCB.
I'm not looking for anything really loud or high quality, but I want to avoid the shittiest ones.
you can try to fill with sands the vertical tubes that make the structure, it will make it more rigid and heavy, thus stable
Update the firmware if you haven't.
Huh, that's a great idea. Thanks anon
we do that kind of crap with industrial machinery all the time anon, hollow things arent as stable and vibrate a lot, but the shipping and manufacturing is cheaper
if its metal you need to dry the sand, to avoid rust, and if you want also to add some more damping, you mix the sand with some oil, at home old engine oil is good enough.
or if you want to go pro you fill it with epoxy granite
Came with updated firmware, but thanks for letting me know that there's an actual github for this.
I would suggest giving Crossmix a try, Anon. It's a great handheld and the community is doing an outstanding job supporting it between Crossmix and Portmaster. https://github.com/cizia64/CrossMix-OS I am not a paid shill but I have a TSP and Crossmix has really improved the overall performance of emulators/more options.
This just sounds like you're trying to get anon's floor covered in oily sand after his shitty bookshelf collapses.
>"airsoft" glock
Is that one of those with the realistic case ejection? Does it work well? Is it annoying to put the bullets back together?
Probably not, but does this fix ppsspp reversed controls? For some reason, in the ppsspp menu, A is A, B is B, but in game, A is B and B is A. If I go to settings and change A to B, the reverse happens where menu A is B, game A is A.
i mean as an example, that you would for example use in the hollow vertical axis on a mill, dont do that in a plastic bookshelf, most plastics wont be happy with that oil, and it is pointless
Yeah downloading it off of their website is a nightmare
I'm not sure, I never noticed that on my end on PPSSPP.
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This is a fun little lego set, it's a bootleg of an exclusive set you got if you ordered some big £300 D&D castle from lego. The lego pieces are a bit crappy but considering I got it for £10 when scalpers want £65 for the official version I think it's worth it.

>Is that one of those with the realistic case ejection? Does it work well? Is it annoying to put the bullets back together?
Yes. It's kinda rough. Work mostly but the cheap plastic makes me not wanting to push my luck. Putting the bullets back together is okay as long as you can find it. The red tip contrasts with my grey carpeting so it's easy for me
>Write first review
>Very detailed so other buyers can make an informed decision before buying
>marked as selected
>chuwi hi10 air i got back in 2018, which stopped working in 2021, suddenly came back to life today
i bow to chink shit
As far as I can tell it's a pretty basic check for content originality.
I've seen a pretty bad review as the top selected because they still gave it 4 or 5 stars but what they wrote was a good thrashing.
Huh. If you go in game and press A, it inputs as A? And it's the same in the ppsspp menus? Something might be fucky on my end then.
Nvm, fixed it by changing "confirm button" in settings.
You can't leave a review if you die in a house fire
but if everyone died in a house fire there won't be any reviews
So what it was just sitting there powered off and suddenly it boot up like some sort of spontaneous resurrection?
kinda, i tried it out of curiosity and while i was showing my dad how it wasn't charging anymore it suddenly started charging (literally just unplugged it and plugged it back on the charger, wasn't nearly the first time i did this since it stopped working), and then boot up
i wish there was a way to change its android partition to either update it with some custom rom (it's stuck on like android 5) or delete it outright
Yes, but if 90% of customers are burned alive by chinkshit, the remaining 10% will still be alive to leave positive reviews. And that's not even counting the people who left a review before the product had a chance to immolate them and their loved ones.
Any recommendation for one of these?
they seem to be QC diceroll. either it works fine or is a broken hassle to dispute chang
>that pic related
why the fuck isn't that a thread on its own, I never heard about it before
Just bought a Mi Band 8, to replace my aging wearOS watch, and hopefully send less data off to Mr. Goog. I'll set it up with GadgetBridge and if I decide it actually sucks balls it was only $30 so w/e

In a similar vain, are the Redmi Buds 5 Pro any good? I'm looking to get out of Samsung's stupid ecosystem so buds with LDAC would be pretty nice, I think.
>tfw 20% away from the towel
is it good at least
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I bought this one recently as a steam controller alternative.
touch bar is not sensitive enough (just like any other touch bar from china) but it is fixable using software.
Also joystick just inputs wasd.

other than that no complaints. it costs something like 27$.
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I also bought this shit.
I have a few different ones like this for bathroom and kitchen.
18$ or something.
I am from Russia though. So for you it will probably be more expensive
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anyone bought a sex machine? you can get one for $20 with a welcome deal. wondering if they're worth it.
Whats in the box?
interested in knowing if dongle directinput gyro works without space station
I see no reason it wouldn't, but I haven't seen anything stated conclusively about it
How do i test ? Idk which moon people tech youre talking about
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to the anon that recommended these sunglasses: thanks
not bad for a 10 dollars
>Also joystick just inputs wasd.
It has to because as soon as the game gets a controller input it switches to controller loadout so to get proper pc loadout you need a keyboard emulation
This device is fucking retarded though, touchpads suck nigger dick and if they wanted a mouse emulation they should have went with trackball or the same pad deck uses which would also save space. Or even better zhang should finally invent a thing which is one-handed and has all the mostly used game buttons to use it with mouse, i could really use a thing like that
I hope uv coating on it exists. cause if not then byebye eyes
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card reader.
one side is USB A and you put the card into the connector, other side is type C
heats up a bit but at least it's metal and big (relatively)
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I think it's USB 3
What's the point of having a water wall? I get the spray, it's good for cleaning dishes, but why would you want a waterfall in your sink?
to have half of your kitchen covered in water
I bought one Huawei band for tracking runs and sports. Is it possible to sync the data it tracks to a open source app? Maybe chinaman is interested in all my data, but I'm not I want to send it.

Found some apps like opentracks, does it take the data from the band directly? I also saw that you can change the firmware to something like gadgetbrige. Has any of you tried it?
Thannks :)
Oh I didn't know the redmi buds 5 pro had ldac, anyway if you look through the previous threads I think some anons were talking about them.
The scarbir guy seems to really like them though
Might've been me >>101360043 but someone else linked them a couple week prior.
I also got these https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006519872251.html in black. They feel cheaper but also less fancy which is nice depending on what you're doing.
Supposedly they do, how do you test?
It's disgusting to have a general dedicated to fawning over literal chinkshit that's literally toxic and hazardous to your health, but enjoy and have fun I guess
Gadgetbridge. Check if your model is supported
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>enjoy and have fun I guess
thanks u 2
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Still healthier than brand war and distro war threads.
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Cool plates
How about not getting your gf anything that gives you cancer, moron?
Oh hey the TOXIC LEAD ASBESTOS DUST amazon shill from this previous /csg/ >>101281455 is back.
Cool that there are other people than me trying to educate you guys on health and safety.

You guys are so fucking deluded that you think the reason is why chinkshit is so cheap is because it's cheap, well no, it's because they CUT CORNERS you fucking idiots.
Enjoy your cancer
thanks i will
now go shill somewhere else
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And btw I've read through you your guide, at least whoever wrote the guide is wise and responsible enough to tell you to not buy underwear and batteries and such, but reading through these threads you'd think none of you have actually read through the guidewhen you recommend buying plushies sprayed chock-full full of toxic mystery chemicals.

And then you have fags like this. HAHA SO FUNNAY YOU GUYS
You think western plushies are any better? They all come from the same factory
KNOCK OFFS DON'T ADHERE TO ANY STANDARDS AND THEY CUT CORNERS you fucking idiot. There's 0 accountability from knock offs. What part of that don't you get?
>these two products made in the same place in the same factory are completely different from each other
Uh huh, ok dude
>you see they cut corners by spending extra money to add meme chemicals
Stop replying to the troll retards
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Yes, are you stupid perhaps?
>the reason is why chinkshit is so cheap
because kike doesn't get to add 300% markup for importing and selling it from their store and additional markup for putting an approved badge
maybe someone will take your madman ramblings seriously if even the biggest kike on the planet didn't run a chinkshit storefront on his platform
Cool story, bro
I accept your concession
very weak cope, don't reply to me again until you make a good one
there are uv cards you can buy less than a dollar, then you go into the sun
no anon don't go into the sun, you will suffocate long before you arrive close enough to the sun to burn to the crisp
I use it to wash my face in the morning without touching it.
yes it is. it is also uncomfortable to hold for a long time. But there are hardly any touchpads on aliexpress and it is almost impossible to find steam controller alternative. So overall it is better than nothing.
just get the latest shill of the month controller which would be enough for games that suck to play on kbm until valve stops wasting everyone's time and releases a proper controller
Belt buckle knife
>portable seppuku
How long has it taken you? Lol
Cant you just get a few metal parts and make these working firearms?
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I just got a new power bank. Plugged it into my laptop to see if it can charge it, and it does. Also plugged it into my phone to see if works, it does.

2 hours later, the back of my phone appears to be swelling. It's a pretty old phone by now, a 7 year old XZ Premium. What are the odds that the power bank caused it? Or is it just a very convenient coincidence that the old battery decides to bloat up now of all times?
baseus makes good devices so it's likely just a coincidence (though 7 years is exactly the point where even the durable batteries start shitting themselves)
The device draws power. The charger doesn't push any more power than the device draws.

Maybe the powerbank supports some faster charging mode the phone never used before with whatever other chargers you had. Combine with old battery state. That might have nudged it over the point of failure.
Yeah that's what I'm hoping is the case, reading around it seems like phones (or just devices in general) are the ones in control of receiving the juice at the right wattage/voltage/whatever.

I guess I'll try using it to charge some more devices and see if those get fucked up too, I have a 10 year old Nexus 5 just lying around and see if that gets fat too.
You got chinked. There's a reason why nobody recommends buying chink batteries and batterybanks
only subhumans use bluetooth speakers
use tws buds like a normal person
but everyone keeps recommending anker and baseus
it's a troll from a few posts above
is it branded?
>anker and baseus
because they are legit brands
Yeah it's a Baseus
>7 years old battery pops
>blame powerbank
I feel like those two have different uses
Any recommendations for a entry level mechanical keyboard around 50 USD. My initial order of an Aula F99 was cancelled due to mysterious logistical issues with the seller increasing the price 25% right after.
But I want a little speaker to use it when I'm working or training.
The plastic bits will melt from the heat
Merge boss stopped generating credit? There's less time to grind than I thought.
You get the wired or wireless version?
Anon they are not true wattages, a friend bought it and with his new gpu everytime he tries to game the psu just shuts down waste of 40 dollars. Get a second hand msi or something even corsairs are better than this shit
i got AULA F75, very good, i think i will get even second one for work
Looks like an utter garbage.
yes the sole use of bluetooth speakers is for subhumans to blast their dogshit music and torment everyone around
and what stops you from using earbuds in this case?
>they will fall off from the ears if you move a lot
>b-but i want to listen to stuff
use earbuds literally nobody wants to hear your shit
>but i'm at home and no one will hear anything
then buy proper non dogshit speakers and connect your shit to them the decent ones won't even cost a lot more
Are you talking about people using speakers in public? I've never seen someone do that. At most I've seen people playing music from their phone speakers, if you count that
you clearly don't go outside a lot god i wish that speaker usege would be outlawed in residential areas
Need a small monitor riser, but all the ones I can find are at least 34cm long. Anything smaller would be an improvement for me. Any suggestions?
not what are you looking for but honestly if i needed that i would either used the office ghetto risers aka whatever paper lying around until you reach the desired height or some sort of vesa leg which you can use with variable heights i don't know how these things are exactly called
Not really, they slow it down to 0.01% per watering.
nta but 19.67% here. Been at it since redeeming my towel on 22th of June.
I see, jnfact, many people with their phones/speakers and I hate them greatly.
but I'm working on the car right now and I'd like to have something better than the cell phone, and not as insulating as earbuds.
just look up whatever is affordable and well-reviewed on ali. edifier or tronsmart
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Anyone here tried some chink clothing (pants, shirt, etc.). Looking for something quality with competitive pricing.
Any good multimeter probes?
All the 20A ones I find use 20 or at best 18AWG wires, that's not good enough for 10 amps, and just a chink joke for 20 amps. TBF I don't care about the probes' rated amperage, I just want low resistance, so preferably a thick wire. I hoped the Mechanic or Aneng ones would be ok but checking out review photos they're also 18-20AWG while bulshitting 20 amp rating.
>I'm working on the car right now
then you should have a power socket nearby which can power some 2 speaker system from any decent audio manufacturer
these things would be better than some shitty bluetooth speaker in like every way
Those $1 mousepads from 2007 that we all bought from artcow. Nice amirite? Well, after years of abuse, mine have completely disintegrated.

Are there any Singaporean sweatshop places that are doing $2 (inflation) custom mousepad? I prolly should have stocked up back then for an additional decade or two of PC use. Pic related, bought mine during the mania this guy did.
Damn, good thing I don't drink plushies
I'm an ali newfag, how often do they do these events? I kinda liked being able to generate some credit towards projects during spare time at work
often enough.

These games are a horrible waste of time though, you'd be much better off spending that time doing overtime at work if that's an option and then spending that extra money on chinkshit.
ended up getting a bunch of those for free by spamming my code here
>battery last 2minutes
Is that what they do now? Promo codes for people to get free ones?

Any idea if there are just mass sales anymore?
QCY store shipping sucks. Where are my meme buds.
you have to double up by playing the ali games while you are at work
They're worthless as other anons said. I play just for the lulz.
Take up some actual work in real life for extra cash..
If you had read the words spare time at work you might be able to imply I was doing these during downtime I have DURING work
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I still have mine
These were mine, I still have the one right one somewhere.
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Well done
Females and males start from the same generic codebase and some interfaces are delicate, so it's better to leave them be alone that trying to get rid of them. Also, sometimes they also are useful for more recreational purposes of the product.
I use mine to listen to music while washing up or showering.
Is there any good bt speaker for showers?
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Assuming almost same price for a charger, which brand is better? Ugreen, Baseus or Anker?
I'd expect the Anker to have the certifications.
I'm less certain that the other also would do.
As expected, the monthly event is over.
It's honestly not worth doing for the $1 credits (that'll expire at the end of the month regardless) unless there is already an ongoing event.
That shit probably gives 10 types of cancer to you're dick and balls.
mostly just thigh highs and panties.
you gain brozouf
hey those dick goiters add to girth.
at that point it doesn't matter so the one you think looks the best
They're not much better than buying used at goodwill etc.
you have to watch specific autistic reviews that talk about heat and pulsations and shit.
I got a toocki though.
>another enlarge penis scam
when will zhang finally try to sell magical cultivation pills?
Just get some mercury and make the pills yourself
Sirs, I have never ordered from Aliexpress but basically if let's say I order 4 things from Aliexpress are they going to come 1 by 1 at different times since they are from different stores? Or are they going to come from Aliexpress in just 1 package?
it's random
if the stores you bought from are close to each other or go to the same distribution center then the orders are more likely to come bundled together but even then sometimes that doesn't matter because cheng from store 1 shipped his thing the next day but chang from store 2 is too busy masturbating and will ship it after three days
what's the best chinesium robot vacuum? valetudo support would be cool but not strictly necessary
I usually get the stuff that ordered together in a bundle together, almost always each item from a different store.
You have a better chance of this happening if you do a multiple "choice" order. Usually they come together but not always
Wires will be thin and insulation thick. Fuse will be small amperage. Thats my experience
Isnt that what people that 3d print them do? They just get a metal barrel and hammer right?
nice try glownigger
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I wanted a wired one but they sent me wireless.
It should be more expensive so no complaints there. I just use usb-c cable to connect it.

Wireless does not use bluetooth for some reason.
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this board is kind dead so I will post some more chink shit I've bought recently...

Best headphones ever for 69$
bass on those is unreal.
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this t-short is kinda cool
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I have gpd win mini and HUAWEI MateView monitor.
The monitor has usb switch inside it. I connect my keyboard and mouse to it.
Then I just connect one usb-c cord and I get:
- 4k monitor
- keyboard
- mouse
- charging

From one fucking cable that cost something like 7$

I love usb-c...
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I bought 2 sets of 2 rechargeable battery packs for my electric snowboard gloves and shoe warmers and that fuckwit only have me 1 pair.
Send me the other one Chang and if you tell me to pay for shipping I'm disputing.
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oh I also connect my headphones to the monitor.. and it has a decent speakers... and it works over usb-c too...

This is the best router money can buy. You configure it once and it never fails. And it can do anything. It has anything you could think of inside it. It is using some linux called routerOS.
The only downside is - the wifi on it sucks. I disabled it and bough cheap but powerfull TP-Link ARCHER C80. It is a crapy router because it calls back home if you let it. But as a repeater it is the best option out there. Costed me something like 26$ + 50$ for mikrotik.
have you been using the xperia? these old phones are dangerous if you switch them off at high percentage charges, leave them for several years then recharge them from 0%
they're also susceptible to overcharging if they can't handle high ampere fast charging
for my old ipad 2, i only charged it via the 1A 5W charger or used a port from my computer for example
mikrotiks are for autists who want to tinker with complicated niche settings or autist wannabees
normal person only needs the cheapest router which you can put wrt on and mikrotik is the farthest from cheapest you can get
>wifi on it sucks
the wifi on it is perfectly fine and if you are a faggot who can't just put some wires then buy a proper repeater or something with antenna slot
My anker soundcore speaker is waterproof and dust proof, I'm not sure if that works in steamy bathrooms though.
I'd say anker>baseus>ugreen. I only put anker at the top though because they're a bigger brand, I've never owned any of their chargers.
I'd prefer a good pill furnace so I can make my own out of random plants and mushrooms I find in my garden.
Usb-c is great if you know exactly what each port/cable/device supports, otherwise it's a massive clusterfuck.
You don't think plushies shed dust?
>rechargeable battery packs for my electric snowboard gloves and shoe warmers
someone really wants to set himself on fire while snowboarding
why does this shit even need a battery pack instead of using 18600?
> the wifi on it is perfectly fine
no it is not if you live in a big home with thick walls.

All I need from it is wireguard, DNS cache and smb. There are just a few routers capable of doing it out of the box.

I also want it to be scriptable with api so I can do anything I want with it. I can write a gnome extension that will enable / disable anything on it. Port forwarding for example.

Also every router I had before needed some sort of reboot once a month. with this one I forget that it exists.
>Also every router I had before needed some sort of reboot once a month.
that's just shit firmwares my tp-link with wrt on never needed to be rebooted either
i have no idea why they even need those shit firmwares instead of just using wrt to begin with other than enabling spyware
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I recently found this shit
never heard of upnp before - checked it and my router supports it. Will tinker with it tomorrow...
This is why I like it - whatever I find it has it or it is easy to install it because it is linux...
Looking for a headset to get myself.
read the filename
You shouldn't use UPnP you should manually forward ports for the services you use. Using UPnP will let any service that wants to automatically open ports
>wake up
>Amazon schizo is back
all hail bezos-sama

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