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Previous thread: >>101533658
seems to have to do with prepping packages for installation by other folks or onto other systems and what not: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1413251/how-does-the-apt-satisfy-work
ok so we installed a package that broke some dependencies and nothing can be upgraded. we were told by the dev to check with satisfy all the packages that broke. but I see no output that I could send back. so basically

apt satisfy postfix
apt satisfy nginx

the output is the same if I did try to upgrade with apt install - nothing was installed, but now I cannot install another package because it keeps asking for amd64 version of a package that has no architecture specified in it.
is there any actual point to hdr? i turned it on and it looks the same except brighter.
It costs more
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I was planning to contribute to a KDE project to add a feature that I really wanted but then I realized it was already there
>on linux mint
>Android phone doesn't connect to my computer
>download gmtp
>try it
>doesn't werk
>unplug, replug phone
>doesn't werk
>haven't reset computer yet
Any other solutions? I"m going to restart my computer probably later today and see if that fixes it and I'm just posting ahead of time just in case it doesn't work.
Try using kde connect.
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I need a real linux MAGICIAN with this issue, I hope someone can help me.
First of all with the risk of sounding obnoxious I need to preface my post by saying, again, that Foobar2000 is my player of choice, yes I've tried all players you'll suggest, no they're not decent alternatives, yes they're all trash, no I won't change my mind. If I wanted something that only plays audio files and disregard every single other feature F2K offers I'd just play my files on fucking MPV or whatever preferred retarded CLI player is the current FOTM.
Apologies for my whining, and regarding the question, is there any variable, toggle or hidden borked config on Wine that would tell the software being emulated that I'm using dark mode?
Here's the plugin guide explaining how the dark mode is achieved:
Unfortunately I have no idea how to use that in order to force dark mode on Linux, I believe that the plugin just takes whatever colors windows tells it to use and that's why that feature doesn't work under Wine but I'm not sure about that. I believe that the easiest way to solve this problem would be to have a way for Wine to communicate the dark mode colors to all programs, I don't know if that exists already or not.
I don't use Linux on my work computer and I won't be able to use my desktop until sunday, I'm downloading a linux ISO and a VM right now just so I can provide screenshots of the issue if anyone is willing to help me with this.
Thanks and sorry for the whining, I just know that someone would tell me to use strawberry player or whatever the fuck instead of engaging with my question.
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Just use audacious man, don't be a sperg.
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does your android phone allow usb connections?
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I think youtube changed something or yt-dlp changed how it handle formats now.
I have this in my mpv.conf

But it stopped working, after playing around I got it to work again with this

But why does it feel slower when loading the video?
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i switched to arch. when do i become a tranny?
also which protocol is better m3u8 or http (mp4-dash)
Do you work out? If not soon TM
what does dmesg/journal say when you plug the phone in?
"could not read mtp"
did it ever work on that computer/OS before?
>still no way to force showing all icons in the taskbar.
>still can't put taskbar on the side anymore
I'm glad I don't use this shit at home.
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Do I need zram even with 64GiB of DDR5 memory?
On the computer but not the os.
I am running ansible-pull on my system to setup partitions on my disk. I am using community.parted for this. There is no "when" option yet the task gets skipped. It worked when I used a second computer and run ansible against this one. Any help?
It's always good to have some swap/zram. It's not for lack of ram, it just makes things a bit easier on your pc. On windows if you delete the swap the whole system starts crashing
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Arch buddies, if I want to have the full KDE experience on Arch, is there a particular meta-package/group I should fully install?
If you wanna go full KKK
No, sorry, that's way too much for me. I don't need to install KDE games.
Is there a recommended group/meta-package that is kind of a baseline that includes the official KDE recommended applications for a full desktop?
plasma-meta you dummy
ok cool. thanks.
>running a script to shred and delete a bunch of files
>in verbose mode to show status and affected file, while watching the individual files become unrecogniseable
This is oddly satisfying
I've seen people mention that you'll lose out on features and gaming performance if you get a stable distro like Mint, but is it actually true? What am I missing out on? Can't I install it on Mint even if it's not available by default? Mint 22 or the old edge get newer kernel updates so that's not an issue.
You can install a newer kernel on mint 21 using the update manager GUI, it's on View > Linux Kernels
it worth making the side-grade from a 4080 to 7900xtx if I plan on remaining on linux?
I installed a new wireless network card and after an hour, it stalls (still connected to local network but can't reach the internet). Disabling and then enabling the card via the network manager applet fixes it but I want to solve it for good. What do?
Hello anons. I'm not super computer savvy but have been interested in learning linux for a while. However, I'm on a 4070 super gpu, but just heard about the new drivers from nvidia.

Have they been tested, worth making the swap for? I heard wayland is pretty smooth with them and mine is under the lovelace architecture, which they recommend the new drivers for.
does anyone know how to get mpv to use a specific ffmpeg binary instead of the one it relies on by default? i'm trying to see something here.
The new 560 drivers are riddled with bugs apparently, I'd hold off. But nvidia has been decent on linux for a while. I've been playing games without issue on my 4090.
you know what, i think i just need to compile mpv myself and a few other things. i'll do that shit tomorrow. goodnight /g/.
That's either a driver bug or a hardware fault.
>start using Linuxes ~25 years ago
>use Debian and Red Hat, get used to the usual binary package system
>start documenting a bit whenever you turn a system into desktop/router/NAS/whatever
>end up having vague collections of drop-in files with vague documentation
They are more or less /etc/ trees. Am I just 'doing Nix' manually here?
more like doing ansible manually
Yeah I've been at this at a long time so I'm going to give up and reinstall the old network card. Thanks senpai.
any thoughts on bazzite? cool to use as a normie gaming easy to set and forget distro? i didnt like nobara cuz too much shit broke, mint is too outdated and arch and stuff seemed too finicky
>too outdated
>stuff seemed too finicky
Made up problems I see. Well you never know until you try.
linux doesn't have a problem with no swap like windows does
it's still nice to have just in case, not like zram uses any ram or disc space when not being used
plus, if you increase your swappiness, you can have linux more likely to swap out stuff you haven't used in a while over dropping page cache. i prefer to do this with zram swap since swapping to it is very fast, and means i basically always have some page cache
not made up. i just want linux easy mode but want a smooth gamign experience where i dont have to set shit up, guess ill keep waiting for steamos lol
How is Linux Mint outdated?
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>an agentless automation tool, on a control node and manage remote machines with SSH or other transports
I'm doing THAT?
ummmmmmmm it's got like packages that aren't brand spanking new
>how does that affect anything
I installed xfce after using KDE for a few years and it's nice, I like how it looks and I haven't had any bugs. One thing I'm a little concerned about though is that it's X11 and supposedly insecure compared to Wayland. Am I worrying about nothing?
>Am I worrying about nothing?
On Windows, about to install Debian with a usb drive.
Can I partition the usb and write the image to a partition? I read online that I could but I just checked debian.org and it says I can't so I'm confused.
>The image must be written to the whole-disk device and not a partition
Ansible copies files (usually config files) and runs commands in a repeatable way. SSH is just how it runs against remote machines.
While X11 is technically less secure than wayland because of wayland's newer code base and better application isolation it's nothing to worry about on a regular desktop with a trusted network running trusted programs. Use whatever works best for you.
That's correct. The image contains its own partition table.
Hi, I use arch linux with kde plasma.
My dead keys suddenly stopped worked on some apps such as the terminal, and some system softwares. Firefox, vscode works though.
The dead key is a basically accent typer e.g '+e = é.
It was perfectly working on the terminal before, but for some reason it doesnt work today. Any ideas how to fix this?
Some additional information:
I can't type any accent maker symbols like ' " ~ in terminal, it shows nothing
BUT there is still something being, since I can press enter two times to make a new line in my terminal. (Otherwise one enter does it)
The dead keys literally worked yesterday.
The only forum post help in the arch forums did not work.
Doesn't work like that. You write the image to the *device*
Can i3 wm send new windows to another workspace automatically if windows get over some number?
You can probably use a window rule for that
Is there an easy way to encrypt a Linux install after I've already installed it? I must've missed the option.
Pop OS, separate partitions for /, swap, and /home
On kde, whenever i circle with my mouse cursor the cursor gets bigger for a bit, how do i turn this off?
reinstall it
apparently it is possible using cryptsetup-reencrypt and some other commands.
the pop_os installer doesnt have an option for disk encryption if you do custom partitioning or dualbooting. you have to create the luks partitions manually before running the installer
Figured. Any way to make the process as painless as possible? Would a system image backup work?
>Would a system image backup work?
No, that would be unencrypted.
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Help a mentally challenged refugee, bros. I have been pondering my options to get Linux running in a laptop for a while, and i think doing a Debian Plasma setup with the netinstall ISO is the best way to achieve what i want to get for my system
>Stable setup able to survive at least two years without major surprises
>Low barrier of entry (i find Debian's instaler more friendly than the alternatives for this same kind of setup)
>Fairly low to no unwanted junk like that shitty Kmail and Calendar bloat present in full installs
>Widely available package selection (unlike OpenSuse's which is close to wasteland territory)
>No random corporate strings attached (like Fedora's shitty Kernel regresions or Ubuntu's snap bugs)
Still, if any of you have done something like this in the past, I'd like to hear some QoL tips to setup
>Minimal packages required to install Plasma and be usable (File Mnager, Settings, Terminal, perhaps graphical archiving)
>Power management with suspend to RAM on closed lid
>Printing setup using CUPS
>A VM with W7 to run ancient Excel files and some RAR5 files
>Minimal packages required to install Plasma and be usable
That's not how it works, the packages have dependencies. Always use the no-recommends (or whatever it is called) option with apt to not install recommended (but not necessary) dependencies
>A VM with W7 to run ancient Excel files and some RAR5 files
Why do you think yo need a VM for that?
Vendor ID:                AuthenticAMD
Model name: AMD Ryzen 7 5700X 8-Core Processor
CPU family: 25
Model: 33

Should I updoot to 6.10.x?
Hello, can somebody explain to me how those pop up notifications work in Linux? I mean those little boxes that show up when you detect a WiFi, plug in an external device or low battery status etc.

Is this a feature of certain DEs or an additional piece of software? Right now I don't even know what to search for.
Tried installing archbang linux today from the iso, the iso wouldnt even boot. Fucking systemd stop job waiting on network manager 10 minutes / no limit. What a fucking joke of a init system. Then i couldn't shutdown because systemd didnt want to free the cowspace in ram, had to do a fucking hard reset. Fuck systemd and fuck archlinux. Have just now installed artix with no issues. Just a warning, stay away from archbang, the cunt doesn't know what hes doing.
It's called a notification daemon, and it operates through DBus. The applications that send the messages use libnotify and is it's all independent of DE/WM, although some will come with one pre-installed.
I use Mako on the Sway WM as my notification daemon.
Thanks, know I have something to read up on.
>linux doesn't have a problem with no swap like windows does
True, but it's still better to have some
Is nobara good?
It's basically a Mint-like fork of Fedora focused on gaming. It's pretty nice.
Bazzite is great as a normie gaming distro. Been running it for months now
Technically you can though, right? Ventoy has an option to leave free space in another partition, and then you just drop ISOs in the Ventoy partition. I've only had issues then when installers want to lookup the USB by UUID for some reason (nixos.)
is there a guide to explain like the core behind linux?
like all the filesystem directories, partitions, system and user files?

Viewing running processes, services, daemons and what they do?

Or a tutorial on using all the basic commands that come with Bash, or the coreutils or busybox?

I've followed tutorials to install linux and click and download programs, but I feel like I'm failing to grasp the fundamentals of the operating system as a whole. I'm not sure where to start or what questions to be asking to start understanding the architecture
Any distro that can't be booted via the ISO being burned to a DVD won't boot from a Ventoy because it boots ISOs like virtual disks in a fake disk drive.
Okay I'll try using nobara then. Never used much linux outside of ubuntu beforr and that was like 10 years ago (2013).
Some are rather dated, but still it's good know about the older ways of doing things since often they are more simple and straightforward, before all the extra layers of complexity got wrapped over the core.
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Retard who had an issue with add-ons on Firefox after freshly installing Arch here, I figured it out, all on my own. I was recommended to use NetworkManager instead of iwd, but I stuck with it and read the wiki entry alongside the corresponding entry on the installation guide more closely and found that I have to configure iwd to use systemd-resolved. I also went ahead and configured iwd to use its built-in network configuration, but I'm not all that sure what that did nor if it had a hand in fixing my issue. Guess I'll find out next time I re-install.

Also, it wasn't just that I couldn't look at/install add-ons, I also could only view a handful of sites. I'm guessing it was a DNS issue after all?

Is there anything else I'm too retarded to realize I need to configure properly? I don't want chiggers or ziggers to watch my pp flap around through my camera while I learn how to shuffle.
it didnt like the switchable graphics on some old gen 6 intel hp machines ive got. ubuntu has been the only distro so far that didnt fall over after install on them.
it has some kinda odd defaults in plasma 5.
it has a bit of work to be done to it before id recommend it to anyone new, but it aims itself at gamers so its probably just gonna run on the hype until the next hot new distro that they all jump to.
For no-nonsense networking on Arch I use NetworkManager with iwd as the backend, which you enable via making the file /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/wifi_backend.conf and adding the text
based, ty
Someone mentioned this bit of code will cause the shell to bug out due to it being interpretted as an SFE. Any truth to that? Why?
  while (counter < 10) {
sprintf(filename, sfe_file_%%d.txt, counter);
FILE *file = fopen(filename, w);
if (file != NULL) {

That does not include basic KDE stuff like Filelight, Spectacle, Gwenview, etc.
Things that are kinda expected when you boot up a KDE environment.
IMO the best set of Arch KDE packages to install are
plasma kde-utilities kde-system kde-graphics ffmpegthumbs kmix

You get basically everything you need without too much bloat.

See? This is why I was asking if there was a base KDE package.
I would never guess I should install ffmpegthumbs.
But the existing meta packages like kde-utilities and kde-graphics have stuff that's optional and not needed for a fully working Plasma.
Is there not a meta with the official KDE recommendations, kinda like what KDE Neon has installed by default.
The whole point of KDE on Arch is that it's super modular. You could go much more into the weeds and only install what you need from all those package groups past "plasma" if you want. You could also just install "kde-multimedia" instead of the two at the end.
Sure, I know that.
But it couldn't hurt to have some sort of recommended baseline plasma desktop meta package.
Otherwise we need to get deep into the weeds and need to read about any possibly missing package.
I understand but there should be a way to spare crap like their PAM suite or the random games, I've seen people pull it off.
>Why do you think you need that
To ensure a just werks experience because the files have retarderd Excel macros.
Another thing i forgot to add is that i am a noob regarding to connect me to internet through CLI. How do i make sure if my WiFi card is supported by the Kernel and I'll be able to log into my network after I've installed?
Just plug in the wifi cable? :^)
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What's the appeal?
Why do so many people shill this distro?
you need to read the arch wiki kde article
they mention something about the suggested packaged suggested by upstream that you should consider installing
I'm just checking, I can use Arch on one disk to install Gentoo on another disk?
you can use one disc as well, in fact i have arch and gentoo currently installed on the same btrfs volume
It's just a well-built Ubuntu fork that's better then Ubuntu, just like Mint really.
Though it's biggest draw right now is its own DE called COSMIC which is basically just GNOME but better and not shit.

You can setup a Gentoo install from any distro because of how the stage3 tarball bootstrapping works. Just chroot into the bootstrapped drive and set it up as needed.
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Am i the only one that finds painfully ironic that possibly the smoothest way to use Snaps (which sometimes you have to cause some things are only supported there) is AVOID using Ubuntu?
Canonical did an annoying jumbled mess by trying to shove Snap shims into the APT Ubuntu repos to trick people into using them, now you have an extra layer of abstraction to manage through this artificial snap-apt bridge (cause naturally people would expect the APT PACKAGE they pulled to be managed by APT and not to be a ghost shim that executes Snap commands).
By contrast, if you explicitly install Snap on Debian/Fedora/Leap/Arch/whatever distribution, this package manager middleman doesn't exist. Only way to install Snaps is through their CLI. This way each component does its thing instead of trying to fuck with each other.
i'm not aware of anything which is only available in snap
Ubuntu's HWE Kernels without their Snap and barely working GNOME OC is a good reason to care, they patch their kernel builds to have better hardware compatibility and work with less than up to date packages, which is good if all you care about is a working system.
Yes, they link to this:

But I don't think there's any Arch meta-package that follows that.
I tried it out. It's not compiling. And if it did, it's nothing (on linux at least).
no there isnt just install what you need from the recommended list like ffmpegthumbs, dolphin-plugins, kdegraphics-thumbnailer, etc
>KDE has gone to shit since 4
>GNOME has gone to shit since 3
If COSMIC ends up being shit too, it's over for Linux DEs.
Help I'm retarded, how do I install a program on linux using mono-devel?
Pretty much everyone that's tried COSMIC has liked it
probably something to do with the copied independent escaped to hell portion. i was going to spin up a vm tonight and try to fix it.
Can confirm, I tried the pre alpha a few weeks ago and it was really good. Hopefully Fedora, Ubuntu and Debian will replace GNOME with it.
Looking forward to Arch packaging it for the main repos
I hope they will do it when the alpha releases and won't wait until 1.0.
You can get the alpha components currently through an AUR package
I don't use the AUR, so I'm just waiting until August 8.
If I'm using the proprietary Nvidia drivers, am I better off using wayland or xorg?
At this point, Wayland is getting all the attention from devs.
X11 has been abandoned by all the major DEs.
I just did adduser -m testuser and tried it. It's safe enough.
"abandoned" and still more stable and glitch-free than wayland kek
>me one day after trying tiling WM
"how the fuck are you supposed to use it, it's so inconvenient"
>me one day returning to KDE after being one week on tiling wm
"how the fuck are you supposed to use it, it's so inconvenient"
I'm not sure which way I like more or less now.
It feel that tiling is more configureable, but also I feel like I was born in le wrong generation: living in lifetime where wlroots is not completely ready is a pain. I feel I'll spend next weekend writing configs.
and yet not a single krash with wayland, gtx1070, proprietary on arch. 3 monitor setup with different resolutions just werks
i'd rather it krashed with an actionable report that gets the bug fixed within weeks than a glitch that persists for a year
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>is there any variable, toggle or hidden borked config on Wine that would tell the software being emulated that I'm using dark mode?

$ winecfg
Is this what you're looking for?
sup Dan
it offers nothing ubuntu doesnt already have.
>minor cosmetic glitch that's only noticeable if you are looking for it
>it's so over, better abandon this shit and move on to the next flavor of the month
>than a glitch that persists for a year
X11 bros live without mixed refresh rate for so long they are more like "X11 elders" now than bros. For so long it actually became relevant. In 2003 it was meh, nobody cares. But today you don't need to be neiter rich nor geek nerd to have more than 1 monitor.
>minor cosmetic glitch that's only noticeable if you are looking for it
windows appearing with full decorations when they're not supposed to, and in the wrong place, is not minor or cosmetic
newest kernel update seems to have fucked my wifi on my MacBook Air 2013. Running modprobe -r wl
modprobe wl

fixes it though. What the hell? Also, my usb ports aren't working now.
There are tiling scripts for Plasma, or you could use Sway
Using the mainline kernel with a 2013 Macbook sounds like a recipe for disaster
That's a shame. But thanks for the help!
Very few things are, but for some shit like Postman is their main supported version and you don't always get to pick what your current job wants you to use. Ubuntu is becoming annoying in general,
There has to be a better option for companies that require paid support, but less ridiculous than Red Hat offers. Maybe AlmaLinux or Suse can step up the next years.
im using aerora which is based on fedora atomic, i have disabled the auto updates but i think the flatpaks are updating in background.

Is there any way to check whats downloading on background and disable it
Make sure they aren't auto updating in the discover store.
Isn't btrfs slower than ext4? CachyOS uses it by default.
some things are worth the tradeoff
raid0 is faster than raid1 as well, there's more to it
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fixed 11 hours ago, please keep up
youtube changed something which broke yt-dlp's ability to find combined formats, and your first format line only checks for combined formats
also the reason why the second is slower is because it's downloading the video and audio separately
What is --no daemon. I know what a daemon is but why is it in my htop?
>currently on Kubuntu 22.04 LTS
Next month 24.04.1 releases, which then provides the LTS upgrade path to 24.04 LTS for me. I purged and blocked snap, as I don't want to use it. Will the update to 24.04 LTS re-enable snap?
rip funtoo
Why does the KDE Kontact suite use so much RAM?
>fixed 11 hours ago
There are no combined format with 480p
>also the reason why the second is slower is because it's downloading the video and audio separately
And how to speed it up?
Nope, that one doesn't work.
There's another guy with the exact same problem as me but nobody has replied to him either.
And just after I replied I found out a workaround.
DISABLING theming and editing a few registry keys (https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Zeinok/ceaf6ff204792dde0ae31e0199d89398/raw/a5f0d3efb309d6d0728e1e54579e5c1081cf0d22/wine-breeze-dark.reg) gives me a "good-enough" solution, sure it's not optimal and does not replicate the windows 10 dark theme but whatever, I'm just glad it's not white and now I know where to tackle whenever I feel like replicating the theme myself.
what happened to funtoo
Is AMD on Linux better choice than NVIDIA because it performs better than on Windows, or is it because NVIDIA is worse on linux than on Windows?
A little bit of both, Nvidia's drivers for linux are pretty buggy and results are more mixed (it's not as awful as it used to be though), and games tend to run better through Proton because the overhead/bloat of Windows is truly awful these days.
I see
Nvidia being bad on Linux in the current year is largely a meme. The people who complain about Nvidia on Linux are either using experimental driver branches, or don't know how to install the drivers correctly, or simply hate the proprietary aspect for ideological reasons.
It's still annoying for dual GPU laptops, but ironically it's still easier to get working over windows.
The latter, this >>101568256 , and also there are going to be occult combinations that simply don't work. Which is why you almost never get a straight answer about who has the most reliable GPU.
>use NVIDIA driver 525
>everything is fine
>upgrade to driver 535
>black screen
>after rebooting the top of my screen flickers every minute
>roll back so it works again
>driver 525 is now unsupported
>am now afraid to update drivers and kernel
fuck nvidia
skill issue
when did you upgrade to 535? what distro? what method did you use to install?
latest drivers, though nvidias push to open kernel modules as well as finally getting their shit together on wayland is an improvement, seemed to introduce a lot of problems. This is going to sort itself out over time again hopefully.
I'm using awesome on gentoo and have a lot of screen tearing, so I wanted to switch to hyprland to see if it would be any better (and to experiment with wayland).
Would the process just be:
emerge --depclean x11-wm/awesome

changing my USE flags to
wayland -X

emerge -vuDN @world

and finally
emerge gui-wm/hyprland
When it released on Ubuntu, Mint, Mint updater
I did try a different update of 535 months later, had the same issue.
>open kernel modules
Like I said, experimental shit. I haven't touched any of that and everything just works.
Sounds like a DKMS failure. Ubuntu, Arch and RHEL have precompiled modules available, which avoids these issues. I don't think this is available for Mint.
You sure Mint doesn't have it? Almost every package on it is from Ubuntu.
No, I'm not sure. I'm not familiar with deb-based distros and info on this seems hard to find.

I'm looking at this:

I believe this to be a precompiled, Canonical-signed kmod. If someone can confirm or deny whether this (or an equivalent) is available for Mint, I'd appreciate the insight.
why is libreoffice command in terminal called soffice? what's "s"?
Search them yourself using this in a terminal
apt search linux-modules-nvidia
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was too fun for this nigger world
>want to learn about X
>click on youtube video
Haven't been able to get this alfa awus036ac working with ANY of my machines, mac windows or linux. I've reinstalled the drivers a dozen different times and it gets recognized by the system but the light on it never turns on and it can't detect any networks. Is this thing just fucked or am I retarded?
>needs someone to digest information for him in video form instead of reading a fucking book or at least an article
white man..
i like to get a 10,000 foot view before diving into something.
then skim a fucking wikipedia article or whatever instead of wasting 20 minutes watching a dogshit video about someone who probably knows less than you
when will you retarded mutts learn that youre the problem?
no, i don't think i will.
i think i'll just call you a dumb nigger.
vvghh so fvkken zazed... whats next? bragging about being high iq and posting pictures of african mud huts next to european architecture when you yourself isnt even capable of tying your own shoes without watching a youtube tutorial?
oh dear, i think i've made xir upset.
feel better xir. remember - friendly
learned those WOKE pronouns from a youtube video too, retard?
actually i learned them on your moms onlyfans page
kek. Turn on subs and turn off audio.
any good alternative to gdm? i've been using it for years and i never liked that it fires up gnome-shell for ui. sddm uses kwin_wayland and i don't think i trust it not crashing. anything simpler?
lightdm uses webkit lmao
Install the emo guard extension on your browser and blocks the "hindi" keyword. You can add more keywords as you think of them.
What's a good distro for someone who fucking HATES updating shit that isn't broken?
Does anyone use FreeBSD? Is it practical/secure?
ask /bug/. don't tell them you're coming from /fglt/ though.
Debian Stable. literally no feature updates and ONLY security updates for something like 2 years every release
Got it
Does KDE have a way to export configs? I hate having to setup it all over again whenever I reinstall it.
what would you recommend? Instead?
env | grep XDG_CONFIG_DIRS
env | g rep XDG_CONFIG_HOME
I don't get it, wikipedia says mono-devel is some IDE, why would you use it for installing a program?
>updates system
>back at login screen
>Wayland ver of GNOME is gone
Under "Building" it says that I need mono-devel to run the linux verson.
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whats gaylands usecase?
Waht it this guy or another neckbeard that got married?
all me btw
That means you need to install the mono-devel package with dnf. On Debian the equivalent package is libmono-2.0-dev.
RHEL or Ubuntu LTS.

>2 years
pffffft lmao
>That means you need to install the mono-devel package with dnf
I don't know what that means but I did download mono-devel via the software manager.
Last thing I need right now is to be married, lol.
Then you're done. Just run your program.
It doesn't run, hence the original question lol
Then you need to read the rest of the instructions.
There are none, hence why I'm here.
This is all the readme has, github isn't helpful either.
I'd tell you to go back to Windows but you're way too retarded for that, just buy a Mac.
you may need to mark it as executable. right click the icon and click Properties (probably, i'm not familiar with that DE) and there should be some checkbox or something allowing it to execute, or run as executable, or something like that
Wow that was fucking dumb but easy to fix, I didn't know there was a "launch as an executable" in the permissions tag, just checked that and its working now.
1) not friendly
2) I actually asked for any good free resources that were basically "linux for retards" and I was told "oh don't bother, you'll just learn passively by using it and asking here if your stuck" and so that is what I was doing. The docs for the github should have honestly had installation instructions but it didn't.
I just did that fren, had no idea that was a thing till now.

Looks like the usage is 'mono [somefile]' ?
People assumed you were actually capable of reading more than half a paragraph before giving up and begging for help like the little retarded bitch you are.
no one is born with knowledge brother. everybodys gotta learn
How fat are you? Just curious, this post reeks with insecurity and desperation to be superior over someone about something.
Oh lmao, yeah that was simple, the distro-agnostic of marking something as executable is
chmod +x file-name
Not on desktop, but it's unironically the most kino server experience of any modern OS
>chmod +x file-name
So that's what that does, is the labeling universal between programs? Cause i know +x is to grab audio only from yt-dlp.
>is the labeling universal between programs?
Not at all, there are some patterns but every developer can implement them how they want.
The one thing that is generally agreed upon is --help
good to know, thanks! That was helpful!
no, expect basically no consistency of command line options between programs
unless it's -h, help or even -?
>complains no one uses linux
>shits on people new to linux
Daily reminder that if you come from windows to linux as a hobby user without a computer background the experience feels a lot like this.
i wonder if there is a way to start wayland with xinit
jesus christ
>abandoned in 2013
did the devs say "good enough" i wonder
looks simple. nice
I used to.
>is it practical
not on a laptop or most desktops, good for servers
>is it secure
Perfect DM if you hate systemd like all sane ppl do.
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what's the best way to play doom on linux these days?
i just want widescreen resolutions and mouselook idc about fancy stuff
Nugget doom. Also get ZDL to manage this shit.
games will run slightlhy worse on linux at best, there is an overhead or the emulation is simply not good enough
I like chocolate-doom
best distro out of the following for gaming?

Debian, OpenSuse, Fedora.
Fedora - Nvidia drivers are annoying to install but it's smooth sailing afterwards.
why, newer packages without being as bleeding edge as Arch?
Yeah. Particularly the atomic-base versions you can just upgrade in place forever without any weird issues.
Or Nobara if you're feeling spicy
Thanks for the answers.
Fedora or OpenSUSE if you want bleeding edge. I don't recommend Nobara for GE's annoying ass update system.
Probably the LTS kernel
GZDoom is still pretty much the best overall Doom source port but others like PrBoom+ are pretty good too, or Chocolate/Crispy Doom.
why would a distro mater? You will most likely use wine for gaming.
a variable refresh rate or something?
in any case there is a cool russian project called PortProton - https://linux-gaming.ru/
I pirate games on linux from rutracker using it. It is the best thing ever.
Are there custom kernels that actually noticeably improve responsiveness in applications like Firefox during heavy CPU usage? And I mean responsiveness - not throughput.
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I have a hard drive that I use for back ups. I removed it to connect it to another machine to copy some data and, then, when I moved it back I suddenly started getting errors about not being able to mount it due to unsupported features

>unsupported feature(s): FEATURE_C12 FEATURE_R16
>couldn't mount RDWR because of unsupported optional features (10000)

After searching online, I apparently need to update e2fsprogs but that doesn't make sense because I was able to mount it perfectly fine before. Anyone know why my drive suddenly has unsupported features?
it might have died. The only time my hard drives ever died is when I tried to store encrypted backups on them.
I forgot to mention that I can mount it read-only without any problems
How do I make debian remember my kernel options with kernel updates, I'm using systemd-boot.
i built a new linux pc, and i decided to continue to use my old boot ssd. this screen comes up whenever i try to boot into linux mint. does anyone have any ideas? i tried booting into a live usb and using the boot repair tool, but it said the nvram was locked or something
also, it doesnt output any video, but that isnt really an issue. i just want to recover my boot drive without having to reset it because there is like 150GB+ of important files and it would be a pain in the ass to recover them if i had to wipe the drive and reinstall
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Does anyone know how to make portal files to connect files from my nas to my desktop? a few of my applications are having compatibility issues reading from my nas and I don't even know where to begin with making them work.
Inserting a system disk from machine A to machine B is usually not a good idea, since it might have incompatible hardware configurations from the previous PC. Just create a live USB to access your drive, backup your files, then reinstall your system from the ground up, on the new machine.
thats exactly what i dont want to do. i had that idea and was in the process of doing that, but i dont have a big enough external drive to transfer everything all at once and also the drive that i do have was copying files at around 1MB/s, which is obviously super fucking slow
You should've gotten a brand new ssd when building your PC. But you can still get one now, install your distro of choice in it, then plug both disks to do the transfer.
my motherboard only has 1 m.2 slot, and all my other pcie lanes are occupied anyway
What are you using? NFS or SMB?
I can use one of my terminal emulator's keybinds to open a second terminal. This second terminal starts at the working directory of the first one. This works even if a long-running cli program is running in the first terminal. But if a long-running cli program is running under firejail, the second terminal starts at $HOME, and I have to navigate to where I want to be. Is there any way to get firejail to not screw this up?
Edit: Nevermind, fixed it.
Am i missing something or is kde's calendar off by a day, wtf??
that says july 2035
>off by a day
more like 11 years
>anon jumped backwards in time
>kde hasn't progressed in 11 years
Don't worry, it did, he's just on a stable distro
oh weird, i wonder why it opened into the future
is your kernel new enough? boot stopping at such early stage implies that the kernel doesn't support CPU

on windows it isn't a good idea on Linux it is, I moved a lot of installations between computers
hardware issues aren't a problem since almost everything is included in kernel
i switched from a threadripper 2990wx to an epyc 7763. the kernel was like 6.5 something
it hasn't, stop shilling
use X if you want to avoid problems
that's strange since CPU is quite old
you can try updating the kernel to newest one
does live USB boots normally?
yes, the USB boots just fine. both are Mint 21.3. i tried using the boot repair tool and the timeshift thing but neither solved the problem
that's strange, do you have some weird kernel parameters for the boot in the system?
i dont think so. im not really a linux pro, so i dont think i changed anything that shouldnt have been changed
you can try to update to mint 22 which has 6.8 kernel before moving installation to the new system
or boot on live system from live usb, chroot to your installation on disk and reinstall grub from there
I'm doing a fresh install of Linux.
Is it worth considering any filesystem other than ext4 for my system partition?
btrfs is a good idea for snapshots on the root filesystem, assuming /home is somewhere else. Otherwise ext4 is fine.
is installing gentoo actually worth it?
Sure. It's not as difficult as you think it might be.
Also it's gotten really into binary packages over the past year so you can basically run it like you're running Arch if you want.
sounds good. i looked into how to install basic programs like steam or spicetify and it looked kinda scary. that being said those posts were a few years old so it might have gotten easier since then. wish me luck.
is there a good dedicated distro to drop onto a pi3 to hook up a bunch of drives via USB to use as libgen seedbox? preferably something with a web UI as I don't like running SSH on my home systems.
Really the whole point of Gentoo is building programs from source that you can mix/match parts of specifically for your PC's hardware via USE flags. The install guide on the Gentoo Wiki is very friendly as well.
The binary packages are also there if you just want to get going and not bother tweaking the source code for your own needs and just use a generic binary. Also good luck :)
>he fell for it
the only OS's you can "fall" for is wintard/itard shit, templeOS, plan9 and nixOS
sure thing man, have fun with your hobby os
yeah sure thing my cock in your asshole you dumb redditard
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I've got a Raspberry Pi 4B that has a little 5" touchscreen mod (only 800x480 resolution), currently has bog standard Raspberry linux on it. I want to use it as a music player, is there a good music app I could use that's designed for touchscreen operation?
you wish fag
this isn't me btw I already left you seething and walked away having won the exchange
>i built a new linux pc
>i switched from a threadripper 2990wx to an epyc 7763
Fuck me, just how rich is your daddy
What was the gentoo file that showed you what every USE flag does?
How can I have a setup as follows.
Internet is provided by usb dongle (phone tethering), but my ethernet port is hooked up to my router which has my printer, nas, etc. Im moving into a new place and not going to have fibre for a few months.
does gentoo just use GCC? just pull up the man page
Nugget Doom
2 more weeks
Just hook everything up to a router and hook your phone up to your pc? Maybe there's even a way to plug a phone into a router and give it internet access, but I'm not sure. My router has a usb port but I never tried doing anything with it.
USE flags aren't directly compiler flags, they're passed to Portage to modify the behavior of an ebuild, which then modifies the build+install process.
pascal mining cards run vulkan workloads ootb with proprietary drivers now, for the two people on this planet that care
Just installed arch with KDE, how do I set the keyboard layout? I have a swedish layout, tried "loadkeys sv-latin1" but it gives me a "Couldn't get a file descriptor reffering to the console." message. Tried editing etc/vconsole.conf but nothing changed. setxkbmapb -layout is also not working.
KDE has keyboard options in the settings
I love the cinnamon desktop but I absolutely hate how fucking slow Linux Mint is, can I install Cinnamon on Fedora or some other distro that won't take 15 years to upstream performance improvements?
hackermann test

>can I install Cinnamon on Fedora
Yes, they do a Cinnamon spin
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I only have one keyboard and never switch anything, so the way I set up is this:
- Disable layout configuration on KDE entirely (pic related).
- Set it all in /etc/vconsole.conf; in your case it would be something like this:
XKBMODEL=<model identifier; if you have extra keys like I do>

Adjust as necessary. Note that running localectl will wreck that file.

This applies to the Linux console, everything running on Xorg, and seems to work on the Wayland Plasma session too, but I can't speak for other Wayland compositors.
If it's slow on Mint, it will probably be slow on every other distro.
New thread:
You can, Fedora Cinnamon is OK, just make sure to remove everything that uses PackageKit like the Software Store, or at least find a way to disable everything in the Store that's not Flatpak, cause that piece of shit never works and i'm sure they keep it around as discidence to push their immutable shitware at this point.
I tried that, the preview doesn't work but I tried applying and it works now
Did what you told me to but it didn't work for me, adding a layout works, can't preview it while selecting so I didn't do it at first but found out that I had to apply it for it to work.
You have to restart after changing /etc/vconsole.conf.
And I'm not sure but you might have to regen the initramfs too,
# mkinitcpio -P
For me it just works, make sure you have the right values. Or settle for KDE's config, but if you switch DE at any point you'll have to reconfigure that.
Is there a good resource for learning the essential commands for linux terminal? I'm familiar with what the terminal does I just need to brute force learning the commands at this point I think, unless there is a better way to learn it.
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Cool, I'll take a look, thanks.
For Linux, which is better compatability/support wise:

Intel or AMD CPU
nVidia or AMD GPU
AMD for both
Both CPU manufacturers are fine for Linux, but avoid recent Intel chips since they're crashing and failing.
AMD is preferred over Nvidia for GPU.
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this is dumb
yeah, you can do the same on any os
what that pic is referring to is a real thing, but it's worded so poorly that it's confusing
what aren't required for files to recognised are file extensions, and a better example is naming a gif "funny" instead of "funny.gif", on windows you will no longer be able to just double click it to open it in an image viewer, because the extension is used to recognise it as an image file. this is not the case with linux
You can do that on Windows too, just ask all the people with .jpg and .png files that are actually .webp.

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