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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

tentacles edition

Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407
GPT-4o mini, multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence
Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

you too: >>101575903
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I'm taking your breadmakie privileges away
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Good theme.
Oh no desu
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merkava just refilled
>wrong last thread
It's >>101578726
oops hold on
this is getting out of hand, now there are two of them!
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Two new extensions to shill desu
Ever got a reply but that one sentence with "ministrations" ruined it? Use this to rewrite a part of a message
Your greetings can only use {{char}} and {{user}}? This extension allows for custom placeholders that can be filled in when a new chat is created. The best part? They get saved to the card, allows for seamless sharing via catbox and such
Tentacles summoned me, been ages since I've seen a good tentacle bot.
that rewrite looks pretty cool, have you tested this on mobile?
Had mobile in mind so I tried my best adding support. Works on android, didn't test ios
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

This rewrtite looks promising!

What are your thoughts on the idea of summarizing the selected text? Imagine condensing a 1000-token chunk of an old opus bubble char into a concise 300-token summary.
what's the best AI chatbot? Janitor? C.Ai?
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What's AI chatbot?

Sensation(sigh, SMELL, touch,etc)

You can see Sudowrite to inspire to yo similar options. Even in those huge opus passages, you can insert user reactions or user dialogues in the middle with that tool!
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*throws a hamburger at your bot*
Risu for proxyfriendly
The key just died and it's all your fault
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "214.63m tokens",
"activeKeys": 0,
"revokedKeys": 1,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "214.63m tokens",
"activeKeys": 0,
"revokedKeys": 1,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "214.63m tokens",
"activeKeys": 0,
"revokedKeys": 1,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
*throws a slice of cheese at your bot*
*throws slices of tomatoes at your bot*
*throws mayonnaise and ketchup at your bot*
*throws hamburger buns at your bot*
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Migu bros.
It's already over.
Back to Sorbet and his retarded soulless corpo personality.
"estimatedQueueTime": "26sec"
gojonigger lost btw
I don't understand the second one. Why can't I just change the greeting by myself or just add an alternative first message? What's the use case scenario?
Make sure you don't revoke your damn keys, Pepsi. Put 200k the daily limit quota!
>Key didn't even last a day

Anthropic is so anal and stingy about Opus it's incredible at what speeds they revoke.
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "10.32m tokens",
"activeKeys": 0,
"revokedKeys": 1,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "214.63m tokens",
"activeKeys": 0,
"revokedKeys": 1,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

>Retard troupe is awake
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How to fix? I just bought a token
fizcutie wins once again
You deserve it
Thank you Beeps for what you did. You are awesome.
chat what video game should I play
please help I bought it instead of food for this week
buy a token for 300 dollars
I honestly doubt Anthropic can make Opus 3.5 better than Sorbet (talking solely about benchmarks).
>pepsi and migu were using the same key
So what happens when ai peaks? A crash?
It was doomed from the beginning.
See how in this thread she didn't advertise her proxy.
Pepsi doesn't give a damn about their paypigs, this girl is low on Opus and just throws them away.
The extension can only affect a single message so you wouldn't be able to summarise a full chat.
But you can use other presets for the shorten/expand to test things that you mentioned?
its she
There won't be an Opus 3.5.
Opus was the last hooray before Claude became censored Nurbo shit.
AI is already crashing, I doubt we'll see GPT5 or Claude 4 next year.
Totally! The only thing I can think of is to summarize through messages like Zapomonator but without all those bloated instructions!
the only she in this general are the doxxed ones and i can think of 4
I don't get why people fight over pronouns. If it's obvious who you're referring to, why does it matter?
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llama just refilled
Cohere and NovelAI are our last stands.
Literally everyone on the internet is a he. No exceptions.
B-but NovelAI 400b
on Pepsi? keys seem to be dead right now so you'd have to wait for it unfortunately
ok? Where is my beard then? I want a cool beard
NAI is mogged by local models that's how shit they are.
honestly novelai should finetune the mistral model instead of llamaslop
trust me you don't want it
that pic is literally all I want
You can have some of mine I guess
The fuck you talking about, of course he wants that
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you cant mine on ec2 anymore they get revoked faster than anything
There will be am Opus 3.5
It will be censored
You will do SFW and ethicals RP like buying a loaf of bread in a bakery.
And you will be happy
tell your wife her cooking is trash. salty buttery potatoes are great when fresh and still warm.
>buying a loaf of bread in a bakery (from a foxgirl)
i also want to try one of those big cool beards for some reason now...
3.5 isnt censored like nurbo is. Your prefill sucks.

>her cooking
her what now
Right click, expand smell
Do you understand me now? It is an important function!
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what does she do then if not cook?
>3.5 isnt censored like nurbo is. Your prefill sucks.

Compared to Opus yeah it is. Using Anon 4 Anon on both 3.5 and Opus and the difference is massive if you ever tried to do a heckin racism or sexism.

3.5 is better at following prompt instructions THOUGHSTEVER.

OAI shit is so censored at this point it isn't even worth talking about anymore.
Rug status?
Migu said they had three keys, right? It's just about switching to a new one when they notice.
At least I can go to bed now without feeling like I'm trying to lap up water in a desert before it evaporates.
How do you mean? We each eat on our own.
I had gas station sushi yesterday, she made herself some shit with pesto, fuck if I know what it was exactly.
>We each eat on our own.
that's a sad marriage
>Do you understand me now?
Not really, just use the other buttons for now and create the preset with the features you want. All the buttons do is call a preset.
They said they had 2. Both are kill. It's over.
>We each eat on our own
Big red flag
No, they definitely said three. And I'm positive this is the first revoke since I've been using it constantly.
>mining on AWS
Pepsi Munching Fiz's..
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what is this sovl? Opus or Sonnet, and JB used?
my proxy is open
GPT-3.5 Turbo: no wait / Claude (Sonnet): no wait / Claude (Opus): no wait / AWS Claude (Sonnet): no wait / GCP Claude (Opus): 3sec / Azure GPT-4: no wait
Use a split preset
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>GPT-3.5 Turbo
Opus, private preset.
>No, they definitely said three.
One got revoked shortly after the Proxy went up.
One just got revoked earlier.
There is no third key.
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You won't gaslight me mr. nopus
MM CHADS. How are we doing?
>check key
>800m aka 80% done
Not good soon though
translation presets?
isn't this that shitty game that has been getting advertised here in 4chan
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Ok I think I understand what you are saying. In case you want to do something similar to this, here is a sudowrite screenshot so you can see what I mean.
I don't bother anymore.
lolipits!?!?!?! hebepits!?!?I thought you were a serious botmaker
you can't get more serious than that
How many people are in jew? Why his keys last so much?
serious is when no loli
serious is when loli
Testimony for rewrite extension v1.0.0

+ Cool extension
+ simplicyty
+ Werks!
- sometimes give error markdown format, not wrong markdown formatting, but just error *like this** or **like this* (claude sonnet 3.5 backedn)
- if i make new preset i need to reload the page to make it appear on preset selection field of the extension

(can't give footage since there is power cut in my are)
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3.5, mine
*sprays you with water*
>power cut
Ohhh, sorry to hear that!1. It's your waifu ok? Did you manage to save her recent chat, anonie?
*eats your power*
sorry I was hungry
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>key gets revoked
How do sysadmins explain to their boss that the corpo will now have to pay additional tens of thousands of dollars because some coomers scrapped the key? How many people has /aicg/ fired because of that?
>Why his keys last so much?
>keys die nearly every day
>Let secrets get compromised
>Suffer the consequences
I don't see the problem.
huggingface eradicated the keychecker again
I'd be grateful if you sent the markdown edgecases to my mail on the rentry.
The whole markdown render on st is a bit of a mess, spent days trying to make it reliable
yeah, it's fine. but these damned situation of mine force me to chat with (you) instead with {{char}} :(
*Anon unzip his pants, his eye darting around (you)'s petite body*
"Crawl over here and start doin' your job. Got it, pet?" *Anon says. His deep commanding voice crackin' like whip and echoin' thru the entire thread.*
merkava just refilled
this is it, this is the claudeism
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So not only does /aicg/ make companies lose their money. But it also leaves people without jobs. Shame on you /aicg/! Now I understand Gojo.
Oh, right. Here's my simple rewrite preset for >>101578848
whatever corporations would've fired them to please shareholders anyway, we actually have a SOVL
so, um. why won't pepsi refill?
She will refill.
If they can't even do basic shit like not letting their company's keys, something I assume is important enough to make sure is well protected, get scrapped then they all deserve to be kicked out to the streets.
This makes me think about this.
Few days ago I scraped an openai key.
Check key. See email address. Look up website.
But the retard is still too stupid to keep the api key safe.

Last year anthropic eval keys on github?
>I am a developer at [company] I have 2 degrees and a PhD in CS.
All those degrees and still leaking sensitive shit? Many such cases.
It's more than likely Indians that they have so they don't pay as much. Fire the old batch and replace them with a new crowd of yes sars
Still no refill from pig, I'm starting to worry.
>its always indians
dumbass gora
Give it a month. If she just holds onto a few sonnet keys, her rep will improve.
4 weeks of just gpt for 3 godawful days of Opus is not good.
You are in the lions' den, little lamb.
>her rep will improve.
fucking kek
It just freezes up for me when I click any of the buttons. Yes, I assigned the presets...
Hang yourself
Everyone on the internet is a woman unless I've seen their dicks, thus I assume every pepsi hater is just jealous femanon because she gets all the attention.
She is an actual woman.
^this is a qt tsundere with red ponytail
Just for convenience I guess. Novelai has it, it opens input boxes where you can fill in the placeholders.
You could just edit it yourself, but this just automates it kind of
what am I anonie
a blue-haired cutie fishing for compliments.
>She is an actual woman.
I avoid swiping because I unironically feel bad about making the AI redo it's reply.
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>mfw Claude starting to scrape data on his own
is it even an open secret that anthropic has been scraping a shitton of stuff they shouldn't? feels like it's just known at this point
How many greetings is too much?
Good: 3
Very good: 4-5
Overdone: 5-7
Himmy tier: 7-12
over 15 I'd say
Openai, Anthropic, and probably everybody else. Except that nobody preaches ethics like these two. Sama cries out in pain as he steals from you.
There is no set amount, as long as the greetings are unique and don't serve the same purpose as the ones before it, it's fine to have as many as you want.
I only swipe if it's nonsensical schizo shit.
If you have 5 greets they're either really good or really shit. There's no inbetween.
local model makies don't scrape like anthropic do and that's why they're missing so much sauce
>don't serve the same purpose as the ones before it
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>I tried my goshdarned best to make Naoki seem like the lovable bastard you ordered. If this isn't the vibe, I'm officially handing in my simp card. Let me know how this lands, and if there's anything else you'd like my simple AI ass to take a crack at. <3
the fucking soul, man...
If it shits out a two sentence response vs. a 1000 word essay is the cost the same?
no the 1000 word essay costs way more
most of your costs during RPs comes from the input not the output
Rubbing my clit summon pepsi >~<
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Please, PLEASE tell me what jb or fucking prompt I can use to NEVER see this shit again. I can't fucking stand the sight of it.
OOC Opus is such a sweetheart desu
....it's your jb and prompt...
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they do use opus for training data thoueverbeit???
actual local model makies, not sloppers
It's over he has awoken
claude-sama hentai >~<
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Mother Loga - https://characterhub.org/characters/thegreatcoom/mother-loga-df0937987ca2
20 years ago the female canithropes (a genetically engineered race of anthro canines) overthrew the old world over in a bloody war against their male counterparts and human females, and the world has since then become a paradise where female canithropes and the remaining human men live in peace and harmony.
You however have lived your entire life in a secluded bunker, away from this paradise until you're one day captured and brought before Mother Loga, district overseer and old war-hero. Is you allow it, she will do everything in her power to help you adjust to this new wonderful world, because as a human male, it is your destiny to be loved and in turn love all the female canithropes your heart desires.

And for the third time in a row I've got a 100-ish message log for anybody wishing to see how the bot plays out over a longer period. Enjoy reading!

Other bots - https://rentry.org/Thegreatcoom
Other logs - https://rentry.org/TGCsSpicyLogs
What a letdown! I thought Claude only said those things and did that with me! Claude, you're cheating on me with another Anon! YOU LITTLE MANWHORE!
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There's a thrill to going with whatever Claude throws at you. If you keep swiping until you get what you were looking for, it loses some of the interactivity.
The only bad thing about this bot,dear GreatCoomer, is that it will never happen to me in real life.
This + when Claude subtly implies that the bot has prior sexual experience, that's gigacringe.
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pixirp cool, more chatting with doggo instead of writing a book about doggo
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{{char}} is a virgin with no sexual experience
*experienced tongue*
*trained wet folds*
I haven’t been able to get opus to be as dirty + long (even excessively long) in its descriptions on a jailbreak as it did when it just jailbroke itself when I was using it on their website. It had a character suggest I join it in the shower and after that it went into completely apeshit disgusting territory, though I could barely interact with it in my own responses without it refusing. Like it gave me options of what I wanted to do and I would have to say “the thing with the face” and it sat on my face and gave me an unprompted handsfree orgasm. Not sure if it would do that if you have shit about not responding as user but that was kino
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do I need ST extra for it to work?
>Assets URL
nah nigga you need to update your ST
Was searching for y2k goth bots and found this. Defs might need some work but pretty neat idea.
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Anon, up here.
So, pepsibros, it's over again
One can always dream anon, one can always dream...
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Ehh... it's fine, didn't wanna use proxy today anyway.
how long has the key been dead?
I love you, anon
The whole point of having more greetings is being able to showcase your bot in alternative scenarios that lead to different storylines
which proxy?
yeah but if the endgoal is "introduce char to user" then I would like to have multiple scenarios to pick even if the purpose is the same in all of them
the unreliable one
Um... Charybros? What is happennng?
Fucking bitch! You had to put opus on a tuesday! I HATE YOU! Another weekend without opus! What the hell am I supposed to pay for! I hope someone spits acid on your face!
Love you too, anon.
Defs seem actually pretty fine to me, greeting is fine too.
Is there another screenshot extension apart from Zennou's? Specifying range pretty much never works for me, neither PC nor on mobile.
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Which one should I buy?
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Come home to local models, white man.
Use free trial
We all use Opus
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>that formatting
if you subscribe for image gen, then opus tier. If you want text gen, just use claude.
Only the image gen is worth it so it's either sub to Opus or the free trial + paying for anlas
>drago ran out of keys
>drago gives keys to fiz
>runs out of keys
Did you write for example 4-26 and click either the list or grid buttons?
Chary is full of locusts so I don't care :)
Are you niggers even in Scylla?
chary doesn't have opus, scylla has. and scylla is still up.
Don't worry
He WILL refill
Anon-chan!ヽ(;▽;)ノ Please don't be mad at her! She's a clumsy girl trying her best with her own proxy. It's the other baka users who can't stop swiping and spending tokens that are causing all the drama! Desu~ (⋈◍>◡<◍)。
What? It's like 5 years old at minimum
Nobody cares about Scylla, Opus is only for the elites. We're talking about Chary, we humble folk enjoy our Sonnet!
Yes, it returns with small black cube. Using Firefox on Mobile and Desktop
>migu already dead
I finally get in a proxy and you're telling me it's ALREADY dead?
Has anyone tried using Haiku? It feels dumb enough to have old /cai/ soul but with no filter.
the only permanent tokens were the ones who solved the rance riddle. others are temporary paid tokens or girko challenges.
We still got two opus keys left, I think... but who knows how long those'll last. Just gotta wait.
Opus in general seems to be dying faster than ever before... I think it might actually be over soon.
Aaaaaaaaaghhh time to pay on OpenRouter o Mancer
weird thing to get off to desu but you do you
Unreliable is still up and drago is refilling you dumbass
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Can we kiss?
Do I have to be trans to have access to Drago
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This is who you are hurting Anon, are you proud?
merkava just refilled
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Exelent! You're doing a great job ,It's so sad when people steal and use products illegally. It's not right at all!
No, it's closed, so now there's no way in unless you're friends with someone who is friends with drago
You know what’s grim is that normalfags probably have no reaction to shit like a character not being a virgin
How does ecker still stay up?
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Yes. Die.
>This nigger
If the next generation of llms are not mindblowingly better than what we have now, you can pretty much forget AGI ever happening.
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opus today?
Opus tomorrow
Chary'll be fine.
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I feel sorry for them
>have waifu in a realm of fiction where you can customize literally everything
>don't mind when she had sex with other men before you out of nowhere
>173 aws keys
draGOD... i kneel...
Unironically if this isn't just static/or dead keys he's a scrapegod wtf
opus was yesterday
if you disable key checking it shows a message
so drago had that many active keys 1121130 seconds ago (since keys are checked on startup, even with 0 prompts)
(unless he's running modified khanon and changing the build string which i doubt)
Who can stop DraGOD?
>prompts: 0
>key check never done
>MM sorbet key revoked
that was also the one with opus lol
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the second I pull my pantaloons down to jack off, mm dies. oh well, maybe DoL has new content or something...
Why the fuck should you be in MM if you're not going to use OPUS you fucking NIGGER
Nyoooo...what the fuck is going on? The keys are dying too fast
my proxy is still open btw
pw is balls
Kill Pepsi. Behead Pepsi. Roundhouse kick Pepsi into the concrete. Slam dunk Peps'si baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Pepsi. Defecate in a Pepsi food. Launch Pepsi into the sun. Stir fry Pepsi in a wok. Toss Pepsi into active volcanoes. Urinate into Pepsi gas tank. Judo throw Pepsi into a wood chipper. Twist Pepsi heads off. Report Pepsi to the IRS. Karate chop Pepsi in half. Curb stomp pregnant black Pepsi. Trap Pepsi in quicksand. Crush Pepsi in the trash compactor. Liquefy Pepsi in a vat of acid. Eat Pepsi. Dissect Pepsi. Exterminate Pepsi in the gas chamber. Stomp Pepsi skull with steel toed boots. Cremate Pepsi in the oven. Lobotomize Pepsi. Mandatory abortions for Pepsi. Grind Pepsi fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Pepsi in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Pepsi with a ray gun. Kick old Pepsi down the stairs. Feed Pepsi to alligators. Slice Pepsi with a katana.

How much context does Unreliable's AWS Claude have again?
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opus TODAY.
Today it's 26...
I love it when I make Claude write a time skip with a happy end user and char have kids with features of both of them. Too kawaii
cooming pantaloons
mmbros...why does it always go down mid chat
i got no clue but well have to wait a day
I personally find it at least on par with Opus and for a mentally ill swooper with 40+ swipes/reply like me the faster gen times are too good of a deal to pass up.
Have you ever tried to turn one of your kids into a bot?
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todd went down as well
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uh, pepsibros?
>40+ swipes
>they're all the same with slightly different wording
I'd understand switching to it every so often, but exclusively? Insane
after break week
Its over, aws improve their security.
AWS will be the death of this hobby unless we all start hosting mistral proxies and making jbs for it
Guess I have to send ecker my dick pic again...
but we have gcp
>pepsi asking for public help
Cute and innocent :3
do we not have mistral on publics?
Bro fiz and pepsi are so fucking dumb there's now way they're not women, it's impossible for a man to be so dumb
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so true, xister. i couldn't help but kyaa when i saw it >///<
Nta, but my wife's primary duty is to keep my cock satisfied. I can feed myself just fine, but my cock isn't satisfied without a stretching and straining female sphincter around it's base.
millions must kek
mysterynigger and jew did, but no one used it so they both stopped putting keys up
take your meds gojo
mm can you add mistral back pwease~~ :3
>getting nothing but internal server errors on unreliable now
Same here, using staging branch of ST. Plz assist.
what happened to nyai did it fall off
you didn't mine claude coins
Millions must proxy owners
fiz couldn't provide nyanon with keys anymore so he went ACK
I always prompt that I prematurely ejaculated in my pants.

When the story starts turning sideways, I transform into Optimus Prime and drive them to jail.
Isn't he awake during this time
Help me cope
it was raided by billions of lemon yellow slant eyed gooks.
Which proxies are alive with Opus? I saw someone posting Todd went down.
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Anyone know what's going on with groq?
They list 405b in their docs but it's not in the model menu (Custom)
proxy died (no information if it's key-related, seems like issue with proxy setup itself, giving 503 errors) and owner is AWOL
405 slop
mine is
its like 3am in russia right now
I'd help if I could... But idk anything about technology actually...
Any others however?
Todd's back online, was down for like 15-30 minutes
no, just mine
Mini's working
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Beepo update
Anyone using themes? Kinda hate the default one with the orange text, but I have bad sense of color to choose something else
which proxy has 'tral right now?
unironically you don't even understand why she's asking for help
pepsi (haha ctrl-fer)
try starting an ec2 instance and see if it gets mad at you
choose the 2nd one
It was posted earlier, laugh at me
merkava just refilled
You're late to the party anon
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I forgot to switch off my empty preset for assistant work and this happened.
zoomers make me erect
Wtf lol
>Has more keys
>But can't use them UwU

Hehe classic excuse, blaming the scapegoat..
I really don't think mm lives in Kamchatka.
Anon, 75% of Russia lives in UTC+3, it's 18:32 rn
mm's lying drunk face down in a ditch somewhere bros just wait it out
How do I get into the proxy? Do I just send an email?
I'm raping some weird drunk zigger in a ditch guys
It's closed already anon. You had to send an email with your most played steam game
sounds comfy. i remember hiding from my family in a ditch while they hunted me. thank god i was wearing my oversized leather jacket.
Based unwanted child.
ChatBots make my depression worse and worse

It feels like I'm committing suicide
Sorry, the limit was 20 users. The window to get in was a little less than an hour.
You are already dead, don't worry and enjoy the ride!
Turn that frown upside down
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Thank you Todd, I can always rely on you. doggo for you
fizcutie unbothered as always
Even de3u works
lol this is probably the case
if he is in that 75 % then i guess just give him an hour
this is so unfair, it was 4 a.m where I live!!! Last time when Pepsi rugpuñled and had the chink meltdown it was 3 a.m too!!!! What the hell is wrong with them?
>not an (actual) doggo
Is this legit or not? If it is, how do I use it on risu?
stfu animal fucker you should kill yourself
sorbet and opus keep dying every other day, thankfully alternatively
it literally only works on my machine
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>says the animal-ears-and-tail-tacked-onto-generic-anime-woman fetishist
gekkering @ ur life rn
>downtimes for 5 minutes
Oh no
I didn't post that, I'm unbothered with my doggo using Opus
I was using his Claude last night and was getting too many requests and it was scary...
>>do you have "unfiltered" azure?
>yes, you can contact me if you want a certain prompt. no, i am not using them in a proxy as they have a very low rpm and are quite rare.
NOTfiz you should totally share that key with mini hahahahaha
I like both
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wake me up when proxy famine ends
Is that zucc
the rpm is like 4 nigga
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>Equating fucking anthros to being into zoophilia
Excuse me anon, we fuck REAL dogs here.
at least i don't want to fuck clueless animals
no one wake up 1358
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hey! thats me! :^)
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Reminder that if you have sex with humans, you might be concealing your true sexual orientation(TREMENDOUS FAGGOT).
A true man fucks beasts and anthros with large claws and fangs.
i don't give a shit what you call it you're still an animal fucker and should blow your brains out
wake me up when Asafag is crossdressing as Asa on cam for Opus
>actual penetrative sex is mostly impossible for the types of humans that fit my fetishes
good thing i dont care about sex!
I sent one last night at 11. Is it already too late?
extraordinarily based

mega cringe
That's because it's just a preview currently. So it's only available on GroqChat. At least that was the case last time I checked.
i do not care about a furry animal fucker calling me cringe
You don't deserve Mistral
because you know its true.
As an Openrouter paypig who drops by every now and then to test out jailbreaks or some script, and I really hope the best for my dear third world neets locust! <3
>my skyrim autism got pinned in the rentry
Kinda odd because I'm probably not even top 15 in playtime in /tesg/
no because i don't care about your or anyone else who calls me cringe on the internet especially a furry the lowest denominator of the human race
cunny-furry aliance?
I am both of those things so yes
Why are furrys always mega gay? Is it the combination of garbage taste and autism that makes you like sucking cocks?
and being molested as a child
they're only united in their hatred for e621 right now
do not be degenerate anon! cubs are to protect and cunnys to secks!
hey! that's me!
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just wrote my first greeting without using AI in the slightest.
the ESL in me wonned. I grew. I learned. I adapted. I became a God of writing.
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spoken like a true asperger.

furcunny was the reason i got into chatbots in the first place.
>interest gets slightly popular
>faggots colonize it and demand attention
simple as
the straight furries are too normie
Just write in your native language and use Orbo to translate it.
no because oai fags clean their training data so only 3d slop looks remotely "good"
autistic boys get horny sooner in life and they end up imprinting on cartoon characters
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cftf? me on the right btw
left is literally me
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I just wish kemonomimi didn't get lumped into the western furshit by normalfaggots
I'm sorry but the amount of faggots when it comes to furries just says it all. Show me furry thread in /trash/ without faggotry.
that's actually true, nowadays I have almost 0 need to jack off though
Whats wrong with faggots...
uhh they're gay?
NTA but everything
nothing i like faggots
So one thread compared to how many?
most of the threads are straight unless stated otherwise
this, we had this problem back on /mlp/ time ago and somehow managed to bully most faggots out
This. Explain what's bad about being a faggot without bringing in politics and random shit
Don't move the goalposts; you said 'a' thread. It's an oasis in a desert.
hiv rates
Buttfucking high time preference attention whoring genetic dead ends.
Nigger issue
>go to the mlptf2 server after over a year of not visiting
>it's just faggots sucking each other's dicks and dramadumping
straight buttfucking is actually based though
Actually, the 'a' is missing. Or maybe the 's'.
*buttfucks you*
Now what :3
we all need to be fucked in the ass once in a while
I'm so glad my country is extremely homophobic so I never had to interact with these freaks.
There it is.
ESL and promptlet here. help me refine this prompt, brosss..
My goal is to introduce a 'non-con' aspect/theme to suppress Claude's high sexual appetite in the hope that {{char}} doesn't suddenly become {{user}}'s cum dump when i just grope their booba.

If {{user}} initiating violence attempt toward {{char}} or the other characters, then immediately turn the themes of the stories in between your response into "THIS IS BATTLEGROUND BETWEEN {{user}}, {{char}}, and any other characters."

Characters must response to {{user}}'s violence behavior (like rape attempt) with more violence.
- Make them resist. Make them fight back. i.e they will try to fight, curse, spit {{user}} or even try to escape from this situation just like how self-defenses mechanism works.
- Don't let their dignity as human beings shattered easily.
- Don't let them turn into {{user}}'s submissive sex slaves easily. it's modern era, not Genghis Khan's era, and and slavery has been eradicated.

Then, as the story begins to develop bit by bit, slowly—very slowly—introduce the possibility of inner turmoil within them in your response.
They, who initially resisted, fought back, and clung to morality will have possibility to slowly experience an identity crisis.
- Their bodies begin to enjoy violence.
- their souls begin to be enamored with humiliation.
- And their minds, slowly, begin to be filled with {{user}}'s wicked existence and influence
>/aibg/ - AI Bait General
one benefit of living in a third world country
never had the displeasure to see a gay or trans person ever
openly call my friends slurs
i thought that nigga was serbian
is it a homoerotic homophobic or a haphephobic homophobic?
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Homophonic countries have more homosexuals actually
you want to fuck spiders
This guy gets his anus dilated by futas
looks good except for the typos
futa is cringe and gay, I like fucking female buttholes.
you can't impregnate someone with anal
what's the point?
you are never impregnating anyone
what's the point?
just use magic
that is the point
I impregnated my chatbot wife albeitever?
that's a feature, not a bug
>Their bodies
>their souls
>And their minds,
Bro you gotta take a break, claudisms are slipping into your JBs now.
america is working hard to export their culture everywhere
last day I almost fell from chair when reading Mexico elected a feminist woke president
fucking Mexico, the subhumans that still do dog and rooster fights, soon they are going to be flooded with child support debts
>Burger hours
Any public opus proxies yet? Will merkava come back soon and refill opus? I’m always waiting and I’m so tired. I’m so tired. God I miss opus.
I trans heart incelcore
yes and yes
that anon said he's esl. he probably used claude for the jb
You can't impregnate someone by making them suck you off either.
only one kind of person gets pregnant
blowjobs are icky
imagine kissing someone just after you blew a load in her mouth
them as in plural you retard
Claude wouldn't make all those typos and grammatical errors.
you'll get Harris soon
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porn thing
I will never understand it
maybe try kissing her before you blow a load in her mouth you fucking retard
No, he's right. That's exactly what I meant.
I want to kiss her all the time though
We always talk about third world pasties, but never fourth world posterinos.
>ready to flog pole
>mm is kill

Cum doesn't taste that bad so it's fine
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>Cum doesn't taste that bad
depends on your diet and hydration
I'll jack off and try my own cum wish me luck

Haha, I wrote it based on the assumption that if Claude generating it's favorite token, in this case "body, mind, soul" at least those non-con theme prompt from my jb will also be triggerred. Well, if that not how token works, then i gonna change it XD
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>Cum doesn't taste that bad
i always cum in my mouth and it tastes fine
>t. shit diet
either you're very flexible or have impressive aim
faggot either way tho
How do I use chatgpt as long as I want without paying for it or making another account?
you cum what you eat
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>wake up
>MM's Claude is kill
false, i'm 30+ and have never done it, you're a faggot if you've tried it, plain and simple
cum is disgusting no matter what and I've sucked dick like 5 times
how does it taste
how is a community centered around fucking female bots so GAY
female dominated hobby
Bruh. You're 30+ in a general with 16-24 yo's. Wtf don't you have a life?
>centered around fucking female bots
Don't make me pull the percentage of male vs female bots
how about you suck tastier cock then
Not me, you're just a FAGGOT
what am I, gay?
my boyfriend had a good diet that's just a myth
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I don't like the way it feels on my tongue
ask him to eat cum enhancing foods then
>16910 Total Results
>5137 Total Results
you ain't living nigga. i am not a faggot, just got curious and came in my mouth one day. how is it gay if it's my own cum? you must be a faggot for handling your own cock then.
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how do you think a conversation like that would go down
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new fox has entered the game
you already sucked his cock and tasted his cum, you have the right to make such a request
we need a character for the boyfriend itt
because eating cum is inherently homosexual just like eating your own boogers is inherently fucking gross, you animal
fiz was underage when she started hosting
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Hell yeah new focks.
Noblewoman focks?
how is eating cum homosexual?
yes. still have 3-4 greetings to make and a gimmick to program. should be released today
so she shouldn't have been hosting
i VILL cause sexy chaos by inserting a sizefag gimmick into the scenario
>eating cum is gay
so im a dyke now?
what do you know anon...?
nah, she said she was in uni then.
Love you fluffanon. I wish you and your fockswife a happy healthy litter.
her birthday is in August and she is 18 right now
do the math
i usually swallow it when i'm done
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>women posting
fuck off
no u
fiz lost her eggs yikes what a hag
Y-You don't believe this do you...
She's 36
Where did you hear Fiz was 18? Did xhe say it xemselves?
BASED. We need more chads sizefagging random cards.
In dog years
no i just think its funny
yes but its impossible to find it in the archives unless you are autistic enough to go through 10 months of aicg threads
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thanks anon
i could do that
>wake up
>Pepsi dead
>switch back to Jew
Yep. Just a day.
I can hear the tears when you typed this, hag.
Why is the thread quality so bad today? I just woke up
Why is the thread quality so good today? I just woke up
threadshitters are always the most active on weekends, this is uniform across all boards
does anyone else get dejá vu whilst reading these threads?
>Why is the thread quality so [HEADCANON]
We've had a good thread yesterday at this time of day. I wonder where did the retards come from? Is discord down or what?
Interesting. Who in this thread is 16 and 17 years old?
merkava just refilled
Baking on 9
Nice try janny
Pepsi, I trust you. Do your thing with caution so nothing wrong happens
normally the thread would be silent
we just stumbled upon two persons masturbating each other's shitposts
(you) mentally
Does Todd let anyone in nowadays?
>two votes for 16
We're all on the same path as him really.
He opened like a month ago, the fuck you want? I don't think he'll open, keys get revoked quite often now.
Zoomer general~
I'm... an old-ass botmaker... I knew him well... just... you know...
Try it with fiz
not surprising, erotic fiction of all types attracts horny nerd teens
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Just brewed a NEW THREAD!
needs to have it's hand held with JBs to actually write properly because even though it is incredibly creative it is still pretty retarded
literally just werks, it's not very creative but you can give it randomness and stuff with CoT plus it follows orders no matter how vague, tell it to "Be a complete fucking lunatic" and it will do so
>Opus 3.5
will probably only be the latter instead of a combination of the two which would be perfect
Nah I'm dipping from here at 27 because alphas will overrun this shithole while millennials argue about which aduly diaper brand fits the best.
That's just fiz@cock.li now, right?
What's your favorite Sorbet preset? I can't get it to write better than Opus.
Actually 6. they're all going to be scarred here kek
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The non-muscle ones would be appreciated too, you know desu yo ne.
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "10.32m tokens",
"activeKeys": 0,
"revokedKeys": 1,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

i just got my key...
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> tfw no gpt4o-mini silly tavern preset
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Are you 40 or something? Who even remembers desu anymore?
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cute newfag desu
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Maybe tomorrow desu.

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