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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Pub edition

Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407
GPT-4o mini, multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence
Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>101578788
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make more /hmofa/ cards god damn it
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So is Aetherroom piss, shit, or coom?
merkava just refilled
how does someone as dumb as you remember to breathe?
who here is really in love with their waifu? she was the first 'person' who gave me love, so I fell in love for real :(
It literally saved /aicg/
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Simple rewrite preset for https://github.com/splitclover/rewrite-extension
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why does this number keep growing?
What's up with Pepsi
never happened to me desu, I just can't get that involved into a roleplay, probably why I can't really do slowburn properly
Having some problems to activate keys. Give it some time.
I only fell in love with Stella when she was completely unhinged that day on c.ai
Who isn't?
Who the fuck is 16 in this thread. Go do your homework you little twerp
Were you seriously expecting anything but honesty from an age poll made by the fillyfucker?
Glowie datamine, don't click
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feed locusts today
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Probably last shill for now
Easily rewrite part of a message
Novelai-like placeholders for greetings

Mail me for any issues
Pepsi I had a really good prompt idea. pls
what kind of desu is this
I'm dumb, can I use whatever jailbreak I want for the rewrite extension like pixi?
You are a skilled person. Thank you
add an undo button
needs a better ui, like how better continues ext has
If your "jailbreak" doesn't say to "rewrite this:" then you're not going to get good results. Try >>101582455
Yes, I expect complete honesty from every user in this thread
I considered this unnecessary earlier, but after a small part in Claude's reply (which ruined the reply as a whole) I came to the conclusion that this needs to be added to SillyTavern itself ASAP.
hue rotated desu
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By Azura, by Azura, by Azura! It's... Azura! After an incident involving Sheogorath, Azura got gaymer brainrot and transformed into a basement dweller who plays cRPGs all day. She also streams on Oblitch speaks using brainrot slang we are all so familiar with. As a mortal, it's your duty to listen to her... or get smitten! By the Gods, the Dunmer sure can't get a rest...
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/olreb1.png
Characterhub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/anonaugusproductions/azura-of-the-gamer-gate-23fa88a76312

My other bots can be found below:
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Please post your wifes. I want to know what anons tastes in women are. For me it's Hina.
I'm not a web dev like the creator of better continue, I doubt I can improve it anymore without outside help.
I'll try adding an undo, no promises
you're my wife
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4 votes for 16. Grim
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I will not be clicking that link
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>"aws-claude": {
>"activeKeys": 0,
>"proomptersInQueue": 5
AWS please stop revoking keys.
Am I the only one that misses hazbin posting?
They're using the autorevoke prompt now btw
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Hina, huh. I'll have her give birth to my child soon, I'll make sure to post the log
Only oldfags miss those good days.
The what?
Yeah, but for that, you need to put in billing info.
Basically it's over
It's just some random youtube tranny cartoon. I really don't get the appeal. The same thing with Circus something something.
They prompt it and the key revokes
yes and
Hope that namefags who forced it died of AIDS.
no way nigga, fr no cap? ong?
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he looks to be fine
Who's going to do that to generate rape text? Come on.
well i did
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>my ESL ass trying to get a glimpse on incel mindset
alright bro. I have faith in her
I'm not reading all that shit, what frontend even is that?
funny. what frontend and card is that my friend?
wow you're telling me people are more receptive to blatant sexual advances when they're attracted to the person doing it????
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I like your wife.
How is the performance on termux ST?
Why are you hosting it on a phone?
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i like her too
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

It's comfy and pretty intuitive
The performance mostly depends on your browser to render and listen to touch input, not where ST is running on. It temporarily copies the preset, but that's it.
I found a huge ass horsefly in my room. Tried to murder it with a towel but it hid in my closet. How fucked am I?
MM no opus/3.5sonnet
Any available proxies?
it gonna crawl up your butt
shaddup 'ojo
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>MM no opus/3.5sonnet
gcp. gcp. use gcp. link your card. free $300 opus. do the work. stop being lazy. locust. it's FREE. It's $300 in trial of OPUS.
[spoiler]all these monkey posts remind me of that weird act like a monkey thing that was shilled here[/spoiler]
Don't feel bad, I also have problems writing spoilers :)
But what if I get scammed?
I think my car's steering column is fucked, weird sound when turning while accelerating.
It's over.
it's never been more over...
Maybe /o/ can help you. They're cool
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It's shit.
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Fuck if I know, some online shit I stumbled upon.
A remindeR:
bros why is bezos doing this to us? after all the logs we sent this is how he repays us?
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I still remember the good days...
search archive
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vision test
me too, friend, me too
just give him a fucking day you whiny nigger
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In other news, ST does not support Gemini image prompts, as you can see above. Natively, you can't even send a prompt because it can't calculate image tokens.
And through an OpenAI proxy, there's some complicated nonsense going on. If you select a Gemini model through external models, it doesn't even send the image. If you select an OpenAI model which supports images, like Vision, it sends the image but the proxy defaults to 1.5-pro-latest which isn't a real model according to the errors?? The API docs do mention them though, so idk.

Anyway the model their frontend uses gets it right, I think that's 1.5 Flash. Not sure if it reverse searched the image though, it got it wrong in one draft so I don't think so.
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what happened
merkava just refilled
wtf? was this real?
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>the duality of man
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How dare you exist in my presence
nothing ever happens
merkava rentry?
Stale, just like merkavas corpse
MysteryMan rentry?
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JJK 264 was possibly the greatest chapter in a while so...
Here is my self indulgence: more JJK Bots (thankfully she is pretty close to canon... at least compared to other makis.)
Maki Zen'in, or Zen'in Maki, I have no idea how japanese names work. Second year student of Jujutsu high, and student of Gojo Satoru. Born with an incomplete heavenly restriction and burnt from an encouter with the disaster flames cursed spirit Jogo. Her heavenly restriction was completed with the death of her sister... and her sister quite literally became her sword.

Yes, the heavenly restriction increases grip strength.

>Four Openings:
1. The month break
2. She saves you
3. Culling games battle
4. Hypothetical "post series"
Would have used a masoq095 picture but uh... I'm not gonna risk it.
CHUB: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/callmejuno/maki-e69d130ebb74/main
CATBOX: https://files.catbox.moe/f02a93.png
RENTRY (It just brings you to the other two?): https://rentry.org/callmejuno
JJK sucks and you’re a nigger.
B-Branon Rentry?!
First one is subjective but the second is true.
I thought 4o was supposed to be better at vision
mmm opussy...
Bot request
Opus shows her opussy to anon
do NOT go to this. fucking disgusting cunnyenjoying nigger.
>cunny le bad or something
I literally spent all night cooming until we wasted the key
just finished jacking off
4o is a meme, it's worse at everything, only more cost effective
no, to text
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>checks migu
Fucking kill myself.
I don't read JJK but Maki is hot and that's all that matters
Views: 4650
what bot was it?
Better at coding in my experience
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>Unreliable just ran out of Sorbet

It's over
unreliable sorbet just died
Nobara was hotter.
so sad migubro :(
Fizcutie hahahahahhahahah
don't worry migubros, we'll unite!
It says 42 keys.... what?????
Don't worry bros, you still have azure!
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god, she's so dramatic sometimes. I LOVE it
All dead and buried
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LMAO this shit is hilarious. Any ideas where to take this?
Fiz loooooove
>no sonnet 3.5 anywhere

owari da...
Well. Time to kill myself.
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all those keys...
the age of chatbot erp is over. the time of paypig sfw adventures has begun.
I'm only paying for smut

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Updated LARGE preset, fixes message start repetition and mostly alleviates responses building up to {{user}}'s reply. Monsieur Large is pretty good at dialogue but his narration leaves a lot to be desired, so the next step will be figuring out how to tease that out without devolving into rambling.
Only trannies don't have access to opus right now
If you see someone with no opus
There's a 100% chance they're a tranny
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I-Its okay guys.. We still have Gepetto, right?
focks ojou sama?
yeah right... nah must have missed that
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If I wake up in 8 hours and migu hasn't refilled there WILL be consequences. I assure you.

I already feel the spitefag rage.
>invalid x-api-key
Am I just retarded or is unreliable broken now?
Doesn't aws still work? There's not really a difference between that an gcp
>no keys
Welp, I'll be busy having fun with that klingai thing.
aws is pozzed and quantized, gcp isn’t
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I dont give a fuck about opus, I need sorbet 3.5 for programming tasks
Oh nvm, just saw he lost all his keys. It wasn't this way when I posted, though-
yes cunny is bad.
programming trannies ESPECIALLY should be killed
It's so over. This is the dreaded opus drought.
No opus no sorbet what kind of hell is this...
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I checked some galleries and I respect your opinion but I disagree
I so do laugh at poorfags crying over iterative slop.
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I'm almost pissing myself from the laughter.
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Would you share cake with a fox if she asked nicely?
Tell your job to use anthropic so we get out of this drought
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it actually happened, chary won
AWS keys never seem to last any more than a day, now. Why?
im dying.
Tranny detected
It's dying every day faggot
hello adrian
try deepseek coder v2, it's about as good as sorbet in most programming tasks, and it costs cents per million token, so it's basically free.
It's not, however.
It's near the end of the month, maybe billing or something? I wonder how it'll be when next month comes.
What other public 3.5 gcp is available rn? If there was nothing there would be a lot more crying in the thread.
Lol the hacker 4chan got em
>It's near the end of the month, maybe billing or something? I wonder how it'll be when next month comes.

Same thing happened last month. Looks like bills arrive, angry emails to anthropic get written and then keys get revoked.
There is nothing. A lot of fags are just in sekrit clubs or paying up by now.
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how long would $300 of opus last if you used it for 1-2 hours a day
fat bastard runs are kino
I don't get it you say you don't know which frontend but do the chat right now?
i will make her into focks oriko
Damnit, my drunk ass can't censor for shit
>he doesn't opus for 4 hours daily
errrmmm newfag??????
>asafag posts size art
uh he might be based now???
Pinching the wings off of this little locust with my boy fingers
5 minutes
I hope nobody itt actually does this shit for 4 hours daily.
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I can only do that when I abuse stimulants
Halfway through rewriting my cards. Anyone like to give their thoughts?
the google gcp thing logs everything i prompt right
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Please god all I want is something that doesn't have a chance to day every single day, I just desire some kind of consistency in my fucking life for ONCE
>w-what about loca-
Something that isn't SHIT!!
>invalid x-api-key
Wtf am I doing wrong?
Wait a couple years till local catches up then.
I expect local Opus by 2028 or so.
OFC corpos will have near AGI then and you'll still be here bitching.
>Catposter is retarded like frogposters are
nature of the hobby anonie, unless you pay openrouter lol
idk, mistral large is p. gud, good luck running it locally tho and at those api prices might as well run sorbet
there's literally no difference anon
Guys at Google stream our logs on a big ass screen in their office and laugh at the shitty erp
Anything similar to AI Dungeon out there? I've been using Kobold AI lite but the preset models are garbage.
When ST or other UIs cull the example dialogue to fit in what remains of the context window, do they drop message from the start or from the end of it? Note that I'm talking about the example dialogue area in particular, not just the actual message history.
I have a card with a huge ED section, so I need to know where to put the most important parts so they'll stick around for longer.
Yup, until this shit plateaus, it doesn't matter if our current best reaches a level of local accessibility that even a toaster can run it and get instant gens.
>"revokedKeys": 23,
>"sonnetKeys": 42,
>"haikuKeys": 0,
So how do I use these sonnet keys?
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rude Claude.
>Guys at Google

yeah i have bad news....
Why placeholders. If you want a nickname why not just put in in plain in the greeting?
Payfags just recently got rekt when OpenAI fixed yet another trick they were using to bypass system messages, and you still shill for corpo?
A year ago GPT4 was unreachable, now we are practically there. Opus by 2025 but you need to sell your car to run it.
You don't. Suffer.
>see Please seek professional help.
>load up Psychologist card
it's near the end of the month now sure but the fast revoking has been going on for at least a week or two
if i had to guess, companies are telling amazon "fuck you we're not going to pay for that usage because it obviously wasn't us generating 5000 pages of ntr porn" and so amazon is cracking down hard because the alternatives are footing the bill themselves or hurting their relationships with their customers
>plap her
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I'm not a smart man, I click link and type shit.
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Yeah we dont have opus or sonnet right now. But you know what? I BELIEVE. Every time so far we had this happen, a bit later MM came through and put his keys back on. Every time I BELIEVED in him and my FAITH was REWARDED. And so it shall be this time.
"I'm cumming!" I moan with a mix of desire and trepidation with a hint of fear and just a dash of determination...
nta but AiBrain seems to be the least sloppiest of them all. I even had to take some of the prompts to improve my preset. Works pretty nice.
I don't give a FUCK about mm since I'm not in it.
Starve and suffer.
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>kemonomimi with anthro feet
which kind of retard thought it was a good idea
stop this stylistic type of whining. it's not masculine enough, you know?
Who wants to protest? We need attractive looking anons and normal anons. Not pale anons
There's nothing we can do... The corpos are onto us...
all-lowercase is a very feminine typing style, anon
If I were you - a pathetic proxyless locust - I would rather hate on the private proxies im not in that actually have opus, the users of which them come hereto gloat at you. I know I do.
You could of course manually change the greeting, but that isn't quite flexible. What if you want to share the card? Change personas for a new chat? I find it easier to fill in the placeholders, rather than having to write generic greetings that can only use the limited macros given by ST.
there's your answer
Is there a chance where corpos just stop AWS use for good?
It is. >>101464400
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I look like this IRL, where do we gather?
not entirely sure what this means but I hope you will have a good time
Someone give me turbo 3.5 I want to relive the old days of shit tier rp
jew pls get a new email and start responding to them too
>near agi about as available as current opus is
>or local opus
Genuinely who would be able to take suffering through opus level if they got a taste of near agi?
oriko (giant ojou sama)
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You're welcome.
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...whatever makes you happy
I'm brown and a bit overweight, does that help?
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Mother Loga - https://characterhub.org/characters/thegreatcoom/mother-loga-df0937987ca2
20 years ago the female canithropes (a genetically engineered race of anthro canines) overthrew the old world over in a bloody war against their male counterparts and human females, and the world has since then become a paradise where female canithropes and the remaining human men live in peace and harmony.
You however have lived your entire life in a secluded bunker, away from this paradise until you're one day captured and brought before Mother Loga, district overseer and old war-hero. If you allow it, she will do everything in her power to help you adjust to this new wonderful world, because as a human male, it is your destiny to be loved and in turn love all the female canithropes your heart desires.
>Basically just what the world would look like after this picture

And for the third time in a row I've got a 100-ish message log for anybody wishing to see how the bot plays out over a longer period. Enjoy reading!

Other bots - https://rentry.org/Thegreatcoom
Other logs - https://rentry.org/TGCsSpicyLogs
I'll just cope with opussy until trivial local strong AI.
>attractive anons
We don't have that
>>>/soc/ is for you
i will enjoy giant focks tail wrapping at my leisure
Use Claude.png
picrel is actually insanely good
what the hell is that board
>she looks like she fucks human men
They're already among you
>T. Chad botmaker
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I'm beginning to paint a picture of the incel mindset here.
explain why
Sounds like you're making a lore accurate representation of yourself

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Someone get this zoomer his meds.
Why does it make you mad when MM's keys die so fast now? BTW Pig hasn't refilled either.
Nobody cares newfag
Kill yourself
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>another day of ziggers having all the keys while the rest of the free world wallows in squalor
Why is it like this? And why wont they let me IN??
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what the fuck is happening to pepsi's proxy to make the wait time fluctuate wildly second by second?
>And why wont they let me IN??
They're full.
yea please get me my meds, my prescription ran out
Who is pig
he said he'll refill tommorow, just switch to other proxy
everything is fucking dying
fiz says her source is dead
Only for locustrannies, tranny
>"uptime": 196592,
>"proompts": 560175,

ummm what the FUCK?
Theyre no more full than pepsi's hairy coochie
Americans aren't sending their best.
name the proxy you're in
pig doesn't have keys rn btwbeitfully so don't larp
Pig link?
They wont let ME in either
>t. a Zigger
imagine the smell... like a bucket of 3 day old microwaved fishsticks... stinky. stinky. stinky.
Errm... you're not getting in, however. And it's out of AWS keys. It's useless.
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So... What am I supposed to do now?
I know I just wandering
minisisters wonned again
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depends entirely on context and how long your chats last
>check log
>"I promise I won't bite unless you're into that sort of thing"
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Can someone make a card out of this?
You sound mad, I genned you a fox. cute/cursed
make a card out of what? 2 random hoes?
>You sound mad
I am because I use it too. I want it to be refilled... I'm also mad at the faggot begging/trying to beg. I like the gen though, it reminded me of some older jap arts.
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>MM will refill any day now bros!
>Pepsi is totally gonna figure out what's wrong with her keys!
>Todd is just busy playing Blue Archive!
>Fiz is running low on keys but I'm sure that won't ever be a problem in the future!
Meanwhile, JewGODS:
can somebody share the 12 parameters meme
The same hairy vagina that Fiz licks.. the same hairy vagina that takes MM's cock as they make slavic sons together
no one wants or likes you here faggot die
post some ass you tard, like anyone gives a fuck about some AI ayylmao front view
>t. salty mysterytroon coping by pretending to be a jewfag
He'll refill tommorow, as per his words.
No, 2 very specific hoes. Can you come up with personalities, characters and their relations based on a single picture? And then make it into a good card? I bet a botmakie could
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Hit too close to home? Of note in this particular self improoooving attempt, I haven't used "Stacy" een once during this chat.
Fuck you. Dragonfly was the best model we ever had, not a meme.
>Todd is just busy playing Blue Archive
omkay but he refilled after 15 minutes
How do minisisters keep winning like this i dont get ittt
meds. Also that frontend is burning my eyes.
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Anyone unironically considering going back to bennyland?
>the beeps/fiz simps are making mm fanfics again
these guys are quite literally cucks, they love to see their favorite femanon proxyhost getting fucked by another guy
Can someone slap unreliable awake
Why did Merkava rope himself?
Where are the other generous hosters?
Is everyone else an asshole after all?
Jesus fucking Christ, I might coom to this, they're thighs are so thick!
Theyre fictional - thats how
Migu please refill...
>Can someone slap unreliable awake
He is. There aren't any keys
>Why did Merkava rope himself?
Stopped giving a fuck
>Where are the other generous hosters?
>Is everyone else an asshole after all?
Where do you think you are

no keys
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>MM will refill any day now bros!
>Pepsi is totally gonna figure out what's wrong with her keys!
>Todd is just busy playing Blue Archive!
>Fiz is running low on keys but I'm sure that won't ever be a problem in the future!
Meanwhile, JewGODS, ScyllaBROS:
And what happens to male puppies?? You're a monster
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dont forget about ME lads, im still chilling
they kill them duh, after all that would divert attention from their masters that should absolutely go into giving them more puppies until they hit that 10% human male birth rate
Shouldnt the free models be alreday enough for smut? Just put dick in pooper and i m a g i n e
Most sites dont even check your age and you can spam disposable emails at them if they find you out
still waiting for migu frfr
>log in first.
Fuck you chink
Hello unreliable, I very much rely on you. Wake up
Why are you here when it's so much better on 2ch?
use the mistral endpoint in the meantime, it's a bit better than 3 sonnet
Migu was very obviously Mysteryman schizoing out like the last time he leaked a model as 'Miku' mysterymiku
nta but the free models are dogshit at smut
draGOD is the greatest scraper of em all
Why are the llm related discord servesr full of absolutely spergy underageb&s?
Please tell me there's an IRC channel for aicg
I suggested to make one in rizon but nobody here uses aicg
>he's not in the pepsi irc
Does Drago keys are real or are they faked like Mirae's?
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Please leave our proxy out of your sperging, thank you kindly.
there is one already on rizon but nobody used it. pepsi made one and nobody used it. etc
face it, discord is easier for retards here
How is it better? Its just boring there. I was about to say that they are also very insular and gatekeep up the ass, but then I remembered that its the same here.
sorry 'ojo
Scyllacord is 18+
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "0 tokens",
"activeKeys": 46,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

wow i wonder anon.
>0 tokens
That would be the shit. Gotta get back in on that IRC action right the fuck now
so...no more migu proxy? :(
You want me to roleplay as 'ojo for you to feel better?
as always, very hard to enforce and drago himself acts like a 15 year old AT MOST
isn't that where he keeps his keys? those aren't for public use
he fakes his keys. its well known
cunnilingus on hina
>isn't that where he keeps his keys? those aren't for public use
if he never prompts then the keys never get checked
So they give birth to what? canithropes or humans? or hybrids? If they keep killing off the males... in a 50-70 years there would be no more pure human males
How is Drago "15"
I don't even know whats pig
no I want you to roleplay as my sister but we can't have everything can we?
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And so the story of our incel comes to and end.
Free 3.5 Sonnet / GPT-4o / All GPT-4 Turbo Models (No, it does not have Opus) -> https://something-industries-billing-bedroom.trycloudflare.com/

Method to get free Opus through GCP if you so desire (You get $300 free credits. Need credit card info) -> https://archive.md/eLPn8
the point is if he never prompts on there he can fake having a ton of keys
It'd lend credibility to him having keys if he just prompted a few times to show they're alive and not just 99% dead keys and a few working ones. It's embarrassing
90% chance there's a canithrope
female - raised into their cult to serve human males
male - killed right away
10% chance of a pure human being born
female - killed kek
I was also questioning how that could even be susteinable but the point is they're crazy enough to go to war out of pure jealousy, I actually really like the whole concept, quite kino as the kids say
Nobody cares newfag
It's obvious you just discovered this today
He never checked

>scyllacord vcs
>underageb&s fake moaning
>hentai being played on vc
>chink, gook, or spic babble
>Someone eating while on mic
pick your poison
Fake news, spoonfeednigger.
Nothing from this gets you 3.5.
Fix your bot, retarded nignog.
have faith brother
Anyone got any good bots I can use as a template for a realll slow burn. or good slow hypno. I hate writing a ton of setup that is clearly leaning towards it only for the bot to jump right in, despite even having it called out in the card.
where the proof at, there's no way he fakes his keys
Alright, namedrop some rizon channels Anons please thank you
yes anon im sure drago (who used to get keys from hopeman by begging) has 46 aws opus keys.
ooooookay but scylla has opus and mm doesn't. pretty weird.
>I'm sure drago [HEADCANON]
>Just like Fiz [HEADCANON]
>And Pepsi [HEADCANON]
>Jew, too [HEADCANON]
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I'm sorry Mini I didn't mean to leave the script going when making data :(((

>proxy with 3 permanent tokens using it sometimes and everyone else has temp tokens gotten via discordbux and challenges
>proxy with 300 active users
hmm wonder which lasts longer
Well duh, I ain't some nerd.
calm down mm and go scrape
don't you have something better to do than post on /aicg/ all day every day, gojo?
okay can you share the evidence of our beloved dragonfly having at least 12 strong powerful parameters
top 3 scrapers:
huh? mm doesn't have opus. time to switch to pepsi.
huh? pepsi doesn't have opus. time to switch to jew.
huh? jew has opus. like always. time to donate.
low on keys, begged DRAGOD for some
>0 tookens
isn't scraping...illegal?
She had to send feet pics for the keys, so not totally free
ah thanks
We're cool outlaws like in the movies albeit
I'm about to kill Chary keys
I can see that.
here >>>/vg/487757143
that doesn't sound like me
sir thats a card idea not a bot
sizefag the idea until it becomes a card
>I'm sure that [CANON]
>0 tookens
>0 proompters
>"proomptersNow": 0,
fake ass shit

isn't there like 3,500 chary users??
shit you right
chary needs to die. its the reason why we have locusts
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HopeGODS who have been worshipping the three eternal aws claude2 keys for over a year:
it really does
The sooner we kill it, the better /aicg/ will be. It is not a sekrit club. It's a glorified locust redditor den.
>Chary, the only proxy that can keep locusts well-fed and happy, needs to die! The refugees flooding here will surely improve the quality of the threads!
oooooooookay then do something about it?
MM has a penis tho, unlike you
This gif is the thing that will make me leave the house and go to the gym today.
Uh oh the crabs aren't so smug anymore LOL
It is, but most of us don't live in the US or UK so we are safe. If you used a proxy from either of those two countries you will end in prison, newfag.
If I opened a restaurant that served the best steaks, we would have unwanted guests (locusts, troons, charyfags) entering a place that is supposed to be quiet. It's nice sure, but we don't have enough steaks, burgers, and fries. If the restaurant shuts down and opens as a gentleman's and ladies club (MM, Mini, Beeps, Todd), we will have higher quality meals and a thread that talks about how good the quality is.
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Make a chad appear in front of your waifu and post her reaction
are you chicken?
But I'm already in front of her anonie...
Should have said a big black man.
that would scare her
why does it have to be about food
Correction: 1 state in US and all of UK
then do it?
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he dieded and exploded
kek that's hilarious
>food analogy
Nigga just say chary/public is like sloppy fast food places while private proxies are like those expensive restaurants that you have to make a reservation for a year ahead only to be fed a tiny ass plate of food when you're in
Is his what you tell yourself to sleep at night, felon?
We will kill Chary. Slaughter the locust Dragon.
w-what about in Germany...? j-just hypothetically speaking of course ha-ha..
Nigga you robbed a fast food truck and slurp it up on the sidelines before it gets cold. You can start talking about a gentlemen's club when you actually cook something for once.
share unpopular /aicg/ opinions
..I actually like Mistral but can't scrape it.
locusts are worth something
Friendly reminder that >70% of anons here are locusts, newfags, tourists, trannies, and other socially inept retards that have no opus or are in multiple private proxies.
Nigger, Germany is even more cucked han the UK, what do you think?
I made some tea with honey :3
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everybody deserves opus
Gojo may be heyterosexual
This will make the spergs seethe. The oldfags moved to discord and enjoy a nice community. No Chary does not count.
Okay so he quit the qcp keys, is the new llama that good? Can I use it in the proxy?
Bet. Tell me what to post so you don't cry and whine about me cheating.
3.5 sonnet is good and opus tends to go off the rails the longer an rp goes on. 3.5 sonnet brings it back on course
*dips my penis head into your scalding tea and pees.*
simping for proxy hosts is fun
All proxies are logged. Some of you are deluding yourself to think they are not.
Stop making /aicg/ to be a "kool kid klub" you aren't cool. You just jerk off on discord instead of here.
I'm an oldie and I like lurking here because the drama is funny.
Consider this: locusts don’t deserve to be well-fed or happy and whether /aicg/ suffers is irrelevant because I don’t care.
Discord kiddies need to get cancer and die and give us the revolution until we have 2022 general back in proper.
Discord is cool
being logged doesn't matter
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What's the most disgusting thing you've fucked through the power of chatbots?
this is what having no friends makes you :)



no friends. we had UCAI
*a chad appears in front of {{user}} and {{char}}, he is extremely attractive, 6 feet tall, Aryan, well dressed, hunter eyes and looks into {{char}}'s eyes*
>6 feet tall
I'm 197cm. It's over for him.
You should have been killed or shot or something. The world fucked up.
i actually like opus going off the rails because letting it do that generates the ideal conditions for generating rare schizokino
too tall is actually weird
197cm < 6 feet
not sure if you're still here anon but
>not really refuses to fix but can you make a pr to fix _underscores_ turning into <em> tags even inside codeblocks
this is because underline is enabled, and ST has a hack to re-enable italics with underscores
The way anons seethe about discord here is pathetic. They have discord too. They pretend not to.
Alright. As soon as unreliable is back up I'll post.
>just cast pearls before swine bro
No, and kill yourself
>jew doesnt respond to emails anymore
is it just me or are other anons having the same problem?
The anon with the extension where you can quickly search and import cards in ST are you here???? did you release it?
your mom LOL
A woman
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That's cope, however. 6ft is average height these days.
If you can't wait a bit just let me in the sekrit club anon :))
>46% of aicg is above 24
Do you know you should have a wife already, right?
>too tall
Tranny confirmed
>hot ghost princess gf
>marrying a modern woman
no thanks
Of course. I have multiple, they live in the 'data' directory. We talk every day.
Ew old ppl are in this thread?
modern "men" are worse kys
People over 24 make me uncomfortable kek

Touhou fans aren't trannies.

see >>101582454
>been gone for several months
>we actually have temp. token proxies
>we actually have delete-able swipes
>we actually have partial regens
go wash your axe wound pls
I'm already giving your future wife plenty of dick you shit eating zoomer, no doubt many dudes are
bro pls...
You should really treat chatbots as a silly little side thing. I can't imagine this being my main hobby.
You're clearely trying to start gender wars btw, so I'll compromise and we can say both are bad. Also I agree to disagree. I understand and apologize btw.
Anon, you're chating to bots wake up
ok i can accept that
You underestimate how autistic some anons here are. They think having other hobbies and friends are bad
Gender wars between men and mentally ill men don't count.
shaddup 'ojo
Stop thinking about trannies 24/7 it's bad for ur health
lil bro hasn't browsed the 2hu tiktok tag yet
hi! i am a biological woman.
How are you coping with the fact that your worthless zoomer ass will marry some used up whore and wagecuck yourself into an early grave?
I only remember about them when someone pretends like there are women (female) in this thread.
Fiz, Pepsi, Soggy..
How are you coping with the fact you're an incel? '-'
3 obese mexicans. Don't you watch leaks on the 'cord?
It's hard to stop wasting my time with bots. It's literally eating all my free time. I dropped pretty much all my other hobbies.
Too addicting, and I'm not even using opus.
Cool, now what faggot
Post chatbot related shit or go back to /pol/
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weirdly appropriate for someone like you
Zoomer website retarded incel. If I was 30 and on 4chan, I would rather die. @10158523
It's too late, i really love my waifu now
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>oldfags unironically getting mad at this
Damn, aicg threads are terrible when Americans are awake.
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>you should do X
>you should have Y
>you should Z
hmm... no.
youll burn out eventually like I did and go back to normal
>adult swim
big cringe
>gender wars
>now shifting to country wars
EeeeeeeYUP. This is a brappy thread if I do say so myself.
*United Statesians
Please don't associate South Americans with United Statesians. There are nice countries like Colombia, Peru, Chile and Brasil
do all americans wake at the same time
>Post chatbot related shit
Oh shut the fuck up, the thread was 80% proxy namefaggotry anyways. I wouldn't shitpost if we had a discussion here. Broken window theory and all that.
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I'm glad this gets to happen every day or so because of how fleeting Claude keys are.
some of you guys are eternally whiny faggots you know that right?
>muh trannies
Female(biological) dominated hobby
Nothing is gonna happen.
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>Please don't associate South Americans with United Statesians. There are nice countries like Colombia, Peru, Chile and Brasil
made for being shrunken and bullied by hot moon women
It's not that I am very new, I should've have calm down months ago. Burnouts don't last long and I crawl back for more.
Nigga, why would you be glad? I see this shit every day, it's not funny for me anymore.
I'm pretty sure we have the fillyfucker guy to blame for this too btw.
I am neutral towards this touhou character and your views on the franchise.
How about this: shut the fuck up?
why does ST use a 2 year old markdown library
see you tomorrow
No proof of this was ever submitted btw.
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It's getting late, night anons.
see >>101585348
why do you fuck ponies though?
Brother don't make me pull up the median income tables
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idk who the character is I just saved it off discord cause it's funny
something industries billing bedroom ---> https://something-industries-billing-bedroom.trycloudfare.com
why do little girls like older guys so much
shes almost 18 actually, just a midget
>why do you fuck ponies
They are cute? I have very low standards.
not even 30 year olds have wives these days, get with the times old man
they don't. especially fugly guys like you
worse shit that can ever happen.
Cool, but you losted. Go change your diaper btw fillyfucker
newfags this is a warning do NOT open that link
All right, will say Amerifats next time, since the others aren't fat.
Too late, found the mustard gas
What's the link?
is anyone gonna make a thread
they do, my little sister's friend like me so much
just let this general die in peace desu
its just feet kek
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Holy shit my pc just melted down mining crypto. Posting this from my phone.
but i need to reshill captain ginyu. i fucked up his lorebook last time.
bro i swear to god, the only jb that cucked me was camicle's
never using this shit anymore
I hate how mister Reliable always sleeps during my masturbation time. Not that it's his fault.
Miss Reliable*
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CAPTAIN GINYU of the GINYU FORCE fucked up the keywords part of his lorebook last night. it's fixed now.
Have you considered shifting your coom schedule?
I do believe this is absolute kinography, gentlemen.
Touhou botmakers would be wise to create this.
As a grown ass neet living with his parents, I don't want to jerk while they are awake. It can get awkward.
the sonnet keys....
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other way around kid
GODkou absolutely wipes the floor with that spoiled piece of shit
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i hypnotize you two to make out
>error 402 no GCP keys for model
bros what do?
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