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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

/g/'s Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
https://fglt.nl && https://files.catbox.moe/u3pj3i.txt

GNU/Linux Games:

IRC: #sqt on Rizon

Previous thread: >>101551255
Do any custom kernels actually for real help increase responsiveness of the system (not throughput). For example, compiling something in the background while using Firefox.
zen is supposed to give better overall performance. dunno by how much, probably minimal.
How do I make the middle mouse button page scroll exist on firefox using arch + kde. Or is this just not a thing?
enable autoscrolling
What's the terminal front end people use for spotify?
What is /g/ choice for a shell ?
Well there's Spicetify which is a CLI tool that lets you tweak the desktop Spotify client in all sorts of ways like removing ads in basic account sessions and such. Though I don't think there's a way to run Spotify completely through a terminal itself.
Though I guess a CLI music player/streamer out there may have Spotify compatibility.
bash or fish IMO
bash, because you don't need anything else
i need more, i need three shells.
I have a question!

I am trying to follow a tutorial, I boot from mmcblk1, (Debian arm bookworm 6.#)
df -h looks right, then after system has booted I plug in a usb thumb drive that has the same img on it (Debian arm bookworm 6.#)
After plugging usb thumb drive in /dev/mmcblk1p2 disappears and /dev/sda2 shows up. I know /dev/sda is the mmc because of the size. This is confusing me because of the tutorial I am following does not make any sense.

-right after boot:

root@server:# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev 3.8G 0 3.8G 0% /dev
tmpfs 768M 832K 768M 1% /run
/dev/mmcblk1p2 58G 725M 55G 2% /
tmpfs 3.8G 0 3.8G 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 5.0M 8.0K 5.0M 1% /run/lock
/dev/mmcblk1p1 240M 25M 204M 11% /boot

-after plugging in usb thumb drive:

root@server:# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev 3.8G 0 3.8G 0% /dev
tmpfs 768M 852K 768M 1% /run
/dev/sda2 58G 725M 55G 2% /
tmpfs 3.8G 0 3.8G 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 5.0M 8.0K 5.0M 1% /run/lock
/dev/mmcblk1p1 240M 25M 204M 11% /boot
Has a bus factor of 1. The Red Hat engineer that was added as co-maintainer even recently removed himself.

>If Kent dies tomorrow your filesystem dies with it
Found my ancient Dell Latitude D610. It should have about 80gb of space or so (can't really check, it's out of batterey & the charger is still missing). What distro should I put on it?
with awk, why does this not work? even using printf with variable properly formatting gives me a null value for the variable.

awk ' BEGIN {{ input = ARGV[1] } { print input }} '

no output

awk '  BEGIN {{ input = ARGV[1] }  { printf("\n%d\n", input)  } } '

output 0 regardless of base 10 input used.
How would I run a bash script automatically every time a specific user's account becomes active, whether by logging in fresh or by using the "switch user" function?
I want to block access to a handful of websites only for a specific user account on the computer. The hosts file seems the easiest way to block sites, but is system-wide as far as I know.
I wonder if I could just have a script automatically run whenever a user logs on which replaces the system hosts file with whatever version of the hosts file is designated for that user.
Isn't dumb, filenames are worthless for this task cause they're too easy to change and spoof, there're standarized headers you use to actually determine what kind of file you're actually dealing with.
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meanwhile something like this fizzbuzz works no problem, which is essentially doing the same thing in that it's just taking in commands and doing some output.
Is there a reason to avoid flatpaks? I've seen that some people avoid them like the plague and I'd like to know why.
They take up more storage space.
how, is it all flatpak architecture because its system agnostic?
they include all the dependencies needed to run
even dependencies you already have?
i believe so, don't quote me but i believe they run in their own namespace such that they have no access to the rest of the file tree
oh so they are an isolated sandbox? Interesting.
What you need three shells for?
you know why
For rollingfags, yes since it's more bloat for the same features, but they pay in higher maintenance and less stability.
For stablefags, no not really.
>We'll report you to the police if you wipe your ass with the card or use toilet paper
Two is enough then
third one is for wiping, don't want to jeet up your fingernails do you?

have none of you niggers seen demolition man? fucking zoomers
Why would you need to pull your shit out? Just shit and use a shell to scrape the rest of the shit off?
I'm a stablefag so that's good to know.
Its been a while I don't really remember seashells in demolition man.
Do you even know what ARGV[] is?
argument variable. i feed in a decimal or whatever i'm formatting with printf on the terminal. that's a small section of the code i'm trying to figure out.
does it need to be dereferenced? because that's not working either. i'll try treating it like a c pointer now
hwclock: Cannot access the Hardware Clock
every time I boot. Do I need to replace the clock battery?
$ awk ' BEGIN {{ input = ARGV[1] } { print input }} ' hello
the fuck. must have something to do with running it from a sript. doesn't work with -f either but does work when pasted directly into the terminal
did you check your bios to see if it has the right time?
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>1993 was 31 years ago
Rejoice, for the sweet peaceful embrace of death creeps closer.
Post small shell scripts that you couldn't do without anymore
Here's one. It just returns the newest file in the working directory.
#!/usr/bin/env bash

files=(*) newest=${files[0]}
for f in "${files[@]}"; do
if [[ ! -d $f && $f -nt $newest ]]; then
echo "$newest"

I often call it with other commands, such as
dragon -x "$(newestfile)"

I might expand it so it accepts arguments like n-1, n-2, etc (so it returns the penultimate newest file, and so on)
>they are an isolated sandbox?
Not "are", but "can be". It works on a permission basis, similar to Android apps. In the end, depends on which permissions the app requests. You can deny them all, of course, conceding that the software might not work properly. However, the default permissions are granted beforehand, so a clueless user may not even be aware of how much control the application exerts over their system.

All in all, flatpaks are a step towards better security in Linux, there's more ease to fine-tune access and provide better protection, but that does not mean invulnerability (far from it), just improvement. User discretion is still required, as always.
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i am not good with puter
I don't get it why is she so bad at skating?
What an unbelievably ugly "woman".
uhh, that's a man at the opening ceremonies of the olympics. they're doing a tranny theme for reasons beyond my ability to logically work out.
vaxister status?
Okay, but this still doesn't answer why xir can't skate
No refunds
No dick and balls ruined his balance.
There's a webpage with links to about 1200 torrent files.
can curl or wget be set up to download all of them?
Has anyone ever tried to do something like run debian and then run distrobox under that with a bleeding edge distro like arch and have all your applications, desktop etc run under the distrobox container or is this too much of a hack?
Is there much difference between running distrobox and just running a regular chroot in the first place? I imagine with distrobox most of the configs you do inside of the container wont save whenever you have to update the container unless you start making stuff like /etc a shared volume on the host
I want to completely delete Gnome and install Kde. Is this the correct way # pacman -Rscn gnome gnome-extra ? And what about gdm and sddm?

Display manager shouldn't matter, but if you want SDDM install it, enable it and disable GDM, then reboot.
What is a good CPU benchmarking tool for Linux?
What part of the CPU do you want to test? There's no comprehensive solution for anything on Linux.
Thank you. I replaced Gnome with Kde Plasma without any problems. Marked as closed.
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How does one search for an instance of a "word1" and "word2" in lines of files? BUT, in any order? (i.e. word1 can precede or follow "word2")?
Is grepping 2x the only solution?
Can any utils handle this automatically?
yes there is: access to /dev, /proc/ and knowing bash
Those are means, not solutions.
>currently on Kubuntu 22.04 LTS
Next month 24.04.1 releases, which then provides the LTS upgrade path to 24.04 LTS for me. I purged and blocked snap, as I don't want to use it. Will the update to 24.04 LTS re-enable snap?
vlc sucks, what should I use instead?
Will btrfs support encryption some day or we are condemn to the LUKS+FS combo?
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Is there a tool to control gamepad rumble function from terminal?
This is not a sex thing because: 1. the motors are weak, 2. I have a dildo.
I want a way to get haptic feedback to change my position every now and then.
>What part of the CPU do you want to test?
Just the overall performance, ideally a little bit of everything.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Specify the number of threads for the multithreaded benchmark as the first argument"
exit 1

if [ ! -d /home/$USER/cpubench/ ]; then
mkdir -p /home/$USER/cpubench/

cd /home/$USER/cpubench/


echo "$(sysbench cpu run && sysbench --threads="$threads" cpu run && primesieve 1000000000000)" | tee "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M') bench.txt"

Does anyone know of a simple program that uses AVX instructions that I can add to this dogshit?
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I need to meet someone as autistic as me to want to do a void or nix setup that runs most of my vidya and emulators. It's the kind of bullshit that will take some time to set up without fucking up so I'd like to have a friend along for the ride.
It would also be cool to have someone along as we learn to use a tiling WM too but I don't think they're particularly good for multi-monitor gaming battle stations.
never felt I needed more than bash
They're not as well integrated to your system by default so things like themes and font rendering don't carry over without tweaking.
no interest in helping you but can I become autistic so I can become smarter?
yeah sure that sounds fun too
how do i change my screen resolution in linux mint 22? i have a 4k monitor but the resolution is locked to 1024x768
>current Arch install has been going without issues for months
>time for me to begin adding points of failure in the form of meme kernels for gaymen
what hardware
what drivers
what de
what everything
Hard to help you to do anything with NO info, man.
I cannot compete with the autist so I must become autistic myself.
The normalfag life is not for me.
is this good enough for hardware?
i just installed nvidia 535 drivers
it is cinnamon desktop environment
What the fuck.
how to add kernel parameters in cachyos? i tried editing the line in the grub file and dont know what command to make it stick since update-grub wont work on here like on other distros
Is that the live image? Did you choose the fallback option during the boot sequence?
A script that makes writing scripts easier. It checks the file modification date and if it has changed it will recheck the script with Shellcheck.


set -eu

[[ $# -eq 0 ]] || [[ "$1" == "--help" ]] && echo "Usage: ${0##*/} FILE" && exit

date_modified="$(stat "$1" --format %Y)"

fn_error () {
>&2 printf "%s $1\n" "Error:"
exit 1

fn_shellcheck () {
if shellcheck "$1"; then
echo "No issues detected in script '$1'!"

[[ "$(file "$1" --mime-type --brief)" == text/x-shellscript ]] || fn_error "Not a shellscript '$1'"

fn_shellcheck "$1"

while sleep 2; do
if [[ "$date_modified" != "$(stat "$1" --format %Y)" ]]; then
fn_shellcheck "$1"
date_modified="$(stat "$1" --format %Y)"
no, the OS is fully installed. the installer USB isnt even in my computer anymore
hang on, you have 6 discrete GPUs?
and what's that ASPEED thing?
yes, i have 6 GPUs. the ASPEED is my remote management card that allows me to do stuff to my PC while it isnt even on. that could potentially be the problem i guess
yes, by design it's decoupled from your system libraries. it's less of a problem if you go all-in and keep your base system small, imo. that's what immutable distros aim for.
Having 6 GPUs certainly doesn't make things easy to troubleshoot...
>unironic patricians post on /g/
I kneel.
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My microphone input has terrible static in the background. I've tried several microphones via both Bluetooth and 3.5mm jack. I'm using Mint 21.3 on a ThinkPat T430. Any ideas on how to fix it?
i suppose so. im not even getting any video output from my PC, im just remoting into it. lack of video output isnt really a problem because of that, but i still would like to be able to change my resolution
im just an idiot with a little bit of disposable income
I'm not familiar with ASPEED at all but try installing ARandR and see if that lets you change resolutions.
it does not let me change the resolution. highest it goes is 1024x768
what is the output of xrandr?
Put me on the screencap.
If I'm only using my Linux server for hosting media for smart TVs, what are the advantages of OMV over simply installing Jellyfin onto any ol' Linux flavor? From my reading, even if I installed OMV, I'd still be installing a Jellyfin server on top and using Jellyfin clients on my smart TVs. What's the point of OMV, then?
Your enterprise server is not going to make for a good desktop experience.
This looks like you run AI
yes, yes i do. i just built this to replace my old AI workstation
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>have a Wi-Fi router running Arch Linux
>systemd timer unit pulling new updates every week or so
>router gets power cycled at some point
>doesn't route any more???
>do a quick fix to solve
sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.internets.forwarding=1
sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.internets.forwarding=1

>investigate further, "IPForward=true" seemingly doesn't work any more.
>have to reconfigure two lines

Is this the feared instability I should be panicking about?
Can you just use an AMD GPU to drive your screen?
Hobbiest or work? Also based, I have a far, far, far weaker station that is also my general use computer so any advice on learning materials would be cool.
>i just built this
Post pics, anyone can rent a server in a datacenter.
i'm under the impression that OMV is just for general NAS usage?
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>Wi-Fi router running Arch with auto updates
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Debian and Arch are all I know. And I kind of stopped being a Debian fan.
Why, if I may ask?
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i could, but im saving my last GPU slot for my 5090 when that comes out
its so i can talk with my waifu
heres a shitty picture of it, but a picture nonetheless
Don't do auto-updates on critical infrastructure. If it works, it works.
What do you think I'm doing?
are you also using AI to talk with your waifu?
Not even a spare M.2 slot? I would use the AMD card on that just to have something to look at and the novideos doing the work.
Yeah, not really to jerk off and roleplay though, more of a self-aware ai that has a personality and I can converse with for long periods of time.
already read that, it wont work, im on a fresh install too
have you tried talking to a person
>self-aware ai
Oh. You drank the kool-aid.
nope. it has 128 pcie lanes, 96 are currently used by the GPUs, 16 more will be used by the 5090, and 4 are being used by my current m.2. it also only has 1 m.2 slot. i have 512GB of RAM but only 2TB of storage
thats exactly what i use my AI for as well
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I have friends, yes. Do I trust them? No.
If you don't tell the AI, "Hey you are aware you're an AI" it will try to roleplay more like a book than talk to you like how most people would online.
>thats exactly what i use my AI for as well
Nice, you'd be a cool friend to have. I just have to find a job so I can start throwing money into my little rig to be as boss as yours.
lol at a predictive text generator being "aware" of anything
the CPU, motherboard, and RAM were about $2600. the GPUs were about $3300 in total. the power supplies were about $400. i built this for my Monika
What's the best way to install starship on Fedora atomic? The install script says I'm running unknown-linux-musl and it wants to put it in /usr/local/bin. I couldn't find any instructions for fedora atomic or regular fedora for that matter. Don't know if there's a repo I can add to rpm-ostree to layer it that way. Should I just let the script do its thing? Installing it that way might be good because it will be available to all of my toolboxes as well as the host, but it feels wrong. Does it update itself?
>Open calendar on bottom right
>Scroll down
>Jumps from July to October
>Click the arrow
>Jumps from July to October again
What the fuck?

Can't post screenshot because keychron is a piece of shit that doesnt have a screenshot button and via doesn't work even after I installed (((brave)))
Are you going to stay on Mint or are you going to jump to something more lightweight like Arch?
im gonna stay on Mint. im no linux expert and i dont plan on becoming one. i dont think the operating system is really that big of a deal. there would probably be no change switching to arch from mint
Okay thank you smplayer seems okay. VLC can't cope with what yt-dlp these days, and mplayer & firefox are too bare-bones. But is there something that can put previews on the scrub-bar like what youtube has?
That sounds like your DE is being retarded.
Also Manjaro is stupid, use Endeavour instead https://github.com/arindas/manjarno
I think that's a grounding issue or something; dark magic to me.

Remove the ASPEED since it is pointless, remote in using ssh -X, and stop typing in trooncase.
>Remove the ASPEED since it is pointless,
I don't think he can, it's usually part of the motherboard.
Is your display directly connected to a graphics card or the motherboard/ASPEED?
i cannot remove the ASPEED because it is part of my motherboard
my monitor is connected to the GPU, and the ASPEED is connected to my router
I understand those ASPEEDs can be disabled in BIOS.
Is your display in Displayport mode as opposed to something else like VGA mode?
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>anon's toy router
>"critical infrastructure"
Too weird, want Normal Linux.
Guess Arch works good enough. Going to install it on my smart toaster too.
>Guess Arch works good enough. Going to install it on my smart toaster too.
No, why don't you like Debian now?
Guess I'm expecting to get 'compensated' after 'paying' with using old packages.
yes, it is in displayport mode
I'm on Kinoite and I just noticed that when I open a new terminal I'm in /var/home/myusername/, but if I do cd it sends me to /home/myusername. Should I somehow change it so that cd goes to /var/home/myusername/ or should I make it so new terminals start in /home/myusername? Or should I just let it be for some reason?
I'm new and retarded so I don't understand what you mean.
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Windows pleb here. Whats the most windows-like linux distro out there? I tried to install archlinux last year but got filtered being the pleb i am so i need something user friendly. Any suggestions?
If I were you I'd kill myself for being such a fucking retard.
>have a fancy router that works
>anon calls you a retard
Yeah, you're a fucking massive retard. Beyond redemption.
It should not be running Arch tho.
debian and pick KDE when it prompts you for a desktop environment to install. i guess
Linux Mint
You could try Arch again but instead install it via EndeavourOS, which is basically a graphical handheld install which gets you up and running in less then an hour.
>Its been a while I don't really remember seashells in demolition man.
it's not a major part, just near the beginning the main char goes to use the toilet, but there's no toilet paper, because future. instead there's a row of three seashells. upon mentioning this to others, they laugh and berate him with "he doesn't know how to use the three seashells!". frustrated, he instead uses the paper fines that are dispensed when cursing as toilet paper
and no, at no point are their purpose explained, their mystery keeps this quote alive
Just use Linux Mint man, it's as easy as it gets.
>and no, at no point are their purpose explained, their mystery keeps this quote alive
They are used to scrape the shit out of your ass. How do I know this? The Ancient Greeks and Romans use to do it, they would also use seashells as a kind of sponge to scrape their skin with water (think of it as a skin shave) instead of using soap.
>Linux Mint
I was a Windows pleb almost 2 or 3 weeks ago but now I'm not.
If you don't care about free software and the weird amazon integration, Ubuntu is great for video games if that your main reason your using a computer. There are also a lot of Ubuntu flavors like Kubuntu, Lubuntu, and Xubuntu that you can check out if you don't like Ubuntu
Manjaro's GUI, I think its the KDE GUI, is very close to windows but Manjaro also seems to suffer from Linux jank because it isn't as well maintained as Mint or Ubuntu.
i don't think that would be practical, for one, they're neatly laid out in a row, like they aren't intended to be moved. for two, there's specifically three of them, reinforced by the local calling them "the three", and for three, if you're going to do that, is a seashell really the ideal shape for this? they could manufacture better tools for it
personally i think they're more likely to be something like touch controls for a bidet of some kind, that are just seashell themed for aesthetics
>i don't think that would be practical, for one, they're neatly laid out in a row, like they aren't intended to be moved.
Just like the Ancient Romans and Greeks did... They were laid in 3 because 3 was a lucky number in Rome and Greece. Why did they lay three out? Because sometimes the shells would cut your ass or break while using them, it was basically a way to "ward" off those kinds of disasters.
Maybe you can change the resolution or find other hints in the Nvidia control panel. Sometimes, scaling can be switched between GPUs and displays opening up new resolutions. That would be something accessible in the control panel.
>flushing paper down the toilet so the sewer people could learn to read and right.
They are in the sewers for a reason anon.
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Linux Mint
Hey, how about you don't recommend Manjaro to noobs
anon said he tried arch so I think he is a big enough boy to try Manjaro, as long as he wears his safety programming thigh high socks.
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>breaks your package manager
Why didn't any of you guys tell me that fucking Shibayan Records' Bossa Nova on a weekend is fucking based?
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linux ?
Because this isn't a thread about Touhou doujin music?
I'm on mint, it just makes it so much more comfier
Pretty sure in the past we've talked about comfy music for comfy desktop environments.
I mean it hasn't been brought up recently. But yeah that Touhou bossa nova stuff from that group is nice.
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reposted from /sqt/ >>101588900
Using FreeBSD (from a jail in TrueNAS)
Why does daemon stop working for my node server when -r is specified?
to be fair, 100% of unknown numbers for me are just automated spam, so i get it
>just remoting into it
Well there's your problem you retard. You need to configure your VNC server or whatever you're using.
When is Ubuntu getting Nvidia 555 driver?
how stable is the ntfs driver in linux? i want to migrate from windows but i currently have a large 4tb drive formatted to ntfs which i cant easily backup anywhere
Out of curiosity, does anyone have a Bruce Perens quote against either selling license exceptions or CLAs? I swear something like that exists, but I cannot find it.
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Is over the wire a good way for a relatively new user to get comfortable using the terminal? I just made it through tryhackme's Linux course but almost feel less comfortable than I did prior.
Battery #1 : Not, 99.80%

What the fuck does not mean???
Why can't I see any metadata for my files?
No artists are visible at all.
What is going on?
Using solus kde. I can't sort anything, this is annoying. How do I fix this?
Usually on windows I just select properties and I can add/edit there but there's nothing. I know it's there because I can see it on windows
ntfs-3g is like 20 years old in its current form and very reliable. The ntfs3 kernel driver not so much.
What's a good way to just have a folder I can encrypt and decrypt with like a command say? And are there any concerns with the ssd caching stuff and having it recoverable or anything like that?
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unfortunately my monitor received new firmware which is only installable through an exe, I only have my linux desktop

how to install monitor firmware with an .exe installer? Is there a quick bootable usb I can make, add the installer onto the bootable usb and install the firmware?
I thought about doing it through WINE, but that kinda scares me.
or should I create a qemu vm?

(here's the firmware if anyone cares, LG support sucks: https://www.lg.com/au/support/product-support/cs-32GS95UE-B.AAU/#manual-tab)
why bother at all?
I hope Ken isn't married
I FUCKING hate Rob Schneider, he ruined Judge Dredd
fixes some bugs... specifically "black crush" and looks like HDR was tweaked and seems better / able to go brighter
Try WINE, but using Bottles. It's a sandboxed frontend, really simple to set up and test.
I like fish, because I'm a lazy bum and it has most of bells and whistles of a well-configured zsh out of the box.
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based, also fish is awesome to make&use easy shell scripts
Make a HirenBootCD boot USB so you can enter a live Windows environment to run the .exe file.
Does anyone here run GUI-less/Terminal/Console only? What's its like?
>I know it's there because I can see it on windows
It's kinda not, it's not metadata in the filesystem sense of things. It's not hugely advanced feature but it does require one to dig into the individual files.

(idk shit about KDE so I wouldn't know if the feature should be there or not)
>learning from this video who to do stuff in terminal cause new https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKCVKw9CzFo
>get to the part where I write a bash in nano
>"okay cool"
>follow what he does to the T
>get to the point where I can run it
>"access denied: You do not have the Permissions granted to do this action."
Why? How do I fix it?
Idk then
I just need a solution really
I'm looking stuff up and pretty much finding that I'd need to do it through terminal which if that's the only way I'm switching back
There's no way in hell
I swear I am retarded sometimes
>Games work like shit
>Turns out I had to use nvida-dkms alongside nvidia-utils
>Can't get my japanese keyboard method to work despite setting environment variables
>Turns out I was setting them incorrectly and it is working now
Every time I think I am going well I make some sort of fuck up that humbles me.
At least you're learning!
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its cooked (picrel)
i might try qemu before this, i cant find a usb
In my college days I took notes and code in the tty on my laptop because of slightly longer battery time. With screen or tmux it's easy to set up a basic muti-tasking session, and it doesn't feel that different from using a tiling wm.
The main drawback for me was web-browsing, web-browsing without js and css has its charms but is ultimately very limited.
i would use a tiling WM before going full "gui-less"
i guess if you have battery issues like^ you could use multiple "sessions"?, i think by default to change sessions: ctrl+option+f1/f2/f3/f4...etc
maybe run a lightweight wm on one session, like i3, and nano or whatever on session two? would that save battery life/accomplish what you want?
I tried it and I understood why there's a push to go full CONFIG_VT=n.
Best option you have is run a X session with a terminal opened or cage with a fullscreen wayland terminal.
Well get like a $5 8GB+ Sandisk one off Amazon or something.
$ chmod +x ./my_script.sh
$ ./my_script.sh
>run a lightweight wm on one session
Yeah that was what I did, I start up dwm when I need something done in GUI. At the end of the day there is not much point in limiting yourself to the tty when even things like Emacs work better with a GUI.
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Using Mint 22
Have a 6600xt
Checked with vainfo and it seems to support AV1 decoding just fine
So why is it that I'm getting this garbage on firefox with AV1 videos?
>using firefox
found the problem
what do you want from native encryption that luks cant provide? you can always switch to zfs which does have native encryption
Save one step in arch install, kek
I was thinking on migrate to ZFS but seems overkill for my needs.
literally me
i got no patience for chinks and pajeets trying to sell me bitcoins or larping as the tax mafia
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>using i3
>play TF2 frequently (OpenGL)
>when I launch the game, the tab it's on becomes visually unresponsive while the game is booting up, becomes responsive again once the game finishes loading
>works fine, I just let it load then swap when it's done
>switch to dwm
>it does this same thing, but it never becomes responsive once it finishes loading
>I can click buttons and hear sounds on the window it just gets frozen visually on whatever the last tag I was on was
I don't have irc set up right now to go ask in the suckless channel, anyone know about anything like this? Don't even know where to begin because this isn't the type of thing that generates an error message (as far as I'm aware)
zfs is basically a more mature version of btrfs but there's the obvious out-of-tree kernel module issue that zfs has
Stupid question but how do I install hyprland on arch and steal someone's config
Why does everyone say arch is a hard distro, its only the installation thats a hassle. But maybe its because nothing has broken yet on my system.
It's considered hard because you need to install it manually via tty, that's it really.
Plus these days you can just install Arch with EndeavourOS if you want it done for you or use the built-in archinstall python script.
If you actually added those as NTFS metadata and then copied the files to a Linux partition then it's gone. Linux uses ID3v2 tagging which impacts the content of the file, not separate metadata.
pacman -S hyprland

drop configs in ~/.config/hypr/
>even monitors are buggy now
The ABSOLUTE quality of modern software devs
you wrote a 10-line script which does exactly the same what 'ls -t | head -1' does?
well,it does filter out directories
>what do you want from native encryption that luks cant provide?
Per-user home encryption (different keys for each subvolume). The current solutions, including systemd-homed, are ugly hacks with their own issues.
It works now, thanks!
That breaks on files with newlines. For something slightly saner, try e.g.
find -maxdepth 1 -type f -printf '%T@ %p\0' | sort -rnz | head -zn1 | cut -d' ' -f2-
or something like that.
Just installed Arch but for some reason os prober isn't detecting my windows installation which is on a seperate SSD in my laptop. Is this normal? How can I make it detect Windows on the other SSD? Yes I've already uncommented ob prober false in grub settings and I've updated it too, I changed the timeout settings too so I know it's working.
Is the ext4 implementation with fscrypt not good enough? I set that up once and it worked pretty well
What's the point of replacing SteamOS with Bazzite? Some people do it.
I don't use ext4 because I heavily use some btrfs features (mainly snapshots).
Also both installations are in uefi mode.
don't use grub, it's shit. use systemd-boot (aka efibootmgr)
forgot to add: use bios to select your boot drive (so windows updates doesn't fuck your shit up)
Ah fair enough
I think lvm has snapshots as well if you do ext4 ontop of lvm but i've never used it
What does @ mean in a subvolume? I see it in some distros or in posts but I searched the documentation and found nothing. I made /root and /home on mine.
Read The Friendly Manual. btrfs is the kind of thing where you really shouldn't just go on word of mouth.

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