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>having users from China and the rest of Asia downloading from you as much as they want, eating up your bandwidth like a parasite
>new clients popping up every year that are designed to stream from you and never seed, connecting to you over and over like you are their personal Netflix
>cucking yourself by seeding for free out in the open to anybody in the world
>there is no privacy unless you pay extra for a VPN
>very little quality control and poor search results due to sites that just have to stay up and show you ads
>public sites have incentive to only carry popular content to drive traffic so capeshit is favored while kino is ignored
>no incentive to keep seeding because of malicious actors or copyright scum that scare people off from seeding
Why do you still use public torrents?
The best way to torrent is privately with people who can't exploit your altruism.
>he thinks average torrent enjoyer leaves them to seed, these days or ever.
how can people be this out of touch?
>>having users from China and the rest of Asia downloading from you as much as they want, eating up your bandwidth like a parasite
>>new clients popping up every year that are designed to stream from you and never seed, connecting to you over and over like you are their personal Netflix
>>cucking yourself by seeding for free out in the open to anybody in the world
many algos deprioritize these and different clients ban them outright, not a problem
>>there is no privacy unless you pay extra for a VPN
unless you live in a globohomo shithole nothing is gonna happen from anyone knowing your ip in the swarm
and i2p solves this anyway
>>very little quality control and poor search results due to sites that just have to stay up and show you ads
>public sites have incentive to only carry popular content to drive traffic so capeshit is favored while kino is ignored
DHT and DHT crawlers solve this to a large extent, feel free to contribute your own ranking algorithm to make searching crawled local DHT torrents easier https://github.com/bitmagnet-io/bitmagnet
>>no incentive to keep seeding because of malicious actors or copyright scum that scare people off from seeding
if this was true torrents wouldnt exist, you seed because you're White (above 80iq), because you understand that sharing information online in a decentralized non-censorable way is a moral requirement, especially given that its basically free to do to anyone without datacaps (again, non shithole globohomo HQ countries)
>no incentive to keep seeding
There's never been an incentive to keep seeding, has there?
>There's never been an incentive to keep seeding, has there?
for public, it's just altruism
post hand
we need to fix this with a blockchain, I'll get back to you with the logo and ICO!
I live in first world, abundant in respurces, my home connection is 10 gigabit and symmetric, I don't limit my torrent traffic and don't even notice if someone is leeching.
Lmao shut up pajeet
post internet speed and post hand
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Now let's see your torrent client stats
all of these are American-only issues lmao. no wonder they congregate in private trackers full of trannies
>under 1Gbit
yeah I've seen enough
Why do you think I need more? I am happy with my download speeds and Asian peering is shit so it doesn't really matter how fast I upload. If I was feeding public tracker freeloaders it would probably get used but I won't ever do that.
The real question is why aren't hdds cheaper, they've been around forever and a day.
Are you really telling me making a 20tb disk makes it cost 500 euro?
When will the day come for 100 euro 20-30tb hdds?
Fucking kikes.
Don't care, haven't touched public shitters in like a decade
I think it's going strong. I don't know what you're smoking
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Ran the speedtest again and fared a bit better. I pay for 600mbit but over-provisioning means I can actually get closer to 700mbit in some cases. Multithreaded usenet downloads are where I usually hit those speeds.
Too much demand. Too little supply.
>having users from China and the rest of Asia downloading from you as much as they want, eating up your bandwidth like a parasite
Block china like everyone else?
>new clients popping up every year that are designed to stream from you and never seed, connecting to you over and over like you are their personal Netflix
Everyone uses qBittorrent, you can just block certain clients.
>cucking yourself by seeding for free out in the open to anybody in the world
You're not seeding for free you're doing your part to keep what you downloaded alive. That's like saying paying money for food is cucked.
>there is no privacy unless you pay extra for a VPN
>very little quality control and poor search results due to sites that just have to stay up and show you ads
What is uBlock?
>public sites have incentive to only carry popular content to drive traffic so capeshit is favored while kino is ignored
If you know where to look you will always find what you're looking for
>no incentive to keep seeding because of malicious actors or copyright scum that scare people off from seeding

Imagine getting filtered by torrents.
Fuck off shill I'm not going to pay for a Cuckflix subscription.
yeah, fuck circlejerks man
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My ISP somewhat limits p2p traffic, my HDD struggles to stay alive, and I hope a stranger enjoys strat games as much as I do.
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>10 gigabit
I haven't used public torrents in over a decade. Just grow up and it won't be a problem anon
I never said I have 10 gigabit that other faggot did.
My VPN doesn't allow seeding so i only leech. How do I get around this? I don't want to rent a seed box.
I forgot to add, I'm white and hetero BTW, if that matters.
I thought torrents died in like 2010
lmao who the fuck still uses torrents to pirate
this is like finding out people still listen to music on tape
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I download exclusively from public trackers.
I also remux my remuxes to remove any languages that aren't English, redundant subtitles and the "title" information so I don't see any ugly scene release tags. For example, why would I want to see "SCENT.OF.A.WOMAN-(1992)-4K_BD-UHD-reMUX_.SWEATYBALLS-FAGGOT" every time I play my movie? I simply rename it to "Scent of a Woman (1992)"
Naturally, this changes the file so I not only REFUSE to seed, I physically can't!
Buy a VPN service that isn't shit.

What did you think we switched to, paying to stream capeshit? Of course we torrent.
I leave my torrents to seed because I have a lot of rare movies and sample libraries. Good stuff that I hope survives.
Piracy is still active, it's just been pushed underground ever.
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I'm doing my part
I do that
All this schizobabble just to admit you're a total newfag. All of those issues have been part and parcel of torrenting since torrenting was a thing. Torrenting isn't like your gay little private trackers that make you go through interviews like you're trying to get a job and will oust you if you don't give a perfect 1:1 seed:leech ratio. There have always been and always will be people who download the shit they want to download and shut it off after they get what they want. None of this is new.
it's doomed because there's nothing worth torrenting, aside from linux isos
fuck up private troon
ain't nobody torrenting from china
>Naturally, this changes the file so I not only REFUSE to seed, I physically can't
You still can, dimwit. Jezz, g/ niggers are so inept these days
Piracy is about sharing and independence, Jamal. You wouldn't understand. That's OK but please stop pretending you have thoughts about this topic.
I'm not sharing with you if I get nothing out of it. I only share with people who also share.
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I'm not using my upload bandwidth for anything else, so I don't give a fuck.
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>the only two options are 20 year old torrents and paying to stream
are you amish
Who cares how old the torrent protocol is? HTTP and web browsers are older but we still use this website. Free pirate streaming has dogshit quality. It's for retarded zoomers who don't understand how a file system works.
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Please enlighten me how it's possible to seed the same file after changing the FILE HASH by removing tracks from the .mkv, thus changing it into a different file from the original torrent.
You better not have just completely misread my post and thought I was just talking about renaming the file. That would be embarrassing,
Since I use private trackers my mkvs don't come with bloat audio tracks. I never need to do anything except watch them.
Which VPN allows torrent uploads?
Pretty much all of them. For the best results find one with port forwarding.
>>having users from China and the rest of Asia downloading from you as much as they want,
Ok? The point is to share files so there is a decentralized archive and they can be reposted? If you are running a torrent you want people to download it so it's out there, the more copies the better at any cost

>next day check email
>a bunch of dmca notifications
>decide to use a vpn next time
>download speed is slow as fuck

this makes public torrenting not even worth it
the faggot who invented torrenting made it so everyone can see your ip address
even soulseek is built that way. everyone you are downloading from can see your ip address
why did they include this when they built it?
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>people now can see my entire contents of pc if they have my ip adress which they wouldnt if i didnt seed because i have dynamic ip
Yeah fuck that and fuck whoever made those public spy websites
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What's the alternative? Private trackers that don't want me? I'm not going to suck your cock just to get into your secret club, make it easier to get into private trackers if you really want to change things.
i want a completely anonymous filesharing alternative where no one can see my ip address
when you use a vpn you pay for you are not completely anonymous either because the vpn has your information which they use to charge you for their services
they have their debit card/credit card information
have your debit*
airvpn gives you like 30mb/s which is pretty slow but I usually prepare a list and just download everything for 3 days. buying a month worth of vpn is better value but some vpn's make google unusable and I can't in 4chan because some anon used the vpn.
So not using the vpn is ideal, but I think I could use a VM to do all the torrenting if I wanted to.
I mostly download hentai games and the site just uses multipart links which has like 5 popup ads per link (noscript helps), older hentai games need to be torrented (but it's not like anyone is tracking them). some games on fitgirl / etc have web links as well.
It literally cost me nothing. The remaining bandwidth usage is minimal on my server.
>retarded zoom zooms that literally do nor understand how the internet works
Let me guess you are also the kind of person that is scared of opening le spooky URLs?
i have no problem clicking on urls because nothing has happened as a result of clicking on urls
when i torrent without a vpn i get dmca notifications. that's the difference

when i download a movie i just download from a streaming site. the streaming site videos are usually rarbg rips
i was sent over 100 dmca notifications before i realized they were sending them to me
i am never check my email
nothing happened. all they do is threaten to shut your internet off if you don't stop
i never check my email*
I have surfshark, but it doesn't allow it or I'm not using it correctly. Any reccomendations of /g/ approved VPN for torrent seeding?
I'm angry because I'm only seeding on public trackers. I'm in a few private ones but I almost never see my ratio go up on torrents downloaded from public trackers. Feels like I'm not doing anything meanwhile on public trackers I know someone who likes the same stuff as I do will enjoy something I am sharing
he's a retard doing it to subtitles, not audio. probably out of some latent insecurity from being an EOP angloid or something equally stupid.
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I do the needful
I'd put up with seedboxes if they all didn't glow brighter than the fucking sun.
>teehee give us your identity or pay with bitcoin or eth tied to your identity
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There's only 3 major HDD manufacturers left, so not much competition to drive prices down. The HDD market is much smoler than it used to be (pic related).
Also, drives with hueg double-digit TB capacities are business / prosumer products, which can affect prices.
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Should I buy a cheap Raspberry and use a spare drive to set up my own seedbox or should I just rent a virtual one? I was already thinking about just setting up a Jellyfin server so I can stream to my TV but thought a seedbox might be a better solution
shill me on usenet, i got a subscription once, but couldn't find anything useful not already found by bitmagnet
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Yeah, still not going to open a port for Qbittorrent on my PC that has all my critical files.
What's wrong with poor asians downloading from you? if you're a whitoid from the first world you should put up the money for Netflix and maybe even do some of the cracking. you filthy disgusting fucking retard
It's been going on for 30 years, only complete retards pay for metered connections, seeding doesn't cost you a dime, VPNs solved the naked IP issue decades ago, use better trackers, you stupid fuck.
Oh boy, you guys, the OP is correct. this newfangled bittorrent protocol will never take off!
because they don't share
you can even rate limit it. OP is a bot.
We don't need lazy pajeets. Only white people
Build a home server then. What are you a techlet?
>muh upload
>muh clusterniggers
Most provide gibs for uptime not just ratio. It's not hard if you aren't some hoarding weirdo.
I'd rather read a book than have to play esoteric ingroup faggotry for autistic trannies
>step one to using private trackers is don't actually download anything
Remind me why I should put up with secrit club bullshit again?
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>We don't need lazy pajeets
This implies that the parameters that grants you access to the secret club are meritocratic but they are not, it's all about knowing someone or being early, I could be the most motivated person to contribute ever but it doesn't matter because I was late. This kind of autistic gatekeeping is harmful and will be the end of private trackers in the future, I unironically think public trackers will outlive them.
Yeah. Let me rephrase it. I only need very little bandwidth for my own use so it's not a problem to use the rest for seeding.
Once you stop caring about normieslop, this becomes a non issue. Television is fucking garbage, movies are garbage, modern games are garbage. etc. All of these things are programming you to be NPC brained. It's not entertainment, it's brainwashing propaganda to normalize filth and degeneracy, demoralize your spirit and make you feel powerless.
Incredibly based takes. No reason to torrent these days
>public tracker barrier to entry
>being able to use any search engine
>private tracker barrier to entry
>here's your 16 hour guide to prepare for the invitation interview but don't worry you can also buy an invite or wait for open sign ups on a literal who tracker with three torrents
at this rate usenet is going to outlive private trackers by probably decades at the minimum
New private trackers are made every week, they are not going anywhere anytime. Invites are only a problem if you are a loser and don't have friends. If you don't deep dive in obscure media for your niche you don't need them, if you do you probably talk with other people who are also passionate and they will invite you. It's not rocket science unless you are autistic. I always laugh when people tell me they actually interview and shit to get in.
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>Invites are only a problem if you are a loser and don't have friends
>It's not rocket science unless you are autistic
Do you even know where you are?
Yes, same place as you. If I can anyone can, lame excuses are for the weak.
get a different VPN. AirVPN is cheap and gives you port forwarding. wait for their black friday sale and it is $2/mo or something like that. they are not great for web browsing though.
My client for public torrents blocks people from China and all those cheating clients
I will never ever start with the sekrit club bullshit. I will not register. I will not beg for access. I will not be waiting when registrations are open. I will not seed the way you want me to seed. I will download what I want, when I want, how I want and no one will tell me what I can or can't do. Not ISP, not the content owner, not the government and least of all not some power tripping assholes running some shitty tracker or website that expect me to do this and that. I will always use the site that just let's me click the magnet link button and download my slop and add expect nothing in return. I will rather pay for the content than start to olay by your bullshit rules. Fuck you.
pay in crypto. get a prepaid credit card.
there are zero documented instances of anti-piracy faggots busting a VPN. except one where some guy registered with firstname.lastname@gmail.com on yts.mx. so don't do that.
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>publicplebs coping
you don't need a secret club to have a good time. TL meets >95% of needs of >99% of people.
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>seeders complaining about being used for someone else's benefit
yes that's what you signed up for when you chose to be my personal warez-cow in the first place. Now stfu while I abuse your little bandwidth-hole
>t. thousands of gigs leeched, 0 seeded
>PTP: now with 200k Tubi rips of your Bollywood favorites!
thank you, come again!
Minute to minute seeding was never the problem, it's the persistence and longevity of a torrent over long periods of time.
You don't need TL or any private tracker if all you watch is mainstream crap.
only if you don't care about download speeds. TL has a leg up on that. also see >>102130158
based. I would rather pay to pirate than give my personal info and dignity to some sweat stain lard tard to share and giggle about with his IRC buddies. Imagine having quotas and ratio requirements as a FREE MAN browsing GOD'S INTERNET? It'd be like living in yurop.
You make a new torrent, nigger
like, have you not heard of i2p and retroshare?
because napster is whiteness
This to be desu
It's great as long as you don't pay for anything. Stolen API keys and accounts are what I use. I could get everything on there from my private torrent trackers but it downloads faster with no need to seed.
It's not like anything you would actually want to watch will be missing.
Just ignore it
If you leave your client running when you go to bed, ratios are literally impossible to miss.
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>anime private tracker doesn't allow uploading magazines and raw manga
>why is that I wonder
>search for this on the forum
>these have been requested for several years, lots of people said they wanted it
>trannies explicitly say they won't allow it because they say it would make it TOO EASY FOR PEOPLE TO GAIN RANKS BY UPLOADING
Private trackers are beyond ridiculous. They are playgrounds for discord mod tier powertripping faggots.
I don't believe that graph, it can't be that low
My friend gave me a seedbox slot for free for almost a whole year. I have a good ratio on pretty much every tracker now.
The only site I don't have a over 1 on is RED because limited freeleech + seedbox competition on my home network internet, but at the same time it's still 0.8 so I'm golden. If I upload like 5 more albums I'd get an EZ GG but I don't have much music
Same. You can just rip shit off Deezer and upload it, see https://rentry.org/firehawk52 but I'm probably going to end up paying for a racing seedbox to get my ratio up on RED. I care about obscure music and download a lot of it. It will be cheaper than buying it off bandcamp or buying vinyl.
I might just do like the $5 donation, or just start buying music with money.
Some music is hard to buy though, it doesn't really exist outside of music trackers, so I'm not gonna let my account go dead
I'm doing my part as well
>raw manga
Which shitholes are you on? They are allowed on AB
Oh I think raw manga is allowed but nobody uploads them.
Magazines are not allowed however. And that's pretty fucking bad because zip sites go down eventually and the content becomes unobtainium, if it was uploaded at all.
I think raw games aren't allowed either if they don't have an English version at all, with some weird exceptions but don't quote me on that.
Do you have the fully restored metropolis?
That's not rare.
Yes it is. There are 2 versions the reconstruction from the Brazil footage, and the fully restored version from a full copy they found about 5/6 years ago.
it's not. just type "metropolis 2010" in any public tracker
>Seeding is bad
Do you have limited bandwitdh or something in your third world country?
Seeding costs me nothing, i really don't see the problem
Why should I give away the bandwidth I pay for to a bunch of freeloaders who aren't going to seed once they get it? Fuck even letting my drives spin up for these parasites.
So you become the person you despise, nice.
>the bandwidth I pay for
So you do live in a shithole with data caps... sad.
I have uncapped internet and 600mbit upload speed. I only use private trackers because I only want to share with other people who are also sharing. I get a better selection of content with more seeds. I download at faster speeds because I'm not relying on 2 or 3 people who are also seeding more than 100 other torrents and having their connection raped day and night. I'm not trying to be that guy.
>Why do you still use public torrents?
Works for me tho if you live in globohomo territory you should probably not use torrent bareback
i2p is the future
also nice DRM shillpost
>being a seedcuck
I bet you give money to the homeless too, you humongous faggot.
Why should any of that matter when I still get the content I want in a reasonable time with little to no effort?
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I only seed on private trackers which means I'm rarely uploading and only the worthy few can connect to me. Freeloaders will never get a damn thing from me.
>raw games aren't allowed either
They are and many, are you even there? That's like the biggest appeal of AB, to be able to find raw shit that's dead everywhere else.
Cry more, freeloader.
There's nothing to cry about. I have access to the largest catalogs of well seeded content.
And yet you're still acting like a whiny cunt.
>you seed because you're White (above 80iq), because you understand that sharing information online in a decentralized non-censorable way is a moral requirement, especially given that its basically free to do to anyone without datacaps (again, non shithole globohomo HQ countries)
Because I won't give anything to the public tracker peasants? Whatever you say anon.
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Because you're whining about it.
Lmao I'm not though. I'm happy with this situation. If you think otherwise feel free to fuck off.
The existence of this thread says otherwise.
exactly. private trackers are functional MLMs where supply is constricted into basically zero growth despite demand, which becomes negative growth if you consider that many become dispassionate with the topic of the tracker yet still maintain their status out of sunk cost. it then forces monopolistic behavior by way of enforced exclusivity (ie. with punishment) and cabal behavior / incest (invites based on credentials from other cliques). both factors work together to choke out the entire higher quality piracy scene and has stagnated it for a dozen years. worse if you considered the deteriorating scene culture.
I would never want to discuss what I like with anyone else. people are invariably retarded and I don't care for coming to compromises on the things I care for the most.
I didn't make the thread. I do agree with OP that private trackers are the superior option.
seed what you want to preserve and everything will be okay.
>seed what you want to preserve and everything will be okay.
The fact is that private trackers do a better job of preserving content that public trackers do and that's why I only seed on private trackers.
We have what we need on the private trackers already. If you were some kind of missing link you would probably have friends who you exchange things with who could invite you in. I did not need to bother with recruitment or other BS, my friends invited me. I have a good reputation with all of my friends for sharing all kinds of things with them so they see me as the right type of guy to invite to a private tracker.

Having had experience with both the scene and private trackers I disagree with what you are saying a lot. There are problems with private trackers but they're not quite what you are thinking. Let's say I buy a rare bluray disc and upload it. Is it fair that 10 seedboxes jump onto the swarm and many of them get more upload than I did for providing some fresh new content with my own money? I don't care about how the private trackers operate or the culture of exclusivity, besides thinking it's dumb to try to stop people from leaking content posted on them. I do feel that any effort you put in should be rewarded fairly though and just how much you upload shouldn't be the only thing that's taken into account, it should also be what you upload. A cheap shared seedbox slot will reward you more on trackers than providing new content. In a scene group if you're providing new content you are treated to leech slots.
sure. preserving content so that their little inner circle of autistic trannies can exclusively access it. bleh. the spirit of piracy is the unstoppable and ungovernable transfer and distribution of highly accessible digital information. private trackers are in complete opposition to this. the only difference between them and the RIAA is that they're free sometimes.
Most of what is on public trackers comes from private ones anyway. You faggots just don't keep it seeded.
what have you "disagreed with", nigger? you haven't listed a single argument yet you went off on a tangent about the obvious: that the troon elites disregard quality uploaders. that has no bearing on the exclusivity of the files to the ingroup, which itself has naturally become the main incentive for uploaders, the same way an unpaid janitor gets paid in worship and powertrips.
There are more than enough quality uploads so what do I care? When I buy something I share it with the same community I already took so much from. It's not the most fair system possible but it's better than nearly every other option.
we'd all be better off if the autists just seeded public torrents instead of thinking that being in private trackers makes them cooler.
the system itself is fucked, midwit. what you do to cope with it is entirely irrelevant to the discussion. that's like saying it's okay to squat because rent is too damn high. I'm still not going to live out of an office turned rat's nest where I sleep where I shit.
there is no inherent mechanism to guarantee the longevity of private torrents, btw. it only comes as a result of more eyes on the same set of data. in theory, a well curated public tracker could fare just as well. not saying that's the solution I'd go with, when I have better ones in mind.
Public shitters already had rarbg feeding them everything from private trackers? What did they do with it? Keep the 1-2gb transcodes well seeded and let the high quality files die. The people on private trackers have a different set of interests. They're willing to cooperate to make a shared goal a success. They want high quality files and rare content. They are willing to keep it seeded to maintain access to it. This thread is filled with public tracker users who insist you're a cuck if you seed. They scoff at your generosity if you provide it to them. They don't care how shitty they make it for everyone else, themselves included because their mentality is that of the whole herd. Your faggot libertarian idealism won't change that. You can spend your money for seedboxes like rarbg did. You can feed the masses. But they aren't going to do a damn thing for you in return. That's why rarbg doesn't exist now.
rarbg was literally scene-only, retard. it worked great, too. it went down because the retard host wasn't satisfied with the ad money he was getting from that cancer site.
I won't be discussing improvements to longevity here because I intend to keep that to myself. like you do with your gayass files, dirty squatter
They also provided files from various groups that weren't scene but actually originated on private trackers like BTN for example. I highly doubt they paid for a leech slot on a scene site like general trackers do. It was obvious they were just grabbing all the scene releases from private trackers along with selected p2p releases.
it's not raw games, it's doujin games
which is fucking half of vndb, total bullshit
I don't see the difference between getting shit from the source or a private tracker. no comment on the non-scene shit, didn't notice.
the only reason they failed was because rarbg was a for profit venture and it wasn't profitable.
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feels good being white
Difference is how fast you get it. Either way like I said there's nothing to gain in public piracy. You can't feed the plebs without spending money. What's the point? They already got their capeshit. They aren't waiting for you to come save them.
it would have came at no cost to any entity resembling rarbg if the files had been seeded in the public swarm to begin with.
The problem is that nobody wants to seed on public trackers. I bet you don't seed thousands of torrents like many private tracker users do. I personally seed 800 private torrents and I bet you don't even come close to that.
Private trackers basically saved torrents.
you have ggn for that
true, that's half the reason I have GGn on my top 3
even making requests is way better, I put literal terabytes on AB and PTP and I get nothing
on GGn, I put an abysmal coin amount and it gets filled
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This but unironically. We need to tokenize compute, bandwidth and storage. The moment we let thirdies on the internet was the moment we can not longer have a high-trust internet and need to make the rules explicit rather than expecting brownoids to understand altruism..
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I once saw a video about some Private tracker getting taken down. I think it was about music or something. The video made it seem like the Library of Alexandria had burned.

But it made me think, wouldn’t all the torrents still stick around?
Public trackers die and then get spun up again all the time.
So since the private site is gone at that point, wouldn’t people just disclose the addresses? Not like they’d get banned anymore.
Has this happened to any private trackers that have ‘died’?
There’s just no way those torrents disappear into the ether.
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that requires massive coordination amongst the seeders, who have mostly lost their method of communicating and identifying each other. Private trackers of tier 1 size should be building themselves to be redundant in the case of disaster, but they aren't because it's all narcissistic trannies who would rather see it burn than not be in charge anymore.
the most important part is that although they're private, most users are very normal
you have to think of them as normal consumers with their dumb reactions
certain bad torrents won't be deleted because they have lots of seeds, seeds that won't be recouped by simply freeleeching the new one
so, if the private tracker goes down, all of the torrents are bad because they're tied to the domain name
even if you make a new site, most of the content that each user has won't be available soon enough because redownloading and rechecking is mentally expensive on regular users
it takes a pretty long while to get back on top
RED, the successor to WCD that you've mentioned, is huge with 3million music torrents, being far bigger than WCD, but it still doesn't have the entire catalogue that WCD had
This is why private trackers are fucking retarded
It never was about content retention. It's only about stroking the egos of a few trannies
Just donate like 250kb lol
Keep it afloat, that's all you have to do.

But yeah I don't want at&t emailing me so I'll just be leaching in short bursts, I am very sorry.
3/10 bait
>blah blah please use private trackers blah blah
I still won't undertake humiliation ritual with some powertripping janny tranny just to be able to download private torrents, your sekrit clubs full of self-fellating faggots are dying out
dial 8
How do we fix the private tracker cabal tranny problem?
my client is set to seed 0kbps to mutt IPs for this reason.
mutt seeders are retards waiting to be dmca'd, so I'm doing them a favor if their tit for tat decides to ban me. and so the ones still in the swarm must be pure leechers
Speaking of torrents, since I mostly watch stuff on my pc anyway, I might like to move away from an always running radarr/sonarr box. Is there a good alternative approach that would run locally on my pc? Manually searching torrents is not an alternative, I'd like something that will watch for available wanted movies/shows without having to always run, which radarr/sonarr are meant to.
cron the docker containers for those services to run once a day
they are meant to always run because they just fetch an RSS like feed from the trackers. So if you stay offline for too long, it will miss things. And you can't make them do a search for missing shows/movies automatically. So they really are meant to always run.
Well I mean those are raw games. So many doujin games became lost media.
I don't, I don't suck tranny dick.
Sirs pls do the uploading for my fast,,,,.......... i need leech from you
>Public shitters already had rarbg feeding them everything from private trackers?
rarbg only got the popular stuff for them and yes, they never seeded it after a few months. all those hard to find torrents can only be found on the private torrent sites they came from while rarbg is now dead.
if we must strawman some dead websites then how are the torrents on wcd doing? saying red is like saying kat/rut are proper replacements.
you can be an elitist troon all you want, but do not do it under the pretense of it being healthy for piracy overall.
I don't think most enterprise uses HDDs anymore. Most normies also don't.
You literally can, if you want. Just change the name in your torrent client instrad of your file browser. You can also use symlinks back to the original.
True in terms of content archival. PTP is the best film archive in existence as far as I'm aware.
RED has more music than any of your public trackers. Even rutracker which is not technically public. So yeah, you're gay and your public trackers are 99% filled with brown people who won't seed and therefore fail at preserving content.
I know a lot of you guys are into anime and transexual porn but what obscure media are you lot watching? I've never not been able to find a film or series I want to watch on public trackers. Are there some hidden bangers on private torrent sites? Or is it just obscure 70s detective series?
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Average public tracker retard:
>does not seed; deletes torrent when done
>laughs at destroying the network that feeds him; has no sense of responsibility
>cries when he finds that a torrent he wants is no longer seeded; begs private torrent chads to save him
Average private tracker chad:
>always seeds on his own hardware or seedbox whenever he can
>understands that he is doing his part to keep his network going strong
>never has issues finding the content he wants because of like minded bros
>Are there some hidden bangers on private torrent sites?
basically we have most of the content you can't find on public trackers but if you only watch brazzers and transformers movies, you won't care.
my main need that I can't get from normal trackers are just local classics
my country's not big, even the tracker made by and for my country doesn't have most of the movies I wanted
most importantly, these are decade-old uploads of shitty ass movies from a small country with barely 20 snatches that are still alive today
only poos care to get into private trackers. you also did not refute the argument. I'm hoping it's because you forgot to refute it, not because that's your actual argument. I'm not here as a captive audience to your PT advertising so spare me your bullshit.
I'll stop mincing words for a retard like you. red goes down tomorrow and you're SOL with discovery. but in the meantime you won't even grab 0.01% of the network (more like deezer's network) thanks to ratio rules.
>only poos care to get into private trackers.
yet our users are almost all from Western countries.
they got in early before all the restrictions came into play. the only ones trying to get into PTs now are poos.
>the only ones trying to get into PTs now are poos.
poos don't seed, anon. they only try to get in so they can sell accounts. most people trying to get in are White.
Debrid service and download from that. It is like people don’t even understand what the meta is now. A debrid service is all you need.
Private trackers are actual humiliation ritual.
You have to beg for access to get into sekrit clubs and that involves waiting until registrations are open etc.Then you will have to literally seed bullshit all day long "good score" and you can't just go in and download what the hell you want. There are so many fucking rules and regulations and you break even one and you are
I have said it many times and I say it again. I will not register, I will not beg for access. I will download what I want to download, when I want to download and how download. No one tells me what I can or can't do. Not the ISP, not content owner not the government and least of all not some power tripping neckbeards running shitty tracker.
I will not submit to your humiliation rituals in order to download my hollywood slop. I would rather PAY the real content owners than do what you tell me to do.
>in order to download my hollywood slop
at least you're aware
>Private trackers are actual humiliation ritual.
You guys are fucking overdramatic women.
All I did to join was prove I knew how to torrent and I joined all the trackers I wanted. They're just filtering out retards who can't speak english or know how to torrent. Simple as.
I assume you're using ProtonVPN because it's free. If you don't mind Cuckflare farming your data you can use Cloudflare Warp. If you can afford a VPN then Mullvad is the best.
extremely poor logical reasoning if any, but keep telling yourself that
always keep in mind that the ones who got in were not subject to any of this. you're just a sucker if you do.
>always keep in mind that the ones who got in were not subject to any of this. you're just a sucker if you do.
I have 12 private accounts and I did that from having zero accounts a few years ago. It's not hard to join. Anybody can do it. You just have to want it.
I always seed on public trackers. I'm not a bootlicking trannoid seeking approval from sekrit clubs, I love sharing. I am always open on soulseek as well.

/ptg/ is the most pathetic general in existence.
>I love sharing
how many unique content that you paid for did you put on the internet?
It's especially jarring to see hypocrites who got in 8-10 years ago when entry was basically open trying to pretend they are great contributors. Fucking subhuman retards
Well not sure if you can call this paying but I upload my own creations (or stuff I have worked/helped with) on pirate websites or the internet archives. This includes games and music but also art and occasionally research papers.
alright, keep it up
>It's especially jarring to see hypocrites who got in 8-10 years ago when entry was basically open trying to pretend they are great contributors.
I got in just before covid. still was easy to join.
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In america, they -usually- sell upload separately from download. So even if you get the 300mbps package, chances are most of them still only have 10mpbs upload or something low.
Running a seedbox and choking your upload causes the download seem to lag (I'm guessing from requests that use upload).
On top of that, some of these companies sell internet with a data cap plan and they definitely monitor how much internet is being used and sometimes even using 2TB a month causes alarms where they're like "only torrenting uses that much data, we know it's not a combination of streaming, steam, and tiktok because they don't use that much data".
Thing is, I still seed, but it's only a mere 128kbps so I can get around everything. Even then, my little seedbox barely has HDD space to hold every torrent I download.
It just sucks that if you don't download something in time, you might have missed the train. For example, I'm still trying to download barnwood builders since 6 years ago.
They just like to feel unique and special.
If their favorite thing is suddenly easily downloaded from a public tracker it's no longer their favorite but now "slop" only "braindead normies" like.
No, that other thing that nobody watches? oooooh that is so fantastic wow! I am so special and better than other people for watching this obscure crap.
Also I hate 16:9 screens that's normie crap I really want a 160:103 screen but nobody makes 160:103 so I just have to deal with 16:10 but deep down I know I am better than that I'm so unique so special!
You can't even upload torrents to public trackers anymore because of the fake contrent and viruses that shitty people would upload. Meanwhile, any member of a private tracker can upload good content because private trackers are heavily policed to keep shit out.

One of the many reasons that private trackers are superior.
Public trackers just source content from private ones. Without private trackers public bottom feeders would have nothing to download.
It's not that the upload is sold separately it's that docsis cable internet is very common. They use channel bonding to get very fast speeds for download but the return path for upload isn't given as many channels. It's a shitty technology and cable companies are desperately holding onto their old coax networks instead of switching to fiber like they should.
Working on it, anon. Working on it...
You won't be able to do shit because public fags just leech and never seed. If you put the whole issue of retention on your own back you're going to be liable for everything which would be hilarious.
>Not immediately blacklisting all Chinese ip addresses
lol you dumbfuck
>You won't be able to do shit because public fags just leech and never seed.
The only way to solve the public tracker problem is to create a p2p protocol that works like torrents do but is completely anonymous.
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>public fags just leech and never seed
There wouldn't be any torrent on public trackers if no one seeded. Always a good laugh seeing private trannies doing the stockholm syndrome dance to justify sucking cock on daily basis tho
>There wouldn't be any torrent on public trackers if no one seeded.
That's the thing. New content is there because it is new, but old content quickly becomes unseeded, which is why public trackers fail. Meanwhile, private trackers focus on keeping everything seeded, no matter how old.
Thank you, this unlocks a whole world of knowledge for me
I wish I could upload on TL but I can't
>I wish I could upload on TL but I can't
TL is garbage. Most private trackers let you upload with no restrictions unless you try to upload malicious shit.
You probably need to apply to become an uploader. That's how it works on IPT and everything is very similar there.
I like TL because all of the scene releases are unrared
>I like TL because all of the scene releases are unrared
rars are banned at every private tracker except the scene private trackers whose mission is to preserve rar'd releases but there's only a few of those out of the hundreds of private trackers that exist.
I didn't know you needed a secret club to curate uploads
oh wait I do, it's the scene. and it was better ran compared to your troon garbage
>oh wait I do, it's the scene. and it was better ran compared to your troon garbage
why depend on the scene when anybody can upload? stop being gay. just admit that public trackers fail because you can't upload there anymore due to the tragedy of the commons.

private trackers prove that communism fails.
public trackers could not compete on the get your dick sucked per upload offering that private trackers have.
it's always been a handful of people that upload the vast majority of shit. the linux repacker is still on kat, and repacks themselves are alive and well.
don't care about the rest of your mutt rhetoric. anything to justify the dilated tranny hole sucking you do
Don't let anyone lie to you. Private trackers members don't seed either. see >>102145743
>Private trackers members don't seed either.
that's just one public tracker mutt who got in and takes advantage of freeleech and it also proves that using private trackers isn't that hard to do in the first place so that blows away your "private trackers are le nazi strict!" argument
>There's never been an incentive to keep seeding, has there?

hello darkness my old friend.
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I exclusively use private trackers. I seed. On most of the trackers seeding is enforced. Even on trackers where it isn't you can still find a decent number of seeds on most torrents.
Depends. I've seeded some documentaries which ought to have a wider reach
>I've seeded some documentaries which ought to have a wider reach
because of public trackers, a lot of them go unseeded, while you can still find them well-seeded and in better quality on private trackers.

private trackers also have WAY more documentaries. Some of which have never gotten distribution.
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Another win for private trackers
>try to get into private trackers
>everybody is a namefag and involved in some kind of drama
I'll stick to public, thanks
If you're not a retard you just steer clear of that. I don't post in the forums. I don't chat on IRC. I just maintain my ratio and download what I want.
How did you come to this conclusion? My torrent client is always running when my computer is on and I think most others do the same.
If you're on public trackers you're in the minority
Public trackers users typically go out of their way to not seed. They laugh at people who seed. They literally think the people they leech content from are idiots for helping them. Imagine being that hateful to people who let you get free shit.

One of the many reasons I don't use public trackers anymore. I won't seed to people who think I'm retarded for seeding to them. I just won't. That is true cuck behavior.
I don't know where this caricature came from. Were I'm from, those who torrent are somewhat geeky type; they may not go to extra length to seed but they certainly do not laugh at those who seed and they're definitely grateful.
In my case, I seed to give back what I've taken. If some only leech, I don't much care; I've got what I need and there are numerous others I can rely on. And I lose nothing by seeding; I've got unlimited bandwidth.
I just geoblock the melanin enriched. They get silently dropped instead.
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why not
who seriously gives a shit
>eating up your bandwidth like a parasite
it's a pattern I've noticed with dweeb posts here, the most basic RL interaction where you're supposed to act with some minimum amount of good will and decency towards strangers is getting elevated to a virtue. See also: not smell in public
there's no way op seedbox is on 2 mbps ADSL where seeding/not seeding would make any perceptible difference, yet my eyes were violated by the faggot expecting a medal for seeding a torrent or he considers it an "exploitation"
focus on things that matter
touch grass
>doesn't seed documentaties on public trackers
That's your job, pubbie. I haven't used public trackers since I was 18.
>got kicked out by the parents and can't afford internet to seed in public anymore
Why would I seed on public? Waste of bandwidth.
not everyone is strapped for bandwidth that they rent from a company and don't own everyday, but okay
I have plenty of bandwidth. I paid for it out of my own pocket. The only thing I will ever seed to public trackers is Linux isos. Public street shitters are unworthy of connecting to me and they should be culled for being useless leeching parasites. Bottom feeding pieces of shit.
>can't afford internet to seed in public anymore
my internet is unlimited, anon.
I just don't want to give that to somebody who thinks I am an idiot for seeding to them. I'd rather give it to private bros that volunteer to join a site that seeds.
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nta but where can I get ARL keys for Usenet accounts?
it's not yours, which is something you don't understand, probably because of how poor you are, I don't even think about how much I pay for internet because it's basic utility bill that's so low, it may aswell not exist
I pay 50 bux per month. I'm not poor so I'm not going to bitch about the price. Maybe the line belongs to the ISP or whatever but I don't care, I'm not opening things up for bottom feeders and parasites. Only private tracker users can download from me.
so you pay less than me and are a whiny little bitch coping and seething about how your bandwidth is being wasted by others while I don't give a fuck, thanks for confirmation poorfag, I hope that unused bandwidth of internet owned privately by corporations that will charge you $10 more for shittier internet next year will feed your family.
>I don't even think about how much I pay for internet because it's basic utility bill that's so low, it may aswell not exist
you're the one talking about internet bandwidth, retard. my internet is also cheap and unlimited and it only goes to private tracker bros. deal with it.
you're the one talking about wastage because in reality you have shitty 3rd worlder 100mbit internet, probably not even a fiber cable running to your house, you should stop yapping and get a second job to feed your family and buy better internet cables
It's not being wasted by them because I would never allow it to be. I only seed on private trackers where how much I upload is counted and applies to how much I am able to download. I prefer this to the thankless task of feeding freeloaders.
good goy, I paid for internet and I therefore use 100% of it, same with water, some days I just flush my toilet repeatedly to waste water for no reason
>you're the one talking about wastage because in reality you have shitty 3rd worlder 100mbit internet
I never talked about wastage you gay faggot. I said I'm not going to seed to people who think I'm an idiot for seeding and don't seed anything in return. I have fiber that is unlimited and cheap. Deal with it.
>I'm not going to seed to people who think I'm an idiot for seeding
NPC influenced by public opinion as always, I don't think about thirdworlders who leech from me at all, because they don't make up even 10% of bandwidth I rent, my ISP literally provides me with graphs for that.
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The people who download from you think you are a loser and a cuck. They set their client to upload at only 1k/s and immediately pause torrents as they finish.
People who download from me are brown and don't even have clean tap water at home so why do I care what they think? If they ever got on my mind, I could almost feel pity for them if anything at all. Same goes for you, NPC poorcuck affected by even NPCier poorcuckier cucks.
I'm not a poorfag. I ratiomaxxed with seedboxes and I have shitloads of buffer on private trackers. I get access to more content than you do in better quality at higher speeds. You're just a cuck who spams the npc meme to try to deflect from being taken advantage of by every freeloading faggot.
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Can you go to your basement right now and take a photo of said seedboxes right now...? I mean, you aren't poor and your internet doesn't suck so surely you invested a lot of money into your seedboxes and own everything related to them right?
>People who download from me are brown
So you're basically a bitch for works as a server for brown people for free. Got it. Kek.
But how does that affect me personally?
Cheaper to rent ones in good data centers in Europe with cheap electricity than try to do it with Asian internet.
it is indeed cheaper to be poor and malnourished than it is to be rich and obese
>But how does that affect me personally?
It's just funny that you admit to willfully working as a personal server for brown people that think you are stupid...for free!
Just makes me laugh thinking about you doing that cuck shit and being proud of it.
I personally don't do anything at all, my computer is on all day and it would be more effort to configure my torrent client to stop seeding, not sure what's your problem to be honest, must be a kind of brain tumor.
Money is no issue anon. I'm not a fucking retard so I spend it on things that are actually a good value for it. Sure, I could work around the issue of my isp being CGNAT by buying a higher tier of service and paying extra for a static IP but then I'm still seeding with Asian peering and paying to run a server with expensive electricity. Paying for a gbit+ server in the Netherlands or France gets around that much more effectively and I don't need to do it forever, just long enough to get my ratios up. Then I have more money to spend on other shit like going out to eat all the time and traveling.
>I personally don't do anything at all, my computer is on all day and it would be more effort to configure my torrent client to stop seeding
Same with me on private torrents anon. I just don't agree with doing it for people that think I am a retard for seeding to them, ok? Is that too hard for you to understand? You may be fine with seeding to people who think are you dumb for seeding but I am not. Simple as.
Lmao cucky
money isn't an issue to me, so I spend it without thinking, I don't have to bother doing even most rudimentary math on "value" of something, if I want something, I buy it on a whim without thinking even once about it
I don't care about how little you value your neetbux anon.
are those people in your room right now? How often does the voice "retard" and "faggot" play in your head? Is it constant or appears in bursts? What other types of things happen when you're alone in your room? How long has this been happening? Is it recent occurence?
When I go on /g/ I see nothing but people who say that seeding is for retards and they turn off the torrent as soon as it gets to 100% and I was noticing that I was the only seeder on almost all of my public torrents so you know what I did? I said "fuck this" and switched to private torrents so I only seed to people like me who care about seeding. See how that works?
I'm glad those people convinced me to stop seeding for them and seed only on private trackers.
I'm 15th+ seeder on all public torrents right now, and majority of them are stuff that was released over 10 years ago
Why do you keep making the same thread? Are you a bot?
He's just mad because he lost an argument to me in >>>/ptg/
>I'm 15th+ seeder on all public torrents right now, and majority of them are stuff that was released over 10 years ago
Prove that with screenshots of your client, then. It is rare for public torrents to last "over 10 years" much less have 15 seeders.
Is that torrent the latest capeshit 10 years ago? But look at how many people downloaded it. I bet it's over 1000, and only 15 people are seeding it?
no, for latest capeshit, I use PTP, for good stuff, I look in public trackers
Just post a webp on a filehost that supports webp and link it here, anon.
Sorry I'm not going through any humiliation rituals nowadays.
You're full of shit. Lmao larping faggot. You've been lying for days now. You really have nothing better to do with your time because you have no friends or family who cares about you.
Faggot public tracker shill WILL NOT post screenshots. Lmao I even posted my hand in this thread you fucking shameful pussy ass liar. Everything you have ever said is now suspect. We know now what you really are.
Why would I need to lie about anything?
$ cat .local/bin/screenshot.dwm


mkdir -p "${directory}"

filename="$(date '+%F %T')"
exec maim --hidecursor --format="${format}" --quality 10 "$@" "${directory}/${filename//\//∕}.${format}"

This is t he script that runs when I press print screen, and I'm not going to change it for any reason, sorry.
The real humiliation ritual is you posting all these lies and getting exposed. Fucking loser shut the fuck up forever.
>Why would I need to lie about anything?
Then just use a filehost that supports webp and post the filehost link with pics of your client's public seed counts. Prove it.
I don't believe a word you say you lying fucking cocksucker. Slit your wrists.
nah I think I'll wait for 4cuck to be fixed so I can upload my screenshot directly like I should be allowed to
ok anon but nobody believes you because you refuse to post proof. go find a job now instead of wasting your time lying online.
I sucked exactly 0 cocks for invites and that number is immutable because I'm not a faggot.
Liar liar no screenshots liar faker larper lmao he's been trying so hard to impress us for days but he's full of shit. Fake. Nothing he said is true. He doesn't have 10gbit internet. He isn't seeding everything off animetosho. He's just larping to try to get one over on the /ptg/ chads. Fucking loser.
dude will do anything except posting the screenshots kek
There is no screenshot you lying cum slurper
>dude will do a-ACK!
Screenshot or kill yourself Rajesh Dikshit
which one do you want specifically?

2024-08-29 11:46:52.webp
2024-08-29 13:11:47.webp
2024-08-29 18:55:55.webp
2024-08-29 19:04:47.webp
2024-08-29 20:07:42.webp
2024-08-30 11:32:43.webp
2024-08-30 13:51:59.webp
Lmao you fucking humiliated yourself here. Game over. Time to kill yourself. Kill yourself. Suicide is the only option. Renaming a random screenshot to webp then posting a png of it proving you are perfectly capable of posting png screenshots doesn't help your case. Suicide now. You lost our respect. We hate you because you're a lying faggot.
I don't want anything from you but a livestreamed suicide you pathetic fucking liar
>says he can't post a screenshot because he only uses webp
>posts a png screenshot
holy shit you are mentally ill
are you really this tech illiterate you think I could use firefox to screenshot my torrent client and refuse to for no reason?
Lmao fuck off larper
>worries about public torrenting
>posts a logo on jewtorrent
kys low iq faggot
Rope now loser. This will be held over you going forward. There's no escape.
Do you have a wife yet or are you still holding your virginity by the way? Personally I just give my seed to any whore who wants it because it's so easy.
Pics or it didn't happen
my camera stores everything in JPEG XL, sorry
Yeah and you have a girlfriend but she's in Canada so nobody can talk to her, uh huh
I don't have a girlfriend, I change vaginas the way my torrent client changes peers hourly.
you're the cancer that's killing private trackers. by hoarding ratio you're reducing total liquidity in the tracker and making it hard for casuals to gain ratio for leeching. tribler made a whole ass paper and presentation on this. you're the billionaire that chokes out the middle class. you're the reason nobody wants to be on private trackers.
>how much I upload is counted
bet you have over six figures of karma on reddit too.
you only see keyboard warrior machos online that brag about it, probably with some frog image attached. the armchair psychologist in me says they're doing it out of some certain guilt, that's not enough to change their ways (cause brown) but just enough to have the fact that they freeleech live rent free in their heads.
for every mentally ill retard kike the above, you have 99 other dudes including me who are grateful to those they leech from. what's great about public trackers is there's plenty of goodwill to be given. it's extremely easy to get 1000 ratio on publics; that's 989 people across the wire that's grateful of you. in contrast, being seeded on PTs is a given and no one thinks anything of you for doing so. it's entirely transactional. nothing wrong with that if you're just holding equal ratio, but it does make you look like a cuckold when you hoard ratio in a place like this.
it's so easy to get goodwill in fact, that I often find myself only keeping torrents with high leeches around for seeding. it's probably why public torrents are bad at retention, but that's just because torrents aren't built to be like freenet/limewire/napster/usenet. it solves a distribution problem and does so fantastically, even if it never thought much about availability. and no PTs are not the answer.
my biggest pain point with privateniggers is I use aria2 in permaseeding mode (--seed-ratio=0.0) but they ban it for no reason
>you're the cancer that's killing private trackers. by hoarding ratio you're reducing total liquidity in the tracker and making it hard for casuals to gain ratio for leeching. tribler made a whole ass paper and presentation on this. you're the billionaire that chokes out the middle class. you're the reason nobody wants to be on private trackers.
There are always new opportunities to get buffer. You don't necessarily need a seedbox if a good connection is available to you. One strategy I used was downloading stuff from BTN where it's ratioless then seeding it on HDB. There's a constant stream of content so there's always more buffer to be made that way. That's just one example. If nobody wanted to be on private trackers the best ones wouldn't be so fucking hard to get into. At the lowest end there's the general trackers which will be good enough for a lot of people and they are easy mode with all the freeleech.
nice cope faggot, if I wanted to consume capeshit I'd use public trackers
As if all I have access to is capeshit lmao. I have everything and I have buffer on everything.
your disk is 80% capeshit because muh buffer, this is why private trackers are garbage
I don't download capeshit because that's not what I'm interested in. I have weird tastes, sometimes mainstream sometimes not, but more often than not I would struggle to get what I like from public shitters. If ever I download capeshit it's usually because my wife's brother asked me or something. I can download stuff like that off IPT.
ok give us 100 non-capeshit titles
hardmode: not westslop movieshit
their rationale for banning random clients despite the ratio tracking is because the ratio tracking itself is extremely defective. torrents were never meant to be used the way it did there. literally rhe only change PTniggers did to make it private was add a query param to the tracker announce in a .torrent to serve as credentials to the swarm list. everything else making it work comes from tranny moderation heuristics, tranny policies, and tranny fud to keep the populace in check.
you can come up with all the tranny incentives you want, that dynamic will always be a constant <> force that saps all <> away from the casual member. blanking out the terms so PTroons can keep running in circles trying to figure this shit out, which is funny to me. resurrecting the tribler paper is already a bit too generous on my part.
>your disk is 80% capeshit because muh buffer, this is why private trackers are garbage
I only download kino from private trackers.
If I wanted capeshit, I'd use public trackers.
I could just take a screenshot of all my torrents from redacted but then I'd be /marked/. I like music better than anything else. I am on all these trackers for video content when I don't consume much at all. When I do it's mostly just for nostalgia reasons. Or because my wife wants to watch something and I'm dling for her.
I see this word a lot, always used by reddit on most popular capeshit there is
I didn't ask a screenshot, I asked for titles that I can copy paste into my search engine.
>I see this word a lot, always used by reddit on most popular capeshit there is
It means anything that is not goyslop aka capeshit
Who cares about casual users? If you're a casual you can get into IPT or TL. Then you can either do it the smart way and build buffer off only downloading freeleech torrents or do it the dumb way by paying to leech.
all movies are goyslop from my perspective
Ahem, screenshot. No webp excuses.
File: 308PassThePopcorn_20_20Fo.jpg (276 KB, 1178x1171)
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That's not current
what happened? I thought you didn't need to submit yourself to tranny shame rites to do private trackers?
Leave it to the public freeloading worthless waste of space shouldn't be breathing parasitic piece of garbage to complain that you need to seed on private trackers. Oh it's the trannies making me seed I should just be allowed to hit and run. You have no worth.
good trackers would reward seeding time instead of data uploaded, but sure, keep screeching faggot
Most trackers do in the form of bonus points. You get that in addition to what you uploaded.
not relevant, bonus point ratios suck
Works on my machine. I don't even have huge drives because I only have a laptop and I get more than enough from permaseeding shit.
it's still too easy to game, but definitely a step up, if only.
seethe. I seed because I want to, and it feels good to seed because of it.
>muh gaming
if retention is all that matters, then seeding time is all that matters, any issue can be fixed by banning, ratio farming is literally easier way to game a system, seedbox faggots pump and dump torrents and never seed long term
>not relevant, bonus point ratios suck
they work fine for me on all my top trackers, anon. i can download anything I want from PTP.
not interested in capeshit trackers
>not interested in capeshit trackers
what's a non-capeshit tracker? KG? CG? SC? Have those, too.
The initial swarm is the most important for the torrent. A lot of people are using automation software to download. All those seedboxes feed them. Bonus points and hit and run rules encourage retention. Pump and dump can't be done on most trackers because of the rules. You can remove hit and runs using your buffer or points on IPT and TL but that's not worth it if you're trying to profit.
>initial swarm is very heckin important
wrote like a publicfaggot
It is when people are using *arr type shit. You get far fewer people downloading 1-2 weeks later after the period for hnrs expires. Even then a small private tracker swarm absolutely btfos a large public tracker swarm speed wise. If you shit in the street you just can't compete.
that's why upload tracking should be removed, only download should matter
It's fine even if download doesn't matter. BTN is successful without enforcing ratio, only enforcing seed times.
not sure what I can say other than you're retarded
Retention is good everywhere and I get what I want so I don't give too many fucks about how the whole thing works.
yes I know that you're retarded and will put up with any bullshit
What's bullshit about it? I have no problems and I get access to more things than you ever will.
I don't care how much more capeshit you get than me
>implying public trackers have more non-capeshit than private ones
lmao you're dumb
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during release of Avengers: Endgame, PTP had more capeshit than public trackers, and this is not the only instance of this
yeah, you can get all. capeshit and not capeshit. what's the problem? this is called a movie archive.
for someone who hates capeshit so much, you sure defend it a lot every time I bring up quality control
Nothing in his statement defended capeshit. You can't infer that from his post in any way. You are plagued by this problem quite often. Learn to read.
keep seething capeshitter
Excuses excuses, just like your webp excuse.
what excuse is there to host capeshit on an "elite" "high quality" "hard to get in" tracker where people "have good taste"?
The autistic manchild who only watches anime wants to have a debate about what's capeshit and what isn't now lmao.
>capeshitter dodges the question
I already said I don't download capeshit, not for myself at least. No need to argue with a sped who doesn't listen to music and only watches children's cartoons about it. Fucker is probably a pedo too lmao.
>encouraging people around him to watch capeshit
there's 100% chance you watch it with them, faggot
you can download whatever you want. or you don't have free will to make decisions?
if capeshit was banned, you would be screeching about how someone else was selecting the movies you could download.
I can't will other people into downloading obscure shit I need so it always boils down to being a capeshitter, except on public trackers where I'm not forced to download capeshit to pad my ratio.
I'd rather encourage them to pirate it than give money to Disney or Warner for that crap. I don't watch it because it's boring. I haven't watched any of those movies so I have no clue what is going on in the endless sequels.
interesting perspective, I encourage mine to get better taste

Proud of ya seedbros

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