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unappealing UI edition
it's not even functional, want to increase the volume? either position the cursor exactly on the small speaker icon or press fucking 9-0 on the keyboard. who made these things up? retarded gui, retarded shortcuts.
Can someone make a program that writes down the page number, the 10 bit string and file extension of every image jn a gallery URL without making a billion page requests?
or you could like, just use the scroll wheel like every other media player
Or keybinds...
>press fucking 9-0 on the keyboard
>who made these things up?
if you look at your keyboard you'll see that the 9 and 0 keys have ( and ) on them! and they look like little soundwaves but in different directions!

Rate my config.

Use my config.
Huh, is 9-0 a recent addition? I only remember using /-*.
mpv has multiple ways of changing the volume (divide/multiple, scroll wheel, 9/0)
you're the one that asked you stupid ape. how exactly are you supposed to change the volume on a laptop which doesn't have a numpad? the volume up and down keys would be far apart from each other otherwise
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>10 seconds faster then yt-dlp
>GB less RAM than web browser
yt-dlpbros... was she right after all?
>you're the one that asked
I did not ask if mpv had multiple ways to change the volume, learn to read.

>how exactly are you supposed to change the volume on a laptop which doesn't have a numpad?
By using one of the multiple ways to change the volume obviously.
>literally no one cares that it's closed source and distributed as a mystery binary
Do... do people actually not care?
>By using one of the multiple ways to change the volume obviously.
So you already knew that 9-0 were used for changing the volume? Are you just retarded then? Dementia? Schizophrenia? Who are you even directing your questions toward? I think you need to reevaluate your circumstances and then come back here with a coherent point.
>closed source
Into the trash it goes.

I don't need more.
>So you already knew that 9-0 were used for changing the volume?
No, there are more ways than just 9-0 and /-* in case you weren't aware. Not to mention that me being aware of those options or not has no relevance on people with a laptop using those options or not.

>Who are you even directing your questions toward?
The question I actually wanted answered wasn't directed, just this thread in general. Didn't expect the original poster to know. And the other "question" was just calling you a retard for giving me useless information that I did not care or ask for.
I'm going to bed now, feel free to keep raging for absolutely no reason and misreading shit constantly. I'm looking forward to your cope tomorrow.
>Do... do people actually not care?
/g/ isn't the whole world, most people use whatever that gets things done.
I forgot that mpv used to have that layout with the controls in the middle. I think I prefer it. reminds me of quicktime.
>No, there are more ways than just 9-0 and /-* in case you weren't aware.
Outside of the scroll wheel and scrolling over to the OSC button (which is redundant because the scroll wheel already controls volume), no, there quite literally no other keybind that controls volume. Not sure what you're talking about (new schizophrenic episode perhaps?)

Not reading the rest of your seethefest, first you didn't even know that 9-0 existed, and now you're pretending like actually you always knew they existed. Quite a weird and sad man. I hope you get the treatment you need.
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Disregard, I suck cocks.
How do I get rid of window borders on mpv in kde?
Apparently you can add timestamps with ffmpeg? How? What is the normal way of timestamping if not with ffmpeg?
i got the ikavirus
Ops forgot to mention I'm talking about Exhentai.
/g/ is full of newfags who don't understand what Exhentai is
Is it possible to make a keybind that cycles between current and set values of something, like volume in my case?
First press would save the current value and switch to the specific one, next press would restore the original and purge the memorized value, so on next cycle it can save the current one again if it was changed in the meantime.
>Invalid video timestamp
Is there way to fix this somehow? Has anyone encountered a video file that is just muxed retardedly like this? I tried VLC, and even though VLC seems to have a better heuristic for these kinds of muxes, it still stutters occasionally.
write a script
>mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp
what killed the hype?
It killed itself. There was never anything useful in these threads. Once everybody who wasn't the same three or four eceleb dicksuckers realized this, the threads barely ever made it to 50 posts
The last thread hit bump limit
Wrong thread? but /coomg/ is dead anyways
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My youtube client can also do that. Except its free software.
except it doesn't support windows
Anyone tried this on anime?
So what is it called? No results for chudtube and this looks like a plugin for some larger software.
Buy the multi page viewer hath perk and hit the /mpv/ page (same link as /g/ gallery pages), it contains the info for every page in a single request.
Both nvidia and intel VSR are designed for very compressed content like youtube videos
So, I ended up discovering the problem.

This is actually caused by
, for some reason it produces a different image hash depending on whether or not you're software decoding or hardware decoding under vulkan. The actual decoder doesn't matter.

So basically this is borked? Anyone have any insight?
>inb4 meds
just ask the guy yourselves, he posts here
he's only awake during jeet hours. makes you think
mpv is comfy
anime on an anime site? my god, what is this world coming to!
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Some autist makes these and refuses to say how.
How is this done???
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>tranime si-ACK!
imagine going on gaycom/forum/tech and complaining about fags
i hate mpv
What do you fags have mpv screeshot config as? Png or jpg is goos enough?
screenshot-tag-colorspace=no # literally broken with bad fallback gamma
screenshot-high-bit-depth=no # you don't need more, most content is 8bpc
screenshot-png-compression=9 # its 2024, 9 is fine
I'm a simple man and prefer to use pixelclipper for antiringing anyway since the build in has been (or is?) borked with downscaling. That's weird though, can you pixelpeep and see a difference?

And in input.conf:
a screenshot-to-file C:\screenshots\0.jpg
for fast better compressed screenshots where I don't care about quality.
what do you use screenshot for? default shoud bes good enough
>unironically looking the shape of sigils on your keyboard when making decisions about keybinds
what the actual fuck
seek therapy
Ever wonder why ,. is used for stepping?
was original commit big improvement not to just revert it
>mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp
Someone give me the ELI5 on this trinity
Can you show it to me? It costs a lot of hath.
There is none.

It's a thinly veiled mpv general by 2-5 trannies. The threads are so inactive they've to necrobump it every time.

They threw in these two programs to trick gullible posters into bumping the thread for them.
Looks fine. Though VLC is superior in EVERY way. inb4 the retard buffering image, yeah VLC doesn't look like that in 2024, but ok retard.
>try vlc
>it still has the buffering problems as soon as i play a file
wow, a 100 years and vlc is still shit. who would have thought
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I finally finished my extensive mpv config.

What do i do now?
Yes it allowed integration of dovi in mpv, not only in libplacebo
is mpv-webm broken for anyone else? can't encode videos downloaded from youtube. I found this other guy complaining and both the og version and fork have the same issue. the encoding keeps going forever till I forcefully quit and find out the video went from 0B to 50MB in the meantime
Watch on demo sample videos. But remember to not watch real content.
webm from yt never worked for me
you have to dl the vid, then you can use webm maker no problem
I converted a test image into a HEVC 1-frame video file to see the difference more clearly but the screenshots had the same file hash when I did that, meaning no difference.

By the way, apparently it's not just anti-ring that behaves differently with hardware decoding, I tried mpv's defaults with nothing else (lanczos) and that also behaves differently depending on whether you're software decoding or hardware decoding. The only way I managed to get matching file hashes is with ewa_lanczossharp and no antiring, and also --profile=fast produces identical file hashes.

So the issue isn't with the decoding since it's possible to generate identical file hashes. Rendering just behaves differently depending on whether or not you're hardware/software decoding on Vulkan. So something is lossy here but I don't know what, possibly some kind of floating point error but I don't know why Vulkan would be affected exclusively in that case.
if you use windows you might as well youtube in the browser. Windows users can go fuck themselves.
who is telling the truth?
delete it, delete it now
Damn cant believe osanai died after getting kidnapped
The script was posted few months about here. Probably someone has link to archive
oh, amazing! if anyone has a link, pls share!
big coomits just dropped we're so back mpvsisters
broken on pngs
>broken on pngs
How so?
I don't see any gpu parameters in the mpv.conf. Do I really need to use an alias and change .desktop files to always start mpv like this?
mpv --vo=gpu-next --gpu-api=vulkan --hwdec=vulkan --gpu-context=waylandvk
mighty huhn made trannyptora cry in xer discord
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screenshot-template="%f - %wH_%wM_%wS.%wT - [%td_%tm_%ty]"
hi trannyptora

still using jpeg 2000 btw :^)
surprised he hasn't acked yet after getting absolutely demolished by huhnchad
Eh, seems like a minor issue and still more info without a good reason to omit it.
it's actually a pretty major issue because it basically means mpv is generating mangled pngs (and anything else that supports colorspace tagging). the point of a png is to store it long-term and maybe even manipulate it for edits or w/e you're saving something to png for. otherwise you wouldnt use lossless compression in the first place.

but if mpv is generating mangled screenshots then they're fucked forever. you may as well just save the screenshots in srgb colorspace so that they appears as they would on your screen. its the least fucked option out of the two but neither is perfect.
What? Have you tried adding those options to mpv.conf?
>but if mpv is generating mangled screenshots then they're fucked forever.
You can't the remove colorspace tag after the fact?
What? Take your meds
he's probably using a cucked distro which autogenerates an mpv.conf when you install the package
the "tag" isn't metadata, you cant just strip it after the fact without doing some kind of colorspace conversion (in which case, just covert everything to srgb with mpv anyways and ignore this bullshit)

btw, both vlc and vo=gpu already save pngs in srgb colorspace and dont suffer from this issue
also just to clarify in case the issue doesnt make sense. programs dont know what the fuck a "bt.1886" is. its a relatively new addition which means that it will take at least 20 years for browsers like firefox and other image viewers to display it correctly at this pace. "1.961" is a bogus fallback gamma which means that every piece of software for the next few decades will display pngs generated by mpv with terrible gamma washout. ideally there should be two fallbacks in these kinds of scenarios, it should be bt.1886 -> srgb -> 2.2 from ideal to least bad image mangling
>bt.1886 -> srgb -> 2.4
but I fully agree, though it will be hard to merge such change in ffmpeg
Sounds like a retarded program issue that should catch up to correct standards then. But this makes it seem like just removing that bogus 1.961 should make it not washed out.
2.4 doesn't make much sense IMO, 2.2 would look better on most computer displays (and srgb images already fallback to 2.2, so it makes sense for historical reasons). neither is ideal for reproducing images as they appear on mpv, but anything other than 1.961 would be good

>But this makes it seem like just removing that bogus 1.961 should make it not washed out.
tell that to the wonderful folks at fflabs, they don't know what they're doing there
>tell that to the wonderful folks at fflabs, they don't know what they're doing there
Because every piece of software for the next few decades will use fflabs? I don't get how 1.961 being bogus means it's misinterpreted even if it's removed.
fflabs == the new libav

btw im sure if you asked paul he would fix this in librempeg
yt-dlp needs to add IG Live stream recording fuckkkkkkkk
It was said that "1.961" is a bogus fallback gamma which means that every piece of software for the next few decades will display pngs generated by mpv with terrible gamma washout. So they interpret it wrong because of that 1.961, and apparently that's also because fflabs. I don't get how that hinges together, or how that 1.961 can be relevant even after being removed.
anon i dont know what you're talking about. ffmpeg is the one that writes that fallback gamma, the issue has to be fixed in ffmpeg. read the linked issue.
>anon i dont know what you're talking about.
>. "1.961" is a bogus fallback gamma which means that every piece of software for the next few decades will display pngs generated by mpv with terrible gamma washout.
Is this wrong?
how do these contradict each other?

most software == shit == will use fallback gamma instead of bt1886
mpv == uses ffmpeg == encodes pngs with broken fallback gamma == most software will display mpv screenshots with bad gamma

its not hard to comprehend
>most software == shit == will use fallback gamma instead of bt1886
I'll take that as a no. So why does removing it not fix it?
do you have a super special png reencoder that will replace it with a better fallback chunk for you? no? then why are you hypothesizing instead of complaining to ffmpeg right now?
No, I just have a metadata remover that removes that gamma. So why doesn't it fix it?
it has to specifically be something that removes encoded png chunks
also, this is a fairly convoluted solution to something that should just be fixed within ffmpeg itself, since the png spec requires the file to be encoded with a valid gAMA chunk. the ideal solution here is for the file to be encoded properly.
>it has to specifically be something that removes encoded png chunks
Okay, so >>102189711 was wrong, and it's not the bogus fallback gamma that means it's misinterpreted. It's other shit. Could've just said that, I even specifically asked. Only took a fucking hour.
Figured the github issue would be more correct than the posts here.
i think you're actually retarded or you just don't know what you're talking about. i recommend reading the png spec because you seem completely out of your depth and disoriented. ill try to use baby terms for you

1.961 is a valid gamma curve. programs will respect it and display it as 1.961. but its bad. really really bad. did that help clarify this for you? do you need a goo goo ga ga baby bottle as well? need a diaper change alongside with that?
What is this fucking GIBBERISH?
Speak English.
MPV doesn't need a pretty interface. In fact I like that it's plain. I want to watch the content, not the interface. The program should have as little interface as possible so I can view the content more. I'm saying this as a skeuomorphism autist.
Trans rights btw.
^ falseflag dont respond
The internet was ours before it was yours faggot. Go back to getting AIDS in the glory hole of a gay bar.
guess who's responsible for the enshittification (you wont believe it)

kvetch all you want but 4chan is anime and always will be.
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Reminder that libplacebo has linear-downscaling explicitly disabled for HDR content. Get rid of that hermite bullshit.

profile-cond=p['video-params/primaries'] and p['video-params/primaries'] == "bt.2020"
I like that some anons know what they are talking about. It is rare when you interact with mpv users...
i don't have the time to read comments. any major happenings in the last few days?
>i don't have the time to read comments. any major happenings in the last few days?
way too much .. the drama is insane
Proof or GTFO
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No problem buddy. How about from the man himself?

CuNNy o ewa_lanczos
so literally nothing then.
thanks for the update.
die pedo
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What are you fav custom commands for input.conf?
Here's mine...
N af toggle lavfi=dynaudnorm       # automatically normalize audio
i hate dynaudnorm so much, the transitions between loud and quiet audio is way too noticeable.

i prefer just doing audio-normalize-downmix=yes and then boosting the fuck out of my system volume
a af toggle "dynaudnorm=f=75:g=25:p=0.55"
u cycle-values sub-ass-override "force" "no"
/ no-osd cycle title-bar
Ctrl+WHEEL_DOWN no-osd add current-window-scale -0.050
Ctrl+WHEEL_UP no-osd add current-window-scale +0.050
ctrl+r cycle-values video-rotate 0 90 180 270
>using jpg in 2024 even though it can't properly save tonemapped screenshots in mpv
>meanwhile, png with --screenshot-tag-colorspace=no just werks and tonemaps it perfectly
yeah sorry jpgchads, im gonna keep using png ok?

fukken why? that's the universal command for FS.
H        cycle-values "!reverse" scale "bilinear" "bicubic_fast" "robidouxsharp" "catmull_rom" "spline36" "lanczos" "ewa_lanczossharp" "ewa_hanning" "ewa_robidouxsharp" "nearest"
h cycle-values scale "bilinear" "bicubic_fast" "robidouxsharp" "catmull_rom" "spline36" "lanczos" "ewa_lanczossharp" "ewa_hanning" "ewa_robidouxsharp" "nearest"
LEFT seek "-1"
MBTN_RIGHT cycle mute
RIGHT seek "1"
UP seek "5"
WHEEL_DOWN add volume "-5"
WHEEL_UP add volume "+5"
alt+f no-osd vf toggle hflip; show-text "flop"
alt+F no-osd vf toggle vflip; show-text "flip"
alt+i script-message ruler
alt+MBTN_LEFT script-binding drag-to-pan
alt+MBTN_RIGHT script-binding pan-follows-cursor
alt+R script-message rotate-video "-90"; show-text "-90 degrees"
alt+r script-message rotate-video "90"; show-text "+90 degrees"
alt+shift+down script-message align-border "" "-1"
alt+shift+left script-message align-border "1" ""
alt+shift+right script-message align-border "-1" ""
alt+shift+up script-message align-border "" "1"
alt+WHEEL_DOWN script-message cursor-centric-zoom "-0.1"
alt+WHEEL_UP script-message cursor-centric-zoom "0.1"
>H cycle-values "!reverse" scale "bilinear" "bicubic_fast" "robidouxsharp" "catmull_rom" "spline36" "lanczos" "ewa_lanczossharp" "ewa_hanning" "ewa_robidouxsharp" "nearest"
>h cycle-values scale "bilinear" "bicubic_fast" "robidouxsharp" "catmull_rom" "spline36" "lanczos" "ewa_lanczossharp" "ewa_hanning" "ewa_robidouxsharp" "nearest"
holy fucking autism, neck meets noose now
buggy mouse and don't really need it. prefer press f or click fs button
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3.84 MB WEBM
none of you use this?
Ctrl+i cycle-values vf "sub,lavfi=negate" ""

I couldn't really use a video player without it. whenver you're watching some lecture and the boomer presenter uses default powerpoint theme, just hit it to save your eyes.
turn down your monitor brightness discord zoomer
ctrl+z revert-seek
ctrl+f no-osd vf toggle hflip
g script-message-to console type "set time-pos "
y script-message-to console type "loadfile ytdl://ytsearch1:"
i really really want to have sex with sfan, can anyone relate?
I have an OLED. I don't want to.
>he fell for the HDR meme
retard here requesting help
>added a plugin
>check source code
>>local sqlite3 = require("lsqlite3")
>maybe it's built-in?
>launched mpv, checked console
>>Lua error: ... module 'lsqlite3' not found
>ok let me add the module
>>sudo apt install luarocks
>>sudo luarocks install lsqlite
>>lsqlite3 0.9.6-1 is now installed in /usr/local (license: MIT)
>>Lua error: ... module 'lsqlite3' not found
>mpv checking /usr/local/.../lua/5.2/
>luarocks installed module into /usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/
>>sudo luarocks --lua-version=5.2 install lsqlite3
>>Warning: Lua 5.2 interpreter not found at /usr
>>Error: Failed finding Lua header files.
>you are here
mpv plugin needs lsqlite3
how do i supply it lsqlite3

Well /g/? Are you?
>g script-message-to console type "set time-pos "
this one kills select.lua
fooz would cream himself if he saw this
does this mean there will be a way to get the sdr/100 nit rec709/bt1886 trims?

is this lossless? why would i save lossless stills of lossy video?
>why don't i just resave a jpeg twice?
it already looks like crap, little point in trying to keep quality high unless you're using it as an intermediate in edition
>it already looks like crap
all the more reason to use lossless and not make it worse
so i have to do nothing? it works by itself on hdr sources
Already fixed in VLC https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc/-/merge_requests/5934
That won't work on Windows.
really? why?
>implying I only consume ripslop
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are you a movie producer or something like that? everything available to consumer is at least encoded once
A crunchyroll rip is not the same as a bdremux or bdmv
the logic was approved by wm4, sorry I only listen to wm4, not random anons
>bdremux or bdmv
at least encoded concern many times if you consider the intermediates
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I'm clowning on the Applian team with this after they decided to revoke everyone's licenses.

I'll get in a long negotiation with their sales team about how I'm worried about the lifespan of the product, can I have a discount, can I have one free upgrade in a year if I buy it now, etc.

then when we finally agree to a deal I link them to yt-dlp and say, "sorry I just found out about this gem!"

haha you took our licenses so I'm going waste time, and keep doing it forever
Does Applian work with DRM content, like StreamFab?
not direct download, you'd have to use the screen recorder feature
>screen recorder feature
You don't need lossless screenshots unless you delete them after a whileÅŸ
glad you came to that conclusion without paying
Why would I use this instead of OBS?
what I'm saying is the company's crap and you shouldn't buy it.
it was useful 8 years ago but now yt-dlp and obs cover everything
Then why bring it up in this thread completely unrelated to them?
yt-dlp thread. also I have a duty to redpill everyone I can on Applian to deprive them of customers
Then post your message on Facebook and Whatsapp boomer friend groups, not here.
Nobody even knew they existed until you brought it up, so you might have the opposite effect. I might buy it just to spite you.
Is there a mpv-android fork with a non retarded pajava impossible to remove forced GUI that activates from a neutron hitting my mouse and moving it a planck length yet?
imagine an mpv osc that looked like that
Should I upscale my animus in non-default way on 4k screen?
Anime is meant to be pixelated and blurry so no
>[osc] Invalid setting "slider" for seekbarstyle
when did they remove it? tried diamond but looks bit different.
Are gpu-api=vulkan and hwdec=vulkan fine or do you just leave them to auto?
tarded and haasnpilled
Has haasn abandoned gpu-next?
No, use
to avoid misscaling luma. Also use
to avoid seeing scaling artifacts in chroma, and only step through frames using "." to avoid temporal artifacts.
what haasn hasn't abandoned?
There are multiple haasns?
wm4 predicted this, yet you laughed at him
one can only hope
mpv needs to regain control of its renderer at this point. vo_gpu is the future.

backport HDR10 and DV reshaping and vo_gpu is basically feature complete
once again, wm4 was right
WHAT happened this time?
nothing ever happens
nothing, that's the problem...
if haasn fixes swscale does that mean that the true mpv endgame will be software rendering?

Total meltdown.
qrd? Haven't used that POS in what, a decade?

tl;dr, clsid is purposefully enshittifying MPC-HC for some reason
What does "-shortest" do in ffmpeg?
Trying to convert an image + wav to mp4 and when looking online people use this line in their command
This is why mpv doesn't have a gui.
i could try to install lua 5.2 then install use luarocks to lsqlite3 but if mpv is already using lua 5.1 (idk if it is) it feels retarded to download a second standalone lua 5.2 too and idk if my computer uses lua for anything else so idk if i might fuck something up if i install a different version
What mouse options are changing?
they moved them to a different submenu and you can't set certain macros anymore or something. I don't have enough time to keep track of it, I just thought it was funny because they also ported the MPC-BE OSD to MPC-HC and it caused a similar meltdown
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>chinese dev
>commits have no titles or description
damn we have it so good at mpv
mpv is on the other end of the extreme, even the most trivial commit has a paragraph-long commit description. sounds like mpv users need to spend more than having sex instead
Ugh, submenus. Sounds retarded either way.
This is the friendliest message I'm going to send
MPC-VR has great issues as well.

>Sorry the title is incomplete, my keyboard slipped while I was typing
Is this from discord? https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/pull/14782
So what to use similar to hermite but in gamma light for HDR content?
yep. they're all part of their own little hugbox. off the top of my head, kasper, akemi, troonllyrr, rcombs... they all jerk eachother off in various different groomcords.

luckily all of the actual based devs like dmg and haasn are actual adults and don't engage in groomcord activities.
sit in mpv-devel to catch the latest drama
I know what prompted this change but I won't tell you
drama shizo appears
Is there any good HDR pattern to test this?
Shit, we got big news again that you just have to join IRC for that you're too retarded to do?
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MPV deband is the best deband.
How come most TVs don't have a deband setting?
i know you're trying to do a funny but these devs genuinely talk to each other on discord. they dont even use IRC anymore unlike the old-guard of mpv. if anything, #mpv-devel's existence is more so a formality for those who have refused to use discord to communicate, like the aforementioned devs and others like jeeb, avih etc.

>inb4 who cares!!!!! let people enjoy things!!!

except this cross-pollination between discord users and the feedback they give has been disastrous for mpv development, because the devs get direct feedback and implement features that are discussed on discord.
i dunno what you're talking about but my tv has deband. it even has other stuff like removing DCT ringing from mpeg-2 ts streams
Why do mpv trannies watch such shitty SoL animes ?
hermite vs lanczos downscale for HDR content: https://slow.pics/c/Q0t1BdWW

Anything better?
none of the people you mentioned are mpv devs so it doesn't matter
kasper, akemi and troonptora don't have push rights..?
I've never heard of any of them being in discords. you mentioned ilyyr and rcombs first
you do realize that you only need to scroll up slightly to see that you're lying, right? so why lie?

how about stop trying to hijack the project instead?
Even top of the line OLEDs don't have this, so I doubt your VA has this feature.
the lanczos screenshot is like putting on a pair of glasses for the first time. god hermite is so shit
>kasper, akemi, troonllyrr, rcombs
This is what you said. kasper and akemi aren't in discords. Akemi uses discord but isn't in any developer or tranime discords. ilyyr and rcombs are in fansub discord, yes but they don't have push rights.

Also that's not the same as
>kasper, akemi and troonptora
???? i have a miniLED tv and it has deband, the feature is just called "smooth gradients" for normalfags. are you stuck with a shitty plasma or something?
it's great anime with summer vibe and fat chick
why are you lying? we already know what the groomcord is called where they all gather. you dont need to keep beating around the bush like this
4chingchong was literally always anime (particularly given that it's based off 2chan), however it definitely wasn't always gay
Don't bother, there are some schizos in here who'll insist on just arguing about retarded pointless shit even though they're wrong.
cunny or artcnn
which is endgame to defeat NGU?
profile-desc = Perceptually correct red for SDR content
profile-cond = p["video-params/primaries"] and p["video-params/primaries"] ~= "bt.2020"
profile-restore = copy
gamut-mapping-mode = saturation

profile-desc = Proper downscale for HDR content (forced in gamma light)
profile-cond = p['video-params/primaries'] and p['video-params/primaries'] == "bt.2020"
profile-restore = copy
dscale = lanczos

Anything else to add to default mpv.conf?
>Perceptually correct red for SDR content
holy meme
Why lanczos specifically? Wouldn't other scalers maybe work well in linear light as well?
hdr scaling is currently not gamma corrected, read the thread. you can get away with lanczos just fine
>anon you're literally evaluating the same property twice, just put them in the same profile like

profile-desc = Perceptually correct red for SDR content
profile-cond = p["video-params/primaries"] and p["video-params/primaries"] ~= "bt.2020"
profile-restore = copy
gamut-mapping-mode = saturation

profile-desc = Proper downscale for HDR content (forced in gamma light)
profile-restore = copy
dscale = lanczos
>hdr scaling is currently not gamma corrected, read the thread
Yes I know, and I'm asking why specifically lanczos instead of another scaler.
because it's the sharpest scaler? there's no ringing in gamma light
I thought catmull_rom was sharper.
it is not, i dont know where you got that idea. lanczos also has less aliasing
But I don't use an english layout and the () are on 8 and 9 instead.
Artoriuz. Sound like your talking shit, why do you think lanzos is sharper?
can you point to where he said catmull_rom is sharper than lanczos? if this is true then his opinion is not to be trusted and he knows nothing about resampling.
>No answer
Go find it yourself, cargoculting retard.
hahaha imagine calling others cargoculters when you literally cannot read. the reason why you didnt provide a source is because you just embarrassed yourself and you know it.

>Both Lanczos (orthogonal sinc-sinc) and Polar_Lanczos (polar jinc-jinc) were pretty mediocre at best. That's a good thing because it shows the methodology can actually punish filters that are too sharp. Polar_Catrom, the sharpest filter we have in the comparison, actually scored as one of the worst filters.

images don't have a "duration".
the way to use them for a video is to loop them with a certain frame rate (both as input options).
looping means the duration for that faux-video input stream is now infinity.
`-shortest`is used so the encoding stops when the input audio stream ends.
hermite vs catmull_rom vs lanczos


I've tested all dscale and lanczos wins
what a hilarious "fix" considering:
* confdir can be any path (but confdir-aware path would require actual, if trivial, coding ability. lol)
* i still use and will always use `~/.mpv` which still works of course. fuck every retard who made this a big deal a few years back. and fuck freedesktop. them being "moderated" by nocoding collectively-manic actual-trannies was the eventuality they deserved. i refuse to implement that xdg retardation in all my tools in part because of that episode, and as a small homage to wm4.
Just go out and live the summer vibe nah or are you too much of a shut-in to do so?
the only based post in this 250+ reply shitshow
Thank you
Wrong and also less clear
I hope you are not a dev
Why don't they make hermite the default for gamma light dscale and lanczos the default for linear light dscale?
I have no idea what you're quoting.
i think you meant the opposite
File: 1697737181645407.png (26 KB, 296x77)
26 KB
your daddy artoriuz himself. neck yourself asap illiterate cargoculting faggot
File: anime weebsite.png (17 KB, 1874x166)
17 KB
anime weebsite
Don't see why I should care. Go have your schizophrenic episode alone please.
looks like someone is having a melty right now
Yeah... that's why they should define good default values so we don't have to fix this mess
it's over, sisters.

don't care
they don't even have code tags, never again
Reminder that CuNNy-Soft is endgame
t. blur enjoyer
where do you get it
Look at llyyr's commit description. It tells you a lot.
>We don't support reading mpv.conf without a mpv parent directory anymore
(did we ever?).
>did we ever?
he thinks he's part of the mpv team and wants to be included in whatever circlejerk xhe is a part of. funny.
look it up on archives, you'll probably find a link. i wont bother linking it because
>malveretising for free
ikatroon has been mogged >>102179085
soi flatshit will never be good
new valzapod just dropped
which forum is that?
aliasing enjoyer
rtx superres has no aliasing
it's in the screenshot https://chino-chan.gitlab.io/programs.html#s2
Does anyone have a screenshot of the mpv Xitter account replying to a pic of mpv-tan in awe of an eggplant?
that's Neptune you newfag
kusoge chan
Filtered by language...
>using inferior method of interacting with the machine
as opposed to hovering over the volume icon on your osc and then scrolling...? what?
any colemak users? share input.conf pls. I can't rationalize anything.
enjoy your carpal tunnel
so hovering over the osc and then scrolling is less likely to give you carpal tunnel than just scrolling your mouse at any point. ok. nice logic anon
Holy shit your right. There are dozens of was to describe something that isn't appealing yet we keep replacing our negative words with it's positive antonym and prepending un-.
I should've specified it was an edit, but I didn't remember which character it was an edit of. Actually I think it was the eggplant that was mpv themed and not Neptune.

ship it and meme it. better defaults than current mpv

Makeine is extremely good
>herbivore pussy MC finds himself in a situation with 5+ different women on his cock
yeah no, its trash like 99% of anime
added to my filters
I use bilinear. Fight me!
bilinear is only good for downscaling unironically

sex with this user. intense and passionate. cum inside
It's just more natural to write 'we' anon. You're reading too much into it. I've never claimed to be a mpv dev, I just fix or work on whatever I personally want to fix or improve.
How do you code with room temperature IQ?
>person who unironically enjoys haremslop calling another subhuman
surely you can notice the irony yourself
is there comparison of speed and quality between d3d11vpp and built-in scaler?
d3d11vpp scaling (default, not superres crap) will always be faster because it's dedicated hardware vs. lanczos shader
It sucks tho
Cunny all the way
after many tests ive come to the conclusion that lanczos is endgame for both scale and cscale

chroma ringing is not noticeable (and is actually le good sometimes) but chroma aliasing is very noticeable on scenes with just colors and not many brightness variations

lanczos is also the only chroma scaler that passes most arbitrary chroma scaling test patterns (zones, colored font scaling etc.) because of having the best frequency response out of all of the other scalers

anything else is pointless, if you're still tinkertrannying in 2024 its time to stop right now
cunny cos it is lighter
non retards use profile=fast
>Warning: Failed to load font file: NotoSans-Regular.ttf
>[1] 45171 segmentation fault (core dumped) quickmedia
what am I doing wrong, fc-list says the font is there.

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