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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

/g/'s Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
https://fglt.nl && https://files.catbox.moe/u3pj3i.txt

GNU/Linux Games:

IRC: #sqt on Rizon

Previous thread: >>102174113
whats does pacman -Sy do?
it cause you to RTFM

-S, --sync
Synchronize packages. Packages are installed directly
from the remote repositories, including all dependencies
required to run the packages. For example, pacman -S qt
will download and install qt and all the packages it
depends on. If a package name exists in more than one
repository, the repository can be explicitly specified to
clarify the package to install: pacman -S testing/qt. You
can also specify version requirements: pacman -S
"bash>=3.2". Quotes are needed, otherwise the shell
interprets ">" as redirection to a file.

-s, --search <regexp>
This will search each package in the sync databases for
names or descriptions that match regexp. When you include
multiple search terms, only packages with descriptions
matching ALL of those terms will be returned.

-y, --refresh
Download a fresh copy of the master package databases
(repo.db) from the server(s) defined in pacman.conf(5).
This should typically be used each time you use
--sysupgrade or -u. Passing two --refresh or -y flags
will force a refresh of all package databases, even if
they appear to be up-to-date.
>push trinity and q4os for a couple years on /g/
>no one cares
>now it's all over g

nice. trinity needs to live.
>he uses wayland for gaming
I have a Gigabyte 2560x1440 IPS monitors that I believe is rated for 144Hz. I am currently using on an old Optiplex I got for free, with LMDE Cinnamon. The display control panel only allows choosing between 60Hz and 120Hz.

I am fine with the 120Hz maximum. But what I want is refresh rates between 60 and 120. How do I get the option to set 70Hz, 75Hz, 85Hz, 90Hz, 96Hz, and 100Hz.

I do know a way to do it that involves manually generating modelines and making them available to xrandr. Just hoping theres a simpler way. Maybe some package I need to install or something.
So this is presumably a stupid question but I thought I might as well ask. I'm migrating my ntfs drives to ext4 so I'm wondering, there's no reason to stress test them right? Changing the formatting shouldn't matter, right? No reason to stress them just because of the new formatting?
nix is the best
I only play retro games
it unironically just works
yes but poorly
it is the future you just have to deal with it
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openSUSE its comfy bros
Drop any possible color codes.
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Cinnamon's default shortcuts are peak usability cinema for a Windows baby duck like me.
>Ctrl+Alt+Up to quickly overview all workspaces and switch to one with keyboard/mouse
>Ctrl+Alto+Down to preview all windows on a single worksapce like W10 except it actually works
>Still has [Ctrl]+Alt+Tab to quickly switch to the last window you used just in case
Too bad GTK has its own suit of jankyness going on, but is better than nothing. At least it doesn't crash often.
X11 isn't going anywhere.
At least not until wayland is actually good.
I always liked it, i always thought MATE was a waste of time when Trinity existed since way before and you can get 90% if what MATE does with XFCE + Compiz. Literally no use case DE. At least LXQt aims to push for Qt6 as alternative.
>decides to shitpost about his preferences on a "friendly" thread
Why do you care what others do or use? Is your life really that pathetically empty that this is the only way you can cope with it?
Get some self-esteem dude, seriously.
Letting anons know that wayland is bad for gaming is a friendly tip, friend.
It's not a preference. It's a performance powergap.
Nobody asked, and that is clearly not the intent in the way you formulated your criticism.
If you were actually trying to achieve what you said you would be friendly about it, you know, following the rules of the friendly thread.
Imagine being this defensive.
The reason I posted is because I use wayland primarily and noticed my game performance was kind of ass.
So today I installed XFCE alongside my regular DE and the compositing/gaming framerates were noticeably much smoother.
I didn't even realize how bad it was until I compared them directly.
I'll never shill objectively inferior implementations just because it's what you are "supposed" to use.
>So today I installed XFCE alongside my regular DE and the compositing/gaming framerates were noticeably much smoother.
Now im interested, what changed?
The wayland compositor is simply too weighed down to achieve 144hz on anything.
Even simple things like moving windows around, scrolling on 4chan etc are noticably smoother. There is a visible difference in frame rate.
When gaming in wayland, I get a lower framerate, I get ghosted frames, choppiness, etc. Things that probably don't even register in the mind of a normie tech "experts" when playing vidya.
I also disabled the KDE (x11) compositor for years for the same reason. Shit performance.
Is it pronounced "Queue Four Oh Ess," or "Q-Force?"
Posing the question again: Are there any linux distros good for HP laptops or does it matter at all?
for laptops there's like 3 factors imo
>age of the laptop
>wi-fi card
Hp notebook circa 2016
Realtek wifi chip
A7/A8/A9 integrated graphics
yeah i think you'll probably be fine. boot a live cd and see if you can get things done with it.
Ok, I'm think Arch or OpenSuse, what do I go for if I want a lot of programs for music/gaming/just plain decent sized repository? I also like to use it for Youtube or reading manga.
arch is unbeatable in terms of repo size if you count the AUR but it sounds like you're just starting out so maybe it's not a good idea. tumbleweed should be fine imo. i don't remember if the offline image has a live session or not so you can try it out first.

then again, if you're curious, an arch install could teach you a lot.
If you're lurking this thread and considering hopping to Linux from Windows, just use Mint. Unless you have any games with kernel level anti-cheat or NEED the Adobe suite you'll be able to use Linux. Make the switch!
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I made a useful bash script to do an apt search, pipe the results into grep to remove any package with the word 'rust' in it, and then pipe that into lolcat. Here's the whole thing:
apt search $1 | grep -vi rust | lolcat

Saves me the time of having to remove rust library results every single time, and it looks snazzy. I am giving this very useful script to you under the GPL license, so if you modify it, you better goddamn give me credit.
A relative give me a ditched pc from an office last distros I used were Manjaro in 2018 and Xubuntu in 2020 but I'm not underage with free time anymore and I'm looking for a job.
1.5 GHz and 16 gb RAM.
How worth is using Elementary OS vs jus t ricing Ubuntu?
install openbsd
>apt search
i really should be looking for my own apartment
too bad i'm broke
according to the grep man page it uses the pcre2 method.
if i try to match

it fails as expected

but doing the same, using the same pcre2 method on https://regex101.com/ it matches.
anyone have any insight? thanks.
oh obviously the string "Tomorrow " matches in grep
installgentoo is DOWN
Elementary is barely alive, anon. There's only one person running it now. I'd just use GNOME w/ Dash to dick, Plasma or Hyprland
>The wayland compositor is simply too weighed down to achieve 144hz on anything.
Weird, I am running wayland at 144hz without issues, and when i tried x11 i couldn't tell them apart.
Which distro are you running btw?
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>(Cannot access the database)
Who runs the site?
just tell him to install ShredOS
really? any way to contact them? maybe they don't know yet.
Your video drivers are simply fucked.
Works fine on x11 ...
>inb4 yet another NVIDIA user blaming Wayland for Nvidia's shitty driver
Because your broken video drivers only work with X. GBM no work. Lots of people run Wayland compositors on trash ARM GPUs at 144Hz and they're fine.
it's fake 144hz.
they're all being lied to.
>I can't deal with the truth and my poor choice of GPU therefore everyone else is wrong but me
>its the gpu's fault!!!
>Because your broken video drivers only work with X
wayland issue.
>Everyone runs it perfectly fine
>Guy with a documented and well known trashy driver complains
>Guy refuses to accept what everyone knows and blames everyone and everything but his GPU
Dude, just try Wayland in any other GPU Vendor, you will see the difference, Wayland is fine.
>Everyone runs it perfectly fine
>except 50% of the market
Correct, it is not Wayland's fault that Nvidia can't keep up.
Intel and AMD don't experience your issues.
Therefore by simple logic we can conclude the problem is Nvidia.
And how could it not be when even Nvidia themselves admit their poor support for Wayland, GBM is also unsupported, DRM is partly supported.
Only X is supported.
Don't blame Wayland for Nvidia's issues.
>he uses wayland for gaming
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>He blames wayland for nvidia's shitty driver
>recommending a compositor that 50% of people can't even use properly
Nobody is recommending it, you are the only one mad here, complaining about it, but hey i love this keep defending nvidia's dick please.
>nobody recomends wayland
>i just get extremely butthurt when someone insults my linux compositor protocol
nvidia makes up much less than 50% of linux users
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I think the desktop attracted too many end-users and gamers. The user-space
has turned into garbage for that audience. Windows as the Unix/Linux
Desktop was popular for 30 years. Now these casual "Enthusiasts" who are
paid agents force their 3rd-world-OS ideas into everyones ass.

The future is *BSD as a server only operating system. *BSD's strength is
that nobody cares about it.

Linux on the desktop is about to be replaced by WSL because Windows just is
the better Linux Desktop. Always has been. In the end convenience trumps
ideology. Why should someone install Linux with a Desktop that isn't the
Windows Desktop when you can have the Windows Desktop and WSL? Soon the
only people using a Linux Desktop will be the same people who are developing
it. Just leave them behind.

And who is still using Desktops anyways? It is either servers (Linux and
*BSD) or Apps on Smart Devices or dedicated Video Games hardware. Apps
don't need a full blown Desktop to be launched. Games don't need a full
blown Desktop to be launched. Desktop is just a workplace for sad people.
1. i hate microshit
2. i like *nix
3. i want to use something similar for my fuckaround laptop that i do with my server, so i want something POSIX-compliant
4. gaymes are for gaymers
5. fuck closed source anything
worked out the issue, have mesa running now, why does enabling multi lib break exfat compatibility?
I think you need to review the replies
is there something like jamesdsp or easyeffects that doesn't requiere the gui program to be open at all times? or maybe a tui/cli thing i can load presets into while skipping having to open a gui program?
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50% of what? It's not 2005 any more grandpa.
>ntpd |OpenSSL version mismatch.Built against 30200020, you have 30300010

How do I check for any other mismatches that might need rebuilding on my Gentoo system? I could do an
emerge -e world
but that's probably overkill.
Preserved libs didn't pick it up hence the runtime failure. Normally emerge is good at catching these but not this time.
I think what happened is the ABI is the same but ntp is cautious and sees the version number is different. I wonder how many other packages are like that?
emerge -qavND ntpd

you should turn to chrony by the way, it got better features.
That got me a list of 126 packages at least:
$ sudo revdep-rebuild -C -L /usr/lib64/libcrypto.so.3 -p

I had to edit it a bit because some of the slots it gave were wrong.

What features? Classic Ntp works well enough. I'd ideally like to switch to ntpsec but as far as I know it's still not supported by the NTP pool and most other public NTP servers.

NTP is a shit show as far as security is concerned bu there's still nothing better.
$ eix -I chrony|grep Home
Homepage:            https://chrony.tuxfamily.org/ https://git.tuxfamily.org/chrony/chrony.git

Have a reading on the comparison charts. I think they did it well:
Doesn't seem like I'm missing out on much. Hardware timestamping sounds like a good feature though.
What's the point of immutable distros? Couldn't you accomplish more or less the same thing with snapshots and rollbacks on a regular distro?
what in the fuck i connected to my server using an ssh key like an hour ago and now i tried to connect again and i am getting Permission denied (publickey).
Why the fuck? i haven't changed anything and in fact i have the terminal where i'm still connected to the server from an hour ago open so the server is clearly running
it's already heading out the door.
in what way?
It's pretty much in hard maintenance mode now. It'll keep compiling but nobody is working on improving it and if there's not new a new security vulnerability of the day it's a struggle to even get a release out the door.
Snapshots can be deleted when your grub dies, it's not a proper backup. Immutable distros guarantee you won't have to chroot ever and do a rollback on your grub or whatever. Way more stability and much safer upgrading.
First off, that's the steam deck.
Secondly, nvidia cards far outnumber amd cards when looking at non-linux.
Any of them who try linux with wayland defaults are going to never come back because wayland is dogshit.
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If there's a serious bug in grub that causes data loss like that then it could just as easily break your immutable distro too.

Stop using it. There are better bootloaders out there.
Others have their set of problems too, especially with btrfs and timeshift.
Should I define my user packages inside home.nix or the OS configuration.nix?
>because wayland is dogshit.
You mean because Nvidia is dogshit.

Intel works fine
AMD works fine
The shittiest ARM GPU imaginable works fine.

Why is it only Nvidia that struggles to get their powerful cards to work right?
Im not even convinced that it works well on AMD cards either.
I've had zero problems with my 6700 XT, everything works. I can play modern games like Cyberpunk or Starfield, HDR works, video decoding works, video encoding works (although the quality isn't as good as Nvidia. This is one area where AMD could improve on with future generations of hardware). I have no issue with anything.
Yes I imagine you might fall into the category of those who can't discern between "working" and "working well"
I see no frame drops if that's what you mean. It works perfectly, no screen artifacts like some Nvidia users had either.

The only minor issue I've seen is when stressing the system with an all core workload on the CPU or running AI workloads on the GPU that use large amounts of VRAM and high GPU utilisation but this is to be expected, even X11 chugs in that scenario where there's a clear an obvious bottleneck.

surely theres some simple way to get my 144Hz monitor to run at 100Hz
i can send files from pc to phone with bluetooth but can't do the opposite. it says connection failed even though they're connected and it works one direction.
Bluetooth is shit, use KDE Connect, or even something like
python3 -m http.server
to spin up a small web server and then access it over WiFi.
right but i want to use bluetooth specifically for a bunch of reasons. do you know how i could troubleshoot this?
Check Bluez logs:
journalctl -u Bluetooth.service
just make some modelines and put them under xorg.conf.d/
Also check dmesg in case anything is dumped to the kernel logs.

You can have it watch continuously like this:
dmesg -T -w
it says no entries, do i have to do something specific?
this one says:
dmesg: read kernel buffer failed: Operation not permitted

also im retarded im gonna need step by step instructions sadly
Run it as root:
sudo dmesg -T -w

Also are you using some sort of hardened kernel? Your user should have permission to read the kernel logs.
If you are running a hardened kernel then that could be why things aren't working right.
Don't let Ebussy see this.
You could also try running Bluez with debugging enabled and see if it spits out anything:
# Stop the existing service
$ sudo systemctl stop Bluetooth.service
$ sudo /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd -d -n
why do you nwords always have megablurry-ass fonts
Shitty low-dpi display + Ubuntu font configuration
Most people use Intel or AMD integrated graphics, not nVidia.
>he uses gayland because muh hdr even though x11 just werks
I hope you're not the same anon always shilling kde,gnome and cosmic while proclaiming xorg is dead and every other desktop is abandonware because they dont work on wayland yet.
apt search "$@" | grep -vi rust | lolcat

Do it like that instead
>Also are you using some sort of hardened kernel?
im on cachy linux which im sure they use a modified kernel. tried this command and it shows when my phone connects to the pc:

input: Redmi Note 12 (AVRCP) as /devices/virtual/input/input22

but nothing else, even when a fail occurs.
the fisrt command of this one returns this:

Failed to stop Bluetooth.service: Unit Bluetooth.service not loaded.

must be the issue.
the second command is pic rel
Would it be worth setting up lvm with ext4 even if i don't plan on doing full disk encryption?
Are lvm snapshots easy to use and manage like btrfs?
Am i able to access lvm snapshots the same way you can with btrfs? (by mounting the snapshot subvol and directly accessing the directory the snapshot resides in)
What does
systemctl status $(pgrep -x bluetoothd)
show? The service file might be named slightly differently on Arch.

You can check the logs of that then I like I posted earlier (use journalctl with whatever the unit name is)
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Ah shit... It's my Firefox rendering the page badly. Images are blurry as if poorly resized to 99% size and font heights are like a pixel lower than they should be, so link underlines for example clip the bottom of the text.

That is, until I scroll to the bottom of the page and then up, and magically everything gets fixed. What the fuck. It only seems to happen on 4chan. Fuck this is annoying.
Is there a way to get mint to check for usbs or external harddrives on boot or when coming out of suspended mode?
Sounds like an XY problem. What's the actual issue?
why do wayland shills always act defensive-aggressive like this?
is it bad influence from all the echochamber devs in those projects?
btw not once has he mentioned nvidia, you just came to your own schizophrenic conclusion that he did
I'm trying to install Falkon (web browser) with Flatpak

The dependencies are like an entire gigabyte

Also Flatpak is supposed to not require a password but it keeps asking me for my password over and over (I'm SSHed into the machine and I don't think it asked for my password constantly when I wasn't SSHed)

Anyway I hope it's worth it
>Also Flatpak is supposed to not require a password but it keeps asking me for my password over and over (I'm SSHed into the machine and I don't think it asked for my password constantly when I wasn't SSHed)
run flatpak as sudo, or re-do the whole thing and run all flatpak commands with --user
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New to arch, what are some stuff that I need to do to keep my system tidy?
I've found I've installed Vim at somepoint even though I don't recall what did install it.
it shows this.
>You can check the logs of that then I like I posted earlier (use journalctl with whatever the unit name is)
im sorry i dont know what you mean
>Clean your pacman cache every so often (paccache via pacman-contrib makes this pretty quick)
>Vacuum your systemd journal logs to free space
>Deal with pacnew/pacsave files if they happen during updates (pacdiff via pacman-contrib with Meld as the default diff program makes this easy)
>Update your mirrors with reflector every so often
>If you haven't been able to update in a while (like months or so), just run "sudo pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring && sudo pacman -Su" so the update will run properly
I also recommend using a pacman wrapper/AUR helper like paru.
>sudo pacman -Qi vim
To show why vim was installed
Welp just figured it out. It happens when trying to set font-size using 4chan X's Custom CSS in 4chanX. For some reason Firefox starts rendering fonts and images incorrectly until the page scrolls to the bottom for any reason, then it corrects itself. I can only imagine the spaghetti code that leads to a bug like this.
okie doke
i'll credit you in a comment, ty fren
are you on mint?
i think mint has some kind of apt wrapper that makes the output look like that instead of how it's supposed to look (not the rainbow part)
if you do /usr/bin/apt directly you will see completely different output and might break the script
Does native compression on zfs/btrfs actually save disk space or is it still using the same amount of disk space when writing the data?
try to remove it, see what else gets removed to find out what pulled it in
I just want mint to check if external storage is plugged in on boot or coming out of sleep mode?
it does actually save space
I'm not using sudo because I think that might fuck it up, but I'm trying again. I'm just trying to install a dependency on its own to see if that works. The speeds keep grinding to a halt when I install something, for some reason.
Is using a script that updates my server then reboots it each night the best way to keep it up to date?

Should I setup a VPN or is SSH with no password authentication secure enough?
How's this a Linux question?
>Should I setup a VPN or is SSH with no password authentication secure enough?
I'm using both. SSH as-is and VPN for the other shit I can't arse myself to secure: plain old DNS plus unsecure Bittorrent web console.
If you don't have anything besides SSH idk what would you even do with the VPN tunnel.
And yeah, keys - no password.
Is there any good tutorial that would show me how to build my own Linux distribution (just for myself)? I'm thinking about something that would have kernel, busybox, musl and bootloader so it can boot into some basic environment but I have no idea where to start.
>Should I setup a VPN or is SSH with no password authentication secure enough?
If you don't plan on traveling consider using a firewall and only allowing requests from IP ranges you use. That eliminates 99% of threats, which are third world chinkoid/russoid bots scanning the entire internet for SSH and attempting to log in.
>Explicitly installed
Or Gentoo or Nix. They all be development platforms, not distributions really.
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Is a simple cd correct? Or am I supposed to chroot here? The following commands seem to be running from / instead of /mnt/gentoo https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Handbook:AMD64/Installation/Stage#Installing_a_stage_file
This might not be the best place to ask but you might be able to direct me better.
I've made a script in bash to extract and play files from certain site.
Issue come when I try to play it with mpv, and not with the script.
Like I forgot to run the script and do this
mpv url instead of script url
Either I turn the script to ytdl extractor, or find a way to evaluate the variable when i pass it to mpv and run the script instead.
Is that possible?
Yes, /mnt/gentoo is just an arbitrary mount point for your root partition (usually sdx3) in the livecd filesystem. When you chroot, you create a chroot jail which thinks the mount point is your actual root, from there you install to disk. I'm not exactly sure what your question is.
> Either I turn the script to ytdl extractor, or find a way to evaluate the variable when i pass it to mpv and run the script instead
Okay i have no idea what this sentence is supposed to mean. To me it sounds like you want an mpv user script, you could ask >>102175187 there about your usecase
The guide doesn't make me chroot. It makes me mount and then it jumps straight to stage downloading but I guess it makes sense since one probably doesn't want the tarball on their system after the installation.. The part of the guide where they make me cd into /mnt/gentoo got me confused
You have to save the stage3 file somewhere, be it the target rootfs in this case.
It makes you chroot the next page. Yes, it makes you mount the disk partition to the mount point which you will then chroot to, in this case /mnt/gentoo. stage3 just contains directory structure and files for the installation that you extract to the mount point. /mnt/gentoo is completely arbitrary, you can use any directory the guide writers just chose that one.
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Henlo, need a couple of arch lads to do a test install of this PKGBUILD https://pastebin.com/mvLrmy3J its itgmania (hence picrel)
Plan to push it to the AUR later today.
>The speeds keep grinding to a halt when I install something, for some reason.
That's their mirrors. They're pretty shit for some people. They use CDNs but their CDN is even more shit than if they'd have gone for community mirrors somehow like in a traditional setup.

I don't know why Fastly still struggles with this sometimes. Is it some sort of DDOS protection? Everything should be highly cached at which ever CDN node is closest to you.

While I'm ranting about CDNs, Steam's is shit too. I can do a speed test from Ookla (speedtest.net), Netflix (fast.com) or Cloudflare (speed.cloudflare) and will get close to gigabit speeds each time but Steam gives me a small fraction of that when downloading games. No, it's not me mixing up the units, I set Steam to use mb/s instead of MB/s. Disabling HTTP/2 and enabling more use of threads makes things better but doesn't fix it.
Instead of worshiping Mr Leather Jacket Man, try another piece of hardware for once in your life and you'll understand.
LFS is not the same as gentoo or nix
LFS you "literally" have to start from scratch
the rest you dont
That's a good thing though, it's not a practical use of your time to manually ./configure and make your operating system.

Tooling like Gentoo's Portage was built to automate this and make your life easier. If you're curious how something is built then look at the .ebuild. If you're curious how Gentoo gets its stage3 and the distribution images are built then look into its Catalyst tooling.
If you read his original question, he wants to know how to do everything from scratch
You can do that with Gentoo, it's just a case of whether you value your time. If you don't then go with LFS.
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Ok then thank you. This is gonna take a while I think. Do people generally tweak their system-wide flags? I simply added the flags about the video_card (only used intel since this is a laptop) and the license one
Post your setup, here's mine
>Raspberry Pi 3
>1 GB of RAM
>64 GB SD card
>Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
>Qutebrowser (because other browsers don't seem to work on this machine)
Gentoo starts off with more stuff than it should if you want to learn how to build from scratch
are you running in a tmux session or similar?
sshing into a vm. I want to play around a bit before installing on bare metal
That's because it's a full blown development system. If you want to make a custom Linux system you would emerge the packages you want into a custom root. This way you only get what you want and don't have any bdepends, only the rdepends (runtime dependencies).
always use checkupdates from pacman-contrib. never run -Syu and cancel. get paru and turn on the news feature.
paru ?
why not yay?
when doing things that are going to take forever over ssh like that its better to do it in tmux or screen or something similar so you can detach from the session whenever you want to without interrupting things
Yay can do it as well
I don't get why people are obsessed with paru over yay, must be the rust-syndrome
>Do people generally tweak their system-wide flags?
I basically copy pasted the desktop profile and cut it down a bit. And even with the whole desktop profile you'd want to make a pick between GTK and Qt.
Also a blog:
>enable global ncurses flag
>VLC compiles with it
>start VLC from desktop
>desktop crashes to a VT
>see the output of VLC' ncurses interface
t. not currently using Gentoo for anything
Wouldn't it make more sense to have both gtk and qt? You don't know if gui program comes with support for both after all
i like the FM and news feature
>NVIDIA Legacy 470.xx
Is it over?
yay can do news as well, but most people should be just subscribing to the rss
I just installed Gnome on mint because I heard there were thumbnails in the file picker. I'm using the file picker on FireFox, no thumbnails. Any suggestions?
systemd-homed can be set up with cifs/smb, has anyone done that before?
about:config, set widget.use-xdg-desktop-portal.file-picker to 1

gtk4 has thumbnails and Firefox still uses gtk3, so you have to punt to the xdg-portal api.
but yay can't print them out before an upgrade. FM allows you to pick a terminal file manager to look at a package's files and make modifications.
Just disassembled my nice machine and sold the parts
>GTX 1080 Ti
>Linux Mint XFCE

Now using an old Optiplex
>LMDE Cinnamon

Cant wait to get a job
It worked! Thanks. Any suggestions on how I can tell my computer to generate thumbnails for everything? This is a new install so I'm transferring all my files, it might just be taking a little while
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Yes if you are using Gentoo as a build platform for a more generic distribution.
But if you compile for yourself, why not trim it down? Picture relates. Also compile times.
I have a machine with one NVMe drive, two sata SSDs and one old HDD, all 1 TB each. How should I go about partitioning them? is this sensible?
nvme0n1p1 /efi
nvme0n1p2 swap
nvme0n1p3 /
nvme0n1p4 /home
sda + sdb /media/ssd-storage
sdc /media/hdd-storage
It's too bad Firefox requires GTK. I could use exclusively Flatpaks for the few GTK shit I have but I like building packages myself.

Getting rid of GTK is a non-starter if you can't ditch Firefox. Chromium has Qt support but Firefox is still the better browsers.
This is /g/, not /pol/
That's not political
The only real alternatives are Pale Moon, Ladybird, Servo and anything WebkitGTK based (WebKit being under Apple's control is not ideal but they're definitely better stewards of the web than Google. They allowed JPEG XL, etc).
>That's not political
Yes it is, the comment he linked to is concerned with a matter of politics
Ah, I see what you mean now. I didn't see the context because Reddit is shit.
What do you think of void linux? And what do you like of void linux if you are currently using it?
I'm not currently using it, but their package manager is one of the fastest I've ever used. also, when you install packages, they come pretty much stock so you need to configure them manually to make them work most of the time.
>Do people generally tweak their system-wide flags?
Just disable things you know you're not gonna need and enable those you really want.
Should one go out of their way to use openrc or is runit good enough?
I don't like Runit but you should probably use it since that's what they support. You might find yourself having to configure things a lot to get OpenRC to work, then again you might have to do that with Runit anyway.
which way, freetard man?
You needed the money? That sucks. Still that Optiplex sounds good enough for everyday tasks
I've just inherited a beast of a laptop with a sexy Intel Pentium T4500 inside. It's running Windows 10 right now but the goal is to wipe it and install Gentoo.

I want to see a) How good Gentoo's binary package support actually is and b) I'll probably also get DistCC setup again on my desktop.
If you are stallmanpilled guix. Depending on what kind of mentall illness you have gentoo or nixos can work. Cachyos seems pretty reasonable, i would probably be using it if i hadn't fallen down the nixos hole.
Even counting the AUR it's still not the size of Debian's repo. Why do arch trannies spread this garbage?
What's missing from the AUR? If you count that I'd say it's definitely bigger than Debian. The default Arch repos are definitely bare though.
I'm not saying anything needed is missing from the AUR. I've always found everything I needed in it. But Arch trannies always claim the AUR is the biggest repo, and it's simply false. As an arch user this bothers me.
I can work with this. The fans are blaring and the RAM could do with an upgrade and so could the hard drive but this is serviceable.
debian's is artificially inflated by splitting packages you stupid nigger
That just means arch is more bloated than Debian you mongoloid
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hey, my <fn> keys for media (pause, volume, next track...) stopped working on KDE after i killed that ugly windowns looking bar on the botton of my screen, any ideas of what could have happened?

i tried fix it in the shortcuts and they are still not working.
-doc -dev packages are a plague
They don't just split documentation and development packages, they split libraries too. Pretty much every other day some retard complains about KDE depending on the VLC app on Arch because the retards don't split their packages. All it needs is libVLC but muh Arch philosophy says you have to ship the entire app with it.

They aren't even consistent in their philosophy either, they do split some packages for arbitrary reasons.
they could just hide the vlc icon if it bothers them

these guys would have a stroke if they ran a complete slackware install
Debian is missing way too many packages compared to the AUR
-dev packages usually dont really take up that much space in the first place either right?
it seems to just be for minimalism container shit
yup. it's usually header files. makes it a pain in the ass to build anything on there.
It's the bloat that bothers them, not the icon. It gives them the ick. You can always install the Mpv backend instead from the AUR but still this is an unnecessary step for them from the distro with the logo of a fat man that bills itself as minimal.
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I'm a beginner and trying to run arch for the first time, and this is also the first time I see an error like this when trying to update.

How should I proceed in this situation? Do I wait and not update my system until syncthingtray updates their library, or is there a better way of solving this?
It's funny that something as robust as pacman can't deal with 2 versions of a library while flatpak can.
isn't syncthingtray deprecated? anyway it looks like a rebuild could fix it. uninstall it, upgrade and rebuild it.
trying to configure nix os . im still learning the language but there is something i dont quite get and cant find the answer in the documentation

what does it mean when an expression like this doesnt have an equal sign:
hostname = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem { ... some key value pairs }

why is it like this and not:
hostname = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem = { ... }

is nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem not a set?
The syncthingtray package is notoriously shit, it constantly has update issues. What generally fixed it for me was uninstalling it and then reinstalling it. But eventually I just got tired of it and stopped using it.
yeah i think the gtk one even has tray support
this is a lot of fun if you guys like regex puzzles

No one so mentally deranged could write a coherent post
i'll add that if this is really the problem, you may want to warn the maintainer so he bumps up the version number and forces a rebuild.
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it's fun
Still can't tell the difference between ? and *
pattern? e.g. X? or [asdf]? or (as|ad)? : matches one at most of the patterns or none. so it won't match a duplicate pattern, but will match one or nothing and will carry on

* is the same thing but will match none of the pattern, or infinite iterations of it.
is a function, the set contains the arguments you call it with
check the source
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AUR does not compare to actual packages IMO, it's just a collection of more or less functional build scripts.
But sure, when stuff works, it's great and all and resolves dependencies and shit.
>tfw no arch bf
newbie here, windows11 broke dual booting so I booted into linux mint, did all the fun stuff and then put secure boot back on. tried booting back into linux mint and now it won't boot.
I'm getting some sort of nvidia persistant daemon error and what I'm inferring is that my linux mint version is too old that it doesn't want to download anything from the directories or whatever. so kinda key me like I'm not fucking stupid, all I have to do is get a live disc, pick "something else", point back to my linux mint directories for home and dev or whatever, reinstall grub and badabing im back in business right?
Just turn off secure boot. You don't need it. The chances of your firmware getting attacked are very slim.
but i wanna play league of legends.

and linux mint is still broken.
>but i wanna play league of legends.
I'm so sorry anon, it's for the best...
...but i wanna play league of legends....
Is it possible to ssh into a laptop connected to my smartphone's mobile hotspot? I'm not a wizard and I can't get a straight answer searching about it. I vaguely remember doing it when I last tried over a year ago, but that could just be a false memory based on being able to ssh into my android phone running termux. When I try to ssh into my laptop, I just get "network is unavailable." With trace route I get "connect: permission denied." There is no firewall blocking the port and it's otherwise open.
Anyone have any tips for getting kinetic trackpad scrolling to work properly in Wayland KDE Plasma? It only seems to work in Firefox, and even then it is kind of a sorry implementation.
is it a good idea to use polybar with kde?
i like how the small bar looks
dunno about polybar but it looks like waybar works. depends on if polybar does wayland or not, i guess.
I think you need to install ffmpegthumbs but I might be mistaken
Been considering a chance from Ubuntu LTS (22.04) to Debian, but was curious what the state of KDE support was on Debian currently.
I'm looking for a _stable just werks_ desktop, but I've read about Debian's KDE lead maintainer leaving. Just don't want to change distros onlyn to end up on a dead end.
if you want to use debian stable, it's stuck on 5.27 which was a good, LTS version.
I'm fine with that as 5.27 is rather rock solid. I presently have it on 22.04 with the Kubuntu backports. I just want to know if Debian's general support of QT5+KDE is there. I honestly don't really want to jump to KDE 6.x for another year yet till things get smoothed out. I consider my desktop as a tool, not a hobby on to it self, and because of that I want to just know if Debian still has maintainers around the framework. I just simply want reliability.
Why am I unable to reopen a luks volume?
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda2 NAME
pvcreate /dev/mapper/NAME

Here it bitches that the "physical volume not initialized"
pvcreate -ffy /dev/mapper/NAME
vgcreate vg0 /dev/mapper/NAME

Says everything is succesful but vg0 does not show in /dev and I can't mount anything from the luks volume. The only thing that shows up new is a dm-1 but that doesn't seem to do anything.
pvscan and vgscan all return something but lvscan returns nothing. It used to, because I already made volumes on it but it doesn't now.

Looking like it would be faster to start over with this install instead of trying to correct it.
Is there any CLI program like ani-cli but for tokusatsu instead of anime?
what is wrong with this? i can't fucking get it to work. the iterable variable just stays the fuck the same

declare -a arr=(s o m e s h i t)
for i in ${#arr[@]} ; do
# makes it evaluate to the number of elements in the array
that's what I want, i want it to do something to each element individually.
i just tried debugging by print the value of i with print and it's always 0. doesn't even get a chance to exceed the array size
yeah waybar does work on KDE but it has no modules written for it. unfortunate. i'd try but i don't know where to start.
hah, i figured it out. i forgot bash doesn't let for loops go beyond 9 since it evaluates the first condition it sees. i'll look into it i remember there being a work around, or that bash took c style for loops.
thanks for the thought provoking answer. best kind of help
>bash doesn't let for loops go beyond 9 since it evaluates the first condition it sees
It has no such limit. Try quoting your expressions correctly. Use shellcheck for suggestions.
i must be thinking of another language. i'll look into shellcheck. thanks.
>that's what I want, i want it to do something to each element individually.
Then remove the #, dumbass. "${#a[@]}" where a=(1 3 5 2 4) always evaluates to "5".
And put it in quotes
if the values may have spaces.
That was by coincidence only. Debian does not track LTS Plasma releases.

What exactly don't you like about Kubuntu? There's not many other options if you want reliability and stability, except for something like Rocky.
posix shell for isnt c-style for but rather foreach
if you want indices do
for i in `seq 0 n`

which will iterate i from 0 to n inclusive
Well what do you mean, stress test? Try to random read/write four hundred times the disk cache to see the data throughput? There isn't a need, though it will differ because of how the data is structured, if I'm not mistaken ext4 was slower than xfs that some anon benched by 4x, there was no comparison to ntfs.

Either I'm not understanding your question, or you've answered it yourself already.
Debian's repos are archaic
btop fucking sucks
howabout showing me WHICH process is using 95% of my i/o you fucking nigger
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what's wrong with this thing
i'm trying to physically ssh into my nanopi r1 using the debug uart pins and a usb-uart adapter, but when i press enter to activate the console, it's an endless spam of "bad substitution" and i can't do anything
but if i interrupt it during the boot process and get dropped in the bootloader cli, input and output work fine there
the settings for the serial console thing should be "115200 baud 8N1" but i have not gotten it to work with either minicom, picocom or tio
i've had it working with the same board and adapter in the past but can't remember what i did to fix it other than having to try different programs (might've been minicom or picocom that worked)
board and adapter are the same as the first pic here: https://gist.github.com/pjobson/95b67bc4f17c2f60278ec40bf15ca99d
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jolly good time in the bootloader
what could be different here
This is Linux's real problem, it exposes a metric fuck ton of information to userspace, but nobody can make a competent UI to present it to a human without contortions.
>league of legends
Linux is trying to SAVE you.
Mission Centre if you're just looking for a Windows Task Manager clone:
I used this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlzoegSuIzg
to great success, the guy's got more of 'em too, with buildroot and tinyX.

Really just compile the kernel and busybox statically, then toss it into a hybrid boot ISO.
You're right, but arch and aur package managers are responsible for making the whole process easy for an enduser to handle
attempting to do the same thing with debian is way more of a pain in the ass than it needs to be, and theres been several package managers that have attempted to do the "aur" method but none of them ever picked up enough popularity
it's not archs fault that debian cant provide a proper repository or system for users to create sane buildscripts that any enduser can easily use to build their own package, there's so many projects that support arch simply because they can put a packagebuild on the aur and point users to it for install instructions instead of having to go through the autism of the debian system just to get your package approved only for it to take forever to reach the next stable release
How can you still play that game knowing its became a mandatory requirement to install a rootkit driver that is always running in the background and can brick your system just to play it
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>Uses GTK4 and Libadwaita
>Written in Rust
>Flatpak first
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Does Debian have the new GTK filepicker from GNOME 44 or is stuck with the old one?
How any self respecting person wants to stick around after the last three years of awfully bad champion releases is a mistery to me.
Or you could just use iotop

There is a reason some tools like Htop and Btop don't bother to implement every feature under the sun.
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Linux is all about stability, if you don't have stability you are going to have a bad time. You need a system that can run for 5+ years without breakages.
Most distros do things in an imperative, chaotic way with no safety. Debian is stable but can still break easily and it has. Arch can be stable but still breaks. Can you trust them? No you cannot.

The imperative way of linux is completely outdated, installing everything into the same location. Enter rpm-ostree running on fedora kinoite/silverblue
>stable and just werks with rollback
>use flatpaks for 99% of applications
>codecs installed out of the box
>get the latest drivers while being rock solid stable
Is it possible to run a whole desktop through distrobox?
Like run debian with archlinux hyprland in distrobox or something?
i don't know what you expected, those are the kinds of tools "user friendly" things are often made with
perhaps you'd prefer something like glances, then
Yes, it is. They have guides on this on their GitHub page. Read them.
You are responding to an ESL copypasta
installed linux mint 22 the other day and the screen keeps flickering.
installed ubuntu 24.04.1 and the same problem persists.
installed windows, screen flickering is cured.
i use an 8y.o laptop.
y does linux do this?
That only seems to be for KDE and gnome while running with a display manager
Are you talking about package stability or what?
>You need a system that can run for 5+ years without breakages.
Any system can do that: never touch or update it.
>attempting to do the same thing with debian
Can't compare AUR to packages of any sort.
*why does your hardware manufacturer do this?
Laptops are kinda snowflakey and require god knows what hardware tricks. They simply didn't care to program the specific quicks for the Linux kernel.
but linux mint is still broken for me.....
Even better, you are now free. Go outside and enjoy life in the real world.
but i need the computer to find activities...[spoiler]i actually fucking hate being a fucking gamer kid growing up. i wish i never fucking touched a computer in my life. fuck this shit. technology ruins people. [/spoiler]
Is there any downside to using x11 over wayland as an nvidia user? I wanted to try out a window manager, but dwm and i3 seem to be x11 only
I'm talking about OS stability

Debian is practically dead. It's outdated and old.

Arch is unstable and unsafe.

Immutable distros are the only way to go. The fact that peons can't even wrap their heads around it means its revolutionary.

It's literally the latest drivers and OS with no downside.
>latest drivers
You can do latest kernels with any distribution, the userland doesn't care.
>Arch is unstable
Not particularly.

>and unsafe.
Citation needed.
>Arch is unstable and unsafe.
Your issues in userspace are your responsibility
>Arch FUD in 2024
Bitch get outta here
>year of our lord current year + 8
>still trying to claim arch is unstable
where do retards like you come from?
are you able to think for yourself at all without having to copy-paste repeat what eceleb shills say?
That so? It hasn't broken on me yet.
Don't worry it will. One day you'll update and it will be all over.
How will I live with myself.
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>One day you'll update and it will be all over.
Arch published the backdoored xz library and it just happened to not work correctly on Arch.
I remind you the backdoor was targeting "safe" distros, and it hit at least one.
The Arch maintainers would not have published the backdoored xz if they knew about it. They were not careful enough. Hence, Arch is unsafe.
Am I missing something:
Aren't the ssh and gpg generated keys the same if using the same algorithm?

Couldn't I use the same key for signing packages and for git and for ssh-into a server?

Also how are certs generated with openssl different from the ones with gpgsm?

I keep forgetting and mixing things about keys and certs.
Do you audit everything you install? If not, you're not careful enough. Hence, you're unsafe.
Dumb question, but I'm running Artix with openrc. I set up QEMU virtual machine stuff a few weeks ago and it ran fine. Now I can't run any VMs cause I don't have a libvirtd.pid file. Any attempts to run libvirtd result in a crashed process due to missing the file. Hiwever, reinstalling, rebooting, and other troubleshooting measures won't fix it. Is there a way to make a pid file?
Does gnome have good dual display support? I use my TV for watching movies and have it hooked up with my monitor.
i am forced to use guhnome at work and it just works in my experience
It is not black and white, dummy. Yeah, you cannot audit everything and need some level of trust. However, package maintainers are expected to prevent stuff like this because they are the experts. Therefore, the large oversight is foreboding.
If only there were several better known monitoring programs which do give you that information, like htop, glances, or pcp.
>package maintainers are expected to prevent stuff like this because they are the experts.
>be typical Linux user
>fuck up installing a package
>try to fix it
>Are you sure you want to do this? It will break your system.
>Yes do as I say
So yeah, package maintainers are the experts.
If you believe package maintainers actually audit anything there's a bridge I'd like to sell you.
i got autofs working so i dont have to put my nas mounts in fstab
>sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/share/nginx/
>403 forbidden
What am i doing wrong?
What aren't you doing wrong.
ostree distros are freetards reinventing snapshots / incremental backups in the most ridiculous way possible.
>use flatpaks for 99% of applications
lol, pass
its only on localhost
>Forge is not maintained anymore
Well ain't it nice that COSMIC exists
>in the most ridiculous way possible
Why? It works just like Android and macOS, i.e. perfectly.
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Got Gentoo installed. I don't know why more people don't consider it for old hardware.

The Good:
>Binary distribution kernel
>It pulled binary packages for most of LxQt and KDE
>Everything (almost) just works
>It feels just like Arch but with far more power and flexibility
The Bad:
>Changing USE flags ever so slightly is going to result in you having to compile instead of fetching a binary. So you enabled verify-sig, caps, man and bash-completion, fuck you!
>My make.conf file doesn't change much
COMMON_FLAGS="-O2 -march=native -pipe"

CPU_FLAGS_X86="mmx mmxext sse sse2 sse3 ssse3"

FEATURES="${FEATURES} candy getbinpkg"
GENTOO_MIRRORS="http://my-local-mirror/gentoo ${GENTOO_MIRRORS}"

VIDEO_CARDS="fbdev intel i915 i965 vesa dummy lavapipe"

MULTIMEDIA_IMAGE_USE="apng avif png gif jpeg jpegxl webp"
MULTIMEDIA_AUDIO_USE="pipewire ogg vorbis flac mp3"

USE="${USE} ${MULTIMEDIA_USE} bash-completion caps elogind gles2 lm-sensors nftables vaapi vdpau wayland xwayland"

Even just changing VIDEO_CARDS results in me needing to compile Mesa but I knew that and wanted to do it anyway to compile it with -march=native optimisations for the 0.1% speed boost.
The ugly:
>The Xorg drivers binary packages were built with a different ABI (not sure if this was my fault or Gentoo's but it seems like issues like that could crop up a lot if they don't have tooling to handle it)
>Wayland just does not work. Possibly to do to the age of the hardware. It should still work in theory though. I don't know why. I can't find anyone talking about it because understandably there's not a lot of people with old Pentiums running Gentoo.
The same applies without a display manager you just run the Exec= line manually or in your script, etc.
wheres new breed?
New thread (with subject):
>program 1 can't access program 2's files
>have to jailbreak device to fix
>hardware detects jailbreak and disables your proprietary banking app
Yeah this works great.
how is that bad? ostree is FS agnostic.
I don't know if it's a too stupid question, but im trying to finally understand all the keys that are in use in linux and trying to distinguish which ones are actually the same things but in different contexts.

At job we use loads of certificates. I'd like to understand these better too.

Mostly from admin's or webdev's perspective
So is thin provisioned LVM.
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