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ok but what does bill gates have to do with mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp saars?
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Reminder that libplacebo has linear-downscaling explicitly disabled for HDR content. Get rid of that hermite bullshit.

profile-cond=p['video-params/primaries'] and p['video-params/primaries'] == "bt.2020"
Why was that decision made?
classic case of PEBKAC
so i patched old mpv, everything works fine except 5.1 audio, i got swresample errors and no audio output
what to do
why does ffmpeg often greatly overshoot the average bitrate I've requested with the -b:v option? A webm I just made with -b:v 400k ended up with 575k instead.
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I'm trying to bypass censorship on public network.
I should be using

What do I use? HTTP proxy? SOCK4 proxy> SOCK5 proxy?
quickmedia coompilation on fedora anyone?
Sourceforge link is gone from mpv.io
why doesn't yt-dlp just be fast like these meme clients?
apparently there was a virus being distributed to users
> (llyyr) it is actually so stupid that we still default to a VO that no one who develops mpv uses to the extent where it can fail at the very basic thing of displaying more than one frame of a video and not be noticed by anyone for 2 days
libplacebo is abandoned, what does he want?
Nobody uses git-master, it doesn't have anything to vo_gpu's usage.
what's stupid is that gpu-next isn't even functional. opengl has artifacting, vulkan has 100% cpu usage and a 2+ second start up time.
it's time to stop using windows and grow up
meant for
i'm on linux.
So is gpu-next not good? I've seen it in almost every config on /g/ for years.
it's not ideal. and has some microstutter issues. stick to default because default is feature complete
I'd get rid of it, but according to the manual it's required for hwdec=vulkan to work. Unless that's bad too.
It is good, but only within a narrow range. There are issues preventing it from being enabled by default in mpv. See https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/milestone/4. Not all of them are critical, but at least some need to be resolved. Forcing it by default would cause more issues than it is worth.
> I've seen it in almost every config on /g/ for years.
You are a beta tester sir. Same strategy as madshi with his tonemapping only test build.
just use vaapi
and yet they made libplacebo bloat mandatory
How is DMG doing? Was quiet lately.
why not? it covers more codecs and is more mature. you're literally signing up for a beta test by using vulkan. not even beta, more like pre-alpha.
It is still better. I think no one wants to backport D support and vulkan to vo_gpu. It is just pointless job. libplacebo is carbon copy of vo_gpu code. We are just in a weird state, where vo_gpu has better support for legacy hardware and libplacebo has new features and is unmaintained.
i never agreed to be a beta tester. how do i opt out and have a stable mpv experience?
you're always beta testing https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/issues/14787
does VLC have this problem?
It avoids the mess by not supporting D at all. Quite based
Have you tried this user's solution perchance?
>Setting you hue up to +75 should do the trick
VLC users are based. Unlike mpvtards, they embody the Faustian spirit of finding practical solutions to insurmountable problems.


>find the bicubic (good blurry quality) option, and set to "nearest" to turn off the blur
>It says nearest neighbor (bad quality) which is not accurate, it should just say no smoothing or blur instead
I use vo=gpu and happy with it

Rate my config.

Ok, anons, everyone adds one line to this config to generate the ultimate cargoculted config
>>[1] 45171 segmentation fault (core dumped) quickmedia
sloppy programming
ikatube doesn't crash here btw
>what am I doing wrong, fc-list says the font is there.
it seems that you can't use filename if you want to use fontconfig font
can't find it, go a link?
>it seems that you can't use filename if you want to use fontconfig font
so umm, what's that supposed to mean?
>what's that supposed to mean?
it has be in fontconfig format like "DejaVu Sans:bold"
Is there any way to get around the retarded throttling on Youtube?
I unironically get modem speeds.
always has been
ikatube doesn’t have this problem
why is there no un-libplacebo'd mpv
We sure do have a lot of new friends around here. What happened in the last week or so?
desu, Ikatube looks really sloppy
ds fartcnn is the best choice for most content, it'll sometimes look too sharp but who the hell gives a shit
yes, SOCK5
you need 2-pass if you want to target an average bitrate and get a close result.
isn’t supported by mpv because ffmpeg refuses to support it
mpv really needs its own network handling
post backtrace
It used to have, mplayer still does.
>why is there no un-libplacebo'd mpv
because everyone is yapping only, there are only handful of people actually contributing to mpv
How do I watch 1440p live stream on youtube? Does ikatube support those?
how is that relevant when it's a yt-dlp option?
or are you just mindlessly repeating "mpv really needs its own network handling" like a parrot now?
What's the difference between RetroArch's super-XBR and MPV/MadVR super-XBR?, I've seen some people recommending the MPV/MVR one and i can't wrap my head around it cuz the one in Retroarch sucks for everything
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Billy! Do you still taste those pies after all these years?
how do you even compile a minimal libplacebo? i set -Dvulkan=disabled and yet it still tries to use python3-jinja2 even though the docs says jinja2 is only required for vulkan. what a fucking joke lmao
i only need vo=libmpv, i don't give a shit about gpu-next or vulkan
you can only download and play this way, not streaming
libplacebo is made for bloat, which is why mpv got forced to accept it as mandatory dependency.
>So is gpu-next not good?
no good. libplacebo which is gpu-next has been developed by a single guy which, in recent years, has gotten a girlfriend, which has resulted in him pretty much dropping the project entirely
his girlfriend is called swscale
it's Akemi. they live in the same part of Deutschland
do you have a ntr fetish anon
anyone? are you even know anything anons?
>they live in the same part of Deutschland
Where is that?
you can't. higher quality formats are only offered with live-from-start
>libplacebo which is gpu-next has been developed by a single guy which, in recent years, has gotten a girlfriend, which has resulted in him pretty much dropping the project entirely
is it that easy? do you just forget about your hobbies the moment you get pussy? how do we prevent the other contributors from reproducing?
I will be dead by then
lanczos + igv werks?
Stop poolluting this thread with your newfag questions retards
first post the best post on 4chan of all time
Finally got it working. The retard has hardcoded font paths. It is "/usr/share/fonts/noto" where the fonts need to be placed and ...noto-cjk for jap ones. See "src/ResourceLoader.cpp" for the exact font names and paths.
All was good but the player does not have icons for play/pause, some font-codes (? if they called that) are there instead, even after placing the symbols font in the same dir.
It is usable still and thanks for your work.

>no source available
and there is no project that support that?
I want to watch cunny in 4K
send links to good cunny in 4k
last time i used that program it spun up one curl process per network request and often left a bunch of zombie processes, plus issues with compiler/resource path/gpu requirements so i stopped using it
ikatube is less bloated and works without these issues
redpill me on this
will it be user configurable on mpv? my 4g ram lappy coudln't handle this.
haha no.

also there was already a user here who claimed it's eating resources from the audio thread and causing crackling instead of dropping frames.

i hate fansubber so much. there is no universe where subtitles need to be multithreaded
>optimizing subtitle rendered in 2024
Absolutely fucking retarded. This would have made sense in 2009.
just rewrite libass as a gpu-accelerated library. ez.
this is haasn's next project
the retardation started when they forced harfbuzz and meson, just use old libass at this point
>trooncords have no influence over the development and enshittification of your favorite media player, chud
>take your me--ACK

It adds an API that sets the number of threads.
why is he like this
the meme answer: he's a schizo

the nonmeme answer: he browses /g/ and is just doing it for attention
GTK devs got him. very sad to see
I'm done, fuck this shitty app.
ive never had mpv crash before
t. winchad
na-na-hi <3
give her commit rights
the first widescreen tv my family got had a special aspect mode where it could take a 4:3 picture and stretch it, but in a non-uniform way. like the middle maybe half of the picture remained correct, while the sides gradually stretched more as you reached the edges, this resulted in an image that looked relatively normal for stuff in the middle of the picture, and stretched just on the sides
is there a shader or something available that can do something like this?
nice, didn't know there was a name for it, i've never seen anything else do that
why is cpu usage so high on apple silicon? 30% for mpv and 30% for WindowServer, hwdec is set to videotoolbox
on my intel mac it's like 10%
is this an mpv or ffmpeg issue
>cant use streamlink on instagram
PSA: If you're on Windows, and mpv stutters for you, it's because of the chink build "optimizations"


There's no stutter without dynamic C runtime, compile mpv yourself or download it from the CI. Don't use chink builds.
the chink will fix it, I hope
Some niggas forget about everything else once they get pussy because they are weak without much purpose other than the bitch.
It depends on the man.
Me personally I never gave up on my hobbies even when deeply in love. And women tend to prefer that too. When a man is not driven anymore the pussy gets dry. It’s a low self esteem behavior to make a bitch your purpose in life and care so much about her you forget all of your other aspirations
should I use msvcrt again?
If you read the issue, what he's describing is closer to a freeze rather than a stutter. He says it lasts 1-2 seconds. Seems like a non-issue/FUD as usual.
He's describing an issue with seeking on the CI build, which he's using because of the stutter issue on the chink build. the seek issue is fixed
Blind retard
The seek "issue" was never a problem in shitchiro. He's talking about 2 problems.
that is literally what I said, you blind faggot
Your posts are worthless then. Don't bother replying if you have nothing good to add to the conversation.

Just spreading useless FUD. A 1-2 second freeze is not a stutter, it's so severe that someone would've noticed it by now. Confirmed FUD.
How does it differ? Those are literally the same files on SF and github..
Are there any issues to fix in mpv currently?
>change speed
>drops frames
I honestly don't know, some say it reduced jitter. I actually have
in my config because it had the lowest amount of jitter for me in my quick test. It's extremely minor for me.
not an issue
swapchain-depth 2 and 3 have an identical amount of jitter for me with display-resample. swapchain-depth=1 is the lowest

though desu, I don't use swapchain-depth=1 for display sync though, I use it for FreeSync. i feel like the manual should have a note about this since variable displays are becoming commonplace.
I ended up just turning G-sync off in general, don't trust it to work well with mpv and I can set it to 119.88Hz anyway.
video-sync=audio feels like ass though regardless of how close you get your freshrate to be divisible by 24/1.001. it's a losing battle and not worth losing sleep over. it's only tolerable with freesync/gsync.
I use display-resample. I didn't notice an improvement with G-sync.
troonware? no thx
if you don't notice a different you may as well just use gsync, less energy consumption and opening the console wont cause mpv to shit itself because of the libass shitmess. also gsync actually works on VFR content so there's that
quicktime doesn't have this issue
it cant demux matroska LOL. more like cucktime
I am sorry for your gayness
playing youtube videos directly with mpv keeps glitching out for me, and seeking tends to produce errors (e.g. video no longer loading)

What are your configs for watching youtube videos with mpv?
I haven't really changed mine in over 5 years.

Also, the videos seem to be very "framy" when I watch through mpv rather than through the native player in Chromium
Have you tried updating yt-dlp? Jewgle breaks the API like every other week to fuck with adblockers and downloaders.
even youtube.com player doesn't have this issue
Yes, 826 issues to be exact.
youtube player doesn't report framedrops accurately
could be worse
yet it doesn't have obvious video frame discontinuity like mpv
Don't you worry mpv will get there.
mpv has no frame discontinuities
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>change speed up
>~6 frames dropped
>change speed down
>~6 frames dropped
>twitter frog

you need to go back saar
Video players have been a solved case long ago https://madvrenvy.com/
that's not a video player, that's a video processor for projector units.

nice try
>drops frames
poor fag
not a hw issue, player issue
>Non-Linear Stretch (NLS+)
>Want to remove those pesky black bars on your 2.35 screen when watching 16:9 content? Our NLS+ is the first non-linear stretch algorithm to combine horizontal expansion with vertical compression. This innovation (yet another madVR Labs industry first) “shares the load” for the stretch both horizontally and vertically, resulting in a more natural looking image than possible otherwise.
Surely this doesn't break aspect ratio, right?
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> What are your configs for watching youtube videos with mpv?
no config needed because i use my own youtube client so its free from yt-dlp’s terrible defaults for streaming
the expectation is that you're looking at the display directly from the center, in which case the aspect ratio distortion is more exaggerated at the edges of the picture and less exaggerated at the center
Sounds retarded.
if you're an incel who watches tranime on a shitty gaming monitor then yeah

btw movie theater displays (especially large digital displays like imax) are not completely flat and planar. it has to be slightly distorted to accommodate every viewing angle due to the large display size
Why not just keep the black bars?
designated pedo OP for designated pedo player
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?? the point is to provide an option for people who want to get rid of the black bars.
No way.
only nigs go to black bars.
>durr use case? duuuuur you dont need that?! durrrrr whats the usecase?? durrrr valid usecase???
hello waymeme dev
You're kidding me.
why are you seething so hard though?
I can't believe what you're telling me.
>and seeking tends to produce errors (e.g. video no longer loading)
This is the case with every single media player in existence that does network streaming. It's a shitmess.
Wait 20 years for a protocol to be invented.
you're not funny pillow. you're in your 30s and you're still posting here.
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Why are you, as an adult, watching live streams, using Instagram etc?
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>goes on daily basic programs thread
Does xe have an extra chromosome, lads?
haasn identifies(not personally) as a troon
i watch live streams targeted at like 20-22 year olds, i know all the brainrot terminology, use tiktok, insta, im 43 years old
>(not personally)
??? wud ???
what did he mean by this
didn't you get the memo? haasn is no longer an mpv developer
I have a 4K SDR monitor, but usually the best quality version of a film (UHD BR) is HDR10 only.
I'm not happy with automatic tonemapping. Aside from often looking washed out, the overall brightness of the scene is often different between different shots in the same scene, which is very distracting.
From what I understand, due to the fundamental differences between the relative brightness used in SDR and the absolute brightness used in HDR10, it's actually impossible to convert HDR10->SDR perfectly and automatically because creative decisions need to be made.

Let's say I have a 2160p HDR10 UHD remux of a film, and also any SDR version of it (let's say a 1080p BR remux). Let's say that these are exact frame-by-frame matches for each other. (That probably isn't the case in practice, but I think my idea can be adapted to account for that, so let's keep it simple.)

Can these two sources be combined in an automatic way (no creative human input needed) to produce a 4K SDR version with the detail of the 4K copy but the overall luminance and colours of the 1080p SDR copy?
I'm an experienced programmer and I know a bit about video, colour spaces, signal processing, etc- enough to be dangerous- but not enough to know offhand if this is really a feasible or sensible idea.
I don't expect to be spoonfed anything, would just appreciate any input on whether this sounds tractable and any suggestions for approaches that might work.
I'm both not a programmer, and also extremely retarded, so take what I'm going to say with a grain of salt. But most of the time what people do if they have access both an SDR and HDR grade of the film is they will just export the movie itself to something premier/davinci resolve and then "regrade" the HDR so that it looks as close as possible to the SDR film grade when it gets tonemapped by a video player. So you're essentially painstakingly producing your own dynamic metadata for the video if it only contains static metadata.

movies with dynamic metadata (HDR10+, DV etc.) already look good enough since mpv just reshapes it, so you dont get those annoying brightness variations
Is it even possible to watch HDR video at HDR? Seems like a pipedream. I'd rather watch stuff in SDR than have shitty tonemapping
Only Winchad 11 and KDE Chadsma users can with --target-colorspace-hint
>movies with dynamic metadata (HDR10+, DV etc.) already look good enough
Hmm. I did notice that Alien (UHD BR remux, HDR10+) looked OK, but I have a web-dl of Inside Out 2 which supposedly is DV yet does have those brightness variations. Maybe I just need to tweak settings? I'm using mpv's defaults.

My hope is that access to a matching SDR version could help solve this automatically.
It would look something like
>for each frame of the movie, decode the 4k hdr version and the 1080p sdr version
>decide which changes need to be made (overall brightness/contrast/curves/colour balance/etc) to the former to make it match the latter as closely as possible
>write out a 4k sdr frame
>repeat for all frames
have you tried vo=gpu-next? you might also want to try profile=high-quality since it has some settings there that improve stability and contrast
>vo=gpu-next, profile=high-quality
That is dramatically better, what the fuck, thank you
Why isn't this the default for HDR content
haasn won
libplacebo won
scale-radius for lancozs is equals to taps?
so scale-radius 4.0 is lanczos4?
lanczos or ewa_lanczos4sharpest
antiringing is actually bad (but unironically)
Give it 10 more years and maybe display technologies will finally be able to hit the required nit levels.
you must be a poorfag because coinsumer displays are already more than capable of reaching the peak nit level of most HDR10+/DV grade movies.

people just prefer tonemapping to a lower nit level because they don't want to be irradiated by their TVs and blasted with light
As far as I'm aware, displays aren't even reliably at 4000 nits yet. There are plenty of movies out there that have scenes that go way above that and technically the spec allows up to 10000.
what you're describing is very rare. most movies barely exceed 1000 nits, even that. if anything is graded at 10000 nits then it's literally a broken file lol
Depends on your screen.
lanczos looks best on all screens
Yeah, everything is up to date.

I used to almost exclusively watch videos through mpv+ytdl up until a few years ago and had no problems at all.
update your uosc
>I haven't really changed mine in over 5 years.
post yours then.
could it be issue with vp9 codec?
bloat and trash
quicktime has this feature since 2009. it's called panoramic mode
no one cares about cucktime
bro, your madVR?
did it work?
I'll just use bilinear and call the day.
Daily reminder to NOT use chink builds. They are stuttering https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/issues/14790#issuecomment-2330832292
The mad max meme clip peaks at 9000 or some shit. It happens sometimes
I don't really care about having it be gorrilion nits like the scene is supposed to have. As long as the bright parts are brighter and the total brightness is at an acceptable level it's good enough for me.
im new to 4chan how to type code?
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test test test test ok test test
build my config based on what u posting chat
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Does mpv torrent hook work?
see >>102243030
>Why isn't this the default for HDR content
mpv --show-profile=high-quality
Profile high-quality:

According to the manual there's a performance penalty to all those settings, that's most likely why.
Paul's protest work, https://ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-devel/2024-September/333047.html fflabs guys are feeling the pain.
based paul proving that activism works
>I am new to community
>Great, let's force you to backporting Paul's patches to our codebase for free. I will let you be in MAINTAINERS.
im using the nanahi builds. am i safe?
kek this. wasn't backporting stuff from librempeg a paid milestone in their bounty website?
are you using protection?
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all mitigations are disabled
>the nanahi builds
Where the fuck are those
>he doesn't know
which are the chink builds?
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I watched a tournament stream using mpv and I noticed it used 10gb. Where to find it to clear up some space. Here's the only setting on my conf.
>Also tested that Shinchiro build for the same commit does not throw errors.
what you're quoting is regarding the seeking issue, not the stuttering issue
besides the already mentioned things
yt-dlp by default choses the highest quality resolution/format available, which can cause problems if it's something like 8k av1 and your device isn't powerful enough for that
use ytdl-format or ytdl-raw-options to change this behaviour
I can't reproduce
we know
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>I can't reproduce
pictured: dmg circa 2024
all my friends on discord and reddit using word "chat"
how tf do i force mpv to use dav1d instead of libaom, libaom fucking sucks
>but the player does not have icons for play/pause
you can use the mpv default ui instead for the video player if you add this:
"use_system_mpv_config": true

to ~/.config/quickmedia/config.json
here is a full example config file: https://git.dec05eba.com/QuickMedia/tree/example-config.json
What the fuck is this fucking GIBBERISH?
Speak goddamn English.
, but it should be default choice.
wtf is quickmedia and why should I use it?
Has anyone else noticed that mpv is taking way longer to open after 1ecfb299?
download CI builds, not gook builds
Why would that commit cause this? And why are CI builds unaffected?
it only happens if you use vulkan
>Why would that commit cause this?
this function is how mpv reads files off your disk
>And why are CI builds unaffected?
because they don't use the windows equivalent of musl as the C runtime to save 100 bytes off the compiled exe
I'm using d3d11, and I'm using AMD not novidya. I already posted the regression point.

I see. I'll switch to the CI builds when they have LittleCMS2 I guess, until then I'll revert. Also why bother even promoting "gook" builds on the website then? Just put CI builds at the top.
Tested CI build, still takes longer after that commit
msvc seems better than mingw actually. is there anything this is missing compared to mingw builds?
Since when does mpv build with msvc?
Anon, I don't believe you. On mingw build, off_t was already int64_t (long long), because we define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS, see https://github.com/mingw-w64/mingw-w64/blob/master/mingw-w64-headers/crt/_mingw_off_t.h so there is no difference at all. This change affects only MSVC build.
It is clang build with Windows SDK.
clang --target=x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
Well, I can pretty easy notice the difference because I use mpv as an image viewer... and the only reason why I uninstalled my previous image viewer was because mpv had really good init times. But now that it doesn't I don't know what to do. Maybe I'll just go back to a dedicated image viewer if this commit is supposed to be an "improvement"
since bugsper got commit rights
Also this guy >>102250006 says that gook builds are affected and those target mingw, so how's telling the truth?
>I'll switch to the CI builds when they have LittleCMS2 I guess
msvc build has lcms enabled.
yeah you're right. good to know
ci builds have dav1d now, there's literally no reason (zero) to use shinchiro. just migrate and avoid the andarjeetux enshittification of winbulds
It's is literally not possible for this commit to change behavior on any mingw build. Probably some other dependency is updated.
Didn't mpv rely on a lot of posix APIs provided by mingw?
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As we can see, no. Not anymore at least.
many such cases
mingw build had it for several months already
msvc builds are better
yeah but that lacks lcms2 if you're a coloristCHAD. msvc target builds are essentially feature complete and should be listed instead of sh*nchiro and zh*ngfly on mpv.io
thanks anon, msvc build feels more responsive.
>mpv used to have control over its subtitle renderer
>lose control of it
>subtitle rendering goes to shit

>mpv used to have control over its video renderer
>lose control of it
>it becomes abandonware

>mpv used to have control over windows toolchains
>lose control of it
>they become shit

many such cases
Damn he's gettin' old
Life is so short
Why does this line work flawlessly if placed in the main part of config but when I put it into a conditional profile for gifs and webms, it doesn't do shit?

I am trying to have this active for those two extensions only.
ohnono he is unaware
just edit that lua script manually, don't need conditional profile
windows support should be deprecated
meanwhile... reality sets in...
<wm4> look at ms windows
<wm4> everyone tries to fuck with ms window, tries to subvert it, etc
<wm4> how about you chew on this shit for a while
<wm4> at this point I'd probably prfer if win32 were the only OS
>I'm an MPC-HC refugee as the current maintainer seems resistant to any and every request made on Git, so I'm hoping MPV are a little friendlier :)
wtf you guys weren't memeing, CI builds on github are much snappier
>so I'm hoping MPV are a little friendlier :)
outside of cuntpillow and llyyr, most people are fairly polite
I've never seen ilyyr be mean, you guys are too mean to him
fuck yeah
he insists upon himself
i tell you, _many_ such cases, too many to recount. absolutely dreadful conduct
isn't he the guy who used to generate his code in chatgpt and then pushed the code into mpv
if he can do it why can't you fix stutterpv with chatgpt?
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any major happenings in the last few days?
i don't have the time to read comments.
numpv le bad o algo así
Install CachyOS brainlet
>Install CachyOS
>, brainlet
wish you were joking
shut up rajesh
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That's what I did, but I am still curious why it doesn't work. I planned on redoing my mpv.conf and wanted to shove some other scripts into conditional profiles instead of having them run every time.
https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/actions/workflows/build.yml?query=event:push+branch:master click on latest commit (top one), scroll down to artifacts and download
>CI builds on github are much snappier
Yeah, chink builds are fucked, someone needs to debug them and fix... too many affected users
ci builds don't seem to be built with libxml2. I don't know much about dash. is it essential to have?
what happened to sizumam?
No, it doesn't work well anyway and libxml2 is shit quality, many CVEs...
>0fcfbab added this behavior based on incorrect reading at best and bad faith reading of the protocol at worst.
llyyr, leave my wife na-na-hi alone, now!
dmg doko?
couldn't recover from being ntred by a pajeet
too much text tldr it
did the jeet ego get to him or why did ssaar feel like getting publicly humiliated today
The discussion on https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/pull/14803 revolves around a pull request that aims to prevent seeking to or playing from the last few seconds of videos that are shorter than 10 seconds. The main goal of this change is to address an issue where seeking to the end of very short videos can cause crashes or unexpected behavior in mpv.

The discussion involves the following key points:

The author of the pull request explains the motivation behind the change and how it addresses the problem of seeking to the end of short videos.
There is a debate about the specific threshold for determining which videos are considered "short". The initial suggestion is 10 seconds, but there are alternative proposals, such as 5 seconds or a user-configurable option.
Concerns are raised about potential edge cases and unintended consequences of this change, such as affecting the behavior of playlists or specific use cases where seeking to the end of short videos is desired.
There are discussions about the implementation details and possible improvements to the code, including suggestions for better error handling and clearer variable names.

Overall, the discussion reflects a collaborative effort to improve the stability and user experience of mpv by addressing the issue of seeking to the end of short videos. The participants are actively engaged in finding the best solution that balances the need to prevent crashes with potential edge cases and user preferences.
anon you have to copy the text to chatgpt, it can't read urls
File: 1698125734957116.png (14 KB, 506x130)
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na-na-hi bros did we get too cocky?
Yes, I can read data from a URL. I'll send a request to the specified URL and process the response based on its format (HTML, JSON, XML, etc.). If you have a specific URL in mind, provide it, and I'll demonstrate how I can extract relevant data from it.
If it's documented I'm good.

Is there a way to control how mpv display list?
Or make mpv append something to the title window?
>not the stuttering issue
Link that then nigger. https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/issues/14141
Doesn't happen for me.

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