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How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference and music examples
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

>EQ Guide (Measurements, Targets, Equalizer, etc.):

>Frequency Response Graph Tool

>Budget Wire Over-Ear IEMs:
• EPZ Q1 Pro / G10 (Harman) - $35
• TRN Conch (bright V) - $35
• Kefine Delci (bassy neutral) - $75
• Simgot EA500LM (bright V) - $90

>Bullet IEMs:
• Final E500 (dark) - $25
• Tanchjim One DSP (neutral) - $30

>Flathead Earbuds:
• Blue Vido (warm) - $5
• Faaeal Iris 2.0 (warm) - $10

• Moondrop Dawn Pro - $50
• Tanchjim Space - $90
• Tempotec Sonata BHD Pro - $90
• Qudelix 5K - $110

• Shanling M0s - $100
• Hifi Walker H2 / Surfans F20 (Rockbox) - $120
• HiBy M300 - $200
• Hidizs AP80 Pro-X - $200
• Tempotec V3 - $200

Previous thread: >>102187679
technically yes, but still, reversing the polarity gives similar results to lengthening the tuning bowel to a certain degree
Actually to me that sounds completely nonsensical. For example, a the wavelength of a 50Hz signal is roughly 6.6m so half the wavelength is 3.3m. This means reversing the polarity of a 50Hz signal is equivalent to moving the drivers 3.3m away. At the other end of the spectrum, half the wavelength of a 20kHz sound wave is 8.25mm.
So at an absolute minimum you would need a ~8mm difference between drivers to consider reversing the polarity on one to have a single frequency at the very edge of your treble extension arrive at the ear in phase. Even then the majority of the audible spectrum (where your driver crossovers would actually occur) would be woefully out of phase.
What is even the purpose of the Moondrop Block when the Space Travels exist? Also is the Golden Age worth 4 pairs of Space Travels? Looking for a <100$ TWS for running. Not looking to spend big bucks on disposable electronics.
Some people can't handle eartips.
make money from another product
>worth 4 pairs of Space Travels?
>Not looking to spend big bucks on disposable electronics
so don't
moonderp slop obsoleted by KZ Carol
>bassy neutral
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eehh maji? basoletto??
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captcha AHMAXX
Want to try my hand at smaller scale soldering, specifically replacing the cable in my blue vidos
Any suggestions for good cheap ones on Ali?
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do you insert your foam ear tips like pic related? I don't want to honey my fingers with earwax and its seems too troublesome having to wait for the foams to expand...
What I normally do is just push through my ears, it seems to isolate well like this
I already tried to insert like pic related but honestly haven't found any perceived and meaningful difference in sound and in comfort, have you?
you're absolutely supposed to use them as it shows. do w/e you want tho who cares
>implying their is earwax coating your foams
disgusting average foambrain
every foam is corvered with earwax. stop talking things you dont know about. The max you cab do is manually talking out the visible wax, but they are still gonna cake up with earwax liquid. The only way to get those out is to wash them after each use, but doind this is even more troublesome ans I suspect is gonna shorten the foam life (despite some brands like comply saying that you can wash them)
Enjoy your mud.
>everyone is a disgusting cheap neckbeard like i am!
learn to eq.
bros, are we redeeming the evapos?
tdm said shanling m1 plus techs kills r4. DOA
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sisters is my eq good for nigger mumble rap?
You must be suffering to talk like that. I hope things get better for you anon
too airy, eq the fuck down everything after 10kHz
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I am you but stronger.
what does the out of bound bass sound like?
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why is that happening with my fiio jh3 ?
So sorry friend pls understand that is of normal for IEM colors
typical chinkshit "brass-coated" patina. can happen to plenty of stuff. wipe it off
some anon posted: Brasso, Autosol, etc.
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How loud do you listen to your music at with pos? I listen at low volume (5% on windows, 4% on mac and pressing volume up 5 times from mute on android) because it's the most comfortable for me. However details are much easier to hear at higher volumes but it unironically hurts my ears after a minute due to how loud it is.
I have friends who listen to headpos, pos and buds at max volume. I don't understand how they could do that. Is everyone becoming deaf?
Is this the right thread to ask about over-ear headphones? I'd like some that are either well-insulated (like hearing protection) or have good noise cancelling. Budget is $300 USD.
Get etymotic er2xr and a pair of 3M noise isolating ear muffs, you will hear nothing
~65db. yeah good news is you don't sound deaf, although those steps can have variable loudness depending on setup. it's like sugar/salt acclimation. once people get used to a lot, that's how they like it
Ah, so you're saying just get IEMs and put earpro on top? That's a good idea since I'm not worried about looking like a dork. My phone has no headphone jack unfortunately but I'll consider Bluetooth IMEs.
around 5-12% depending on the pos (everything with a -12db preamp)
No source is the same, max volume or whatever is generally not really useful. That being said for a majority of iems at max volume is deafzo territory, so yes he is probably going deaf.
I generally listen at around 75-80db when actively listening, lower when its just in the background.
Anyone have experience with USB DACs on Linux? I don't see Linux drivers for the Moondrop.
I keep my cadenzo at 15-20% at maxx, anything higher than this outright stabs
6% on windows with an apple dongle for whatever that's worth. I looked up a way to measure the actual volume and found a guy saying he listens to it at 40% with my exact same setup which seems absolutely batshit to me. I'm paranoid I listen to things too loud but then I see shit like that or my parents will turn the volume up on a movie to the point it's a bit uncomfortable and I figure I'm probably at least doing better than most. I'm not sure how accurate it is, especially when translated to windows volume controls, but I tried that spreadsheet that was on /hpg/ for measuring safe volume and it basically said I could stand to crank it up a bit so maybe I'm the weird one.
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alright, /iemg/
tell me why this wouldn't work
Yall running 5-10% on windows are crazy. If, while you swipe the volume up, you misclick and you go to 100% you'll cuck your hearing forever. It's so good having an E1DA that I can set a yuge negative gain and never worry about that.
>you misclick
>imagine not having a volume wheel
My keyboard has a volume wheel and my amp/dac has a volume knob. Idk how you misclick the volume control in windows. What does "swipe the volume up" even mean? Like dragging it? You can also just click somewhere on the bar.
skill + hardware + autism issue
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With an amp/DAC, this is less of a concern, but with an Apple dongle or similar, you control the hardware volume through the Windows volume bar. If you use the keyboard volume wheel, it triggers the desktop overlay when using media keys. If you’re clumsy and accidentally click near the top of that bar while switching tabs or something, it could push the volume to 100% and that will be 120dB+...
Have you been the movies lately? The volume feels double what it was 10 years ago. Everything is louder, movies, concerts, sports. Zoomers are doomed with bad hearing. Anyway I use mine at medium loud, but I already have hearing damage gigging and going to concerts
it would work but what the f***
Display cutouts are for cucks.
Tried replacing batteries on my old Samsung buds plus but the plastic shattered in my hand. Too aged/brittle. Buds FE a good upgrade?
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>apple dongle on windows
Sasuga retard-kun.
I do this... Why is this bad
this is why i'm a knobhead, the possibility of setting software volume to max either by accident or through some wangblows glitch is nonzero
trusting the street shitting freaks at microsoft or apple to not blow out your ears is not something i'm willing to do
a potentiometer or a well made relay attenuator will never let you down
So should I buy gatos or not?
only if you are inclined to buying pos
Tried out dusk, it's quite great. Mostly compared it to the mega5est and xenns top. I like the latter two more but it honestly holds its own against them and in some ways outclasses them (for instance in terms of midrange mega5est > dusk > top whereas in terms of treble top > dusk > mega5est, with the dusk being the weakest in terms of bass). Considering the price, it's def a good buy tho I will be returning it since overall i still prefer the mega5est over it as well as the top, which is still my fav iem.
Best budget desktop dac amp combo avoid accidentally going deaf?
Comparison being with Dusk analog or DSP?
fiio k5, k7, k11
jds atom2 stack
woops, should have mentioned, all those comparisons are with the dusk dsp. Dusk analog is still good but not as enjoyable as the dsp
Fosi SK02, Topping DX1, SMSL DS100
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On windows I rarely ever go over 18%, and rarely ever listen for more than an hour straight at most, that seems to be the sweet spot of things sounding perfectly clear without just being painfully loud.
On phone, like 3/4th full bar, with the caveat that I use an apple dongle which when used in a samsung cuts the volume in half basically, I consider this more of a feature than a bug since if my phone ever accidentally decides to max the volume at random (which has happened a couple times with twshit before) it won't absolutely blow out my ears.
My other hobby is shooting guns and I've met enough borderline deaf boomers at the range to always be conscious about protecting my ears.
Ah welp that's a bummer. DSP being incompatible with desktop dac/amp setups is a deal breaker.
i got the edc pro today, it is literally libra with slightly better treble. the driver construction is identical to libra, the only differences are the shell and the diaphragm.
pics to come later
Are there any chink PMPs that have a functional ipod scroll wheel?
you can apply the dsp settings with a regular peq software like equalizer apo+peace it's just this shit:
>1400Hz, -3.0dB, 0.8Q
>5400Hz, -3.0dB, 2.0Q
>14000Hz, -5.0dB, 2.0Q
as provided by crin
i did some more listening to the edc pro. and while it's not in the same league as fd15, it's still a very enjoyable listening experience. the edc pro is a sensitive driver that can pick out subtle detail and bass nuances. libra still has it's place being a darker, warmer sounding set, i would recommend that one for less hifi recordings.

the value for this pos is insane. i paid $9 for this pos, less than the libra. 1dd chads should check this pos out, it's worth the change.
nobody gives a fuck about your retarded audio hallucinations and musings ratbro, stick to headfi if you can't bring any value
>nobody gives a fuck
Is that supposed to be good?
read the graph retard
I'd say so, edc pro holds the edge over libra just because the treble is more appealing.
No, treble is variable between people, ignore any impressions of treble until you're a trained listener
mangird shit 2 (horrible)
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graph says they sound identical but to me the edc stands out like a different iem. it could be the slight treble boost the graph depicts, but to me that doesn't translate to overall sound. edc pro is more sensitive to details in recordings.
>illiterate retard can't read graphs
>deaf retard can't describe his perception of sound
stick to headfi pal, no one needs your useless ramblings
>any mention of kz ignites the sperg to shit out blubbering and schizo names
>"kzoid" unbothered, happy, based
retard, this is just listening impressions and comparisons to iems i own. a graph can only do so much, the graph cant tell you how the drivers react when playing a recording. libra uses an all plastic diaphragm, edc pro uses a composite dome.
Now imagine an actual iem
>retard believes in driver types
again, stay in headfi with your delusions
stop thirdwheeling our date you scumbag
lol i bet kz put the same shit in both with a different dye on the diaphragm
its fuckin kz they only produce slop
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Luv me hola's, will be sad when they die.
What IEM's offer a similar tuning?
any iem with eq you stupid retard, kys you imbecile
Corrosion from being in a moist environment. Pretty harmless and should come off easy

If those are moondrops you can replace the whole nozzle with steelies
I, too, love my holas as well as their box. Amusingly I use the hola cable with my mega5est and some 2.5mm cable with the hola
How does one become a certified trained listener
Harman How To Listen, every exercise past level 8 (old cert) or simply peaks/dips/peaks&dips to level 8 (new cert)
pajeet virus
>Become trained listener
>Enjoy music less
Why would you want to?
>Become trained listener
>Can listen more critically and perceive more details
>Develop a deeper appreciation for music production and reproduction
Why wouldn't you want to?
actually you will enjoy it more since it comes with free hrt and you can milk your girlpenis while listening to music
recently i got a set of true wireless headphones that sound way better on my android than my pc because of the qualcomm aptx codecs (i think this is why anyway). are there any apps that will turn my phone into a dac for my pc? its fine if its paid just as long as it works and maintains the same quality. seems like there arent any decent bluetooth dacs that have it except one that doesnt seem to be in production anymore
when is sale
>Person who appreciates HTL
>Develops a deep and healthy relationship with music because he can better pick apart every detail in his favorite tracks.
>Person who disagrees with HTL
>Out of nowhere starts talking about trannies for no reason at all probably because he's gooning as he shitposts.
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>for no reason
never mind it seems there are some cheapie transmitters with the aptx codecs i was going just by their website.it is stupid that more dacs like the qudelix 5k do not work this way especially for over $100
Using HTL doesn't imply that you agree with the Shartman target thoughbeit.
>blue vido
>solder in nicer cable
>thicc foam
>eq to taste based on fit
Actual end game for anything that's not an iem
Will never ever buy any headpos ever again
a cheapie transmitter will probably perform like cheap shit. more matters for BT performance in the real world (resistance to dropouts, stability, distance, etc.) than just having a codec
htl = how troons listen
>read the graph
Is there a solvent that will wipe away the chink writing on my vido but keep the glossy finish?
Fiio made one a while ago, but it's a bit old now
Surfans f20
Most are driverless but I don't know about moondrop pos. I can't imagine they would have any reason to do anything else.
Most I've seen also just have a cross platform webapp for their config.
>found a guy saying he listens to it at 40% with my exact same setup
Probably has the EU dongle
You should be able to go through settings and sew which codec is in use on both. You should at least try to validate your assumption before buying some $70 pos
>this is just listening impressions
No, this is looking impressions. You don't have the ability to provide listening impressions.
i dont disagree but from the research ive done tonight the only options seem to be ~$50 transmitters and a $900 dac that doesnt seem to have very good reviews.
I've got a resin printer and was thinking about building my own custom IEMs, where do i start with such project?
if something works with android it should also work with desktop linux, it's roughly the same thing under the hood
>S12 Pro
>Z12 Gold
>S12 2024
It's amazing how hard Letshower can milk one driver and head-fiers still eat that shit up
i kinda want it just because it's limited edition...
I would start by buying some cheap pos and disassembling it and try to build the same or similar shell. First step would just be a single DD direct wire.
Also I would absolutely buy a coupler before sticking anything in my ears at volume.
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everyone always talking about the space travels, blocks and golden ages, but no one ever mention these
I had similar ideas, yes. Also any tips on coating? I doubt its advisable to just stick uncoated resin in ones ears.
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We made it sistas...
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pleb bland version without waifu $110
special edition with waifu $120
Omg xixta??? Too pricey for my SEA chink ass (my IEM is gate ;-;)
>$10 increase for premium look
Asano Tenki too generous with her offerings !!
That's the local price tho. They need to include the Shopify + "free shipping" taxes for international buyers
>but no one ever mention these
Because that's just overpriced Space Travels with an additional BA it didn't really need. Is that really worth paying 300% the price?

Just don't get baited into getting the Gate
is the best option for a beater right now, the rest is omega gay in one form or another
Thats a pretty sexy design but i'll stick to my trn bt20 pro and whatever iems i'd want to stick on them.
Because these are reskinned space travels for 70$ and you should spend 10$ more for the golden ages.
Guess Im getting a Fiio BTR13 and laser etching Asuka onto the shell.
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Asano bricks are back in sale?
BA pos, avoid.
This possibly. It showed up today when I searched for luna.
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Naw gate with proper insertion depth(right tips) is GOAT
In general this year has been atrocious for IEMs though seriously wtf.
No one can engineer a decent pair of IEMs for shallower fit. Gate is tuned for deep insertion and that’s one of the better ones
Will the gold give more techs?
>In general this year has been atrocious for IEMs though seriously wtf.

They've hit a wall, basically every meme driver combination or tuning has been done and now all is a copy of a copy of a copy...
affiliate links posters can eat shit
How the fuck do I paste a non affiliate link? The app only lets you copy that one.
They still have a crossover card to play. Cheap 4-way crossover with some kind of 3+1 drivers combo can be NEW NEXT BIG THING.
Vido has obsoleted everything else
They gave up out of shame
What’s weird is that chifi is doubling down on the Harmanigger memes when it seems the community has been going in the exact opposite direction for years now. Seriously even someone as deaf and delusional as Sharur has admitted his Harman obsession was retarded.

I’m ok with Harman but that’s because i’m a guitar player so pinna doesn’t bother me as long as it is accompanied by lower-mid fundamentals to balance it out. “neutral” enough but generic af.
Something like the Nova is probably thin as shit

lol they banned him cuz he smells like curry
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I mean cra did something different back then (and still now) but it got clowned on to existence for being different.
Aww poor baby lost all the aura
That's not different, that's pretty Harman-compliant.
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How does the sound of the Space Travels compare to your average $20 chifi wonder IEM?
Pretty on par or absolutely btfo by the likes of shit like the 7hz, chu II, and gate?
Why does deafzo ignore the stupid 5K peak?
niggas will see lines on a graph and go "that's different"
it's just more $20 pos. tuning is 90% of whether you like something besides the inherent nerfs of wireless
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new pos just rolled in

>-sounds pretty good(with EQ)
>-detachable mic
>-nice design

>-no lip to keep the tips from sliding down the nozzle (who tf though this is a good idea)
>-big(stick out more then i'd like)
>-mic port on cable stabs cheek

solid 7/10 pos
Because it's not present for me. The only issue is with 8k peak but that's resolvable with eartips rolling.
>graph is wrong about 5K peak
>but its 100% right about 10K+ treble
deafzo gotta be my favorite gender fr
Sure we can call everything a harman now... What's a unique good tuning you could give an example of?
No issue if you're used to kilopos or planar treble. Cra certainly not far off in terms of quality.
planar treble is notorious for being harsh ("planar timbre") so that's not exactly high praise
Tuning is pretty good, but chu 2 or waner much better. $20 wired iem sounds better than any tws regardless of price. Get tws for convenience only
Are there any recs for bluetooth iems? My current Chinese set isn't adequate for anything but podcasts.
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>Buy Space Travel
>Enjoy good sound quality with anime girl voice prompts
>Don't care if they break because they cost the price of an average 6 pack these days
Simple as
KZ Carol is the best rn
Ruined my hearing for months because I misclicked one of those knobs in equalizer apo while in instant mode.
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>the app
Browse items like a human being.
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>always listened to music on youtube/spotify/mp3
>stock heaphones or some other cheap headphones
>finally bought an Aria 2
>King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King (FLAC).torrent
>can't listen to music on youtube and spotify anymore because it all sounds like trash
Jesus Christ, ignorance indeed is bliss.
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>Then you start listening more and understand that bunch of your favorite tracks were recorded and mastered by some drunken deaf motherfucker with compressor boner.
>Theres literally nothing to listen to besides experimental idm bullshit, Berliner Philharmoniker and jazz autists
Fidelity is a scam
leave now. you're only at the entrance of the rabbithole.
I have been tempted to buy a dac with a volume knob purely for that reason but practically all the decent ones I saw recommended with a knob were at least triple digit and my inner jew feels bad paying that much just for a reassurance that something that's never happened to me in decades won't rape my hearing.

I also just adjust it with the mousewheel.
a knob is also a much better user experience, if you try it i doubt you'll want to go back
I only listen to real music
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>tfw i'm at this point
it sucks. everything sounds awful
For me it's a healthy mix of trench, keller synth and halftime.
you're already pretty much near the top of sound quality you'll get from iems don't fall into the kilobuck meme trap, or listen to reviewers who are shills/retarded
Anyone who recommends anything above $200 is blinded by the placebo effect
the $200-$300 price range is the biggest iem trap. they usually aren't that much better than the cheaper iems. manufacturers are usually making some sort of compromise that holds them back in some way. and the iems more expensive than this range usually have actual improvements in internal components and design that it just makes more sense to save up and skip over the 200 range.
this, bro.

i started out just wanting to enjoy my teenage years of hiphop and some of the stuff they sampled led me to discover jazz which they sourced from. i fell into the mousehole of autism music like you listed. now i just listen to whatever my friends recommend, which is mostly newer hispanic stuff with some rock. it was a wild ride, which is why im just here telling others to just hit play and enjoy the music. otherwise you end up being sharur asking trannies if they like you.
do you fear that someday your beloved iem will get out of production without you knowing and having the opportunity to buy one more? considering how unique iems designs are (of course there are cases of iem coping, but it does not comes close as the landfill tws where in general it seems that everyone is coping everyone) and that it's not rare for iems to stop production... I think they should at least warn us when one is close to stop production...
Get more flacs. Youtube and others are shit compared to a local library™.
i refuse to buy youtuber collabs
>see some obscure store is still selling holas
>too pricey
>nobody is buying them according to the product page
>wait for a sale
>2 months pass by
>hola delisted
Owari da.
>Be normie
>Press play and enjoy on his tws, doesn't even know what a .flac is
Being a hobbiest is truly the road to damnation
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Can you farm useless coins in the web version?
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>Didn't manage to get in on one of the best deals in IEM's
lol, lmao even
How long should 1DDs last? Ignoring the surface level issues like clogged filters, there's nothing inside these drivers that could randomly stop or break down in just months, right?
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Isn't Gato just as good?
Haven't tried them, but from why I hear the build quality is worse (except the cable, that's pretty much the same)
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>as good
>transparent shell displaying chink cum
I have a hola and they are nice but not that good and are easily replaceable, haven't used them in a while now. stop trying to messing with peoples FOMO.
btw It's funny how the moment something becomes "rare" immediately they become the best shit ever for some people and a desire for having the thing skyrocket
theoretically forever. realistically like anything there are numerous failure points and possibilities for malfunction whether through exposure / degradation to elements or user error / damage
>theoretically forever
how something can last forever even theoretically? theoretically if something manufactured is being used, is fated to someday wear out and break.
Anyone who falls into fomo instead of just searching for what suits their own needs instead of chasing flavor of the month shit deserves to be messed with.
It's almost as gay as someone claiming they have anxiety, basically womanspeak.
>Moondrop Dawn Pro - $50
Is this still the best USB-C AMP/DAC for $50?

None of their authorized retailers still sell it:

It's on Amazon but idk if this is a counterfeit.
>>transparent shell displaying chink cum
I fail to see what's the problem.
if the driver is well made and everything is connected right they should last a long time. if you ignore things like sweat and physical abuse, the housing and connections would probably fail well before the driver actually did. so, if a single dd iem is breaking in months it's either a bad unit or the model is built like shit
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Should I take the rat?
It's perfect on my s23 ultra but meh for desktop or my macbook pro. Worth the money. That amazon links looks like the official moondrop store so I'd trust it
i don't know about how good it is versus other stuff and that price, but SHENZHENAUDIO is a reputable seller for chifi
I've got Sony MDR-V6s and get what sounds like coil whine when I plug them into my PC and play games. Also my Pixel 7a has no audio jack so that will be nice to use with my headphones. What makes it perform less so on a desktop vs. a phone?

The Amazon pages are misleading like that, the "stores" aren't necessarily operated by the seller, which is SHENZHENAUDIO like the other anon said.

Thanks for the tip, that's what I was worried about. idk who's running the OP copypasta, but I'm far from an audiophiile so I'm just going with the budget recommendation.
Should I redeem hexa? I want a neutral pos, and I hate bass.
>Pixel 7a
be prepared to return. heard plenty of pixel phones don't have good compatability with all sorts of dongles

sure i guess. you'd prob be fine with epz q1 pro too
I'm running Graphene on it too so it might shit the bed but I'm getting it more for my PC anyways. Certain scenes in games will cause tons of coil whine.
No redeem shittymotic
Moondrop dawn pro colors the sound and there are 4 settings that impact it which you can only access through the moondrop link app exclusively for android. This app is not on pc. So to change settings and also low/high gain you always need to go through that app. Very inconvenient for desktop, and honestly way better options in desktop amps at similar price when on sale.
okay here's a question.
what TWS is good for ASMR?
im not gonna buy a space traveler unless i have to.
>the $200-$300 price range is the biggest iem trap. they usually aren't that much better than the cheaper iems.

Agreed. The ONLY exception is that that's currently the cheapest you can get an isobaric DD iem. Isobaric DD is truly a game-changer if you're a basshead. It gives you that Focal Clear slam in IEM format. But aside from that, yeah, nothing else worth spending hundreds for. Certainly not worth BA timber in the mids
reminder that any pos + eq is all you need
Final ZE500
reminder that polishing a turd it's still a turd
Why? You really need a $100 set to sit down and critically listen to "your lamia dommy mommy coils around [breathing][sleep aid][heartbeat][niggernoises][f4m]"?
>that's currently the cheapest you can get an isobaric DD iem
kiwi quartet is 110-ish
he needs high quality pos for balding reassurance
Don't get why this chick is so big in the asmr scene, she's just not very good at it, very much "reading off a script"-tier.
>he's in the "asmr scene"
bro I was just making a joke about that guy going bald I have no idea who this bitch is
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nta, but japs do be layering a fuckton of audio in their top shelf stuff. Tracks are getting ridiculous levels of attention by production.
You look up pretty much anything and she'll be the first dozen results, but she sounds like ass, that's all there is to know about her.
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All you need and no need EQ
wow a target worse than shartman unbelievable the madman actually did it
it needs eq
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why do niggers make their graphs like this, this shit is almost fucking unreadable
>kiwi quartet
Not isobaric. Having 2DD doesn't mean they're arranged as isobaric. And even if a chink IEM says it's isobaric it's probably not unless it's by ziigaat or thieaudio
it is dogshit lmao i still laugh at the time they asked me if i liked it, i told them their cheapest pos is their best haha
are you retarded?
are you retarded?
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i know
How are these bros

>released [X] weeks ago, I am forgotten... the pos
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>>Intended use (media, source, environment)
Samsung galaxy s24ultra
>>Frequency response preference and music examples
Mostly neutral, slight bass
>>Past gear and your thoughts
>Philips shp9500
awesome, but quiet.
>sennheiser 599 ivory
Currently my daily driver, too much for my ears sometimes (might be because they're not fully open)
Also really good

I'm looking for Bluetooth first and foremost as I don't want to use a dongle with my phone, I've heard Bluetooth has gotten pretty good, and I believe they just charge from the phone now.
Also considering ones with earhooks so I can keep listening when my ears get sore from the iems resting in them
galaxy buds
Are they all turned the same and differences are mostly comfort, battery life and build quality?
they are slightly different across the board, not to the degree it matters much. you have app presets and EQ to tweak sound if it's not to your liking out of the box
T10... uncomfortableness endgame.
yeah they're best with some kind of spinfit-style eartip. i use W1. audiosense s400 is a good cheap alternative
Deadass? You could try EPZ
based jannies were quick with that one
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I need fox.
Maybe for you since you can't hear above 6kHz, but for everyone else it needs EQ.
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it's time
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little over a week ago I asked wether I should just replace the cable for my tinhifi T2 or get a new toy
somehow i ended up fell for you guys' shill
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and here it is
I've been out of loop for years and never actually spent more than 50 on IEM
I got this literally 2 minutes before 20% off discount ended, so I think I did pretty good
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and you know what, I think I really really ike this, definitely an improvement over my old T2
so thank you anon who recommended me bunch of IEM with graphs!
for once you guys actually recommend some good stuff
now I'm thinking of getting some portable DAC-AMP, I sold my earstudio es100 long time ago, this definitely could benefited with some amp although it's easy enough to drive with phone
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hi guys I need some advice on flathead buds

I'm on my second pair of broken yincrow rw-9 in 1.5years with the jack always failing and at this point I'm opting to cough out more than 25 eurodollars, more in the range of 100-130€ to stay comfy in the years to come

I listen to metal mostly, talking deftones, tool but also doom like electric wizard and more electronic stuff like nine inch nails and godflesh

Do you know some flathead buds that suit my needs? thx

cool album cover for the effort
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I have:
>Yume II
>Night Elf
>C2 Mech Warrior
Despite having all these, I still come back to the Hola. Yume II I love but barely use out of fear they will die and there's no replacing them at this point. Top is my daily driver. Mega5EST when I want to listen to rock. Aria is retired, C2 I use from time to time. Night Elf is a meme. EW200 is my most recent and I haven't used it all that much. But Hola always comes back, which is funny cause I bought it after having half that list including the Top.
that's how you turn a cuckphone with no expandable storage and no headphone jack into one of the more based machines out there
Campfire Holocene with bt earhooks
Is OP planning to torture someone by blasting bad screamo into their ears?
Nothing compares to even an average set of speakers.

But if you're gonna pick iems get Tanchjims, why? Cause i said so.
I'm in a similar situation as you, but whenever I try to give my salnote zero and moondrop may a chance I just wish I was listening on my mega5 instead.
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Anything i should consider instead of the S12 Pro for listening to metalcore? I already have the Zero Red and the Xenns Top
This can bring it back
Luv me Wankers, don't need more
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>great ANC
>intuitive (physical control, no touchy, no robotic chinese voice telling me battery low, no buggy ass bluetooth janks)
Is there a single pair of tws like that outside of fucking airpods pro
What is the correct filter density for Tangzu Wan'er SG? I tried looking up on Google and I've only managed to find that they're in 4.5mm in size. Nothing about density.
>he doesn't wear headphones outside
>wearing dentphones anywhere
>physical control
sorry we're in 2024 friend
i can't recommend the s12 at all, that level of uncontrolled treble is criminal. if planar is what you're looking, i'd say to look for the s08
ask me how i know your a cheap ass
based and manly-pilled
If you can bring it outside then it is cheap.
NTA but what's the appeal of planar drivers as compared to say your typical DD?
Planars do bring a better sense of speed, resolution and separation compared to your average single dd, supposedly even when treble is turned down. also pretty low distortion.
>pretty low distortion
At best(mp145) the same as DD. At worst(KZ shit) worse than BAs.
>pretty low distortion
in general yes, but it's uneven, the jarring timbre in lower treble is actually 5th order harmonic distortion by itself
On timeless if I weren't holding the shells with my hands the subbass would turn into ass. Maybe the "speed" is just less subbass, from higher seal sensitivity.
we're talking about real planars.
I'm gonna use my Arya outside and in the gym, thanks for the tip
My 7Hz Salnotes Zero OG just arrived, I love it! I was a bit worried how it'll turn out since they've been dropped from recommendations, but after all, good headphones (and such) don't stop being good just because a new thing appeared.
And they can be found really cheaply on any sales nowadays.
silicone eartips for long and wide nozzles? Lost 1 of my castor tips somehow.
>Planars do bring a better sense of speed,
All planars in IEMs bring is a sense of having a meme driver up your ear.
planar is just dd but anorexic
Planars are a meme in iems
I can see the appeal of 100mm planar driver in headpos compared to your typical 40mm DD, but in iems we're talking like 12-13mm typical DD vs 14mm planar (although 15mm DDs exist), so their biggest potential benefit is cucked by the iem form factor from the start. Because of the laws of scaling they also do not perform better in terms of distortion (actually mogged by berillium DDs) and Impulse response either. Also the FR is generally way more peaky and channel matching is another issue.
https://aliexpress.com/item/1005001452900039.html A07 aka Acoustune AET07 clones, they are amazing for thicc nozzles and cheap
I don't own any tws but the touch controls on my xm4 just work.
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Will I get Asano's figure if I buy this, or is it just the 4u pos? It's from hifigo's store.
Should I get the HiFi Walker or the Surfans F20?
nigger why are you asking here instead of their chat or email? this thread is full of SEA chinks but i don't think they work for hifigo
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Hello Deuce enjoyers!! I love lean mids and farty subbass
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What can I do with my Hexas now that I realized that they sound bad?
>edc pro just arrived
>it's kino
seems like the best way to get the best value here is to buy what's the most hated set
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Smabat M2Pro? Don't own any I just looked around a bit for some squigs. I would be tempted to go cheaper and just get the Vidos or VE Monk.
>First thing first, a very important note. Rose Maria requires a massive 500 hours of burn in, yes you read that correctly. That’s 20 days 24hours burn in process and it’s the longest I ever had to burn in any gear. I am assuming this is mainly for the very rigid tungsten alloy as the mids and highs where honestly pretty harsh initially. I stopped the burn in process several times at 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 hours. The changes occur very late in the process and things start to settle at 300 hours to go progressively smoother until I didn’t notice much change between 400 and 500.
This is on a $370 flathead.
Return them or give them to me
Guys, shut it down, goy >>102244812 found out the secret.
Shut up rat.
what an absolute TUCK! even more than infamous Shartman
How's Artti t10 compared to that?
Fuck this shit.
>one reviewer praises a product but too much X
>one reviewer shits on it because not enough X
>one reviewer shits on it "massively flawed"
>one reviewer praises it "everything is perfect" endgame
I'm just going to buy something and enjoy the music whether it's flawed or not
Just read the EQ guide.
planars have plenty of unit variance along with the fact that you're asking about opinions. everyone has a different opinion. t10 and s12 are fairly similar, imo t10 is tuned a bit safer
It literally doesn't matter what you buy, there's always people who like it and people who don't, the only difference is who you choose to believe for whatever reason.
Doing first few levels of how to shartman too.
Wish there was more reviewers like ASR that did more tests than just a quick squig to get a gauge of how well some of these will handle EQ.
1)Flip the 2pin to get the correct polarity (earhookless cable is a must or trim the plastic earhook off)
2)EQ it to Endgame IE target
3)Enjoy nirvana and high aura
Won't solve the BA problem.
>more reviewers like ASR that did more tests
they can. it's pretty predictable once you know different driver configs. and at 1:1 scale versus headphones, nearly every IEM's THD profile is excellent and can handle EQ
do you have the old mega5 or the revision from this year?
its the perfect pos to just hit play and enjoy the music on. the tuning is perfect.
that's the way it is bro, just enjoy your music. always take the opportunity to demo an expensive pos if you can.

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Good DD is good. For me, it's OurAnus™
also yeah yume2 is a treasure
stfu rat it sounds like typical cheap slop
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If my only option wasn't buying it on Amazog, I'd get one too. I'm having fun though experimenting with dampening material on my EDX Lite.
my first yume ii got fucked up because i left them out in my room when i was running my humidifier when I was sick, so i'm super paranoid about keeping these in good shape
>edc pro just arrived
>it's slop
why didnt you guys warn me about this I trusted you
We warned you.
pics or it didn't happen
where was this energy with the other guy, hypocrite
It's a shitty false flag by the retarded SEA chink anon who calls everyone rat, deafzo, chuzo... I bet he got baited by OP's shitty reccs and has been gaslighted by troons on trooncord to repeat their dogmas. Hopeless case
What other guy. It was him lol.
i did this the other week and played it for a second at 100 volume, how fucked am i?
There are many variables, like IEM sensitivity and such, but if it was just for 1 second and you didn't experience any lasting imbalance, ringing, or other issues, you should be fine. If something had gone wrong, you'd probably know by now.
if you didn't immediately start feeling intense pain in your ear you're probably fine. maybe a couple hairs died if any
minimum phase pressure
so not much really
if it was from a BIG source then your eardrums would have ruptured just from the sheer power
as long as you aren't exposed to deafening volumes for hours at end, you should be fine
thanks bwos
it did give me a heart attack jumpscare but my hearing didn't hurt that much afterwards
Any new waifu pos?
you will die in your sleep soon
artti r2 or simgot ew200?
ew200 has more upper frequency emphasis. some people like sharper, clearer sound. some people don't like the forwardness, which can be too "hot" and fatiguing at louder volume.
r2 is warmer tilted and will probably fit better, ew200 shell arguably looks more premium and has a better stock cable
SuperMid 4 or EMid6L?
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>Ball cancer vs ass cancer
em6l cause it's not harman
ea500lm is still simgot's best
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just eq it to your own preference?
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Their best shouty pos
weak ears
Dead hair cells
>t. bald
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t. absolute retard
yeah those treble spikes on the ew200 look a bit spicy, I think I'll go for the r2
can minoxidil supplement improve ones hearing??
i would get the r2 sub-$35. they overpriced it from the jump, but it goes on sale
no its fucking over for you baldcels
i only care about the hair inside my earussy
if you're balding the inside of your ear is also balding
this was fact checked by the FBI
>believing ashkenazi psyop
>all of my favorite reviewers are balding
the crime statistics don't lie thoughbeit
yeah i know, its really joever isn't it
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>he has "favorite reviewers"
It was over before it even began.
they're at 35€ for me right now, same as the ew200, seems ok imo
All audio impressions must now come with a pic of your hairline to know your hearing can be trusted. Norwood 2 is severe hearing loss, Norwood 3+ is legally deaf.
the stats disproportionately unfavours the minority doe
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uh, based?
who is this troon and why should i care, explain in 2 sentences or less, trooncorder
opinion discarded
He hates treble so he's automatically in top 1% of human beings.
Are you sure isn't she/her or they/them?
>Johnny, 6 years old, discovering how reviews work
Retarded glazer, you should honestly kill yourself or even worse buy edc pros
new bread >>102247611
>colors the sound
What does this mean? Could you recommend a better one?
It is very based, highly recommend. We'll see how well it works or doesn't work with a DAC/AMP though.

thanks, I eyed those and seem promising. Later this month when I get some money I will get those. In the meantime I will order a pair of yincrow x6 for backup. I will wait still for some other advice but thank you very much in the meantime

dude those cost like 3x my budget

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