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Previous thread: >>102193843
NixOS > Everything else
>sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/share/nginx/
>403 forbidden
What am i doing wrong?
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Everything. The static default page is an example for your configuration and is part of the software package, your changes will be lost on updates. Configure your web root somewhere else.
Dead distro.
>Arch worked fine for nearly two weeks after install
>everything set up perfectly
>boot 2day
>black screen
>boot again
let's hope this doesn't happen again but for now I want to see what's happening during boot and got rid of quiet loglevel=0, journalctl didn't show anything relevant. or maybe baby I'm just blind. anyway this time I'm willing to fix the culprit because Arch does everything I want and need
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>biggest package manager
>comfiest configuration

That tends to happen when you kick your founder out. What a bunch of retards. If you forced me to use one of these computer science projects I'd sooner use Guix before NixOS. Shepherd is genuinely interesting.

Package count is a shit metric. Nobody cares how many toy projects some trannie has packaged. The only thing that matters is "Is the software I actually use packaged?" which for 90% of distros out there the answer is "Yes, yes it is" and if something isn't then I can always package it myself.
I got 403 in /srv/http as well and its 777
>Package count is a shit metric.
Distros are a meme anyway. Most distros are just package manager + desktop environment and maybe ease of installation. NixOS is different since it's an entirely different paradigm.
Then something is fucked up in nginx.conf.
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My father has a shitty lenovo laptop with an i3 6006U (2C/2T 2GHz, no turbo).
I installed Mint on it years ago since he always infected it with malware while on Windows.
Anyhow for certain reasons I had to reinstall and put Windows 10 on it, and it was just shockingly bad.
I genuinely thought the "Linux is better for older computers" was long dead but apparently not.
W10 runs painfully slow and the battery life is in fact worse since the CPU has to run at full speed all the time.
I got Weston to start with:
env LIBSEAT_BACKEND=logind weston --use-pixman

I guess the graphics on this 2010 era Pentium are just that bad.
Any archiver app that won't shit itself when it extracts cn/kr/jp characters/file names ?
Use su to impersonate nginx and see what happens when you try to access the files.
so now that the dust has settled how are we feeling about COSMIC
its my daily driver and honestly its a bit rough around the edges but perfectly usable
>The stable release will be later this year.
Thanks but I'm sticking with KDE
no nginx user but http is a user but wants a password and i didnt set a password as its a service account so...
Use case? Same thing happened on Void and it's doing fine too.
Sounds like you're missing some drivers. I don't disagree with the premise, but be good at administrating Windows before criticizing Windows.
It still exists if that's your definition of 'doing fine'.
Void is not doing fine at all. Packages are frequently out of date or not maintained properly, problems with Runit, etc. The distro has good technical underpinnings but it's a mess. I would not use it for anything serious.
Why would you assume that? I've been using Windows since 3.11 and I've worked in tech support, I understand Windows a lot better than Linux.
All the drivers were installed, I also ran an energy report to check if it was something I'm missing, but nope.
PCIE power state management worked, everything worked as intended yet it still consumed 1.5-2W more power.
Any ubuntufags done the 22.04 lts > 24.04 lts upgrade yet? How is it? Considering firing it off now.
alpine looks comfy, what would be the downs and ups of using it?
its basically void done right
not much packages
it's minimalistic and therefore often used for containers
If the CPU is running flat out all the time there's something wrong with the software config. Full stop.
Does anyone here use sway? How is the variable refresh rate support for it these days?
I'm exaggerating it's not 100% of the time, just a lot more of the time compared to Mint.
And yes it's a software problem called Windows 10, despite being the Enterprise IoT version it's still doing a lot more in the background.
Variable refresh depends more on your GPU when using wayland these days. With Novideo it will turn off as soon as you connect more than one monitor to the card. This a known bug. You can use an iGPU for secondaries though.
Hey guys, are proxmox or TrueNAS Core and the others flexible enough to be an all around home server and NAS?
I went with Ubuntu Server. My use case is samba shares, raid10, plex, and various other things I’ve seen other people doing, is Ubuntu server making it harder than it needs to be?
The compositor still has to support it though so that's not entirely true, for example in GNOME it's still experimental and there are a ton of known bugs.

It works fine as far as I know. At least on AMD, I can't speak for Nvidia.
You sure you don't have a
location / { deny all; }

Somewhere it shouldn't be?
Or missing SELinux/AppArmor configuration?
Do you see messages about it with journalctl -xeu nginx?
Well thats just Gnome being Gnome. They also have extensions break VRR:
You're exaggerating, but it's still bad. On this old Pentium laptop I'm using the CPU utilisation in task manager would repeatedly spike to 50% when open the start menu.

WHY!? We all know the start menu has been getting progressively worse with each new version of Windows but 50% utilisation in the menu is insane. What the fuck are you doing with that?
Actually, it was a different i5 laptop with a quad core CPU from around the same era (that's going to someone else so Windows 10 is staying on that unfortunately) which makes the problem worse. I dread to think how bad the Pentium would have been with Windows, I didn't test that.
Why is Unifont lagging my wezterm? And how else can I get unicode symbols to work properly?

I have a file saved with ︹ U+FE39 in name. And the only font that show it without error in ncmpcpp in wezterm is Unifont. But the when I add it in config my whole wezterm slows down. I also have alacritty and it "just works" and shows all unicode things normally without fallback fonts like in wezterm. What font can I install and set to make it work?
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is there any advantage of using MX over Debian? i'd assume mx is less bloated right?
Linus has a small mouth.
literal botnet OS
use devuan if you dont want sysd
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I checked more and it seems like I can't see this symbol anywhere except ncmpcpp with alacritty. Can't see it in just terminal with ls, can't see it in browser or file managers.
Sorry, I already gave 2 dollars to that Wikipedia guy,
What's the point of Endeavor or Manjaro when archinstall exists?
I see no issue with dropping them 10 bucks once a year to say thanks. If everyone does that it'll quickly add up.
Manjaro wishes it were Canonical and larps as a user-friendly distro for uninformed users.

Endeavour is just a more friendly way to install Arch from a GUI and they also pre-install a couple of other useful tools too, also it uses Calamares which is a well tested installer compared to the Python shit that is archinstall.

Personally, if I installed Arch I'd still do it the old manual way. I know how to install an operating system.
Finally fixed it with noto-fonts-cjk.
Fucking hate linux. An hour wasted to fix this shit.
At least you know now. Noto fonts is always one of the first things I install on any distro after I've got the desktop setup, etc.
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Does Debian have the new GTK filepicker from GNOME 44 or is stuck with the old one? AFAIK Debian takes some freedoms packaging GNOME and backports some things.
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I had bunch of noto fonts installed just not this specific for jp kr and ch symbols.
The backup and snapshotting tools are very handy for the most part, but you need a separate /home partition cause they don't support major version upgrades.
It actually doesnt work properly without a display manager or running through a compositor on the host system first
>daily driving a desktop still in alpha
>its a bit rough around the edges but perfectly usable
why are cosmic shills this fucking retarded?
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>doing fine
My understanding of various distros is
>Ubuntu is corpo Debian
>Fedora is just beta RHEL
>Arch is a Lego kit sold as an operating system for furries
>Gentoo...I actually don't know anything about it beyond you have to compile from source

Am I right?
What are some must have software for music producing in linucks?
Arch is a normal apolitical distro that just so happens to have alot of autists because it is considered "harder to learn" even though it is extremely simple once you get the hang of it
No Sneedacity.
Compile from source
rewrite it in C
if you dont understand why this nerds to happen you are not qualified to disagree
>No wallpaper engine
lol no
might as well use gentoo
It doesn't have many dependencies and the instructions are pretty straight forward
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It was because of mesa-amber segfaulting. I don't know why it was even using that when I had MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE=crocus set. I thought I'd keep the old drivers around for testing but I guess crocus is mature enough now though.

I also set
media-libs/mesa ~*
in package.accept_keywords so now I have an up-to-date Mesa too.

Hopefully the next LxQt release will be a good one. That's when it should have proper Wayland support (the taskbar widget doesn't even work right now although that might be due to me using KWin, I'll have to test Labwc).

It's also pretty bullshit that Spectacle depends on OpenCV. For what purpose? Thankfully I didn't have to compile it.
>Ubuntu is corpo Debian
Freetard cope. Ubuntu and Debian unstable try to stay in sync, but Canonical effectively leads the '''Debian ecosystem''' and has for a long time.
>Fedora is just beta RHEL
This is how people who have never interacted RHEL expect it to work because it's how every other distro works. In reality it takes about 18 months to turn a Fedora fork into RHEL on 10x the development budget of every other commercial distro put together. It's a very different animal.
The Lego kit analogy applies more to Gentoo, cause with Arch you can mostly use whatever you want off the shelf from the repos, just install Plasma or GNOME and forget about it; you need to compile (aka build yourself) many more things on Gentoo even with their new ports-like system.
Thing is, Arch makes you do manually the things most distro installers do for you under the hood.
how long would it take to compile a kernel on an rpi3? a day?
Kernels really don't take that much to compile
lost my shit
i'm gonna do it. i'll post results. takes at least a minute to open a config file in vim on that piece of shit.
leftoid aside i'm gonna be real and say i hate it when people act oblivious like that
its so spineless and weak. if you're gonna use a word then fucking use it and own it. don't fucking be a pussy about it.
Can someone tell me why black fonts are displayed as grey at smaller point sizes in Cinnamon Mint? And how to overcome this? I'm guessing the fonts render better at higher resolutions but it's making Mint unusable on the monitor I use for writing.

Also is it worth it to uninstall msttcorefonts and instead copy them from a Windows install? All of the Linux versions of MS fonts come close but don't look right upon further inspection.
Try tweaking the font rendering you can do that from the font settings.
Linux font rendering and ClearType will always look different though (of course macOS also renders fonts differently).
How would i make a systemd system service file that downloads a zip file from ipdeny extracts it,then updates a firewalld ipdeny blocklist in the drop zone with select .zone files? And run it weekly
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can't you just check the package list?
Trying to stop libvirtd on openrc results in an issue where the pid file doesn't exist, and the process immediately crashes. I've tried reinstalling libvirt, but no cigar. Thoughts?
systemd doesn't have this problem ;)
OpenRC doesn't either if you use it properly.
Whoever wrote the service file is a retard. It should be supervising it like Systemd does rather than playing games with PID files.
all memes aside, which distro should i use on the desktop?
Neither does windows, yet here I am.
Can I make my own pid file to at least get the service running? I'm thinking I broke something, but I'm not sure how as I didn't update anything before this happened
Mint, the old reliable
OpenRC's tells libvirtd to make the pidfile and it's supposed to make the pidfile for you:
$ sudo /etc/init.d/libvirtd -v --debug start
+ eval /sbin/start-stop-daemon --start --exec /usr/sbin/libvirtd --pidfile /run/libvirtd.pid -b --env 'KRB5_KTNAME=/etc/libvirt/krb5.tab' --
+ /sbin/start-stop-daemon --start --exec /usr/sbin/libvirtd --pidfile /run/libvirtd.pid -b --env 'KRB5_KTNAME=/etc/libvirt/krb5.tab' --

* start-stop-daemon: fopen `/run/libvirtd.pid': No such file or directory
* Detaching to start `/usr/sbin/libvirtd' ...+ eend 0 'Failed to start libvirtd'
+ local _r
+ eend 0 'Failed to start libvirtd'
[ ok ]
+ _r=0
+ return 0
+ service_set_value command /usr/sbin/libvirtd
+ '[' -n ]
+ '[' -n /run/libvirtd.pid ]
+ service_set_value pidfile /run/libvirtd.pid
+ '[' -n ]
+ return 0

In your case though there's some sort of race condition. This is why we generally prefer NOT to fuck about with pidfiles and instead to use the supervise-daemon.

Fucking about with pidfiles is why Sysv is such a pile of crap. We generally prefer to start programs in the foreground and supervised by a process supervisor.
wipe this from your mind. this distro does not exist
So are my VM hopes just kinda fucked then? Cause I just wiped every single package related to virtualization off my machine, and reinstalling immediately gave me the same error. I'm about to just reinstall my system between this and a specific symbol lookup error
Try testing in the terminal first. If you can't do:
sudo libvirtd -v
then OpenRC is never going to work either. This is starting to look less like an OpenRC issue and more like something deeper is broken.
Distro? i'm on alpine, running openrc with libvirtd and i don't get this issue
Disabling it but good if it works for them, KDE needs more funds.
So I did that and
2024-09-03 21:55:16.417+0000: 28135: info : libvirt version: 10.6.0
2024-09-03 21:55:16.417+0000: 28135: info : hostname: Anon
2024-09-03 21:55:16.417+0000: 28135: info : virObjectNew:256 : OBJECT_NEW: obj=0x5f002baa2220 classname=virAccessManager
2024-09-03 21:55:16.417+0000: 28135: info : virObjectNew:256 : OBJECT_NEW: obj=0x5f002baa5170 classname=virAccessManager
2024-09-03 21:55:16.417+0000: 28135: info : virObjectRef:400 : OBJECT_REF: obj=0x5f002baa2220
2024-09-03 21:55:16.417+0000: 28135: info : virObjectUnref:378 : OBJECT_UNREF: obj=0x5f002baa2220
2024-09-03 21:55:16.417+0000: 28135: error : virPidFileAcquirePathFull:409 : Failed to acquire pid file '/run/libvirtd.pid': Resource temporarily unavailable
2024-09-03 21:55:16.417+0000: 28135: info : virNetlinkEventServiceStopAll:928 : stopping all netlink event services

With it repeating that last line a bunch.
Does /run look okay?

ls -al /run

Is it full?
df -h /run
It's not full (2.7M used of 7.5G), but I don't know what I'm looking for in the ls result. Nothing looks weird to me, but I don't know what I'm looking at. There is a libvirt and libvirtd.pid though
drwxr-xr-x 13 root  root   360 Sep  3 17:14 libvirt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5 Sep 3 17:14 libvirtd.pid
Okay, that looks fine to me. I'm not sure what could be causing that error then. It definitely seems to be a problem with libvirt though. Normally, something like this might be caused by AppArmor or SE Linux but Artix doesn't use any of those by default.

The next step is probably to run libvirtd with strace. This will log all of its syscalls.

sudo strace -fF libvirtd -v > strace.log 2>&1

Let it run for a bit so the pid file error triggers and then stop it. Then go through the log file or post it to a pastebin somewhere if you're comfortable with that.
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so theres a site with a piece of software i want to install, and they have a pgp key to download and verifie the authenticity.

how do i use that again?
Not sure if what i want to look is xdg-desktop-portal-gtk or xdg-desktop-gnome, either way it does look like the GNOME one sits at 42.3 in stable. Wish i had time to download the ISO right now.
So I ran strace, nothing in the log really stood out until the end, where the code reads:
openat(AT_FDCWD, "/usr/share/locale/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/libc.mo", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
openat(AT_FDCWD, "/usr/share/locale/en.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/libc.mo", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
openat(AT_FDCWD, "/usr/share/locale/en.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/libc.mo", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
openat(AT_FDCWD, "/usr/share/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/libc.mo", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
openat(AT_FDCWD, "/usr/lib/charset.alias", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
gettid() = 30932
write(2, "2024-09-03 22:34:41.337+0000: 30"..., 1582024-09-03 22:34:41.337+0000: 30932: error : virPidFileAcquirePathFull:409 : Failed to acquire pid file '/run/libvirtd.pid': Resource temporarily unavailable
) = 158
close(3) = 0
gettid() = 30932
write(2, "2024-09-03 22:34:41.337+0000: 30"..., 1162024-09-03 22:34:41.337+0000: 30932: info : virNetlinkEventServiceStopAll:928 : stopping all netlink event services
) = 116
gettid() = 30932

With that "stopping all netlink event services" repeating many times before the log ends.
Ironically, because nothing makes sense, libvirtd is now actually started instead of crashed. So I can actually connect to QEMU to run my VMs. The only commands I ran between the last rc-service showing crashed and started was:
knotes -v
[spoiler]I'm getting an undefined symbol error I'm trying to solve that prevents it from opening[/spoiler]
sudo libvirtd -v
ls -al /run
df -h /run
sudo strace -fF libvird -v > strace.long 2>&1
sudo rc-service libvirtd status

In addition, trying to restart gives me a new message, where the shutdown writes the pidfile, but it can't fopen it when starting the process.
Is Game Mode legit or mostly a meme? Do you get a performance uplift?
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Ever since I got a new router (Dual-Band(2.4 GHz/5 GHz)) my laptop (running Artix) has been having issues connecting to the WiFi.
It successfully connects, however after either a few minutes or sometimes seconds, it disconnects. Then immediately begins reconnecting, succeeds, and again disconnects after a bit.
I've tried Ubuntu Live ISO, Linux Mint Live ISO, Artix Live ISO, all have the same issue, although Ubuntu appears to be slightly more stable (but it still happens).
>Android phone connects and stays connected just fine
>Ubuntu work laptop (set up before new router came) has a stable connection on the new router

Is this a driver issue?
If so, Is there a way to install a bunch of proprietary drivers on Artix (like what Ubuntu offers during install)?
Or should I take the Ubuntu-pill?
It overclocks your CPU and disables some features that are known to cause performance deficites like split-lock.

It's not so much a performance uplift but rather making sure you aren't getting a performance downgrade. You can do all of the things it does manually, it's just adjusting various different sysctls, parameters in the sysfs, setting a higher priority for the scheduler, etc.
>Is there a way to install a bunch of proprietary drivers on Artix (like what Ubuntu offers during install)?
Probably. Get the sources, run make, make install, rmmod and modprobe the driver, etc. Hopefully it updates itself via dkms after kernel updates and keeps working, etc.

Proprietary drivers are a pain in the ass to deal with. I'd look for an AUR package if there is one.
>It overclocks your CPU
Don't modern CPUs automatically overclock until they hit the voltage limit?
>performance uplift but rather making sure you aren't getting a performance downgrade
So it basically tries to limit as much stuff as possible that normally wouldn't be problematic but could cause a performance downgrade if it's done during gaming?

Are these potential losses of performance generally small or can they be significant? Is there any reason not to run it while gaming?
>Don't modern CPUs automatically overclock until they hit the voltage limit?
Yes, it's just removing the soft cap by setting the scheduler to performance mode.

>Are these potential losses of performance generally small or can they be significant? Is there any reason not to run it while gaming?
They can be pretty significant sometimes, especially splitlock which causes massive degradation in some titles. It varies case-to-case.
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Looks like there is

But these are for Wifi5, and the router proudly boasts it's using Wifi6.
I'll try them out anyway.
Does your hardware support Wifi6? If not it'll keep using 802.11ac. Routers are backwards compatible so even though it supports 802.11ax, older clients should still be able to connect without issue.
So I just bought a bigger harddrive for my computer and I was wondering if I could just make a most recent backup from my old install and just transplant it over to the new harddrive after install?
>They can be pretty significant sometimes, especially splitlock which causes massive degradation in some titles.
What's a good distro to use if I have a NoVidya card? I like Fedora KDE (Use it on my laptop) but I can't simultaneously get both video and CUDA to work whenever I install it on desktop
If your partitions are layed out right and nice and contiguous (i.e your OS partition is last so it can easily be expanded) then the easiest way is to use dd to clone the hard drive
No, this is a completely new drive I'm moving too
PopOS comes with a version that has NVIDIA drivers installed out of the box.
>Does your hardware support Wifi6?
$ inxi -Nnz
Device-1: Realtek RTL8111/8168/8211/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet
driver: r8169
IF: eth0 state: down mac: <filter>
Device-2: MEDIATEK driver: mt7615e
IF: wlan0 state: up mac: <filter>

$ modinfo mt7615e
modinfo: ERROR: Module mt7615e not found.

It's using this driver https://www.mediatek.com/products/broadband-wifi/mt7615
Looks like it only supports Wifi5 but as you said, it should still be able to have a stable connection.
I'm pretty sure the work laptop is using the same chip tho.
Going to check out those AUR packages tomorrow.
Thanks for the advice so far.
>>102221555 (Me)
Keep in mind that I read my Computer's mobo specs wrong and I thought I had 2 NVMe ports when I actually opened it actually had 1, so this is going to be a completely fresh install.
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Unless it's a tiny board or really old, I doubt it has only one M.2 slot. It might just be hidden behind a decorative plate "heatsink".
And if it really does only have one, you could buy an adapter card.
is it physically not there or does it just not work?
Upgraded from mint 21.3 to 22, took a bit of time but working ok, except I did have to install fonts-ubuntu-classic to get the old fonts back because I wasn't a fan of the way they changed the system fonts, seemed worse on my eyes.
Is there a way to make hyperland non tiling?
why not? either way you're using pcie lanes
I haven't installed it yet
I was planning to load windows 10 on it, would this slowdown IO?
There are. They're dirt cheap too. My motherboard has two slots in use but I wanted to add a third so picked up (Pic related) for next to nothing. You can probably find cheap Chinese shit for less too.
Do you have additional OSes on there or do you just use them for extra space?
Just for storage.
I also have Windows on one of them. I rarely use it but boot into sometimes.
I want to put windows on mine to mainly play video games cause I honestly don't want to deal with wine anymore, Its literally just going to be a video game os.
why does it look like agp
enjoy wangblows bootloader nuking your grub partition
On a new hard drive I boot first??
Because it plugs into the same PCIe slot as your GPU does (well not that one specifically, one of the other two slots you're not using).

It's actually pretty small but doesn't look cheap either. I'm quite pleased with it for the price.

This >>102221871 one looks more like an agp. There are also more expensive cards that can take multiple nvme drives.
windows boot manager has a habit for nuking any other boot loaders found on the system since wangblows 10
If that's true I'll just take out my linux drive, boot and load windows, then just put it back in. Unless you mean that windows will do that everytime it boots.
Hasn't happened to me. I've only heard people having issues with secure boot and that was Microsoft actually doing them a favour because those versions of Grub had security flaws and distros hadn't updated Grub properly.

(the moral of the story here is to stop using Grub)
>>102222696 (Me)
Fuck... I hate troubleshooting wine though...
you should be installign windows without any other drives plugged in regardless, but i definitely wouldnt trust it in either case, especially with my linux data. windows defender just deletes shit that it doesnt like willy nilly.

for that reason i keep my linux isos on read only samba shares so windows defender doesnt nuke my archives with ye olde daz loader and shit.

honestly if you really must use windows then either dedicate a system to it or use a vm with gpu passthrough, cause the boot manager AND defender CANNOT BE TRUSTED
i have a 4090, can i just use debian and have a good experience? i just wanna game and shitpost, id say mint but i wanna use kde, i hate cinnamon and rather not use xfce
sure but you're gonna get driver updates 6 months late so you wont be able to play the latest aaa slop if they need the latest GRD on launch
Fuck, I guess I'm learning wine then :/
>accidentally fucked up uuid up for my drive
>can't boot into linux now
>correct uuid i saved is save onto my notes which i cant access now
>got to get another drive to reformat
fuck. eh well live and learn i guess, don't think there's any real way to fix this now besides reformatting
>accidentally fucked up uuid up for my drive
What UUID specifically? Drives don't have UUIDs.
>can't boot into linux now
UEFI or legacy BIOS boot? If UEFI, is the boot entry still there?
>correct uuid i saved is save onto my notes which i cant access now
So the disk and filesystem is fine? Boot up any live environment case you want to inspect the drive.
i was fixing something relatively minor but annoying but from memory it was something to do with the partition and remember a uuid string having something to do with it.
>uefi or legacy
i'm pretty sure it's uefi. linux goes straight into emergency mode
>boot into a live environment
i made a bootable usb and tried to access the drives but they won't mount. it came up with an error, i can go back and check what it is
there's nothing to learn. you just install it and it werks
the actual desktop part is shockingly pretty good for an alpha. the rest is unpolished for obvious reasons.
recommend me a le gaming or otherwise lightweight distro for a 4gb ram amd e2 hp notebook
Not linux but I am shocked that openbsd's vi doesn't support utf8. It doesn't matter 99% of the time but I like to write up some stuff in Greek and I had to install vim.
Install Gentoo
qube OS running a type 2 VM running windows 11 running a VM of Damn Small Linux
neither does mg, but i think that's by design to keep the code base small in both cases.
It's notched so that it can fit in an x4, x8, or x16 slot. The reason they try to fill out the x16 slot despite it being an x4 card is just for physical support.
Probably Ubuntu and derivatives because AFAIK it's the only distro that officially supports multiple versions of the NVIDIA driver concurrently, meaning if there's ever a bad update on one version you always have an alternative.
>Don't modern CPUs automatically overclock until they hit the voltage limit?
Yes, but this is governed by software instead of hardware.
Martin Weinelt aka hexa removed the nazi bar.
Time that he removes the nazi bar from Linux Mint.
Distro to use if im kind of a schizo and care about privacy but also wanna play videogames?
Whichever, it doesn't matter.
I want to use Linux on my laptop more often, but just can’t. Used Ubuntu two years ago, no complaints except that the battery life was SHIT.
Fuck Windows too, thinking of buying a MacBook
dug my laptop out of my closet for college after taking a gap year. it's still got windows 10 on it. i'm thinking of installing linux because i do like it, and in my experience, linux Just Werks best on laptops. but i really don't know if i should because classes will expect me to be using windows (i'm not in anything compsci related, i'm in education). can you get powerpoint and shit to work on linux yet?
Kernel 6.8 significantly improved battery life for Intel chips. It's worth trying Ubuntu 24.04 for that. I get slightly better battery life on my Intel N200 CPU now than I did in Windows.
Do not create problems with your education.
I found this tweak that makes certain fonts render a lot better at lower font point sizes, particularly the MS ones like Courier New. This is probably only useful for smaller monitors at lower resolutions but it's what I needed.

>Open this file (as a text file):

>Add this line to the end of the file and save it:
FREETYPE_PROPERTIES="cff:no-stem-darkening=0 autofitter:no-stem-darkening=0"


Still not as good as Windows but better than before.
>Also is it worth it to uninstall msttcorefonts and instead copy them from a Windows install?
Yes, the "mscorefonts" are like a quarter of century old and look like ass, MS has updated them over the years.
Anybody recommend going to Fedora over Arch? I’ve used CentOS in the past for desktop briefly and most my Arch experience is in the RaspPi3 which made me really appreciate pacman. Win 10 eol is amost upon me and I’m looking at a nice general purpose distro and both some to do both pretty well. Any reason to choose one over the other.
inb4 install gentoo, considered it but don’t know if I want to go down that rabbit hole.
>a nice general purpose distro
Just use Mint, it's retard-proof.
>Any reason to choose one over the other.
Fedora probably has a proper gui installer,
Arch has propietary drivers and codes in the standard repos.
If you wanna stick with 10 there's always IoT LTSC 2021.
Also if you want a simple distro that acts mostly like Windows then just use Mint.
So canonical has this "Linux kernel engineer" job advertised... is doing my own LFS and custom Gentoo kernel enough to even think about doing this job?
>15 years old Laptop
>BIOS Version 1.03 date: 12/21/2009
>CPU dual core Intel Core i5
>NVIDIA GT216M [GeForce GT 330M]
>RAM available: 3.69 GiB
Which out of the box linux distro should I install?
I'm trying Mint 22 Wilma and Mint LMDE 6 at the moment, what about Fedora?
I'd try LMDE first
I installed Mint 22 and there are minor inconvenience that LMDE liveUSB doesnt seem to have. Before another installation I would try other easy distros
something without a DE. arch with DWM
I'm new to Linux, I need something ready to use
honestly if you want the bare minimum these days for even 'light' browsing you will need a sandy bridge or above

upgrade to a thinkpad t400 series with 8GB of ram and you can install anything although I wouldn't recommend linux for anything but a server or desktop as its power management is not kind to laptop batteries
if you really must keep your current machine, upgrade the drive to an ssd at the very least, see if you can upgrade the ram to 8 and then try something like lubuntu
when the laptop will die I have an old Mac to use, probably with Linux too because I'm liking it
letting this here, since no one helped.
I mean if you can get Homebrew running on this old Mac then you have what basically amounts to Linux anyway.
Cinnamon will be too heavy. Try using anything with Xfce or a lighter DE.
Or one of the dedicated "weak PC" distros
> MX Linux
> Linux Lite
> Q4OS
> antiX
Keep in mind that you'll also have to selectively use low spec software. It's often not the OS that's eating up your performance, it's the software you use. I'm not sure if there's any modern web browser that will work without it's tabs crashing constantly. Something like LibreWolf with uBlockOrigin set to disable javascript by default is probably going to be the best experience you can have.
it will be absolutely abysmal to use with a mechanical hard drive, pre 2010 laptop cpu, and 4G of ram in today's DAMAGED js framework and electron hellscape
if thats the case i'd go for a light distro with xfce.
in my experience xfce is not really that friendly to new users but its so light and fast.
So what am I actually missing out on by using a more stable distro like Ubuntu compared to a rolling release for gaming? I know about kernel and driver updates, but as far as I know you can manually update those. Is there anything else I should be aware of and potentially manually update to get better gaming performance?
ubuntu has so much bloat out of the box i would hardly call it stable
you can just make a shell script and run it as a cron job
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Go with LXQt. Just as lightweight but without the GTK shit XFCE has.

In terms of being user friendly some of the keyboard shortcuts could do with being changed.

The application menu (start menu) isn't bound to Super_L by default

The lxqt-runner isn't bound to Alt+space by default

Other than that it's fine. It uses hardly any RAM when Firefox isn't open.
Here's my /etc/init.d/libvirtd file alpine uses if you want to compare or use
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Does this mean I shouldn't add third party repos like the one recommended for apt distros on the mpv website?
I'm planning on using Mint but I just used Ubuntu as an example.
Yes. Unless those repositories were built for the version of Devuan that you are using then they can cause issues.

Exceptions to this include standalone software distributed as an Apt repo. Usually that will just work on every Debian based distro because it's not depending on what the distro provides beyond some basic libraries.
Damn. I was looking for a binary based distro using openrc. Might as well install alpine at this point
why bother? just use debian
Libraries needed by Proton are often outdated. You won't have as good of a compatibility compared to Fedora or Arch. There's no reason to use Ubuntu on desktop, it's literally a server centric distro.
Just use something like Nobara or Bazzite. Those are to Fedora what Mint is to Ubuntu.

Mint has the exact same compatibility issues as Ubuntu, except it might even be worse since it's locked into the Ubuntu LTS base. Ubuntu has non-LTS versions which you can upgrade every 6 months or so.
That's a lie and you know it.
I'm running linux mint cinnamon 22 or 23 something, w/e is the current edition. Mint has this annoying quirk where it doesn't read when headphones are plugged into the front jack, but it does upon boot and upon coming of sleep.
Is there a setting to fix this? Or maybe a manual way to do it from terminal?
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Hi. I wish to update my video editor Kdenlive to the latest version, but apt is a year behind apparently. How can I install the latest version without using Flatpak or an App Image?
Compile it from source. Good luck.

A good starting point would be:
git clone -j$(nproc) https://invent.kde.org/multimedia/kdenlive
cd kdenlive
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install

But you'll have to install the dependencies and possibly build them from source if they're not available.
Actually, a better way might be using kdesrc-build:
kdesrc-build kdenlive

There's going to be too many dependencies you need to install to build it yourself, you would be better off using flat or appimage, or something like distrobox instead.
As long as you use the same debian stable version it should be fine
I am satisfied with my distro/desktop setup and now that the distraction is gone, I feel empty inside. What do?
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Learn how to do it all over again on Nix.
if you want to keep the merry-go-round going ags / eww
Not a bad idea. Unfortunately, I cannot run VM's because my computer's RAM size is too tiny. I will give Nix a look thoughever.

Are you trying to kill the man? He's already empty inside.
ags: https://aylur.github.io/ags-docs/config/examples/
eww: https://github.com/elkowar/eww?tab=readme-ov-file
Wow, Nixos's documentation sucks. It looks far more incomplete than Gentoo and Arch to setup.
>Unfortunately, I cannot run VM's because my computer's RAM size is too tiny
Scratch that. It sometimes works ok and sometimes crash the host browser. Probably good enough.
He asked for a challenge.
Should I remove the X flag from my USE if I am planning to use wayland? Also should I enforce wayland in my USE? Are these acceptable flags?
Gentoo's USE options are so vague and inconsistent between packages that you should avoid ever modifying the globals.
You can safely do that. just be aware that some packages use USE="X" to mean USE="xwayland", that is to say X support implies XWayland support so you may have to add some per-package overrides in package.use if you still want support for running legacy applications but just want to disable this support for applications that support Wayland.
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Is it a bad idea to resize (by increasing) a mounted partition
Is Nobara actually good for gaming?
If the filesystem supports online re-size, know. It's designed for that.
Is there a way to run Android's TikTok app, without it spying on me?
Why not just use the x86 version of android in a VM?
>Is there a way to run $CHINESE_APP without $CHINESE_APP spying on me?
No, you might as well send over your passport and social security number to the CCP right now.
I need to do a bunch of compiling that's very disk I/O heavy (it's rust - my job requires it). I could create a tmpfs in RAM, but it'd be hard to make everything fit for a big compiling job, though I do have 64GB so it's maybe not out of the realm of possiblities.
My current best solution is to allocate maybe 40-50GB to a tmpfs, and then use a cronjob script to sync it to an actual disk folder every n minutes for persistence.

However, is there anything that can do this out-of-the-box; and ideally, supporting "overflowing" from the allocated ramdisk if the compile job requires more space than available?

>inb4 just let linux cache things
I think that with a lot of writes, linux still flushes to disk pretty aggressively; caching is mostly useful when reading files. If you have suggestions on tuning this, though, to achieve in-memory file manipulation with minimal writes, I'd also be happy if it can be done with just cache tweaks.
what about the partition itself
You probably shouldn't modify the partition table while you have partitions mounted if that's what you're asking.
It's pretty good, yes.

Install this in your virt-manager https://www.android-x86.org/
Or, get a separate cheap phone only for running the app.
Honestly just get a used amazon fire tablet
They're hot fucking garbage and there's so many of them that you can get fucking 20 of them for a dollar. I'm exaggerating a little bit but holy shit they are cheap.
eatmydata or have a dedicated scratch filesystem you mount async and let the block cache do its job
Abandoned, use bliss os instead
>gnome devs, your gnome circle logo looks like a goatse
>no it doesnt, as a gay faggot whos fisted guys before i can confirm it does not look like a goatse
>but we're still going to change it anyway
mental illness
Debian 12, Gnome
Installed Thunar with apt. How do I enable dark mode for Thunar? All the Gnome shit runs in dark mode.
>export GTK_THEME=Adwaita-dark
>settings set org.gnome.desktop.interface color-scheme prefer-dark
and nothing changed. I didn't reboot yet, if that matters.
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I'm currently installing gentoo (musl, openrc) with LLVM and you FREE_SOFTWARE fags can't do anything about it.
Musl, LLVM and OpenRC are free software though. You chopping off your penis doesn't change that
I don't even know why they responded to somebody that was obviously trolling. That was one of the few legitimate times they should have closed a bug as WONTFIX.
>finally able to use Linux as a daily driver after years and years, everything justwerks
>have my OS installed on an SSD and all my games installed on a separate drive
>every single Heroic (GOG/Epic/Amazon) game installation has a massive wine prefix folder
>shitload of games installed; starting to eat up space on my SSD
is there any option around this? Can you just have one or two prefixes for a multitude of games or does that fuck things up?
I have Neovim configured with Nvchad and I installed the Obsidian.nvim plugin.

is there a better alternative? I heard some people use Marksman instead.
Also, how do I browse for CONTENTS on my .md notes?
How many snaps do you have installed, lads?

Me? Fifteen.

Of course you have snaps. Everybody does.
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Ok I take my words back, I'm not installing gentoo (musl, openrc) with LLVM today because I hit a roadblock every 5 minutes. I'm lazy so I want to use genkernel but always some issue with the LLVM support...
Docker, are you doing okay there?
Error: creating build container: initializing source docker://debian:12-slim: reading manifest 12-slim in docker.io/library/debian: StatusCode: 408, "<html><body><h1>408 Request Time-out</h1>\nYour bro..."
Just go with a normal desktop setup. Configure the binary package host and use the binary distribution kernel for maximum comfyness. You can have the whole thing setup and working within the hour.
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How do I get emoji to display in terminal and emacs? They show up here in firefox just fine: https://www.fileformat.info/info/emoji/browsertest.htm
What's the point of that?

This is the issue I hit: https://github.com/besser82/libxcrypt/issues/181 - not sure what is the fix just yet...
You don't run into issues like that with Gcc and Glibc.
Nah that's fine. I don't make a new prefix until I need different dll overrides or runtime constraints. Just don't get lazy and change how a prefix works for one program. That's how you get into trouble.
Btrfs with compression enabled
>Thunar on GNOME
Just why?
I want to try a setup with musl and llvm. The idea behind musl interests me.

This is the fix I think: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Knowledge_Base:LLVM_undefined_symbol
Most games don't compress very well, and btrfs CPU overhead is substantial on fast drives.
36% of my Steam library is compressed and the CPU overhead is less substantial on fast drives because even if you lose some speed from having to decompress it the drive is so fast you'll barely notice it:
$ compsize .local/share/Steam/steamapps
Processed 88591 files, 1488512 regular extents (1531006 refs), 30824 inline.
Type Perc Disk Usage Uncompressed Referenced
TOTAL 96% 635G 656G 660G
none 100% 623G 623G 622G
zstd 36% 12G 33G 37G
prealloc 100% 6.2M 6.2M 6.2M
This is with default settings too (i.e BTRFS heuristic deciding what to compress). It could potentially be better with compress-force which some people use.
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Can anyone help me? I set up an Ubuntu server last night to store all my media and it was up and running fine for about an hour while I transferred files via Filezilla from my desktop to my server, then out of nowhere filezilla wont let me copy files into my server because it is saying permission denied. I've tried experimenting with every permission i could with the directory but nothing seems to work. The same thing happened last week when I tried the Fedora server. What am i doing wrong? Why does it work for a bit then stops working? Any help would be appreciated
Disk space full?
>had to rebind pins so my headphones would work
Thank you asus, vey cool
run these on the server as the user that FileZilla uses and dump the output here
> id
> ls -lan /home/tyler/media/Movies
I just fully switched over to Linux last month after dualbooting for a while. I saw Gnome was bloat but I figured since it's so popular there'll be answers for any problems I have so that's why I chose it when installing.
I'm using i3 but when I have to use Nautilus it's way too slow to open large folders so I looked for a faster alternative.
Compression requires running data checksums whether the data is compressed or not.
All data is checksumed by BTRFS regardless of whether or not it's compressed or not.
>All data is checksumed by BTRFS
Only data with CoW enabled requires checksums. CoW is required for compression. Running data checksums at 4GiB/s adds notable overhead.

>a whole 3% savings
Now run
btrfs fi df ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps
and show us how much of that is taken back in metadata overhead.
Hello /g/ has anyone tried to compile linux with full lto ?
NTA but honestly every other file manager sucks when it comes to thumbnail generation, they dont properly cache thumbnails other than thunar in my experience
I dont recommend using filezilla, use winscp instead.
I've had really terrible experience with using filezilla for copying files over sftp
your user does not own the folder
your user is not in the group that owns the folder
hence the last set of permissions 'other' are applied, in your case that is
r-x or read (not write) and execute
I'm not sure why it would have stopped part way through, if you run
> ls -lah instead of lan it will show the user and group who owns the folder, did you change the user part way through?
either way you could `chown` the folders to be owned by tyler, add tyler to a group that owns the folders, or widen the permissions to include the only other bit `chmod 777`
>Only data with CoW enabled requires checksums
Which is the entire filesystem, unless you've specifically created some subvolumes without CoW.

$ btrfs fi usage .local/share/Steam/steamapps
Device size: 1.82TiB
Device allocated: 1.82TiB
Device unallocated: 1.00MiB
Device missing: 0.00B
Device slack: 0.00B
Used: 1.77TiB
Free (estimated): 29.74GiB (min: 29.74GiB)
Free (statfs, df): 29.74GiB
Data ratio: 1.00
Metadata ratio: 1.00
Global reserve: 512.00MiB (used: 0.00B)
Multiple profiles: no

Data,single: Size:1.76TiB, Used:1.73TiB (98.35%)
/dev/nvme0n1p2 1.76TiB

Metadata,single: Size:60.19GiB, Used:38.15GiB (63.39%)
/dev/nvme0n1p2 60.19GiB

System,single: Size:32.00MiB, Used:288.00KiB (0.88%)
/dev/nvme0n1p2 32.00MiB

/dev/nvme0n1p2 1.00MiB

That's for the entire filesystem. There's no way to get BTRFS to report usage just for my Steam library.

So basically the metadata for my entire filesystem (which is nearly full by the way, and most of it's not my Steam library) is about the same as the zstd referenced data.
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KDE isn't letting me resize my display when using x11. It's the same when using wayland, except worse because it claims the display only supports 800x600 resolution. Anyone have an idea as to what might be causing it?
turns out
was blocking them
I managed to run distrobox archlinux sway on top of a native host sway session but couldn't get hyprland or a regular xorg session to work
I wouldn't really recommend anyone to do this, it doesnt really work that well
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Thank you! I was trying to do similar troubleshooting last night but you broke it down into easy to understand terms. Cheers!
CoW isn't a subvolume property.
>So basically the metadata for my entire filesystem (which is nearly full by the way, and most of it's not my Steam library) is about the same as the zstd referenced data.
If you do it for the whole drive it's not going to come out much better. btrfs compression vs metadata overhead is about break even for most boot drive scenarios, depending on how many snapshots you keep. It's not going to free up any 25% and save you from having to drop $150 on another drive.
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You're welcome anon :)
>CoW isn't a subvolume property.
It's a filesystem attribute which when applied to the directory of a subvolume has the same effect as if it were a property.

>btrfs compression vs metadata overhead is about break even for most boot drive scenarios, depending on how many snapshots you keep. It's not going to free up any 25% and save you from having to drop $150 on another drive.
Well that depends on what compression level you use. Compression isn't magic but if you increase the level like I did you can still get some nice savings. You can get further compression by setting compress-force but I don't do that because there's been problems with that in the past. Zstd's compressor has better detection than BTRFS's own heuristics though.
Also Steam isn't necessarily the best place to showcase BTRFS compression because most games already use compression themselves. Zstd can probably compress it further still with compress-force but it's probably not worth it.
looks like bad drivers
GTK_THEME=Adwaita:dark works on my machine at this current point in time
>compress-force but I don't do that because there's been problems with that in the past
I thought it was safe?
You can install all games in 1 prefix. Not sure how these launchers do it, but in Bottles it's just a matter of launching executables in the same prefix.
I figured that might be it. This thing has an nvidia card which is probably the cause of it, but I don't really know what drivers would fix it.
It is. I said in the past. It's more inertia than anything. I prefer to stick to defaults as much as possible, the only thing I changed is the compression level because that's set very conservatively by default.
This is yet another good reason why everyone should be using BTRFS. You can dedupe with reflinks, although XFS supports that too for some time now too.
Basically "Does sudo cksum <boot_drive> peg a CPU core?"
Does Nvidia still require blobs on Linux?
If it's a modern card you can use Nouveau with just a single blob from linux-firmware.
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Best way to run android app to run on linux?
>run chrome/fydeOS
>Android x86
Something else?
I'm not using wayland
Practically yes. Some old Kepler GPUs have somewhat decent nouveau support, but that's just nice if you happen to have one in your spare parts bin. Nobody is going out to buy desktop GPUs to run nouveau.

If it doesn't execute on the host CPU it's not a blob. This term is intentionally diluted by glows.
Nautilus is a very shitty file manager.
>Nobody is going out to buy desktop GPUs to run nouveau.
That will change soon. It might take a few years (AMDGPU and RADV didn't develop overnight for AMD) but Nouveau is getting serious work done now. It stagnated because Nvidia wouldn't release firmware but now that they've done that it's full steam ahead. Nvidia also poached the former Nouveau maintainer, make of that what you will.
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Why would anyone care about any blobs? It's just like having a ROM but as a file instead of a chip.
>boot up Lonox
>"fail to hardware, no blob" t. kernel
>goto kernel.org repositories and grab the missing blob manually
>place under /lib/firmware
>device works
Just clone the entire repo. It's only 554 MB when Zstd compressed:
$ sudo du -h -a -c /lib/firmware | sort -h | tail
27M /lib/firmware/nvidia/ga102
27M /lib/firmware/nvidia/ga102/gsp
27M /lib/firmware/nvidia/ga102/gsp/gsp-535.113.01.bin.zst
44M /lib/firmware/nvidia
72M /lib/firmware/mrvl/prestera
73M /lib/firmware/qcom
78M /lib/firmware/mellanox
79M /lib/firmware/mrvl
554M /lib/firmware
554M total
>Nvidia also poached the former Nouveau maintainer, make of that what you will.
Yeah they do real open source drivers for their ARM GPUs under nouveau. That's a long time thing.

As long as people working on the desktop parts have to reverse engineer everything it's going to be hot garbage and 10 years behind.
Is Fedora especially bad when handling NFS, or are all Linux distros this shit?
They do release some documentation. Reverse engineering is never what held them back though. That's a solved problem, you should the insane tooling the original Nouveau people built back when they had nothing.

The things that held Nouveau back were:
>No re-clocking support (that's not an issue anymore now that Nvidia is releasing firmware)
>Shit OpenGL support. Zink exists now but…
>No Vulkan driver (Nvk exists now and is continuously improving with every new Mesa release)
>colon instead of dash
Sadly didn't work for me but a lot of the other stuff I read online said rebooting was necessary. I'll see what happens after I reboot. Too lazy to reboot right now though.
The colon is some funky thing that tells GTK to use Adwaita but with a different class. I think it's used for the CSS somehow. It should work but maybe the app you're using is hard coding Adwaita.
None of that gets you a working driver within the product's useful life though. Like, ok cool if I'm still using a 4070 in 10 years I can switch to the open source driver, but that doesn't really add to the value proposition. AMD and Intel have open source drivers before release.
This is everything that's wrong with Firefox development explained in one image.

>Where is the "advocacy" and "me too" here?

The guys a well respected web developer that's literally offering up his time for free to make some tests for Firefox.
what program do you guys use to digitally sign documents or pdf in linux?
does anyone use calculate linux? anything interesting over gentoo?
I don't have to digitally sign documents.
I believe KDE's Okular can do it though.
gpg --output doc.pdf.sig --detach-sig doc.pdf
That's the best way but if somebody asks about signing documents they probably mean the crap Adobe uses and there's not many PDF readers that support that.
when you sign a document, how does anyone know it's you. are you supposed to put your public key somewhere on the net? how do they reference that key against the signature? no one explains that part.
They don't know, the whole thing is bullshit, even with GPG it doesn't guarantee YOU signed it, it just guarantees that your key signed it.

Without some sort of attestation (i.e with some sort of privacy invasive system that uses your biometrics data somehow) there's no way to know.
This is probably some government shit or legal bullshit. Most people don't sign documents just like most people don't sign their email.
so bullshit, got it. won't investigate further.
Pretty much. GPG is still better than nothing but the whole system assumes your key is never stolen or compromised.

If you use a hardware token and have a proper web of trust (i.e you only trust keys that you have personally verified in person, some people get really autistic about that. Key signing parties are a thing) then it can work.
Is the opensuse website down for anyone else, or is it just me?
Try to:
sudo traceroute -4 -I opensuse.org
sudo traceroute6 -I opensuse.org

The route just goes into a blackhole.
New thread:
Thunar usually tries to run as a background process, so you'll need to be sure the variable is set before the initial instance is started.
Are there any ISOs that come with TLP (battery utility) pre-installed?
Do I have to worry about anything when encrypting an SSD with SED (Self-Encrypting Drive) capabilities, or do I just cryptsetup like normal if I don't want to use the vendor backdoor?
welcome to nix

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