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solid edition

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>How to write a resume

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


>Helpful YouTube Channels
https://www.youtube.com/@ByteByteGo (systems design at a high level)
https://www.youtube.com/@ycombinator (if you're doing a startup)
https://www.youtube.com/@hnasr (for studying backed architecture)

Previous thread: >>102209240
first for monolith masterrace
second for daily stand
3rd for starting drinking at 1am
4th for starting drinking at 1pm
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5th for my wife
Why does Jason Dion's Sec+ course have 12 tests when the other 2 had 6. Is Sec+ that much harder?
7th for >wife
Woke up 2 hours a go barely ate anything and now 6 beers deep. It is 10pm

Also refinanced my house now I have $300 extra a month I can either put back on the house or burn on bullshit.
not gonna lie she looks pretty and kissable. would rest my head on her chest while she gives me headpats.
Really paranoid about losing this little life I've built for myself
Not really harder but more popular. For A+, and Net+ barely anyone takes those tests and most that do pass by covering the content and labs a few times. Sec+ is more of a hard requirement for government jobs so offering more resources to pass easily means he can get more word of mouth advertisements. His tests suck but its better then nothing.
I can't even tell if this is a genetic female, but the biggest issue here is the eye makeup and fake lashes. Wish people didn't do this shit
>His tests suck
aww man, I'm taking the Sec+ on saturday and his materials are all I've been using.
Well even if there out of scope like when I was taking them it still gives you a better chance of passing then not. You need to use multiple resources and more importantly you need to find labs to do in order to pass properly I failed Net+ the first time since I was not using enough variety of labs.
Nothing lasts forever
i don't get why would anyone waste their time being a NEET
there must be something you like to do in this world that you can at least monetize even if it only makes $100 a month.

but i get it, these days people generalize those who don't work in an office or factory a NEET. you're an indie gamedev? nah, you're a NEET. you're a music producer? nah, you're a NEET. you're a web novelist? nah, you're a NEET.[spoiler][/spoiler]
I WILL work from home today, no I WON'T explain myself to my co-workers.
Yeah you show them anon
enjoy your inevitable layoff.
unit tests are fucking retarded
>you're an indie gamedev? nah, you're a NEET. you're a music producer? nah, you're a NEET. you're a web novelist? nah, you're a NEET

9 times out of 10 those people ARE neets with no talent and no ability to ship anything that sells. All that matters is if you're making money or not. You could be working on a really sophisticated piece of software but if it never sells and nobody cares about it you're no different from a lowly NEET who jerks off to anime girls all day .
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will sooner retire than write a line of a unit test.
Where did the culture of chicks crossing their arms, slouching their shoulders, and pushing their chin out come from? Surefire sign of being a dumb bitch
I've been out of the tech sector for over a year after being laid off. What the fuck can I do to actually land a job? Nobody seems to care that I have 5 years of experience as a software engineer. Should I pursue certifications, throw money and time at getting my fucking masters degree, or work for free on some gay open source project? Is the industry actually fucked right now or is it just me?
the answer's in the hair
if she had a linkedin you just KNOW her pronouns would be listed there
>there must be something you like to do in this world that you can at least monetize
You overestimate people. Forget monetization; you can find a fair percentage of people who will just insist to you that they don't like anything. You could go through an encyclopedia of of interests and hobbies and they'll just refuse to engage with any of it. Like it's beyond an NPC thing - these fuckers just have "..." for their dialogue
Indeed and LinkedIn job postings aren't leading anywhere for me. Is there a better place I should be applying for jobs?
>inb4 firm handshake
time for day n+1 of people saying SWE is dead due to AI while I still see zero AI SWE built products, let alone end to end companies
Mercifully, this person only has 10k plays on each of their songs on Spotify
just ask in person and give them your resume then be told to apply online
women are too insecure to show their real face

they prefer a fake, pretty face over a slightly uglier but real face
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>he thought
Drinking malt liqour
If you people only knew what kind of full blown retarded things a "developer" at a non-tech company does
>tfw can't make decent money with the bare minimum effort and be treated like a wizard for it
I think helping people is immoral.
I keep learning and quitting programming and I decided that at 27, I have neeted too long. From today I will start going to the local library and coding there instead of my room so I'm not tempted to fap
What are some roadmaps for learning programming more in depth if I can already do most of the neetcode 150 problems? I can solve puzzles but I have no idea on how to solve real actual real life problems
>From today I will start going to the local library and coding there instead of my room so I'm not tempted to fap
This sounds like you're going to end up fapping at the library. This sounds like a bad plan.
Job market's fucked, it's not just you
Theoretically, if you can do the neetcode 150, you're ready for an entry level job
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Only if the librarian is like in my jewfish videos
Yeah but I doubt a job is going to be like "Rotate a matrix"
I found this ages ago and frankly, I have no idea what to do. I google and still end up lost
monetizing is pretty hard. And as one man you're confined to all this digital shit nobody wants to pay for cause the alternative would be mass producing a product and oh boy.
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>why this shit doesn't work
>hmm let's check git blame
>"Autistic faggot, 20 years ago..."
Fuck me
>Job market's fucked, it's not just you
Well that's comforting on some level. Might as well pick up muh AWS certification to help pad out my year+ away from tech
Do i still have to keep programming after dinner in order to get a job?
At that point it's not about learning anymore. It's about trying to just finish the part of the course you're learning, while not actually retaining any knowledge.
Anyone got experience working for Canonical and Red Hat? I've applied to both recently and the way they set out their application process is a lot better than other companies I have applied to so far.
I hope to god they respond with something, my contract for my current company is running out soon and they said they won't renew it.
Shhh don't tell them about my hour long shits.
Any use for a PhD other then to stroke an ego?
Does anyone know a good training/study guide to gitgud at SQL and database in general?
i dont know what that is
>Actually heard back from company that rejected me months ago for a new position.
Ngl that is new to me, seems like they are going to directly make me an offer since I already passed the interview process once.
i use it to wipe my ass
does making a to do list app still gets me a job?
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>will making something that chatgpt can make in 5 seconds give me a job
Unironically it will help because showing initiative looks good on the CV. Even if you proompted ChatGPT to write it all in Python (don't tell them that, obviously).

Just present it as a personal project, short description saying other existing options just didn't fit your specific use case, don't make it seem like anything special but do make it seem like you're the kind of guy who would make his fix his own problems.
billions of indians all have todo list apps on their cv
ok how about twitch clone?

it's my own fault honestly the only good project i have is a procedural terrain generator in Unity that i spent 6 months for. I want to apply for webdev jobs since there isn't any decent game programming jobs here.
yes make something more complex like that
I assumed the to-do list was more of an example, it can be any small program or other project to solve an issue. I assume someone applying for something more than a junior position would have something considerably more complex than a to-do list program.

Pajeets having it on their CV just means you'll stand out as not having it if you don't.
Anon it's just about showing initiative and that you're able to work on your own without needing someone to hold your hand. What it is doesn't really matter, but the more complex and the better the result the better obviously.
how about steam clone?

>Anon it's just about showing initiative and that you're able to work on your own without needing someone to hold your han
kek i'm probably gonna look up through a youtube tutorial or something. it's just something to add for my portfolio while i grind leetcode for real.
love seeing posts about neets turning it around by thinking theyll land a golden ticket dev job in this market. they of course never actually just go get a job, it has to be worthy of their grace and pay 150k a year
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>from Ireland
>Ireland handing out work visas to all Indians and giving away Irish jobs to all Indians
What the fuck. Almost everyone at work is Indian. Indians absolutely everywhere in Ireland.
Wish recruiters would stop sending me roles that require experience I don't have.

>"Hello Anon, I have a data engineer role for you"
Me: "Are cloud skill essential? I don't have much experience with them"
>"No its fine, they're interested in training people if they have good foundational skills with data"

Days later, have phone call:
"Oh actually that role does require cloud skills because they're after someone to lead them into their cloud transformation"

Fucking tits!
Buy knives and join the IRA. There is no other hope.
Ghastly, even Rishi told Modi to stick his Free Trade Agreement up his arse because it would require Free Movement

That said, still plenty of Visa chimps here, though companies at least are very insistent that they don't sponsor because they're sick of getting flooded with applications from the third world.
i'd have no problem flipping burgers but in my country they pay people below a certain age less so hospitality and retail businesses hire people above their early 20s for entry level things without experience
Sponsored or not these people now have established families/friends here and will help each other out to move to Ireland.
These people stick together.
Oh yeah, they do that back home.
A jeet I unfortunately had to work would insist on telling me his life story despite me not caring.

Anyway, he was one those country bumpkins you hear about.
His family pooled their cash together to send him to one of those paper mills so he could anchor himself in a western nation and then bring the rest of them over.
My last company used normal TOTP for our OTP. This one uses fucking "DUO." I had to find a smartphone just for that, which I've managed to lose.

I've been listening to the crappy hold music for the IT help desk for an hour being told "Your wait time is five minutes or less" so I can get them to put it on the cheap android tablet I bought.

If it were TOTP I'd have the secret encrypted and backed up with my personal passwords and nothing would have happened. I hate all this retarded "smart" crap.
Does that still exist?
Yeah but only in the Northern Ireland location and they are really only PIRA in all actuality. Either way Ireland will be in flames before it gets better. So better learn to love burpees, read some books, and prepare for collapse. Ireland is fucked m8y
>Ireland is fucked m8y
Is anywhere not completely fucked? Australia somehow seems like one of the most sane places in the anglosphere right now.
A dude knocked at my door asking for charity. I didn't listen to a single word he said and I'm like oh fuck let me just give him all of my 5/10/20 cent coins which would have probably been 40 euros.
Once I handed it to him he's like this is for the cause, for northern Ireland.

My stomach dropped and I felt so embarrassed.
>data engineer
>no cloud experience
Visited central Europe and everyone was white and straight. Seemed pretty sane.
Yes but there getting fucked by CCP influence. America has probably 100k CCP soldier's within there border and Canada has probably 50k soldiers within there's.

Overall we all know who the real cause of this problem ((((is)))) but no country is safe to escape too. We are truly in the corner.
Good recruiters don't cold call you. The ones that do that are always third world retards and you should just hang up on them. One of them started swearing at me when he realized I was a software developer and wouldn't be qualified for his power plant technician job. It's better to just not answer the phone.
Hey neetcode, I know you're new to this site, but you're not supposed to make new threads before the bump limit. Hope that helps! (you can pay us back with some tips on how to use reddit, and which reddit board you find all these epic pictures on)
Also, buy an ad :)
we're really not that sane
ending the White Australia Policy was a mistake
the (((American))) soldiers are the ones worth worrying about
>buy an ad :)
>le cuck catchphrase
You will never be a real salaried worker, janny.
>what is sarcasm
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I'm sitting in the office with nothing to do. Everyone around me seem to be working very hard but I'm just here counting hours until I get home and just pretending to be busy.
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>come back from vacation
>instantly feel depressed, burnt out, tired
>keeps happening both in WFH and in office
Is the secret to just not take vacations? It takes me several weeks to get out of it every single time. Coming back to wagecuckery after tasting freedom feels absolutely devastating.
Go to Jira and get a ticket.
The secret is to check out and just not fucking care. That's hard to do when you have to pay rent/mortgage though.
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Become an alcoholic and shut the fuck up.
pretty common to feel that after a vacation, but it's still probably better to at least spend some time traveling and experiencing things even if it means suffering a little afterwards

that said i'm more inclined to do shorter vacations for that reason
I'm not engineer, I'm slightly higher in chain.
Take your engineers out to a nice restaurant on the company card then. Maybe do a "hackathon" from there and give everyone a couple free beers if they come.
we're fully booked
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I know, covid fucked my plans up and I ended up in a shit job. Still work with data though.

Wasn't a cold call, initial contact was a linkedin message and told them the obvious so we wouldn't waste each other's time with a phone call, still ended up being a waste which is why I'm extra miffed.
Ok janny, have a (You)
>initial contact was a linkedin message
LinkedIn is complete garbage. I haven't been there since high school. Only bad things can happen logging in to the site and no good things happen.
i think pretty much everywhere is fucked to an extent, but different places will be different levels of fucked. here's my general prediction

>recession inevitably hits, either in the most obvious way when the money printing stops, or by countries sliding into it by continuing to print money
>the US will probably be initially the most hit, but then the rest of the world will follow
>countries high in social cohesion will be poor but stable, pensions lost, a lot of people forced to give up homes, housing prices inevitably come down, old people moved into communes and so on
>countries with low social cohesion will be poor AND unstable, stuck between managing their aging population and young people who are very upset about that, which will cause a lot of emigration, which causes a feedback loop of things getting shittier
>in the next 5-10 years, the situation in the US will stabilize since they still have the makings of a great economy (their own powerful currency that they can print easily, resources, great work ethic, nimble economy), and will poach every able worker from everywhere else in the world
>europe becomes a retirement home that begs for immigrants to take care of their old
>just pooped at work
who are you quoting?
do you guys kt(knowledge share) to new team members?
do you even document stuff?
knowledge sharing is the ultimate cuck move

>help clueless retards for free while simultainously reducing your value
>when the money printing stops
There hasn't been money printing for years, just borrowing money which you (the "US persons") are obligated to pay back because it was done in your name.

The government borrowing is way way worse than money printing. It's really no different than you doing a massive balance transfer on your credit card and then just giving all the cash away to foreigners. A lot of people don't understand this.
retard, knowledge sharing is good so idiots stop bothering you
>hey how do I do x,y.,z
>theres documentation for that if you have questions let me know
Also outside Japan which is dying anyway where are the high social cohesion countries?
I hear N. Korea has high social cohesion
>>in the next 5-10 years, the situation in the US will stabilize since they still have the makings of a great economy (their own powerful currency that they can print easily, resources, great work ethic, nimble economy), and will poach every able worker from everywhere else in the world
That's not how that works. The US's market economy came from its Anglo Saxon and common law roots. Those people were already a minority by y2k but they're really dying out now. As the people get replaced so do their ideas and the institutions and economy is looking more like those of India, Africa, and Mexico. There's no work ethic because the children of competent people see the place they're born into as foreign and being involved as antithetical to their goals.

Immigration (even skilled immigration) actually exacerbates and accelerates this. We're well passed peak US and it will probably be ground zero for the implosion.
anywhere that (((america))) hates
Does anyone have a good resource about planning and designing software before you start grinding out code? I have a project I want to start that's bigger in scale than what I've done before, and I don't want to waste a bunch of time up front when I could have planned things out better.
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Like the other anon said, if you stop caring about the job too much you won’t feel burnt out. I am currently trying to fix this myself.
Find an existing open-source project and just basically reverse engineer it.
Try to understand the architecture and shit like that and you will figure out everything on your own.
kek you’re not wasting time. You get memorable lesson on why you shouldn’t or should do things a certain way.
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>started my career doing full stack
>Learned to deal with the front end but it wasn't my favorite
>At current job
>11 years of experience
>Feel gaslit into thinking I'm not good at front end
>Slowly realizing my coworkers have just created a nightmare of react spaghetti code bullshit
>Spent all week looking for the cause of an exception that's just like 20 instance of exception suppression
>Want to reformat but don't want ownership over anything front end
Is that the power play? Suppress your exceptions and log them as being the fault of some upstream service?
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Have an exit plan anon. Save up money, invest in the market, buy some property. One day youll have enough to just tell your employer youre not coming back from vacation.
My wife wears zero makeup. At first I thought I wished she would. As time goes on I'm so thankful that she doesn't. I can't even look at these bogged clowns the same way anymore.
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One of my managers pulled the not coming back from a vacation move. What a fucking chad.
The secret is that you care too much and you should stop doing that. Do your job obviously. But stop worrying about if you're doing it well enough. You're probably out performing and companies thrive on bullshit like that. The second you realize that the deadlines are made up and the work will get done regardless of if you worry about it is the second you are free.
Its my preferred way of going out. Making 150k/yr and one day just taking 3 weeks off towards the end of the year, calling my boss the day before Im supposed to come back, and letting them know I wont be coming in because I quit.

Either that or they lay me off and I get a tasty severance package.
Skill issue.
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Yup this exactly. Care less and you'll feel better and somehow the same amount of shit happens and everyone thanks you for the hard work.
Do the monster raising/breeding simulator.
Nah he's right. These cunts write classes with 100% test coverage and still have exceptions because they're just testing for the sake of it. Meanwhile I don't write a single test and my shit works perfectly. Just think instead of relying on muh test coverage that just increases the build time.
>These cunts write classes with 100% test coverage and still have exceptions because they're just testing for the sake of it.
I agree this is retarded but you can use unit tests to help you refactor code and automate manual testing.
how do you guys deal with having a 1 month notice period? cant they sue you if you just refuse to come back in that time?
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I have no real deadlines, just vague shit I have to accomplish by the end of the quarter. What really fries me up is having to multitask a lot of stuff. I develop two areas of a project, but also have to solve ad-hoc bugs of company-wide tools I maintain. I am also shit. I am very forgetful. I don't outperform anyone. They keep me around because I'm le smart and somewhat of a knowledge silo, and my position is not attractive to candidates so they can't replace me. On the other hand I'm a college dropout so I dread being fired and left for dead in this market.
One month!? Two weeks is standard and even then it's formality to not burn bridges if you need a referral or to come back some day.
evens and I work today
well, i essentially view it as the same because whether you borrow money or print it, you're just spending money you don't really have. it may not be money printing per se, but reasonably the only way any country with massive debt can really get out of it IS by printing tons of money to induce inflation, devalue that debt and then pay it back it. though idk how that works with EU

eh, ethnicity and culture come into it but america still is very strongly "american" in a lot of respects. you might not really perceive it if you are american yourself, but american culture and values tend to overpower any other cultural influence more so than what happens in other western countries.

i think the US will also deteriorate, but much less so than other countries because of the advantages it has over them. and because it has those advantages, it will likely have an easier time consolidating all the recently-made-redundant but able workforce around the world around its own borders. and i have a hard time imaging that any trained professional would want to stay in economically paralyzed europe, and essentially be a wageslave to support a sick, old retired populace, when they can just emigrate to the states with other young people and actually have somewhat of a shot at life.
I should seriously give a try at hanging myself today.
No such thing here. It’s employment at will.
>the only way any country with massive debt can really get out of it IS by printing tons of money to induce inflation,
They're not going to seriously do that until people are choosing between eating and selling their children. Hyperinflation is always preceded by insane deflation.
America doesnt have that. Its at will. This is mostly in the employers favor but it also means the employees can just quit at any time for no reason and face no penalty.
I feel so cucked rn
t. europoor with 3 months mandatory notice period
Seems like Euros have an easier life but its harder to make more money
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ohio chuddys
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I'm starting to binge old kamen rider series and I'm about to buy the new castlevania collection from konami on steam
It's crazy how much I'm happier this way than consuming the latest stuff. When the world has gone to shit, enjoying stuff from 20 years ago feels so damn good.
they make so little that working doesnt really provide a better lifestyle than someone on welfare. that is a hard reality to stomach
I am glad that I decided to use the toolset my company does in order to learn programming and troubleshooting problems.

If I can solve the problems on my pc, I can solve it on a server or client's notebook.

That said, for those Germany inhabiting locals:
There is a new equivalent for the bachelor and master in computer science, but more practical.
They are called bachelor professional and master professional respectively.

Do you think they are degrees or efforts worthwhile to increase the chance to immigrate out of Germany, or do I have to stick to the bachelor degree first?
If I do make it with my investments, in my dreams of course, I could just as well pay for staying a legal immigrant elsewhere and study there.

But a punching bag can only dream.
I am that pic but knives.
yeah thinking on this the problem I have with the Euro system is it promotes mediocracy. Its like the whole continent is one giant state government. Everyone is just kind of pushing papers around and killing time.
Yeah, as soon as I hit £50k, anything after that, nearly half of it gets stolen by the tax man.
lol you just described germany.
all the cool open source projects from europe are from universities not from tech companies. also the salary for a senior dev is capped at 100k if you can even get that in the first place.
There is a fakeness that penetrates every aspect of my life and my job feels emblematic of it
I work a fake job on a unnatural machine solving fake problems
I fill out a obscure made up ticket, a forgery of real work, made by a fake management position in order to appear productive and justify my useless job
My social status and how people treat me hinges on the fake money I get from this. I have a house and nice car? I am good and people like me. I don't have X toy or Y watch? I am not a good and interesting person. I traveled to Z place and ate food there? Now I am interesting and worthy of being treated like a person
My company and city? An inorganic group of strangers brought together for the sole purpose of making money and repeating the cycle
The city is a bustling ghost town where you see no faces only these emotionless machines used to transport people from A to B. There are no places to just exist. You must have a reason for being somewhere or you have to leave
People's psyche shaped by fake problems from some political topic that they would never think about had it not been blasted into their brain from the internet
I just feel like had I been born in another time, it would make more sense. I would work to survive and solve real problems surrounded by nature and my family and friends. No fake status symbols like cars or houses at least not to the scale it is now just life
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i just realized that i probably trained my replacement
yeah this is a problem for euros because the best and brightest from the EU just move to America so they can make 3x their wages and live in a mostly white suburb with the same quality of life as Germany
Your IQ is so low that you don't even understand the problems you're attempting to solve. This "fakeness" you are referring to reveals your normalfaggot proclivities. You could be working to solve the "real problem" of infinity immigrants, but you're a stumbling idiot instead.
>he fell for the kt meme
Exactly, so what is the incentive to move up or improve yourself? May as well do the bare minimum, collect 50k and retire on a fat pension.
You have brainrot and are coping
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Haha guess what just happened again
diversity hires happened again?
Has anyone here done a system design interview before? Any insights about the format?
I've been preparing for an upcoming one by watching videos, reading architecture blog posts and article, then drawing the diagrams and working through examples myself. I feel like I am decently prepared, but then I realized I have no idea what the interview format will be. Like, will the interviewer just grill me for an hour about random topics? Will I be expected to draw stuff? It's an interview on Zoom but I guess whiteboarding is possible on online applications.
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>"hey why are all of these changes on my branch"
>you merged in another branch, you'll just have to cherry pick your stuff onto a new one
>cold calls me 5 minutes later, stuck showing them how to actually use git properly to merge their shit in for 45 minutes
Zoomers are pathetic.
Do Puerto Ricans actually work as coders or some other position?
you collect knives too?

ugh, for 2 weeks I'm the only one that wrote code. Everyone else on my project is remote so I have 0 clue what the hell they are doing. I just silently PR issues in GitLab and so far no one in management said anything.
Should I keep sharing my ideas with management? Every project I have attempted has failed but I have too much free time.
>daily standup in hindi again
Live and let live. Stop torturing everyone with your need to self validate through work.
i'm a neet but i've heard you should just pretend like you're doing something, as long as you get your work done
if you actually want to have them approve their projects, plant the idea into their add that its their idea
I don't want to be an NPC.
Asked the question in /dpt/ but nobody seems to be in there right now so I'll ask again here. Also my post in DPT has alot of typos anyway.

Context: I tried to start a business from the years 2020 to 2022 before I got my first software engineering job in 2023.

My question: Can I use the failed business as work experience in my resume? Technically I'd put myself as a "fullstack developer" for my role in the "company".

The website is here:

In my current resume I just have it as a "project" saying its just "forum-software"
>Can I
what is it with you dumb faggots and asking for permission about everything
I just want to be a better programmer first and foremost
Definitely. But maybe remove all slurs from the front page.
Then read chud lit or do personal products in your downtime. Never message me again.
should I?
Okay thanks. I'll try to make the page as clean as possible for HR roasties.
I just wanted to know if I'd be dishonest by listing a failed business venture as real work experience.
What would it take for you people to return to office?
A loli.
Underaged prostitutes
And then someone looks it up on wayback machine
My ex didn't want to homeschool our kids because she was worried they'd be weird.
That's why we didn't have any kids and she's my ex now.
>HR roasties using the wayback machine
As if.
If your cv gets past the roasties your future lead will have to look, yakno.
50% raise minimum
Nothing can convince me to stop masturbating on company time.
cute girls in the office is why I keep coming back
Nothing, the traffic is infuriating. I can't wait to spite my current job by quitting for a full remote position. Right now I'm just not showing up out of insubordination and I doubt they even say shit but I'm still going to leave and laugh as the jeet middle manager scrambles to save face that it wasn't his fault they lost a top performer.
unironically based on your part
It’s overblown hype, not gonna happen. AI is just a smokescreen for corporations to slowly lay off the DEI hires that they had to employ for ESG score lending. Now that shit is getting real, they have to justify outsourcing and lower wages to survive. Expect a lot of startups and mid-sized corporations to fold after the election, but a true SWE has nothing to fear.
Actual prostitutes in the office on standby that we can have sex with whenever we want.
Anything short of this and I would prefer homelessness.
>muh dik
Wow. Is that all you live for?
Every other problem is easy to solve. It's not the only thing I live for, it's the only thing that's difficult.
>what would you say... you do here?
I come to the morning stand up and fill out a time card.
Jerk off 3 times a day at work, smoke breaks 4x 30 mins, drink 6 shots between smoke breaks, eat lunch and dinner for 2 hours and actually work for 2 hours in a day and still be ahead of everyone at work.
>May as well do the bare minimum, collect 50k and retire on a fat pension.
You've basically described any government IT role
Salaries are crap but one of the only benefits they offer is a massive massive pension.
And as they're entirely geared towards mediocracy, because its not their money they're burning (and if they run out they just beg for more (see: NHS)), they attract the laziest, fattest, spastics you can imagine (who will naturally die an early death and not collect that pension)

We can do salary sacrifices in private companies to get more in our pensions, which does drop your taxable income below the threshold.

Pensions are all a ponzi scheme by the way, including in America.
Know where Blackrock and Vanguard get most of the capital they use to invest in DIE manipulations?
Pension funds.
i architect software
>Know where Blackrock and Vanguard get most of the capital they use to invest in DIE manipulations?
>Pension funds.
Yup. This is why VOO has such a low expense ratio: they're voting against your interests and for theirs.
Taking long ass breaks and long ass lunches to avoid working is making me excited to be in the office, befriending other lazy people is the best.
China has comfort girls
Are you surprised? This place is mostly retarded failures whining day and night, they have nothing else going on in their lives.
>No niggers
>comfort girls
>Liking normal/productive things doesn't get you called "racist."
Why is China so bad again?
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they're communiss
Zero health and food safety standards. Basically a toxic waste with a façade. If it had the same standards as Japan or Europe then it would be prudent to learn the language. The real issue they have internationally is the IP theft.
>chinuh has prostitutes
>omg no way so based
You must be one of my teammates.
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>RTO mandate coming in 4 weeks
Worst of all, I have to work as a contractor (through my full time employer) for Google and go to their office. I think I'm just not going.
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provide evidence and im submitting my cv to huawei
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>Bio break
I have everything else.
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I make the product. I get one year to make a fully functioning product with little to no errors with one or two other guys. I handle the task handouts, do 70-80% of the heavy lifting, and make sure no one merges the wrong crap into my product. All this for a paycheck that isn't nearly enough for all this work, for a title that I'm never going to get, and my PM taking all the credit. What's your next question?
Don't be a bitch.
this is why china will defeat the west
>doesn't mention any company
This would only piss me off. I just want to leave.
>oh nooooo, I have to go into Google offices and talk to Googlers and make connections that can nepotism my way in
>working in asia
>mangement hires a pajeet manager
>he then hires pajeet consultants
>they all wfh in india
>company wants rto for us while the pajeets enjoy their wfh setup
>massive resignations
>product launch delayed again
Networking is mostly bullshit after college.
this was posted by someone who actually blind applies to 5000 job posts and complains about "the industry"
nta, will blind apply ever work?
if not will you please come kill me
Does Google still have interesting people there worth going into the office for? I thought they had become just another corpo blob with people phoning it in writing java/go.
>not going
Same. I thought had dodged the rto because my team is spread apart but my local manager just told us we have to come 3x a week, with no advance notice (which pisses me off extra). I didn't go in today.
I got my current job blind applying. It was within my first 100 applications (I think it might have been in the first ten.)

It took them legitimately 6 months to figure themselves out and have me in for an interview. No amount of networking would have solved that.

I don't work hard, I just don't care. No one else seems to either. I think if I really tried I'd get stressed out.
>rto mandate 2 years ago
haven't gone in more than once ever
it's always a bluff
I don't think most managers really want to go in either. I know there were a few that missed the "office culture" right after they sent everyone home but after the nostalgia wears off they probably quit pushing for it.
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>pajeet manager gets hired
>fills his staff with other pajeets of his Caste and pushes out everyone else
>company still gets praise for DEI initiatives even though entire departments are one race from one area of India
This desu. Especially if they're basically soft core strippers. No touching them. No sex. Just a fully clothed woman to cock tease and distract me.
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In the end, I decided to implement the feature.
It works, but networking makes thing thousand times smoother. Comparison is between three-four rounds of formal interviews with stupid shit like polygraph and meaningless hatwaving versus two ten minutes calls mainly about the meat of the issue.
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If I'm not
>dating her
>fucking her
>or trying to get with
I don't give a fuck about her. If I want to get cockteased or titillated then I'll just go look at porn or some cosplayers.
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yea its retarded
How open are employers to part time?
The day I own a house (as soon as btc hits 200k) I no longer want to work full time. I just want to make enough to sustain myself and maybe accumulate enough to go on a vacation every once in a while.
WFH is part time if you don't care about getting fired. Otherwise they absolutely hate it.
You're either someone they like in which case they want absolutely as much of your attention as they can get or they don't want you to even know what they do because it's a security issue.
She's asian dude
>Oh dude I totally want to hang out with gay ass googlers!
I did at some small-mid company
They gave me some hypothetical problem/thing I should design, simply using drawing software. Place boxes, connect them, simple as. Of course the main challenge is to make sure the design is good, like they asked me how my system would cope with certain failure scenarios, scalability...
what I do is keep on reverting my commits and then stash my changes. then merge in their branch. then unstash my changes
what does ur PM do? and what is their gender and degree?
name the company
Here you go. I just really liked her Centi cosplay.
Can't care less because I just switched jobs and don't want to get fired after 6 months and god forbid return to the company I left like a cuck. I gave 3 months notice at my old company, and just worked on fixing all the stuff I wanted to fix the whole time and felt way better and relaxed than I was before giving notice and working normally, despite probably producing more value kek.
>team has no PM
>no manager
>no lead
>just report to the CEO directly as a team
>team "decides" things but nobody actually feels responsible
many such cases
just look at Canada for what's to come
God I want big boobies in my mouth so bad
>report to the CEO
a recipe for disaster
part time doesn't exist
10% of the time I design mechanical hardware and draft the prints for it
90% of the time I am in meetings or filling out paperwork
do tell (seems about right so far)
IME Canada's tech actually has fewer Indians than the labor sector because they just flooded the country indiscriminately (like the US did with Mexicans.)
It's also why Canadian Indians tend to be way more ugly and retarded than their US counterparts.
>btc hits 200k
anon…aren’t being a bit too optimistic
>Anyone got experience working for Canonical
did you try googling it? their hiring process is retarded lmao
Hype can make things happen. While 200k is optimistic its not impossible.
i fucking hate working with shitters like you
we need a soijak for compulsive unit testers
Government or corpo jobs for which they have the "PhD" checkbox
or an actual r&d career if you're not just getting a generic McPhD because you're too pussy to leave school
that explains also why UK POCs are nastier looking than their US counterparts too. Some weird, dysgenic shit going on there
be glad you're working on a codebase that's unit testable
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260th for my wife
My insecurities are getting the best of me. Feel like I'm constantly making the wrong decisions but my team won't tell me because they're annoyed with me (the new guy).
i hate women so much bros
don't shove your cocksucking habits down our throats fag
>new guy
Yeah you have anxiety and probably impostor syndrome, extremely common. Breathe and realize it's your own brain fucking with you.
it's a hate-love situation to me. I hate women, but life would be worse without them
Worse? I already want to kill myself when there are only males in the office, I don't know how homosexuals do it
i'm not. or at least not most of it. but that makes the parts that are even more important to test
>Porco Rosso
>out of university
>missed the opportunity to get myself a lifelong a-gf
You don't need her to be smart you need her to be loyal.
Don't date university students.
>impostor syndrome
Reminds me of something I haven't thought about in a while. Before getting my first job I was incredibly worried about whether or not I would be able to handle it. I'd read too many plebbit posts from people saying "just got hired, everything is too fast-paced and I can't get help and I'm crying in the bathroom right now wondering when they're going to fire me."

Maybe the past four years have been an extremely extended Dunning Kruger "Mount Stupid", but it only took me two weeks to figure out that typical webdev CRUD work is mindlessly easy and that most of my junior level coworkers are genuinely retarded for finding it difficult.
those retard coworkers are 99% of people posting online and ITT
If you're in a relationship an all male team feels awesome. Everyone is competent and you all have a goal that you're capable of.

That's how life is supposed to be. You do awesome stuff at work and come home and enjoy your family. I had that for a little while. It's worth more than anything else.
>He didn't make himself immensely successful to the point that he was drowning in Asian women
People think I've got yellow fever (I do) but it's more that Asian women are the only ones willing to give me the time of day as a socially awkward highly successful engineer. you don't need to have "game". You just need a good career and they'll flock to you.
how am i so fucking smart and competent and basically the best programmer to ever live? i'm an unironic 10xer
am i literally just built different or what?
>Everyone is competent because they're all males
You've never had a job in your entire life
Years of experience?
you are built different. we're a superior form of life. we should be the ones in charge (and we should get to have all the sex we want)
What did you do?
there's 1 attractive female who comes to the office, you can see how the men are simping and talking to her
of course she has a boyfriend which makes it even more pathetic to see
he did a fizzbuzz and printed hello world without using chatgpt
That's not what I meant I've met plenty of retarded men. There's a certain kind of comradery that you get with men though. Also I've never met a competent female SWE. Plenty of decent middle managers but never an actual SWE.
truly the dawning of a bright new future for the human race
Other professions usually have some form of down time. Like a bus driver waiting to start the next cycle, no customers in the store, whatever. But as a dev you're supposed to be thinking and solving things all day every day. How is that fair?
Back to work wagie
The fuck are you talking about
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Just send me the damn offer letter already
As I sit here waiting for my code to compile for the 10th time in an hour.
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How about we offer you the opportunity to keep searching
honestly agreed
solved multiple issues which had been present for 2+ years which people with 10+YOE were somehow unable to fix
company has had open positions for data eng for two years, they found no one, they don't want to hire the intern that has been here for more than a year because too junior, meanwhile our team is overwhelmed and dying while management is still hoping to find that one senior unicorn. 2 fucking YEARS
Sorry sweetie, we don't look at resumes with less than 5 years experience. Better luck next lifetime.
>meanwhile our team is overwhelmed and dying
not your problem. stop trying so hard. they'll figure it out pretty quick after that
i don't want a new job i like my current one. i just needed to share with everyone here how fucking amazing i am
monetizing anything without a network OR existing capital to get it shoved in every normie's face is literally lottery odds
this applies to everything from the hot dog cart to your vidya pipedream. You need people's attention and the poorer you are the more invisible you are. The most invisible being of course the homeless.
If the company wanted those issues fixed they would pay more money. You are not built different. You're a chronic wagie doing work nobody paid you to do. Stop doing this before you're at 10 years of experience balding from stress chasing the promotion that's never coming.
I'm so fucking tired I'd actually welcome a lay off.
i'm not stressing myself out lol. i enjoy the work. if i didn't, i would find another job. i don't even have to try hard. that's why i think i must be a genius. if i can manage this without even trying particularly hard, i really must just be that good
my one female coworker is woke like she time travelled from the george floyd protests. it's a minefield to make any joke
thats what makes the profession fun

working as a cashier/customer service must be so boring
why the fuck did you make a new thread already you fucktard
>11 posts early
cause it's jeetcode trying to make sure his ad thread stays up
I find it funny that western elites are trying to replace the chinese with indians.
I mean, I get it, capitalism needs to expand and renew itself, and for that companies need to train new, cheaper workers
but it's like the elites don't realize they will end up destroying their own people, maybe including themselves in the process lmao
Anon, everyone "enjoyed the work" when we started. Eventually you'll be a senior or staff level where maybe 20% of the job is any actual programming. You're not going to enjoy it for long. Find a work ethic that doesn't involve being your employer's little cuck that does extra work for no reason. You can ignore me if you like but other experienced anons will tell you the same. The rewards are exactly the same regardless of if you let them fuck your butt. So don't let them fuck your butt.
he does it on purpose to beat other bakers
300 is the bump limit
it's 310 on /g/
aaaaand done
Also, fyi to everyone, the 310th reply doesn't bump
it does, but i made sure to not bump it out of politeness, since there was a new thread already :)
It doesn't, unless it's a per-board setting and /g/ is different from other boards. I've done multiple tests and observations on it.
really? i was pretty sure it did. but i usually have threads sorted by last reply, so i guess i could just be mistaken
Sometimes on other boards, when an idiot early bakes, I'll watch the previous thread fall through the pages and then sage post in it to get it over the limit. When the reply count says 309, I'll make the last post. I've tried making that post both with and without sage, and in neither case does it get bumped to page 1.
>put back on the house

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