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Almost done

Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>How to write a resume

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


Previous thread: >>102233881
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>obviously the current situation on IT job market is caused by companies outsourcing projects to India
>India is directly supporting the Russian invasion by buying all weapon components that orcs can no longer order by normal means
you know what to do
>Layoffs slowing down
>Tech is crabbing
I think 2025 is gonna be a good year
We're staring down the barrel of a major recession, quite possibly a depression. At the same time government and private debt is at all time highs so spending will have to be cut everywhere and prices and taxes will continue to go up.

No 2025 will not be a good year but if you have cash you might be able to make 2027 pretty great.
Every 10 years they try this and every 12 years they get fucked for it and every 13 years they hire back a new generation of American engineers to fix the disaster the Indian teams caused. Just be patient and you'll double your salary cleaning up the needful.
Why does everything have to be all this distributed crap? Our local machines are larger than these VMs they give us, just let us do it there instead of forcing us to share all this fragile broken infrastructure.
>if you have cash you might be able to make 2027 pretty great.
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Government debt doesn't matter when you're the global reserve currency and every other currency makes the dollar value look like literal gold. Not the euro, not the yen, not the yuan, and certainly not the brics meme is gonna change that.
If you think I'm wrong buy shorts on the s&p at 3x leverage and get rich. Post your position here or shut up.
Because that's the way they do it at Amazon and this is what they were taught to do by the people that sold them the AWS subscriptions. Please understand.
They're not going to do that until deflation is so bad normal people are deciding between selling their kids for sex or eating them.
Also, yeah I made money long VIX the other week. So you can shut up.
>Bringing children into this clown world
That's where you played yourself
>company doing RTO
>can see half the people on some teams leaving
>workload and expectations will still be the same for all teams(?)
I guess all I can do is sit back and enjoy the show.
Nothing is in the barrel for nationwide strategy regarding tech. Optimism is low. So the industry will, at best, maintain its current status of stagnating.

The anon here >>102246466 is overly pessimistic, there are no major factors like a banking crisis of lending (2008) or major pandemic scare (2020) to drive an economic pullout, it costs money to go from leveraged position to a liquid one and bet against the market, individuals and firms decide on their own but nothing central is driving all hands to make the same pullout decision at the same time.

Something new would have to come up in order to improve or worsen the status quo of uncomfortable equilibrium and quiet suffering. I wouldn't bet on something new because the populace has no appetite for another scare of sickness no matter how strong the fearmongering is, and countries are facing government leadership shakeups worldwide so they're not focused on any national strategy, only accomodation of and appeal to the masses. Popularity of leaders gives political capital which empowers decisionmaking which compels unpopular, disastrous, and often deadly decisions. Cheer for unpopularity and political competition because it distracts power brokers from making our lives worse.
>Over the week
Anon. Playing weekend bear day trader is not "investment". If you really think we're going into a recession or full on depression then you should be balls deep on a big position for $vix.
Taxes are going to have to go up *a lot* and spending is going to have to be cut *or* interest rates are going to go out of control which will create a financial crisis. It doesn't matter who's in the government, this is what's going to happen next year.
>Anon. Playing weekend bear day trader is not "investment"
That's why most of my money is in short term treasuries for the interest rate exposure. You were asking about highly leveraged positions though which are squarely in weekly day trader territory.

Holding any leveraged position long term is extremely retarded.
We're getting a black woman president that can't be questioned as she enacts austerity measures across the board. In the same way that nobody questioned Obama for drone striking civilians or deporting illegals.
It's not retarded if you're so confident that the market is going to take a depression level shit. Unless you're not sure. Which was my point.
She's honestly very tempting as an accelerationist candidate.
>>Bringing children into this clown world
I'm in my early 30s and see my siblings and their kids about once a week. It's a weird feeling seeing yourself week-over-week turn into "that uncle" who's not-openly-but-still-clearly prejudiced, constantly expecting societal collapse, etc.
It's obviously happening in the medium term. I'm not going to try timing that more precisely without more indicators.

Why don't you have 100% of your IRA in UPRO?
Answer: That's a great way to get a 50% or more haircut if anything happens.
Watching her argument style during Senate hearing is both infuriating and based. Like nothing but loaded questions and logical fallacy. But then politics is all fake and gay gamesmanship so in that regard she's probably a fucking genius that could jam through any policy she wanted by insinuating that people against it are literally domestic abusers.
Point is we finally have a president that's not done old fucker born before the Soviet Union formed that can finally end the social security meme.
Yeah. She knows it's all bullshit and is ok just grifting.
>finally end the social security meme
Good joke
Different between you and me is I've got some fucking balls.
Let me dream of the day I don't need to pay $600 per pay period into "my retirement" that just goes into a government mandated Ponzi. Day of rope for boomers soon.
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Heh. I can't fit everything in one screenshot.
Anyone else just throw all their shit in S&P 500 and never think about it?
my sister and her husband can't have kids
they're slowly resigning themselves to that fact when both of them always thought they'd have kids
just wanted to blogpost about this
Yeah I think my friends are like 50% on those that are married with or without kids. Wife and I have decided it's not for us. My life is pretty good that I don't need to try and live vicariously through some clone of myself. Just make big bucks doing the tech meme for another 10 years, pay off our properties, rent out one, and coast into old age just traveling and enjoying each other's company.
You can get a religious exemption from SSI. I've never tried it though.
I want kids badly but I can't find anyone to have them with. Everyone just wants to fuck around.
Please don't ask me any questions. You're literally beside two seniors. You also literally knew the answer.
I've been hearing this for years. Another year will go by and you will predict the next year for some massive collapse. Do you have any capacity for self-reflection? Have you been making wrong calls for years like your peers? Everyone's lives are slowly getting worse, nothing has been expedient, nothing has come quickly to disrupt the world economy. Indicators can flash big red scary signs but the market participants are the ones that decide to get out or get in, and like I said, nothing is compelling a uniform direction among participants. When states were implementing business lockdowns, people like you were blissfully unaware because indicators were all green, and the market decided that the risk was too great under national strategy and pulled out, then came back in when Congress approved funding for relief of damages. These are the actual collapse factors that you should've learned from, they are rare enough that you can count them on one hand, clear enough that you can learn from them, and consistent enough that you can draw a trendline. But you just shout the world is ending, wrongly, over and over. I don't blame you because you get quietly punished and no one but you is affected. You continue to not learn from reality and that's fine, it's your life and your money.
I was highly leveraged long in the spring. I slowly moved to this as the yeild curve steepened out. I don't know what's going on necessarily but I know all the jews lending the money do.
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Basically yeah. I've got my personal account in tqqq (100k)
Then a 401k account with a managed portfolio targeting 2050 (180k). And then a bunch of RSU from my company (250k). I try not to think too much about the market swings. Just deep in tqqq because if that goes to zero well I'm already out of a career so what's the point.
>we're entering a recession
I don't know where you guys have been at but we have been in a recession. Just because Biden's administration changed the definition - once recession conditions were met - to make themselves look good doesn't change a thing. Regular people are hurting and tech refuses to hire. The only jobs that exist are wagey revolving door jobs that are also refusing to hire.
Good morning, I hate my job. A simple feature request has turned into a nightmare of decade-old tech debt.
Ah the old doomer bull strategy.
Find a woman in her 30s and ask about it on the first day. Early 30s obviously. These are the ones that want them badly. If you're focused on the young ones that will never work unless you're willing to wait. You also need to have the money to support children.
I could never picture myself with kids until my early 30s. Now I can't imagine what life would be like without them. The pure happiness your own children bring you isn't something you can get on a beach or in a nightclub. I feel sorry for the people who choose not to have them. Their own self-centredness is ironically costing them the happiness they spend their lives looking for.
Find a woman in her early 30s then. Gonna warn you, you don't want them. They also expect you to have everything ready for them to move in and your money to spend.
nigga why do you have this on your machine
Yeah the jews are supporting Russia because god forbid a white corn country like Ukraine can be left alone.
If it ain't broke
Yeah no I'm not marrying some old hag.
Find a woman who's just come out of a long-term relationship a the guy they thought they'd marry. Those girls will put their all into their next relationship to be better than their ex.
you haven't noticed that people here talk about pajeets 24/7? It became a fetish at this point
is a degree useless in 2024? i get auto rejected from every single junior role
Then you'll never have kids. Women in their 20s generally aren't looking to be pumped full of babies. If you want a baby that badly you need to know your audience. The women looking for babies are the single women in their early 30s that still have some time.
There are no Junior rolls.
This happened to my closest friend, his wife is on her second marriage with him and great to all his friends and especially to him.
You got it all wrong. A CS degree is a necessary but not sufficient condition. What you lack is job experience.
how to get experience
Single mother detected
by getting a rope
The degree isn't the factor. You need network connections and direct referrals. Too many jeets flooding the regular application pathways. The recruiter is a human and she doesn't have time to read through 3000 applications after the automated system filters out 90%.
Well they're more than likely the only ones that want children right now. Women 18-25 don't really want them now. 25-29 they're teetering but most are still on the no side. 30+ and their clock goes nuts.

I'm completely okay dating a woman 20-25 yo for marriage and waiting a few years before trying for kids. Sure, I'll be in my 60s when they graduate uni but it's fine with me.
how to network as a friendless neet
Nope. Big dicked anon that could convince my wife to have children at any moment but I've decided it's not for me. Cool uncle sounds way more fun.
Sirs how do I get a job as college graduate? My CV keeps getting rejected :(
Man you two retards should just gay marry each other and adopt kids, live your dreams
be hungry enough to either prep and high roll big tech or work at the shittiest curry pit and claw your way up from pure hatred
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Yes, I don't see myself as being the 1 out of 100 who actually makes money on moron meme plays, so I just stack broad index funds. Was raised exceedingly financially conservative by a small-business owner Dad who refused to give banks a cent of debt interest.
It's important in order to get an interview. You also need a public portfolio of work to speak to. I was immediately hired to my current role because in the week leading to my interview, I started and finished a project relevant to the company's line of work and immediately opened the conversation (before any of their questions) talking about the project. The hiring manager was loudly impressed by my initiative and I was given an offer 5 minutes after the call on unanimous decision from the hiring board. For clarification, I didn't do the project as work for the company and the company didn't incorporate the project at all, this is something I chose all the parameters for and did completely on my own so that I had relevant material to bridge the gap with the interviewers immediately.
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Why do 90% of indian names sound like they were generated with a markov chain?
Be reborn and remember that college was never for the piece of paper. You were supposed to get drunk with your classmates and become friends and then when they get job offers they recommend you and vice versa.
It's why companies are filled with jeets. Not because they're super talented. But because they recommend all of their friends.
Alternatively go to local meetups and conferences and network through there.
>could convince my wife to have children at any moment
You have absolutely zero say in this, if she doesn't want kids she'll never have any, if she ever feels like it she'll dump your ass and find a man who will want the same thing. You're not convincing her of doing anything, she decided that and you're forced to oblige.
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The money is already funny. They will either just inflate to oblivion or cut the last zero off the bills like Mexico did.
Accelerationism is Leninism, anon.
>Accelerate contradictions to bring about the revolution. -VI Lenin
Please refrain from advocating Leninism for the US. I don't want a bunch of people to be executed and die of starvation.
i spend a month making a portfolio website showing my various projects and they dont even look at it cuz i dont have experience

back to working at the supermarket for me
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>the show must go on
>You were supposed to get drunk with your classmates and become friends and then when they get job offers they recommend you and vice versa.
Ironically enough I only made one friend in uni, joined his company and now I have job experience and got to expand my job network.
do NOT redeem
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She already told me she would h have kids for me if I wanted them but that she leans no. I don't want them so that's our choice. Learn to fuck her and all of your choices become hers. She's not going anywhere because nobody else would make her squirt and see God for an hour straight. It's that simple.
don't let gurdeep win anon
There is some truth to this. Women don't usually actually fall in love with me until I make them cum hard.
I'm an idiot that options trade but I always tell others to just stick it into an S&P 500 following ETF and leave it be. Yet, I have friends that keep going on and on about how they should daytrade when they have zero natural skill or willing to learn.

I have beat the market multiple times myself but I know damn well people should not do what I do.
>First remote job
>Start Monday
>no word for when my equipment will arrive
Do they honestly wait for the last minute to ship it?
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sir we will send you a check to redeem your equipment, please kindly wire it back to us
Yup that's it.
>Be me
>Graduate college with a 2.5
>Went on a study abroad
>Spent a month in Japan with some other classmates getting piss drunk in Nagoya
>Graduation comes up
>Guy from the study abroad graduated a year before me
>Tells me there's a position open
>Everyone already knows me because of the rec
>Work there for a few years
>Small consulting shop
>Make friends with one of the clients
>Leave and go work for the client
>Interview was a formality
>Eventually leave there to another company where an old coworker was at
>Get past most candidates on referral
Wife had the same thing. She went to an ivy League and so her network is fucking incredible. Basically neither of us will ever struggle to find work because our network gets us in the door and interviews are almost always just a shit test to screen out randos, not an actual test of skill.
Yep. You'll be fine bro. Onboarding takes time and if you have to call in for standup (they'll tell you if you have to) you just say you don't have your equipment yet, or when you get the equipment, that you're setting it up. Pretty easy
Yeah dude, don't sweat it and be prepared to sit through basically 3 days worth of HR Powerpoints.
yeah college is worse than useless for most people.
If your woman has strong opinions that conflict with yours it's because you suck in bed. This is law.
it was over for us friendless losers from the beginning
There's plenty of friendless losers, I don't get why you don't just do what I did, make friends with those losers...
Not one of those anons but anyone trying to do this
This is how it is supposed to work. Those of us who attended middling state schools sometimes seethe at that fact, but it is life.
Meritocracy is dead. The ideal even playing field is dead. We all rig things in favor of our people from now on. It's not right or best, but it is.
>faggot manager tries to pull rto
>faggot pm schedules meeting after work hours (it's remote but still)
No I don't think I'll be joining. Normally I would have that way we can all reap the benefits of wfh.
I think you misunderstand. I went to a no name state school and my wife went to one of the best business schools in the country. My GPA was shit and she graduated with honors. I still managed to get to a great paying job making nearly as much as her for like 10% of the debt through networking. Networking is a skill of merit.
Nothing's stopping you from attending random pickleball matches with senior big tech engineers and then be invited to their discord group to play games and then get referrals
I don't want someone else's kids I want my own.
idk I might just have them with a prostitute in a foreign country so I don't have to deal with any of this bullshit.
>I don't want a bunch of people to be executed and die of starvation.
It would be great if we could execute/starve all the blacks and jews. Usually in communist revolutions it's the jews starving the white population out though.
If your goal is just to reproduce by any means then just donate to a sperm bank and be paid for your troubles.
>muh meritocracy
there is no meritocracy if no one knows you, your work, your personality or anything. job interviews and tests won't replace knowing someone IRL.
how do you faggots, who are supposed to work with logic, not understand this, is beyond my understanding. reality is not binary. you might be retarded if you think having a paper that says you graduated from CS is proof of anything.
That does actually sound nice: Having kids without having to actually talk to or interact with anyone.
Had to talk about a project I worked on today in front of 20 people while my manager was grilling me about it, I was able to answer every question and he ended with "very good" but man, fuck this fuck working fuck everything.
lol sperm banks unironically only take "chad" sperm. Women literally get to know what profession, height etc the man was, and of course they only pick "doctor" or anything that sounds high income high status LMAO
IMO there never was any meritocracy. Software is always cultural expression and a lot of the judgement of "good" vs "bad" software is really just more about culture (like "good" vs "bad" music) than anything else. That's why software in eg Asia looks very different from software in the West. Their culture is different and so their objectives are different.
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>deploying an important release to prod today (broad rollout)
>hot off QA running a load test scenario which clearly showed weaknesses with a sub system's design I had been criticizing on and off for well over a year especially in discussions of how the design would perform under load.
>Mention yet again, during this meeting, that design is probably not suitable and we should consider rethinking it/approaching it a different way that would dramatically reduce our load, especially now that we have hard data to say its easy for a user to load the system heavily and choke out/max out resources because of this design
>team member, QA, and product owner start cracking jokes/circle jerking to my expense/putting words in my mouth saying I'm suggesting we halt the deploy/scrap everything
>Meanwhile in reality I'm merely suggesting we know the problem clearly and we should dig further to see if we can come up with a better solution going forward that still meets the customer needs rather than the inefficient garbage we're doing now

How do you handle this situation?
I got a little thrown off and maybe a bit cold towards the end of the call because the way this unfolded is I was running the deploy, sharing my screen, and the 3 critics were typing away in the chat instead of just talking to me...idk kinda felt ostracized for suggesting we try to understand if we can improve/do better. I'm gonna talk with my manager about it soon enough (actually he was one of the team members) but curious /g/s thoughts on handling this.

I'll say that I think I am generally prone/willing to call things out on our work that are less than ideal but I don't think I do too much or in a way that is offensive to anyone on the team or would put them down. This situation felt while maybe under a veneer of joviality a bit like I was a punching bag who isn't being taken seriously technically.
This. I used to work at a fagman and got in through the normal interview process. One guy we hired was referred and basically shoehorned in by a senior engineer because they played World of Warcraft together.
To be fair the guy we hired was a smart guy and a good engineer. But, it's not about what you know, it's about who you know.
I don't have a hard time finding sexual partners, they're just all whores I don't want to start a family with. I know I have objectively attractive features. and "Engineer" is a decent profession.
Considered it at one point. You go to the office, fill out some documents about your age, weight, height, career, salary etc. Then they let you go to a room once every week to bust a nut either to material they have or your own is you prefer.
>mfw the doctor inspected my dick before I could be accepted
>Unwrap my huge cock in her face
>Receptionist is suddenly all smiles whenever she sees me
I stopped before the trial was over so I think they probably threw away my samples but I guess it's possible they used it. Who knows.
>without having to actually talk to or interact with anyone
You weirdos just need to lock yourselves up in your room and wait to die, no need to bother the rest of the world with your weird ass fantasies that are never going to happen.
I'd love to start a normal family instead but you need a decent person to marry for that.
Yeah that's why nobody is ever going to choose you, anon.
My apologies for having standards.
>faggy incels whining about being in single in the tech workers thread
can't you just fuck off to /soc/ or wherever fags hang out?
the fact that factors used to measure your work aren't universal doesn't mean there is no meritocracy. but I think you touch another good point: if a jeet is actually good, even better than you, I and everyone around us, what's the problem of hiring them for 1/10x of what we get paid?
meritocracy in capitalism is retarded. capitalism is not about meritocracy, is all about using money to make more money. and in our world of global capitalism, we can get fucked and there is nothing to do about it, because we let the capitalistic elites decide for us.
/soc/ is just the /lgbt/ red board.
To an extent I agree in the sense that stuff is programmed in languages and languages always tie back to some form of culture. I was going to use this sentence to say that there are limits to it but I actually can't think of any, so maybe I'm convinced...
It's why software lately has been "enshitified." It's not necessarily getting worse, your people are just getting replaced with other people who see the world differently and care about different things.
>if a jeet is actually good, even better than you, I and everyone around us, what's the problem of hiring them for 1/10x of what we get paid?
Because being a US citizen is supposed to give us asymmetric access to the US labor market.
The problem is that capital likes to cheat.
What do you plan to do when LLMs replace you? I'm hesitating between becoming an electrician or a farmer
They sound like bitches. Just record your objections in writing somewhere. If it ends up not mattering, welp, learning experience I guess. If it does then you have your ass covered.
Don't get me wrong, sounds technical feedback is ignored all the time in business. Them being weird, gabby bitches is unusual though.
Bros I am at an impasse...

7 months ago I got hired as a code monkey for some no name government contractor that works with US Navy. It has taken that long for me to get to a point where I can functionally begin doing work for the project that I am assigned to but I have slowly realized in the 7 months of living the NEET experience and getting paid for it that I have no passion and am filled with dread at even contributing to the old as shit internal navy web tool that I am assigned to. There is no dev ops pipeline so pushing and changes goes as follows:

>Make code changes
>Upload changed files to remote server via WinSCP file transfer
>Restart both frontend and backend server (each developer making changes has to do this via Putty)
>Pray to god you didnt make any mistakes because if some configuration isn't exactly right then the entire server won't start
>Pray to god the changes you have made work as expected otherwise you must repeat this process
>Do version control pushes using fucking Dimensions (why the Navy doesn't use Git I wish I knew)

The thought of having to contribute to this old ass ugly ass website fills my soul with dread. I feel like I am actively harming my career by working for this place, what the fuck do I do? I have been spending my hours NEETing teaching myself Angular for months because it was easy enough for me to pick up on but I can't find new work. I have 2 years of experience not counting the time that I have work here and I haven't really gained any new job experience since I have started.
This. The piece of paper doesn't mean shit and I almost regretted going to school after graduating and getting that first job on referral. But the value of college is being in close proximity with a bunch of people that should be successful in the future. If you form relationships with them then it's a life long benefit. In my wife's case she's still paying off the business school loans but she's friends with people that are CEOs and directors at huge companies. That's we'll worth the debt.
Once LLMs can replace programmers, they can be used in robots to replace electricians and farmers aswell.
This is tech workers general. Assuming you're not a manlet you should already qualify.
>The piece of paper doesn't mean shit
It is a necessary requirement. Without it you literally can't get hired anymore these days.
This is pure gold, retarded ass nationalist realizing that capitalism isn't gonna help him
Supposedly sure. But I got laid off last year and the referrals didn't mean shit. I ended up finding a job on my own. Maybe the practice collaborating was good put you don't need college for that, just subscribe to an open source mailing list and start sending patches.
Good for her, she can suck them off for a position.
Capitalism and communism are just two flavors of globalism. They both suck and they both have the same end goal.
I've got 11 years of experience. It was a different time. Nobody cares where I went to school anymore.
Thanks for the reply.
I don't think it's anything serious, and thankfully they were dumb enough to put it all in writing in the chat history, but it's just the feeling od of "let's make a joke out of this serious comment" in front of my face/in the chat/them smiling and typing away while I am literally just doing the work and make a technical comment that's just kinda frustrating and yeah bitch-like.

Not a big fan of my second level/manager'e manager for various reasons but I think he'd be disappointed in how this went. Maybe I'll bring it up with him next time we chat
When did I ever say I wanted a free market? I'm actually anti free trade and pro nationalist.
I have been anti unfettered capitalism since I became an adult, anon.
They're women.
We've been in a recession for like a year.
This. Are we forgetting the massive layoff waves that started in h2 2023 and haven't really stopped yet?
that's not a recession, it's a correction
You US guys are still lucky. I live in Germany and we are really in a recession but our left-wng government is totally retarded and not doing anything anymore. They are literally waiting for the next election to happen.
We we definitely had a correction in 2022/2023 and the layoffs were lagging that. The question is: was that enough to deal with all the bad stuff or is there still deeper rot in the economy.
the actual goal of communism is a planet with no governments and no states - at least not the way we know them.
the goal of capitalism is to keep things as they are, because states/governments are the best way to keep the populace quiet and indoctrinated, and the interests of different groups of capitalists well balanced and well distributed.
politicians, though? they are part of the bread and circuses scheme, no matter if they call themselves communists, conservative, liberal, socialdemocrats...
So 3 of my coworkers have recommended that I take a break after getting laid off and that I did not immediately start looking for another job, unless money was a real issue. I was very surprised since I was under the impression that the goal was to keep going from jobs to other jobs and never take breaks. They said that doing this helped them not burn out.
No states means mass migration from third world countries to here and this will end us for good.
>>Unwrap my huge cock in her face
Nice. I had to see a female derma for some dick inflammation before (no idea what it was; never came back) and spend oddly long periods playing with it even after saying what it was(n't) and what the treatment would be. It's a fond memory in a weird way.
no state doesn't mean no social organization.. in (utopic) communism, the people are supposed to decide whether they want to accept jeets or not :^)
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They may want you to fail. If so fuck em. Do what you feel is right anon
You guys should have started gassing the jews again years ago.
Not no states, a global democratic state. The same goal our "capitalist" government has.
I did this a few times and it was great. A few months of NEETing was enough to see things in perspective.
Make sure to have enough savings and a plan to keep yourself in touch with other people, though... Go to networking events, talk to ex-coworkers and stuff.
Typical story.
Absolutely not, that would create hirarchy and discriminate against the new "under class" which isn't allowed. Internationalism and intersectionalism is a core component of communism. It's directly opposed to nationalism.

That's why the anarchists and communists call their enemies nationalists and fascists even when they want "normal" things.
Doctors are people too. I'm sure they appreciate the occasional beautiful cock in between shriveled old man dick and smelly fat man micro penis.
>Not no states, a global democratic state
nice made up bs retard. if you think the soviet union was communism, the I have a bridge to sell to you.
yeah and big tech stocks that go down like meta did a few years ago.
Do you have clearance? Congrats time to move to a large defense contractor, which is more of the same shit but you might learn faster. Since you'll have so much free time, you can grind for private sector or just relax
She can suck their pussies then.
Late Soviet Union was definitely not communist but the original idea was "communism in one country first." Then they gave up and came to the US because it turned out capitalism was a much better vehicle for bringing about global democracy than the soviet war machine was.
>talk to ex-coworkers
So how does this go? Isn't it awkward? I mean I did want to stay but my company's budget decided differently, I'd like to keep in touch with my coworkers but I don't want them to feel bad for me because I became unemployed either.
Anarchy doesn't work because humans are inherently opportunistic. Not greedy, opportunistic. If there's an opportunity to take advantage of a flaw in the system and make a profit for yourself, people will do it. So you need an authoritarian government to make sure such a person is spotted and corrected.
Anarchy and Democracy are the same thing: mob rule.
i'd do that for free
Good thing America isn't a democracy
It wasn't. It is now. That's why Kamala hiring people to twerk is an acceptable substitute for giving a speech with coherent political ideas.
Did they have you do anything in that time, or was it really like 6 months with no contact where you would just receive paychecks?
Tomorrow is friday, nobody will be in the office so i can fuck around ALL DAY in there
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>company party
>new so don't know most people
>starts at 4 o clock
Sounds like just an issue with perspective. It sounds like the real issue here is that it just wasn't what you expected.
I mean, the process and tech choices are gross and outdated but that's going to be true in most places for most people. For example, you can find people in this thread alone that think Git sucks (and I somewhat agree with them). You can still learn a lot in these environments, even if it's examples of what you shouldn't do. Personally I like old tech because you learn a lot of things that died for good reason but reappear in modern languages as some sort of groundbreaking feature. Are there better places you could work for in terms of your career/resume? Sure. But nothing is going to look worse than just being unemployed. I'd just clock in, do the bare minimum, and spend the couple hours you can steal back to do shit you actually care about. This is what I personally did back in the day (my work was all Adobe ColdFusion trash while I taught myself C++ on the side)
alright listen, force yourself to smile constantly, you don't have to speak a lot, people will absolutely tolerate you not being a big talker as long as you LOOK nice. So you smile, force yourself to laugh, be positive, don't be scared to go near your teammates so you don't stand there alone, they will likely try to make you feel comfortable and have you join in their conversations.
Just recreate the environment locally.
I *wish* my stuff looked like this instead of the knott of "pipelines" in the middle of everything that's constantly blowing up and is impossible to reproduce without fucking up the origin repo.
Democratic Republic. Always has been. Always will be. Sneed
had to fight with pipelines this week and i'm so fucking tired
had to create a bunch of test prs which of course can't be deleted so its a permanent stain on the repo (except it's already littered with such PRs)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
int today = 5, result;
// if the first is correct the result is 0
result = (today <= 6);
// if the second is correct the result is 1
result = (today > 6);

cout << "Why is it that in c++ if the first result is correct, it give you a " << result << " instead of a 1?";
return 0;
If everyone has the same voting power, who's going to decide who's going do the good jobs versus shitty jobs?
I'm not following what you're asking. `result` starts off uninitialized, it's then set to true (which implicitly casts to 1), and then it's set to false (which implicitly casts to 0).
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should I go work for NTT Data?
>Always will be.
Nope. They've replaced your people with brown retards who don't understand and don't care about your old European political ideas. They just want more twerking, free shit, and abortions.

Enjoy your democracy.
so result is set to 1, and then it gets set to 0.
this is the behaviour you expected, right?
I still don't understand how the fuck this is supposed to be better than just running make/gradle.
>Old European political ideas
Europe is a dead continent with stagnating ideas getting outclassed by literal third world shit holes and their only way to stay relevant is to combine into one giant block. Remove the EU from the equation and you've got France and Germany trying to hold together a bunch of worthless backwaters.
Not to mention it's those "European ideals" that invited all the brown people in the first place. But "muh heritage"
Fucking cringe.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
int today = 5, result;
// if the first is correct the result is 0
result = (today >= 6);
// if the second is correct the result is 1
result = (today < 6);

cout << ">>102248228"
cout << "idk it seems whenever I make the first result correct it always results in a 0, and whenever I make the second result correct it gives me a " << result << ".";
return 0;
>Can't tell the European state apart from the European culture that created democracy.
I'll bet you watch fox/CNN/the daily wire too.
who decides who gets the good jobs from the shitty jobs today? no one does other than you and whoever employs you.. I don't see how things would need to be different
Politics are fake and gay. Wake up.
Politics are just ethnicity. There's no dialectic in multiethnic countries.
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Its a gigantic company and its really easy to just get lost in the mix. It really depends on your manager since thats the person youll work with the most. I work external with a client and its pretty easy work, and NTT actually supports and encourages remote work when able. Pay is pretty much average and benefits are meh but again remote is the norm at the company.

I hear the internal guys get more shit (and we merged with another huge company so its possible internal guys will be made redundant)

t. NTT employee for 4 years
even old aunties in their 30s don't know what they want and STILL wanna fuck around forever. If a woman is 25+ and single and childless its usually because they have mental/behavioral issues.
>just one last thing
It's so hard to turn my brain off.
>tech workers general
can you retarded incels go back to /pol/ or /lgbt/ ffs
how about suck my dick tranny.
see, have fun fag
what are you even doing here? fuck off.
Why am I working if the money doesn't help me achieve my goals?
it's a tech workers general you massive retarded cunt
incel website faggot
Bring the pol and incel shit back. Otherwise this shit's just gonna be dead for a couple hours until someone posts a QUICK CALL?
>survived a 12% RIF today, with 4-5 people in my department hit
>survived a 10% earlier this year
Nice to still have a paycheck. Completely unmotivated though, nobody's gotten a promo in our department in over a year and a half.
>no neetcode or yt channels
>>no jeetcode or grifters
calm down saar
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
int day = 5, month = 10, year = 2023, result;
temp = day;
day = month;
month = year;
year = temp;
result = (month >= 5);
//the result should be a 0
result = (month < 5);

cout << "Test, test. This is just a test. I am 16" << result << " pounds."< "\n";
cout << "Today is " << year << "/" << day << "/" << month << ".";
return 0;
Use of undeclared identifier 'temp'.
Invalid operands to binary expression ('basic_ostream<char, char_traits<char>>' and 'const char[2]')

>year day month
I am asian but not pajeet, retard

I rejected a pajeet last week too. how many pajeets did you reject?
the key is to be sociable. not hard to do. as an intern I striked up convos with people I never worked with before in the after hours company party
>about a month ago got a job as a developer at a university
>now 2 months in

Is it normal that I literally do no work? Like I'm monitering tickets... I've asked my manager for stuff to do to the point that I feel like I'm being annoying... but there is literally nothing to do. The codebase is 20 years old and making my own changes like for fun is out of the question, everythign is a very documented and regimented process.

But like I did literally maybe 1 hour of work today. Just sat at my desk staring into space the rest. It has been like this since I started.

I feel guity, like how is it fair I'm getting paid way more to do nothing but chill than I was busting my ass moving boxes.

I'm so close to just getting a game console and CRT like that scene in office space.
link ur website

Im not a manager but I might have a profit sharing startup gig
it's pretty common with smaller teams that don't have a lot of experience onboarding people. just work on personal projects
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
cout << ">>102249381" >> "\n";
cout << "I'm really happy the only thing I forgot was the < after pounds. I've almost fully memorized this grammar. Now I just gotta remember to put the ; after std. I keep on forgetting it, but keep catching that mistake when I reread for mistakes.";
return 0;
And the politics of Europe is to let in brown people. So maybe Europe is gay. Maybe I don't want to take advice on what to be from Europe.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
cout << ">>102249445" << "\n";
cout << "oh yeah that too. I must never forget the Int before the first temp.";
return 0
Jews push for mass migration from brown countries. They want a plurality in every country they're in because being a minority makes them uncomfortable even when the majority group are people like the English who have been nicer to them than any group in history.
*loudly shits pants*
I work from Sunday to Thursdays, which means today is FRIDAY for me!
I sold all of my stocks and put the money in high yield CDs. I want the crash to happen so I can buy back cheap
that's sad
stock values are in dollars.
if the objective value of a stock drops, but the objective value of the dollar drops even harder, the stock price will go up anyway.
the glowies have committed themselves to making line go up. they will print as many trillions as it takes. meaning the value of the dollar will collapse and your CD will be trash.
Businesses (which all the entities inside of a university may as well be at this point) have a couple incentives around hiring people which don't necessarily correlate with work being done. Don't feel guilty - there's a reason everyone wants upward social mobility for themselves.
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Nice anon, enjoy your weekend
sirs, is it over?
it ended long ago and it won't begin again until after we're dead
i can’t stop gooning … !
It's just too easy to conjure depictions of alluring women in a Turing Machine.
>We're staring down the barrel of a major recession
Are we though? Why are economists right about predicting this recession but none of the previous ones?
>But they did predict previous recessions
Individual economists might have guessed and been right. But if economists as a category were right about predicting recessions then they would all be wealthy, they would have accurate predictions about macroeconomics, and recessions probably wouldn't happen or would at least be less significant. But all of these things are either demonstrably untrue or unverifiable.
i MUST die
My prediction
Trump gets in
Trump deports migrants
Trump applies more taxes on Chinese imports
Domestic production increases slightly
Near shoring increases bigly
Interest rates stay about where they are now or go up slightly but the positive effects of protections cancel it out.
thanks, but I need a yes or a no, I'm tired of choosing by myself I'm gonna leave my destiny to internet strangers
You can't say for certain that there wouldn't be a dip
If you create a hierarchy, then it won't be communism.
i can't say for certain that glowniggers will stop printing money. just like i can't say for certain that MBAs won't suddenly stop spouting buzzwords and get their shit together.
honestly now that I just planned to kms if I don't get a SWE job 6 months after graduating I don't feel anxious anymore about the future.

Like if I get a job I can be comfy and pay out all my debt, if I don't get any job offer then I at least fuck over the people that gave me my loan (good thing, fuck rich people).
can a math degree get in
Make sure that debt can't be transferred to your family. Assuming you don't hate them too
>ticket template clearly states that all required information must be included, else ticket is immediately rejected
>SOP states the same
>retard opens a ticket but doesn't include key data for validation
>gets pissy when his ticket gets rejected
>whines I didn't reach out to him
>got me escalated with his manager

How do I very politely tell this tard to fuck off? We have to review dozens of these every day, I don't have time or patience to deal with this shit.
>We have to review dozens of these every day, I don't have time
Just say this. Those requirements exist for a reason and his manager is fully welcome to loop in your manager if he wants to argue the requirements themselves
just tap the glass and quote the template
that's a shit policy by the way, not that you can do anything about it. unclear tickets should be sent back for clarification, only rejected if they don't respond to clarification requests in a timely matter. your communication overhead isn't getting reduced; it's only getting increased
>client (female boomer) keeps crying and whining about the state of the project just to get more features for free (yes, she actually got a quite a few for free just by doing that)
dumb bitch lol, we all know what you're trying to do
god i hate when they ask me to attend these meetings
what does she cry about exactly
start with network+
>Trump deports migrants
He'll never do this. The people behind him don't want that. He'll probably just draft us and send us to the middle east to fight for Israel instead.
We haven't been printing money for years, just borrowing which is very different.
You're absolutely right. I will take the chance to bring it up to my manager.
hasn't been necessary. when the line is really at risk of going down they'll churn out another couple trillion THOUGH.
>yes, she actually got a quite a few for free just by doing that
>dumb bitch lol, we all know what you're trying to do
well it works, so is she really dumb?
it's honestly annoying how effective being a whiny asshole is. I don't want to be the whiny bitch. but it works
it's possible that the google ads monopoly is about to be atomized by antitrust. i'm not sure how they'll go about doing it now that google is just a shell company from alphabet. they'll have to be forcibly divested first if it goes that way. S&P500 following 401ks are gonna get shit on for that big time.
I usually do, but with interest rates this high I feel like 50% in guaranteed 5% cod is a good play. especially with the AI bubble
I threw just about everything in Nvidia around November of 2023. Have not regretted it whatsoever
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J2 is really getting on my case lately...
I am retarded so I deserve it I guess.
do you think a PIP is incoming?
Pretty much
I dabbled in dividend stocks for a while too but I regret it because I would've had more gains with less taxes paid if I had stuck to index funds/ETF's
Did you buy 0% interest US Treasury bonds? Is that what I seen near the bottom?
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I know in order to progress in my career regardless i have to learn a lot social skills, not just technical skills. I'm 23 and i still looking for a job. I do have 12 months of internship experience as a QA tester, but that was unpaid and i have to do 4 hours of commute. My deepest fear is having a job like that again. I don't want that. Im studying leetcode and working on some react / laravel project on my portfolio. I hope i can get a job in 2025 and stick in that company for at least 2 years before looking for something better. I know i have to make my presence known and respected, and to do that i have to learn fast and ditch any time for hobbies that are constructive. I can exercise, watch movies, or play video games at home but i feel like that's turning me into a nobody who is just a salaryman. If i don't have my own audience on social media from making art or posting game development logs, I'm a nobody. If i don't write a blog on substack, I'm a nobody. But what can i do? Workhours takes a significant portion of the week, not to mention the commute.
Out of morbid curiosity, of those who can work from home and have to do it into the evening: Have you ever drank several beers while doing so?
I am very tempted, even though I only had two so far. But I just want to see how many I can drink before I start typing nonsense in the code base.
She's so pathetic that it makes her even hotter.

To answer your question, get ready for a PIP so flip that switch. Either he fucked up and is trying to redirect blame or you're the problem.
Just want to store me money simple as
>pajeet consultant gatekeeps a module
>refuses to do any kt to anyone on the team
>turns out he doesn't even understand the requirements
>lots of bugs and features delayed by 5 sprints
fuck this shit. why wont upper management fire him already.this dude is only here because my then pajeet manager hired him. i want to leave this place but the pay is too good.

Ive got a fucking bar hopping appointment coming up with a SENIOR DIRECTOR at a fuck huge tech company. The plan is to go to super fancy SF bars and get wasted. THE DIRECTOR doesnt talk about work, ever and is semi-autistic but loves alcohol.

What the FUCK do I talk about?
While I mix WFH and severe alcoholism, it's very rare that I drink and work at the same time. It's just too tempting to send some very "honest" DMs.
>It's just too tempting to send some very "honest" DMs
kek i've typed up a lot of emails while drinking on the job and then deleted them. last week i was so close to sending a director an email about why their pet paperwork project is actually making everything worse.
23 year old retard SWE here, nobody will care about your substack or social media. Stick with exercise, LeetCode, and personal projects (ideally just one or two) and you'll be golden
I would guess at least 10-20% of WFH people are drunk or high very often, just don't commit any slurs to your repo
ok let's be clear you have a <<<50% chance of pulling this off. try talking about your hobbies but when he doesn't bite then cut your losses and unironically try POLITICS. you need a high variance strategy.
I don't see it happening (and I've got roughly a mil directly in there so feel free to laugh at my expense if I'm wrong). I just don't have faith in society to really stop monopolies anymore. It seems far more likely to me that the price continues to get driven down until the right people decide they'll buy back into it.
Talk about vocaloids.
The source is all you need, given enough time. What's really bad is when they won't give you the source and management STILL doesn't care. I've had to deal with that.
No, I almost became alcoholic right before covid but alcohol is fucking poison. I drink at most a few times a year.
Oh shit, that's a really good point.
Thankfully I am too much of a lazy shit to clock back in to catch up on things outside of regular work hours lol
how do you numb yourself in the empty hours?
yeah his gatekeeping the access to his shitty source code. anyways my new manager decided to essentially rewrite that shitty app with our product owner's approval. he is really holding the project hostage. i dont understaand why he isn't fired. nobody wants to work with him.
Got to change the mindset of needing to be somebody to other people.
What does one do to network at a meet up or conference? Do go roll up to some bloke and talk shop or is there more nuance? What is the process?
Gardening and personal projects but it's hard, life sucks. I have ptsd from something that happened and if I kept using alcohol to numb the pain I'd just be drunk 24/7 and fall apart.
>tfw worked in big tech infra for years and have no useful web dev or app dev skills now
>don't know any frontend, backend, or how to deploy to a cloud provider
>all i do at my job is manage race conditions, perform lock free programming, and optimize legacy systems code
Use your time to do literally anything that makes money. This is attractive to employers but more importantly will prove to yourself that you don't need to work a conventional job to survive. Your post reads like your perception of the world is that you NEED to make yourself attractive to get anywhere. "Get a job in 2025 and work there for at least 2 years" is like the people who think they need to find a wife in college because afterwards it'll be impossible.
And Europe loves Jews. Doesn't change anything
I do this sometimes. Last week I got very drunk and posted some random bagpipe music to our slack.

It's finally scrolled off, I think I got away with it.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
int tempture = 66

cout << "when Anya has her mouth open, she's telling me to ";
if (temperature > 80) {cout << "insert ice cube";}
else {cout << "insert toy.";}
return 0;
I do this like every day and have done so for years. You just need to know yourself. I don't have a history of lashing out or saying fucked up shit or being racist or anything even when blackout drunk, so I don't worry about it. It's never hurt the quality of my work because programming just isn't that hard. The worst parts of the job are the non-programming parts.
>Hi nice to meet you I'm (insert name)
>I'm a recent graduate of (insert school) and I'm interested in getting into (insert industry)
>Could I ask you what you do for a living?
>Wow that's interesting, please tell me more about (industry)
>(Insert small talk)
After a few minutes
>I'd love to stay connected, would it be alright to connect with you on LinkedIn?
Add them and the next day send a follow up message
>Hi (person) thanks for adding me. I enjoyed our conversation about (whatever). (Blah blah formalities) If you know of any openings I would greatly appreciate you considering sending them my way. Regardless I hope to stay in touch. Best regards (your name)
Repeat this with as many people as you can.
The European state loves jews (because it's run by them.) The actual European people are not jew fans.
letting jews run the place because some felt bad about hitler wasn't the best idea
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
cout << ">>102251702 \n";
cout << "wish I could say I did this off memory. Sadly no. I gotta start practicing if else and if else if else comes to memorize.";
return 0;
They were already running everything when Hitler showed up. He was the one saying maybe that was a bad idea.
just two more weeks
if you didn't go to a top school fagman is the place to network and make up for it
despite the hiring bar lowering during the boom, it's still full of ivy league grads and very well connected people

>Use your time to do literally anything that makes money.
isn't that just driving uber
>isn't that just driving uber
uber doesn't make you money, it makes you pocket change
that's what boomers say about retail jobs but some people manage to live off it
This is where you're wrong. Trump is now supported by the PayPal Mafia and they have different aims from the j street lobby. Listen to Vance for a glimpse at future policy decisions
They work 2 retail jobs to make that work since there not getting more then 30 hours from any retail job. Managers higher up the chain tend to make decent money but you need a degree and ambition to do so, which as a we know is lacking in society.
doesn't change what i said. it's money to live off and uber isn't a conventional job
unless you're telling that anon to do something technical like freelance for money. which, is possible
I am just stating my observations. Got to be realistic. DICE recruiting website while shit does have alot of freelance jobs on the market that many people can apply too. You should be flexible in this job market however so any side money is good money.
>I am just stating my observations. Got to be realistic.
nothing more realistic than taking a shitty dead end gig job to live off of
if something is worth doing "for a bit of extra spending cash" someone out there is gonna be doing it for a living
Anyone that senior is likely to have good (though maybe entirely-practiced) social skills. They'll do the heaving lifting as far as conversation matters. You only have two jobs: (1) when you answer his questions, give him something to work with, and (2) when there's a pause, ask it back. That's it. Do not worry about doing the heavy lifting. After enough drinks it'll all come effortlessly.
Which reminds me: drink a ton. As an alchie myself there's nothing worse than being out with someone who doesn't want to partake. Do some alchie reps before then if you need to build a tolerance.
how often do you guys having to edit photos / videos on your PC? what free software would you recommend? do i really have to pirate after effects?
>do you guys having
jeets OUT
Sounds cozy
sir he is speaking the king's english
personally I just get way too drunk at all of them and it sees to go okay
this but with ticker BTC
Yes, on slow days. But 1-2 light beers.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
for (i = 0, i < 1, ++i) { cout << "okay I know how to write a loop. But I don't know what it means. What does the ++i mean? Why did they go for the word for instead of the word loop?;}
return 0;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
for (i = 0, i < 1, ++i) { cout << "oh wait nevermind. The ++i is just a funny mathematical formula. It sucks I already forgot the lesson on ++ and -- numbers.;}
return 0;
Am I a fraud of a SWE, or should I take the opinions of the senior that was hired this year - that the management is a shitshow and there's a lot of tech debt landmines - seriously and not be so hard on myself?
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go make a startup if ur so smart
I'm scared that if I start working from home I'll be surveyed and even after I finish work and what I browse in my free time. I heard large companies like microsoft and AWS already do this. How bad is it?
I'm at a medium sized company (250ish headcount), and they love their productivity monitoring spyware. Tiktok product managers fucked it for all of us, and I don't think there's any going back.
i dont worry about it i am pretty sure i've been naked and said nigger infront of my webcam and in mic range many times
anyone here work in a data center or know someone who worked in a data center for FAGMAN? I started as a technician earlier this year and am wondering where things can go from here. money is decent working in japan but im hoping to move back to the states eventually and don’t want to be earning 60k with everything so absurdly expensive over there.
You can always get a separate computer that you physically turn off when you aren't working. Booting into a separate partition might work too.
If they don't give you a company workstation or laptop, it's probably a shitshow.
I hear the same thing from everyone on my team and also frequently feel like I'm a fuck up, but apparently the leads/PO/manager have been incredibly complementary about me to other people (my old team). I would say that the lead is probably telling the truth, and you are probably doing fine.
lol they don't do that.
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As long as you hit your deliverables and attend all required meetings I'm convinced no one gives a shit. If they want to boot you out they'll use one of any dozen shitty reasons anyway, so why even worry?
I'm tired of my company and pretty miserable, so I'm thinking of job hopping.

Is LCing the most important thing? Or should I grab an AWS or Azure cert over the next few months?
There's two parts: getting the interview, and passing it. Only focus on LC if you can already get interviews.
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Sir I am thanking the India cyber defense legion
be willing to do 12 months of unpaid work
let's say i do leetcode and make portfolio then pass interviews then got a job, then what? what should i do after clocking out for the day? okay, go to the gym. then what? make dinner. take a shower. then what? you say nobody will care about my substack or social media. then what? what then? do chores for my mom and dad?
If you have the job then who cares? You can use your time on substack or social media or w/e else you want. Just don't expect it to help future job searches.
Ma'am I am ready ready

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