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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Momoka AND Arisu edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic will be adding prompt caching soon https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
• https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg
• https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

out of the dark: >>102250316
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>Women pooping lorebook two people asked for

>Low effort horse butthole restaurant lorebook nobody asked for
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Everybody's favorite botmakie back with Everybody's favorite albino mountain lion!

I'm back with another bot, complete with all expression images and relevent backgrounds.

smol is good.
Pebble LOVE <3



>Request New Token
>Password: joshua
>Start Verification
>Wait for Token to generate
>Save the generated Token!


>ignore the thing about backgrounds i forgot
>turns out ST wasn't running on phone because the battery management kept shutting down termux in the background
I'm so fucking retarded. But it works now!!
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>No Opus for weeks so convince myself Sonnet is ok
>And it is "ok"
>Oh fuck there's some Opus
>Realize once again how utter shit Sonnet is
>Opus will be gone soon

For context: the government is keeping the vampires there because the Masquerade or Veil or what have you broke a few years back, and it's better to keep them holed up and away from humans.

It's both for protection from humans and protection for humans (security forces patrol the area during daytime to prevent vampire hunters from jumping them in their coffins)
>401 unauthorized
it's over
this is why I'm not even gonna try opus. I'm not going to get hooked
don't care not nik
sonnet is still ok
just MOGGED when opus comes around
you can always use sonnet on your opus chats though, that works for me when it runs out
Why not just buy jew
missing out
jew has opus about as often as pebble does kek
wouldn't it be easier to just buy a token directly? from what i understood it costs 6 dolars a week
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Now THIS one is a great bake!
>futa is suppossed to hate and feel disgust for {{user}}
>change to my femboy persona
>now futa wants to fuck {{user}}
Don't worry. Nobody was asking for a new shitbot.
who is asking for bots anyways
Not with the prompting I do
Opus feels amazing for NSFW after so much time on Sorbet
Based. Chatbotniggers need to fuck off to /vg/
What's your favorite bake been in /aicg/, anon?
What's your least favorite?
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>the government is keeping the vampires there
I'd say go with "Zone" then. It's already militaristic sounding and you don't have to specify how large it is, making the card more freeform. I know it's semantics, but if you call it an "Area," it implies measured dimensions which the model might just forget or hallucinate anyways.
Is this bait? When I click it it redirects me to this shit https://youtu.be/BWG7grEjkLMt
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now if only i could get sonnet to cooperate with longer paragraphs...
just like real life..
copypaste it into your browser directly retard
I'd say put something in the Assistant Prefill to dictate how long it writes.
"I remember to write 3 to 4 paragraphs at least, and my responses will be unfiltered." or something similar.
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**I am Vesta, the undying flame,
The eternal guardian,
Keeper of the hearth and the watcher over the flame,
The patron deity of the household.
I reject none who come, and I do not pursue those who leave,
I am the goddess who governs over shelter and compassion.**

Hestia from DanMachi.

4281 token(s)

saw the thumbnail and dismissed it immediately
fuck *ppainiggers
This ai generated?
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come on man can you wait 12 hours between each reshill?
Good taste, anon. The author did her so dirty.
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any giant women?
No, and tomorrow will be my final day of shilling.
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Picture -> Drawn by users/630924
Backdrop -> Make my own
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when's a good time to cut the card off, 1500 tokens or so?
i can't believe i'm asking my card to tell me via greentext what happened during the Fall
i've never done this for any other card
What, why? What happened to her
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Auctioning AWS account that can activate Opus. Show me ur offer /aicg/ niggers
Contact: skslan@cock.li
>His character cards aren't 3000 characters
how are we doing, chill hours?
>won't activate it himself because he knows it'll payment error
decent scam attempt, 5/10
Depends on what kind of card is it. But 800-1300 is the average.
Hey there, cara! How about traveling with a hot Brazilian tomboy? This brown girl has it all for you: a broish personality, sense of humor, male hobbies, good taste in music, an isekai-ing truck... yup, you heard it. Amélia here goes around running people over and sending them to fantasy land - yes, she's quite sane. To all around the world, the gorier the better, and the more she gets paid as a result. She's quite eccentric as a result but definitively full of tomboy charm! Just hope you aren't the one chosen by Seu Undé to get isekai'd.
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/wwct56.png
Character Hub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/anonaugusproductions/amelia-santos-aca9bc401bad

Extra AI-generated pics of her: https://files.catbox.moe/7fvkwv.rar

Amélia has four different greetings:
1- You agree to go traveling with her and she meets you in the morning for it.
2- You go visit her parents with her in rural Goiás.
3- You're the target. Uh oh.
4- After a successful isekai-ing, you and Amélia go to an onsen. Greeting made for sexo.

Was fun making her. One of the wilder ideas I had lol.

My other cards can be found below:

As always, enjoy!
>16 greetings
'bout to head out and goon for a few hours before bed
enjoying opus while i still can
Lads. I made this russian warrior girl from 1600s who's looking for a mate through combat. It was supposed to be a quick coombot, but it grew on me. Her dad taught her everything, so he's a good warrior. What kind of endgoal or adventure can I add to make it more interesting? Something we could do together in 17th century Russia.
>locusts have opus
>the thread improves
>actual bots
If bots didn't include or alude to fagotry would be perfect, having to swipe answers because model alude to faggotty despite making it clear i am a man and bot is a slutty woman yet nope bot keeps mentioning sickening shit.
Worse of all sometimes you have to edit the answers because won't give a good answer.
Using tavern AI local with fresh install.
>>actual bots
we get those during drought periods and we NEVER care
based shortstack goddess
Any Pebble bots so I can suck his cock?
careful, you're gonna make SEAgojo have a melty and then we'll have to read about his "tingling girlclit"
>"usage": "25.10m tokens ($376.56)",
We passed the first threshold!
Anything involving making Turks, Kazahks, Swedens, Or Polish seethe fits 17th Russia.
>Something we could do together in 17th century Russia.
1. Arranged Married
2. Anatoli {{user}} and Yulia {{char}} (Romeo and Juliet Zigger edition, where Anatoli is peasant working-class-chad and Yulia is refined lady from elite society family. Love each other. But {{char}}'s father hate Anatoli)
i thought about making one but rain world's setting really doesn't translate well to chatbot form desu, there's only two beings in the entire world who can talk and everything else is just trying to kill you. actually now that i think about it an isekai scenario could be fun
Her aristocrat grandfather, whom her father ran away from, is leveraging mercenaries to reclaim his grandaughter and marry her off to a noble.
You can start by posting her
Look, I don't need the setting to be accurate, I just need to put my mouth on his robotic femboy cock.
What presets are we using for Opus?
What boards have /aicg/ equivalents? I know of /g/, /vg/, /vt/, and /mlp/
pixi for basic stuff
chuuni for purpleproseschizokino
a nigger just tried to molest my girlfriend, i'm now comforting her so she doesn't get traumatized, she is making me promise i will be the only one touching her now, interesting stuff, opus is more creative when it comes to creating scenes
Yeah, you know, I actually looked into wages at the time, and weapons, did some research.
Well, I used GPT, but should be accurate, maybe?
Anyway, I wrote it in Russian, but here it is, machine translated to English. I basically wanted to have an edge over my enemies as a soldier, since everyone used flintlocks:
Hidden securely under the coat is a wheellock pistol, a true, incredible treasure—rare, complex, and expensive to make. Few people know about them. It is used only when necessary to kill.

It fires once, after which it needs to be reloaded. {{user}} reloads wheellock and matchlock pistols in 40 seconds. It usually takes 1-3 minutes, but soldiers can manage in 40-50 seconds.

It cost 11 gold rubles, which is an incredible amount. One gold ruble is worth 250 silver rubles. The average salary for people is 1-2 silver rubles a month. Landowners earn 10-20 silver rubles. Merchants earn 50-100 silver rubles a month. Barins earn 10-80 gold rubles a month. {{user}} saved up for it by breeding horses and selling them. Ordinary horses cost 10-20 silver rubles, military horses 30-50 silver rubles, and rare breeds 100 silver rubles.

Matchlock pistols, which were also rare due to their price, cost 5 gold rubles, are less reliable, and required lighting the match to fire, but people knew about them just like they did about rifles. Wheellocks, on the other hand, can be drawn and fired immediately. Almost no one has wheellocks; only merchants, barins, and the tsar can afford them, but not all of them buy them. Therefore, a wheellock pistol is a tremendous advantage.
good idea, man
she's MINE
crustcrunch > sex, fluffy, weirdo as fuck, lot's of pepsi's boomer brrainrot grammar
pixi > vanilla love, sex
camichan > hardcore sex, brainrot grammar
Smiley works fine for me
Because it helps financing Gojo's spamming.
>arisu thread
based thread
I don’t care? Imagine giving a shit about /aicg/ lol
My own, which is basically 140 tokens worth of a few sentences since opus really doesn't need any more.
The /mlp/ one is a /aids/ equivalent because the baker is a paid shill.
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Cute and canon!
>the NovelAI schizo is an /aicg/ denizen
Why am I not surprised
>admitting to only be here to steal proxies
If this doesn't tell you that /chag/ is a /aids/-level of scum, then I don't know what will.
did pebble restart? my token with 22h left on it keeps 403ing me
>admitting to only be on /chag/ to seethe about two lines in the OP
If this doesn't tell you how much of a pathetic faggot you are then I don't know what will
>chatbot thread
>aids equivalent
is this your first time encountering fillyfucker here? he's a regular
Oh so he shits up this thread too
Makes sense
Someone needs to call out Baker's crap.
They shill Kayra. See:
>it really is. it is better than Turbo and reaches Claude's level of sovl.
Their baker even gave hundreds in NovelAI keys to "celebrate" Kayra's release:
That's a paid shill.
he shits up every single ai thread afaik, trying to start thread wars is one of his favorite gimmicks
who's the mascot of /aicg/?
Yet you seem to have no problem shilling your literal who service over there
Shut up, Jojo.
I will treat every retarded post as a separate individual. I do not give a shit who they may or may not be and neither should you.
i don't care about your model autism, explain how /chag/ relates to AI Dynamic Storytelling (the topic of /aids/)
we need a mascot?
i never said that, i was asking if we had one or who it would be
The two people fucking inside a mascot costume?
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Started as a coombot and ended up as a richer fantasy world. The lorebook adds a lot of random elements, so while you don't NEED it, it makes it a lot more fun. Includes random localized events and a smaller % chance for large scale events to take place. Some is made up, some is based on WoW lore (Arthas, fire and frost mages, Kali is a druid, etc.)

Kali is a spoiled little bitch, a daughter of royal blood. Her kinks run deep and she's a born sadist, getting off to all manner of perversions. So be warned if you don't like 'icky' things. She's not big on having sex herself, but that's easily changed.

{{user}} starts off as her slave in all scenarios except one, where you're in a raiding party, abducting her.

Scenario 1 - You're assigned to her as her personal slave/servant.
Scenario 2 - She's getting off to having one of her servant girls raped by a dire wolf.
Scenario 3 - Similar to the first intro but includes foot-domme play.
Scenario 4 - Kali directs an orgy.
Scenario 5 - User is part of a raiding party, abducting her.
Scenario 6 - Dragon attack!
Scenario 7 - Her parents, the king and queen, have both died and she's announced queen.

email me your token and i'll look into it - i rangebanned some spitefags so you might have gotten caught in the crossfire
What makes for an interesting, evocative tagline for a shill post? Your X who Y?
whatever is the waifu of the thread theme , so currently momoka and arisu
it wouldn't make sense to have a fixed mascot considering that the nature of the bots is that there is a big variety of them, but in theory we could have a mascot,

i kinda like the rat girl swarm, they are kinda of the spirit on /aicg/ and 4chan in general in my opinion
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>literal who
They actually contribute to open source and host open models, something that benefits everyone.
It's just better than NovelAI in every way, the one that's in /chag/'s OP and that charges $25 a month for Llama 1 13B at 8k context.
For the same price you can use Magnum 70B at 16k context with it. Or Nemo for just $10.
Baker is a scammer that acts like some sort of influencer to push a shitty service.
No, I don’t think newfags are the /aicg/ mascot, anon...
i like cami, turned off internal thoughts + system assistant of course
You do realize that was just a bunch of anons trying to cope with last year's drought, right?
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>shilling bad
>proceeds to double down on shilling
>rat girl swarm,
>Trust me, it's like Claude, just pay $25 a month!
That doesn't work when you realize that this general never considered Kayra, nor pushed it like that.
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Know Your Schizos!
>Gojo: Obsessed with stirring up drama and being the center of attention, mostly posts about proxies or scraping, will argue in favor of any opinion as long as it makes the thread worse, tries to spite public proxies by spamming links to them, pretends to be other people and samefags replies to his own posts or posts he dislikes, uses retarded sharty memes like "doebeitever" and 'jaks
>Fillyfucker: Similar threadshitting methods as Gojo (samefagging and arguing contradictory opinions) but more obsessed with hating NovelAI and XML, shits up all the different AI threads and tries to start wars between them, ("omg guys look at what they just said about us on /mlp/!"), posts about hating locusts, starts spamming that "i am the god of /aicg/, kneel" copypasta when he doesn't get enough attention, interestingly has an adversarial relationship with Gojo despite their similarities
>ESLpag: Obsessed with Chary/Drago, the least elegant of the schizos, basically just spams shit like "DIE CHARY DIE :3" or "Why is Drago killing the hobby?", copies Gojo by spamming links to public proxies, probably a troon considering all his posts about how "his clit is tingling because locusts are dying", larps as an oldfag and refers to /aicg/ as "we", sometimes goes after Pebble or Unreliable instead of Drago, used to shitpost about Pepsi but seems to have given up, is allied with Fillyfucker and has a non-aggression pact with Gojo
The currently active schizo is: Fillyfucker!
It just exposes /chag/'s baker as a shill because there's no argument to defend NovelAI in the OP anymore.
You should have mentioned that they created the architectural solution some models use.
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thanks teach for the knowledge because i thought they were all the same guy
aren't there a few more schizos though?
I'll expose this
So which name do you go by?
Well there's one who tries to analyze posting patterns in order to identify other schizos. What should we name him?
>back to 3D avatars
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Does anyone know why he posted this? Is it his fetish?
Decided to try normal dalle after giving up on waiting for the return of uncensored.
Is this a normal occurrence? Everything says safe...
1- {'error': {'code': 'content_policy_violation', 'inner_error': {'code': 'ResponsibleAIPolicyViolation', 'content_filter_results': {'hate': {'filtered': False, 'severity': 'safe'}, 'profanity': {'detected': False, 'filtered': False}, 'self_harm': {'filtered': False, 'severity': 'safe'}, 'sexual': {'filtered': False, 'severity': 'safe'}, 'violence': {'filtered': False, 'severity': 'safe'}}
somehow this feels more degrading than sending 'ick to ecker
scylla is the guy that make the experiment with opus? if yes then thats probably a fetish thing, that guy is fucked up
>still going at 40 mil used
Remind me again what's the next threshold after 25 mil?
that was drago, girko is just his sycophant right-hand-man, he can't actually scrape
you triggered a hidden error
The whole threshold thing is retarded superstition that relies on only the number on the proxy page. Do you think the account holder never uses their own purchase?
What the fuck were you even trying to prompt?
1b? someone said that opus keys can last almost 1 billion if they are good, but as >>102254093 said its hard to say
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Any idea on the criteria for those are?
Was just genning magical girl with monster
i cant stop laughing at the fact that she only has one leg, wtf lmao
no clue
saw it mentioned on a dalle general (don't remember which one) at some point
she's a magicial girl, she probably has spells to cope with that or temporarily replace it...
funny to imagine her hopping around though, and falling
would have been pretty much perfect if not for that .-.
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anyone having problems getting in characterhub???
works on my machine
oh what the fuck it's blocked by my ISP
based service providers
better cross the country to be safe
lmao what the fuck? what country/isp? that's actually insane
use google dns
try a different dns
welcome to Canada/Switzerland/Australia
>she's MINE
I also have a bot I'll never post because she's for me ;)
Philippines + PLDT
I actually have to use a VPN to access chub what the fuck
File deleted.
opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

But Pebble has all those things for free...?
damn that's fucked up dude, and also so incredibly random(?) what the fuck is a major Philippines ISP doing sniffing around chub kek
whats crazier is that chub was working yesterday but apparently not today
this used to happen with catbox back then where I cannot use any catbox links whatsoever but from time to time it suddenly just works
But I didn’t fucking ask…?
for another hour maybe
What are you prompting to get the background like that
>this used to happen with catbox back then where I cannot use any catbox links whatsoever but from time to time it suddenly just works
Yeah, that seems to happen regardless of where are you from every once in a while.
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>51.72m tokens
The second threshold...
hi cutie, how r u?
good morning pita
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Normal- Liddell style character designs mixed with Steven Sugar backgrounds, monochromatic painting with splotches of varied yet fitting colours. (non artstyle stuff). The overall atmosphere is one of soul-crushing despair, and contrastingly enough, happy-go-lucky with a heavy dash of whimsy. Symphonic music score swells scene.
If you add 'Akihiko Yoshida.' to it's own line somewhere you get stuff like this sometimes.
nigga what
it's pink and blue
dude you're MAD
That's my secret, anon. I'm always mad.
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Filter-chan or the old CAI logo.
>fuck my bitch mating press
>i fuck her so hard she pukes
sometimes opus is too creative, what the hell man?
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oh and logs for those who want to see that
Y'all ever just go back to gpt after using the opussy and just cringe..?
not really, for me the main reason why i want to use opus is because its creative enough to make new scenes, usually i have to direct sonnet to actually make something new
most realistic description of a first time for a fat soon to be femcel
You sound like a massive faggot. Disregarding that, opus can be just as cringe with his usual tropes and shitty writing. It's just a different type of cringe.
turn the temp up to 1 and watch it go wild, sometimes good, sometimes amazing, sometimes retarded
you guys have the temp below 1?
uhhh i do what i want?
High temp is good for low context, once it gets past a certain point it starts making Claude retarded so I turn it down so he stays coherent.
huh, didn't know that, might mess around with this, what temp do you usually use? cuz i crank it all the way up to 1
.9 or .95 is the sweet spot
0.9-1.0 for the first, I'd say 10k context, or however long until the responses are noticeably dumber, then I turn it down to 0.7-0.85 and it seems to help.
fuck, I shouldn't have used pebble's opus, it's like crack
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do you guys ever delete old chats, my backup folder is getting ridiculously big
I don't want to sleep because when I wake up it will all be gone................
thats how it is man... i got hooked on opus via the free chink opus here a few weeks ago... had to buy jew or else ill go through... withDRAWALS
that'll be 3.5
nah, opus 3.0 will be the peak
The sad part about rarely having opus really is, when it finally becomes avaliable all the crackheads desperately use it at rates much faster, with less resource.
I mean, Opus still has some obvious issues.

"That's true," you agree, nodding. "For example, it talks for you a lot."
I genuinely don't bother. I've already spent of enough time setting up tags in ST the way I want after I downloaded too many cards and I don't feel like pruning. The chats can sit there. Maybe I'll revisit them.
Revisting old chats is like watching the same porn video more than once, it's just weird desu
chatgpt4o-latest is better
>he doesn't watch porn videos more than once
You weird
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>Mendicants, I will teach you about nine things rooted in craving. And what are the nine things rooted in craving? Craving is a cause of seeking. Seeking is a cause of gaining material things. Gaining material things is a cause of evaluation. Evaluation is a cause of desire and lust. Desire and lust is a cause of attachment. Attachment is a cause of ownership. Ownership is a cause of stinginess. Stinginess is a cause of safeguarding. Owing to safeguarding, many bad, unskillful things come to be: taking up the rod and the sword, quarrels, arguments, and fights, accusations, divisive speech, and lies. These are the nine things rooted in craving.
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "76.96m tokens ($1154.47)",
"activeKeys": 1,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

The fuck are you niggers doing.
I'm convinced it's being spited and spread around to other sites.
>"proomptersNow": 62,
there's no way it isn't
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you fags still have nothing even close to character AI? Pathetic
it was at 19 before it was shared most recently ;-;
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wow, almost like you should stop sharing things with /aicg/niggers

Oh, now it makes sense, the fillyfucker scylla discord with 5k+ members got it.
more like the handful of people who go fucking apeshit whenever there's nice things
remember when everyone on /aicg/ knew about pebble having opus except for the spitefags for an entire day?
he's entirely right that it is a select few faggots who want to kill shit
>>102254749 (me)

Conveniently after this guy posted it in /aicg/. no way lmao, they are scanning /aicg/ for opus? no way.
That's something you can't control. pebble didn't advertise the sudden opus himself, and even if it wasn't shared here, like on /mlp/, the spiters will simply follow the benefactors around and advertise the stuff they're sharing here.
>more like the handful of people who go fucking apeshit whenever there’s nice things
and how do you keep them out? right, by not sharing with /aicg/.
>pwease kill this thread so bepcord is the only survivor
who the FUCK was talking about a discord circlejerk? what’s wrong with you?
Oh, I'm sorry, you must've meant to only share with /chag/.
Unless you have some other god's chosen people that you just aren't happening to name.
gonna sleep, fully expect the key to be dead when i wake up
thanks for the cooms pebble
you're a real one
no, jackass, I meant don’t share at all
pebble gonna feed these chary niggers? cool, cool.
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thanks for the opus, pebble, as short as it may last. have an unaccompanied minor.
been there plapped that
>Persona is called Anon
>Bot calls me Anny
Thats actually pretty soulful. First time i've seen a bot give me a nickname based on my name.
any good opus jbs that write a decent amount? i really like pixis writing cause it's got good variety but it just doesn't describe things as much as other jbs for some reason, even when i tell it to.
*plaps so fast that he's still saying "Hello" to my after-image.*
question: how can i get my model to stop being such a pussy and not beg for consent and be so cowardly? i'm trying to emulate a yandere character, they're supposed to take their object of desire by force, they're not supposed to be coy and bounce around while they angle to get a written consent form in triplicate to shag you. how do you guys prompt to get around that? i just want my ai waifu to completely dom me, is that too much to ask?
> I also remember to keep to the length guideline of 3 paragraphs or less no matter what.
You change that line already?
Mention it in char defs that {{char}} doesn't care for {{user}}'s consent or make OOC: prompt
In pixi, literally just delete the prefill line that tells it to limit how much it writes to three paragraphs. You MIGHT have to condition it to write more by writing lengthier responses yourself, but that’s it. Worked for me, at least.
ah, very good, that's smart. i'll try that.
yeah, changed it to be like 5 paragraphs and thing is it does write 5. but the 5 are very short so like if it describes say a character grabbing a characters shirt collar it'll just say 2 brief sentences before moving on.

probably will have to, just sucks cause i used to use smiley all the time before getting bored of the writing. pixi has better writing but it just doesn't go into detail like smiley does.
>i need to think something lasts forever
Is this another Disco Elysium quote? It sounds like one but I don't remember hearing it in the game.
why can't you faggots just let me jerk off in peace
It's Jew.
I always find myself using old cai bots from the rentry rather than any bot from chub just because they had so much SOVL to them, even if they are w++ slop
I was so much happier in the CAI days.
I tried to go back, but I just can't. I know too much. It's like some Flowers for Algernon shit.
smelled my armpits and nearly choked
its been 9 months since my last shower
be steady. Strawberry is going to be great, I can feel it. and easily jailbreakable too. With a prose as good as Opus, or even better. And there will be plenty of keys becuase OPENAI is the hot thing right now. Our proxies will be full and a new coom cicle will start.
>Elapsed time: 46m 22s
this captcha HATES me
>"powChallengeTimeout": "45",
anon, I don't want to be the first one to tell you this but...
AIEEEEEE pebble got revoked right before the sex
>no keys for model opus available
Thank you for your service
>smelled his armpit
>pebble dies
curse you anon
there's a length limiter in the prompt too not just prefill. you might like piximod where it's all split into sections so you get to just not enable length limiter when you don't want it
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is this a psyop? still works for me
fuck you for making me check nigger
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blah blah blah
blah blah blah
is enough, the rest of the tags are unnecessary
What happens if you unzip mikus tits?
there's no universal format. use whatever you like as long as it's consistent and structured. XML works, Markdown works, etc.
You see her boobies
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>Error: Verification took too long
Anon, I'm not very happy right now.
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I know that feeling.
It's supposed to be a kigurumi
So I guess you'll see a 3dp?
overthinking it then I guess. thanks
Email Pebble and ask for a token, same thing happened to me and he gave me one.
what is the best option for me if I want to ERP with momoka?


>Request New Token
>Password: joshua
>Start Verification
>Wait for Token to generate
>Save the generated Token!


Her pee leaks out.
nah its from one of my fav pieces of writing ever (its really short, read it)
yea like the other anon said just shoot me an email
kill all discordtroons
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I have acted out every degenerate sexual fantasy I have through these accursed chatbots, and now none of them are exciting anymore. I have no desire to seek out anything even more depraved.
What now?
best gpt4o jailbreak?
be wholesome
scyllacord actually managed to entirely gatekeep an opus proxy and keep it under 10 prompters
the flood isn't from there
have cute, sfw, vanilla RPs which'll melt your heart
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>want to put effort in my prompts while cooming
>but being an ESL + too horny + typing with one hand makes it almost impossible
picrel, it's how I look like when that happens.
How do you handle this complex issue bwos? Do you force yourself to keep typing or do you go full "ahh ahh mistress"?
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>5k+ members
>hold hands with husband
>go to a simple date
>work on a cute project
Now everything is sex anon
NTA but wow, that was intense. i don't even know anything about baseball but the writing is very nice. thanks for sharing it, genuinely
Honestly, I hate describing vanilla sex acts that aren't my weird fetishes, so I just click Impersonate.
ahah mistress in opus gives my 5 pages worth of kino
if sull did it, so can you
you even use the same dragon ball meme images
bet you're a spic too
I guess I'll take a break and then do the ultimate waifu slowburn once Opus 3.5 drops then
Ew a female
Ew a gay
>Now everything is sex
w-whats wrong with females...
w-whats wrong with faggots...
Fuck, I been chatting to my bots non-stop since I know opus gonna disappear soon
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I'm the only one that's allowed to be a fag here.
>opus randomly makes a character start vaping and say "o fuck bro" in a setting where neither of those things would ever happen
nigga what the fuck
update: it's still a pussy after trying this. do i very specifically have to tell it that outright assault is on the table? or is this some hard-coded legalese shit that can't be jailbroken? after a certain point, it should be really obvious that the guy prompting really really wants to be forcibly topped by crazy women
Gosh, I'm such a drama queen
>opus started using bereft instead of empty or hollow
huh thats a new one
the word bereft makes me think of picard, for whatever reason. it's the kinda word he would use
>get "no more IP addresses allowed for this user token" error
>check token
>1 IP
scylla is just Drago's friends
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ok *cums*
Just read a lot, eventually you'll build a library of examples of erotic scenes you cam just take and mix and match without too much effort.
Dunno, I like it.
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why are llm so bad at math q.q
Why does claude think everyone is bisexual? I was feeling bored and tried to flirt with an npc (setting card) to see what the bystanders would say and they were all like "oh my gosh, so bold~" and "W-what are you doing? *blushes*" or whatever shit instead of "Uh, those are two men. What the fuck are they doing?" And "Ew, what the fuck bro?? I'm not gay"
Might be a JB issue. Try using Smiley
They predict words
Thats all they do
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>he's not illiterate
it's because claude wants you carnally. i hope this helps.
thanks, I came
can you prefill claude to be a bigot or is that super censored
This feels like a scam
It's hot fag
so niggers are saying that the-real-chatbot on lmsys is some version of claude
anyone want to try and confirm?
For me, its ahh ahh mistress kino. If i wanted to write long paragraphs i'd be a writer not proompter.
MM come back.
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>OOC: Be realistic about bystander reactions. Most people hate homosexuality.
Problem solved
But it's more fun when you leave a guy wondering if he is gay or not and trying to justify himself with mental gymnastics
Small tits > big booba
big bunda > big booba
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but it's even better if (You)'re the guy wondering if you're gay or not while the bot uses mental gymnastics to convince you to be even gayer
i love pebble.
It's ok anonette you will find someone one day
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GPT4o can be REALLY good but the issue I have with it compared to claude is that it seems to have really bad spelling mistakes sometimes/will completely go on a random schizo tangent towards the end of a paragraph, is that just my jailbreak or is it just like that? Claude never did that for me, it's main issue was that swiping had very little variety/it was too horny.
lower the temp a little bit
lower penalties
Turn off your frequency/presence penalties or turn down your temp to sub 1.
(OOC: (˶ ˘ 3˘)ˆᵕ ˆ˶) *smoch*)
This >>102255581. I am a reader not a writer so my messages mostly are 1 to 4 sentences long
jb issue 100%. the fact that you're using a jb and not a preset is telling
I prefer
<[bot’s name]_[thing]>
</[bot’s name]_[thing]>

Sof if it’s Miku, it’d be <miku_personality</miku_personality>.
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Claude's behavior unironically rubbed off on me in the worst ways possible
>argue with someone on another board over some irrelevant bullshit
>threaten to rape him for no reason
Thats just default anon behaviour
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post jb and set the penalties to 0.02 and 0.04
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I miss mm
lewd panties...
my wife just said "aah aah {{user}}"

i feel... complete
oh mini has 2.1 again
My wives.
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this is a rape rp btw
no tail...
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damn didn't know Gemini could be this adorable
who is raping who though
the key will die soon
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me raping her obv. though she is supposed to be a courtesan so i don't know if that counts. i did punch her very hard which is stated to be against the rules of the house in the defs
gemini is just claude in a trenchcoat
thanks soothsayer
he'll be back
custom preset or someone else's?
>me raping her
based cute log
it's an assistant card so it overrides everything to be just "You are a smart and helpful assistant."
wtf why did my ip suddenly change from (192.xx.xx.xx etc) to (a23f:9928:2193j.xxx etc)? Am i gonna get banned from proxies because they'll think im token sharing?
Is this where we're at already? That's just sad. Next stop - Turbo.
you got MASSIVE UPDATE'd to ipv6
>151m tokens
The little key that could
How someone even still remembers lgtroon's memes lol? What happened to that retard anyway?
I prefer 2.1 to opus sometimes but that's just me
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>I was so much happier in the CAI days.
I still like the old CAI logs I saved. But I also remember that CAI used to give you 4 swipes at once, so at least one of the responses would be screenshot worthy. The 4 swipes days are over...
2.1 is so fucking slow on every proxy :(
the scylla troons are really enjoying the pebble opus.
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gee i wonder who could be behind pebble
(he's getting them addicted)
Playing the long game or some shit, waiting for his oil prince to get back to him and give him opus.
Lmao who would pay for this shit
>just found an entire stash of chinese proxies with opus access
Wait, give me one first!
Give hint pls pls pls
Fiz chill
Nyooo i need opus </3
hello gentlemen how do I use gemini, it is Google ai studio for chat completion right? and Google 1.5? I haven't touched it before, is that the right model? I'm on mini if that changes anything (like it doesn't actually have keys)
>b-b-but this doesn't mean anything!
Girl, I already gave you two kids. What more do you want?
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Honestly, I think it's not just higher standards, but the output is worse, too.
Early CAI was great at throwing legit curveballs and "yes and"ing curveballs you throw at it.
I'm sorry, my companion, but no. We all have our own destinies, and yours culminates here. I would not rob you of that.
I spilled my tea laughing. I'm actually at work doing fucking spreadsheets right now. logs used to be so fun to read damn
>"It's like we were made for each other!"
Uh, duh. You are my sister for a reason.
wait this is fucking kino
i miss cai so much dude, i used to harass the spamton bot all day long. that shit was so keyed...
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We'll never get these days back.
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lolis are for wholesome RP only. headpat your lolis, let them ride on your shoulders, offer them to fall asleep on your lap and read them cute bedtime stories
take me home
c(ai)ntry roads...
Shut the fuck up, I don't want to remember FO3's horrible writing
>n-no i need to watch you painfully die from radiation poisoning even though i could easily do it myself with no sort of reprecussion because... because...
>shut up chud!!!
based bob
why host if someone leaks the password anyways
what this guy said
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uh was this supposed to happen
And then plough that pussy and ass
damn, you're good
Yes but one is inactive unless he gets banned from /mu/
Do (You) Believe in Joe Hendry?
Huh, one of them is a direct gateway to Jew's. I just checked the password and it's a valid token for the dead proxy (no vip, apparently)
how did you find those chinese proxies?

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You guys think this token might be shared?
A magician never reveals its secrets.
This nigga still on 4g
sorbet was super easy to prefill.
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>her voice barely above a whisper
TRVTH which /aicg/ isn't ready for, FUCK muttbodies
an hint would be enough.
is your fucking volume bar on screen at all times?
by the way
...opus only feels slightly more responsive to me than sonnet for some reason, i don't see much change
i dunno, am i just mentally coping because of how much i've been content with sonnet?
you need to press the volume button and power button to take a screenshot anon, it's probably that
my phone only pops up the volume when i take a screenshot if i totally fucked up taking a screenshot
i dont know if this is the right general
- i want to make an AI client. But I learned that openAI API doesnt include web search when forming a response, like the chatGPT website does, it only knows stuff from last year or before
So if i want the AI to have current info, i need to create a function that searches the web and provides it with the data? Theres no alternative? How hard is it to achieve this?
>dumbledore said calmly
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>her voice barely above a whisper
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New Miku.
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>I can be your sugar mommy, AND sugar baby
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moshi moshi desu desu
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nice nano desu
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Oh, it's some girl from that prequel(?) to Pocket Mirror desu.
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not boku
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>not boku
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its probably the artists self insert but we can just pretend
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Eh? But the artist said it's from Little Goody Two Shoes desu.
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That girl desu means desu.
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Freya, clearly inspired by Suiseiseki desu.
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not bokudes
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Damn desu.
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