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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

/g/'s Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
https://fglt.nl && https://files.catbox.moe/u3pj3i.txt

GNU/Linux Games:

IRC: #sqt on Rizon

Previous thread: >>102237041
>dnscrypt-proxy running on port 53000
>unbound on 53
>enable dnscrypt-proxy
>enable unbound
>"fatal error: dnsc_parse_certs: failed to load /etc/dnscrypt-proxy/public.key: No such file or directory"
>public key does exist and dnscrypt-proxy uses it
Does unbound's user have permission to access dnscrypt's key directory? Did you check journalctl or whatever for MAC violations?
so is cosmic dead yet
I copied the keys chmod/chown'd them to unbound and it still errors
>mac errors
Nothing in journalctl except thread cache hits/misses
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That's a fucking awful UI. I know what the difference is (one requires clicking, the other focuses by hovering) but they should really have some description.

Their settings app looks worse than KDE and people constantly hate on KDE for that yet Cosmic in its Alpha state gets praised.
>That's a fucking awful UI
Don't care, unlike GNOME it has features without going overboard like KDE.
What are some distros a privacy schizo can use as a daily driver? Not tails or qubes, something regular that's just very secure or can be configured to be very secure
KDE has features too I was just pointing out the hypocrisy. Why does KDE get shat on so much for poor UI design yet Cosmic in its broken Alpha state gets a pass?

I hope if it's still like that when it's stable they get some well deserved criticism. It looks a bit like a toy right now. It looks like programmers built it instead of designers and you know what? That's okay if that's what you're going for. System76 is going to be shipping this to their paying customers though.

No, I've not used it before. It has a good reputation though.
Stop playing security theater. Acquire basic bwrap / networking skills and disable GPU acceleration for anything with internet access. All the distro has to do is provide updates and not be utterly retarded.
alpine or devuan
provide updates: fail
provide updates: pass
not be utterly retarded: fail
provide updates: fail
How do I figure out what dependencies I'm missing to make a game run on wine?
I just installed Arch on my old 2012 MacBook Pro. Now what? I want the i3 wm
sudo pacman -S i3-wm
Check appdb.winehq.org and protondb.
>provide updates: fail
i don't need xorg and all that x shit?
Those packages will get pulled in as dependencies
After years of copy pasting
chown and chmod commands from guides I've finally set 15 minutes aside to just look up what the fuck they mean and do.
I didn't expect it to be so easy kek.
Debian falls at updating basic internet having desktop packages in a timely manner. Everything downstream from Debian fails even harder.
It's Debian testing not stable. It's a rolling release. It's not going to catch on fire like Arch but still has packages that aren't completely outdated.
Should I check protondb even if I'm not using proton?
What's the recommended way to go about adding third-party software to Gentoo? Adding overlays seems like kind of a messy solution compared to having a single centralized repo like the AUR.
What about hyperbola? Or is the rolling release shit an issue?
Replying to
How do you run services in separate chroots using systemd service files
>hmm, my vm.sh qemu script looks kinda dumb, I need some proper minimal vm config manager
>maybe I should try libvirt with virsh
Nah, I'm fine with my qemu script
Nigger Docker is literally the best fucking option to do this. Baremetal performance with isolation and multiple configuration options.

But if your autistic ass insists then the correct way to approach it is to use

See: https://superuser.com/questions/961165/start-systemd-nspawn-systemd-container-on-boot
You lied to me, installing i3-wm alone doesn't install any xorg things, i have no xinit or startx
That's just Arch for you. Most distros would at least pull the Xorg server.
Use a DM, don't be autistic.
What do you guys use for quick calculations?
- A dedicated graphical calculator app is straight-forward but isn't that portable, likely won't be scriptable, and might not be as fast to use as something with a CLI.
- Using your scripting language of choice via eval or a REPL can be convenient, but it's arguably unnecessary to load up an interpreter for a simple set of calculations.
- Every machine is going to have `bc` on it, but I have a feeling it can get annoying having to remember to change scale for different operations and things like that.
- Something else, like a third-party bc replacement? I haven't tried any, and they're probably convenient for a personal machine but may not be accessible on others.
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eww no
Python or Ruby shell
sudo pacman -S xorg-xinit

be less retarded next time
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It is also useful for more complicated calculations like calculating bitrate for 4chan webms
See >>102259591
>Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
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Zsh with plugins is so much faster and smoother than bash, I wonder why people still keep using bash.
I use fish personally. I like it's autocomplete.
you also need xorg-server, retard
just download the xorg group and be done with it
why are some things called server and some daemon? aren't both just programs running in the background?
ill have to check that out, i usually work on cisco ios and i love the tab completion and ? functionality if i forget a command but get enough of the chars right to be able to remember the syntax
Server is a general name for applications that are serving clients. Servers aren't only run in background.
Daemons run primarily in the background, and they don't necessarily serve clients that connect to them, they may have different functions.
Yes. Proton isn't very different from wine.
>Debian testing
Actually worse than stable wrt updates.
>It's not going to catch on fire like Arch
Maybe you just suck at Linux?
What is standard practice for setting up a mount point in Linux. Can I just make a folder in /mnt with my user as the owner?
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Fish has a thing where it shows you an autocomplete suggestion in grey, which you can use if you press ctrl+f by default. The suggestion is either a command you previously ran (I think it remembers them on a per-folder basis too) or a folder or something you might want to move it. It also has the regular tab autocomplete, but I find this one to be useful often.
General etiquette is to mount disks in /mnt and removable drives in /media. Yeah making a folder in /mnt is fine.
>some kde features don't work in wayland
>some kde features don't work in x11
I hate transitional periods.
Zsh has the same functionality with one of these plugins: plugins=(git zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting)
Ble.sh also have this, but ble.sh is slow like ass compared to Zsh
I might check out zsh one of these days then. It's a feature I didn't wanna lose which is why I always ignored zsh.
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I also like "command not found" script for Zsh from Arch wiki, very cool
Say I have a directory named in Japanese like so:
and I have no way of inputting or copying the first character of the name. How could I move/delete it? Moving the other files in the directory are out of the question.
rm <TAB> <TAB> <TAB> <TAB>
Cool, thanks for responding.
or you can use TUI file managers like MC
Using BASH and that only shows me the files.
Am I missing something?
rm -r
That's a cool builtin, although I am not going to install Plasma or whatever else just for a calculator. It does answer my question, though, as to what people use
Yeah that's what I've been using myself, but it feels like using a muscle car to visit the supermarket two blocks away
You can use it without KDE (except on Wayland because it relies on Plasma specific protocols instead of the standard wlroots layer shell which didn't exist at the time Krunners Wayland support was added) but you might not like all the KDE dependencies it'll pull.
what should I use my GNU/Linux laptop for? The monitor died and I bought a new computer. Now I have the screen-less laptop plugged into a TV to watch youtube.
Good to know, thanks, but I don't think it would be worth the deps, as you note.
>except on Wayland
Yeah, well, about that...
>>except on Wayland
>Yeah, well, about that...
I mean it does work if a compositor implements the Plasma specific protocols but so far that's just KWin. It doesn't make sense for other compositors when Wlroots layer shell exists.
First just number the files
>ls | nl
Find the number you want and then you can rename it like:
>mv $(ls head -n | tail -1) newname
replace 'n' with the line number

Although as another anon said it might be useful to have a TUI file manager on hand for stuff like this. Other good choices are vifm or lfm/ranger.
I like vifm because it also has a "--choose-dir" option, where you can visually enter the directory you want, and then close it and it will output the directory name which you could cd into or whatever.
Fish supposedly has that too, although on my arch installation it's not working.
its not even alive yet
ignore cosmic shills
How do I properly set up partitions for dual booting two linux distros on a single drive?
Sorry forgot a pipe
>>mv $(ls | head -n | tail -1) newname
use rootless podman if you dont want docker because it runs as root
Oh also you might have to quote it, so this should be the right way:
>mv "$(ls | head -n | tail -1)" newname
sorry for the mistakes
>Use a DM, don't be autistic.
lightdm runs as root and is xorg-only
sddm is bloated with many dependencies
gdm is also bloated with many dependencies
greetd is shit
Interesting, I'll try it out.
Thank you!!
I use two different chromium browsers and I need them to have different volume settings, but pulsemixer shows them both as "Chromium: Playback" remembers just last volume set for both, how do I fix it? What other program I can use to configure volume for them?

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