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spoiled dev edition

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>How to write a resume

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


>Helpful YouTube Channels
https://www.youtube.com/@ByteByteGo (systems design at a high level)
https://www.youtube.com/@ycombinator (if you're doing a startup)
https://www.youtube.com/@hnasr (for studying backed architecture)

Previous thread: >>102254395
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More like $120k for the work of 3 devs.
It's friday let me out.
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we're so back.
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>therapist tells me about the new ruby tuesday at the mall
lmfao. nigger. faggot. bitch.
for the new grads in here:
don't be retarded, faggots. don't be scared of doing shit and putting it in your CV as experience
when do you ask for a raise? 6 months in? a year in? thinking of asking a $500 raise now and then again $500 one year in
is a junior dev just fucked if their manager babies them and treats them like a child for their first 6 months? Manager is non-technical which makes it worse.
I have run into one of the most retarded, jeeted ass Camel implentations I have seen in my life. And I know it was jeets from 10 years ago because this nigga literally named Pajit is on the commits making these retarded architectural decisions.
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he's right
careerist pajeets should switch mayors
go learn psychology or something lol
>has a therapist
>he doesnt ask for a raise every time he sees his boss lmfao
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I work as a sysadmin to a big company but i want to switch working at enterprise datacenters. What job listings should i look out to? I don't mind being on call if they pay for it.
The name of the subreddit is "csMajors", implying that it's mostly undergrad students. Of course they're asking stupid questions and complaining about not finding work. He should be looking in a different place if he wants a higher level of discussion.

We have more cause to complain about that sort of thing here, because this is supposed to be the tech _workers_ general.

At my company the role is called "data center operations." That's your search string.
>I don't mind being on call if they pay for it.
You mean, earning overtime as a wagie, instead of having a salary? Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.
Thank you anon. I mean having a base salary and getting bonuses if something goes really bad that cant wait until tomorrow morning. It works like this at the company i work now.
>pajeetcode hijacking the op again
>study the odin project
>study neetcode 150
>go out and mingle with likeminded people
>stay off your phone
>go for a walk or a swim everyday

this is all you need to get a job in 4-6 months
re-posting an anon's post that i saved on my note:

if you get a job, here's some key tips

1. always look busy, not on your phone, not in fucking lala land, not out of your desk for half the fucking day. you're going to get barely any work but at least put some effort in trying to learn something rather than wasting your time. do fucking something.

2. help your seniors with their projects. don't be straight up "spoonfeed me" but try to stay somewhat interested, know when to fuck off if they're stressed and busy though. nobody wants an annoying cunt.

3. stay away from work gossip. don't take sides on the first fucking week, that's how you get shot in the foot

4. ask smart questions, a couple of times in the first month for spoonfeeding questions but anything after that and you're just going to end up being the annoying one. don't fucking just a part of your code to your senior with no context and be like "it doesn't work".

When you pass an interview, you do not get a lifetime tenured position: You get a job with heavy scrutiny in the first couple of months. This is to check that you can do the job, not just pass interview questions.
i dont see tech work going out of style so it's hard to imagine that the work is hard to get. you have to be lazy as shit to fail at that.

i feel like once you get a tech job you are likely to get a job very easily after
Once you get like 3-5 YoE then yeah. 1 YoE isn't much better than fresh grad
I can't go back to the us I made a bomb threat then left the country. I'm also a 35 yr old neet. I'm stuck in my ways. Its complicated.
so it's probably for the best to stay in your 1st company for 3 years?
I live in the bay area and dont work in tech, I just came to this board to make fun of you retards

/po/ says hi (yes /po/)

Going to santana row this weekend to get food then going to chotto matte the next day, get fucked wagies
can't even get a minimum wage dev jobs
getting ghosted by fucking Walgreens
retarded fucking zoomers see their career prospects gone to shit and prefer to cover their ears. I hate redditors so goddamn much
Just got offered to join a 4 month training program. I get trained for 4 months, and get hired for 2 years as a contractor through the training company. I get to work at a leading software company, and usually get an offer to work for the company after 2 years.
The catch: I get paid a 1/3 of the average salary for the role, and if I break the contract, I need to pay 25k USD back to the training company.
What do you guys think? I passed their filtering tests very easily.
Origami. Literarily folding paper.
Is this your 1st job? Just take it man.
Being emotionally unstable and turning on the waterworks in public is just ignorant. You're not helping. You *are* actually driving others morale down. This is the same as how media works, 3% set the mood for the rest of the 97%.
Not only do you upset people but also reduce your potential salary and chances to be hired because now everyone knows there is slew of fuckfaces like you who are desperate to get a job and would do anything.
First 6 months then 1 year.
It will be my first job, and I'm currently still pursuing my CS degree. It will delay my degree, but at least I'll finish with 2 years work experience.
>tech prostitute
If you think about it, if your job is to provide a service, you can be considered a prostitute.
I'd switch majors towards something medical related so boomers are catered to one last time before they go. Run to the hills.
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He wont have to switch medical in a hard way. He can work at a hospital and get his degree with some additional classes like organic chemistry and whatever else is required. They really only look at hospital work experience, GPA and MCAT scores and ofc your race so if your white or asian you really gotta work hard towards getting your hours in and getting a high MCAT score. Everything else regarding whatever specialty he wants to do can be effectively learned online and I am sure Coursera / Edx would have some free college courses on the subject. Lots of memorization.

Wages have stagnated and alot of the staffers are being replaced by foreigners with shitter medical schools. Equally as a bad what would normally be residency(between doctor and med student) is now being filled with assistants from nurses to doctors. It wont be long before all surgeries are being done by paramedics that only know triage care instead of trauma care.
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SAR can you do the needful and give me doctor a stool sample of your wife? I need to see if she has come down with the sexooo in the vaggne.
>I get paid a 1/3 of the average salary for the role, and if I break the contract, I need to pay 25k USD back to the training company.
consult a (labor?) lawyer about this. I have no idea about the US but I doubt this is be legal anywhere.
but yeah, take it and leave as soon as you find a better paid job. and of course don't pay them a single cent.
Just finished my Bachelor's in IT. Current job (first tech job) pays me $30k a year. What salary range should I aim for my next job?
I was in this thread before you were born, kiddo
What is that, help desk? Maybe through a staffing firm?

Aim for double your current income.
Hey anon it's your boss. I know it's Saturday but I just had a quick question.
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I assume not even help desk. Is that working for a small company? You need at least $60-80k once you get 18 months of experience and since the market is shit atleast 4 months in your savings account. Get security + and CCNA then you can bother with specializing. Also whatever company you go to next see if they have tuition assistance so you can get your masters degree in whatever. MBA would not hurt but almost any masters degree is required for management, project management or IT engineering positions so better to have it now then never.

gonna have to ignore that I am currently blasted drunk watching Conan the Barbarian at 10am boss.
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Hey Boss, sure thing. What’s up?
Oh, what’s that? You’re surprised I answered? Well, it’s the simple fact that I don’t mind as I don’t view my job as a negative factor in my life where I have to mentally “le shut off once it turns 5pm on Friday!! No worky things because I’m totally not le corporate drone!! Xd”. I can take a few minutes out of my day to answer a colleague that I spend time with working alongside.
Relax, I erased the security footage. As far as anyone knows, you were never even there.
How the fuck did you get into my head? You have no contacts shared by me expect the Slack which is on the working laptop which is obviously turned off.
I called the emergency contact we had on file and got your personal number from her!
I've been not picking up the phone for like 10 years.
Doesn't sound like you're a team player. You need a PIP.
its not going out of style, but having ten times more entry level candidates than available positions is definitely in style
jobs and industries rarely die (at least not quickly), but they certainly go from being highly paid to middle-of-the-road all the time. flight attendants, bank tellers, stock market traders. all once hot, sexy, and highly paid. now boring, overworked, and firmly middle class. students who went into CS because they were told it's hot will be in for a very rude awakening and the rest of us /twg/s will slowly lose our salaries to inflation

hopefully it will mean less incompetent dead waste coming through the system. but it's not like nepotism and failing upward is ever going out of style
Happened to doctors. Before $200k for all college/medical schools to make $300-500k a year was an easy trade for 8-12 years of total education if you include underpaid residency which was still double peoples average back then in the 1990's. Now you make that same amount but all total college cost amounts to $400-600k and your getting paid $60k in residency before you even make $400k. Also Pajeets and other foreigners who have zero or less debt are taking your job and killing patients but they wont fire them because that's racist. Wont be long until all doctors around the world are being paid less then $40k and instead of free college in these other countries its 5 million dollars USD and your wages are garnished regardless of when you quit medical.
doctors in europe literally make 60k a year already lol. 12 years of brutal education for a quality of life barely different than living on welfare
>be ausfag
>finally get a fully remote position
>ask if I can move to SEA because Australia is way too expensive
>”errr no because we need you to be in the same time zone as your coworkers and also there might be tax implications!!”

I only took the job because it was remote so I could move to a cheaper country. Current salary is literal pennies for Australia (56k USD). What do I do?
>What do I do?
if you don't care about losing the job then a) move anyway without telling them, or b) don't ask, just tell them you're moving and do it.
if you care about losing your job then suck it up loser
which Pixar mom is this?
or is it a Genndy?
Yeah that’s fair, when I talked the team lead he said he didn’t care where people worked from and there was some people working from Bali/thailand already but the HR bitch I talked to was the one that said no. I’m just going to move and not ask for permission
>Current salary is literal pennies for Australia (56k USD). What do I do?
ask for a substantial raise or get a job that pays better? what kind of question is this? you could explain it like you did to us: your salary is too low for australia, and then, inflation was about 20% during the last 4 years, so you are even poorer than pre-pandemic.
I haven't gotten a real raise since my first job 6 years ago. Every raise I get is from me switching jobs and getting a +$40k bump
Can I see the original post?
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>company for some reason has a publicly facing VPN portal for clients on our domain
>this is not behind a fucking firewall or DMZ at all because our networking team is retarded
>boss calls me this morning and says our vpn is bonked because the cpu on our radius server maxxed due to brute force
>asks if I can look into it on the weekend
>manage to convivence him to send it to networking instead of make it our problem (security)

I hope those Morons enjoy the karma of their incompetency. its their problem now
>people realizing their jobs are worth nothing
should have unionized retards
yeah bro we should unionize and... and we should VOTE! we need change!!
What's a good way to make boring/repetitive work seem more interesting during interviews? Have mostly worked on a handful of microservices that read read data from a queue and either process it for the businesses' use cases then store in a db or pass the data to other internal services.
The services are running on k8s but haven't had much exposure to it as the deployment configs don't change that often and are pretty simple.
show one union that actually works in 2024
Postal Workers Union

just a few
>you will send 15% of your salaries to a separate inefficient politics-ridden bureaucracy as dues so that they can enforce their own nepotism on the industry!
look, guilds aren't coming back and unions will never be guilds. they will always be mobs. deal with it
Is overemployment a meme? (working 2+ remote tech jobs at once)
Am I fucking stupid for getting into programming for this prospect alone?
yes it's a meme. you'll be stressed the fuck out trying to balance your meeting conflicts. just work the bare minimum and hope the bottom doesn't fall out on society before you die. "saving for the future" is now a fool's errand, we are entering the looting-the-treasury phase of decline.
keep getting replaced by jeet scabs then loser
sure thing, Boeing
as if there's a choice
today i will cook rice for the first time in my life
we tech workers get shit DONE
Hello fellow SJ nigga. Where you eating at Santana Row? There's a thai place in a strip mall next to valley fair that I recommend.
newfag to life itself
What search terms should I be using? 'software developer' and 'software engineer' gives me pajeet ridden postings on linkedin.
Just passed my Security+ completing my CompTIA trifecta.

Next step is to get a help desk job right? Or can I shoot higher?
Oh no... Oh no no no
Nobody tell him
But at least its free at point of access! Enjoy "Doctor" Ranjesh killing you and paying as much as burgers in your taxes, but you won't go into debt for medical care!
Actually chud Dr. Ranjesh is fully credentialed and the science says that iatrogenic harm is perfectly normal.
I used to have a resume that listed my job duties and accomplishments without focusing on "impact" and quantifiable results. Got my current job with it and when I was hired I had multiple offers.
Have been looking for a new job for a few months with a totally impact focused resume with a bunch of "increased" "optimized" "saved" etc. stuff with % figures all throughout.
Haven't even been contacted by a recruiter let alone had an interview.
Is this resume format a meme?
When there's a will there's a way
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Stop right there and learn how to make mashed potatoes and eat that instead. Wheat and grain carbs are trash.
maybe i should, i ended up burning my rice unfortunately
all wage labor is prostitution. work for yourself.
Even salaried roles can get paid extra for on-call hours.
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What happened to the days where you got a job by making a rubygem and saying "I'm the artisan who invented #{gem_name}"?
>work for yourself.
Good luck with that. By 2029 you will be legally required to employ at least one (1) transnigger.
You know you can legally fire someone for being black or gay if you have less than 15 employees, right? Like, the only rule that applies to businesses no matter the size is pay discrimination against women.
I was planning on starting with a helldesk role but the more I learn about the role the more I'm put off.
be honest with me, how hard is it to become a software developer?

I've struggled with coding before but I wonder if dedicate 100% of my free time, and really become autistic about it, I think I'll eventually hammer it in.
Garbage programs designed for the people desperate enough to take such awful deals, mainly H2B indians.
Are you desperate enough? Then do it. Otherwise, stay far away.
How do you cope with going on linkedin and seeing an old friend making 2-3x your salary at an investment bank?
imagine believing unions will somehow stop jeets from replacing people lmao
also, they might keep wages high, but corrupt union leaders will also help keep them low enough for companies to profit a LOT.

as if having to talk directly to customers wasn't slavery lmao
you guys keep dealing with jeets then, no wonder you guys are getting raped

the one solution to the jeet problem is unions, nothing else you do can fix it
A sign from God to quit your grain-fed ways.
The one solution to the jeet problem is to embrace racism and tell the jews to fuck off. Unions just rearrange the furniture.
That's highly unusual in the United States. At most places once you earn a salary, you are exempt from overtime pay. So if you're on-call and you get summoned, that's just your bad luck.
Find the other old friend who works at a gas station.
I look like that and I act like that, except hardware "dev".
If you're ever worried that the company might be on your side, take 15 minutes to read through your company's policies. I have a boilerplate one that has a clause that says it is against company policy for anyone to work more than 40 hours in a week. That's there to get ahead of any states that have mandatory overtime compensation laws so if anyone says they owe them overtime they can say they were violating company policy and threaten to fire them. Mind you that's on top of it saying employees are expected to work 8 hours a day on normal work days. So can't go under can't go over, gotta hit it on the infinitesimal.
>on call
I don't think the resume matters either way. Try with the old format and conclude for yourself.
any other Britbongs itt?
I ask because I recenlty got the Comptia A+ but I'm struggling to find an entry IT support role.
I'm asking because this doesn't seem to be a problem with Americans, it seems piss easy to get a helpdesk job in the US.
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Move to a rural town? Maybe Tasmania or the north.
Only works for low paying jobs, essential jobs, and jobs that are impossible to outsource to another country.
The few people that made it work are highly experienced and are not retards who had to ask on some forum about it. Also lol at paying income tax on two jobs. You would be better off working as a freelancer/consultant and taking work from multiple companies.
It is easy for smaller amounts. I usually cook 500g of rice at a time.
The lower the barrier to entry the fiercer the competition. Good luck.
I cope with the fact that I own a house and work remote and very likely save more than him each month, and I need much less money to be happy.
I have created my first webapp.
It's really just a sort of toy, similar to that old hunger games simulator website, but it feeds in bits of context and has an LLM generate the events in json format, then I update the characters and so on until only one character remains.

It is simple, and still has a long way to go, but I am learning a lot just because of all the problems that crop up. Every step there is some massive issue that I need to spend two hours solving, but once I do that then I never need to solve the problem again because I know how to do it now.

Soon I will deploy this son of a bitch and my first portfolio project will be done. Then I can move on to a more complicated project with user authentication and using a more professional framework, and then I will start applying for jobs. It is exciting and difficult.
>but once I do that then I never need to solve the problem again because I know how to do it now
This part is wrong because you'll forget eventually. The good thing is that the important problems come up again and again so you're less likely to forget. Otherwise your process is good
Make sure you're abusing free resource tiers to host that website
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>This part is wrong because you'll forget eventually.
Good point, but I'm keeping the code very organized and now that I have this project it's very easy to reference and see how to do things.

Can I ask, right now I'm doing this in Flask having learned Python. I did that because it is simple and I wanted to build. For the next larger project though, what framework/language would you recommend for the sake of employment? Is Django actually used often, or should I move on to learn Javascript/Typescript and React and something in that area? Because I think those are used often.
I'm interviewing for a job titled "Software Engineer" with 3+ years of software engineering experience required. It has a system design interview. What should I expect in a system design interview for a mid level role?
Probably database replication and deployment automation questions I would guess.
Hey champ, we have a visual foxpro driver that isn't working anymore and the suits want this TPS report ready when they are done hitting the green. Won't take more than 3-5 hours, thanks colleague!
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dreaming of total indian death every hour, every day
>has an llm
you didnt make anything
bait that I must rise above
It doesn’t sound like you’re in a time crunch right now so honestly I’d just keep playing around with some of them and try to develop opinions/preferences. At low-level all of these languages are the same shit. Each one just facilitates a specific kind of work by making certain things easier to express (at the cost of making other things harder to express).
The problem with the “what’s better for employment” perspective is that you’re just going to have to survey job postings for that and a million other retards are doing the exact same thing. Even if you somehow beat the odds you might end up having to do work that you despise.
You also don't want to be that person with identifies with React (or w/e) and then when no one uses React in 5 years you feel like you've lost your identity
Well anything above 30k would be an improvement
>hey anon noticed you haven't been RTO as much as we'd like
>just want to see more collaboration with your co-workers, say hi get a coffee or something
>round-trip commute is 3 hours, they want 3x week
>actual team is spread out in multiple states, only scrum masters and product managers in my office to 'collab' with
how over is it for me bros? got a family to feed, but the trades are starting to look more appealing. didn't think office space was so realistic
before quitting your job remember to try the old delay-and-ignore tactic
"I hear you on the more collaboration! I've set up some time to share virtual coffee with others on the team!" Then set up recurring time with a couple other people, who are also presumably getting this dumbass ask, and then in your first meeting align with them that this shit is a waste of time but to leave it on the calendar for optics. And of course this is an added work responsibility so cut your productivity by 30 minutes a couple times each week

quick call?
just say hi? maybe automate it? why do they want you to RTO if the team doesn't work in the same place anyway?
also, I guess this might or might not be of help, but ask them to clarify, what they mean by collaboration and why they think the team needs more. maybe tell them that you think there is enough already, that things are ok in the team, and if they think they aren't, ask them to provide more detailed feedback or something...
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>stuck in funding approval hell for my CISSP exam through work

Anyone else in a long-term cycle of "Do more with less" messaging while watching their company post multi-billion dollar profits?
Do you work for Amazon?
Try getting a medical exemption. Get a doctor to say you're autistic (shouldn't be too hard for people who browse /g/) and say you can't focus or work in the office due to that.
it can work if one of your jobs is a government job where you dont do anything
*sets status to away*
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Lived in the military and living it in the civilian jobs. There really is not much difference between companies at this point. We are seeing everyone cut back hard as shit on all levels due to the economy. There hedging there bets right now and most of these companies will either be sold off, merged or closed. The other reality is we may never see the support we need at work ever again.
The issue is that line needs to go up, and this has become such an invariant in people's minds that now it needs to go even more up. You can even exceed the fuck out of your earnings and investors are still pissed. Multi-billion dollar profits? So what? I expected at least twice that!
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Yah definitely what it comes down to in my giga-financial company. We posted multi-billion total profit in first-half 2024 alone and we deal with bursting pipes, illiterate Pajeets, and an almost non-existent training pipeline (you can register to shill cybersecurity to your team if you like!)

Oh well, in the future we'll all be owned by 3-4 companies anyway.
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Soon you will be expected if not already to bring your own office supplies, chairs, coffee and a revolver so you can play Russian roulette before the day starts.
Is it true that most newbies can't do Fizzbuzz? I see social media guys saying this, but they're incentivized to motivate you because nobody likes coal posters
90% there all cheating in college and its not even like there cheating the hard shit. No they are cheating every fucking class they can even basic bitch bullshit essays get chatGPT'ed
No. I don't think this bullshit has ever been true. I don't know what the idea behind this even was - maybe to try and dupe a bunch of more retards to try and enter the field? Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of retards, but they do shit like... keying a hashmap by a monstrous data structure and think it's fine because hashmap lookup is "constant time"
This is why I'm glad I waited til I was an adult to get my degree, if I had gone as a kid I would have cheated my lazy ass through too lol.
Fizzbuzz was created as a basic filter before automated filters. the idea being "if they can't do this easily and clearly, they aren't even worth a second more of my time." by the time it got popular it was irrelevant because (a) there were better automated filters and (b) by having pre-existing knowledge about it it invalidates the point of the test
What about 'most grads don't know how to use git'
it probably never was true
yep 5 months of delays so far since i decided to test my luck. think i could get away ignoring 1x1s with my boss going forward?

virtual coffee doesn't show up on the badge in report unfortunately. funny enough i can get away with coffee badging, but its 3 hours round-trip to even do that

i've thought of asking some co-workers who live closer to do it for me, but just isn't my style to ask them to take that risk for me. they have shiny new offices that they need to justify the existence of i guess

banking. sperging out for a doctors note is not a bad idea tho, i need a good hail mary.
unfortunately, in my experience, a substantial percent of employed software developers don't know how to use git. not well anyway. it's fine, just. block them from merging to master and check all their PRs and solve any merge conflicts yourself
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I make 20k a year as a fullstack working on multiple technologies, across multiple projects, using different languages. And when I mean fullstack I do mean fullstack. The only thing I don't do is set up the physical server, but I also maintain those.

Am I being underpaid?
They probably don't know how to shower, cook there food, eat hot chip and lie.
Probably true. My schooling never included version control systems, though I'm in my 30s now so who knows. If not, it's still worth learning the basic functionality yourself. You'll want knowledge of SOME version control no matter what you end up doing, and at this point Git is the most popular. Worth noting that all the big tech companies (if that's where you want to end up) have their own streamlined versions because they don't want people doing retarded shit with all the flexibility that GIt affords you.
it was a psyop from the "everyone should code" era
it's the equivalent to mobile game ads having poor gameplay
>heh, this guy's so dumb. I could do it better
location? YOE?
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Poor european country
3.5 years of experience. No degree. Been programming for 15 years.

Would finishing uni be the next step here, you think?
This is on the money, I remember hearing shit like this along with "the industry is so understaffed**" a decade ago in the great "I joined CS because I heard the money is OK" goldrush about 10 years ago.

(**at the 0.01% of top-tier roles)
If I had 3 YoE and was being paid 20k dollars a year (less than fast food workers) I would KMS
btw I'm unemployed and have zero YoE
I don't want to end up at big tech making 300k, I'm a humble man content with 100k from a medium sized tech company.
Why did they want to bring people in so bad though?
Wait, I'm retarded, I meant 30k a year. My bad :^) It's just under 30k, a little above average for my country.
>for my country
>Why did they want to bring people in so bad though?
Supply and demand. Bring in more tards so that they can get away with paying people less.
le sigh. I will continue trying to get a tech job regardlesh
>Why did they want to bring people in so bad though?
devs have a ROI 2x-50x their cost, especially at those big tech companies in their earlier stages
>What is moving
>What is working offshore
That reminds me: One time, I was working from home and joined a meeting remotely, with my camera off. I wore airpods to listen. In the middle of the meeting, I go to the bathroom to pee, with my airpods still on. Turns out I wasn't muted, and everything could be heard through the airpod mics. Yikes.
If you're earning 30k then you're probably living in some MonteZuela shithole and you can't immigrate for better pay anyway
tim horton's is full
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I have 50k saved. I live in Europe.
Montenegro it is then. Can you buy sex slaves there?
I mean, I still don't think working in tech is a bad prospect relative to other jobs. The gold rush may be over (or not, what the fuck do I know) but there's not really anywhere to go "after" tech. Like people aren't going to funnel back to being... actuaries or something.
West EU. Whores are pretty cheap around here though, not sure about sex slaves.
>Would finishing uni be the next step here, you think?
If you have access to universities with a rich history, maybe. But as a credential rather than a learning resource definitely not. Unless your country has some specific hang-up about degrees either as a cultural or legal matter. I know some do.
You are a moron and probably underage.
Fuck off back to reddít until you finish high school.
>finishing uni
do that and go into debt for a US master's degree unironically if you're hungry enough and you think you can grind the interview bullshit
you have the advantage of not being from india/china
I recently hired a french dev. He's so unproductive I have trouble getting any data to give HR for the end of his trial period lmao. As per the HR procedures I have to give him a verbal warning first with an HR employee present but he keeps taking sick days and being AFK, it's actually hard to get him and HR at the same time.
>Poor european country
>US master's degree
>he keeps taking sick days and being AFK
He knows what he's doing
>I'm keeping the code very organized and now that I have this project it's very easy to reference and see how to do things.
Ok but consider that most jobs will most likely not be coding that kind of thing, probably with a different language, with retarded restrictions, while having to integrate wih some piece of shit legacy system.
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Yeah, only as a credential. I have very little to gain from uni. I also don't have any prestigious universities. As it stands, I have 1 year left to finish mine, but I wonder if it's even worth working and studying at the same time if it's not gonna really do anything.

Nah, that sounds retarded. I don't want any more academia if I do decide to finish uni. Besides, I don't want to make all the money in the world, I just want to literally be able to buy a house. I'd be fine with 50k a year, that'd be more than I'd be able to use.
>Yeah, only as a credential
I wouldn't bother, then. Your 3.5 years work experience is more valuable than a university degree.
This is why I've always been autistic about having everything muted at all times and having to ummute explicitly.
However now win11 and updated microsoft applications automatically unmute my headset device itself whenever I join any meetings. It's so fucking annoying.
>30k -> 50k a year
would that just be a few more years in your country?
I swear to god, one time my Windows 11 work machine overrode my "Camera Privacy" setting and turned it on in the middle of a meeting. Thankfully I was wearing spandex unders and not full pants-nude like I sometimes am when I stood up to nervously pace about but they could still make out a suggestive silhouette if they were paying attention. I thought I was being silly flipping my camera over any time it wasn't in direct use. Never again.
Yeah, that's a shitton for my country. I doubt it would ever happen. If I'm changing jobs I really don't want to work for this country anymore. I know and speak english daily, it just doesn't really make much sense, I don't think.

I'll likely gather another year and then just start looking around the EU, likely france or germany, I don't even mind learning a new language.
this definitely happens. every day it boggles my mind that some of the most important public-facing software in the world can be so opaque and arbitrary. government bureaucracies are literally easier to understand.
I wish I could make 50k in my country. I barely make 35k and that's a lot compared to the average professional worker here.
This used to happen with my microphone all the time in the pandemic. I don't remember if it was Zoom or Google Meet but one of them has a "Hey, you're making noise. Are you sure you want to be muted?" popup but previously it used to just proactively unmute. I assume they just released a ton of bugs while rushing for market share in the pandemic, but those are pretty nasty bugs and to this day I still close the door if I walk away to piss
part of me wonders if it would be worth getting into military contractor IT work someday just so you can live in other countries
big mistake anon, they have like 30 hour work weeks over there kek
there's a finance Youtuber, Patrick Boyle. won't get into his pro's and many many cons. but he had a good joke, it went:
>the media started calling this practice (of remotely clocking into work, but refusing to do anything) "quiet quitting." the French were not amused, having invented the concept many decades ago
My place has a 35h work week but even then he's like aggressively not working.
For example he took 3 days to write 2 SQL insert statements, with all the values already given in the Jira ticket. Any actual feature or bugfix takes him a couple weeks and it's so ridiculous everyone else is poking fun at it yet he seems unbothered by it. Like saving PDF files to sharepoint took him 12 days even if we already have code to do that, it was just a new endpoint for a specific case.
I throw him curveballs sometimes by booking some "live testing" meetings with him, he never has anything working. I almost think he's actually retarded in some way because damn he doesn't take hint even if it punches him in the face.

lmao, maybe he should get a permanent job before doing that. This is in Canada btw.
>he took 3 days to write 2 SQL insert statements, with all the values already given in the Jira ticket
>saving PDF files to sharepoint took him 12 days even if we already have code to do that
hahahahaha fucking based frenchie
Some people are born without shame. I worked in a C++ shop once where there was a guy who lasted 3 years while not knowing C++ at all. He was always apparently an idiot but I never knew the true magnitude until our boss told me to help him debug something one day. Didn't even hesitate to link me to his WIP that looked like a schizophrenic wrote it. Multiple statements on single lines, tons of lines of whitespace between anything else, full comments followed by code that didn't do anything remotely in line with the comment. I would have sooner necked myself than shown someone a WIP like that. It was impossible to explain anything to him so I after about an hour I just pretended I had to jump to another meeting and then told my manager everything that went down. He was fired like multiple months later, but I don't know why that took that long either. Best guess is that he had some kind of fucked up disability and the company just never wanted to risk terminating him. I don't think it could have been a nepotism thing because then why the fuck put him into that situation at all?
>Some people are born without shame.
>I would have sooner necked myself than shown someone a WIP like that.
This is what I don't understand. Are they dumb and don't realize it is embarrassing to present dogshit? Or do they just not care what others think? As I grow older I care less, but still..
>Some people are born without shame
but the french are white people. how can that be? aren't whites the superior race?
Is it a bad idea to get into tech work right now? If not what should I be doing?
Meds (in both senses)
I really can't come to any conclusion other than mental illness. There's a difference between that and being carefree or even lazy. It's like when someone invites you to their house and then they're a hoarder or they have multiple bags of garbage just chilling in a corner, haven't emptied the dishes out of their sink in weeks, the carpet has some kind of infestation because they haven't vacuumed in months or more. We're just seeing the programming version of that.
When somebody calls and says they want to come over in a half hour I say "yeah sure man" and then do the fastest and most frantic cleaning in my lifetime to make the house presentable
At risk of getting too whatever. French are... well, they're prototypes. Their nonchalant passion and passionate nonchelantism creates both the novel and the moribund. In their shamelessness is simultaneously a refusal and an eagerness to bow. They want to elect kings just so that they can later chop their heads off.
it's important to understand that they weren't always like that. in the late 18th century some jewish bankers who absolutely hated france managed to stage a revolution with the lowest of the low in french society. in the following civil war and continental wars all quality french blood was bled dry. mostly only the dregs are left and they're still in charge to this day, stamping out nobility wherever they find it.
French are explicitly aggressive dicks, and even when they're not explicitly dicks and have good hearts, all their words and mannerisms still come out as condescending
>even when they're not explicitly dicks and have good hearts, all their words and mannerisms still come out as condescending
nta but I'm usually like that. maybe I should move to france or something.
Or you should work on yourself so that you're pleasant to be around
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how about no
I guess I should but I wouldn't know how to start. in fact, I tried being like that with me ex gf but after 2 years I got really fucking stressed and tired of her and went back to my safe mode of being an aggressive asshole by default.
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Startup-anon here with a progress update.

Learned the basics of Next.js (read all the documentation and made sure I understood it all)
Made the first page of my web-app
0/39 features implemented
Have exactly $142.5 in my bank account

Let's go boys!
why did you break up with her or she break up with you
Italian. Italian merchant guilds. Florencia merchant guilds. Jews? allowed to be in charge of finance in the 18th century? Christ, what you tell yourself to try to make things make sense.
>tons of lines of whitespace between anything else
I see that a lot, I dunno why people do it so much. I guess seeing too much code at once bothers them?

Some guy who only briefly worked on my team used to put blank lines between if statements and the brackets and that was so baffling I didn't bother questionning it.
nope jews are responsible for all bad things and if you say otherwise you are a jew.
I broke up with her for the very same reasons I stated (became an asshole, got tired of her) and she agreed that we needed to break up. not sure if it was a coping mechanism on her part (I dumped her) or if she really thought we needed to break up (she told me no one had ever treated her that bad), but it had to be done. I still can't forget her though, but I think she doesn't care about me anymore, which is a good thing.
have you found anybody else
I am a jew btw, if that matters
>I am a jew btw
i wasn't being ironic. it's good to have another datapoint.
What does it mean to you, that I am Jewish. What data do you get, besides 'there is a Jew posting in this thread'
>have you found anybody else
no. I guess this is the reason I miss her.
>jews are responsible for all bad things
>*if you say otherwise you are a jew*
datapoint regarding the above
I didn't say otherwise though, I wasn't that anon. I was simply informing you that I am Jewish
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stop being jewish
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Remember to vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Still happens with Google Meet. I had a coworker who was watching porn in the middle of a meeting but didn't notice that his screen share was turned on. Luckily no one from the customer side was looking at their screens.
>Postal Workers Union

the trades meme
Electricians, plumbers...
The Hollywood writer's union
The screen actor's guild
the Animator's guild
the puppeteer's guild
the prop and set designer's union
the comic books union (which does not have any comic book artists, but instead represents about 15 administrative office workers at IDW comics)
I can't forget her bros. in fact, I've been dreaming of her, something that hadn't happened before.
not even work can save me from this hell that I started myself (>>102281336)...
well desu AI is not perfect but it goes a long way. If you go in any online robotics platform and say you're a dev they'll look at you funny. They'll be like okay and? And I'm working with arduinos and ai and stuff.
Think of all the nights you haven't had pussy since then because of your actions
I can count them with my hands...
we had sex once a month. that was one of the reasons I left her, btw. I actually had many reasons to dump her. I'm not even sure why I am sad. shit was good until it started to suck.
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One more day until we get to see our friends at work again!
are you hiring?
How do people learn to properly use highly scalable systems irl without just having a company to work for to do it with some kind of senior guidance? Like I can spin up a kubernetes cluster but so what? That's never going to be even remotely comparable to a large cluster running a large system.
got gcp deployment and autodeploy on push working with cloud run, auth is firebase, and db is mongodb (I didnt choose this but it works). feelsgoodman
In practice few people need "highly scalable systems". Distributed have major advantages and major disadvantages, so the things you need to understand are: (1) when to make a system distributed, and (2) how this necessarily complicates the design for that system. Knowing "this will only scale to X instances instead of Y" is nice, but for the vast majority of people X will never be >> 2.
How can I job search efficiently?

Im thinking about writing a script to autoapply on career sites like seek but is it a quick way to get blacklisted? surely they can easily tell from the frequency or lack-there-of key presses.
>>”errr no because we need you to be in the same time zone as your coworkers and also there might be tax implications!!”
In my opinion, the time zone thing is nonsense and it's your responsibility to be around when the rest of the team is. There are tax implications for certain countries if you were to work remotely as a full-time employee. Most companies won't give a fuck if you were to work as a contractor and will not chastise you for working internationally. As I see it, here are your options.

1) Move anyway and work remotely. It might be worth getting an Australian VPN just so nobody
questions why an IP address from SEA is accessing their infrastructure.

2) Re-negotiate your role as a contractor.

3) Quit your job and try another employer.

You're close to living the dream. Respect.
>Have exactly $142.5 in my bank account
Yes, of course.
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>And yes, we do have cool hats! (It's a Google tradition for new hires to receive a Noogler title and a cool hat to stand out.)
what is the motivation behind this humiliation ritual?
>In practice few people need "highly scalable systems".
This. Your boss insisting on introducing microservices is probably because he's an idiot.
Final psychological test. From left to right
>escorted out of the building
Should I just go full pajeet and write some bot to spam job applications on LinkedIn? If companies are going to automate throwing my resume in the trash, I’m going to automate sending it to them.
You haven't already?
How to contribute to open source projects more easily? Some tasks i receive are like this:

>so anon we need you to clone this project and try to implement x or find why y is faulty when we do z

Usually i just start out mapping the related parts of the system and eventually i find (or not) the strings i need to pull in order to do what was asked... are there any books related to that? (understanding ongoing projects, other people's code, etc)
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I can't imagine being pressured into posing for a degrading photo like that on my first day. especially since they don't hire noobs. shit's surreal. I wonder if any other companies do that.
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Why is HR like this?
based HR filtering aggressive, arrogant pricks. imagine working with someone like that.
Fake and gay.
it won't get you anywhere. you personalize CV to offers, ask for referrals, strike surgically.
But programming is clearly flooded. Why insist?
>Why insist?
depends on who you are. industry oldfags will manage. newfags probably won't. for the time of being, we're full.
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>work for consulting firm
>sales is selling me to a new customer project
>mfw 1,5 hour interview with the engineering team of a prospective customer next week
Its probably not a big deal even if I don't get it, but its still gonna be a pain in the ass to sit in a video call for that long.

After your trial period ends and then at every yearly performance review or if you've hit a milestone (like completing a big project, getting a good cert etc.).

Why didn't you ask them beforehand? Try to tough it out for a year or so and then job hop.

You don't really lose anything by being a union member. The fees are usually quite low.

t. Northern Europe
Yeah, I agree the timezone thing is complete bullshit because Thailand is only 3 hours behind Australia. I'd be completely fine waking up at 5:30am and clocking out at ~2PM.

With the tax issue, Thailand has remote worker visas so people can stay extended periods without paying tax.

Thank bud, I wouldn't exactly call it the dream, but it's certainly a better way of living than most.
lots of people are coming to thailand. Won't be long before thailand's full. Its not just bangkok too its pattaya and chiang mai.

>North: full of hippies and tryhard "digital nomads" (writing a shitty blog about travel)

>Central: Literally no one lives here, still local but a boring, poor area.

>Bangkok: The WISH version of New york, full of vapid people who are trying so hard to act rich. No thai person lives within 1 hour of the central area.

>Pattaya: Sexpats, Pajeets, old bitter foreigners.

>Phuket-oblast: pyccкий дoм))

>Southern islands: Small and inconvenient to live, also sort of expensive. Full of drunk Australians treating it like a playground.
Thai culture really isn't set up to handle this. Their situation is going to be even worse than the one in Anglo countries IMO. The one thing they've got going for them is that they don't have "democracy" so they've got a decent chance of one of their coups being populist.
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>Have my bi yearly performance review meeting this week
>last few times nothing useful came out of it except a salary increase
I dont feel like having the meeting. I just want to leave the company because I am done learning here. What the fuck am I even going to talk about for 45 minutes. Except talk about the stuff I talked about the last time I had this meeting for 45 minutes
>I dont feel like having the meeting.
>What the fuck am I even going to talk about for 45 minutes.
This is what the person who will be talking to you is thinking — they don't want to do it any more than you do. Just smile and nod and take the pay increase.
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Layoff layoff layoff layoff get replaced by AI get replaced by AI get replaced by AI get replaced by AI
Oh definitely, there's already a growing resentment towards long term visitors of Thailand among locals. It's a hard pill to swallow for Thai's working for 350THB (10USD) a day in terrible conditions, while the white guy is working in a cafe on his laptop making that amount of money in 10 minutes of "work".

If I had to guess, there will be a massive political shift to be way more conservative in the next 5 years in Thailand.
Heh, just like indonesians
Started RTO last week and found out there is no reimbursement for parking. Closest parking is ~$26 for 8 hours. Managers suggested to take the metro. That would add 40+ min to commute to which they say you can take a nap or catch up emails.
What Kool aid did they drink? How is any of this ok? Was it really like this pre-covid?
Dumb fuck managers pretending that exhausting their employees just on their commute is somehow going to result in a productivity increase.
So bored on a Sunday and can't study for my JNCIE
Guess Ill do some other Juniper training for some certificates
What is the best way to get out of this? Catch covid? And become one of those "long COVID" types? Is there even a medical designation for such a thing?
Do you place stickers on your laptops
No, I did have dirt on my laptop mixed with cum though. And at some point I had a colleague sitting next to me, cleaning my laptop
>What Kool aid did they drink?
Copium-aid. The kind that makes you lie to yourself.

>How is any of this ok?
It's not. Find a new job that's fully remote.

>Was it really like this pre-covid?

Just find a new job that's fully remote. It took me 3.5 months but it can be done.
NTA, but how did you manage to do it? Linkedin and talking to 3rd party recruitors hasn't really helped me change to a remote role
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Should i care about staying at least x months in a job? Should i quit my job right away if i find another?

Have 7 months at my currently job, can i already quit or not? Do recruiters care if they see you exchanging jobs in less than 1 year, 2 years?
Stick to at least 1 year
Had a few of these types of jobs throught life where you use a bit of everything. IMO is not about requirements but responsabilty. I wouldnt mind people asking me to work in setting up a firewall one day, making ui changes in react the next. My problem would be people calling me at 4am to fix a down server and wanting me to do unpaid overtime to delivery a new ui asap.
So think about responsability and stress instead of how many diff tech you need to know. Everyone can learn a new framework in a couple days, i dont consider that too special.
Alright, but do i start looking for a new job right now or wait and start after completing 1 year?
Because if i plan to leave exactly at 1 year then i believe it is time since all my jobs took 4-6 months to get.
That still exists
Feels good being a Ruby developer bros

I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing but I’m somehow the lead engineer in multiple startups. I have less than 2 yoe spread across like 8 companies lmao
It's easier to find a job when you have 3 YOE in one place than 1 YOE in 3 places
Honestly I would just lie and say you've been there a year
>it's glow time
Which one of you glowies did this? I thought Apple was about privacy and now they're marketing to the feds?
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any good resources for graph problems in leetcode? neetcode has like 12 videos on array shit and only 6 or so on graphs even though graphs are way harder
LOL that exactly what i did to get this current job, lied i was for a year in my past job, when i actually had less than 4 months there
From what I've read, yes. What stood out to me was a review of my current employer on Glassdoor saying that loyalty is not rewarded, and people who leave and come back later get a better deal.
Based, I had a 2 year gap in resume where I travelled all around the world. I just changed my previous job to be 2 years longer. Never been an issue for me. No one bothers to fact check anything.
people thinking cs is still a golden ticket always make me laugh, too little too late
I sent around ~500 apps if I had to guess. I found most jobs on LinkedIn and Otta. Remote roles are highly competitive because of all the RTO shit going on like that anon pointed out, so it's going to take a lot of work.
Idiot bootlicker mentality, and completely wrong.

1 Year at 3 companies = 3 very different projects minimum, with much greater learning opportunities.

Also, if you have 3 years at one company, it begs the question, "If this guy is actually really good at what he does, why hasn't anyone poached him"?

>t. guy who job hopped between 4 jobs in 2 years and quadrupled my income.

Why don't you apply and find out? Why are you so paralyzed with fear? Grow a spine and send out your resume.
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Has anyone heard of or worked for this firm called alten? I can't tell if they're selling software engineers for cheap or they an recruitment firm or what. Sound like they get software engineers on retainer and just have them wait around until a project gets greenlit. Just don't want to be sitting around kicking my feet making presentations for them waiting for a job.
I see their job postings on linkedin too. Idk what they are, think it is just a giant conglomerate
looks like a domestic outsourcing firm. large corps will hire them on to have flexible staffing levels. as an class they're somewhere between real engineers and third world outsourcing. useless for anything that requires independent thought but will put out decent quality bitch work. pay is low except for managers.
based + correct answer. if your only takeaway is to feel shitty about how far you come then just go stroke your ego. much better use of your time.
>Fortune 500 friend is miserable
>Min wage friend is happy

many such cases
We got new Ruby, yes

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>open leetcode
>another linked list problem
I didn't ask if you were paying
>Idiot bootlicker mentality
unfortunately the people hiring are idiot bootlickers
depends on your stack and job prospects
getting 3+ years in the same tech stack imo really helps you become more employable. Working 1 year each in 3 different tech stacks has meant most companies aren't interested in me, even though I already know the language and technologies, because I don't have 3-5 years in spring boot or .NET or whatever. Only big tech companies really hire generalists, but they also hire specialists too. And if your city only has a few big tech companies then if you don't fly through the interviews then you're fucked.
Plot twist, he recorded that video before he gained the weight.
anon doesn't state country so "30K" is meaningless. In eastern europe he be doing very well at his age.
>bachelor's in information systems
>1 year GRC internship
>1.5 year help desk
>nessus, splunk, jira experience
Are these stats good enough for tier 1 SOC? I can't stand help desk any longer. I'm about to rope
you are overqualified. get fucked nerd
>information systems
What's this?
uni departments make up fake specializations so they can give admin jobs to their buddies.
idiots take those specializations.
idiots fail to get jobs because HR roasties have no idea what they studied.
There might be but as someone who specializes in code archaeology, just keep doing what you're doing. There's not really any shortcuts unless you know the person/people who wrote the project. And that's more of a "understand what kind of person are and what their priorities are" than like being given a walkthrough of it.
Linked list shit are the worst jeetcode problems. Literally always just 0 thought tedium
If it wasn't for my heckin streakerino I would never touch one
There are 19 graph problems on the roadmap. Graphs tend to be easier than string or array problems IMO and they always boil down to some kind of DFS/BFS with some modification
If you can't solve linked list prolems you arent't white. 95% of the time it's some easy recursive function that only a jeet would not understand.
uh oh
stinky linky
Lmao get another job, this time really remote. They cannot enforce RTO to me since I live 6 hours away.
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if you are american you can't complain about the job market
As an American I have a God-given right to get paid twice what you do
>be me (.net dev)
>write entire programs in a single linq query
jealous /twg/?
usually it's cs+it, possibly project management stuff as well
some latam/europe countries call it "informatics"
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monday """sick""" notice? sent.
>replaces your single linq query with a single stored procedure
nothing personnel, kid
miss those at my old job where I could do that
I got an interview but when I re-read the description it's way out of my league. I feel sick with nerves. I already have a job and I mean they must have looked at my resume, so I shouldn't care. My nerves are just shot since I don't know if it'll be a technical interview or just a chat.
Should I leetcode cram or just wing it?
It's because people drastically overestimate the capabilities of developers, and assembling a library is a monumental task to most people

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