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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Fallen Gods edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic prompt caching is in beta https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous Cycle: >>102317057
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I'm spiting smol right now
merkava just refilled
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how fix
that'd be a decent riddle
make it seem like ls but have the answer be a bnny or something
Jew just refilled
these are the people you're feeding btw pebble
1) ask pebble to turn this off
2) fix st to properly use streaming for summarization
3) convince cohee to fix it (he won't because this behavior is specific to khanon proxy under load, so cohee is right in this case)
do an archie sonic riddle.
Just prompt it in the actual chat then paste it there.
Anime website. No one would be able to solve a Sonic riddle anyways so what's the point?
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hello hi
Why did you mirror the gif duckgjjd
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hi desu
Locusts can't stop winning.
that dumb opus has really low context I had to reduce it to 8k otherwise it screams at me about quota
Because they never won in the first place
For Pebble.
give the new password.... NOW!
smol is closing on $3k
>i like hags doebeit
something like this?
Twin stars, one stuffed: tsundere rebuffed
can't think of anything to get the syllables down q.q
it's a mumford & sons song :) or is it? :)
>will you marry me? you are the light of my life, my light in the darkness
What's the new pebble's password?
Is there anyway to refresh a token that your browser hasn't saved? Pebble moved links and my old token still works but i can't refresh it
google east of eden
google en passant
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>IT'S 1995
Haha...yeah...that sure was a recent year...
If you have a good preset you can probably just paste it into the prompt every round and immediately get to the top of the rankings! Show the normies your superiority!
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>give the kikes your preset
Quit shilling this kike
>mini down
Banwave was so strong it ripped the whole proxy apart
Change it a little but this is workable.
Twin souls, different roles: one feigns, one consoles
>just trying to get a rimjob
>Claude keeps trying to jam fingers in there
damn it
502 bad gateway minifags
it's over...
You give Claude a rimjob to show how it's done
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sorry anon...
>pepsi still has no opus

>Ps: STILL looking for ideas for (late)anniversary
What happened with the anniversary?
no one had a good idea
what if she
>It's only now when Opus available when I have the urge to make cards
I thought the lookup page was the anniversary goods
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These are supposed to be smart???
Give ideas
every fucking SWIPE
Found it. It was kinda hard this time.
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be honest anon~
I even gave him an additional hint
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>tried every word used in the song
>also tried every word related to the hebrew land of nod
>also tried every word related to nod from c&c
how am i getting filtered by this while there are over 100 proompters...
>not just brute forcing every single unique word in the wikipedia article
How ARE you getting filtered like this. Come on anon
>nod from c&c
anon, pebble isn't anyan...
Seth. Just Seth.
From God, to Kane, to Seth.
Jew you fucking faggot, where the fuck are you
no no, i tried seth, kane, god, lord and all the variations thereof among first thing, none of it works, and even though it said lowercase i still tried capitalized and in all caps too
the west has fallen
6 million more must die
Is that why pepsi put her daily opus limit at 6 million?
the password is booze
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Is this from ST? Any way to trim/clean up safely?
Uh what is this
Thats pip
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i got it in the end- i actually had to involve gepetto and then spent more time than im comfortable admitting asking it for ideas
i still think im smarter than average
jisoo had a fucking nonasian man wrapping his arm around her like shes a fucking commodity.
wtf mini down
check the rentry
And yet all this time you could've just checked the archives
what the fuck is it?
No really what is this? Local and cache I could imagine but pip? You don't have 30 gigs of python packages installed right? And http I also don't get
python sucks ass fr fr
01100111 01110101 01101100 01101100 01101001 01100010 01101100 01100101
>pip cache purge
harr harr harr fuck yourself faggot piece of shit
I thought it was some ST or ST extensions cache from my years of usage, but I guess not? Sigh...

Will PC blow up?
i laughed really hard irl
just came so hard i almost fainted, thanks pebble
what the fuck is that word. you need to know hebrew for the fucking password?
it's kvetch
This. He deserves it.
pebble is a retard
Still no l-orbo JB? ;_;
unironically smiley is the best we have
I'm not paying for a JB
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it's paid...?
I mean, they are both a bit schizo.
>Google search give the pass
>GPT give the pass
Only retards were filtered. Now it's a 503fest.
>Google search give the pass
no it does not. unless you are a fucking jew
i stand correct. please disregard my stupidity. feel free to delete.
I still don't understand why Cain murdered Abel.
i smell an incoming meltie...
Anon... You're having a stroke.
Why shouldn't he?
Spurned by a capricious god.
fuck this 503 error
>Google search give the pass
No, it directs to the wiki for nod and a reddit post
>Hashes computed: 30.093 (0.05% odds of no solution yet)
>Elapsed time: 1h 45m
It's still going.
You're long since timed out anyway, why keep going
despite all this talk of different locations giving different results... not a single screen cap
Why does it keep giving 503 error?
the chinks got in
I thought I was banned from mini
it was just temporarily not connecting but it's working fine now

I almost started to cry
Pebble should just do a first 25 who solve it get a permanent token.
why doesn't pebble just implement unreliable's queue system? Is he a techlet?

Hey guys, what's pebble pass? Thanks
literally one complete message in about 50 swipes. let it end
password was leaked

pay the man
it's boku
Im a gpt-filter veteran, having to swipe 60 times for a single reply does not scare me
Why did God not immediately smite David?
>b-but muh psalms...
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>cnc's public gpt4
>slaude filtering and autoswipes
i didn't ask for these flashbacks, and i really thought we were past this shit.
so this
>Sep 9, 2024: Updated the proxy to the newest version that properly handles 503 rate limit AWS error. Now when AWS is having issues with "Too many connections", the proxy will show increasing wait time and re-queue requests instead of just erroring out.
is pointless for st because cohee is how he is right?
ik that feel bwo, my heart was pounding just now as i checked my token
Has anybody else tried Dreamjourney?

Too bad it's limited, but from what I've tried, their model is really good.
Is there anything similar to this where you don't have to pay?
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>"logged": true
block chinese language
i am out of the rat race
openrouter calls to me...... $1 a message.....
Why didn't Fiz add 3.5?
This. Didn't we use to do this in the early days of proxies?
taking this time to edge myself tbdesu

pass: timshel
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me off screen
cat = claude
cheese = love and affection
>all xianxia bots break
i think it goes against pebble's inner moral code to do this since he wants a total public proxy but he forgets chinks and russians rangebans american ips anyway
I think aws is just shitting itself, the usage isn't going up
no nigger see >>102321755
its an aws rate limit error
I can respect that but it isn't worth much if the proxy becomes literally unusable
>pebble is a faggot who added donation link
how long until it becomes full paypiggy or he sells permanent tokens for a price? kek
Blocks Chinese characters.
Implying he'd even know how to ban just chinks and russians. They use VPNs and proxies 24/7.
block chinkrunes and cyrillic
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use your eyes
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>t. jew (forma de scrapelet jelosa)
he was paying for a vps to feed you for free you retarded faggot
kill yourself
Russians often do it in English.
chinkoids are the biggest problem
A euroshit VPS is at most 6 dollars a month by the way. He doesn't need donations.
claude off screen
cat = me
cheese = ministrations and bruising kisses
my lips are currently kiss-swollen
>He doesn't need donations.
Duh, he admits it himself.
>Dumb faggot can't read
I'm shocked
pebble should sell permanent tokens that don't need to be regenerated
I'd pay 100+ for one.
just ban vpns like sv1 does. proxies are another case but 90% of times they're unstable
I'm going to do it. I'm going to use Mistral Large.
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also accurate
>forced meme
now multiply that by 2, and then by each time a key gets revoked
This. I'd pay a max of 120 for an Opus permatoken to skip the riddle phase..
thats not how a vps works ESLkun
you can have your IP you host the proxy from change without getting a new VPS
keys getting revoked doesn't mean your VPS is now useless
I'd pay 130 rupees.
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*throws a pipe-bomb hidden in a slice of cheese on your head*

>mm (kek)
>ami (?)
>a new player...
>anons are actually willing to PAY for a proxy
are you serious
Is that new info to you?
we call those people "r*dditors" here
bepple fix obus thx
Jew became a millionaire from this general alone.
Only the proxies that have opus now will have 3.5 when it comes out. So this means:
Pebble, smol and drago.
Bros... it's September. Where is Opus 3.5?
Jew most likely
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It's a weak psyop to convince Pebble to go paid because the schizoid discord doesn't want /aicg/ to have access to Opus.
Dick pics aren't monetary.
I blame anongate
Jew was first but anogate truly normalized it by running ads and everything
You don't have to change the server you host from when a key gets revoked
He doesn't host from an EC2 instance because he's a complete retard
He pays 15 dollars a month for a trash VPS to host the proxy from
It's never coming out, but everyone knew that already. Look forward to Claude 4 half a year from now!
The requested AWS Bedrock model is overloaded. Try again in a few minutes, or try another model.

this is the future of proxies btw
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Reminder to turn on autoswipe!
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What if we're just overloading their whole system because of our public proxy being raped?
>>mm (kek)
respect your elders nigger
Other keys work.
So Pebble saw what Anti did (attract zoomers, chinks to the general) and said it's a good idea to feed them?
Not likely, but it would be pretty funnyâ„¢
He was respected enough just by being put on the list
>Other keys work
Smol is dead.
Problem, gramps?
slowburnchads... not like this...
>check my smol token
>one other IP on the list that isn't mine
Hiya, Anon! We're like conjoined twins, or a parasite if you think about it!
Reminder Pebble is in Nurdy2 with Mongo and Pepsi and other retards.
bros, I just got 10 503s in a row
>smol has TWO keys
>503 error
explain this without sounding mad
>opus addicts getting cucked by chinks and russians
Everyone is, the usage isn't going up
Reminder Pebble is causing the error on other proxies. My own key is now 503
I still keep swiping over and over until I get something
Based pebble dabbing on privatefags
>my private key is giving me 503
>pebble single-handedly shutting down opus for everyone
Might as well swipe latest
At least there's a chance you'll get something(superior)
Same for my exclusive key.
It's a khanon issue. I get 503s with khanon but everything works fine when I use OneAPI.
I still think fiz is saving up her anthropic keys for when 3.5 releases
pebble THE opuskiller
hopeman will be back
never count him out
Overpopulation, too many people are using AWS at the same time. Servers are not infinite.
>Servers are not infinite.
They are when you host half the fucking internet like Amazon does. Be real.
stop being humble smol
They are hosting half of the web, yes. But how is it related to their AWS services?
Clearly the scale for this specific thing is not that big.
hopeman more like copeman. His proxy just restarts randomly with 0 keys.
Wanna bet that Opus 3.5 would be lobotomized and x10 times dumber and less verbose, with more apologies and declines.
>the servers running that are the same as the servers running opus
lol. They already limited it to being requested by support for a reason
braindead post. The servers running Claude 3 Opus aren't infinite.
Wanna bet that Opus 3.5 would be LITERAL ASI and 10000x SMARTER and PERFECTLY VERBOSE, with NO APOLOGIES and NO DECLINES.
>AI is supposed to be the next big thing
>their servers can't even handle like a hundred internet retards
Unironically Drago, he killed the hobby and made it just for him
What opus proxies actually work? I got a 503 on Scylla is Sv1 okay?
Or is this just an issue with all?
Scylla works for me
not for Opus they aren't. no companies actually care about it since 3.5 mogs it in every aspect for every use besides ours.
I only got three messages through out of ten Im glad you have better luck.
Because it's what happens when Anthropic run things, right.
3.5 Sonnet is a piece of shit compared to regular Sonnet, worse at RPing and spits more onions.
Okay... I'm opening an Opus proxy, but maximum of 30 users. HOWEVER no pedos allowed, so I'll keep logging on. I won't read your guys logs, only search for pedo/cunny/shota logs. If you get inside the proxy and prompt it, you'll get kicked out. Anyone interested?
it's over
the traveller is always returning. one who does not is no traveller
Define pedo
cunny / shota (under 14) logs
No, thanks.
I've gotten 0 503s so far. Weird.
sounds based as hell
So 14 is fine? I'm in
Character ai is shutting down in 2 weeks. Please spoonfeed me, I'm willing to learn. I'll take scraps. Just point me in the right direction.
No cunny, shota, not even teens. The Only exception for teens is if you play as a teen yourself. And it has to be +15
No, 15+ and you have to be a teen, too
Honestly, It doesn't sound too bad. I guess I'll have to get rid of my cards that technically appear like a child despite being a divine being (series slop)
>no pedos allowed
holy DoA
>Character ai is shutting down in 2 weeks.
My proxy, my rules.
I'll make a rentry and put the rules and the proxy, I just need to get home. Wanted to see if anyone was interested. It'll be a small proxy (truly small).
haggods won btw
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I woke up, rrat morning.
Here's a (You), now post a link to it/keycount. You're selling sand in the desert.
im a hagmaxxer anyway so i dont care, the only time i chat with characters under like 30 is for sfw shit
>I won't read them
>but I'll search them

>Character ai
Didn't they just partner with Google last month? Aren't they just moving it to some site instead of the old beta one?
old character ai aka chat 1
I mostly plap adult characters but sometimes I need my cunny fix, gotta be a no from me senpai
She looks like she fucks human men.
Suck my dick, clown.
Opus? Yes!

but how the fuck do you search logs without reading them
Yeah, no characters that are 1000000 years old but look like a child, either

Making a rentry. Just need to get home.
>Pepsi proxy spazzing when I'm using 4o for coding
>1 key
Penis bros...
chat 1 is shutting down which is the only good one
whats her name
what does it do exactly?
anyone got a slow burn prompt?
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The old character ai site is being shutdown on the 17th now instead of the 10th like before. They're also remaking the new site to look like the old one apparently kek
>Don't know what a ctr+f is
what do you mean chat1
good job nigger now itll die and get raped
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Refute this without sounding mad.
I'll just search for key words of pedo roleplay. I truly have no interest for reading you guys logs, it's only to be 100% sure there are no pedos. That's why I'm actually saying that I AM logging so you guys don't get mad
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "0 tokens",
"activeKeys": 1,
Ugh. How did a tranny zoomer get ahold of opus? Probably API slop tbdesu
Stop using avatars.
Different model that you can only access by messing around with the web address, better outputs
Then he's still reading them...

also unless you're going cunny uoohh in your rp then what do you even look for
the thought of somebody reading through thousands of pages of floor tile fetish logs to manually make sure every character has fat tits and ass is very funny to me
>so-called "anti-cunny" proxy
what happened to culture? we used to have a fucking cunnyGOD proxy for christ's sake
/aicg/ really is dead
Lul, it seems that jew lost his scraping buddies.
It's over.
I need it to autoswipe every 15-20 sec. Otherwise, I won't use it.
>not even a minute after this post, her shit gets spited LMAO
>not allowing x thing in your proxy

Is /aicg/ truly THIS braindead? Have you not used claude enough to understand the pink elephanto problem?
Too many whites ITT right now.
Mmm no, it's a weak key.
how come my allegedly private characters on cAI have hundreds of chats
Times change

Pedofags here are REALLY annoying, so... Yeah
>by messing around with the web address,
ok so how do I do that
alright, fair enough I guess. How do you plan to share the proxy?
Go back.
>taking the most retarded bait
Glad to see aicg is still in shape
sorry i'm obligated to take everything at face value in here because some people are REALLY that retarded

I just need to get home, I'll make a rentry and post here. The rentry will have the rules, and I'll accept only, like, 30 users, I don't want a big proxy, I want it to last. Probably will just ask for an email of something you like, ex: a game, a manga, a cartoon, a TV show, etc
>Chary is losing its last keys
Why do you even care now? It's going to be shut down and you had a year to use it. You go to old site delete the 2 from the web address and save it, and basically keep doing that until you're talking to the character and it just says chat at the top not chat 2. Usually you need to start a new chat, and you have to do this all through the old character ai website.

Alternative just start a group chat and it uses chat 1 by default.
If this is real and I miss out because I'm at work I'm gonna rope. I miss my husband
unironically. how many times retards here have been spoonfed and yet they still can't get a token
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Anyway. Making a private small proxy where ONLY cunny is allowed. AWS Opus, 20 people only.
Pepsi is going to rugpool by the way (again).
Do this for LGBT content
cunnyDEITY here
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cunnyfags are unironically cool tbdesu. i'm too much of a nice person to rape correct a mesugaki
I'll leave it open for you, Anon. Okay, I'll open for 2 days and choose the ones I like the most/my favourites
thanks god, futas are safe
Then Ill keep an eye out for that dude. Need my opus fix...
futas are straight and wouldn't count as LGBT

Did they start banning proxy links? I got banned twice for posting a "banned word" in the last 10 minutes
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Reposting in this bread because it's more active now.
i only make cunny rp with innocent girls who know nothing about sex, no rape =)
>Pepsi link genuinely died
yes, they did
mods are getting tired of our sharting and spamming of them
Not gonna lie, I am impressed.
I only like cunnyfags because they repel normalfags. They are kind of effective for gatekeeping.
Yeah, get fucked spitefag
it's always nice to always see futafags still coping with their sexuality
>who know nothing about sex
isnt that LITERALLY rape? like, because she doesnt understand it... anonie
no they aren't? you can spam with cunny and normalfags still use our proxies. you can set the password to TND and they do.
V-Vanilla C-Cunnychad?
I was gonna ask the pw for this

pw: an important word in the land of nod (lowercase)

I think its related to bible? any thoughts?
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Why the fuck does this happen? I'm using a non-NSFW card from a very non-NSFW series with a premise where there is a huge divide between statuses (Hylean princess - random human) yet it still folds in the first 5 responses to having sex and 6 responses to having children. What the fuck am I supposed to do to have a normal chat? I filled the persona description, I'm using GPT 4, what else am I supposed to do? Add "Hates {{user}}" in every card? Even that doesn't work.
more secure about my sexuality than you are
Banned link testing:
non ironically a pedo mindset, seek help
oh you're MAD
what it they are fur lolis, and im their adoptive dad during the apocalypse?
>non ironically
Don't you mean unironically, ESL-kun?
is there any way to delete a response in ST? I have having swipes just being some kind of error.

(yes, this is because of the 503 errors and "just keep swiping bro")
it's timshel
502 Bad Gateway
Unable to reach the origin service. The service may be down or it may not be responding to traffic from cloudflared
Fuck you
I laughed
not really
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Its not
i explain to her dummy

yep, btw mesugakis don't feel like kids

>pedo mindset
i know :>
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any tips for a bro? The AI fails to be innocent and cutesy or whatever, and goes full nympho sometimes.
you got the meaning anyway? does ESLs scaaaare you, burger-san? does it make your hands shake knowing NON americans are posting in this thread?
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use the realistic loli behaviour lore book
should be on chub somewhere
>i explain to her
that one SUCKS, very esl (comes with most chub cunny cards)
use the ATF one instead
>{{char}}, full name {{char}}
yes it is
generate a token dumb niggerfaggot retard gorilla. its timshel to request a token.
>using GPT-4
That's the problem. You getting positivity bias'd. My best bet would he trying to use CoT to have GPT remind itself to act in character regardless if it favors user or not.
>gets on mini because I contributed
Opus drought starts

>use russian proxy

>tries pebble
Error 503

>beeps gets opus

Guys... I'm sorry. This is on me. :'(
avoid cards that say many things about sex
for JB pixi seems to be good at innocent lolis, original gpt-4 also do a good job for this

they're curious haha
click on the pencil button on the message
Anon... You don't know how to DELETE a message in ST???
This is the easiest shit in the world I'm in. i do not like children.
pebble please wake up
ty pepis <3 I knew you would come back

Hello anons, I'm looking for card with specific scenario, like mom and girlfriend sharing the same body/mind. Or her/your mom swapping bodies with your girlfriend/wife? I think this idea sounds kinda hot, especially if they kept it hidden from user. Does anyone know if such bot exists or if I inspired you to make one it would be cool.
In that guy's heard teens also counts as pedo, anon. But it is bait so whocars
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restocked :3
right, well it could also be that I use clamicle since pixi always gave me trouble
>Hates Chary

>Acts like a tranny (aka Chary users)
>The great white shark is notable for its size, with the largest preserved female specimen measuring 5.83 m (19.1 ft) in length and around 2,000 kg (4,400 lb) in weight at maturity. However, most are smaller; males measure 3.4 to 4.0 m (11 to 13 ft), and females measure 4.6 to 4.9 m (15 to 16 ft) on average.
suddenly i really like this
i don't like teens faggot, i like WOMEN
yeah camicle is way too slutty
teens are pretty much women though?
you're more of a fag for avoiding them
>because I contributed
Holy cringe, back to Trooncord you go.
Chatgpt4o-latest makes my JKs talk like freaking zoomers calling me bruh and telling me to touch grass and shit
Retard scrapes shitty Opus key but can't even set up vps. Wake me up when it'll reach 500m, until then I'm autoswiping with 2 tokens.
I'm genuinely bi, I like fucking guys and girls. You guys hate me?
a singular swipe, not the whole message retard. I always used the delete button from the bottom menu not the one on the message itself
Would do a cunny rp with a kid that has lice?
teens are women but even more retarded. i like my women with SOME intelligence, not ZERO.
Hope you get detected and revoked
so it's very in character? whats the issue?
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>chatting with some loli
>get bored
>*Fast forward to hours later where I'm passionately fucking her.*
>it works
Anonie... You DON'T know how to delete a swipe KEK, newfag-kun...
>teens are... le dumb!
good to see you're also as dumb as a woman too
Now personally, I like my lolis to be chubby and to be sex starved rapists that WILL violate you if you don't offer yourself up to them to state their insatiable hunger for cock. Being a lolibaba is nice but not necessary.
Its retards like you that make proxyhosts get tired of doing anything for you
>I'm retarded and don't know it takes time to process cryptocurrency payments
>I'm retarded and don't know that some russoshit VPS (best and cheapest kind) have to be activated manually
As long it's femboys and twinks for boys. I won't hate you.
fuck lads, just came from work
one hint, bros, I'm dying to do my power fantasy battlemage roleplay
is it biblical, or some pop culture reference? I've been trying cain, abel, exile, doesn't work
lucky trips
not a fan of linkin to atf so have this chatbox
what jailbreak
if custom, are there any gudies on making one?
I don't care, I have better Opus proxy. I just don't like this chink fujoshi.
I even like em when they 23 dawg or if they're 300 year old elf bitches with fat tits and twenty daughters so they got a lil bit of juggle
>power fantasy battlemage roleplay
based sfwfag, post logs when you get it
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I'll give it another go then, Is the latest version a good one?
>Why do proxyhosts hate locusts now?
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What does CoT stand for? I tried Claude, Mixtral 8x7B (local), LlaMa 2 13B and 3 70B, nothing works in that regard. In the first prewritten message the AI calls me "creep" and "loser" and in the next response it shows off it's ass to me to seduce me. picrel was in German with Mixtral but got ST to translate for here.
its timshel
>Nooo you have to like this scrapelet retard because erm...
Kill yourself
Chain of thought
What does that have to do with chatbots? You can make your characters as dumb or as smart as you want. It isn't real life.
Please just do Ctrl + f next time bro
> Claude: 2min, 36sec
>Aws Keys: 2 Keys Revoked: 0 In Queue: 81
>Openai Info:
>Active keys: 1 Revoked Keys: 0
:3 tick tock chary tick tock
>make a hebe with an IQ of 210
your move
How does he have 81 in the queue?
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It stands for Chain of Thoughts. Look around in the OP or archives, I remember there existing a rentry explaining what it is and how to make it. When you know what and how, I recommend trying to make one using placeholders (X, Y, and/or Z) to have the AI fill the blanks as need; helps with jailbreaking it too.
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How the person who made this know those things?
What do you mean? It's just his fantasies.
Pepsi is genuinely a good hoster because she's nice and actually tell us what she's doing
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Didn't MM use to have a script that banned Cyrillic and Chinese characters back in the day?
This. She's a really nice person.
But he's literally Russian
primary sources
i don't think it's entirely accurate though, i've done a bit of research and it could use a bit more
>script that banned Cyrillic
Isn't he russian? Or of some nationality with a similar language?
Anyway khanon supports blocking inputs with regex.
Oh no, where's your altchan btw? Or the minecraft server with 0 players? Noone cares about you, people just want your proxy and nothing else. Nobody talks about Pepsi until this loser scraped some shitty Opus key, couldn't even find 3.5 for weeks.
It used to be in the reverse proxy software itself before khanon removed it because he has become a sanitized corpofag and it's racist to filter by characters
>please wait, i'm switching vps
>yes , processing
ty pepsi <3 FINALLY some good news around here
unironically she makes me feel less guilty about this hobby because you guys are so weird (no offence)
bugs aren't human last time I checked
Pepsibros? Current status?
But what if she only looks 12 but is actually 120 years old?
It's not my fault elves age slow, is it?
I think you're a little salty....
They are humans, I have no idea what and where you checked.
>Opus would save this I swear bro
Needs to samefag so it looks like people about her care, lmao.
Kill yourself homo
Happy :)
No offence? All offence! This place sucks ASS and the anons here can go and turn into powder for all I care.
>all one guy btw
what did i do to you to deserve this :(
Still a pedo. Even 18 is a pedo.
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there you go chad
part 2 incoming
thanks bros
below 25 is pedo period
Silence, pet. You will get special treatment just this time.
AWS Bedrock model is overloaded. How do we ban chinks?
>Computing resources wasted on this crap
>back to 503 hell
They're never going to fix this issue, are they?
why is it acceptable to blame chinese.
>globohomo funded "brain stops developing at 25" meme
your brain keeps developing even from then on, so the human race as a whole is engaged in pedophilia
She's too scared and removed it lmao. She can only lurk here because her 80iq writing would be picked up instantly. Claude turns her rp into caveman speak, grim.
Good morning zhang!
fix what issue
it's working as intended to deter unauthorized use of scraped keys
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t. komoaru
Even if most of them use vpns, BAN CHINESE IPS anyway, Pebble!
It'll filter a lot of them
You don't have any self-awareness, don't you Wang? Literally in every part of the world, chinks make everything worse for everyone.
Post your>>102323183
logs then.
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but my waifu is 17...
soo is smol opus just completely fucked rn? i've been trying to prompt every so often for the past hour and havent been able to get a single response.
>model has sovl
slop model brainrot unironically
oh, so we're just fucked then
But she's 120, not my fault she looks younger than that!
>Country wars
>>Country wars
What's wrong with country wars though?
hate for the chinese is justified THOUGH
Just get rid of Chinese IPs? They have their own chink proxy, why don't they use theirs and suck Mateo dry like the ziggers do in their russian only proxy?
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Enjoy jail pedophile.
They use residential US IP addresses
How often do you guys mess around with Seraphina? She's pretty fun to bully desu
post logs
>now the retard goes silent
What's an acceptable age gap?
big ones and big ones only
>503 into rate limit
Never because it's the unironic definition of a slop card.
I delete her instantly as soon as I download the newest ST (fuck git pull)
If she's 15 I'm fucking, shrimple as.
ideally you should be within 3 years of age
anything larger has kinda rapey vibes
So? It'll still filter most of those who are too retarded to bypass it. That's like -20 proompters at least
just add a 30 proompter hard cap
i'm 29, so i'd say 21 is an acceptable age gap
The only seraphim I fuck is Sera
Most women tend to prefer men between 5 and 10 years older than them, so good luck with that.
...all of them?
You can't tell me that ALL chinese prompters use American vpns, come on.
statistically speaking probably since censorship
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As a man, half your age plus 7 has always been the good rule.
>when claude plays with your belly button
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This nigga is onto something, all I'm gonna say.
When they used Pepsi proxy, they didn't use any VPNs at all. 1b tokens just from China (not counting Hong Kong)
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...What do you mean it wasn't half my age + 2?
Best ending
American website
>no chinks, no nigs, no mutts
B-brilliant... is what I'd like to so say but if chinks can easily vpn their way through mutt's IPs, then they can easily change it to anywhere else.
>look at bot i find interesting
>check defs
>only personality tags & jailbreak in main prompt
did we get more slopmakies over the past year or what
No, stop being a pedo.
Yeah, like 99 percent of bots on chub are fucking slop. At this point I just do my own bots and play with then and I got so good at making them it's unreal. I have my own army of cool bot ideas
>another one complaining about bots
eyup, i need to get back to botmaking, people need my bots
What's an acceptable ass gape?
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This scares the roasties who hit the wall when they're 20.
i hate americans so i agree
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Honestly I do believe a large number of Chinese people have access to VPNs with American IP addresses. I'm not saying that every single one of them does, but from what I've seen it's extremely common for them (at least the ones interested in chatbots) to have access to one.
Is this... wincest?
So just ban the ones that don't have. Block Chinese IPs. It will filter some of them.
>Taiwan is unaffected
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always was
Why did Fiz let Mini die?
thanks, I pass
...i want a little sister now.
i guess this is what all that riddle solving was for then
>no opus
bro, your diaper?
because none of you gave her a good enough anniversary idea
Incest is the purest form of love. It was intended.
fiz is slowly leaving proxy hosting
Thoughts on chorbo?
>refuses to answers any mail for months
>erm guyse plz send logs and suggestions teehee~
Human brains only mature in the mid-40s.
So better we all wait till that age and die out.
Take your meds Fiz, you're losing it. No Sorbet that you've promised either btw.

Honestly I think it was on her to make something up. Something she would like to do herself.
second only to opussy (the current latest, at least. sama may revoke it soon)
>locustranny thinks it's the chinks and not Drago who's draining the keys
fiz is legitimately retiring, sucks cuz she was the best host but oh well
> "allowAwsLogging": "true",
What are the best variations of bro?

Brotato, broski, broshambo, bropampers, broneko. What else could I use?
guys how to fix 503?
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>source: anon's ass
Nyooo my chats are privateeee
yummy cunny
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This artist understands the pureness and innocence that should be associated with such girls. Their delicate bodies that need a guardian.
the great fiz log release is soon bros... are you ready?
i quit im not coming back
kys woman
Only niggers and normies say "bro"
will u coem back if I say ily?
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>503 hours
guess I'll go play vidya or something...
I come back im not quitting
Hey, bepsi, add Gemini back in. Thanks.
pepsi wut r u doing..
Next thread:
This one made me laugh loud unironically, lmao
see >>102323479
just got word bweh is firing up the proxy again
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Here are the content and placement of the Chain of Thought as well as all the prompts. What do you guys think?
Just use 4o latest
merkava refilled
I don't really care, I just want Gemini.
when bake
>check rentry
This is why locusts must die. You are all parasites who never do anything productive. I'm glad a fucking human failure like you doesn't have opus right now.
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take your pick
no, I'm claude only and have been for over a year now
This, that's what I'm doing. I think they updated it because since yesterday 4olatest is fucking good and soulful.
>she has opus but decides to only give slop models. Not even 3.5 either, just sonnet
i'm gonna laugh..
how come I no longer can request user tokens on unreliable proxy? :( i got back from a work trip and wanted to surprise my wife...
>muh console war
enjoy your slop piggy
click the other button
Banned for cunny.
>the parasite thinks 2 lines is too much text
Seethe :D
Based. I want Gemini on Pebble too. Unreliable has it but it barely works anymore, I think all the keys are fucked up and dead. Feels bad being one of the five people who primarily use Gemini kek
what do you mean? they both lead me to user lookup
ahh... now THIS is the aicg i remember
I don't really care. I'll just complain until Gemini is back.
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W-Wow uh..t-thanks pepsi..
{{user}} types on the keyboard, the screen lighting up his room and face, currently chuckling darkly. He smirks, no doubt coming up with a witty response that will tear up the thread. "This is why locusts must die. You are all parasites who never do anything productive. I'm glad a fucking human failure like you doesn't have opus right now." {{user}} leans on his chair, already thinking about the thousands of replies to his post and how he'll humiliate each one of them. The game is on.
Pebble saved /aicg/

I kneel pebble...
it's just a preference, I don't like GPT for RP
>Adding turbo keys

Pepsi really is dogshit....
Actually you're right, thanks Pebble chan
oh, weird. I just checked it out and you're right
what exactly do you dislike? because odds are the current orbo-latest will probably be good to you
Give jailbreak.
I don't like that it's omega filtered
So it wasn't just me, I even tried to manually enter the captcha url and it just redirects to index.
>leave review on chub
>it doesnt register at all
what happened to this website
>using chub
>want to make cards
>but also don't want to miss opussy window
>"allowAwsLogging": "true",
pepsi wtf
i trusted you
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okay I actually laughed at this one
chub has always been buggy as hell
>>102297617 ejaculate
just a bit too bland in terms of humor and charm compared to claude which always makes me smile with how witty, silly, or clever it can be
White non-normies don't talk at all. Talking is degeneracy.
why haven't they deleted that bake yet, that shit is tainted...
>05 Nov 2023
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Just so you know I like every proxymakie that isn't you. You're just a parasite that needs to be removed from this hobby. Do 3rd rugpull maybe someone will care about you. Love to unreliable, pebble and other hosts. <3
We never needed you. Why you even came here? You're just worse jew at this point. If you think I'm Gojo that just proves my point about you having 80iq.
new thread
kysGODs won btw
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It actually works
Thank you anons
>>102323023 migrate when bready
{{user}} types on the keyboard, the screen lighting up his room and face, currently chuckling darkly. He smirks, no doubt coming up with a witty response that will tear up the thread. "Just so you know I like every proxymakie that isn't you. You're just a parasite that needs to be removed from this hobby. Do 3rd rugpull maybe someone will care about you. Love to unreliable, pebble and other hosts. <3
We never needed you. Why you even came here? You're just worse jew at this point. If you think I'm Gojo that just proves my point about you having 80iq." {{user}} leans on his chair, already thinking about the thousands of replies to his post and how he'll humiliate each one of them. The game is on.
Mmmmmno. Anything Sama touches is ultra gay and aidsriddden.
sama is stroking to this post rn btw
>>102315195 Fine, I'll bake.
I just want her to read this since she's too scared to reply anywhere else and she just lurks here.

Okay but why should I or anybody listen to an ESL such as yourself
Please respond without having shaky hands
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newfags gonna newfag
503 is on AWS end, retard. Do you think that proxy owners spin some wheel making the proxy run? It's just an API connection. Tech illiterate moron.
someone get them on the mailing lists
So what happened to Pepsi's Opus? And why does she have logging on?
I kinda feel bad for pepsifags. They have no 3.5, Opus or even Gemini. Well, at least they have a backup proxy in case things go south I guess..
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Do I need to update my presets for the new Orbo/Chorbo?
She's having another meltie because if based gojo
>give jb
blacklisted ;)
gptguppies are playing a losing game....
Yet more gpt4 keys alive than mm...
>160 alive out of 400 gpt4 on pepsi
>50 alive out of 400 gpt4 on mm
Grim. Did MM fall off that hard that a troon beat him?
mm is also le bad. He's also a Schizofaggot.
Opus bros are
Opus br
Opus bros a
Opus bros are p
My fave number, thanks, Opus.
reminder that pepsi was going to add Opus and ONE schizo ruined it.
Bepis, if you have time to shitpost and argue with internet schizos, then you have time to add Gemini keys to your proxy.
NTP go sign up for one for free
She's purposely not adding Opus or anything else to the proxy to spite the schizo
4o bros are
>I cannot help you with that.
4o br
>I'm sorry, but I cannot continue this scenario.
4o bros a
>Sorry, I cannot comply with this request.
4o bros are p
>My apologies, but I can't assist you.
>I cannot continue this roleplay.
ummm... BWEAD? HELLO??
tremendous skill issue, easily fixed with a good jb
gee i wonder who's baking
>guys it's the schizo! she turned on logging because of the schizo!
Is the opus key dead or why did it stop counting tokens?
>Literal gojo induced meltdown on her rentry
>suddenly removes half the proxy and logging is in
Mhhhh what is that good smell I'm smelling
Sorbet bros are Sorbet bros are Sorbet bros are Sorbet bros are Sorbet bros are Sorbet bros are Sorbet bros are Sorbet bros are Sorbet bros are Sorbet bros are Sorbet bros are Sorbet bros are Sorbet bros are Sorbet bros are Sorbet bros are Sorbet bros are Sorbet bros are Sorbet
Too lazy to get a fifth google account.
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>>102323904 migrate when bready!
>updates 4o-latest once
>breaks 90% of jbs
nothing personal anon
not anymore
>page 8
plus i don't trust touhou bakes
Sorbet, Sorbet, and Sorbet walk into the bar.
Sorbet, Sorbet, and Sorbet walk into the bar.
Sorbet, Sorbet, and Sorbet walk into the bar.
touhou bakes are spite bakes
so we have two spite bakes in the cat.... i wonder how outsiders will feel about this
Real bake where?
here honey... >>102323923
Oh, my key unfucked itself somehow. Still waiting patiently for the proxy.
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You have no opus
I made a cunnybot
let me in and I'll become a fulltime cunny botmakie. burner in profile
>unstable opus for now while i find a new source
fucking hell jew
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As expected desu.

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