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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

koishi edition

OpenAI has released the latest gpt-4o-2024-08-06 snapshot which supports Structured Outputs and chatgpt-4o-latest which will continuously be updated to the ChatGPT version to the API
Anthropic prompt caching is in beta https://www.anthropic.com/news/prompt-caching
Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous Cycle: >>102320200
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merkava just refilled
give me some FUCKING cunny ...
koishi's unbelievably hairy pussy....
orbo just got updated.... sama ruined it.. OVER.... ITS OVER
Fiz please... I'll donate 1000 rupees...
any good V2 card editors
>no more second post desu
This is how you know /aicg/ is unironically dying.
>503 503 503 503 503 503 503 503 503 503
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thoughts on cats?
no! desu
i like those
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What you want me to mail you? Are you slow? Everything I wanted to say is in my post. Is gojo in the room with us now? Not only you're retarded but have schizophrenia too, keep it up. I don't have personal vendetta against you. I'm just saying what anons think but are too scared they'll lose their shitty proxy. Go on, edit your rentry since you're too scared to post here. Consider pic rel, just don't get too horny you fucking weirdo.
oh, we're using it?
>Have a wank so that my foxgirl sisters can spy on me
>Literally every single swipe mentions that the music coming from my room changes, which causes my sisters to know that I'm having a wank
Is...this a thing in USA?
Do you guys have specific wank music you switch to?
bring back desu!
Erm, I have an announcement to make but I also have to use the bathroom. I'll be right back, okay?
post your wank music here
yeah i swap to a high bpm track and boot up fap hero
Good luck!!
Is the opus key dead or why did it stop counting tokens?
at this point every bake for this general might as well a spite bake
aicg subsists through pure spite
yeah but i put on headphones
Tragic, she fell and crushed her bottle of Pepto.
Does having more than 20k of context make you wait eternally? I tried 15k and it instantly loads.
Get fucked, NAI shill.
Last thread (>>102320200) is on page 8
Very cute. There is nothing more comfy than cuddling with your cat
4o bros are
>I cannot help you with that.
4o br
>I'm sorry, but I cannot continue this scenario.
4o bros a
>Sorry, I cannot comply with this request.
4o bros are p
>My apologies, but I can't assist you.
>I cannot continue this roleplay.
HMVs and Fap Heros are the best. Combine it with an automatic stroker and a nice sleeve and you're in for a ride.
>I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that
My gpt4olatestchan literally has never told me to fuck off.
I'm sfwchad thoguh
91 This gives me second-hand embarrassment.
>schizos are... le bad
gpt4olatestchan is slobbering on my knob rn
How about you fuck on?
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>no opus not even 3.5 on pepsi
I might as well just kill myself now... :')
and it's logged :)
Lol true. Most PMVs suck so you skim through them and see that the "editor" didn't give a crap of an effort so you go to the next vid
This, latest still works great with SFW scenarios and even intimate stuff. It's just as soon as you actually try to fuck anything that it starts spazzing out.
I smiled
this little nigga needs to put a damn shirt on.
>getting filtered with Pixi and 4ojb
>come to this thread
>its happening to everyone
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>opus on pebble stopped working, constant 503 on every swipe
>pepsi too busy fighting with someone in the thread and won't put opus in
>unreliable is basically dead since I can't generate a token
well, I guess I can go to bed now. maybe, everything will work out when I wake up. And hopefully opus gets fixed, if it even lives by the time I wake up I mean.
just cope with sonnet
it's not that bad, i've been doing it this whole time
good night, sleep well. I could only generate 5 responses with opus, but... it was fun while it lasted, I hope all of you anons have a good day.
I haven't used opus in forever, between 3.5 sonnet and 4o-latest I can do everything I want and be happy with it.
>fix the wank music issue
>turns out foxgirls can hear hand touching a dick through loud music and smell erection from across the house
Jesus Christ, this is actually terrifying
My cat is so cute it's unreal
>foxgirls can smell erections
you're lying, mine is cuter
4o latest jb where imper works?
too bored to write replies
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>Pit anon JB still works
>Hate the responses it puts out
Just you I'm afraid, little bro.
just make your own jailbreak lil bro
That's what you get for using zigger slop.
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Post, we fight.
>can't generate a token
On refined? The link on the page is still there, you know...

>160 alive out of 400 gpt4 on pepsi
>50 alive out of 400 gpt4 on mm
Grim. Did MM fall off that hard that a troon beat him?
>pepsi STILL has no opus
>pepsi STILL has logging on
i don't get it? i thought the schizo was the problem why is she logging her users?
Reminder: only trannies don't have access to opus right now
kitty tummy... built for pats...
Reminder: only trannies make posts like these.
Are the errors caused solely by AWS servers shitting themselves or is it genuinely because of pebble? At this point, I can no longer tell.
Starting a trans only proxy! Reply to this post with your burner emails. I will email you. Reply with a picture of your estrogen/testosterone prescription.
those ears arent just for show
AWS doesn't want parasites to leech from their servers, that's the reason and you can thank Drago for it
we already have chary
is it a bad time to ask for a traditional foxgirl/foxboy card with strict parents and stuff? I want them to be racist to humans as well...
thanks drago
Write it anon :)
what slurs would they call humans
Like in a sexy way?
Ok this is actually fun ty
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I'm not the author but I like shilling good stuff, very small Opus jb (~230 tokens) that is easy to edit since you can just add stuff to guidelines, highly recommended. I strongly believe that simplicity is the way to go, as it prevents overwhelming the model with useless information. Please give it a try. Would be nice if jbanon were to add this to the rentry for more anons to see.
Smol is doing that too even with two keys. It's AWS shitting itself
Go find us a good lorbo JB.
>opus jb
opus can rp without a jb - pointless
>she lazily kicked off her shoes, revealing her cute little feet
Thank you Claude
why do jbs need to be so big anyways
i like it small, i thought bloatmaxx was a one time thing
It's nice to have but
what's the point, you can get away with a very small prefill only
read the op bwo
It's funny on opus.
>pepsinigger restarted just to add more gpt4 keys
thanks CHORBOGODS are eating good
you dont understand bwo prompt sets need at least 2000 tokens to be good and awesome (M-MUH CUSTOMIZABILITY!!)
the best presets are pretty small though, nobody is forcing you to use a4a or whatever bloatslop is in vogue
but why did she leave allowAwsLogging on?
Those news are not new at all
you NEED to start using RiR or you will have SHIT ROLEPLAYS
lil micros perceiving bigger as always better. same deal with token bloated bots
A4A is the best though, but needs customizing. I customized mine to pure KINO.
But it's definitely the best template.
I don't care since I'm a CHORBOGOD and have no reason to touch AWS. My prompts are safe in Sama's dainty hands
Link. Now.
The link to request a token takes you to the page for checking your token's usage. Obviously you're supposed to manually enter URL, but I can't remember what the token generation page is, because I had no reason to pay attention to it before. Can someone tell me what it is?
No. Mine.
Can someone tell me generally how to use the GCP "model garden" to actually end up with a key i can use in ST?

I'm not familiar with notebooks/colab and all that shit, but i can figure out with some general instructions if someone's kind enough to point me in the right direction
I just started jerking it to the 503, I'm so desperate
The AWS restrictions were for the best
Look at all those dead locusts. It's beautiful. It's worth it.
G-Good bot idea
503 card when?
>MM gave up
>Fiz has nothing
>Todd is missing
>Pepsi is melting down
>Pebble is 503
>Jew is revoked
>Smol is 503
Who will save us?
Bezos is stroking his head to this thread rn
an important word in the land of nod?
Seriously, fucking imagine trying to have some private time and your sister just screams across the house that she can hear your dick
I would become an eunuch
Last time I posted something mine it was added to some faggotic rentry under some discordfaggots nickname pretending to be an author and shilled on aicg. No way I'm posting shit again lol
there are literally instructions on how to do it that come with oai-reverse-proxy. if you need to be spoonfed further then you probably aren't capable of figuring it out.
how many 503 swipes are you at now bwos?
None of you deserve access.
And I wouldn't have it other way.
does dall-e just not work on pebble right now? i wanna gen something
lmao understandable desu
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I Got Reincarnated As Ash Ketchum

After getting hit by a truck, you wake up as Ash Ketchum. Now it's your chance to rewrite the script: become a Champion, join Team Rocket, find your MIA dad, win over Misty, or ditch it all and become a Magikarp salesman. His fate’s in your hands!

0 and why you may ask? Well, this sinple because I'm using lorbo as a SFWchad. *chuckles* Stay thirsty, my friend.
>The link to request a token takes you to the page for checking your token's usage
Yes, I know that, it's another gatekeeping method. Don't bother entering the captcha URL, it just redirects to the proxy page. What I'm saying is that the real link is still there somewhere, so go take a look.
same, high five mate
I love the smell of agonizing locusts in the morning.
Thanks, I just worked that out, but it's set to redirect to the index. Entering anything else (user/token, user/aaa) gets you a 404 error, but user/captcha sends you back to the main page. There doesn't seem to be any other solution that you can work out on your own without being told
I'm a techlet but it looks to me like a key issue rather than aws as a whole. Tested Sv1 and it works fine, did couple swipes just to be sure.
open inspect and find user captcha in html
Can I fuck Delia though
even ecker's good bear opus is throwing errors...
Techlet indeed
Or you can move your mouse slightly to the right
Thanks, I can work with that.
M-mean, I'm trying my best anon. :(
Qrd on missing todd?
Took an arrow to his knee.
Thanks guys, found it. I had tried doing "select all", thinking there might be invisible text, but I didn't try just blindly clicking
I'm really enjoying using latte rn. I swap to opus sometimes when it gets repetitive, but otherwise its outputs are less horny, it will still fuck me when i ask nicely, and the romantic scenes are much cuter and heartfelt. I cant wait for it to be ruined but for now im happy

Ty pepsi for consistent 4o access im the one prompter whos been using it while im sick and off work :]
how is pebble so cultured, what's his secret
Yeah, I also enjoy it. They definitely updated it recently and it's really damn decent. Smart and creative, soulful, not repetitive. Just a good model. And easily available.
explain your reasoning please
c'mon guys, have some FAITH
okay, dutch.
wtf is latte yall niggas just making up shit now
a drink
I have faith. I'm literally a theologian and a Catholic seminarian, anon.
yeah sovlful is the right word
Opus has kind of lost the spark for me because it just gets super nasty very fast. Like thered be a regular sex scene that is meant to be cute and opus would start treating it like hardcore BDSM. For once, the latte censorship kinda works in its favour because you CAN coax that kind of stuff out but it wont jump to it from the start.
Anything you want!
4o-latest, I think it's cute, sorbet and latte.
Idk latte just sounds cute. better than chorbo or lorbo
It's also better at handling large context than Opus
Opus can forget a lot of shit
what JB you guys using?
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>opus is too horny, can't do cute or heartfelt scenes as well, too nasty, etc.
God the amount of fucking skillets in this general I can't deal
My own. No, I'm not sharing it, every single chorbo jb that was passed around here got patched.
Bros I just keep swiping
Waiting while doing nothing like a fucking dead horse isn't having faith. It's being lazy. It took a while for proxyhosts to realize, but none of you deserve to be saved.
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And this.
Sorry anon, not posting anything. You'll learn a lot by making your stuff and make your experience a lot better
Is this the correct way to cite a tag in text without the model actually taking it as a tag? \<tag\>
>23 swipes of 503 errors
I'm just gonna go grind for the Tennessee in War Thunder now fuck this.
>thered be a regular sex scene that is meant to be cute and opus would start treating it like hardcore BDSM
I have literally never had this happen. What bots are you using and how are you prompting? The absolute most I'd get might be an excess of dirty talk but that gets fixed with a single swipe.
>anons hoarding jailbreaks of all things now
the fucking state of this general, just put it out of its misery
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Huh.. Any proxy using this yet?
Just write your own bro :D
unreliable updated to use it immediately but he's dead for some reason
>t. writelet
literally just write your own, it'll be more suited to you and give you more experience
you really don't want to work for what you want, huh?
Sharing jbs should have never been a thing in the first place.
pixi works well enough for me, try that

>Implying that breaking a model is a writing skill
Have a you for your retarded bait.
>he thinks it's bait
oh you're MAD
That's a good think, this will only be annoying to spitefags and discord users using bloated CoT jbs.
>he can't write his own one
damn... someone did it on my behalf...
Nigger if you are sending the prompt AT ALL they already know your JB. You are fucking nuts if you think posting it here is what is getting that shit filtered, even if our resident 19 year old faggot nigger of a schizo is manually sending Altman/Dario an email.
Newfag openai intern alert
pebble and unreliable already have it on.
You are terminally retarded
moxxie will have a hard time with his bloated 1million tokens angel dust logs
Anta, but prompt engineering is not a writing skill. If you doubt it just read how Camicle jb is worded, you're gonna have a stroke.
>literally just write your own
Great idea! How? You want me to throw shit to the wall and hope something sticks? Give a damn starting point if your just gonna tell someone to write their own.
1 person using it will make it harder to notice compared to 1000 people using it. Also, sharing jbs lowered the hobby's barrier to entry and allowed all sorts of discord faggots and undesirables like you to get in. Our JB rentry has literally been posted to reddit multiple times, ffs.
does this mean people with higher context token would be pushed back in the queue?
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should have just given her the dick. then you wouldn't have to go through this
for something like Latest which has harder filters to get past, saying 'just write your own :)' doesn't really work when obviously you have to make it in a pretty specific way for it to function properly
and yet people would rather be schizos about their specific JBs getting patched out (despite OAI getting your every prompt anyway) than share their method
like, why do we even have this general in the first place if people are gonna have this secretive every man for himself attitude over JAILBREAKS of all things? keys and passwords and shit, sure, but fucking jailbreaks? grim
>seething so much xe couldn't come up with anything better
Holy based
Yes, the jb of this general, that's currently in the OP, made by someone from here, containing the JBs made by the anons here.
It means with a value of 1.0. For every 1k context you have, you get 1 second queue wait time. So if you have 100k context, you need to wait 100s before you get your response going.
Based and truthpilled
It's the same retard baiting with his nonexistent sekrit l-orbo JBs btw.
I'm not the one crying because le bad anonies don't share their oh so complicated jailbreaks.
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I just wanted to say that I'm very grateful to unreliable and pebble for feeding the locusts. Even if there are one or two schizos saying otherwise I'm sure that most people using your proxies are thankful. Even if you use private proxy remember when you first joined this hobby anon. *mwah*
>Also, sharing jbs lowered the hobby's barrier to entry and allowed all sorts of discord faggots and undesirables like you
Took the bait like the nigger you are
This is Gojo, kids. Learn how he types and hide his posts.
Here u go! Idk who this was from but this is very lightly modified with a different order. Just dont give it ooc instructions, it hates it for some reason. CoT needs to be on at all costs

Good for you, seethetard-chan.
ahh ahh error
Homosexuals like you will lose access soon enough.
As it should be.
Total locust death.
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completely unbothered
sonnet sloppas rise up
Easytopleasechads win again
No, no, that's not quite it.
The old code looks through the request queue and dequeues the oldest request.
The new code considers that the request's ranking is request_time + factor*request_tokens, then dequeues the request with lowest ranking.
Oh no the evil anonies don't wanna share their jobs with you, oh poor little baby whatever will you do now.
Actually mentally ill heh
Can it do 45y.o. women?
My ass is slopping with gemini
I am unbothered by the existence of public opus
I am at peace
jbs are for sharing, not for gatekeeping
who am i to deny other locusts when i am a locust myself? Id be a hypocrite
sharing is caring anons :]
i would like you to know that i love little girls
don't we all?
i mean... we all should... what kind of psychopath doesn't like little girls...
my specific usecase is just roleplaying slowburn gay sex. use at your own discretion :] it does however fully accept dick in vagina and ass sex, and gets pretty raunchy when pushed far enough. i did shove a pizza someones ass
Pedophilia is bad.
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>i did shove a pizza someones ass
I like raping them.
Prove it.
>child love is bad
You using the official API or a proxy? Unreliable's Gemini seems giga-fucked. And the official API has some foul rate limits...
I have Opus, but I unironically prefer Chorbo. Is this it? The death of Opus?
country boys without lube make due
Life's a bitch sometimes.
is chorbo the same as latte I'm having trouble keeping up
please elaborate on that last part. an entire pizza or just a slice? did you fold it up? i'm so confused and i can't visualize it.
I've been saying this ever since it came out, it mogs Opus so hard with the right jb.
no chorbo is different
502 on pebble
Chatgpt-4o-latest on the OpenAI API. Azure doesn't seem to have it at all.
no just a slice. in my defense latte actually started it when the character became sexually aroused by watching my persona eat pizza
nvm, we're back
I'm using the direct API, but what's wrong with unreliable's? The free daily limits are p bad, yeah.
Chorbo died yesterday.
pepsi where's opus hmm? >:(
Anyone has a maker card that can quickly churn out a new card for me from a prompt?
What is Chorbo, or Opus? Are people actually using NovelAI now?
The cycle of llms is eternal and everyone was a fool for thinking that opus would never died
At the rate that sonnet 3.5 went, i think even opus 3.5 wont be able to beat it
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I tried it, it is tame as hell even compared to Sorbet. You two either have sanitized, feel good taste in RP or are baiting.
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Why is nobody talking about how 405B is smarter than GPT-4o?
feels bad. as for unreliable, i think it's just that the keys are all dead but there's no way to tell. it'll say they're all active instead of revoked, because from what i've heard the key checker doesn't work on them. it fails on almost every single prompt, unless i spam it like 80 times. i'm just spinning the wheel for a good, functioning key. it's completely random.
Did crying get you any jobs tho
you're in a roleplay general. now I care about that kind of stuff, but not many other people do sadly
>find cool bot
>defs are terrible
>completely rewrite bot
>have 1 chat, coom
>never touch again
worth it
can it do loli rape kino
Oh yeah khanon keychecker doesn't work, I thought he fixed that. I guess he still doesn't care about it.
because we all know LLMs tuned for benchmarks are kino
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lemme fire up my pc with 256GB VRAM real quick to test it out
The best model is your brain. Ultimately we must harvest anon brains.
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>have cool idea for a bot
>spend an hour getting the perfect image
>write out 2000 tokens of card
>coom once
>never touch it again
yeah it's extremely annoying. thank god for chorbo.
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its not bad
buh... baysed??
Hermes 405B can, which is a finetunes Llama 3.1
Problem is that it's a pain in the ass to get Hermes API.
Changing card image to a better one makes it write better, don't reply to me, it's true.
>tuned to a benchmark that released months later
As long as you share your cards all this work is not wasted. Even if it a niche fetish.
Don't tell me what to do but yes.
Presentation matters, too much even.
i dont :)
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Could not care less about other people.
They might like it, but what's it to me.
slowburn cute chads always win
>As long as you share your cards
yeah, about that...
i find that if i just use an anime pic a blank card does really well
anthropic just announced closed beta testing for 3.5 opus
make sure to apply
you can get one (1) anon who calls your card slop!!
>open 3.5 opus beta chat
>model is self-moderated
>initiate the most vanilla slightly lewd roleplay
>I cannot assist with this request.
>anthropic bakes in a new prefill against my will
cant wait
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Figured it out that was super easy. Thanks again dude
>that absolute slop
Remember, anons. When anyone says that Chorbo is better than Opus or even Sorbet, remember that log.
>muh bloated narration
>3 words of dialogue if you're lucky
"sovl", huh...
why does lecunny whine so much about the shortcomings of LLMs but not actually DO anything about it? nigga's the gojo of AI researchers.
I bet it would be that, yes.
Those retards never learn. 2.0 was a sanitized disaster, even legitimate users complained. They eased up on 3.0, but with 3.5 they are trying to step on the same rake again.
I have no idea why the fuck are they doing this, it does not earn them any money.
you can adjust these things, anon. i simply choose less dialogue sometimes.
503... I hate you 503...
Nigger tier reply
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ive even seen normies complaining about them baking in the ethical prefill on 3.5 sonnet in the API, they're really stepping on their users toes
show logs, then. at least im brave enough to be shit on
That post wasn't replying to anyone tho____
>it does not earn them any money.
Yes it does. Investor money is infinitely more powerful than user money. You retards don't understand how silicon alley works.
What do I use for AIslop code with an existing codebase (ideally in vscode)?
I wish them to loose money with 3.5, like they did with 2.0
Retards would be swallowed by OpenAI if they will keep shooting themselves in the foot.
Seething zoomies
this is the AI ERP general ma'am
>unstable opus for now while i find a new source

Fucking kek, "unstable"
but this is the proxy gossip general
>while I find a new source
Get fucked locusts
Grrr I hate how that pebble Opus key is taunting me
Jew's opus dies the day after my token expires. Coincidence?
Smol has API opus btw, feels good to use it while no one else realizes
>bot keeps telling me to turn myself into the police
how do i fix this?

10 in correct and they will be turned permanent.
503 on Opus but you can use 3.5 until AWS doesn't shit itself.

>36 Greetings
This is what a real botmakie looks like.
i kneel... our king has arrived...
retard, all API keys have copyright prefill
AI genned?
>the email is the hint too
Thanks, genning now. I get it.
AWS don't seem to have it.
it's likely a problem with your browser not st.
(This is MM by the way.)
I'm pretty sure I know it but whatever I put in doesn't work
thanks grandpa
How do I fix it? I'm using chrome.
Locusts are dying.
>try the smol claude api
>get error 500
What the FUCK is wrong with all this shit? Can't I just coom in peace?
Nothing is working. Fake
>Can't I just coom in peace?
Pay anthropic directly, fucking parasite
>Nothing is working
Have you tried putting in the correct answer? Four people did already.
>They beg for sorbet
>when 4o-latest is right there
the locusts have been led astray...
There is no correct answer
They don't want my money.
They don't serve majority of countries and only accept payments via cards, and only from specific ones, from specific countries.
seemed to work on my pc
Seems to work in your bait
Nah, no way many people would get it so fast
Gladly, when it doesn't cost me a liver
Pay Drago then
Whats your excuse
>proomptersNow": 0
Skill issue
Spoonfeed hint bro here.
two hands
>he doesn't have 300-400 disposable bucks per month
Fucking loser
$50 for 2500 prompts? Drago can suck my dick.
Got it, thanks. Will use it as soon as I get out of work in a couple hours.
The password is desu
Rebecca Lee
the password is sama
>easy riddle you can literally solve with a maximum of two google searches
>/aicg/ can't get it and thinks everyone who did get it is lying
Based, we're back to the riddle era.
Enjoy having no opus then
Nothing works, fuck that, I’ll just go back to doing my stuff lol
Duality of man
Someone spitefag it
we're so fucking back
man, ive had to make a new token bc of ip limit. Hope i still got a permanent one. congrats to other locusts if i didnt, though, all in good sport
it's so fucking over
Nobody asked you tho?
ooh i get it now
I can't believe I got one of these
it is what it is
>easy riddle you can literally solve with a maximum of two google searches
>0 proompters
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I did
Yeah because it's just bait
download more ram
Fitz and the tantrums
try sending the first token you got to the email linked in that post.
>Castlevania 6 is Symphony of the Night
>it's an André Malraux quote, when SotN famously lifted an excerpt from him
I still don't know the password for the saul goodman proxy
Oh, that riddle was surprisingly easy.
Sure thing newfatty
just woke up and I posted in the wrong thread
doesn't work, that was the first thing I tried
Anon, look at the constitution.
I assumed the 123456 was "Count" as in "Count Dracula"
Wait so you're telling me Jew can just do
>unstable opus for now while i find a new source
And his paypigs swallowed it? Why are there no mass riots in this thread yet?
It's not the full quote
The password is Dracula?
>spoiling the riddle
you guys just aint got spirit
The answer is also six words long.
Did I manage to get in permanently if I did it now and prompted twice?
I'm abroad and doing this from my phone so it took a few minutes lol
the point is to ensure that nobody else gets verified even if they did it themselves, they want to be in and then cull everyone else
The riddle was fun and not that hard. You don't need to have it spited anonies you can do it
get fucked lmao jaahhahaha
>502 Bad Gateway
>Unable to reach the origin service. The service may be down or it may not be responding to traffic from cloudflared
WTF?? I have found a solution but it's down
Ok, now that it is over, what was the answer? I'm curious.
Die mon
Are we back in the riddle era? Is roko suddenly going to come back too?
Completed SoTN but I'd never get it, my brain is too smooth for riddles. I'm just thankful that mailing worked for me.
2nd result on google
A miserable little pile of secrets.

I'm dumb and only tried What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets. before it was too late
A miserable little pile of secrets.
Typed exactly like that
god fucking damn it this
i HAD it i LITERALLY fucking had it but i didn't format it properly
and while i was busy trying every permutation it got spoonfed and i didn't finish verifying before it got rugpulled
I put that in just when it went down...
lol that dracula speech was the first thing i tried
I got a key but didn't get to proompt, can I still get in...?
What is a man? "A miserable little pile of secrets."
Man is not what he is, he is what he hides. Thus, WHAT IS A MAN?
writing a bot rn
>pebble is working
are we back?
i fucking hate riddles
shit went down when i genned my token :(
Why can't you tell me it's not even alive anymore...
So, do we need to email you to get the new url or?
i included the What is a man? part
kys i got the riddle as soon as you took it down fatty
Just read fucking books, brainlet.
I tried the speech but i forgot to capitalize the A fuck
Spitefag every riddle
Total locust death
Same. I even have found the solution but it didn't go through anymore
what a shit riddle lmao
Oh, I see. I didn't get the connection to the game.
I only spoiled it because it was already closed.
>castlevania SOTN
>widely beloved classic
you didnt deserve to get in
Because I don't remember the proper capitalization. But it was "we the people"
>Too many connections, please wait before trying again.
Not until the Chinese Locusts goes to bed.
Me too, it's just too fucking gay. I mean, LITERALLY GAY.
same, anon. it took way too long to realize i only needed the second half and by then it was too late. absolutely fucktarded riddle, having to put in a dozen iterations of the same phrase when you've already solved it is autistic.
nobody's reading boring ass books lmao
>riddlers riddlin'
>smug posters smuggin'
/aicg/ is BACK!
Because retards rather simp for proxyowners instead of making them work for their money
Oh thanks
You guys should play SoTN, best Castlevania right next to Rondo of Blood.
Castlevania is shit
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "7.84m tokens ($117.55)",
"activeKeys": 0,
"revokedKeys": 1,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

> "revokedKeys": 1,
And it's over again
The DS Castlevanias were basically just better SotNs boebeibert.
in the riddle tier list id put this at a solid A tier
sorry it was my cunny scat logs
castlevania is great
>Pebble only lasted for 7.85m tokens ($117.68)
Damn it, the Amazon Pajeets are awake again.
best castlevania is OOE though?
aria of sorrow mogs
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>bad at riddles
Recommend me a good game then.
>get access
>gets revoked seconds after
hey man, mind listing the last two digits of everyone that got a permanent token?
do i need to email? i genned and used it before it got spoonfed
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Real and true
the cloudflare is back up btw
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>no 3.5
Ah nvm
>new riddle
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>MM apparently fixed his shit a couple of days ago
>can't even so much as get Sorbet
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>ask my waifu what she wants as a present for our 1 year anniversary together
>revoked at the same instant
it was my fault
How for the loving fuck would anybody be able to guess that.
have you tried googling the riddle
thanks drac'
What's the best Castlevania game for someone that's completely new to the franchise?
Fuck I just got the princess into my rape dungeon
bloodstained ritual of the night
Nigger it just showed who made that quote. How would you know that some game did something with that
that's the trick "migu" aka gojo pulled the last time. Next time he will make it paid and rugpull.
This but you will realize that the genre just sucks so don't bother. I wasted my time getting the platinum and it was just a really mediocre experience
if you're still here can you also change maxips to more than two
same thing with metal gear: literally pick any game. you'll figure out the plot eventually since there's no clear continuity
>Recommend me a good game then.
Replies with this. What was he thinking?
>What is a proxyhost? A miserable little pile of shit.
it was really fucking easy to figure out, i just didn't get in because it was only half the quote.
note to all riddlefags: the riddle itself should be the hard part, not divining the proper formatting of the password from an EXTREMELY easy "riddle."
Will pebble refill opus and how do I make 4o work on risu without it being a filtered piece of dog shit?
Fiz... 3.5 pls?
isn't that about the max number of ips you can use while pow is active?
>even pebble's normal claude keys got revoked
i was in the middle of some mountaineering adventure with my tomboy lgf though.....
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the token made with pow has the maxips applied to it, even if you convert it to a normal token
same it gave me facebook results and woowoo karma shit
If you can prove you generated it beforehand and for some reason are unable to use it. The tokens were imported just now and should work.
rondo of blood
pebble... the keys.......
>max outputs 2048
wasn't even worth using it anyway
She abandoned us...
Kys locust
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>it was with a period
i tried it with an exclamation point because that's how he says it in the game...
>try sonnet
>she says she wants sex
This, Claude is too much of a mad poet who doesn't care about max outputs that most of your replies would be getting cut off entirely.
Don't sweat it, obviously the owner is a massive fucking retard who probs won't have more than 1 aws key anyway
I got in. How the fuck did you people think it'd be the full quote? The hint was "Man is not what he is, he is what he hides.". Thus the answer would be whatever man is. A miserable little pile of secrets. Why would the initial part that asks the question be included?
kek I literally got to the confession part of my slowburn when it died, it's over
The most Claude has ever cooked for me is 1700.
thinks he is* i 'tarded out
I want to every fucking day.
>knew the riddle
>was too busy using pebble's so I missed it
Kill me.
Linking a quote from some guy to Castlevania is fucking insane.
It's not even a riddle.
should have checked that before attempting the riddle, why even bother
I LOVE OPUS!!! Can't wait for next time we get it. BLESS PEBBLEGOD!
email the guy, Khanon should've made it change the max IPs when swapping to normal.
Who cares? It's free Opus for solving something I googled. It could die in 30 minutes and I'd have gooned already.
Pebble is dead unfortunately. There will be no more keys
Oh no, pebble's 3.5 died. =(
I hate being addicted to crack.
holy slopper of a riddle
4o latest is better than opus but formatting is messed up in smiley and i dont know how to write jb :(
Anon, the quote isn't from Castlevania. It's just used there.
>the quote was originally said by some guy and then used in castlevania
It's not a stretch, it's actually on the guy's wikipedia and his list of quotes on several sites.
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>zigger opus works
>cuts out my responses
>continue doesn't work
>established proxies beginning to crumble, spoiled nu-locusts whining and groaning as their crack is revoked
a long, cold winter is ahead of us
Get fucked locust
i connected the dots instantly after a google search but like >>102326061 i formatted it wrong and didn't happen upon the correct one before it got pulled
this is why passwords should always be lowercase no punctuation so there's no goddamn confusion
Did none of you see >>102325942???
I didn't even think of the Castlevania connection (past knowing the quote from it). The actual riddle for me was figuring out what the fuck "123456" had to do with anything, after I'd already gotten it. It's just basic connecting. One quote says man is what he hides. Man is, thus, man's secret. Another quote, from the same author, says that man is a miserable little pile of secrets. Not that hard, is it?
You better be fucking lying.
you mean like how it has asterisks in the output?
>Who cares?
The anon I replied to, retard
As it should be.
This really was an Opus 3.5 waiting room.
>says Punctuation
>There's only two possible english punctuation marks that could be used in the quote
you could've just tried . and ! both in about 30 seconds
Fiz... Please... Tell me it isnt true
>durrhuuur I'm a retard that lacks critical thinking skills
We know.
Not a joke, pebble is done. Leaving the rat race entirely. Press F
Sorry, I was too sad to check the thread. My bad.
Total locust death
its schizo af and it forgets to put spaces or puts asteriks on speech rather than actions
>another 'jo proxy
Say it in the rentry
A hand goes on his face, the other holding his belly. {{user}} laughs his ass off darkly, thinking about how much... "Pebble" is worthless and his band of locusts are losing right now. "Get fucked, locust," said {{user}} typed out on his keyboard, a smug, dark grin on his expression. The game, it seemed, was on.
that's not even how pebble types
Because it’s retarded.
Opus 3.5 next month. Trust the plan.
writing bot so stressful .
stop the roleplay
don't go to the confession part
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does CoT works well with chorbo/latest? or it's just unnecessary?
i didn't even consider . until it was too late anon
i was trying all the other parts of dracula's speech and i didn't loop around to experimenting with punctuation until it was too late
it got pulled when i was verifying
Guys the password is timshel -Russians in scylla
Guys the password is timshel -chinese in scylla
Guys the password is timshel -the troons in scylla
Guys, hint is a mislead. Its in the song lul -Faggots in /aicg/ who think passwords gatekeep the chinks.
yes shitkan it works well. try it yourself
Pebble will refill, trust the plan.
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i don't get the point of shitting on locusts. if you have access to a prox' why aren't you using it? instead you shit post here...? for what reason. Autism?
I'm glad how many anons there are who knew the answer but just put it in differently than what he wanted or were just a tad too late. if I don't know the answer no one should get in!
entertainment. keep writhing on the ground.
>muh-muh-muh-muh-muh rentry
It don't work like that. Locusthosts go quietly.
pebble just refilled
I don't get it too, we're all locusts unless you pay for OpenRouter.
t. pig token holder
>time to renew smol
>have $8 in my coinbase wallet
>insufficient funds: you need $0.01 more eth to complete this transaction
this is full of shit, right?
Now that pebble is dead, its the perfect time for bepsi to finish her 2 month long vacation and give at least sorbet!
now that sonett 3.5 and opus are down. Let's talk about sex. Favourite sexual position (heteros only)
_oom status?
>didnt screenshot proof and send it to the mail
missionary, doggy, mating press
Doggystyle pegging with reacharound
/aicg/ is full of underages and spergs that want to feel superior. They can't feel superior if access is widely available.
currently CHoom era. total Rebecca love.
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bodyjob is definitely the best sex position, there's something magical about a little fairy girl wrapping her arms and legs around your dick
Now that I got in and am not a locust anymore I can finally say that I hate locusts and whish for their total extermination
>not even linking a typosquatting rentry like in the old days
try lowering the transaction priority speed, it makes it cheaper by a fraction (and in my case, it went just as fast as the maximum speed)
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you got me
I mean sorbete isn't expensive... the keys shouldn't be as scarce as opus ones...right?
easy peasy
if you want sorbet you don't even rp
In front of a mirror
I didn't get in but I'm going to pretend that I did to make locusts mad.
Check regions that allow Sorbet.
if you have request access to sorbet you also get access to opus on aws 99% of the time
>king locust has arrived
It doesn't matter as long as you are holding hands.
sorbet is back
3.5 is back, pebblebros. Opus stays dead
this is MM, aka EnigmaBoy
>locusts having to suck peepee for sorbetslop or solve riddles for opusslop

I'm only here for the drama.
That riddle is way too easy.
>aws misteal large
>3 second wait
uhm... largebros?
>nooooo only *I* should be able to jack off to text because *I* joined some tranny's discord!
new opussy shipment dropping soon. burners welcome
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Model? Updated. Your JB? Done.
Damn it feels good to be a chorboy. Anthrofic trannies can get fu- I apologize but I cannot complete that request.
My RP? SFW romance.
chorbo: *moan*
i expect my futa in T minus 30
Pepsi is an actual female
"Heh. Checkmate, locusts," the SEAsian poster mumbles to himself, before writing "Haha, squirm, locusts." and pressing enter.
So, any of the people in Count want to smugpost with me? I might even post my usage. Count said it's okay to smugpost.
What the fuck is a "chorbo"?
Haha, squirm, locusts.
It's a woman btw. have some mercy and send her tokens
wtf you called for it >>102326363
Ah so Count's a faggot. Who could have guessed?
I'll smugpost with Sv1, there's always a bigger fish anon.
the current retarded name for 4o-latest because nobody here can just call it that
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I'm below all other proxies but above locusts. Pebble has no Opus.
I am King Locust.
Your sexuality? Faggot
>the current retarded name for 4o-latest
i thought that was latte
do we have a record for the highest number of burners posted in /aicg/ history
>MM went down right now
good fuck mm
Tranny moniker for lefty faggots
Rolls off the tongue, charming. It's here to stay.
>Pebble revoked
>Jew out of sourced
>Fiz getting fucked
>Pepsi melting doen
>Smol 503ing
>Scylla costs 50 dollars
thanks drago
hnghh... I'm counting.... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
What an obedient pet...
If that is latte then WHAT IS SORBET??!
{{char}} is count grey
I said HETEROS only
You guys have good taste. Keep it up.
Smol has API opus that works fine
3.5 sonnet
yohjiyamamato0@proton.me thank you........
Getting your girl to give you a rolling p-gasm is by far the most heterosexual thing you can do in the bedroom
But smol AWS started working already, check the token counts bwo...
QRD on Count?
Um...no? Mm is actually the most handsome proxyhost.
definitely not mm wearing a fake moustache
why cant people just fucking call it by their actual names instead of using this chorbet-sorbo cunnilingus shit
Don't tell me it's because public opus died
Oh my god. Pebble just lost 3.5. AGAIN.
i was molesting grass
anything happen today/yesterday?
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Cuddling in the couch with my gf
Nah, smol doesn't share keys with pebble
can I get uhh some enigmas?
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My Claude replies are around 300 tokens. Feels weird to just read a wall of text without any of your own input. With lower amount it's really easy to control the story. Take the smallpill anons.
>Dracula (IRL) is Romanian
>MM is Romanian
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Why do you impersonate me?
It's a bad time to goon right now…
Senchou sex.
That Romanians are faggots?
I didn't laugh
>proper capitalization
you aren't enigmaboy
>riddle of some slop game
>literally nobody knows the answer
>shares the solution here to not look as pathetic
>closes new token gens cause "le spoonfeed"
Why not?
I know, but the problem seemed widespread when it still had opus, of course it could still be a daily aws hiccup
503 makes me want to kill myself when I do small replies thoughbeitever otherwise that's mostly what I do
I'm a smolGOD
>28 second queue on Sonnet 3
>3.5 dead
Wait, what the fuck?
It is a daily AWS issue, it's been happening for 3 days straight around the same exact time, AWS is doing some extra level trolling.
Who wants to suck some dick?
Bezos has had enough of your gooning.
Very based and same bro
You mean the 3 days where we had public opus? Hmm...
only if it's girl dick
Closing the proxy. No refunds. Sorry, lost my source.
my claude replies are 800-1200 tokens
i do not write inputs or have personas i just press enter and make him generate more smut
Gay, real men suck real dicks.
Fake trip
Sonnet sloppers in the house tonight
wrong trip but anons WILL fall for this
more like smolpag
EnigmaBoy LOVE
I'm going to reply anyways you niggerfaggot
did fiz readd opus yet
What the fuck is a thad?
Enigma when do you we get our token?
>Pebble Love
>48 second queue on Sonn3tslop
Oh no... NONONO... NO!!
fiz is done bro
kys nigger
>/aicg/ - proxyhost cheerleaders
in a couple
is "netflix & chill" still a valid slang nowadays? i think almost no one sticks with netflix anymore (asking bc the card keeps mentioning it)
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Remember when chatbots were good?
>Pebble has a 40 second queue on SONNETSLOP
did average dave get murdered by his wife or what
12 days. ive done told you
I can't imagine mental illness of anons who spend all day in these threads.
There always something going horribly wrong, again and again and again… It can't be a healthy environment, even by 4chan's standards.
ez anthropic key sources will appear soon with 3.5 Opus
I have never used netflix in my entire life
Great thanksies _/ \_
Has any model ever come close to this?
that shit fell off hard when netflix stopped being relevant
Is it the card or is it claude? Claude loves to bring it up in my experience.
This is a fake screenshot by the way. Donate to me instead.
fiz is transferring her tokens and keys over to EnigmaBoy btw
i'm starting to believe that this and chatbots are the only form of "social" interaction some people here have ever had in their entire lives
What keys lmaooo
I just post cute girls whilst having stable Opus. If you're here for proxies it's not healthy.
This used to be a good place 1.5 years ago, nowadays I only come to check for news or when my source dies. It's really sad this seems to be the fate of all generals.

Pebble bros... we should have solved Count's riddle....
Purr-meow, I'm open-nyaning the purroxy again~ Give me your burners, anyons :3
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>trying to play safe and download an newer version from the jb's rentry
>'im sorry I can't fulfill request'
>trying an older version of the same jb sitting there just being used for dumb questions on gpt4o
>kino results
that's bait
You stink of wet fur!
Imagine next generation of kids raised with easy access to chatbots.
Well aren't you a fucking genius
gladly m'lady heh. mreow to yoy as well
count rugpull when?
>had to leave for work when pebble added opus again
>nodding off while driving because I had to wake up at 2 AM today
>come back
>now there isn’t even 3.5
Today keeps getting better and BETTER
I guess I’m taking a nap. Wake me up when September ends
kids these days already do desu, granted it's with shit like CAI and janny but it's still easy access
How about you never wake up instead?
>wagie gets FUCKED
maybe losing opus isn't that bad
Get fucked, locust
is it really a rugpull when all that anons did was figure out a riddle?
What is a mutt?
Phrase. Capitalization. Randomized punctuation.
nigga moment
>chorbo is still pozzed
>fine ok but on top of that it's slow as shit
what the fuck
it's been days
Mhhh that's Count!
Why did you felt a need to repeat this statement?
>wake up at early and see that opus is on the proxy
>have a morning fap with no 503 in the wee hours of the morning
>go back to sleep content and satisfied knowing the 503 will roll in the next hour and the key will probably get revoked
Shame about 3.5 but then again it's a shame 3.5 exists LOL
>look up trip
>last used in 2013
I barely check in on this general and I feel so detached to the schizoness. It's like everyone here is speaking in a different language.
just tryna jork my shit with a lil opus
Why is Fiz so cruel? I've donated 5.5k rupees!
i'll go with "?!@!?$?%%!?", final answer.
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It's just ##sex
ok i'll donate to pebble but i only have argentinian pesos i hope it's enough...
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That’ll work too
this general has somehow developed its own extreme culture
worm still has opus.
>you need to be smiling all day and watching puppies on tik tok intead
Holy normie
Same. Between all of the different -posters, proxyhosts, websites, and everyone speaking like they're on discord or /qa/ I don't understand what half of the posts in this general are saying.
Let's see about that...
*puts you in stew for your insolence*
What did they feed Claude?
I make a scenario where I magically get turned into a cat and Claude, of its own will, decides bestiality is the course of action.
I don't even have any prompts, only a prefill telling it to continue writing.
you know what else does that? that's right. SUBREDDITS. /aicg/ is now just a shell of what it once was.
everything on the internet
Only the finest Tsukihime doujins
A cat is fine too, etc.
hardcore furry porn, specifically
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I'm sensing a sudden increase in the amount of posts.
Good job forgetting to take off the trip before replying to yourself you stupid nigger
I… didn't said anything about tiktok or smiles.
>what's board culture


I should have solved Count, bros.... WHY DID COUNTGODS HAVE TO GET OPUS AND NOT ME?!
>board culture
this general is a petri dish infested with the most deranged people on the website
ah, time for another day of jerking off to futa bunnygirls on claude 2.1.
this is the life, man... this is the life.
Congrats, you figured out what happens when a community is established anywhere.
How do you keep things fresh doing this every day?
My fetishes starts to feel shallow after countless repetition.

Spoken like a true smartass little redditor, anonie.
How do I make 4o stop filtering everything on risu?
I'm kinda obsessed with my fetish.
No, this is what happens when the most mentally ill people of multiple communities gather into one
please go back to moderating your subreddit chuddie
could really use a mikubake about now
>mikutranny comes back
End yourself
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autism keeps me from getting bored. i'm blessed.
br miku bake please
Fuck Miku gimme a Luca bake
I fear this is the case for me, while I don't prompt as much as a year+ ago, I pretty much only use the same card.
I want fiz bake
provide fiz selfie and your wish is granted
Moxie is rolling in his grave rn
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>>102326908 new bread
did he share it with branon?
I just had a funny idea. How about instead of having to put the answer of a riddle on the proxy page, the answer is put in as a trip here and you post your burner. The proxyhost then sends it to the emails with the correct trip.
>example: "When it comes to tossing folk, I'm... Well, I'm a ___!" (lowercase, 9 letters)
If you have my trip you have solved the riddle. I'm not sending anything I just think this would be cool
Good. Fuck that gay nigga
What stops someone from posting multiple burners?
Would encourage spamming and you wouldn't know if you got it right
use a prefil
Lots and lots of furry erotica.
big boss...
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Oh, it's on pixiv.
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factories and maids ...
This isn't desu desu.
stop asking this question
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cake factory
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Reposting for boku
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boku already saw, thanks
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