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Discussion of free and open source text-to-image models

Previous /ldg/ bread : >>102351868

>Beginner UI
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Advanced UI
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
SwarmUI: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/SwarmUI

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Model Ranking

>Models, LoRAs & training


>Pixart Sigma & Hunyuan DIT
Nodes: https://github.com/city96/ComfyUI_ExtraModels

>Index of guides and other tools

>Try online without registration
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium

>Maintain thread quality

>Related boards
Blessed thread of frenship
I'm in need of upgrading my GPU from an ancient AMD PitCairn (2012) Radeon HD 7850.
I'm thinking about an RX 7900, but wondering if ZLUDA is good enough to Go AMD?
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no AMD is still worthless garbage
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>still no open source 16ch VAE model
it's still pretty bad and you'll run into constant issues. Buying an AMD card in current year is very silly if you have any interest in running AI inference or playing games.
what do you mean? SD3 and Flux VAE are open source and 16ch
A1111 Flux never ever
SD4 never ever
Flux 2 never ever
Slopless Loras never ever
>A1111 Flux never ever
A1111 is deprecated, Forge took its place
why in gods name would you want a fourth stable diffusion?
Cope. Local diffusion is dead.
this, SAI is done, their era is over
damn u got me anon
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>tfw slopmaxxing
Bigma status?
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>use OneButtonPrompt to generate a random prompt for testing
>this thing comes out
local diffusion is dead long live local diffusion
we're almost halfway into pixart pride month, still no bigma in sight
Im going to kill myself
The jewmobile
me too
imagine not making your own diffusion model in 2024 going into 2025
surely you aren't all poor?
>being wise is the same as being poor
Unironically awful mindset
lack of wisdom and immaturity is why you're poor
Unironically worse than awful mindset
why don't you project some 1girls onto my screen, pal
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all this text spam post gen you fucking bloggers
give her armpit hair
Are they open source tho
it's what's used for encoding/decoding latents. you couldn't do it without the weights.
as for whether it's /free/, it's apache 2.0
>Add captioned images (jpg/png + txt)
>captions are properly displayed
>try to start training
>PIL.UnidentifiedImageError: cannot identify image file 'abc.txt'
>remove text files from dataset list
>captions also disappear from the image previews
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Been out of this for over a year (back when models trained on Everything/NovelAI were king and LORAs were taking off), getting back in now with a much better GPU. What's the best model/setup for creating anime style images? I want to try higher res models like SD3 or SDXL, but have any good anime models been trained based on those?
No, dont. I bought a 7900xt in jan 2023 and returned it in the same week for a 4080, granted its more capable now then ot was back then but AMD is a fucking joke for gpgpu

yes. try any of the popular pony models.

SDXL was released in July 2023 btw
Pony (sdxl) models. Prefect pony v3/v2, autism mix. For flux models its kestral anime.

I genned native high res out of sd1.5 using control nets + latent couple. Probs can do the same on xl/pony.
Guys I need a model name, I'm going with Diffussy.
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>kestral anime.

That's just turbo slop
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The diffusion archeteccture was meant to eventually get out of its slop stage. Right now you need to heavily edit anything you make unless it's a basic sfw portrait or else it looks like slop. Right now there are some pixiv artists that do all this work for you. Most are just posting slop but some of them will touch up their work to varying degrees, and will spend hours getting the right gen combined with the right Lora, controlnet setup, manual editing etc. Even then, getting complicated human-human interactions is not easy, and maintaining character consistency between different scenes even more so. It has nothing to do with "muh vram."
commission me something complex i'll do it for free
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Shota with huge cock (~9 inches) standing face to face with a girl of similar age, with him standing close enough that his cock his touching her in some way. Both should be white. He should be wearing a shirt/hoodie that is slightly large on him.
>moralfaging on /ldg/
So you can't do it. I accept your concession. I'll stick to my pixiv artists for now then.
gimmie new model naow
Is there any example whatsoever of someone successfully training a CogVideoX lora? The model seems good enough that you could train it to make short clips of basically any concept (*cough* porn *cough*), as long as you have enough training data. But I don't want to bash my head against the wall for hours only to find out there's something that prevents you from training it.
>right Lora, controlnet setup, manual editing etc.
i do use specific loras, but barely have to touch up any more with pony. sd 1.5 i would have to draw every toe nail. i havnt even explored control nets since its so easy to just photoshop things around and then img2img
How long do you spend on each image? Can you post an example of your work? Do you have complex human-human or human-object interactions?
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>complex human-human or human-object interactions
how complex? this is an example of an image with zero touch ups, just a detailer for the faces which is automated. i would just need to fix the feed and hands, the penises gen almost perfectly, i would need to do manual work to get specific kinds of foreskins. i have plenty of examples of a hand grabbing a penis. admittedly lately i have just been gooning to gens so i dont have many interesting things, but to get consistent characters you can gen a character sheet as a base to img2img your character into a scene, and use the anime/cartoon strategy of making a character unique by their hair and eye color.
Can I automate i2i with different models in comfy? I use A11 but need reasons to switch. The civit helper in a11 is just too convenient.
try one with a one sitting on the other's lap. That is pretty good but it's in the standard position which these models are better at and isn't really that complex. If you tried from a different view angle and with something like one sitting on the other's lap, One sitting on a desk cross legged, or something like that, I suspect it would not fair as well.
Is there some flux finetune that’s basically “flux but able to do nudity”? Like I would be good with just flux but it erases nipples which screws up things like statues in Greek settings.
>Can I automate i2i with different models in comfy?
Yes but if you regularly do inpainting you're better off using forge for inpainting, it's kind of annoying in comfy/no good inbuilt editor
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either inpaint with pony after or use a nipple lora
>never really knew wtf regulation images were or were for
>ask chatgpt
>it actually makes sense now, neat
>still not sure I see a reason to use them
I wonder if using them would help fix loras frying hands though especially with anime styles.. hmm..
>go to civitai for the first time in like six months
>it’s been completely enshittified, five popups and three different settings just to see all images, ads everywhere, stupid random popups about “buzz”
Someone please light California on fire again
>people should do things for free
>I won't be paying it forward
>he doesn't just use civit for loras and nothing else
>been completely enshittified,
what website were you using 5 months ago that wasn't already completely enshittified.. those things are just the flies on the turd
Fix your bots neither of these replies make sense in the context of that anon's post.
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>someone should operate a website for my enjoyment for free
>I will not be contributing
Nothing he said implies that even vaguely, improve your reading comprehension.
>I'm mad they monetized
Are you a child?
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crossed legs is something it can do natively, but for a pose like sitting on another's lap i might try to look for a lora, although it seems to understand it somewhat. or even take an actual photograph and just img2img after crudely coloring the base colors. but pony is amazing. i unironically spend 40 hours on a piece in 1.5 that would probably only take an afternoon with pony. it is a challenge getting different races to do things together, like an elf and goblin for example, but its just a bit of photoshop and img2img
reminder to not engage with bait posts, report and ignore
>I'm mad that Civitai monetized because I'm a leech
Okay maybe it’s been way more than six months.
>nooooooooooo you can’t just put up a dead simple CRUD website with subscriptions and be happy when it’s instantly enough for everyone involved to retire, you MUST take a gorillion VC dollars and squeeze every drop of blood from the stone until everyone that visits the site hates you and you get your lunch eaten by someone with a sense of dignity and restraint
animals like you belong on a cross
I haven’t been there since I needed ponyxl and now I just need to get flux to do nipples
>regulation images
what are they?
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the ''Hide furry'' option on civitai stopped working for me am i the only one?
Ok you've convinced me. Could pony handle something like >>102370547 ? (Not asking you to gen it for me if you don't want to) Also, is it only weird characters or can it do regular anime types?
In LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) training for AI using **Kohya's SD-scripts**, **regularization images** (sometimes called **regulation images**) serve an essential purpose in **preventing overfitting**. Overfitting happens when the model learns the specific characteristics of the training data too well, which reduces its ability to generalize to new images.

### Purpose of Regularization Images
Regularization images are used to help the model maintain a broader understanding of the general structure and style of images, as opposed to focusing solely on the specific patterns in your training set. They serve as a contrast to the specialized dataset you are using to fine-tune the model.

For instance, if you're training a LoRA on a specific character, style, or set of images, regularization images provide examples of more **generic images** (or images that are not from the training data), helping the model to keep a balance between learning new traits and retaining general image generation capabilities.

### When to Use Regularization Images
You would typically use regularization images when:
- **The training data is small**: If you only have a limited set of images for training, the model might start to **overfit** on those, generating images that are too similar to the training set.
- **The training data is highly specific**: For example, if you are training on a unique artistic style, without regularization images, the model might lose its ability to generate images outside of that style.

### Example of a Regularization Image
A regularization image might be a random image from **a large, diverse dataset**, such as generic photos of people, landscapes, or objects from **LAION, COCO, or OpenImages datasets**. The goal is to use **unrelated images** that the model was originally trained on, so it doesn't forget how to generate more common or broad image categories.
Ps I'm pretty sure it's just "regulation image" but I fucked up and chatgpt humored me
### Summary of Usage
- **Prevent Overfitting**: Helps the model generalize better rather than becoming too specific to the training images.
- **Maintain Model Versatility**: Regularization images maintain the model’s broader image generation capabilities.
- **Use Cases**: Used when your dataset is small or highly specialized to keep the model balanced.

These images are especially useful if your goal is to fine-tune a model to recognize or generate a specific style or character without losing the original model's broader versatility.
i think it could, i havnt tried that, but i have had problems where putting "flat chest" in the positive prompts would produce young characters and the solution was to put "large breasts" in the negative prompt instead.

> Also, is it only weird characters or can it do regular anime types?
half the civai models for pony are for anime. base pony is actually kind of shit. i use a lora i trained on my sd 1.5 images to get a style i like, but if you just use base pony its a bit of a mess. so its a good idea to use a merged checkpoint or a style lora for anime.
Amazing how no one really knows how this all works and people are trial and erroring like its some kind of alien technology.
You are obsessed with anime, get better taste weeabo.
>Could pony handle something like >>102370547 ?
Those kinds of images are posted on the red boards all the time
Can you explain the setup in a bit more detail? DO I download this: https://civitai.com/models/257749/pony-diffusion-v6-xl and then find another Lora for anime? And another one for foreskins? which one are you using for the latter?
Last I checked /h/ it was all malformed slop with brown people in them. Only /b/ even allows lol/shota so idk what you mean by that. And I wouldn't touch /b/ with a 1,000 foot pole so it's not relevant anyway. Do you happen to have an example?
Funny thing is all of the tutorials out there that cover regularization images give you the completely wrong solutions.
yes you can use that checkpoint you link which is base pony and then use a lora like this for an anime style (https://civitai.com/models/264290?modelVersionId=333607). you may have to use prompts such as source_anime. or you could try a dedicated anime check point such as this one https://civitai.com/models/404154?modelVersionId=700352. you could apply loras to it to get something you like.

always try to see what you can achieve with prompting alone. I havnt found a great one for foreskins, but you can try using these https://civitai.com/models/529761/unretracted-foreskin-penis-ponyxl, https://civitai.com/models/427094/hyper-foreskin-ponyxl, img2img at different strength. but they may impact the style which is my problem
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Regularization images won't help much or at all if the model doesn't already have familiarity with the style or concept. If it's not familiar, the reg images will act more like training images.
that's kind of why I ended up asking chatgpt. I realized I knew what a lot of shit did within context of my using it, but that I'd been baking loras for half a year now and there were still random things I had no clue of (ie regulation images). all the guides kind of just repeat the same things and lots of it is outdated or blatantly incorrect. gotta keep refining til I achieve the perfect lora...
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bros, I know it goes too fast, but that morphing thing, what do you think they used? seems like dreamachine
but it'd be familiar with hands and photos of well done hands would be opposing to an anime dataset, which is the whole point, no?
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The regularization images can't be too different from the dataset. Unless your data set has images specifically of hands, using hands as regularization images will make the trainer see the hands as training images.
This is what I don't like about the current state of local diffusion. There are too many ways to do things, and no good streamlined solutions. It's like when you are looking for a library for some database on NPM and each one is either unmaintained, doesn't support async await, only works with/without typescript ect. and each has some weird behavior. Except now multiply that by an even larger matrix: "you want [x]? just use [y]? But [x] doesn't support [z] so you're going to need to use [w] for that. And if you really want to work well you're going to need your own LoRA. I'm using these images for my LoRa, but if you want [v], you're going to need a set of [u] images..."
but chatgpt says it should be different from the dataset?
How hard would it be to figure out how to make the equivalent of a Lora for the new text2video models?
Come back in 20 years
i use obsidian to take notes
Chatgpt doesn't go into detail. It should be different but not too different. When people say that regularization images made their loras worse, this is the reason.
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why am I imagining someone literally carving notes into chunks of obsidian
ahh I see, thank you for the clarification anon. hmm, might not be ideal for my usecase in the end then
uneducated pleb here
am i correct in this idea that people get a base model and then they get a bunch of 'trainings' on top of that from civitai, and then use a tool like comfyui to make images from text?
could someone who is knee deep into this stuff talk about what kind of file sizes these models are? would i run out of space quick with a 1tb drive for example?
So I got webui forge to try flux, I installed with the one click package. I was using regular automatic before with no issues. Forge launches and runs the UI.

Then I got flux D fp32. Set the webUI to flux and that as my model

When I try to gen a picture and it spits out some traceback python error

Did I skip a step?
sounds like a miss step
you will be fine
No, I think there are great western styles, but western anime-like styles just aren't among them.
Models are like 2-7GB but getting bigger. And you need bigger versions for training I think. You're only going to need to keep a few models and throw out what's obsolete.

Loras can be under 100mb or under 1gb. I have some that are just over a gb but I think the author might not know what they are doing. You can have a lot loras if your interests vary.

The real spacesucker is keeping generating images in png and not deleting your gens.
fp8 works nvm. Is fp32 for commercial vram or something?
Is anime style intrinsically opposed to good hands? Do well-drawn anime hands still fry it somewhat?
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I enjoy technology
What differentiates Flux from Stable Diffusion? Is it basically just another base model for people disillusioned with Stability AI? It doesn't seem to create significantly different gens from SD to me, and it looks like there's less support/models made for it overall
>It doesn't seem to create significantly different gens from SD to me

it is significantly better out of the box
Flux has a kiddy pool of styles compared to SD (SD3 is in the same boat though). the shitty fucking nlp autocaptions do not understand what style is and basically lobotomized most styles from the model
I swear to god if Flux knew more styles and characters/celebrities, it would've been the perfect model, we were so close... yet so far... still using some hopium on some finetune that could fix that :(
I prefer messing around with finetune models and creating my own LORAs so I can create my own style, so I guess it's not for me. Out of the box just isn't interesting imo
You miss the point. You and everyone else will have better results with finetunes and loras.
Is it...normal...for unzipping ComfyUI Portable to give an ETA of <20 hours? I like to think my PC is quite good; this seems a bit excessive

GPU 4080s
CPU Ryzen 7 7800X3D
RAM 32 GB 6000mhz
Better prompt comprehension, generates less body horrors, and much easier to train.
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Flux is much better for training your own LORAs
Why not train dolphins
flux can already make dolphin porn out of the box
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I don't care about cubes
how many images/steps?
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Fully synthetic dataset, joycaption, 60 images, 512px resolution, bs 5, adamw, constant lr 5e-4, 3k steps.

It's more or less my go-to recipe now, attached image is made on similarly trained lora using fully synthetic style and dataset.
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Is flux supposed to be slow, are there faster versions of it?

What is bs 5?
bullshit 5
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I use the GGUF version, Q8
Use the schnell gguf version if you want faster speeds, 4 steps instead of 20 steps.
thanks team
batch size 5
yes, even base style anime has worse hands than photorealistic, they really just said fuck it with their dataset on that one
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Thanks. I'll try more than batch size 1. Did that in pony with batch size 4 and it worked wonders.
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holy SHIT a pixel art model/lora that actually looks consistent, is this flux?
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it's autism confetti pony
Why bs 5
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Can't diffusion model learn "none" or transparent instead of white background?
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Yes https://github.com/lllyasviel/LayerDiffuse
we are hitting node bloat very fast lately. most of the new ones lately have been rehashes and others straight up poison your venv with an incompatible pytorch + cuda. Comfy org needs to blacklist repos this shit is getting out of hand
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>tit hitbox makes your fighter bounce back
>your friend endlessly zones you and snu snu grabs you when her meter is full

Fuck this game
thats fun
1. can Flux do comics / anime?
2. does Flux know famous people such as megan thee stallion, nicki minaj, /tv/ waifus?
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>Did that in pony with batch size 4 and it worked wonders.

Why are larger batches good?
>1. can Flux do comics / anime?
yes, very generic style though
>2. does Flux know famous people such as megan thee stallion, nicki minaj, /tv/ waifus?
absolutely not, it's the biggest weakness of that model, it doesn't know much celebrities, maybe Trump, Obama, Miku and that's it...
Does forge support gguf? Its not showing up
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you can do fun covers but you can't really do comics
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what lora are you using?
and it's the retro pixel art pony lora
mind linking it? theres quite a few on civitai.
I don't believe so. I use comfy.

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No idea how it works, but it worked on PonyXL in regards to accuracy and speed of training multiple costumes in 1 character LoRa. Whether is works in Flux is still cooking on my end.

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I'm learning things...very slowly...one of these days I'll become a wizard
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we pixel art theme?
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that depends are we cruising?
Wish the pixel arts were at least pixelated properly. The inconsistent pixel sizes/random smears kinda ruin the effect.

Feels like it shouldn't be too hard conceptually to force a model to actually output truly pixelated art, but I'm not sure if I've ever seen that yet
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>a woman in a bodysuit holding a fish as if it were a gun
what am i doing wrong? shes not holding the fish like a gun, or wearing a bodysuit.
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best i got with 1 batch
>gonna train my lora
>ah a Nvidia driver update, might as well, maybe I'll get a slight speed increase
>screen goes black
>haha no problem, only lasts a second
>screen stays black
>screen still black
oh come on..
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>W auska moped
trying a diff lora idk wat to think abt it
if is not broken don't fix it
Nvidia driver updates are usually worth it though, sometimes significant increases or your computer starts fucking up if you don't

I just tried reinstalling and it's acting like it doesn't have a driver at all tho, fuck my gay life. I think it's because I have two GPUs it went full retard
That is technically a bodysuit. You should try catsuit and holding a fish horizontally. If that doesn't work, there are other tricks, like prompt switching.
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lmao the shitty slop loras are about to flow, bros. brace yourself for the flood of crap
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on some crap pony shit, got some lighting though. scoot scoot
am i correct in thinking base models have no nsfw
and then civit.ai models are basically people grabbing base models and then training gelbooru/danbooru data on top of it? are there any really good sfw (maybe safebooru? does that still exist) models?
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oh this is what I'm talkin about, abstract to the limit
is it possible to do extreme poses with flux>? i keep seeing very static subjects being made with it.
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Hopefully someday we will have pixel art gens without shitty artifacts
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kinda part of pixel art gens, isn't it? its like a game, how many artifacts?
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>How many artifacts?
Catbox? Flux or SD? What Lora? Looks great.
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On linux I just use nvidia-dkms and it just works. Idk what its like on windows, haven't used it as my OS since XP
i'm hard
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You can have the non-pixelated gen
>not calling them segmentation faults
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ignore the face detailer
Thanks, looks great
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loras trained by people here were good but a lot of slop on civitai by bots farming buzz
what's the optimal python version for comfyui?
using 3.11 rn
that's what his portable version ships with so just stick with it. there's no performance gain from upgrading to anything newer or going older
Do models trained on only content licensed under Creative Commons suck? Do any such models exist?
Flux has more difficulty learning new concepts when trained at 1024x1024 versus 512x512 and seems to be a lot less sensitive to training settings. Anyone have a similar experience?
I'm planning to train a red-eye effect lora using photos from here
I hope it's not illegal
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Whatever comes installed by default, 3.12 works as well as 3.11
for me the only difference in using 1024x1024 vs 512x512 is
>training time
and better details/less fuck ups from bucketing when I use 1024x1024
are you sure there isn't something else you've changed in your settings or dataset?
>installed by default
I installed it manually with venv, like any grown man would do
You can use any source
Why not a more general "2000's" style with inherent red-eye? Also, cull the latter images on that page as they do not show the effect.
this is the general /ldg/ wanted though, go to /sdg/ if you want good and consistent gens
cursed thread
ugh posted the init image instead of the upscale like a retard
obviously untrue since reddit only posts 1girl and nothing else
That's what that anon wanted. Every time someone posts a landscape or a room interior or whatever, someone shows up to whine that it isn't an anime girl.
should've kept it online for comparison
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it is written
Use 4chanX, retard.
I use XT
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you all belong in chains
put more vidya memorabilia in there. i need to huff more nostalgia lest i be forced to acknowledge reality.
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2GB lora

For 2gb I better have half of a full finetune and flawless hands
>It's some 1st edition sims city blocky looking game
I'm suddenly greatful the onsite training only lets the jeets do 2dim
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>Heavy Rain is just some first edition sims city blocky looking game
desu a /good/ lora based on it would be very cool
did you notice any benefits or difference from making it that big? I figured after 64dim you'd have diminishing (lol) returns but it's not like I've ever tried...
Onsite lets you do whatever you want. I typically do 16, comes out at 150MB. Seen no reason to go any higher yet.
Well, fuck. Combined with their new fast 5 minute flux lora training promo were gonna see some weird shit
>I hope it's not illegal
nothing's illegal, there's 0 anti AI laws so far anon, the SAI cucks brainwashed you into thinking it is :(
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>Migu joined the glowies
it's ova
No, you get body horror like SD3 if you try unusual poses. Even lora training won't fix that.
r u okay anon
I love the aliased flat artstyles
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>tfw you don't have a best friend that will get you slapped by muscle girls
some guy on h made a oekaki lora
>Not having an imaginary friend that will get you slapped by muscle girls
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Sponge bob
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anyone got something for testing a wildcard file? I want to cycle through the file and then have a quick way to see if a word is trashing the image.
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>a woman in a bodysuit holding a fish as if it were a gun
What an interesting prompt
>As shown in the above image, in terms of ID fidelity, using fake CFG is similar to true CFG in most cases, except that in a few cases, true CFG achieves higher ID similarity. In terms of image aesthetics and facial naturalness, fake CFG performs better.
How did they manage to make it work on CFG > 1? They used an anti CFG burner like Skimmed CFG or they implemented something new?
A Cod Piece
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Hello, this is your conscience speaking
I'm here to give you the guidance you've been desperate seeking
Before I jump off the deep end this evening and start preaching
I want you to know, everything happens for a reason
Believe in yourself, even when they doubt you
Even when you're at your lowest and you don't know how to
There going to come a time when they hate and talk about you
But when they do, smile - never let them arouse you
To the point where you get afraid, disarrayed
Question your existence; listen - this the day
You can wake up and make a difference
No more feeling distant, no more feeling useless, you can do this
No ignoring me, and most importantly, no more excuses
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i just added ModelSamplingFlux to my workflow. Should i change the width and height to the resolution of the image i'm generating or keep it at 1024x1024?
>Should i change the width and height to the resolution of the image i'm generating or keep it at 1024x1024?
yes, it should be the same resolution, and when the resolution is 1:1 ratio, base_shift won't change anything
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There's no difference between the images
For the man on the far right, it looks more like him on "True CFG" imo, on the Fake CFG one he's thinner than the real one
Use the default without upscale

It still looks like slop, Flux did not add cfg for a reason, it's not needed if you generate at higher steps and higher resolutions, guidance scale works better for realistic portraits

>Flux did not add cfg for a reason
what's the reason? it was a retarded move to not add cfg, this shit really improves prompt adherance
It doesn't understand a backwards cap. It's joever.
what's the best controlnet model for flux?
>still no flux finetune
is there a way to save an automatic1111 set up with my adetailers? is this the reason people use cozy?
The problem is that everyone is now a grifter trying to make money off this, and so the flux dev license stops them. See, for example, the pony guy, the Juggernaut guy, etc. Nobody finetunes things just to make something cool anymore, except for random hobbyists who only have the resources to train a lora on a single GPU in their gayming machine.
the gura soup is adorable
that's beautiful
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>pony guy
explain the grift. Not being limited by licensing is not a grift.
he wants a sfw model for free use and a paid discord bot for nsfw and never releases the weights
he recovers server costs and makes a profit, so what. Flux, SD3, insert most does the same thing.

Is he not releasing the model?
Multiple model creators have openly admitted they're not finetuning flux dev because they can't make money off it. Turning a profit is now the number one concern for them. I consider this a grift.

Compare this with open-weights language models, where people are full finetuning models far larger than flux just for the sake of making something cool or interesting. The difference with the imagegen community is stark.
>Turning a profit is now the number one concern for them. I consider this a grift.
desu, If I decided to make a 10000+ dollar finetune for flux, at least I should have that money back with donations, but the licence doesn't allow it, BFL did a great job on killing flux dev so that it won't be competitive with flux pro
how does a person break even (no profit, no loss) in your griftless system?
What do you need a finetune for dev anyway?
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are you serious? this model can't do NFSW, it doesn't know any celebrities/characters/styles, you think it's a perfect model that can't be improved? come on man
1. It costs nowhere near 10k for a decent finetune.
2. Where in the license does it it say that you, as an individual, can't set up a generic ko-fi for donations if you also happen to make and release some flux finetunes?
Either you don't make a profit (again, plenty of people spend money to make LLM finetunes just for fun), or you get rich furries to donate money.
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Hyper-realism now means 3d anime girls.
This image is a high resolution, highly detailed digital painting in the style of hyper-realism of the fantasy genre. The image has a glossy aesthetics, with perfect reflections and bright specular highlights.
>It costs nowhere near 10k for a decent finetune.
it did cost more than 10k to make pony-v6 and that was for a 2.7b SDXL model, now imagine doing the same thing for a 12b model, you multiply this price easily by 3 or 4
stunning detail
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please don't claim donations aren't revenue share. I am not looking up case law so you can just disappear into the ether.
>I'd like a sandwich with pickles, mustard, onions and peanut butter please
>a peanut butter sandwich apparantly now means pickles onions and mustard
Obviously it matters how extensive the finetune is, but Pony is literally millions of images for a fuckton of epochs. At that point it's basically a whole new model. HelloWorldXL is finetuned on only 20k images and it's a big improvement over the base model, and many other XL models are at similar scale. A 4xH100 machine could do that with flux in a day or two, that's like what, a couple hundred dollars?
>but Pony is literally millions of images for a fuckton of epochs. At that point it's basically a whole new model.
the task is huge though, we need to finetune flux dev so it knows more celebrities/characters/styles, and is also good at NFSW, it wouldn't be far fetched to evaluate that to millions of pictures aswell
Are you retarded? The license says you can't use the model itself or any finetune thereof for commercial purposes. The bit about revenue share is that if BFL grants you a license to use it for commercial purposes, that may include a revenue-sharing agreement with BFL. You can set up a ko-fi for donations to yourself and also produce flux finetunes that you release under the appropriate non-commercial license.
>You can set up a ko-fi for donations to yourself and also produce flux finetunes that you release under the appropriate non-commercial license.
so for you, pony-dev is a retard who thinks he can't make money out of a flux finetune through donations like he did with SDXL?
>Are you retarded?
one of us is. I would say I would bet money on it is you, but you don't seem to understand how money works.
Did you check civitai, there's already checkpoints that add that
oh now that's interesting, can you show some civitai links that has checkpoints that added more concepts into flux?
back to XL i guess
>A 4xH100 machine could do that with flux in a day or two, that's like what, a couple hundred dollars?
Awesome, I take it your finetune will be available in a day or two then
I don't believe that pony dev thinks that. He just wants to be able to host the model and requirement payment to access it. I.e. commercial use. That's it.
I don't know why I'm even responding to trolls at this point. The non-commercial restriction is on THE MODEL. You, as an individual, can take donations. What, you think if some twitch streamer who does tech stuff finetuned flux and released it, they would suddenly be in violation of the license because they receive donations, and get sued?
>people should spend thousands of dollars out of the goodness of their hearts like me (oh wait)
>He just wants to be able to host the model and requirement payment to access it. I.e. commercial use. That's it.
he never did that on SDXL, right? then why would he suddently do that for flux? that's a huge assumption you got there debo
>I don't know why I'm even responding to trolls at this point.
because you are a paid troll spreading disinformation.

Output of the model is explicit excluded from the license. As far as you twitch example, yes they would get sued. It wouldn't get that far though and the model would be deplatformed.
The next loaf of bread, delivered...
No one works for $200/mo in donations
You certainly don't
Because he wants to make money now? He said that's exactly what he wants to do, which is why the license is so important to him.
>As far as you twitch example, yes they would get sued
lol, lmao even
All I'm saying is look at what people are doing with LLM finetunes. The only reason that's not happening with flux is that anybody with the willingness and resources to finetune flux sees the dollar signs, and wants to make money above all else.
>Because he wants to make money now?
he always wanted to make money, you think he was a samaritain during the SDXL pony finetune days? no, he got his money back through donations back then, he wants to do the same on flux but can't
the education system is dying. The zoomers are certainly a cursed group of people.
All I'm saying is there's lots of leeches that complain that people aren't working for free. Also people aren't working for free doing LLMs.
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does this mean flux generations cant be used for something like a commercial video game?
Check with a lawyer if you are big enough. If not, I the random internet guy says you are good to go.


“Derivative” means any (i) modified version of the FLUX.1 [dev] Model (including but not limited to any customized or fine-tuned version thereof), (ii) work based on the FLUX.1 [dev] Model, or (iii) any other derivative work thereof. For the avoidance of doubt, Outputs are not considered Derivatives under this License.
>Reliant Rabbi

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