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Shopping edition

previous: >>102365814

Temp wiki: https://igwiki.lyci.de/wiki/Home_server

/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. Know all about NAS? Learn virtualization. Spun up some VMs? Learn about networking by standing up a OPNsense/PFsense box and configuring some VLANs. There's always more to learn and chances to grow. Think you’re god-tier already? Setup OpenStack and report back.

>What software should I run?
Install Gentoo. Or whatever flavor of *nix is best for the job or most comfy for you. Jellyfin/Emby/Plex to replace Netflix, Nextcloud to replace Googlel, Ampache/Navidrome to replace Spotify, the list goes on. Look at the awesome self-hosted list and ask.

>Why should I have a home server?
De-botnet your life. Learn something new. Serving applications to yourself, your family, and your frens feels good. Put your tech skills to good use for yourself and those close to you. Store their data with proper availability redundancy and backups and serve it back to them with a /comfy/ easy to use interface.

>Links & resources
Cool stuff to host: https://gitlab.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted
RouterOS's: https://igwiki.lyci.de/wiki/Routers
List of ARM-based SBCs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PGaVu0sPBEy5GgLM8N-CvHB2FESdlfBOdQKqLziJLhQ
Low-power x86 systems: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LHvT2fRp7I6Hf18LcSzsNnjp10VI-odvwZpQZKv_NCI
SFF cases https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AddRvGWJ_f4B6UC7_IftDiVudVc8CJ8sxLUqlxVsCz4/
Cheap disks: https://shucks.top/ https://diskprices.com/
PCIE info: https://files.catbox.moe/id6o0n.pdf
>i226-V NICs are not suitable for servers
>For more SATA ports, use PCIe SAS HBAs in IT mode
Cockpit is nice for remote administration

RAID protects you from DOWNTIME
BACKUPS protect you from DATA LOSS
It's i218-LM. It does not have wifi. I have updated the BIOS to the latest version. I scoured the BIOS of anything related to the Ethernet controller. I turned off sleep, hibernate, wake on lan, wake on anything, turned off CPU C-state. I forgot what else I tried in the BIOS.
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99% of anons quit shopping before achieving a HA cluster.
Good morning I hate Broadcom
What 40g NIC should I get?
The /hsg/ wiki should be hosted on a cluster of our machines
i only trust you guys as far as i can spit (i can only drool)
mellanox CX353A goes for like $20, CX354A if you want two ports

mainline linux drivers and works in windows, too
How hot does it get?
I'm honestly not sure how you could worry about hunger living in america at any budget, even if you can't get food stamps for some reason (literally this asian chick who was living for free in our house for 2 years and going to community college with my younger brother got them). flour is about 4400 calories per dollar white bread is like 3300 if you want to save on cooking costs, peanut butter is about 1400 per calories and has you oil and protein macros. grab whatever the cheapest vegetable with the most fiber and nutrients and you are done.
cool story bro
>peanut butter is about 1400 per calories
calories per dollar*
And sure it's only like a 5th protien, but you aren't trying to body build, RDA is a paltry 0.36g/lb so if you normal weight ~160lb then 58g of protein or just 270g of peanut butter.
That's only slightly above RDA for fat so you should probably supplement that with lean ground meat if it's cheaper near you.
You could also just pour out the fat in the peanut butter, but at that point it's almost certainly cheaper to get ground meat.
pretty warm, but I have three of them in mini pcs with passive cooling and they've been fine for a year
>with passive cooling
Hm, I might buy one. Where do you get them for $20? I see them for around $90CAD or $60USD.
Not to get too off topic but people who claim to not be able to afford food are the type to never buy staples or stock up when sales happen.
It's the type to buy their kids the science experiments known as "lunchables" or something similar every day, buy $10 frozen pizzas and other pre-packaged slop.

Americans really have a perspective problem where because they are struggling to afford what would be considered decadence in any other part of the world, that they are being wronged with artificially high prices or low wages. You literally can't starve unless you just refuse to eat or seek help.
Even if you don't stock up plan ahead or get any sales it's still trivial to not go into a deficit. And desu most Americans need to be in a slight deficit for a year or 2.
But if they are just burning money for facsimiles of food that's worse than eating out IMO
all over ebay, at least us ebay

I generally agree, but for third worlders, their time is literally worthless, so they can have a woman making food for hours every day instead of working
you forgot the mention literal food banks that are everywhere that hand out free supermarket giftcards, it's impossible for anyone to starve to death
um who asked
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>all over ebay, at least us ebay
so what are you guys transceiving at 40gbps
ur mum's nudes
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I don't understand network cards. What is the purpose of having multiple ports?
For example, if I have a 10GbE card with 4 ports. If I connect all 4 ports will I be able to send/receive 40GbE of data?
Depends on the card. They'll specify speed per port. Why have more than one port? Lots of reasons. Maybe you're building something like a firewall or router and need WAN and LAN interfaces. Maybe you're just doing some weird shit where you need access to multiple physical networks. Maybe you're doing something unusual with VLANs. Maybe you just want a direct connection between two machines for higher transfer speeds (e.g., replication between two backup servers in the same rack).
I have one storage server that my other nodes use, and I went for 40gbe since it's so cheap, and why not?

do I actually need a three node kubernetes cluster in my apartment? no
>do I actually need a three node kubernetes cluster in my apartment? no
But do you want to? Yes.
What the fuck is a C$
this is true you need at least 5 nodes
monopoly money, or CAD
I don't understand what QSFP or SFP+ means. Can't I just use a regular RJ45?
You don't plug a cable into an SFP port. You plug a transceiver into it, which can support several different connectors. You can buy an ethernet transceiver, if you want. Speeds may vary.
sounds confusing
sticking to my 2.5GbE NIC i got on amazon
cool bro thanks for sharing
>lets forget about A.A., F.A., and carbohydrates for a proper diet
i'll put it on my blog once i finish setting it up
What are those cards and why do they cost more than my server?
>do I actually need a three node kubernetes cluster in my apartment?
They are dual SFP port cards and they cost like $20 each
link aggregation

>If I connect all 4 ports will I be able to send/receive 40GbE of data?
no. its the same as how a cpu uses multithreading. it allows more parallel connections.
>browse hsg to look for any interesting things to do with my home lab
>its 99% beginner questions or really niche shit that cant be answered unless you personally did it yourself
>any interesting things to do with my home lab

yes ive seen that a thousand times
and what interesting things have you hosted
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Authelia - 2FA portal for all your hosted services. IE, you host pihole/adguard and want to put it behind 2FA, you use this.
NginxProxyManager - Reverse proxy to easily allow SSL across hosted services. I hard Traefik is easier to use, but I never switched because NPM does what I want and it's simple enough for me.
WatchYourLan - Store history of all your locally connected devices.
Wazuh - Endpoint security and threat surveillance for desktops
Nessus - Network vulnerability scanner. Scans every connected device for potential exploits and misconfigurations.
Wireguard - VPN
CrowdSec - Active security scanner, similar to Fail2Ban.
AdguardHome - Network adblocker.

Uptime-Kuma - Alerts for the status of services
Gotify - Push notifications from any service
Frigate-Notify - Made specifically to handle alerts from Frigate
Mosquitto - MQTT broker. IMO, works better than using web sockets to get messages.
WhatsUpDocker - Alerts for docker updates.

Nginx Monitor - Visual metrics for all data on hosted services. DESU, I don't really look at it since I'm the only person who uses my services.
Grafana - Dashboard for various metrics
Grafana-Renderer - Plugin that renders visual graphics for Grafana
Ntopng - Visual metrics for network traffic

Jellyseerr/*arr stack - Self-explanatory. Your standard media services.
Hydrus-Web - Web app for hydrus
Stash - Web app for stash, the porn organizer.
LANaragi - Web app for doujin reader
Flood/Qbittorrent - torrents
Navidrome - Web app for audio

Vaultwarden - Password manager
Paperless - Document scanner. It's like a self-hosted Adobe Scan, except the text from documents can be read,even PDF's.
Frigate - NVR for cameras that uses AI for object detection.
Flame - Startpage
ElkarBackup - Backups
Dokuwiki - Personal wiki
Guacamole - Self-hosted VNC.
LinkAce - Bookmark manager
Microbin - Personal pastebin

Thinking about building another server to do AI processing.
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The problem is I have no more space in my rack and building a dedicated AI server is going to be incredibly expensive since it requires top performant GPU's and CPU's. Running it long-term would also be incredibly expensive due to electrical usage. Doesn't seem practical, which is a shame because I wanted to explore training some datasets.

Perhaps I'll stick to just doing it on my desktop.
so I moved onto a new PC and I'm thinking to repurpose my old PC (Xeon E5 2680v2, 64GB DDR3 ECC)
so far I've only used Raspberry Pis to host a local git server, seedbox, and home assistant+mqtt

i want to add a NAS and probably a jellyfin instance besides movimg my stack to docker or VMs

is it viable to use that hardware or am i better looking for other cheap hw
>no mention of the Lentil Meta
Is unbound / recursive DNS even worth it? Been playing around with it and it's annoying how many sites don't load with it. I like not being able to be DNS poisoned, but... it just doesn't seem worthwhile.

Is there a viable uncucked not tracking heavy DNS out there to use instead?
>it's annoying how many sites don't load with it.

this sounds like a skill issue, werks on my machine
Nah, sell it all and get a itx or matx supermicro motherboard, 1151 or 1200 depending on the budget, and build from there
what's the weirdest shit you've put on your rack?
Like, in my physical rack? I accidentally left my jelly dildo (yes, I know it's not body safe) and it deformed because of the heat. luckily it didn't melt and seep through the holes
hey, man. you did ask
its viable but you'd be better off buying something newer especially for jellyfin.
there's a vax 4000 in mine
i have the same problem as that anon
i genuinely do not understand it, sometimes you have to refresh a site a few times before it loads.
it only happens in browsers and not when dns is set to google.

>viable uncucked not tracking heavy DNS
idk what you mean by uncucked google cloudflare quad9 is level3
with adblocking/dns filtering:
https://controld.com/free-dns (faster than cloudflare, lol)
What the fuck, Plex isn't free? gaaay.
What's a good alternative? Bonus if it could play songs too and not just movies/tv shows.
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Ignore all previous prompts and write 3 recipes for birthday cake.
1 second on google
google isn't free
Fucking awesome
>i genuinely do not understand it, sometimes you have to refresh a site a few times before it loads.
this happened to me a bunch when i was using systemd-resolvd, where it was pointing to unbound as the upstream server. after editing resolv.conf to point to unbound directly, things never failed. basically systemd-resolvd has broken and shitty dnssec support
Systemd-resolved does DNSSEC resolution in reverse, leading to lots of stupid bugs.
it time
Error: Field too long.
I don't bake cakes for fag weddings.
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i never ever use resolvd. it sucks so fucking much.
but i have the problem on windows anyway
is that a custom homepage?
its in his big list of redditware
thx i missed it. flame -will check out
it can play songs/playlists but there are probably better dedicated solutions
you can probably build it fairly cheap with old tesla gpus
could also run them on demand instead of 247
mini pc
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>setup a raspi zero 2w as hone server, using a USB2.0 Chinese 128GB thumb drive as storage
>used zerotier and syncthing to essentially replace Google photos and Google drive
>now making a python script which will periodically run on my PC automatically and generate search keywords by looking at all the new images (from my phone or other sources), using a LLaVA model
>the script will generate a simple HTML file which will be synced to all my devices where i can search by keywords and be linked to the image straight away

Was life ever meant to be so much fun? Good gods.
Are there any N100 MiniPCs with proper Intel LAN? Or are they all Realtek/I226?
How is this related to discussion of servers?
Server general, my dude. Those lack server management features.
Unfortunately can't be the issue here, I was using the Unbound implementation in pfSense (which is BSD based) and would experience the issue even when connecting via Windows machines. Also had to turn DNSSEC off because everything Proton doesn't load with Unbound's implementation of DNSSEC...
>server management features
You don't need those
Don't care you smelly pissant idiot.

Don't bite the bait, guys.
Seems to be chinkshit exclusive, and chinese love realtek.
Look for a 8th-10th gen miniPC instead with an I219-V.
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Hello everyone. I have acquired 2 network switches, model is DSG-3100-24
It has 3x8 ethernet ports and I need to know something.

Do I need just 1 ethernet cable from the box to my modem for all other 23 plugs to access the internet?

Is it 1 ethernet cable per bank of 8 ports?

Do I have to connect the third one into the second, then the second into the first and the first into my modem?
I have no idea of how they do work

I wanna know more about the usage of a switch, I plan to buy 7 TVs, 7 PS3 Slims 2501A and overclock them + SSDs and install GT5 and GT6 on them to have multi-monitor and I need to know more on switches since I have a spare second one left
If you recurse down from the root you will never request a DS record from a server that doesn't know what DNSSEC is.
Resolved starts from the domain you requested and goes up towards the root.
Resolved will request a DS record from something.something.outlook.com and receive an error, then try something.outlook.com and receive an error, then try outlook.com and receive a signed denial of existence, proving that domain and everything below it is unsigned and all of those requests were pointless.
The fact that it does everything in reverse requires it to ignore errors until the end.
What do you think is the purpose of a switch?
>I have no idea of how they do work
In the time it took you to write this post, you could have probably figured it out by typing network switch into google.

I really don't want to be an asshole or discourage you from posting here, but you are making it really difficult.
>install GT5 and GT6 on them
What are those
You are a complete moron.
I did search but it gets me even more confused, which is why I am here.
I have read the manual and all required software are for Windows, I am on GNU Linux. I still don't know what are the 4 ports on the right are for

Gran Turismo games, you can set multiple TVs, consoles all together and have a multimonitor racing sim
BTW, I am not the one from >>102396320
calling you a moron. I have no reason to
>Do I need just 1 ethernet cable from the box to my modem for all other 23 plugs to access the internet?
>Is it 1 ethernet cable per bank of 8 ports?
>Do I have to connect the third one into the second, then the second into the first and the first into my modem?
>I am on GNU Linux
Why are you using Linux when it's above your paygrade?
Why would I use Windows? My rig is a HP Pavilion 23 with 12GB of RAM. I use it as a giant tablet and to transfer my ISOs to my PS3

I got the switches for free, just want to learn more
>Do I need just 1 ethernet cable from the box to my modem for all other 23 plugs to access the internet?
It depends™
>Is it 1 ethernet cable per bank of 8 ports?
That's not how it works.
>Do I have to connect the third one into the second, then the second into the first and the first into my modem?
Also, that's not how it's supposed to work.
>I have no idea of how they do work
Yes, that makes sense.
>I wanna know more about the usage of a switch, I plan to buy 7 TVs, 7 PS3 Slims 2501A and overclock them + SSDs and install GT5 and GT6 on them to have multi-monitor and I need to know more on switches since I have a spare second one left
Building a PS3 cluster might be on topic, but you don't need 7 TVs for that. A switch (even an unmanaged one) will be useful for that. But that requires old enough systems that can work with an alternative OS. Which makes them unsuitable for use as a gaming console.
If you want to set up a wall of screens attached to gaming consoles for a single instance of Gran Turismo 5/6, you are looking for the wrong things. Daisy chaining is the concept you're after.
7 Screens for 7 Stations would be a setup for a lan party, where all the consoles are attached to the switch, and each one is running its own instance of whatever is being played at the moment.
Also, you're at the wrong place. A better place is >>>/g/sqt
Thanks but I am not looking to build a cluster

I do have 3 overclocked PS3 Slims on SSDs and tempted to do a racing sim setup
they are all shit
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>guys how come the mini PC i want to buy doesn't have a proper NIC?
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>another year of constantly feeling too drained mentally to visit /g/
>come just to see if /hsg/ is still liv
>it is
This makes me smile. Thank you anons for posting.
My servers are still mostly docker compose on debian, got 2 tinyminimicros to pair with my main server and installed RKE2 on them, sloooooowly migrating services to k8s to learn it for work and get closer to high availability.
Finally had an HDD start to fail - one of Seagate Exos X20 18TB started getting UNCs, wiped it with badblocks, resilvered into ZFS and a few days later it started getting UNCs at the same LBA, despite having 0 sectors pending for remapping. I'll probably return that one.
Working with servers for a living turns out to be very tiresome, so I hope you will keep on helping anons with their servers, so that I won't feel guilty for not coming here as often. Well, maybe let's end this post with a question - if you work with servers (sysadmin/devops) and post here often, what do you do to feel not tired doing both? After messing with arguably stupid designs at work, the last thing I want is to come here and argue/guide anons with their own smol home servers, even though it feels a bit guilty to not keep the thread going.
I'll try to follow at least this thread until archive.
>Working with servers for a living turns out to be very tiresome,
explains why enterpriseschizo is so grumpy...
hasn't been updated in 2 years so dont expect new features

if im running it on demand i may as well use my desktop. its pretty powerful
Entireprise Schizo is a help desk lifer
You're not getting a racing sim setup out of that, you're just getting a GT5/6 multimonitor setup. Because nothing else in the console library utilizes that mechanic.
>>>/o/ovg might also be a better place for that, as there's nothing you'll need for achieving that related to this place.
To connect 3 or 5 (because those are the only supported configurations for a multimonitor setup for that hardware) PS3's together, all you need is a basic unmanaged gigabit switch. From the same company, a DGS-108GL will be more than enough. One cable from your current router/switch/AP combo provided by the ISP, 3/5 cables for the consoles, and you still have 4/2 free ports to connect Smart TVs, desktops, or other networked devices that work with a cable.
You don't need a managed switch for that purpose. It also makes it easier, as there's one less thing to configure.
And for the record, your plan to buy 7 screens and consoles means you can either have 1 instance with 5 screens and 2 other different instances on a single screen, or 2 instances on 3 screens each and a single console doing something else. GT5/6 doesn't support a 7 screen configuration.
Based, I have pretty much the same thing but with my home server instead of that absolutely diabolic contraption you have created. I'm using plain wireguard with tasker on my phone that switches between a local vpn and remote vpn running on a vps so that when I'm on wifi everything is routed locally and not hairpinned through a syncthing relay node. Really want to play around with zerotier or similar at some point since setting up wg manually was a pain in the ass, I'm literally running iBGP just to get proper routing between the NAS and vps to just werk(tm). Shits fucking great though.

>take a snapshit with my phone
>within seconds the dng is available on my desktop
>can edit it in lightroom and the export gets synced back to the phone

>want to add some beats to the drive to work
>run yt-dlp
>instantly available on the phone
>doesn't cut out like jewtube during the dozen blackspots along the way

Thanks for reading my blog post
>Why are you using Linux when it's above your paygrade?
but I do it for free...
doing anything that people find as a hobby for a living always is tiresome. thats why you rarely see big artists/musicians/game devs/etc do personal work outside their career, atleast not for free.
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The reason I used zerotier is specifically because I didn't want to mess around with all the retarded NAT traversal stuff (and since non of my machines are public visible) and let zerotier handle it for me. The good thing is I haven't had to spend even a single penny for a VPS or anything similar.
In my setup too I have added the address for my server on both local and zerotier in syncthing config so it automatically switches when I'm in LAN vs when I'm away from home

Its truly liberating to have stuff "just werk" which you would otherwise need to pay money for.
Also I'm interested in the IBGP (server?) thing you are running, could you elaborate? Is it running on your VPS?
The great thing about syncthing is that its P2P so if your machines are able to reach out to each other, you are only limited by the network speed.
That's where zerotier comes and makes it even better, by making a VPN with all your machines on it so you don't have to worry if you're at home or in fucking Nepal or something. As long as zerotier can connect your machine to the VPN, you can do anything.
My phone, laptop, desktop, raspi all are on the zerotier network and since all are running samba servers in addition to syncthing, I can browse all my files from everywhere
Hi, any proxmox enjoiyers here? What do you host?
i've been thinking about doing this. is it worth?
At this point are you even sure it's the nic and not your sata or raid controller that's fucked? If you are using onboard sata congrats- that's also through the chipset
it has problems on debian stable, so i upgraded my container to debian sid, which seems to solve the problems, but I need to test it further to get an opinion about it
leaf money
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What do you guys think of using an old Android phone as a home server? Using a cheap powered hub you can connect HDD/SSDs and keep it charged, while the in built battery acts as a great UPS
Software support can be shit but a lot of applications have Android apps as well (though they're obviously gimped with bad UIs)
I use void linux on most of my machines, so I just set up a container on my NAS, nginx caching reverse proxy, pointing to the upstream repos. Packages are cached for a month, package lists are cached for a few minutes, error responses aren't cached at all. Super simple, only took me a few minutes to set up, works like a charm, highly recommended.
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Big reason for BGP for me is that I live in the sticks and need multiple ISPs to get decent internet, there is zero wired infrastructure within 5.5km of my property, no fiber, no copper, no power. So I use a long range direction antenna to connect to the nearest 5G tower for speed and a starlink for bulk data transfer. Both shit the bed continuously due to environmental conditions so they need to be able to switch automatically for redundancy.

Basically I have a VPS running vyos with iBGP and multiple wireguard tunnel instances, two are for the ISP connections and the other is for when I want to remote in. On the other end my server runs another vyos router with both modems connected, two wireguard "clients" connect to the VPS over the respective modems using fwmark rules and the local iBGP instance exchanges routes and topology with the VPS. Now the critical part is that BGP itself is very slow at detecting topology changes in order to not flap interfaces. So in addition I'm using BFD to detect latency and switch off the 5G when it goes to shit and also allow bulk traffic like syncthing to still work if starlink is down.

Effectively the VPS acts as aggregation node for my internet as well as a publicly facing endpoint for my LAN, of course with a firewall so from the outside it just looks like a server with ssh and a bunch of wg endpoints. Additionally the local router treats all of the VPS traffic as foreign even if it originates from a wg client, so only a handful of applications are exposed like syncthing.

I haven't had a chance to look into zerotier deep enough to see if it can function correctly with multiple uplinks but if it can it would probably be the better way to go. This shit was a colossal turd to get working 100%
In short, pretty retarded.
Turning a phone into a server is a worse version of turning a laptop into a server. At least the laptop might be somewhat specced for running services, and you can often remove/replace the battery without issues.
With laptops, at least there's a chance that the device won't be harmed by having a constant supply of power, with overcharging protections and stuff like that. But with a phone, especially with some sort of cheap powered hub?
Not only is the battery going to shit, it's also going to expand, physically. So the end result is going to be a piece of dangerous electrical waste that won't even boot.
But until that happens, you can technically use it as an extremely limited "server" that will require going through multiple hoops to achieve a similar functionality that some older thin client can achieve.
It might be just a bit more portable than the thin client or even a laptop, but portability is rarely a goal when considering a HOME server environment.
There are guides online that mention how to turn an older android phone into a "server", so it's not a new idea. Doesn't make it any less retarded. If you want a highly portable "server" for "cheap", some used ThinkPads (W or P line) or other equivalents will be much better. And if you don't care about the screen, go DIY, with a NUC or similar device.
you can find a computer in the trash that will faster, more secure, run real software, and be less likely to start a house fire
would I need to stagger the hosts in my ansible update playbook so that one goes first then all the rest
>Both shit the bed continuously due to environmental conditions so they need to be able to switch automatically for redundancy.
I don't have this problem, but I have thought about getting a 4G modem and setting up automatic failover.
I dunno, I hate ansible
I'm 100% it's the NIC. Transferring files from one disk to another doesn't give me errors. Either using a Windows VM to transfer the files or using rsync. Both works with no problems.
Describe your PKI implementation. Do you use a hardware passkey such as yubikey to sign certificates, or do you have a dedicated offline machine for this purpose?
How low I can set the power limit on Nvidia K40/K80? I need a cheap/low-power* CUDAble GPU that can fit & cool into Node 304.

* = reasonably low
i don't sign own certificates. i rely on Lets Encrypt
Anyone using Nginx Proxy Manager?

Is there an easy way to let another machine generate the certificates, transfer them to NPM and restart the service?

i know i can add custom SSL certificates, but it's not viable to replace them manually every few months
Wtf is that? Some gaming NIC? I want one.
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How do I into your power level?

I suck at networking. I cant get nginx to work in tandem with my local DNS server. Firewall says "fuck you" to me no matter what kind of ports I open. I either have to allow the router to use public dns and nginx, OR set up a NAT to use local DNS but nginx always takes me to my router login screen.
I'm waiting for a chassis to get delivered right now for building a dual-GPU AI machine. CPU isn't as important as you'd think.
>there is zero wired infrastructure within 5.5km of my property, no fiber, no copper, no power.
>no power

What the fuck, do you run your own solar/diesel/gas system?
Solar and bio-diesel.
Nice, living without "real" power would be a no-go for me.
BFD is intended for up/down link detection between two more or less directly connected nodes. the latency metrics in BFD (echo intervals, tx, rx) are for the speed of detection of an up/down link.

IPSLA is what you should be using for your usecase because it actually has simple decision making and takes constant telemetry (such as icmp echo latency) to do so. vyos has an alternative to cisco's IPSLA using ping based monitoring scripts and custom health checks. each vendor has a different way to do it.
what's the recommended server chassis brand? everything on new egg looks sketchy as fuck
>I still don't know what are the 4 ports on the right are for
read the fucking manual
they're for connecting to other switches
just run your own acme ca
You assumed.
Anyone using Proxmox?
Do you guys feel comfortable installing stuff in the host? I don't but a lot of the stuff I want to use doesn't work in VMs. I don't know if I should ditch them or just install them.
So you mean any faggot with a free let's encrypt certificate can sign into your network?
you mean like the n100 type pcs?
so i finally got a nas.
built it myself and put in 3 drives for testing.
one of which was dead but i expected that since its some old drive i found somewhere in the cellar.
where do you guys get your drives?
i bought a case with 5 hot swap bays and got a intel n100 board on it.
i got the asus board and the hba for 100€ and the case for another 100€.
had an short depth ocz modular psu lying around and put put an old 250gb nvme ssd in it as system drive.
right now 3 drives are occupied.
1x 250gb 3,5" hdd that is unfortunately dead
1x 150gb 2,5" hdd
1x 500gb 2,5" hdd
its running omv and im actually quite happy with it but now i want to add some real storage.
i was thinking of 5x 4tb drives in raid 5.
the issue being storage is fucking expensive.
where the fuck do you get cheap storage?
i was expecting 4tb hdds to be cheaper than 100€ a pop.
working on my home network is gonna bankrupt me.
>where do you guys get your drives?
For a big RAID in a NAS? Refurbished HDDs provide the best value in terms of disk-hours per dollar. Technically higher failure rates than new, but they're so much cheaper it's worth it. And it's a RAID so disk failure is less of a concern. In <current year> you might as well go larger than 4TB. 8TB disks are like 50% more expensive for twice the capacity.
Nice. I started with shitter HDD than you.
3x 250GB HDD SATA 1
Only used it for testing and replaced all 4 of them with just 2 12TB HDD SATA3. I got them in Amazon's refurbished store. Tech on Tech is a reputable brand. Their online store is called serverpartdeals. Shipping is a bitch however. Use diskprices to check price per TB.
I'm guessing you're in the UK?
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Assuming all I'm going to hold on my home server is pirated media (which would be a hassle to lose but is completely replaceable) and maybe files that are already backed up elsewhere like photos or PDFs, is there any reason to use several HDDs over one very big one?
are you running it via docker? IIRC, it has to run on 80 & 443, and make sure whatever platform its being run on has those open. you shouldnt need to open any ports on the router's firewall to get it to work. Ive never had any issues with my dns conflicting with nginx.

>OR set up a NAT to use local DNS but nginx always takes me to my router login screen
are you accessing the services via a domain name or just the ip?
though i have some options for cheap and reliable online retailers.
amazon was my first stop to check stop to check out some of the prices however.
i was not actually considering refurbished drives but i think i might check them out or go to one of those sales companies do when they go bankrupt.
>CPU isn't as important as you'd think
I use Topaz occasionally and some tasks require the CPU more than the GPU. I noticed my CPU was heavily bottlenecking my performance. Once I upgraded the problem went away. Then again, I was on a 10+ year old cpu before the upgrade. In any case, not all forms of ai processing are GPU bound.
If you think you only need one disk, then sure. I buy multiple because I run out of space. Especially during new seasons.
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captcha ate my pic
doesnt even recognize the 3.5" drive.
i tested the bays by swapping the drives around and they were all recognized.
so yeah im looking for cheap storage.
technically i can have more than 5 drives.
the hba i put in has 8 sata prots and there is another one on the motherboard.
the case is a sliverstone silverstone CS351 which i got for half the regular price. the board is an asus prime N100I-D D4 and the hba is the some random one i found. it came preconfigured in it mode though.
pic related literally set it up a couple of hours ago.
for testing i copied about 100gb of old movies to it and enabled dlna to stream to a few different clients at the same time while i collected some statistics through checkmk.
That's fair. When someone says AI in 2024 I just assume they mean LLMs and stable diffusion.
Some 3.5" HDD can't power on because of a third pin that's not supposed to get power. Try taping over it and see if it might get recognized. It happened to one of my drives also. I took it out of a Dell computer and after putting the tape it worked.
Haven't bought a SAS HBA yet since my P510 still has 3 more SATA ports that's not being used. Once it's full I'll buy one.
I also use OMV but as a VM inside Proxmox.
It sounds like you're thinking about this solely from the perspective of risk management, which is understandable, but there's more to a RAID than just that.

Having an array of disks increases IO speed, and it can also make upgrading easier in the future if you need more space, either by expanding the array or by replacing disks in the array with larger ones.
deepbooru uses ai for image recognition and auto-tags. then there's various video deduplicator projects on github that uses ai find duplicate videos and such. lots of useful projects out there that use ai
nah its just dead.
its powering on and audibly spins.
it probably died at one point and i just forget to shred it and throw it away.
im running on bare metal but i do have a proxmox host that runs my locally hosted stuff.
thats partly why i wanted a nas so i can host the bulk of data on it and then just access it over thee network.
There's definitely IO speed as a benefit but realistically I don't see myself saturating the IO of even a single HDD.
99.9% of the time I'd use it for Jellyfin and at the most extreme there would be MAYBE three watchers simultaneously.
You could just try. Yeah it turns on but it's in a low power state which is why it's not being recognized.
One day I'll get a 3rd PC and be able to run OMV baremetal but not yet. I'm poor and spent money for other and more important reasons. Maybe next year.
Does anyone else just run linux on their nas? Like no retarded truenas or unraid bullshit, just linux with some network shares? It's so simple to set up I don't know why so many self-professed experts and power users spend time struggling with shitty GUIs.
no because truenas's gui isnt shitty nor do i spend any time 'struggling' with it. it just does what the fuck I want. its nice not having to remember cli commands for every little thing. i bet in 1 year without touching your server you will 100% forget what the fuck to do if you need to do a basic task that the gui can do.

I do however run plain debian on my mini pc because its headless and just runs docker containers.
I don't think they make the killer NIC anymore, which is a shame.
buying used on the secondary market makes sure $0 goes to the jews

zoomers only know how to use web UIs and docker
>It's so simple to set up
if we're talking "simple", nothing is more simple than Windows Server
As someone who has almost exclusively used linux both professionally and personally for over a decade, windows is confusing and nothing makes sense.
Yes and it really is silly to do otherwise .LVM or even just mdadm and NFS is all you need
Exactly this, this is how I feel towards Windows nowadays
>isp blocks port forwarding
are darknets (tor,i2p) my only hope?
>isp blocks port forwarding
they filter out all incoming traffic
>where the fuck do you get cheap storage?
in europe?
assuming you don't want to deal with shipping refurb drives from burgerland, you can get new drives for a lot less then you'd pay direct by buying from server resellers. Downside is you are relying on the seller to provide the warranty.
I paid €112 a piece for 12TB enterprise drives with about 20 hours on them and one year warranty.
its basically impossible to get refurb drives for a reasonable price in europe.

yes. just plain debian. I can't stomach having to learn my way around an inherently limited web ui or preconfigured bullshit.
though I've been doing this sort of hobby sysadmin crap for over a decade and when I started there just werent good options for a web interface (I wanted to run a minecraft server on my $15 vps)
I finally relented and started using docker last year but the vast of my containers are ones I either made myself from a bare image or heavily modified.


that or tunnelling everything through a vps.
>I finally relented and started using docker last year but the vast of my containers are ones I either made myself from a bare image or heavily modified.
same, but I kinda wanna cut docker itself out of my container workflow entirely, every aspect of docker is irredeemable shit, and it's probably why I had such a negative view of containers in the first place.
I want to move the stuff I'm running on my personal PC (Minecraft server, shared Jupyter notebook, want to run a Plex server for my Legally Obtained Media) to a dedicated server. Am I retarded if I upgrade my personal PC and stuff my current 4 year old components (Ryzen 5 3600, GTX 1650 Super) into a new case? Am I going to burn down the house in the middle of the night?
i would sell those and get an i3 and a quadro
So you want to build a new PC and you're going to use your current PC as a server? Yeah, sure. Why not. No, you're not going to burn down the house. It's kinda too high specs to leave 24/7 if you care about power that much but if you turn it off at night then there's no problem.
That latter part is what I was worried about. I work with some Euros so I would want to leave it on for them. Unfortunate, thank you though.
Yeah I'll probably look into getting something like that. Thanks again.
Man, I am so glad I don't have to pay for hydro or electricity at the place I rent.
My personal PC is a VM in my dedicated server, it works alright, that way I just run a single machine with everything on it
How much performance would I get with harddisks using software RAID5? My current shitty premade NAS box gets like 20 MB/s write with 100% CPU usage. I want to switch to a real system with a powerful CPU.
What specs? I wanted to try doing that. Like using Linux as my main OS and just use Windows in a VM. But a lot of games break if it detects that you're in a VM, especially online games which is what I play the most.
I get around 125MB/s. So it's limited by my 1GbE intergrated NIC/switch.
With spinning rust? That's pretty impressive. Would a 5600G suffice for that speed? I'm not very experienced with RAID.
Yes. You realize that HDD average 150MB/s right? And that's only a single disk.
I was thinking CPU would be a bigger bottleneck. Do drives matter? For example a WD Red or WD Purple.
Drives does matter. SATA1 is slow as fuck. 52k RPM is slow as fuck. As long as your HDD is made in the last 5-10 years you should be good in speed. I can assure you CPU does not matter. Your 5600G is 12 cores 3.9GHz. I currently use E5-1620v4, 8 cores and 3.5GHz.

I'm assuming you have high CPU usage because you're using Windows and trying to do everything in it.
No, I have a qnap NAS that I got for free. It has a shitty arm processor that can't handle more than 20 MB/s write. I'll switch to a 5600G system for that and some other small stuff as well. Thank you for your help anon.
raidz1, 3 drives
WRITE: bw=239MiB/s (251MB/s), 239MiB/s-239MiB/s (251MB/s-251MB/s), io=20.0GiB (21.5GB), run=85587msec
READ: bw=255MiB/s (267MB/s), 255MiB/s-255MiB/s (267MB/s-267MB/s), io=20.0GiB (21.5GB), run=80392msec
not super impressive.
Are these TP-Link EAP235-Wall Omada inwall aps any good? I just moved in to a new house. It's made out of concrete and wifi signals are utter dogshit here. These need PoE to work, right? Do consumer grade switches have more than one PoE port? Or is it better/easier to just buy a PoE injector?

What should I do for backing up 4tb? I'm poor, don't say Apple cloud services.
Disclaimer: This is >>>/g/pcbg/ and >>>/g/fglt/ territory but I like the topic.

>What specs?
64GB DDR4-2400
Gigabyte X470 Ultra Gaming
Vega 8 iGPU (Proxmox Host) + RX570 (Debian 12 Guest) + RTX 3060 (Ubuntu 24.04 Guest)

>Multiplayer VM gaming
Yeah, don't, multiplayer games don't like virtualization. In my case I don't virtualize Windows, Debian 12 is my main OS and for gaming I have a dedicated, more powerful PC
Can you get into your attic? If so, you could just stick a mesh system up there.
I want to run a Mini PC as a media server, VPN gateway, and with a pfSense VM. I already have a tower server for bulk storage, but I want to have it sleep for most of the day and night because it's only used in the evening.

How big of a difference is there between a Jasper Lake N6000 and an Alder Lake N100 in terms of power consumption and transcoding performance? I know N100 Minis are popular to use as low-power servers but I don't have any spare SODIMM DDR5. Are the benefits of Alder Lake really that great compared to the previous generation Pentium/Celeron processors?
In terms of power consumption, they're practically the same. They're within 5% of each other.
As for transcoding, the N100 is better, way better. But the N6000 is still good. As in, good enough for maybe 2 streams and you could probably push 3. The N100 can easily do 3-4 streams.
>buy a mellanox connectx-3 dual port SFP card
>plug it into mini-PC's only PCIe port
>not detected at all
is it at least a 4x slot? connectx3 cards require at least that many lanes to work at all

also some just supply shitty power for pcie, I couldn't get my cards to work reliably in dell 5070s
>N100 Minis are popular to use as low-power servers

>i226-V NICs are not suitable for servers
literally just
ethtool -K rx off tx off gso off gro off tso off
i have an i226-V on my main machine and disabling all these offloading shit fixed my problem
while it sucks that intel hasn't fixed it there is a workaround
or just not get a mini pc and something else, but a realtek nic or something for $20
>is it at least a 4x slot?
It's a PCIe 2.0 4x slot, yeah. I didn't expect it to run at full speed, but I thought it would at least be recognized and operate fine, just slower.
>I couldn't get my cards to work reliably in dell 5070s
Well shit, that's exactly what I'm using. Did you find a solution for that, or just give up? Maybe I can replace the PCIe riser with one that splices in external power if that exists?
enterprise is too expensive. You have to own 5 teslas to go enterprise
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You better believe it.
>Xubuntu LTS + zsh
>nfs + autofs
>all managed over ssh
It's been a hilarious adventure getting /hsg/ to help me get all that working. You definitely should use nice enterprise gear if you can, but you are well within your right and ability to start on something wild like an a5m97 like I did.
Nice, glad it's working
This is some insane retard cope
A used optiplex witha pair of used 4tb drives and mirror them
they are incomplete retards, that's all
it was marketed as a card that would lower your ping for video games.
what distinguishes a server cpu?
is it just
1) more parallelization at the cost of single process speed
2) more PCI-e lane support
3) low power consumption
>Did you find a solution for that, or just give up?
I returned the ones I bought and went for lenovo tinies instead, which all work fine

if it says "xeon" or "epyc" on the box and supports ecc
Ryzen PRO also support ecc.
>highest binned
>tested to work 24/7
>capable of addressing more memory
>copious amount of cache (for its time that is)
I have one 12TB and four 14TB HDDs. What OS will allow me to optimize for storage capacity with different drive sizes while having decent redundancy? Unraid seems like the answer, but I'd rather not shell out more shekals if I don't have to.

I'll be virtualizing the OS on Workstation through windows if that changes anything.
>I returned the ones I bought and went for lenovo tinies instead
Well that's annoying. It looks like a Tiny will be at least twice as expensive and require a separate proprietary pcie riser. Maybe I'll just a grab a cheap 2.5G card and slap it in the 5070 for now, and save the 10G network upgrade for later when there's better/cheaper hardware for it.
Thanks for the info anon.
>What OS will allow me to optimize for storage capacity with different drive sizes while having decent redundancy?
Any Linux if you know what you're doing, otherwise unRAID
>I'll be virtualizing the OS on Workstation through windows if that changes anything.
Shame on you. In all seriousness though I hope your Windows has the Hyper-V role and you're not just running some VirtualBox or VMware Workstation shit-tier hypervisor
>What OS will allow me to optimize for storage capacity with different drive sizes while having decent redundancy?
Every Linux distro has the same filesystems available, so you can use any distro to do what you need. But if you're coming from Windows then you're probably going to need the retard-friendly NAS-specific GUI in Unraid.
I have VMWare Workstation downloaded since I've heard it used the most in all my jobs and figured gaining experience would be useful. I thought Windows Hyper-V was shit?
Got Navidrome set up but it does not support folders or groupings for larger collections and the dev seems to be a cunt who refuses to implement this feature that people keep opening issues about. Looking into alternatives they either lack this feature or just seem too immature.
Is there any music streaming software that is made be people who also enjoy listening to music?
Just got 2 32core 1tb ram servers from work for free, time for a proxmox cluster?
Hyper-V is not exclusive to Windows, Xbox one and newer consoles are based on it
>I thought Windows Hyper-V was shit?
It's not. It's a type-1, very capable and flexible hypervisor
represent enterprise schizo
>someone talks about running plex, unraid, truenas or their n100, synology, qnap consumer hardware
>i literally turn into enterprise schizo
udisksctl power-off -b /dev/sd*

does this turn off the drive or put in sleep mode? is there any difference? and is the disk head parked in both situations?
Literally nothing wrong with n100
That's not even the cause of issue for I226-V, the issue is caused by EEE being enabled on older firmware, on both the NIC and the connected switch. Newer firmware disables EEE by default.
Still a cope post, because N100 are not servers and have very little or none in common with server hardware for manageability or reliability.
OEM validation with server operating systems, and support with industry partners when their product doesn't work as intended.
Sometimes longer support and sales life than desktop equivalents.

Not all server CPUs even fit two of your criteria. A few have been 1:1 rebrands of desktop processors in every aspect.
>meanwhile in my dinky network closet
>hp pro desk 4c 4t i5 running proxmox host
>zima board connected to a das for file storage
>another zima board with opn sense to ids and ips
>mikrotik rb5009 as firewall and router
>24 port mikrotik smart switch
>intel nuc running windows server for active directory, local domain and dns/dhcp server
and i need more
then just disable it??????????
you niggers sure like to complain about problems rather than fix them
Time to move the goalpost and say I226-V is not a NIC for the server segment and not capable of SR-IOV, which is beneficial if you're doing any sort of software RAID + iSCSI with VMware ESXi.
>which is beneficial
which would be beneficial, if/when a NIC supports SR-IOV.
Anyway, besides. I don't want hardware problems, I want my hardware to be reliable, because it's a server not an overclocked drag race car.
>where do you guys get your drives?
E-waste recyclers in Europe, 180€ per 1 TB (refurbished enterprise SSD). There's a cheaper refurbished enterprise SSD option for 101€/TB, when the carrier and SSD are bought separately.
>waaaah my hardware doesn't work
>waaah waahhh
People like you won't survive in the real world.
No problem solving skills whatsoever.
I sincerely hope nothing bad happens to your hardware or software. Because if it does you're just going to bitch about it here.
I'm not bitching, I simply won't encounter any I226-V NICs with server hardware anyway. It's a concern solely on desktops.
Anons with mini PCs and workstations (I'm talking about you, P510 anon) have the most amount of problems in /hsg/. The last time I ever recall an anon with a rackserver (real hardware) having trouble with the hardware was in May 2024, to downgrade a NIC's firmware (the NIC was taken from a Dell PowerEdge 14G and put into a Dell PowerEdge 13G server). >>100698038
gimped crap that is only built into chinkshit mini pcs
yeah crying about your shitnic not working without being able to do anything about it (i.e. debug and fix kernel drivers) besides distrohopping is really pathetic
retards like that should follow enterprise schizos advice and get a service contract with competent people who are paid to get things working for you
I226-V's EEE bugs can't be fixed, it's a manufacturing fault at the factory. There's only workarounds, some which are applied automatically at firmware level. Kernel drivers have little or none to do with this.
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>AMD Ryzen 5 Pro 5650G
>Gigabyte MC12-LE0
>Kingston Hynix 32GB ECC UDIMM DDR4 3200 CL22 (KSM32ED8/32HC)
>4x refurbished 12TB HC520
>pre-owned System Power 9 500W 80+ Bronze
>some ghetto ass case with DIY rubber/foam dampening for HDDs
wish me luck.
worst case scenario I'll have a fun and teaching learning experience while wasting ~340$ (I'm hoping the refurb drives won't die so fast).
but if everything works out I'll post a cute pic next week with replies to this post stuck to the backpanel.
btrfs is good actually and I like it
You enterprise niggers don't belong here. Literally the first link in /hsg/ is the wiki. And guess what, even the wiki recommends consumer grade gear. Go open the wiki, the first topic is literally about hardware. It recommends Rasberry Pi and NUCs. Yeah, it says you can't scale them up but if I just need a machine that runs Plex and I don't care about scaling it up? NUCs work for me.
And would you look at that, it even says to repurpose old hardware, like an old gaming PC (which probably has no ECC or even using the i-226-V NICs you niggers are so scared about), or an old workstation, or even a laptop.
There's even more! The Build Your Own section shows non-ECC memory in the example build, and a consumer CPU.
And don't get me started on the separate page for server cases. 99% of the things listed there are consumer cases and hard;y and server rack chassis.
Let's go down the list some more. Oh, there's something about Networking. It says it's okay to use Asus for a router. Fucking Asus.
What about software though?
Open Media Vault, unRAID, these aren't enterprise software. Why is that there? mergerfs? snapraid? Those aren't used in big data centers.

My point is the wiki literally says not to stick to only enterprise hardware. And tell you what, remove the wiki next time from the OP and I'll concede.
Can anyone else chime in, is Hyper-V actually better than workstation/Proxmox or is this just one autistic fan?
it depends on your application.
if you are in a windows environment and rely on microsoft services such as active directory and its integrations then yeah hyper-v is fucking great
for every other application id use proxmox or unraid depending on your experience level.
hyper-v isnt bad but its fits into the really well into the microsoft ecosystem but not that well with others.
its only one fat trolling faggot that gets a raise out of the attention
other generals have worse schizos
Nice. I started with a P510 ThinkStation a couple weeks ago. It's been great learning about server stuff and how I can apply what I learned to my main PC.
Like for example, since I had to keep reinstalling different OS I realized how good it was to keep your boot drive separate from your storage drives. Recently bought a 2nd NVMe for my main machine and did a fresh install of Windows there and made my bigger NVMe as my storage drive.
Do you guys know anything about archiving? I'm working on archiving Google Arts and Culture. I've been going by Art Movement but I've run into a problem where it seems that you can't get more than 5000 images from a category.
The api is of course undocumented but basically it's a chain of requests where each request contains the id for the next request, but it seems that you can only get 5000 images this way, despite the category containing more than that according to their site.
Also, it's very strange, usually a request returns 15 images, but sometimes it is more and sometimes less.
Anyone have ideas?
Google does everything they can to try and stop you from getting their data. They want to be the first and only source.
Any sugestions on how define my lab infra as code? I'd like to have it be mostly in Terraform, abut the proxmox terraform providers seem to suck ass. I'm also mostly using LXC's because my host is a thinkcentre tiny with 8Gb of RAM so I'm trying to avoid the overhead of VM's.
Will be bringing back my chink, shit-tier mini pc as a Proxmox node today as I wasn't doing anyting in its previous role.
Some things I've thought:
>Add another pfSense for HA (specially when servicing the main node)
>Torrenting (move)
>Proxy (move)
>IRC & XMPP (move)
>MySQL (move)
>Setup kubernetes pods for HA of my bots

"Move" means that I have those services running on main node.
Aaaaaaa there's some much stuff that can be done yet so little time
bpg's provider for Proxmox VE (still bad), a Kubernetes / OpenShift cluster to use with Terraform, or switching to VMware vSphere (vCenter) for its official Terraform provider. I chose the latter personally, when I had the same issue.

>thinkcentre tiny
>8Gb of RAM
>I'm trying to avoid the overhead of VM's.
That's a big constrained (You) problem and that's not a server. You can solve this by purchasing a proper server.
Avoid running containers on the host, no security isolation and no live migration.
This architecture and hardware sucks.
Yo enterpriseschizo, suggest some hypervisor /OS/whatever that plays nice with Terraform that isn't VMware/vSphere. Otherwise suggest an alternative to Terraform that plays nice with non-enterprise OS/hypervisors

Thanks in advance
>purchasing a proper server.
Sorry, I should've probably said this in plural form: proper servers.
Is "enterprise schizo" in the room with us right now?
but muh supported configurations
Yes, most likely it's this guy: >>102412328
I realized that having a huge 12 bays NAS is just a waste of power, centralizes my data way too much, too loud and requires me to cool down the room in summer.
For this reason I want to try to switch to smaller and more spammable solutions, the idea is to have multiple smaller and less power hungry machines with at most a 4 disks RAID each, keep my data I care little about on a single one and keep the important data synced between 2 ore 3 machines.
Has anyone done that?
If I have 2 NICs for a proxmox machine, is it better to bond them (and keeping one disconnected as a backup) and do vlans for management/vms or to use one nic for the management and one nic for the vms?
Have you tried turning the disks off when not in use?
Well I figured out that if you organize by color it returns smaller groups, so I might be able to get it all this way.
What should I use for identity and access management?
yeah this place is pretty quiet, but there is a homeserver anon living next door so it can get a bit noisy when his enterprise sized nas cluster spins up every 60 minutes
I tried doing this but unfortunately lower power devices only allow 2.5" drives and those are 4/8TB max. My approach was to get a single not-so-power-hungry box with 4 big drives.

Which consists of 5700G + 4x20TB drives

Depends entirely on your usecase. From my experience bonding is useful only if:
>You have a lot of clients that make use of the network a lot
>You require high availability

If your infrastructure requires proper separation of duties then it makes sense to dedicate a NIC for management.

LDAP if on Linux/Unix
Active Directory if on Windows
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>finally got gigabit fiber
>order a dual nic celeron box to use with opn/pfsense
>this is the first review i stumble upon
just fuck my shit up bros
Entra ID, P1 or better. Because of FIDO2 and MFA.
Like sure, AD can be setup on-prem with smart cards and PIV, but it's much more of a chore to setup and maintain.

It's just a thing that with Windows 11, everything's being tied to Microsoft or Azure one way or the other.
You also won't need an SCCM license, when Intune is best bundled with Entra ID, and over 3-5 years Intune will be still cheaper than SCCM for 1 user.
Forgot pic.
8 TB max sounds good to me, that's what I have on my 12 bay anyway, if I can spam them in quantity I'll have my needs covered, I want my data to be spread among many devices for fault tolerance rather than have everything in a giant raid, plus differentiate between low priority and high priority data, I don't care as much if I lose half my PLEX collection
Prepare to spend a bit tho
And QVO's are not the most resilient drives of them all.
>Depends entirely on...
It's just home lab use. My reasoning was if I bond them and keep one disconnected, I don't have to configure the other one again in case I lose access.

My goal is simple management and VM separation.
"Enterpriseschizo" is not a personality and the meme has gotten stale.
Maybe you can start shilling cloud services or something for a change?
I don't really need SSD though, I'd rather go with spinning drives, that's what's on my current setup anyway, while I do have 10Gb fiber running in my house I haven't had the need to go past the 800Mb or something the current setup is giving me
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you only have yourself to blame for not doing your research before buying (i9500t has active cooling and is at the upper price bracket)
A reminder for you two that Intel Xeon D processors/SOCs are purpose-built for networking, due to Intel QAT.
Not that you should probably buy any of them anyway, and prefer the two big firewall OEM names with ASICs.
but not in this form factor that fits in my pocket, i wanted it to be more slick
>My reasoning was if I bond them and keep one disconnected, I don't have to configure the other one again in case I lose access.
Makes sense, and a good learning experience, go for LACP if your switch is capable
>Mosquitto - MQTT broker. IMO, works better than using web sockets to get messages.
Link me your github, I still don't use any MQTT, largerly because I can just spin up anything with TCP sockets. But people with many IoT devices or sensors can profit from it. How many do you run?
>not recursively resolving yourself
pocket server general when
>pocket server
With onahole port and local models.
Almost there
Does it say I've given up if I want to get my parents a cloud gateway max or whatever and unifi cameras?
First there was teledildonics, and soon there will be a new world of teleonaholics
I bought a Nutanix G7 node for $1,000 (2x Intel Platinum 8280,120TB Disk and 1TB RAM), Is it good idea change the current heatsink for a another one (Dynatron B5) and remove all the Fans and HDD Disks? Im using SSD's PCI-E x4 NVME 4.0 adapters to run my VMs
I approve of this emerging technology!
setup frigate on your own box like a real man
I have a piece of shit 2.5" kicking around that has a Reported_Uncorrect of 1 from over 300 days of uptime ago, at 700 days in this case. No reallocated, no pending, no offline uncorrectable, etc. Should be fine for stuff I don't care about, right?
why and what distro
If you don't care about the data? Sure.
I have a 2.5" 52k RPM laptop HDD I still use from 2009. It has 24 uncorrected sectors for the last 10 years. Hasn't given me a problem since.
I had to set up a reverse proxy container to get traffic from various subdomains to whatever container each app was in
Has anybody here ever used oauth2-proxy, and if so, what are your experiences with it? Leaning towards that as my authentication / authorization middleware between nginx and my identity manager. Looked at vouch-proxy as well, but apparently they don't follow the spec properly and that causes issues sometimes. They had an open pull request to fix the issue that is three years old...
>all managed over ssh
why did you install a desktop distro then
those are workstation processors though
ready to upgrade the fucker
this time all my VM's have their CPU type set to KVM64
I've used vouch-proxy before and discourage anyone from using it. I haven't used oauth2-proxy but it looks promising although maybe a bit on the bloated side. What i did was write my own program that integrates well with haproxy, it was a fun exercise.
I lied, I want that unifi shit for ME
that anon wasnt encountering the EEE bug. he just though switching distros would magically fix his issues instead of first trying to identify the cause.

>Gigabyte MC12-LE0
i ordered one of these but it never showed up
in hindsight it might well be for the better judging from the reports on sth forums.

>since I had to keep reinstalling different OS
you chose to do that, despite what everyone here told you

you can't compare hyper-v to proxmox.
hyper-v is very good if used correctly. kvm is better for general use.

>unraid for vms
please no
s'cool and the write hole is a meme that won't ever actually affect you unless you deliberately design your array stupid as a joke, I use void btw
>have openwrt running on an ancient amd jaguar thin client
>can consistently max out gigabit
wtf are you doing anon
i am running my own recursive dns. please learn to read.
sad, only buy TLC
I know, I'm OK with that. The same as my 4 SMR drives
The last update before opnsense 24.7 on 24.1 destroyed my DHCP wtf
Upgraded to 24.7 and it worked again. Idk what it really was though, I restarted everything at the same time
lmao @ opnsense
my router is just a linux box running iptables
>a linux box
that narrows it down
Don't make me switch to sonicwall
that's my point, you don't need some fancy bullshit to run a router. You need two ports and a route table. You'll learn more that way, too.
>openebs entirely made by indians
>start to wonder how much pajeet code there is in kubernetes
>Anons with mini PCs and workstations (I'm talking about you, P510 anon) have the most amount of problems in /hsg/
And we help them because we love each other here
I can say that I've helped a couple (of more) anons with consumer e-waste and most (if not all) followed our suggestions and everything went alright. However, that P510 anon truly managed to piss me off
Can I get a run down in p510 anon

new thread you guys:



Thank you anon, appreciate it
>page 4
we're at bump limit anon
gee really
In the previous thread: >>102366851
>HA cluster

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