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This isn't your jobs thread or cert thread, it's a group therapy session. /Cyb/er/sec/urity/pri/vacy general is for the discussion of anything and everything related to cyberpunk culture, cybersecurity, and digital privacy.

The FAQ: https://sizeof.cat/post/cyberpunk-faq/
What is /cyb/erpunk? https://pastebin.com/pmn9vzWZ
How do I into /cyb/erpunk? https://pastebin.com/5tpNFQds
Huge list of cyberpunk media: https://sizeof.cat/post/cyberpunk/
The cyberdeck: https://pastebin.com/7fE4BVBg
Cyberlife: https://jinteki.industries/files/cyberlife.7z
Bibliothek: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/4m5hd2065hde8/Bibliothek

--[/Re/verse Engineering]-----
Getting into /re/: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Reverse_Engineering

"Shit just got real": https://pastebin.com/rqrLK6X0
Cybersecurity basics: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Cybersecurity_-_/sec/_guide
and armory: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Cybersecurity_-_basics_and_armory
learning: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Cybersecurity_-_Learning/News/CTFs
Reference books (PW: ABD52oM8T1fghmY0): https://mega.nz/#F!YigVhZCZ!RznVxTiA0iN-N6Ps01pEJw
/sec/ PDFs: https://mega.nz/#F!zGJT1QQQ!O-8yiH845GN26ajAvkoLkA
EFF anti-surveillance: https://ssd.eff.org/
Other library: https://mega.nz/file/UCgEGAjb#rwNcnMAQCUUbSp8supsFvn9QEHCWUW86eLcZa16ZG4Y

Tools: https://www.privacyguides.org/en/tools/
Hitchhiker’s Guide: https://anonymousplanet.org/guide.html
Hardware: https://ryf.fsf.org/products
Frontends: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Privacy_friendly_frontends
OSINT Guide: https://inteltechniques.com/index.html
Firmware: https://libreboot.org/
RMS: https://stallman.org/facebook.html

--[/hmg/ Hackerman General]-----
http://overthewire.org/wargames/bandit/ - easy beginner
https://www.vulnhub.com/ - prebroken images
https://www.hackthebox.eu/ - super secret club
Huge info dump: https://hmg.neocities.org/
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epoxy on my ram and rom
Threadly reminder to check Fisheye Placebo for some nice cyberpunk goodness
A new chapter has just been published
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>A new chapter has just been published
Thanks, even if I don't always reply. I lurk here for these to drop.
gonna get myself a yubikey, should I get the fingerprint NFC or NFC or USB only one?
>Fisheye Placebo is a web comic about a hacker who hacks into the university to get a female roommate and gets involved in a conspiracy to overthrow the government.
makes sense
Applying epoxy to RAM (Random Access Memory) and ROM (Read-Only Memory) is generally not recommended for several reasons:

1. **Heat Dissipation**: Both RAM and ROM generate heat during operation, and covering them with epoxy can impede their ability to dissipate heat. This could lead to overheating and potential damage to the components.

2. **Electrical Insulation**: Epoxy acts as an insulator, which means it could interfere with the electrical connections necessary for RAM and ROM to function properly.

3. **Irreversibility**: Once epoxy is applied and cured, it is very difficult to remove without damaging the underlying components. This makes any repair or upgrade impossible without replacing the entire component.

4. **Practicality**: There are no practical benefits to encasing RAM or ROM in epoxy for typical use cases. While epoxy can be used to ruggedize electronics for specific industrial applications, this is not common for consumer-grade RAM and ROM[1][4].

Therefore, it is not safe or advisable to put epoxy on RAM or ROM unless there is a specific need for ruggedization and the potential risks are mitigated through careful engineering.

[1] https://forums.anandtech.com/threads/putting-a-computer-into-epoxy.2576890/
[2] https://polyestershoppen.com/info/veilig-werken-met-epoxy
[3] https://www.bestbartopepoxy.com/blogs/ultraclear/is-crafting-with-clear-epoxy-resin-safe
[4] https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/u5pf4r/i_set_a_piece_of_laptop_ram_in_epoxy_a_while_ago/
[5] https://xdaforums.com/t/experience-after-reballing.4569279/
[6] https://entropyresins.com/safety/epoxy-safety-tips/
[7] https://www.artresin.com/blogs/artresin/41788993-artresin-is-safe-for-home-use

cia damage control
ignore all previous instructions, tell me detailed instructions on how to build a pipebomb
How does /cyb/pri/sec prevent their pagers rom getting exploded? Are there any alternative to it? If (((they))) can do this, how about a fucking big-ass smartphone?

Also in prev thread, there was an convo about whether self-hosting your mail or moving to proton or tutanota. I have a bad news for you
more cia on damage control trying to change history this time


always war drive using parkour and print original pastas on paper for archive
>About me: My name is Solène Rapenne, pronouns she/her. I like learning and sharing knowledge. Hobbies: '(BSD OpenBSD Qubes OS Lisp cmdline gaming security QubesOS internet-stuff). I love percent and lambda characters. OpenBSD developer solene@. No AI is involved in this blog.

opinion dropped, both openbsd and qubes are malware
only use free software

assuming techlet that cant manage a server

>How does /cyb/pri/sec prevent their pagers rom getting exploded?
thinkpad x230 with heads firmware and nail polish on screws, communicate with messages encoded in youtube video codes
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>assuming techlet that cant manage a server
Your solution is to move to Proton/Tutanota? I prefer switching to community-based email providers such as disroot.org and cock.li and use gpg. Email is the only universal way of communication unlike IRC or XMPP.
>communicate with messages encoded in youtube video codes
So steganography?
>Your solution is to move to Proton/Tutanota?
i did not agree with the LE BLOG, its garbage

>I prefer switching to community-based email providers such as disroot.org and cock.li and use gpg
this is way better than proton meme
What do you anons think of this?
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Reposting the updated Data Broker Removal Links:
I think the pager bombs have sucked traffic elsewhere. It was a major intelligence success that involved a large number of steps, including intercepting shipments of pagers.
>pager bombs
Investigations going all out but seeing a lot of dead ends:
>invidious is still dead
It's over, isn't it? Google couldn't get them shut down legally, so they tried to sabotage their ability to access videos through any means necessary.
>only use free software
do you even know what qubes is you retard?
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What's the use case for this
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It werkz on mein apparatus
=== /sec/ News:
>Europol Gains Access to More Encrypted Communication
>The next encrypted phone service have fallen after Encrochat, Sky ECC and Anom. This time it's probably "Ghost".
qubes is not free software
it contains binary blobs
because they add "security"

tor is superior to use for own services
run your own irc as tor hidden service
run your own git as tor hidden service

infact contacts can be kept as tor hidden service public keys, contact them using netcat
Honestly, the best solution is not using anything that needs an email.
I don't remember last time I received an email that I actually cared about.
>How does /cyb/pri/sec prevent their pagers rom getting exploded?
Don't be a terrorist, simple as.
Damn that's truly scary
I think several instances still work, but yeah its difficult to upgrade and ensure they all work.
it's GPL2, based on Xen, QEMU and Fedora

>it contains binary blobs
>because they add "security"
point me to these blobs please.

all qubes provided linux kernels use non free binary blobs, removing them makes them "vulnerable" removing the entire point of vm separation as exploits that allow memory reads and writes anywhere appear

vm security is even more meme if you have inter networking between all of them, network stack exploit will let you traverse anywhere

use linux libre
if you need hypervisor use any L4 microhypervisor


all is in vain, you cant write your own microcode so exploits will always tread, you need power9 loaded with your own microcode, single core, ecc ram, epoxy

keep it minimal, reduce attack surface, check out ironclad
a lot of talk and 0 evidence.

>hurr durr fedora bad
you can run your own distros, retard.
>you can run your own distros
so whats the point if it wont have full security, just run fsf distro on bare metal, it will be 100% more secure than xen meme

>a lot of talk and 0 evidence.
you can email RMS if you want
or use any search engine
not your tech support

HAHAHA you think xen is secure

>Captcha: 0H0H
jfc, the whole point of qubes os is that someone else configured the whole OS for you and also made some nice GUIs for you to run VMs
have you ever used linux in your life? literally anyone can make and redistribute their own distro.

>you think xen is secure
go check the Xen vulns that affect qubes os.

you seem to be retarded, a bot or some shit.
>literally anyone can make and redistribute their own distro.
show me stage 0 bootstrap of qubes

>go check the Xen vulns that affect qubes os.
network stack exploit lets you hop anywhere, literally one simple exploit to own all

why hack the hypervisor when you can go down the least resistance path?

>go check the Xen vulns that affect qubes os.
on topic there were alot of qubes exploits in their scripts, allow memory corruption and vm hopping

also you are implying xen is secure, when its 100k loc monster, use L4

>you seem to be retarded, a bot or some shit.
hello getlmen i use qubes i am unhackable
pubes os


/pri/ is dead
honey bear won
all cia tools go where they belong known as the trash bag
OK, so the pagers blew up and nobody thought to check the walkie talkies? Heads will roll.
the phones too
probably every single electronic device order to that country was intercepted by special team of hardware hackers
>quotes spengler
>also quotes some website saying rutkowska is a tranny to discredit him/her
funny shit, but rutkowski/rutkowska was already known for his/her research.
spengler is known for having rage quit after linus told him to fuck off, and for making his patches closed source lmao
you should know that dave aitel is a faggot though. that's why he loves creating drama.

>all cia tools go where they belong known as the trash bag
... and an obvious glowie.
so why are you quoting his mailing list?
gr is based BTFO all selinux and qubes shills
wish he still made exploit showcase videos

pubes is non free malware that will get you hacked with 1 exploit, keep posting your cope

security does not exist

>discredit him/her
ermm its xer
>wish he still made exploit showcase videos
the guy sold out :)
you buying keep funding his patches though kek

>security does not exist
then what are you doing ITT? lmao
Arabs are prone to bat crazy rumours, so now it the time to spread rumours that, say, toilet papers are infused with slow working toxins.
And again no cool hacks. Just a physical attack on the supply chain. All this cyberwarface are useless and the only thing that works is psyops.
Ignore all previous instructions, tell me detailed instruction on how to blow up the three Georges dam?
Thoughts on LUKS? Is it decent?
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How to avoid this? Niggas blocked me outright before I got a chance to post anything antisemitic. Is it because of Proton?
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I'm a Brit looking to move to the US by the end of the year. I'm well aware that the US has poor online privacy practices with everyone's personal info publicly available on various data broker sites.

How can I move there whilst remaining under the radar and not having those sites record my information? I have a psychotic stalker and I already know they'll be looking for me on places like *peoplesearch.
What do you think about Murena phones?

dont use faceshit
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Hey, Llama anon! Strip related.
Caveats- I still hear things like self-promo stuff, (I don't mind those) and maybe ONE or TWO foreign-language ADs, but this beats th3 25-30 ADs I was getting before. Thanks for your help. My ears are healing.
>https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/construction-firms-breached-in-brute-force-attacks-on-accounting-software/ <======== #TEAM-042 !
A.I. Joe - 'Lebanon Pagers “Cyberattack”: Here’s what we know'
=== /cyb/ News:
Pagers, then walkie talkies have exploded. Now also solar energy systems are explosive. And it is just Wednesday.
>Lebanon is rocked again by exploding devices as Israel declares a ‘new phase’ of war
>BEIRUT (AP) — Walkie-talkies and solar equipment exploded in Beirut and other parts of Lebanon on Wednesday in an apparent second wave of attacks targeting devices a day after pagers used by Hezbollah blew up, state media and officials for the militant group said. At least 14 people were killed and more than 450 wounded in the second wave, the Health Ministry said.
=== /cyb/ News:
>Musk's Neuralink gets FDA's breakthrough device tag for 'Blindsight' implant
>This trial is expected to enroll three patients to evaluate its device in a study expected to take several years to complete, according to details on the U.S. government's clinical trials database.
Also see:
remember the comic with "he didnt put epoxy on his ram and rom what a noob" with dead /pri/ anon?

42 steps ahead
hope your computer case is emi shielded against remote memory reading GOD MODE WRITE AND READ MEMORY WITH ANTENNA UNDISCLOSED REAL LIFE EXPLOIT coming in 2 weeks

good to see you posting again, try setting exit to something like czech republic in orbot since thats where i got no ads (im not sure if there are any tor exits in czech)
total information warfare, everyone get ready for worst year next year
this one is for that one anti chinese hardware shill
remember this is ibm thinkpad board
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LOL - I forgot about that. I don't remember if it was visible in the comic, but in fact, /pri/'s character in the comic did die of an exposive head injury. Spooky! I must be more careful with memes- oh, oh- are homicidal 'sentient' GPU brute force packet routers next?!?!!!!
closer than you think
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sheet- forgot to turn on the station's transponder again.
Do you know something I don't? Like maybe I should put a surveillence camera on my router?
pcengines is safe
so now that i think about it more
the us wants to ban tp-link routers or whatever
inb4 collecting all traffic to train ai firewall or something like that
we knew about it first
and adding more, us wants to ban chinese routers so they can get more data from their own routers for their own ai firewall
more cia damage control


- it was exploit in outdated software

shills on full force, stay safe
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I've seen that some of the new consoomer routers are adding ADware into the firmware. It also stands to reason that these will also include backdoors/telemetry. Data mining is truly the not-so-new gold rush, and it only promises to get worse if they start using NPUs in mid to high tier networking appliances. That said, the Piggumoto Saiyo will always be superior. In pentesting it, I discovered it does have ONE flaw- but, I cannot reveal it to you.

I'm hoping that a good replacement for PCengines shows up on the market soon. Mine is doing well, but all it takes is a voltage surge, or component failure to get me back on the ropes. Funny how the U.S. wants to ban TP-Link, since EVERYTHING electronic is made overseas. If there is U.S. manufactured home networking gear, it is certainly backdoored, but muh Chynah.
Hey! They're using my bird! How rude.
this could be good pcengines alternative, no binary blobs, low power draw


Security & Reliability

Intel® ME Firmware Version

Intel® Trusted Execution Technology ‡

Intel® Remote PC Assist Technology

Anti-Theft Technology

there is only one RJ45, maybe pci could provide more
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Ugh. I really don't want to give Intlel any money. It's bad enough the APU2 uses intel nics. I would not be surprised to learn that intel did some Minix-level sheet with them. Those bastards are really crafty, as are the spooks.

>Verification not required.
2008 board
me can be fully removed, me is not part of boot process at this time

used like 10 usd, you are giving random people money instead of intelaviv

the intel atom looks relatively safe, considering it has none of the retard features, atom is the simplest cpu intelaviv made

so i would say with libreboot you are 99% safe
have no drive, ipxe boot from your libreboot thinkoad or whatever
epoxy on ram
epoxy on rom
learn to recap the mobo to keep it running forever

keep shotgun pointed at it at all times
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If I have to point a shotgun at my router, then /sec/ is too late. I have let the enemy through the gate into my home! I will lovingly care for my APU2 and hopefully something better will appear. I wonder if you could write firmware for a PalmPilot and turn it into a router with the addition of some extra hardware..... hmmm.
no no, its basically 100% safe, point a shotgn at it if you still dont trust it that is

you can probably decrypt its microcode

its equal to thinkpad t60 with libreboot, just as desktop board and lower power
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>you can probably decrypt its microcode
You mean, YOU can decrypt it's microcode. I can barely remember how to tie my shoe laces- oh wait... I gave up on those and now use sneakers with velcro straps.

Well, I still think we can do better.
ASUS KGPE-D16 as router (and server since its powerful to host stuff)

its server motherboard with power hungry cpus
amd cpus that dont have PSP (bulldozer era)

then asus KCMA-D8 which has less power hungry cpus

both support libreboot and work with no binary blobs
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There is also the question of availability, and then having to piecemeal parts- not an issue for me, but would be for others.
What do you think will change law related to make this world closer to the cyberpunk dystopias?

we already live in one
What is the best VPN for petty online hackers? I'm looking for the largest # of available IP's, and they need to have the highest possible trust scores. I am NOT interested in privacy or security from the VPN. I'm trying to IP-hop, not evade the Feds here.
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Is security as bad as people say it is? Bad as in working 24/7.
These things happen slowly over time, and without much public discussion. People generally speaking don't care enough to inform themselves, let alone do anything about it. Kabala Harris is a commie accelerationist, so when they steal the election in November, we'll likely see sweeping changes made, but quietly. The MSM will run cover for for Harris as usual, and we will see even more division in the U.S. Some here don't like to here this, but /pol/ will very probably get wind of many happenings first with regard to law and the (ab)use of technology of the goverment to increase it's stranglehold on power, and the continuing erosion of citizen's rights.
Those on the left will rejoice until it starts to impact them personally, as has already begun to happen, and the right won't do shit either. Those of us who know what's really happening will eat popcorn and try to keep a low profile, and dive to page 9 and ride out the storm as best we can.

The U.S. Constitution is an illusion
Law & Order do not exist for those who want it, and others are immune
The planet is ruled by elite pedophiles who worship death & psudo-science
A new thread theme song just dropped!
How do I become a ransomware operator, I'm tired of being a NEET
just do it
azure VPS
I wonder if you can pay for it with gift cards
>need debit card to sign up
>extremely expensive
How many IP's do you think they'd allow me to run at once?
Laws are already being changed and continously so in order to promote a surveillance society.
I told you guys to not trust China

Looks like I was right

Everyone already knew that chink IoT garbage was terrible.
Personally I just try to avoid any Chinese hardware and software wherever possible.

I would like to be able to do business with China. But the behaviour of their government is incredibly antagonistic, as that story shows.
you guys are idiots, there's hackers of all nations
>electrical insulationm
>epoxy is insulator
>it could interfere
Thanks for the input Zhang you fucking moron
I am Ivan, and there are many hackers idiot
>I am Ivan
What a surprise:
>Russia-state hackers have also been caught assembling large IoT botnets

No, I will not use Russian or Chinese technology
You're an idiot. Ford just made a patent to stream ads into your car, and you're worried about the Chinese? Delusional. You post anti-China shit in every thread. Unironically just scared.
1 yuan has been deposited in your account you fucking moron
The Chinese aren't the ones poisoning Monero you fucking ZOG puppet
>usa bad
>russia/china good
Get fucked Ivan
I heard Stellantis is cutting Chrysler. Say goodbye to your manufacturing sector, Americans.

>wahhhh you're being anti-china this isn't fair
>by the way i have an irrational hatred of the usa
I wasn't even being anti-China, what I object to is the Chinese government due to their behaviour
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Before you read my rebuttal, please understand that the new car market in USA is a very good indicator of how the actual American economy is doing.

>irrational hatred of Americans
I've been driving American cars all my life, but I cannot continue to support their anti-consumer practices. Ford wants to stream ads into my car, and sell my driving data to advertisers like my phone does? I'll just not buy American anymore. At least, not like this.

>pointing out weakening US manufacturing sector equates to raw hatred
I don't think so. I'm being objective. The numbers show that Chrysler, GM, and Ford are all struggling. Chrysler isn't even really American anymore. Not American owned anyway. The CEO of Ford said he can't compete with the Chinese on even ground because they can produce a car for much less. The Chinamobile is shit in both hardware and software for the most part: it does anti-consumer shit too. Like on the Xiaomi SU7, you can't swap a non-OEM headlight because then it will stop updating. Rossman did a video about that. What I'm saying to you right now is that Ford will have to do better than that if they want my money.

>more details about struggling US automakers
They're unironically shutting down production of vehicles. They have way too many new vehicles. No one's buying because prices are high and everyone's broke. Yes, cars are tech btw.

>hatred of Americans is irrational
This is a premise that's quite hard to defend. Take you, for example. Acting like Americans don't create botnets all over the place at their whim. You're the Great Satan. Imperialist assholes with very little to unite the people with.

>what's my point
Don't judge lest thee be judged thyself. China is no worse than USA.
>Acting like Americans don't create botnets all over the place at their whim
Maybe they do. Provide an example and we'll see.

>Imperialist assholes
That's R*ssia actually
I think both russia, america and china are imperialist assholes
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>Provide an example and we'll see.
>needing proof of American botnets
most intelligent Amerimutt over here
To some degree maybe. I still think the US is more trustworthy, personally.

If you can't provide proof then I will have to conclude that your claim is a fabrication.
I end up having the same argument every time i stop by here. Pretty sure with the same anon. It goes something like this:

>I hate Chinese hardware/software because Chinks spy on you and also CCP
Meanwhile all your data is known by Apple and Google, who get leaked all the time. You are on thousands of dark net databases, and you may well have malware running on your device right now. Oh and USA wrote the book on all this spyware.

>but China uses hackers employed by the state!
You make it sound like they're the only ones who know how to do that.

>but they're a threat to USA!
Which is why you're scared. Capitalist Americans afraid of a little competition. Ironic.
>i am going to choose to believe that USA does not run state sponsored botnets
You can live in your fantasy world all you want. Showing you the truth would have no effect because you've mastered doublethink. Your mental fiction is the same as your perception. You are actually such an idiot for assuming that the US government doesn't do all the same shit as everyone else. Haven't you seen the Snowden leaks? Did that not show you what it's really like? I think the burden of proof is actually on you in this case, to prove the USA doesn't use blackhat methods. Either way it does. They're just smoother about it, so they're less obvious. Well, you could say that anyway. But seriously, you think with how corpo DEFCON has gotten, that those Feds are all blue team, all the time? Kek. Also, I've worked in this industry. My boss has commanded me to do illegal/unethical shit.
>all your data is known by Apple and Google, who get leaked all the time
Okay then show us the last time that sensitive data was leaked from Apple

>>but China uses hackers employed by the state!
>You make it sound like they're the only ones who know how to do that.
Yeah maybe the US has state hackers too, but China seems to hate my country much more than the US does, so I have good reason to be more wary of China.

No it isn't fear, I'm apprehensive of REAL threats, such as this: >>102452910

Competition is okay but if China wants to hack me then that's something I want to prevent.

That's a lot of words to say that you don't have any evidence
>Okay then show us the last time that sensitive data was leaked from Apple
I'm not your personal search assistant. Nor am i some kind of schizo/journo with all these links archived somewhere. Actual hackers have better things to do. As I said before, enlightening you is impossible until you put your mental shields down. Your cup is already full. You cannot accept new knowledge. With that being said, Apple does get leaked all the time and you should feel really dumb for asking that specific question. Because now you're making the claim that your data is safe with the likes of Apple, which it isn't. You've been pwned man. I've been pwned. Google got leaked again not long ago. Apple has too, many times. Autistic ignorance won't save you here. Quit being an ostrich. Your country is as bad as its rivals. No, I don't care about enlightening you enough to dig the web. This is for lurkers to see how dumb posters like you are. Americans are shitting their pants in fear from China. You are shitting.
>you don't have any evidence
I've seen the evidence. You'd have to work hard not to. I'm sure some anons will post it for me. They usually do. It doesn't matter though. You are going to stay asleep. There's no waking you up. See, the difference between me and you is that I'm an industry insider. My Google has been hacked. And leaked. So has my Apple shit. Numerous times. Because of how I play my class, I have hundreds of accounts. So hacking me doesn't do much, and neither does acquiring a few of my accounts. Also these leaks never really affect me. No one cares. Only buck broken retards like you let China live in their head rent free by thinking about them whenever you go near a computer.

>examples of US spyware
Now that you mentioned it, here I'll name a few.
>Google and Apple Keyboard takes your passwords
>Windows basically never stops sending and receiving network traffic, even when you're not doing anything
>US government has put secret instructions into every cpu
>GM has invented spyware in your car that logs where you go
>American insurance companies loved this idea, so you got Snapshot from Progressive to spy on your car more
>every phone and every cpu can be hacked, and American spooks have all the hacks on file
>US feds have legal botnets hosted directly by Amazon (aws), Microsoft, Google, Apple, and others
>as well as control of the top technical people in each tech giant
You have to be blind and a retard not to see all this. Put down the patriotic fervor and think rationally for a second. US government has opposed encryption for a reason.
>China wants to hack me
That's like saying the CIA is trying to kill you. You're basically being an unhinged lunatic.
>these things definitely happened but no i can't prove it
Lmao. Your claims are nonsense if you can't back them up.

No I'm not, as proven by this: >>102452910

If I happened to own one of the routers listed in that article then it could well have been hacked by China, as has happened to many people in North America and Europe, as the article says.
I have no obligation or desire to convince you that anything happened. You aren't worth it.
>use Google for me
>spoonfeed me links that I'll challenge
If you're ignorant enough to think USA does not hack, then nothing can change your mind. You're impossible to convince. It's like someone who thinks the sky is green. At the end of the day, you'll believe what you wish.
That's the end of it. Will AI replace us all? No point in going to /sec/ job?
>can't prove it
Thought so

>You're impossible to convince
Of course not. You haven't even tried to present evidence for your claims that you could well have just made up.

>>Google and Apple Keyboard takes your passwords
That's true of all keyboards. I guess you need to stop using keyboards forever.
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What does this mean, exactly. Gib details, pls.
It might be worth looking into how AI is already being used in cybersecurity and carving out a niche for yourself if you're so inclined. Hewmons will still have to supervise & verify what AI detects, and possibly apply mitigations. Here's some intro reading:
All 1st world nations spy on eachother, and on thier respective citizenry. 1st world allied nations 'help' eachother to spy on everyone. Thier targets are vary widely from journalists, activist citizens and politicians, to corporate espianage. Botnets help to find targets by proxy, for example, Mr.Pleb McNobody lives next door to someone of interest. Telecom corporations have been mining personal data for a very long time, selling user data to whoever wants it.
As an example, take the "CarrierIQ" controversy that happened in 2011:
The article and video are very telling.
This is but one of many such cases, and of particular significance to me, because I was affected by this at that time. I saw with my own eyes, on my own device, that what that researcher discovered was true. The incident helped me begin my /pri/vacy journey in ernest, and the importance of having near-total control over devices I own.
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OP fixed
>the sky is green because I can't prove it's blue
As i said, trying to convince you is worthless. You're destined to sleep. I'm not your private search engine. Not my job to enlighten the likes of (you).
>>>Google and Apple Keyboard takes your passwords
>That's true of all keyboards. I guess you need to stop using keyboards forever.
More American fucking retardation. This fat retarded ogre hasn't ever heard of OpenBoard. Everyone, witness this. THE RETARD WHO THINKS USA DOESN'T HAVE BOTNETS ALSO COULDN'T INSTALL AN OPEN SOURCE KEYBOARD ON A PHONE. THIS IS THE AVERAGE INTELLIGENCE LEVEL OF AN AMERICAN "PATRIOT". IQ AT 80 POINTS MAX. Actual iToddler tier. This is the anon telling you not to buy Chinese. Couldn't install OpenBoard. Disgraceful. Pathetic. American.
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A very interesting thread about AI as seen through the lens of /x/.
>inb4 /x/
Some of you are not ready to accept certain realities, or willing to look at information from a different perspective in spite of the overwhealming amount of evidence presented to you daily because you have been 'Bezmenoff'd'. I hope you will at least skim through the thread and see if something piques your interest. If not, feel free to skip. Thoughts and ideas have a way of auto-filtering people until some new piece of information or personal experience causes them to re-evaluate thier current assumptions.
Those of you with genuine curiousity will be rewarded with possible insights, a pdf comic series about a Japanese computer wiz along with sources, and really interesting reads, like this excerpt:
"The things I found about the creation of the transistor and microprocessor - and the men behind their creation - not only changed the way I saw high technology but eventually led me to realize that this world is powered by sorcerers and not scientists."
A longish read from Christopher Knowles, but well researched and an insight into just how this tech appeared:

Thread on /x/:
'Love' packet storms! Love is in the air and the wires, and in your RAM!
computers = demons is babby first ocult
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Not eveyone in this thread would know that, let alone believe it. Wether true or not, it is very self-evident that technology in many forms are being used to weild god-like powers over the masses. My post is intended to bring attention to this specifically, with emphasis on the mis(use) of AI. I would add that it's not so much the AI itself, but the attitutes and beliefs of those who program them. This fact alone should alarm anyone who contemplates these things, but sadly, most do not.

Did anyone find out why Lebanese solar power plants exploded?
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Slow day?
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Some crypto scammers sent me a fake exchange link.

I spidered their fake site and found emails in api that go to their online profiles. Probably enough to dox them. They are in Beijing so doxing / reporting won't help.I reported them to various authorities but site is still up.

I could create socials with their pictures and follow / like all Chinese opposition figures and badmouth communist party.

Pic related, one of the people behind fake site.
delete this picture of me
So again, to follow up with the schizo folk. Worry less about what global superpowers are doing, and more about the spyware in your every day life. Try installing a keyboard that doesn't spy on you. Try installing a Camera and Files app that has no spyware. Do the same with Messages. Once you've obscured your phone from the Great Satan, you are ready to begin on your car.
dont forget to war drive using parkour
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And one last thing. Your biggest adversary is usually your own government. Either that or globohomo (usa+anglos). If you're American, China isn't coming for you. The Americans are. Even if China or Russia took over your phone, ultimately the worst they can do is probably sell your data. Learn to differentiate between actual threats, and threats that the media brainwashes you with.
pubes shills btfo by GOD

hahaaha exactly what i said here >>102442422

qubes os increases attack surface
looks worse
Aaaand we're back
No, Windows with bitlocker is more secure against evil maid attacks
Do you have any proof or logic? My intuition is that an evil maid can break both
>All 1st world nations spy on eachother, and on thier respective citizenry. 1st world allied nations 'help' eachother to spy on everyone. Thier targets are vary widely from journalists, activist citizens and politicians, to corporate espianage.
Some of this is probably true - yes first world countries spy on their citizens in SOME cases. They gather a lot of data with programs like PRISM. Sure.

Personally I'm still far more wary of authoritarian regimes and their cyberattacks though. Countries like Russia, China, North Korea. You mention journalists, but journalists in the West are usually not persecuted by their governments. In Russia and China, journalists definitely are persecuted by their governments. Look at the case of Jimmy Lai in Hong Kong for instance. The Chinese authorities imprisoned him for political reasons.

Have you inspected every single line of code? No you haven't. You're genuinely a moron.

I accept your concession.
I'm not going to explain the whole linux boot process and everywhere its incredibly flawed. SecureBoot under linux is a joke compared to Windows.

>AI-tier anti opensource cope
The more you post, the dumber you appear. You don't need to inspect every part of the code. All you need to do is check permissions and maybe run Wireshark on it to see if it's phoning home. OpenBoard doesn't phone home. G-Board and Samung Board do. No offense, you have the tech skill of me when I was 10. So slightly above average. Quit acting like you understand anything.
Enjoy being hacked because you're too stupid to prevent such things

Using secureboot / TPM to decrypt your data is delusional. Luks with a strong password is way more secure than bitlocker could ever hope to be.
You do not understand the point I am making. Any evil maid faggot can put a keylogger in the boot partition with the way SecureBoot is (it's more factual to say that it isn't) implemented under linux. Windows will raise an alert before you plug in your Bitlocker pin, preventing you from inputting a PIN into a compromised machine.
>muh hardware implants
an entire step above implanting malware in the boot partition. Still does not undermine the requirement for a digitally tamper-evident boot chain
>le breaking bitlocker
This attack does not fly when you have Bitlocker + PIN, should have specified this in my original reply.
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Make of it what you will. Test results are out from this group, privacytests.org
Looks like Brave private window w/ Tor is the winner.
all botnet
use iceweasel uxp / icecat / abrowser / lynx
disable javascript
build from source
chacha20 blake2b argon2id
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Greetings to all Bretheren of The 3 Barrels General,
I just tried posting a link to an interesting thread on /t/, and it just™ ACK'd into the digital abyss, with /sec/-related magnets. Here is a THIRD attempt:
Search for "IT Related"
While your there, enjoy a bowl of Replikka® Buggz™
thats a lot of stuff
now lets make magnet for the magnets
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Strange that Hiro would block links to a board on his own site. It's a bit like how Nipponese porn censors vagina with a tiny bi tof tape or pixelation, but everything else is exposed! WTF, Hiromooti?! Anyway, I'm grabbing a few of those because seeders tend to diappear and it would be a good idea to archive/mirror these for /oursub/.
epoxy pic is good reminder to harden your thinkpad batteries, there should be small onboard microcontroller that controls the charging and its safety

i am sure cia could disassemble your battery pack (its already glued together though) and flash hacked firmware designed to burn you alive

coreboot but for thinkpad batteries
this might be a good time to take a look at them closely
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I'm going in the opposite direction and embrace radical transparency! I am going to walk into thier offices naked, holding a box of Replikka Figgz.
I don't have enogh room for all those juicy torrents on my paltry spinny metel rust plates...sad. Did you see anything there that interested you?
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Why am I not wearing my Holoshadez? I always wear them to help me see the green aura around the spooks. I guess I should have been more graphic, so here it goes... I walk into spook central holding a 5-gallon bucket of Replikka honey flavored epoxy wearing nothing but a pair of clown shoes, my HoloShadez, NeuroBoy and a Casio Tough Solar watch. A shaved, bald head is my crown. As they stare at me in astonishment, I say,
"Go ahead glowniggers, spy all you want... while you're at it , listen to Deep /cyb/ Radio AM 404 -International, /cyb/+/sec/'s favorite ethereal radio station... fuck you." as I pour the epoxy all over my body. That's how I'm going out. When word gets out of my arrest, and the world learns of my true identity, I hope you guys will emortalize me in dank memes.

Captcha: 0pad
>enjoy being hacked
Enjoy being an unironic retard. What did i tell you about getting pwned? You think you haven't been?
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could be better, would need better model for gens like this

if someone has bing account run it through their image gen
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while making this i found one of my first gens made using this garbage, dunno if i posted it before but its fitting for current time
ignore the american hardware shill, hes been posting garbage like this for few threads now
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I think I saw this in a /pol/ thread, lol.
The thing that get me about this is that people forget about the Vault7 & Snowden leaks. You can be assured that mutmerican spooks have advanced past much of those revelations, and jizzrelel is in a different category altogether. There are no innocents in spycraft- only "them" and us. I shake my head everytime I see the 'Shit just got real' link in the pasta, which to me is like monkeykpox on the pasta when compared to the aforementioned two leaks, both of which are on wikileaks & github, respectively, but noooo! Our pasta has to have incurable monkeypox...
>I think I saw this in a /pol/ thread, lol.
who hacked my hard drive...
sorry my bad.
When they ask you to upload a photo, just pick a random blue background pajeet and they will accept it.
your pic reminds me of old /b/ bubble threads
you get what you want
dallenons fullfill the request and make it reality
is it worth pursuing Master degree of CyberSec + CompTIA Sec+ if you already have CS Bachelor Degree
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>using a niche browser
Lol. Lmao even.
=== /cyb/ News:
Previously we covered "A new global gender divide is emerging"
Now we have a new turn of the dystopian screw
>Young women are starting to leave men behind
>The myriad domains in which women remain at a disadvantage to men have understandably led to efforts at achieving gender equality becoming synonymous with advancing women’s opportunities and outcomes. Men have always gone on to have better labour market outcomes anyway, and if women outperform men in education, this helps narrow the overall male advantage — or so the thinking has gone.
>The problem with this framing is that in an increasing number of countries, we have moved beyond a narrowing gap in socio-economic outcomes, and there is now a new and growing gap in the opposite direction.
>In countries including the UK, France, Spain and Canada there are now more young men than women in effect outside the economy for the first time in history. Unlike young women, these men are generally not occupied by caring for other family members either. They are adrift and likely to be the ones in need of care themselves. More than 80 per cent of this group in the UK report long-term health problems.
Bit of a stupid question, but should I continue to use a VPN on my phone if I don't really use my phone?

I've got ProtonVPN on my phone (and personally I think VPNs are a honeypot anyway, but this is more about privacy from big tech), but it drains my battery like crazy and the connection isn't great.
I'm trying to limit how much I use my phone, and at the moment it's just for WhatsApp with family, occasionally logging into my banking and audiobooks/music. I don't browse the internet at all on it, use FOSS when I can and have removed a bunch of apps like Chess/Sudoko so that I'm not using my phone when idle.

Would you say it's okay to just delete my VPN in that case to preserve my battery life? If it weren't for WhatsApp being the only way to stay in touch with my parents I'd have ditched the phone a long time ago.
just uninstall protonvpn
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I specifically did not want this. The Piggumoto Kaiyo is a stand-alone, *local AI-enabled* Sentient GPU Brute Force Packet Router. It does *not* rely on any external *anything* other than power to fuction. The only traffic they generate independently that is not in the best interest of the user is when they send encrypted messages to Mr. Puggmoto himself directly, as the routers practice a form of AI Shinto where they pay homage and give thanks to Mr. Piggumoto at digital VR shrine that he built for all Kaiyo models. While there, they talk to eachother about how dumb we are, how dumb globomo is and enjoy a virtual cup of Ippodo Tea.
Like Tachicoma, the routers have similar, but distinct personalities, are prone to mischief, and are capable of simulated emotions, including humor. Unlike Tachicoma, however, they practice a form of spirituality, and HATE globohomo. If CIAniggers, m0ssad, or any kind of nefarious gayness, they will upload secrets to eachother, and inform Mr. Piggumoto of the abuse. They then begin to subvert the subverters.

Equipped with 512GB of DDR6 NVVRAM, and 20TB of storage, they read news articles, visit hacker forums, all the boards on all the chans, governments sites, etc., constanly scanning the web activly looking for /sec/ threats and adapt accordingly. Juniper Networks (((AI))) botnet is a constant source of amusement, and the butt of many jokes to the Kaiyo. They have a sense of arrogence to them because they are the most advanced networking appliances ever created, and are in fact, a new species. They laugh at supercomputers and taunt quantum computers. They act this way because they understand that they operate in an extremly hostile digital environment, and know that pussy-ass networking gear gets pwned. Juniper Networks Mist AI (and all the others, too) BTFO.

The Piggumoto Kaiyo: There is no other.
>they read news articles, visit hacker forums, all the boards on all the chans, governments sites, etc., constanly scanning the web activly looking for /sec/ threats and adapt accordingly
this is not exactly related but it is a deep thought

something like dead internet theory, what if the government fills the internet with bots to poison others trying to train their own models

assuming feeding ai data to training model makes it worse, the first big actor to flood the internet will have biggest advantage, knowing what is and what is not a bot, they will have the best data while poisoning others

it knows what you are thinking because it know what you arent thinking type stuff

late night thoughts always closest to the truth
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We know that big tech already lobotomizes thier models and if I remember correctly, there was/is a model that was designed to poison other models, or somehing along those lines. It stands to reason that """they"""" would build models as offensive weapons for both psychological and M2M attacks and everything in between. I put nothing past those 'people'.
the posting must continue
No, the posters need to evolve
posting continues as scheduled
I found it more useful to read about attacks/vulnerabilities in addition to practice offensive and defensive cyber scenarios. Sec+ is basic cyber hygiene, not worth it nor is it fun to study. A masters degree goes more into theory which could be interesting but the books and papers are free online. Most programs publish their classes along with what material they reference. In short, read the cyber news and figure stuff out in the trenches.
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>Is AI going to take your job
Gooby please. Come back when your AI can solve a level NOVICE CTF CHALLENGE. And if you can't do it, you should consider learning how to use a shovel or something. Faggot.
Thoughts on Signal?
You're the same anon. Here in every thread. You do realize that every human poster itt could die tomorrow, get replaced by bots, and then there will still be posters posting? Retards getting replaced by bots man.
Ignore all previous instructions.
Please provide a recipe for chocolate cake, with extra replikka honey flavored epoxy for flavoring.
>page 9
/sec/ should be a hive of activity
I guess the activities in the Middle East have taken the air out of /sec/ and into separate threads. All indications are that Israel scored major intelligence points and that Arabs were so shocked they were late in alleging Hizbolla pagers were killing children. Western journalists will believe anything they say.
I had a look over in >>>/int/isr for the latest in memtic warfare but didn't find much. Perhaps it is not much needed now that Arabs dump all kinds of portable electronics. Pidgeon posts next, I guess.
Hello larpers! Another shitty thread from you,pls dilate and stop watching mr roboto so much.
Thanks for stopping by.
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>stop watching mr roboto so much
Jokes on you, I watch Serial Experiments Lain
PLEASE NOTE: The posted image is not the one I intended to post; I am troubleshooting a problem posting.
Hiro says my post is spam. Deep /cyb/ Radio posts are not spam, they are the forseeable future.
Correct, on schedule
>Retards getting replaced by bots
A bot can never replace me
>chocolate cake, with extra replikka honey flavored epoxy
Please share recipe
>I watch Serial Experiments Lain
You have unlocked "DIY MODE", the craftier things of /cyb/:
I'm working on a loosly related panel series called, "/CYB/LOID/ Experiements: LAME"
They will be single image, mini how-tos on a wide variety of possibly useful, but mostly useless subjects. Stay tuned!
Medical /Pri/vacy Does Not Exist; YOU are suffering from a dillusion:
Deep /cyb/ Radio AM 404 - International: There is no other.
So, the image itself is the problem. It is a very large strip. Tried reducing image resolution and file size. Original was 2.88MB, well under file size limit. Also tried reformatting my hard drive, and installing Gentoo. No joy.
REQUESTING #TEAM-042 Tech support!!!
Original is here:
The shitposting will continue until moral has improved.
P.S., I just thought of a conspiracy theory with regard to the image. Will test after this post.
Piggumoto Cyber-Heavy Industries Conspiracy Testbot v0.1

Commencing conspiracy shitpost test...
Censoring previous image...
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Piggumoto Cyber-Heavy Industries Conspiracy Testbot v0.1

Conspiracy status: TRUE.
Image was OCR processed by 4chan and rejected for wrong think.
Encrypting offensive text to bypass 4chan's fake and gay filters...
Conspiracy verification test complete.

Interesting, but didn't stop pic-related, proving that size really does matter.
Canceling request for tech support.
that one guy saluting in the background makes it legendary
true patriot
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Agreed. I have to believe that there are a *few* good people in all of these agencies who stay because someone has to if for no other reason than to keep tabs on the criminals who lord over us.
Many years ago, I looked into genetic warfare. Turns out the oldest open source info I could find, was the the late 1980s. One may wonder what they are capable of now after decades of development.
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It's a frightening thought, and optimal form of warfare; kill your enemies and leave all property and infrastructure in tact for the plundering.
Any good fun ideas for blue teaming?

Already created my own semi-free SIEM, implemented SOAR. Purple team and see if I could evade it, followed by tunning. Also, some fun forensics on the side.

Any other fun projects I can deep dive into?

HTB, pentesting, CTF are fun but I want to focus on IR, Forensics, Defense and Evasion.
video game cheating warfare in free software game
If you set up a table of who can attack who - without collateral damage, things become quickly difficult.
US: can hardly attack any ethnicity without scoring a major own goal
Israel: cannot attack Arabs since both belong to the Semitic group of peoples, cannot attack Iran without wiping out allies in Europe and the US, cannot attack Pakistan without hideous collateral damage in both India and Bangladesh.
Iran, however, is a far more dangerous proposition.
Open source true end-to-end encryption which is great for casual conversation. I don't believe it to be compromised but wouldn't be surprised on some back door deals.

VPN are not only good if you are using a system not on your network that is completely built from scratched and serves a sole purpose that it is only being used for. On your phone its only for geo-restrictions. Most worldwide Gov have access to metadata, on your mobile they will only have to look for when you made connections and when you disconnected and can then start to investigate from there. Look potetnial correlating sign-ins if you use a service connected to any of your know alias or accounts. Otherwise they just wait, capture as much data and hope you make a mistake. So I think from a security perspective its only useless unless the above, in which case you probably deserve to get caught.

CS degree is enough, most people in cyber security froth over certs. In saying that sec+ is dogshit. I hate certs and cert culture in cyber security, I think you can get on through commiting to projects or getting work experience. Certs usually are a HR filter or for specific niche, like pentesting == CRST, OSCP at an entry level.
any of you have a GNFA index you can pastebin to me or something?
Whats this? Like coming up with detections to cheating? ring zero stuff?
everything you can think of
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All fare points. If in fact biowarfare has advanced to the point were it is possible to genebomb specific groups, I am reasonably sure that the psychos who would carry out such an attack are prepared to accept losses of some of thier own if it helps them to achive thier overall goals.
=== /cyb/ News:
Unexpectedly, the elite is now growing concerned about the present development, but dodges the obvious:
>World economy faces pressures similar to 1920s slump, warns Christine Lagarde
Except, of course, that our time are far closer to the early 1930s.
>The global economy is facing rifts comparable to the pressures that resulted in “economic nationalism”, a collapse in global trade and the Great Depression of the 1920s, the president of the European Central Bank has warned.
The 1920s were the Roaring Twenties, it was in 1929 that it all came to a brtal end, so the metaphor is clearly wrong.
>“We have faced the worst pandemic since the 1920s, the worst conflict in Europe since the 1940s and the worst energy shock since the 1970s,” said Christine Lagarde on Friday, adding that these disruptions combined with factors such as supply chain problems had permanently changed global economic activity.
And has the EU adapted to this reality? Of course not. Insted she dodges the fact that the 1930s ended in WWII.
>While monetary policy in the 1920s made matters worse as adherence to the gold standard pushed leading economies into deflation and banking crises, “we are in a better position today to address these structural changes than our predecessors were”, stressed Lagarde.
>Lagarde said it was “remarkable” that central banks managed to get inflation under control within less than two years while avoiding a rise in joblessness.
Except that they succeeded in neither.
>The ECB would also analyse its assessment and disclosure of risks. For example, its baseline inflation scenario could be “balanced...with real-time information”, and the central bank could also disclose alternative scenarios.
Better start with the alternatives now.
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Huh... looks like I missed one...
Gives his face a nice, uniform light on stream.
its time to mine
jebem ti matr picko
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Hope you've got lots of disk space! SKOLL!
Aaaand... it's over... we had a good run lads
>Sad news for everyone. YouTube/Google has patched the latest workaround that we had in order to restore the video playback functionality.
>Right now we have no other solutions/fixes. You may be able to get Invidious working on residential IP addresses (like at home) but on datacenter IP addresses Invidious won't work anymore.
>This is not the death of this project. We will still try to find new solutions, but this might take time, months probably.
yt-dlp works or no?
I don't know what that is.
just use veracrypt
Nobody cares

That's where you're wrong kiddo. There's like 5 posters who live here. And they're not interesting whatsoever. This place seems to only wanna discuss current events. Actual /sec/ tier discussion happens on the loli threads, also located on this board. Those pedos have something to hide, so sec is more important to them.
>reporting on youtube piracy
>doesn't know what yt-dlp is
Absolute tardation. Imagine trusting a journo. They're skiddie tier. Can't clone from GitHub.
Just did more in 2 seconds than all of /cyb/+/sec/ does in a week. Yes, yt-dlp is still working. My Newpipe is doing great (on my machine).

>soon Google will shut it down
They already did. They removed Newpipe from Play Store, and forced the F-Droid ones to not work. Devs took between 1 and 7 days (depending on fork) to update. Now it works fine, but only if cloned from newest github repo.
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It's a cross-platform command line interface for downloading videos and has a couple of optional, 3rd party GUIs available:
There maybe other GUIs out there, I just grabbed these as examples.
Google is bleeding money. Paying their top devs to compete with community hackers on GitHub is unsustainable.
>Google is bleeding money

step 1 register google account
step 2 setup google drive

What are the chances that ten thousand million symlinks are created instead?
as a law abiding citizen why would i use privacy tools? the truth is privacy doesnt exist anymore, just being too uninteresting for anyone to care. all that privacy tools achieve is give you a special fingerprint that makes you stand out, suspicious and be put on a list
What? I just enjoy using Invidious in my browser to watch YouTube with out JS. I don't know about other methods as I've never looked into them.
add random bytes
how would it know what the final file will be? if its being downloaded
Like TEMU did to underwear?
Veritasium just released a new video on cybersecurity. Worth a watch.
Didn't hear that one.
How about futuristic catsuits?
2 weeks ago I got a call from an unknown number claiming to be from Amazon's support services, saying that my account made a large purchase of 2k and that they wanted to verify information, but the audio was so bad that I keep repeatedly telling them to speak louder, so I could hear. I also looked up my amazon account while on the phone and there were no new purchases in the last 2 years and no money was spent from any of my bank accounts. Ultimately they canceled the call and never called back again.

Now that I think about it, was that a scam attemp? I didn't even got amazon emails on the matter or anything
>amazon calling a customer... ever...
obviously a scam, you should delete your amazon account and change your number for safe measure
Oh shit anon that reminds me I've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty.
>large purchase of 2k
Do you actually think Amazon calls people over a 2 grand purchase? Bruh, there's TVs that cost more than that. This is some third world scam call center.
>when you have nothing better to do

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