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Previous Thread: >>102428737
What's the best way to autoban these people?
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Pajeet here. Why do you white boys hate me?
All I did was learn java to pull my family out of poverty. Now I make $30k a year which is not much in the first world but it puts me in top 1% earners list here in India. I don't even give a fuck about tech/coding. I am just here to make money. We really don't have to be enemies.
host ur own gitlab instance and ban all indian IPs
You mean chuds masquerading as Indians? I'd support an autoban for them.
Posted in previous bread right before migration:
One of the guys at my tiny IT company left and I think I'm about to get some new responsibilities. How can I negotiate this for a decent raise?
I haven't had a raise in 2 years, so I figure I can argue I need 8% just to keep up with inflation, and then another 2-5% depending on the responsibilities added. Thoughts?
My company is like 5 people and I know my boss pretty well even outside of the office.
Fake and gay
No Indian who knows what pr means would misspell open
>I don't even give a fuck about tech/coding

lmao. that's why real programmers hate you - once upon a time tech was a place for autists who were really interested in hacking, and you destroyed it. None of pajeets really like it - they all just invade programmer spaces because they see it as a way to get money. You are also being used by bigtech to dump wages and produce low quality shit like electron apps
Has anyone interviewed at Visa before? I have an interview for a swe position Monday.
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I already have my personal git server, but I wonder if I could automate ban based on their names on Github
Bro almost everyone hates this shit except for a couple of autists and are only in it for money
Your culture is very different from ours
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Reminder that once the clock hit whatever many hours you've agreed to, then you stop working and clear your head of every thought regarding work.
Having a crystal clear work/life balance is very important. Don't spare a single though to work after working hours, that's for tomorrow's (you).
when will the job market recover?
you and people like you are literally the biggest tech's problem
Your country's work culture puts more emphasis on being seen to be doing a lot of work rather than actually doing any meaningful or good work. This creates a very frustrating situation for everyone else who has to clean up the messes you create while at the same time getting questions from non-technical managers asking "Why don't you work as hard or as many hours as our Indian contractors?"
i get paid hourly
Sounds like the problem is with your management then, not the Indians. hate the game, not the player
if filter(isPajeetName, username.split(' ')) == []:
return False
return True
It's much easier to just hate everyone
lmao, what did they actually update in the readme?
That's irrelevant.
I'm so poor that I don't have a dedicated office for work. what do I do?
where should I move
need to get out of the New York metro area stat
you can just return ...isNotEmpty() if that is Kotlin or !== [] if JS.

you college freshman have no right to shittalk anyone
I don't personally hate you, you're just doing the best you can. The problem is you being able to work in the US job market hurts every citizen and lowers our pay and labor demand.
Its not your fault, but you and management (jews) are hurting white workers.
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Each one of them is some variation on either their name or Apna College.
It's just jeets following this tutorial:
That's irrelevant.
>akshually we don't work hard or pretend to do so cause we work smart
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saars please do not be rejecting the genuine Indian contributors
kindly accept my PR
Friend of mine was told they'd have a semester at school to do a paid internship, which is important because they're part time and have class year round so they can't do a summer internship. However, the university is retarded and pulled the rug on my friend and removed the paid internship part of the program and now my friend has to take classes instead.

How can they get experience before graduating?
my god
If I was at your place I would hate my parents from bringing me into such a shit place (figuratively and literlaly) as india lol
Sir, this is the tech wagies thread.
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Virtual on-site coming up with a tech company (non-FAANG). It's for a mid-level java job and I have a generalist background which they seemed cool with thus far, I only know a bit of Java. Seems like they're ok if this is my first Java job. There's an OOP Java part of the interview where I think we're gonna review a PR and I might get asked some Java/Spring trivia questions.

What would be the must knows? I'm brushing up on my Spring Boot stuff and trying to understand beans and autowired and shit like that rn.
Why do they spell like this
I am a tech wagie lol, I got my start doing work on an esports startup website while I was in college. They were desperate and needed anyone with a pulse that could do a bit of work for free. I would suggest that to my friend but I don't know any websites/opportunities like that nowadays
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what did saar mean by this
2000-2010s internet was full of this, they are just experiencing early internet adoption syndrome
they will develop sapience eventually
>they will develop sapience eventually
I disagree with this assertion.
I'm not left bed
It's over
me neither ugh i should get moving
with early internet people didn't have spellcheck built in to their browser
there's less of an excuse now
Get your ass in gear, anons. You haven't cleaned your HVAC condensate drains lately and your toilet flapper valve is leaking by.
how is it irrelevant? you said
>Having a crystal clear work/life balance is very important
well, I need to separate these things, don't I?
also, I use my work laptop for browsing lmao
>How can I negotiate this for a decent raise?
Unlikely to work given
>I haven't had a raise in 2 years
However, if you really want a raise you will need to be willing to quit your job. Your boss does not care that you will take on more work, that is exclusively a good thing for him because it means he's getting more value from you at the same price point.
>My company is like 5 people and I know my boss pretty well even outside of the office
Ah, since you are close personal friends he might take pity and offer a 2% COLA.
>Why do you white boys hate me?
If you're great go make your own country great.
I don't have this problem on account of being homeless.
>commit to open neck rope edition
Please leave if you don't like it.
SEA here, a minority of people (majority on this site) are just simply racist and will always be, forget trying to appease them because they will always shit on you no matter what
Your problems are your own, interloper.
I know this is bait but they don't have the slightest conception of how fucking retarded and ignorant they are in their perversion of the free market, crashing wages and prosperity.

If they will not be turned, they will die.
We are enemies until we unionize and you turn against your Jewish masters out to consolidate their wealth and revoke opportunity for everyone else.
it's not racist to demand proper wages and elevate the industry to higher standards for work while killng off thieving scabs and those that employ them, instead of regressing to third world status
one of my favorite coworkers is indian
he's actually a chad, though. i think the real difference isn't whether someone is indian or whatever, but rather whether they were raised in the US or not
The fact that they're third world and depend on the entire developed world having to contort itself to give them free gibs, will never be my problem to care about. They get no sympathy from me and it's mutual. They are deepthroating the tribal cock of those they claimed to hate for raping their culture and enslaving them, because said tribe is currently using them as a cudgel to smash labor.
No one here is complaining about South East Asians, Pacific Islanders, or East Asians. You guys are great. I don't think we'd even mind mass migration if it were you guys coming over.

It's the Indians specifically we don't like.
for all the wages they steal, the LEAST they could do is take some speech classes and lose the accent
It's also not racist to say that the rest of the world doesn't have the automatic right to live in your country. That's fucking bizarre.
Tech workers having daily freakouts realizing how unimportant and overvalued their labor actually is makes me laugh , thanks lads
I had an Indian stepfather and have worked with Indians at multiple jobs. I'm talking about people who were born there. Nearly all of them are decent, hardworking, and knowledgeable.

There's a big difference between 4chan memes and the real world.
What’s wrong with only doing this shit for the money? How can u blame niggas for pursuing this field if they shilled STEM in highschool as the only means of having employment and stability in life. I was always better at writing, literature, and reading comprehension and would have rather pursued something more artistic but now I’m stuck being a code monkey.
nothing wrong with doing it just for money. i'm white and only chose CS because it was convenient. i ended up really loving my job in the end, but that was just a coincidence rather than expected
businesses know that fair competition is a loser's game in which profit margins drop to near zero, so they strive for barriers to entry / monopoly
in the same vein, a global supply of labor is a loser's game for workers, a race to the bottom that will only stop when barriers to entry or regulation is introduced
I was friends with one who came before the great migration who was really into reading about the founding fathers philosophy

Eh it's kind of annoying though when one manager has accumulated a literal army of Indians. I think it's some sort of power play to just get as many people under him as possible.
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Lmao, so this is the power of Indian cs education https://github.com/expressjs/express/pulls?page=1&q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+readme.md
saar that is like 30 lakh per annum saar!
when you guys get into management positions you only bring in more of your own people and create a little indian group upon yourselves, alienating other team members. i wouldn't hate it so much if the new hires were actually good rather than getting in because they're the right shade of brown
you realize your code is pajeet as fuck, right?
>What’s wrong with only doing this shit for the money?
Personally I think there should be some level of interest or passion beyond JUST the money. No one produces harder to maintain tech debt than disinterested 9 to 5'ers who plan to quit before any of their slop blows up in their face.
Move to Bulgaria
I'm completely unable to do anything productive after the first meeting of the day interrupts my flow
Keep failing tech tests, why am I expected to implement algos from memory? Shouldn’t knowing which one to use for a given problem be enough? I blame jeets
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is this actually a real thing that happened? i only ever interviewed with one company, and i had a take-home task with an indefinite deadline. i did just fine on it, and i got the other job. i feel like that's a lot more realistic of a scenario (i.e., it's actually how development works)
Good post
That’s been my experience too for the last 10 years. Take home test, discuss code for an hour then a behavioural interview. Seems to have changed recently, everybody wants to conduct 5+ stage FAANG style interviews and make you grind jeetcode. What a joke. Waste of time for all parties
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You guys should develop kamen rider suits instead of these machine learning AGI oracle venture capital bullshit
you're always incredibly creepy when you get to 40+ yo.
What fun jobs exist that make you not hate life that you can start in your mid 20s?
I don’t think I can be a dev for much longer. I hate every waking moment of my existence.
They get Americanized in a generation
Its not really racism from most people here
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Anything that actually 9 to 5 without overtime
Anything that pays 80-120 without the responsibility of a senior / manager
Coworkers you can goof around with on the job and outside the job

Most job nowadays requires you to think about "work" and the politics instead of just, being able to do your assigned task and go home. You have the responsibility of a programmer, designer, marketer, salesman, tester, IT, while only getting paid 1 person's salary. The job never ends even after you close your laptop. Nobody ever said anything. Back then 1 person salary could buy a car, house, and raise a family. Gen Z bad i guess.
Depends what you find fun but I'd say none in your late 20s unless you are able to create a lucrative business and work for yourself otherwise you are stuck wageslaving. Even pivoting to something that looks fun like being a pilot still ends up being hell because of how overworked they are
Basically, if you wasted your youth and didn't become a pro athlete, musician, or actor, you become a part of the machine and get stuck
i love indian cinema
that dramatic zoom-in they use gets me every time
Honestly, of all the groups immigrating, the Asians are the least bad (sometimes I like them more than eg British/European immigrants who have such goddamn retarded political ideas) and their fertility rate in the US is very low so they're not even causing some kind of demographic change.

Some of the Indians at work are annoying because they're often not competent but they're still the least terrible group.

I'd rather just be around other White people though. I don't understand why that's only unacceptable for us.
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My team chose to recruit me, an intern that just graduated, over a guy with 5 years of experience. Because they like me as a teammate and believe in my potential. This is genuinely one of the craziest things that has ever happened to me, I never thought this could happen.
you were just cheaper, probably
I don't, but as a class you all have made our lives worse and you tend to be dishonest. If you're honest then I wish you the best (but please make sure to adopt western hygiene)
A lot of my job right now is just making clones of our shitty indian made CRM apps into my own even shittier clone of their apps. What this means is that we use the CRM as our backend data. Like, I don't see the point in any of this. If we leave our CRM we will be fucked because it was built to use it as the backend data in the first place.
White people did this to ourselves mostly
Fresh grads can be nice because they haven't become cynical or developed bad habbits yet. And also like >>102443036 said if the manager was involved in the decision they might like that you're cheaper.
Manager wasn't involved, mentor and the rest of the team strongly insisted and flat out said they wanted to keep working with me over the guy that was in the process of getting recruited, which is when the manager caved in.
Is it weird to be praying for my own downfall? Like, I'm starting to be okay being a bum at my parents house who is looking for a job rather than keeping one. I already have a lot saved up, enough to travel abroad for a decade before running out at the very least so I kind of am hoping to get fired.
I do this sometimes. I don't think it's good but I know exactly how you feel.
They accepted my contribootion removing an old return line.
Stop raping Japanese women
>someone reports bug
>fix bug
>reviewer says "what about this unrelated issue?"
every fucking time
why must it be like this
Problems that customers have with your product don't always line up 1-1 with 'bugs' that can be discretely identified in the codebase. Sometimes you have to make multiple isolated changes before 'the issue' at large is resolved
i'm not your enemy /g/ is just close minded as fuck - though I do admit I don't like how the world is dependent on big tech (FAGMAN) for success.
>new employee
>manager's manager starts to schedule 1v1s
>worry it means i'm doing bad
>turns out he was just busy and forgot to schedule them, actually asks me about how to help a different employee who started at same time
because you are looking at some code that people haven't looked at in a while, and a bug was noticed. Why would you notice a bug and ignore it because it didn't trigger this time? Have some fucking ownership
Are 1:1 meetings inherently a bad thing?
My manager is too busy to even do them and just ask me if everything is going okay every few weeks.
Because you making 30k a year means my company starts to question if they can replace my 300k a year with a team of retards working for 30k. Fuck you and your sloppy jeet code.
Your country is Hell on Earth, the things you do to your own women, children, yourselves is beyond savage. The fact that even the most woke people won't defend India says it all, a complete bunch of savages.
There are cases where you have 1:1 things that line up and where you don't. I got a ticket that had a 3 line fix, because someone forgot to copy over an if { something } from another file. But now I'm spending hours with the reviewer for stuff that does not affect the fix at all and is only tangentially related to the task at hand.

Its when you piggyback one thing onto another, but its really inconsiderate because it fucks my time up. You're making me fix other shit because you're a review gatekeeper when you should be filing another ticket. Its also total shit for tracking and auditing, and the more things you try and fix with a single push, the more things you are likely to fuck up.
Indian contractors is a problem of management yes. They should not have been hired at all.
>ignore it
It isn't about ignoring it you dolt its about not requiring it be fixed in an unrelated ticket. If you have two problems, A and B, and A and B don't rely on each other or are unrelated, its wrong to require both A and B to be fixed when someone is tasked with solving A.
I have to impress an extremely obese dude that everybody hates so I can keep my job. He seems to like me but everybody keeps telling me he's a massive cunt and a snake, looking forward to dance like a monkey to try to remain employed.
Remember, it's all in the technique. Make sure you trained your wrist.
You tell them to go create a ticket and put it into the backlog, hit merge on your pr, and move the ticket to done.
Scope creep applies to bugs, not just tasks. Don't let it slide.
>have cozy job at small company
>work for larger company
>lead architect """hinted""" that he wants me to switch to their company
>just have to wait for job openings
Hopefully it works out for me although I would have to go from 100% wfh to 50% wfh but the pay and number of PTO is higher.
>You tell them to go create a ticket
>reviewer insists it be fixed with current PR

>hit merge on your pr
i cant override

this is why im complaining I usually do my best to be nice and walk through why its more appropriate to file another ticket. I even offer to create the ticket, work on it later, etcetc. Some people use the ability to gate keep reviews to make you do more shit, thats what im calling out. And I dont even have a problem with the additional issues being pointed out its good that they are being brought to light, but it fucking sucks when its done this way. There are some peopel that are crucial in orgs and you cant side step this behavior. Even if I complain to a manager or whatever, if you are up against a high level IC good luck. And of course the pressure to fix the 'small' initial bug keeps mounting either way
>What fun jobs exist that make you not hate life that you can start in your mid 20s?
There are none. Start alcohol.
>Basically, if you wasted your youth and didn't become a pro athlete, musician, or actor, you become a part of the machine and get stuck
Those jobs require talent, hard work, cash and luck since basically your early childhood. You have a better chance of making it as a youtuber.
i wonder how much indians hate kitboga
he pretty much started all of this
there’s a perl script in our infra during build process that takes 5 minutes to run and it’s solely there to generate documentation for one specific struct that’s nearly 2000 lines long. the documentation itself is unusable because it’s a 2gb html file and looking for a struct field in that mess is a chore.
solution? they asked me to write a parser that extracts abbreviated info from the html and save it as another html that can be pasted manually into our confluence page.
my backend data is a html file and you should never work for embedded if you want to avoid shit like this.
i genuinely despise people like you
idk, im a new employee
>2000 line struct
fucking why. There must be a more efficient way to break that apart
Just do the same next time you review a PR of that guy. People learn.
Loser mentality
Honestly the best thing here is to make friends with somebody that can approve that isn't going to gate keep you on bullshit. That person comes in, drops and approve for you, merge, and file the next ticket. If the gatekeeper raises a funk you tell them it's being worked on and the point of agile is that you release incremental and don't hold up one fix for 10 others. That's a never ending rabbit hole that will mean you never release anything.
I rather focus my attention on things I can actually change for the better with a reasonable amount of effort instead of chasing pipe dreams. I'm not very athletic and my musical skills are atrocious. The only thing I have going for me is my brain.
I just don't like the street shitting and scamming. Just stop making tech worse.
I just want to work in tech. I threw my life away when I was young. Now I can't work in tech. Feels bad.
What should I do if I have the following:
>3 years technical support experience
>1 and a half years software dev experience

With this dev job, I have realized most dev routes I was considering are not for me: frontend, backend, full stack, qa, designer etc.

I really would want to do a hybrid of dev and support but not have to do dev work all day. After a while, it's made it a bit soulless since I struggle more than I do well, and my ADHD is getting worse with age imo.

Should I shoot for Solutions Engineer or Developer Advocate roles? Asking since the requirements seem like you need way more sales experience, and to have already been doing it somehow like a catch 22.
This is not the right thread for you.
Change your gender to non-binary and apply to scrum master roles.
My bad, what's a good thread for me?
this is the right thread, there's just an autist who tries to gatekeep people not already in tech
but it HAS to be global and visible from everywhere, you see.
every time you see a self-driving test car with literallywho logo on the door, think about the 2000 line global struct containing sensor data and one offset error away from crashing into a pedestrian.
Likewise, asshole. People like you make sure nothing ever gets done, that every small issue becomes a weeks long dumpster fire while you bloviate about shit that no one cares about. You should have overdesign and underdeliver tattood to your skull
This. If you know how automation works you should know to give any self driving gimmick missile a wide berth.
t. Automation engineer
but even then why not have 50 global visible structs that are only 20 lines long each so that the offsets are easier to manage
Please understand, if he doesn't hijack your complete work to loudly complain about his pet problem, how can he take credit for everything including your work after the new minor problem is fixed?
What an innovator!
Nigger this is very illegal. Read the contract there is 100% a clause for this
Chicken or the egg on this one:
Is it because HR roasties started looking for git checkmarks?
Good one. There are two scrum masters in our company, and the one is stuck as a QA lead, answering support, and doing actual deployments.

I am pretty sure he hates his job.
I provided no github, because i have nothing to show, and got hired devops at fagman
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why is it only 2pm
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Reminder that shift work is the answer to all of your problems.
>more pay
>relaxed environment
>boss isn't around
>"just don't burn the place down"
The best time is when all the meetings are happening at once and you can read manga and watch youtube on the side.
1:1 are good if you are a go-getter promotion wanter
Do QA it's comfy and dev oriented and a step above tech support.
>program for automation in python
>find issue, report issue
>out of my hands ranjesh has to fix it and he's not responding
>don't find issue
>oy vey I'm so busy I didn't get to that yet
>ranjesh still takes the heat for writing shitty code
I'm a contract worker. I want to negotiate a higher pay since I started as a dev and they said they're extending my contract for 6 months.
How high should I go? I'm still making the same amount from when I was QA a couple months ago at the same company(around 67k). They kept telling me they wouldn't be able to extend/hire me due to a hiring freeze and budget issues.
Honestly this is my first experience as a dev so I I'm not as fast as others but I am still able to finish things on time. They didn't even ask if I wanted to extend. I don't know how much the other devs make.
Anyone ever worked outside of hours or gone above and beyond for a company and had it pay off? I feel like it's better to pester your manager for promotion/salary rather than work harder.
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lol nope
>Anyone ever [...] gone above and beyond for a company
never works out
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Anyone normal here? So tomorrow the entire department is going out in the evening and then we're going to a restaurant together, but then we all have to show up to work in the morning. How do people achieve this? I'm the youngest there and I don't get it.
nope. I have found:
>going above and beyond makes that the new expected normal for you
>doing extra due diligence, pointing out problems, bringing up critiques automatically makes you the guy to fix those issues regardless of your role or ability

So I keep my head down, do what's asked of me, and call it a day. If you want to earn more, do what's needed specifically for a promotion, by asking your manager and following through step by step, or just start interviewing.
>worked outside of hours
Yeah but I'm working on a presentation that will decide if my contract gets extended or not. Otherwise fuck that.
>as I walk to the office to pay off my debt,
> take a look at Jira and realise nothing's done yet
>i've been messaging Ragneesh so long that
>even my PM thinks that this project is gone
>but I ain't never trashed a Jeet that didn't deserve it
>me do the needful, while he takes a two hour shit
>better watch what you talking, or where you sittin'
>or you might step on the street they shit in
>i really hate to triple-message but I need to know
>has Kermajit done the minimum to make this go?
>fool, he's the kind of jeet that the other billion be like,
>i'm working to ten at night, trying to make his code right
>been working most our lives, working in the Pajeet paradise
I'm in Europe and also earn 30k a year.
sounds awful I hate normie coworkers
>what about this style issue [that was there before]?
>please also fix it in all other files
<button id="send">send post</button>
`INSERT INTO posts (content) VALUES (${$("#post").val()})`,

I feel absolute triggered.

I've spent the whole day, rewriting Javascript like this.
<button id="send">Send post</button>
$('button#send').on('click', e => fetch('/sql', {
method: 'POST',
body: `
INSERT INTO posts (content)
VALUES (${e.target.value});`

And I'm well aware of the prospect of an SQL injection attack; but sanitising
the query at this point will not resolve the underlying issue of arbitrary
people being able to send SQL statements directly into the database.
God, do I feel dumb and frustrated.
why the FUCK is your server side code on client side?
based needful saar
there is no server, only the client and the db
genius move
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Damn, this is like, EXTREMELY bad. What website is this for, so I know to never use it?
shit like that makes me nervous to use anything these days
Perfect for gorgeous looks, can push asap
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it's not a big deal. if you're that upset over it just don't go.
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glad im not this retarded
Why are people still using jquery? I had a former coworker who says jquery should be used but provided no explanation as to why it's beneficial.
No I gotta force myself, it actually makes me feel good to pretend to have a life and hang out with people since I have zero friend now. I'm just too retarded and not used to going out, ah well.
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just works.
they're probably going to talk about sports ball mostly.
it's bloated trash, no reason to use in 2024, much less 2014 or 10+ years ago either.
It doesn't work out
I did it and despite my performance my manager told me I'm going to stay in my current position since I don't attend Happy Hours
Honestly, it's rather comfy (when used properly!).
Just dollar sign, CSS selector, and a couple of short method names for common tasks.
Sure, you can replace it all with modern web API, especially nowadays;
but between
, I do prefer the latter.
Lads, calm your tits: This is not production code.
I copied the code out of the picture and refactored it.

This I'm just accepting as truth.
Boy are you going to be surprised when you show up only to find a bunch of other people stayed home.
I used to do this as a junior because I wasn't making enough progress on tickets when I first started and I wasn't making deadlines. I used to work past midnight + weekends. Now I just clock out at 4/5pm no matter what.
I think that actually helped me improve since I was burning out fast and I was just tired all the time. Also after a working for so many hours straight it's just wasting time since I'm not producing actual quality work or thinking straight.
Also like others say they just give you even more work and responsibilities if you go beyond.
>Anyone ever worked outside of hours or gone above and beyond
Yes, years ago. I unironically liked that job and gladly worked extra because of the satisfaction I felt from it. I don't think I'll ever get a job that enjoyable again. I wish it had paid hourly (or just better in general).
>and had it pay off
oh, uhh, no lol. They didn't give a fuck.
didnt work in my case
I did. Worked 13-hour days and 60-hour weeks, including working Saturdays and Sundays, for a month, to try to meet a deadline.
This doesn't include commute time.
I'd come home, go straight to bed (no dinner), sleep 6 hours, get up, eat breakfast (only meal of the day), and leave for work again.
Got extremely stressed and violent, but ultimately couldn't meet the deadline and got fired.
Doesn't pay. Boss didn't care.
>I don't even give a fuck about tech/coding
fuck off saar
just go to the office, work for an hour or whatever, talk to your coworkers and leave together?
how far away is this restaurant from your office?

this reminds me of a guy who came to work at this shit hole I used to work at. He worked like nonstop because he was on a VISA (I'm white idgaf lul). And eventually I just left to another company and I saw on LinkedIn those sorry fucks are still working there and it took them like 9+ months to do stuff they kept getting burned out on (i saw someone congratulating them on a recent release). They would release stuff like every month but it was completely garbage.

I guess it did take them almost a year (which is what I estimated).
Ha! My company takes part in a marathon each year. My boss is eager, that everyone attends.
I would've attended this year, just to get my fat ass moving; but then I read the small print on the brochure:
- 7pm start
- ~9pm expected finish
- Wednesday evening
I told him, I can't make it, because I have work the next day!
>0.5% rate cut
Is the economy (specifically the job market) saved yet
normally it takes a nose dive for like 6 months after, then recovers over like 5-6 years.
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yep we're back in two weeks.
>3 technical interviews for an entry level position today (trying to get out of retail)
>"Yea it'll be like 3-4 weeks before we let you know since we have only one or two positions and a lot of interviews to conduct"
>literally just sent me an offer letter an hour after the last interview
feels fucking good bros
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It's nothing personal, I just think the world would be better off without your disgusting race. Sorry you had to be born Indian man, God was having a bad day.
>think the world would be better off without your disgusting race
hear hear
I think that manager was speaking BS and was just using the lack of attending Happy Hours as an excuse and to trick you into attending them for his ego. When in actuality, they never will promote in the first place, hence why job hopping in tech to get a raise is the norm.
Does a standing desk actually help anyone? I sit all day and my back and shoulders hurt. I have fucked up posture. Someone told me to get a standing desk.
Will you be taking the offer? Does it suit you?
If so, then well done. Hoping some of your luck rubs off on me.
I had a colleague who swore by them and even had the company provide him one.
Start lifting weights
Yes it'll be a big upgrade even though its entry level and it'll be my first "real" IT job. I'm also waiting to hear back from a job that will give me a security clearance, but that takes a long time to process.
this and this
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>the arbiter as to whether or not you're able to become employed in this highly technical field and feed your family is some 78 IQ communications major Stacey working in HR parsing your resume full of acronyms and terms she doesn't understand after taking a 3 hour brunch mimosa break with the other HR girlies
why is our field like this?
Normies rule the world, it's just a fact of life. Did you listen to the Eric Schmidt talk he did at Stanford? the guy is a turbo normie and thinks stealing and robbing your way to the top by any means necessary is fine.

The only way to deal with these people is to lie and cheat them the same, and do the minimum amount of work and invest/save as much as you can to quit.
Well...suddenly further up the food chain at work
The amount of things relying on my knowledge is horrifying.
Anyways times to de-stress and draw furry art.
>I don't even give a fuck about tech/coding.
i think that's the issue
same im cooking spaghetti with meatballs.
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Getting past hr is the easy part for me I guess I'm just retarded
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>ive now talked to half of my team and all of them are actively looking for another job

I wish I could see the look on my Boss's face when I quit and the team implodes around her.
Sounds yummy anon
Sure us white hate you, however the chinks hate you more because you're stealing their manufacturing jobs away from them.
I suggest you direct the vast majority of your hatred towards them for trying to steal the manufacturing back.
They aren't going to replace a single Californian with one Euro, because they fear the *gasp* working time directive and additional taxes/insurance (despite the fact they pay exactly the same money for Americans by paying for their health insurance)
what is your secret?
have an updoot, good sir
>Well...suddenly further up the food chain at work
>The amount of things relying on my knowledge is horrifying.
are you retarded? ask for a salary raise, dumbo
Anyone else kinda wants a new job but can't be bothered with interview prep?
Blows my mind how many people use clients based on TCP and recreate the client for every single request. Even if you have no understanding of the lower-level details the fucking client docs tell you how to use it and give code samples. Yeesh.
UDP with your own protocol for retries on top is piss-simple and low latency on average. QUIC is cool too.

Shame the only things your average "engineer" are taught is TCP and IP, rarely UDP, and never anything lower than that.
same, last time I did was in 2022 and it was hell, I'm sure it's worse now.
Exactly that, I just dont think I can go through 15 take home assignments, live codings, HR interviews, screening tests etc to get maybe 1 offer that beats what I currently make by 7%
>UDP with your own protocol for retries on top is piss-simple
I'm not missing your point, but if someone can't even use third-party client docs then I certainly don't trust them to come up with their own anything
crores of aspirants would murder you for that 7%
Fed cut rates. The job market will heal by 2026.
Graduating this semester in CS. How fucked am I? I've got a few personal projects and that's about it.
>we'd like to invite you to an interview
>"alright I'm available at these times"
>no response
Are we back?
We are so back
>IBM laying off a million more people
Oh for fucks' sake. Send every job to Bangalore and lose the long-tenure employees with their highly specialized mainframe experience. I've already survived multiple layoff rounds, this time I wasn't pinged, but the shit is sure to roll downhill.
Of course it will they don't have toilets.
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>I think that manager was speaking BS and was just using the lack of attending Happy Hours as an excuse and to trick you into attending them for his ego.
Thanks, I kinda figured that was the case. I've got an interview in a few days for a remote ml/dev position, I'm hoping I can jump ship soon
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>been lifting for a little over a year now to escape the nerd look
>starting to look pretty fit
>hoping for some mires from women
>EVERY SINGLE WOMAN is just looking at her phone 24/7
what is wrong with women?
every single human spends every spare second staring at their phone
welcome to the 2020s
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no one wants to work anymore.
start a business
Make sure whatever you're showcasing looks pretty.
I keep seeing these words but where's the advice general to implement them into being?
that's great, now refactor it into an onclick attribute instead of a script block
>I don't even give a fuck about tech/coding.
then fuck off from our sector you selfish faggot, youre making our jobs worse. if you dont like it why the FUCK would you work at it for 40 hours per week (most of your awake hours) included?
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Yeah I made it until the 3s mark before I had to turn it off. Hearing Indian "english" makes me want to holocaust...
Is the $20 chatGPT subscription worth it?
claude is better
there are no dearth of books and advice online on how to start your own business.
what i can say is that, if you have great work ethics, don't waste it working for a company of which you're not a shareholder.
there is no dearth*
Any other anon can confirm?
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it's so over...........
so basically the government fucked us
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I have 0 energy to do anything after work
My entire week literally feels like sleep work sleep work sleep work sleep work sleep work
>it's about money actually.
no fucking shit. that's what everything is about.
Ate least you're making a lot of money, right?
>indian coworker unironically asks me to "do the needful"

I thought this guy was westernized. What does it even mean?
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Now that the dust has settled, is laurie trans?
does he have an accent
Simple answer: You don't look as good as you think.
They found a sucker to do the hard work.
it's a literal translation of a common indian expression/word i think.
so I'm a sophomore looking for internships (havent applied to any yet)
are these companies really paying $10k / mo?

what exactly would they expect me to do to earn that kind of money?
120000 yearly is a solid income but kinda standard for an experienced cityfag professional in any serious industry. If it's entry level or an internship that sounds fagman/san francisco tier to me and extremely highly competitive right now, or a job listing scam
so, some days ago some anon said he was fired. now I get it, he was working for IBM, or maybe Cisco, but most probably IBM:
io fucking hope so
All the IBM employees who got axed were either Chinese nationals inside China, who ALL got axed en masse weeks ago in a single day, or else if they were American, they had massive layoffs all at once in a huge action just yesterday. That's all the layoffs to my knowledge, it wasn't spread out this time. So I think "a few days ago" doesn't match the timeline.
T. Didn't get layed off by IBM this time. (I have been layed off twice and barely managed to find a different internal job opening twice)
Any other tech writers here?
Learn to speak English
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it's over
>I don't even give a fuck about tech/coding. I am just here to make money.
This is exactly why your kind are hated. You have no respect for the game.
>Fresh grads can be nice because they haven't become cynical or developed bad habbits yet.
Years of browsing this site throughout compsci has made me bitter as shit lol. I guess I'm gonna have to find a job eitherway but I'm thinking of being self employed by 2030. Fuck work.
indians are only second to chinese for awful culture built around scamming/lying to get ahead of others at their detriment
Is it though?
>if you dont like it why the FUCK would you work at it for 40 hours per week (most of your awake hours) included?
Cause it pays well unlike other jobs in India
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I work from home and haven't left my house in 13 days
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i haven't spoken to a human outside zoom in literal months
Amazon bro...
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good morning sirs!
its also possible theyre worried the 5 years experience guy might quit in less than a year if he finds something better

its also possible that they do like you and the other guy is socially awkward
>new krazam dropped yesterday
>no mention
wtf twg?
Kys kike
By definition the needful is just that which needs to be done.
In practice if somebody asks you to do the needful, it's because they don't actually know what specifically they want you to do. It means "solve my problem and also figure out how to solve it for me"
I used to go months like that. Moving back in with my parents actually made me less depressed and is way cheaper.

Moving out if you're a single asocial guy is a retarded scam.
>Years of browsing this site throughout compsci has made me bitter as shit lol.
It gets worse. You don't know bitter.
I legit went like 14 days without leaving my house, usually food is my limiting factor
i MUST die
I might, but frankly there is little money in the coffers, and I am sadly apart of those c-suite meetings while not c-suite
I hit 70k and the money feels like it means a lot less as of late.
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good morning sir
kek why do poojeets think anyone outside their shithole cares about muh caste
>The amount of things relying on my knowledge is horrifying.
there are dozens of us. in my department the current batch of technical managers is mostly retarded so they only hire mouthbreathing retards that make them look good. nearly all the skilled senior knowers have been lost to attrition at this point. i would leave if i thought i could do better.
i wanna see ur art anon :3
Amazon will ship you groceries if you have prime. It's not really more expensive than Wegman's.
I really try not to be that bitter towards my fellow man
But god damn is it hard some days
Surely you could do better anon, shoot for the stars.
Its bad, but maybe one day anon
I'm out in the boonies, I wish I had a place to deliver me stuff, the closest grocery store is like 20 min away, the only thing near me is a dollar general
You can get dry food delivered in bulk then but that's unpleasant to live on.
I literally just go out in my pajamas I'm disgusting. The only thing I do is lift and eat and work. That's my life.
doordash my nigga
If I am not being paid for my labor, I am not doing it. I will never accept a salaried position for this reason alone, my manager works 11 hour days and gets 0 overtime because he is salaried, while us hourly workers would with those hours.
Doordash is fucking awful and it's also a city only thing.
You should dress up for yourself. I think I'm less depressed because of that. If you look serious you'll feel like you have to take yourself seriously.
stay away from technology
How are amazon sisters coping?
no its not bc there is nothing more painful than socializing. i would kill myself before socializing.
what even is socializing?
"hi there.... UMMMMMMMMMMMMMM........... ERMMMMMMMMMMM...... I MEANNNNNNNNNN.........."
yeah right.
talking to groups of people physically drains me, talking in general drains me
I approve PRs without actually reviewing them
I was already looking for something else when the announcement came through so this changes nothing. In the meantime, my overinflated paychecks are still rolling in, so I just have to make it look like I care for a while.
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Putting in my two weeks notice on Monday. I'm done. Been waiting to be laid off for almost two years and can't take it anymore.
Is it worth
The usual spiel I tell people is that while the horror stories are absolutely true, some teams are better than others, and the salary (despite being the only perk) is fantastic.

Avoid AWS and any orgs with critical customer-facing products (like Devices with Alexa). Internal tooling and low traffic features are usually less stressful. Your manager also plays a huge role in how much you suffer - I've had good managers who protect you from bullshit and let you focus on work, and I've had bad managers who are clearly working you to the bone so they can get a promotion. Unless you're a workaholic, don't anticipate staying at Amazon forever. The only people I know who've lasted 5+ years here either live at work or are able to emotionally dissociate well enough to put up with all the bullshit. If you're not a workaholic, get in, get your money, and be ready to jump ship when you've had enough.
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What the fuck is their problem? They win the coding game and then give up.
it's weird because the only guy I know who went there was absolutely terrible at coding, he was a people pleaser though. I thought they took great coders.
I guess we found the guy with 5 years who didnt get hired
All you have to do is get past the Leetcode interview, and that's a terrible coding assessment. I've encountered a lot of people here who have no idea how to solve a problem they've never seen before.
Do entry level helpdesk jobs actually ask to see your compTIA A+ cert or can I just say I have one as long as I actually understand everything it entails?
> 2 years of ignoring company's RTO policy and getting away with it
> Company will go from hybrid to in-office in a couple months after they move buildings

I wonder if they'll actually fire me this time or if I'll keep working from home while everyone else is forced to go to office. If I do get fired, I'm debating switching careers to a trade job or buying property and becoming a landlord. Sending out hundreds of applications and going through multiple rounds of interviews just sounds painful at this point. Maybe it'll be different this time as I've been promoted but I'm doubtful
Depends on the company which means on top of passing through hr and interview filters you'll have to hope they don't ask.

If it's cost you could try buying it from the academic store for half off but if you're not in college you'll have to get crafty when providing proof that you're enrolled
Yeah it's pretty gud. it wouldn't hurt to just switch subscriptions every other month or so if you're eyeing a 20.
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Took a sick leave for the rest of the week because fuck the jews and also I am tired as fuck.
>Pajeet here.
You're a faggot for ingratiating yourself to anyone here.
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I finally made it boys. I'm finally out of helpdesk after 5 years. Landed a sysadmin role with a base of $115k.
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I thought I bombed the technical interview but apparently it was good enough. I am so happy to be done with this job hunting bullshit in this market. So many interviews went to the final round only to get ghosted.
I had a strong preference against working at places that use Windows, but now it's a hard turnoff. It's always only the Windows shops that tie their build configurations to arcane project layouts and proprietary IDEs, then cry for help when they realise that onboarding is a six day process and relying on people to manually run tests before releases is shit, instead of just using *insert standard tooling* and easily running two commands and pivoting to automated builds.
Go full taliban and wear a suicide vest to your next interview
oil that bussy up bb
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I'd sooner call it "making it objectively worse" over "refactoring", but okay.
<button onclick="fetch('/sql', { method: 'POST', body: `INSERT INTO posts (content) VALUES (${document.getElementById('post').value});`}).then(() => document.getElementById('success').style = 'display: block;')">Send post</button>

Now free of jQuery.
Proof-of-concept that it works, replacing the fetch with a promised console log.
<textarea id="post">Test text.</textarea>
<button id="send" onclick="Promise.resolve(console.log(document.getElementById('post').value)).then(() => document.getElementById('success').style = 'display: block;')">Send post</button>
<label id="success" for="send" style="display: none;">Success.</label>

I also now realise, I screwed up my first "refactor" by mixing up the
and #post elements.
I advise everyone against letting me near their codebase.
>We really don't have to be enemies.
That's what everyone says to white people, then the second whites lower their guard they get the knife in the back.
every human dynamic, where a powerful entity concedes its power, is like this regardless of race
nice, u got a cs degree though?

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