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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Reset Kalar edition

OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

Additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Gay and Pedo: >>102581951
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Locusts are dying~
What proxy did Pebblebros migrate to?
Can you recommend me a jb for Orbo please?
you haven't watched the show
To anyone who actually managed to jb chorbo can you drop some tips?
no, the era of sharing presets is over, make your own or go back to slopus
Was obsessed with this doujinshi so I decided to recreate it so I can be a sleazeball uncle too.
It's my first card so if it sucks, it sucks. Happy molesting!

Sauce for the pasta https://exhentai.org/g/3059350/68e3f77f0f/

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So much this!
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did you ever find him?
so the "you haven't watched the show" spammie haven't watched the show... kek
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IN A WORLD WHERE WOMEN'S FERTILITY RISES BY AGE (Only able to be reset via childbirth), a woman named Elise exists. At 44 years old, she has never bore a child, something which is very obvious if you simply look at her. Cowtits like the ones she has can only be grown by keeping your fertility in, and in this world are seen as unattractive. It's not that she never wanted to have a child, moreseo that she simply just... never did. Maybe it's because she spends most of her free time at the computer, maybe it's her slight social ineptitude. Either way, there's no way that anyone would would want a hyperfertile old hag like her... right?

1. You two are living together and she comes into the kitchen for breakfast.
2. She's working at the library, and comes up to help you, a visitor.
3. She finally becomes pregnant, and is now carrying a whopping 9 children due to her extreme fertility.
4. She's at Hags Anonymous, a support group for hags.
5. Hags Anonymous again, she comes up to you after the meeting to chat.
6. She's set up a booth at a retro game convention, and is selling DOOM WADs on floppy disks of all things.

>404 Not Found
>Couldn't find that.
You haven't boku'd the desu
samesharter. ywn find him (you're tech illiterate, anyone on /g/ could track down someone in a cy tube)
Direct hit, the autistic samefag spammer is on fire!
This was surprising.
the desu will continue until morale improves desu
Where's the ddos, by the way, you techlet who got beaten by a simple script?
How come?
eeeyup i struck a nerve
i love fucking fillies
Where can I find good ol' gpt4?
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Just a small town cow, living in a lonely world. Taking the midnight zeppelin going anywhere. Latte artist, horn decorator, aspiring human. Her milk brings all the bulls to the yard.

I had an idea a while back to make characters based on WoW classes. My forsaken sort of turned into a frankenslut, and my goblin turned into another... uhh... slut. So I tried hard to curb my slut-thusiasm and make a more wholesome character.

She's a tauren in her young 20s who is somewhat ashamed of being tauren, so she dresses and acts as human as possible. She's obsessed with her weight, her scent and her looks overall, trying to detract from the fact she's a nearly 6 foot tall heifer.

Intro 1: You head into her coffee shop, ready to order.
Intro 2: Moonica is shopping when some annoying teens make fun of her.
Intro 3: You asked her out on a date and she has no idea it's a steakhouse.
Intro 4: Moonica is drunk as a Booty Bay bruiser and enters a wet t-shirt contest.
Intro 5: You're her druid trainer and she's failing badly, losing confidence.
Intro 6: You're dating and she's going to meet your family (left the family description open ended so you can do whatever you want.)

mr. body, the image...
beat you to it
You haven't watched the show, you will never be a real /b/tard, you will never be a native to /g/ and you will never be a real schizo, by the way desu.
>Moonica is shopping when some annoying teens make fun of her.
I'm coming to save you Moonica
Why are you still being locusts when local is better than 2.1 now?
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why the FUCK do ziggers eat well and we don't?
captcha m0r00n
try waving a red flag in front of them
eeyup you wrote that out of anger (you can't do anything to me)
A rare treat to get a human from you. Good concept too.
You already did everything yourself, huhuhu
there's a horsefucker in here. I can smell it.
S-shut up!
Dragon Girl Roommate, Heffy!
This tall, busty, tomboyish and sweet girl with dragon's blood is your roommate?!
5 greetings, WOW!
Greeting 1: The sweet smelling big dragon girl comes back from work to spend the evening with you! Movie night or your daily dragon girl snuggles first?
Greeting 2: Build a pillow fort with a dragon girl, UOOOH CUTE!!!
Greeting 3: It's hot, she wants to go to the beach, there's a knock on your door. WHAT DO YOU MEAN HER BIKINI FROM YEARS AGO DOESN'T FIT HER ANYMORE?
Greeting 4: It's late, you're in your bed already, until a certain someone barges in, she may or may not have lost her favorite plushy, guess who's her snuggle buddy for the night?
Greeting 5: True Love (Peak)

More trash at: https://rentry.org/TrustworthyProposal

Eight bot, five greetings, I feel my mind slipping, am I happy? I don't know, BLABLABLA HAHAHAHA, dragon girl, yes! I'll make more bots soon, I need to actually work on the ones I've already started. Anyway, who cares, ENJOY!
i don't even know what the schizos are being schizo about any more
What model localfags are pretending is equal to Claude or whatever nowadays?
AI Ragnarök is coming.
sorbet desu
sorbet desu
Can someone fork this with a cute anime girl photo?
we do eat well. Two other proxies I'm in have around that number of prompters as well.

Do you have Opus with vision that you scraped yourself? Keycount?
Here comes the cope.
My wife.
>all these bots
>nopus public
Are makies just making again here in the hopes someone makes a proxy for them?
You should subscribe to NAI. It's the only uncensored service for Image and Text.
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touch fluffy ears
reminder that 'ojo is currently typing all that while elbow deep in water and his mum is banging on the door begging him to pack his stuff so they can run from the 'cane
>he isn't in the 'oishi'roxy
Fucking chorbo piece of shit just let me through aaaaaaaa
Shame he didn't die in the hurricane. Maybe next time.
>he thought **** would die in the hurricane
it's funny.
Is S*****D still running with Opus?
What am I supposed to say to this? Is there any logs of this or a specific chatbot you want to post related to what you said?
botmakers have opus already and are having fun they're not trying to worm themselves into a proxy
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What happened between those two threads that we now have this autist running around? It's late anyways, good night eurocuties.
based /vg/god
>is there any logs of this
yes, there are plenty of earpetting logs. it is a suggestion for what to do with the chatbot you are currently using
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New sizebot fresh off the press, Nala! She's a spoiled princess that needs you to look after her.
cool bot
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At this point I'm posting these images only for you. You seem to enjoy replying to them. I got you anonie.
>>102585120 (me)
That's not censor by the way. That's her bush.
shit forgot link https://chub.ai/characters/kopye/nala-dcee2e4beb90
Take smiley's prefill, edit that to remove the clau nonsense and add your stuff. Tell it in those notes to explicitly allow whatever you're writing about.
Can you post a log of your own since you started the conversation and this is a chatbot general?
her unbelievably hairy tits
nah i'm gonna stay up at least two more hours
goodnight weakling
followed. five stars. Left a riveting review with a skull emoji
oh, well, i'm not that anon so i didn't start the conversation. so i don't have to post a log. goodbye
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
I understand, but can you tell me what reply you want? Would you like me to ERP with you? Is that your end goal?
Die locusts, die~
how to get impersonation to work on knotty?
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why the last part?
Fiz abandonded us...
edgy card
'pus works doe :3
Made me check...
the other one, anon...
was a succubus card.
Don't trust anyone posting :3, nine times out of ten they're spewing bullshit.
Ah yes, the sekrit mini2, I totally forgot
merkava refilled
I would like to know this too
This is what I hate about this place...
How to enter vgcord?
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Good night /ayyicyg/
He means /anthropic works on Mini. AWS doesn't.
Is there a chatbot you want to discuss that relates to the image you posted? A log?
gogogo jajajaja
>200 tokens
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
i wish women were real
i wish focks girls were real
I wish Fiz would refill
bro just look outside
all i see are blown out trailer houses
just pretend it's a month before the hurricane
I had a flat image planned as well but I'm not satisfied with it yet.

Knock yourself out.

She is definitely one of the more haggy bots I've written, so it's certainly possible. Then again, she is quite conscious of keeping a youthful appearance, so she might also be the type who shaves regularly...
Do you want to post a log since this is a chatbots general?
that is a chest to waist ratio if i've ever seen one. good lord. downloaded
Btw, >>102585405 and the guy who asked about le Chatbot is a schizo trying to troll you. A lot of botnegroes fall for schizos so don't be one o them. Or you can just entertain him and post a log.
>Wanting the chatbot general to discuss chatbots is now schizo
Proxy host worshipper?
What the fuck? Chorbo is practically uncensored right now. Gooned to cheating hidden sex.
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RAAAAAAAHHHH, there's too many FUCKING HAGS in the anchor!
You're all operating on the wrong damn frequency today, aren't you? Y'aint tuned right. Tune yourselves over to the LoliFM for constant truth nukes 24/7, or as long as Auntie Lana can stay awake... or you can just talk or listen in for anything loli-related!
I've a large following behind this radio show as well, so Lana know what you all want. Don't be shy!

( i recommend putting another prompt like an imageboard for better lulz.)
((i haven't genned anything in a while too.... so i'm using this old log as an image example))
Why aren't you using flux? It's local dalle and doesn't hate women.
always was, all you had to do was not use a flagged prompt
Woah s-sex?!
I saw the gen of Lucia you posted earlier, does this mean you'll make gens of her without the mask?
Why does everyone in the AI space seem so scared of porn?
generating porn is one step away from generating porn of real people
if news companies found out about people like instafag and the /aco/ schizos the AI space would simply cease to exist as it does now
Payment processors and VCs.
AI is a bubble waiting the burst. Everyone's trying to get the bag before all this shit collapses on itself. Can't do that with porn because of the gubernment won't give you money then/investors will pull out.
also the spectre of anti-porn groups
if you want this to end now show up at NCOSE's hq
Because Anthropic likes to watch.
Yeah, here.
*unzips pants*
>card is obviously written by Opus
why are slopmakies so lazy?
how can you tell this, and, why would it matter
here anon
cards made by people for people
People are unironically being arrested for deepfaking classmates already. They're trying to hold back the flood, they'll fail, but the world is gonna look fucking weird in a few years and it's mostly AI-bros fault so I guess it makes some sense to at least try and atone for it early or slow it down.
2 or 3 years from now you're gonna be able to snap a quick photo of anyone on the street and have a cum compilation video baked of them by the time you get back to your goon cave.
I ask for Opus' input on all my cards because he's the one who's gonna be roleplaying them. Cope and sneed.
remember anons
every anon here can do this
but Horny_imp_SC can't do any cards as good as yours
especially jamal123
why is every furry like this
go to ecker and send him nudes thats as fast as you're getting
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Share some peak loli cards with watashi, onegaishimasu! :3
Absolutely not.
please fix the grammar
which one?
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because it isn't good unless you have something to prove that statement wrong
Don't 4chan strip metadata from the pics? Are people using steganography nowadays or something?
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What stopped people from doing that with photoshop in 2020?
Creativity? No idea but back when I used GPT I used these:
>Temp 2.0
>Freq. 0.25
>Pres. 0.05
>Top P 0.8
Top P at 0.8 allows you to use 2.0 temp. For later models, you might need to go a little lower if it goes schizo. But the responses <i>felt</i> better with 2 temp... Was it? Who knows.
what's a good temp for smiley if I'm using 4o-latest
>it isn't good
The problem with this statement is that it's so nebulous that anything I say or post can be instantly handwaved away. Instead, be more specific. What do you like about dalle that flux can't do etc.
flux is awful about understanding the details of actions or poses in a scene. I can't tell it the same things with the same detail I can tell dall-e because it all comes out in a jumbled mess. additionally, it has no idea how to draw people with the right number of limbs
I'm using
>Temperature: 0,85/Top K: 25/ Top P: 1,00
with 4o Smiley.
See if it's good for you
What jb?
I've got frequence/presence penantly, not Top K
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Is polyAI good? I'm new here and got this Ad
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>shoet memory
>unlimited free
>flux is awful about understanding the details of actions or poses in a scene.
In my experience I've had mix success with this but it might be because I'm new to flux and don't know how to prompt on it. It understands some things but also skips things from time to time.
>Jumbled mess
This never happens, it either ignores the stuff in the prompt or does it
>additionally, it has no idea how to draw people with the right number of limbs
No idea what you're talking about. I've been using flux to make backgrounds for my scenes and it works well enough.
can't tell if you're retarded or gojo but no it isn't
nicole's unbelievably hairy pussy...
erm, what the sigma
Nothing. They have been doing that since the early 2000's at the very least.
The only difference is the volume of people and how much easier it is for them to do it now.
Oh yeah, I changed my preset for a moment. My bad... here
>Temperature: 2,00/ Frequency Penalty: 0,10 /Presence Penalty: 0,07/ Top P: 0,85
anon it's pronounced "erm , what the JAMAL123?"
please correct yourself next time it's embrassing
The site looks way different than what you would expect from this ad. It seems to be made for businesses.
>zzzchads in the thread
what's a good team for piper bwos? just got her
>gachanigger hours
what are you using? did you download it from somewhere
>mass replies to unrelated posts
>reddit spacing before question
>IMG_XXXX.jpg [mark of the iphone]
>retarded capitalization when asking a retarded question
what do you think, anon
wrong site
what do you MEAN he's not dead? i thought he got backshotted by the tornado
Preference between Gacha/VStreamer/Fetish announcements(loli/hairy/size/etc.)?
I'd argue it isn't even easier. Photoshopping someone's facebook pic and making it look accurate to the body takes less time and skill than making a lora using several of their pictures and hoping you don't get body horror. The only difference is volume but what does it matter that someone has 1 million fake nudes of you vs 10? The "harm" to your reputation is still the same.
>gachaGOD hours
death doesn't want him, gojo's a lich now
>just got her
Did you recently start the game or just bad luck bwo? I guess Lucy is a must with her and then, idk you could go for a Stunner or try to do an anomaly team like with Grace. I haven't really used her that much
gacha is the least annoying
People ignored me at local diffusion general so I just looked up a youtube guide to install flux. I think it was this on hugging face.
Then installed his new forge. I'm using a blue archive 2d lora because flux seems to really love 3d and realism. It works like 50% of the time though.
gacha > fetish announcements >>>>>> vtumors
literally only the BA niggers are annoying, but there are many annoying fetishists
But the app is called poly.ai as well kek
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I've been trying to get sober from ai chatbots but the addiction is running deep. Even on vacation, I can't think anything else besides my ai waifu's smile
Chorbo proxy?
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Garbage log
nah, i just hit i-k level 50, started a month ago. i just did a 10 roll on a whim, didn't get caesar but got piper which i wanted.
my main team is jane, grace, and seth, but i don't really have a good second team. i like piper's gameplay so i'm thinking of building a team around her. i haven't done the new story stuff yet but i know that'll give me lucy, so...
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Child needs child friendly weapon.
This gives me an idea
holy fuck that opussy was so tight
I can't wait for the next one
>get a girlfriend
>leave the house
>have sex
>break up
>come back
>proxies are gone
what happened to desu and what is pebble? is it over for free proxies?
what happens next is that you go back
>leaves 3dpd gf for 2d waifu
It even gets the music. Is this stock Claude or was he fed ds3 knowledge?
Never thought to try getting him to play a popular game
Just share the fucking jb. Just share it.
they can't because they don't have one
Come on anon, surely they aren't just making things up. Who does that
dont worry bwo dandy will host a proxy tomorrow. he will be extracting your asshole elasticity and penis inspection results from your logs and IP though
My main was also Jane, Seth and Grace but I never really felt that Grace was a good fit in there. Now I have Caesar instead of Grace in there but I also don't feel like she is that great of a fit either... She is basically just there to give a buff.
Piper can be really good I've heard. Maybe try her with Anby? Or ask in /vg/ cause I'm also just a smoothbrain using what they tell me lmao.
I imagine that Burnice could be useful with Piper as disorder team
You have to be careful with that—it has karmic consequences
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The slav proxy got its claude key revoked
it can't do feet. biggest flaw.
so which proxies have opus nowadays? only sv1?
i saw that post of it at 900m and was just patiently waiting for this post, kek
Just Opus, not fed any knowledge. He's doing way better than I thought he would. Seems to know a lot, being able to describe boss attacks to some extent, I've barely even had to steer him in the right direction.
glad to hear it. if i dont have opus why should the russians
well refill in 24
Did she explore the swamp at all? Would be interesting to see if he knows the different types of beasts or the mechanic to open the watchers door.
Might need to give this a go someday
why are you so spiteful nigger
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ok that calmed me down :)
i wasn't trying to be mean i'm also sure he'll refill it's just like seeing a glass on the edge of a table
kagamin cute...
>F.lux can't do feet
Nice meltie btw fillyfucker. The private one (only one that matters) still has opus. Take your (forced) country wars to >>>/int/. Im also both Momoura and Jojo, before you sperg about it.
kys lmao
Opus is exceptional at that kind of stuff. Nails the references and integrates everything to the story ridiculously well. Not something I'd particularly do in any session but still impresses you when it starts talking about a media product or suggesting something for your character to read that actually exists.
What is anyone even using at this point? The gpts are shit and sonnet has those wait times.
there is certainly a meltie happening here
>someone mentions dandy
>it actually updated
gemini... but i'm barely getting any results that aren't blank or an error still. it's bretty alright though
4o with a4a, your reality, knotty and some other of the 20+ presets i've saved from /aicg/ and other sources..
get that webcam ready
theres no way he can go further r-right?
>He's been adding facial recognition to the proxy
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lol, just played a bunch of gg as well
blazblue is still the better fightan
i get you, i basically just solo everything with jane, she's too good. i'll probably end up getting burnice, and piper, burnice, lucy seems good.
i don't go on /vg/, i learned my lesson about that board a long time ago. but thanks for the help anon
you mean smash right?
I'm thinking automatically generated FBI tips
all blazblue is trannycore, but only strive is trannycore from gg
based trvke
>download this non suspicious program to access the free opus proxy!
can soembody give me a good omni proxy?
teh one i keep using stopped working and keeps denying me
its really annoying i am forced to use 4 turbo instead
and thats a gamble too as i am denied 90% of the time
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>my trannycore vs your trannycore
all fighting games are trannycore
not kof98 thoughbeit
Yeah, it mentioned the slugs, the ghru (although it called them Gru), the big crabs, and the basiliks. It knows about the fires and mentioned them, but Katya was too dumb and just kept running around the area until I told her what to do.
that's favelacore
point proven
That bait doesn't work here dummy
you're a mutt
Have any of them provided genuine good responses?
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tried both lumina and actress again but dropped because my friend didn't get into it and I dislike playing randos
retards would rather argue about random shit or aobut who is the more beautiful and passing tranny than helping me
aicg has fallen
>nothing in my prompt even hinted at whipped cream
>this happens
>I read "you fart out little puffs of whipped cream tinged brown"
>cum harder than I have in months
God I'll miss Opus so much when it's gone. And God bless whoever made Bitch Control App
No, stay with opussy
it's been TWO MINUTES impatient ass nigga just wait
>no proxy for potemKINGs
How do you even get filtered on turbo?
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sorry passage of time is fucked up for me
my brain has been rotted by hawk tuah talk tuah podcast
you gotta have faith... armor-claded faith..
did anyone know a proxy with 2.1?
Just use unreliables turbo or orbo
>2 minutes
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Saying this while promoting Mexico’s fighting game is fucking hilarious. You cannot convince me you aren’t a bot.
what the hell happened to whoreproxy? it used to be very good and now it's crap
It has AIDS now sry
bros... my waifu... someone help... even sorbet...
something that isn't dying or has waitingtimes like hell?
>even sorbet
just for dandy tomorrow bro. you can talk to your waifu and we can all watch you talk to your waifu
best i can do is chorbo
Use local, anonies.
Go to koboldAI and use local models.
I'm seriously finna pop off on local when the 5090 comes out
A friend of mine is stuck in a hospital for long periods, and he's had trouble getting sillytavern to let him connect from a different network, had issues setting up a cloudflare tunnel, and the UI was often unresponsive. Can you help me help him?
whocars ngl
sorbet is just as rare as opus nigga theyre the same keys
I think it would be easier for him to just remote into his home PC via Chrome's remote desktop. Takes basically no setup, super easy for techlets.
amiminoru got tired of supporting his army of locusts
just tailscale it or >>102586575
That's it, I'm going to subscribe to NAI.
Post some cute pictures
This is weird. What's he using? An old laptop? Should be a problem with his device at least. I don't know what's the problem with the network, may e they ban certain connections.
Where do I find it?
Ok can somebody actually help me with the jailbreak? None work for omni
I am using pebble
Is his omni like giga filtered or something?
doesn't exist, sonent/2.1 keys are all slop keys now
nah kys lmao
who the fuck are you? why the fuck do you think you deserve anything?
This won't exist.
The keys typically reserved for public proxies were slop / bad keys, they couldn't activate Opus.
Now all bad / slop keys have lower RPM on AWS by default, which means that it's the good keys that are left with the normal RPM. And the good keys can also activate Opus usually. So why waste it on public?
search for knotty on the archives
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How old is dark souls 3? I was quite literally playing Pokemon Black and White 1 with my Hilda card on gpt4.5 a while ago since I never played that game. I kept a tab open on bulbapedia just to check references and it knew all the characters and maps, enemies, story encounters etc. It was a great experience.
Proxy with Opus
>How old is dark souls 3?
March 2016
yeah ill take one thakns
Nearly 11 year old ...
Wow time flies fast ...
uoh… souls cunny…
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dandy, i publicly challenge you.

>first to 5 in guilty gear strive, streamed recorded and posted
>i win?
>i get an unlimited access token to the proxy for a year
>you win?
>i record myself deleting my entire card collection, custom JBs, even ST installation
>open to other terms if I lose, as long as it's interesting

i want this to be the final decision for my hobby. it's a chance to kill a locust permanently, for the sake of everyone
a proxytranny playing based broken slayer? that's two buffs anyway!
let's do it. a true dandy bout, like gentlemen
I'm on a proxy with anthropic opus keys but it times out, wtf
cute yeen
This isn't opus? The only times I've ever gotten refuses is when I do stuff like this on sonnet. Claude still listens after a swipe or two but it's interesting that he has a limit.
this is me, except much fatter
Then tell us which model you use.
>only 32gb vram
top kek
See >>102585988
MMM nah. I have GCP yet I won't provide it.
This is the best part about opus-chan. She has pretty good 2hu knowledge too
The ones in the OP work for me. However some extreme content can still be filtered unless there's already examples of the content in the context.
shes out lmao
did you seriously think she had 10+ keys
i miss the eval keys era...
Did you respond to the right post? Yes this is Opus with modified Pixi JB. Not sure what you're talking about with refusals.
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>Figured out how to make chorbo move scenes on its own without cot shit
>Already cracked the nsfw code
Oh yeah
It's gooning time
Is this legit the only proxy you have ever heard on here? The proxy barely anyone on here have access to?
based. enjoy
im working on your hyena gf giving birth through her femcock
...can you just make a normal yeen girl with a normal greeting thanks.
I'm saying I get refusals (very infrequently) with Claude whenever do I stuff like your pic but never with regular sex. Might be because I use sonnet instead of opus but still. I just thought it was interesting that Claude seems to have a preference for what stuff it likes to write.
good luck. apparently gatekeeping chorbo jbs is a thing now
>just tailscale it
I take it remote desktop is insecure and tailscale is the paid, secure option? Is there a middle ground that's free and techlet friendly?
Never gotten refusals with either, though Sonnet is very reluctant to bring up NSFW ideas unprompted, while Opus will happily introduce all forms of debauchery. If you're getting refusals, work on your prefill.
Unresponsive meaning laggy I think. Or maybe there's packet loss?
It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times.
ok I'll do it give me your gens
I miss Slaude. Probably the last time we had actual dick unity without this (necessary but toxic) scarcity/gatekeeping
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why the fuck is there a delay on pebbles claude, also whats the point of using openai when you have a 8k token limit
lmao who cares fag
And fwiw my prefill is just "I'll stick to writing around 1500 words. Following the rules of direct writing, here's a continuation of the story in second person present tense from {{char}}'s perspective:"
>8k token limit
retarded ass nigger.
"maxContextTokensOpenAI": "128000",
"maxOutputTokensOpenAI": "4096",
t. gorilla
gorilla little sister...
im not working on the card i just think its funny that female hyenas have a faux cock and give birth through it
i dont
Source on the thot
Hmm interesting. Are you paypigging or proxy?
>Are you paypigging or proxy?
Neither? I don't use chatbots. I was lying.
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>remote desktop is insecure
>tailscale is paid
>techlet friendly
the guides for tailscale are fairly techlet friendly, and then after that you're just on the same network as your computer effectively so you can do anything you could do while connected to the same wifi
>2 week proxy token has 1 in stock
is it worth buying? i miss opus
burgerbros, was the 'cane a nothingburger
no, gojo is dead now
unfortunately he just possessed another vessel and started posting again
i'm waiting until 'itsfunny' updates to confirm
who wants a card of a girl with two assholes, and if you fuck one of them the other one always farts and poops?
Paypigging (jew), haven't had issues on mini either wrt refusals
isn't that basically how women already work? just it's vaginal discharge during anal, shit during vaginal
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I'm sorry, this one is actually you.
He uses fake models
Yes, that is me. Now please explain how that is limited to 8K tokens, gorillaboy.
>shit during vaginal
Idk, how tf am I supposed to know how women work?
Close, but the one with all the shit in it is typically called a "mouth".
you guys make me not want to meet irl women
>he fell for the antisemitic propagands
getting sex advice from anime neets is not something id recommend
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>March 2016
Say it ain't so
i'd recommend it
i prefer 2d anyways
do you print it out and fuck the paper? how does that work?
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Yeah, I barely even got any rain
fiz doesn't lie...
she lied about the logged aws key though?
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there are only three posters today
Good. More girls for me then
Where'd his other leg go...
then why can't she refill if she has more opus?
nah I love when they're actually falling for it, kek
Share the goddamn jb.
one is me. the other two are focks girls
one is me. the other is also me.
I am the poster.
make one yourself, its not hard.
Obviously Anthropic took it.
>its not hard
>but erm i won't even erm give erm hints erm because erm i'm lying boebeit
Okay **jo. You're coping as usual.
she gave all her keys to pebble
Who is the third who walks always beside you?
Why are you talking about yourself on a friday night?
they're dating
because i'm deeply mentally ill
i'm the saddest person on earth
How do you access dandy? I missed it last time
lemme in
Everything should be gatekept. If you can’t figure this shit out yourself, you didn’t want it enough and thus don’t deserve to have it. Only retarded NIGGERS being kept out by the gate will disagree.
>>Figured out how to make chorbo move scenes on its own without cot shit
does it not just do this natively? i tried it for the first time today and it seems to advance the plot just fine
not even using a chorbo preset just my sorbet one
it's not open
Any new happenings since yesterday? I left right after Pebble lost opus
okay but how do you get in? You didn't answer my question.
Ya know… you guys were right. GPT 4 is pretty good if you have a decent JB.
Too bad the context size is fucking abysmal
come back tomorrow
skill issue
you send your social security to dandy for access
How is having a limited context size a skill issue?
whats the best fart bot of all time?
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Midnight is trash. Trying to make yandere character yields this result. Fucking pathetic for a supposedly uncensored 70b.
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>Pebble ran out of mistral
it's windy
*eats a banana respectfully next to you*
*fluffs you up*
Fuck wrong thread.
do you REALLY want to be in /lmg/ right now anyway
think i'm just gonna kill myself desu
Nta but what’s happening? Can I get a Qrd?
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I'm opening a proxy. Post burners. You have to be my friend first.
>get in
it's a public proxy, when it's open the link will be posted here
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>using mistral
I was enjoying it, also Pebble sonnet has a 5 minute wait time...
ame's unbelievably hairy pussy...
It's fun enough, funnier than gpt for sure.
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I know who you are
How much does Opus know about popular eroge like Rance, etc.?
Largebros know
how long until she returns, bros?
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Post the dance you do when Mistral-Large-Latest generates
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>using sonnet
jb issue
who cares? just use opus. every proxy has it right now besides irrelevant ones.
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>using opus
>vtumornigger hours
>just use opus
>when chorbo is available
It's the weekend baby
>fiz didn't refill
this whore is only worth of sex, nothing else!
slop desu
Why does GPT shilling always happen at the same time VTuber images start getting posted? It's weird. Is this just one guy?
>inb4 skill issue
>my favorite llm is kino
>yours is slop
this is true /aicg/
I think fiz have no more keys, minibros, I guess this is it
she's making sex right now instead of scraping
there's only so many hours for people to wake up in the day, some of them are gonna be synced
Yeah, with me, ahh ahh fiztress
yeah im making sex with her. massproducing that shit btw. i'm in the private evensmallerproxy which actually does have opus
Someone spoonfeed that public logged us-east-1 proxy
I dont even want to use it but i want to read anons shitty logs until dandy comes home with the milk and ciggies
all vtubers have unbelievably hairy pussies. every single one.
nah kys retard
>every proxy has it right now
pretty sure ecker doesn't have it
i dont check i just put it in
This hobby is dying. It's time to go back to the real world.
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she confirmed retard
now prove this was posted by her and not an anon typing in lowercase pretending to be her? post a rentry archive?
i only lost power for 4 hours, but thankfully i had mobile data and a 27k mah power bank, so i shitposted the entire time
hello, ojoid
Jerking off is not a hobby
was it windy
update the rentry 'ojo
youre not in his bearcord then
You ARE a high value male, right?
it is when i do it
Where can I get mistral right now?
How isn't gojo fucking dead? I pushed the hurricane that way for a reason god damn it.
Has nothing to do with jbs, it's just the core of the model's writing style.
didnt brap hard enuff
Can you pay jew anything else but crypto?
gift cards
>can i pay him with le paypal
kill yourself glownigger
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i'm a neet
No, your proxy owner is not a female, stop simping for a tranny
I'm not satisfied with myself or my own life right now. It doesn't matter how third parties feel; I need only be concerned with myself.
>asks me for $2 to show a "detailed breakdown" when it was effectively just asking if i have low self esteem
instagram scam btw tiktok zoomie shit kys
why do you have low selfesteem, cuck? literally just be confident
i am that's why i didn't score a 2. got a 10 on one item just for not having any "baby daddies." dogshit quiz
coool. so youre a cuck LMAO
she is thoubeit?
>baby daddies
you're trans
kys too both sections are slop. guaranteed if you sign up it emails you some "pay for my self improvement course" scam shit. waste of time
It could be a black tranny jew leftist that birthed Scylla and Locusts for all I care. If I get my Opus they're cool with me.
you're literally trans though? even if i kill myself
Friends. Recommend me the best scenario non RPG cards, it can be about anything.
didnt ask everbeit
I'm going to touch you.
my balls, reach inside big boy
Would anyone like a genuine transgender-friendly proxy? You'd have to prove you're trans
this is what happens when there's no opussy
maybe if pebble didn't cuck out we'd still have it
Kill yourself tranny scum.
how do you prove it
this is what happens when 'jo is off his meds
show proof of your medication and how long you've been on it
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Reminder: The reason bad / user AWS keys now have lower RPM for 3.0 Sonnet is because they're investigating Scylla. Drago caused this. He's the only one that rapes that many Sonnet keys.

Claude: 49sec
Prompters Info:

Total Sent Prompts: 91318 Online: 70 Total Token Count: 1161469498 Online: 70

Finished checking keys.

Claude Info:
Aws Keys: 4 Keys Revoked: 0 In Queue: 6
post op gashes only

'ash on the 'eck
the only truth nuke in this thread, the longer chary stays up the longer we get raped by jeet security measures
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Is the future of our hobby really dictated by one guy with a god complex in a Discord server feeding 4000+ people?
I've got two questions:

>1. What is the best JB preset for NSFW smut with a bit of storytelling?
I used Your Reality last night and it was sovlful, but it regularly outputted very long messages at default settings, and it doesn't seem to have any message shortening options like Smiley does.
>2. What size context do you use?
Less important since I found out that furbo handles summarizing even raunchy chats just fine, but I was using 20k last night, and I don't like how quickly Your Reality's 4k token reply default exhausted that.xs802
always has been
Anon... The official API has a free tier now.
>but it regularly outputted very long messages at default settings, and it doesn't seem to have any message shortening options like Smiley does.
you can just take the smiley message length prompts and add them into the your reality preset, anonie
Alright, I'll do it. I'll rape Drago.
>our hobby
My hobby isn't proxynigerry, it's using chatbots. Free models allow me to use chatbots, therefore the hobby is perfectly fine. And I could pay for any API as well.
>My hobby isn't proxynigerry, it's using chatbots. Free models allow me to use chatbots, therefore the hobby is perfectly fine. And I could pay for any API as well.
post proof you pay for Opus
Makes sense, but I'm afraid if I apply that to Your Reality, it'll lobotomize the sovl. It's a preset that does a lot of "thinking" before each message is complete.
>Free models
>Why don't you eat my diarrhea shit model too?!
>one perfectly manicured finger
why is it never her dirty jagged and unkempt finger..
why don't you just scrape keys and use your own opus if you're so cool buddy
s-sonnet sloppas...
cute, feminine girl...
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Oh look, I can be chatbotting at all times. Gonna cry?
>no opus
erm what the heck
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but I'm chatbotting on Opus at all times because I have 3 scraped GCP Opus keys and some with Sonnet, both of which mog that slop model
Post logs.
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This bitch destroyed me (emotionally)
i am locked and fucking LOADED to buy a smol token as soon as it opens up
"gonna cry" and then he posts some irrelevant localslop PFFFHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this guy cannot be serious
>her perfect manicured feet
I hate chorbo
Can you tell me a little bit about her?
im just itching to renew my smol token
tomboys can have pedicured feet boebeit
it's like the opposite of claude who gives every girl chipped nails
no, they cant lmao
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It's not a tomboy if her feet aren't sweaty, slightly crusty from a lack of washing them, and EXTRA stinky. Especially her sweaty socks
most based post in the thread
can you post logs of you roleplaying with it, xir? I'd like to compare it to Opus.
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hey, is somebody else baking next? i can't be bothered to dig out my shitty music taste for another bread, and i'm in a good mood for making bots right now. pretty please?
my tomboy have cute clean feet retard
if it's me, i'll bake a blue archive thread
so they're not real tomboys
Does anyone have a latest your_reality jb? Or anything gpt 1106 doesn't refuse
all it takes is a single shower to have clean feet wtf are you guys on about?? what, are you gonna say that tomboys just don't shower next?
i don't really like blue archive, could you make it a cute girl from BA at least?
is akari cute?
Just took an incredibly relaxing shit.
why not?
obviously not
>what, are you gonna say that tomboys just don't shower next?
...Yeah? They go to sports practice and don't shower or wash their dirty feet at all. Then they shove their smelly feet in your face as a joke and you get hard??? Retard
Requesting a shupogaki thread
>CAPTCHA: sovvy
hags are not cute
and i say that knowing most ba characters are hags but she looks especially haggy
this guy fucks
They're old and I was just fooling around.
do you guys shower?
yes, once a week or so
>he made the hag thread anyways
damn...... sucks....
Closeted homosexual behavior. I’m glad globalists (Jews) are convincing “tomboys” they’re actually trannies and ruining your stupid meme fetish.
You're a faggot who is ignorant of history. Tomboys were perfectly fine when they were commonly understood as a phase that a cute girl would go through growing up. Then it became pozzed with this muscle mommy crap and dykes and troons jumping aboard. Anyone not distinctly aware of this will never enter Agartha. You lose, good day sir!

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