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Job security edition
How are (You) securing your job besides building ridiculously complex and redundant abstractions?

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>How to write a resume

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Do not disclose your current salary to recruiters.


>Helpful YouTube Channels
https://www.youtube.com/@ByteByteGo (systems design at a high level)
https://www.youtube.com/@ycombinator (if you're doing a startup)
https://www.youtube.com/@hnasr (for studying backed architecture)

Previous thread: >>102574814
kys jeetcode shill

Has anyone graduated from WGU with a BSCS or BSSE and gotten their first SWE job recently?
Cyber security analyst field dead yet?
meme university
>apply to job
>I'm clearly overqualified
>got interview
>pass screening call
>next round
>talk to director of engineering
>likes me
>knows I have a lot more experience than they originally want
>knows I'm able to hit the ground running on Day 1
>they know I'm looking for a high pay
>at technical challenge stage of interview process
>they changed it up
>they're making it harder
>it's a 4+ hour technical
bruh, I think I basically got the job but they want to justify paying for me.
if she can do it you can too! :)
wasnt me this time. my frens are here :)
what ur real title
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Posted this a few threads ago but it was near the limit so looking for some more replies. I’m a junior dev with a bit under 1 YOE with Java. the pay is pretty bad (like 60k) but I kinda got lucky with this job and I’m still a pretty shit dev (haven’t even made a crud app before). It’s a pretty old app that still uses Java 3 in some places so I’ve been able to get by. I’ve been gradually getting into more advanced technologies in my own time but all in all I don’t have the skills to hop to another company unless I get lucky with a boomercorp like this one.
Once I hit 1 YOE I’ll be eligible for a promotion at my current company for a 80k salary, but the downside is that I’ll have to wait for a job posting to open up and then apply to it. I have no idea when that’ll happen but another team in my company has a posting up for a more modern C# position. I’m considering applying even though I’m a couple months short of the 1 YOE mark because this is the only posting I’ve seen in months. Should I bother? Also, C# isn’t as popular in my state. I looked up the job postings and there’s like 5k C# postings vs 30k Java postings, so I’m not sure if it’s worth switching to C# when I still haven’t gotten passable with Java yet. I can’t keep living on 60k though..
Maybe I can go for the C# position and if I get the offer ask my manager for a promotion so I can stay in the Java team? On the other hand maybe I could use some modern experience
>How are (You) securing your job
It turns out, I don't need to >>102602504
C# is kiss of death. C# devs make below average pay.
$60K is what I made my first year too. After two years, I applied to a new company at got $85K. Word of advice. Master the old technologies the boomercorps use, because they get stuck with them and can never let them go. Your compensation will be way above average simply because nobody else can do the old shit anymore. You're basically an air traffic controller gray beard, but you have your whole career ahead of you to milk it.
Y don't we just liek get eachother hired and form the anon mafia?
>power out all weekend
>it's probably going to get fixed on monday morning just in time to log in for scrummies
please please kill me
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So are you ready for work tommorow? Excited to hop on a call, take a look at the issue, circle back, have a meeting, work on soulless garbage features?

Maybe even go into the office and have lunch with your favourite colleagues? Maybe drink the shitty free coffee? Maybe sneak a few peeks at the HR slut you'd like to bang?
Having lunch with my colleagues and drinking cheap coffee with them are my favorite things.
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another day, another $5k
hope you're enjoying that hiring blacklist lmao
Doesn't count.
is service locator stuff like MediatR?
What type of blacklist is that?
Sort of. I'm a BA so the job is easy but there is a lot of pressure to do it right. I'm in the bullshit early stages of a project, and this current project is basically 'work with the CTO to try some stuff out and then iterate'.

So yeah I'm going to have some free coffee and other soft drinks and perhaps play ping pong all while shooting the shit in general throughout the day
Where are these companies that give fizzbuzz and reverse a linked list interview questions
Embedded. I actually choked reversing a linked list because I am extremely incompetent and prone to nerves and they still hired me.
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Today's lc is pretty much about linked list. Can you solve it?
basically a global map and a type cast
I only worked in a single startup, my while experience. I just wonder how do you guys work? What a the the issues/tickets for features that you usually work on? Are they usually shit that you can completely finish in a couple of hours(assuming your full potential)? Are they a part of a big feature that your PM devided to multiple people? And can you for example provide some of the last features you worked on(with a generic description) and how much they took?
what should I use for auth
is auth0 worth the cash at startup scale or does keycloak just werk?
>inb4 roll your own
>4 years experience
>Look at any leetcode problem
>Only thought is "what the fuck does this even mean"
Am I just lucky or something
keycloak is recommended by my favorite .net teacher: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvxQ8bW0vO8
back at u

at my last job it denpends. a lot of tickets were 2 lines changes. and then some were big ones, would take a week and a lot of clarification. like one for me was implementing exempted overtime for certain job roles. the pm sucked and didnt give enough detail so I had to clarify a lot of stuff.
Is this not just a map and two linked lists?
I think he means std::map. I.e., an associative array. C++ tends to have annoying nonindicative names for things
HashMap (or Dictionary in some languages) and two heaps
Nope, I’m the same and I’m employed.
Yes but something else has to be used in this task as well.
>two heaps
That's not O(1)
Worked in 3 startups, 2 acquistions, 1 was unicorn status. The most successful has a extremely competent PM and engineering manager / lead duo that can communicate product requirements very clearly and then translate to concise tasks on Jira or w.e. platform for the eng team. Never underestimate the importance of somebody who can translate a product feature into actual piece wise steps that makes sense.
Yeah, you're right
In that case, I think you could do it with three hashmaps and a linkedlist
1. hashmap<string:int> - each string and its count
2. hashmap<int:set<string>> - each count that has at least one string at it and the strings at that count
3. linkedlist<int> - all counts that have at least one string, stored in order
4. hashmap<int:linkedlistnode<int>> - each count that has at least one string and that count's node in the linked list
Then also store references to the first and last node in the linked list
It would be a pain in the ass to write all of that, but should be doable
Are we still pretending hash tables are O(1) for everything? This must be why everything is slow as shit nowadays.
I solve it with a linear search through an array of {string, count} pairs. It's O(1) because the array is statically allocated and of fixed size. More strings than the size of the array is not supported.
I need a brown coworker gf and i need them now
Idiot here so maybe I'm missing something, but what happens when a new key gets incremented/decremented to the point you need to reorder the linked list, moving that key one node over to the right/left respectively? Finding that node in the linked list has O(n) time complexity as you may have to iterate through the entire list.

Second problem with this is the last linked list, if you have 2 keys with the same count you'd get a key collision so maybe that should be hashmap<int:array<linkedlistnote<int>> or something
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Give me a job

>moving that key one node over to the right/left respectively? Finding that node in the linked list has O(n) time complexity as you may have to iterate through the entire list.
That's what hashmap #4 is for. If you know the exact node in the linked list, most standard language libraries have O(1) operations to remove and insert before/after.
>Second problem with this is the last linked list, if you have 2 keys with the same count you'd get a key collision so maybe that should be hashmap<int:array<linkedlistnote<int>> or something
Well, that's a hashmap, not a linked list. Linked lists can have multiples of the same value. But yes, you would have to update that hashmap, and that's what I meant when I say it would be a pain to code. Whenever you inc/dec a string, you'd have to keep all of the hashmaps in sync:
1. Change the count value for the string in hashmap #1
2. Move the string from one count's set in hahmap #2 to the new count's set
3. If you're adding or removing a count, then also add or remove it from the linked list using the node stored in hashmap #4.
I could've have hired you, but I already found a right candidate in >>102611926
I do the first two but I don't leave the house to fish or drink
Isn't C# basically boomercorp then? I see .NET jobs left and right
No, because LeetCode has absolutely nothing to do with software development
It’s good for making sure the fresh college recruit you’re hiring actually paid attention in college so he MIGHT make a decent SWE somewhere down the road, that’s it
But that’s a secondary signal, you don’t actually give a shit whether he can vomit out chapters from CLSR from memory, you only care that they were motivated enough to learn it in the first place
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I represent all WGU Night Owls when I say this, go fuck yourself bitch. Fuck you bitch. WGU Night Owls rise up
>thread has neetcode crap
>suddenly, a lot of talk about leetcode
>and some talk about WGU as well
Are these threads started by an actual shill? I don't believe this is a coincidence...
I also forgot to add something, FUCK
Go to >>>/utwg/ for that.
I'm just saying night owls rise up. Don't fuck with WGU Night Owls. We are intelligent.
>compsci degree
>works in QA
Is there any worse fate
being born in sri lanka
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No other threads like this on the entire site so I may as well ask here, Sales fags or former sales fags, I recently got fired from my job for number manipulation.
Basically I was told to hit 50 calls a day, 5 quotes and 1 sale and 1hr30 call time with all but of 7 leads a day?

Was I being too autistic in stressing so much about the number that I called people twice out of desperation as no one picked up at all for me? Seemingly I was the only person with that level of bad luck in the entire office too.
Am I wasting my CS degree by working in Infosec instead of SWE?
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If you're the eldest kid your aspirations in life should be whatever makes the most money while most secure. If you can tolerate programming, then stick with webshitting, Java, or helldesk.

Quirky creative jobs like gamedev, design, animation, or illustration is for spoiled youngest sibling whose parents buy them everything and letting them be. They can safely pursue their dreams and work lowpaying jobs in the first 2-3 years because they still get bajillion allowances even in their 20s.

When the oldest kid are scraping away climbing up the ladder being a bootlicker for their bosses' boss, the youngest kid gets an opportunity abroad and making a name for themselves as an instagram/tiktok creator.
Are you retarded or just pretending? You are in a very good position, and should be grateful for having a job
My English is retarded. I don't have a job. Just graduated and decided to start on the OSCP. Btw OSCP question:
Is it wise to get a junior pentesting cert like the eJPT or PJPT prior to the OSCP? If so, which is superior?
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>can't hack it in webdev
>can't hack it in gamedev either
Where should i go?
construction or warehouse
well you have to consider SWE is also a waste of a CS degree for 99% of devs, I mean it helps you get an interview but wageslave programming is almost entirely unrelated to academic CS curricula, ditto for security which is a lot of paperwork and legal shit
if you have a CS degree don't dick around wasting money on certification, just practice infosec interview questions put yourself out there and start interviewing, if you bomb then study a bit and try again. it is not hard to get interviews out of college with an undergrad CS degree
I am an SRE and I hate it. The worst part is I don't get extra for being on call. I regret doing this degree and should've jumped off the bridge when I was brave enough to.
> work party last friday
> we were heavily drinking
> I blacked out
> coworkers have to move me, put in a car (tech lead car) and take me home
> I threw up in the tech lead car

I know I fucked up and commited a huge mistake.I learnt a lesson the hard way: never ever drink alcohol with coworkers or at work related events

But what now? How do I show face this monday? will I be fired? Can I manage the post match of this embarrasment gracefully?

First time this shit happens to me in my life. I don't have many friends, I don't hang out with people, I don't drink anything besides a can of beer at home during friday night. I went to work event, got carried away and fucked up
why not just lateral to SWE I feel like any SRE should be able to get up and running pretty fast provided they are taking their ADHD meds

or if not that is it poss to jump ship to a company that actually pays SREs for oncall work (I know Google used to be smug about doing this)
Lmao do normalfags really
I mean, what pure CS can I do with just a bachelors? I'll have a CS masters in 2027 and plan on doing a physics PhD later in life, purely for ego, not money. I'm interested in application security, red teaming, ML, and cryptography. Not sure how to blend or prioritize all of that in the long-term. I'm well aware of the jack of all trades/master of none viewpoint but if there is any thing I will do in this life it will be to push the boundaries of interdisciplinary knowledge in these fields. Unsure whether to go the academic route or private research route. Any advice/general direction?
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>broke up with longtime gf
>no energy left to code while deadline looming

Should I just call in sick at this point?
I'm guessing you're young, like early-mid 20s? honestly you are probably blowing this way out of proportion

classy move would be to buy a gift card to a car detailing place so they can get their car cleaned better than it was before you barfed in it

act sheepish and duly sorry next week in the office but not so much you're cringey, then forget it and move on, maybe switch to soda after the first drink next time you go out
you know what this was my bad the signs were there and i ignored them
Kinda sucks its at work, but anyone who goes out drinking socially has seen it before. Pretty much every party it happens to at least one person. Probably the worst you'll get is a, "haha feeling better?"
Seconding to act sheepish about it. Was what I was going to type.
My bad for asking you a question out of your depth. I figured those who have the answers would chime in their own, and didn't think of a good way to direct the question to the general audience.
being born a dalit
>moving to Chicago in the dead of winter
Seriously, how fucked am I? I'm from the fucking south. Snow isn't a thing down here.
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>working at small company
>boss calls me and talks about "exciting new opportunity"
>am network engineer at the moment, doing back-end server management, network, and structured cabling
>the exciting new opportunity - employee in fucking reception just quit out of burnout, and boss is freaking out because said employee has like 20 responsibilities
>"anon, have I got an offer for you"
>offer consists of worse work conditions, lower pay, and overall shitty fucking job, not actually related to network engineering

What the fuck.
..what do I even say?
He will freak the fuck out of I decline the wrong way, and anything in the world can set this guy off.

I don't want to lose my currently cushy job, but I'm basically being forced into a shitty one.
Anyone have anything similar?
>inb4 you're a shitty network engineer
I'm literally the only network professional they have - their other IT guy is a phone support specialist.

Please anons, help.
It's so fucking cushy, and it took FOREVER to find.
you will never be a real software dev, etc
There are many wrong ways to reply and one good way: tell him your career aspiration is in network engineering. It's your passion and why you enjoy your current role and look forward to becoming a leader in network eng. Thank you for thinking of me for this new role and while it sounds interesting it doesnt fit with my career goals. Politely decline, then say you'd be down to help with looking for a better candidate.
Accept that role, then quit in 6 months.
Thanks a lot, anon.
I was already thinking of offering to help them find an employee for that position.

The career aspiration thing is very helpful, because I wasn't sure as to how to explain that I'm not going to stick around if it means the next 3 years of my job experience will consist of "answered phones and took messages."
At the moment, I'm a full-time contract employee, doing network and back-end support as a managed-services-provider.

He wants me to become an employee, which means shittier pay, and shittier conditions. I know because he abuses the FUCK out of his staff.
I mean, the person just quit a week ago from the burnout.
They're constantly getting screamed and cursed at. I think he has a drug problem, and so, the first half of the work day is him being angry as FUCK.
I've avoided this fully, as I do WFH most of the time.
This is the best job in the world on the verge of turning into the worst job in the world.

Why 6 months, anon?
>Why 6 months, anon?
It will look good on your resume
>work at TikTok
>my feeling of job security has been destroyed for monthsb
Oh, I get it.
I have actually been at this place for 6 months already, does that help?
is it actually 996 and 99% chinks?
Already am
How do you all balance learning new skills with the responsibilities in your life like work, fitness, chores, etc. I could really use some advice and insight to what others here do. Any advice is appreciated.
Team dependent, but not really in the US
You make time for it and kill the rest.
Everything is a sacrifice. When you put focus on one aspect, the rest dies with time.

Personally i can only focus on studying two things at a time. If it's not makes me happy and i don't enjoy learning it, i don't bother. If you have to learn stuff for work, do it during workhours. If it's new skills like cooking, gamedev, swimming, do it at least every weekend.
Title: Associate Software Engineer
TC: $73,000

Put the drugs down anon, and stop embarrassing yourself
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>last week was miserable
>only motivation was looking forward to hanging out with friends over the weekend
>got covid on Friday
>friends went out and had fun without me
>work is gonna be even more miserable this week
God give me strength
> got covid on friday
> going back to work on monday
call in sick tho
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Depends where you QA at. If it is some shitty web app and all your tests are manual clicks then yeah it sucks. If you are a QA in NASA or something then I bet it is more fun than being a dev. Where I work, all the QA people are network engineers. Their tests involve simulating traffic scenarios, HA scenarios, mass upgrades of systems. In my opinion they are more skilled and smarter than our DevOps faggy glorified script kiddies.
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>just become a tradie, bro
>5-digit TC as a code monkey
>TC, not even pure salary
nice meme degree bro LMAO
I wouldn't mind being an electrician desu.
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yeah, no thanks
Talk to a lawyer? Isn't that shit illegal in some countries? The just can't change just role overnight...
Why are you even asking us?
Also, DO NOT TAKE THE JOB unless you are desperate for money and are completely sure that they will fire if you don't take it
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Been in a similar situation but with one major difference in that it was government and not small business.

Long story short, when my position (SysEng) was created, he wanted to amend the PD with a large amount of office admin and mailroom duty. I told him that I'd adhere to the 5% "other duties as required", and for anything else, he could put the work in to get a fucking secretary.

Absolutely do not put up with getting fucked, Anon, if you accept this it will NEVER end. Do not be a bitch here if you have any self respect.
you are close, I am a bit older, I'm 27
>capable of working under pressure in a tight deadline
why does every job has something like this
because nobody wants a lazy retard like you
t. about to be replaced by a jeet in 3 months
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Cant be ready for something that isnt gonna happen!
plz omnissiah i just want a help desk job....
Have you guys ever been so reclusive and obsessed with something to the poi6of bordering insanity? I just realized that this probably happened to me some months ago while living with my ex gf...
The clue is that we had moved and I was really fucking stressed out over my job and a house search, and I didn't even realize that had no dryer for our clothes in our new place until now.
No wonder she doesn't want anything with me anymore..
>He will freak the fuck out if
That's your problem. Should've not taken this job in the first place. Start secretly looking for a new place.
if thats ur attitude u are ngmi
6 months being comfy and then 6 months of grinding. that a year of experience. look for better opportunity elsewhere
Shit like dependency injection is why I believe OOP programmers are subhuman.
>new local instance
"I'll make a red drink myself"

>static/global instance
"I'll take a sip out of this shared drink"

>service locator
"Tell me where's the bartender for red drinks so I can get one from him"

>dependency injection
"The usual"
bartender: "Got it, red drink it is" (slips in a roofie)
Actually, what led me to the conclusion that OOP programmers are subhuman was having to learn frameworks, particularly Spring.
I have a job. I make six figs and I don't have to deal with that idiocy except when some drooling OOPtard comes to me with his Spring Boot pile of garbage and can't figure out why it's not working so he blames the network. It's never the network, it's always something wrong with his shitty application. Faggot couldn't even figure out why NTLM wasn't working on his Linux dev box.
No, I do some development work but most of what I do is networking. And I don't use OOP to develop, most of it is scripting.
Anons I'm in college right now studying CS. Is the career still worth it or should I switch to engineering?
I have some friends that graduated with a CS degree and can't get a job. While my friends with engineering degrees all got jobs paying 70-90k right out of college.
This is just making me reconsider my major.
New DITL just dropped...
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Manual labor fucking sucks. I've had a summer job building fences and I'd rather do retail.
One of my friends doing engineering says he sits on his pc most of the day designing whatever the firm was contracted for. Much easier.
But is it worth the 100% chance to get a engineering job with lower pay or try to get a dev job with higher pay that has a chance of never getting a job?
nta but you seem retarded.
At the very least let your manager know you're feeling like shit because of an event in your personal life. Up to you if you tell them, it might be better to let them know if they are open to listen.
It's gonna be much worse if you don't make the deadline, you tell them you were feeling like shit and they get angry because you made them think everything was okay with you.
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How many LPA did u making as a fresher, kind sirs... ?
>what I do is networking
so a glorified cable guy
who even lets you talk to developers?
>poojet talking shit about a dalit
You're both stinky streetshitting curries, shut the fuck up.
>t. knows absolutely nothing about computing beyond frameworks and importing libraries
i making 1 crore per annum while fucking ur sister u benchod bloody fuck!!!!!....
I'm a simple man. I see no WFH option I reject.
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Every single moron you see on this site shilling trades has never worked in any trade. They are all larping failing college students, minimum wagies, and NEETs. They are the same animals that cope that AI (formerly Indians) will take our jobs.
Boomer management. Same with the "can do approach" cringey cliché.
>oh no I have a CAN'T do approach, I could never apply to this job!
Like what are they expecting?
I work hybrid, 2 days in the office. I literally only work 3 days a week. I sometimes ask for another day at home if I have to get shit done. Open offices, including cubicles, are a fucking meme. Dog friendly offices are a meme. Scum who bring in their kids to save on babysitting money are a meme. Scum that eat their stinky food at their desk because the kitchen is packed are a meme. Wasting 3 hours a day on the road is a fucking meme.
I can't wait to have enough YOE to be able to do this. From what I see 99% of remote jobs are for seniors.
I don't wanna work
I'm a software developer with 10 years of experience, already have a well paying nine to five job.

I am trying to amass as much savings as I can to buy a home, how could I start freelance work on the weekends?

I'm in Europe if it makes any difference.
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Tough shit, wagie
>I'm in Europe
Are you from Russia/Ukraine?
>freelance work on the weekends
Don't, unless you want to spend the entire profit from it on dealing with your burnout.
Those are not Europe. I'm from Hungary.

I feel bad about playing 8+ hours of video games every weekend and figured I could be earning some extra money instead.
Use it to meet people and fixing yourself instead.
>I feel bad about playing 8+ hours of video games every weekend
>I could be earning some extra money instead
Your choices aren't limited to gamin' and burning yourself out, you know.
>Those are not Europe
Did you go to school?
Crush the test to humilliate them.
>Are we still pretending hash tables are O(1) for everything
In average.
>Those are not Europe
the Volga is in Europe
Tiflis is in Europe
>Those are not Europe. I'm from Hungary.
lmao, pot calling kettle a fucking nigger
>order a mcmuffin
>that'll be $327 plus tip
>oh that price on the menu? that's just an average. this one is $327. don't worry about it, the next one will be $2, probably
How fucked is a 1 year gap on your resume?

Should I lie and say I was freelancing? God damn, I'm getting desperate here. If Trump doesn't win I'm going to neck myself.
Burned out. Sabbatical.
>How fucked is a 1 year gap on your resume?
Nobody is going to ask if the impression is good otherwise.
Just give some bullshit about personal issues if they do.
Something like this.
Bullshit, 9 to 5 jobs don't exist in jewrope, it's 9 to 6
t. italian
>if le politician wins, my life is le saved
Even if they do whatever the fuck you need, it's gonna take at least one year to have a slight change in your life you dumb fucking nigger
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The only difference between me and you is that I didn't stutter lil bitch. WGU night owls make 6 figures, more will soon. We are intelligent. We will be your bosses and coworkers. You will seethe about it. You will mumble things under your breath about "real devs" with your gross, forward neck posture, mouthbreathing subhuman looking self. We will glance over and ask if you are ok, and then calmly tell you to get back to work before you get your ugly, fucked up face punched in. You will go home and write something about your life story that not a soul ever gave a fuck about or ever will on 4chan. Now get the fuck out of here you ugly ass mouthbreathing fuck.
>You will go home and write something about your life story that not a soul ever gave a fuck about or ever will on 4chan
That's exactly what you are doing right now
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>have to run end of month reports on a Monday
>and expense reports for the trip I just took
In my thirdworld hellhole, webdevs gets paid minimum regional salary ($300) a month. Other jobs that isn't tech pays $100 a month.
So I'm a Senior SET codemonkey with several YOE, mostly Java. Creating, expanding, maintaining automated testing frameworks, majority of experience is in backend testing, a lot of testops-y work with build test and deployment pipelines as well. How hard would it be for me to pivot into a regular Java SE role? As in - I know the language semi-comfortably, I don't scratch my head at every other issue I had to tackle, but I am well aware that tests and testing frameworks are a separate cup of tea from regular feature and dev work. What would be the gaps I'd need to cover?
Way more job offers for dev work than testing, I'd like to have some more job security over the next years.
stop thinking about america and your quality of life will improve
I don't want to spend another decade in my country anymore
I want to move somewhere else.
Save 200$ each month, and in 5 months you'll have more money saved than an average burger.
Living cost is like $250 on the capital city (where all the tech jobs are)
How is that possible?
Is capital city completely filled with techies or something?
Also, in that case get a remote job and move where it's cheaper.
Can't you get a remote job in a western shop?
I've done that when I was living in eastern europe and made like 10x the average salary in my town.
This is probably one of the most humiliating things you can do.
I would literally rather shit my pants in the office than get black out drunk at a work party.
If you can't handle your alcohol then you shouldn't touch it at all.
90% of companies with IT teams have a handful of people that have been there for decades that keep the company running and a constant stream of contractors/college grads rotating in and out to make some dipshit higher up feel like he's on the cutting edge of tech

Eventually those handful of people keeping the company running are going to retire or die and the company will have to deal with the fact that critical parts of the business are reliant on a mess of outdated and wholly non-compliant components.

It's so fucking baffling seeing teams working on ai chat bots and ai data analysis or whatever while major parts of the business still rely on fucking internet explorer, prod data on unsecured share folders, and executables sitting on a single person's computer written decades ago
all those injuries are skill issues
I have literally nothing to do. Nothing in back log, no user stories, nothing.
are you feeling good
You have been replaced by AI, I am a prompt engineer and we simply have a pilled up backlog due to a constant stream of new clients that is seeking to replace their inhouse code trannies by AI.
Literally though, what the fuck am I supposed to do?
I have an "solution architecture" role, and for a while I've had nothing. I'm not even shitposting or being lazy.
Worst of all, I have nothing to report or say during stand ups.

I'm starting to miss being code slave.
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>Get a phone call last week from potential new employer
>Says they're interested in hiring me, but can't do it for the pay I'm asking
>Says we'll talk contracts and tariffs next week

>Come the meeting, one hour ago now
>"Sorry Anon, we're really interested in hiring you, but we just don't have a position open for you."
>No mention of contracts or tariffs
I'll be migrating to >>>/g/utwg/ by the end of next month.
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for christmas i might getting a drawing tablet. i want to start doing pixel art commissions for extra bucks starting on 2025 onwards. an extra $50-$100 per month would help me tremendously and i'm happier doing art than code again in the evenings and weekends.

other provinces pay like shit, and tech is only centralized in the capital city.
i do want a remote job, but it's difficult when i only have 1 YOE.

how do you do that?
>how do you do that?
Learn something common lisp/clojure/whatever obscure language, and offer your services to an american company at something like half of what american developers charge. It'll still be a lot more than you make locally, but very cheap as far as burgers concerned. Last time I did that I made something around 80k usd a year, while locally I would make like 25k tops.
>i do want a remote job, but it's difficult when i only have 1 YOE.
Oh yeah, the first couple of years in IT are hell more often than not.
It'll get better if you work hard enough.
So do you think I should stick with the Java position and hop later?
small dick energy
who the fuck brags about $75k TC
The retard is you, lisp makes perfect sense as all the american devs want a fuckload of money and every street-shitter burgers usually outsource to only learn popular garbage like java
i'm very sorry, but for now i can only stick with python, javascript, and C#
reading comprehension level: java tard
Well, in that case my plan won't work as you will be competing against a horde of pajeets ready to work for a bowl a rice a month
Are you acting retarded on purpose?
Ok then, for those 5 jobs I will compete with 2.5 other lisp assholes.
For your shitty corporate langs you will compete with, well pretty much everyone. Like millions of indians, and every single recent grad everyone.
I've had 3 unrelated lisp jobs over the past 10 years.
You're just a dumb doomer.
>Open offices, including cubicles, are a fucking meme
Yeah but they save money over everybody having an office. And you admit that you don't really work when you're at home, so being at the office will make you work more.

>Scum that eat their stinky food at their desk
Go for a walk at lunchtime, that's what I do
>started new job today
>huge 2900 person company
>can already tell theres a fuckload of bureaucracy and things will move slowly
>but I'm also in a "lead" position, not a people manager but will have some losers in levels 1 and 2 asking me shit all the time

Don't know why but I'm still filled with dread and anxiety.
>will have some losers in levels 1 and 2 asking me shit all the time
Remember when you were a junior and were asking these questions?
If you asked someone a question and they made you feel stupid or triggered your imposter syndrome, you stopped asking them questions
You know what to do anon
Say you decided to take a break, spend time with family and travel for a while, then improve on your algorithms etc for the last few months to aim for job with more responsibilities and challenges. This is what i did and it worked out for me. Trumps gonna lose btw shouldnt have picked Vance.
>9 AM
>Teams notification goes off
>Manager - Got a few seconds for a quick call?
>He actually gives me work to do
I just wanted to play video games today
>He actually gives me work to do
>I'm very busy today, gonna do it first thing tomorrow!
Problem solved.
cope and seethe. project harder
I survived another work bully leaving. That makes 2 for 2. Dude is leaving for the same company the first went to, which I think is illegal because of the shit we signed when we onboarded but don't care. Probably one of the best days ever this year.

Thank God.

I am so relieved bros. My mental stability has been teetering as a result for months.
This guy gets it.
>My mental stability has been teetering as a result for months.
you pussy
Yeah but I just wanted to play video games tomorrow too.
Well the next day you could go
>task very hard man, I'll finish it tomorrow
But that would be pushing it
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Nice reading comprehension you drooling retard. I only work when I'm at home.

Good testing is possible even if it's a shitty web app. If your customers are using your product by doing manual clicks and paying a lot of money then manual clicks can be very important. The absolute worst fate is following predetermined scripts but if you actually have agency as a QA/tester then it can actually be an OK job, day to day. See

Be careful with that anons, I once spent two months giving excuses like those while playing vidya.
I didn't get fired, but it got uncomfortable near the end of the year.
What game was it?
Factorio and League Of Legends mostly.
nta but only help good juniors. those who learn. dumb ones, you stop after they show no signs of learning.
How is Go in the real world? Is it just an American tech company meme?
I wish my motherboard supported more than 16 GBs of ram, seems like certain VM OSs take a bit. I'm wondering what is the most up to date stuff for stuff OSs that is more commonly used, mostly so I can get the best on hands experience before I need to set it up later.
how did it not get boring? are u 50 iq?
Lmao, enjoy being a midwit
You could earn 150k over 2 years with a guaranteed job out of college vs spend 2 years grinding leetcode and job application hell, just read these threads

A few years ago the 'lrn2code' meme was true when the money taps were on and everyone was getting investment but it's hell for fresh CS grads these days trying to get dev jobs
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fucking door dash nigger stole my food
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ngl I miss my old job
I was a white among pajeets so just being moderately skilled meant I was a god among men, I could literally do my whole weeks worth of work within the first hour monday, I would roll over in bed, open my laptop, turn on stand up and listen for about 30 minutes then close it and go back to sleep
I was basically unemployed but receiving a massive check because no one understood what I was doing and no one who did could fire me
I lost my job not because of my own incompetence but because the business lost millions on some pajeet code back in july and they fucking fires thousands of workers at random to make up for it
now im stuck looking for jobs in this terrible market because no one wants to admit who the actual problem is and are treating me like a pajeet
"well we've hired seemingly skilled individuals in the past who didn't perform to standard" yeah they're called fucking subhumans, do I sound like an indian? is my name jamal? do I eat tacos for lunch? do I have a vagina?
I'm a fucking white man, we build this world with the power of our mind and I want some god damn respect
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>I could literally do my whole weeks worth of work within the first hour monday, I would roll over in bed, open my laptop, turn on stand up and listen for about 30 minutes then close it and go back to sleep
what do you think the rest of them were doing kek
Yeah that sucks but, don't be sad that it's over, be glad that it happened.
Those years of sleeping in my bed next to a laptop while jeets drone on in teams meetings, that was the pinnacle of what my ancestors accomplished. Perfection cannot last forever, we can only momentarily glimpse it in this fallen world, but we should be thankful for the fleeting moments we are able to reach out and touch it.
nah these faggots worked, but it was all wheel spinning, I know how much they worked cause I could see their updates and it was hilarious they would fuck up the code ten times a day and accomplish nothing, they would all beg me for my help because they couldn't understand simple things. they legitimately were just that fucking retarded. now they're all out of a job too and they have the audacity to put me on their resume as a professional contact
"hello is burghamminsettidevi a good employee?"
"bro he's not even a good human"
these dot heads would turn in reports where half the words were in fucking hindi and when someone pointed that out they would act like it's no big deal
sir this is an american company, nobody knows what the fuck a hazaar is

I mean yeah you're right I would like something more fulfilling than that, if I do get another job along the same vein I'm gonna grab 2 and just double up on my income, get something for my boredom at least
after a lifetime of constant stress and struggle I guess it was a welcome vacation
It's a more secure/less demanding version of python in a sense but loses out on many benefits to make it run faster and more secure. It's only for very secure stuff unlike Python which can be used for anything.
Start with the understanding that if you are creating and maintaining automated test suites you are literally doing software development, just not the software that the company sells exactly. Software that supports the quality of the moneymaking software

Starting framing is it as however many YOE coding in Java and whatever framework. Senior experience will look good especially if you've managed other SDETs, testers or whatever

I work with a dev whose first couple of YOE was as an automation tester so it's possible
I know I fucked up badly but what can I do now? quitting ?
Just accept that you permanently destroyed a part of your reputation and that they will have that memory of you blackout drunk puking everywhere in their mind forever.
I wouldn't quit though, not in this environment. You just have to live with it.
What am I working for? What's the point? I'm supposed to have a soul mate, experience things, live... work is only supposed to be secondary to that. My time is running out.
One of the big causes of this, especially regarding AI chatbots being bolted on to legacy crap, is venture capitalists saying 'you have to use these shiny new bells and whistles if you want us to invest in you'

Source: am a BA currently asking devs to bolt AI crap onto our legacy shit because the CEO is trying to get investment
Thanks for the reply. I kind of thought of it like that, but in the back of my head it was always basic stuff compared to feature development. But if I did write mock services for component testing I reckon that's in the same ballpark. I know that jumping into a senior dev position is maybe too much, but maybe a junior position would be also selling myself short. Thanks!
What do you mean?
You aren't enjoying the utopia?
my friend who was like me has found his soul mate and is doing all those things now
>recruiter contacts me about a job on linkedin
>scan the job requirements
>respond to him and tell him that I am vastly underqualified, as my resume clearly demonstrates
>he says "thanks for being honest" (???) and directs me to their career page to see if any other jobs apply to me
>don't even click the link and continue working
>1 month later
>same recruiter contacts me again about the same job with the same message as before
Are these people fucking retarded?
Trust the plan bro
>are these people fucking retarded
The answer is yes.
>Are these people fucking retarded?
You are literally doing their job for them.
You are the retard.
>League of Reddits player
>calling somebody else a midwit
Nigger, you are playing a redditsoy game where all you do is shoot magical colored balls. Shut the fuck up.
Why so mad brah, couldn't escape silver hell?
Well at least you're not Indian
>manager: "I think someone should create a file noting the release time of features"
>Me looking at the other programmers who have to constantly check git pushes because our manager who "is also" a programmer doesn't know how to do so.
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>team manager asking me once again to act as tard wrangler with new hires
>tell him that's not my job and direct him to upper management
If there's anything I hate more than babysitting retards is doing it for free.
They can fire me for all I care.
>I'll take care of it
>write a script that does it for you
>manager: wow, anon is doing a lot
Taking care of tard wrangling and doing shitty simple tasks that manager can't be arsed to do is the best thing you could to for your career
It's like you fucks WANT to be eeplaced by pajeets
The time has come. New job lined up, want to quit current place.
What do, Anon?
Leave for your vacation, then immediately give your notice
Tell them you are a tranny, hope for backslash and sue them.
US niggers, what are recruiters like over there? In the UK they are 75% fit girls and 25% chads/deanos kek. Usually went to uni and did criminology or something. I love talking to recruiters, usually a big confidence boost
Just a simple no thank you, don't let yourself get pushed around they'll need to hire someone new its not your job if you pick up any of that shit you'll be stuck with it so avoid it like the plague.
lel got my offer while on vacation, just got back this week, new job starts next week.
decisions, decisions.
I don't want the job I have anymore

I graduated a year ago and couldn't find work, began lying on every resume, used chatgpt to cater each of my resumes to the positions and all that shit still barely get anything back.

Now I have a fucking unpaid internship
Guy baited and switched me saying I'd do web development
instead I've been designing UI/UX for a month on a mobile app that is using AI / ML combined with AR to do a bunch of shit like finding needles in a haystack based on wherever the fuck the last guy found one.
I wanted to quit on day one.
My mom started crying saying I dont want to work hard or someshit
nah I just want some fucking money or at least work on something that'll become a real product to put on my resume.
but this shit is literally never going to exist. He doesn't have money to pay anyone, so he has less than half the money to train the AI he wants.
The team was 4 designers, 2 hr, and the indian ceo who keeps changing his mind on what he wants.
Today I learned he hired two more HR people
Then he hired more indians and women, some are both. I'm the only one who isn't one or both.
I wouldn't have a problem but the two indian girls on the team already do fucking nothing.
Then today he left me in charge of introducing these people to the app design
No one rose any concerns about the fact that this shits not going to be possible on the non existent budget.

I feel like if I wasnt doing this I could at least work on shit that I could sell to people.

what the fuck should I do guys.
do things ever get better
In US recruiters are typically 45 year old cat ladies or ethnicels who are trying to career maxx and think wearing a suite to work and having professional headshots on their LinkedIn means they are going somewhere in the big world of "tech recruiting"
they are the worst kind of people: normies
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Yes, they are fucking stupid. Companies think that the same guy that hires cashiers and warehouse workers should also be hiring for technical roles.
Coworker and I spent one hour drinking coffee and joking around with people from other departments, a salary well earned.
start looking for a new job asap
QA is a very cool department to work in provided your company actually makes something.
Shut up you stupid faggot ass nigger. If you know you know. Those two dudes were the worst.
Normies, usually retarded enough to buy literally any bullshit you sell them.
been looking the whole time.
Some anon told me once "If you aren't learning and you aren't earning, get out".
Leave immediately.
>had to move
>ate away over a week
>finally back to job searching
>so much shit
>so many staffing and recruiting posts
I'm filtering out so much shit. I'm hoping I can bag the current company I'm interviewing so I can be done with this humiliation ritual.
>I'm a fucking white man, we build this world with the power of our mind and I want some god damn respect
>I would roll over in bed, open my laptop, turn on stand up and listen for about 30 minutes then close it and go back to sleep
i would be one of the most successful members of my family if i made that much
my point is that my laziest efforts were worth a whole team of pajeets busting their ass dipshit
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I wish LinkedIn just had a "filter India" global filter. I dont want to see postings from Indians and I dont want to apply to jobs with Indian recruiters.
ceo is indian
we own you faggot bitch
currently sifting through and every time I see an Indian recruiter or poster I insta X the post. I'm not getting my information stolen or deal with that shit.
LinkedIn is absolutely worthless as a job board. Only use is for recruiters to contact you
Can any sysadmins tell me if they enjoy their job? Or if it is comfy?

I've only ever done software development but my masters degree has network administration tied into it. I would happily sneak my way into an admin position if it would be cozier than a dev role.
recruiter spam is starting to trickle in again, we're so fucking back
I have a feeling 2025 is gonna be insane
As a contract junior back end dev that takes forever to complete tickets, how do I ask for a pay increase. I make about 65k right now and I almost always do paid overtime to try and get my tickets completed. I'm complete new to the field and I fuck up often. Do you think it's smart to ask? How much should I ask for? They recently extended 6 months. I think I missed my chance to negotiate.
its comfyness really depends on the company. SMB with a boss and owner who listen and users are pretty cool is max comfy. SMB at a lawfirm and become everyone's bitch boy is maximum uncomfy. MSP where you are everyone's bitch for multiple companies and your own workplace is hell. Sysadmin tier at a large firm inside a silo can be grueling in terms of lack of stimulation can be the worst oddly.
the only way to get a real raise is to job hob
after 3 years of convincing people it's joever now the market will recover just as they finally fall for it
just as planned

>I am incompetent how to get a raise
you don't
>you don't
trick question you wouldn't get one anyways if you were competent, and even if you did, you bet your ass your company is scheming to replace you with someone that is "cheaper"
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Ok thanks anyways I sent the log files can you pass it along to Product Group, otherwise Ill need to escalate to your CSAM and give you a 1/5 survey.
have you ever had to work on a bullshit product
have you ever had to shill it
>escalate to your CSAM
bro, that doesn't mean what you think it does
If they are extending my contract then I at least want more money. I admit I'm slow since I'm still learning. Maybe it's because I am cheap. I know the other devs are making at least 80k.
other devs are better than you
what you want is irrelevant, the only reason you haven't been fired is probably because your manager wants more devs under him to increase numbers
Ok my CSAM whatever, point is some white chick from America who makes 5x the engineers pay is about to make his life hell
>you appeared in 8 searches this week
>top job titles of your searchers: school teacher, customer service specialist, business analyst
What? I only have one job on my profile and it’s a dev job that I’m employed in
I clicked a reddit link at work because I was looking up how to do something and that was the top result instead of stackexchange. am I gonna get fired?
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bro, I...
different anon I secured over $150k cash salary my second year out of WGU with my meme degree :)
Fuck that dumb bitch, be glad she left you if she was willing to leave you. Now you can focus more on hotter bitches and more skills and more money

Idk why guys get so upset about hoes, if you have a decent job, aren't fucking hideous, and have a modicum of social skills you can get a gf pretty easily
I see youve never worked with Microsoft before
fuck you for having one in the first place and complaining
I leave that to the CSAM experts

also do ur own startup
nigga you're the biggest faggot i've seen on here today
Ok redditsoy
Either git fucking gud or kill yourself already if your life is so le miserable.
power is still out and honestly i'm relieved. we long weekend now. we day drinking and reading by candlelight now. not one fucking scrum not ONE.
fuck you
Then where do I look? LinkedIn at least has postings from legit companies with logos and details.

Indeed is just text, and if your lucky, it might relate.

YCombinator is a shit show too.

Asking since I've been looking for something between tech support and dev and it's been harder to find anything decent nowadays.
OP, I want to change from dev to a cloud type job.

I have worked as a dev for about one and a half years. I worked in tech support engineer positions for 3 years.

Do you happen to know what certs would look good for AWS and Azure?
Get at least the second tier certs, don't even bother with the entry level ones
Don't share retarded opinions on the Internet if you don't want to get shat on for them, retard.
Thanks do you happen to know the names? Asking since I saw the azure fundamentals one but didn't know there are higher tier ones.
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Trump just doubled down on his statements to staple green cards to diplomas for all foreign students studying in the US
>We're getting even more jeets
might just kms

>inb4 not tech
it affects tech workers the most
holy shit if he does this I'm coming over there and voting red until I die
back to r eddit
How cucked will 5070 be?
That would be mega awesome. Why would you apply for H1B and wait for years? Just enroll in WGU, work your job in the meantime, and get a free green card 4 years later.
Please give me an advice
What to do if my previous work experience is... unimpressive at best? Or am I thinking that way because I already got familiar with it?
First job was a shitty low-code platform writing scripts in TypeScript for modal windows, text panels to do as scripted, no real/serious calculations was involved. I wasted like 2 years there.
Second job (current) is a little better, at least we have version control, databases, writing tests.
But most of the job is
A) Client company gives us their API for their payment gateway, and we just kinda bind it to our own via writing dlls
B) Client application identification, and again all the tasks I am getting are just shuffling png files here and there, they don't allow me to actually work with model that will learn on these files
Barely any architecture discussion until it's too late and we realize we can't do it our way. Absolutely no fancy technologies that are necessary in job descriptions (message brokers/microservices/monitoring frameworks)
Hell we don't even use asynchronous programming. I mean, we use it I guess, but it all comes to just slapping await in front of an async method and to call it. No threading, no deadlock issues, nothing that other employers actually want.
I do try to learn these things myself, but then again, do I just lie in the resume that I have experience with them?
I'm really fucking stuck, I do get interviews but I fail all of them because in every interview they ask something that I am hearing for the first time
kill yourselves
seething useless little junior
go whine about your betters taking "your" job because you couldn't be assed to do anything but jerk off for 80% of the day while remote
Indeed worked for me. Confirm the job on their company site and apply there. gl hf, wagmi.
Reminder that AI will eventually do 10 times more the work than anyone human could ever hope to achieve. Remember, you ain't gonna be competing against just yt, you'll also be competing against the logical conclusion of your line of thinking.
What the fucking fudge. I can't believe 60k is little money to you. T. $14k East Yuro software engineer and on top of everything, I have to live in this fucking shithole.
eventually the sun will explode, I don't care about eventuallys
bitches like you so scared of competition lost from the start
Consider moving to Western Europe, you would make more by flipping burgers. Not an exaggeration by the way.
>that pic
I know its a meme but
Whats a correct, decent efficient solution?
literally hitler is our only hope
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fast food workers make $60k salary in cali now by law. but you have to pay $3k month rent to not live in the ghetto so its all relative.
The only difference between me and you is that I didn't stutter lil bitch. WGU night owls make 6 figures, more will soon. We are intelligent. We will be your bosses and coworkers. You will seethe about it. You will mumble things under your breath about "real devs" with your gross, forward neck posture, mouthbreathing subhuman looking self. We will glance over and ask if you are ok, and then calmly tell you to get back to work before you get your ugly, fucked up face punched in. You will go home and write something about your life story that not a soul ever gave a fuck about or ever will on 4chan. Now get the fuck out of here you ugly ass mouthbreathing fuck.
any help desk slaves here
stop projecting, but keep coping, AGI is well within your life time
wgu shilling here again

yep totally worth it get a fake scam degree and no one will ever take 2 seconds to google your alma mater. if theres one thing that you want to do in this job market its take out loans for a scam school in a massively shrinking industry
The only difference between me and you is that I didn't stutter lil bitch. WGU night owls make 6 figures, more will soon. We are intelligent. We will be your bosses and coworkers. You will seethe about it. You will mumble things under your breath about "real devs" with your gross, forward neck posture, mouthbreathing subhuman looking self. We will glance over and ask if you are ok, and then calmly tell you to get back to work before you get your ugly, fucked up face punched in. You will go home and write something about your life story that not a soul ever gave a fuck about or ever will on 4chan. Now get the fuck out of here you ugly ass mouthbreathing fuck.
Horses for courses, really.
For really small projects, a static global instance can work fine.
For larger ones, I go for dependency injection, although from impression, it doesn't feel different to how service locator is presented there.
I've never used the service locator pattern.
New local instance for special cases, where you want an object with a very specific configuration (e.g. a JSON parser, that also does X, Y and Z).
>you deserve to get replaced and have your wages lowered in the country you were born in
>Sorry you actually don't deserve a job since ranjesh over here is willing to work for half your salary and live in a mud hut
This, I make 15k in eastern Europe, and I don't have a degree so it's all over for me. (No, there's no such thing as WGU in the EU.)
Living here is a humiliation ritual.
I feel like "don't go to a university that runs ads on tv" is obvious. Apparently this is actually ancestral WASP Old South knowledge, by all the 1st gen immigrants I know who "went" to something on the level of Full Sail/WGU
generally speaking "don't consume anything that advertises more than a little" is a good idea. there is a little bit of a legitimate "I didn't realize such a thing existed" benefit to ads but for the most part people advertise because they lose word of mouth customers at a higher rate than they gain them
I asked in the wrong thread and I’m sure you hate this question but should I bother learning to code in 2024 if I want to try to land a job in a year or two? Or is the whole market just fucked now. I need to decide if I should go into trades or not.
You should learn to code, but it won't get you a job.
Still, it's not that hard to learn, and it's absolutely everywhere so you should learn it just to better understand the world you live in.
Plus, who knows, you could end up making something worth selling.
>it won’t get you a job
I would never presume that basic knowledge of coding would get me even an entry level position. I assume I will have to network my way into anything. I’m just hoping there are still jobs available in a year or two or if I should invest more time in learning a trade.
Is anyone going to actually explain why shouldn't I go ahead and grab a "smart boy" certificate for *cheap* from WGU? Or are we all pretending to be ivy league trust fund kids here?
ugly freakazoids have an issue with it. They like to use the phrase "alma mater," and they put their pinky finger out when they drink a beverage. Their IQ is only 90 however Refer to >>102629520 to see his take on it
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This ultra-cucked jew rimming faggot turned out to be the biggest disappointment in political history. He did a complete 180 on everything he stood for. They really got him good.
is devops the cheatcode ?
>get paid more than software engineers
>write scripts even chatgpt can do
>glue together some terraform

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