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AB still impossible Edition

>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
A private tracker is a torrent website that provides the same functionality as a public tracker but is invite-only. Each member share common goals: collecting, preserving and discussing media.

>Have a question?
- FAQ https://archive.is/UVQkn
- WIKI https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers (backup: https://igwiki.lyci.de/wiki/Private_trackers)
- NEWFAG PYRAMID (Updating) https://inviteroute.github.io/graph or https://inviteroute.github.io/sheet/
- STUDY https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/2F379FE0CB50DF502F0075119FD3E060
- SPREADSHEET https://hdvinnie.github.io/Private-Trackers-Spreadsheet/
- TEN CURRY COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/dBbdE73M
- TEN NEON COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/Ud2pGYaE

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

>Remember the following:
>It doesn't matter if you use the same username in different trackers, the staff still share your IP with each other.
>Staff is reading, being /marked/ is NOT a meme, and even if it is, it isn't.
>Don't ask for invites, it's private for a reason.
>If starting out you should interview for RED, rank to elite, wait on account age and get invites from there. THAT'S IT THAT IS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO
>Bonus points are for hoarding, not for spending.
>When the website dies, you will be able to migrate your bp and buffer to animeZ

New podcast tracker if you care >>102555382
Letterboxd KG list is gone >>102562777
rtorrent has been updated >>102607371 >>102607413

Previous thread: >>102552821
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Just took a look at invitescene and asked for the price of a few private trackers. talked to a few users on discord about how long usually it takes for them to get banned
(it takes a while if you buy from the certified sellers, some apparently have deals with the website owners.)
Cabal invites are actually quite cheap. ranging from 45 to 300 euro for relevant, non epeen trackers.
I just don't understand you people. why would you ever grind for that shit when you can buy yourself in, download all the obscure shit that you need, and dip.
I never got why you were all giving away your most precious currency, time, to grind on those websites, run by braindead idiots incapable of coding for shit.
pirated tyrannies general.........
Because I don't want to spend 300 fucking euros to get tree banned someday. I got in all my trackers for free and my accounts are not at risk of someone getting in, snitching on my seller, and getting everyone they invited buttfucked.
I would buy if I was guaranteed I could keep my account, but that would not make these trackers very secure
>qbit 5.0.0 is out
>rtorrent 0.14 is out
What a great day
Sir I cannot afford an inviting. Please do the needful and give them for free. I'm saving for a toilet ....
Sadly, despite my previous message. i'm one of the idiots that gave my time away to climb the ladder.
Please do the needful though and give me a KG invite.
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i cannot do that
the last version of qbit wasn't even whitelisted everywhere, why did they release a new one so soon. there better be some good new stuff.
Any path to TVCUK? I'm on BTN, GGN, TVV, PTP, MS, and a few others but no recruitment that I could find.
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I'm running out of space frens
>Thanks to a 3rd party sponsoring development, and recent changes in my personal life, I've started actively developing rtorrent.

Nothing really exciting, but I'm glad to see it under active development again. I just hope updating docker containers isn't too much of a bitch.

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Whats unraid like?
You can just keep adding drives as the fill up yeah?
Might be the play for me, can't really do much with my current setup :S
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TrueNAS is better
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Can someone teach me how to rip Deezer, I only want to upload 3 albums to the pirate bay

Thanks in advance
Just use any of these. https://fmhy.net/audiopiracyguide#audio-ripping-sites
Cute child wife. Cute feet and toes
wheres the ADWeb group from? I got releases from avistaz but wonder if its home from another tracker?

I don't really need any more trackers at this point so nah.

Me grinding on RED at this point (to the extent i am still doing that) is just for the title.
>freetards are finally becoming bluepilled to how shit qSTALLEDtorrent is.
There's still no hope for them.
idk it's fun
My commit didn't make it in 5.0.0, despite being tagged as such. What gives?
Actual tech illiterate here. I upgraded qbittorrent and now search plugins don't work anymore. Is this normal? Downloaded the latest Python version to be sure.
>the last version of qbit wasn't even whitelisted everywhere
Where isn't whitelisted?
Nevermind it's fixed.
I look like this
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You fail once more Jia Tan
Open Signups:

Closing date: 2024/09/30-2024/10/01
BTSchool is a Chinese Private Tracker for HD Movies/TV/General Releases.

Closing: 2024/09/30-2024/10/08
1ptba is a Chinese Private Tracker for Movies/TV Releases.

Closing date: 2024/10/01-2024/10/03
HAIDAN is a Chinese Private Tracker for Movies/TV/General Releases.

Closing date: 2024/10/01-2024/10/07
CarPT is a Chinese Private Tracker for General Releases.

Closing: 2024/09/30-2024/10/07
HDFans is a Chinese Private Tracker for General Releases.

52pt is a Chinese Private Tracker for Movies/TV Releases.

KuFei is a Chinese Private Tracker for General Releases.

Kelu is a Chinese Private Tracker for XXX Releases.

ptzone is a New Chinese Private Tracker for General Releases.
Lol a guy got interested in joining GGn after i mentioned it.

I told them they needed to join RED first and linked to the prep site.

Then i got a reply asking me where to prepare for the interview..

Probably going to give up or fail the interview 3 times (most likely the former).
Any rtorrent command to save the session?
cool story bro
Are these any good?

probably all trash.
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Takes a few days to get immunity from that. Imagine losing your AB account because you were too retarded to upload there.
Being immune from inactivity pruning on AB is sure comfy. Hope you are immune from that yourself vin.
pirated trannies general
pear no feer niggers
>24 Hours Left for Special Donation Offers! (extended for 24 hours)
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>will be able to join AB in a month
Sir do you accept UPI for donation
fnp? constant donation begging kek
Guys I am going to make my first upload on RED

Good girl.
Not private anybody in the swarm can see what you are downloading and/or seeding.
You're a neon.
I got invited to RED and I automated Deezer uploads to get ETM in a few days. Then I joined PTP, BTN and HDB, something you could never do. I wouldn't have debased myself "interviewing" for RED yet I'm a member of trackers you couldn't dream to be a part of.

Long story short: stop namefagging you dumb retard.
red shill detected.
I'd kill myself without RED.
i already can download anything my small nigger dick wants from semi open sites as well as any streaming site including alac. plus a lot of music videos and mtv hd 1080i satrips. copeee shills reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
where do you get mvs from
>reddit spacing
go back with him

So what can i get on PTP, BTN and HDB besides TV/movie slop?
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How about cinema? Now I understand that to you le septième art pales in comparison to japanese cartoons for children and pedophiles, but most well adjusted like it better, which is why it's harder to get into than AB.
Name ONE thing that I can't get from nyaa
qbit 5.0 is real, updaaate!!
No, we have to wait a couple of days for the admins to pretend to look into the commits.
Did anything take over OT? I really, really miss it.

Also, is there any reason to try to get into the Invite Forum for GGn if I'm already in it for RED?

Fanx :3

I have not once seen a western movie that wasn't bad.

You get immunity from inactivity pruning at 1200+, that's the biggest perk.
List your 5 favourite books
5 favourite musicians
5 favourite little girl cartoons
5 favourite movie
Then post of a picture of your hairline with timestamp
I donated like 10 years ago so I'm already immune, I was just curious and I'm too lazy to do research on the Invite forum
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i can only answer to one of those questions... >.<
scenehd worth it? wondering if i should request invite
Bros... AB just pulled all of their invite threads and disabled user invites. Hope you got in because that Reddit post was right
Oh fuck, my bad guys
After I posted >>102622924 I checked and I couldn't find a single tracker worth using that didn't already add 4.6.7 to their whitelist
So I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about

Them doing that would probably be bad for their site.

But i could see them raising tje requirements to like elite + 200 GiB upload + 20 perfect flacs.
I think you're lying
it's been 19 hours since my post and 9 hours since your post. did you spend last day thinking about my post? give it a rest lil bro.
>that Reddit post was right
What reddit post are you talking about?
I can't get in to moe from nyaa...
deadpool 3 came out 9 houts ago and none of you post about it?
talk about fake friends...
vidya gaymes are for phags
it's a capeshit movie
>it's actually true
bros... is ab going to shutdown or something?
Thank you for telling me sir I just downloaded the movie from BLUTOPIA. My village will now have a movie night tonight!
maybe it's because I'm legend, but I can send invites with no issues
I love AB so much bros
I love BLU so much sirs
is it worth downloading 60GB 4K BD rips? or should I stick with the 10GB rips?
RED bros, my flac torrent didn't get autosnatched, wtf
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private means closed swarm here, in opposition to an open swarm (a public one)

It's pretty common for flacs not to get autosnatched. Most still get grabbed eventually.
Do you have a screen that will do it justice? Then it’s worth it
>is it worth downloading 60GB 4K BD rips? or should I stick with the 10GB rips?
Depends. If you want to archive them, get the best quality. If you want to just watch them and delete them, just get the x265 rips from HUNO or whatever.
Hi peaches, I blocked my seedbox from snatching your garbage
Google loves Temu and AliExpress.
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Why did they disable comments?

Do they think a bunch of thieves and criminals care if somebody says the N-word??
>Why did they disable comments?
probably because some red pilled bros got in there and told some truth bombs.
Can you use a debrid service with private trackers?
yes, it's actually encouraged because it acts like a seedbox so others enjoy good download speeds.
yeah, all good
I think you got lost on the way to chinkshit general
It feels really bad getting into this shit this late.
Even if you do everything properly you'll still have to wait 6 months at least for something like AB ( since you fags were already talking about it ) while most of the people online got their invite from /a/ or some weaboo forum a few years ago for free.

Yes this is sour grapes or whatever americans call it. I already have the requirements for PTP on OPS for example which I joined recently. Why the fuck do I have to wait 2 fucking years ?

It's probably not even going to be around in 2 years. This whole climbing the ladder shit is just waiting, and waiting is 0 fun.
I suspect you like collecting tracker more than you like watching movies/shows.
>Why did they disable comments?
Good lucking finding old foreign films without collecting private trackers.
I just joined emp when they had open registrations. It feels like the digital version of being a boomer.
Anime is the only thing worth watching though.
Cry more, zoomer bitch
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nta, but, mask off moment, never needed any private trackers and probably never will, I hope all your rarefagging gets "leaked" to public torrents
yes sir!! marvel makes best movies
I was specifically talking about collecting good private trackers. I'm in cabal + KG but most redditors, you included, would do just fine with BLU or (*throws up in my mouth a bit*) ANT
Some do, but they are all dead after a week :^)
You're specifically eating shit and backtracking nigger.
You sound like you don't have a PTP account
Pass the Privates.... please....
Holy reddit.
That's what I thought
Nice speech.
we are sneeching and leeding in here
Went to check CDs in the library for RED and got a free Kusuriya no Hitorigoto manga :D
Really enjoy clicking on the profile of one of the everpresent beggars ("not everyone can afford 1gb!") in the comments of a KG upload and seeing that they've been banned
nice man, you have manga in the library? was it japanese or translated?
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Something about this is so satisfying. Don't care about HDD lifespan, rape it all you want, just make the numbers go brrr for me
Incredible numbers for an indian
That wasn't the point, sorry you're too much of an underage zigroid to understand. :)
upload doesn't count unless it's cabal
>wooweee! another third-world fucks his ratio up by download garbage from my computer!
I'm far beyond /set4lyfe/ on every tracker I'm on but I just want to see my stats climb higher and higher
I've been set4life for 5+ years now, with total PT experience nearing 15 years, and the stats game still didn't get old hehe.
poo loo sirs
translated. there was a manga day last week or so and they were giving out mangas not much left though.
On what fucking world is SHITOPIA better than Anthelion ? It literally has a lesser catalog.
Both are garbage, both are enough for you people.
>megavirgin thinks that he's the only one on meme cabal trackers and that every other thing is beneath him for some reason
sir, i'm a gigavirgin, please be respectfull
They know something about quality. You would care if you weren’t a subhuman
you suck at the rpg or what?
too much work4u?
private tracks... but let's not actually 'track' our privates................
sir u are confused
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I love AB so much bros
I love BLU so much sirs

"nyaa has most of what you need"

Sure but it might be at like 20% of the bitrate AB is offering.

And you don't really need to worry about ratio on AB anyway since 1080p is freeleech. You just have to seed it for the minimum time.
I stopped using TIK ever since it changed to UNiT3D. I just don't like using sites with that, as much as I liked TIK. I've been finding all my movies on PTP and KG, but I wish the site would've moved to something else instead. Anyone else have a similar experience or do you guys actually like the new front-end?
BHD is the only good fork of poonited
I apologize.
Sir aryan geneseed here BLUE = QUALITA bebe ofc
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What's the fastest track to GGn?
Friend invite
Babe wake up, new fanservice on AB!
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I open up AB and coom in my pants
i know where that image is from....
They're all prompt generated
And? I cum so hard
Power user on RED or KG > GGn
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Shut up, peasant. TIK FOR LIFE
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I've joined Aither and I must say I'm really surprised how good it is. Lots of high quality releases (web-dls, remuxes), good retention, bonus-points-based economy and active forum.

At this point I'm not sure if pursuing higher-tier trackers would be worth it. I'm happy where I am.
No need to change something if you're happy. Enjoy!!!!
Get ANT while you are it, then
newcutie here and I have some quick questions
I'm looking to fill out my collection with some old anime and I've been thinking of joining BBT for that purpose.
From what I've gathered from their wiki all I need to do to avoid losing my account is just logging in once a year, yeah?
I only plan on downloading a handful of things and seeding them 24/7 on my NAS.
Also, is the route from BTT to AB feasible? I'm in no hurry, so I don't mind it even if takes me a year or so to get there.

bakaBT is dead end.

Fastest way to join AB is by first joining RED (if you are going to stick with official recruitment).
>From what I've gathered from their wiki all I need to do to avoid losing my account is just logging in once a year, yeah?
Yes, but I'm not sure about one year. Rules can be different on each tracker, usually 3 months.
Think I'll just join bakaBT to see what it's like and to figure out my setup before diving into RED and other trackers.
Something else I don't quite understand is if I should be using a VPN or not.
The gentoo wiki mentions some trackers prohibit its use and others allow it, while I've also read elsewhere that they're pretty much required?
I assume these people are mainly from stricter countries/ISPs but I also see them mentioning port-forwarding their VPN.
If I'm not using or not allowed to use a VPN, am I still supposed to port-forward?
Isn't BLU better than Aither sir ??
Their wiki said 11 months for account pruning due to inactivity, so I just rounded that up.
Is there a movie database that includes what resolution a film was originally released in?
Of course SAAAAAR
yea, imdb
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Technical data on IMDB often includes things like what type of film it was shot on or details on the cinematographic process for digital films. "Resolution it was originally released in" is kind of meaningless.
Shit & shill post. kys pleb
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RED has reached 2 million perfect flacs
2 milly bandcamp and deezer shit from people trying to get into PTP or BTN
Uuhhh no and I am about to upload something that is not deezer shit

RED chads keep winning
Your slop movie is on yts, enjoy
how kind of you to self-report, I would've never known as YTS is banned on every site I check
maybe you should think a little before trying to insult
It's been on PTP for more than 15 hours. I don't watch capeshit though.
Will I get isp notice if I torrent with starlink on private trackers?
>I don't watch capeshit though.
No one asked
I haven't joined a tracker in more than 6 months, everything feels empty. When MS recruitment?
>I don't watch capeshit though.
yeah sure. the next thing you will lie is that you poo in toilets? don't joke here
Shitty rips for shitty movies, remember to not use a vpn.
If it's on yts it means some other group released it already and you can watch it soon.
wtf are these trash replies
I was just commenting how the capeshit-releases anon was slipping up
last post >>102149024
I mean, he posts about this trash but not deadpool?
there must be something real bad going on in his life
The trash replies are all me, it is my god given right to call out people wasting bandwidth on hollywood slop. All the best to the indian anon.
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I have a folder I turned into a torrent. I mirrored that folder 1:1 to the seedbox (ftp not torrent), added the torrent and let it check. Once it was done checking integrity it was stuck at 99.7%. Confused by this I added my torrent to my local client, pointed it at the original folder and low and behold 99.7%.
How is it possible that a torrent I made myself on data that I manually verified is there on both the seedbox and my local machine is not found by the client? If it was only on the seedbox I would have written it off as an error while transmitting but this?
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It's possible but not probable.
Recreate it, you fucked up.
I did recreate it. First attempt it fucked up again (again 99.7% same files too), second attempt it somehow worked. Still no fucking idea what's going on.
Hey guys I can't log in to my WCD account, haven't used it for a few years anyone know what's up with that? The whole site seems to be down
They changed their name to FNP, and you’ll never get your account back
did cabal whitelisted qbit 5 yet?
i can't be bothered to check myself
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something changed the metadata, added new tags/accesstime/name/minor change
I love AB so much bros
what the fuck is wrong with audionews
>only tracker on earth recommending vuze
>use qbittorrent
>6 gorrillian TB downloaded
nothing personal kid
guess I just cheat to keep up with the phantom stats?
Why on Earth would you use a client that's spent nearly 20 years trying to figure out how to torrent and still hasn't gotten it right?
first for vintologi dot com needs to rope xirself and stop namefagging a dead thread with xir neon opinions
Glad we can all agree on something
I could do it in your mouth ;)
Is it normal for gigarapid to be so dogshit that even their larger offers can't handle 80 torrents of which all but 2 are inactive anyways without crashing every 5-15 minutes?
Look at the name on the gigarapid invoice, it’s a jeet scam. I used it for a month once and got max uptime of 8 hours over the entire 30 day period. Don’t ever give Indians your money
Ewww. My mouth is reserved for cutie asian women to piss in. I wouldn't let a smelly indian poo in it >:(
Get a toilet weirdo
Who did you switch to? I'm looking for someone accepting crypto that doesn't cost so much that I might as well just rent a 100TB server directly from OVH.
I used to run my shit at home but can't anymore. The vm was a literal 1C/2GB ram shitshow and it was still infinitely more stable than this bullshit.
I'm currently just doing things from home, I live in a country where nobody has ever been prosecuted for torrenting.
No idea about crypto but I've used feral and they are fine value for the smaller slots but it is a bit of a lottery on what the other people on your slot are doing. It's fast with good peering and stable, never had any problems with them.
Seehost.eu and hostingby.design are the other ones that people always recommend around here.
I've also used RapidSeedbox and they suck. The servers are fine but I think they are located in Hong Kong so peering is really poor and they seem to throttle the connection as well.
God fucking Hiroshimoot and his barely functioning filter. Let's see if this one gets through.
I'd still host from home too if my upload wasn't so shit. Used to have a better uplink but had to move. Anyways thanks anon I'm gonna check them out see which one looks best. Personally not too bothered about shared hosting tanking performance now and then as long as the client doesn't shit the bed every time someone on earth breaths in kek
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Question for the realdebrid guy, have you tried torbox? How does it compare to RD?
are there any macOS application trackers?
pirate brothers... please and do the needful and upload your sister's privates so I can put the seed inside..........
where's the best place to download western comics (preferably euro)?
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like if you are white
like where?
private raters... rate your trackers.........
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He couldn't believe how easy it was
He put the gun into his face
So much blood from such a tiny little hole
Problems do have solutions, you know
A lifetime of fucking things up fixed
In one determined flash
kek this guy definitely got banned after trying this. You have to understand nothing about debrid and nothing about privates to ask this question.
but it says it's allowed here >>102666708
why would they advertise a tier for private trackers if it wasn't allowed?
your post hurts me. You deserve no response. but I am a serial spoonfeeder. vpn doesnt matter, do it if you're paranoid, if you do do vpn you have to get one that allows port forward and then actually forward the port you use to torrent if you want someone to be able to download from you if you're ever the sole seeder (if you dont i will ra-). Regardless, make sure your torrent port is open or I will ra-

I like both hostnigby and seedhostewww from experience, but /r/seedboxes was always shilling ultra or something like that that seemed a good deal, never tried though.

if this is that one discord debrid operation that was posted about on here maybe 6 months ago then there were multiple problems to me from reading the website but hey I guess if some day it has half as maany people using it as RD and half of them are literate enough to watch decent things it might be cool? But popularity is always the most important factor for a debrid.

Would you give your passkey to every single person who uses the same debrid as you? I hope you wouldn't.
MOE = MyanOnymousE
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you have to come back and finish the equation
1 = yannymous ?
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Members fixated only on self preservation and what they can extract for themselves. you really disgust me as a person
Do spaces in filenames really still not work on windows
is that why most sites prefer using dots instead
looks comfy

it's annoying on linux too, as you need to escape the spaces
it's also just looks better
it's eunuchs (bash) that has trouble with spaces. windows handles them fine.
>it's annoying on linux too, as you need to escape the spaces
might be a skill issue on your end friend
most of my filenames have spaces in em still works like a charm
and you don't use the console? or you put the filename in quotation marks all the time?
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My sister got a cease and desist letter from her ISP. She crapped her pants and asked me about usenet and torrents. Well, picture related. I've always wanted to put that 100 mB/s to good use. I'll start her off with an entrylevel tracker like Demonoid where ratio isn't an issue and a public indexer like BTjunkie.
The usenet and private trackers can wait because she doesn't really want to pay up yet and I said I'd give her invites to everything when she gets a good ratio. (She hasn't used torrents before)
>open quote
>type in a few chars
>press tab
it just werks
Can stafftrannies start approving Qbit 5 faster?
I fucking hate when motherfuckers title tracks/episodes like "[gayniggas] Gigantic fucking show title - s1e01 blah blah" and I have to hit tab 5 times to select the right file. PLEASE title your shit "01 - title" you fucker I swear.
>bash cuck things
>01 - title
no i hate that
Nah, enthusiastic support is a red flag, I wasn't born yesterday. I also realized that it's probably not going to work once I thought about it a bit more. Still even without private trackers it's nice to have, mostly for stremio.
>contributing to a tracker is extracting for yourself
You are so brown it's unreal
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You give me the anger
You give me the nerve
Carry out my sentence
Well I get what I deserve

I'm just an effigy to be disgraced, to be defaced
Your need for me has been replaced
And if I can't have everything
Well, then, just give me a taste
Even when you zoomers are angry you do it in the most AIDS way possible
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So /g/, what happened to Gay Torrents?
Is U2 worth joining?

I mostly use AB for anime now but i have been thinking about also joining U2.

I have already joined too many sites where you cannot even get immunity from inactivity pruning. Can you get immunity from that on U2? do they offer stuff you cannot get from AB?
you cannot join U2 even if you wanted to

They stopped recruiting everywhere?
afaik yes, or maybe from some random chinese tracker.
but why do you even need it? do you know japanese? want to encode? it's full of BDMVs without subs

Oh then i don't need it.

Good to know.
I will teach her how to torrent ahahah :P
banned from BTN but only btn, waiting in IRC for a few days now. i'm one of those whiny reddit fucks about staff not being on irc ever.
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make sure to tell all your friends
Which tracker so I don't come here again shilling poo trackers and coping about trackers I can't join
Which Tracker is the best specifically for pre 2010 Indian movies that were less popular ?

I mean movies in languages like Hindi, Malayalam, Bengali, Tamil etc etc

For example :- I've been searching for a 2003 hindi movie named "Freaky Chakra". I've been unable to find that on any streaming platform, the public trackers obv don't have it and even the IPT, TL type places don't have a trace of it. Where do I find it and other films like that ? plus the torrents should have seeders too.

Which tracker a person specifically targeting all these indian language movies should aspire to be a member of ? I mean just from the perspective of Indian movies...
New Pachinko releases today lads, make sure to watch :)
Avistaz? But that movie is not there
I just got invited there. But isn't everything nyaa?
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I love AB so much bros

invite to desitorrent sirs?
*tipis fedora*
can't you just ask for your account back or did they stop allowing that?
What tracker is A!O, what does it offer?
And how did you get an invite for Moe?
Desi-torrents but I have no idea what the library is like. Indian movies on Avistaz are the category with the worst retention, because Indians don’t seed, it’s part of why they are banned
How do people download from IRC?
Until last year at least you could. You didn't even need to go to IRC, just press some buttons on the login page.
Anon's question makes no sense for non-digital films. Regarding digital, it still makes little sense but the answer is probably 4K.
>got a cease and desist letter
> I'll start her off with ...
>a public indexer like BTjunkie.
good that this is an old post.
and with a few exceptions the internet is shit today.
I guess we Indians don't seed our own stuffs, that's a sad reality....or maybe we just dont care for classic/less popular stuffs enough to keep it alive, it is very box office oriented here.
/ptg/ isn't dead it's just sleeping
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>karagarga connoisseurs be like I can't wait to watch this cinema
indians really do only watch capeshit
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>mfw have to go back to public trackers just to get the scans
>mfw nobody seeds on public trackers
When will AB give up on this part of their ruleset? What other regime changes would you like to see on AB?
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the scans are on vgmdb
but it's a stupid rule
They should ban Anime and so should Hiroshimoot
You're right. Hidden behind a login wall. Any script that allows me to automate all of these to my existing library? I got picard.
okay hotcakes

yes login is needed. idk about a script.
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He gave up a lot of specific information here, might be enough to figure out who it is.

Often RED has the same torrent with higher quality scan/cover.
But RED has no buffer. So I stopped uising it.
Doesn't he know AB is impossible?
I helped a reddit fag get into OPS, but at least he did it himself lol
AB is easy. I'm on it multiple times.
Vintologi24 has given away a lot of information
Closing in on his position now. Let's just say in 12 hours the planet will be -1 namefag


Easy to get upload there.
bring back the KG list on letterboxd
We've all watched this already. What we really want to watch is the Houellebecq one.
Anybody know what's up with TheEmpire? No recruitment threads on any of my trackers
Unironically why is this lost media?
saars please stop ddosing torrentleech
that's just all the indians rushing in
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what is that
I don't think it was ever released. Houellebecq threatened to sue them if they did, and they chickened out.
I've been using RED for several years to download only mp3.
It looks like a cult to me, all those perfect flac, log, cue, whatever. Still don't even know that that all means.
DMing people and sucking them off in hopes for an invite is cringe
Man I would gladly trade my LG status on GGn for the equivalent on AB...
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come on, be the 112th Legend
Legendary Gamer would be more Torrent Master
you'd need at least Master Gamer or Gaming God to be equivalent to an AB Legend
AB uploading rules confuse and scare me sometimes though. Also, I don't know how to upload stuff to series, like if a LN gets released of an anime, how do I add that to the same page? There's no add format button....
just match the series' title
copypaste the title and the upload will be added to the series' page
either way, the editors forum thread will help
and don't worry, you won't get banned for no reason, I've had uploads deleted several times for rules I misread, they just explain the issue
>and don't worry, you won't get banned for no reason, I've had uploads deleted several times for rules I misread, they just explain the issue
thank you anonchama this soothes my heart...

Using RED to download mp3 is like using a 4090 to play pacman.

They were ignoring my advice too which was annoying.

People like that tends to get banned eventually.
>Redditors are even more retarded than our resident namefag
how dumb do you really have to be to beg for invites
I went from nothing to all trackers in less than 2 years, only official invites, made friends but only for chatting, no trading
AB was the most painful, 3 whole months of waiting, but I got the reqs as soon as PTP started recruiting so that was lucky
Wtf my second torrent didn't get auto snatched on RED. I hope someone will eventually download them
your best bet is to spend your tokens on very popular artists and wait for freeloads
I have 50 personally ripped and dear-to-me FLAC uploads and only 4 of them were autosnatched
I don't really want to download things I don't need. I have enough space but still it doesn't feel right I guess I will continue polishing and then uploading my library

No need for that really.

Just download whatever and upload stuff.
still not whitelisted
What's a point of updooooting?
is there a consolidated place to check inactivity rules?
what? why?
i want to see what they are for cgpeers before i apply
that's literally the only thing: let us have the extras. AB is my go to for grabbing something to watch but the last place I'd look for something to archive. Gotta hit up nyaa, bakabt, even fucking random blogs or burning RED buffer just to get the full release with the stuff someone who likes the thing wants.

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