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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

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$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

/g/'s Wiki on GNU/Linux:

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Previous thread: >>102607476
>no replies
dead general
2025 is the year bros
has anyone used btrfs for raid 1(mirror) or raid 10? is it better than zfs or is zfs safer to use? i dont think the infamous write hole bug applied to either raid1 or raid10 right?
Does anyone know what the state of 3d/graphics acceleration support is on windows guests within linux through qemu without passthrough? I just want basic 3d acceleration support, not playing heavy games or anything. I have an nvidia GPU
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raid1 and raid10 are fine to use, the write hole issue (which is only theoretical by the way, it's really hard to consistently pull it off) is only with raid5 and raid6.
what do you need the 3d accel for? the best you can do is install mesa-dist-win and use software rendering the same way linux guests do
for playing vns mostly
what is the point of stuff like virtio/virgl if only software rendering is supported?
what's the best way to create a windows boot usb on linux?
Virgl still requires a guest driver and so far that only exists for Linux.
Virtio works with Windows after you install the drivers but it's just display output only.

TLDR; To get accelerated output in a VM you need a driver and nobody has written one for Windows yet. If you were trying to make this work on a Linux guest then you'd have a much better time but even then it's not that great. I think you over estimate just how good Virgl is, it's not the best, even playing VNs is probably too much for it.

Just buy a cheap secondary GPU to passthrough and you'll have a much better time.
if you have an intel cpu skylake or newer, the only other thing you can try is that method of sharing part of your igpu to the vm using igvtg or something like that, theres an archwiki article on it. i've never properly tried it though
there might be an amd eqivalent as well or something else in this list
okay thanks for the info, i guess the situation is basically hopeless lol.
>dont have an igpu
>buy a secondary -> i have a 4090 and theres no room to use the second pcie slot

good times
>theres no room to use the second pcie slot
You could buy a cheap $5 riser cable
i dont have a big case and its just an ugly solution. i have an older amd card but it wont fit, i wouldnt even be able to get a power cable to it. id need to get a smaller really thin maybe fanless gpu that has no extra power connector

i am reading that virtual box has dx11 support im going to try that
i'm not sure if the old amd card will work properly with gpu passthrough or if itll cause issues in the first place
you might as well just buy one of those minipcs on ebay and just use that
if its display/input you dont want to bother with, you can do sunshine + moonlight to stream over network
I'm on Arch and trying to install Obsidian.
It's only available as an app image rather than on pacman. I can click the app image and it works, but I don't want to have to locate an executable to run shit, so I want it so if I type "obsidian" in the terminal it starts. Same for the kde-plasma Startmenu.
I can add the app image location to $PATH but that would still require me calling it with ".appimage" and force me to use a shorter name.
How would you anons do this?
I got a problem with wine
my PC complains about vulkan when I run stuff
"MESA-INTEL: warning: Ivy Bridge Vulkan support is incomplete"
but using steam proton with "PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1" makes it work fine
so I'm pretty sure it's wine that's using vulkan and fucking it up
but I have no idea how to disable it
I've tried searching but all I get is "it's off by default"
Compile from source
the retard way or the "correct" way?
retard way: make a shell script called "obsidian" that just launches the app image, put it on your path. Make a .desktop file that calls the shell script that you expose to your start menu like all your other start menu programs do (yes, they all do this.)
the "correct" way?
AppImageLauncher or something.
Run your WINE programs through Lutris, very convenient per-program configuration menus that enable you to do shit like this without command line args.
use a .desktop file, point the path to the appimage, put it in ~/.local/share/applications
also it's available as a flatpak, you could just use that instead
p = ps aux | grep
thanks, but I don't want an external program, I already have steam to do that
I want to fix my wine so that I can run it from the terminal no issues
>thanks I want to do it the retard hard way
ok have fun with that, can't wait to see your thread in 2 weeks screeching about how shit linux is.
how very friendly
maybe you're the pissy boy screeching in this thread
>I've tried searching but all I get is "it's off by default"
It should be, Wine doesn't even ship with DXVK. But you can run winecfg and check the libraries tab, it should be empty with a default Wine setup. If there are entries like d3d9 (native) then delete those and Wine will go back to using its built-in implementation.
Thanks, appimagelauncher is perfect for my use case.
it is completely empty
I can find "winevulkan.dll" and "vulkan-1.dll" on completely new wineprefixes
I'm running stock debian 12 that comes with wayland
symlink the appimage to ~/.local/bin/obsidian and add ~/.local/bin to your $PATH
try winetricks renderer=gl
didn't work, but it with renderer=gdi !!!
still spams the MESA vulkan error but fuck it
many, many thanks!
weird, but if it works for you, good.
Is CentOS still reccomended for server distros?
Do I actually need to install wine or will heroic/lutris take care of it?
when i download a torrent, despite my cpu usage being tiny, and my memory usage being small, my computer freezes and stutters horribly. any ideas why this might be and how i could improve it?
Nvm, Lutris actually recommends installing wine on its own so I'll do that.
If not cpu usage or memory, it's your hard drive being too slow. Stuttering can happen with an SSD too.
I meant CentOS Stream
I can't believe Mint has gone further to flatshit
Flatpaks? More like Pogpaks!
Love those lil guys
Stream is some weird RHEL testing ground. The successor to the original CentOS is Rocky.
Question: In Linux, how do I overwrite a partition with a partition in a HDD image file? Said image file contains multiple partitions.

Answer (probably):
1. Look at the layout: "fdisk -lu hdd.img"
2. Say that the starting block of the partition I want is 618496 where sector size is 512 bytes. Use a block size in dd which is a divisor of starting byte offset so it isn't slow.
3. Either extract it to a separate file or write it to the partition you want to overwrite: "dd if=hdd.img of=hdd.part.img bs=1236992 skip=256".
4. dd if=hdd.part.img of=/dev/sdXn bs=1M # block size can be whatever which isn't slow here I think

dd shows GB as larger than GiB, so it defined GiB based on 1024 and GB based on 1000.

Non-answer. I was thinking about ZFS. Due to licensing, it can't be part of the Linux kernel, but are there liveboot install ISOs of GNU/Linux which contain zfsutils-linux (+depends) preinstalled? Useful for a situation in which there is no Internet access for a long time and your OS explodes, or just for peace of mind, don't have to explain why I want such redundancy.
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Step 2.5 or 3.5: use "fdisk -l ..." to see that "hdd.part.img" and "/dev/sdXn" are the same size.

But what is "1M" defined as in dd?:
>M=1024*1024 [which is 1,048,576]
MB is the based on 1000. (Likely the same with G/GB, etc.)

Devuan logo.
>Devuan is a fork of the Debian Linux distribution that uses sysvinit, runit or OpenRC instead of systemd
Looks like that distro has a liveboot ISO.

>>no replies
>dead general
(You are obviously joking.) In the past, I was involved in some 4chan generals that were "bumpfests" or had few active members. One was certainly shittier than the other, by some metrics. The non-shitty one was pretty great, but I kinda wish that more anons were involved (never happened as far as I saw).
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Ventoy and WoeUSB are the easiest ways.
You could also make one manually like you can on Macs. Bit finnicky to make but it'll work.
This is a bit confusing:

Relevant partitions both have 60,444,568 sectors (each 512 bytes):
>$ sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda
>[...]Device Start End Sectors Size Type[...]
>/dev/sda2 618496 61063063 60444568 28.8G Linux filesystem
>$ sudo fdisk -l hdd.img
>[...]Device Start End Sectors Size Type
>hdd.img1 618496 61063063 60444568 28.8G Linux filesystem
Size of each one = 60444568 * 512 = 30,947,618,816 bytes.

Here's the weird part - the size of extracted hdd.img1 is larger than that:
>$ stat hdd.part.img
>[...] Size: 30951866368
30,951,866,368 bytes is larger than
30,947,618,816 bytes.

Not going to be able to easily dd one to the other due to a different size. I guess the conclusion here is that if you created a HDD image, then there is some data after the end of the last partition. 4,247,552 bytes in this case. Therefore, amendment to step 2.5/3.5: if they aren't the same, use the truncate command on file "hdd.part.img" until they are. The highlight here is this:
>there is some data after the end of the last partition in a HDD
I think this is true. I never knew this, odd. (When researching this, chat-gpt.org/chat gave bad advice: said to use dd with bs=512, which would have taken way longer than the divisor number thing described above.)
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why can't I find id_rsa in my .ssh folder?

is there a way to check if ssh-keygen is storing my keys somewhere that isn't default? clearly it's stored somewhere since it says the key already exists.
it's in your home folder, dummy
when it asks for the filename, you gotta write the absolute path, the "mynewkey" was relative so it's in the folder you ran it
Why hate systemd
Something is wrong here. Why do I see at signs instead of the normal contents of root ("/")?

Mounted a partition in a .img file (loopback device=/dev/loop8, mountpoint=/mnt/lp8/); in /mnt/lp8 I see:

What it should look like - mounted a partition in a different .img file as a loop back device; in "/mnt/lp9/" I see:

(.img files = complete HDD images.) ML slop said:
>It seems like the partition in the first .img file may have been corrupted or not mounted correctly. The presence of "@" signs instead of normal directory contents is a sign of potential corruption or incorrect mounting. You may need to re-mount the partition or investigate further to determine the issue.
The HDD isn't corrupted, I ran ddrescue on it and it showed no errors. (However, some of the data on it was possibly replaced with binary zeros.) Possible solution: give up on what I was trying to do and do something way different.

>p = ps aux | grep
What's the difference between "ps aux" and "ps -ef"? Answer ("man ps"):
>To see every process on the system using standard syntax:
> ps -e # ps -ef # ps -eF # ps -ely
>To see every process on the system using BSD syntax:
> ps ax # ps axu
I have some python scripts I want to run from a terminal(SSH'd host) without halting the terminal while it runs, is the proper way to do it by
>python3 "file/path" &
Or is there some better way?
That will run it in the background but close once you close that terminal or ssh connection. Run
>python3 "file/path" & disown
to run it as a background process in that computer and not attached to any terminal. Or install GNU screen:
>$ screen # start screen
>$ # run whatever
>ctrl+ad = detach screen, and whatever is running in screen will keep running
>$ screen -r # resume screen, meaning that you put it in "fullscreen mode"
Main reason is paranoia and also the fact that it was basically forced.
It's funny when people use the fact that systemd is so widely used as evidence of how good it must be, when in actuality it's because the developers made systemd a hard dependency of vital system components that basically forced everyone to adopt it whether they wanted it or not.

And for the record that exact same tactic got one of their developers literally banned by Linus Torvalds himself from contributing to the Linux kernel, because Torvald's wasn't going to put up with that shit.

As for the paranoia, I don't think it's unreasonable actually. Linux is basically the backbone of servers on the whole internet, supercomputing, and scientific computing in general.
Anyone who doesn't think the US military/NSA/CIA/FBI don't have MASSIVE incentive to backdoor Linux is a fool.
And there's 1 thing we can all be sure of... IF those organizations were going to backdoor Linux the most likely way to do it would be in software produced/maintained by a corporation that is on the military payroll (just as redhat is), the software WOULD be forcefully injected into the open source community (just as systemd was), and it would be so complex that even kernel developers call it "too complex to understand" (also true for systemd).

So it basically checks all the boxes for being THE place you would expect to find backdoors. Whether it actually has them or not, I cannot say. But it's quite reasonable to be suspicious.
Holy autism, it was just a shitpost. I'm not autistic enough to read this.
NTA, but more like "I'm too braindead to read this short interesting post. Time for me to go back to watching TikTok and using Discord."
Feels good man, finally installed gentoo on a ssd for dual booting.

Started a week ago strugling to install it on a VM now i've finally got it installed with Gnome.
Next comes the rice :3
How to program in Linux for Windows?
One of these days I'm going to learn that questions smaller than 10 words are almost never actually questions, and they're made by people who just want to assert their own view and have 0 actual discussion about it.
I should know better by now but I keep forgetting. Might have to put a sticky note on my monitor to remind me.
I was joking for the (You)s, I actually read it.
>when in actuality it's because the developers made systemd a hard dependency of vital system components that basically forced everyone to adopt it
Is this necessarily a bad thing? You need some form of centralisation to make Linux work for the desktop.
>Anyone who doesn't think the US military/NSA/CIA/FBI don't have MASSIVE incentive to backdoor Linux is a fool.
If they want to get you, they will. Dunno if planting a backdoor in an open source code would be that beneficial, how long would it even last? Could you seriously get any high priority targets with it?
>it would be so complex that even kernel developers call it "too complex to understand" (also true for systemd).
Isn't this true for basically any software past a certain point?
I tried to do the RSS thing for youtube but I end up missing stuff and I dont want to do an account somewhere else.
Is there an app just for Youtube that I can watch videos, keep track of what I watched and track all uploads of chosen channels?
I saw some videos that Hamas posted and they show their computers running windows. Worrying about back doors is probably pointless, just dont connect to the internet if its a problem for you
>that Hamas posted and they show their computers running windows.
We need a fatwa against windows, it's totally haram.
how do i check boot time in openRC?
>Dunno if planting a backdoor in an open source code would be that beneficial, how long would it even last? Could you seriously get any high priority targets with it?
Well yeah, if everyone is using it. And honestly they target fucking everything.
For those organizations there is no such thing as a target priority low enough to not be worth infiltrating. They want data. They want data on every person in the world, which is why they made facebook (literally months after their proposal to create a database of every US citizen was rejected by congress).
And the "deep web" (not to be mistaken for the "dark web") which is just the parts of the internet that cannot be accessed openly, makes up the vast majority of data on the internet. Of course they want to sink their glowy teeth in it.
>running Windows instead of their own HamasOS like best korea does it
Finally got my arch build script to properly install Nvidia drivers with Wayland and not have it be a huge dumpster fire on first boot.
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Which compositor should I use? Currently on sway, but looks like sway is out of fashion these days.
What are you a woman looking at a fashion magazine?
Isn't this all the ricing all about? Wasting time... on new compositors. Why do you think there are so many and they are so popular?
Wall clock. If you cared about boot time you wouldn't be using it anyway.
>developers made systemd a hard dependency
Actually it's because everyone saw what a good idea systemd .socket units were and decided they wanted to support that. The only project that went full retard demanding systemd for no reason was udev, and it got forked before most people even noticed.
>So it basically checks all the boxes for being THE place you would expect to find backdoors
Except any 80 IQ autist can go over systemd and see there are no backdoors because it doesn't do anything that can't be explained to a 10 year old. It just does a lot of it. The place security services typically put backdoors is crypto, because it's legitimately hard to understand and non-experts treat it like a black box. NSA and NIST have been caught poisoning methods and projects on several occasions.
I dunno, been using kde on my desktop and dwm on my laptop since 9/11. You do you I guess
>fortunately we have very talented people such as Faith (formerly Jason) working on it
Do Linux devs really?
Bro watch some of the Linux foundation lectures. There's always a couple of trannys in the crowd or somehow involved in the presentation
Which distro has the most straight men and least trannies?
I don't think it's proportional to the distro or even Linux. I just think a lot of nerds troon out when they watch too much anime
RedHat. 90% of the desktop install base is thirdies chasing that sweet outsourced help desk money.
What's with the 100dpi fonts? I was trying to use a bitmap with freetype and in the Xft part I put pixelsize=12 but it's matching one that's huge.. and so I look and it's the 100dpi version which is called '12' but has a pixelsize of 17 when I open it in fontforge. The 75dpi one is 12 pixelsize as expected. I would expect if I specifically say 'pixelsize' instead of 'size' I'd get the right size.
Hey anons.
Basically, I have lots of shell scripts
The ones that are not inside my local bin, I copied them all into a folder called shell_scripts.
Next, I made all the scripts executable than added an export path line of the directory to my bashrc.
The problem is, I still can't run the scripts from anywhere. Just from the shell_scripts folder itself.
Is my best bet just to move these hundreds of scripts into the local bin folder?
Forgot to mention I ran: source .bashrc afterwards and all that.
And the export line was:
export PATH="$HOME/shell_scripts:$PATH"
has anyone experimented with luks nuke pass works


kinda want to set my shit to something generic like password but worried my roommate will nuke my drive ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ
When my CPU is under load (Coompiling software, loading games etc) the system audio starts to crackle and pop. Ever heard of this before? Any idea what causes this?
>Arch lts kernal
>AMD 5600G
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I'd like to keep an external USB drive physically connected, but powered only whenever I need it. Is there a way to make it start up only when it's needed?
Do externals not work the same as they do on Windows? On Windows, externals go to sleep after not being used for a while then wake back up when you wanna access them (which can make the PC freeze up for like 5 seconds as it does wake up.)
shitty mainboard
Pretty sure I use thing
ASUS tuf-gaming B550 W/ Wifi
is that a shitty mainboard?
Without diving into the interwebs to find reports about this one, it doesn't look like it.
It only happening during load hints to interference, but this thing claims it's shielded.
Sound chip had problems but those are from years ago, your kernel should be new enough.
Besides checking mainboard updates the only advice I can give is plugging it out and in again (your speakers/headphones)
>Linus is Swedish
We can't stop taking W after W
It's motherboard
both terms are used, and even more for the same thing.
Something keeps happening in a game I'm playing where it's closing and making Steam quit too. How do I find out what's up? I'm on Arch and using KDE
can't install mono or gecko from winehq, checksum error or some such, sad back to windows it is.
chill penguin ngl
Have you tried running steam from a terminal?
Oh good idea, thanks
How do I merge two text files? Imagine I do `diff fileA and fileB`. I want to have, preserving the original order, all the lines that start with `>` or `<` and all the lines that don't appear in the output.
If you want a handholdy graphical way of doing it I like kompare.
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So when it quits, the terminal quits too. I did a search online and found advice to use a debugging tool like gdb. So I used gdb....and that quit too. Something is up
my poop looked like this once
Is there a convension for what screen size and resolution I should look for in a laptop if I want to avoid fractional scaling?
>>102634913 (Me)
Forgot to say there are no changed lines at all.

I need something that can be run many times without thinking. The reason is I have some program (I suspect emacs, but I don't know for sure) that keeps truncating my infinite .bash_history, and I need a way to restore it from snapshots without losing entries before I get to fix the problem.
IIRC around 150DPI for 100% scale and 300DPI for 200% scale.
What does dmesg say? Could be an OOM.
I've always liked Meld as a diff program
Are all the lines in one file supposed to be above or below all the lines in the other file? Because if so you could just append it with sed or something
How are you running it though? Usually if you launch the terminal itself with the command specified, or if you launch it from a .desktop shortcut or something, then it will quit when the program quits.
Did you try launching the terminal all by itself, and then manually typing "steam" in that terminal window to launch it?

If that's how you did it and the terminal itself still closes when steam does then that would be highly unusual. I've never seen that.
Normally the new .bash_history has a section in common with the old one, followed by a bunch of new entries. So in theory I could do something like `cat old <(diff old new | grep '^> ' | sed 's/^> //')`. But I was hoping for something more robust and general. It would be a pretty useful tool to have to aggregate log files.
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>install ubuntu 22
>overwrite (just format) old ubuntu 24 partition
>boots into some shit called initramfs
what mean
Were you perchance still using the old parition's bootloader?
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Can't connect to my VPS with my file browser since this morning, pic related.
journalctl doesn't show anything out of the blue save for a gorrillion login attempts by an IP address in Shenzhen and this message when I try to connect with my file browser:

Oct 01 08:13:19 <hostname> sshd[21046]: Connection closed by authenticating user <thatsme> <myIpAddress> port <somePortIdidntSpecify> [preauth]

I guess the file browser is not accessing on the right port?

Also what's up with the IRC, wanted to join but there's no #sqt on rizon? Do I join libera.chat then?
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Shit, that makes the laptop(s) I was eying up a lot less appealing. (The new AMD vivobooks, ~242 PPI for the 14 inch one and ~236 for the 16 inch one)
I haven't used Linux in a few years, I'm assuming scaling is still the same mess it used to be in both Gnome and KDE?
Both in terms of scaling being uniform across the system and the higher power demand.
I've been using kde with 125% scaling and it's been fine. I've heard gnome is worse but that might be outdated
I used the old bootloader but it's on a separate patrition. I think. I set the /boot to a different smaller partition (in both installs)
You mean all programs, no matter if xorg/wayland, distro/flatpak, qt/gtk3/gtk4/other looked well? That wasn't my experience running KDE at 150% last month. Blurry fonts and apps that ignored scaling everywhere.
wut? he's a Finn.
Haven't come across an app that ignored scaling yet, but there can be some blurriness yes. Not a large enough amount to seriously bother me though.
Rightful Swedish clay, they're just wayward.
What's the point of hi-DPI if you have to put up with blurry lines and fonts?
You don't have to put up with that. They have something configured incorrectly.
Just get something high dpi enough to use 200% scaling
150% is fine, it's what I use. The reason it's blurry is because they ever have the shitty XWayland scaling turned on (turn it off, you'll lose scaling in non-HiDPI aware apps but there's workarounds for that).
That's a little over two weeks, how is it going?
>shitty XWayland scaling
Probably on purpose to make xorg look bad and force devs to switch to wayland.
>there's workarounds for that
Don't tell anybody or they'll patch them.
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Oh dear, so it's exactly as I remember it being.
So IF I get a laptop where I CAN'T avoid fractional scaling, what's the modern meta for best results?
By best results I mean both in terms of how it looks as well as minimal impact on performance, because I remember 10 years ago being shocked by how much performance was necessary for fractional scaling on two monitors on Plasma.
(Though admittedly with shit hardware even for the time)
Is there a difference between Gnome and Plasma in that regard?
Oh, that might be the reason why my laptop looks fine. XWayland system scaling is turned off. Seems to be the default in KDE
Just don't buy laptops with a resolution higher than 1200p. I don't get how this is a problem.
It's on by default to upscale non-HiDPI aware apps but it absolutely butchers everything else. You're better off turning off the scaling since toolkits like GTK3+ and Qt5+ can upscale themselves.

For the odd non-HiDPI aware apps you either put up with it or run a second instance of XWayland or a nested compositor, etc.
Just delete everything manually and start all over. Don't trust the installer to overwrite/format anything, it's afraid and will tell you it has done so when it hasn't. You have to delete:
>all partitions you don't need
>all EFI entries you don't need (use efibootmgr from any liveUSB)
Also if you're dual booting Windows look into its /EFI partition and delete everything Linux-related. Some distros like to put EFI files there. Then reboot Windows a couple of times to make sure it doesn't re-create them.
Once everything is clean, reinstall again.
run it from the tty
it'd be funny for it to shutdown the whole computer
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Anything with a GUI that is better than balena etcher that doesn't try connect to the internet?
Ideally something that properly labels the flash volume unlike dd.
Etcher tries to connect to 4 different data collection domains.
Ah, yes, seems so indeed. Thanks!
Can't you dd and (re)label it after?
If you're very interested you can use hdparm or hd-idle to tune it, but if you actually measure the energy the drives consume when idle/asleep you might be surprised.
Use KDE's aptly named "isoimagewriter" It does the job without any crap.

Or you could just use dd in the terminal instead of GUI trash.
i want to switch so bad but I just cant. PDF support (annotations and signing) and office documents support are so bad on Linux. :(
No. I don't want to label it.
Etcher labels it correctly.
For example archlinux-2024.10.01-x86_64.iso becomes "ARCH_202410" so I know exactly what it is when I plug the stick in.
dd is outdated trash.
I want it as easy, quick, and reliable as etcher without any effort.
sudo ip netns add jail
sudo ip netns exec jail /usr/bin/pajetcher
I use opensnitch firewall. It blocks all connections I don't click allow on.
That doesn't mean I'm going to continue using something that tries to do this shit.
Can I physically unplug my liveboot medium and keep the live OS working completely fine for as long as the computer is powered on? If not, is there a way to put everything into memory so I can? (I was unable to remount the root partition "/" without rebooting in a non-live OS, even after trying various things/times.)

I'm using a liveboot of Lubuntu version 22 or 24 on a USB flash drive. I know it basically all runs in RAM, but I'm not sure about that. When I was using a liveboot of Lubuntu 14 on a CD, and I ejected it, the live OS system basically broke, requiring a reboot to do anything useful.

I've heard that Finns are Genghis Khan-type mongoloids, drinking mare milk in the bath house and such.
Freetube is a good option
There are some errors, but it works if you donā€™t want to use the invidious instances.
Freetube connects directly to youtube services if you don't use invidious through it.
Connecting directly to youtube defeats the fucking point.
Try these?
Where is the setting for the last selected SDDM session stored?
The one for X11 or wayland.
I want to set the default or last selected by bash script.
Figured it out if anyone is interested.
sed -i 's/^DisplayServer=.*/DisplayServer=x11/' /mnt/usr/lib/sddm/sddm.conf.d/default.conf
I feel I should have known of it, the flathub search function is shit.
But thats probably just me being an idiot
>have arch installed
>arch is slow to update now
>want to move to cachyos
>dont want to do fresh install
Can i install cachyos in a vm and then copy everything over the arch install and reboot in to cachy?
All my data and /home are on other drives completely, so it would just be the system files
I may be stupid, what is OP picrel?
>>102636755 (checked)
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Generic shitposting, no info on CachyOS specifically: define everything.
>list of installed packages
You can attempt to compose a list of installed packages and offer those to the new system. But it's very likely not all packages are named the same across distrobutions.
idk about others but to me this is least relevant when migrating. I just install my favorite desktop environment and then there comes most of the system anyway: graphics stack and audio crap with their hundreds of dependencies. /blog
If all your modifications are drop-ins*, go ahead drop those in and see if anything fails.
If not, do more manual work.

(*systemd is great with drop ins)
Is there a better QT/KDE app?
do network namespaces work with rootless podman instead of having to use the slirp4netns default?
Found it. KDiff3.
Everything gnome is so dumb. Why do people even use gnome shit?
my understanding is that centos stream is basically debian testing but for rhel while fedora rawhide would be more or less debian sid or experimental
are you using BTRFS?
eudev is on life support and both artix and gentoo default to systemd-udev
It's more accurate to say Gentoo has lost interest in maintaining a duplication of effort when Eudev was just an older version of Systemd Udev anyway.

If Systemd Udev can be built independently of the rest of Systemd then it makes sense to not waste effort maintaining the same thing twice.
They do not. You need root to set them up, you need root to enter them, etc, it'd be a security issue if any old user could use them without privileges.

Just run it as root with host networking or a bridge and stop being afraid of the security people worrying about imaginary bugs and exploits which don't exist.
What you can do though is set them up as root and then do something like:
sudo ip netns exec my-namespace sudo -u USER -- podman run --net=host blahblah
>centos stream is basically debian testing
>fedora rawhide would be more or less debian sid or experimental
Only if "debian" in this case means Fedora, not RHEL.
Is it possible to create the netns as root and then pass ownership of it to the user?
systemd-udev still has the monolithic problem and also no musl support unless that's changed recently
That's effectively what >>102637507 does. You can't make network changes without root but you can run an unprivileged process inside of it once its set up.

You could make a script to set it up and although the user to run it with sudo via sudoers rules if you needed to.
There's still no Musl support but the patchset required for that is small. From Gentoo's perspective it's easier to maintain a small patchset than an entire fork.

As for being a monolith, nothing changes here. It's the same as Eudev, just newer and maintained better.
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Whats the general consensus on X11 vs Wayland? Should I even bother with Wayland or keep using X11?
use x11 if you have a nvidia gpu, if x11 works fine you have no reason to switch really and you will probably have to replace half of the gui apps you're using, but if you have a new system its nice to set it up with wayland especially if you have a higher res screen
>>102638269 (me)
>use x11 if you have a nvidia gpu
desu despite saying this wayland works completely fine on my gtx1060, im not really sure its as big of an issue as people make it i just havent bothered switching to on my desktop yet
I recommend Wayland if you
1. Use KDE because features are no longer added to the X11 session.
2. Need a special feature like fractional scaling.
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Why does Ubuntu have so many retarded useless fonts? They clog any software font selection.
why do you still use Ubuntu anon? do you enjoy having snap packages shoved down your urethra?
That neither matter unless you're doing something special.
I've got an (admittedly old) gaymen laptop with a GTX 980M and wayland was totally unusable for me IF I was using the official drivers. I switched to nouveau drivers and it works with those, but you lose some other features (for my uses it's good enough though). Newer gpus probably get much better support obviously.
I am happy with my Linux setup. Now what?
Play vidya.
Whatever you do don't go into the desktop screenshot cult threads.
Because unlike other distributions, Ubuntu actually has proper localisation support out-of-the-box. You can correctly render almost any language instead of seeing square boxes.

Maybe you don't care about languages other than English but it's definitely something others do.
What are the best free antivirus and firewalls for Linux?
Use it to browse 4chan
ClamAV and OpenSnitch
where should I do my xinput set props?
does it work if i do it before "exec <my_wm>" in sxrc?
It just works and I avoid snaps.
Just for firewalling purposes or something with GUI and alarm bells and such?
If you just want your system to not respond to probes:
you don't have a choice in that, anon. Ubuntu chooses snaps for you. apt packages redirect to them and about half the base distro is a snap.
Spoken like someone who's never used OpenSnitch, and don't know just blocking ports is not enough.
>and don't know just blocking ports is not enough
I got this covered: I'm not running malware, I think.
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OpenSnitch with filter by Destination IP works like the old ZoneAlarm did, you have to approve EVERY single connection.
You can also make permanent rules for stuff you use frequently.
This shit protects you from all unwanted telemetry too.
Just don't run malware retard.
Here's an example of OpenSnitch rules for steam proton/wine.
This beautiful regex I made covers every version of proton and every safe valve server and connection.
#From this executable:

#To this host:

#To this IP / Network

Likewise you can make block rules for things like playfabapi and azure to permanently dodge telemetry in games without having to click deny every time.
>paying for malware
ebpf abusers are mentally ill
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You don't have to use ebpf with opensnitch, it's just way faster and better is all.
There is something wrong with my Linux install, it boots and just as it loads it powers off my pc

Send halp pla
1. Boot into a live usb stick
2. Mount the partitions on the live usb stick
3. chroot into the mounted partitions
4. Run journalctl and dmesg in the chroot to see logs
5. Fix problems in the logs
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I installed Morrowind using Lutris and I need a few mods for the game. What's the most grounded way to install them? I don't want to bloat my system with mod managers, can't I just copy the mod files to some game folder and call it a day?
I don't know where to ask this question, /tesg/ is plagued with coomers and stopped being helpful long time ago.
I think the problem is I have two bootloaders in /efi on is for the live cd whish is set to default and the other one is the one I need.

I can I delete the one I don't need?
I just lost brain cells reading this.
>I installed Morrowind using Lutris
>What's the most grounded way to install them?
I don't see why you can't just copy mods into whatever folder. Steam Tinker Launcher will set up shit like Mod manager and whatever for you I guess.

openmw has this? https://modding-openmw.com/

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I made this mistake.

It installed one using the the live cd because I forgot to add an entry in etc/portage/package.use/systemd-boot

sys-apps/systemd boot

I did what the guide said and added it then reinstalled the kernel. But it won't boot, I booted in to the live cd to check things and there are two entries in there as I said.
1. yes, raid1/10 is fine, the write hole refers to an issue specific to how raid5/6 works, and is technically not a bug in btrfs, but rather just how raid5/6 works and requires going out of your way to work around it (as far as i know, zfs is the /only/ raid5/6 implementation that does)
2. hitting the write hole at all requires exceptional (bad) luck, to trigger it, you need to have a power loss or crash, while writing, and for a disc to fail before scrubbing after said power loss/crash
also, data loss is expected from a power loss/crash in any filesystem, namely anything being written at the time will naturally not be completed, what makes the write hole different here is that said incomplete write doesn't get noticed by the filesystem. normally in journalled filesystems, incomplete writes from a power loss/crash are not committed to the filesystem, the write hole lets one slip through
i wouldn't say the write hole is even the main reason not to use raid5/6 with btrfs, for me it's the terribly inefficient scrubs, they're way, way, way slower than they should be
I have two bootloaders in /efi on is for the live cd
I use GOG version of the game, it's not Steam or OpenMW. I don't know if Steam will allow me to use its mod organizer for games installed from other sources, but worth to try I guess.
Just thought someone here also played Morrowind on Linux and installed mods just by dropping them in a certain folder, so you guys could share how well it went.
# modprobe nbd
# qemu-nbd -f raw -c /dev/nbd0 hdd.img
# cp /dev/nbd0p9 /dev/sdz9
# qemu-nbd -d /dev/nbd0
# rmmod nbd
I saw a fix for this somewhere but can't remeber where

Something to do with drm, you need to edit a file.
just use openmw donā€™t even bother with vanilla. it has mod organizer-like functionality built in plus a million other advantages
yeah the standard isn't is to set the modeset in the kernel, and rebuild initramfs with early loading nvidia modules(including DRM).
was working for me until i let it go into sleep mode without preparing the kernel and nvidia for it. now it loads to black screen even from a direct binary launch lol.
I run Debian ""Stable"" on a 2020 gayming laptop and lately I started having problems with suspend/resume not working.
It leaves me stuck on a black screen, sometimes with errors or warnings about my wifi drivers, but I don't know if that's related to the issue.
It happens often but not always, maybe 30/40% of the time. I have to force shutdown manually.
Any advice on what I could try? I tried looking through some logs and googling but I dind't find much.
Just realized it has a native Linux client, lol. Looks promising, thanks.
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openmw is in a really good place now and the game is totally playable. the other anon linked https://modding-openmw.com which has guides and various modlists.
the i heart vanilla and i heart vanilla dc lists are a good starting point if itā€™s your first time playing and you just want a slightly better vanilla experience.
>Posting two years old FUD

Almost none of that is true, worse, it tries to frame security as a bad thing.
>Why wouldn't you want to make it easy for keyloggers? After all X11 let's everything spy on you, Wayland should too, otherwise it's hurting usability!
I played Morrowind long time ago, but I've never used OpenMW. I need only HD textures, sharpened text and maybe a few other vanilla-like graphic enhancers, shouldn't be too hard to find them.
Download latest stable from kernel.org and compile your own.
OpenMW is a modern re-implementation of the game engine. It works very well. It's completely native (no Proton or Wine needed, etc).
The problem is that Freetards seemingly are incapably of having SANE DEFAULT CONFIGURATIONS.
X11 is insane for allowing everything
Wayland is insane for allowing nothing

>Captcha: 4XG4Y
I guess you can't just be fucking normal, you faggots.
>Wayland is insane for allowing nothing
The Wayland model is policy not mechanism, i.e "You can do everything but require granting permissions first. The compositor is in charge, not you".

Most applications do not require the ability to steal all input or capture your entire screen, these are edge-cases and as such it does not make sense to expose this to all applications by default. You need to follow the proper policy and use the XDG Portal or Wlroots protocols and only then can you do the privileged task you seek to accomplish.
There's bigger concerns if you have a foreign unknown keylogger running on your system in the first place than whether or not it works properly
Is wayland supposed to be a replacement for x11 or supposed to be a super schizo locked down secure sandboxed desktop so that they can open unknown discord links more safely?
I was gonna write something witty, but >>102640507 beat me to it
Wayland is supposed to be a modern display server. It's an alternative to X11 not a replacement. If it were a replacement then we wouldn't need XWayland for running legacy applications.
>It's an alternative to X11 not a replacement

Every time a corpo offered to implement something new in X11, the WAYLAND NIGGERS came out of the fucking woodwork TO TELL THE CORPORATION TO NOT BOTHER BECAUSE WAYLAND WILL DO IT SOON ANYWAYS.

Where are their patches? Post code or GTFO. Should their code (which doesn't exist) get rejected, there is absolutely nothing preventing Nvidia from forking Xorg to maintain an nvidia-xorg server.
>It's an alternative to X11 not a replacement.
It's always being advertised as a replacement with the intention of dropping x11 when it's no longer needed unless they plan on creating some kind of neo-x11 thing through xwayland so that people can still run a 100% x11 desktop if they need to for whatever reason
>a modern display server
The devs are obsessed with locking down security especially keylogger paranoia for some reason more than it being a modern display server, didnt a certain eceleb make a few videos about the amount of "discussion" they had over fucking icons in the titlebar? that's borderline insanity, a feature that is normal on every other desktop became months long discussion on wayland...
It's a replacement in the sense that it's an alternative display server but Wayland is not Xorg. It never has been and never will be.
>Where are their patches?
There are NONE because they didn't start implementing, they were talking to Xorg at that time when wayland devs told them to not bother, and nvidia (which is a corporation that runs on money and not on donations like floss) backed out.
And it's supposed to be the Wayland developers fault that they backed out of writing any code?

Nobody is stopping them from developing Xorg.
It has been advertised as the thing everyone will need to eventually switch to, which also means it needs to support the features users need from x11 such as global hotkeys which was also another very controversial feature
And it does support them, just not in the way X11 does. Wayland is not X11, you can have features like global shortcuts but you need to follow the policy that's in place to do that, you either speak to the portal responsible for that or fuck off.
Wayland was a mistake, but so was X11.
I'm thinking about turning off XWayland for security :^)
Have you hardened your desktop to the point where a simple GUI program can't just do something like this?
echo "export LD_PRELOAD=hide.these.two.lines.so" >> .profile
echo "alias sudo=install_keylogger_and_sudo" >> .profile

If so, props to you.

Otherwise, nobody is bothering with X APIs to log keys when it's trivial to get root and get them straight from /dev/event/. Speaking of which, you didn't put your user in the "input" group, right?
Bro, nVidia has more money than God and they're the only company that cares about Xorg AT ALL. They need to make XorgNv, not complain IBM won't maintain shit only nVidia uses for free.

The lengths nJudea fans will go to make excuses for their pet GPU vendor are beyond belief.
They won't. Why? Because Nvidia is supporting Wayland too now. Xorg is dead. The Nvidia drivers may be shit right now because they're playing catch-up but they will get better over time.

They're not going to waste time developing for X11, not unless they have some big client with deep pockets that's asking them to do so.
He's ethnically Swedish and raised within the Swedish minority in Finland. He speaks Swedish with his children and his Finnish is worse than his English.
Explains why his daughter is a whore
I'm not familiar with Linus's daughter. Is she good looking?
No, don't look her up.
My Arch Linux bash install script is now nearly 2000 lines, or 72kb.
holy mother of bloat
If you have a "simple gui program" doing things like that in the first place you have more things to be worrying about than whether or not it can write to the file
Maybe just stop running random gui programs from the internet and use your package manager instead?
It's not bloat, it just has really good options.
echo "Choose an option:"
echo "1. Install Arch Linux"
echo "2. Re-install root partition only"
echo "3. Re-install boot loader (/efi GRUB)"
echo "4. Restore Snapshot"
echo "5. Mount & chroot"
echo "6. Change encryption password"
echo "7. Replace encryption key file"
echo "8. Add new encrypted disk"
echo "9. Edit config again"
echo "0. Exit"
>just copy paste your random bash scripts to this site that isnt open sourced or can be self hosted we wont steal your code for our ai we swear
No one cares about your script anon, i'm sure there are plenty of people out there who have made a script of their own.
You've done something wrong, your script shouldnt be that long
OpenMW as the fastest and easiest thing I've ever done to make morrowind run seamlessly, outside of that you can must make a bottle for the game in wine and do it that way.
The thing they did wrong was trying to do all of >>102641540 THAT in one script.

You should have separate scripts for each task
No, it's an all in one script, and it's great. Much code is shared across options. It's nice and clean too. And best of all, all of it is tested and fully working.
How the fuck do I archive a flathub "image" or whatever format it is? I want the entire program to be fully installable without an internet connection. I want to archive this because they are taking Ryujinx down:
Either way none of those tasks should require no more than 5-10 lines of code each
And half of those arent install options either or have nothing to do with installing
I mean he's free to waste his time on writing that mess if he wants to i guess
Post it.
I'm on Mint, recommend me a good timer app, I'm surprized that the OS didn't come with one.
I will, just not today.
I'm hoping it will help more gamers move to Arch Linux.
I don't want a github microsoft account though.
Could I run a liveboot of Linux like this: all of the common/read-only data is stored in a network mount, call it "/livenet/" and everything requiring read-write or elevated permissions is stored in memory in a ramdisk? Surely I could do something like this so that a liveboot runs entirely in RAM with no need for keeping the USB stick plugged in. Will probably do some searches on this.

chat-gpt.org/chat said the following:
>While it is technically possible to run a live OS entirely in memory, it is not recommended as it can be quite complex and may require significant technical expertise. In most cases, when you physically unplug the liveboot medium (such as a USB flash drive or CD), the live OS will cease to function properly and may crash. \\ If you want to achieve a similar result without physically unplugging the liveboot medium, one workaround could be to copy the contents of the liveboot medium to a separate storage device and then boot from that device. This way, you can remove the original liveboot medium without affecting the live OS. \\ Additionally, some Linux distributions offer the option to create a persistent live USB, which allows you to save changes and settings to the USB drive itself. This could potentially allow you to remove the liveboot medium without causing the live OS to break, but it may not work in all cases. \\ Ultimately, the best way to ensure that the live OS continues to function properly is to keep the liveboot medium inserted while using the system. If you need to make changes or access the root partition, it may be necessary to reboot into a non-live OS to do so.
=crap which pretty much boils down to "no".

Literally just install Alpine Linux, it runs in RAM by default and it's not complicated at all. ChatGPT is full of shit.
Alpine does not run in ram by default when you install it to disk, only the livecd does the same way every other livecd does.
It depends which install option you choose. It used to default to RAM only and you have to use lbu to commit changes but maybe they've changed that now?
>run a liveboot of linux and unplug the usb
Solution (reboot needed):

>Alpine Linux...
Interesting. Sounds similar to Slax Linux. So I could use a liveboot of Alpine Linux.
>ChatGPT is full of shit.
I thought so in this case (and perhaps my question somewhat lent itself to being answered as "there's no way").
Mullvad runs their servers by remote loading VPN servers into ram disks to prevent any kind of server seizing any data at all.
Thanks but holy fucking mental illness, I don't want a USB drive, I just want a fucking file
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I just found out Parted magic is not free!
Where do I get one?
it gives you several options, i dont remember what the default is if you just mindlessly press enter, i think it just doesnt do anything and assumes you want a livecd without any persistency
i recommend simple walking remastered and normalmaps for everything.
you can do a lot to improve the look of the game just by replacing the default walk animation and adding normal maps.
momw camera improves third person and adds some headbobbing which can make things feel more alive and less like youā€™re floating through the world.

have fun. modding morrowind is the only thing i enjoy more than playing morrowind.
Back in the days when live images used optical media, it was common to have a 'copy to ram' directive so it wouldn't lock up the optical drive. You can hack this on to most live images pretty trivially even if their boot scripts don't support it like >>102642139
>chat-gpt.org/chat said the following:
This is the absolute most braindead, fuckwitted, goycattle way to use chatbots. It's bad and you should feel bad. Never do that again.
I had to do this with neovim recently on OpenSUSE Leap 15.6.
For some reason, nvim 0.10.0 isn't available to install using zypper (the package manager for Leap), so I downloaded the neovim 0.10.* appimage instead and now I'm using that.
I installed the appimage and then I moved it to /usr/local/bin/nvim so now I don't have to hit ./nvim.appimage anymore, I can just type nvim file.c or whatever. This added nvim to my $PATH and overrode the previous installation (0.9.5) that I had of it too and now I can run it globally on my system.
>the livecd [runs in ram] the same way every other livecd does.
This is misleading though. I know from experience that not all live CDs work exclusively in RAM. Yes they do their operations in ram, but if you try opening a program you never opened before in the live session after ejecting the CD, it won't work. So a livecd uses the cd as program storage where the programs are not in ram and won't work without the cd. (I am interested in a situation where the liveboot loads every single thing into ram or gets it from a network mount.)

All livecds run in ram, but some require the cd to not be ejected in order to access certain data.

>bad and you should feel bad. Never do that again.
I realize that that website is spying on me more than doing a DDG search, but I had the tab open so I submitted >>102636201 (top 3 lines of the post text) as the question; the response was not great. Search engine info was better in this case. Also had a not-so-great response here >>102631042 but the response set me on the right track by making me remember or think of something obvious.
>This is misleading though.
Some of them do that but they will also have an option called copytoram which will be 100% loaded into ram
If it's not an option in the bootloader you can just add it yourself to the cmdline args in the bootloader and it should work 99% of the time.
The point isn't that it's spying on you, it's that you're using it for conclusions instead of primary source discovery. Chat bots are just search with extra context for terms that are basically unsearchable in isolation. You still have to interpret the primary source yourself because bots have no concept of meaning.
It's just a directory, don't be confused by the create-usb naming. You can even pack it up into an archive if you want to.
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decided to build second PC from spare parts I had collecting dust
>RTX 2060 (shitty 6GB version)
>Intel I5 7600k
>Kingston 2x8gb 2400 MHz ram sticks(that's the max on motherboard)
>might dig up some old laptop HDDs and mount some brackets for them if I am not lazy
currently waiting for 1TB SSD and 550W PSU to arrive, what Distro should I use if I want to emulate games up to PS2 and some light gaymin?
tried Debian, Ubuntu and Mint over the years.
Thank you, I just tried going through with this too using the official guide.
However, it looks like this only included the x64 version, while there's an arm version available too. Is there a way to include that too?
Then consider shutting your pie hole when adults are talking. Imbecile.
i dont know but openRC is comfy as fuck
>Except any 80 IQ autist can go over systemd and see there are no backdoors because it doesn't do anything that can't be explained to a 10 year old
yet, they managed to use it to load their backdoor in the xz library and you wouldn't have found it by going over the systemd code because it never was there.
so with valve's changes does this mean we'll have better microarchitecture support on arch? is cachyos on suicide watch?
Obsolete, complex format that almost nobody uses. Basically same as crypto. If you're concerned with security you'd be harshly policing your code exposure and it never would've been an issue.
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I just added cachyos' repos to my regular arch and pacman -Syu'd.
It's been over a month and nothing has broken, yet.
Go to your favorite BitTorrent tracker and search for "Parted Magic".
It was just an example showing how easy it's to get root no matter if you're running under Wayland or XWayland. Ditching X because of security is pretty fucking retarded if you haven't addressed that first.
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So when will Debian start delivering WoW64 WINE packages? Alternatively any packaged version of WINE 9.x with WoW64. https://lists.debian.org/debian-wine/2024/01/msg00010.html
I don't have 32 bit libraries on my system, just threw this guy's build on /opt and that was enough to get 2hu running perfectly fine. https://github.com/Kron4ek/Wine-Builds/releases
I did have to install dxvk, otherwise it runs extremely slow.
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You have projects like the kernel, mesa drivers and pipewire that are agnostic.

You have KDE and DE's that are agnostic. Is that what it is really, just an agnostic future since nobody can decide what package manager and what distro is the best?

Will the year of the linux desktop ever come?
mesa, pipewire, and desktops aren't even specific to linux
what issues do you have?
In which directory should I download source code to? I'm installing dwm.
Never mind, I remembered search engines exist.
Is compiling in one's home directory and then moving the source tree to /usr/local/src a good practice? I read that you aren't supposed to compile as root or something.
(Previous thread had some post about smooth scrolling.) By default in Brave Browser installed by https://brave.com/linux/ I think smooth scrolling is disabled. You can only scroll by ~4.0-em increments. I kinda wish I could scroll at smaller increments.

>Possible solution: give up on what I was trying to do and do something way different.
I gave up. Funny story with that: the last thing this 32-GB PNY USB 3.2.1 FD [flash drive, SerialNumber=032964696503] did before becoming inoperable was install Lubuntu to the internal HDD. I did >>102642139's linked solution with " --- toram noprompt" and it looked like it worked. I wanted to entirely load the liveboot (which ran on a usb flash drive at /dev/sdb) into ram so I could replace /dev/sdb with an Arch Linux ISO. Didn't have to worry about breaking the live session when running "sudo wget https://example.com/arch.iso -O /dev/sdb" since I did that. However I decided against that risky method. It was risky because /dev/sda (internal HDD) didn't have a working OS in it. So I wanted to reinstall Lubuntu to /dev/sda then boot into it then replace /dev/sdb with an Arch ISO. I did that, but couldn't because /dev/sdb basically no longer works at all. That flash drive shows up as
>sdc 8:32 1 0B 0 disk [shows no partitions]
in lsblk. And as this in dmesg:
usb 1-1.1: new high-speed USB device number 7 using ehci-pci
usb 1-1.1: New USB device found, idVendor=154b, idProduct=1008, bcdDevice= 2.00
usb 1-1.1: New USB device strings: Mfr=2, Product=3, SerialNumber=4
usb 1-1.1: Product: USB 3.2.1 FD
usb 1-1.1: Manufacturer: PNY
usb 1-1.1: SerialNumber: 032964696503
usb-storage 1-1.1:1.0: USB Mass Storage device detected
scsi host2: usb-storage 1-1.1:1.0
scsi 2:0:0:0: Direct-Access PNY USB 3.2.1 FD 0000 PQ: 0 ANSI: 4
sd 2:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 0
sd 2:0:0:0: [sdc] Media removed, stopped polling
sd 2:0:0:0: [sdc] Attached SCSI removable disk
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112 KB JPG
So that USB flash drive is "dead" now. Didn't really lose anything, also didn't really see any sign that this would happen. More proof:
>$ sudo xxd /dev/sdc
>xxd: /dev/sdc: No medium found
>$ # That's a different error compared this:
>$ sudo xxd /dev/sdz
>xxd: /dev/sdz: No such file or directory
>$ # sdz doesn't show up in lsblk, and sdc does.

Some synced/replaced things after reinstalling Lubuntu with ext4 and not btrfs this time:
>$ rsync -a --info=progress2 /mnt/lp1/@home/user/snap/brave/current/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/ ~/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/
>$ sudo rsync -a --info=progress2 "/mnt/lp1/@/usr/lib/cgi-bin/" "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/"
>$ sudo rsync -a --info=progress2 "/mnt/lp1/@/var/www/" "/var/www/"
>$ sudo rsync -a --info=progress2 "/mnt/lp1/@/etc/apache2/" "/etc/apache2/"
>$ sudo rsync -a --info=progress2 "/mnt/lp1/@/usr/lib/apache2/" "/usr/lib/apache2/"

Had to sync four Apache things + do other crap: bit annoying. /usr/lib/apache2/ not synced = missing something, can't start. /usr/lib/apache2/ is synced = too many things, can't run:
>AH00534: apache2: Configuration error: More than one MPM loaded.
So run
>$ sudo a2dismod mpm_event mpm_prefork mpm_worker # fixed it
Image: 4chan's 21st birthday. Reminds me that I haven't drank alcohol in weeks.
Nvm, I'll just do it anyway.
Dump the binaries wherever you want and delete the source. We got the internet nowadays nigga
Goes to black on kde launch after going into sleep. I think there's a state file somewhere that got saved and it's trying to reload it
i'm quitting this website if my posts keep getting eaten.
i ain't writing all that shit again. suck my dick moot.
I've now started self-hosting from Linux Mint on a laptop. Without a virtual machine. Feels good man.

After reading dozens of you need to use Debian, you need dockers, you need a virtual machine, you don't need a gui and your house will go ablaze if you host on a laptop posts on google.
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213 KB PNG
*did that, but couldn't do the other thing because /dev/sdb basically no longer works at all [sdb and sdc refer to that flash drive in that post]

>By default in Brave Browser installed by https://brave.com/linux/ I think smooth scrolling is disabled. You can only scroll by ~4.0-em increments. I kinda wish I could scroll at smaller increments.
With short webpages, I can scroll at ~1-pixel increments. With this thread (a tall page), I can only scroll at 4.0-em increments. Enabling Smooth Scrolling at brave://flags/#smooth then relaunching seemed to do nothing. I think Konsole has a thing where you can do fine scrolling or regular scrolling when you have a tall terminal tab (one with many lines). Brave/Chrome seems to have no such thing. Whatever, doesn't really matter. I was kinda screwing around with this anyways. Delete all posts ITT by running this in web dev tools console:
>r=document.getElementsByClassName("replyContainer");var i=0;while(i<r.length){r[i].innerHTML="";i+=1}
Before "deleting" all posts ITT: could only scroll by ~30px increments. After: can scroll by ~1px increments (picrel). (I don't have a middle mouse button.)

Is there any hope for that PNY USB 3.2.1 flash drive? fdisk can't do anything with it; a post:
>Most of the times the "No medium found" error which is same as "No media" label shown on some GUIs means that the hdd is damaged. I tried to "repair" such disks once, I followed every guide I found on the web, I used several OS but nothing could be done...
It was a good pony, but sadly it is now dead and in <s>Equestrian heaven</s> e-waste hell.

Why did you lose your text? Tab unwantedly refreshed while using mobile?

Which web server are you running? What are you hosting (type of site/whatever)? Read-only hosting, or not?
you can install it in pacman once you enable the "extra" repo
Just a lamp stack. With one wordpress affiliate website (with around 20k visitors a month), one wordpress business site and my static personal website.
I am not actively working on those sites, but I dont like the idea of hosting companies being able to take my sites down.

I'm considering installing nextcloud next weekend as an alternative to google drive for non-sensitive things.
Anyone has experience with Linux tablets, or tablets running Linux?
>Why did you lose your text?
Some shit that's been happening lately where I click "post", the quick reply window disappears, and the post never appears. I've seen other anons complaining about it too, it's something fucked up server side. Happens when making threads too.
This seems to happen less if you use the form at the top of the page in my experience. As that form doesnt just disappear.
Based security ignoramus
a few months ago when i installed gentoo, i went with wow64 wine to try to avoid building a ton of 32bit stuff, but it wasn't usable for me
I'm not even sure they need a classical backdoor per se because a large complex piece of software is just going to have bugs and issues naturally and some of these will be exploitable.

How many CVEs has something like OpenRC had? Off the top of my head one because of a symlink traversal issue in opentmpfiles because people decided to be clever and replace systemd-tmpfiles functionality with a shell script. Gentoo uses systemd-tmpfiles from Systemd directly now instead. Great, now the security flaw is gone but it can delete your home folder instead:

Two steps forward, one step back
I think you'd have to install it first. There may be a way to just pull the entire OS Tree repo but I'm not sure how.
CachyOS will keep existing as the ricers distro of choice. Arch is not going to start doing things like PGO of tons of packages, at least not until its proven and doesn't hurt reproducible builds (not sure how much Arch cares about that but they used to be a part of it)

New thread:
(I'm not removing " " which would have been fewer keystrokes than writing this sentence)
Ah, 4chan automatically removes that character U+2192

like how you can post emojis and certain other Unicode characters.
What are you talking about? Did you just want me to add "new thread" to the post?
*can't post

3rd post in quick succession (was using this website hours ago too though) = "Verification not required."
When there's three links in succession I'd say most anons would be able to think it's a new thread link.
How do I do code markup? Is that possible here?
[ code ] test [ / code ] = basic

Is there something like this?:
[ code type="bash" ] test [ / code ]

I vaguely remember reading something on that. In markdown I think it's
True, but I remember previous threads marking it as "new thread". We must not abandon our tradition. Just kidding, don't super care. But I think it could make these threads more searchable or interpretable or readable.
Well anon just for you when I make a new thread next I'll add "new thread" to it as well.
There's nothing to influence the Syntax highlighting. I remember some anon had a user script for that so you could do something like:

declare -a faggots=(You)

And their user script would replace the 4Chan syntax highlighting with something else
on page 11 now

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