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Previous thread: >>102588285
Kate is kool
What's linux version of VHD/VHDx
i am not friendly, fuck you
what's a good laptop for linux

not an ancient stinkpad I want 32 gigs of ram 2tb storage 16+ core CPU... I got big plans. Also must be 13 inch screen or less. Does this even exist?
Where to get SteamOS Iso?
Or I better of with bazzite?
Basically anything made by Lenovo, Dell or HP. They're companies that've certified their laptops to run Ubuntu, so any Linux.
If it's for a desktop then Bazzite or something else. If it's for an actual handheld then there's holoiso and another one that's a fork of that (I can't remember its name right now)
HP! I always forget about that one
Just get any half decent AMD laptop with one of their HX CPUs. Those have 8 cores / 16 threads as an option (not sure if you can find a laptop CPU with 16 actual cores and 32 threads like their desktop CPUs.).

The only real thing to watch out for is the Wireless. As long as it's not Broadcom or Realtek it probably has good Linux compatibility.
.qcow or .img, qcow preferred
you will need qemu-tools or qemu-utils, dont remember the right name
I just did some more research since I don't know a lot about laptop CPUs nowadays. Apparently the 7945HX has 16 cores and 32 threads so that's what you'd want to look for.
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Based linux
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Damn this MS-DOS jargon. It's a 'raw image' of the so called disk drive and you can name it whatever you like.
There's no snapshotting or any features but the file is simple: it is a one to one image so it's a no brainer to pick partitions case you want to locally mount them.
desktop linux sucks
Debian 12 or Ubuntu 24.04 for my VPS?
All operating systems suck
you're just parroting what that guy said, you're an NPC
Are their laptops still shit?
Already installing it, using Debian 12 for my Desktop, 11 for my Laptop and used 10 for my VSP (which I have to make over now due to the hoster changing things).

Was just curious about Ubuntu, but fuck that.
This. Operating systems were a mistake, they're nothing but trash.
I wish it would.
I wouldn't use Debian on a laptop/desktop but its great for a server system where you don't care about the outdated software and just want a stable base system. If you're like me you're going to run most stuff in containers anyway.
>server system where you don't care about the outdated software
server systems are systems were you should care about outdated software.
That's what containers are for. If I want a newer version of some software because it has some features I want/need or better software then I'll just run it in Docker. I do this for most software. The only thing I'll tend to run on the host are software like web servers / load balancers / databases / etc, which could run in a container but for personal preference I choose not to (it just makes more sense to run these on the host outside of a container in my opinion).

What you absolutely don't want is a new version of Linux or Systemd fucking you over.
I wouldn't use HP laptops over Lenovo or Dell ones
I need to replace my winetricks, will my prefixes disappear or are they with wine?
server systems are usually where you want the base system (kernel, init, libraries like glibc and ssl) to remain on a single major version without any major breaking changes
>running untrusted containers as root
at least use rootless podman, or docker rootless if they have that option
They don't run as root they run as whatever user you run them as.
There's also benefits to doing it that way rather than remapping users with user namespaces and using virtual networking like Slirp (this will eat CPU and never be as good as using a bridge device or host networking).

If you have a big hunk of iron you need to secure I can see the benefits to rootless containers though.
I present to you a beautiful gift.
alias dmesg='sudo dmesg --color=always | less -R'
Eh, it was fine.
You might as well throw in the -T flag there for human readable timestamps.
Nah, most of it happens in microseconds. It's easier to understand timing from that, not to mention it keeps lines short.
Installing CUDA and Nvidia drivers, even on a well supported distribution like Ubuntu, is such a FUCKING PAIN IN THE ASS.
Upgrading these when the time comes would be a whole new nightmare. I wonder how GPU companies manage the upgrade process for CUDA and its drivers, or what the best practices are
.qcow2 is the default format for qemu, linux's most common machine emulator, though it supports many kinds of disc images, including vhd/vhdx, so you don't need to convert them if you don't want to (and if you do, qemu provides a tool to do that ;)
If you're going to graph events, sure, but if you're just looking at it in a pager like that the order of operations at a microsecond level is hardly relevant.
there's little reason to store raw disc images
also, you don't need a raw image to mount partitions from one, qemu has a tool to be able to mount any common vm disc image, qemu-nbd, which can attach a vm disc image to a network block device (/dev/nbd#), which can be used like it was a normal attached drive
no more effort than attaching raw images with losetup
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>which can be used like it was a normal attached drive
>no more effort than attaching raw images with losetup
Oh, cool. I'm just to brain damaged for anything but the hand drill.
You don't need to pipe it through less.
alias dmesg='sudo env LESS=-R dmesg -Hpx'
That's the same thing only dmesg will do the pipe for you.

>Your shell piping the two processes
>Dmesg forking a process for the pager and piping to it

It achieves the same thing either way.
$ dmesg --follow

with yours and see what happens, then try it with mine.
If you're talking about the pager blocking you can use
less -rf
for that.
My point is my version allows you to pass parameters to dmesg, yours mistakenly passes them to less.
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It is weird seeing people argue over my beautiful gift.
I don't know who that person you are talking to is, but it ain't me.
So why does Mint's Software Manager has outdated versions? Can I help?
I will ask this just one more time. Is there a way to stop apps from opening into gear icons like pic related? This problem started after an update. Rebooting, switching icons themes around, and resetting dconf did not fix it.
You probably have to enable unverified apps because the Mint developers don't trust volunteer packages even though their entire distribution stands on the shoulders of volunteer packagers.
apt install -y kubuntu-desktop && systemctl reboot
Thoughts on the Framework 13 as a Linux laptop?

People say it's expensive but I think the price is comparable to similar laptops like the Dell XPS
Dell is also expensive. Laptops in general are expensive wherever you look. Framework has an opportunity to push back against that but of course they want to make lots of money too, that's capitalism for you.
Does 8bitdo m30 work on linux?
Maybe? A lot of their other controllers seem to be supported.
I have gnome display manager setup multiple seats but joysticks/gamepads are accessible from all three when it should be only on the seat in the living room. This sort of bullshit also happens with audio devices, every seat can fuck up any device they want for whatever they want, which is especially hostile when you have multiple cards with same HDMI audio device names.
If I wanted to report this to someone where would I go? Besides maybe gnome, fault would also fall on loginctl since it doesn't do what is expected after I set the USB devices to the specific seat.
If it's a logind issue then:

If it's a GNOME issue then wherever GNOME's bug tracker is these days (some random Gitlab repo I guess? They don't exactly like triaging bugs)
Also the audio devices is a PipeWire or PulseAudio, etc, bug. They make no attempt to handle multi-seat as far as I know.
How does one even begin to setup multiseat? It completely filtered me.
When will KDE become the main Fedora DE?
Never. All of the retards in the Workstation SIG are GNOME lusers that would veto it.
Anyone found a way to stream Netflix in decent quality on linux?
Expected this, but it's not as convenient for casually flipping through movies. I do have a plex server with overseerr and all that.
Did a dist-upgrade on Debian and it kind of broke MySQL. Took me a few days of trying shit and it turns out, on a hunch and finding something on StackOverflow, that all I had to do was reinstall mysql-server, bringing it from 5.0 to 5.1

So now the question becomes, why the hell didn't dist-upgrade do that for me?
The trick is to casually flip through Netflix (even better if you're not the one paying for it and somebody else has given you their password) and then pirate it.
Email them and ask for a DRM decoder that works on Linux.
This is on Widevine, not Netflix. Widevine already works on Linux but they limit the quality to shitty 720p because Linux is too free and too secure for their malware.
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Thx ur a gr8 babe.
the problem with linux is that they can't lock it down, that's why companies don't port or otherwise limit drm stuff on linux, it literally gives too much control to the user for such drm to be effective
anything with effective drm is not your computer by definition, remember that
There's /dev/jsX that are universally visible however mice and keyboard are also in /dev/* but they aren't visible, so it should be a logind issue where it's not masked properly towards users
They see what the state of multiseat in general is so they don't bother.
Been multiseating a couple of years continuously. To do it like me, you need enough periphery devices and GPUs obviously. Also need lightdm or gdm on X11 and systemd. Documentation on manual Xorg setup is ancient and probably won't work on new software.
My system is haswell igpu + 2 nvidias. To start, everything is on seat0, so I enter a few loginctl commands. View what is available with loginctl seat-status seat0, then append to the non-existent seat1 with loginctl attach seat1 /sys/devices/.../blablabla. I needed to do this only once, it's persistent through updates, plugging in, unplugging devices, updates etc.
Are you guys actually serious? You can't stream 1080p DRM locked stuff on Linux? I pirate all my shit so I never noticed but this sounds ridiculous.
Are DEs able to "change" their window manager? I was reading about LXQT and I noticed that (apparently) there's a feature where you can pick your own WM. Would that mean that I can run LXQT, have all the goods (applets, auto mount, display configuration) from it and just use i3 (with my already made config) for the window management?
yes, linux is an untrusted platform (from netflix's perspective) because it's controlled by the user, so they don't provide high quality streams to it
unlike for example windows which provides environments where everything from the bootloader to the kernel to the userspace is verified through microsoft-owned signatures to be free from user control, so netflix can be assured that the user hasn't done anything to "their" computer without microsoft approval
not even making this up
Can't you run a browser through wine to get 4k on Linux?
At least with a Framework it's easy to swap components if they break. In fact because I plug in and unplug my current laptop a lot, I was thinking the Framework might have an advantage because you can swap the ports if they break with usage.
They should really rename GIMP. Call it GNU-IMP or something.

If you say to someone "yeah just use GIMP" or "I use GIMP" they'll think you're some sex fetish freak
Just tell them to use the "GNU Image Manipulation Program"
No because you need Edge and you need HDCP support and the software and server will verify this.
Which is really the better server,Ubuntu or Debian. Debian seems to have the smaller footprint, and its installer has a preset for a web server if that's what you want to do, but at what cost?
>they'll think you're some sex fetish freak
but i am
>Neither French law nor European conventions recognize software as patentable (see French section below). Therefore, software patents licenses do not apply on VideoLAN software
Holy based, death to America.
The cost is no professional support from Debian directly but there are third-party companies that provide it and you weren't going to pay Canonical anyway.
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A headless home Linux computer for testing random crap?
Debian and Ubuntu are fine but you can even consider something as 'exotic' as Arch. Not that Arch itself was exotic but for a server use maybe.
I even did a Wi-Fi box with Arch and shit just worked. Although a Wi-Fi router doesn't really do much so picture relates.
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I don't know what you heard about me
But a bitch can't get a dollar out of me
No Cadillac, no perms, you can't see
That I'm a motherfuckin' G-I-M-P
Why are flatpaks so controversial?
What about serious use, like running a web server or a public image gallery or something? Maybe even a game server?
Why do you think they're controversial?
See >>102611063
Why do you think they're flawed? Is it because they don't address every single possible problem and therefore aren't perfect?

They still work just fine for many usecases.
>running a web server or a public image gallery or something?
You want your server software new and updooted regardless.
But now that I made the whole thing a Debian VS Arch -fight, you got to decide whether you need 'package stability' or not.
I didn't post that, it was the reply to my question in that thread which made me ask why Flatpaks are controversial in this thread.
Well, so much for installing old Linux through debootstrap apparently
>in a Debian installer in some crazy windowed thing
I figured that would help get some of the more low-level stuff like formatting disks, setting up networking and hostname, etc out of the way. Besides, how else would I do it if I didn't have any other "machine" to work with?
I love the GUI and hate the CLI anti-christ.
Would I break anything if I removed Chromium post-install in this?

On old hardware, while using MBT instead of UEFI, is it normal to still get "UEFI Firmware Settings" showing up on your GRUB menu entries?

I was helping a friend install Mint on an old Panasonic Toughbook from ~2005, and Mint seemed to insist on doing GPT only by default. Had to go out of your way to not have an EFI partition
docker/podman runs the container as root and then past that its up to the container itself to decide which user its being run as
>You got a shell script meant for a sysv service?
No but my desktop environment has a service manager I like that only supports sysvinit and systemd and I've been considering switching from Devuan.
>drm to be effective
which is an illusion anyway
*MBR, not MBT
Do you have a guide on this?
From what you're saying, does this mean nbd can use qcow images? will it also work with mounting the drive locally and then sharing over nfs as well?
dont give a shit until it comes with the thinkpad mouse thing on the keyboard
joysticks/gamepads have always been kind of wierd since they need special udev rules that systemd refuses to merge for some reason
waydroid with vanilla+gapps maybe?
Thoughts about using webapps instead of the native Spotify/Discord application?
I don't know about Spotify but Discord is essentially a webapp.
Containing cancer with your browser instead of allowing it to install to your system is good.
Mint has a built in one, seems like someone forked it to Fedora. Found a few other ones, not sure which one to use. Going to have to do some research.
It depends on the --user

If you don't set it then yes, it's very likely up to the container what happens. You have knobs to control that though.
If someone 'built' a Spotify app and it looks just like spotify, it's just a wrapper.
What is a good alternative to running rm -rf. I have a really bad habit of doing it, even though I know what I'm doing but I know that sometimes I can fuck my shit up.
pressing delete on your file manager
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I've got mSATA SSD for my T420, how to turn it into SWAP partition?
I'm mainly in the terminal
trash-rm? I didn't know about it until I searched for it just now.
Yeah, that's what I want. Basically a separate browser instance for Spotify and Discord, Mint has a built in piece of software that does it for you.
You'd be better off using a different livecd and installing debootstrap through the package manager or downloading it from their site since its just a shell script
sometimes the container will break if you set --user because the container itself runs some stuff as root first before dropping to user
nobody use gimp as a word other than when something is being handicapped
you can change the window manager in lxqt from openbox to whatever you prefer, i think something similar can also be done in xfce
i don't get why you dont just run i3 by itself instead of running it through another DE, you're still going to have to manually configure i3 one way or another.
>Mint has a built in piece of software that does it for you.
So do browsers, if using Chromium, there is an option 'Install page as app' somewhere in the menu. With Firefox you need to install a couple things.
i just want flatpak to fuck off from my $HOME directory and dump its .var/app shit somewhere else instead of in ~/.var/app
they refuse to fucking change it, refuse any changes
That's not normal at all, if you have uefi firmware settings show up then that means it's in uefi mode, the installer shouldnt be suggesting gpt unless it's been booted in efi mode
you'll still be able to sudo rm -rf
so remove sudo too
Probably not and even if you did, you can always rollback. Just learn how rpm-ostree works. Weird choice to ship that, imo.
Why do you need to replace your mesa drivers with the rpmfusion ones to get the codecs working? Why can't you have them run separately or individually add it to a program? I know flatpaks do it but that's not an option for all software.
What distros have decent repositories/work best with HP laptops?
I like WMs, I don't like all the other trannyshit you need to do to make them usable, like I said in the post you're quoting.
>LXQT, have all the goods (applets, auto mount, display configuration) from it and just use i3 (with my already made config) for the window management?
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The whole thing?
mkswap /dev/sdX

but then there's no partition lmao
just swap space
use case for swap partitions in 2025-1?
I remember reading somewhere that removong things with ostree would break auto-updates.
i think that's old news. i override firefox and replace it with the flatpak'd version on my laptop and it never ran into any problems.
And it will be auto mounted when i boot?
Old laptop, Ram module is expensive, mSATA is not.
So on Chromium browsers it seems like you shouldn't use flatpaks but for Firefox it seems ideal. Any reason not to use the flatpak version of Firefox?
Is Linux Mint still the go to for "just werks"? I want an OS to learn common lisp and play steam games on. I tried pop os previously and had a ton of screen tearing when watching videos.
>Any reason not to use the flatpak version of Firefox?
Some distros package firefox with less spyware shit turned on by default but you should just use librewolf instead which has better defaults than all the spyware shit firefox deems necessary to turn on by default
You can workaround that by changing the --entrypoint to something else or using a custom script, etc.
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>using forks just because of muh defaults
>And it will be auto mounted when i boot?
Likely not. Add an fstab entry and use the UUID.
>using forks just because of muh defaults
I shouldnt need to keep a regularly up-to-date userjs because firefox devs refuse to turn off spyware and other dumb useless shit while adding more dumb and useless shit every new release
enjoy your spyware, because thats why you switched away from windows in the first place right?
never considered that, though at that point there's not much reason in using their container over making your own, is there?
Just werks, amirite?
Yeah, making your own is always preferable or at least using an official container that doesn't shit itself when you do that and reporting it if it does.
thoughts on systemd-networkd over other network-managers?
you have it on your system anyway so why bother using something else on top?
i'd be happy to take my meds and run containers as root but to me it sounds retarded to run third-party untrusted containers as root when 99% of the time nobody checks how the container is set up, maybe it's not as much of a worry when using direct upstream official containers from devs and distros or something more trusted(?) such as linuxserverio
It was really weird. I don't think the motherboard would support GPT at all seeing as it was shipped before GPT was released. The only lead I found was this https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=380811

I'll double check to make sure that when the ISO was burned with Rufus it had MBR/BIOS targets. I'd be surprised if they didn't since they're default (from what I remember)
What's a decent non-wayland distro that has good KDE support? Preferably not a bleeding edge one like Arch.
>Add an fstab entry and use the UUID.
I'm saying you should use containers that don't shit themselves when you change the --user to an unprivileged one.

Also use AppArmor. It's already hard enough for a container running as root to cause any damage given it's ran in a limited environment and can't touch the host, it's even harder with AppArmor restricting it.
Gentoo? Almost all distros are shipping KDE with Wayland support now. It's at the point where if you actively don't want that then you need to building it yourself without that support included.
Does apparmor do anything on debian and other distros? I thought it was really only a thing that worked properly on ubuntu.
You can install the apparmor-profiles which has community maintained profiles (there's other community maintained profiles out there on GitHub, etc, too).

Docker also has full AppArmor support built-in to it and will use a profile for the Daemon and each running container by default.
Yeah just confirmed it was burned with MBR target, which is the default. So that wasn't the issue
i believe some containers dont work with --user but will let you do something like -e UID= -e GID= instead
I think I am going to replace Arch with NixOS, anything different to expect?
How unsafe is it to use unverified flatpaks?
About as safe as using the packages from your distros repositories, everything is packaged by volunteers it's up to you whether or not you trust them.

The nice thing about Flatpaks is that you don't have to take this trust for granted, you can look up the source on GitHub and decide for yourself in the same vain that you might read a PKGBUILD from the AUR, etc.
They're two completely different operating systems. You question makes about as much sense as "I'm switching from peaches to pears. Anything different to expect?".
there will be no change in the amount of tranny porn you consume, which by my measure is a lot, if that's what you're asking
what is wrong with my virtual bridge?

2: enp3s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether 4c:cc:6a:8a:52:20 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global noprefixroute enp3s0
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 fe80::ce21:ab91:1ee1:2a04/64 scope link noprefixroute
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

4: virbr0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether 42:13:9f:37:e1:71 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet6 fe80::4013:9fff:fe37:e171/64 scope link proto kernel_ll
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

6: tap0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel master virbr0 state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether e6:61:07:63:15:e6 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet6 fe80::e461:7ff:fe63:15e6/64 scope link proto kernel_ll
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

tap0 is slaved to virbr0.
Am i supposed to hook virbr0 up to anything?
enp3s0 is obviously my physical NIC leading to physical gateway
if I set my physical NIC to slave to my virtual bridge i lose all network connectivity
Anyone know of any good bluetooth gamepads/controllers for Linux that don't need workarounds?
XBox controllers need some weird things and Switch Pro controllers are actual hell. I don't like the setup of Playstation controllers.
We have rabbits and I'm sick of them chewing through the wires on cheap $190 third party switch ones, I could just save money by buying a quality BT controller, but none of them just werk.
consider also using those 2.4G controllers
gio trash, you probably already have it installed
What is he reading?
yea, basically nbd is a feature of linux which provides a way to share block devices (i.e. storage drives) over a network, and qemu-nbd is a tool that can take any vm disc image qemu supports and "share" it to an nbd client (not necessarily over a network, but it can be)

how i've used it;
# modprobe nbd

load the nbd module, this will make a /dev/nbd0 device (or more)
# qemu-nbd -c /dev/nbd0 image.qcow2

now the image is attached to /dev/nbd0, and can be used as if it was a real local disc, including partitions like nbd0p1, nbd0p2, etc
disconnect with;
# qemu-nbd -d /dev/nbd0

once it's all unmounted of course
Which Linux distro is the most anti-israel?
Hannah Montana Linux
>About as safe as using the packages from your distros repositories
Not exactly, the people packaging in distro repositories are heavily vetted while anyone can package an app on Flathub.
You can read the flatpak manifest but frankly who the fuck knows how to do that shit
How come?
linuxmint or opensuse
The thing is the guy that manages the unverified flatpak is indian so I'm not sure I want to risk it, you know
I installed Fedora, and my USB Wi-Fi adapter doesn't show up.
Doesn't even turn on the LED.
Couldn't find it in devices list.
I installed the broadcom drivers (via bluetooth tether), restarted, still doesn't work.
What do I do?
It still works fine in Windows, on my other SSD.
actually hold on
it appears in lsusb
didn't appear in the other thing
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The Devuan mailing list:
try turning it off and back on again
Do I even want to know about the loonix systemd autism drama? Is it juicy?
>Actually rent free
He looks like a chad tho. We need more men that look like him in FOSS world, no disgusting freaks like Stallman.
you have really low standards
The average American is an obese mutt.
so? the fact that you see obese mutts every day is not my fault
All of my partitions are gone. Why? How do I fix this?

I was using Lubuntu and it froze due to running out of memory. I left it there for an hour and came back to it: yup still frozen (in the freeze screen, i3wm said that 127 MiB were free). I held the physical power button to turn the laptop off. I pressed that button again to turn it on and the BIOS said that there's no boot medium. I ran a live boot and looked at /dev/sda = no partitions. Three partitions should show up, but lsblk and fdisk showed zero.

This is seriously stupid or I didn't expect this (never happened to me before). The HDD isn't corrupted. I ran ddrescue and copied all of /dev/sda (30GB) = no errors. Guess as to what happened: the starting bytes of that HDD got overwritten by binary zeros somehow when it was frozen or around that time = partition tabled deleted. The first 200 MB of that HDD is binary zeros, but it still has some of the data on it (like text files and such): seen from grepping.
You could try TestDisk, it can scan a block device for known filesystem signatures and reconstruct a damaged or missing partition table. Depends on how much was destroyed, of course.
First 322 MBs are binary zeros:
>$ head -c322000111 /zc/b/bht_wr202i0032g.iso
>\\ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
>$ # fuck

Thanks. I'm baffled this happened in the first place. Can it operate on an ISO file? After imaging the broken unfairness, I restored an older version of my OS by running this as root in a liveboot:
># cat hdd.iso > /dev/sda

Muh backups don't have the files between 2024-08-27 (mtime of "hdd.iso") and now, which is 2024-09-30. I wish I could get those files in an easy way that doesn't involve carving the data out of the HDD ISO which has zero partitions: may not be easy anyways if btrfs or ext4 scatters the file contents all over.
I looked it up, unfortunately it's an adapter that doesn't have in-kernel drivers
I just need to order one that does so I don't have this issue
>Can it operate on an ISO file?
If the "ISO file" is a raw binary copy of the drive, yes.

NB: I would avoid referring to raw binary images in general as "ISO files" or using the .iso extension when the file contents are not an ISO 9660 filesystem image. Just use the abstract ".bin" or no extension at all.
I have two copies of that HDD: "hdd.cat" (changed to "hdd.iso" only in the above post) and b*32g.iso. Both were created via "sudo cat /dev/sda..." or "sudo ddrescue /dev/sda..." = both raw binary copy of the drive. I think I usually name HDD images "something.dd" or "file.cat". What about "hdd.img"? ".bin" or ".dat" sound too vague.

>ISO 9660 filesystem
I think of a movie on a retail DVD/BD from a keep case. Or some old video game on a CD. Maybe also a Linux liveboot on a DVD or CD.

testdisk can detect partitions, so that's a good sign:
>$ ./testdisk_static /list /zc/b/*32g.iso
>[...]Disk /zc/b/bht_wr202i0032g.iso - 31 GB / 29 GiB - CHS 3802 255 63 (RO)
> Partition Start End Size in sectors
> 1 P EFI System 4096 618495 614400
> 2 P Linux filesys. data 618496 61063064 60444569 [lubuntu_2404]
fdisk still detects zero paritions
>$ sudo fdisk -lu /zc/b/b*32g.iso
>The very first 322 MBs of the HDD is binary zeros
Is that normal? 322 MBs out of 30 GB total is a relatively big part, nearing one 60th of that total capacity. I think that HDD was using btrfs and not ext4.

I meant that the entire "/dev/sda" was copied twice, not just a partition of it. Now going to have 3 copies ("bht_wr202i0032g.iso.bak") so that testdisk can possibly do something after modifying the non-.bak file.

>ISO 9660 (also known as ECMA-119) is a file system for optical disc media. The file system is an international standard [...] There are several extensions to ISO 9660 that relax some of its limitations. Notable examples include Rock Ridge (Unix-style permissions and longer names), Joliet (Unicode, allowing non-Latin scripts to be used), El Torito (enables CDs to be bootable) and the Apple ISO 9660 Extensions (file characteristics specific to the classic Mac OS and macOS, such as resource forks, file backup date and more).
>>first 322 MBs of the HDD is binary zeros
>Is that normal?
Partition "EFI System" size in sectors = 614,400. And 618495 * 512 = 316,669,440 bytes (sector size is probably 512). So I guess it is normal and EFI System is 99% binary zeros for some reason.
testdisk is interactive, run it without /list.
I did. It modified file b*32g.iso (which is btrfs) so that
>$ sudo fdisk -lu /zc/b/b*32g.iso
now also detects the partition. However, I think fdisk and testdisk only detect one partition, but it should detect 2 or 3. Eh, positive enough result for now, and I didn't get "the bad ending". Penguin shooting laser beams from his eyes.
Why does Firefox aggressively throttle down its refresh rate on Linux (at least on Arch)? 144 works fine when content requests it - games do it, shadertoy and blurbusters UFO do it. If I scroll down on those pages there is a point where it stops rendering at 144 and drops to what feels like sub 60, the scrolling becomes visibly choppier.
>usb tethering doesn't just work
>have to use bluetooth
never again ishit
You need to make sure routing doesn't get fucked up in the process of doing that. You may have to add addresses statically to the bridge or run a DHCP client on it
>having smooth scrolling enabled
...actually this might have been a charger-only cable issue in my case
but I saw a ton of people have issues with it on ios14, so they don't get off the hook that easy
and file system is still abstracted/inaccessible/nonexistent
the number of times I've had to help my parents download, upload, or open a file...
Apple never makes it easy with crossover OS use. They just expect you to also just use a macOS PC as well so you don't have to jump through hoops.
Anyone can publish an app to your distro too if they become a maintainer.

Flathub packagers are vetted about the same. There's no background check involved, etc, most distros suck at vetting their packagers, it's just a case of "this guy's been in our IRC for a while now. Do we trust them?". A Jia Tan could hit any one of them, the reason that doesn't happen is because it's a lot of work for little gain and you'll be gone the next day as soon as everyone realises what you are anyway.
Also if you go after upstream you affect everyone and didn't even need to compromise Flathub or your distro.

This is much easier to pull off and you affect more people. Look at where the code is coming from because that's where the next Jia Tan is probably going to target. They're not coming for your Flatpaks and repository packages when they can attack the source directly.
I didn't know nbd could use qcow, i used nfs pxebooting stuff for awhile but it was too slow at times
>we need more men that work for microsoft in the foss world and dont actually give a shit about free software
Stallman did more for GNU/Linux than Poeterring will ever do.
First one sounds like a lot more work desu
The first is just a bunch of extra formalities. It's great the Fedora has a bunch of bureaucracy, I'm sure it really helps to get things moving along but when do we get to the part where they're well vetted and have criminal background checks ran, etc.

You could social engineer yourself through all of that without proper checks. The reason you don't is not because they have really good vetting it's because distros deliberately don't let fuck all into their inner circle. It is really hard to join the packaging of a distribution and as a result software availability suffers. It's nothing to do with good vetting though.
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What's the best way to use a RasPi 4B to get wireless functionality on a printer without it?

1) Print server on the Pi, connect to printer via USB
2) Share/bridge the Pi's connection to the printer, via Ethernet? (or would it be USB?)
3) Something else
Run a print server directly on the Pi
Also if your printer has Ethernet like you describe in 2) then it is already "Wireless" assuming your network is the same just plug it in and connect from any wireless device.

Or are you talking about things like Air Print or Google Cloud Print, etc. You probably have no option but to setup a print server for that and make sure Avahi is installed and running to advertise the service.
no no botnet print shit, just normal home printing

it has ethernet but where it has to be situated there is no ethernet socket and no prospect of it (not my choice, not my house, not my printer, im just figuring out a solution for someone else but working within their parameters)
You could use powerline stuff. It's not the best but should be okay for a printer.

I have one in a shed outdoors because running Ethernet to it is not really practical. It gets about 50mb/s on a good day which is not completely terrible and more than good enough for printing.
is there any way to make the thumbnails bigger on the linux mint cinnamon file picker? I used to have my icons for pictures large so I could pick one at a glance, now I have to go by name
nbd itself doesn't, qemu-nbd is an nbd server which serves vm images qemu supports to an nbd client
is it a good/bad idea to use 'async' on my system and storage devices in fstab?
It's usually the default anyway.
async is the default, you don't want sync unless you know you need it
I know about a solution for dealing with iShit file and folder transfers. This solution doesn't retain timestamps, but otherwise works. There's like two different file storage areas: Files and Photos. In the Photos app, things are more accessible when copying to Linux. Not the case with the Files app. (There's also the Notes app where you can put text, but I haven't more deeply examined that.) Solution = use some web server or "RPC API thing/server". IPFS is not a very private solution if you are super worried about the privacy of your data; however, if you share your CIDs with no one and soon delete it or go offline then you should be totally fine. In a GNU/Linux distro:
1. Download and install kubo IPFS
2. You will be creating a throwaway repo or one which you only briefly put online
3. Edit the config file so that the gateway and webui/api thing listens on a local IP address at the default port.
4. Run the ipfs daemon
5. In iDevice: open Safari browser and go to said LAN-only address, say - follow instructions you might see
6. Upload all of your files, photos, and videos there. It retains the original filenames.
7. Go to the Linux computer: "ipfs files stat /" then "ipfs files get [Qm...]" to put the files and folders natively into your underlying FS.
8. End the daemon and/or delete all .data files in blockstore if it's sensitive or private data.

So with that it works, but there's probably some other web server which does the same thing and does not by default interact with external peers/computers at all.
complete tech illiterate retard here, I just switched to Artix from windows. I live in a shithole where half the internet is banned so I installed Zapret and it works but it says I must manually add it to auto start since it doesn't have systemd or whatever, how do I do that?
This is probably noob stuff but I found a simple way to play a sound at the end of a bash script and I'm happy about it.
aplay "/home/owner/sounds/alert.wav" > /dev/null 2>&1
Also anytime you copy whatever over LAN with HTTP (not HTTPS): it's unencrypted. If you could just copy the damn files over a USB cable, then this wouldn't be a problem. IDK if a Bluetooth connection is encrypted. I guess it isn't.

Is remote computers somehow getting your data a concern in this solution (steps 1-8)? I think not. If you publish to IPNS ("ipfs name publish ...") then other peers can easy see what you shared. If you deliberately write to the DHT ("ipfs routing provide ...") then it will be more accessible, so maybe other peers can somehow see it. If you do neither of those, is there a way for remote peers to see your data? I'm curious about this. I think the answer is no, but I'm not sure. I know if you store a block which is already in IPFS and being requested then others might know you have it. However, this is unlikely to happen unless it's common data like a file which only contains the world "hello" or some Internet file which was shared a lot, like a meme image or GNU GPL text file (larger file).

I am partly writing this post in reaction to data in the Files app being so inaccessible. You can transfer things in the Photos app over a USB cable easy enough, but cannot copy anything in the Files app over said cable. With the above solution, you can copy many files in your Files app to your desktop or laptop computer - but it has to go over http and yadda yadda.

I also dislike Jews. What makes you think that they aren't human? I think they can biologically be confirmed as human, so maybe you aren't speaking literally. Perhaps you believe in the Reptilians conspiracy theory.
i just plugged in my usb mic for the first time and it just worked without any tinkering, what the fuck is up with that? bros??
It really depends on the printer, both 1 and 2 can work.
1 may not work if the printer doesnt have drivers for linux.
which init system you using?
there's a folder in the github repo called init.d that has service files for runit,openrc and s6
you should just be able to put that in the correct folder and enable the service
Actually, I don't know think that in and of itself is the problem. I was able to create a chroot-abke environment with this. The problem comes when it's time to install other shit
I'm glad that I can still access the non-boot and non-swap part of that HDD/data. However, the boot partition is gone (so almost certainly not going to boot):
$ sudo fdisk -lu hdd-2024-08-27.img
[...]Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x1e764946 \
Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type
hdd-2024-08-27.img1 * 2048 1050623 1048576 512M b W95 FAT32
hdd-2024-08-27.img2 1052670 61069311 60016642 28.6G 5 Extended
hdd-2024-08-27.img5 1052672 61069311 60016640 28.6G 83 Linux
$ #
$ sudo fdisk -lu hdd-2024-09-30.img
[...]Disklabel type: gpt
Disk identifier: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 \
Device Start End Sectors Size Type
hdd-2024-09-30.img1 618496 61063063 60444568 28.8G Linux filesystem
$ # "hdd-2024-09-30.img" was only partly fixed by testdisk

The disk ID changed from "0x1e764946" to "[all zeros UUID]". I hope that no important data got binary zeroed. Perhaps I could transplant partitions from those .img files. Either old boot partition hdd-2024-08-27.img1 -> hdd-2024-09-30.img. Or, newer data/OS partition hdd-2024-09-30.img1 -> replace the partition after reinstalling Lubuntu. The latter might not work if important data in the OS partition got zeroed. I mounted "hdd-2024-09-30.img" as a loopback device and didn't see that anything was obviously missing or inaccessible, so fingers crossed. Third option: reinstall Lubuntu, or maybe I'll go with Arch instead, then mainly copy the files in $HOME in the .img to the new install (also gotta copy /var/www/ and Brave Browser user profile and like one or two other non-$HOME things). Sucks that I ended up in this situation, but I'll pretend that this is interesting or fun to mess with. (Certainly not fun if I lost something I didn't want to lose).
i dont use dinit, i tried writing an init service for you based on some other examples
type = scripted
command = /opt/zapret/init.d/sysv/zapret start
stop-command = /opt/zapret/init.d/sysv/zapret stop
restart = false
depends-on = network.target
before = login.target

as root, put that in /etc/dinit.d/zapret and enable/start it, not sure if it'll work properly or not
you will need to setup locale and mirrors
Is there a way to control gnomoe/kdex/something else
with the fluxbox style of right click context menu centric opening programs from a text file?
I've recently learned that if you're working with older Debian, if you don't update your kernel before you do a version upgrade, you're gonna have a bad time

Which makes it all the more upsetting that it didn't seem to be until pretty late in Debian's history that there was a "generic" package you could install that would, for lack of a better word, update itself

Captcha: JARGN
Okay, locale I get, but I thought that debootstrap took care of mirrors for me.

I guess I'll give it another go tonight

I wonder if it was the bind mounts I set up before chrooting that's fucking things up
debootstrap only adds the first mirror, you still need to add bookworm-security, bookworm-updates and bookworm-backports depending on what package you're looking for
if you're worried about fucking up the bind mounts you can just use an archlinux iso and use their chroot script
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Saying G-nome instead of Gnome

Why are Americans like this?
Idiots you mean, I'm American and I say (G)nome.
I should probably clarify that I was attempting to install, IIRC, Woody through this Bookworm install. If I had been able to install Grub and then just boot through that, I probably would be getting the same results as I am getting here.
I say gnome because I don't respect the devs
Will I get any issues when moving an image of my current disk onto another using dd and then resizing the partition & filesystem afterwards?
I have my system on a very old SSD and would like to move it without reinstalling. Any pitfalls?
Because the Gnome project called it G-nome when it started.
It was originally an acronym of GNU Network Modelling Environment hence the hard 'G' because that's how GNU is pronounced.

Now you know.
gnu network object* model* environment
That's the one.

It's no longer an acronym but the hard 'G' stuck for some people hence why some call it 'Guh NOME'.
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How do I stop sata3 drives showing up as 'removable' on the desktop
I'm xfece4
this is a somewhat insane question, but here it goes.
I'm getting a nvidia card for gayming and ai stuff. Currently I have an amd card.
Is it possible to have both cards connected to the system, but only the AMD card connected to outputs? And when gaming, the nvidia card would do all the heavy lifting and the amd card would only render to the screen? Sort of like a proxy.
Check Udev and Udisks, it assigns certain properties to the disk, one of which is whether or not it's a removable drive.
Found a solution, added x-gvfs-hide to fstab options
PRIME >>102622726 will work but you're going to take a big performance hit because the two cards need to share a region in memory to buffer between them.

You're better off gaming on the AMD card and leaving the Nvidia one headless for AI shit only.
hm, got it, thanks
I'll try and benchmark the performance loss, the nvidia card has some nice gaming features but I dont really need the full power of it for gaming so maybe it won't be that bad
The frame rate will probably be good. It's mostly latency that will take a big nosedive. Depending on what you play this might not matter.
Check any errors regarding firmware:
dmesg | grep -i firmware

>Doesn't even turn on the LED
Devices hardly ever do on Linux.
>it appears in lsusb
Any USB device appears there, supported or not.
How do I make Gnome animations not lag? Pls no switch to different desktop.
Have a gaming pc with an AMD CPU and two AMD GPUs, one integrated. Should I just install linux on it and be done, or play with GPU passthrough shit?
I'm never going to play cod or gay shit like that but I do prefer to never have any problems no matter what I play and from what I understood with proton is that its not 100% working yet for all games.
I tried to experiment on my laptop that has mint, so far I only tried old games and they mostly worked(either perfectly or they were broken)
How do I fix this? I have just made changes to the kernel and i'm trying to rebuild it with those changes.

I have followed this guide

Using the "preparing a modified kernel config" section using the savedconfig method but when I try to emerge the kernel with the changes I get this.

[ebuild N ] sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-6.6.51 USE="initramfs savedconfig strip -debug -experimental (-generic-uki) -hardened -modules-compress -modules-sign -secureboot -test"
[blocks B ] sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel:6.6.51 ("sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel:6.6.51" is soft blocking sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-bin-6.6.51)
[blocks B ] sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-bin:6.6.51 ("sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-bin:6.6.51" is soft blocking sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-6.6.51)

* Error: The above package list contains packages which cannot be
* installed at the same time on the same system.

(sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-6.6.51:6.6.51/6.6.51::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
~sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-6.6.51 required by (virtual/dist-kernel-6.6.51:0/6.6.51::gentoo, installed) USE="" ABI_X86="(64)"

(sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-bin-6.6.51:6.6.51/6.6.51::gentoo, installed) pulled in by
sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-bin required by @selected
I've also added this to a file in /etc/portage/package.use as well like the guide says

sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel savedconfig
You can play with GPU passthrough at your leisure, it's only about some extra boot arguments. You don't achtually even modify the system, just boot it differently.
i don't play games much, but i use linux and have two amd gpus (rx560 + rx580), i have a windows vm with the rx560 passed through to it. while i haven't benchmarked it, it runs as well as native as far as i can tell. if you're wondering why i passed through the weaker card, it's because i only use it for solidworks. it doesn't need a very strong card, but it needs something to be comfortable to use. what games i do run run well enough in wine
Uhhh, I'm not sure, but why does it select the binary kernel?
What exactly does your command look like?
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What the guide says to do

Pic related

 emerge --ask sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel
Did you at any point install the binary kernel by accident? Is it in your world file? I don't know how else it would be in your @selected group.
But I'm a noob, so maybe I'm just a retard
do i need to install shit like openh264 manually on freetarded distros? i thought ffmpeg handled all that by itself
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This is what I have
yeah, that's the whole idea
Fixed it by just removing the old kernel

 emerge --deselect sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-bin 
This is what I would have suggested. So you did have the binary kernel installed. Nice
using bspwm, how can i have the pop-up graphs of octave-gui be a floating window while keeping the octave-gui application itself tiled? They both have the same WM_CLASS when i look at them with xprop so a little unsure how to do it.
The differences between the xprops is that WM_NAME is "Figure n" for the graph and "Octave" for the gui
What percentage of Arch users have autism?
Over 60%. But then autism is widespread and seems to just be a genetic type, with varying degrees of strength. So everyone's some level of autistic these days.
Maybe it's the baby vaccines after all, eh?
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Anyone had this problem with gnome only showing half the screen?

I'm using windows WSL with this command


Using this guide
I'm posting from desktop Linux and it just works
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Nvidia vs. AMD drivers/support in Linux in 2024?
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Nvidia works great on Arch Linux with X11.
The 560 drivers have issues on Manjaro, Mint and Ubuntu, but works fine on Arch Linux.
nobody in this thread uses wsl or winshit
Does anyone know how to get the Terminus font working with Kubuntu? I have been using it with Konsole for a long time with no issues, but I installed the latest LTS on a new computer, and then I installed Terminus (apt install fonts-terminus). Now when I go into Konsole and select the font there's no way I can make it look correct. I disable anti-aliasing but all the font sizes look like garbage
if you only do gaming or other basic shit and dont want to worry about random driver updates breaking shit then amd
if you do video transcoding and other ffmpeg shit and/or AI llm stuff with cuda then nvidia
4k is also stuck at 60hz over hdmi on amd due to corporate greed
I've just yesterday updated to 560.35, I'm having issues where after waking from suspend my browser will just get killed as soon as i move my mouse.

```Sep 30 16:46:27 systemd-coredump[34022]: Process 3315 (librewolf) of user 1000 dumped core.
Sep 30 16:46:27 io.gitlab.librewolf-community.desktop[4882]: Exiting due to channel error.
Sep 30 16:46:27 io.gitlab.librewolf-community.desktop[5367]: Crash Annotation GraphicsCriticalError: |[C0][GFX1-]: CompositorBridgeChild receives IPC close with reason=AbnormalShutdown (t=1449.61) [GFX1-]: CompositorBridgeChild receives IPC close with reason=AbnormalShutdown```

Is this something to do with explicit sync?
I do faggit
Yeah, you're nobody.
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I've been using Wayland for a couple years now.
Ok, sounds like I'll stick with AMD. Nvidia has irritated me in the past for a few reasons, I know things have improved but sounds like it's still a bit fucky.
Going to upgrade my 6700XT to a 7900 XTX on Cyber Monday. Should pair nice with my 5800XT with an overclock. Will probably leave my setup on that until AMD re-enters the high end GPU market, that also saves me from having to swap to an AM5 or whatever motherboard. My main monitor is 1440p so should work really well overall.
(you) too
>Verification not required.
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That pic reminds me of this pic
is pic related a trap?
brutal mog
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Exactly. VLC is somewhat normal, MPV is weird.
Suspend issues are always related to bad configuration or lack of configuration.
What distro?
Did you enable preserve video memory and store in /var/tmp?
>Did you enable preserve video memory and store in /var/tmp?
yes, I have no issues with graphical corruption after sleep, just the browser getting killed, all other programs stay put. I've tried running it with MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=0 as well. Like 1 out of three times after waking it will not crash.
>What distro?
Add it to the list of distros that have issues with the 560 drivers.
Arch Linux continues to work flawlessly.
Gave Linux (Fedora+KDE) a go on my 1,5 year old ass-us laptop.
>camera works in 3 fps out of 60 it's supposed to
>audio uses 2 out of 5 speakers, going above 60% volume = distortion, quality is trash
>fn key to disable camera doesn't work (lul privacy)
>hacked my way to run Davinci Resolve, it doesn't support AAC and fucking titlebar doesn't work on anything other than GNOME
>Discovery pesters me with updates more than fucking Windows Update
>It does not remember it's own battery settings between reboot (set it to whatever level, reboot, it goes back to 100%). This is a bug from 2021 from what I can gather, nice development speed for basic functionality. Terminal workarounds do not work
>Boot time is awfully slow
>have to enable repos for many programs manually because they are nonfree reeeee
>there's 27+2 ways to "properly" install media codecs
>most of the questions "How do I do X in Linux" is "Just do Y instead". No retards, I want to do X
>the 3 gayms I play actually work pretty well if I run them through steam
>KDE looks nice
>most of the hardware somewhat works out of the box, apart form camera and nvidia drivers
>krita is nice, so is inkscape

All in all, I'll try again in a year or two. Or if Windows pisses me off oncce more I'll try applel in the meantime.
AMD is slightly overrated when it comes to their gpus, some stuff doesnt work as well as nvidia or intel. Their drivers are just much better compared to nvidia simply for not being proprietary and just working 99% of the time.
>mpv is the best video player full of weeb devs who want to enjoy watching anime on linux
>vlc is a buggy bloated piece of shit full of normalfag cringelords who uses a selfie as their avatar
no wonder vlc is so shit
Best distro for a computer science student with a amd cpu and nvidia gpu?
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Want to upgrade my SSD later this year. What would be the best way to clone my BTRFS Linux install from my current drive onto the new one?
I've heard DD isn't always reliable. Should I use the BTRFS send/receive commands?
That still leaves the EFI partition but I'm sure there's an easy method for that, or I could just recreate that one from scratch.
Arch or EndeavourOS
dd will always work as long as the filesystems aren't mounted and the drive isn't bad.
Ogey, I'll try that.
If it proves to be a hassle (I may try to restructure some of my subvolumes) I can just backup/restore my config files.
Every time i try to install void it freezes on the logo on the grub screen, it's so infuriating
I have been on linux for just over 3 months and I'm sick of Mint any suggestions for what I should distro hop to?
what specifically are you sick of, if you tell us what bothers you about mint you'll get better recommendations.
MacBook Pro
The Cinnamon DE has a lot of annoying quirks and possibly responsible for the crashes and freezes I had lately and I don't get why Debian-descended distros are weird about python.
parted magic is not free?
If you aren't one to tinker much with your ui, i'd suggest fedora. If you want KDE, maybe Endeavour could be cool
try fedora kde spin
is there something wrong that im doing here? ISO has no errero, it's using the correct cpu architecture... wtf do i do?
If I understand this correctly EndeavourOS is a fork of Arch that has easy set up option for noobs but otherwise all packages are the same?
yeah but i think it's becoming more and more pointless every day with archinstall existing. i like that arch is going around killing it's derivatives. maybe they'll kill cachyos soon when they release optimized binaries.
New thread:
You can use rsync as well
If you dislike mint you can try mint XFCE/MATE instead, or use something ubuntu if you really want to.
Not once have I encountered a bug with VLC

>weeb devs who want to enjoy watching anime on linux
Not my kind of people then
I guess create the partition scheme/subvolumes first, then just rsync root?
I'll try that and DD, either way something will work. Thank you both.
>I guess create the partition scheme/subvolumes first, then just rsync root?
More or less, yeah
Make sure you change the uuids in /etc/fstab afterwards though and not to use the --one-file-system (-x) flag

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