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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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Previous thread: >>102571236
Its always funny when people find out its original name was "rapes per minute".
how does libre office compare to copilot+office these days?
I literally haven't wrote shit in months and just let copilot do everything.
Asking because i have no intention to actually install copilot i just use it at the job
It's a text editor. Would probably compare it to MS Office 2007.
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>I literally haven't wrote shit in months and just let copilot do everything.
>i just use it at the job
Grats, your job will be replaced by AI within 5 years.
What is the use of copilot in office?

Like it seems cool to get an AI to write documents, but I don't actually understand the point of that from a business perspective.

If I want to write an email or something, the hard part is figuring out what I need to communicate (which AI can't help with), just typing out some words takes little time.
so nothing has change since 2020

as a general rule if you can't find a use case then it's not for you.
I have made copilot create presentations from previous documents i was given, say, description of what the requirement of the month is, and stuff like that.
It struggles with visual basic and powershell ironically, being from microsoft and such, but i have saved time just generating code for SQL from excel and other shenanigans.
So basically converting info between different formats? I suppose that is probably the best use case.
nobody knows what that means, stop spamming it in every thread
Why almost every time I suspend my laptop and turn it back on, the screen is all broken and cant see anything except for some reason the cursor looks fine above the mess, I have to force it to shut down. Im on Debian, KDE, Wayland but I think it does it on X11 too
How's the dual GPU situation in Linux right now? I've been eyeballing some nvidia stuff for AI but I'm on AMD and I like to keep my VRAM for other stuff. I guess you can give one of the cards to a VM or something?
sounds like something that should work, but not out of the box obviously.
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>dual GPU situation
What do you mean? Hybrid graphics? Or just having two GPUs?
Just having multiple GPUs is a non-issue. Why would it be an issue?
>I guess you can give one of the cards to a VM or something?
Sure. You can pass thru anything that's PCIe.
Does it have hybrid graphics?
I guess I'm looking for hybrid graphics with two dedicated GPUs? Sounds like it could be a pain to manage, though.
>Does it have hybrid graphics?
I dont think so, is pretty old, how can I tell?
Is Debian testing dangerously cutting edge, or more like Fedora?
Having problems launching Gnome

Keep getting this error
/usr/bin/gnome-session: line 25: warning: setlocale: LC_NUMERIC: cannot change locale (en_US.utf8): No such file or directory
/usr/bin/gnome-session: line 26: warning: setlocale: LC_TIME: cannot change locale (en_US.utf8): No such file or directory

I've set the locale to en_US.utf8

eselectlocale list 
eselect locale list

Available targets for the LANG variable:
[1] C
[2] C.utf8
[3] en_US *
[4] en_US.iso88591
[ ] (free form)

eselect locale set 3

Setting LANG to en_US ...
Run ". /etc/profile" to update the variable in your shell.

Anyone know how to fix this?
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I got too used to using the AUR but now I'm having problems because shit's just constantly breaking on my most recent install. I keep wanting to distrohop to something more stable but how the fuck do I live without it.
They are dangerously testing Plasma 5 when 6 has been out for 7 months.
lol point taken
>2023-06-10: bookworm is released, and trixie becomes testing
"Testing" is just an alias for the next upcoming release -> set your package repository to Trixie.
Aren't 5 and 6 two different branches altogether?
t. not really a Linux desktop user
try it out in distrobox
I am trying to create a live boot with persistence USB of Ubuntu , what is the best way to do this in a linux environment, most examples are done in Windows so for example has anyone tried rufus with wine or is there an easy native solution?
How are TPM backed full disk encryptions more secure than LUKS based schemes? Sure, everything in the boot process is cryptographically signed and verified, preventing evil maid attacks, bute there's no need to enter a passphrase to unlock the system, meaning that an evil maid can just boot up your device anyways. What am I missing?
Use mkusb
What kinds of things are you installing with the AUR? I've regular point release distros and never felt I needed something like the AUR.
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>"how is storing encryption keys on a separate device secure?"
Well, it just is. That's how bank cards ID to bank systems, SIM cards ID to cell towers. And so on.
IMO that functionality should've been processor basics since the beginning of computers.
But it means that if someone steals my device, they have full access to everything on it. Without entering a passphrase.
Also, bank cards and SIM cards both require a PIN.
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Naturally you can salt it with a password.
PIN is a password.
>Naturally you can salt it with a password.
Oh. Didn't see that anywhere when I googled.

>PIN is a password.
Yeah, that's why I mentioned it.
Isn't that discontinued?
There's an archwiki article on it.
Mostly comes down to env variables
No, testing is just more like "next stable" than cutting edge, they freeze packages for months and dont update like they would for sid. If you want very dangerously cutting edge use experimental, otherwise use sid. Don't use testing unless you're a debian dev or you're testing software in advance to prepare for the next stable release.
Fedora KDE or Mint anons? mainly just playing single player games and emulated games
Arch Linux is best for gaming.
But if you absolutely must pick between those two, then Fedora.
i see should I use bazzite then?
>Aren't 5 and 6 two different branches altogether?
They are, hence his point about them "dangerously testing an obsolete version of KDE".

If testing is what goes into the next version of Debian then they don't want to be in a situation where KDE is outdated by the time that happens (it will be outdated anyway, because they'll freeze at some point but freezing on Plasma 6 is better than sticking with an outdated Plasma 5). They need to get KDE Plasma 6 out of an experimental repo and into testing so that it can have more eyeballs on it.

The fact that KDE, the second biggest desktop environment, is barely maintained in Debian anymore has made me lose all respect for it as a desktop distribution. I'll still use it on my servers and containers, etc, but I'd never recommend it on the desktop.
do you have an nvidia gpu plugged by any chance?
there seems to be a problem around that and vulkan renderer
setting GSK_RENDERER=ngl works for a workaround
I fixed the locale issue. I can start gnome but I just get the error message

"oops, something went wrong"

Yes, I have a nvodya card, i'll try that link to see if it helps.
sudo locale-gen
Explicitly stating my GPU in launch options at least lets me launch the games now

Any idea what I can do to make me not have to do this for every game with this problem? I'm sure I broke something which lead to them not launching.
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>obsolete version of KDE
But is it obsolete? I'd figure someone specifically wanting an older version. You know, like Gnome 2 being a thing.
As for what I changed in /etc/environment
As it turns out, I shouldn't be following Reddit when I have relatively zero clue of what I'm actually doing, being a Mintbaby and all
>me adding shit to /etc/environment
well, don't do that
You should file a bug on bugs.redhat.com. This is far worse than "Your logo looks like Goatsie"
Nobody that's used Plasma 6 wants Plasma 5 back. Plasma 6 isn't a huge overhaul like previous versions of KDE, it's just more of the same but with a greater focus on Qt6 and stability and a few other nice features and QOL improvements thrown in.
Fair enough, lesson learned.
I just don't know my Linux well enough to navigate and repair whatever damage I caused by doing as instructed in >>102591265
people want gnome2 because gnome 3 is so damn shit.
You just take those changes you did back?
I remember the drama over GNOME3 back when it first released. MATE and Cinnamon became a thing because of how many people not liking it at all compared to GNOME2.
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I may need to install and dualboot Windows 11 in addition to Linux.

Will Windows 11 try to break my Linux?
Does having dosbox or using bottles, while the Windows drive is mounted, a possible vulnerability?
>Will Windows 11 try to break my Linux?
Yes. Install it on a different drive.
The 11 version of IoT LTSC (2024) was just released to general availability today. Use that.
All you need to do is install it with a local account and run a privacy tool like ShutUp10 on it to defang it.
Yes, I reversed the whole thing and it still wouldn't let me launch things. It was the first thing I did once I suspected it was the cause, not the GPU driver or some Proton update.
It's not specifically all games, though. Stuff like Valheim launches under both APIs, but Black Myth Wukong requires the DXVK filter now.
I used picture related, but now I have a m2 drive only. It seems that modern uefi don't even have an option to "turn off" a drive without unplugging them.

I will use pro edu or pro workstation whatever is the current counterpart.
who the hell forces you?
Affinity suite
Government and banking apps that have only android and windows client
Occasional certification exams
In general, employed people stuff, otherwise I'm using linux for years.
Well if you want to use either of those two then you should go with Pro for Workstations
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I have a bunch of TCP and UDP ports and simply want to log all IPs visiting them. What is the preferred solution?
Just use mint if you're a newbie unsure
Have you tried setting up windows 11 in a qemu vm first to see if itll be enough for what you need?
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Please upgrade! This version of Tor ( is obsolete, according to the directory authorities. Recommended versions are:,,,,,,,,,,,

I'm on Debian bookworm. What's the preferred installation method for a newer Tor? I can compile from sources too, no problem.
I tried to do that with windows 10 at some point, and there was too much tinkering, and still some things didn't work.

Will do.
according to the directory authorities

who? And why do they know which version you run?
Once in a while? wireshark/tcpdump/whatever
all the time? add log rules to firewall
maybe try removing or backing up your old ~/.nvidia-settings-rc and rebooting
then start and close nvidia-settings again so it creates a new file from scratch
Just use MATE if you want that

Or use a better DE like LXQt
Tor being Tor. And it's part of the protocol to state version, it's common in everything.

All the time.
>add log rules to firewall
And then pipe that to something that sorts and trims a list of IP-addresses? Or should the whole thing be a database? But I'm no programmer.
WSL2, proper VM or dualboot on separate drive?
usecase: learn linux and programming
>I tried to do that with windows 10 at some point, and there was too much tinkering, and still some things didn't work.
It shouldnt need that much tinkering, you just need to get the virtio-win.iso with the drivers and install the guest tools from that + mesa-dist-win
There's also a docker image that can automate some of it
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im on a fresh arch install with hyprland and cant change the keyboard layout for the life of me
ive edited the .conf obviously but it just doesnt seem to apply the changes at all
i even specified the keyboard name and it still doesnt work
any tips?
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>learn headless Linux
VM or real hardware. With VMs use virtIO functionality and communicate over virtIO serial console.
>learn desktop Linux
Real hardware.
Some games get stuck in launch differently, like Palworld instead of immediately closing just hangs drawing the last frame of my desktop before getting marked unresponsive
At least turning off my side monitors with xrandr is instant and doesn't give me cursor-only black screen anymore seemingly, so thanks for this anyway
What's the most bleeding edge updooter distro for 64-bit ARM?
>And then pipe that to something that sorts and trims a list of IP-addresses?
this woulg go to wherever your kernel logs.
Probably systemd journal
How do I stop distrohopping?
Use arch
reminder to stop recommending Mint
Arch stopped my distrohopping.
Unless that's a regression, dunno what you did wrong.
Why not? It's the best Ubuntu-based distro for really anyone.
being better than Ubuntu is a really low bar.
That's not really much of a retort. It's the easiest version of Ubuntu to use, which is easy to use for beginners trying out Linux.
I'd always want to just push them to Arch so they get the best Linux experience (IMO) but they won't want to learn about pacman commands and system maintenance and the like.
The point is that being the best ubuntu doesn't make it good.
"best Ubuntu-based distro" doesn't inherently argue that it's "better than Ubuntu" just to nitpick your choice of words here, best -based could be worse than what it's based on
but I do like "stop recommending this distro" while not giving a replacement recommendation as if we know which one you would personally approve of
>Will Windows 11 try to break my Linux?
Contrary to what others say - it will not. Sometimes after a big Win update that triggers a bootloader update - it will change the default boot entry to Windows. You can easily revert that in UEFI BIOS, nothing is broken.
Been using Arch for a few years and now I'm upgrading to an SSD and I'm thinking of trying Gentoo but I'm not sure.
Wtf I love rpm even moar now
Arch ARM, Tumbleweed or Fedora Rawhide
Well Arch and Gentoo are fairly similar besides Gentoo focusing more on compiling under user-set flags.
arch or gentoo
what hardware is that?
>no reason specified
no thanks, ill keep recommending mint to new users
I am erratically running rsync command.
So how do you copy when you destroy all your data?
Don't erratically run rsync.
Rsync one-way *syncs* directories. It overwrites files to make a mirror, it's not a simple copy.
Check --update, --ignore-existing or use cp.
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That's not exactly the case as Mint uses Ubuntu repositories directly. It *is* Ubuntu.
So it directly eats what Ubuntu shits out?
>It overwrites files to make a mirror, it's not a simple copy.
a simple copy overwrites files.
Rsync doesn't do that, it transfers differentials. It's only going to copy and override the whole file if they widely differ, otherwise it's just going to operate on a delta which is much more efficient.
Yes, except when they workaround Canonical's brain damage so as to not eat their shit. Every single new day it feels more and more like Mint should fuck Canonical off and rebase off of LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition).

They're wasting their finite time.
Someone who eratically used rsync destroying some files probably doesn't care how efficiently he did that.
You're right. I've thought only mv does that, but turns out you need to use no-clobber on both.
The fact that rsync doesn't operate on whole files is why they're destroying their data, is the point. When you replace files wholesale that will never happen.

You are right though, they shouldn't be running it erratically, it's not for that, use something like Syncthing instead.
not sure if I'm asking dumb question but can't you just use wine to run them on linux?
What is this arcane magic and why does it improve font rendering?

Rendering fonts has always been black magic.
Trying to render stuff nicely on low resolution screens is getting a bit old now that we have UHD available and affordable.
This is DBus black magic in C though. I can't make heads or tails of that and most people that aren't GNOME developers aren't either.

Whoever decided to use portals for font settings should be shot.
I still don't really know what portals are or how they work.
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I've been struggling with this, how to get ventoy to have persistence with batocera?
I don't think Ventoy can do persistence? You're directly loading ISOs like disk media.
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>dbus magic
it's just pulling user config from gnome settings schemas. My guess is they were checking the returned setting array against wrong variable which caused fallback font stuff to be skipped. Can't be sure without checking the returned data
That's exactly what the issue is:
>dfea8c31 added a check for portal settings array length but what it really checks is the amount of dbus out arguments.

All this complexity that causes clear issues (developers are humans, they unfortunately make mistakes) all because they don't want to expose the font configuration settings files to a sandbox.
>I don't think Ventoy can do persistence
It can though.
And the other thing I'm struggling with is setting VM as well.
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Anyone that has used LXQt before? How has been in your experience? I have been using Cinnamon for a while but I'm looking for greener pastures. I fired up Fedora's LXQt spin in a live session but wasn't impressed. Screen locking was bugged and threw an error, couldn't figure out a way to make the taskbar icons to not hog the entire taskbar, taskbar themes didn't apply right and it seems it was tied to Openbox (at least here).
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Is there a reason why Dell would certify the Intel version of a laptop for Ubuntu, but not the AMD version?

I'd prefer AMD because of the crashing of the 13th/14th gen Intel chips but maybe Dell thinks the AMD version isn't fully compatible? Like maybe WiFi or Bluetooth etc doesn't work?
LXQt is sort of a mashup of different components you can pick and choose and that come together nicely to form a desktop.

The fact that screen locking was broken on Fedora is because Fedora broke it.

It's not tied to Openbox, either, that's a Fedora thing. Over on Gentoo (my preferred distro of choice) they use KWin as the default window manager which is nice because it's a good compositor with lots of fancy effects. Other distros use Xfwm (XFCE's compositor) instead.
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appears to be an nvidia jetson tx2 dev kit
is apt retarded or did i fuck it up somehow
this is debian btw
I'm using LXQt on Ubuntu LTS and it just works, including screen locking with XScreenSaver

Openbox is my window manager but yeah, you can change it
I used LXQt until very recently. You are right that the Fedora version is untested unfinished garbage. Lubuntu has a few less issues but still needs to be tweaked e.g. laptop lid suspend. LXQt lets you switch window managers like from Openbox to Kwin. Unfortunately, there is no good default setup for LXQt on any mainstream distro.
>a good compositor with lots of fancy effects.
wasn't the point of lxqt to be lightweight?
Pretty much. They do this by only using bare-bones Qt for their applications and desktops so if something isn't supported in Qt and requires a lot of dependencies to support they just won't do that.

I prefer KDE if your hardware can handle it, but LXQt is still a decent lightweight desktop and pairing it with KWin gives you a sort of lightweight KDE which works really well in my opinion.

. /etc/profile

Replace xx_XX with what ever you need.
Why are you using Ukranian English as your language?
That is English anon United Kingdom.
what has that to do with setting the keyboard layout?
That's en_GB, en_UK if it exists means to use the Ukranian locale but with the English language, thus using their metric units, currency, etc, but in English.
Can Cosmic desktop swap to different themes without shit like glowing window focus? The default theme looks awful.
>Lubuntu has a few less issues but still needs to be tweaked e.g. laptop lid suspend
It just works for me but I'm running Ubuntu 22 LTS with LXQt 1.4 installed from the Lubuntu backports PPA. So I installed Ubuntu first and LXQt afterwards. Maybe some laptops like mine just work and others don't, I dunno.
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Not him and I agree with you about GB, but I thought UA was used by Ukraine, pic related
Maybe I was mistaking the dumb default with Fedora's version. It was a simple fix via the power app but is still one more thing to annoy me.
yes, UK doesn't even exist in this context.
I think you're right,. I don't know what country uses the UK code then but it's definitely not the United Kingdom or Ukraine. I just put:
in /etc/locale.gen and re-ran
sudo locale-gen
and it didn't do anything:
[error] cannot open locale definition file `en_UK': No such file or directory
How can i do the "sync with TV" youtube phone app thing without having to use the official youtube app?
Some sort of screen share app?
what is a good alternative to DWM and dmenu? preferably not sharing any code with those projects
Power outages keep corrupting my NTFS external drive, whenever that happens I need to do chkdsk on it with a windows device or it won't mount. Is there any risk of actually ruining the drive?
Why are you using ntfs on linux?
cause ext 4 is temporary
Buy an uninterrupted power supply.
Because it's an external drive I bought when I only used Windows and I'm not going to buy another 500gb drive just to move stuff back and forth so I can change its format.
gparted automatically converts NTFS to ext 4 without losing data
No way, really? That's incredible.
Any risks? Any mitigations to avoid losing data during the process?
nope just convert it without deleting the old partition and data will still be there
does anyone use dracut for initram? do you like it?
that's not a thing to the best of my knowledge
you can use gparted as part of a manual shuffling process to convert from one filesystem to another, but gparted won't do that on its own

by that i mean just shrinking, making a new volume at the end, moving as many files into that as you can, shrinking again, making a new volume, moving, repeat until the original volume is empty and you can make the new volume you actually want at the beginning of the drive, now copy stuff from the temporary volumes into the new beginning volume and delete the temporary ones until you're done
this can take quite a while depending on the size and speed of the drive, since it requires copying everything on it twice onto itself. on the plus side the risk of losing data is minimal, since an interrupted copy can just be restarted.
this requires less copies and is less dangerous than the more obvious method of shrinking then moving the whole volume itself to the right (or the new volume to the left)
if you're willing to deal with a immutable os, sure.
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What's a good package to provide screen locking capacities? SSDM or something?
Don't really mind Openbox really, because I'm going to jump to labwc once it's ready. Or iceWM, whatever happens first.
>laptop lid suspend
QRD on that?
>QRD on that?
Basically, closing the laptop lid on Fedora leaves the computer running instead of switching to suspend. It takes ten seconds to enable it in LXQt's settings but it's not on by default.
i was trying to get him to delete all of his datq you moron cause data horders are morons and deserve it
I horde data.
I horde 100tb of textbooks and research papers on my server available for download from scihub and libgen. At any given time my upload is 1mb/s min
Am I a moron?
Would you like to meet up so you can tell me in detail to my face?
yes you are a moron NO DATA IS IMPORTANT
how did you arrive at hoarder? he has a 500G external drive and nothing to back it up to
SDDM is a display manager it doesn't directly provide screen locking capabilities. There's a number of screenlockers for X11, you could use any one of them.
if he cares about the data on it so much he cant lose it he is a hoarder
no data? not even your work? or family photos? or tax documents?
you really just use your computer to consoom and literally nothing else?
yes its my main entertainment device what else would i do with it?
i'd accept that he should have a backup if it was important, but hoarder, not necessarily
no one should hold on to any data the more important data you keep the more vulnerable you are to cryptolock malware
It looks like light-locker is in Fedora's repos I'll try that
Unsurprising, distros that are good out of the box are a dime in a dozen.
Show nose.
I wanna distrohop to Arch and instead of a DE, I'd like to use a WM, something I have never used before. What's the mint equivalent of WMs? I know I have to do some work on it but I'm fine to learn some stuff. currently on openSUSE.
Hyprland if you're a chud
dwm if you're based
Which scanner software is good at PDF and optionally OCR?
thanks m8.
I updated my Neovim config to a modern plugin manager and to modern replacements of my previous plugins. What now? I guess I gotta do Emacs tomorrow.
For hard to explain reasons, I felt like trying my hand at rolling my own Dockerfile for a MySQL container. The good news is the main web server container is able to ping the database container, and the database service itself appears to be up and running, or at least has a working database. Bad news is as far as I can tell, none of the applications can connect to the actual database. Even pinging that same "address" on port 3306 gives me "unknown host" despite the fact that the Dockerfile for the database has EXPOSE 3306 and the compose file has "3306:3306" under volumes

What else could I be missing?
What browser should I use?
Is there still hope that Gnome will get more performance improvements?
the fact that they're planning to use hyprland for their wayland session is crazy. they'd have to tardwrangle it into a floating wm with actual window decorations.
I just remembered seeing a gif of a guy demonstrating something in the terminal and he had some sort of "previous command suggestion" in it, for example when writing "gpg --l" a faint completion with "ist-keys" would show up, as he had written that before. Do you guys have any idea what that was?
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What's the best way to run windows along side linux?
>dual boot (install windows on same drive vs different drive)
>USB boot
>VM (qemu/Virtualbox)
I have two internal disks, one sdd with arch linux in it, one hdd with windows in it (that I just installed after linux, i.e linux existed before windows)
After installing windows 10 to hdd, the GRUB bootloader just disappeared, the bios shows windows loader only now.
I read some documentation, I just want to check if the things I'll do is the proper way
I chroot to my archlinux
I reinstall grub
I configure grub for both systems somehow
and I can now select from grub whatever windows/linux I want
it's a symbol for bugchasing, look it up
>dual boot
duel boot? please no
>USB boot
running an OS from USB? please no
highly depends on what kind of software you want to run.
>the GRUB bootloader just disappeared
windows won the duel

Basically, that should work, until windows kills your grub again.
No, it eats the same shit with Ubuntu.
What was Mint's purpose again?
>it eats the same shit with Ubuntu.
only true for the edition based on debian.
>What was Mint's purpose again?
Being the OS that always looks greener from the other side.
i3 for tiling, Openbox for floating (has a bunch of GUI tweaking tools to avoid touching the XML files).
I never understood THOSE. Why can't they be installable packages instead of trying to be distributions?
>apt install mint
>your Ubuntu is now "Mint"
Same goes for Pi-Hole and similar projects.
>highly depends on what kind of software you want to run.
10s games and older.
If that's more than things like minesweeper, games are not so great in a vm.
Dunna what's the best way is, maybe duel boot with different drives.
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>try to copy files to another drive
>says there isn't enough space and I need 80GB more even though the destination has 5x the space than the files I'm trying to copy
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>running an OS from USB? please no
Works when it's a nice one and no one's kicking the wire. Though USB is USB and there's the constant risk of a random hiccup.
Who says?
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>Who says?
This fucking faggot
On an unrelated note I did a restart and after launching my browser I got hit with a "login keyring did not get unlocked"
This is a fresh install, why is this shit so brok
Tesseract can OCR documents
Okay chatgpt did not work :(
I chroot to the system, configure grub, check with efibootmgr and its there, after reboot I cant see grub , and chrooting again I cant even find grub, help?
UEFI or legacy BIOS boot?
>games are not so great in a vm
Damn it.
even games like RA2 YR?
It is UEFI
Check the boot entries and recreate if needed - it's easy recreate Linux entries as Linux doesn't hide binary data in there. Also check the EFI system partition case Microsoft deleted your \\EFI\gentoo\grubx64.efi.
Unless the game has kernel-level anti-cheat or some other weird shit many if not most modern games run fine on Linux so you can just leave Windows completely. Check protondb to verify what you want to play.
If you must dual boot then do it on different drives.
>Though USB is USB and there's the constant risk of a random hiccup.
Ventoy doesn't seem to have an issue with running VHDX machines
that's a game from 10s?
might work in a vm or not, I lack experience on that matter, can't say for sure.
>Check protondb to verify what you want to play.
This was the first thing, extremely bad.
And being old game, no one care about it.
just play native:
Can you eloberate please?
I have EFI system partition in my sdd(that arch resides)
My root/efi directory is empty
>that's a game from 10s?
00s really.
You need to get it from steam exclusively.
>Latest comment on protondb is a week ago
stop bullshitting
I do have grub/efi files whatever in /boot/EFI
So? Steam makes it even easier to use proton.

First script gets you the entire game.
Not talking software here. I'm talking about use case where your USB OS drive sits there indefinitely. It's a failure bound to happen.

>I have EFI system partition in my sdd(that arch resides)
Obviously you have at least one, otherwise you couldn't boot anything at all.
>My root/efi directory is empty
"root/efi" huh? Says to me you need to figure out your stuff. See if you have multiple EFI system partitions and then check the contents.
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Are there any good file explorers on linux with extensive filtering like Windows Explorer? Its one of the few things that I haven't found a solution for and i really miss it, even Windows Explorer isnt that great since it can't pull metadata from H265/VP9/AV1 video for example. It would be ridicilous to have to resort to making an SMB share and managing files from a windows VM.
Dolphin and Krusader are good otherwise but their filtering is extremely barebones.
Both my hdd and sdd have have efi partition
I checked both of them and they have both have grub, EFI directories
Additionally my /boot/EFI havr Microsoft directory with bunch of files.
I mounted hdd windows EFI on /mnt/windows
os-prober gives nothing
I am not a expert here, sorry
Cool, now you see the files. Next the actual entries:
efibootmgr -v -u
>LXC container with xrdp or wayvnc for a headless remote session instead of using a VM
Underrated and doesnt get talked about much, it's less overhead than a VM as well.
0000 windows boot manager \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi
0001 windows boot manager \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi
0002 my installation media
0003 arch \EFI\arch\grubx64.efi
Other stuff usb-disk-network
The Boot order is 0003,0001
I had similar settings, rebooted and couldnt see grub
I am typing these manually, sorry
Missing some info, there's partition UUIDs too.
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Here is the photo
>USB OS drive sits there indefinitely. It's a failure bound to happen.
The same can be said with HDD/SSD on SATA.
im that anon and thanks i will try it later
i was already mentally preparing to use the US layout for the time being
are you talking about the locale?
i generated that
if i dont start hyperland and in my display manager i got the correct keyboard layout too
i will try those commands though
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Where to get the free version of chromeOs that has support for android and linux subsystem?
Both show the same partuuid so there should be \arch\ directory alongside \Microsoft\ on your ESP.
Yeah there is, now what? I did reboot with similar situation, and it just came back to windows boot loader.
After chrooting again all of the things I ever did were gone
Has anyone got Gentto on wsl and managed to get a KDE plasma desktop environment working?

I've been trying for ages, I had it working at one point but can't remember what I did. Since then i've reinstalled but can't get it working at all.
I know wsl means windows subsystem for linux, but is that what you mean? Because I wasn't aware you could get all that on wsl.
If so then why not just run Gentoo directly and have windows in a VM or something?
Yes, windows subsystem.

I'm just doing it to mess around and learn linux.
It is better to have a desktop environment though.

I've got it on a VM with KDE plasma but performance is shit, really lagy and slow. It is much faster and smooth on WSL and uses a lot less resources than running a VM.

Just wish I could remember how I got it working before.
Almost got it working but getting these errors

What's the "users" group for and is there any reason or benefit to add my user to it?
Literally for "users" as in not daemon users but human users. Having groups doesn't cost anything so I assume it's Unix legacy to have such a group by default.
Can someone please help :3
debian updates too much
if you do want to try rerunning grub-install, don't forget to also mount your esp to /mnt/boot before the chroot
use void
>supports partial updates
>no backports or testing shenanigans, just packages stable upstream
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What's wrong with KCalc?
It's basically the public file share group. You don't want to make the public files 777 because any minimum privilege, likely to be hacked, service can tamper with them. So you make a users group, and shared directories are 770 :users. The wheel group is the same for people with sudo access.
How often should I reinstall my arch setup to keep it clean? Also, is there any way to transfer stuff between arch install? Like some applications that I use and their dependencies to later reinstall everything automatically?
My friends asked me to make a server to play Minecraft. I had thought about using my Linux laptop to host it since I only use it for browsing and typing in college.
I don't mind changing operating systems if necessary, but I want to keep an OS with a graphical interface.
Recommendations? Im using Linux Mint 22.
The laptop have a intel i7 6500u and 12gb ram
Is Dinit unstable?
Not sure really, Dolphin tries to do this with Akonadi (it supports tags, some attributes) but isn't as deep as Explorer's ultra specific file attributes.
Things like Darktable and Brainz Picard are what people use to manage media.
Look into shell completion. Some shells support it out of the box (fish), others require plugins (bash, zsh, etc.).
For peak cleanliness you should drill a small hole into your harddrive so you can inject some dishsoap directly into it.
You keep your Arch install "clean" via doing maintenance on it.
Maybe switch to something more container focused like ublue distros and host the server with podman
I switched from Windows 11 to Ubuntu and have been enjoying it so far. Started running into an issue where having fractional scaling enabled will make animations and video playback stutter. Can't really find a solution for this. I know that fractional scaling can be iffy but I'm confused as to why it was working before and just doesn't know. Any ideas?
> via doing maintenance on it
I don’t think I’m capable enough to go through 70GBs of data on my system drive to check if I actually need dependency of another dependency and to find out how much viruses I’ve got by running games from questionable sources in wine and ceserver as sudo
Im pretty sure that I have to reinstall at this point, so getting answers to the last two questions would be good
Less pacman, less AUR, more flatpaks, then problem is solved forever
So there really is no file explorer that can actually filter based off the metadata listed in its own properties window? Is there anything that does video? Darktable is like lightroom for photos only but i never liked using lightroom either, explorer just did it so well.
>Fedora 37 includes a notable change which disables hardware acceleration for proprietary video codecs (most commonly H.264 and H.265) when using the Mesa drivers stack.
what the fuck
> Less pacman, less AUR, more flatpaks
I don’t use AUR, but use both pacman and flatpak, flatpak downloads even more stuff per app and if there’s something malicious then it’s still capable to infect the original system
just go away you fucking retard.
thanks, ubuntu.
> CVE-2024-32462
> Sanbox escape via RequestBackground portal and CWE-88
Flatpak still isn’t 100% safe to use, apps can still escape sandbox and infect the system
a) Why do downloads from cdimage.debian.org redirect to umu.se?
b) Why is umu.se slow as fuck?
c) How can I figure out which US mirror would be the fastest?
Hey is there a note taking app for linux thats I don't know kinda gay? Like microsoft one note? Where its supposed to mimic a notebook?
The show apps button in Ubuntu Gnome sometimes skips the animation. How do I make it always show the animation?
games are good in a vm if you pass through a gpu
I dont remember that happening, happened couple of times with snap though
mega shill
What's a good/safe place to put .sh files that I want access to anywhere in the terminal? I know I can add anything to PATH but it doesn't seem safe to add anything in the home folder.
Anywhere you want ... Do they need suid? Some sys/bin folder. Do they not? /Usr/bin or in in your home folder.
For custom scripts I like my home folder
Is there a way to get sysvinit compatibility on Artix?
You got a shell script meant for a sysv service?
Just write the damn service file lmao
Put everything under /usr/local for system wide effects or ~/.local for personal effects.
Executable scripts or sourceable files?
Remove the .sh ending and place under /usr/local/bin. Or ~/.local/bin
Keep .sh naming scheme and place under /usr/local/lib.
Ask them why their server defaults to that particular hostname instead of the "cdimage" alias. The swedish server is the "main one" so nothing is wrong, you are just seeing a funkier name.
It's not, your burger internets gets broken the nanosecond you access overseas resources. Or this is what I've been hearing.
Test them manually, it's impossible to tell from outside.
>How often should I reinstall my arch setup to keep it clean?
Stop having autism.
>Also, is there any way to transfer stuff between arch install?
Define stuff. Changes you made under /etc?
>Like some applications that I use
Make a list of *explicitly installed* packages
Don't need that.
Does hardware acceleration for downloaded video files matter?
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What is the recommended way to encrypt my HD where I store general things and SSD where my OS is? I remember hearing somewhere that anyone can change my user password in Linux, I wanted a way to get around that.
Yes, I spent a few hours researching this. It's super annoying because you'll run into conflicts and compatibility issues when updating. Saw some posts where it wouldn't even boot until they switched back and some older posts about having to go months before mesa was updated.
If you ask me: LUKS or "plain encryption" + EXT4 as the filesystem.
I don't understand the question. Hardware acceleration matters when playing a video.
As someone who's been using it since 37 and now on 40, you won't.
>Hardware acceleration matters when playing a video.
Does it actually make a noticeable difference? Mpv has it off by default and I'm wondering if it's worth even enabling? I'll probably give it a go tomorrow just to try it, but just wanted some opinions on it.
>you won't.
Run into issues?
Yeah it's been pretty stable for a while. They had some brief teething issues with 37, but it's been fine since then.

>Saw some posts where it wouldn't even boot until they switched back
That's nonsensical. You don't need hardware video decoding to boot.
>posts about having to go months before mesa was updated
Fedora doesn't change major versions of mesa within releases. Fedora vs rpmfusion desyncs on hardware video codecs lasted maybe two weeks at most and only effected video codecs in new installs.
what's your root password? Mine is asdf
it makes it easier to do shit.
How did GNOME build Mutter in 2018? The wayland compositor sounds like it would be a big project if it has to replace Xorg. But, GNOME and KDE just pooped out their own compositors super fast.
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>That's nonsensical. You don't need hardware video decoding to boot.
>Users who upgraded their mesa and had this mismatch may experience gpu hang, broken desktop, and completely borked system.
It was this specific post I referred to.
>Fedora vs rpmfusion desyncs on hardware video codecs lasted maybe two weeks at most and only effected video codecs in new installs.
I saw this comment in pic related about issuing using the rpmfusion ones.
hacked ;)
>Does it actually make a noticeable difference?
if your cpu is dogshit, yes. If no, not that much.
Unless you care about power efficiency or something.
pacman packages can do it way more easily anyway you tard
you just moved your goalpost
not that anon, though
also you are not infected by anything, you are just suffering from paranoia, possibly paranoid schizophrenia
i too am not that anon
what were we talking about again?
Massive black dildos
>american detected
generally we don't want americans in this thread
i used the highly evolve sloc tool and it says mutter is 390k loc and should take 3 years to develop with 31 developers.
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Well there's a reason most big tech companies get their employees to log into the intranet with these.
i'm horrified of those things breaking
Well they probably have a cap, plus they're easily put on a keyring. You'd have to like sit on it or something to break it.
So, I had fedora installed in my pc, and after about two weeks it started to freeze, randomly. The only error that showed on the jornalclt was a gdm error, but not sure if it was related. I installed mint now and so far no crashes. Anyone knows what could be this issue?
I created an alias in my zshrc to remove english subtitles from my downloaded chinese cartoons in the current directory. I would also like to delete the input files when the process is complete, but I'm retarded and can't get rm to work with gnu parallel after running mkvmerge, only with nasty "for i in *"

my new alias:
alias unburgermore="find ./ -iname '*.mkv' -print0 | parallel -q0 -j $(nproc) mkvmerge -o "{.}".ns.mkv --audio-tracks und,jpn --subtitle-tracks jpn "{}""

my for loop that works but is slow:
alias unburger='for file in *mkv; do mkvmerge -o "${file%.mkv}".ns.mkv --audio-tracks und,jpn --subtitle-tracks jpn "$file"; rm "$file" ; done'

How do I fix my new one?
Is this a known Qt bug?

I'm on Arch/X11, just updated to Qt 6.7.3. Since the update Plasma is ignoring the first mouse wheel scroll up/down event on its widgets. It's most visible on the volume control tray icon, when you move the mouse on it and then scroll up/down to change the volume, the very first up or down scroll is ignored (if you do up,down or down,up both are ignored). If you move the mouse even one pixel it happens again, the next scroll up/down is ignored. If you keep the mouse perfectly stationary it works as expected.

It affects scrolling on the task switcher and app launcher as well, except you have to move the mouse outside of the window and back in to trigger it rather than just move the mouse by one pixel.

It seems to affect the Qt Quick/QML stuff only, I can't reproduce it with Qt Widgets applications. xev shows no input issues, and GTK apps are fine too.
It's the poorfag&noob alternative to chip cards. But security is just as good.
Consoom two.
Been using i3wm for like 3 years now but recently tried out gnome on Ubuntu for my desktop pc and I've gotta say; for ultrawide and a second monitor gnome really does the job. After messing about with some keybind shortcuts and adding tdrop into the mix for some i3 scratchpad action, then I actually prefer it to i3. Really impressed desu
Okay, this is embarrasing. Long story short:
>"Time to give Linux a real chance!"
>I installed Fedora 41 (beta), after a few tweaks everything seems to work perfectly.
>Even Ollama3.2 and StableDiffusion work flawlessly.
>Unfortunately 2 basic things are annoying me
>The screen color profile seems oversaturated (I tried different profiles with zero changes), and after checking, not even the nVidia panel would allow me to manipulate gamma, contrast, etc. There's a tool that allowed me to generate a profile and tweak the image a little, but the results are obviously inaccurate.
>The PC won't sleep and resume correctly (some pointed it could be related to the Nvidia driver once more)

Are you sure they want me to use Linux?
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>not even the nVidia panel would allow me to
Blind. Pic rel.
Aside from that you should adjust your monitors settings in your monitors settings primarily. If you need to adjust those settings on any OS you are doing something wrong with your monitor.
As for color profiles, they are currently only supported on wayland which uses a different render.
Using wayland with nvidia is not recommended at all.
Try switching from wayland to X11 on your login screen.
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Additionally you may have a tray icon somewhere for brightness.
Make sure that is set to 100%.
Games back then worked with AGP
I'm resized this ntfs drive so I can move stuff to a new ext4 partition on it and eventually reformat the whole thing as ext4, but I started it 2 hours ago and it's still "resizing partition". I have a 4tb nvme drive, is it supposed to take this long? Should I cancel it?
how much did you resize it by?
how long a resize takes depends mainly on how much data needs to be moved out of the way
that is, any data which is in the space you're removing has to be relocated to somewhere within the remaining space
for this reason i try not to resize it as small as possible, as the tighter you make it, the more fragmentation happens, and writing small fragments is slow
I think a terabyte or two?
Does it go away if you downgrade Qt? If so please report that to KDE
Installing Fedora.
If I select "Encrypt my data", and the installation breaks at some point, can I still recover the data as long as I remember the password?
If so, how would I do that?
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old term for gpu
>Voodoo3 2000 AGP card
it it was well-used, it could have a significant amount of data in that space, which all needs to be moved into the remaining space
ntfs-3g in linux isn't the speediest of drivers, but at least it can move data windows will tell you it can't move
if the drive is still churning, just let it finish
Got it, thanks. I used this drive in windows for a few years. Glad to finally switch to linux, i like it a lot more.
i know what agp is, i just don't know why you brought it up
and it's not an old name for gpu, it's the interface they used before pci-e (not to be confused with pci)
i hadn't really thought about it, but i guess nobody calls cards pci-e cards anymore, because that's the only kind of card anybody uses anymore
the motherboard i got in 2017 marked the end of me having any pci slots in my main computer
Thanks for your answer, 4090-bro, I'll take a look at the whole Wayland vs x11 thing (I'm still a noob).

That said, check pic related. I can confirm that everything else works correctly.
answering my own question:
according to a quick search, Fedora uses LUKS, and this is rather simple to do
That is normal under wayland. The Nvidia control panel is useless there. Also adjust you monitors colors on the monitor as another anon already said.

If you plan on using Wayland here are a few notes:
If you want gsync you cannot connect more than one monitor to the gpu or it will not work due to a bug. Connect additional monitors to the motherboard/igpu if you have one.
Use at least driver 555.
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Is there a decent GUI tool for qemu/kvm?
Other than virt-manger.
Or at least some tool that generate proper bash config script for booting images.
Write your own wrappers around Qemu if you want that.
It is what I'm doing now.
But trying to find that specific argument to make something boot is frustrating.
Try quickemu. It isn't a GUI but it's like a QEMU container making simplifier.
One of the easiest ways to make macOS VMs for example.
1. Log out from your user in your start menu.
2. On the login screen change your session from "Plasma (Wayland)" to "Plasma (X11)"
3. Log in.
4. Check that the brightness slider in the system tray is set to 100%.
Your nvidia settings will now be filled out and work properly, so you can adjust coloring if absolutely necessary.
Never use wayland again.
>macOS VMs for example.
Nice, please do tell do sir, how can I get my hands on MacOS vm?
You sound like someone who might also know which tools are used for converting vmware, virtualbox, and proxmox VM's between each other and to QEMU?
Just give the git readme a read. Tells you how it works.

Sorry, not that knowledgeable.
qemu-img can probably do it. If not that then one of the other tools that comes with Qemu.
>qemu-desktop virt-manager
Are these the correct packages needed for a standard vmware/virtualbox style GUI setup on a desktop on arch linux?
Libvirtd too
Safest option is dualbooting on a different drive.
I appreciate the advice. Since the problem is now located (Wayland), I'll take a look around.

This is Fedora Workstation (Gnome), mate. Am I missing something?

I thank you both for your answers. Little by little I'll make it my daily OS.
How's the Linux NTFS implementation these days?
New thread:
>Am I missing something?
Yeah, gnome is the worst possible choice you could make.
Make, model and GPU?
They're planning to support multiple compositors. Labwc will probably be the main one used because it's most similar to Openbox but there's nothing preventing LXQt from being used with tiling environments. You could do that today with X11, even.

They're basically trying to ensure there's a couple of different well supported options but it'll probably end up running just fine in KWin_Wayland and anything Wlroots based which gives more than enough choice.
ntfs-3g has been fine for near 20 years at this point

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