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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
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$ man %command%
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$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

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Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

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Previous thread: >>102627127
i need to run a windows vm to unlock my stupid ramlet xiaomi phone
which vm software do you recommend
On Linux you can just set up a QEMU/KVM Windows VM via virt-manager or quickemu.
Anyone has any experience with Linux on tablets?
None but it should work fine (providing driver support of course). Both GNOME and KDE support touch input. Virtual keyboard support is still shit though.
Thanks for the help bros. Loving this linux mint install.
Even on the desktop there's a case for better virtual keyboard support too, for example, inputting emojis on Linux is very busted and somehow nobody has noticed.

GNOME has a very beautiful widget but its GTK only and some apps don't have it for some reason.

KDE has a shit app that copies emojis to the clipboard when it should really be a virtual keyboard.

The best way to input emoji that I've found is to use iBus (FCITX probably works too but I like iBus).
thanks I opted for quickemu because it seems easier to use
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>muh unix philosophy
Who cares if systemd adheres to a philosophy or not. What matters is functionality.
Does libvirt plan to support btrfs subvols as a storage pool the same way they do with zfs zvols and lvm?
I've never tried using LVM as a storage pool, how is it supposed to work exactly?
Does Red Hat plan to support that? Probably not. I guess somebody from the community would have to contribute that, even though BTRFS is stable and has been for some time now it's still treated like the devil within Red Hat.
Are there any ARM tablets that can run Linux properly? I would buy a PineTab except the display is dogshit resolution
>BTRFS is stable and has been for some time now it's still treated like the devil within Red Hat.
That makes no sense otherwise fedora wouldn't be defaulting to btrfs on install. The only reason that rhel uses xfs over btrfs is supposed to be because they have no btrfs engineers while they have xfs engineers
Fedora is not Red Hat (even though they invest heavily in it).

For RHEL they're still pushing their Stratis garbage of XFS and LVM, everyone knows this is a joke compared to ZFS and BTRFS but it's still full steam ahead as far as they're concerned.
Yeah, that's what I gather. Well I don't have a fucking ARM Linux installation (yet), and there's barely any info on people wanting to archive a flathub package. It would have been nice to archive the flatpak. This is messed up though, it feels like the Linux ecosystem doesn't give a shit about preservation.
>Fedora is not Red Hat (even though they invest heavily in it).
Fedora IS Red Hat.
If Fedora is not Red Hat, try to make a change that affects RH - you will be shut down (by a RH employee) with some more or less made up reason. Check out: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/f42-change-proposal-fedora-plasma-workstation-system-wide/111343/159
There was no voting. Even if there was, I believe RH employees have a major stake in council, so you will be shutdown then. Red Hat can flood council with any members they like, because they are appointed. Community members are elected. See where it's going? It's just a theater.

"Fedora is not Red Hat" is bullshit for goys they tell to make it sound like Fedora is fully independent. They are somewhat independent, but still a subsidiary (like a company). I'm using Fedora BTW.

I developed an eye twitch reading this script. Am I in the wrong?
notify() {
notify-send -t 3000 -a grimshot "$@"
notifyOk() {
[ "$NOTIFY" = "no" ] && return


if [ "$ACTION" = "save" ] || [ "$ACTION" = "savecopy" ]; then
notify "$TITLE" "$MESSAGE" -i "$FILE"
notify "$TITLE" "$MESSAGE"
notifyError() {
if [ $NOTIFY = "yes" ]; then
MESSAGE=${1:-"Error taking screenshot with grim"}
notify -u critical "$TITLE" "$MESSAGE"
echo "$1"

die() {
notifyError "Error: $MSG"
exit 2

check() {
if command -v "$COMMAND" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
What's wrong with it? Looks like typical bash script, that manages to deal with language shortcomings.
You two should have a chinwag
The reason that was shutdown was because 1) they submitted the proposal to the wrong place (it should have gone to the workstation group) and 2) all of the people on the Workstation SIG are GNOME users so it was never going to pass anyway. They're not going to vote for an "inferior" desktop environment. The whole thing is rigged.
The entire check function could be replaced with command -V progname, but even within that, he's reassigning $1 to a longer variable for no reason and creating a string variable for the result instead of just echoing within the if statement. This check function is called multiple times instead of being run once on an array with a for loop on $@ to run command -V on each item, but even that would be unnecessary, since command -V can take multiple arguments. It's bewildering how complicated he managed to make it. I feel like I'm reading Finnegan's Wake.
For the second time I boot cachyos, only one monitor works at 1024x768, nvidia driver not loaded, reinstalling nvidia doesn't work, updating doesn't work, and now reinstalling all packages doesnt even work wtf keeps breaking it
If you're on X11, maybe add a modeline to an xorg monitor configuration file. You can generate one with cvt.
I have two different computers that sometimes freeze when returning from suspend. Kill me.
Every new branch brings some new goodies, why you stay on "LTS" kernels? Especially if you compile your own.
>I have two different computers that sometimes freeze when returning from suspend. Kill me.
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I don't use
-packet filtering
-VGA framebuffer (just doing the actual GPU)
I am running GNU/Linux on a laptop but I've never encountered your problem

I guess some hardware is better supported than other hardware
>I don't use

Why? The performance trade-off of mitigations is minimal and the security benefit of them is substantial.
>Fedora is not Red Hat
Then why are fedora so paranoid about the h264 codecs? Or the autism with that telemetry shit they keep pushing for even though the community rejects it?
I keep my desktops up-to-date but my servers and routers stay on LTS. I've been experimenting with L4S and TCP Prague lately and that's currently stuck on 6.6 (which is not even that out-of-date). They plan to mainline it at some point though.
Is it possible to specify which modules and hooks i want added to the initramfs on debian? The default initramfs is too big and the option to try to debloat it and guess which modules are the only ones needed didn't work.
Both dracut and mkinitcpio are able to do this but not whatever debian is using for some reason.
They are the legal entity responsible for the distribution and unfortunately they were stupid enough to set up shop in America instead of a nice freedom respecting country like Germany. It's ran by the community though, not by Red Hat.

Red Hat has CentOS which feeds into RHEL. Fedora is just a testbed.
Not interested in random untested shit that randomly breaks on each new branch. I don't need your 0.5% performance increase
It is very likely a kernel problem considering I did not have this problem for 8+ years. Unfortunately, this problem has existed for almost a year now even with all the new kernel releases since then.
No because btrfs subvolumes aren't block devices like zvols or lvs.
btrfs and zfs are not desirable for san or hardware raid, which is a lot of if not most enterprise storage
Hardware RAID is not desirable in the first place, the whole reason you're using BTRFS or ZFS is to avoid that plague.
Unfortunately it's still necessary if you're going to scale up to 12+ drives with good performance. Also applications like SAN where you're dealing with high level block storage. btrfs and zfs have too much overhead for these.
What even differentiates the two regarding kernels? Why wouldn't you want better hard drive and network card support for a server for example?
Slow rolling versus fast rolling. I do still update the kernels on my servers, just not at the "FUCK MY SHIT UP" rate Arch updooters do.
>Slow rolling versus fast rolling
Can't compare kernels to userlands. Kernel doesn't have dependencies, it just runs.
It's the rate of updating I was comparing.
With btrfs, is it possible to "diff" two snapshots, or a snapshot with the current state?
Doesn't mean you have to stay on old branches. Kernel.org says anything's "stable" that's not a Release Candidate.
snapshots are just directories, if there's a diff tool or a way to compare the contents of two directories recursively you can just use that.
You know damn well "stable" isn't. The only actually stable Linux is LTS.
I don't, 6.6 is not that old. I will likely switch to the next LTS too.

The LTS on kernel.org moves a lot faster than most distros LTS kernels.
Doesn't say "LTS" anywhere on kernel.org.
"longterm", you dolt.
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I'm a newfag using Plasma on Fedora. Is there a way to integrate Thunderbird with Plasma's Calendar widget so i can check my appointments from it?
is there a guide for how to use excel with wine in linux?

I have never used wine or vms before but I have this fucking retarded file that does not work with libreoffice clac, google sheets, or even office 365. I'm hoping 2016 excel could work
Does XFS really completely replace and obsolete EXT4 now like people here say?
Is there any case where EXT4 would be a better choice than XFS at all anymore?
Why not just run it in a VM and call it a day?
XFS is a meme pushed by one RHEL shill
If XFS was really better than EXT4, every distro would've switched to it ages ago. Ext4 is obviously better.
Well people call each other shills here all the time without that being true, just because they don't like each other.
What if it's more than one guy claiming it? What if he is right?
How do we know?
It is true that XFS has data integrity checks which EXT4 doesn't.
So who should I really believe?
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How do I make a webserver with a button/link that says "reboot" and it will make the local machine issue a "reboot" command?
Or any other command? Or with text boxes in case I had to state a parameter?
php has a plugin that executes shell scripts and commands
You don't even need a plugin, just use

Maybe you're instead looking for a control panel of some sort like Ajenti though? No need to re-invent the wheel here.

Forgot to tag: >>102651799
Pretty sure exec is not enabled by default and either requires a plugin/module or a security setting change.
It is likely disabled in php.ini for security reasons but it's part of core PHP, not a plugin.
XFS has reflink and very low overhead in terms of format size, CPU use, and write amplification, which makes it a natural fit for high performance SSDs (relative to CPU hash speed) and high level block storage systems which provide their own integrity guarantees.

Shrink, filesystem level encryption, and case insensitive mode are reasons to use ext4. A lot of end user focused distros like it for shrink and administrative simplicity vs btrfs.
Got a problem with chrome, some apps like the browser flicker and stop displaying. How to fix?
Problems with Gnome not chrome
Well shrink is never a problem for the majority of users. People set up their partitions once and never again.
I'm just wondering if there's any reason NOT to use XFS over EXT4 for all non-root drives.
Ext4 really is the filesystem of choice for people that just don't care.

It's good because it's generic and works in all of the cases you'd want it to, that's why distros tend to default to it still.

If you want features like snapshots (good for recovery but you might not care about the one time a year your system has a major fuckup and requires a chroot and live USB to fix it) then BTRFS is much better though. The write amplification is irrelevant (stop buying Chink SSDs) and the administrative complexity should be managed by your distribution (OpenSUSE manages it but if your distribution is DIY or built by retards then all you have to do install the btrfs-maintenance scripts and all your administration is taken care for you)
Nobody is disputing that BTRFS is best for root drives. The question is in XFS vs EXT4 for non root drives.
If you care about data checksums (not just metadata like XFS) then BTRFS is still the best choice.
If you don't care, then ext4, plain and simple.
Install libreoffice was a mistake.
It as pulled 129 packages and has been compiling for about 2hrs now..
Always use flatpak for user apps.
Should have got the Flatpak.
Fuck building that piece of shit, and even the binary that does exist is going to pull way too many deps.
I wish I had now :/
>It is true that XFS has data integrity checks which EXT4 doesn't
Not really. You can do metadata checksums on both. Neither has data integrity. xfs uses metadata checksums by default because it has a dynamically metadata tree, so the penalty for it losing metadata is brutal. ext4 has a fixed size table, which wastes space and can never be resized, but that also means you know where the metadata is in a forensic recovery situation.

As long as you don't engage in afro-computing patterns.

btrfs is bad any time cksum /dev/<boot_drive> pegs your cpu. There are lots of ways to store differential backups of root without btrfs.
How does the adaptive sync experience compare between sway and hyprland?
I'm trying to set a solid color as background in i3 using xsetroot but it's not working. chatgpt isn't helping. what do?

i set it like this

exec_always --no-startup-id xsetroot -solid "#1e1e2e"
Is QEMU-KVM / libvirt / virt-manager fit to practice installing and configuring bootloaders?
I've reached peak distro/OS shittitude and find I have to understand and fix a couple of devices' bootloaders to keep building my homelab.
how do i fix screen tearing/enable vsync without picom?
Use a Wayland compositor
I agree it's ugly and not even adequately noided (set -euC and refuse to act if called by BASH).
you can do it with cgi, i think the webserver needs root access or the user it runs as needs privileges to run the reboot command
>reassigning $1 to a longer variable for no reason
that's avoiding magic numbers
i tried trannyland but i only use linux on my 12 year old macbook and it was a massive pain to make it not crash every 5 minutes on ancient hardware. i'll just stick to i3
qemu supports both mbr and uefi booting
Ok, so I tried installing mint on my computer, got the live usb, there’s just one problem. It only works in compatibility mode. When I try the regular session it just switches to a grey flashing screen. How does this happen? Is it one of my parts?
CPU: Intel i7 13700f
GPU: Nvidia RTX 3070
MB: MSI B760
I know nvidia has been problematic on Linux but is it really this bad?
I suppose coreboot would be yet another level deeper. I've a Thinkpad that's for lack of better words, stuck with it due to a really retarded decision about a decade ago.
Thank you!
i fixed my KDE/Waylanda/Nvidia black screen issue
Additionally, with the driver version 545 and above, you can also set the experimental nvidia_drm.fbdev=1 parameter, which is required to tell the NVIDIA driver to provide its own framebuffer device instead of relying on efifb or vesafb, which do not work under simpledrm. 

working beautifully now. suspend and sleep no longer hang too for some reason.
I don't know how mint handles it, but for nvidia you have to install the proprietary drivers before doing anything, google how to do it.
you dont have to install the proprietary drivers
the open source drivers will work just fine
Thought as such. I’m guessing if I installed the OS from the compatibility live session it would cause some issues no?
Also if I installed the OS on an SSD would that be a problem or will I be fine? I only have an SSD
I like mint cinnamon, Everything works out of the box, 1 year without a single bug, crash or a feature not working and I'm not afraid to press the update button.. I like mint cinnamon
Does enabling fbdev on older nvidia cards such as the 1080 cause any problems?
fixed my problems on my 1070, see
i can also post my notes for nvidia if you want.
Is this mouse lag/polling issue fix still relevant?
Does the existence of this option cause any problems on some systems?
cat <<-EOF > /mnt/etc/modprobe.d/mouse-lag-fix.conf
options drm_kms_helper poll=N
Whats the best imageviewer with frameless options? I'm using gwenview right now, but just because kde came with it and god its fucking ugly.
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How the fuck do you guys have so much time to troubleshoot any problems you encounter? I do personally eventually fix them but fucking hell it can take hours of me having to go through an entire chapters worth of topics, terminology, recent software and translating spergy developer talk on wikis to something that an average end user like me can understand and before I know it I spent damn 8 hours doing something and I'm barely halfway through.
hobby OS
only free if your time is worthless
mom cancel my meetings
Not make as many problems, major issues can be prevented from coming to the fore very long.
Devuan arose from this philosophy.
I genuinely just don't encounter many problems, even on Arch (cachyos). The ones I do encounter I've either seen before and can correct with very minimal effort, or I know enough about the system to fix it without wasting hours. Unless you're doing some serious shenanigans, or trying to get windows specific shit to work, you really shouldn't be having major issues anyways. Arch just werks for me 99% of the time.

You may just be fucking your own shit up, honestly.
I don't understand how people encounter so many problems, nor how they need so much time to fix them.
I've come to the conclusion I only get problems that hurt my brain if I try to do things in manners that aren't really recommended. Which probably wouldn't be possible on other operating systems. So I stopped straying too far from convention.
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daily minder this peak beaner looking fat fuck is actually shitalian.
Makes sense, the photo looks like Europe

He needs to wash his shirt
I guess you'll encounter more problems if you go more niche

E.g. if you just install Ubuntu with the normal GNOME desktop then most things should just work, on mainstream hardware. Use Firefox or even Chrome as your browser and everything should be fine.

But if you dig into more complex stuff and start customising a bunch of stuff then you might create problems which need fixing.
You can also test coreboot roms on qemu as well
Odds are you're in some retarded behavioral patterns if you're having a lot of problems. Like trying to run Linux on Windows hardware, fighting the package manager, or assuming things will be supported when cursory search says they probably aren't.
depends on the problem but usually most of the time you just have to run the program in terminal and then check its output, when you find something that looks like an error copy paste it into your search engine and most likely someone else will have had experienced a similar error.
i've been a huge fan of qemu for the last couple of months, it's so easy to get anything up and running. only really problem i struggle with is getting networking working. i build my bridge and taps, and everything always shits out. libvirt works out of the box but the second i start messing around with my link devices everything goes to shit.
I install Arch Linux with LUKS2 and BTRFS, and encrypted GRUB /boot. I don't install gnome, or firefox or chrome, just Plasma and LibreWolf.
I play all kinds of games and do AI stuff, and still I've never run into the kind of problems people keep talking about.
I'll go try it out, thanks.
>The reason that was shutdown was because
*provides niggerlicious reason*
>all of the people on the Workstation SIG are GNOME users so it was never going to pass anyway.
so let them vote, not shutdown proposal even before voting and say "it wouldn't even pass voting"
If they filed it to the right place there would have been a vote. Keep in mind this is a proposal that was filed on April Fools.
free code camp just put out a video on device driver development(saar but whatever)

I'd go XFS for my next / FS. Btrfs has not let me down so far in terms of reliability, but performance is really poor, even on an SSD.
XFS advantage over EXT4 would be fast parallel ops. XFS tools are online-oriented - there's online scrub instead of fsck.
Be aware XFS by default uses 64 bit inodes (google it), so you'll run into problems using older 32-bit apps.
Shrink works but only up to a limit of allocation unit (like you can shrink only 2-4 GB max)
i've never really had any issues with networking on libvirt
Unless you're mounting grub on /efi with kernels being copied there, or using a weaker encryption option with luks2 then it's not possible for grub to properly unlock an encrypted luks2 boot.
What are the pieces of a build-your-own-desktop-environment in the modern age, assuming X? Thus far I've got:
- window manager
- some place misc systray bullshit can dock to
- notification daemon
- some polkit elevate-your-privileges popup thingy
- file manager
- ???
I don't mean big heavy proper "apps", but moreso the supporting tools that such apps expect, as they assume they live in a DE. For example, file manager wouldn't be on that list if Firefox and Transmission didn't have "reveal file location" buttons. Hopefully that makes sense.
dbus daemon
pipewire or pulseaudio (or apulse if you want to go pure alsa)
It sure is.
grub.efi on /efi, encrypted /boot on root with kernels.
Works like a charm.
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>If they filed it to the right place there would have been a vote.
ctrl+f "workstation sig" -> no results
>Keep in mind this is a proposal that was filed on April Fools.
Ahh yes, the old Fedora rule: no work can be done on 1st of April. Also it was intended but not a joke.
Is there an alternative to grafana?
Is there a docker compose/stack with influx/telegra/prom other shit all in one ready configured made to go?
So the kernels are on /efi as well or you're using a weaker luks2 option?
If it wasn't intended as a joke then why didn't they send it to the right place after being told to do so? Also why was it sponsored by a Budgie desktop environment developer known for trolling?
Also your Ctrl + F skills probably need improving. This is where it's pointed out that they posted this proposal to the wrong place! It's not FESCO's remit to change the default desktop environment!

>I’d like to please put this on hold as a Change as a procedural matter. Under the Fedora.next framework where we established the Fedora Editions, the Workstation working group chose GNOME for implementation. The correct initial venue for this is that working group.
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>fixes your distrohopping permanently
Sorry, I'm a straight white male.
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>mint, debian, arch breaks for the umpteenth time after an update and there's package dependency conflict

At this point debian and arch users just writhe in their own misery fixing their broken desktops. When will they ever learn?
seems like it would be nice if you're constantly nuking your system, but i got out of the habit years ago. i might learn it in the event i can get a job setting up/maintaining workstations for a small company
There are no jobs working with NixOS. Learn Ubuntu and Red Hat, white man.
it's easy, learn linux as a teenager when you have lots of free time
or y'know, just don't fuck with it
>read the manual bro
>heave you read the manual?
>it tells you how to do that in the manual bro
>bro I told you about the manual bro, don't do the manual bro

Jeuschrist the faggots on forums for Linux are assholes sometimes. I enjoy that part about Linux though, it is a nice change from using Windows and it just werking.
>forgot that if I sudo mkdir for a specific program, it fucks up the rest of the wine prefix
im not good at this whole permissions thing, how do I just dump an entire directory and its subdirectories back into user only?
No, the kernels are on /boot and encrypted.
Only grub.efi is on a separte /efi partition.
There is no weaker encryption, LUKS2 works fully with the latest grub.
>broken desktop
Wut? Why are noarch'ers like this?
chown -R
i dunno. only issue i've ever had is nvidia related. it just werks
They aren't. Frogposters are just retarded.
How do I get 5.1 sound working with a creative sound blister Z?

I tried a few things I found on the Web but it ended up crashing my system on boot so had to undo them.

I stalled Alsa and edited a couple of pulse audio configs but I've not seen anything else that might werk.

Thanks in advance, ui need sleep. Gentoo, systems and gnome if that matters.
>XFS tools are online-oriented
Not really. They didn't even have much for online fsck until this year.
>64 bit inodes (google it), so you'll run into problems using older 32-bit apps
If a program assumes fixed inode size, it's broken. Going back quite some time.
>you can shrink only 2-4 GB max
For a sufficiently retarded config that's probably true, but it's not typical.
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What's the best hypervisor setup for running Windows? The only software that is keeping me there is Excel and any games I play run on Linux just fine and I'm not an art-fag.
I have a bunch of venv and notes associated with directories. I have been tieing them to my .bashrc. Is there a better way to do this?

Here is a sample:
if [ "$PWD" == "/storage/home/sd/generators/ComfyUI" ]; then
echo "Start with -- python main.py --listen or"
echo "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python main.py --listen for 3090 only support"
source /storage/home/sd/generators/venv/venv_comfy/bin/activate
export COMFYUI_PATH="/storage/home/sd/generators/ComfyUI"
export COMFYUI_MODEL_PATH="/storage/home/sd/generators/ComfyUI/models"
umask 0

I use qemu, but "best" is entirely opinionated. VMWare fixes a ton of bullshit issues, but you need to pay for it. If you go with qemu make sure you get spice going. No copy/paste sucks.
best free: qemu in libvirt with virt-manager frontend
best paid: vmware workstation
>pay for vmware
Anon I use workstation pro for free.
Is there like a Bible of Linux administration?
Just curious, but do you use GPU passthrough with that?
If not, doesn't the VM slow down SD generation significantly?

I've used VirtualBox on Windows and there was a lot to be desired and VMWare I have not a clue about because I'm not in the mood to pay though I am a student.
you are paying with your freedom anon. I paid for V15 so it has been a while.

I have used GPU passthrough to due to some issues with my AMD card. I found SD virtualized complete ass when I have attempted. It should have been obvious, but not obvious to me is how much a pain in the ass having the GPU being disconnected from the main system. When you fire up qemu with passthrough it owns the card and very logically ignores your keyboard and mouse. I had to boot with a specific card and make sure X didn't attach and blah, blah, blah it was a fuck of a thing. Once it was working it was fucking fantastic and I ran with it for months. I would still be running it if I hadn't distro hopped.



# ./init_network.sh $bridge_name $tap_name

virsh nodedev-detach pci_0000_08_00_0
virsh nodedev-detach pci_0000_08_00_1

qemu-system-x86_64 \
-enable-kvm \
-cpu host,kvm=on \
-m 31G \
-name "StableDiff" \
-smp cores=8 \
-monitor stdio \
-drive format=raw,file=/storage/vm/nvid_gpu_pass/gpu_nvid_root.raw,index=1 \
-drive format=raw,file=/ssdstorage/vm/gpu_pass_ckpt.raw,index=2 \
-usb -device usb-host,vendorid=0x413c,productid=0x2113 \
-device virtio-net,netdev=network0 -netdev tap,id=network0,ifname=nvid_tap,script=no,downscript=no \
-boot menu=on,splash-time=10 \
-virtfs local,path=/storage/home/sd,mount_tag=personaltag,security_model=passthrough,id=personaltag \
-virtfs local,path=/storage/home/code,mount_tag=transfer,security_model=passthrough,id=transfer \
-device vfio-pci,host=08:00.0,x-vga=on \
-device vfio-pci,host=08:00.1 \
-vga none \
-vnc :0

virsh nodedev-reattach pci_0000_08_00_0
virsh nodedev-reattach pci_0000_08_00_1

I can post the network setup file too if you want. It isn't special, it creates a bridge and a tap. Nothing special.
Vmware is literally free now. It's much better than VirtualBox. It just works.
>set up an environment and chroot into it
>apt-get update
>apt-get install kernel-image
>cannot find root device
>whoops, forgot to set up fstab
>cannot determine SCSI module
>Unknown root device. Please refer to the manual page
i don't know what that means
Something about my setup is making installing a kernel, and maybe setting up Grub, impossible. Is it because I'm working Woody, but also with /dev/sda? I don't know if hdX was still the "standard" back then, but either way, nothing of that nature is showing up in /dev. Unless it's because I'm chrooting through newer install media
Well, apparently "hdX" was the answer, at least as far as installing a kernel is concerned. Installing Grub is another matter...
Hoping someone here can help me with an issue I've been having lately.

Recently I've been seeing a fair amount graphical corruption in GUI elements of random windows/programs. A lot of missing letters in random fonts too and occasionally a window won't update visual changes on its own (say, going into another menu but most parts of the graphics won't update without some sort of "push").

I haven't been able to find good info online. Someone mentioned running fc-cache -r which sort of helps with the text for a little bit.

I'm running Linux Mint Wilma 22 Xfce 4.18 on an RX480 and Ryzen 7 2700X. I've run a memory test recently so seemingly no problems with my RAM.
This started happening about a month ago but I don't know exactly when. Maybe a mesa driver update or something is the culprit?

Any suggestions?
/usr/include/gtk-3.0/gtk/gtkwidget.h:36:10: fatal error: atk/atk.h: No such file or directory
36 | #include <atk/atk.h>
| ^~~~~~~~~~~

Why??? I'm on Debian btw. I've tried to install every package I could think of, but no dice.
# cd /usr/include
# ln -s atk-1.0/atk .

WHY is this necessary. I'm disgusted.
More like Gnogay!
IT DIDN'T WORK. Linker whines about undefined references. What do I do...
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I have linux on my main ssd.
I want to try dual booting windows on a second drive.
How can I do this without it magically breaking my linux installation/bootloader(?) during the windows install?
I don't know I've seen people say that theirs works fine but other's don't.
It's happened to me multiple times over the years... Either during the install process or randomly after using it...

I eventually just get fed up and stop using winshart completely.
But I want to play deadlock with a half decent framerate. Fml
I dunno why you thought that might work.
I have no clue anymore. I'm trying to build Xreader. I get spammed with this
/usr/bin/ld: libview/libxreaderview.so.3.0.0.p/ev-link-accessible.c.o: in function `ev_link_accessible_get_typ
./obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/../libview/ev-link-accessible.c:197: undefined reference to `atk_object_get_type'
/usr/bin/ld: ./obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/../libview/ev-link-accessible.c:197: undefined reference to `atk_hyperlink_impl_get_type'
/usr/bin/ld: ./obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/../libview/ev-link-accessible.c:197: undefined reference to `atk_action_get_type'
/usr/bin/ld: libview/libxreaderview.so.3.0.0.p/ev-link-accessible.c.o: in function `ev_hyperlink_get_type_once':
./obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/../libview/ev-link-accessible.c:52: undefined reference to `atk_hyperlink_get_type'
/usr/bin/ld: libview/libxreaderview.so.3.0.0.p/ev-link-accessible.c.o: in function `ev_hyperlink_get_object':
./obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/../libview/ev-link-accessible.c:89: undefined reference to `atk_object_get_type'
/usr/bin/ld: libview/libxreaderview.so.3.0.0.p/ev-link-accessible.c.o: in function `ev_hyperlink_class_init':
./obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/../libview/ev-link-accessible.c:179: undefined reference to `atk_hyperlink_get_type'
/usr/bin/ld: libview/libxreaderview.so.3.0.0.p/ev-link-accessible.c.o: in function `ev_link_accessible_get_hyperlink':
./obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/../libview/ev-link-accessible.c:239: undefined reference to `atk_hyperlink_get_type'
/usr/bin/ld: libview/libxreaderview.so.3.0.0.p/ev-view-accessible.c.o: in function `ev_view_accessible_get_type_once':
./obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/../libview/ev-view-accessible.c:72: undefined reference to `atk_text_get_type'
/usr/bin/ld: ./obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/../libview/ev-view-accessible.c:72: undefined reference to `atk_action_get_type'
/usr/bin/ld: ./obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/../libview/ev-view-accessible.c:72: undefined reference to `atk_hypertext_get_type'
>talking booting
>doesn't mention which one
UEFI or legacy BIOS boot scheme?
What does installing a kernel mean?
To me it's
cd /efi
mv linux.efi linux-old.efi
cp /usr/src/linux/arch/x86/boot/bzImage linux.efi

Yo, that's a container. I'd remove *everything* kernel and booting related.
No idea. Probably UEFI.
Which should I use?
My most accurate assessment right now is that Meson is being a bitch. It's not including ATK libraries in the cc command. Does any anon here know about Meson? How do I make it include?
>Probably UEFI
That's usually the case unless your PC is 15+ years old or if it was owned by a neckbeard.
If your running Linux now you should see /sys/firmware/efi
>Which should I use?
UEFI if you ask me, simply because the ability to have multiple entries. Some neckbeards swear by the 1970's BIOS booting though but I'm not getting into that.
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Is there some way to direct download a flatpak from flathub? I want to hang on to Ryujinx now that it is kill.
Does anyone here use a tiling WM on a large screen? I've been using Xfce, Cinnamon, Gnome for a decade and have used swaywm on a laptop.
But using a tiling WM on a large 40"+ screen is just fucking awful. Just opening a terminal sets the window in a far left/right corner and you have to sprain your neck to see something.
How the fuck do you use these tiling WMs on big screens? Has anyone done some research on this topic??
Pls respond
Nintendo had literally no case against Ryujinx because of emulation protections already in place. They're actual scum.
Why not just install it in the normal way and then copy the files to another location once they're downloaded. And maybe you can disable auto-updates for Flatpak so it doesn't get removed (I dunno if that's possible but you can disable auto-updates for Snaps so maybe you can with Flatpaks too)
Meh, Japanese companies have a way better record with frivolous lawsuits and patent trolling than American companies do, maybe we are entering the new suing era? Either that or this is now what is considered good business.
You don't need to have a case if you can scare the other party off.
According to https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/GRUB#LUKS2
GRUB still cant do Argon2, only PBKDF2 which is weaker and is more or less luks1
>mint, debian, arch breaks for the umpteenth time after an update and there's package dependency conflict
citation needed
Why plain qemu over libvirt? you're still running libvirt commands at the start and finish
It doesnt matter if the rumor about them literally showing up at his doorstep in brazil is true.
users don't use libraries
Flatpaks don't even auto-update in the first place so there is nothing to disable. Once installed it'll be there forever.
If the intention is to avoid libraries then you probably shouldn't be using virsh at all and instead echo into the sysfs to bind/unbind the device manually.
Libvirt is just the name of the program/package
Virsh is part of libvirt
Guess what it links to:
$ lddtree -l $(which virsh) | grep virt
It would still be nice to store a flatpak as an installable to be able to install it to other or future systems. From what I've gathered it's not even that simple sadly.
Whats your point? ofcourse it has it's own library, tons of programs do this.
You might as well lddtree libvirtd and then also be shocked that it links to libvirt.so
You're using the library is the point. Of course users use libraries. Next you'll be telling me you're shocked to find out libav is used every time you use Ffmpeg.

If you want to go out of your way to avoid libraries then you can replace those virsh commands with a few simple calls to echo writing to the sysfs. Really though, just use Libvirt, it makes all of this easy, you can turn all of that script into an XML file to consume by libvirtd and then your script simply becomes
virsh start/stop MYVM
It's a case of instigating fear. They probably paid some local law firm which in turn visited him. It's a grey area as Niggerndo doesn't even operate there but because it's Brazil no one really cares.
Maybe it's as simple as the guy accepting a big wad of cash.
I doubt he accepted a big wad of cash
Definitely the fear aspect. In Brazil they will throw you behind bars and shut you down for the most bullshit made up reasons. It's probably one of the most corrupt countries in the world
You might be replying to the wrong anon. I was the one who originally asked why he didnt use libvirt over plain qemu.
Can't hear you over my LUKS2 argon2id GRUB install.
Not that PBKDF2 isn't strong enough.
Argon2id's only advantage over PBKDF2 is low iterations by being GPU resistant to bruteforce cracking. If you care that much you can just use two-fish with regular grub. Argon2id is not needed for security here.
Passthrough with Qemu is a pain, it's much easier to set everything up in virt-manager once and then never have to worry about it again.

Libvirt is also an abstraction which comes in handy because Qemu likes to change their fucking command line arguments all of the time so you can't just copy and paste something and expect it to work.
You don't even need encrypted /boot in the first place. All this complexity just to prevent an adversary from knowing you use Arch by the way.
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>noo you dont need it
>Not that PBKDF2 isn't strong enough.
It doesnt matter if you're just protecting your drive against tyrone or jamal since neither of them will know how to unlock luks whether boot is encrypted or not, it wont do much against glowies or a $5 wrench though
Where you getting as wrench for five dollars in this economy?
have you had a look at the debian handbook/manual for woody?
The fact you go to all this trouble just to hide the fact you're running Arch in the first place is a dead give away you're running Arch.
Here's an example in Go I made a few months ago. I was thinking of reinventing the wheel for some home automation stuff.

package main

import (

func buttonHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
button := r.URL.Path[len("/button/"):]
switch button {
case "1":
cmd := exec.Command("notify-send", "One")
case "2":
cmd := exec.Command("notify-send", "Two")
case "3":
cmd := exec.Command("notify-send", "Three")

func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/button/1", buttonHandler)
http.HandleFunc("/button/2", buttonHandler)
http.HandleFunc("/button/3", buttonHandler)

http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
html := `
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Button Example</title>
<button onclick="buttonPressed(1)">Button 1</button>
<button onclick="buttonPressed(2)">Button 2</button>
<button onclick="buttonPressed(3)">Button 3</button>
function buttonPressed(buttonNumber) {
fetch('/button/' + buttonNumber, {
method: 'GET'
fmt.Fprintf(w, html)

fmt.Println("Server started: http://localhost:8080")
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))
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So you are saying only Arch Linux can have this kind of security?
Thank you for pointing out that Arch Linux is best.
Why not use Home Assistant?
Any distro can but only an Arch user is retarded enough to care about somebody knowing what distro they use.

Anyway, you're doing it wrong, you need some sort of plausible deniability like Veracrypt has, where you can literally input a completely different password and have it boot into an innocuous looking Windows installation.
>Performing an Action on a GET request
Did nobody teach you REST?
Please use methods like PUT, POST and PATCH for this. GET requests should never be used for this, it's a security risk if somebody can <img src="http://localhost:8000/open-the-garage-door" />.
Personally I would put the HTML in a separate file and send that file in the handler function
Not him but if /boot is encrypted then surely it's harder for a potential (unlikely) attacker to modify your system? If it's not encrypted then they could replace a file with a malicious file, but if it's all encrypted then surely the malicious file would have to be encrypted with the same password as everything else

I dunno, maybe I'm wrong, I'm a Linux noob
This is what secure boot and universal kernel images are for. Grub presents a huge attack surface over something like a small stub loader with kernel and initramfs embedded, even Microsoft had to push an update that bricked Grub on certain systems because people were using it to attack Windows.
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What's the current gaming distro with most of the tools(wine)/drivers pre-installed?
Nvidia GPU
also, what's the status on "Easy-Anticheat" and Linux?
Pop!_OS has a lot of stuff like that pre-setup, same with Nobara.
And EAC and Linux basically works totally fine these days, it's just that the dev basically needs to flick a switch for it to work and some devs are just too lazy.
I like to tinker.

Okay, I'll read up on that. Thanks for the tip.
Why hasn't GRUB2 been updated in a year? When is GRUB 2.13 coming?
Grub is obsolete outside of legacy BIOS systems. Switch to Systemd Boot.
lol no
Only GRUB offers encrypted /boot, none of the other boot loaders can do it. Shove your systemd up your ass faggot.
You don't need encrypted boot. If you live in a repressive regime that will literally torture you if you run Arch (by the way) then you need something better than Grub.

For everyone else, there is zero reason to encrypt your boot.
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This glownigger again. Fuck off.
Name one reason why you need it (no, preventing tampering isn't it, there's better ways of doing that without the huge attack surface that Grub presents).
I've given you one but Grub won't do for that.
Anyone know if you can have plasma use one locale and everything else use another? In the locale settings for plasma I can set a locale that's in english but uses my country's format for things. I really like that, except it's not a standard locale so a bunch of programs bitch at me about it. I just wanna use that locale for plasma and sddm things, I don't care about using it for other programs.
It would be better to file bug reports to the programs bitching at you. The whole reason we have the locale system is to allow for things like this in the first place, if they're going to complain at you because your units don't match your language, etc, then what's the point?
I see, thanks. I need to learn more
Here's your system language options. You can set something here, and ASSUMING plasma fetches this as default config, and then uses its own configs, then you should be able to have separate for plasma and everything else, maybe.

sudo locale-gen
Arch linux cant beat big five dollar wrenches
what codecs do i need to install so that my linux install will play my you tube videos at 720p without shitting and pissing itself ?
you will have to manually change all the menu entries to add LANG=en_US.UTF-8 at the start of the command
The problem they'll have is that it will apply to all child processes launched by Plasma and thus all applications. You could override it again in every single applications .desktop file but that's a real pain.
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>what's the point?
NTA but I used to do a system wide configuration where time, date, decimals, currency, paper size and so on were in my local ooga booga country settings but language itself in english.
Reasoning being even today Linux gives me a mishmash of "C library" and local language as the support isn't fully there.
I meant what's the point of this fancy locale system if everything is going to bark and complain at you.

Whatever issue they're having is just between those applications. The issue should be reported and fixed.
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How can I block an emulator from seeing my controller on Linux? I mapped it on qjoypad but it conflicts with mGBA and I can't edit or turn off or do anything with the controller mapping on mGBA.
encrypting your boot wont protect you from a five dollar wrench anon
Taking advantage of that anon talking about locales...
Would anyone have an inkling why Arch keeps nuking my /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive seemingly at random? Sometimes it happens when I run pacman, other times it's gone after a reboot, every time I have to manually run locale-gen to regenerate it and stop locale-aware programs from shitting themselves.
If someone is going to wrench me then I will simply die. The five dollar wrench attack only works on people whom are attached to life.
Sounds like user error. Never had that happen. You did something weird with your configs or pacman hooks.
why is the arch linux wiki so freaking outdated and degraded?
why are so many articles plain unhelpful?
people used to brag about the arch linux wiki being the best, but look at the thing now, just what the fuck happend?
Run it in a sandbox like bwrap
It's a Wiki, you can edit it yourself. Wiki jannies probably got bored.
shit keeps changing
software devs keep changing or modifying settings
it becomes a chore to keep up with all of it
switch to rEFInd, grub is dogshit
What is wrong with the Arch Wiki? I still use it even though I stopped using Arch long ago and it still is useful.
Even reFind is more complex than it needs to be but at least it looks good so it has that going for it.
Looks like Bcachefs is going to replace Btrfs and ZFS.
It's already merged into kernel since 6.7 and snapper has added support for it too.
Now we just need a grub-bcachefs, and snap-pac/snap-pac-grub support for it.
Very interdasting.
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Wait till you hear about a thing called GRUB!
What's the real Gentooman UEFI solution for "full disk encryption"?
Currently booting EFI-stubs with unencrypted root filesystem. No initramfs.
I've never gotten this whole thing with GRUB being "complex" when all you need to do to set it up properly is two fairly simple commands.
Complex in terms of implementation not ease of use. It has a huge attack surface, it comes with a shell, all it's missing is a good text editor and it'd be a usable OS unto itself.
I think that way back GRUB required manually editing the settings to get kernels and shit into the bootloader at startup. And only then do you do the two commands to make it work.
You aren't seeing all the work your distro put in all those wonky scripts running under the hood.
Only GRUB offers full disk encryption for /boot. You need to use a /efi partition instead of a /boot partition.
The grub menu won't even show until you have decrypted it with the password.
EFI partition can be as small as 1mb if you don't use FAT32, with FAT32 it can be as small as 36mb.
If you want argon2id you need to compile grub with the .patch files from here; https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/grub-improved-luks2-git
Unfortunately I doubt it would help. They're generally only interested in supporting the standard locales
I'll try this, maybe it'll work
LANG is already set to en_US, the other things trip it up
>Only GRUB offers full disk encryption for /boot.
Still nobody has given a single good reason why you need to encrypt this. Secure boot is enough to detect tampering (when used with universal kernel images).
Hey this actually seems to have worked. Thanks for the idea. I just set everything to en_US and set my kde settings how I wanted them to be.
What could possibly be deleting /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive? I have no pacman hooks, and all I've done to locale configs is uncomment out a few extra entries in locale.gen and my locale.conf just looks like this:

It doesn't matter what other locale is in use, if I set any LC_* option in this file the archive randomly disappears.
>secure boot
No thanks backdoor NSAsoft.
It's just that I'm not going to use your hardware security is all. Sorry (not sorry).
You are welcome.

See >>102664318
and try setting the full file, or at least LC_ALL, since LC_ALL replaces all the LC_ options.
yet, you're relying on the hardware to properly do the encryption for you.
Shh, don't tell him the CPU is probably backdoored too. Time to move their tinfoiled ass to RISC-V.
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Doesn't hurt to maximize your security over the options you have control over. There are no downsides to doing it. So why are you so against it HMMMMMMM?
secure boot is one of the most overrated pieces of shit ever
why would you trust something that allows microsofts signing key by default? there's probably an nsa signing key in there as well.
Except it does hurt. Proper security has to come from the hardware and firmware. If you start with the premise that it's all compromised then you can't in good conscience use that machine in the first place.
any nigga around?
You can revoke their keys and use your own.
The only thing that cant be encrypted is your efi directory and the kernel img. What you can do is either mount your efi partition on /boot or mount it somewhere else like /efi and copy the kernel over. Systemd-boot can kind of automate the latter.
More like hurts you and makes your job difficult, hard, and annoying, Mr. NSA agent.
When the time comes you are not getting any penis inspection of my system.
If the hardware and firmware is truly compromised then they're already inside of you right now.
I have no idea what I'm talking about but if I did, I would say that you need video hardware acceleration libraries which you automatically install if you use Flatpak browsers from Flathub.
the nsa agent will just use a five dollar wrench on you when the time comes
These packages should ensure you have all audio and video codecs since they will download a ton of dependency codecs.
sof-firmware pipewire wireplumber pipewire-audio pipewire-alsa pipewire-pulse pipewire-jack gst-plugin-pipewire easyeffects phonon-qt6-vlc qt6-multimedia-ffmpeg

nvidia) echo "nvidia-open-dkms nvidia-utils lib32-nvidia-utils nvidia-settings nvidia-prime opencl-nvidia ffnvcodec-headers cuda" ;;
nvidia-old) echo "nvidia-dkms nvidia-utils lib32-nvidia-utils nvidia-settings nvidia-prime opencl-nvidia ffnvcodec-headers" ;;
amd) echo "mesa lib32-mesa xf86-video-amdgpu vulkan-radeon lib32-vulkan-radeon libva-mesa-driver lib32-libva-mesa-driver mesa-vdpau lib32-mesa-vdpau" ;;

As for browser performance, youtube intentionally makes watching youtube in firefox based browsers laggy.
Thanks mate.

>youtube intentionally makes watching youtube in firefox based browsers laggy.
Fuck them too. If I were to use some desktop gui/front end alternative would the this problem persist?
especially those who show anime titties, those are the best pixels.
Why not be hardware independent? At least you can pick your poison.
mpv works fine for me
It's impossible to be hardware independent yet still be secure. Why do you think everyone else uses Secure Boot? No, it's not because it's pozzed, there is no other way to secure the system, you have to start from the top down.
You can use Freetube and it won't be a problem. Just make sure you configure Freetube properly.
it's tough keeping a porn stash without hardware
I don't use Secure Boot since I'm too lazy to roll out my own pki and otherwise it's pointless.
>there is no other way to secure the system
there are plenty of more important things you can do before Secure Boot is even a consideration.
You may as well ask why everyone uses Windows. What "everyone" does is meaningless. "Everyone" drinks soda.
I just figured out secure boot for /efi with GRUB and luks2 argon2id full disk encryption.
Now what?
I don't use secureboot either, its overrated. The only thing it's good for is against an evil maid attack assuming microsoft or the glowies dont have a backdoored signing key embedded on a lower level of the bios. But if you're worrying about an evil maid attack then there's bigger issues to be concerned about than an evil maid attack
Now to throw away all your effort and distro hop.
My protection against an evil maid attack is not having a maid
figure out how to secure yourself against a five dollar wrench
Evil maid does not mean a literal maid.
I don't distro hop. I love Arch Linux too much, I have absolutely zero reason to ever distro hop again, and I say that after 4 years on it.

I'm already secured against it by not valuing my life, or to better explain it; if the world falls to a point where federal agents beat me with a wrench for my password, then it's a world I won't be living in.
So let me get this straight, you encrypt your /boot because "reasons" (don't know what these are, nobody has given a good when except fear mongering) but do nothing to protect against somebody replacing grub.efi with a backdoored version that can instantly pwn you?
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well, yes, she just pretends to be a maid after all
I dont encrypt my /boot, only my drive so that tyrone and jamal cant get access
If you're worried about someone replacing grub.efi then you have bigger issues to worry about
doesnt matter if you dont value your life when youre going to be in pain from all the beatings of the five dollar wrench and after that your asshole will be in pain when you get sent to prison
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That's what she wants you to think
Encrypting your /root filesystem makes sense but there's zero reason to encrypt your /boot drive though. It's not a secret that you run Arch (by the way) and there are better ways of preventing tampering.
I do not encrypt my /boot.
I have no protection against someone replacing my bootloader, as people capable of doing so would just van me and throw me into a hole until I tell them the password anyway.
What's protected is my data, not the machine. If someone steals it they can install a different OS on it.
Sensible. You don't need much more than that anyway and 90% of the attacks on your boot chain are completely theoretical anyway unless you're a high value target and retarded enough to install software outside of your distros repositories or somehow get yourself infected with malware.
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Life is already so much pain anon, I'm used to it.
lmao even
take your linux drive out while installing just to be sure
Functionality only matters because software keeps building itself on top of the Systemd Cathedral.
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I'm not that maidposter. I just have a collection of skateboarding maids.
Lost all respect for the other guy once I found out he was a dubfag
what's wrong with posting maids?
Probably a combo of avataring, hijacking threads, general avatar spam everywhere. But to be honest, satania is the same and should not be in the sticky.
I cant open any chromium buttons
I have portal,gtk,kde installed
Tried that before, didn't make a difference.
The point is to have en_US as default/display language (I don't like translations), but with a sane date format and my local numeric/currency formats, etc, and input locale. Running locale-gen at boot seems to work, but it takes a moment and delays everything.

I've now setup an auditd filter to try and find out what the fuck is wrecking the locale-archive.
>satania is the same and should not be in the sticky.
t. iToddler
Can I make only a repo or a package autoupdate on Ubuntu?
>finally managed a workaround for the annoying nvim/xterm bug that was haunting me for over a year
god bless
New thread:
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I booted my laptop after some time and now I cannot update it because pacman will break relates pacman<6.4 for libpamac.
How I supposed to update my os now?
remove pamac, update pacman, then reinstall pamac
check what's beling removed before you remove pamac, if there's too many things listed then abort because you might end up like that YES DO AS I SAY clip
Best is probably to remove it forcibly with something like
pacman -Rdd pamac
then upgrade pacman and then reinstall pamac with whatever helper your using and let it sort everything out.

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