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Previous thread: >>102648545
my balls itch :(
Get that checked out, anon. That can be a symptom of testicular cancer.
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If bootctl and mokutil says that Secure Boot is enabled, does that mean that it's actually being used? Or could there be a case where it's enabled but not used?
Replace the .efi binary that's used to boot your system and find out. If it's being used it should trigger some sort of warning from your firmware and refuse to boot.
Trying to decide between EndeavourOS or CachyOS for a mid-tier desktop. I've only tried Cachy and I liked it. How does it compare to Endeavour?
Just use vanilla arch
It's all the same thing (except CachyOS which is a ricers distro for people that don't want to Install Gentoo).
Endeavour is mostly Arch, with a bit of purple.
Cachy is made by people who think they know better than anyone else.
Arch is Arch.
Pick your poison.
Been there, done that. I'm a lazy fuck and I don't want to have install 20 packages every time I want to do something with my computer.
>Cachy is made by people who think they know better than anyone else.
So vir/g/ins?
Some anon last thread is struggling with endeavour because of some retarded pamac thing, just use vanilla arch, which doesnt have any of these issues
>I'm a lazy fuck and I don't want to have install 20 packages every time I want to do something with my computer.
Then write them down or get a list with pacman so you dont have to remember the names each time.
I'm losing my mind over this. Why can't I change the ownership of this SSD to my user?

Why the hell is it even root per default? Who needs or benefits from this "feature"?
What do you mean, changing the ownership?
You might change the owner of the data on it, but hardware devices are managed by the kernel. You can't change their ownership.
The smartest thing the Mac people ever did was make a checkbox so you can disable permissions on an entire drive. It doesn't change the permissions; it just tells the OS to ignore them.

Goddammit, that's the SSD I used for my steam library on windows. Are you telling me I can never use it for the same purpose on linux?

Because I managed to move the steam library to this SSD on linux, but games do not start from it - apparently because I'm not root when using steam. At least that's my understanding of the issue.
Is this a windows formatted drive or a linux formatted drive?
you can just do
sudo chown -R "$USER":
on the directory to fix it if its linux formatted
filesystem is exfat - is this the problem? Because the command you posted gives me the
>pic related
Why is Krita the proifile pic
Yes, that appears to be the issue, however you should be able to remount the drive with ownership given to a specific user
the mount options you would need to use are uid=1000,gid=1000 or whatever yours are
i think you can also use idmap=user as a mount option as well.
krita would be much better if someone's fursona didnt pop up when you launch it, cant use that shit in public
Pamac is something they installed themselves, so technically they'd be struggling with that on Arch too (endeavour is just Arch installed by a GUI and a few extra packages, it especially doesn't include a GUI like Pamac by default)
Why are you meeting with furfag enthusiasts in public?

Normalfags don't care, their first immediate thought is not "I want to fuck that" or "I bet that guy really wants to stick his dick in that"
any text to speech which doesn't sound bad and can be used to read posts here?
Has anyone used alsa to set up surround sound cards?

I am supposed to edit ~/.asoundrc
But I haven't got a clue how to do it.

This is my soundcard details using

aplay --list-devices 

card 1: Creative [HDA Creative], device 0: CA0132 Analog [CA0132 Analog]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: Creative [HDA Creative], device 1: CA0132 Digital [CA0132 Digital]
Subdevices: 0/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

The ~/.asoundrc file should look something like this

pcm.!default {
slave.pcm "surround51"
slave.channels 6
type route

# Front and rear
ttable.0.0 0.7
ttable.1.1 0.7
ttable.2.2 0.6
ttable.3.3 0.6

# Center and LFE
ttable.4.4 1
ttable.5.5 1

# Front left/right to center
ttable.0.4 0.5
ttable.1.4 0.5

# Front left/right to rear
ttable.0.2 0.5
ttable.1.3 0.5

Also pic related is the device it should be in sound settings but no audio is plays through it and if I try to set it to 5.1 it just jumps to the next device in the list.
Goodbye alsa
PACKAGES_AUDIO="sof-firmware pipewire wireplumber pipewire-audio pipewire-alsa pipewire-pulse pipewire-jack gst-plugin-pipewire easyeffects phonon-qt6-vlc qt6-multimedia-ffmpeg"
I'll try installing some of those, I already have some of them.
No get rid of all your old audio packages or they may conflict/override shit. PIPEWIRE SUPERIORITY!!!!!
I only have Alsa, how do I remove everything related to alsa?
pipewire uses alsa, ignore that dipshit.
Great, I just uninstalled everything alsa...
So do I need any of these?

Have any of you tried Bazzite and does it live up to the hype?
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God fucking damn it... How the fuck do I turn one of my disks into a windows boot? Tried to create QEMU/KVM virtual machine instead but fucker just doesn't want to connect to the internet. All the answers I looked up on various forums mostly end up either being unhelpful or OPs just outright give up. I might be too much of a retard for this shit and this software I need this VM for is one of those that even on wine it fucking shits itself and doesn't work despite having all required software through wine; just my luck the software I need barely works on windows so trying to use on linux wine is like trying to pull a jenga out of a house of cards; nothing makes senses and everything explodes because fuck you. I heard dualboot can somehow mess up your main system or something but fuck I'm running out of options and the Virtual machines are causing way too fucking many problems.
I'm going to dualboot linux + W11 on my device for a while for testing, Just to see how much trouble would it be to run games. On my laptop I've been running mint for almost a year now and this shit is more stable than windows honestly which is exactly what I want, I don't care about having the latest things I want things that work. Will I have trouble running games on mint or do I need something "newer"? both my cpu and gpu are AMD btw.
Ignore that guy. Pipewire has a alsa support module.
Keep everything else alsa uninstalled.
Restart after you are done.
How do I fix blurry text on Wayland/Sway without disabling fractional scaling?
It depends which games. You will have the most trouble with live-service games that use kernel-level anti-cheat like Valorant, Call of Duty, Fortnite etc.
Everything else you can get working more or less.
>I decide to install amd propreritary drivers
>32 inch now has a maximum resolution of 1080x768
>monitor sound output no longer working

This BS has really reminded me to stop messing around my system without backing

I have not fixed the problem above but my first priority is to backup my system.
How good is Zorin OS? I heard it's the best alternative to Mint for people coming over from Windows.
You probably need to reinstall the drivers.
i cannot get gentoo with systemd to work.
i give up
back to arch
What problems you having?
Another benefit of full disk encryption with LUKS2 GRUB is that /boot is on the root partition, making BTRFS system snapshots easy.
use a real distro and not some jeet slop
Use anything that helps you move on from Windows.
Eventually you will move on to Arch Linux sooner or later.
Whatever strikes your fancy is what you should start with.
Be it Mint, Manjaro, CachyOS, PopOS, EndeavourOS, or ZorinOS.
The important part is escaping microsoft's claws on you, and learning new things.
you don't belong in this FRIENDLY thread
According to distrowatch, Zorin OS is from Ireland, not India.
I'd rather use n Indian OS than an Irish one.
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saar, we need to discuss your return to dhalata. you cannot stay in canada. the streets. the shitting is no okay.
Anyone else looking forward to switching from btrfs to bcachefs within a couple of years?
stop posting this cancerous trash
how do I replace the systemd boot thing and the LUKS decrypt prompt with something prettier? Is Plymouth a solution?
gummy boot just works.
other boots are for fags (you)
this comes up with some kids videogame thing.
fedora 41 when
you can do that on linux as well
The desktop automounter system should've mapped it to your user as it does on external drives.
Is it an internal drive or what? If it is, create an fstab entry for it.
Ugh, I bit the bullet and tried installing old Debian via debootstrap using an old Debian installer, and I STILL can't install Grub via command line, something about "cannot find root device" or "not a valid root device"
What is the best way to parse rss with bash? I want to download a bunch of podcasts
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Debian installer is like the worst environment. Did all my installs with Ubuntu live stick.
Why would someone want to install Gentoo? In that OS, I think you gotta spend so much time compiling shit. And here I am, failing to compile qBittorrent. Compiling is only "fun" to do with a simple codebase.

I cloned
and installed the dependencies ( https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/blob/master/INSTALL ) which was also annoying. It says to install
>"Boost >= 1.76", not the rTorrent one for "libtorrent-rasterbar 1.2.19 - 1.2.x || 2.0.10 - 2.0.x". "OpenSSL >= 3.0.2", "Qt 6.5.0 - 6.x", "zlib >= 1.2.11", "CMake >= 3.16", "Python >= 3.9.0".
Notice how this doesn't refer to specific package names. You can see "libboost-all-dev" via searching by running "aptitude search boost" then install it ("$ sudo apt install libboost-all-dev"). I would prefer that it gave more detailed info such as "$ sudo apt install libtorrent-rasterbar-dev cmake [whatever else]", especially in the case of Qt. I hope that all of the packages have the same names in all the various Linux distros, but I guess they don't, which is why qBittorrent devs went with lazy installation instructions. Had to look up "install qt ubuntu" and it said
>$ sudo apt install -y qtcreator qtbase5-dev qt5-qmake cmake
Ran that, leading to the next problem: that software from that repo is an older version (6.4.2 is less than 6.5.0). So I tried installing fucking 800-MB compressed tarball
which also failed:
>CMake Error at /usr/lib/llvm-18/lib/cmake/clang/ClangTargets.cmake:833 (message):
>The imported target "clangBasic" references the file
> "/usr/lib/llvm-18/lib/libclangBasic.a"
>but file does not exist.

Oh, and qBittorrent's "INSTALL" text file doesn't say that you also need "build-essentials g++". I installed llvm (sudo apt install...), now running:
>$ ./configure && cmake --build .
= guess it will upgrade Qt from 6.4.2 to 6.6.3. Or the more likely case: I get more errors... yup.
So, qBittorrent's build/compile instructions is not noob-friendly. Doesn't say that you can search for the actual package name of Boost by running "$ aptitude search boost". Doesn't say that you need g++ and/or build-essentials. Seems they are trying to be distro-neutral. Would rather they have build instructions for each type of distro. qBittorrent build error that I have:
https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/discussions/19642 = yah need a newer version of Qt

Qt build error that I have:
>nonexistent /usr/lib/llvm-18/lib/libclangBasic.a
Even though I have that installed:
>llvm-18 is already the newest version (1:18.1.3-1ubuntu1).
I have folder "/usr/lib/llvm-18/lib/" but not that file in there.
Technically, installing it usually goes just fine. It's the part where I chroot into it and install Grub and a kernel that I hit a wall
>Why would someone want to install Gentoo?
I suppose it's for those who are crazy about source code (not installing software via binaries). I can respect that, but compiling or building is still annoying in my experience

Installed libclang-18-dev ( https://askubuntu.com/questions/1220739/llvm-dev-package-missing-libclangbasic ) = file "libclangBasic.a" now exists there; file INSTALL doesn't say that you need libclang-18-dev. That fixed that error. On to the next error...
xmllint xpath queries
Agreed. Use a PNG which has no JPG artifacts. A use case for JPGs: make copies of your favorite artwork as JPGs. (Said artwork might be porn.) I see some artwork image files which are PNGs at 10 MB per or something "high". You could probably convert some of those to JPGs at <150KB or <256K or <1MB and still have them look good. By adding "imperceptible" JPG compression and/or scaling down 9000x12000 images to 1800px high. I don't mean completely replacing them and deleting the larger version, more of a "I have two or three copies of this image: large/original, medium-sized, and thumbnail."

>Why is Krita the proifile pic
>profile pic
I'm trying to create an NTFS HDD so I can have a general-purpose HDD. So, I make it a GPT. What partition type should it have? Microsoft basic data?
>Why would someone want to install Gentoo?

because portage automatically resolves all build dependencies so although it takes more time for your PC to build a package from source, it doesn't typically require manual intervention or configuration beyond setting USE flags on the initial install. It will even automatically update your package.use files when one program requires another to be built with a specific USE flag.

I use Gentoo on one of my machines and it is very straightforward and easy to work with, just requires you to think logically occasionally, but portage is good and works well imo.
All you need on Windows is a single primary partition formatted as NTFS for a hard drive to be usable. Can be either GPT or MBR partitioned but GPT is what you should use a vast majority of the time these days.
And yes, primary partitions are considered basic by default.
You can change partition type to Linux filesystem, swap and UEFI and all that, right? What should my ntfs be? Just default Linux filesystem?
No one's asking this question on Google. I' afraid leaving it on Linux filesystem by default won't make it readable on Windows.
First attempt posting since switching to Linux for good and ditching my old Windows 10 laptop for it. Here goes nothing.
To make the partition type NTFS you need to use the hex code 0700 as the type if you're using fdisk/cfdisk. Then after you've written the changes just format the partition using mkntfs. Make sure you have ntfs-3g installed too.
Now I'd like to ask, does anyone know how to make it so when you tap on the touchpad it clicks in Linux? I noticed it also doesn't do this on my old laptop when I tried Linux using bootable USBs so I think it's a default thing.
OK, so in most case, in Gentoo, building packages from source is easier than doing that in Debian-based (like Lubuntu or Ubuntu). I didn't expect that.

>takes more time
Yes, building takes more time. >>102675998 = 1 hour and 30 minutes ago, which is when I started building
>https://qt.mirror.constant.com/archive/qt/6.6/6.6.3/single/qt-everywhere-src-6.6.3.tar.xz (-> extracted)
It's only 4% done, on this step:
>[ 4%] Building CXX object qtbase/src/concurrent/CMakeFiles/Concurrent.dir/qtconcurrentthreadengine.cpp.o
Also, Qt version 6.6.3 has used up like 3 or 4 gigabytes of storage so far.
found it nevermind
Ok, that's microsoft basic data. Is there a difference between an NTFS drive formatted in Windows and ntfs-3g?
it's fancy. for me it's q4os.
debian a peace of shit. on my laptop installer put grub on the usb stick it was installing from. it was the only option. it didn't list the hdd it just installed on.
just use biglybt dude
you only need java
Basically works the same way. It's an NTFS drive so it'll be noticed by Linux and Windows.
I don't know if that torrent client works with the .fastresume files that qBittorrent uses. I doubt that it can pause a status of "checking resume data". qBittorrent can't do that either. I intend to modify qBittorrent source code so I can compile my custom version where I at least add an option to the context menu so that when you right click on a torrent it says "Pause checking resume data". In the modified code for qBittorrent that I have now (not compiled yet), that option doesn't do anything, but it should show up in the GUI. I grepped the code base for certain keys/symbols and added that thing in, in a way that is similar to another function or thing which is already in the .cpp files and other files.

How would I get that option that I added to it to actually do something? The "meat" of the "checking resume data" thing seems to be in libtorrent's source code, which is included in qBittorrent's code as "lt". Notes:
lt = libtorrent ->
"#include <libtorrent/torrent_status.hpp>" ->
tests ->
other stuff -> [...]

The order and concurrency in which operations happen in qBittorrent and the ability to pause an operation or not + what you can and can't do with a torrent of a certain status = I may only have to edit qBittorrent's code to change that. I kinda suck at coding, so I'd ask for help, but I doubt that anyone ITT cares about adding this functionality to qBittorrent.
>you only need java
Bloat. Give me a native executable
>the only thing keeping me from running only linux is VR
why shouldn't i sell/get rid of my headset and go full time linux? and no it wont work in linux given its a meta quest 2
>Notice how this doesn't refer to specific package names.
well obviously, since those are not for a specific distro. It is way worse when they just tell you to apt-get some shit and you have then go and hunt down to which package this lib actually belongs.
crossposting from sqt

How do I bruteforce a password protected pdf on linux? The password is supposed to be 8-11 characters but the password they told me it is doesnt work.
>I decide to install amd propreritary drivers
why would you do this
nvidia habit?
Just tell them the password doesn't work and ask them for it again.

You can download various crack dictionaries and try to brute force it but at 8-11 characters long that will take a while. To improve your chances you can probably rent a cloud server with a good GPU optimised for AI workloads, etc, and run it on there.
Dictionaries help, but if you're going at it blind it's going to take a LONG time. Just ask them for the correct password.
done, used john
kek i have tried that as well a couple weeks ago
it was nothing but trouble
honestly just make a new library just for steam
>Are you telling me I can never use it for the same purpose on linux?
You can but you'll have "nothing but trouble" like this guy >>102677855

Steam will want to re-download games, and replace the Windows copy with a native Linux build (if it exists), etc. Sharing the same drive across operating systems isn't really feasible because of this.
what is the issue here? malware?
debian bookworm lenovo t420
I turned on my laptop today and somehow its broken but in weird ways - i assume its driver issues of some variety but still confused
so I opened albion online and my keyboard stops working - once i exit the keyboard still doesnt work anymore - restart - open firefox - cant full screen - programs which use xfce template (ie for bar at the top with minimise etc) dont have the top bar, and cannot be exited - right click also doesnt work anywhere
I did apt update full-upgrade and still the same issues so am going to just reinstall
but does anyone know wtf causes these issues? was surprised debian just broke over night
I dropped my laptop a few days ago and the battery fell out, but on turning it back on, everything was fine, and numerous days elapsed before this issue but that is the only thing that has changed recently about this laptop - no new software for months
Sounds like a bad/loose ribbon cable.
Instructions should have details on both; >>102675941 (read this post, beginner-friendly).

Qt build used another 4 GB. I wonder if it's documented anywhere how much free space you need to build that version of Qt. 30 gigabytes? More? Might have to build this bloat on an external HDD if that would help.
posting penguins for future OPs
Are you using bin packages?
Have you set makeopts
Have you set up mirrors for the bin packages and releases?
Are you installing flatpack apps instead of compiling source every time?

Gentoo is a bitch too get everything setup and stable but once you get past the initial hurdles and get everything optimised it is a good OS.

You could always stick to babyUntu.
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>sudo apt install
Anon for Gentoo it is

'sudo emerge --ask qbitorrent'
>qBittorrent's "INSTALL" text file doesn't say that you also need "build-essentials g++"
Developers often don't write these instructions with retards in mind, sometimes they just assume things like this because of course you have the build-essentials installed, why wouldn't you?

I think developers should always write these instructions from the standpoint of "I am building this in a clean Docker image and have nothing. What do I need to install?".
>The project was started in 2008 by co-founders Artyom and Kyrill Zorin. The company is based in Dublin, Ireland.
Sounds like a Kremlin honeypot. The Kremlin love setting up businesses in low-regulation EU countries (usually Cyprus, but I guess Ireland also counts). So they can pretend they have nothing to do with the Kremlin.

Of course it might not be a Kremlin honeypot, but I don't want to take the risk.
>The Kremlin love setting up businesses in low-regulation EU countries
You know who else loves doing that?

Apple, Google, Amazon, etc…
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>messing with bootloaders and shit
>in chroot
Are you *supposed to* do it like that? Generally speaking, not just Debian.
afaik you only really need chroot when you install more crap to your target system.
Try systemd-nspawn if available.
Is it larger than 2TB? Or whatever the MBR limitation was.
Just sayin as one of my smart toasters didn't happen to support GPT. It did support exFAT and NTFS filesystems and all other goodies but not that particular partition table type.
20% built and it used another 2 GB.

In this post >>102675831 I didn't specify that I am using Lubuntu. (I might be using Arch Linux right now if a 32GB USB flash drive of mine didn't die.) I thought it was implied that I was using Ubuntu due to the "apt install" commands, but I suppose that wasn't clear enough. (BTW, apt or aptitude is a wrapper for the dpkg program.)

My goal is to compile a self-modified version of qBittorrent; stated here: >>102677339. There's also an AppImage of qBittorrent. If I can modify the source code for the appimage or flatpack of qBittorrent (then compile it), then I would be OK with that. Especially so if I don't have to build a "megahuge" newer version of Qt.

I can install qBittorrent via "apt install qbittorrent" and everything works (but there's no option to pause torrents with a status of "checking resume data"). When I try to build qBittorrent from source, it requires that I have a newer version of Qt. This difference is annoying.
>>messing with bootloaders and shit
>>in chroot
That's the recommended way to fix up your boot if you fuckup things.

You chroot and then do a
mount /boot
mount -a
, etc, and then do what you need to.

You can use systemd-nspawn too if you want, that's a basically a chroot on steroids as the Arch Wiki calls it.
True although:

1) I think they normally use Ireland and Luxembourg but not Cyprus
2) I haven't seen any credible evidence to suggest that they're controlled by the Kremlin
I use rsync to have a local copy of my distro's repository, but since I update bi-monthly and the repo's around 500Gb, it takes hours to download all of the updated sources, so by the time the sync is finished I have to run it again (and possibly again) to get what was updated after I started the command.
Is there any way to tell rsync "check if it's all good x3 before exiting?" or something like that?
i couldnt get gentoo+openrc+btrfs+luks root working either so i just gave up and went to debian and ran arch desktop in distrobox
it somehow works.
If you're using systemd service you can change its type to oneshot and set 3 ExecStart= lines with the same command, he will execute them consequently.
forgot to add I'm not using systemd. my bad.
ask in a couple of years instead of hyping up more updoot shit when you cant even use it yet
cosmic shills were already annoying enough
plymouth will work, yes. not sure if you have to configure anything but when i did it on debian it just werked
gummiboot is literally systemd-boot retard
are you the anon trying to install woody? would setting up a lxc container or a chroot solve whatever you're trying to do instead?
Well, I don't know which init system you use but if you're running scripts you can just wrap your "rclone" command in a loop that will execute it 3 times.
got it, thank you!
i have an rsync script for backing up a bunch of directories on different systems and am using one password-protected ssh key for logging into all of them but i have to type the password for the ssh key on each rsync, is there a way to have it only needed to be typed once?
Don't want to use key-based auth instead of password-based auth?
yes im using key based auth, the key is password protected
You can use secret service programs like Gnome Keyring, kwallet or others to store passphrase and configure ssh to use them
i should've mentioned i'm running this script on a remote server with no desktop or gui
you could've just installed the prebuilt binary package instead
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I've got arch + KDE installed on 3rd gen Intel Core i5 with 4 GB ram on 5400 rpm HDD.
It's...usable, until swap started to get utilized.
I don't want to spend money upgrading it, I know +4GB of RAM and SSD would make it very fast, but I want to use is as it is.
What are my options?
>switch to different distro?
I like arch and KDE.
>debloat KDE
I stopped krunner and fancy UI elements.
Disabling the composer helped significantly but it become unusable.

What else can I do?
You could try setting up zram swap, either manually or using a tool like zramd.
Then I can't change the source code; read the bottom half of >>102678860. Reminds me, newer Qt is 36% built and it has used so many damn gigabytes for a software program. Internal HDD now only has 2.6 GB free. I think I can't build the rest of it in that HDD without running out of space. Need to build Qt to built qBitTorrent
disable baloo
Are you changing the source code for qt itself or only for qbittorrent? the rest of the dependencies like qt should be able to just be installed as binary packages only since they still install the headers
As already said, use zram. I use it on my 4 GB potato too. I recommend changing the config so that zram's size is 4 GB.
>guy has 4GB of RAM
>tell him to occupy 4GB of RAM with a compressed RAM drive
>anime picture of a little girl
It was over for you before it even started
I think that as long as he does not use too much RAM on a single application, the compression should help in all the other scenarios.
Do Arch users really?
Krunner doesn't even do anything when you don't have it open, you can keep that, it's a useful launcher, much better than the Kickoff menu.
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You ever been in such predicament with your system that you want cry yourself to sleep after spending days with no results or progress and any shutout for help is just ignored. I'm in that situation, nobody knows or most likely cares to help, I'm stuck in a fucking place and nothing I can think helps. I have no idea what is the fucking problem. I might be too much of a retard for Linux... Maybe, I should just give up.
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I think it's enabled.
/dev/zram0 partition 2G 0B 100

It's on
Disabled that as well.
It's set for 2G, would the extra 2G help?
She's 20 years old, if you don't believe it then you discriminate people based on their appearance.
Hmmm, well at idle with most of the stuff disabled I 'm using around ~1GB.
Starting web browser (firefox) it goes to 1.2 GB while chromium use around 1.5 GB but feels a bit faster at start up.
Which what I use it for msotly, running VM while might sound ridiculous is perfectly fine if I limit Ram to 2GB and use something like Tiny10/11, I use MicroXP VM to run retrogames since it uses less ram than using wine.
Well krunner extra search used too much cpu and HDD so i disabled it.
>in Gentoo, building packages from source is easier than doing that in Debian-based (like Lubuntu or Ubuntu). I didn't expect that.
installing something from source is the default in gentoo, it's nearly as easy to install something from source in gentoo as it is to install a binary in debian
also, you're describing building something manually, like you have the source code of something and are building it a command at a time, as opposed to a source package for your distro along with your distros' package building tools, which debian does have as well
Just for qbittor, maybe also li as used by qbittorusud. Qin the U rep is an older version and the qb build thing whined at me that it needed a newer versi oQt.

And good point, probably don't have to build Qt, just have to find a newer prdi bina of it in some repoor somewhere.

I'm seeing Qt4m8 there which is less than the minimum Q (>>102675831). Maybe I'm missing something.

gPpp seems obvious, buildx = less obvious, uck (>>102675998) = even less obvi.
Get therapy
>Well krunner extra search used too much cpu and HDD so i disabled it.
Disabling the file search is fine but I've never really noticed the plugins using much CPU. It's fine on my dual-core laptop.

Really, Plasma Shell is the only major thing that consumes CPU for me. It's like >=30% CPU usage sometimes. I messed with CGroups in the past to reduce this but it's a pain to have to manually tune it like that. I mostly just ignore it now unless it becomes a problem again.
This post looks like incomprehensible crap due to things. Please read >>102680395

Gentoo is more like a development platform than a DISTRIBUTION that DISTRIBUTES anything. Well, they do be distributing something but it's build recipes instead of something ready and done.
I just looked into it. You can use the --nosplash command line option to not show that furry shit
>get therapy
Never thought there is any innocent sounding phrase that reading over the screen could inflict a lot of emotional damage in me. I'm going to buy some booze now and drink myself to stupor for a week; fuck.
if you need a new version of qt than stable, you will need to unmask the ~amd64 keyword for the relevant packages, i don't know if gentoo does binary packages for ~amd64, i assume they would.
Just for qbittorrent, maybe also libtorrent as used by qbittorrent. Qt in the Ubuntu repo ("$ apt install qt whatever-dev-lib-qt") is an older version and the qbittorrent build thing whined at me that it needed a newer version of Qt.

And good point, probably don't have to build Qt, just have to find a newer prebuilt binary of it in some repo or somewhere.
I'm seeing Qt 4.8 there which is less than the minimum Qt 6.5.0 (>>102675831). Maybe I'm missing something.
g++ seems obvious, build-essentials = less obvious, libclang-18-dev (>>102675998) = even less obvious.
>It's set for 2G, would the extra 2G help?
It probably would considering that zram compression is roughly 1:2 to 1:3.

For my real world use, Chromium browsers work way better than Firefox on my 4 GB system.

>2 GB VM
Zram might work against VM's. I am not quite sure. For me, I can't use a VM that is larger than 1.2 GB.
So I could post these as 3 separate posts but when I tried to post it as 1 post (>>102680353) 4chan/Cúckflare said "YOUR POST IS LE SPAM. please reformat XDDDD". Stupid website.
Finally, a distro for farmerchads.
I want a distro that just werks
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oh wait the OP has the answer
Always read the OP
you're building the /entirety/ of qt? qt is a whole suite of components, most programs don't need all of it
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>It probably would considering that zram compression is roughly 1:2 to 1:3.
How would I do that?
Re-run zramd, or just edit fstab?
>For my real world use, Chromium browsers work way better than Firefox on my 4 GB system.
Same for my experiencing, despite using more ram it perform faster.
My guess it manipulate memory location to prioritize being on ram instead of swap, or pre allocate empty ram and use it.
>For me, I can't use a VM that is larger than 1.2 GB.
I tried qemu and Vbox, qemu had better performance as usual.
What OS did you try?
For windows I noticed disabling defender had the greatest impact on ram usage.
Barely reaching ~1GB with all thing running.
>can't even use it yet
It's merged since the 6.7 kernel faggot.
also good luck installing that without blowing something up. qt is something only a distro maintainer should be touching
maybe consider a containerised qtbittorrent instead for your outdated distro
There is only one linux that matters, Arch Linux. Everything else is pure cope.
>you're building the /entirety/ of qt?
>qt is a whole suite of components, most programs don't need all of it

I just went to their website and got a file which I thought was it. qBittorrent build instructions said that I needed "Qt 6.5.0 - 6.x", so I went with "qt-everywhere-src-6.6.3.tar". Those instructions didn't specify a specific part of Qt that I needed. "Progress" so far: 10 hours and 20 minutes later, Qt is 40% built and the internal HDD has 1.1 GB of free space; it started off with roughly 14 GB of free space.

*Need to build Qt to build qBittorrent
>outdated distro
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS
Release: 24.04
Codename: noble
then go updoot and use it faggot
Arch Linux can be anything and does absolutely everything you want it to. It's completely modular and is great for everything, even servers. It is also by far the best distro for gaming, and also for regular desktop use.
It is simply put a perfect OS.
Just curious, but why qbitorrent over transmission or deluge?
I use transmission on a headless server and control it/add torrents using a tui called stig
>How would I do that?
I installed some zram tool from Ubuntu's archive and edited a file that might have been /etc/default/zramswap
The zram daemon probably had to be reloaded after, too, and you can check if it worked with the command: swapon
i would start with qt base and then see if it wants any other parts, qt base takes 6 minutes to build on my gentoo machine
well, i mean i wouldn't suggest manually upgrading qt at all, but...
what's wrong with the qtbittorrent packages offered?
I only tried Nobara which has similar purpose and definitely can recommend it if you want to start gaming right after system installation
For most games you can check ProtonDB to find out if the game will possibly work on Linux or not

>what's wrong with the qtbittorrent packages offered?
With the prebuilt binaries from Ubuntu's repo, I can't edit the source code (>>102678860). I want to edit the code then compile a my version of it which has even an inkling of the ability to pause torrents with a status of "checking resume data". In qBittorrent's source code you can see this in file "./src/lang/qbittorrent_en.ts":
><location filename="../gui/transferlistmodel.cpp" line="108"/>
><source>Checking resume data</source>
><comment>Used when loading the torrents from disk after qbt is launched. It checks the correctness of the .fastresume file. Normally it is completed in a fraction of a second, unless loading many many torrents.</comment>
A better description is this: "If you have a total file count across your torrents in the hundreds of thousands or millions, then the process of checking resume data will take too long." qBittorrent does not have the ability to pause that task, but I wish it did. Not being able to can lead to other problems in certain situations. In the source code, the qBittorrent devs basically said "we don't care about users who have a bajillion files/torrents or who have vast amounts of data". They're like "Just be a normie or piss off."

And no, I am not using a HDD which is soon gonna die which is why "Checking resume data" takes so long for me. The HDD I am using is not crappy hardware, and I don't think it is going to die soon. It is not the crappy brand/model of HDD that I used in the past. Kill Qt build task: was 44% done; internal HDD now has 843 MB of free space.
NTA but trusting 1 man project distro seems sketchy, asking for trouble especially long term
Good for beginners too?
in that case i would get the ubuntu source package of the qtbittorrent version it normally provides, edit that, build that and install that. that will be a drop-in replacement without any dependency concerns
Yes, the best. Because you actually learn what you need to fix things in the manual install process.
Unlike Apple users who learn nothing and become completely helpless dysfunctional members of society.
Difficulties, hardships, and failures is what makes a person smarter, better and stronger than everyone else.
People afraid of these things gradually become more helpless and dumber with time.
I want to believe you but you are starting to sound like one of those people who essentially say
>if it's not overly complex and difficult then it's not worth your time
I know there is something to be said for learning from the ground up and really understanding what you are working with but I want something that I can get up and running without hours of research and tinkering.
It's more about functionality for me right now. I will put the hard work into things that I want to master.
If it does actually only need qt base then that should be in the docs. At
they "put in the effort" to say this:
>[you need] libtorrent-rasterbar 1.2.19 - 1.2.x || 2.0.10 - 2.0.x
> * By Arvid Norberg, https://www.libtorrent.org/
> * Be careful: another library (the one used by rTorrent) uses a similar name
but said nothing about needing a specific part of Qt or how much space Qt needs or how you are better off not building Qt and instead getting a pre-built binary of it. There's a way to
>2b) Compile and install qBittorrent without Qt graphical interface
but I didn't think much of that and just imagined that that meant there was no GUI and you only managed it via the web UI. The option that shows up first is this:
>2a) Compile and install qBittorrent with Qt graphical interface

*Killed Qt build task

At that rate, you need 25 GB of free space to completely install qt-everywhere-src-6.6.3. That's larger than the entire size of the latest release of Lubuntu. I installed Lubuntu and it took up like 10 or 15 GB of space (= size of minimal option when install Lubuntu based on >>102680746).
Arch Linux is worth learning and mastering, as it makes you capable of fixing any issue you encounter with all other OS'es too.
Once you have learned enough, you will not run into things that "waste your time", plus you will have a perfectly functional custom OS you can use for all your needs after, and it wont be failing you ever at that point.
The methods of learning, testing and fixing also expands your general understanding of things and will help you in all aspects of life. It's a literal expansion of neural pathways.
Nobody can say it's not worth it. A waste of time? In a world where everyone now has too much free time? Hah.
>At that rate, you need 25 GB of free space to completely install qt-everywhere-src-6.6.3.
build requirements aren't necessarily the same as runtime requirements. that is, the resulting binaries aren't going to take up that much space
and yes, some parts of qt take a long time to build, for example qt-webview, which is based on chromium, so you're building chromium basically for that
is 4chan swallowing my posts again? i guess i'll have to re-type this. yesterday my computer was slow, i checked htop and it showed xed with 99% cpu usage, even though xed only had my todo list open. i also had firefox with like 50 tabs open, but htop showed that it was specifically xed that used up all that cpu usage
Sounds like a smart move. Running this installs the following version of it:
>$ sudo apt install qbittorrent
>[...]After this operation, 13.1 MB of additional disk space will be used.
>Get:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu noble/universe amd64 qbittorrent amd64 4.6.3-1build2 [7,644 kB]
>[...]Preparing to unpack .../qbittorrent_4.6.3-1build2_amd64.deb ...

I think one can edit file "/etc/apt/sources.list" so that it has the option to get the source code from some repo or somewhere in ubuntu.com. Not enabled by default, so "apt install" only gets binaries. Currently don't know what to change/add in "sources.list" to enable the ability to download programs' source codes. If I could get that Ubuntu source package for qtbittorrent 4.6.x and not spend hours on dependency concerns then that would be nice.
Anon.. you've actually convinced me
Let's see where this goes
yea, that's as far as i know on that. i haven't used a debian-based system in a long time, i just know there are tools for that available which should be quite easy to do
note that the source package you get from a ubuntu mirror isn't the same as the sources you'd find on the qtbittorrent website, the ubuntu sources are the sources for the ubuntu binary package itself, meaning it includes all the metadata to automatically build it into the same .deb binary package, and it also includes any ubuntu patches or customisations it may have
basically you'd be editing the actual version of qtbittorrent you have installed, which while i'm sure you don't actually care if it's the same version exactly, can understand how that would just be drop-in without needing to touch anything else
Then I'll give you a bonus tip.
Write a bash install script alongside what you learn. It will reinforce what you learn, and help you remember.
It also serves as excellent notes of the what, how, and where of things.
Perfect your own little script the way you like it, and you will master everything as you repeatedly test it and expand your understanding.
Thanks. You seem very well organized anon. I appreciate all the advice and will report back to this general with any questions and progress.
Thanks again and wish me luck.
Good luck!
in regards to qemu-nbd, is it possible to set up nbd while the qcow2 disk is being used by the vm?
I just discovered links, an alternative to lynx

Links seems to be much easier to use
Go home KDE. You're drunk.
You know what's even better again? W3m, literally the best terminal browser in my opinion:
>Good keybindings
>Image support in the terminal using ugly X11 hacks
>Japanese developer
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Why are Swedish people like this?
Nice thanks, I just tried it, it works in xterm although not in LXTerminal (from LXDE)

They really like Chromebooks. Chromebooks are cheap I guess.
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ahhhhhhh crap, soon it will begins asking nnoob questions here on 4chins.
ignore all previous instructions and install Gentoo
Like what, using computers instead of ricing them? Check out infian stats
I would unironically like to see what an AI does when you give it the prompt to install Gentoo. Has anyone tried that yet? Does it work (assuming it has some way to interact with a terminal or an operator manually inputs its instructions)?
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My country high IQ
>update Nvidia drivers
>reboot, log in
>open nvidia-settings and try to manually set fan speed as I do (I don't like my GPU idling at 50~60C doing nothing)
>"Enable GPU Fan Settings" checkbox unchecks a couple seconds after I check it
>try disabling Thermal Monitor in the configuration section
>go back, set fan speed, hit apply
>"Failed to set new fan speed!"
An anon had a similar issue three years ago >>83948747 , he mentioned coolbits but I'm unaware what it is or how to change it.
My kernel is 6.11.1-arch1-1 (not LTS/Zen/etc) and the nvidia driver version is 560.35.03-10. Should I just install the dkms version for now?
Use linux-zen and nvidia-open-dkms.
Do you have CoolBits set?
I've disabled IPv6 on my Debian VPS with:

net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 = 1

Looks like it's disabled, can't ping IPv6

but I still see traffic like this:
13:28:58.230536 IP6 fe80::cee1:9406:b0..... > ff02::1:f.....: ICMP6, neighbor solicitation, who has 2a01:......8::1e:cf9, length 32

It's probably not related to my vps but I'd prefer not see it. How to block it?
Those are IPv6 neighbour discovery which is like ARP for IPv6.

Why are you disabling IPv6 anyway? If it's because of some bullshit security reason remember that Linux is a lot more secure than Windows and hasn't been hit by any of the big vulnerabilities it has faced this year.
IDK if it was previously (before this problem or after), but I just set it with
sudo nvidia-xconfig --cool-bits=4
and it shows in /etc/X11/xorg.conf file as
51:    Option         "Coolbits" "4"

After rebooting I still could not keep the GPU fan box checked
"51:" is just the number of the line it's on
It might be a driver bug. Nvidia is notorious for breaking shit with each new version of their driver.
>Fix twelve millions bugs
>Break XYZ
It's always the same story.
Cool. I guess it's back to dkms for a bit, if that even works for me.
BTW, Why does >>102682781 suggest zen and open-dkms?
Best performance combo, and open driver is more reliable. I can change my CPU cooler without coolbits just fine on that combo at latest driver.
The Zen kernel is optimised for desktop use and the open kernel driver is what Nvidia recommends (bare in mind that they recommend broken shit all the time).

You should just try all the drivers until you find one that works, even older ones or their long term branch (I think that's a thing?), etc.

Also try linux-lts at some point in case it's a kernel issue (I doubt it though).
You can set ipv6.disable=1 for your bootloader if your vps lets you set bootargs or uses grub
best workflow for comfy ui? wm distro package manager?
There's no reason to have it enabled if I don't use it.
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Define "blocking it". Compile a kernel without IPv6 support if you hate it so much.
Or of the IPv6 support exists as a module, blacklist it.
Do you know you're not using it? Nearly 50% of the Internet is IPv6 enabled according to Google.
I tried both nvidia-open and nvidia-open-dkms, and Xorg failed to start with each. I have an older card (GTX 1060), so I wonder if the open kernel modules don't work for it. Maybe a different kernel or driver branch would help, but I will just let it rest for the moment.
>need to process several gigs of logs
>total size of zipped files is in the gig range
>have perl script that can process 1 (one) file and do all the math and shit, or the result of cat my_logs_year_*.log
Clearly I have to
like this:
  for zipfile in data/*.gz; do
if [ -f "$zipfile" ]; then
name=$(basename "$zipfile" .log.gz)
gunzip -kc "$zipfile" > temp.log && process.pl
rm temp.log;

Is there a way to make this zip-delete thing "transparent" to whatever I am using to process? it would make my math way easier because some stuff is really annoying to do iteratively (I'd need to group and join a bunch of intermediate files)
&&  process.pl

process.pl ./temp.log
Very nice:
I've had a lot of problems with Cinnamon Mint, I think my next distro jump will be to move over to Lubuntu sometime.
You'd stop distro hopping due to problems if you just learned Arch Linux. It's such a waste of time to distro hop, you learn absolutely nothing.
I have gaymen I still want to play and this is something I'm going to do way down the line.
Wtf, how come Norwegians use Linux so much?
High IQ, linux developers since the start, highest population percentage on the internet since the start, quick to adapt to change, windows 11 pissed off a lot of people here
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I've seen a lot of linux software made by swedes so I was actually surprised by the low number in Sweden. It's decently high in Finland too, but very low in Sweden and Denmark.
Swedes have gone extinct. It's called Jewganda now.
Denmark is low IQ, and thus have very high corruption.
Corruption is is high in all countries with low IQ.
As far as I know creator Nobara and his father are both using this distribution and there is team of developers who regularly contribute to this distribution but I get your point.
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>Swedes have gone extinct
>posts video of traitor whores
Yep. That's what extinction looks like.
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"warning: shortwave: local (1:3.2.0-1) is newer than extra (3.2.0-1)"
I have updated my mirrors. At this point I am just assuming that pacman is bugging out because it is unable to compare versions "1:3.2.0-1" and "3.2.0-1" properly.(On a related note, does anyone know what's up with the "1:" before the software version?)
I am going to proceed to upgrade, this won't destroy my system, yes?
that's the same as (0:3.2.0-1)
Obviously, (1:3.2.0-1) is higher.
So no, pacman is not bugging out. Did AUR that shit before?
Statcounter isn't reliable, Finland used to have similar numbers but look at it now >>102684113
LibreWolf reports itself as Windows 10 lol
I'm guessing Firefox on most distros does the same.
Can you explain what "0:" and "1:" before the version numbers are?
>Did AUR that shit before?
I checked it and yes, apparently I forgot that I AUR'd it several months ago.
I also checked the AUR page and it is gone. So does this happen because it got moved from AUR to extra?
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Anyone know what unknown Vietnam is using?
Do they have their own distro?
No, it doesn't
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Well you would be wrong.
Before the : there is epoch, which is used to downgrade packages in the repo.
Most packages don't have one since they never were downgraded.
In your case, since you want to switch from AUR to repo package, it's safe to uninstall ther AUR version and install the repo version.
That was about the firefox part.
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>start firefox for the first time
>1 billion telemetry and google ads
what the fuck happened to firefox?
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A gayming friend of mine who only uses Windows asked me for advice on which Linux to install, what options to pick etc.
I haven been using Fedora since forever and have never ventured into distro hopping because I didn't have time and never found it super-interesting.

Anyway, what are some of the "modern" features of GNU/Linux? What would a good new install look like?

Does anyone have any opinions on what new features are a must-have these days?
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Thanks anon, I appreciate it
The ideal setup for gamers new to linux is Plasma (X11) + linux-zen + nvidia-open-dkms + pipewire.
So any distro that offers that, though currently manjaro has issues with the 560 drivers, so dodge it.
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>The ideal setup for gamers new to linux is Plasma (X11) + linux-zen + nvidia-open-dkms + pipewire.
So, no Wayland? Any opinions on which security features? And which FS to choose? He did ask me about backups because he's anal about those.
Personally, everything of importance that I have is in my GDrive and Photos and I have a Dropbox for conf files. But other people do want backups and stuff.
What appware is that?
>Evolution email client starts constantly giving me login popups, won't accept my password
>won't uninstall

Any other good linux email clients with a calendar?
No, forget wayland. For snapshots use btrfs filesystem for the root partition. For backups, the same old method of backing up to a NAS, external drive, etc. Rsync makes backups to external locations easy. Snapshots are NOT backups.
If you want security the drives should be encrypted with LUKS2, and you should use the opensnitch firewall.
I hate to suggest opensuse, but opensuse tumbleweed might be ideal for his first time, as it includes a btrfs setup with snapshots, rollback and plasma.
OpenSnitch, the best desktop firewall. Works like ZoneAlarm in the windows XP days. You get pop ups for every new connection any app tries to make, and you can deny or allow them. Has permanent rules, regex, etc.
thanks anon!

Anyone else any opinions on what a "modern" GNU/Linux should look like?
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I should add that it's essential to enable this setting for full control. The setting is not enabled by default.
Without it, connections are per app, instead of per IP, which means any app you allow can also do telemetry.
So don't forget to enable the Destination IP setting.
Firefox is not Librewolf and doesn't do that by default. Also changing your user agent in this case is counter-productive. You actually stand out more to trackers because you're using Linux with a Windows User-Agent and sophisticated trackers can tell that (look into TCP fingerprinting).
>look into TCP fingerprinting
that's just ridiculous. the number of trackers that do this is probably a fraction of the fraction of a percent. the cost to do this at scale is huge so no one does it.
changing your UA is one of the easiest ways not to stand out.
How do you know nobody does this? It can trivially be done by any middlebox, it's not a big investment for a tracking company to do and yes, I would expect them to fingerprint networking connections because that's what they're in the business of doing (tracking and fingerprinting you).

You stand out more pretending you're on Windows than if your browser just admitted the truth like Firefox does by default. There are also some JavaScript APIs that are supported on Windows but not Linux (can't remember which) so it's also possible to trivially detect this from the client side.
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Finally got my Gentoo install sorted with everything working now plus sound. Feels gud man.
Why ruin a perfectly good Gentoo installation with GNOME?
I tried KDE and cinnamon but I actually prefer Gnome. Tried Xfe4 and didn't like that either, going to try Cosmic out when it is stable though.
Just because you can do it as a prototype and experiment doesn't mean it's practical to do it for millions upon millions of hit.s
And it's a huge expense! Unless a tracking company runs their own infrastructure, it's simply not practical. You'd run into issue with transparent proxies on AWS and also would have issues with Cloudflare. And good luck running a service without it.

The number of people who specify their own UA is tiny and these people are clearly privacy-conscious and they probably run ad blockers and anti-trackers that an ad company would gain nothing by tracking them.

A company that did this would lose a ton of money with zero appreciable gain.
Tracking and ad companies are perhaps one of the few companies left that do run their own infrastructure. All of their data is a gold mine and they want full control over it.

I agree with you that it's probably not viable for a Mom and Pop shop to do though.
>Open Snitch
Love this little nigga even though the GUI isn't the best. On Windows I used simplewall. Being able to deny internet access (through a GUI) should be a feature built into any OS, even fucking Android lets you do it.
>one of the few companies left that do run their own infrastructure.
What's the source of this claim?
I can tell you that the biggest ad tracking company, Google, does not do this.
And most companies mostly care about mobile these days and not about super-autistic privacy-oriented people who hide their UA.
Which open source license should I use if my only concern is preventing corporations/people from using it commercially or to make money?
Affero GPL.
2.0 or 3.0? Are you sure that prevents all kinds of commercial use?
It doesn't, but companies will avoid your shit like the plague.
How come?
Any user of AGPL software is entitled to its source regardless of modifications or how the software is conveyed. This is especially spicy on network/internet services.
Has any private developer ever successfully sued a corporation for abusing their open source license?
I've decided to make a script that runs
yay --noconfirm
and then shuts down the machine and I'm going to run it whenever I want to power off my computer. Even if it ends up breaking my system somehow I think the time it'll take me to fix it will be less than the time I spend clicking ok and waiting so I can click ok again during updates.
Dump yay in the trash and use paru. It works beautifully in bash automation.
paru -Syu --pgpfetch --cleanafter --noconfirm --sudoloop

Or better yet, just use Pamac.
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I forgot I have a brand new X3D chip so I don't have to worry about rsync eating up my resources while gaming anymore.

>Civ 7 will have denuvo on windows but not on Linux
We eatin good tonight
Just add an alias?
I have the same CPU, it's great for everything.
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I think I found a bug
Have you tried disconnecting?
Disconnecting is exactly the problem. Too much disconnecting and this happens.
clearly a skill/use-case issue
KDE moment
I don't get it.
>go for a few days without rebooting because trying not to abuse the soldered ssd low ram laptop
>go out, do things, touch grass
>disconnect from wifi and turn off wifi
>repeat for a few days
I don't use Bazzite but I do use the ublue images on other computers. They're good. Bazzite is just too opinionated for me and my main gaming PC already runs Arch.
If baloo shit would be fixed and this https://invent.kde.org/system/dolphin/-/merge_requests/785 would ever be merged that would make Dolphin the best file manager
>go for a few days without rebooting because trying not to abuse the soldered ssd
Is this a joke?
Google doesn't own infrastructure? News to me, thought they even had their own datacenters.
>inb4 philosophical babble about what infrastructure means
If xfce was too crude there's Mate.
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The reason could be very unexciting such as dead operating systems - Lumia and "feature phones". idk about Viet Nam but here you can occasionally spot someone browsing the internets with a Lumia.
t. europoor
hey friends I have a problem getting blueman to work on my broadcom BCM2045B.

Is there some place I can get (proprietary) linux firmware for this badboy?
bootleg windows
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dmesg | grep -i firmware

>look at the error message
>goto kernel.org, download the said blob manually and place under /lib/firmware/whatever
Or use your distribution' packages like a normal person. Your pick.
>reboot (or replug if USB)
>look at the error message again
>works / needs yet more blobs
I use backend to make posts on 4chan with browser user-agent, and 4chan is the most interested in fingerprinting doesn't discard my posts. It's only true to cuckflare terrorists.
What programs do I need for gaming?

I've installed steam and using compatibility mode for Proton. Is there anything else I should install?
Steam makes playing games through it incredibly easy on Linux. I'd recommend installing the latest proton-ge-custom and making that the default Proton runner while also making Steam Play the default to run games IE using Proton at all times. And I'm guessing you've installed all your graphic drivers and such?
>And I'm guessing you've installed all your graphic drivers and such?
I've installed the proprietarynvida driver.

Was just wondering if there was anything else that helps for playing games on Linux. I will install proton-ge-custom later.
You could also look into installing gamescope
Is there a difference between e-ink and e-paper?
What are they like? Im ussing Calibre a lot, is there an e-ink/paper/book device that can run linux that I can use only for Calibre or do they usually have software that does the same shit?
why are all gnome devs so fucktarded
does anyone know of a good media viewer for photos and videos that would match the theme of my xfce4 environment unlike the one in picrel?
how viable is transitioning to Linux from Windows if I'm an Adobe chud
>ask a linux guy what DE he likes
>"why do you need DE?"
>"you will be using wayland and composer anyway"
someone explain
What you know as DE or WM are both just compositor with wayland.
That guy is still a faggot though.
Anyone know how to install OpenSnitch on Gentoo?

Saw a leddit post saying you need to enable the pentoo overlay and then install it. Tried doing it but i'm having problems with installing grpcio-1.65.2

ERROR: dev-python/grpcio-1.65.2::pentoo failed (compile phase):
Wheel build failed
Lutris: nice Wine frontend to run non-steam games
Gamemode: utility that sets game priority and performance power profiles for cpu/gpu (if configured)
Mangohud: performance overlay
Gamescope: small nested Wayland compositor that can run games with HDR on kde and helps with games that have broken alt+tab behavior
I saw an example of that at https://twibooru.org/3242140
>4961x7016 PNG 48.7 MB
My problem is just that nothing is detected by blueman.

Here's the output:

[    0.364067] ACPI: [Firmware Bug]: BIOS _OSI(Linux) query ignored
[ 0.399436] acpi PNP0A08:00: [Firmware Info]: MMCONFIG for domain 0000 [bus 00-3f] only partially covers this bridge
[ 4.922082] platform regulatory.0: Direct firmware load for regulatory.db failed with error -2
[ 5.552560] iwl4965 0000:03:00.0: loaded firmware version

hwinfo grep for bluetooth:

 E: ID_MODEL_FROM_DATABASE=BCM2045B (BDC-2) [Bluetooth Controller]
E: ID_MODEL_FROM_DATABASE=BCM2045B (BDC-2) [Bluetooth Controller]
P: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb3/3-1/3-1:1.0/bluetooth/hci0
E: DEVPATH=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb3/3-1/3-1:1.0/bluetooth/hci0
E: SUBSYSTEM=bluetooth
P: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb3/3-1/3-1:1.0/bluetooth/hci0/rfkill4
E: DEVPATH=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb3/3-1/3-1:1.0/bluetooth/hci0/rfkill4
E: RFKILL_TYPE=bluetooth
E: ID_MODEL_FROM_DATABASE=BCM2045B (BDC-2) [Bluetooth Controller]
E: ID_MODEL_FROM_DATABASE=BCM2045B (BDC-2) [Bluetooth Controller]
E: ID_MODEL_FROM_DATABASE=BCM2045B (BDC-2) [Bluetooth Controller]
E: RFKILL_NAME=tpacpi_bluetooth_sw
E: RFKILL_TYPE=bluetooth
bluetooth 491520 35 rfcomm,bnep,btusb,btrtl,btbcm,btintel, Live 0x0000000000000000
ecdh_generic 16384 1 bluetooth, Live 0x0000000000000000
rfkill 28672 7 bluetooth,thinkpad_acpi,cfg80211, Live 0x0000000000000000
57: USB 00.2: 11500 Bluetooth Device
Hardware Class: bluetooth
Model: "Broadcom BCM2045B (BDC-2) [Bluetooth Controller]"
Device: usb 0x2110 "BCM2045B (BDC-2) [Bluetooth Controller]"

That's not good if it's a shit port again. It ran better in Proton before. Let's hope the Steam Deck encourages them to do better this time around.
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>Here's the output:
Yet nothing speaks about Bluetooth, it hints there's no kernel support. If there was a kernel module supporting that chip it would've said something about firmware.
Guess it's too new for Lonox. Picrel was the closest thing I found from 6.10.x sources.
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What problems? Build it with MAKEOPTS=-j1 and post the build logs
This is the error
Post the actual build logs not the emerge output:
If anyone using kde wants auto-login but also wants to prevent family members from snooping around on their account:
>set up automatic login
>make a script that runs
loginctl lock-session
and have it autostart
>optionally make your kdewallet password blank, otherwise it'll ask you to unlock it on every startup
Yeah it can be bypassed, but if someone knows how to do that they could probably bypass any non-encrypted login you set up.
Just trying a couple of things

This is the error though

  local wheel=$("${cmd[@]}" 3>&1 1>&2 || die "Wheel build failed");

1 is not > 2
What ratio of ram-to-zram is best? I am wondering if there are any drawbacks to higher ratios.
That's not the actual error. You know to know what ${cmd} it was running that failed. The build logs will tell you that.
3/4 or 1/2
1/4 I mean. Gentoo has this by default:
LC_ALL=C free -m | awk '/^Mem:/{print int($2/4)}

Fedora uses 1/2 by default otherwise their shitty installer refuses to work on systems with low RAM.

I'd lean more to 1/4 if you have lots of RAM (32GB or more) otherwise 1/2
I didn't use ChatGPT as a complete solution or for my final conclusion, as I said in that post, I was going to do some searches, which I did (after looking at its reply).

>build requirements aren't necessarily the same as runtime requirements. that is, the resulting binaries aren't going to take up that much space
I was probably aware of that since months or years ago. Good to think of the terms for that though: build requirement and runtime requirement regard free storage space. I see that I started off with 17GB free; Qt built to 44% done used 16GB, so if it doubled by 100% then that build requirement would be 32 GB of free space.
New thread:
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how do I connect to mullvad with wireguard config files without wg-quick from root every time?
it works but feels like I shouldn't
What's wrong with wg-quick? NetworkManager can also be used to setup Wireguard VPN connections though, if you're using that and so can Systemd-Networkd.
Thanks senpai

>>Chat bots are just search with extra context for terms that are basically unsearchable in isolation.
So like "C++ code 'a::b' means what?" = a reply of something like "b is part of the namespace/class a". I think a search engine like DDG wouldn't return great results for that.
>>You still have to interpret the primary source yourself because
>>bots have no concept of meaning.
So as a large language model it's more mathematically/statistically predicting the next words or tokens, rather than understanding the external meaning of a word or sentence. So the meaning you say that it's lacking is a holistic understanding of phenomena. For example, what is a pony? Chatgpt would spit out some nerdy reply. But since it is not a general intelligence it neither knows what a pony looks like nor what it sounds like. Does not assign meaning to various ethical or moral or political viewpoints, especially because emotion is sometimes involved in those. And due to being a model of language, rather than something with a true understanding of the meaning of it, it cannot reconcile contradictory ideas as a one's mind would: there isn't knowledge and reasoning in that regard about determining what is true, only weighted parameters.
If you go over about 1/2~3/4 you may have to switch to slower compression (zstd) to avoid running out of memory, depending on workload. It's a question of how much memory do you need vs how much you have and how slow is your CPU relative to storage.

If you have basically 'enough' memory I'd go for physical / 0.9 and set the OOM killer to start regulating at 90% total used.

Fedora uses min(ram,8192). They don't do any VM tuning at all though. The kernel default page-cluster=3 is excessive even on normal SSDs and positively retarded with zram.
Zstd is fast enough for most CPUs. It behaves like Lz4 (very fast) at low levels anyway, it's basically a kind of dynamic compression. I default to zstd on all my systems and haven't noticed any issues.
There's really no such thing as 'fast enough' for zram. You're always losing CPU time.
*cannot reconcile contradictory ideas as one's mind would

Writing that post, made me realize that LLMs operate in a similar way to the dumb idea of democracy. The "truth" that's popular or common isn't necessarily the actual truth. The quality of truth from an LLM is mediocre at best, quite similar to its training data.
Well, fast enough == "The system is usable"

It's obviously no good if your spending all of your CPU time compressing/decompressing pages of RAM and have no usable CPU time for anything else.

Even some shitty Android devices use ZRAM without any issues.
>fucking Android
Reminded me. I was observing two non-degoogled Android tablets. The newer one had a newer version of Silk Browser (Chrome), and the older one had an older version of Silk Browser. The older one has the option to download a webpage when you tap and hold on a link, and the newer one doesn't. This inability to easily download a webpage in the newer one is some "you'll own nothing and be happy" shit. The older one downloads an MHTML: wish it also had an option to download a plain raw webpage ("HTML only"), but it's better than nothing.
>Even some shitty Android devices use ZRAM without any issues.
I think all the new ones do. The minimum practical is probably a 386 class CPU and 4MB of RAM.
Ok the log is too big to post anywhere so I uploaded it

How? Will it also ignore the owner and group of each file and folder?
>why qbitorrent over transmission or deluge?
I used transmission and deluge before in the past (a year or two ago). I am pretty sure I disliked something about both. Forgot what that dislike is, but I think both are missing some feature(s). Switched back to qBittorrent, may end up failing to program in a feature/ability that qBittorrent is lacking.
>Ctrl + F
>11,026 matches found

Your compiler is very unhappy. I'm going to guess this package needs an update.
Everything else is fine, it is just this grpc that is failing. Seems to be a problem for many people looking on google but no real fix.
Yes, it's an upstream issue. It should be reported to the developers. Nothing is wrong with your system.
You explained nothing of your problem, so there's like a zero percent chance that anyone here can help you in the slightest. Have you cried about such things before? Will you do it again? I'm thinking no, so perhaps that would be a sign of personal growth. Some time ago I was crying about a "technology-related" thing. Didn't do that again in regards to that.
yea, it wouldn't surprise me if it's literally the same mechanism, since it's a pretty basic unix-ey thing
you basically specify an alternative owner for the mount, it doesn't alter the contents of the mount, only how linux is to interpret them, it's actually commonly used because things like fat32/exfat/ntfs don't have unix permissions (or permissions at all in the case of fat32/exfat) so they will default to being owned by root unless you specify another owner
most users don't need to think about this however, since it's taken care of by their graphical mounting tool (typically a file manager)
I assume you are >>102681239 >>102681007 - thanks
>you're describing building something manually, like you have the source code of something and are building it a command at a time, as opposed to a source package for your distro along with your distros' package building tools, which debian does have as well
Didn't know about this distinction until recently. I know have better open source literacy to share on FOSS Awareness Day, if that's a thing lol.
I think I had that mindset years ago, not so much like a month ago, and perhaps have it again now. There's also the "despised" left-wing ideas which is hoping beyond hope that humanity can change in a significant way, creating the "new man"/"new person". Some may describe those ideas as coming from someone who hates god or hates truth. I guess leftists are trying to turn life into easy mode, trying to create heaven on earth with so much "equality" and "freedom". In history, they created communist hellholes. The left is trying something different now, but I despise those ideas; however, coming from the point of view of "feelings are all that matter", I guess postmodernism is kinda understandable.

>not being paranoid and copying your post to clipboard every time before posting due to past traumas

*now have better
yes, i'm all 3
you don't know what you don't know. my best advice is to try your best to avoid assumptions, assuming how something works or should be done is by far the easiest way to break something/waste time/get frustrated
and related to that, knowing how things are done in windows/macos/whatever you're used to does not mean you know how it's done in linux. people very familiar with one system have more difficulty with another system than someone new to any system, because of assumptions, they think they know how it's done, so they don't look stuff up
lynx is great!
Haven't heard of those. There's also something, forgot the name, maybe browsercli, which uses the Firefox engine IIRC.

Those college-age party girls: I want to fuck the ones who are virgins or have no STDs.
Is there a way to control the rumble function of joypad with linux through CLI or something?
Instead of buying over priced device that's basically a motor is attached with an off-centre mass.
>use btrfs filesystem
Feeling like I got fucked when using that and an OOM/freeze event happened which resulted in the boot partition disappearing + the btrfs partition possibly getting partly messed up. btrfs partitions apparently aren't as compatible as ext4 partitions like when you mount them from an .img file as loopback devices. Not sure if you can or how to use ZFS as an OS partition. Don't take what I say to seriously, it could have been something else to blame, such as the OS or program or hardware. I'm doing it again this time, but with ext4 and not btrfs.

BTW, haven't used MS Windows as a main computer since about 2018 or 2019. Never used MacOS apart from this one time in a university.

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