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>/g/ makes a 13th album
Theme: Music for your god. (divine music, your interpretation)
Title: The Mongolian Basketweaving Book of the Dead
Deadline: already passed but you'll still be able to submit your tracks until around October 8th
Release and listening party: Sunday October 13th

Upload the file somewhere and post the link here. If you want to update your track, make a new post.
If possible use a lossless format and upload to a file-sharing service, not to a music site like Vocaroo or SoundCloud.
Include the title of the song in the post. Don't rely on us reading it from the filename or tags.
When you post the submission make sure that the song is clearly a submission for the album, otherwise it might get skipped.
Songs that contain anything against YouTube's policies won't be uploaded on YT (but will still be added to the album).
If your track's volume goes above 0 dB it will be clipped for the release.

>Where can I hear the previous albums?


A board dedicated to all aspects of music making and audio would be great for many reasons. Here's why:
If you like the idea, let 4chan know at https://4channel.org/feedback (under Board Suggestion)


Previous: >>102630884
Here's my backlog of feature ideas to add to my live performance MIDI app ( >>102709224 )
>Add export/import instrument configuration tool (for sharing)
>Add option to record MIDI control channel input
>Allow MIDI control channels to control some app settings
>Dark mode
>Play/loop audio samples
>Separate visual timelines for keyshift and pitchwheel recordings (and MIDI CC if I add that)
Anything I should focus on, or anything I'm missing?
I also still need to record a full demo video... only been putting that off for like six months. Could be part of why I have no users.
Not really related to your program, but can MPE data be saved in MIDI files?
MPE data is literally just separating out notes (and other CCs) into channels. Obviously it can be saved in MIDI files, nothing in MPE is actually adding onto the MIDI spec in any way, it's just a way to increase the throughput by separating out all your notes on up to 16 channels.

Anyway, now that Ableton have shit the bed, it's up to Roli to fix music forever. One day remains.
Why are synths so bulky when they're just VSTs in a box? I was looking at getting a hydrasynth or an argon8 because I wanted something small but with a bunch of knobs, but they're both like 80mm tall for no reason. Everything a decent height seems to be the super cut down shit with 80 pages of menu diving to do anything with, which defeats the whole point of a VST in a box.
>MPE data is literally just separating out notes (and other CCs) into channels.
There's only the sixteen channels though, right?
So this could only work for sixteen simultaneous notes?
is this the supposed ableton move leak? if so, i'm disappointed
Yes, but given people only have 10 fingers, 16 channels hasn't really been a limitation so far. I guess you could possibly bridge multiple notes with one finger and theoretically run into an issue where the 17th notes modulation also affects one of the first 16.
The per-note pitchbend envelopes too?
Thanks makes sense
I guess, if the device you're sending the notes too is virtual, you could also start a second instance and then you get 16 more channels... though I don't know if any DAWs support that and don't think THAT could be stored in a regular midi file, but idk.
What "envelope"? Pitch bend is a midi CC, it's a value and it's a per channel thing. So each note gets its own pitch bend CC on the same channel as the note on, same as things like aftertouch or timbre, they're all per channel and each note has its own channel.

You could use a second device for that, maybe. Each MIDI device is limited to 16 channels, you could have an internal secondary virtual device if someone invented a controller with that many points of articulation. You'd need like a full body suit or all your toes wired up for it to make any sense, though.
Is it possible to save these automations in a MIDI file?
It's hard to say what ableton is doing here, but I assume this is one of its internal synths and it's just setting those notes as "MPE mode" and moving them to different channels accordingly so per-note pitch bends work. So yes, that MIDI information should be saved into a MIDI file, if you could see beneath the hood then what you'd see is all those notes being on different channels even though they look the same to the end user.

I find this video useful to make it clearer how MPE channel separation works, ShowMIDI is a very nice tool.

Without channel separation for notes, pitch bend applies to all notes because all notes are on the same channel in more traditional MIDI messages.
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in shitwig, the note clips are actually stored as some internal format that supports fully polyphonic expression, and the internal synths work on that note event format directly. If you use an MPE controller like linnstrument, it'll demux the MPE channels into its internal format, and likewise if you use a vst plugin (or external synth) in MPE mode it'll remux up to 16 polyphonic expressions back into MPE MIDI (not sure what happens to the 17th note, probably just drops it but would have to test to find out). I'd guess live does something similar, with an internal format that it muxes into MPE when it needs to.

I think that's the best way to do it if you're doing your own MIDI software too, use full polyphony internally. If you don't want to invent your own internal format, you could use the (draft?) midi 2.0 standard which also supports full polyphonic expression, then still remux to MPE if needed.
I just tested it on Ableton 11.0 with 32 voices (the maxmum on Simpler) and it bends all of them. Same with Vital.
I don't have other MPE-enabled synths with more than 32 voices (other than Serum but it's not working for some reason) but I assume it will work with more than that too. Possibly with all 128 voices.
Maybe it's a proprietary thing like >>102722189 described about Bitwig.
I also tried exporting and re-importing, and it doesn't seem to save any of the MPE envelopes. Just the notes. Maybe it does in newer versions.
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It's probably doing the same thing as Bitwig then, routing it all internally rather than converting to MPE. I don't know why it doesn't seem to export expression. Single channel pitch bend data can be imported and exported in Ableton, but it seems the way MPE is handed internally doesn't allow it to be exported to the MIDI file, or it may not be possible to store them in MIDI files, I don't know enough about how they're generated. I'd err on the side of Ableton being fucky, but it's late and I can't be bothered testing other DAWs.
This MPE discussion has given me an idea for my app though
Right now, each "instrument" on screen is configured to send notes (and other events) to one channel on one MIDI device, but I could add some buttons to change channels on the fly. Though this would require some major changes, especially for saving those recordings...
unaware of how the file format works, i would assume for backcompat it's just another chunk added after the note data so it stays backwards compat? is there even an mpe capable midi format lol
Looks like it, but Vital is a third party instrument and it does support bending more than 16 voices at once, so I'm leaning towards MPE not working like explained above with the 16 channels, and it being something else entirely.
fwiw, I also couldn't get bitwig to export midi files with MPE either. Best you can do is use the hardware instrument (midi out essentially) to a loopmidi device, then record a midi file yourself.

as said upthread, MPE isn't really anything extra in the messages, it's just spreading the notes across all 16 channels so CCs and expressions apply to one note at a time. So an MPE midi file is the same as any other midi file that uses all the channels; just depends whether you want to interpret the channels as separate monophonic instruments, or mux them back together into a single instrument (with polyphonic expression).
MPE is limited to 16 channels by the specification, but that's for MIDI controllers. Internally, there's no reason a VST can't support more pitch bends, and it's probably a sensible idea to map 16 real channels to 32+ virtual notes to avoid round robin complications. Now, if MIDI files support MPE, you'd run into issues trying to export 32 note simultaneous pitch bends because they max out at 16 channels, probably.
>map 16 real channels to 32+ virtual notes
Can you elaborate on this please?
>MPE isn't really anything extra in the messages
and i'm asking, why isn't it? it should be something you can send to other people and use in other hosts. having mpe be stuck to daw implementations is retarded
I think the VST api itself also has some sort of polyphonic note event support that's not straight midi; certainly JUCE has some higher-level wrappers for MPE (paid for by roli) that also abstract the low level round robin stuff into arbitrarily polyphonic expressions. CLAP (the new shillwig plugin format) has MPE and also actual midi 2.0 support somehow, so presumably bitwig passes that straight on through there.

I'm not sure how any of this works in practice; I've stared at the c headers and juce tutorials, but haven't actually made a plugin myself.

well, backwards compatibility. MPE is a hack for exactly that purpose. I know MPE also has some special sysex messages so a controller or synth can say "hey I support MPE"; e.g. linnstrument sends them to tell bitwig that it's sending mpe data somehow; so in theory you could put those in your midi files to mark it up in the same way. It's all super niche though.

In theory midi 2.0 makes all these MPE hacks moot, and daws could export their internal formats into midi 2.0 directly. But I don't know what the actual state of it is; it seems like it's complete but still nobody is releasing commercial software or hardware that supports it yet.
The issue here is likely DAWs not exporting it properly, because they're doing internal routing.

Allocation. Let's say I'm using my fancy new MPE controller, I play 10 notes at once because I'm a madman, and I'm bending all of them at once like a real homo. Then I go back and re-record over that clip with another 10 notes, all with their own automations, because I really want this track to pop with a cacophony to wake the dead.

There's no reason the VST can't handle playing all those notes assuming it has enough voices for it, and the DAW can handle the channel assignment with "virtual channels" to cover the extra 4 required. MPE is a means to an end, the actual instrument could technically handle 50 notes and their modulations at once, the DAW could handle a thousand, but the MIDI standard can only do 16.

MIDI 2.0 sounds like one of those things that would be nice but everything is so built around 1.0, and it's arguably almost impossible to practically breach the limits of 1.0, I mean who the fuck needs more than 16 notes at once all with multiple axis of modulation? 10 fingers, MAYBE 4 toes, but even then you could just add another MIDI device and jump up to 32. MIDI was overbuilt from the get-go.
>well, backwards compatibility.
i was explcitly asking about the file format and ended up having to find the spec itself.

>The issue here is likely DAWs not exporting it properly, because they're doing internal routing.
that's what i was thinking because from what i could gather from the spec, it's backwards compatible but looks like it's not really finalized. and it introduced a new midi packet for 2.0. this shit is a mess
>and the DAW can handle the channel assignment with "virtual channels" to cover the extra 4 required
And what are those "virtual channels" that map 16 channels to 16+ virtual notes?
How does/would that work?
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> removes offline activation
> adds subscription cloud shit
> still no Linux version and no CLAP support (+$400 software btw)
> ...
> a jew is going to tell you how great this software is

If I hadn't been stuck with a whole back catalog of projects for this software, I would have been 100% on Reaper now. It really is a nigger DAW
MIDI 2.0 does seem pretty cucked in terms of officially supporting it; one of those "join our consortium for access to the official spec, only $50k for qualifying small businesses :^)" deals. In other ways though it doesn't seem that complicated. Like, it's still just messages that have typed fields of a certain precision. If you don't need to do something exotic like support upgrade handshakes on 5 pin DIN connectors, it feels like there's enough there you could make software that writes midi messages with midi 2.0 semantics and precision, say it's "unofficial midi 2.0", and roland's lawyers probably won't bother you.

Since I still have it open, here's the CLAP C API for note event expressions: https://github.com/free-audio/clap/blob/main/include/clap/events.h#L167 . They have a int32 note_id field, so that's 2 billion note polyphony. should be enough for anyone.
>join our consortium for access to the official spec, only $50k for qualifying small businesses :^)
chat is this real
has to be the worst ableton begginers guides on yt
more info
then why did you post it here.................................
The best one is the MusicRadar tutorial series for Live Lite 11.
>> removes offline activation

>be me
>do a research of the DAW market
>look at all this shit with C/R, dongles, online login, etc
>feel like a total cuck
>even if you pirate any thing, yes, it still feels like being a cuck
>the only DAW left without a "dick-in-your-mouth" is Reaper
>Reaper is literally unusable for a reason of being a product "for developer, not for the end user" and pretty much geared towards audio, not MIDI exactly
>then it all comes to VSTs
>it becomes even worse
>cry and laugh in hysteria
>guess it's better to just quit music making
>everything is fine, I don't need it

I'm not going to pay any cent to anyone. Even if there's some honest developers still around, there's no guarantees they won't become fucktards tomorrow.
P.S: FOSS just doesn't work, there's no good software at all, everything has some deal-braking problems.
Zrythm is just fucking trash. For quite some time already, I'm totally sure it's just a controllable opposition of some kind. The developer makes a retarded decision after another one and just dragging time as much as possible. He literally put his project in a constant rewriting state by making as much design flaws as possible in the first place. Not to mention forever fucked UI/UX that won't be fixed ever.
For me, it's literally over. I'm done.
Your problem is
>>even if you pirate any thing, yes, it still feels like being a cuck
This is all arbitrary and made up.
I pirate everything, keep all my installers (which will always work offline), and have everything I want without any cost or inconvenience. I don't have to worry about licenses, accounts, antipiracy software and dongles, or any bullshit the dev might decide to pull on us.
It's as comfy as a setup can possibly be.
It literally solves every problem you named except that you "feel like a cuck", which is retarded and you're better off forcing yourself to get over it, rather than giving all of music production up for something so arbitrary.
ardour is the least meme open sores daw. the devs dual license it as some proprietary branded version for boomers (harrison mixbus), so it actually gets funded development and is relatively stable.

It's still clunky for midi stuff but personally I find it about as usable as reaper is.
how good is radium?
buy an ad
nigga i was just reading the pasta and wanted to know because i was gonna buy renoise
Thing is, I've already tried several times. But every fucking single time I just find myself in a inner moral conflict. Maybe a month or two will pass by and I'll step into another cycle of it once again, who knows... But for now I feel pretty much exhausted.
Piracy is the only way, anyway, I agree.
>It's still clunky for midi stuff
That is exactly the problem. Though, yes, Ardour at least supports all the needed standards and is able to load whatever the plugin you throw at it. It is miles ahead of any alternative out there. Qtractor could've been passable as an option, but it won't stand some plugins for some reason.
make your own software if you're going to be so annoying and queer about it
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>Thing is, I've already tried several times. But every fucking single time I just find myself in a inner moral conflict
Diva: "bipolar noise"
I need this option in more synths give me dc offsetted noise

Also pro-tip for visually impaired and gamers because I never noticed you can change the "led" colour in diva:
green is the most sensitive/easily distinguished colour by number of shades to our eye because nature or whatever.
Set your crosshair or reticle to that.

Idk man Diva has been making want a real moog for a while + G Jones method integration but i don't want to be a hardwarefag also i can't afford that shit
Be strong comrade.

>G Jones method integration
What's that?
some guy who makes terrible music that that guy looks up to
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Standard method:
>write the song/melody/idea/thing you're gonna resample
>hit record, twist knoobs
>chop cool bits out and arrange your song :)

G Jones Method:
>same but with MOOG

haha yeah
Ah thanks

Not trying to start a debate but this was during the George Floyd riots, right? Is there a reason why he went with "black trans" instead of just "black" like everyone did?
Because it kinda makes it look like something a right winger would say as a parody desu.
(genuine question)
Not him, but I was thinking that comment was facetious too (which makes G Jones based in my book since he is pointing out the absurdity of it)
it's a thing people actually said to virtue signal. it's not parody
He posted plain BLM tweets as well iirc, and made tons of other very left leaning posts.
If you scroll for like 40 seconds you'll see an abundance of tweets that make it obvious that he's being completely serious and not joking.
... shouldn't really be surprising given the space he occupies.

I don't recall any context to make that individual distinction other than the "some people are disproportionately affected by (certain types of) violence" conversation going on at the time, and violence against trans people is just a really obvious thing that would also be observed by anybody who cares to look into that kind of thing given stats and... the institution.

Yeah empathy isn't a real thing that exists and people only care about appearances honestly.
I can't fathom other people caring about people other than themselves. They're soooooo anoyingggg

just to be safe i'm establishing a preemptive intent to digress no matter how dumb whatever follows is
>really obvious thing that would also be observed by anybody who cares to look into that kind of thing given stats and... the institution.
no one wants to look at the stats because it's gay prostitutes
>He posted plain BLM tweets as well iirc, and made tons of other very left leaning posts.
>If you scroll for like 40 seconds you'll see an abundance of tweets that make it obvious that he's being completely serious and not joking.
>... shouldn't really be surprising given the space he occupies
I see, thank you.
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It's up
>16 step
Don't Volcas manage more than that?
rather buy fl studio all plugins edition
I think some Volcas might allow you to chain patterns to get more. I'm hoping the Move description is just regarding the physical buttons, but I'm not holding my breath. That would be a deal break for me. Another thing I'm waiting to see is if we can overwrite the presets with our own custom presets.
>Why are synths so bulky when they're just VSTs in a box?
because some of these vst-in-a-box synths of modern era have their own custom DSPs and DACs which takes up most of the board space. welcome to the future, faggot. it fucking sucks. that'll be $5000, thanks.
> $500
wouldn't give these faggots $5 for it.
Also inputs, outputs, MIDI IO, power interface, CV maybe even, USB, plus the physical form factor needed to support the controls.

You're wrong about one thing though, synths have NEVER been cheaper. Especially if you adjust for inflation.
I usually start with basslines and then get the drums and bass locked together rest from there..sometimes I'll add chords over the bass but usually that's for my own convenience to just have the changes out there so I don't have to imagine them while making the drums
>synths have NEVER been cheaper
just fucking nonsense. they should be much cheaper. have you any idea how much the tech is worth? take akai's mpc range of recent years. it has 2GB of RAM and a ARM SoC no better than an rpi4. you think that's worth $1500? if you do, then you're fucking idiot.
she's right. synths have never been cheaper but that doesn't mean every synth costs what it's worth
Even then, it should just be one board, maybe 2. What's annoying is how hard it is to find teardown shots, I'd like to know if I could rebox an argon into a more sensible shell by moving the IO ports, but nobody has taken it apart.

You can still spend stupid money on a synth. The thing is that modern VSTs in a box are generally extremely overpriced given they are glorified VST controllers with emaciated chipsets. The good thing is that there are a lot of kids buying shit and getting bored of it in 5 minutes so you can find recent gear for under half the retail price now that the covid boom is over.
economy of scale, if ARM SoC would've sold as much as synths, their prices would go way up.
>they should be much cheaper
They can't get cheaper. You can get an enhanced 303 clone for $89. That's as cheap as it gets.

MPCs are an ARM but so what? Old MPCs were a 6502, that was quite cheap back then. But today you can get an MPC for what, $500? Back in the day they were $2000 or more.

>You can still spend stupid money on a synth.
Sure, if you want. But in the old days you HAD to to get certain features. ROM wasn't cheap and RAM was even less cheap. I usually buy my gear used. I have scads of stuff.
Anyway I'm excited because Akai is merging their MPC software with their Force software and it's a free update for all nu-MPCs that adds a lot of capabilities. They were good to me and replaced a blown MIDI port out of warranty too.
>but that doesn't mean every synth costs what it's worth

>that's annoying is how hard it is to find teardown shots,
some devices it's incredibly painful to find much of anything. i have opposite issue when i'm wanting to find tech info and go to teardown videos just to see what cpu and other custom chips it uses. it would be fucking nice if this was all documented properly.
>Old MPCs were a 6502
they used intel 80186 chips in mpc60.

>Back in the day they were $2000 or more.
closer to $5k at launc
>just to see what cpu and other custom chips it uses.
9 times out of 10 it's a bargain basement brain, and if it's overpriced they stuck a meme DAC in it. You're not going to know about the overhead anyway unless they've open sourced their code.

I'm more interested in just basic replaceability. If an encoder fails in 5 years, how easy is it to access? Does the manufacturer have a parts list?
Hot off the press; the official vid.
It must've taken a lot of restraint for them to wait a full minute before showcasing a nog.
I don't get what you mean?
All part of the Kalergi plan goy
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i asked this in the past thread but that thread died shortly after me posting so

is any one of you knowledgable of OpenMPT, Milkytracker and such tracker software? How am I supposed to mix/eq/etc in these programs? I know OpenMPT has vst support but if I wanted to do it like they did it in the olden days how would i go doing so? would you bake in the eq in stuff like Audacity before importing the samples or what?

Most resources are focused on chiptune stuff and that's not that useful to me when i'm interested in more jungle stuff.
>would you bake in the eq in stuff like Audacity before importing the samples or what?
Yes. There is a presentation by h0ffman where he talks about how he still uses the old tracker, but he prepares his samples in Reaper.
The dude who did the Dodonpachi Daioujou OST made it in fuckin' OpenMPT and that just blows my mind.
This might be the seminar that I remember, but it's been awhile since I've listened to it.
There is another good video out there by cTrix where he talks about the history -- not so much modern use; still cool to watch.
Download some mods to study them and see how things were done as well.
Have fun and stay blessed.
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Just stop caring, it's literally that easy. At the end of the day nobody cares about what goyware you used to make music. Just make good music.
Imagine paying for software LMAO
well shit this is kind of exactly what i was looking for

i was even listening to h0ffman tracker music the other day and somehow missed this. thanks! seems like preparing the samples in reaper would be the battleplan for stuff like pads, etc.

oh yeah i had checked the first one but not the second one thanks. i saw a tracker musician (chiptune but the guy actually knows his stuff apparently and i guess it can still apply to other stuff) recommended pretty much transcribing the stuff to see what was going on, wonder if it will work analyzing stuff from here too

anyway thanks this tracker stuff is pretty fun
The VST situation is not that bad, I found a good free one on each area of audio production. But on the DAW end... yeah unless you figure Reaper out, it's over.
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>is any one of you knowledgable of OpenMPT, Milkytracker and such tracker software?
> How am I supposed to mix/eq/etc in these programs?
>would you bake in the eq in stuff like Audacity before importing the samples or what?
yes. it's much faster to process the samples before loading them into milkytracker/open mpt whatever.
alright yeah it's what i'm seeing
by the way how would you tackle mixing the whole thing, is there any way of checking levels so you can gain stage it or you just kind of do it by ear?
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with milkytracker i make sure the config volume is low enough so it's not clipping in pic related. (the text saying "peak level" will turn red if clipping - click on it to reset it). from there i just go by ear. i'll start putting down tracks, play, adjust volumes while playing. maybe boost the volume of some samples if they're too quiet.

At least 12.1 is out
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holy motherfucker of BLOAT
> green track has fader pushed all the way to max
jesus christ. lmao.
That's just an example of a set someone made, not the default template
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I want to send (play) certain MIDI notes via an Ableton Drum rack to another track with a virtual instrument which accepts MIDI. This is my setup.

Some instruments work, for example Surge XT. As you can see, I can choose it from the drop-down menu in the External Instrument "MIDI To" menu.
But some instruments don't, for example Analog Labs. Its track (number 10) doesn't appear in the drop down list.

Does anyone know what's the difference between those 2? Why can't I send MIDI notes to Analog Labs this way? Am I approaching this the wrong way? How would you set this up?
Not at the computer and don't remember how External Instrument works exactly, but the first thing I'd try is to try using a midi effect rack to route the ext instrument's output to, or to simply do it the other way around and set the track with Analog Lab to take midi from the desired drum rack chain using the i/o panel.
I tried your 2nd suggestion and setting the "MIDI From" on the Analog Labs track to the Drum Rack track. When I hit the drum pads on my hardware, it's playing sound in Analog Labs.

But how would I go about choosing which note the pad triggers? I added a chain, but changing the note under "Play" doesn't affect it.
it's a really terrible example of how not to use ableton. how the fuck did they let this slip past in a demo of the product? not great.
Finally, Roli have re-invented the theramin. Well, really it's just a shitty camera that's managing to glitch out during the video to show off how it can tell you how to play notes with your thumb on your 250 dollar 24 note keyboard.
From what I've seen of Radium it looks interesting. Not sure how fleshed out it is especially compared to Renoise which is very polished. One thing I like about Radium is that it supports true audio tracks and possibly multitrack recording. Something that Renoise just doesn't do as everything is sample based. You can work around the long audio tracks issue in Renoise with chopping up long audio tracks, sequencing them and turning on Autoseek but it's like 2-3 extra steps verses just having proper audio tracks. Also There's no multitrack recording in Renoise which I think Radium does have. If Renoise had true audio tracks and multitrack audio recording it would be the perfect DAW, imo. As of now when I want to record my full drum kit I have to do it another DAW and then tediously import every track into Renoise, synce them, chop them, and sequence them to get them to line up with the song.
the average ableton user doesn't know how to use ableton anyway, they just copy and paste from youtube tuts
LMAO called it >>102652598
Not sure what the problem or what your goal is.
You want the entire Analog Labs instance to only play when you hit one or a few pads, but instead it's playing with every pad? Or is it playing when the right pad is hit, but you can't set the right note?
Are you sure you've selected the right source in the second "midi from" menu?
>Or is it playing when the right pad is hit, but you can't set the right note?
Kind of. I want, for example, when I hit the C1 pad that it plays a C3 in Analog Labs. An online search led me to using External Instruments placed on the pads in a Drum Rack. There I can indeed remap the notes (Receive/Play) and assign it to another track (the MIDI To in External Instrument). The problem is that Analog Lab and other plug-ins aren't showing up, while others do (Surge XT in this screenshot).

Specifically, I wanted to map my hardware pads via the Drum Rack to play specific notes on different tracks holding virtual instruments. Is there a better approach to this?
Try this:
>get rid of the drum rack, use that track as your main midi input
>set each track that has an instrument on to take midi from the aforementioned main input track, and put an empty midi effect rack before everything
>in the midi effect rack use the chain selector thing to "whitelist" the notes that you want that instrument to play
>use one chain for each group of contiguous notes
>if you want it to play a different note, use the Pitch midi effect, inside or outside the chains, depending on what you're trying to do
Thanks. That works, but it's less convenient.
I'd still love to know what the difference between Surge XT and other VST3 plug-ins is. Why does it work and the others don't.
No idea. Does it show up in the "midi to" menu in the i/o panel?
You could probably get around the issue by using racks in one way or another.
Yes, Analog Labs shows up there. ChatGPT couldn't help much nor an internet search. I guess this is very niche.
>Yeah empathy isn't a real thing that exists and people only care about appearances honestly.
>I can't fathom other people caring about people other than themselves. They're soooooo anoyingggg
No one understands this like poltards.
Only the highest levels of empathy can make you want a white ethnostate as a brown person.
Truly the most admirable souls.
What is this?
the lengths you software fags go to to get all your shit to work, lol
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I love the idea of having a hardware sketchpad that seamlessly can exchange sets with Live on your computer; the software side of the manager looks really slick.
Sucks that you can't really chop samples well on the Move.
Not sure how well the Move handles odd meters either, although I did see that it appears you can set step lengths to whatever number you want (16 or below?)
Now I wait for the Tonverk.
>have to connect to wifi to update firmware before you can use a cable
welcome to the meta, where everything phones home
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> want cable to work?
> need to connect to wifi!
> device needs to be update to version 1.1 to use a cable

lmao. what a bunch of fucking retard amateurs. how many revisions did they go through before these useless faggots realized that the device doesn't work via USB? this is just embarrassing.

>the average ableton user doesn't know how to use ableton anyway, they just copy and paste from youtube tuts
sadly factual. but it's incredibly sad that such retarded shit ends up in an actual product video by ableton. not only did people with no clue make the device, the very same clueless retards also produced the video.
prod is dead. /dmp/ is better. cope.
Hell yeah brother keep preachin
these tiny gay screens need to END
shit 35 years ago screens were bigger and better
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3 digit 7 segment displays are all you need.
Simple as.
>these tiny gay screens need to END
i agree
>shit 35 years ago screens were bigger and better
yeah but they were very expensive. much cheaper and higher quality in current year yet synth/device manufacturers still want to jew more money out of people for less technology. back then you were getting what you paid for: advancements. in current year synth/device manufacturers are charging such high prices for things that aren't new, aren't groundbreaking nor are they original.
alright thanks i'm gonna give this tracker thing a go
Album organizer here.
These are the song submissions I have.
https://rbt.asia/g/post/102004070 - Consideration [3pmjof].wav
https://rbt.asia/g/post/102069755 - Lepidopteran Purgatory [rwslqd].wav
https://rbt.asia/g/post/102070525 - OMG [1jMIo0FWAHVk].mp3
https://rbt.asia/g/post/102152774 - Ondioman [6n81mh].flac
https://rbt.asia/g/post/102164941 - Extension Please [1kqAG5ybSnEI].mp3
https://rbt.asia/g/post/102175202 - Simply Basic (because it is) [9yr17e].flac
https://rbt.asia/g/post/102176760 - Hail Eris [usiemi].flac
https://rbt.asia/g/post/102198394 - Resure [aazj6y].flac
https://rbt.asia/g/post/102198517 - GODmp [gmc188].flac
https://rbt.asia/g/post/102403343 - Book of the Dead [lemv7o].flac
https://rbt.asia/g/post/102596635 - Lucian [pedjtn].wav
https://rbt.asia/g/post/102612409 - Breezy [hc4s1u].wav
https://rbt.asia/g/post/102612802 - Requiem [1VW9R7N1qOXU].mp3
https://rbt.asia/g/post/102628561 - Day 1,000 [mimHzjoL].wav
https://rbt.asia/g/post/102628639 - Flying Spaghetti Monster Boss Battle [nzxzgb].wav
https://rbt.asia/g/post/102644425 - Our God Is a Consuming Fire [VoTTFVL9].wav
https://rbt.asia/g/post/102715356 - Cosmic Dance of Shiva [6wx29b].wav

I'm not sure if these are actual submissions, but I'll include them anyway.
I didn't have the titles so I added them myself based on the post. Might change them later to something else.
https://rbt.asia/g/post/101211115 - muh god [1jXlBPPavh3o].mp3
https://rbt.asia/g/post/101211115 - well on the voice leading [1kC4DLenUA5g].mp3
https://rbt.asia/g/post/102337155 - What I need to know now [1aj16LLwDjwb].mp3
If you have an updated and/or lossless version please post it within the next couple of days.

Please let me know if I missed anything.
VCV rack is kind of fun, huh? Boggles the mind that people enjoy doing this kind of thing in the real world though, spending hundreds of dollars on modules, needing fucking duplicates and half a dozen cables per voice for basic shit like polyphony.
How would I solve that with hardware? I reckon I'd have to program my MIDI controller's pads to send certain notes every time. I can already do that, but doing it in software offers me more flexibility (per set instead of global).
>Boggles the mind that people enjoy doing this kind of thing in the real world though
keeps them happy. i find it as practical as tits on a bull when digital solutions are fuckin awesome and you can save presets instead of documenting your patch setup like you are cartographer discovering the new world.
I wouldn't mind some kind of physical VCV rack controller that's just a breadboard you can plug knobs into and then quickly assign to your virtual eurorack. The cable nests just make absolutely no sense, though.
I'm something of a tiny oled enjoyer, so No
polyend had the right idea when they came out with the first tracker, i messed with one and that screen looks great. elektron screens are probably the worst imo
Why the fuck do people put up with bloated shit like Arturia and Native Instruments. Their VSTs get absolutely mogged by u-he synths both in sound and application size and startup times.
what are you talking about hardly any of their synths are even comparable
Damn, I thought through all of the work I'd have to do to implement this. Gonna be like 16 major code changes, at least.
Maybe this will be the feature that gets me some users though...
it's like you've never used VST plugins at all
I'd recommend not bothering with MPE unless you're going to use it personally. It's still very niche, and not really all that useful for most people. Most MPE devices are essentially completely new instruments, even something like the Osmose is difficult to play as a pianist, the key travel is overly deep and basic habits that worked fine for piano can cause unintentional pitch bending. I think the common thought is "oh, it's a key but I can modulate it on the fly without having to touch the mod wheel, sweet!" but the reality is "oh, god, every key press now requires violinist precision to play in tune", which is very different to the traditional MIDI/synth mindset.
They could've used the same screen as the Push 3 and it wouldn't have been much larger, but it would've allowed so much more control over the parameters.
I guess they didn't want this to be a mini Push, but instead something more like a screenless hardware Note, where you just choose presets and make music without thinking about the details.
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Well, I'm not really talking about implementing full MPE support yet, I'm just thinking about adding a feature to let the user swap between different MIDI channels to send events on. Right now, each "instrument" on screen can only send events to one channel on one MIDI device (and also only listens on one channel from controllers). I circled in the screenshot where you can see the numbers. I'm thinking of changing that to multiple channels, but only one active at at time. That way, someone could for example record some notes on ch 1, then on the next loop through switch to ch 2 and record some different notes with pitch bend, and it would continue sending those events on the separate channels as it continued playing the loop. Since this is a live production app, it would be kind of hard to give the user any more control than that, at least intuitively.

(Though... I could use change in the X or Y axis on an on-screen key to do a per-note pitch bend.... I should also add an option to do Key After Touch then... Both of those would be a lot of work.)

Anyway, adding swapping between multiple output channels would make it easier to support MPE coming from a controller. As I said, right now it only listens on one channel at a time, but I could open that up and then forward events to the output device on the same channel, or mapped to a channel somehow. But if you think it's probably not worth it, I can put all of this on the back burner.
Lmao fucking shills. Both Native Instruments and Arturia produce bloated garbage. Both have horrible start up times, both have slow preset browsers and their sounds can't keep up with u-he's synth analogues.

Imagine ever buying their shit. If you use Native Instruments and Arturia VSTs you are a certified faggot who likes bloated shit.
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>Arturia and Native Instruments customer
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what kind of battery do i need to take my drum machine (analog rytm) /out/? would be great if i could use it up to 3 hours/day. same question if i want to take the AR, modular system and a mixer to weekend home which has no electricity. would solar panels + power station work?
Okay so it's sort of like a TE OP-1.
I like it as long as it doesn't cost as much as TE shit.
any good books on music/sound/electrotechnics?
I imagine any bog standard 5V power bank setup with a decent capacity and some ripcord cables for pumping the voltage up would do the job.
that would be teenage engineering, I hate those pretentious pricks a lot
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Yamaha has one of these shits now too. Kind of a limited groovebox with that flat minimal Braun aesthetic, a basic sequencer not fully featured, fairly limited voice editing, kind of a letdown really.
Neat, at least it's something, hate the smartphone/tablet as display approach though.
Bought an OP-1 when nobody cared about it in 2012 for 400 bucks on ebay, always loved to play around with it but it always sounded like shit, but I was always in love with the general concept so I'm glad companies finally pick up on it.
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welcome to the future
>when nobody cared about it in 2012
As far as I remember it was always super popular and hard to find. It was even in that SHM video before its release.
You may have just been lucky.
>As far as I remember it was always super popular and hard to find.
not her but false
Not saying that the smug Swedes invented the concept of a small portable groovebox, they just made it easy enough to pull a bunch of loops out of your ass real quick and have a large variety of synths right at your fingertips (even if they sound like shit).
Looking at the Yamaha Seqtrak and Ableton Move looks like I'll continue to be disappointed.
I suppose it was more popular in Europe, I think they initially only sold it to the US via their online shop.
It really wasn't super popular until ~2015 I think, all the Youtube videos up until this point was just the usual autists doing their bleep bloops.
why can't someone already copy elektron and add basic stuff that jews from elektron don't want to
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thoughts on this?
the same thing people told you in /mu/
2012 to 2014 was when I was hardcore into forums and distinctly remember people complaining about it never being in stock and it being hard to find.
I didn't really browse forums (other than 4chan) outside that period.
Maybe I'm misremembering some details or maybe those posters were wrong, I can't exclude the possibility but I think it's unlikely.

It's true though that it's way more popular now, but I think it's because music production as a whole is more popular so with the bigger market the demand for it increased way more than its supply, but AFAIR it was never not in demand.
fuck off
Well I got mine on german ebay, I suppose nobody here cared.
I clearly remember that shortly after I bought mine there was one selling even cheaper for around 300€ and that still stings.
I don't know why people want something small. Sure, small enough is fine, but most of these things are just too small to be usable and only exist for retards on youtube to try and get clicks because "omg so cute".

Fuck any sequencer with less than 128 pads.
It's a side hoe, I fiddle around with it for hours sitting in my garden, it's just peak comfy.
The lords work anon.
literally no one wanted it until it was out of stock and the price doubled
how about you post a piece of music using this clusterfuck and we'll give you some thoughts based on how shit it sounds.
i make money from music nigger, i don't need to participate in your online dick measuring contests. you're posting that drivel on /g/ of all places
You are literally dick measuring and dickwaving by posting eurocrap and expecting anyone to give a shit
jesus christ
Some people here are dealing with severe autism please be patient with them it's never your fault
he "makes money from music" and still has to run around asking everyone for attention
Eurorack modules are so awfully specific that you should rather look for a forum specialized on that, you won't have much luck here I think.
>falling for the eurocrap meme in 2024
everyone's going back to the box or buying overpriced shit like hydrasynths, keep up with the times

- Posted from CARDINAL in Ableton Live Suite 10
How can it be out of stock if literally no one wanted it?
true. although those people hate on everything that isn't eurorack lol
cardinal is great. it has some pretty weird modules compared to vcv. i just can't get midi controller to work with it as it should. and it keeps crashing for me
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OK you are 100% shilling yourself, this is the third time I remember you asking about it
You wanna know what's my opinion? As someone who bought it? Try it out you can use a free version, or read archives.
Think about supply for 1 second. Something selling out eventually doesn't mean it was popular. That was the beginning of the end of modern gearfagging.
Keep being a fag and arguing about something you don't even remember or weren't around for, whatever
>i just can't get midi controller to work with it as it should. and it keeps crashing for me
i use it in 2 daws with no issues whatsoever
But you said that *literally* NO ONE wanted it.
That's a demand of zero, which can only lead to it being out of stock if the supply is also zero and it basically never existed.
Checkmate dipshit.
Hey bro, lend me your opinion. Is Bitwig good for loading vsts? I was debating torrenting it and trying it out.

Mostly so guitar, vox, synths, and drums but more so drum vst software like Addicting Drums etc.

I would switch to Superior Drummer though if I knew it would work well. Currently using Fedora at the moment.
that 8trak tone is juicy
I actually got pirated copy of addictive drums 2 working with yabridge and bitwig on linux and it behaved itself fine, even at relatively low latency (512 samples), with a motu m2. The SWAM double bass synth I like also worked fine, plus pianoteq (native on linux).

It _almost_ worked at 256 samples, but I'd get an xrun every 30 seconds or so that I just couldn't get rid of despite trying a bunch of things like turning on rtkit, turning off rtkit, changing the scheduler, turning off cpu throttling. I suspect the meme framework amd laptop I was running it on has some firmware bug still, or the m2 driver, or the slightly out-of-date everything that ubuntu uses. Disappointing but such is open sores, and 512 is bearable. Weirdly, all the bitwig built-in synths worked fine without xruns at 256 samples, but adding any plugin (yabridge or native) caused the xruns.
How did you install the pirated version? With wine? Can you gimme the exact details?

Asking since it's hard to ask about this online and mostly because I still have the pirated exe and keygen laying around on a spare hard drive.
yeah, XLN.Audio.Addictive.Drums.2.Complete.v2.1.9.WIN.OSX-R2R is the specific version I have, from rutracker. run the installer with wine, then follow the yabridge instructions, which mirrors the vst dlls from wine's drive to where bitwig expects to find native vsts. Then it just worked.
Honest question. What's the learning curve for Milkytracker? Asking since I tried learning Octamed 4 on an Amiga emulator before (FS-UAE) but got filtered a bit. Mostly because it was hard to find samples that actually worked and mostly because the menu diving was a bit esoteric.
The ability to use a Novation Launchpad device to control it.
Did you ever try this with Reaper or Ardour as well? Curious since I was debating to actually learn Ardour this time around even though I hate it's output matrix on the master bus that makes no sense imo.

I have used Reaper for YEARS. I am assuming Bitwig is easy to pirate for Linux too?
I tried ardour and reaper a little bit mostly to see if the xrun issue was bitwig's fault; iirc the plugins still loaded fine but it didn't fix the xruns, so I went back; I have used ardour more extensively before, but as you seem to have discovered, it is way more clunky than bitwig, even if it does do basically all the same things. I unfortunately actually paypigged bitwig so I can't help you there; I assume cracks are still relatively easy though.
Dope, appreciate this a ton.

Took the deep dive to say fuck off to Windows recently completely. Mostly literally only had it for Reaper plus Addictive Drums with Izotope.

I abused the Izotope preset plugins for mixing since I am awful for that kind of thing and it nailed most of the vibe I was going for the albums I did so far anyway.

I am kind of stoked where the possibilities of using Linux and something like Qjackctl on Linux will be.

I kind of want to do some crazy shit like running emulators in sequence like an Amiga emulator, or MAME running some obscure synths to be routed in tandem.

That or like to create fake modular synth setups akin to the original Moog ideas (not gay ass Eurorack stuff) with some Arturia synth plugins in between.

Small steps of course. Kind of just want to get Ardour working, save a template and that consistently.

I still hate how it defaults to asking to save a project before creating but I'll just dump it wherever and save as later.
QY70 and QY100 are dead easy to use groove boxes. Sure the onboard sounds are pretty OK at best. But you can play with them to a greater degree than with these nu-boxes, or drive external gear. They're actually kinda fun and the sequencer is complete unlike the new ones.
godspeed anon. if you do get pirated shitwig working, the grid and all the other modular autism is very fun to mess with. Or go with plugdata. IMO even vcvrack is fine too; actual eurorack hardware is definitely a meme but the virtual versions are pretty fun.
I'd love to try and do that, but I can barely comprehend how those things are even used...
Thanks man.

Did you know you can import 3D models to generate reverb models now on Linux?

This shit blew my mind


I am totally going to convert some video games themed .stl 3D files so I can use them in weird ways.

Even a 3D cat for sampled reverb sounds like such a cool idea.
I think for the most part they send what is called CC messages (from what I've seen on DAW settings). I think if you treat them as buttons with long presses, I think it would be fine.

Pretty sure they're class compliant too.
Woah original reply anon here. I just realized what you shared. That looks awesome as fuck.

Have you used this in your setup yet? Is this your setup?
based. lol at people who try to make music without being able to hear sound quality issues which you can do with even mid tier consumer grade gear by 2024 standards. an anon even defended integrated motherboard audio lol. these same people complain about how popular music all sounds like shit because their audio doesn't do justice to the complex timbres and dynamic range. believe it or not, most modern mainstream releases have sufficient dynamic range, you actually don't want too much dynamic range with pounding percussion.
ima smash your keyboard against yer hed and bust yer return key. ffs s m h
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I did make that webm like 4 years ago and it was cool, but the dev abandoned the project. There are a few other "modular synth in VR" projects that are (slightly) more alive but since I got burned on this one I haven't tried them. I do some amateur VR dev stuff myself though, so someday if the autism strikes right I'll just make my own, with blackjack and hookers. I did make this marimba thing in godot a few months ago; it spits out midi, so it can drive any other synth.
Cool. I'm also reminded that one niche thing that ardour (and reaper) are good at is high order ambisonics, which require 64 channel tracks for 7th order (shitwig only does stereo). I've messed around with both https://leomccormack.github.io/sparta-site/ and https://plugins.iem.at/ and it is cool to actually hear stuff flying around your head, or reverb bouncing off the walls in full 3d.
Where's the distortion that will give me the harmonics reversed? [Serious]

This seems like an obvious thing to me and somebody should make it.
reversed in volume or frequency?
That is dope my dude. Keep it up.
I don't know what your interpretation of frequency is, but I meant but frequency, though volume could be cool now that you bring it up (like the amplitude of whatever harmonics it's adding is reversed, thought i guess that's somewhat the mindset for all post filtering and tone controls lol)

In vital the "subhamonic" unison setting adds harmonics in a descending fashion.
... my notes don't elaborate but the 3rd harmonic for example that sounds like a fifth above whatever you're playing is flipped to be a fourth below (I don't know the math of that but what one (me) would initially intuit by the labeling would have been a simple octave shift below rather an actual change in the ratio).
Don't know if you can do that with only distortion, but I guess that if you reduce the sampling rate to below the lowest fundamental you can flip the whole sound, then you can apply your distortion at 100% wet, and once you flip it again you can then layer it back on the original.
I feel like this will only work with certain combinations of fundamentals, number of harmonics, and types of distortion. Idk, it's 4:30am, I can't think this through lol.
Maybe you can flip it with some spectral thing or with convolution, but it won't necessarily be real time.
Also, I don't know if you'll get the right musical ratios.
Maybe some kind of resynthesis process can do it better.
Hmm, I wonder what data is in the CC messages. My app can already receive CC messages from a controller and forward them to the audio device. I've tested that with my Arturia Minilab. I've thought about adding a way to intercept those messages and trigger things in the app instead, but haven't figured out how I'd design that yet.
>What's the learning curve for Milkytracker?
it looks complicated at first but when you've memorized the most commonly used commands and effect parameters it's very easy.
> Octamed4
> Mostly because it was hard to find samples that actually worked
you can use any raw pcm samples under 22khz @ 8bit.
>ywn be quincy
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Does anyone know where to download Kilohearts plugins (like trancegate) without having to make an account?
Bonus points if you can also get discontinued stuff (like Kilohearts One) from there
Renoise has the same features as normal DAWs + a tracker.
too much digital, most of this can be done by a daw with the exact same audio quality
this is supposed to be the gold standard for music producers/mastering engineers but wtf are these mosquito tones lmao
If you hear it in lossless on high end audio equipment it makes much more sense.
I don't know why you post these youtube links all the time as if they don't sound like shit.
You need high quality audio when judging these classics, stop playing around on youtube.
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>this is supposed to be the gold standard
yeah nah. this album qualifies as brown shit standard. the mixing is atrocious. it sounded like cancer when it was released and its aged poorly. anyone using this as a reference is legit 100% fucking retarded.
fucking idiot >high end audio equipment
most of these were made on dirty lo-fi Akai 950s or MPC 2000s
i care more about knob per function than sound. but it's true, the psu might not handle that many digital modules. i'd rather stick dfam of pittsburgh SV-1 in there, but they're both huge
Lmao this is the kind of tone you see a lot of Youtube tutorials get rid of with EQ sweeps. I would probably do the same, get some DSEQ or some shit to get rid of that piercing sound.
Occasionally I go into a brief panic over the suspicion that i've been making things harder than they need to be by not spending more time seeking out SAMPLE PACKS.

Over time, by chance, i've come across just a handful that have become staples for me and made things easier and somewhat even shape my sound and it's freaky that i could be missing out on something that could be better or equally impactful to my workflow.

In the future your DAW will have a little ad in the corner where there will be "recommended" sample packs based on your use history and it'll be like online-dating-high where they constantly dangle the possibility of something better in front of you :0
>welcome to the future
the future where yamaha won't remake any of their good old products
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>youtube audio
i ain't clickin that shit nigga
WTF i thought you were bullshitting with audiophile schizophrenia but it really does sound better in lossless
BRUH i was taking the piss but how did you not know this?
Aren't you the plugin schizo?

If you're not: you don't need whatever the fuck that guy babbles about to hear the difference.
If you just have an actual setup (monitors, real headphones) the difference should be very obvious, particularly in the high end.

"Lossless audio sounds better" isn't some schizo take it's just a higher quality file, even normies can hear "oh it sounds weird" if you play them some old ass limewire youtube upload.
I'm pretty sure the target group of Dr Dre are not some audiophile autists. The goal should be to make it sound awesome on a 90s ghetto blaster.
>the platinum producers are wrong and I am right
yeah that's not how any of that works
Hearing the difference now isn't the reason to encode to FLAC. FLAC uses lossless compression, while MP3 is 'lossy'. What this means is that for each year the MP3 sits on your hard drive, it will lose roughly 12kbps, assuming you have SATA - it's about 15kbps on IDE, but only 7kbps on SCSI, due to rotational velocidensity. You don't want to know how much worse it is on CD-ROM or other optical media. I started collecting MP3s in about 2001, and if I try to play any of the tracks I downloaded back then, even the stuff I grabbed at 320kbps, they just sound like crap. The bass is terrible, the midrange...well don't get me started. Some of those albums have degraded down to 32 or even 16kbps. FLAC rips from the same period still sound great, even if they weren't stored correctly, in a cool, dry place. Seriously, stick to FLAC, you may not be able to hear the difference now, but in a year or two, you'll be glad you did.
How does it work? I've listened to the Youtube link and that sound is uncomfortable as fuck. 99% of your listeners will listen to the songs on some cheap headphones, bluetooth speakers or some car audio system.
"The song is great, just listen to it on a good audio system with a lossless file."
one guy who did michael jackson's stuff had the philosophy to make minimal adjustments to avoid distortion which he considered distortion, the other guy who did dr dre's stuff was willing to listen to what the artists wanted and dr dre wanted his stuff to be loud. in either case, it's primarily mastered in a proper studio, and they may very well test it on less than ideal equipment to make sure the musical content still translates to it, but it will still sound really good on top of the line hi-fi equipment. the copetard philosophy of thinking you don't need good monitors because you're only targeting zoomers who play music on their phones won't work because you're putting garbage in and getting garbage out.
>which he considered distortion
*which he considered unmusical
My point is your mix should translate from a great listening environment to a bad listening environment. Is the main idea still there when a zommer listens to it on his phone?

I doubt this piercing sound would have been approved by Dr Dre today, no matter how great it sounds in his studio.
>My point is your mix should translate from a great listening environment to a bad listening environment.
this is literally part of what makes a mix "good"

i don't understand how retards are frequently spouting shit like "well people are just going to listen on shitty phone speakers anyway!!" or "my music isn't for shitty phone speakers!!!" (whichever suits their cope) like that's not how mixing works you dumb fuck
well that dr dre song is an extreme example because of those high frequency tones

if i take this
and rip the .m4a file with

then it seems like it would be insanely difficult to prove anything with an ABX test vs the lossless in foobar2000
No, it's pretty much never a subtle difference.

For somebody who shitposted about audio quality so much it's weird that you can't hear it.
Maybe that's why you cope so hard with the gear talk
listening to the full song, the snares might be more well-defined in the lossless CD rip, but this could be placebo. unless you have youthful ears with 20khz extension it's hard to believe that it's really that obvious, most anons think at least a high bitrate lossy file with a good codec is indistuingishable from lossless.
it could even be that you're hearing distortion that exaggerates the differences in the same way that you think absolute polarity is audible
Proper 320 is very close and "good enough" in most circumstances (streaming, passive listening) but if you're listening and actually paying attention it should be an obvious difference.

> most anons think
stop making people up to support random stuff
After about 2-3k you can clear as day hear the difference between lossy and lossless
I'm a musician with 10k in my chain not some sadge audiophile wondering what's up
The dynamic range, soundstage, clarity, thickness, everything is different. The frequency ranges are denser, there's literally more sound in the mix. It's not a debate it's just plain fact
>Interestingly some people with impaired hearing can detect easier differences and need higher bitrates for transparency as due dips in their frequency response the psychoacoustic masking models used for compression don't work as well for them.
https://www.heise.de/ct/artikel/Kreuzverhoertest-287592.html (German test and article from 2000, you can use google translate or deepl.com for translation)
bro will spend hours "researching" and debating online before bothering to open his DAW lol
this nigga is claiming to hear obvious differences between high bitrate lossy and lossless. he would cause a stir on places like audiosciencereview if he could actually prove it with ABX testing.
You're just too poor it's okay
ok i get it he's trolling
he probably hasn't even listened to the dr dre song with the mosquito tones in lossless, it was just a ruse and he played along with it when i said i noticed the difference
weirdly enough the "smoke detector" beep seems to be more noticeable in the lossless version
maybe it's a bad upload on youtube because other songs from like 2017 and newer sound more transparent and it's a great listening experience when you're in the right mood and have low irl ambient noise
>plugin schizo loses at his own game when confronted with his own deafness
>starts samefagging and denying everything

projecting >>102763725
he went for the rotational velocidensity copypasta so he's definitely trolling
>Only 3 people post
You're addicted to fucking with yourself
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Guys please recommend me 49 key midi keyboard
whatever used ones are at gear shops/craigslist/fb marketplace near you.
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There's a VST plugin I forgot the name of that I am hoping you can help me find, I saw a demo of it on youtube like 6 months ago, basically you load a sample into it and you play a midi chord, and the plugin analyzes and edits the harmonics and in-key frequencies of the sample and it sounds like it's in a different key. So for example if you have a sample of a C major chord or pad or something, you play the sample so it's in a different key.
The closest I can find is something called xsynth Chroma which isn't the right thing because it makes everything sound like it's being put through a vocoder. It's the same concept.
It's probably not the one you saw, but I've used zplane retune (pirated) for something similar. It didn't take midi input but it gives you a matrix for remapping from one scale to another, polyphonically, and imo it sounded pretty good. If you search for 'polyphonic transposer' there are lots of plugins in the same space, might find the one you saw through there.
melodyne or some autotune thing
I've decided I'm going to add undo/redo support while I procrastinate on recording a real demo video...
You are all mouth breathers.
Lossless has nothing to do with sound quality.
The sample rate is everything. The sample rate will reproduce the exact waveform you put in a Nyquist. So a Lossless file at 44.1 is the same as a 44.1 mp3 no difference. Lossless means how many times it can be COPIED without degradation due to compression. If you don't believe me, make a song, or any sound render it lossless then render the same song as an mp3. Then null test them.
After 100,000 copies yes it will sound like shit or if someone resamples at shit bit rate (Youtube did this for 140p shit) but the original file is an IDENTICAL WAVEFORM
imagine trolling this much on a hobby you don't even participate in, pathetic
>It's a hobbie
Speak for thineselfu
Either I really like modular as a workflow, or Plaits is just that easy to use. VCV is really cool, you just run funny little cables around.
you're in the honeymoon phase. you will want to tear it out after a while because you recognize the limits of the algorithms
>the limits of the algorithms
you're a noob who just started to use modular
I'm not him. Never used any modular. Please elaborate on these limits of the algorithm.
no, use it yourself
You sound like a troll desu.
Nope. I just asked a question. Meanwhile you make a statement and refuse to elaborate while continuing to respond when you could've just given me a short answer.
I'll stop responding now.
if you don't use modular, how could you hope to understand anything i said?
I just came up with another AMAZING song idea after a short but fruitful sound design sesh shit's so fucking Quaristice post acid but I'm SO tired

this sucks guys i need a partner (m) who can take over so we can trade off shifts and keep a 24/7 music cycle going
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You too can become the eurorack meme of daisychaining mutable instruments and letting it run for hours, but this time without setting money on fire
I'm not really interested in using modular for sequencing shit, I just like it for leads and easy modulation routing.
Stop decoding my coded posts
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what FUCKING board am i on right now this attack was uninvited!!
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pianists seem to like irig keybeds but their only 49 key is the I/O model so it's not the cheapest because of the I/O features

arturia has a good reputation for using good feeling keys but they have some entry level models that are maybe not so good

check the used market in your area
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I have an arturia minilab mk3 It's servicable for the price I paid, but the encoders suck. Also it's just 2 octaves, so good luck with improvs. I've had more fun with the included software than the actual thing.

is pic related a good model? Novation Launchkey mk1. There's a cheap one online and I'm tempted to buy it.
>Plaits is just that easy to use
it is, it's very fun when you're starting out but you get sick of it after a while. i don't get how trannies on youtube keep using the same four modules and doing same sounds for 10+ years like this guy said
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>implying I'm stupid enough to think 1s magically become 0 on a long enough time frame
Where's the money in it? QY-70/100 are what, $100 used? Plus until you understand the Yamaha way of doing things in the sequencer (which is always the same across all their sequencers) it's got a steep learning curve. Nobody's got time to open the MIDI event list or even a step sequencer that doesn't light up these days.
>I reckon I'd have to program my MIDI controller's pads to send certain notes every time.
Yeah with an MPC this is extremely easy to do, go into pad edit mode, push a pad, adjust which note it sends when it pops up on the screen. It will be saved as part of the 'song' file. You can also set this up globally so, by default, it will be whatever you like of course. Then if you make changes, they can be saved with each 'song.'

Choose the MIDI interface, port, and channel, and that's it. I have a nu-MPC which I really like, but it works the same way on the older ones all the way back to the MPC-60. One button press (technically a shift-press) and hit the pad, then adjust it to whatever you like. You can do like 10 pads in 10 seconds. You can do it quickly on the fly, in the middle of a running performance.
when is jomox alpha base mk2 coming out
3 to 4 weeks according to thomann
damn i hope mk1 prices plummet
cheers m8
Also, Reaktor is cool, although I know that you anons are gonna defend VCV Rack for being free and open source(excluding the pro version)
>Reaktor is cool
is pretty good
>although I know that you anons are gonna defend VCV Rack for being free and open source(excluding the pro version)
makes no difference on this board. many here will happily pirate anything (if available).
I own Reaktor but I wouldn't recommend it unless you're a programmer looking to get into DSP/writing your own VSTs and even then it's basically been the same shit since 2015. There might not ever be a v7

It's a faffing about tool and not really productive for writing music with unless you want to jerk it with generative patches
spoiler, i've pirated lol
I wouldn't mind pirating Reaktor if it seemed like it did anything better than VCV rack. If anything, I dislike VCV because of its dependence on shit like downloading modules using a linked account on someone else's computer.

If I needed DAW support maybe I'd try Reaktor.
Anyone else got the Arturia Keylab 49 MKIII? This thing is awesome.
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Better to use left channel because it isn't as heavily compressed, right?
Well you could make a performance rig if you have a good idea
it's fun, plus some people don't like sitting at the computer and clicking with a mouse to make music. it's totally overpriced though, that's the only negative for me
I've got the mk2. i hate arturia hardware
>Better to use left
yes. that right channel is atrocious. it looks like rick rubin stuck it up his ass and then farted it back out again.
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I can understand not liking clicking stuff, real knobs are more fun. But when it comes to shit like patch cable routing, that's just so much easier with a mouse.

I can understand the appeal of the physical, but when you have to spend like a grand just to get something on the same level as a Volca, it's a bit comical. The ideal is some kind of hybrid MPC style approach with a touch screen and lots of assignable controls, but I haven't really seen anything like that for eurorack. There was something the other day running VCV with some knobs but it looked laughably underpowered and the little screen was low res and lagging like crazy.
The tracker prod is actually a hipster faggot that has imposter syndrome so obsesses about archaic production techniques from an bygone era that he was never part of in order to convince himself he is "authentic" , when really he is always several steps behind as all real producers have moved on to embrace current technology , meanwhile he is left behind forever playing catch up clinging to distant memories of what he wants to be but ISN'T.
>But when it comes to shit like patch cable routing, that's just so much easier with a mouse.
depends. i literally just randomize everything when i'm in vcv and use presets in vsts, can't be assed to learn anything, whereas with gear, especially in modular i take time to learn everything and actually do full tracks
>but when you have to spend like a grand just to get something on the same level as a Volca, it's a bit comical
yeah, i wish someone like behringer comes out with cheap modules. alternatively, i'm getting a soldering iron soon and learning how to do diy modules. but yeah, specific midi controllers would be the simplest option
>There was something the other day running VCV with some knobs but it looked laughably underpowered and the little screen was low res and lagging like crazy.
this shit? lol
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btw you can use vcv and daw with your eurorack if you have ADAT sound card. they also make modules for that, but old MOTU interface is much more cheaper
With modular you literally have to set everything up from scratch basically every time. With VCV I can load up a dozen different configurations of basic modules stuck together, and if I don't like the way I changed something I can just go back a directory and open yesterday's version, I don't have to worry about nudging a knob and then making things worse, and if I get something I like it costs nothing to save it.

DIY modules are the more cost effective option, but they're still a lot of work. I like watching a guy on youtube who does fairly simplistic MIDI conversions of weird old hardware and the amount of tedious pin by pin soldering would drive me insane.
>FL Studio enjoyer.
>Make really rigid dnb/rave/house/acid tracks.
>Bit crush plugin on the master.
>"Hey Anon, is this tracker music?
>Sure is bruv.
as i said, i'm much more productive than in DAW. and i used to be anti hardware for years.
>just like it, simple as
>update to live 12.1
>wipes the plugin database
>time to rescan all your plugins anon
>gets to waves cancer
i love it
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>pic related
Why would you update when there's nothing wrong with 11?
been using live since 7. 11 was maybe the worst version for me. stuttery, icky, piece of shit.
>stuttery, icky, piece of shit
And is 12 better in this regard?
I would assume it got worse desu
nah, it feels way better.
i upgraded my pc in the middle of the 11 release cycle and it still felt like garbage after the upgrade.
less garbage, but it would still 'stick' sometimes.
12 has had none of that since the first release.
i can't speak to what perf is like on lower spec machines though.
Good to know, thanks.
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