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Previous thread: >>102692467
First for gentoo
Is the LXQt spin of fedora any good? I love this DE but don't know which distro maintains it the best(no I will not use ubuntu).
Nice, I'm using LXQt right now

I'm using Ubuntu 22 LTS with the Lubuntu backports PPA so I have a more recent version of LXQt than the version available through the distro repos

I could upgrade to Ubuntu 24 LTS but I haven't got round to it yet
Any of you run fzf? How do i integrate into my shell so i.e. it autocompletes more commands than just cp, ls or MV?
Fedora is a fine distro but Is a bit rough on the edges. Replaced Leafpad with some shitty OC Scintilla based text editor, screenlocker doesn't work on the live session, swaps Firefox with Falkon (a WebKit browser on life support).
I want to try out the newest ver. of LXQt but I'm on debian which means I'm stuck on 1.2 until trixie becomes stable.
According to pacman -Qdtq, these packages are orphans. Does anything look suspicious to you, or is it all stuff safe to remove?
Just posting to say about a year ago I used Lubuntu with LXQt and it was really comfy on an old device.
best distro for modern hardware? specially in the graphics/display side of things, running debian 12 gnome sometimes windows will freeze/lag for a few seconds when I have a video running in the background, I know it's a os issue because this doesn't happen in the windows drive
>which distro maintains it the best
What do you mean? Like which one gets updates fastest?
Gnome is heavier than Windows. Your hardware must not be modern enough.
Fedora's LXQt spin is trash. Try Lubuntu which is slightly better trash.
Switch to debian testing
What is the best option then? I don't want to use ubuntu.
Switch to Ubuntu 24 LTS which has LXQt 1.4, you know it makes sense
my arch install script is complete.
what's the best way to break my system so i can use it?
Do you need bugfixes or new features? I don't think it's worth it leaving debian, everything else has just a different brand of suck.
How often can I expect it to break?
Try arch based ones like EndeavourOS or Artix, maybe sparkylinux.
I will most likely stay on stable. But waiting around for a couple of years just to try out new stuff is a pain. Guess that's the price of stability.
I was planning on moving over to Artix for a while now. But I dunno, guess I will stick to something boring but stable.
I don't know, around arch level.
Why does the LXQt panel consume CPU resources when idle? It's not much, but I have a Pentium toaster
pacman -Syu
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Hey I'm a Hobbyist Gamedev. And work mostly with Unity engine/C# Has anyone played around much with it in Linux? I'm looking to learn Linux before windows 10 stop's getting updates and was curious if there are any stand out issues with it. All other software I need appears to just werk.
Why would you recommend these?
Archcraft or arcolinux are by far better options
>anime on the front page
hard (easy) pass
The dev is a weeb boomer it seems
will valve bring arch to riscv?
lmao, even
you dropped your programming socks, ma'am
>PAY for premium
there are neither games or mainstream interest in risc-v, why would valve waste money on it
virtue signalling against israel?
The latest is 2.X (I forget which).
>but don't know which distro maintains it the best
You build it yourself. Arch or Gentoo. I can confirm LXQt is very comfy on Gentoo but I imagine it's similar on Arch (assuming the repo jannies didn't fuck up the packaging again)
That's suspicious if you use 32-bit games still, then I wouldn't remove the Vulkan loader (not that many 32-bit games likely use Vulkan in the first place)
The same is true of AARCH64, but it's much worse because RISC-V doesn't even have any hardware. At least ARM shipped something usable. It's overpriced shit but at least it's overpriced usable shit.
I want to recursively download a bunch of pictures from wikimedia commons via a category page. Any tips?
Wget with the spider option
Or rather its recursive option.
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cockpit won't let me log in
i have been hacked by a pajeet or a chinaman
Good. Cockpit is shit anyway and web administration in general is a bad idea, even more so if it's publicly accessible for Mr Pajeet and co.

Linux boxes should only be admin'd over SSH like God intended.
does anyone know anything about dell servers and idrac? can i load an OS over idrac? i can't get a USB to boot on an r630 i found in the dumpster. trying to boot up red hat which according to dell is supported by my r630
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Want to install linux on old machine for dad.
Which distro/DE/WM has small ram usage?
dsl or puppy linux. they just work
>But waiting around for a couple of years just to try out new stuff is a pain.

VM and spare computers are options.
I guess it's too linux-y for my dad
Mint Xfce
no longer light weight
You'll probably struggle to find something better. LXQt is decent but it's hard to recommend distros for it when the ones you'd usually recommend (e.g Lubuntu) are getting increasingly more bloated with shit like Snaps.

You sadly can't put your Dad on Arch or Gentoo, that's not realistic. Fedora's LXQt spin is broken so that's out too. I wonder how OpenSUSE compares? Is there an LXQt spin of that?
>can't put your Dad on Arch
nta, but why?
arch + open box uses about 500 mb
Are you going to hold his hand through it every step of the way?

You could go Manjaro but I really don't like that idea. You can't put Arch on a normal person's machine unless it's immutable a la Steam OS.
Fedora LXQt needs some manual tweaking for those bits of UX like close on lid behavior and the lame software selection that comes OOB really, is very slim though. Isn't unusable but not as ready to go as Workstation.
In Linux, how do I set up SSL certificates on LAN-only IP addresses? So I can connect to on any device
You don't. Unless your Google or Cloudflare, nobody is going to issue you a valid certificate for an IP address in the SAN.

Use DNS. I do the following:

>Own a domain name I bought from a registry (let's call it example.org)
>Have all internal resources on *.internal.example.org
>Use letsencrypt to issue a wildcard cert
>Copy to however many machines need it with rsync (not the best. I should really be using something like Haproxy on the router and only giving it the cert and have it reverse proxy to everything else, but I'm lazy)
>DNS resolves internal hostnames
ive been using ubuntu for sometime and have been having terrible boot times, could it be hard drive age? should i get an ssd?
You should get an SSD anyway (it'll help a lot) but you can see what's eating up the boot time with systemd-analyze
why are you turning it off?
>just systemd problems
More like Snap problems, they take up the bulk of the boot time on Ubuntu nowadays while it mounts a fuck ton of squashfs volumes on boot all of which need decompressing, etc.
But can't I set up a self-signed certificate? Wouldn't that be somewhat useful?

>domain name I bought from a registry
I don't want to pay for it unless it's a one-time payment of 5 dollars for 5 years. Once upon a time there were free domain name registrar(s) like freenom dot tk or something. I think those free ones are all gone.

btw I see that https://chat-gpt.org/chat is nonfunctional today/now:
>>[asked multiple times with the same error response:] In Linux, how do I set up SSL certificates on LAN-only IP addresses? So I can connect to on any device
>Unknown error
>>How do I get some bitches on my dick?
>Unknown error
>But can't I set up a self-signed certificate? Wouldn't that be somewhat useful?
You can buy what's the point if you're going to click through security warnings anyway and nothing is going to verify the cert properly.

If you're going to do it then do it properly or don't do it all.
Also if you're going to ask ChatGPT then be more specific or it'll never be able to help you. Try a prompt like:

>Using OpenSSL how do I setup my own certificate authority for internal purposes? Provide instructions for how to issue a cert for an internal IP address in the SAN field and give me instructions to deploy it to servers as well as the public keys to common operating systems like Android, iOS, Windows, MacOS and Linux, such that they trust everything correctly.
>click through security warnings
I know if I use a self-singed cert then I will see those warnings, but I don't really care that I will have to click Proceed each time.

>nothing is going to verify the cert properly.
Here's the usefulness that I think it will give me: an encrypted connection in the LAN. Currently, I am running roughly three (was running an extra one) web servers which are accessible via the LAN. The Apache one is partly "password-protected". All of that HTTP data is transferring as unencrypted, which I don't like because someone could snoop on it or even modify things on the non-password-walled things.
Do you not trust your LAN? If you don't then you have bigger problems. Maybe look into VLAN tagging.
help me bros. i'm starting to call myself the feminine version of my name
Seems like a good edit to that question. By "SAN" I think you mean "Storage area network" but IDK.

I share this LAN with others. It's somewhat unlikely, but they could mess with my stuff or read my Apache password since it's sent in cleartext. They basically do not know any of my addresses+ports, but I think that would be easy to find out with certain methods, programs, and observations.

>Tagged VLANs: When tags are implemented in a VLAN, the broadcast domain is further segmented and devices can only communicate with other devices that have matching tags. Tagged VLANs are best for...
Sounds useful, so in the LAN, certain communications would only happen between the specified devices.
SAN means "Subject Alternative Name"
You can set up a self signed certificate in Apache. There's probably already one generated for you, it's called ssl-cert-snakeoil.
It works for encryption but it obviously doesn't protect against a MITM attack.
To be more accurate:
>It doesn't protect against a MITM attack if you're going to blindly click through security warnings anyway

It does protect you if you make sure your CA is properly trusted on client devices but that's a real pain to manage. Doing >>102725552 is easier for me.
Yes, I actually wonder if there's a simple way to self sign my certificate and add my own authority so my own computer at least knows that it's legit.

Wiggly that, I think you only have to click yes do as I say once, then the browser caches the certificate and warns you if it changes. I guess that's something. It is better than not having any encryption.
The signing part is easy, it's the distribution part that's difficult. You need to import it to all your devices so that they trust it.

You could manually check the fingerprint each time to make sure they match but be honest, you're not doing that.
I switched over to Pop OS from Windows 11 and I like it so far.
I know that Pop OS is fetus Linux, but I don't care to switch just yet because I think that if something works, you don't need to fix it.
However, I am curious what kind of options are out there.
So what kind of beginner distros are out there?
I'm looking for something that is fast with a fancy desktop environment.
>read the wiki
I did, too much fluff
Damn, Waypipe just made my dual-core shittop way more usable. I don't know why I didn't do this sooner.

>Pipewire with the pulseaudio server listening on TCP (I may try UDP to see if it's more stable, audio stutters sometimes right now)
>It just works

Then I discovered I can forward the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS and now I get native notifications and Mpris support, etc. This is easily the best remote desktop experience I've ever had.
if you liked pop os, you could try ubuntu which is what it's based off of
Cool. I'll try out Kubuntu. Thanks for the help.
On Pop and other APT-based distros, take peek at /etc/apt and look at your package sources. That tells you what you are really using.
Well, at least it will be familiar lol.
This time leave an extra empty ~20GB partition to your drive. In fact partition as follows:
>ESP (if an EFI system)
>20GB partition
Use this for your Kubuntu install
>20GB partition
>rest of the drive for one big partition
Use this for /mnt/whatever. Place your home directory somewhere in there.
I don't understand anything you said. I know very little about computers.
Penguin shits on an other penguin:
Owner of that website may have poster here:

>self signed certificate in Apache. There's probably already one generated for you, it's called ssl-cert-snakeoil.
I remember seeing that file. I wonder how I could proxy all of my other web servers into Apache (such as darkhttpd and ipfs).

So with encryption the password would be doing something instead of doing basically nothing.

>The signing part is easy
In my experience it wasn't. Maybe if I follow a different guide than what I looked at in the past then it will work.

>it's the distribution part that's difficult. You need to import it to all your devices so that they trust it.
This is perhaps impossible to do in iDevices, especially if you are not logged in and therefore cannot uses apps from the Aple app store. Probably easier to do in Android. (Also, may need to be jailbroken or rooted/custom rom/degoogled).
Found a bug in tint-tetris ("apt install tint"): get a high score and press up arrow, which I think is ^[[A. Then, that high score will not show up each time you fail a game. For example if you get a score of 35,900 (about my high score) in the #1 spot then you will not see it and instead only see #2 score, #3 score, etc.

>On Pop and other APT-based distros,
Means that in the terminal you install software by running "sudo apt install tint"
>take peek at /etc/apt
"/etc/apt" is a file or a folder
>and look at your package sources. That tells you what you are really using
Some text in there will say where packages are downloaded from = name of your distro+version.

*posted here
LXQt includes pcmanfm-qt. While I think that looks better than pcmanfm, IIRC, only pcmanfm has the option to upload files via absolute paths. Konsole in LXQt in the latest Lubuntu looks like crap!

>Penguin shits on other Penguin
Typical Gentoo behavior.
Was reading that thread and saw this:
>>Can't you just route your server through cloudflare and keep it semi anonymous to anybody but cloudflare?
>yes, and you can do it for free. not recommended for people running sites that want to remain hidden. cloudflare will hand over your info to feds at the speed of light.
Huh, didn't know that. Free other than the owning the domain name. Also still gotta change router settings to run your website.

Meant to say: press up arrow then press enter. I have the tint.tar.xz file. How to fix this: some sort of system which rejects scores where the name includes control characters, informing the user about that or not. Will I ever program this fix in? "Fuck no."
What's out there for from-scratch motion graphics that runs nicely under Linux? Using Fusion inside Resolve is Fineâ„¢, esp. considering I can transfer projects to my macbook if push comes to shove, but the workflow is a little awkward (it's clearly stronger at post-processing than abstract procedural stuff) and a little crashy. Tooll3 is kinda wicked, but relies on bits of Windows Media Foundation that WINE doesn't emulate too well yet, so it's a non-starter considering I have *some* pre-existing source material lmao. Ossia Score is LMMS-tier incomprehensible Qt shitware and seems much more focused on controlling live shows and VJ stuff anyway. Am I really stuck with Fusion for the time being?
There is mainstream interest in Arm though, Microsoft is making a big effort for it. Also there was this news last year:
>Nvidia and AMD plan to launch Arm PC chips as soon as 2025, Reuters reports
do you have seconds display on your clock?
>(not that many 32-bit games likely use Vulkan in the first place)
in fact basically all of them do
why? because any linux native games you run are likely already 64bit, so the only 32bit games you're likely to be running are older windows games, which you're likely using dxvk with unless it's a native opengl game, which translates them to vulkan, hence needing 32bit vulkan support (unless using the new wow64 wine feature)
you have to mention what kind of machine or specs it is/has
what counts as "old" varies wildly between people and context, it could be a laptop from 2016 or a desktop from 1998, there's no way to make a judgement without knowing what it is
>You could go Manjaro but I really don't like that idea. You can't put Arch on a normal person's machine unless it's immutable a la Steam OS.
I mean his main usage is web browser + office
Office can be used with winapps, that's why I need low ram distro.
It's laptop from 2012.
4 GB of ram
ok, that's not too tight. you could run anything on that, and if it's being used lightly then it shouldn't really matter what you put on it
i would highly recommend getting a cheap small ssd for it if it doesn't have one, however. perhaps also configure zram for it as well to extend the usefulness of the ram it has
>configure zram for it as well to extend the usefulness of the ram it has
nta, but is there easy tool to use it and configure it?
I tried doing it but I don't think the system actually using it.
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Is there a DE as fully featured as KDE while not being as bloated?
i think there is, but i forget what it's called. i set mine up manually years ago so i haven't use one
how do I use gdb to debug my wayland compositor?
Can I dual boot with veracrypt encrypted windows? Say I've been dualbooting with debian for a while on laptop with only one ssd slot and want to encrypt my windows partition now. Will it mess up with my grub?
Switching to testing is a horrible idea, they should just go straight to sid
anime website faggot
its not going to matter because firefox and chrome will eat up your ram really quickly
Can you update Grub from a live cd ubuntu? Mixed answers when I google.
Excellent post
if you chroot first, yea
I find KDE too slow too. It takes .30-.45 of a second to open the file manager or another program. Meanwhile lxqt is under .10 or .05. Its so quick I don't even notice because its instant as soon as I click. Wayland is buggy for me even with all AMD and has bad frame times and less performance in my video games so I stick with lxqt with openbox as the wm running x11

You can use lxqt with KDE programs like krita since its all qt. Thinks that's the only option that's not tilingwm and that's qt based.
Not him, I've never tried KDE, but I like LXQt which I'm running at the moment

I think LXDE is lighter and faster from my experience, but I think development is very slow now because the main guy moved to LXQt. And LXQt has some good features. I like the custom command widget in the system tray area, so you can show the output of any shell command you want.
Am I still allowed to stay in this general if I use BSD? I'm still going to use Linux for emulation since it's shit on openBSD
Maybe this thread should be called /fglt/ + /fult/ (Friendly UNIX-like thread)
For like the 10th time we're not changing the name. If you wanna talk about BSD, go for it.
Can you do GPU pass-through on the BSD's? I know FreeBSD has Bhyve (also used by macOS for Virtualization.Framework or whatever it's called) and OpenBSD obviously has the thing you've just linked.

I've never really looked into their capabilities though. They're probably both worse than Qemu + KVM.
Why do some people hate Wayland so much? Is it just because it's a red hat thing? I can understand people not liking it due to bugs and technical issues but what's wrong with it as a concept? What's the alternative for the future? My understanding is that X is fundamentally flawed and can't really be "fixed" while Wayland is fundamentally solid.
(no shit Sherlock, that's the point. Get porting)
The name should change to reflect all FOSS UNIX-like operating systems, simple as that
>make a windows recovery usb
>restore mbr
>manually remove ubuntu and /boot partitions I had on disk through windows disk manager
Will this free me from this grub horseshit for good? Or is it gonna fuck something up?
Yes. There can only be one bootloader on legacy BIOS shit so once you override the boot sector with something else, it's gone.
It's a little silly to me that for all of its options and customization there's still no way to get thumbnails in the file picker in KDE Plasma.
What are you talking about? KDE has had that forever now. Are you sure you're using a Qt based app and have all of the necessary dependencies installed for thumbnail generation?
Wait really? Uninstalling Gnome as soon as I'm home from work, based
Is there a way for a service/server to sense a new file is in a directory and then execute a command?
Use case:
I want to move anything that goes to a remote service folder to my computer automatically.
I was thinking rsync somehow over ssh with some monitoring software watching the folder every X minutes and then executing a script but im not sure what the easiest way would be to do that without some big package software,id like to keep this a minimal as possible. Some script and then run it on a systemd timer?
Yes, look into inotify.

You can inotifywait or entr from the command line. In terms of Systemd I think it has a native ability to watch directories and reload units when they change.
does anyone by any chance know if can you have thumbnails for webms in dolphin?
Yes, providing you have ffmpegthumbs installed and aren't browsing a remote directory (you can still override this to force thumbnail generation on remote shares but it's not done by default because remote shares can be slow).

thanks man, it works
i dont agree with that because itll drag in macfaggots if you start calling it unix
something like gnulinux+bsd would be better
or just a "BSD is also welcomed here" would be enough (along with the other foss unix stuff like illumos or opensolaris or whatever they're called)
What would you say is the best looking terminal emulator?
There are two main issues with Wayland:
1. Writing your own Wayland compositor is really hard.
2. The Freedesktop members have to achieve consensus on what to add to Wayland which takes FUCKING FOREVER.
All other problems with Wayland stem from those two things.
openbsd has nothing when it comes to passthrough
vms on openbsd are pretty bad as they are since they have no graphical support and can only be operated through serial which can make the number of livecds to use pretty limiting, at least it's able to properly load mbr bootloaders unlike freebsd's bhyve
bhyve apparently can do pci and usb passthrough, not sure about gpu though
bhyve, like openbsd's vmd is mainly used through serial console including when it boots with efi, however it can also do vnc but it wont automically open a window or something like qemu can, supposedly libvirt and virt-manager can work on bsd
the other weird thing about bhyve is that it cant really load an mbr bootloader and you would have to preconfigure a grub config to load the proper kernel and args unless you do efi booting which will work normally as expected
the one that you can customize the most
>1. Writing your own Wayland compositor is really hard.
Not really:
>i like unix-like oses
>nooooo not that unix-like os
hey guys what does everyone do to play pirated windows games on Linux? Lutris? Do you use any specific settings to make them run like Proton does on Steam?
FYI, you can still get infected with malware through Wine including ransomware.
yes thank I knew this. I just wanted to know the easiest way to make them run. Proton is very convenient on steam, but what about my sweet fitgirl repacks?
what do we think? will you get haxxed if you do this?
no, i like foss oses
dont you have some dicks to suck or whatever you macfaggots do?
newer cpus are designed with mitigations=on in mind and may lead to a performance loss if you turn it off
I'm on Mint and why do these windows isos have a lock on them?
That's only because of the runtime overhead associated with enabling/disabling them and the compiler sometimes not generating optimal code anymore due to the dynamic nature of this.
Thanks to a Debian developer if you compile your own kernel you can set which mitigations should be enabled at compile-time now.
I think the lock is on files\folders that need root permissions to be opened
I switched my debian server to using systemd-networkd and systemd-boot, cant really notice the difference though systemd-boot feels better than grub at least
Is there any recommended way to structure out the folder/file layout for docker/podman containers?
Where would be a good place to dump all the scripts/compose-files ?
No. Why are you thinking about gay shit? I think you need to be honest with yourself about who you are.
Is it possible at all to mount a qcow image on the host while it's also being used in a virtual machine? i mainly wanted it to directly boot kernels in a virtual machine and skip the time it would take to load the bootloader
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Excellent post
LXQt has a sane balance of features and is lightweight but is a hands-off DE, some things you have to tweak them yourself like composition (you can just use the Kwin window manager).
Screen locking is often delegated to Xscrensaver on many distros but IMO the way Lubuntu does with LightDM + Light Locker is the best. Problem is, no Wayland support with this setup. Not sure how Upstream is handling that.
Systemd-boot is actually slower than grub, should have installed Limine.
>Wayland upstream
Wayland support is mostly done and is supposed to be completed for their next release.
Why doesn't f2fs allow to actually use save space from compression, Is it just the question of implementing it or does it have disadvantages?
>Problem is, no Wayland support with this setup. Not sure how Upstream is handling that.
I don't think they even know themselves yet.

Probably greetd?
Don't use f2fs.
That's the DE, I'm talking about screen locking capacities. Both Plasma and GNOME use their own coupled daemons for this. Traditionally XScreensaver is what was used by smaller/older DEs and WMs. But is full of tech debt and looks ugly. That bred the rise of some alternatives like i3lock but none became popular enough compared with LightDM + light-locker, which doesn't get much development right now.
>Systemd-boot is actually slower than grub
Limine is not packaged yet on debian.
I just add my pirated games to steam and then use proton experimental in the steam tab and 90% of the time it works. if game doesnt work then have to try proton ge or lutris.
thats confusing
why does refind spew out some kind of warning error during boot
why is grub the only one booted with the quiet option? why are the others showing boot logs except for grub
my guess would be that if you added quiet to all of them it might be less favorable for grub
Default configs, probably.
Is there a way to disable hardware acceleration globally in Gnome running on wayland?

So many apps keep flickering and glitching, I can disable acceleration in some apps but not all of them have the option. Is there a way to disable it globally?
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is there a boomer atomic/immutable meme distro yet ?
The real question here is if that background is an actual running game or not.
You can get the same look, right here and now, with fvwm. But its way beyond the capabilities of a normal person.
The default where though? Different distributions are going to configure them differently. If you want an accurate comparison then you should at lease state something like "Using default configuration on Ubuntu XYZ" (I'm not even sure there is such a thing as a default configuration because just "apt install" isn't going to get you a usable bootloader, you'll have to run some commands and do some configuration yourself.

They should probably include an EFISTUB kernel being booted too.
I just watched the video. It's on Arch which makes it even harder again to accurately compare unless you list the date of the install.
Also the comparison is in a VM, that's going to completely invalidate any comparison on bare-metal since you're not using using whatever firmware the VM is using.
the whole video is invalid because of him not giving the same bootargs for each bootloader
i'm pretty sure half of grubs speed is just because he didnt add quiet to the other bootloaders
Fresh Arch installation, so probably not.
Prove him wrong then.
Anyone using pipewire and wireplumber might find this useful

no thanks, my toaster will be too slow and low spec to do that while also recording video
hope this helps
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You can use the Blue Build repository to make your own variant if you want, and use GitHub Actions as build service. Not sure how much you can dig though, if you actually can bootstrap the whole thing like Arch or you have to base off Silverblue and Kionite.
That pic reminds me to a WindowMaker Debian install i rolled years ago but borked thanks to Nvidia.
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What's the best way to get Anki on Linux? Is there any drawback on using pipx? I don't like the idea of having to download files like if i was using Windows.
i guess i look at their images instead of building, because i can't do that kek.
this screenshot is from here http://xpenguins.seul.org/ a simpler time...

another question, does xfce 4.20 will have thumbnail in file picker?
Is there a way to setup Palemoon and Flash Player inside a Chroot or something that mitigates a little the risks, or should i just run Basilisk through Bottles? I want to play some old games.
You can always try to wrestle with xdg-desktop-portal to force apps to use that instead of their native filepickers. I know LXQT portal has miniatures and is relatively small but i can't say because i use Plasma.
what is the best way to make a clone of my entire system? what would be the best way to restore it? ive made so many config changes over time, if i had to start all over it would take forever to get where im at now.
i found opensuse unappealing based on its fucking logo but after trying it im annoyed I didn't try sooner. it's so good.
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>Mint with KDE plasma
>Debian server
>both do STUFF every day
>..but never upgrade the system
I'm close to installing Arch on that server. What distribution actually beats Arch? Talking your standard binary distributions here so no Gentoo, Nix, immutables, etc.
>what is the best way to make a clone of my entire system?
You want to migrate a Linux system from one physical system to another?
>what would be the best way to restore it?
You can compress your system into a Tar archive like Gentoo's "stage3".
The restoration would follow similar installation process but without configuring other than fstab.
>ive made so many config changes over time, if i had to start all over it would take forever to get where im at now
>config changes
Under /etc or home directory? Home doesn't count when talking about "system". In fact you can carry home casually across installations.
Has anyone gotten SolidEdge working in wine? Or even 123design? I want offline 3d cad and FreeCAD ain't it.
what about bricscad?
Interesting, though SolidEdge can be had for free from Siemens. Nice that it supports Linux. I'll keep it in mind.
So proof or it didn't happen.
theres a utility to get different proton stagings outside of steams environment. then you would probably use playonlinux or lutris or bottles and tell that to use which proton you installed.
not sure playonlinux is supported by anyone still, but its the most reliable way to get office 2010 working for me.
Isn't that exactly what Guix is?
I'm on Arch and my game has its files saved in 'C:', but I can't figure out where the hell that is because Z: is my root folder. So how do I access 'C:' here normally? Outside of the game I mean
Can I emulate windows with GPU passtrough with a maximum of 5 clicks yet? I want to run windows on my machine like I run videogames.
There are easy ways to run Windows in a VM. I dunno about GPU passthrough because I've never tried it. It must be possible I think, if you enable the right options.
is oracle linux only good for servers?
its the default distro here so im considering using it for my pc
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Did GNOME disable themeing? I don't have much experience with themeing GNOME. I just switched over to fedora 40 because I want a good workstation for my job. The GNOME version is 46.5. I tried installing themes through the tweaks tool and all that but nothing seems to work. Then I found this post: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1515838/themes-isnt-working-on-ubuntu-24-04 claiming that GNOME disabled themes. I place functionality first but this is so retarded. Why do they do this?
first of all, are you running this through steam, lutris/bottles etc, or just plain wine? whatever the name of the game is would help as well in narrowing things down
you would have to find wherever your wineprefix is located, in there theres a folder called drive_c
>its the default distro here
define "here"
as far as i know, oracle linux is just another rhel clone or something close to it?
if you want a desktop distro just use mint, if you hate mint and debian/ubuntu apt stuff then fedora would be the closest thing to oracle linux i guess
I was actually having a really difficult time getting user themes to work so I switched over to KDE plasma. I don't know what's going on with Gnome. They lost a ton of money recently
here as in workplace
only interaction i had with debian was proxmox and the apt shit got me revved
its a rhel fork from wayback, its closer to CentOS from what ive read, but im still a tard when it comes to this
i dont know the main differences between these things
Possible fix to a problem brought up in a previous thread. I can't confirm that this fixes tor/torsocks in 32-bit Debian, but it might: (1) install suggested packages of tor+torsocks and/or (2) In /etc/tor/torrc, say that you specify the location of your onionsite at /var/lib/tor/mysite/; now make sure that the owner and group of every item in mysite is set to "debian-tor".

If you rsync mysite (folder with the "hostname" text file which contains the .onion address) from a backup, then owner+group may get set to "UNKNOWN". That makes torsocks immediately show "connection refused" errors when used with wget. (If you get that HTTP error immediately and on every onion service, then it's a client-side problem; if you get it non-immediately and not on every site, then it's the server saying that.) btw, I found this to be odd: Safari said "server cannot be found" about https://ipfsorigin.com/ but displayed https://www.ipfsorigin.com/ just as that live website shows up now ( https://web.archive.org/web/20241009113914/https://www.ipfsorigin.com/ ). Never really thought of WWW as a real subdomain or one that mattered much, so to speak. However, in some cases you can't view the website at all without www at the start: first time that I saw that is today with that site.
Does anyone know how to fix the KDE taskbar not appearing on autohide when dragging files to the bottom of the screen? It appears just fine when i move my mouse to the bottom without any files
>However, in some cases you can't view the website at all without www at the start: first time that I saw that is today with that site.
That's just shitty web devs that don't know how to issue a redirect to it. Also some sites don't have a valid cert for example.org but do have one for www.example.org, that one's always fun when the first thing you see in the browser is a security warning.

I think Chrome masks this by automatically trying both but some browsers do the correct thing.
How is KDE working for you? I want to use fedora and the KDE spin is really popular but I always found the DE quite sluggish.
For me it's been great, haven't noticed anything sluggish, but I've only used it on Mint and Endeavour
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I'm running debian 12 and I found a pretty annoying issue
my PNG's don't display correctly, and it's not just in the browser, qimgv also fucks them up
the gamma's totally ignored, picrel is the full page screenshot of this site:
I also added on the right side screenshots from my phone, my phone displays it correctly, and my other pc running old ubuntu works as well
how do I fix this?
I would not run RHEL or a clone of it on the desktop. Run Fedora instead, at least that way you get up-to-date drivers and software.
I might eventually use it with fedora. My last experience with it was on kubuntu and it was full of little annoyances that add up.
is there a way i can mirror an xfce panel onto both monitors?
i understand, less drivers = more stable or something
thanks, ill look into fedora
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Why does WINE want me to install WINE Mono every time after an update? Is it really that important? I never needed it.
Kubuntu is not the best KDE distro. It's run out-of-date software by design and they have no backports available.
Many of those annoyances are likely fixed in Plasma 6.
>i found opensuse unappealing based on its fucking logo
It's a green gecko. What's wrong with that? Contrast that with Chuck E. Cheese's logo: makes you think of some homosexual furry man wearing a mouse/rat fursuit who is jerking off near you while you are eating pizza and playing skee-ball.

I think that fixed it.

Okay. Didn't know that about Chrome. (I could test that site in Brave, which is Chrome.) I saw that website linked in this list of contact info on Filecoin storage providers: https://web.archive.org/web/20230204213430/https://plus.fil.org/static/js/main.670a8d1c.chunk.js . It was kinda interesting looking at those websites as stated in that JS file: reinforced the idea of Filecoin miners as being Chinamen in data centers.

(You mean "fewer drivers".)
You think that's annoying? Try having it installed but still getting the nag.
Anyone here knows about tag system in dolphin on KDE? I'm trying to add tags and while they do work I want them to search only if I'm in certain directory and show on the panel only if I enter that given directory or folder.
I don't think you can. The tagging implementation is shit. It still works better than any other desktop but there's lots of room for improvement.
any alternatives or roundabout solutions?
i used to use Linux before, but there was no proton so it was relatively short lives back then like 2 months or so before i got a burnt copy of win xp. So while i barely touched the command line i more or less know myself where to go in Linux or how to find solutions. Still if all i want to is playing videogames mainly from steam, some from epic, very few on ubisoft and ea then mint is more than enough right? Like i don't really plan to distro hop ever. I did read there is a collab between arch and steam though idk what that actually means. Like SteamOS getting a side version that is for all PCs?
Anyway i got Nvidia card, not the newest just a 1070 ti. If i ever upgrade i would stay on nviida line of products. I did try PopOS and Mint in live mode or portable mode. So i know as long as the games would run i wouldn't have trouble. Multiple monitor setup and changing one software's audio coming out of TV instead the speakers was fairly easy to do.
So any use cases i could think off works with Linux. Well didn't try emulators but i imagine most of them have linux version or run through Proton semi flawlessy. Really just waiting for money to come in to buy an m2 ssd and hdd first. Anyway my question is with that. There won't be any issues copying files from windows formatted drive NTFS to Linux formatted drive, right? I got a semi old 1TB HDD but my internet speed sucks so i want to copy paste contents over to a new drive formatted in Linux for Linux, before i format the old champ as i know it could cause issues in Linux if i left it in NTFS. Sorry for writing such a long ass post like it was a blog, just want to show i'm not a super newbie to Linux but i'm still dancing around with it
FYI, I read here multiple times that game performance is poor on Mint.
it's for running .net stuff
So what distro would be generally good for videgames? I mainly play anything before 2020 i think with the exception of borderlands 3. Anything never is indie game so i guess there isn't factor about it's ability to run those games.
AfaIr you're only supposed to see that if something tries to link .net stuff. You may have a program that does but doesn't actually need it or it may just be your distro's wine is broken.
Probably any distro that does not use the Cinnamon desktop environment.
That is the one that tries to look like a windows ui? DE stuff is still something i'm wrapping my head around. Like originally hated the win11 UI format but like in PopOS i liked it. Probably because it didn't had any extra bloat software
Almost a year and a half later, this is the first time i was unable to boot into my fedora partition. I tried to add a swap file since I had no swap and fucked up the fstab. Entirely skill issue, had to grab a live usb to unfuck it.
The only thing that I found strange was that it asked me for the root password in the emergency mode and everything got rejected, no matter the input
Since Proton is open source, why aren't there any distros that just have .exe games run through it? I don't get why we still need to use Steam
many distros have proton packaged separately, you don't need steam to use it
on my current hardware, i want to recreate the entire system including all settings and configs on the same hardware, at a future point in time, if i screw something up, at some point in the future.
On fedora gnome now, thinking of giving kde a try. If install it, is there a way back without ending up with a system littered with packages?
It's called Wine and you can use it with binfmt_misc support in the kernel to transparently run executables in the terminal or by double-clicking on them.
I have a wireless xbox controller how possible or easy is it for me to by the xbox dongle for my Mintbox and have it work witht he games I run both on and off wine?
>I don't get why we still need to use Steam
You don't, just launch stuff from wine or umu-launcher for proton-ge
>update arch
>loopback connection stops working
Is this even possible?
how do I check btrfs compression?
mount | grep btrfs
/dev/mapper/anon on /mnt/anon type btrfs (rw,relatime,compress-force=zstd:15,noacl,space_cache=v2,subvolid=5,subvol=/)
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chat did i fuck up the encryption
yes, now put a fake unencrypted /boot there to trick glowies
how so? /boot also has to be encrypted? i thought that was never the case, generally
$ btrfs property get / compression
Ubuntu has a function where it can make encrypted zip files. Is the encryption strong and does it also hide file headers?
this didn't work, but thanks
I answered half my question. Metadata is not encrypted.
Standard zip files don't support filename encryption anywhere.
Anki's official website. Every repackage of it is broken in some way.
anki is ugly, get this instead
Is there any documentation on the algorithm Oboete uses?
nothing wrong with pipx, its recommended over using pip by itself
>What's the best way to get Anki on Linux?
if you "really" wanted to, other than using the windows version through wine you can also run ankidroid through waydroid instead
Thats just as bad of a suggestion as the "use GIMP over photoshop" one
guys I have a debian 11 serb and after I did dist-upgrade ssh refuses to accept correct regular user password
looked at auth log and it just:
>failed password for [user] from [myip]
...and nothing else
my sshd config is:
permit root login no
non-standard port
rest are defaults
what could be the problem?
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I decided to dive headfirst into replacing windows as my daily driver and I just managed to get my manjaro setup working correctly with nvidia drivers and steam.
It was at first quite a hassle to get the drivers working without borking somehow but it seems stable for now. What would be the next things to get as a new linux user?
what do you want?
I wouldnt say theres anything real specific I want, more so wondering if theres anything else needed for a smooth user experience apart from working drivers.

Other than that how would I rice a manjaro setup? Is it even possible or should I look at changing distro for that?
>more so wondering if theres anything else needed for a smooth user experience apart from working drivers.
there's things like btop, zoxide, neofetch, and bat for just general utilities but really it's whatever you had on windows that you'd like on linux. you can google essential packages for linux and you'd get a lot of the same answers but it's more of a question of if you'd use it.
>Other than that how would I rice a manjaro setup? Is it even possible or should I look at changing distro for that?
just google "<your desktop environment> ricing tutorial" it isn't so much the distro you're ricing just the DE.
I have a MS teams app on linux,
I want to block any ports to connect to it other than the ones it uses. How do I do this? I have firewalld but I don't know how to use it.
teams app for linux is pretty much depredacted, use it in the browser (chrome based) instead.
Dunno what you mean by blocking ports to connect to it other than the ones it uses. There is no port to connect to it if it doesn't use it.
>this didn't work, but thanks
You have to change / to wherever the mount point is.
It probably uses TCP/UDP 443 and web sockets (I can't remember if web sockets use a random port or if they go over port 443 too.).

In theory you should be able to block all ports except 443. You may also need to allow TCP/UDP port 53 for DNS if not using DNS over HTTPS.
It's /, also tried /home.
Odd. Maybe you don't have the property set then. It works for me.
Is gnome usable on a 13" (Hi DPI) laptop or should I stick with a tiling wm?
I've only ever used i3 but I'm kind of curious to try GNOME.
I didn't touch anything before, it's a basic fedora install with auto partition.
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I'm thinking about switching from Ubuntu to SteamOS as my daily driver. Has anyone done this? My understanding is that you can configure SteamOS to boot to a desktop instead of Big Picture Mode. I don't do as much coding as I used to. If it can run Libreoffice, PyCharm, and Chrome I'm fine. There are other apps I would run too, but I know I could get them to work.

I'm having trouble with my GPU and Proton. They used to work, but something changed and now I can't run half my Windows games. In terms of hours, I use my computer more for gaming than anything. Are there any downsides to switching to Steam OS?

p.s. Praise GabeN.
Too much padding. Use KDE
>Are there any downsides to switching to Steam OS?
It's an immutable distro which means you can only install software to your home directory or in a container. For Flatpaks this is fine but you may struggle if you ever have to install some system software.
you might want to look into bazzite instead, which is made to be installed on computers other than steam decks.
The steamos that runs on steamdeck isn't available publicly yet, if you find any downloads for steamos it's based on steam OS 2.0 which was valves previous attempt when they also tried to make steam machines a thing.
Like the other anon said, use bazzite instead.
Guys asking random crap on Linux thread again.
>I want to block any ports to connect to it other than the ones it uses
>than the ones it uses
Why ports? For simplicity?
Monitor them first and then make a list, probably the usual list of HTTP and HTTPS and other "friendly" ports.
Probably fires up tons of connections everywhere.
But again; Microsoft has a public list of their servers so one could try to tie Microsoft application to Microsoft servers that way. OK this isn't port thing any more but IP thing.
>restricting ports
Generally works when filtering Bittorrent/P2P-people out.
I hate when they do that instead of asking my router who caches the results.
It's decent but avoid the AUR, they delay packages and it breaks everything, Endeavour doesn't have this problem (same repos as Arch)
what is the linux equivalent of ipconfig release and renew on windows?
restart the network service
>500 mb
hope thats HD space and not RAM.
There isn't one, consult your DHCP client.
What's your end goal? Literally asking for DHCP again or something else?
just booted up old laptop running Arch, should I bother running a pacman -Syu, or is the chance of recent spyware too high?

already updated the keyring
Depends on what you are using. If it's dhcpcd

sudo dhclient -r eth0
sudo dhclient eth0

Your adapter might not be eth0 so use ifconfig -a to check.
>sudo dhclient -r eth0
>sudo dhclient eth0
sudo dhcpcd -r eth0
sudo dhcpcd eth0
99% he's using NetworkManager or just having an unconfigured systemd/Linux.
What now?
Help a fellow retard pls, how do i setup a build environment without littering my system files with shit on Fedora to then export the results to my host? I want to compile this little boomerware
The Perl modules may be a pain to properly isolate so i may just install them globally. I don't care for those ones really.
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I started using Linux like 2 days ago but I ran into a weird issue, if i copy a .gif and try pasting it, like in a discord chat, it gets turned into a .png, I have no idea whats causing this, googling about it was useless.
Tried this on firefox and brave and it happened on both.
Anyone know whats possibly causing this and how to fix, if possible?
Forgot to say I'm using Mint.
then how do people reinstall steamOS on their decks after they replace the SSD or something?
Consider EndeavourOS or Fedora instead. Manjaro has a particular annoyance that you have to keep in mind.
Linux distributions traditionally don't install software like Windows does, the base system is a serie of dynamically linked libraries and dependencies which the software share and use to execute their tasks. Problem of using Manjaro is that they run their own arch based repositories which run out of sync with the AUR (an user repository that hosts plenty of nice things for Arch based distros, some not even available for other distros without compiling them manually). If you're going to use an Arch based distro, pick one that sticks as close to the vanilla Arch repos as possible just to leave the chance of using the AUR open.
If you still don't wanna risk it just run Fedora. Is a distro from a completely different family but has a more predictable life cycle. It technically also has the same issue as Manjaro, because they have a 3rd party repository everyone uses at some point called RPMFusion, however the window for desync issues opens a lot less often. There are two major Fedora versions every year, with one year of support each one (and a little longer so people have room to upgrade). If you're a RPMFusion user all you've to do is wait like a month in the older version until RPMFusion catches up, you've a bit more than 6 months to upgrade to the next major version.
You can also just copy the path of the file with Ctrl+Shift+C then submit it on the file picker pressing Ctrl+V
>immutable distro
This seems like a bad idea if you do basically any software development. I think I'll pass and just try to fix Ubuntu.
That's just copying the image link, it works but doesn't actually fix the issue, even if this is unfixable I'm still curious to understand why it happens.
To be honest i don't either, copy pasting works completely fine on Kubuntu and Fedora Workstation. Are you using the browser version or the flatpak? I only use Discord sparingly through Chrome (as my main browsers are Firefox and Palemoon).
FF came preinstalled on Mint, Brave is a flatpack, and ive tried Discord as both flatpack and .deb.
Debian 12; I want to be able to insert an audio CD and have it ripped to a certain folder. I already have abcde set up so that when I run it it'll ask me some questions, rip it to the folder, then eject. Can I make it so inserting an audio CD runs abcde to skip a few steps? Is there some other step I could take?
yea, you can make a udev rule that runs a service that runs abcde when you put a cd in your drive
you can find plenty of examples of this by doing a search if you need help setting it up
>Fedora got KDE Plasma 6.2 before Arch
Arch trans sisters...
>added ssh key authentication
>updated everything
any tips for hardening up linux server?
So did Gentoo and OpenSUSE. Arch packagers are slow.
By the way, Plasma 6.2 fixed the high CPU usage I was seeing for plasmashell. I don't know what they changed or if that's just a lucky coincidence but it's good to see.
did they fix the networkmanager bug?
Not yet.
this shit is annoying af. I wiped my system yesterday and did a fresh install thinking it will go away.
It's a Qt or QML bug. Thankfully I don't ever need to open the networks tab in the first place. Use nmtui if it bothers you.
I've got a split archive that I can't seem to figure out how to extract. No .rar file, just .001 through .nnn (it is Rar5). 7z throws an error as it expects a .r00. I tried with -tsplit but it still only extracts one volume (200M of 16G) with the aforementioned error. Fucking alt.binaries memelords and their retarded packaging. Will unrar justwerk?
Yes, just unrar. Why 7z can't do it? It is a mystery.
I have no time to learn HEVC. Can someone share his boilerplate that compresses the h264 video whilst being visually lossless compared to the original?
This is pretty simple isn't it? I think all you do is pass a crf option and it will do variable bitrate to maintain constant quality.
>ffmpeg -i <input_file> -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 18 <output_filename>.mp4
Then you just change the 18 to whatever quality level you want (lower is better, but going below around 12-18ish isn't noticeable anymore)
Does Debian backports bugfixes and stuff to their KDE packages? Because the latest stable Debian 12.7 was released a little bit more then month ago, but it still has 1.5 years old Plasma (5.27.5) and Frameworks (5.103; also, since 5.102, KF5 is released for bugfixing/maintenance purposes only, no new "unstable" features); did they backported the rest? And if they do backport, then why they don't just build the latest Plasma LTS release (5.27.11) anyway (and it's not like there's going to be dependency hell: plasma-desktop requires Qt >=5.15.2 and Debian ships with 5.15.8)?
Didn't catch it on Fedora in the first place, but it's still in Tumbleweed.
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why grub shows up as a drive in windows? i should delete right? is there since i installed arch in a separate ssd
You could probably hide it in Windows disk manager.
this, remove the drive letter
Interesting, what file system does it have?
If it sees free space then it's 99.9% FAT32.
its indeed fat32
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>install fresh arch+GNOME
>no wifi indicator
does anyone know how to fix this? installed nm-applet already.
I love bloat
Thanks. Where did you learn about the preset levels?
did you enable network manager service?
Use unar. Not unrar. Though proprietary unrar from rarlab will also work. Freetard unrar in most distro repos isn't worth shit.
Just found out you can use google authenticator to login on Linux.

Works for me on Gnome, you have to add the

auth required pam_google_authenticator.so nullok

/etc/pam.d/gdm-password and /etc/pam.d/gdm-launch-environment to get it to work though.

Based bloatchad.
Yes, I need more.
New thread:
This is a good place to go for all ffmpeg encodings, and it has examples.
I usually just find it by typing something like "ffmpeg encode h265" in google
Whats the latest Debian? I remember using an older version of Ubuntu (v.20 or else dont remember) and PNG colors were off. think I was using GNOME back then

Argument=nonsense. Think similar religious, political, or other groups. Theres sects of Christianity that hate each other; same with Islam, obviously. Maybe theres sects of Buddhism which hate each other

>must use a spyware search engine to run my command
Whats wrong with the defaults of this, just memorize "libx264":
>ffmpeg $in -c:v libx264 $out
guess the default=best quality & not a lower quality smaller file like as posted

Also nonfunctional as of Oct 09 00:23:39 2024 UTC. Functional as of Oct 10 04:44:44 2024 UTC:
>>Can skyscrapers withstand hurricanes? Can skyscrapers withstand flooding?
>Skyscrapers are designed to withstand strong winds and vertical loads, but they may not always be able to withstand the destructive forces of hurricanes or flooding. \\ While modern skyscrapers are built to be resilient to extreme weather conditions, including hurricanes, they can still suffer damage in the event of a particularly severe storm. Building codes and regulations in hurricane-prone areas often require that skyscrapers be designed to withstand certain wind speeds and other impacts of hurricanes. \\ Flooding, on the other hand, can pose a significant threat to skyscrapers. While newer skyscrapers may be built with flood-resistant materials and designs, the sheer volume of water and the potential for structural damage could still compromise the building's integrity. In areas prone to flooding, such as coastal regions or areas near rivers, it is important for skyscrapers to have flood protection measures in place to minimize the risk of damage. \\ Overall, while skyscrapers are designed to be strong and durable structures, they are not indestructible and may require additional reinforcement or protection measures to withstand the forces of hurricanes and flooding.
Unless KDE backports stuff to their KF5 branches, no. KDE is maintained abysmally in Debian. They don't even have Plasma 6 outside of an experimental repo yet, at the very least it should be in testing in preparation for the next version of Debian.
>Just found out you can use google authenticator to login on Linux.
Wait until you hear about:
why would you ever want to use google shit on your pc?
It's just OTP.

I personally would not enable things like this because of: >>102762332

PAM modules are full of bugs and security issues. Just use a secure password or something like a Yubikey / U2F if you want proper secondary factor authentication.
There's a recovery image available only for steamdeck.

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