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Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
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im using librewolf and getting a security message
i've tried the suggested solution that it links to but no luck, after looking it up someone mentions enabling user namespaces, is this a good idea?
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>fresh install
>some files recovered from last install on a second drive
>open Firefox
>touch the search bar and double clicked by accident
>ended up searching for some random stuff (some local soccer team) that I didn't type and I doubt it was something google suggested
>freak out and do a full clamav scan
What the fuck was that about? How do I figure out if my system is compromised in some way?
[spoiler]Install Gentoo[/spoiler]
Reposting from last thread

Just found out you can use google authenticator to login on Linux.

Works for me on Gnome, you have to add

auth required pam_google_authenticator.so nullok

to get it to work though.

Reject Geany, embrace vim

t. vim noob who recently customised vim with a bunch of stuff
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what zip program are you using? i'm looking for something supporting passwords. right now i'm using peazip and i dont really like it
how did you install librewolf?
assuming you've also replaced all the "firefox" with "librewolf" and you installed it using their apt repository, you might need to add /usr/bin/librewolf and /usr/share/librewolf{librewolf,librewolf-bin}
missed a /
should i set the storage driver on podman to be using the btrfs driver while on btrfs or leave it on overlay?
Geany is so based! I have custom build scripts that run from Geany that auto compile my GEGL plugins and put them in /home/contrast/.local/share/gegl-0.4/plug-ins. I can choose between compile plugin, and compile and put binary in /gegl-04/

I also like the search how it shows all the lines the match is on. Xed/Gedit don't do that.
What's the most simple way of opening youtube videos in newsboat using mpv?
Yes. The way they phrase that article is retarded. User namespaces aren't the security risk. They're using MAC to prevent malicious programs from entering the namespace of other programs. librewolf is your main security liability, so you absolutely want it to be able to create less privileged namespaces.
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i installed krita and now my "open with..." menu in nautilus looks like this. does anyone know how i fix this?
Any of you use yt-dlp? I have a dumb question. I am ripping some music from Youtube using Termux (as i have not been able to find HQ rips of them yet and i'd rather have the convencience) then syncing them to my desktop to a "to-do get rips" directory.
All it's fine, but when i try to open them with Audacious it complains the files are corrupt. I ran ffprobe on Termux and this was what it showed up initially:

Input #0, matroska,webm, from 'SlipySlidy - [MapleStory BGM] Ellinia: Moonlight Shadow [XYtHWyrVm30].opus':
ENCODER : Lavf60.16.100
Duration: 00:02:38.56, start: 0.001000, bitrate: 129 kb/s
Stream #0:0(eng): Audio: opus, 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp (default)
ENCODER : Lavc60.31.102 libopus
DURATION : 00:02:38.560000000

So pulling straight up from yt-dlp puts the audio inside a webm container,, i guess? I tried passing the -f opus args to the external downloader and the resulting file looked like this

Input #0, ogg, from 'SlipySlidy - [MapleStory BGM] Ellinia: Moonlight Shadow [XYtHWyrVm30].opus':
Duration: 00:02:38.56, start: 0.007000, bitrate: 127 kb/s
Stream #0:0(eng): Audio: opus, 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp
encoder : Lavc60.31.102 libopus

Is this normal behavior by default? Or am i missconfiguring yt-dlp? Also TIL ogg is also a container. I have a long way to go, shit.
Yes, i am reencoding some lossy music from Youtube sometimes. Mostly to add fade-in and fade-out effects when extracting specific tracks from very long single video playlists. This track was an example though, is the shortest one i had at hand.
I've created a live image of mint to try it out but it loses all the data after shutting down. If I just use the "install" option and choose the same external SSD where the image is currently installed, won't it fuck up every other drive in the PC?
I love my Ubuntu, bros. :)
Good post, I quite like my own Ubuntu install.
easiest solution would be to install newpipe and download them through that instead
Use the -x flag:
alias dlsong                                                  dlsong='youtube-dl -x --add-metadata'

(youtube-dl because this is an old alias but it's actually using yt-dlp)
$ alias dlsong
dlsong='youtube-dl -x --add-metadata'
Same. Although I had to reinstall because of an update bug, I still like it. What impresses me most is that not only does the dock look very nice, it is actually better for multitasking than Windows and macOS. I only wish that Gnome did not sometimes have laggy animations.
Thanks, does this work with the -f flag?
I guess, i rarely need to do batch downloads, through explicitly trimming a part of a long video is where the command line has an edge and that's the bulk of my Youtube rips (as those often are tracks from indie artists which only upload to Spotify). Everything else i prefer to look for CD rips.
This is my yt-dlp alias/script:
yt-dlp -x -f "(bestaudio[acodec^=opus]/bestaudio)"
How do i re-encode h264 anime to h265 on an amd gpu with ffmpeg while remaining visually lossless like all those other re-encodes do? What ffmpeg args would i need to pass? There's a lot of conflicting information especially in regards to using cpu over gpu for this.
what 32bit distro do you guys recommend. i have a thinkpad x60s and my dumbass bought the shitty 32bit version. i am looking for something light preferably without de or wm. arch 32bit always has broken keys and i don't want to fiddle with it for half a day. gentoo takes too much time aswell. thx for replies in advance
>have 5 drives
>search on 1 drive using dolphin
>shows me results from a different drive
>no sym link or anything between them
>using search from here, so it isn't just checking all files
This is driving me up the fucking wall, what could cause this?
What's the most simple way of opening youtube videos in rss feed reader newsboat using mpv?
I am currently on an NVIDIA GPU gaming with Linux Mint 22. My current monitors are older 1080p HP monitors and I have been having significant issues with vertical sync/screen tearing.
Does anyone have any advice on what to upgrade to? I currently have a dual monitor setup for work and would prefer to have two monitors. Does linux properly support multiple GSYNC monitors yet? If not, what would anyone advise?
Debian is basically your only choice
>Visually lossless
>On the GPU
Not going to happen. There's going to be some quality loss, the hardware encoder is not good enough and only works with a select few profiles
Is there any way to avoid/fix your system breaking with arch? Or is it just a meme
What's wrong with H264? I'm guessing you'll reduce the file sizes a bit but is it really that much?
1. You are expected to check the Arch news site for issues before every upgrade you do.
2. Always reboot immediately after updating.
3. Cry because 1 and 2 still didn't prevent your system from breaking.
I just got a new keychron keyboard and mouse. Is there any software to assist setting keybindings, or does this need to be done at a device level? also this gay ass rgblgbt backlight on the keyboard needs to fucking go.
i see this article on arch wiki but no results happen with any modifications

total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Oct 10 12:48 .
drwxr-xr-x 70 root root 0 Oct 10 12:47 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Oct 10 12:48 input22::capslock -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-11/1-11:1.0/0003:3434:0B50.0007/input/input22/input22::capslock
input22::compose -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-11/1-11:1.0/0003:3434:0B50.0007/input/input22/input22::compose
input22::kana -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-11/1-11:1.0/0003:3434:0B50.0007/input/input22/input22::kana
input22::numlock -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-11/1-11:1.0/0003:3434:0B50.0007/input/input22/input22::numlock
input22::scrolllock -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-11/1-11:1.0/0003:3434:0B50.0007/input/input22/input22::scrolllock
input7::capslock -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-12/1-12:1.1/0003:3434:D045.0004/input/input7/input7::capslock
input7::compose -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-12/1-12:1.1/0003:3434:D045.0004/input/input7/input7::compose
input7::kana -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-12/1-12:1.1/0003:3434:D045.0004/input/input7/input7::kana
input7::numlock -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-12/1-12:1.1/0003:3434:D045.0004/input/input7/input7::numlock
input7::scrolllock -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-12/1-12:1.1/0003:3434:D045.0004/input/input7/input7::scrolllock
phy0-led -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.4/0000:04:00.0/leds/phy0-led

*field too long so permissions were removed.
this, also read the updates for pacnew warnings. never had a system break unless it was an issue with new software itself.
The most common reasons for update problems are partial upgrades, AUR and desynced mirrors (which basically cause partial upgrades)
Most of the h265 anime encodes reduce the filesize by more than half, sometimes 1/4th the size. I just wanted to do it myself instead of relying on third parties
So i just use the cpu then? i have a ryzen 5600
cool thanks i'll give it a shot
>So i just use the cpu then? i have a ryzen 5600
If you want the best quality yes. Hardware encoders are good when you want something fast and don't care about the quality (e.g live streaming or transcoding) but any serious encoder is going to be doing it on the CPU even if it takes a while to do.
What laptop/desktop distro would you consider to be the best balance between:
>up to date software
>reliable (either because breakage is uncommon, or because it’s easy to fix breakage, ideally both)
>easy to upgrade
>not a time-sink
>fairly large userbase/documentation available
I’m pretty DE-agnostic, and I’m not a gamer. Most of my time is spent in a browser or writing webshit code. I’m leaning toward openSUSE Tumbleweed. I’ve been on Debian for forever, but packaged stay way too out of date unless you backport them. Tumbleweed has a reputation for being not quite as bleeding edge as Arch, but close, while also being much easier to roll back if breakage happens. Is there anything else that would strike the balance I’m looking for?
Ubuntu. Literally the windows of linux.
Is the (official repo) software really that much more up to date than Debian’s? I’ve always been skeptical to try a downstream distro.
Not sure to be honest.
so looks like some udev fun. devices aren't being recognized and the documentation is indicating to set up a general udev rule, looking for module "hidraw"
arch doesn't seem to have a hidraw module, could it be one of these? i'll run through the list and see if one works
hid_generic            12288  0
usbhid 86016 0
mac_hid 12288 0
for me it breaks if I don't update regularly. a full pacman -Syu after a month always caused trouble for me
whoops nm, it is built into the kernel, found it.
I dunno, i didnt even install the aur package i just ran the appimage directly and everything werked on mine, i think you might need to download a profile or something for your specific keyboard first. I cant remember if i ever installed that udev rule either.
I suggest Fedora. It is close to up to date and does not break often. You can also use flatpaks and distrobox if you need even newer software than in Fedora.
ah, well no luck through aur or appimage and udev rule. doesn't want to detect it. i'll look around a bit more and if that fails just hardware disable the backlight if possible.
I remember i had to get a firmware profile or .json file or something for my keyboard and import it into that program first, i guess just look up your model + that
Looking for a PDF editor, mainly want to edit text and move objects around. Any suggestions?
Gimp? It's not specifically a pdf editor but you can use it to do those things if you are good at editing.
I ran Slackware on my x41 before it died.
Depends on your ram
Anything over 1gb, either debian, alpine, void
Under 1gb, antix or netbsd
>also this gay ass rgblgbt backlight on the keyboard needs to fucking go
I don't know what model you have, but I can disable the backlight on my K6 by pressing F1 + the light button.
some packages are, many aren't, just like on Debian
Ubuntu is a frozen Debian + some Canonical sauce on top (some packages are maintained by Canonical instead of Debian and sometimes they have customisations, etc).
Depending on when that freeze happened sometimes they're newer than Debian sometimes they're older. Recently they had some upgrade problems because the period when they froze was when Debian testing was in flux and lots of packages were changing, this caused issues for older Ubuntu versions upgrading to the latest version and also hit Linux Mint, etc.
>sometimes they're newer than Debian sometimes they're older
Surely most of the time Ubuntu will be newer, as long as you're not using LTS. If you're using LTS then yeah the packages can be up to 2 years old I guess
When the freeze happens matters because Ubuntu will stay on that version but sometimes newer versions migrate to Debian testing after the fact.
I need a distro.
>not rolling-release
>stable but provides bugfixes

A distro that is like Debian, but one where you're not stuck with something like Plasma 5.27.5 forever. Instead, it should update to bugfix versions like 5.27.6, 5.27.7, etc., without upgrading to Plasma 6.. I want my fucking bugfixes, that is all. Does Ubuntu work like this?

I used Plasma as an example, but it can be Gnome or whatever DE just as long it gets bugfixes.
Gentoo, no I'm not memeing.
>Stable base
>Binary packages for AMD64 and ARM64 (including optimised variants, not just generic binaries)
>Ability to selectively pick some packages from the testing branch or even the latest git sources (live ebuilds) so you can up-to-date software on the stable branch still.

>It moves it bit quicker than Debian sometimes but that shouldn't normally be an issue on the stable branch (also you can hold back packages with masks)
By moving a bit faster, the KDE team has already stabilised Plasma 6 and Plasma 5 is gone (you'd have to use an overlay) but it's possible to stay on older software for as long as you want as long as you're willing to maintain it
AlmaLinux has Plasma 5.27.11 through EPEL.
Now you're learning the hard way why everyone says both debian and ubuntu is shit for desktop and maybe even server at this point
Ubuntu or one of its flavors. Unironically. That's exactly why I use it.
>shit for server
They’re both shit for desktop but there’s nothing else that even touches Debian on server.
not the same method but i did find the key after i read the directions. who would have thought.
who defines which upgrades are bugfixed and which are not? Some projects have stable branches, but many just don't
Even for those that do it's often a case of "how buggy is too buggy" rather than "not buggy" and Plasma 5 is a great example of that, there are issues with it that just will not be addressed because Plasma 6 exists and is stable.
Glad you were able to turn it off. Not that it matters now though, but I just noticed that I wrote F1 instead of the correct fn1.
how do I properly dual boot multiple linux distros on the same drive?
i believe grub can do this.
gummyboot i thinkk can just by installing directing the loader to the right kernel and root file systems.
Let them install their own bootloader and use your BIOS boot menu or efibootmgr's boot next feature to switch between them.
Make sure your ESP is sized appropriately though. It needs to be big enough to accommodate them all
I would like my computer to boot to a single grub menu without the need of fiddling with bios settings with every installed distro available on the list
Do I need a single EFI partition to be mounted on every OS or create a separate one for each system? How to properly configure GRUB to handle a setup like that?
Guess what guys

The old crappy laptop I'm using, which did have 4 gigs of RAM, actually supports 8 gigs, which I'm now using because I pilfered RAM from another laptop (which doesn't work for other reasons)

8 gigs is definitely better than 4 so I'm happy
thanks but i'm still sticking with xubuntu minimal 24.10
Have you installed it? I figured I will wait a while before upgrading because there might be bugs that need ironing out
>8 gigs is definitely better than 4
yes, that much should be obvious
Yeah I'm just saying it's good. But I might order some RAM now so the other laptop still has its original 8 gigs. I just wanted to test this to see if this laptop really supports 8 and it seems to.
i jumped on it right away because 24.04 was a mess on my laptop. newer kernel fixed an issue i was having with pretty horrible screen flickering.
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Any reason why Q4OS isn't very popular? I was just checking it out in a VM these days and seems pretty stable and comfy.
Any personal experiences running it daily?
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It is fundamentally Debian KDE with a different icon theme.
Thank you, Devuan logo poster.
Got to say Plasma 6.2 is the most beautiful desktop I've seen in a really long time.
what's the propery way to limit the resources of a mapkg so it doesn't eat up all my memory and crash the system? i tried reducing the number of cores used with

in my makepkg.conf but that did nothing and still spun up all cores and eventually ran out of memory and crashed.
Add swap until it no longer crashes. Linux is not made to run out of logical memory, and there's no good reason to ever do so.
You're missing a hyphen at the beginning it should be -j1

It's perfectly valid to build software with a single thread / job (some buggy build systems even require it because they get upset when building with multiple parallel threads)
yeah that was just a copy error. it's correct in the file but but running all cores at 100%.
alright, i'll find another SSD and make a swap.
I've only used it once to check out xpq4 and I found it kinda jank, still liked it but not a big fan of debian distros
>it's correct in the file but but running all cores at 100%.
Then something is wrong with the build system or the PKGBUILD is forcing all cores somehow.
You should definitely still add swap though.
By the way, if you wanted to hack around this you could use cpuset so that it only see's one single CPU code e.g:
taskset -c 0 nproc

That's just to illustrate disabling CPU cores, change nproc to the command to build it.
You can do a range too:
taskset -c 0-1 nproc

Or individual CPUs to enable:
taskset -c 0,1,3 nproc
that was actually where i was going next after getting a swap set up, i remember reading about how to turn off cores somewhere.
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So i just installed Fedora, i would like your insight about where to get software responsably so the system isn't hard to maintain. What do you think about this strategy?
>Dnf for command line utilites and things that make sense being closer to the system like browsers, media player, torrent client, image/PDF viewers, etc...
>Pipx from the package manager to get whatever compatible Python utility is out there like Ranger
>Flatpaks for shovelware crap, shit like WPS Office or third party shit that's mostly clients for other services like Slack or Telegram; also games/emulation shit like Bottles and Dolphin
So far the only software I've that breaks away from this mold are FreeFileSync and Anki (the Flatpak feels slower). I also would like to try building Lem and Pixelitor from software but i don't know how to do it without shitting up my system. Is sensate to add Nix to the equation to solve this?
i'm so happy to be out of my ricer phase. having to deal with 60 configs with different syntaxes is maddening. also is it me or is the environment not cleaned when you exit hyprland? it wrecks KDE.
Sounds like a Logind configuration issue. It should be killing all subprocesses of the session unless you've configured it not to
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My external hard drive suddenly became a read-only system. I tried to unmount it through the terminal and remount as read-write system, but it gives me this error message:
The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).
Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount.
Falling back to read-only mount because the NTFS partition is in an
unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown Windows fully (no hibernation
or fast restarting.)
Could not mount read-write

What the hell is happening here and how can I fix it? It says that Windows has not been shutdown properly but I don't dual-boot, I haven't used Windows in years. The only thing that comes to mind is that this drive used to be on an old computer that had Windows as its OS, but then I turned it into an external drive, is it possible that the Windows OS is still saved there and then when I started my PC one of these days Windows started with it? I honestly have no idea what is happening, even though I don't dual boot there's always an option when start my PC asking me if I wanna boot Windows, I just always assumed it was just there, but maybe it appears because it's still reading the Windows OS on the external drive? I don't know, I'm using Ubuntu 20.04.6 btw
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I'm back, and all I can say is
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I use Nemo and it comes with nemo-fileroller which is the best compression/decompression tool I've ever come across. Supports every archive format out there and all you need to do is right click on some files, select Compress and you can make an archive in seconds. Supports encryption and splitting up files too.
new to linux and i narrowed my distros to kubuntu and mint. mainly plan to dualboot it on my laptop along with windows for uni and work. would also like to make nice rices for it as well
Well they're both just flavors of Ubuntu at the end of the day with Kubuntu being the closest to regular Ubuntu just with a focus on having KDE as the DE. Mint changes things a bit more in the backend like removing the snap ecosystem replacing it with flatpak and adding its own suite of programs among some other things. Use Kubuntu if you like the look of KDE, otherwise go with Mint.
To make a rice you have to narrow it down from top to bottom
99% of the time you can just use Breeze [Dark] colorscheme and be done with it but some themes look like shit unless you use a matching colorscheme like Nord or at least something close. Keep in mind Plasma has three (really more but those are the relevant ones) different themeable components: the window decorations, the desktop widgets (like the panel) and the actual Qt applications on your desktop. Make sure to not mix and match too many moving parts unless their colorschemes are close enough.
Icons is a tough call, only a few icon packs have a high application/filetype coverage and most are flat.
post grandma with q4OS
>Add swap until it no longer crashes
Your system is basically going to a crashed state anyway. It could possibly wake up some day but just saying.
>be compiling something
>have swap
>RAM gets filled up
>system response time goes from zero to two minutes
Managed to get to VT and kill some processes and save the day.
Depends why they're running out of RAM. It could be because of the LTO optimisations Arch does by default in which case it'd be wise to disable that.
LTO makes compiling "harder"?
Gentoo is rolling though.
>same drive
Physical drives are meaningless in UEFI boot scheme.
You can have each do their own GRUB/systemd-boot/whatever shenanigans - like what Linux installers usually do for you - or just have one (custom built) Linux EFI-stub at ESP and boot all distros with it. (you have to copy the modules around though (I wish Linux had a "firmware partition" like Android))
>LTO makes compiling "harder"?
It uses more memory, yes, because it has to split and optimise code units. Thin LTO kind of improves this a bit but it's still more RAM than without.

This isn't an issue for most people because most people don't compile on a potato, they use a beefy machine or a build farm.
>It uses more memory, yes
But isn't "harder"? What I'm saying is when you run out of RAM you are fucked.
Yes, but if you disable LTO then it might not run out. It all depends why you're running out of RAM.
>Gentoo is rolling though.
It's a stable rolling release and you get to decide the cadence. If you don't want to upgrade everything in one go then you don't have to. Even when Gentoo makes changes like dropping Plasma 5 there's nothing stopping you from using older Portage snapshots or maintaining your own version in your own private overlay, etc.

It basically gives you all of the tools you need to build a base system to your exact demands and backport only the fixes you want, etc. That's why people call it a meta-distribution and why Google uses it as the basis for ChromeOS.
I've been using Kate a lot as of late and it utterly mogs every other code editor
Kate does that
Dnf for everything, except if Flatpak makes more sense.

Use COPR (kind of like the AUR for Fedora) for Python packages if one exists and is well maintained.
Because its just Debian with KDE, also the default theming is offputting
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is there a user-friendly firewall in linux like malwarebytes windows firewall control? simply a firewall that recognizes when a connection to the outside is to be established and shows me a small popup where I can allow or permanently block it
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did any one of you niggers manage to get RDR2 running?
i downloaded a DODI repack (v1436.28), and when i try to run it, i get a popup saying "Path not found" and "Unable to launch game, please verify your game data". all in all a shitshow. any help would be appreciated. this is the wine log:


00ec:err:module:import_dll Library vulkan-1.dll (which is needed by L"Z:\\home\\maky\\Games\\Heroic\\Prefixes\\default\\Red Dead Redemption 2\\drive_c\\Program Files (x86)\\DODI-Repacks\\Red Dead Redemption 2\\amd_ags_x64.dll") not found

00ec:err:module:import_dll Library amd_ags_x64.dll (which is needed by L"Z:\\home\\maky\\Games\\Heroic\\Prefixes\\default\\Red Dead Redemption 2\\drive_c\\Program Files (x86)\\DODI-Repacks\\Red Dead Redemption 2\\RDR2.exe") not found

00ec:err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Importing dlls for L"Z:\\home\\maky\\Games\\Heroic\\Prefixes\\default\\Red Dead Redemption 2\\drive_c\\Program Files (x86)\\DODI-Repacks\\Red Dead Redemption 2\\RDR2.exe" failed, status c0000135




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I mounted my NTFS filesystem 5 mins ago with ntfs3g and HDD idled fine. Just now I replaced FS with ext4 and mounted it and it has constant activity (drive clicking all the time) what the fuck is that about? I might just use anything other than ext4....
>Install Mint
>Lets use the same icons I was using in windows!
>Its an entire fucking rocket launch procedure involving terminal

Why are you people like this? Can I really not just change cursor icons?
apparently there's a thing called jbd2 and it finishes formatting work ages after initial format
I don't think I've ever tried to change cursor icons over the years I've used GNU/Linux, because the default cursor icons have been just fine for me
What would I need to implement an unraid style 'raid'?
Has anyone installed this on Gentoo? I can't find a way to install it. You can download the .deb or .rpm but obviously you can't use them on Gentoo.
I usually just download the cursor file and move it to /usr/share/icons and them select it through a gooey, can you at least explain where you are getting it from and how you are trying to install it?
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'Never attempted on my machine'
Year of linux

Its just a bunch of icon files, .cur or .ani from windows. In windows you just click the cursor type you want to change and select the file you want and bam, resize horizontal is now a cat

Plenty of sites exist where you can download individual mouse cursor icons.

The gooey is expecting precompiled cursor packs or something, made by other people. Theres very little to no information online how to make this yourself.
If it is just a bunch of pngs you could just download a random cursor theme from pling.com and replace & rename the images with the ones you want, of course a .cur or .ani file wont work
>Friday night
>Drinking my favourite cider
>Upgrading to Ubuntu 24.10
Linux will never be good
It is okay if it didn't fit your use case, i hope you have a good day sir!
Reading it again it does sound a bit unhinged lol main thing is how do I check if my system is compromised? I don't see anything weird in htop and clamav scan says both drives are clean
Change passwords, disable ssh and do this >>102761764

Use a firewall and use the masquerade option. Allow port 443 for https.
>Year of linux
I don't give a shit if other people use Linux or not. I only care whether it's good enough for what I need to do. At the moment it is. If at some point it isn't, I could just install Windows and run Linux within WSL.
>be windowsfag (but really hated it ever since 7 got shot in the head)
>decide to cachyOS because it's advertised as very user friendly and can play my vidya on it too
>sure enough, it works
>turn on PC next morning, log in but desktop fails to load
>look for another distro, EndeavorOS looks good
>this morning it's still working
Granted, I had to do some work to make things run and install nvidia on it, but it appears more stable.
HOWEVER, why the fuck is Wayland the default display protocol? I couldn't find anything on why recording programs such as OBS, bluerecorder and GPU recorder either look like shit, or their hotkeys aren't working unless they're in focus. And guess what, I solved it only by accident, because once I just thought "huh, let's see what happens if I select X11 instead of Wayland" at the login screen, and voila, everything looks as it should be, and hotkeys are working in every circumstance.

And why are straight asnwers to problems so fucking rare within the linux community? Like "how do I install a downloaded file on linux", motherfucked I'M LOOKING FOR A SIMPLE FUCKING COMMAND, NOT A FUCKING HISTORY LESSON ON A SOME FUCKING COMPILER AND KERNEL SHIT, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK, GIVE ME THOSE 3 FUCKING MAGIC WORDS THAT INSTALL IT

And then there's the auto-mounting.
>le open le command line ;) *tips fedora*
>have to follow an 8 minute long instruction video, while also not knowing what fucking "-v" does, then find myself in Vim without knowing i'm editing a text file in Vim through the console, and having no fucking idea how to save and quit
NO, I didn't have to do any of that shit, because 20 results down the list, there is ONE coherent video that just said "open settings, go to devices and select what drives you want to mount on startup"
Like what the fuck is everyone's problem? Why wasn't the non-retarded solution the first suggested solution? Why didn't anyone else mention it anywhere else? Fucking cum addicted cocksuckers.
>how do I install a downloaded file on linux
You should stick to your package manager (arch repos and the AUR)
>Why wasn't the non-retarded solution the first suggested solution?
Because it depends on your DE of choice, the regular way is to edit fstab or mount everything during the installation before running genfstab
>Vim through the console, and having no fucking idea how to save and quit
Many such cases, use nano
Linux is not a unified desktop OS, therefore there is not a single configuration and a single way to accomplish a task. Some things that should be simple from the user's perspective, like putting a file on a USB drive, can be very difficult, since you might encounter issues like:
>NTFS writing not enabled on system
>not having the required permissions to write files on the drive
>filesystem not automatically mounting
>file manager having no clue how long it will take until the file has finished transferred
>can't unmount because "data is still being written"

Just install LTSC and get on with your life. Even if you do get gud with a distro (which you don't seem to have the patience for), certain things will forever remain either impossible or annoying as fuck.
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>update to plasma 6.2
>the application launcher category icons look worse
Yes but you shouldn't use it because per-process firewall rules aren't reliable since there are a lot of ways a process can make another process which accesses the network without being tracked by the firewall. The same fundamental problem exists for Windows, but convenience trumps privacy.

These are all correct ways to limit network access. The forced proxy option is good if you want per-application, per-host rules.
I'm installing Lutris, will I like it?
Support for WIndows 10 LTSC will end somewhere around 2034, and if I'm still going to be alive by then, and not homeless, I will once again have no choice but to switch back to Linux, so I'd rather bite the bullet now and be called retarded around here, and learn how to use these operating systems now. And just because someone ticks the "plz don't spy on me, thankiess!!" box, doesn't mean it actually works. Even if I'm not doing anything illegal besides torrenting non-free things, I just don't like the thought of someone collecting data on me at all times.
It's like that feeling you might get after you've seen the exploding office chairs impaling people in China. I never heard of such a thing up until that point, and my chair might never explode, but I'm just going to buy a comfy rocking armchair once this breaks anyway.

>you don't seem to have the patience for
My lack of patience stems from urgency and my perception of difficulty levels for accomplishing tasks which were simple up until now.
I can learn, and want to learn, but that Vim situation would piss off anyone who just started out. And I NEED that SSD functional so I can move on with the process of settling in. I had to mess around with many other things so far, but as you can see they weren't mentioned in my previous post because they weren't urgent. I needed several hours to figure things out, but haven't felt mad about it.
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>is it possible that the Windows OS is still saved there and then when I started my PC one of these days Windows started with it?
There's nothing wrong with learning to use another tool. All I'm saying is, keep your expectations in check. Everything is fucked, just in different ways.
Do I have to be a Linux/Operational Systems expert to use Gentoo? Is it really the best distro for privacy and general usage? Should I install Artix instead as a beginner to Linux since it’s easier to use (there’s a GUI I think)?
Anon, you realise that "install gentoo" is just a meme, right?

I would very much assume that 4chan has more people running Arch than Gentoo
>Theres very little to no information online how to make this yourself.
How hard did you look? Because literally this very week a KDE developer made a blog post explaining their new SVG format for cursor themes. This should be even more familiar to designers than archaic formats like .cur and .ani

You just have to not be a retard. You don't have to be an expert by any stretch of the imagination but you will be expected to read the handbook (installation is done manually. There is no installer) and learn how to use Portage properly.

The lowest common denominator is always going to have more users. There are even Ubuntu and Mint users here and outside of 4Chan they dwarf Arch and Gentoo.
No, the documentation is very good. In order to do it successfully you need the ability to read, follow instructions, and, a bit of problem solving skills.
Just use Ubuntu/Linux Mint/Fedora. You can still try Gentoo in a VM but it is not a great OS unless you have autism.
any suggestions for a cli dictionary and translator?
preferably full offline
You can but it's doubtful that the selling points of gentoo are stuff you're going to be interested in. If you want to dive into a more "difficult" distro, arch is honestly the best option, you can go with artix but if you're evading systemd for reasons you don't understand I don't really see a reason to
I tried installing a Windows game with Lutris but Lutris was hanging on "installing game data"

Maybe it was doing something but I have no idea if it was

So now I'm just trying through Wine on the command line
Hello, how do I backup a flatpak app? I'm worried it might get removed from flathub and I'll lose it forever.
What game? Lutris has a lot of scripts that you also need to read to install some games properly.
>Vim through the console, and having no fucking idea how to save and quit

The original Halo from 2003. I'm looking at the scripts on the Lutris website. I will wait for Wine to install then I will try again with Lutris.
is there an equivalent of webm for lazys for linux?
There's a webm making script for mpv you could use
Yes it's called ffmpeg
Its over. might as well move to fvwm make your own config file and install picom
They call it "making an USB" (lol)

Why do I always see people on 4chan asking how to make WebMs, when /wsg/ literally tells you in the sticky how to do it
Nice it has a few packages that could be useful.
They don't advertise their Trinity image enough, the actual reason to use the distro to begin with. At first glance is just a reskinned Debian + Plasma ISO and those are a dime in a dozen so what would make that one special?
Okay Lutris worked after I installed Wine. But the Halo installer isn't working and I think it might be because the disc is a bit damaged (yes I'm installing from CD). I might return the disc for a replacement because it should work.
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pic related is a lie though
also, the OP makes no mention on how to limit filesize
>return the disc
>for a 2 decade old game.
What to goodwill...?
I paid good money for this disc so if it doesn't work then yeah they should give me a replacement.
My IPv6 network breaks if it's not brought up in a very specific order.
>Kill me now
>there’s nothing else that even touches Debian on server.
anything RHEL-based, alpine linux, nixos, gentoo, freebsd
>hw accel doesnt work because the latest version of vaapi is broken on wayland but not on xorg
fucking lol
wayland is better than xorg btw
xorg is depreciated
Works for me.
Vulkan Video deprecates VAAPI anyway, though.
That reminds me of a Linux distro I used that organizes disks randomly each boot. So I used dd to copy an image to /dev/sdb but that happened to be the main disk that boot.
I've heard about global shortcuts not working on Wayland, but what does this mean for the future of DE's?
I use global shortcuts all the time and can't really live without them.
It means you were lied to. They work fine and it's done better than under X11 because applications are not allowed to arbitrarily grab the entire keyboard, they must register specific binds and this will surface conflicts if multiple applications are trying to use the same bind, etc, you'll get an error message and be forced to choose which app you want to bind to it rather than having them both compete for who can grab the keyboard the fastest.

my gpu is too old for vulkan
doubt it's working for you
Hello friends.
I'm currently using windows but since I'm playing with LLMs I'm starting to get fed up with stuff that doesn't work in it.
I have used Arch in the past and I don't know if I should go for a rolling Arch based distro or a LTS distro.
Since LLMs are constantly changing should I go with the "bleeding edge" approach or it doesn't make a difference?
Any apps that specifically keep logs of login attempts, times of logins/logouts, failed attempts and successful logins?
It works fine for me because I don't use Arch btw.

Blame Arch packagers, also blame Intel, I'm using AMD, this seems like an Intel problem. It's nothing to do with Wayland.

I tend to use Vulkan Video though, because my AMDGPU supports that just fine.

I do have some older hardware still but VAAPI doesn't even run on it because it's a core2duo with no hardware decoding at all so I have to use software decoding for that.
it is an intel vaapi issue in the first place so thats probably why you're not affected then.
hardware decoding still (barely) works on my ivybridge, the fans spin too damn hard whenever hardware decoding doesnt work aside from mpv which only spins hard if playback speed is increased higher than 1.0 as long as you use --profile=fast
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Me? I use X with VAAPI.

Why? Because they just work.
lol. Any implied warranty you might have had on that disc is long, long expired.
Skylake is honestly the first generation of Intel hardware where it's properly usable in my opinion. I'm pretty sure that's when they added VP9 support.

Modern Intel hardware is great, it just handles everything you throw at it.

You might as well use VDPAU while you're at it if you enjoy dead technology.
Vulkan video extensions are now old man.
>You might as well use VDPAU while you're at it if you enjoy dead technology
I'm on an old computer and X just works with VAAPI

If this guy is right - >>102776849 - then Wayland would break VAAPI for me

Ergo X is the right choice. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
He's wrong. It broke because Arch is a shit distribution run by amateurs. No serious distro would have pushed that without testing that it works properly on Intel.
Interesting. Maybe I should try Wayland when LXQt moves to it. Their new release in November is targeting Wayland.
>used "le" and "tips fedora"
Kill yourself
Wow, that is a heroic effort by KDE to fix applications rendering broken cursor sizes:
>My fix (or shall we say workaround)
>Then it came to me that although I can't fix all these toolkits / apps, they seem to all work the same way if the required physical size is available in the theme - then they just draw the cursor as-is. So I added a lot of sizes to the Breeze theme. It only has size 24, 36 and 48 at the time, but I added physical sizes corresponding to a logical size 24 and all global scales that Plasma allows, from 0.5x to 3x, So it's 12, 18, 24 ... all the way to 72.
>It was easy. The source code of the Breeze theme is SVG (so are most other themes). Then a build script renders it into images using Inkscape, and packages them to XCursor format. The script has a list of the sizes it renders in, so I added a lot more.
>And it worked! If you choose Breeze and size 24, then (as in the bottom row in the picture above) various apps draw the cursor in the same size at any global scale available in Plasma.

doesnt matter if your hardward doesnt support it
you fucking retard, its an upstream issue and has nothing to do with arch
intel are the retards who decided to push a stable release with vaapi broken on wayland
>Arch is a shit distribution run by amateurs.
the shit distribution that the steamdeck uses?
Who pushed it? Arch. Who didn't backport Emersion's patch? Arch.
Who received a bug report and left it broken after the fact? Arch.

Yes, it's an Intel issue but it's your distributions job to shield you from issues like this. What is your distributor even doing if they go to integrate something, it's broken and they go "Yep, looks fine to me!".
Also, the Steam Deck doesn't run vanilla Arch repos. They won't be affected by this. They run Steam OS which is a carefully curated immutable distribution maintained internally by Valve. It's as much Arch as Manjaro is (which is to say neither of them are, they just share a common ancestor). They don't trust amateurs to call the shots when they're incapable of testing packages properly or backporting patches.
yeah, h264 hw decoding is supposed to be supported and work from sandybridge onwards, h265 from ivy or haswell onwards, skylake makes the leap to having more codecs supported by hw decoding and has libmfx (intel-media-sdk) as well
you're beyond fucking retarded
>Who pushed it?
they updated the package with a new stable release by upstream
it's intels fault for releasing a broken version and calling it stable
>Who didn't backport Emersion's patch?
they're waiting for upstream to merge it instead of merging a patch the maintainer cant test to confirm it works
>Who received a bug report and left it broken after the fact? Arch.
arch was never the only distro affected
>Yes, it's an Intel issue but it's your distributions job to shield you from issues like this.
maybe intel just shouldn't have pushed a broken buggy STABLE release?
it's not arch's or any other distro's fault for intel's incomptetence
>steamdeck doesnt count because its immutable!1!!1
fuck off, valve could've used gentoo or something else and done the same thing if they really wanted to instead of using arch
>They don't trust amateurs to call the shots when they're incapable of testing packages properly or backporting patches.
citation needed
>citation needed
The fact that have their own distro. Are you deliberately being obtuse? Arch is just a build-system to them, you're right, they could have used Gentoo, they used Debian before. The distro literally does not matter to them because they maintain it all in-house anyway. They certainly don't push things out to their customers without proper testing.
>they're waiting for upstream to merge it instead of merging a patch the maintainer cant test to confirm it works
Why is the maintainer of the liba-intel-driver "maintaining" it if they can't test it? Don't you think that's a problem?
havent updooted in a month
lets fucking goooooooooooo
updoot successfull
looks like nothing broke
turns out it is simply functional
reminder that they went with hyprcursors first and even had its dev make changes for them only for them to see drew segfault's blogposts abour vaxry which gave them NIH syndrome
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I'm new on this, is there a way to use a docker container to build things and then export the build artifacts to your native system? I want to build the latest version of Aseprite and Lazpaint but i don't wanna litter my system with random libraries i may struggle to uninstall later.
I understand some packages require some dependencies to run too, under this hypothetical scenario, as long as i identify and install those on my system i should be OK, right?
They were exploring options they hadn't settled on anything yet. Their JSON based format is conceptually simpler, tools could more easily export to it, etc. Neither is a standard though, KDE is still trying to pursue that.
they were 100% going for hypr
They were, until they realised it used some obscure .hl format with optional support for Tom's markup language.

JSON is already supported everywhere and meant KDE didn't have to add yet another dependency. People always complain about KDE's dependencies, well here they are shaving off an unnecessary one.
>some obscure .hl format
a text file with key value pairs is an obscure format now?
Hyprlang is very niche, yes. They could write their own parser but JSON is already well supported. KDE doesn't use TOML anywhere. They would have added a dep that does parsing robustly, they wouldn't have rolled their own.

The argument then became:
>Do we depend on some other lib or just use JSON?
I use to just have my container have a CMD of [ tar, -cf, -, output-here ]

before... I mean it technically works. depends what you want to do I guess. you can inspect the image and its contents as well.
Build a Flatpak of it
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What do you guys use for a boot manager? I'm finally installing a custom GNU/Linux install (without using installation programs) but haven't decided on what to do about the Boot manager.
Can someone give me some tips on what you use and why?
it was the first one to support the simple /boot/loader/entries shit.
EFISTUB kernel images.
Systemd boot is fine too though.
You can mount the src folder inside the container
You can also copy files between the container and host
Also, you might be better off using rootless podman for this instead of rootful docker
just use grub
if you really want to, you can use systemd-boot or refind for efi
there's also limine
syslinux might be fine for mbr, but dont use it for efi
avoid efistub unless you know what you're doing
I use systemd boot, my second choice would be grub just because of how popular it is, since it's easier to debug stuff like that
Fuck knows what has happened to my install today, somehow webkit was uninstalled and now i'm reinstalling and it has been compiling for over an hour now. currently on 4/9 packages.
What do you even need Webkit for? I uninstalled all the crap that depends on that.
Gnome uses it
GNOME has a whole web browser now? That's awful. I'm glad I use KDE.
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The people DDOSing Archive are fucking retards
Good of them to expose such an issue. Why aren't we using IPFS for things like this?
Thanks! that's the first on my list actually.
>EFISTUB kernel images.
Thanks! Is it hard to sign these things? Do I have to sign them every time I do an update or construct them in some way? I'm afraid of bricking the system if something goes wrong.
>just use grub
Thanks! I've been using Grub. Trying to move away from it because I plan on using encrypted FS with LUKS2.
>there's also limine
never heard of it! Will take a look. Thansk.
>I use systemd boot, my second choice would be grub just because of how popular it is, since it's easier to debug stuff like that
Thanks. systemdboot is my 1stchoice too but I'm intrigued by efistub.
I don't really see it as a good move if they're grabbing all the mails and shit to sell them, not to mention they kept the DDOS after Archive was aware.
>Thanks! Is it hard to sign these things? Do I have to sign them every time I do an update or construct them in some way? I'm afraid of bricking the system if something goes wrong.
They're already bootable .efi images, if your distro signs them then they should just work. Otherwise you'd have to sign them yourselves.

You probably don't need EFI secure boot in the first place but if you do then you should probably use whatever tooling your distro recommends.
It's not good, yes. Why are we relying on hardcoded hotlinks to Archive.org in the first place though? That doesn't seem right. Archive.org is not dependable infrastructure, we should be using something distributed.
At least in this case I'll probably say it just trust, since it's a direct archive link of the official source, and Archive already has a good reputation with that sort of thing.
>You probably don't need EFI secure boot in the first place but if you do then you should probably use whatever tooling your distro recommends.
Thank you so much for answering my dumbass questions!
BTW, why do some people insist on secure boot? Is it actually secure or placebo? I see that you don't use it... any reason why not? Does it at least add something to overall security profile?
I don't use it because protecting my machine against people that have physical access to my property is not in my threat model.

As far as I'm concerned I'm already fucked in that situation.
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Yeah... about that.
QML isn't a web engine
Didn't know it's getting ddossed. Explains why it was slower than usual.
>data breach as well
Luckily I don't use the same password on any two sites so that's not a huge issue
I'm doubtful that they're doing it to sell the info considering they publicly informed archive.org, the archive.org users, and sent all the info to HIBP. If they wanted to sell it I feel like they'd try to keep as low of a profile as they can, not do this.
>Thanks! I've been using Grub. Trying to move away from it because I plan on using encrypted FS with LUKS2.
There's no reason why you would have to move away from grub for that
None of the bootloaders support full disk encryption without exposing /boot or another directory where the kernels can be read unencrypted, there's a patch for grub but it's not merged yet for whatever reason
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>As far as I'm concerned I'm already fucked in that situation.
It's not too late to encrypt everything, is it?
Also, if you had a laptop that you lugged around, isn't secure boot beneficial?
There may be grey area legal issues in regards to wine hosting that stuff and they probably just want to avoid any excuse for microsoft to use against them.
>Also, if you had a laptop that you lugged around, isn't secure boot beneficial?
Not really, because again, I don't plan on my physical property ever leaving my possession.

Secure Boot protects you from theoretical and imaginary situations nobody has ever found themselves in.
secureboot is borderline snake oil meme security
you should just worry about someone breaking in and stealing your pc not being able to access your encrypted files, they wont know how to use linux and all they would be staring at is the kernel asking to unlock the disk.
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Irrelevant. It takes the place of HTML/CSS, and javascript is used to drive vital parts of the UI, such as the application launcher.
It's not a web engine though. You cannot render a website in QML. You may think that's irrelevant but it's really not, they do two completely different things.
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I guess it depends on your threat model as the other anon said.
Apparently one of the mails is in that breach but I never made any accounts or anything on Archive lol
if i know the value of a key using showkey, what's the simplest way to map it to something? using kde but the custom layout isn't working
Use the built-in Global Shortcuts?
eh that worked, for some reason it didn't take the first two times
Thanks for your help anon, if it helps i was hoping to make this nigga to work
I tried to build it on my system directly but it's asking for the ivconf.m4 macro that's supposed to be part of the gettext package but Fedora doesn't ship it anymore (apparently they just merged this into glibc directly or something? they have a package called glibc-gconv-extra instead, but i'm too retarded to figure it if i can modify this repository to use that).
Build instructions were made with Debian in mind so maybe i should put that inside a container.
If everything fails i'll try that.
>Not really, because again, I don't plan on my physical property ever leaving my possession.
what if someone breaks into your place and steals your shit? you do leave the house to go shopping, right?
I don't live in a ghetto. I could leave to go shopping, keep my front door completely unlocked and come back home and everything would still be neatly in its place just as I left it.
secure boot or encryption won't help you in that case.
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>I don't live in a ghetto
oh anon, then you're especially under threat.
>secure boot or encryption won't help you in that case.

Why not?
I don't live in the states either. It feels good not to live so close to a bunch of shit skinned countries that crime like that is an issue. Having said that, how many of these latin americans are skilled enough to break in, plant a firmware implant and then fuck off? No, they're taking that shit to a pawn shop and making out no matter what.
My assumption is that it's Russia trying to annoy people in the West
you should worry about who buys that shit off a fence or whether it becomes evidence in a police investigation and someone with a clue is tasked to check it out.
secure boot protects against someone replacing your bootloader (assuming you did roll your own pki) without you noticing - which just isn't the threat model when they bang on your door.
Encryption protects your data, but when they're banging on your door, they can pretty much just throw you into a cell and not let you out until you tell them the password.
>It feels good not to live so close to a bunch of shit skinned countries
those countries are not exactly close to the US, you know?
They're on the same landmass at least. It's not like you're building that wall, is it?
You could just use distrobox for this
make a debian container and build your program in that
distrobox by default will mount your $HOME to the container and try its best to integrate with the system
>they can pretty much just throw you into a cell and not let you out until you tell them the password.
Pretty much this, neither secure boot or encryption will save you from the five dollar wrench, but at least encryption will save your files getting copied by tyrone or jamal if they steal your pc
This is not the case of people crossing the border to do some crime and then cross it again to go back home.
They obviously had to cross it at some point, either you let them in or they broke in, it doesn't really matter which. It's a problem you have to deal with that the rest of us don't.

Secure boot does protect you against niggers breaking into your home to replace your bootloaders, but this is still very much in the realm of fantasy and make believe for most people.
Is it normal for my distro to take ages to come out of sleep, or even fail to wake up from it at all?
I'm in the market for a new phone. Are the Linux line of phones something to consider?
Throw cold water over it, should wake it up.
Today I was stuck for 3 hours cause NetworkManager on archlinux with openconnect REQUIRES extra/webkit2gtk-4.1 (which is different to the AUR extra/webkit2gtk) installed.

This made me question my choices in network managers; where can I find a NM that:
1. Allows me to keep connection configs under /home/me/[.config/]program or something alike?
2. Is not GUI dependant?
I deleted all files named godot on my linux mint pc and it glitched out a bit
I also deleted all timeshift saves because they had godot on them
My question is are there any files that just so happen to be named godot on LM and will the deletion of them cause glitches like not being able to turn the pc off or access the net?
Connman is the only other one I know of:

Systemd Networkd is out because that deliberately only supports systemwide configuration.
I just went into my Windows install to do something

It was horrible and I hope I never have to do it again
Haven't logged into windows for about three weeks. Think i'm going to uninstall everything on there and just use Linux and only use it for anyhthing I can't use linux for.
Why isn't android available for PC? Like literally, what's stopping us from using it?
>lmao just emulate it
I mean android has many things solved already, like the window manager, app gap, desktop environment etc
Use Chrome OS if you want android.
Not really. Window management on Android is a huge hack. It's still predominantly designed around the idea of running a single application full screen. Maybe two side-by-side but definitely no more than that
There's BlissOS
Nice try glownigger
How is touchscreen monitor support on Debian based distros?
I hadn't logged into Windows in months... I deliberately disconnected from the internet because I didn't want Windows Update to start installing a million updates

At least with Linux I can control if I install updates. Also Windows Update seems to use like 100% CPU which isn't the case with apt, at least on my computer.

>Think i'm going to uninstall everything on there and just use Linux and only use it for anyhthing I can't use linux for.
Fair enough. Yeah for some things Windows probably is better, like if you have a game and you want it to just work and get maximum performance. But for other things Windows annoys me.
Good as long as there's a driver in the kernel. On screen keyboard support is still a fucking mess though.
>IRC: #sqt on Rizon
You're so dumb it's insane
keep exposing yourself. we know what your play is and no one is buying that bullshit anymore.
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because it's google, and nobody know the fuck they are doing even themselves.
i think this guy explain openfyde, it might run android apps
Smart people understand the truth, but you're dumb
did you install the redist stuff it comes with?
I had better luck with umu-launcher
>smart people
kek'd fucking hard. you're barking up the wrong tree with your political bullshit, glownigger.
Apart from gaming there is literally nothing that I need on windows that I can't do on linux, but I wouldn't want to get rid of windows altogether just on the off chance that there is something I will need it for.
when I start a fresh ubuntu or debian container with podman on this work machine, `apt update` fails with `cannot resolve deb.debian.org`, yet `getent hosts deb.debian.org` works and clearly resolves the domain.

what the FUCK is going on?
this happens with `--network=host` and with this slirp4netns BS.
This is legitimately driving me mad.
Please, I need to know if I fucked up or something is just going haywire randomly
Do an update, if you get no problems then you should be alright.
Okay, thx it seems to boot up fine and shut down fine, either one of my drives is dying or something just fucked up for a bit
cat /etc/resolv.conf
nslookup deb.debian.org

If you don't have nslookup then transfer a statically compiled Busybox to the container
Or better yet just test with the Busybox container.

$ podman run -it --rm busybox sh
$ cat /etc/resolv.conf

$ nslookup deb.debian.org

$ traceroute deb.debian.org

If you get SERVFAIL from nslookup then your resolver is failing dnssec validation.
Also apparently ICMP doesn't work in podman which makes sense given it's unprivileged (not even running it as root or with --privileged works, possibly AppArmor is blocking that from working properly).

I never noticed that before because even though my desktop has podman, all my servers are still running Docker.
It's a container not a VM. ICMP is something that goes to the OS kernel.
I know. AppArmor runs in the kernel. Obviously a process running as root should be able to use ICMP, at least ordinarily.

It seems to work with cap_net_raw though:
$ sudo podman run -it --rm --net=host --user root --cap-add=net_raw busybox ping -c3
It could also be that podman drops that cap by default. I'd have to look at the source code to see.

You don't need to add that capability with Docker at least
On the off chance you're still around, you can just dump the entire image to a directory with
docker build -t my-image .
docker create my-image my-container
docker export my-container | tar x -C output-dir
docker rm my-container

If that has stuff you don't want, add an empty
FROM scratch
layer at the end and just copy the bits you want into it
Nice, thanks for the suggestion, i can barely understand this yet but that's the point of using Linux in the first place.
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What's the laziest but sensible option to have latest kernel tree available? Linux-Next or the mainline Git?
Or does a program exist that patches the tree automatically?
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sudo apt purge snapd

I just fixed your computer. You're welcome.
just use your distros kernel
Any thoughts on why Firefox boot takes 10 seconds? It's very strange. Most other apps boot instantly. I have 7700x, 32gb ram, rtx 2070 so I imagined it would be quicker. On fedora kde. My old potato computer booted Firefox instantly
Linus's git tree
Or the linux-stable git tree if you want a rolling stable kernel
apt install firefox chromium
does this even still work or does it break ubuntu these days?
apt remove --autoremove --purge snapd
apt-mark hold snapd

I've only executed these two choice commands exactly once times 50-60 deployments over the past ~5 years but somehow I've yet to "break Ubuntu" by removing snapd. In fact, I doubt I've had any Snaps installed within any of those systems longer than a couple minutes. The "So you removed `snapd' and borked your Debian derived..." meme must go precisely like this:
sudo snap install firefox powershell vscode steam wine vlc ffmpeg libreoffice skype nordvpn
apt remove snapd
"Removing all your snaps doesn't follow from having just now set all your apps up via TikTok tutorial, are you sure you'd like to continue? exit 127
I have a similar issue, when it comes back up the display is fucked and I have to force shut it off and back on. Im on Debian
I have a MacBook Pro 2017 model but can’t seem to boot Linux Mint from disk drive
I tried doing it in terminal and recovery mode
Do I need to make the ISO files easier to find from recovery mode?
is there a way to convert a luks incrypted drive to an unencryted drive without formatting it? i know the password, thats not the issue, but its a 10tb drive thats nearly full. theres a backup of the important stuff, but i dont want to be decrypting it all time (the password is saved, thats not the issue)
Is there a software to keep track of my reading? Like it tracks how many pages I read in the last hour, estimates how long it will take me to finish my book
I think Vim can do that. It keeps statistics
>sudo !! runs the previous command with sudo
Wish I had known this sooner.
I need it for pdfs and epubs
If you want to test your luck you can prefix it with the first letter of the last command you ran e.g
sudo !l
might run
sudo ls
I think I knew this but I rarely need to use sudo anyway, you will never remember it when you need it. you will just use up arrow to show last command, use left arrow to go all they way to the beginning and type sudo
>use left arrow
press Home
I don't know. I use Debian and had this crap installed for some reason.
Works for me, I use it on Fedora.
gnome I'm guessing - in setting goto default applications (might be a separate tab) and change there.
people actually use snap on their own volition?
New thread
Distro kernels are random and in many cases just old.
>linux-stable git tree
Where can I find that?

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