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Previous thread: >>102761533
Is there a software that will track how many pages of a book I read per hour, or per half hour, will estimate how much long it will take me to reach a desire page goal? Ideally it will tell me I have a something probability of getting my goal. I would need it for pdfs and epubs, I guess it would have to also be a reader or communicate with the reader app.
Does such a thing exists?
I just learnt about CPU governors and how to change them. Pretty cool.

I can set it to powersave when playing games on my shitty laptop because the performance is still good enough and it means the CPU won't melt.
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I need help on this.
So I sudo pacman -Syu'd my system and got this message:
upgrading sudo [###############################################################] 100%
warning: /etc/sudoers installed as /etc/sudoers.pacnew
As always after comparing differences I tried to make a backup of the current file and rename pacnew as the original file.
I entered command:
sudo mv sudoers sudoers.backup
And all worked out fine. However when I enter:
sudo mv sudoers.pacnew sudoers
I get:
sudo: unable to open /etc/sudoers: No such file or directory
sudo: error initializing audit plugin sudoers_audit
So how do I fix this? I can't rename the backup file back neither so I am stuck.
is there a way to convert a luks incrypted drive to an unencryted drive without formatting it? i know the password, thats not the issue, but its a 10tb drive thats nearly full. theres a backup of the important stuff, but i dont want to be decrypting it all time (the password is saved, thats not the issue)
It's very convenient for installing stuff like Android Studio and the IntelliJ crap.
don't they have flatpaks?
I didn't follow what you wrote, but simple solution
Login as root
Pacman -R sudo
Remove any remaining sudo files in /etc
Pacman -Syu sudo
Visudo and re add your user
Chicken and egg. You can't use sudo without sudoers. Login as root.
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which one?
yeah but those are jailed and you have to do extra things
Thanks but I'm sticking with Debian.
>So how do I fix this? I can't rename the backup file back neither so I am stuck.
Login as root and rename the new, merged file.
In the future, open a root terminal before fucking around with sudoers. Also, consider using sudoers dropins instead of editing the upstream config.
When you did
sudo mv sudoers sudoers.backup
you killed your sudo. How did you even think this was a good idea?
Thanks but I'm sticking with windows 98
If you connect a Win 98 computer to the internet, I wonder how long it would take to become infected with malware
I'm tempted to take the fedorapill just because of how terrible every other distro aside from gentoo is even though i dont like systemd
How difficult is it to build my own packages on fedora? there's some stuff it doesnt have in its repos that i use
>t. tech brainlet
you wouldn't connect any sort of pc directly with the internet these days anyway. The days of dial up modems are over.
Pacman -R sudo throws dependency error.
I just su'd and renamed the initial file back. I think I will be fine using the old file for a while. I will tackle this later after a full system backup.
Makes sense.
I didn't think it through honestly.
Yeah my bad I know.
>I didn't think it through honestly.
obviously. For the future, do your backups in such cases with cp
Always force dependency errors. I don't need a fucking 1970s cocaine junkie chasing imaginary ghosts telling me what the fuck to do
in future just use pacdiff
>I think I will be fine using the old file for a while.
You're expected to merge the files, not replace. >>102789279
I haven't been home in nearly three months. I'm scared of updating my home PC when I get back because it's Arch and I've heard the longer between updates, the more possibilities of errors occurring. Never gone more than a week or two without an updoot. Pray for me.
it's fine
Nothing will happen. Unless you use KDE, then it's 50/50.
>Unless you use KDE, then it's 50/50.
why does kde do this?
t. moron
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The funniest thing about snap is that it doesn't follow links. So if you move /snap_dir to /.0/snap_dir and link /.0/snap_dir back to /snap_dir, programs installed via snap stop working.
Don't make me tap the sign. This is a "friendly" thread.
Last time I tried it nvidia broke, updated my laptop at the same time and that was fine (intel)
I am returning back to LiGNUx. I can't stand Windows anymore. I tried to give it an honest try, but shit just breaks a lot more often. I installed the PEACE equalizer and now it's broken all of a sudden. I used WSL and ran GUI applications on it, but they're not hardware accelerated at all, they run so damn slow. Shit just works on Linux.
So I just got this error during an update:
Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 6.11.3-arch1-1 (x86_64)
Consult /var/lib/dkms/nct6687d/1/build/make.log for more information.
==> WARNING: `dkms install --no-depmod nct6687d/1 -k 6.11.3-arch1-1' exited 10
This shit hasn't been updated for a while, and I don't really need it anymore.
What is the safest way to remove this?
I don't think I should reboot until I sort this out.
The thing that usually annoys me the most when I have to switch back to windows is how a lot of apps need to be manually updated, in a lot of cases they don't even have an inbuilt mechanism but require you to download an installer and run it. It's especially annoying if you don't boot the system for a while and everything you open bitches at you to update it
It's this https://github.com/Fred78290/nct6687d
I don't know how to uninstall it. It's not really a traditional pacman package.
you have zero knowledge of how computers work if you think simply "connecting to the internet" will somehow automatically make you catch malware
all the issues ive ever had with arch werent from not updating for long periods of time but because the one time you do something broke really badly and you dont have a second-most recent version of the package to downgrade to
The module shows up in dkms status but when I try to remove it with sudo dkms remove nct6687d/1, it says
Module nct6687d 1 is not installed for kernel 6.10.6-arch1-1 (x86_64). Skipping...
Module nct6687d 1 is not built for kernel 6.10.6-arch1-1 (x86_64). Skipping...
Am I safe to reboot?
I deleted /usr/src/ files reinstall current kernel and mkinitcpio -P but it didn't really do anything with the DKMS modules in both cases...
Any Asahi Linux users here? I am interested in getting a used M1 to 3 Macbook for the hardware. Does everything work OK?
...are you a bot? Because that's literally how 98 with a public IP worked and why everyone installed ZoneAlarm.
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Some packages like Postman or LXC require you to use Snap unless you go out of your way to get them through alternative means, so maybe that's why. Be my guess. Snap has improved a lot compared with its unusable early state but still can have some awful bugs for usability. Like I'm using stock Ubuntu at work and Firefucks sometimes just stops having sound until i restart it. Whatever, it works as a pgadmin launcher, but still won't touch this crao at anything i own.
Should I also use a dnsmasq layer when I run my own localnet bind ?
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it's been a while since i've updated
had a few conflicts that made me skip several times in the past since i was busy with work
It's funny how I know way more than you about computers
Is there a way to make a disc image of a copy-protected CD on Linux?
Should be ready in about 5hrs
Okay I was able to reboot fine.
When I enter dkms status though I get:
Error! Could not locate dkms.conf file.
File: /var/lib/dkms/nct6687d/1/source/dkms.conf does not exist.
Which worries me that I may run into issues down the line.
Okay sudo rm -rf "/var/lib/dkms/nct6687d/", and problem seems solved for now.
I know that no one responded and I am just talking to myself here, but saying this incase a good samaritan comes along and ends up wasting time.
Back in the day, pcs were directly connected to the internet with a modem. Nowadays, you'd have a router between the pc and the internet which comes with its own firewall. No one from the internet can directly connect to your pc unless you fucked up the settings in your router.
I updated to 6.11.3 on Gentoo yesterday, it gave me a warning about something but installed anyway. Not had any issues so far and I've powered, restarted and logged on/off several times with no problems.
I mean most of those are probably below 1mb
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Keeping upgrades for October-March is efficient for heating your desk.
Linux Mint / Nvidia RTX 2060s

My screen keeps randomly blacking out and even permanently losing signal. Only way to fix is to restart PC.

What is the issue? I don't have this problem on Windows. I've tried like 3 different kernels and nvidia drivers. I might try installing a different distro but I feel like it's a Linux + Nvidia problem.
Wayland or X11? See if the problem persists on the other one.
VRR enabled? See if disabling it helps.
See if adding these to /etc/modprobe.d/ and rebooting help:
options nvidia_drm modeset=1
options nvidia_drm fbdev=1
options nvidia NVreg_EnableGpuFirmware=0
you clearly dont
its not 1998 anymore, you have a firewall protecting your lan from outside connections these days
Thanks for an actual insightful post. I'm not very savvy at this. Just relying on google.

I'm using XFCE which apparently doesn't support Wayland. I would need to install a new DE. I guess Cinnamon should be fine, unless you have a better recommendation. I randomly picked XFCE because it was the most "minimal" option for Linux Mint.

I'll try the .conf file first though.
What desktop environment can I install alongside KDE without overwriting SDDM and having their theming fight with each other? The reason for this is that 6.2 broke a lot of shit for me like night light and secondary monitor window displaying which now flickers a bunch and I wanna just wait for all that to blow over before I come back to KDE.
Stick with X11 for now, Nvidia is finally working on fixing they shit drivers so it becomes much less of a toothache to set them up and also support Wayland but it's going to take a few months if not a year.
You can't run two at once, you'd have to change your profile to gnome or whatever, remove KDE, then install gnome.
I don't want to use GNOME, I hate GNOME and the way it makes everything look like a smartphone app and has drab, boring, grey theming that can only be fixed with extensions that break every time GNOME gets updated.

I just want something other than GNOME to use in SDDM while I wait for KDE to get fixed, then I'm going right back to KDE after it gets bugfixed.
Xfce should play nice, I keep it around for when KDE decides to shit itself. Which it did with 6.2 because I had zren's start menu launcher installed, which somehow causes KDE to segfault repeatedly at startup. And the dev is AWOL, so now I'm stuck with the shitty default launcher. Good work not breaking third-party plasmoids, KDE. Really good work.
Choose something other than gnome then. Cinnamon is probably the closets to kde.
I recently downloaded and played a game using Lutris having no problems at all. It wouldn't work initially, but I just switched the runner until it worked, and then it kept working flawlessly. Today I decided I wanted to play it using Proton on Steam and it didn't work, but then it stopped working on Lutris too. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling wine (deleting all confs too). The game just stops running before even opening. What should I do? I am using Linux Mint 21.3.
fellas, this has been settled
windows 98 is obscure and rare enough it's safe:
there are other experiments like this:
Speaking of vidya, is there a way to play windows store games on Linux?

I got Doom Eternal for free from prime gaming but can't find a way to play it. You can use Xbox cloud gaming but you need a game pass sub for it.
That first video doesnt really explain much about his setup other than hes running double layers of virtualization and that he connected to google in IE
I'm guessing he's got the vm outside his firewall or something otherwise all connections would've been blocked or never been able to access the vm
Cant be bothered to watch the second.
From what i've read, it doesnt seem possible to have wayvnc listen on both a regular port and a websocket at the same time. Would there be too much overhead in running two wayvnc instances at the same time? Or can remmina somehow connect to websocket ports in its vnc client as well?
I don't think so
>Doom Eternal
dodi repack worked for me in wine
What gaem
>The game just stops running before even opening
Check the logs
It's not difficult, I just have to have an IQ greater than 20, which I do
I have been using gentoo for a while, but it's bothering me that I can't use pcmanfm-qt without wayland. robertkirkman have released some patches on github, but they don't seem to work with the qt6 version.
The same applies for thermald, which pulls gtk-dock and poppler (with patches available since 2021). I prefer mupdf and this is the only poppler dependency.
Are USE flags currently underdeveloped? Should I just expect that only core programs are affected by USE flags?
These are the logs:
Start monitoring process.
esync: up and running.
002c:fixme:winediag:LdrInitializeThunk wine-staging 7.2 is a testing version containing experimental patches.
002c:fixme:winediag:LdrInitializeThunk Please mention your exact version when filing bug reports on winehq.org.
0074:err:wineusb:DriverEntry Failed to initialize Unix library, status 0xc0000135.
0074:err:ntoskrnl:ZwLoadDriver failed to create driver L"\\Registry\\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\wineusb": c0000135
003c:fixme:service:scmdatabase_autostart_services Auto-start service L"wineusb" failed to start: 126
0130:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION
0130:fixme:nls:get_dummy_preferred_ui_language (0x8 0000000000B9E954 0000000000000000 0000000000B9E950) returning a dummy value (current locale)
0130:fixme:nls:get_dummy_preferred_ui_language (0x8 0000000000B9E954 000000002D01DC10 0000000000B9E950) returning a dummy value (current locale)
0128:fixme:kernelbase:AppPolicyGetProcessTerminationMethod FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA, 0000000000B9FEB0
Monitored process exited.
Initial process has exited (return code: 256)
Exit with return code 256
some programs give you options, some just don't.
I think Koreader has statistics
Does it still crash if you disable esync? What about wine or umu-launcher? (it uses proton-ge without steam, I think they were going to integrate it with the other launchers but I haven't checked if they did)
wine-staging 7.2 

why such an old version?
It crashes without esync too, but with a different error log:
 Start monitoring process.
wineserver: using server-side synchronization.
002c:fixme:winediag:LdrInitializeThunk wine-staging 7.2 is a testing version containing experimental patches.
002c:fixme:winediag:LdrInitializeThunk Please mention your exact version when filing bug reports on winehq.org.
0070:err:wineusb:DriverEntry Failed to initialize Unix library, status 0xc0000135.
0070:err:ntoskrnl:ZwLoadDriver failed to create driver L"\\Registry\\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\wineusb": c0000135
003c:fixme:service:scmdatabase_autostart_services Auto-start service L"wineusb" failed to start: 126
0128:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION
0128:fixme:nls:get_dummy_preferred_ui_language (0x8 0000000000B9E954 0000000000000000 0000000000B9E950) returning a dummy value (current locale)
0128:fixme:nls:get_dummy_preferred_ui_language (0x8 0000000000B9E954 000000002D01D8E0 0000000000B9E950) returning a dummy value (current locale)
0120:fixme:kernelbase:AppPolicyGetProcessTerminationMethod FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA, 0000000000B9FEB0
Monitored process exited.
Initial process has exited (return code: 256)
Exit with return code 256

Crashes with UMU too, but the logs are mostly comprised of this line:
 ERROR: ld.so: object 'libgamemodeauto.so.0' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored. 

I downloaded it a long time ago, and it's the one that used to work before this issue
Isn't that related to gamemode? Make sure that both the regular "gamemode" and "gamemode:i386" are installed. Or disable "Enable Feral GameMode" in lutris. Maybe turning off or on "Prefer system libraries" will work?
Also, I reccomend checking out conty.sh, since it contains all multilib packages that are necessary to run lutris. Using "wine-ge-8-26", instead of the older ones, works with most games for me.
I dont really know if this answers your question, but you could look at foliate to see if it does what you're looking for
I know it can track your reading progress and auto-bookmark at whatever page you closed it at, not sure about the rest
I am not sure how good Cinnamon is with Nvidia Wayland.
I have been daily diving KDE Wayland with my Nvidia GPU for months and it works fine since 555.
But maybe this anon's advice still has point >>102791381 XFCE X11 might be more noob friendly.
It's still an option to fix your problems though. I would probably give it a shot.
is cachyos really faster than arch or is it just a meme
No thanks, I'm straight.
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It's hard to remain friendly when you mention that...thing.
Windows XP got infected.
Why the h8? Doesn't excite you the concept of a declarative OS?
Not really. All you're doing is being your own distro janny.
I'll check back on it in a few years after the schism is over
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>let's turn the entire OS into ansible because uh apt install xyz will break your system if you did already or something
If you're still around:

The stable tree itself is:

They have rolling branches for various kernel versions but only the latest ones usually get updates
ansible is such an overrated bloated meme
its like 20 lines of ansible shit to do one line in a shell script
two different tools, two different use cases chud.
>two different tools
>two different use cases
whats up with the new KDE power profile stuff, I notice when I set it to balanced it tanks my game. When I set it to "Performance" will it stay like that forever? I even hid the tray icon
>two different tools
>two different use cases
It's just a frontend for Power Profile Daemon. You can use this as a launcher argument for your game which will activate the performance profile while your game is running and switch back afterwards:
powerprofilesctl launch -- %command%
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OK so now I'm having problems installing Nvidia drivers.

During compile I'm getting

/var/lib/dkms/nvidia/525.53/build/nvidia.o: warning: objtool: _nv011382rm+0x5d: return with modified stack frame

Pls send halp
Upgrade your driver, 525.53 is ancient
sweet thanks, can I enable this system-wide somehow
Just set it in the GUI (or use
 powerprofilesctl set performance
). The point of the launch subcommand is you can keep the power savings when you're not running a game and it'll only switch to the performance profile for that one command.
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I just upgraded my Arch system and I have like THIRTY(30!) fucking instances of conky running now. Idle CPU usage hovers between 18 to 30 percent. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON????
The thing is that conky isn't even among the packages that got upgraded, my config didn't change, what the hell happened?
Am I getting trolled by Plasma 6.2 or something?
How do I fix this?
I'm using 550.xx, copy pasted that from somewhere else but it is the same thing.
Uninstall the older driver then. You probably have multiple branches installed and it's this older one that's failing to compile properly.
Do you have an autostart script for it? You might have to exclude Conky from the session restore feature because what happens is this:

>Plasma restores your old windows (Conky is one of them)
>Your script runs
>Now you have two instances running
>Plasma will remember each running instance
>Your script will continue to start it each time
>You will end up with exponentially more Conky instances running each time

It's not actually a bug, this is how it's supposed to work and Plasma is keeping track of each instance and starting it again each new session. It doesn't know it's supposed to treat Conky differently (because you didn't tell it).
Plasma session save and restore has been broken as shit since 6. From getting stuck on a black screen on logout, to restoring incorrect number of instances (and to have them increase in subsequent boots), to silent crashing when trying to save sessions manually and causing the session control buttons to stop responding, I've seen it all. I just run with session restoring disabled now, and no insanity since.

KDE gets no fucking QA, but the foundation has plenty of money for "sustainability" projects. I'd laugh if I remembered how.
Well despite me not remembering ever enabling it (did it randomly turn on after a previous update?) the culprit was indeed that. I disabled session restore(I have no use for it currently) and I have only one conky now. My games are noticeably smoother now lol. Thanks for the help anons. I will add conky as an exception if I ever need session restore in the future.
What a goofy feature.
It works fine for me. Just exclude the apps you don't want to restore. What they're seeing is the feature working exactly as its supposed to, the problem is there's a script running somewhere behind its back that it doesn't know about and each time that happens a new instance will be started and this instance will be remembered each time and restored each time because Plasma treats each dedicated instance as a separate app to restore.

Essentially you fix this by adding one line to the top of your launcher script:
pgrep -x conky && exit 1

Or more robustly, take a lock:
[ "${FLOCKER}" != "$0" ] && exec env FLOCKER="$0" flock -en "$0" "$0" "$@" || :
>did it randomly turn on after a previous update?
Session restore has always been on by default. You just might not have noticed before
So an ever increasing number of conkies were always eating system resources and I only noticed now.
Damn I am an idiot.
At least it's fixed now.
Yeah just looked and somehow there were around 5 nvidia drivers installed
In fact I think a lock might not even be enough here because Plasma will probably just run the command directly.

If this were a .desktop service then I don't think it'd ever happen in the first place.
Why does Plasma have muted colours for the icons in the bottom right bar? Windows has SOVLFUL and vibrant colours.
High contrast. Plus Plasma see's itself as a tool not an art exhibition (although they do have a wonderful wallpaper collection).

KDE only ever uses colour to convey a specific meaning. It has to have a purpose.
>What a goofy feature.
Nah, it was a great feature on Plasma 5. It worked well and you could just exclude specific programs if you didn't want them brought up after login (like Konsole, which doesn't support restoring anything).

Now whether a program gets restored after login has become a dice roll, and sometimes apps get restored even though I explicitly closed them way before logout. There's clearly something wrong with the session saving mechanism, a few patches ago it would just freeze at logout and it would leave the Plasma session hanging on dbus waiting for it to exit. You had to kill Plasma to get back to SDDM.

>muted colours
What do you mean? Monochrome is not "muted".
>There's clearly something wrong with the session saving mechanism, a few patches ago it would just freeze at logout and it would leave the Plasma session hanging on dbus waiting for it to exit. You had to kill Plasma to get back to SDDM.
Sounds like a Systemd issue. That doesn't happen on my Gentoo OpenRC machine. I noticed this a lot ever since they added Systemd user integration and it even broke massively in the "KDE desktop as a Snap" session that's being developed (I'm not the biggest fan of Snaps but it's funny to see Systemd break in such ways)
Yeah, that's the word I was looking for.
>How difficult is it to build my own packages on fedora?
You may have to deliberately install some "<package>-devel" rpms now and then, but that should be it.
think i might go with gnome next fedora release
I have tried debian,fedora,arch,mint but none of those is as fast as cachyos. why? thinking to stay on cachyos.
>packages built for microarchitectures
>patched kernel
but those feel like placebo imo
Fixed my first black screen.
For some reason installing then removing xfce removes the greeter for lightdm. Annoying but pretty cool experience to fix it.
>tried to install Arch after a decade of using windows
>no installer since it's Arch
>my screen sucks so the resolution is wrong
>I can't see well and I don't know how to change it
>I'm using a generic usb wifi card so of course it doesn't detect it.

Any way to fix either of these problems?
I can SSH into the machine if I get the wifi working and I can install normally if I get the resolution working.
Does your USB WiFi card even support Linux in the first place? What is it. Even if you fix the resolution you will still need network access to do the install.

If you can't fix the network then you may be shit out of luck unless you buy some new wireless hardware
Shit you're right.
I may be fucked.
I will investigate further, thanks.
>usb wifi card
Hit or miss, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't, do you have access to an Ethernet cable?
Thanks, I downloaded the flatpaks and I will be checking them out
Please Help! My OS starts to boot, but then doesn't. It gets stuck on a screen that says "Booting 'Nobara Linux (6.11.1-200.fsync.fc40.x86-64) 40 (GNOME Edition)' " And won't progress past that. It was working last night, but it started doing this when I tried turning it on today. As you can see, I'm on Nobara 40 v.6.11.1. I'm using a RX 6650 XT, I read online that some AMD GPUs can cause display issues, so I figured that I'd mention that.
Do you have an older kernel image you can boot into? It's unlikely to be the AMDGPU's fault (unless it's a physical hardware issue which is unlikely), AMD has very good Linux support.
Previous kernel versions just blackscreen. I tried to boot into an older version from a flash drive, but it blackscreened, and now my PC doesn't even see anything bootable on the flash drive anymore.
Is there by now a remote solution that works like RDP on Windows?

I.e. in my case:
>NO SCREEN MIRRORING, no one in my house should be able see on a connected monitor what I do while I remote in!
>remote possible after boot without having logged in to the PC yet.
>remote access locking the current gui session
>keeping the current session as is, so that the programs I had open when I locked the pc are still running when I remote in.

KDE Plasma 6 (Wayland)
setfond -d $(grep "^FONT=" /etc/vconsole.conf | cut -d "=" -f 1)

Assuming that the font name doesn't contain the equals sign, that is.
Tell me if it works.
Source: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Linux_console#Fonts
>and now my PC doesn't even see anything bootable on the flash drive anymore.
Reset CMOS maybe? This sounds more like a deeper issue of some sort
So i've noticed lately that after uninstalling stuff a lot of files get left behind and create duplicates and problems when reinstalling the same package.

Is there abetter way to manage this apart from having to cd into a load of folders to delete shit that should of been removed? Flatpak seems to be one of the worst offenders for this.
Why is a film from 1959 a 200 MB VP9 Webm? I bet that'd be smaller if it were AV1
Stop sucking Google cock.
Nothing but configs and caches should remain.
KDE Plasma has one built-in:
Tried a different USB port. It sees the image file on the flash drive now but still just blackscreens when I try to boot it.
AV1 has nothing to do with Google, if anything VP8 and VP9 is sucking Google's cock
I've just deleted about 5 com.valvesoftware.steam folders containing the same configs and folders form flatpack directories. I wondered why it kept crashing on startup. It also freed up about 3-4gb

Is there not a way to remove everything related to programme being removed
>using fatpacks
Rather that than spend 40mins compiling.
Steam has a lot of runtime dependencies you need. Many of which you should already have but also a lot you might not necessarily have (like 32-bit libraries for old games)
hmm, settings doesn't allow to enable rdp server, just toggles off instantly.
Sounds like a bug. Did you try running Krdp directly?
>krdpserver --username rdp --password 1234
org.kde.krdp: Unable to listen for connections on QHostAddress("") 0
qt.dbus.integration: QDBusConnection: error: could not send message to service "org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop" path "/org/freedesktop/portal/desktop" interface "org.freedesktop.portal.RemoteDesktop" member "NotifyKeyboardKeycode": Marshalling failed: Invalid object path passed in arguments
Sounds like something is wrong with your portal setup. Do you have xdg-desktop-portal-kde installed and running properly?

The Flatpak works fine for me.
god i hate dbus
Installed the flatpak, still same errors. Output now starts with

Could not find certificate and certificate key, generating temporary certificate...
Temporary certificate generated; ready to accept connections.
org.kde.krdp: Initializing Freedesktop Portal Session

and then the error from before

How do I check if a portal is running properly?
qdbus6 | grep -i portal

qdbus6 org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop /org/freedesktop/portal/desktop | grep -i remote

(should output a lot)

qdbus6 org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop /org/freedesktop/portal/desktop org.freedesktop.portal.RemoteDesktop.version

(I guess I'm running version 2 of the protocol?)

Note: This is all very experimental still anyway. Every single client I've tried on Android immediately disconnects after connecting. None of them seem to properly support the required H264 extension:

It sure would be nice if KDE would give KRDC some Kirigami love and also make a build for Android.
portal seems all good my side, though if all android clients don't work anyway, I might as well stop trying.
Need help on which distro to choose, or if I should even switch to Linux at all.

So far I have been contemplating either Mint again for all kinds of reasons, or PopOS because of gayming Support and stuff. But I heard Pops repos get updated very slowly and iirc last time I used mint I constantly ran into issues with shit not working because everything was old. (Debian version btw)

I've dabbled with Linux before using Mint and KDE plasma for a few months a few years ago and failing to install arch properly because I didn't have LAN back then and my Wi-Fi card didn't work. I really liked Xfce, didn't like cinnamon, KDE was legitimately constantly krashing out of the box, I would never use gnome.
I don't think I remember much more than some basic bash commands, how to use apt, and how to change the DE to make it look like in the tranny threads here

Right now I am using RevisionOS Windows11, have a 3070 and an Intel CPU. I'm making a game in Godot, play various games, edit videos, do Photoshop etc.

I actually want to get something done with my computer and not perform maintenance on it all day.

I'm sort of a privacy schizo, but high functioning enough to not want an unusable shitbox for the sake of privacy

What should I choose?
It's obviously not good if Krdp is failing but I don't know much more what to tell you. It doesn't help that Qt's logging is also bullshit 90% of the time and this is always the case with every Qt app and a real hate of mine. They actually have a really good logging subsystem, full of loads of environment variables to fine-tune it but by default it outputs nothing! Oh, something failed? Something's not working right? You wanted to know what or to see some logs? Fuck you!
While I'm ranting about logs it also really annoys me when apps don't show in the source code where the log message originated from.
A lot of modern apps will output something like:
libfoo src/lib/blah/whatevever.c: I logged something!

But some apps will just have:
libfoo I logged something!

Or worse, just:
I logged something!

I get doing that properly probably requires some pre-processing by the compiler somehow but it's really nice when apps go the extra-effort to do that.
I'm struggling to make sense of what I should be doing and how to properly configure presentation/display modes for an older game in WINE. Specifically, resolving Fallout New Vegas issues with alt-tabbing and framerate. My primary reference in this is https://performance.moddinglinked.com/falloutnv.html but it's vague on linux (for one, any reference it makes to linux seems to assume running through steam with proton whereas I have a GOG copy running in WINE - proton apparently inherently forcing dxvk while wine does not).

What seems the simplest option is to run the game in windowed mode with vsync and a framelimiter (I think this would be mangohud, maybe libstrangle) with my window manager making it borderless fullscreen. Is there some consequence of this given that the game is old with only windowed and exclusive fullscreen options?

The "proper" way looks to be adding dxvk and specialk but I can't seem to get them to work as I'm unclear about getting dlls loaded in this context - the script extender dlls are loaded by patching the executable, but a separate heap replacer using d3dx9_38.dll seems to load fine. I see reference to setting WINEDLLOVERIDEs but I have to launch the game via ModOrganizer, which has its own "force load libraries" config to which I have added the dxvk and specialk dlls to no avail. Specialk apparently has a UsingWINE flag which I have set but still no luck.
can i get a suggestion for a program that lets me monitor temps for my hardware?
something that is specifically tailored to niggers, on windows I liked speccy because of that, but hwinfo was just a hassle.
I got the same problem on my desktop as you it seems, I'm deliberately not using the Flatpak here so everything is up-to-date.

It seems you can bypass the shitty Portal with Plasma specific "proprietary" protocols:
$ krdpserver --help

--plasma Use Plasma protocols instead of XDP

$ kstart --desktopfile org.kde.krdp krdpserver -- --plasma

And voila! Almost (I still haven't found a usable client other than Remmina on the desktop and by usable I mean you get a black screen, because of course you do).
This definitely still needs more time.
Oh his name is ebassi, not ebussy.
But he takes it in the bussy
He's married tho
He's closeted. 4chan told me so it must be true
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this looks like FUCKING SHIT, KDE. What where they thinking? Jesus christ what a fucking downgrade, and insulting to see the tooltips when ITS A FUCKING 2 X 10 GRID like isn't it OBVIOUS YOU DUMB ASSHOLES? fucking KDE dropped the ball with the new system tray.

I want the person or they/thems responsible to die a brutal death in a high speed accident hopefully as soon as Canadian Thanksgiving (this coming Monday) Fuck the new system tray layout in KDE.
You actually use that menu?

Set the thing you're looking for to show all of the time in the tray. Most stuff hides/shows intelligently anyway.
To elaborate, the menu you're looking at is an overflow menu for things Plasma thinks are not relevant right now, for example, you don't have a device connected to KDE Connect right now so the indicator is hidden.

You can change any of these to show all of the time ("Always") instead of "When relevant". You can also disable them altogether.
Show nose, Chaim.
>I'm unclear about getting dlls loaded in this context
don't load dxvk through mod organizer, install dxvk into the wine prefix and set the override in winecfg
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>be white with blue eyes and all
>also be ESL
>internets think you are brown because of bad english
fugs life
Not sure if a thing on Linux as everyone just types to their terminals. There's still the old "Conky" though.
Niggers would use widgets provided by their desktop environment.
>distro to choose
Partition correctly and distrohop with ease, even without installers.
It's some kind of low IQ meme that you should pick a distro at random and stick with it for the rest of your life.
>last time I used mint I constantly ran into issues with shit not working because everything was old
Have no idea on their Nvidia support but I'd try EndeavourOS. It's just Arch but with newbie friendly installer.
>and how to change the DE
So you know what packages are so you could try plain old Arch Linux.
What I had was a FNV specific dll to drop into its root directory, which is what is called for with every other .dll-based thing. I'm running this through Lutris which it appears actually does use DXVK by default, but I don't know how to confirm that any of this stuff is actually operating without some sentinel (like the hotkey to call specialk config doing nothing). I think what I'm most unclear about is this environmental stuff being passed to the actual game process given that it is being launched by mod organizer to which I think any configured settings are assigned. Does that get passed to a launched child process? Right now I'm looking at turning on gamescope which I think should let me alt tab normally with the game set on exclusive fullscreen (a sentinel of it not spazzing the fuck out), in addition to setting an fps limit.
>Niggers would use widgets provided by their desktop environment.
That's all you need.
You can't see shit here. I made the panel height 50px for illustrative purposes.
I was using debian+xfce before I fell for the wayland meme and switched to plasma, which is more slow and much more of a resource hog. Should I switch back to xfce or should I wait for the projected release of plasma 6.1 with debian 13 next year?
You should fix your setup. Why is it "more slow and much more of a resource hog"? I've heard this from some Nvidiots but never seen it myself.
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>Lutris which it appears actually does use DXVK by default, but I don't know how to confirm
it should be on by default, it'll show up on mangohud too
>Does that get passed to a launched child process?
if you set an env variable in lutris then yes it'll get passed to the game launched by mod organizer
you're trying to drop in a dll that has the same name as a dxvk dll you'll probably need to add it as an override with an asterisk (pic related)
>you're trying to
*if you're trying to
>internet it required to install linux

fuck sake
what distros even allow fully offline installs these days aside from slackware?
Gentoo (providing you have all of the distfiles at hand)
distros? idk, but windows can be installed offline. u know, for servers n stuff.

i have to download packages from a different machine and transfer them across via US fucking B

kek is this what GNU/LINUX has come to?
doesn't every ISO that isn't a net installer allow offline installs?
but i thought all the big linux distros these days were netinstalls

supposedly there's a debian DVD but i don't know how complete that is
There are Linux distros with "Everything" or "Full" isos. Look for that, you'll know them immediately when you see them because they'll be massive, at least 4 GB maybe bigger.

A lot of them are because it's inconvenient to have a massive ISO image that frequently gets outdated. Usually they still maintain offline installation media though. I don't know of a distro that physically can't be installed offline, it's just a lot of the default installation instructions push you to a direction that does an online installation since 90% of the time that's what you want anyway. People doing airgapped installs of Linux distros are weird and know what they're doing anyway.
Ubuntu, Mint and Fedora by default aren't net installs. Debian had a bunch of different installers last I checked but their shitty website design makes it hard to find.
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Almost every distro does this.
>i thought all the big linux distros these days were netinstalls
What made you think that? Those DVD images are absolutely huge.
Back when I was into installers I had a hard time finding small ones. Had to pay 70€ for a 4GB stick back then.
many years ago during a time when i didn't have constant internet access, what i did was simply make an rsync copy of the entire official ubuntu repositories, it wasn't terribly big. this way i could install whatever i wanted without an internet connection later. i could also do installs from that
the repos are really just a file store, there's no server-side processing needed, so there's no difference at all between a remote repo and a local copy
are you trying to install a rolling release distro offline? what's the point?
fair enough
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if you know how to pass my phone through as a gateway via USB to linux that'd be great.
It slows down your cumming with X86 Emulation in a VM so you last two times longer
not him but i'm doing that right now, just turn on usb tethering on the phone
its in a VM. fuck this gay earth. the VM cant see the phone as an internet connection
NTA but I don't know what your host is, but normally the guest can share an internet connection with the host without having to resort to HW passthrough. Try messing with the network settings of the virtual machine in your VM manager application.
oh i see, either make a bridge (what i did) or if you only need it in the vm for now, just pass through the phone as a usb device
I want to build a small Linux home server, do you guys have hardware recommendations?
what are you going to use it for? NAS? Host some services? game servers?
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Any PC.

Probably, if I can get ZFS running...

>Host some services?

Definitely. Local build server and git server and torrents and whatever else I can think of I guess.

>game servers?

Maybe. I'm thinking no.

I just want a modestly powerful headless Linux computer I can SSH into, and hopefully with 100% upstreamed drivers.
How do I get that thing where i see peoples terminal autocomplete commands? i use konsole and i guess bash?
Definitely a PC.
Do you just want internet or what? Most VM hosts do NAT or MACVTAP. NAT is the stupid but just works solution.
fish can remember entire commands from the history, though with bash you need the bash-completion package to set that up which a lot of distros usually include by default anyway.
Bash lets me remember on my own.
What's the easiest way to set a deadzone for a controller's joystick? Using Wayland and xpadneo.
if you want to know how i bridged it;

this creates a virtual bridge device


this puts all the ethernet devices in the virtual bridge (incl. internal ethernet and usb tethering ethernet)


this configures the bridge with a dhcp client

then in the VM software, configure it to use the bridge interface (pic)
now everything is on the same network by means of a bridge, no need for NAT
It's shell trickery. For Bash there's a package "bash-completion".
Better idea for your 60-physical.network:

Kind=!* filters anything with "kind" like tunnels.
After reinstalling debian, my router will not connect to litter.catbox.moe or mangadex.org. I get certificate errors. If I switch my DNS on my router, it works for a few minutes then throws the error again. Tethering my phone to the pc gets around it, and it's affecting all devices on the network, so I know it's my router or ISP. When I run traceroute to any other website I get normal output, when I run a traceroute to either of those domains, I get nothing but the routers ip address, it never leaves my router. These are the only two domains I've ever had DNS/Cert issues with in the past, and clearing cache and cookies or updating my network time always fixed it, but as of right now nothing fixes it.

Why are those two domains so difficult to access, and why would reinstalling Debian bork them routerwide? Why can I access normal domains on catbox.moe, but not the litter.catbox.moe domain?
>Why can I access normal domains on catbox.moe, but not the litter.catbox.moe domain?
Is the site down? I can't access either
try litterbox.catbox.moe, litter is just the domain the images get uploaded to. I can't access either, but the normal catbox.moe domain and all it's files work fine.
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I just replaced Grub with Limine. It's very nice:

I don't even need a bootloader on EFI systems but the shit laptop I'm typing this on is still legacy BIOS crap.

The Limine developers philosophy very much lines up with my own:

They understand that a bootloader should be simple!
Anyone got spotube to actually work?
All these bootloaders that're supposedly better then GRUB all have so much more work needed to get them working
Just bought a Bluetooth dongle, what is the best way to secure my system from glowies trying to gain access through Bluetooth?
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EFI-stubs are the simplest though. Assumed you got a system that automatically generates you a combined kernel+initramfs blob. Now this \\EFI\linux\linux6.11.whatever.efi gets picked by rEFInd for example. Or it could be a static entry as \\EFI\linux\linux.efi.
i thought bluetooth was encrypted
>the best way
not using bluethooth at all. Can't get more secure than that.
Limine isn't complicated if you read the docs but because it doesn't have a grub-mkconfig script it needs "so much more work".

Actually I just wrote a simple script to do just that:

cd /boot || exit 1

cat <<EOF
timeout: 5

for f in vmlinuz*
case "${f}" in
echo "${f}"
done | sort -V -r | while read -r k
[ -e /boot/"$k" ] || continue
cat <<EOF

/Gentoo GNU/Linux, with Linux ${k##vmlinuz-}
protocol: linux
kernel_path: boot():/boot/${k}
kernel_cmdline: root=PARTUUID=80f49af4-02 ro i915.modeset=1 raid=noautodetect sysctl.net.core.default_qdisc=fq_codel init=/sbin/openrc-init
module_path: boot():/boot/intel-uc.img
module_path: boot():/boot/early_ucode.cpio

if [ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ]
limine enroll-config --reset /boot/limine-bios.sys
limine enroll-config /boot/limine-bios.sys $(cksum -a blake2b --untagged /boot/limine.conf | awk '{print $1}')

Which outputs boot entries for all my kernels like this:
$ /boot/gen-limine | head
timeout: 5

/Gentoo GNU/Linux, with Linux 6.11.3-zen1
protocol: linux
kernel_path: boot():/boot/vmlinuz-6.11.3-zen1
kernel_cmdline: root=PARTUUID=80f49af4-02 ro i915.modeset=1 raid=noautodetect sysctl.net.core.default_qdisc=fq_codel init=/sbin/openrc-init
module_path: boot():/boot/intel-uc.img
module_path: boot():/boot/early_ucode.cpio

/Gentoo GNU/Linux, with Linux 6.11.3-gentoo-dist
Do any of you run Windows + WSL?

It means you can do all the Linux stuff you want with WSL, but you get the best performance for games if you're running them on Windows
Why in the world would I do that, I want something I can use for the rest of my life and not waste my time being a tinkertranny. I also don't want to fuck around with tons of partitions, the less the better.

Why arch? Is there any good reason to use it over ubuntu except >le bloat

>plain arch
Wouldn't I have to set up a ton of shit myself before my PC is usable again?
I figured it out. I lost power at some point and my modem defaulted to some awful DNS setting overriding the router and firefox. I guess I just didn't notice because I was too busy backing up and configuring partitions and trying to get UEFI right for 2 days. Looks like my ISPs DNS has no idea who their registrar is because it's trash.

I hadn't messed with DNS settings outside of browser in linux for years and was confident I messed up some file in /etc or something.
It is but hackers can probably still connect to it somehow.

I'm trying to make my system secure as possible. So far i've setup 2factor verification with google authenticator for, desktop login, console login, sudo commands, remote access and shh access.

No one can log into my pc or run anything that requires root or sudo privileges without using a verification code from my google authenticator app.

Just want to make sure no one can access anything through bluetooth either.
youve also got luks encryption right? theres a reason places where security is a priority use wired and ban via, you can never be sure and it reduces attack vectors
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>Why in the world would I do that
Why try options? To see them(?)
>Why arch?
That's my second option after Mint. New crap is good for modern desktops and hey, Arch is still a basic binary package system. The system mostly "builds" the same as Ubuntu for example.
Although if you start using AUR you can expect builds from source codes and that makes the system a bit Gentoo'ish.
>Wouldn't I have to set up a ton of shit
Kinda. It's mostly about slapping in packages and knowing some of them can be tricky for a newish user. But the search feature helps you finding most of the stuff.
idk, can't really be a fan of any Linux distribution
Don't have luks but I might give that a go today.
>Wouldn't I have to set up a ton of shit myself before my PC is usable again?
not really, arch has an installer now
all your security is useless without encryption since you can just plug your drive into a different pc and copy everything
You can use flatpaks to get up to date apps on distros that ship older packages.
KDE Plasma is the best desktop environment there is, with the most features and most similarity to Windows.
I'll briefly comment on the distros I've used the most
The biggest issue in my experience is that Discover, its software manager, does not support snap updates, so when it says "up to date" the system may not actually be up to date. You have to run sudo snap refresh to manually refresh, which is important on a fresh install with a very outdated browser, or you wait for it to autoupdate every 6 hours or so.
>Mint (Cinnamon)
Works pretty much out of the box, the desktop works but is not as fully featured and the default file manager isn't as fast as KDE's.
Arch with very easy setup that gives you the latest KDE Plasma. You only need to learn a few terminal commands to update, install and remove packages. Comes with yay for AUR support. Being a bleeding edge rolling release, you are more likely to encounter update-related issues so do make system snapshots.
Best community support forum of all distros.
>my modem defaulted to some awful DNS setting
the fuck are you talking about?
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I don't really understand it either, I just know my ISP is shit and I should probably replace that modem instead of just the router behind it.
Your modem dials its connection over PPPoE or DHCP both of which can carry DNS information and subsequently transfer that down to your LAN if you're a retard that doesn't override this DNS information with something better of your own
Linux thread not being very Linuxy now!
Likely the server in the DHCP reply or the router's parent DNS.
Go to its web console at http://gateway and replace "gateway" with its IP address. Then reconfigure yourself a nice parent DNS.
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>device has key
>sends this key to another IP:port
unencrypted, whatever, it's a straight thru cable between boxes
>receiving device uses it for opening a device using cryptsetup
What are some ways of accomplishing this? It could (temporarily) exist as /tmp/key on the receiving end for all I care.
Both be running systemd/Linux.
You could literally write a simple HTTP server in Python, Go, Rust or Node in 5 minutes to do that
Hell, you could probably do it in shell with nothing but Netcat even
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Dude I'm just a computer user. Although I can roughly do sorts of shell scripting and write service files.
Only if it actually worked in real life scenarios.
The easiest way would probably be to just use SSH or Rsync or Scp
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Thanks. And it's SCP obviously for me, didn't even know it existed.
Any usable distro that use RAM only?
And I can remove the Live USB?
>Better idea for your 60-physical.network:
nice, thanks
my go-to livecd is systemrescuecd, comes with lots of tools you might want in a livecd, and it can be booted entirely into ram (optional during boot), and yes, that means you can remove the usb drive once it's loaded
Yeah, but this is like troubleshooting distro.
I want something for everyday use.
I need to boot from SD card, and no writing.
Is NTFS safe/reliable to use on Linux?
in hyprland is there a way to have separate mouse settings for different programs? i like having a low touchpad scroll speed for my browser but a very high one for the terminal, is there some way to do this?
>Yeah, but this is like troubleshooting distro.
it is, but it does come with some basics like xfce and firefox
maybe you could try a custom systemrescuecd image;
or maybe someone else has a better option for you

yes, though it shouldn't be a regular-use filesystem when you're only using linux, because linux doesn't have an fsck (chkdsk) for ntfs, this means it's unable to check for or repair any damage such as from a power cut, it's expected to be used only after windows has checked it. if linux isn't your main os, then yes, it's fine to use
There are two drives on my machine. The second drive contains a lot of personal stuff etc and I have an additional external drive which is simply a daily backup of my second drive. Do you think it's safe to use NTFS for the external drive?
Hey /g/, did ebussy really even exist?
sure, provided you're willing to run chkdsk in windows if you have a power loss or crash while it's mounted read-write, to be specific.
note that this technically doesn't require a windows install, even just booting a windows install cd on metal or a virtual machine will do
usually, you're either using both os's so it's not a problem to let windows check it if needed, or you're only using linux and should consider getting it converted over to a native linux filesystem
using ntfs has other limitation as well, it doesn't support all linux filesystem features and its' performance isn't as good as a native filesystem either (when using the typical ntfs-3g driver, the newer ntfs3 driver i'm not certain is as solid for everyday use)
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did any one of you niggers manage to get RDR2 running?
i downloaded a DODI repack (v1436.28). the game doesn't even start no matter which wine version i try. one anon recommended umu-launcher but that didn't help either. im on nvidia driver 560.35.03.
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I'm trying to install void-linux on my laptop, but my NVMe not showing up
if i run flatpak mask com.google.Chrome
it will stop updating chrome right
I want to crop the lower side of a video since it contains sensitive information and i don't know how to use kdenlive, the interface is trash, you know the drill. Show me an ffmpeg command that accomplishes my goal, thanks!!!!
That Chrome flatpak isn't official, personally I would just install it from the official deb/rpm if you want it

Or install Chromium I guess

Or official Chrome using Wine, maybe that would work
>reinstalled arch a few hours ago
>everything works fine
>don't change any settings, just installed libreoffice, firefox and imagemagick

>Internet (Ethernet) suddenly cuts out while using the browser
>restarting doesn't fix it
>Internet works fine on other computers, with that ethernet cable
>can't find a network manager in xfce
>tried to start Network manager service, "does not exist"
>same issue with dhcpcd

I can't even download anything that might fix the problem
Most have. Vast majority of ISO images you're gonna find just dump their content into the install directory. Specialized distributions like Redhat have special kitchen sink editions with +10GBs of packages to perform truly offline install and grab what you need from there but you have to look for them.
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a small update, this is the log i'm getting, the game is "running" according to lutris, and RDR2.exe is using 20% CPU, but nothing else
How did you establish connectivity in the first place?
It just worked. Naturally I didn't check to see if network manager existed at that time, so who knows
It took like 2s to Google this, pal
Hah! For a wired connection I'd
# /etc/systemd/network/00-internet.network

Not sure if 00 is the correct thing to do but otherwise the thing's correct.
¿is there any good security camera brand that streams on like an open protocol instead of some propietary app thing? idk anything about security cams but i want some for my front porch
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Are there any real alternatives to the task bar on KDE Plasma? It just feels really weak and plain compared to how much you can flesh out everything else with add ons
the number in "00-" just determines in what order each file is processed, as in like if you sorted the folder by name
Should I use Librewolf or GNU Icecat?
It's just I wouldn't know what number I'm "supposed to" use. Like is first the safest regarding system defaults or should I override everything with 99?
>current year
>manual shenanigans
Using debian for 4 years straight with 0 issues. All these nonsense bleeding edge distros are useless, if you want shit done and no bullshit just install debian.
if the configuration snippet depends on another one, then make it a higher number than the other one. if another one depends on the one you're writing/editing, then it needs to be a lower number than that
for a common system where you're basically just turning on dhcp and nothing else, it doesn't matter what number you use, since you probably only have one file in there anyway
uh huh, and how long have you used a bleeding edge distro for?
>i haven't
then don't comment on how stable or not you think they are
I used arch linux for 3 years before I switched to debian. Arch was broken more than once during that time for me after updates.
In that 4 years of debian you had like 1 update at most. Bit early to come to conclusions.
My point is that I don't need the most up-to-date software and I think many people are the same but they just think they need bleeding edge. I'm very happy with a stable system that mostly receives security updates.
My point is that stable distros still have update problems and when they come they are harder to fix than on a rolling distro.
do you have to do anything to install foreign languages in fedora
i have even installed langpacks and still when i use the font its still shows as english characters even when viewing the fonts
one of the reasons i switched to arch initially was to avoid dist-upgrades
>install foreign languages
you may have to generate the locale
>still when i use the font its still shows as english characters even when viewing the fonts
I don't even know what you're trying to tell me.
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I installed Nix without root privileges, how do i use it to compile software without shitting up the bed?
No, not even close. Old driver is probably more stable but slow and new one is still buggy.
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Sorry for asking dumb questions yesterday. I forgot I could just ask the AI for help.
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Have any of you used Kate? It seems alright

More lightweight than VS Code, and it's FOSS unlike Sublime
It seems ok but I always just go back to emacs
use KDevelop instead
i have both kate and kwrite and both look similar
whats the difference
>you may have to generate the locale
i dont want to use the language in the system, only need it for viewing it, so this step is not necessary right

>I don't even know what you're trying to tell me.
sorry i mean when i try to view a font after downloading the zip file, usually it will show the font with the correct language right
but for me its still shows the English characters
I just install a fresh copy. It's only once every 2 years and you can get everything back to your liking in a few minutes.
>when i try to view a font after downloading the zip file
I'd advice against that, but for now I'll skip it
>usually it will show the font with the correct language right
but for me its still shows the English characters
erm, what? Fonts should contain characters, all of them should contain the Enlish characters. What language you form by using those characters is out of scope for the font.
That you'd rather do that than updating the system hints that the update process isn't optimal.
Getting everything back in a few minutes is good for you.
Click "Show alternatives" on the widget. You can have a task list, etc.
You open a document with some text from that language and check it looks alright. Or are you just installing all of these language packs for the fun of it?
Might as well use QT Creator at that point.
anyone here installed acestream in Arch successfully?
how do i remove all the info that bash/zsh shows and how do i move it to the top or even bottom of my terminal? can kitty do that?
check .bashrc, /etc/profile, and whatever startup scripts for your particular shell
Nothing is optimal. You either use a system that can have issues on dist-upgrades or a system that can have issues on every update.
stop using shit like oh my posh
Power loss isn't an issue. ntfs still has a journal. Most likely if you need to run chkdsk it's a hardware problem.
They kind of are the same, Kwrite is Kate but with reduced features.
I use it for Bash scripts and note taking, works well enough.
alias nigger=whoami
this literally broke my install kek
what a fucking joke
kwrite is a simple kate, I usually use it as a notepad alternative
They use the same core, Kate is just Kwrite with bloat.
you can run waybar on plasma. would actually be pretty cool to have addons that hooked into plasma.
New thread:
Have you installed the Linux firmware? Might need to configure the kernel as well.
Most of them have some kind of 'copy to ram' option you can pass to the kernel. toram for Ubuntu, rd.live.ram=1 for Fedora. Ubuntu actually has a lot of good customization options for their live images.

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