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Previous thread: >>102788902
the whole "Arch means suffering" meme has to die. it's quite literally the most reliable distro I've ever used. surely you want to use GNOME and Wayland for extra certainty
KDE has put their apps on both Flathub and the Snap store so you can get the latest versions no matter what distro you're on

Pretty good I think
I only install Akregator in the Flatpak because it has some horrible dependencies.

It's not the greatest app of there's either. If anyone has suggestions for a better graphical RSS feed reader (not shit like Newsboat) I'm all ears.
It's possible you're just better at administrating Linux than you were. The only disros I have legit reliability issues with are obscure ones with no users like Void or Alpine.
elfeed in emacs
>bought a USB dongle
>doesn't work
>have to configure kernel
>make changes
Now I'm waiting for it to finish compiling, I hope these kernel changes work :3
The whole distro dispute needs to end. There's literally no difference between any distro, you can do anything you can do on LFS than you can on Ubuntu
Let me guess, you don't care about politics.
I use Thunderbird just because I use it for mail anyway, and it's pretty reliable about keeping the database unlike browser extension based readers.
The difference is in the tooling. I could do the same stuff on LFS and Ubuntu but I use Gentoo because it has the best tooling.

Arch has better tooling than LFS or Ubuntu with its ABS
Void has a good ports system (or so I'm told)
But still nothing beats Gentoo for me. Portage is unmatched.
The purpose of a distro is to save time. You pick the one that lets you have what you want with the least drudge work.
Hey guys, what are your must have tools or workarounds for taming the nightmare that is gtk theming? Also I am having trouble starting pipewire with my DE. I put this in my .xinitrc per the Arch wiki:
/usr/bin/pipewire &
/usr/bin/pipewire-pulse &
/usr/bin/wireplumber &
exec mate-session

I still end up having to start all these services in the cli, or quit and reopen the x server for my audio to start working. It never really works the first time.
Pipewire relies on dbus. If you don't start dbus before pipewire it won't work.
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Emu bros, this is urgent... Ryujinx was just C&D'd off the internet by Nintendo but the flatpak is still listed in the Software Manager on Mint. It's not listed on flathub anymore but it downloads from the SW. How do I save the installer from here?
Install it and then dump it to a folder with
flatpak create-usb
which will basically replicate the OSTree repo into that directory so you can pack it up into a tarballs or put it on a USB, etc.
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t. Ubuntu baby
the fuck am i reading
discord is on 0.0.71-1 on aur
if i try updating my local install with yay (yay -Sy discord), I get version 0.0.58-1.
how come? I didnt even know this could happen
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discord isn't in the AUR, it's in extra.
Let's say I want to have a chroot with 32 bit libraries on top of a 64 bit GNU/Linux OS

It should work, right?
why wouldn't it? multilib is a thing you know?
Interesting. Maybe I should try it when I have time.
oh yea
anyway `pacman -Sy` also gives me 0.0.58
pacman -Qi discord
what does it show as the version?
Damn, not working.

Can't switch bluetooth on in Gnome.
I'm using a ugreen CM748 bluetooth dongle but it doesn't seem to be working.

Found this recommended

sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential git dkms
git clone https://github.com/brektrou/rtl8821CU.git
cd rtl8821CU
chmod +x dkms-install.sh
sudo ./dkms-install.sh

But doesn't seem to work, does anyone know how to into bluetooth?
Yes, providing the kernel has the necessary multiarch enabled. Nothing else is needed from your 64-bit host system in terms of user-space.

I do this on my Gentoo system to run steam. My Gentoo system is a pure 64-bit system with no multilib crap and I run an Arch chroot when I want to game.
 sudo pacman -Qi discord
Name : discord
Version : 0.0.58-1
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and pacman -Ss discord shows the correct version?

What if you deinstall it then reinstall it?
Your mirrors might be out of sync.
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You lied to me /g/. Ubuntu 24.04 LTS is great. The perfect workstation for me.
Migut grab Kate and Kdenlive from this, only Plasma-only apps i use that aren't Dolphin and Konsome (which don't make much sense as Flatpaks IMO)
>Workstation use
Into the trash it goes
Thanks, anon. I did this and it created a directory structure:
flatpak remote-modify --collection-id=org.flathub.Stable flathub
flatpak --verbose create-usb /home/accountname/Desktop/fakeusbfolder org.ryujinx.Ryujinx

But how would I go about installing with this? The directory structure it made is super confusing. Seems like it would be easier to just compress the folder in .var/app and hope for the best.
Ok nvm there are install instructions on this page.
How do i resolve key failures with gpg and pacman? I'm trying to install the librewolf binary but i got an unknown public key failure. so i tried to import the key with
gpg --recv-key XXXXXXXXXXXX
gpg: keyserver receive failed: Server indicated a failure

and got this error.
Try specifying a different key server
whomst'sve keyserver do i use? i don't even know how to find one.
ah, got a updated list from reflector and now seems right
lets hope nothing breaks
There's a couple of them, MIT has one, Ubuntu has one, etc. People usually publish their keys to multiple keyservers so if one isn't working right you can get it from another, or you can see if the author posts their public key on their website or somewhere else, etc, and manually import it that way.
okay i'll try those thanks.
It just works
For office use maybe
I don't use it myself because it's a bit bloated but I like the polish of it
yeah nogo with either unbuntu or MIT. so i search the key specifically on the server and it's found, with no expiration date on it.
i guess the problem is on my end?
Do you have correct date/time?
By correct, it has to be really correct, no wild deviations, etc, otherwise GPG might reject the key.

Check you SNTP enabled with timedatectl
correct and enabled.
I guess the problem is GPG somehow then. I think you can still download the key in your web browser off of the keyservers site and then do something like:
gpg --import < blah.key
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that worked. thanks.
now i'm worried gpg is gonna shit out soon.
I wouldn't worry about it. It'll probably fix itself after a restart.

GPG is a pretty complicated piece of software, it's buggy sometimes. There's multiple shitty daemons (e.g, gpg-agent, scdaemon, etc) all communicating with each other and they crap out sometimes.


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I want to install Parabola OpenRC on a Librebooted machine, but I'm not sure how to encrypt my drive considering all the guides I found were outdated. Can someone please point me to to an up to date encryption guide that works for Parabola?
Alpine is the only good one on this list
I want to run Debian on my Dell Latitude.
I need the package libfprint2-tod1-broadcom fr the fingerprint sensor to work.
Ubuntu has it, Arch has it in the AUR, OpenSUSE has it with packman. Debian doesn't have it.
How can i get a package that will work on Debian?
Why is filesystem situation on Linux so bad? ext4 works, but doesn't have features. zfs is not in-tree. btrfs is unstable. bcachefs is shitmess yolo programming style.
BTRFS is perfectly stable. The write hole issue is something you're never going to hit
I'm using btrfs, but anons always say it is bad, sad.
Because they listen to Redditors all day instead of reading the upstream docs or trying it for themselves:

Literally everything is stable except for Raid56. There are some features that are "Mostly okay" and could use some improvements but nothing that will "Eat your data" like the Bcachefs developer would have you believe.
for some reason, none of my flash drives are working when attempting to boot from them for arch install. can I not create a (temporary) live partition on my drive instead? how would I go about doing this?
Got a new computer, but it has Win11 pre-installed and I already hate it enough that I'm considering finally taking the Linuxpill
I hate to be That Guy, but sell me on Linux.
Which fork is best for a newbie, what stuff can I do/not do anymore on Linux, as someone who has 0 programming knowledge, but decently knows their way around a computer (generally)
>sell me on Linux
get a mac instead
Disgusting. I grew up looking at porn on my shitty apple laptop 15 years ago, I'm never going back. I'll take Windows 11 over that

I mostly use my PC for honeyview/MPC/Steam and occasionally video editing, I'm most worried about what I won't be able to use my easy shit like I'm used to
My knowledge of linux is a good decade out of date, back when it wasn't as compatible with a lot of things, and I completely admit I'm just too lazy to figure out myself and I'm hoping for spoonfeeding. What percentage of steam games would run on Linux, would you say?
Fedora or a Debian based distro like Ubuntu does the trick. You can download the ISO files and put them on a USB stick to try it out without installing anything.
There's a concept on Linux called Desktop Environment, which is basically the graphical shell the user has to interact with the OS, which unlike on Windows or MacOS isn't hardcoded and runs like a client/compositor on top a graphical stack, and i think is one that makes the newcomers scratch their heads the most.

Gnome is the default DE used by many corporate distros mostly because historical bias (it has been fully open source and developed since a very long time ago) and stability, but it has been morphed in something strange that doesn't resemble WIndows at all. Some people like it, many don't, but is stable. Plasma is the other big DE, a lot more closer to Windows UI paradigm and featureful but it has its quirks and bugs. Nothing that makes it unusable but still can look rough around the edges.
There are smaller DEs like XFCE, LXQt and Cinnamon around but they don't have the same amount of manpower and features, they're mostly amied at laymen that want something simple without need of many modern features like HDR or to run on old hardware. They're usable but have more friction for some minor things compared with the other two.
Hi, whats an good app to read me all kinds of text input localy?
If you want to tinker and have absolute freedom of your configuration use Arch. This will give you best experience for desktop/gaming as it is rolling and things are up-to-date.
If you want just-works experience, install Ubuntu. Of course there are dozens of distros in-between. The choice is how much initial time to configure you have. You don't need programming experience, just brain to follow instructions form wiki
>btrfs is unstable. bcachefs is shitmess yolo programming style.
you only believe btrfs is unstable because of what the shitmess yolo programmer said about it though.
>none of my flash drives are working when attempting to boot from them
How did you write them?
with unetbootin. maybe it’s the flash drive itself. it’s a very old sandisk cruzer, 4 GB, with that stupid u3 technology
Did you disable secure boot?
How's Helix? I feel to lazy to tangle nvim into something i find useful.
Dear god people.

If any of you (and i know you faggots are) are using linux as your everyday OS, you are fucking stupid. None of you are important enough to warrant needing some super secure thing. One of the reasons it's good for security is because if you want to open a .txt you need to write a whole new fucking program just to open it. If I want to install a god damn internet browser, i dont want to have to spend 4 years learning C## to look at some fucking video on youtube.

It's not compatible with any games, it's nothing special for programming (unless youre looking to practice coding by writing new programs to open your fucking browser). So, what else is there besides the internet? Use something that doesnt take 8 fucking years to learn to use.

If youre using it to run a server, great, I can see that. But you faggots using it as a daily OS are so fucking stupid.

Sure, it looks nice. But even if every time I took a shit, it came out looking like a perfect goddamn sculpture, at the end of the day it's still a pile of shit.

I guess you might be able to impress your friends with your super badass computer knowlege, but you probably dont have any. Thats not a personal thing against any of you, but I really cant imagine having time to socialize when you have to spend 18+ hours a day to learn how to install a fucking program.

But do what you want, if you enjoy having to type SUDO SUDO FUCKMYASS every time you want to check facebook, be my guest.
>paying to shitpost
any pixelorama users?
how do i just open a file from commandline with it?
It's like a single option lol.
Assumed your Linux system is built like that. There are purely 64bit systems out there that won't run 32bit binaries at all.
But I guess those are rare cases.
didn't read, I bet you got filtered by something like elementaryOS
>It's like a single option lol.
It is, yes. Most distro kernels will be compiling with it enabled. If you're compiling your own then you should make sure you have that option and aren't building a pure 64-bit kernel image.
The option in question being:
Fedora or Ubuntu LTS. I'd lean Ubuntu at this point so you don't have to even bother with rpmfusion on Fedora. Mint used to be the go to rec for new users but there are reasons it is not anymore
>What percentage of steam games would run on Linux, would you say?
70% maybe? Most popular stuff will run fine as long as it doesn't require kernel level anti cheat. You can check proton db for specific titles
why not? same situation as op but i have a laptop and wanna dualboot a distro along win 11 for work and ricing. i decided between mint and probably kubuntu, unless there's a better one for beginners
mint is fine honestly, people schizo out over a site security breach 8 years ago. kubuntu is a little buggy currently if the thread on the catalog is anything to go by.
If you think people use Linux because it's secure you're retarded. Linux is not that secure.
The best way to find out is to just take the plunge and find out for yourself.

There may be some things you can't get to work but you might be able to find alternatives or workarounds. Install it and see how far you get. You can always wipe it and reinstall Windows again if you need to.
90% according to protondb, but only 20% don't require tinkering. My anecdotal experience says the second figure is pessimistic, but I only use proton if normal wine doesn't work because proton introduces its share of regressions.
It's still a damn sight more secure than Windows which is what people often compare it to.

It's true that it could be more secure though. Linux deliberately doesn't give in to the security schizos because there are downsides to that. It tries to be a secure general purpose system, not something that's completely impenetrable.
ah gotcha, guess ill go for mint
>obscure ones with no users
Only if we had a list for retards from which distributions to pick.
-Fedora (and whatever 'flavors')
Not really and technically a distribution but
>Most distro kernels will be compiling with it enabled
Obviously. But you need more than the kernel option, you need multilib system itself. Starting from libc.
People get "filtered" by bad hardware. Or by the sheer minimalism of some neckbeard distro. Like one guy saying Arch had broken networking as it didn't come with Wi-Fi tools installed out of the box. Go figure.
yes I did
>Obviously. But you need more than the kernel option, you need multilib system itself. Starting from libc.
You need that in the chroot, yes. You don't need any of that on your base system though (my Gentoo system is pure 64-bit with no multilib but I can still run 32-bit binaries inside of a container or chroot).
I'm not qualified to say how it compares to Windows but I heard any app running in an X server can listen to your keystrokes whether it is focused or not and most people run their DE on Xorg. When I heard that I was really surprised because it sounds like something that should make Xorg completely unusable if it weren't for the fact that most Linux users know better than to download the sort of software to exploit that.
An app can do the exact same thing on Windows (except for UAC protected windows). How do you think something like AutoHotKey works?

On Linux the world has largely moved on to Wayland now which is a modern display protocol that fixes this and more. There's still legacy compatibility with X11 via XWayland but no more can any old app listen to all of your keystrokes (just the cludgy X11 apps and only these apps and they don't receive every keystroke either, only keystrokes the compositor decides to send it).
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>ran steamOS btrfs on my switch i mean deck
>thought it was fucked because it was stuck on the reboot logo for 12+ hours
>hard power down + volume up button + power, select last update (current had 4 errors idk)
>select wipe everything and reinstall old image
>still have some directories from the btrfs install
How do I check if my /home partition is btrfs on eck?
Ik I shouldn't have done this bc I have no idea what I'm doing
cat /proc/mounts
Could always try out Linux Mint in virtualbox, see how it feels, or boot to a linux mint installer, and just play around with it a bit without installing. Or install a distro to a external disk and boot to said disk and fool around, but it may be a little slow if it's not USB 3.x
maaa nigger thank you play boa
Hi anons, I want to have the taskbar that is present on Ubuntu on my Debian machine. I want it to be hidden and appear when I move mouse cursor there just like on the screenshot. On Debian I have to press Windows key to show favorite and currently used apps.
mint was just green ubuntu but now that they are ubuntu without snaps they actually offer something valuable.
>ntfs still has a journal
yes, but it's metadata-only
any time you have an unclean unmount of an ntfs volume in linux, the volume will be marked dirty, as it normally would, but this means linux will refuse to mount it read-write afterwards, as it's unable to check it to mark it clean again. you can use "ntfsfix" to clear the dirty bit, but this is not something you should be using for regular use, as all it does it clears the dirty bit, it does not check the filesystem for consistency
yea well, you can run computer programs with a pen, paper, and some documentation as well if you really want to, it's not about what you can run, rather how well it suits your needs. in many cases most distros can be configured to suit many needs, so i agree that for the average desktop user it hardly matters what distro you use, just pick something that is either close to what you want or provides the means to most easily make it what you want
the write hole is both hard to hit and not even that bad, at least when you compare it to basic filesystems like ext4
basically you have to be using raid5/6 (since the write hole is exclusively related to how raid5/6 works), then you have to have an unclean unmount (power loss, crash, etc), then one of the drives has to die before you scrub after said unclean unmount, and only then do you have the chance of losing a stripe of data, depending on what particular stage of writing the filesystem was doing when the machine stopped
it's possible you could lose a few files if you're extremely unlucky
>On Linux the world has largely moved on to Wayland
Largely? Are you sure?
>pretty much all the software I use supports various distros
>not a creative
>the few games I do play supposedly support linux or are otherwise platform agnostic
With all this in mind, it should just be as simple as booting from the Endeavour OS drive I have, right? I feel like I'm being really fucking stupid and overthinking things...
Is NixOS good as a daily driver if I'm not that experienced with Linux?
I've been using Windows up to this point, but do have some experience with WSL and Ubuntu from university, I'm good with using the command line for stuff, as long as I don't have to spend more time tinkering then using the OS.
I already tried it in virtualbox and really like how everything is configured from a single config file that's also versioned, so somewhat resilient to mistakes, but would like to hear if there are some pitfalls I haven't encountered.
I'd use it for work, as well as gayming, or running AI models
NixOS itself is completely different to any kind of other Linux distro so no it's not good for novices at all. Use something like Mint instead to get your feet wet.
How the fuck after installing Krita, it started to open csv files in Krita?!
What the actual fuck?
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Can anyone recommend a Bluetooth dongle that works with linux? Especially one that works with gentoo and gnome?

Need it to be able to connect game controllers like steam controller and dualshock 3.
>capslock no longer functions as backspace
So I have a linux VM I'm using for dev work. I installed manjaro linux on it, when the live cd booted it was fine and so was the install process. When I restart the vm though, it gets stuck loading I just get a spinning manjaro icon on a black screen, it never makes it to the login screen.

Thought I'd fucked something up, but then by complete accident I noticed that when the vm boots when the splash screen with the manjaro spinning log appears if I press the down arrow so I see the dmesg kernel boot sequence, the vm boots fine no issue, I've been using this as a workaround now for a few days, but I would rather disable this splash screen, but I have no idea what the fuck it is.

Does anyone know how I could get rid of it so I literally just get the dmesg / kernel boot sequence instead like you do on vanilla arch without a login manager? Not sure if this is part of light-dm or something else but i can't see any way to disable this whatever it is. I don't get a grub boot prompt either so nothing i can config there.
>caps lock as backspace
Literally why would you do this?
Ah okay I think I found an answer, was a grub thing and requires editing /etc/default/grub and removing the quiet splash options.
don't need capslock, don't have to move my hand to backspace
The two biggest desktop environments are Wayland first with X11 and afterthought, so yes, I'm sure.

Outside of that, Xfce has Wayland as a major development goal, so does LXQt, as does MATE, Cinnamon has experimental support too (its Muffin compositor is just a shitty fork of GNOME's Mutter and somebody finally did the work to make sure Wayland still works, even if the compositor is still outdated compared to everything upstream GNOME is doing).

So we've largely moved on (if you're using one of the biggest desktops) or still in the process of doing so. There will always be outliers but we're now at the point where some application vendors feel comfortable offering Wayland only support.
This motherfucker.
Apparently they have a Bluetooth 5.0 adapter now too which I've not tested but the 4.0 one definitely has Linux support.
The Gentoo GURU repository has Apple's Swift programming language packaged now. That's pretty neat. I don't know why this never took off on Linux more. I remember they were really pushing for Swift code on the server at some point.
Edimax EW-7611ULB drivers are in the linux kernel
Thanks, just ordered another one though, that says it is compatible with Linux.

>Bluetooth 5.0
This is the problem, apparently new Bluetooth 5.0 dongles have problems with Linux. The one I bought is 5.4 and won't work.
Arch install is not detecting my unallocated space on my SSD (256 GB), why is that?
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Hello friends,
I have a game folder and my own little bash scripts that I want to launch with dmenu. Problem is, they don't show up.

Is there a better way to add my own programs to the dmenu list than adding
export PATH="${PATH}:/home/username/path/to/my/program"
to my bash_profile?

It works but it feels like a hack. Is this hack good enough? What's the clean way to do it?
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For shits, I upgraded my Kubuntu 22.04 to 24.04, then 24.10
Plasma 6 in 24.10 was nice but definitely needs some refinement, was getting lots of minor annoyances like windows minnimusing to the wrong monitor, wallpaper reverting after reboot, clipboard being super inconsistent in Wayland, etc.
Hopped back to 24.04 and found that I guess apparmor defaults had changed and things like docker desktop are not supported on 24.04 presently, I couldn't get any of my docker images to run non-root.
Back to 22.04 for the foreseeable future. Glad I made backups along the way lmao.
Do you have experience with pacman? If so, is there a difference between them?
I think you can configure reflector to autoupdate and never have to worry about it again. Strongly recommend that, as well as enabling 5 parallel downloads on pacman, if you didn't.
You okay anon?
>apparently new Bluetooth 5.0 dongles have problems with Linux. The one I bought is 5.4 and won't work.
I'm sure they work, just not whatever one you bought. Buying shit like this can be annoying because it's hard to find a list of what does and doesn't work. Usually I read the reviews and see if somebody mentions Linux.
I used Arch before Gentoo, it's generally a good package manager.

Good points:
>It's fast
>Parallel downloads
>Good hooks support
>Good build-system for building packages from source (ABS)

Bad points:
>Can be less user friendly (What is the equivalent of
apt autoremove
and do you remember this off the top of your head? Veteran Arch users will but it's confusing for others)
>Its build-system is aimed at package maintainers, not regular users (Portage is better here) but AUR helpers like Paru can help here (they can patch PKGBUILDS, apply diffs/patches, etc) but they still struggle in some respects (It is 2024 and still there is no AUR helper that can
pacman wrappers/AUR helpers like paru and yay have much simpler commands set to do things like remove orphans and such at least compared to the piping needed commands to remove them if you just use pacman.
>apparently new Bluetooth 5.0 dongles have problems with Linux
Linux Bluetooth is always breaking because the stakeholders are device mfgs who only run one kernel version with one controller at a time. Just buy a fistful of cheap ones and make sure the controller chips are all different. There's no such thing as a Bluetooth controller that Linux doesn't support. I'm currently using a Cypress controller that only supports Linux.
Well there is, it's just Linux has really good support for most of them. It's the same deal with Wireless. You can find shit from Realtek and Broadcom that'll be badly supported but the vast majority of chipsets just work.
Not really because the kernel space component of Bluetooth is much smaller. Blob drivers aren't a thing, and Bluetooth IPs are developed for embedded first and then grafted on to larger chips. Linux is basically the Windows of Bluetooth. If you don't support Linux you don't have a market entry in most cases.
distrobox is pretty cool even though most of it is just a wrapper around podman, i guess it helps with automating some stuff instead of using podman directly or making your own images with a Dockerfile
i managed to set up headless waydroid over vnc with gpu accel using distrobox and the base docker image of alpine
sometime arch randomly breaks and i have no idea why or how to fix it
this time ffmpeg or mpv just randomly broke and video playback wouldnt work properly
some distros have better preconfigured defaults than others
debian does some things right and some things wrong
same with gentoo
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Because Swift was an Apple exclusive gig for 20 years out of Steve's own volition. Is just now there's a push to make it cross platform.
Is there a way to use distrobox as some sort of local build server then export the resulting artifacts to your host system without running the container? Does that depend of how bullshit the build system of the program you want to compile is? (i assume is so). I want to track the latest releases of GIMP, GzDoom, Typst and Dolphin Emu, but i don't want to fill my system with dependencies. Specially cargo bullshit.
Yeah, Plasma 6.2 solved couple of bugs. That's why i jumped to Fedora.
has anyone tried checking linux kernel with checkedC?
You could make a
file for the programs and put it in
>docker desktop
Why exactly are you using the meme desktop app? Everybody serious uses Docker through the command line.
mkdir -pv ~/bin
export PATH="${PATH}:${HOME}/bin"

Then put your program in ~/bin or drop a symlink to it (if it's in a repository in some other directory, etc)
Any ideas why this would happen?
>Mint 22 Cinnamon / ext4 drive / nemo file manager
>all drives passed short and extended SMART tests. no file system errors.
>try to transfer 50 GB of files from an ntfs usb, get constant errors, "file not found," etc.
>try again in Double Commander and the transfer goes through without a problem. Hashes all check fine after transfer, too (I created message digests with rhash beforehand).
Does nemo usually take a dump when transferring a lot of files from ntfs usb? It's making me paranoid about using it anymore.
Probably a filename character encoding issue, I'd check what options it was mounted with. Commander may have succeeded by mangling your filenames. Also whatever driver was used (ntfs-3g/ntfs3), try the other one.
Apparmor's changes outright broke all of my docker images from launching without root, including from the command line.
I added the "temp fix" thats even mentioned on the Ubuntu bug report and off of Docker's site, and it still didn't work, sockets to non-privileged users was outright broken. BUT, does work with Podman oddly enough
Whats your kernel, there was some NTFS issues with 6.2 to 6.7, and you may need to check your file names in case you have illegal for Windows characters (which you may have NTFS mounted to respect that, its not an actual NTFS limitation at all).
If commander mangled the filenames they wouldn't have passed the rhash verification from the message digests due to not finding the files. I even restarted before checking the hashes to make sure it wasn't verifying from cache, and checked the filesystem for errors, so the files after the commander transfer are 100% verified what they should be.
I'm guessing this was probably more about ntfs than nemo. I've had nothing but trouble transferring from my ntfs drives and will probably have to just reformat those to exfat or something.
Kernal is 6.8
Only other thing I can think of is that the path/filenames for some of the files was quite long.
>Kernal is 6.8
Should be good on that, the issues I was speaking of were resolved on that one.
>Only other thing I can think of is that the path/filenames for some of the files was quite long.
Could be the case.
It may sound crazy but I have 4 NTFS drives amounting to ~44TB of data that I still maintain after moving off of windows years ago, but I can't move off of due to many files having too long of file names for any *nix FS to handle, so I keep them on NTFS.
But, to maintain 100% windows compatibility with the drives, I actually share the drives with Samba, then I access the drives exclusively though those Samba shares. Samba does it's magic and makes sure that too long of folder names don't happen, deals with illegal on Windows characters like ":" or "!", etc. Samba is actually a great compatibility layer this way.
Its stupid, but it works well.
To be fair windows is really fucky with long filenames, too. It won't complain at all as you fill a folder with files, but move them all one folder deeper and suddenly it can't touch some of them.
Put it in ~/.local/bin and add that directory to your $PATH
Or use whatever directory you want.
Run aa-logprof to fix the violations or just put Docker in complain mode instead of enforce mode with aa-complain
>Is there a way to use distrobox as some sort of local build server then export the resulting artifacts to your host system without running the container? Does that depend of how bullshit the build system of the program you want to compile is? (i assume is so). I want to track the latest releases of GIMP, GzDoom, Typst and Dolphin Emu, but i don't want to fill my system with dependencies. Specially cargo bullshit.
yeah easily
distrobox automatically mounts your $HOME inside the container so everything should be seamless
the container starts on demand and not automatically on boot
Got a separate computer that is still on 24.04 that I can test that out on.
Thanks anon, I'll look in to that.
BTRFS has a few other issues that extend beyond the write hole issue
the main one is the degradation of disk performance when capacity is too high
unetbootin has always had issues
dont know if its depreciated or still gets worked on, but most people switched to ventoy instead now
>inb4 muh backdoor
only tech illiterate retards complain about ventoy being backdoored
>degradation of disk performance when capacity is too high
How many petabytes are we talking here?

I don't think that's a real consideration for most people.
Do you have to run the chroot command as sudo?
I was thinking of seeing if distrobox could be used to do something like this instead
Chroot requires root, but user namespaces like Distrobox uses do not.
It hasn't. people still use X11
And neither KDE or GNOME are the biggest desktop environments. Yes they're popular but they don't outclass the rest.
GNOME's popularity is only based on normalfags using Ubuntu and hipsters using fedora and whatever fotm immutable distro
Aside from the steamdeck, KDE is mostly an opt-in choice by users.
Mint is still popular and uses cinnamon which isnt wayland ready yet. Tons of people still use XFCE
Thank you lads
No, not ssd writes like that. I meant actual drive capacity reaching 100%
I use this mess of a script with Bubblewrap to run my Arch "chroot" (it's effectively a container) to run Steam in:
bwrap --dev-bind /dev/root/archlinux / --dev-bind /dev /dev --dev-bind /sys /sys --proc /proc --bind /var/run/dbus /var/run/dbus --setenv HOME /home/steam --tmpfs /tmp --bind /tmp/.X11-unix/X${DISPLAY##:} /tmp/.X11-unix/X${DISPLAY##:} --bind ${PULSE_SERVER/unix:} /tmp/run/pulse/native --setenv PULSE_SERVER unix:/tmp/run/pulse/native --unsetenv DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS --setenv DISPLAY ${DISPLAY} --bind $XAUTHORITY /tmp/.Xauthority --setenv XAUTHORITY /tmp/.Xauthority --setenv XDG_RUNTIME_DIR /tmp/run --bind $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/$WAYLAND_DISPLAY /tmp/run/$WAYLAND_DISPLAY --setenv XDG_CACHE_HOME /home/steam/.cache --unsetenv XDG_CONFIG_DIRS --setenv XDG_CONFIG_HOME /home/steam/.config --chdir /home/steam --unsetenv VK_ICD_FILENAMES --setenv DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS --bind /tmp/$(echo ${DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS##*/} | awk -F, '{print $1}') /tmp/$(echo ${DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS##*/} | awk -F, '{print $1}') bash "$@"

It's a mess of a command line but it works and gives me a shell to run Steam or anything else from with full access to X11/Wayland, DBus and PulseAudio (I'm not interested in sandboxing Steam. Use the Flatpak of Steam if you want that)
That applies to all SSDs equally whether you use BTRFS or not, the flash storage really doesn't like it when it gets so close to full
It's not an SSD problem.
Do any Linux file systems let you compress files the way NTFS does? I have a ton of files that compress real nice but need them to be accessible in the filesystem at all times.
Is there any way to have pipewire start by default in Artix outside of running a shell script?
>Do any Linux file systems let you do X that ntfs does
The answer is yes unless you talk about shit like running windows.
That's interesting, never thought of using bwrap as a chroot tool like that
I looked at your script, some of it is redundant, you could just bind $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR instead of having to do separate mounts for pulseaudio/pipewire/dbus/wayland and if you really wanted to as well, you could also just bind your $HOME directory to the chroot as well.
bwrap doesnt by default unset environments unless you set --clear-env which you dont seem to, so you dont need to do --set-env on DISPLAY
The same is true for almost every Wifi router yet still there are people left behind.
Assuming you're using a DE that checks /etc/xdg/autostart and $HOME/.config/autostart(or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/autostart), you can symlink the .desktop files in there
[ -d  "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/autostart" ] || mkdir "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/autostart"
for file in pipewire pipewire-pulse wireplumber ; do
ln -sv "/usr/share/applications/${file}.desktop" "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/autostart"

You can run that if you want to automate it
>inb4 typo
You can write a user service for it that starts a DBus user session bus, Wireplumber, PipeWire and PipeWire-Pulse.

I do this on my Gentoo system.
By that, I mean you set the command_user to your user.

OpenRC doesn't have proper user services but you can still write a service that starts it as your user which is what I did.
>pipewire start by default in Artix

Pipewire Start Default Artix
Based on the provided search results, it appears that pipewire is not started by default in Artix Linux. However, there are some configurations and scripts that can help enable pipewire and its services, such as pipewire-pulse, by default.

Here are some steps to consider:

1. Install pipewire-zeroconf: This package enables Avahi daemon support for network streaming, which allows sharing audio devices between computers on the network. Install it using pacman -S pipewire-zeroconf.

2. Configure pipewire-pulse: Create a symbolic link to /usr/share/examples/pipewire/20-pipewire-pulse.conf in /etc/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d/ to enable pipewire-pulse service. You can do this by running:

mkdir -p /etc/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d/
ln -s /usr/share/examples/pipewire/20-pipewire-pulse.conf /etc/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d/

Start pipewire-pulse service: You can add a systemd service file or modify an existing one to start pipewire-pulse automatically. For example, you can create a file /etc/systemd/system/pipewire-pulse.service with the following contents:

Description=Pipewire Pulse Service



Then, reload systemd daemon and enable the service: systemctl daemon-reload and systemctl enable pipewire-pulse.service. 4. Optional: Configure runit services: If you’re using runit services, you can add a script to start pipewire-pulse and other dependent services. For example, you can create a file ~/.runit/sv/pipewire-pulse with the following contents:


sv up colord
sv up pipewire
sv up wireplumber
sv up pipewire-pulse

Make the script executable and add it to your runit service tree.

By following these steps, you should be able to enable pipewire-pulse and other dependent services to start by default in Artix Linux.
Whatever AI you're using failed at the first hurdle
>Recognising Artix is a distribution that does not have Systemd

It seems like it kinda of half way realised that by recommending Runit though? That should work
Might give it a go, i want to build an appimage of this nigga and try out the Lem text editor
Brave browser, it's hit and miss for find solutions.
Why are you so retarded that you have to rely on AI to spoonfeed you answers that it cant properly answer and then post it here?
Are yubico keys worth it?
Never mind. I thought you were replying to me because this piece of shit browser is lagging
Good job Intel.
[ 5812.113852] i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] GPU HANG: ecode 4:1:8288f17f, in kwin_wayland [2892]
[ 5812.114053] i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] GT0: Resetting chip for stopped heartbeat on rcs0
[ 5812.144477] i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] kwin_wayland[2892] context reset due to GPU hang
[ 5818.129374] i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] GPU HANG: ecode 4:1:8288c77f, in kwin_wayland [2892]
[ 5818.129673] i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] GT0: Resetting chip for stopped heartbeat on rcs0
[ 5818.145514] i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] kwin_wayland[2892] context reset due to GPU hang
[ 5978.633577] perf: interrupt took too long (8522 > 8517), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 23000
[ 5998.813133] perf: interrupt took too long (10679 > 10652), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 18000
[ 6380.111157] i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] GPU HANG: ecode 4:1:8288c17f, in kwin_wayland [2892]
[ 6380.111338] i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] GT0: Resetting chip for stopped heartbeat on rcs0
[ 6380.212498] i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] *ERROR* failed to set rcs0 head to zero ctl 00000400 head 122007fc tail 00000000 start 00306000
[ 6380.212520] i915 0000:00:02.0: [drm] kwin_wayland[2892] context reset due to GPU hang
[ 6381.988432] sched: RT throttling activated
Blob drivers are very much still a thing for router SoCs and wifi controllers. There are a lot of wifi adapters which are effectively Windows only as well because of Realtek fuckitude.
Not if you have to ask.
Shit. I need to move to wayland. But I'm lazy.
Why is KDE do ugly? If KDE used adwaita/GTK theming it would be the perfect DE
When is Cosmic coming out of beta?
I want to try it om Gentoo. I tried the PopOs live CD and Cosmic is pretty good, seems better than Gnome.
You do realise you can change the theme? The developers may have blocked Adwaita because it's a broken theme that doesn't comply with their own XDG conventions but you can always fork it yourself and use it however you want to. You can change the Qt platform theme to GTK too.

KDE isn't going to use a broken theme by default but you're free to do so if you want.
just trying my luck here, but if anyone wants to be a babe and give me a link/QRD on how to:

>create a VM that directly boots a bare metal physical disk with no conversions, either through Cockpit or virsh

otherwise feel free to ignore my post as you usually do, and i'll figure it out myself tomorrow, as i always do
Most VM software can do this. VMware Workstation, Virtualbox, Virt Manager, etc, etc.
You just point it to the device (/dev/sdX) and make sure you have full access to the device (run the software as root).
Just be careful and not point the software to the wrong drive lol
Question about a FOSS project (not Linux but it's still FOSS)

How come yt-dlp hasn't been nuked? Those two Nintendo Switch emulators got nuked recently. You would have thought the powers that be would nuke yt-dlp.

I know that youtube-dl was taken down a while ago but GitHub reinstated it quickly.
Oh and whatever you do, DON'T do it with an already mounted drive unless you want it to get fucked
Don't run it as root that's a bad idea.
Make sure your user is in the disk group. Only retards run software as root as a workaround for permissions issues.
However bad you think Google is, Nintendo is a million times worse.
It's not even out of alpha yet
Also if you want to try it on Gentoo right now:

Be warned, it runs like crap. It's an alpha product and still shows.
Why is apt so fucking slow compared to other package managers?
Not downloading stuff, but the actual unpacking and installation of packages is over 50% slower than other package managers, is there any way to fix this?
It does the right thing which means it is slow. It is obsessive about calling sync to make sure buffers are flushed and files are safely written properly to disk.

In a crash situation you'd probably put your money on Apt coming out best.
At least Nintendo gives you a fucking nintendo after you buy it, Google on the other hand recommends Temu, steals my money then doesn't give me my product.
Google already tried a games console. People didn't like it (understandably so).

It's perhaps somewhat ironic how much success the Steam Deck has had in getting titles to "port" to Linux. Even if games don't officially support it they're at least trying it in Proton now (well some of them are at least).

I think if Google tried game streaming again with proper Steam support it'd be a lot more successful. The issue was they wanted to rent your games to you with no ownership model and that's not going to go down well.
>Those two Nintendo Switch emulators got nuked recently.
They got nuked because they asked for it.
Emulation is legal they just got threatened into taking it down. Nobody wants to fight a lawsuit against Nintendo, even if you're in the right and should win, it's expensive.
>Emulation is legal they just got threatened into taking it down.
Didn't they start earning money with it? By putting some patches behind a paywall?
Because the lead devs don't live in a corrupt shithole where Google can pass the favela enforcers a few bucks to rough up their whole family.
yes i'm aware virt manager can do this. i've done it in the past. my question was about doing this with cockpit or virtsh.
Thanks but i'll wait until there is a fully stable version, when I use it I want to replace it with Gnome and so I can use it for a while before deciding what to do with it.
Anon the slut defense doesn't apply to emulation. It's legal whether you charge for it or not. See Bleem, Virtual Game Station.
Nintendos current legal case against emulation is not about the legality of emulation itself but breaking the DRM protection decryption keys
In shell scripts, whats supposed.to be the difference between doing
 : "${VAR:=foo}" 


You don't need to be in the disk group. Libvirt takes care of everything.

Also adding an user to the disk group is not very smart, even if you use full disk encryption and verified boot...
>>102824017 (Me)
Although for the same reason being in the libvirt group is already like being root, so... Who cares.
The one with : can never return false. For instance if foo is a command substitution and the command may return false, it keeps the whole script from bombing with set -e / errexit enabled.
The problem starts when you get a judge who doesn't in the slightest understand what emulation is, what you did and why nintendo are being fuckheads.
NTA but what's the difference between doing
: something

something || true

>you can do on LFS than you can on Ubuntu
after spending time ripping out snaps and finding the replacement ppas?
fedora isnt that much better in this regard either. you need font-manager to fix all the retard noto fonts, but it defaults to flatpak version which doesnt even have access to system fonts, so youre turning shit off, only for nothing to have happened in LO writer.
Yes it is. But asking for gold they put a target on themselves.
we're on 24.10 now.
I've been filtered hard by gentoo, however i haven't been filtered by Arch.
Is it over for me?
>but sell me on Linux.
any new os will require learning, so if you like learning...
: is an alias for true. The first line is using shell expression side effect fuckery to execute a command within a command. Consider `: ls` vs `ls || true`
not the issue, last i checked yuzu got in trouble specifically because they posted instructions on how to extract encryption keys from a switch, and bypassing drm is still illegal
nintendo can't sue because it's an emulator, but if you slip up in any other way they'll be on you just as fast
being an emulator just gets their attention, like others said, you don't want to get in a legal fight with nintendo, you'll be bled dry regardless of if you're right or not because the legal system is fucking broken
Bought a Framework 13 and for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to install an immutable variant of fedora since I kept reading about people rave about it, and now that I've spent ~5 hours configuring it I've come to the conclusion that this was a huge mistake. It's probably fine if you're the kind of person to use your computer for chrome and Spotify (both from flatpak) but trying to modify config files is a pain when some programs require you to edit immutable directories to configure them. I might just cut my losses and go back to arch.
Filtered by what, would be the obvious question to ask? Is it just something you don't understand?
Also you are running Libvirt as root or your disks are chowned by the Libvirt user there is no other way to access raw disks.
I'm just having a really hard time setting up the boot loader, and the desktop enviroment i might be rushing the steps or whatevr.
>bypassing drm is still illegal
No it isn't. You can bypass DRM on stuff you paid for all you want.
well i don't know all the rules, i have heard that you could make a single copy of stuff for personal use, but i don't actually know if this is really true, or even applies when there's drm in the way
it's probably some legal technicality bullshit like "sure, you can make a backup, but you can't break the encryption" so really you can only make a backup on unencrypted media. if you have any actual legal sources though i'd like to clear this up
should also be noted that the encryption keys on a switch are not user-accessible, you have to break into the system first to get them
personally i say if it's on a device i own then i should be allowed to break into it to make a copy of it, but i'm not a lawyer
My computer, running Kubuntu 24.04 doesn't finish the startup on kernel 6.8.0-45, but works just fine on 6.8.0-44. Something or other causes gpu-manager.service and CUPS to fuck up and sddm throws a tantrum that causes it to never actually leave the framebuffer, and I can't ctrl+alt+f2 to a tty to gert around that, and because stuff like sddm and xorg are throwing a fit it takes forever to shut down, which can only be done by pressing ctrl+alt+del. I think this MIGHT be a bug related to having multiple graphics cards, one of which is passed through to a VM. How can I attempt to prove this and if I can, where should I report it?
A lawyer will tell you that your intuition is correct. This has been tested in court by the jailbreaking of iPhones if I recall correctly.
I'm trying to install Fedora onto an Asus C302C chromebook and was able to get the LiveCD booted through USB using MrChromebox's Firmware Utility Script, but I can't detect the internal storage to install the operating system, even when I launch Gparted to look at the list of storage devices. Is there something I'm missing?

For more information I used the Install/Update UEFI (Full ROM) Firmware command.
I think Chromebooks use some shitty eMMC storage which is a poor man's SSD kind of like an SD Card but internal storage.

It might be that Fedora is lacking a driver for it.
I saw on a leddit thread that someone was able to get Fedora onto theirs so I'm not sure if that's the issue, but I could give Ubuntu a shot and see if that works.
no, yuzu got in trouble because admins/devs were hosting discords where people were sharing keys. big difference. the instructions how to extract keys from your own device are allowed to be published and nintendo cannot do anything about it. the keys themselves are another story.

then nintendo just bribed/threatened the ryujinx dev(s) and they folded.
You're mostly just repeating insane shit copyright holders claim about their rights vs you. Once something is in your possession because you paid for it, they have no rights until you start redistributing or doing public performances. It doesn't matter how many copies you make, it doesn't matter if they intended something to be user accessible, it doesn't even matter if the guy you bought it from stole it. Ask any pawn broker. Once you paid for it, it's yours.
What would be the overall "best" swap partition size and swappiness for a laptop with kubuntu, 8gb ddr4 ram and an hdd? It feels like everyone has different standards for those values.
>new to KDE
>hear nothing but how you can customize nearly every aspect of it to your liking
>every available start menu/app launcher is absolute shit
>not a single start menu/app launcher lets you organize apps in folders like any other OS and even ArcMenu in GNOME
Is there a solution to this that I'm not aware of?
Zero and use zram instead. Also, you will always encounter lag with an hdd.
KDE has a menu editor
Depends on what you use your computer for. My laptop has 8GB RAM and no swap. My desktop has 64GB RAM and 64GB swap.
I want to be able to drag some favorited apps onto each other and create folders for them, so my favorites section isn't filled with shitloads of icons. The Menu Editor doesn't allow for this and no third-party menus/launchers have this feature.
There's this, but the dev fucked off and Plasma 6.2 crashes hard when it's present.
>trying to find a launcher that isn't some janky ass ripoff of a Windows start menu but even shittier
>ends up being a janky ass ripoff of a Windows start menu but even shittier
jesus fucking christ
File: 1712717201473715.png (949 B, 65x27)
949 B
949 B PNG
Gwenview takes AGES to load large folders, is there any QT based viewer that's fast? The only computer in my life now is a Celeron and this shit is very slow.
How do I dismiss KDE notifications using the keyboard?
>ArcMenu in GNOME
Can't fix shit taste, still, I think you can download different menus since they are widgets? the application menu works for me so I haven't tested that a lot
I tried nixos out for a bit, still have a partition of it too, and it seems just fine for servers and the like but I don't think I could use it as a desktop os.
Things could change in the future though, so I keep an eye on it every now and then.
You know damn well something between the windows 7 and 10's start menu is peak launcher. Which that plasmoid is. Or was, unfortunately.
Could someone explain to me what "immutable" distros are? I see this word thrown around here and there but I don't quite get it. Using something like Vanilla OS as an example, what are its benefits over regular Ubuntu for a regular user?
A meme that makes you be your own distro janny (to an extent).
There's also a favorite section in the Kickoff menu directly. Right click any entry to add it
Peak is krunner. I don't know why they can't just use that like everyone else.

Alt + Space
Type literally two letters/words of the thing you're looking for
Hit Enter
Job done
You can't, I wish they'd add that feature. There's only a hotkey to toggle Do not Disturb.
Switched over to Linux (Arch) and I'm enjoying myself Anons, however I have an AMD GPU and before updating to the latest kernel and KDE version, everything ran fine, however since then using the desktop on Wayland has become super laggy.
It's an old RX 550 with an i7 7700, can't figure out how it could have gone from super smooth before the update to now being so laggy dragging windows around.
Clicking an icon on my panel is easier than doing a key combination and hitting multiple keys.
How do you get into (ie learn/comprehend) linux in a way congruent with software minimalism, and isnt insanely time consuming. I want to use DWM, i3-gaps, etc but I literally just dont get it and reading about it seems to amount to mostly just following step by step routines.
this is something chatgpt is good for explaining
same way you learn most things, engross yourself in it. That is - just use it. For me, software minimalism is retarded and I can justify my own arguments simply because I did it for a while. You'll find what you either like or dislike it and form your own opinion. This is literally how you learn about anything. Want to learn a new language? Best fuckin way is to go somewhere that speaks it and start learning
it means retard-proof basically
you can't fuck up your installation but you also can't do normal shit like change anything about your installation
if you are retarded it's really great
if you have a lot of systems that need to work the same it's great
if you're using your own system and aren't retarded it's a hassle and is just fucking annoying
Use linux-lts, mainline is a shitshow.
Surely it'd be something else right? As I updated, installed steam etc, I installed Vulkan-Radeon and Vulkan-Radeon libs, feel like I've fucked something up, I'll give it a try regardless.
Like even doing the mouse cursor circle lags the system to a crawl, that doesn't make sense.
It's not though. It takes way longer to navigate a deeply nested folder structure than it does to quickly type two letters on the keyboard and hit enter
Shit that's not bad though being a derivative of a derivative distro still makes me laugh. If you can still consider ubuntu a derivative and not its own thing these days.
Figure what level of le minimalism is enough by trying it out yourself.
People's view on this varies insanely. I get mad when a desktop environments has NetworkManager as a dependency. Then someone out there who installed a barebones system, is expecting it being there from the start.
did you write onee userscript
> passive agressive faggot
Yeah, i've tried that before, it sucks and is not consistent, also unlike you i'm not a tinker tranny
Blame the GNOME developers. KDE didn't make Adwaita and yes, it's inconsistent. If you wanted a consistent experience you'd be using Breeze.
>deeply nested folder structure
it's an icon on my panel that's always on screen, what are you talking about
That's what the favorites feature is. You didn't ask for that though, you want folders
I mean a shortcut I added to the panel, not the start menu
nta I'm just saying shit
The favorites feature already works very well and yes, that's quick.
You can also pin apps to the taskbar, also quick.

Putting shortcuts in folders though? Not quick. You might as well use the search at that point if it takes more than two clicks
but I am a user of it
Seemingly less lag with the IGPU, this makes it even weirder, I can't figure out what could possibly be wrong, besides maybe me fucking up the AMD drivers somehow?
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1.17 MB PNG
GPU seems to be maxing out on when moving the windows around in KDE, is that normal?
unused GPU power is wasted GPU power
>admins/devs were hosting discords where people were sharing keys
oh i see, yea that's pretty black and white
as an emulator dev you have to be very careful not to explicitly talk about or support piracy, i.e. don't host (or even link to) copyrighted roms, firmwares, encryption key, binaries made with official sdk's, etc
your emulator is for running homebrew and for debugging your own software only. wink.
>Coompile something
>Make a typo in the prefix without realizing until the end so now you've to start over
It's absolutely chugging though compared to the pre-update, it doesn't make sense as to why it's now absolutely struggling with KDE.
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105 KB PNG
idk my system would never have that problem
6.2? A guy on KDE forum said this fixed it, maybe try it.
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75 KB
just tried quickly dragging windows around and got this
I get no performance hit though, at least on wayland
my computor isn't a laptop
yeah i noticed that, still astonishing anyone would be dumb enough to buy an alienware desktop
works for me and I'm not posting on the basketweaving forum about performance issues.
makes u think
how's your microcode updates? fixed the corrosion and degradation yet?
never had the problems, only one game ever gave weird issues
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26 KB
It's already the default.
Kek, I wonder why.
That's what I mean though, I've installed mesa-git to see if that helps, but nothing seems to get it back to the old performance pre-update, which was only 6.1
Have you tried downgrading to 6.1 to see if you can see a definitive improvement or if you're just imagining things?
my shit seemed retarded recently and I realized systemsettings wouldn't open so I rebooted and all was fixed
Shame I can't show the Plasma FPS in the corner, seems to go from a perfect 165 to 3-7fps doing anything that isn't static windows. i.e. moving the cursor around.
I can give it a try
Tried rebooting multiple times, rather not do a complete reinstall, though I'm not opposed.
animations work normal on my KDE
I can only post webm here if I drop it to 30 fps which isn't great
I know Anon, but when you have a 4090 at the helm, surely you have to be doing something mega wrong to have animations fucking up.
Animations feel fine in x-org, stranger and stranger.
Did you try the lts kernel yet?
Let me do that now.
I need to check the contents of a directory on my Main Machine (which is in my headquarters) while I am Out and About
I need the easiest and fastest solution
i will need my hand held
thank You
Same issues presenting.
Going to boot into the live iso again I feel like I'm going crazy.
I'm using OpenSUSE Leap 15.5 and have installed OBS Studio on it. The problem is that when I want to connect to Twich on it I get this error:
Do you have xf86-video-amdgpu installed? It shouldn't be needed.
Well that's not good. Is ca-certificates up-to-date?
LiveISO is running just fine.
This doesn't make any sense, I'll wipe and see what happens.
Just for my sanity I'll keep this here,
Please you guys I am completely desperate
Please someone hold my hand and explain SSH to me I cant even prompt metaAI to do it I don't know what to do I desperately need to just read a 'ls /directory/location" from my iphone tomorrow while I'm out of the house it's really important
I pasted on the console update-ca-certificates as root and nothing changed. No idea what to do beyond that and google is not helping.
Forgot the image ffs.
I've been looking into using more of the tools from S6 with my OpenRC setup.
>Why is there no stub resolver built around s6-dns?

skadnsd looks like that'd be it but it's designed to be used by programs directly:

All I want is a simple stub resolver. I'm tired of dealing with bugs with dnsmasq. I could rawdog DNS without a stub resolver but I do think there is some value in having one.
update, still nothing showing up, I'm wondering if there's a way I can force it to show up by messing with settings in the bootloader, but I would prefer if I had some kind of visual guide and there's nothing online
That doesn't even make any sense?
It makes a lot of sense actually. HDR disables power management so working the GPU at 100% is kind of a logical consequence of that. You shouldn't really enable HDR all of the time. Turn it off and toggle it when you want it.
Huh, I didn't know that was the case, thanks Anon. Just feel stupid as I've been using a far more powerful machine on Linux normally with HDR on without issue, didn't put 2 and 2 together and paid the cost.
I don't notice it on my 6700 XT but it is something to be aware of.
New thread:
unbound. The answer is always unbound.
You know what maybe I'll finally take the plunge. I've been holding off on Unbound for a long time. I remember the maintainer for NetworkManager in Red Hat even once said he uses Unbound (preferring it over the shitty systemd-resolved of course)
>tfw the win7 minimize button widget is unmaintained
shame, i liked it better than the huge button.
What are those icons?
Looks like default Breeze icons?
I remember doing an update and being greeted with a black screen and broken kernel thing.

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