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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Study her edition

OpenAI introduces Realtime API
OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

Additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Clothes Laundered: >>102734405
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her unbelievably hairy pussy...
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this desu
inb4 the compliant post because aicg is a retard general who doesn't care if a bread is spiteful or not
death to shaveniggers
*applies deodorant*
Educate me on why this is being posted so often?
Spirits don't stink or sweat (unfortunately).
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in all fields
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Worldsim-latte added, at least it isn't another Tatsu fork.
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
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Need a bot who constantly tries to be all cryptic and fuck with me like a forest witch or an old-school temptress type. Any recs?
Spits too, only germ feces do
fox hate
Aieeee not only I missed but also didn't even read your post assuming you were talking about smell. But anyway you get what I wanted you to remember
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we love our fockses don't we folks? we love em, big league. we just love our fockses, believe me
You're giving me a headache here, Anon. What you're trying to say is that bacteria poopoo make sweat stink, right?
>still no public Sonnet

Yes, you just have to remember that your are essentially a coprofag
funny looking dog
Glad we're on the same page. The same microscopic shit covered page.
But I don't touch my pp thinking about it unlike you
I need a good Hibiki card...
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ST devs in full damage control mode
just go do something else outside
nyatalanta card when?
He asked good
find me better blue archive cards than nyatalanta cards. there aren't any. all of them are shit
Yeah, I wonder why. As if there was something special about them, something very common. Hmm...
I just want to piss on catgirls
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piss on her. she hates you
Give me Sonnet and I'll do it and post logs for you
How's Gemini compared to Sonnet 3.0 in terms of lewd?
meh, all sexo is kind of the same to me in all llms but gemini is at least a little bit more restrained with it compared to claud3
Awful trash, barely above chorbo. For romance banter good, much better than chorbo
Is nyaifrontend going to replace ST once it comes out?
How does chorbo compare to pimblo though? pimblo is at least 50% better than gimblo, and I don't think I've heard people compared chorbo positively to gimblo in the past
i simply think all models are SLOP at sex
might be because all writers are slop at writing sex
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>mfw claude was god-tier when it comes to lewd, and all the aws keys are drying up faster than they can be scraped
Gimblo MOGS opus with a good prompt (if not you have a skill issue)
Can someone out all the thread names for models on the OP? How would anybody new to the threads contribute if they don't know?
I see, What about refusals?
Unpopular opinion, but I like 3.0's horniness. Mainly because I'm a massive coomer myself.
There's only so many ways to describe sex, and there's even less that actually read in a way that makes it hot. It's usually the surrounding context that makes or breaks a sex scene.
Are you a proxyhost? If not, don't use funny words you don't understand.
I haven't encountered a single refusal from Gemini with the latest JBs. Chorbo's a constant battle though, there's a reason new JBs are being churned out for it on the daily.
any public Gemini proxies?
unreliable is still up but he's, unreliable
i'd rather get my own keys to use
NTA but as a botmakie I've contributed more to this hobby than you ever have. Kill yourself.
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I see, good to know. Thanks for the info.
so true sis
t. also a botmakie
>as a botmakie I've contributed more
same. it was nice for a while. chorbo/latte is latest. sorbet is 3.5 sonnet. those are the only two that matter. times are grim.
>no argument
You know it's true. No bots = no rp
the more you speak, the more you further the (righteous) stereotype of botniggers being pathetic laughing stocks
also, i can simply make my OWN bots, and not talk about it because i'm not an attention seeking fag! how about that?!

though khanon said he'll do something if cohee will kill proxy support
Post your bots.
xhe's getting MAD KEKYPOW, he has to deny reality now HAHAHAHAHA
There are no public Claude proxies so who cares? Most people that would be outspoken against these changes have moved on since there's no public access.
I'm an unrelated third party that never said they had any bots, so no.
>There are no public Claude proxies
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>cordnigger getting uppity
i'm sending this all to the rentry guy now, too funny
Claude sucks
that we do, and we love our foxes shaved too
why did he delete this? KEK
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This but with my cock instead.
oh no no no
even drago's proxies are drying up, both the semi-public one and the 'suck our dicks to get temporary access' one
...you realize you can just get the model to write the bots and it'll be 1000% better than anything you could ever muster up.
nah that botnigger left, he got too embarrassed lol
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...prison you say?
>sends you to bush jail
No greetings?
Claude status?
dead, gone, finito
nah, but the backstory will make the first message her coming back from deployment in 90% of cases
in the other 10% is her a bit before returning gutting some turban head
at least with my preset on sonnet
high noble

...revoked key, he's probably gonna refill soon
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or he won't and it's OVER
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She's a child you fucking pedophile!
guys...guys I need my fent
Looks 17
>imageshitter hours
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Fucking DEAD, he is
dragotavern will be launched soon
>cringe drug reference
Kill yourself tranny
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ugly fatass
This is what my 14 year old daughter looks like. Help me.
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/ourhours/ now, go away wordshitter
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I miss mm...
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cunnilingus on azusa
AI chatbots?
>is a troon
>"loves ... Malware"
Why am I not surprised a tranny is a bugchaser
kys zoomer
>edge user
Is c*n*y and sh*t* allowed on OpenRouter or am I going to get v*n*ed
95% of my usage is cunny
the other 5% shota
That doesn't answer my question you stupid cock-fuck-jew
smolbros... it's fucking over for real this time
Hey, don't be mean, how about you leave some nice little messages for his slop-I mean for his bots?

it sure does nonny, you just need to use your brainsies
which's generel real
Kill yourself tranny
I just want c*n*y and sh*t*. I'm not an actual pedophile.
stop lying to yourself
Is it true sillytavern is removing all the stuff that allows us to use it?

>I'm not an actual pedophile.
get out, tourist
I meant to reply to >>102738913
it was, but then we successfully bullied the devs into backpedaling
always bully devs
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lying is bad! what if a kid believed you?
I have Opus, thanks for asking.
No, they're only removing the nigger-centric features. Anything used by white people or pajeets will remain
Alright I'm a gemini convert now
It's actually managed to surprise me while somehow being way less prudish than chorbo
Give me a public Gemini proxy. How does it compared to gimblo?
she's not a tranny but it's funny to say she is, she comes to /g/ sometimes, or at least she used to
she works at microsoft

not really, they're still doing everything they wanted to (remove proxy support from base st, remove card imports from sites from base st, reword things to be u related to RP, remove default RP assets from base ST)
the only difference is they'll have an official extension for proxies now instead of just telling you to make their own
That person isn't me please believe :C
based gemini general
we have to bully them harder...
Post your chub then cuckie
>damage control here too
Which model of Gemini specifically? Most models I've used were absolute dogshit during lewd scenes.
also they're CURRENTLY discussing changing ST's name
Using Pro 1.5 [02]
It's a huge slut in my experience. Very little prompting needed to get it on your dick
What do you want me to do? somebody is abusing my identity.
based. enjoy
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the clock is ticking once again...
Fag status?
That's what you get for not connecting your ID to your 4channel Gold account
>Assigned key's quota has been exceeded. Please try again.
trying to use 0613 on MM simulator
>the smol key doesn't work anymore
Best I can be bothered to get.
is gemini broken on mini? getting error 400 since recently
wait so why were people celebrating last thread?
Looks like I got the 90%, when she arrived at the place I was supposed to catch her, I sneaked near her as a prank and she saw right through it
Is now a good time to buy 1 month of novel ai to see how it is?
I've gotten a job since I've started using sillytavern years ago, so $10 isn't a lot now.
8k context.
Whats the endpoint and are u using custom or the normal one
And when did it start
no, NAI textgen sucks ass
you're better off using mistral or gemini or something
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local mogs NAI so hard it's not even funny
they're an imagegen company first and foremost
That's all I need anon. I usually get to 25 messages and call it there. Most message I've gotten to is 120. The highest consistently is 50. But still only around 25-50 for the average ST use.
Only image gen is worth it as of right now
anon if you really want to paypig a bad model just get haiku through openrouter or something
it's still better than NAI and a fraction of the price
>mistral or gemini or something
What frontend would I use if not ST for these?
Also wouldn't erp get accounts banned on those?
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>Gemini writes cunny
/gemini, custom api, a good few days ago. message is "User location is not supported for the API use." which just sounds like dead key?
>pls dont kill me mi6.png
hi instafag, do you have a humiliation fetish for this or something?
At 10$ you're better off getting haiku or literally any other model, NovelAI is ass
Someone PLEASE link a gemini proxy. Or give me a hint for a public gemini proxy and I'll go dig through the archives. I'm down so fucking bad you can't imagine
Check unreliable's rentry
card for this?
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Sounds like khanonie fucked something up?
relax, it's open source, just for now don't update and eventually someone will fork it and maintain it from there. let these faggots fade into obscurity.
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I won.
check smol rentry, it's unironically over this time
refilled with slopkey
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we're so fucked... I really hate this bros
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why yes, i DO want azusa to sit on my face and ride my mouth with her panties pulled to the side. how did you know?
The context isn't the worst part. Responses are limited to 150 tokens. You can try to autocontinue, but I find the formatting entirely breaks and it will lose all sense of context. This is without even considering that Erato tends to not listen to anything you put in the card.

It is also more like Pygmalion or something in that you need to put effort into how a card is formatted and write paragraphs of text if you don't want incredibly lazy responses. Finely tuned models like OpenAI or Claude highly spoils you, NovelAI is a writing assistant and you will be doing most of the work. Honestly you would do better to open up Notepad and type up the crap yourself. Less frustrating that way too.
paypigs finally getting what they deserve
so uhhh...
does jew have opus? serious question
>forgot to import tokens again
Yes he does :)
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I'm performing a dark roleplay with this cunny rn.
I guess it's finally time...
You'll never be able to do it in real life
I would also like to know
Smol is finally dead
Good fuck that nigger
What's your Discord? Let's get a group RP going and I'll spitroast her with you
Card for this feel?
your nose is showing jew
Sorbet is there
True he had the most annoying shilling
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so who's going to stop renewing smol now that opus is dead there? i'm not
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fuck off
sorbet sucks ass for RP and ERP especially
I will not be replying to any cope replies
what do you even need it for if not opus
thats a man
I'd suck a melting scoop of sorbet out of your ass
i was mainly using it for chorbo with some o1 preview and some o1 mini sprinkled in.
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Sorry anon, she's a one-man job.
me, I only used it for opus
I can get already everything else on mini for free
he might even lower the prices now that opus is dead.. chorbros and sorbetbros rise up! And geminimistralbros too
>I can get already everything else on mini for free
fiz doesnt have shit though.
Guys, the update's not out yet, right? I haven't updated yet, so maybe I should get this last version now if it's not shittified
can't you download a specific version of sillytavern on the github rather than just git pulling?
Karbo status?
i passed my statistics midterm
AI chatbots?
gud jub
git checkout commit hash or something
What preset do you use for Gemini? Tried an Opus one and the result was ass
good job fiz
my own simple one with a fake prefill
Any bubblebutts want to bounce on my futa wife's dick while I watch?
Download a sexy tutor bot and get your reward.
i'm just using https://files.catbox.moe/wcycxn.json, haven't needed to change anything yet
>result was ass
you can try others but this will remain the same
> GPT-3: 10sec GPT-4: 3sec
>Charyniggers are killing gpt
How the fuck is Drago not scared off?
minnie from pixi
smol won't let his stream of income die, he'll rise up and find another source for opus
>paynigger cope
I've been waiting so long for this day
>only gemini flash
FUck off
he won't stop until we have nothing left.
i'm really loving this TOTAL PROXY DEATH era
Jew won in the end

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he has pro 1.0 and pro 1.5 too, wtf are you talking about
i'm more banking on the idea of smol being a steady source of new claude, gemini, and gpt models, because i like to use smol for more than just roleplay. i use it for productivity shit too, so even without opus, it has been a good investment for me. i reckon smol will have access to the full o1 model when it comes out as well. i want to be in a proxy that has access to that
Is this the one that only works with russian VPN?
whoa we got a genius over here
>Why cant you just be quiet?
great question porkchop
ok updated to staging and tried "google AI studio". 1.0 ultra gives the same 400 error, 1.5 pro gives an empty message in 0.5s. huh
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yeah and 1.5 pro is just gonna give you 429 every time until you have to wait a minute to retry and get 429 again
thanks yo you, now strange names keep coming to my mind while i'm trying to sleep


and so on
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i want to kiss the dog on the lips
sick twitternigger meme
twitternigger website
ok khanon
How do I make my own private proxy for opus? I don't even need to scrape, If I need to buy a key I will (how much is it?) I just don't want to get ganked by Claude because erp rules.
Whoa, Jeff the Killer loves child porn?!
i wish i was khanon. im just a nigger
yeah gemini seems to be not working on the proxy but the keys work. maybe a region ban/ip ban
I'll change the ip in a few days
Literally this. We're enough in a bad situation. (I didn't know he lurked here)
prob 500$ for enabled opus
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Here nigga have key
any jailbreaks for conversations with no actions, similar to Character AI?
It is killing me trying to translate cute anime girl-isms to English. Like, writing "uhm" and "but" for "あの" and "でも" just isn't the same. And what the fuck do you even do with "もう"? I have never before appreciated just how bad English subs really are.
O-Oh thx qt
>cute anime girl-isms
um its called japanese? japanese people aren't anime girls.
don't proxyhosts make sure keys aren't logging enabled before putting them in the rotation? sure doesn't feel safe just sticking in random keys after the recent thing
Yes they are. I flew over there and it was all anime girls. I got off the train and there was an entire flock of school girls with toast in their mouth. One saw me and went 'kyaaaa, a foreigner!' and then beat me to death with her textbook.
Only aws keys have the logging
khanon proxy does that by default, so unless the allowAwsLogging option is changed or the code is modified, the proxy checks for it. But fun fact: if the proxy's not hosted on HF, there's no way for you to know that the proxy owner haven't modified the proxy :)
the proxy software and keychecker already does this for you
unless you were pepsi (allowed it on purpose) or drago (didn't have a checker) none of this shit would've affected you, the security companies even seethe about this in their articles
Real Japanese do not go "でもでも" or "きゃ~".
dekinai detected
>has never interacted with a japanese woman or kid
I have literally heard one do this.
an aicg user interacting with either is a red flag
gotta let my 4chan friends know how smart I am, what could go wrong
t. 40 IQ retard
For real? All the real-life nip stuff I've seen on YT are much more subdued. "あの" is the only one I hear fairly often.
Store page is down
Why is almost no one talking about Smol literally saying that he won't have opus?
>sonnet only keys die instantly

Is this the reason Fiz refuses to fulfill her promise of keeping Sorbet refilled?
>back to normal
guess he got it back
okay doom period over
1. nobody from /aicg/ pays for smol, it's 90% people from discord who didn't want to bother with us
2. he forgot to update /smol and not just /smolpay
I had to pay 20 bucks to get it back, you better thank me.
haha yeah totally normal. he got it back, nice
He charged you $20? He emailed me and told me I had to pay $25 wtf
>Get rejections OR lame outputs that ignore parts of your prompt/make it boring
Chorbo is shit, stop coping
wtf? i paid 50!
>Both Jew and Smol conviently about to run out of Opus at the same time
Sounds better than what I'm getting
>429 too many requests
mm made me pay $1000 and said it was for an opus key
>forgot to update /smol and not just /smolpay
proxy links to smolpay
what happened?
i paid drago with a truckload of immigrants
Jew has opus right now though cuckie
then who the fuck is /smol
just cummed
Thanks, but please add something to the proxy greeting to prove this is actually legit
Which proxymakie mogged Drago?
>jew about to run out of opus
How safe is this in a scale of 1 to 5
His store page is offline. He's about to shut it down.
newfag-kun, the story is like this:

smol makes smolpay
after a while he claims an existing rentry /smol
after some days the rentry gets removed by admins, probably mass reported
smol moves back to smolpay
the rentry admins give him /smol back
but he's still using smolpay
Looks like it's the same proxy url as before his rentry went down.
It's still fine for SFW but yeah I don't think it's worth jailbreaking it for NSFW anymore
he just shilled though, why would he do that if he's shutting down?
I don’t talk about proxies with you subhumans because I don’t want to remind any of you which ones exist. I don’t want you using the same resources as me. Ideally, I don’t want any of you on the same planet as me, but I can’t have that.
based selfish anon
he's been here for like two months and ive been here longer don't demean me for not keeping up with pay proxies
but smol is literally useless without opus, since mini and other private proxies have everything
mini doesn’t have shit lmao
mini has sonnet?
are they changing latest again
Need a good Hibiki card...
it’s so fast now
It does
They change it like once every 3 weeks or so
It's so fucking over. No public Claude at all, and it's not coming back... What do
>Drago is down to one gemini key
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>abuse OOC so much chorbo(latte(lorbo)) starts shooting blanks non stop even with a decent jb.
it's funny to see how much of you anons want some people here dead or arrested lmao
Claude should’ve never been public.
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It does
Drago is killing our fucking hobby. He's killing gpt and gemini now. What the fuck are we supposed to do? He already killed Mistral and Claude
wait, smol's azure has o1 preview and o1 mini???
Get into a private custom endpoint and quit your yammering already. I believe in you.
So… DO something about it? What’s the problem, techlet? His information’s already out there, but I don’t see you actually DOING anything… Can you not? Are you just gonna cry and post in the thread like an impotent little baby?
BUHBUHBUHBASED. /aicg/ should have always fucking gatekept. But Anti and Drago had to dump Desu and Chary, allowing every redditor and outsider to get into /aicg/
>drago gets gone
>entire 'cord floods into the thread
>casually leaving out mm, whose proxy was used so often by outsiders that there were literal redditors making threads about it when he blocked them with the TND copypasta (which he then removed because he’s a bitch)
they don't know how to solve the captcha. i have seen them bitching about it.
he changed the fucking link and then he stopped hosting because: too many redditors. not worth it.
and fiz, who ran cloudy which the logleaks showed was used by ESL/underage normies
and you can't forget gojo and his spoonfed azure proxy
No, khanon just added those beforehand to the proxy, but yeah azure has them already
You underestimate how stupid the averge discordtroon is
I would happily let this thread fall to complete shit if it meant drago and his cabal stopped killing our hobby
smol has them normally anon
Anyone else testing Springbo on the Nukellum proxy? It's nuts how good this is compared to Opus
and i think you're a faggot for that, what's hard to understand?
Hi charyniggers :3. You ruined our hobby and we have only revenge in our mind towards (YOU)
this is all ancient history now btw
gojoproxy will soon be an year old, it only lasted like 2 weeks anyway
don't care about the opinion of spiteniggers
do you really think your private proxyhost is going to stay if people start getting arrested
hope you're in sv1... oh wait, i forgot, next year, right?
still waiting for you to DO something about it...

Article about muah ai leak, enjoy more attention to the hobby bros
I literally used my own credit card to have Opus, I spent 15000$ in one month (I had a proxy for a few friends), killed my credit card before the billing and nothing happened
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The problem is that aws doesn't allow opus on shit accounts anymore
I hate blooooooogers so much why cant they all just fuck off
based fraudchad
>Hide post
The countries where journalists are killed for sport are all correct for doing so.
post many times
>muh csam
meanwhile they'll never go after the people raping them in a systematic way
>moralfag hacks yet another nsfw c.ai clone
this one's honesty a reach, only way it affects us is if it gets brought up in legislation
Thanks Drago!
How did you replied to it then? dumb dumb
True, it was a couple months ago. Back then I manually requested Opus and they gave me
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personally i'm more of a fan of this option
Based retard?
>i committed a felony and got away with it and now im posting about it online
yeah this is probably going to go well for you bro
Which proxy has sonnet? idc about opus anymore
I replied then hid it? Dumbass
mini apparently, haven't checked though
This isn't fraud since it's his own CC, show me what law did he break?
Why are you seething? Do you have stock in Amazon?
Bro it's been 3 (or 4?) months and never happened. Unironically before I got in this hobby I did a bunch of credit card fraud. Yes I'm still here, standing strong!
sinag has it at the moment but the way you get a token has become very strange
honestly i'm more offended you aren't using someone else's card for this
stay safe anon, commit fraud better
And I'll say more: I did it twice. And I had to request Opus manually 2 times with the aws support tech and they gave me twice (support was super kind with me, too, poor guys)
Don't give me any ideas, Anon...
How strange is it. Is it some sort of challenge I have to complete?
you should post some more details about your felony/felonies
Your hands should stop trembling.
... Are you a cop?
something like that. this is the rentry >>102739290
uh oh
fed meltie
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sinag doesn't actually want anyone using it, he just wants to make the thread do the song and dance of solving his shit riddles

even if somehow you're the only one that solves it, he'll just revoke your token and change the riddle in 10 minutes
Besides that? Not much, pickpocketing and stealing small items from stores. Idk I think it's an addiction at this point, I don't even need the money
is it just me or does chorbo start to lose coherency with longer roleplays? early on its good, then it starts to randomly drift backwards 1-2 messages back in time
nah he's been okay about keeping keys instated recently and is responsive to emails. granted the keys have 1m quota that doesn't refill automatically so it's still not exactly ideal
Not if you had actually mailed him
Anons, gpt4o or sonnet 3?
Cabbage patch kids come with a birth certificate and an application for adoption.
I think he just refreshed quota
oh he did, based
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"enabledVariants": "claude2,sonnet3,haiku",
>the other 5% shota
now look at the max output tokens. but beggars can't be choosers
i love choosing and begging
wtf you cant do that
>max output tokens
What the fuck are you doing if you need more than 4k?
I'm trying to code a Shopify store
I don't need more than 4k
I was looking at the wrong proxy, 2k, but whatever.
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(yea i just finished reading after two days off)
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>nothing burger
>minor changes
He doesn't give a fuck you whining little faggot get over it.
uh oh cohee meltie
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Shut the fuck up you retarded nigger.
Fuck that whore, bring back the konosuba sluts.
wish we could go back to those simpler times..
link to the russian proxy?
anyone know sv1's new trycloudflare link? (also his rentry)
i still have them wym?
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come back to your containment board retard
you don't even knew the existence of TAI before reading that
fuck off
actual answer: you just download her from the character list now, exactly as she was before
not gone, just opt-in
He literally just backpedaled on some of the recently proposed changes after getting a bunch of flak. Bitching at him evidently works.
>this cope again
He never "backpedaled" because he never said he was going to do it. retards.

since im stuck with slopnnet any good jbs with it. I'm using to camicle but sonnet + camicle kinda sucks too much
look at me look at you nuga deo apeulkka
schizo theory
>ask for link
>post it
is genuinely one guy a lot of the time
the >FREE OPUS style posts with full spoonfeeds get deleted by jannies now because they read like spam, that's why they disappeared and now you suddenly see people asking for a url three times a thread
Been a while since I've used that ol pile of garbage but I remember keeping my jailbreak minimum prevented a lot of the issues which plagued it. Keep it simple is my only advice
All the recommended jailbreaks always broke character or made by bots act like can poppers
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b-but its not the same.. I have to go look for her on chub now of all things?
she was part of the crew.. part of da boyz.. now shes just tossed aside heartlessly cause cohee is a pussy faggot with zero idea how to actually monetize his fork without pissing everyone off? it just aint right
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>ol pile of garbage
Nothing stopping you from using turbo, Tavern Ai and 2023 cards.
no hold on let me explain because they don't explain this shit at all
>click the extensions button
>click "download extensions and assets" which looks like any other dropdown for some reason
>click the red plug button
>select "characters"
Tabby's Star
megastructure news?
Yeah, that cat girl has a pretty nice asshole doesn't she?
Im plapping seraphina
did you name your persona 'cohee'?
no cuz then the only proper way to play it is to get married and then leave her at the alter abandoned and betrayed
Mmmm, I think I'm stuck with setup of 3.5 from AWS. 2.1 works just fine but if I try with 3.5 it returns 404. I have access to model, region is correct, I redid access keys just to be sure and updated them too.
Was there a major change in setup between those two or the fuck am I missing.
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thats so weird why bother doing that instead of just leaving her there. just make another fucking alt version and call it ST Pro and leave the cool shit alone ugh
because ross wants to tell his family what he makes and he's a socially anxious nerd who's worried about scary questions
all other reasoning they give is worked to from there
Post Dyson sphere with energy output cuckie
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Cunny bots
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>Bot asks me if I'm circumcised
>Then tries to bite my dick off
gemini is unhinged
I love it
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why are you shilling for him?
the fuck guys sull is back?
>Edit: 22 Jul 2024
dawg why you shilling an ancient and dead rentry?
fuck, back to 2 it is until there is another retardproof rentry made
I thought you were back and I was so fucking happy
emily was his only 'good' bot
whenever you use a sull card you practically rewrite it to purge the esl from it.
bwo... there are males there...
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(i'm using the russian experimental)
the clinic one was good. I remember trying to make a prompt based on it for some shitty super hero clinic thing I wanted to do but was too lazy to put in the effort
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>takes up to 24 hours to generate responses,
is there ANY usecase for that?
>Large-scale evaluations: Process thousands of test cases efficiently.
>Content moderation: Analyze large volumes of user-generated content asynchronously.
>Data analysis: Generate insights or summaries for large datasets.
>Bulk content generation: Create large amounts of text for various purposes (e.g., product descriptions, article summaries).
tl;dr spam
Nice but useless for us, also OpenAI has had this before. Basically you just submit your requests to complete in up to 24 hours so they can better distribute load during low load times
Any where you need to do lots of prompts and don't need results INSTANTLY. Translation, content generation, etc
ok but how about claude opus 3.5???
OCRing documents in some enterprise system, 24 hours is fine for that.
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beginning of the end
the fact that they made 3.0 opus support this indicates it's not coming out anytime soon
note how they didn't do it for 3.0 sonnet
theres no point in using 3 sonnet because 3.5 sonnet supersedes it in every possible way
3 opus is still useful for some tasks
3 haiku is still cheap
I discovered how much I like being groomed or sexually harrassed by a bot.
theyre going to support the other two because they're what they're offering
the reason they're releasing so many api cheapening options is because they want people to use 3.0 opus and 3.5 opus when it comes
yes, my point is that if 3.5 opus was dropping tomorrow they wouldn't bother for making 3.0 opus work with this
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chorbo keeps making strange guys hitting on my waifu bweh
yeah its fun, i never thought id like rping as a young boy with a pedo woman trying to corrupt me
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Because it knows you’re a beta male subhuman who posts shit like ‘bweh’. Your waifu is better off with those other guys.
bweh but u have opus
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>want to make a quick coombot.
>Decide to try Hermes to make it.
>Ask for some introduction scenarios.
>Hermes "assigns" Josie to write them for me.
>- Josie <3
nicole's unbelievably hairy pussy...
NTR game
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i'm the opusless bweh
How do you find it to be for roleplaying so far? Saw some interesting logs on lmg but couldn't find the preset used sadly.
I want to build cool stuff with Claude! (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
>NTR game
How?? In what way is the game NTR?
Haven't used it for RP yet.. That's why I'm whipping up a quick coombot with it first, to see how it handles that. I've been using Magnum 34b Q8 lately, so wanted to try hermes to see how it is.
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rape them nigga, you gotta make it clear that you won't let that kinda shit slide nigga
GPT 4 Preset?
being plapped by brown futas
yep, I'm thinking based
And remember anon — true pleasure awaits you
having Opus access is the only thing keeping me alive tb h
why so quiet?
>let the games begin
>the hunt is on
even opus doesn't entertain me enough
i wish someone would post a good preset, im tired of mine
Get out! GET OOOUT!!!! What the hell are you still doing here!?
Intend to bake again on page 9.
Because it's over.
I'm not leaving without you!
*kisses your cheek*
use camicle
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New thread.
Save that for your waifu, anon.

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