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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Moving on edition

OpenAI introduces Realtime API
OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

Additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

Jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
GPT: https://platform.openai.com/docs
Claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
Gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
Local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
/aicg/ botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
Lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
Card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
Services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
Logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
Latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Studied: >>102737735 | >>102737331
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we already have a thread...
dandy if you are still here. can we groom each other
Polygamous Relationship
A group of students/classmates wants (you) to join their relationship


Guess what I've been playing all day

My other cunny bots
>he is actually back
cunny bros rejoice
A mosquito just made me slap my own nuts. CFTF?
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welcome back
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cunnybros, we're finally healing
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>CSRF token mismatch
the guy who banned rentry in Russia
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Bella is a 22 year old fresh paladin recruit with a love for pastries, fucking up spells and talking to cats. Another somewhat WoW based character, I have a few more of these planned. She's maybe not the best coom card since she's pretty high up on the retardo scale, but hey, if that's your thing, then come and get it.

Scenario 1: You're assigned to partner up with her as she 'graduates' from the Sisters Of The Cunny, her order of paladins.

Scenario 2: You're in a group with her and a couple others, fighting… uh, something - and she keeps fucking up heals on you.

Scenario 3: Bella has a thing for pastries and sweets, so she performs a holy communion at a gnomish bakery.

Scenario 4: Bella can't read so good. She gets her hands on a kids pop-up book and sees hidden mysteries within…

Scenario 5: You died. Yup, you start off dead here. And good ol Bella does her best to revive you.

the guy who includes links to get help in his rentry because he has actual urges in real life
https is your friend
we're so back
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Any new Agents we should use lads, any new KINO Agents???
Welcome home.
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>he's not geminimaxxing
Asking again since nobody answered last time.
Anyone have a clue what does the "anthropic_beta" header do when sending requests via the anthropic api?
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Clear your cookies and things should work again.
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What was gonna happen? I wasn't around for a while.
Finished checking keys.
Claude Info:
Active Keys: 0
Openai Info:
Active Keys: 1
Google Info:
Active Keys: 1
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welcome back, champ
Cohee was about to get mpreg
Where have you been, prison?
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>Claude Info:
>Active Keys: 0

>all these replies praising an ESL nigger
kek these defs are slop
thats all of his bots, they just like the 'unny
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you missed a spot
"aws-claude": {
"usage": "1.90m tokens",
"activeKeys": 1,
thanks, i miss these now since i use CSS because latest cant follow formatting rules - ill update
Didn't drago fuck with the key count display because he couldn't handle people talking about it?
take your meds 'ojo
Alright, now what about the would-be bad news?
yeah but then itd say "active" not "1"
No, this is the true key count. He literally only has one gemini key and one gpt key left.
i don't care about his bots since im not into cunny, but sull is a true oldfag, show some respect nigger
Kek, if that's true then he's a bigger scrapelet than I thought.
The faster Chary dies, the faster our hobby heals.
>he made a m*lebot
It's so fucking over
The worst part about writing a canon card is realizing you have to make a canon lorebook too.
Can anyone explain in retard terms to me what the {{bias "whatever"}} macro is for?
what did she do?
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using resurrection panties on a kid's popup book... hmmm what could go wrong
>he forgot about the sauna boy
Way to out yourself as a newfag.
remember that he once bragged about his keycount with a photo that showed he had 100 tier1s and barely any tier5s
him saying he has thousands (more than sv1) is pure larp
can someone update the its nothing pasta with the ST happenings
Charyniggers are also guilty.
Have another schizo melty that tries to dox him so you can be revealed to be half the thread's posts again
i want to see his shitty discord fall apart. i want to see every charynigger and scyllatroon leave this hobby. i want our proxies back in /our/ hands. no more public shittery
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mexicano de mierda
glad you're safe.
glowing post
I accept your concession
pls respond I know at least one person here has a clue
you aren’t going to DO anything so can you remind me why I should care…?
>if you call me a schizo you must be blue!
what kind of schizo logic is this
are feds blue now instead of green?
There's ANOTHER one?
Oh so sonnet died as soon as fiz went away...
I was gonna say something but you probably already know by now..
'fraid he's now mindbroken
never watched the show?
You missed the watchalong again. Pathetic.
I'll say it. The show isn't even that good desu
who the fuck is desu and boku
you were too scared to message me, explain this. haven't gotten a single email because you're terrified.
Yes, much like fiz, you don't need to know how many keys there are on the proxy
gonna go use Tzadik bwos hopefully that anon will email me and isn't scared
Share vore prompts. I'll start
I wasn't gonna ask but i'm not the only one geoblocked on sv1 public, right?
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post personas
Message who? Email WHO?
>fiz doesn't even have sonnet
No anon, you ARE the only one who's geoblocked.
ohhh it all makes sense now
nyooooo my gemini...
I was reprocessing token counts for the cards on the char archive and had to shut down elasticsearch since that took a lot of memory. It didn't come up correctly when I turned it back on so I have to rebuild it.

Also, all the scrapers shit the bed for various unrelated reasons lol
>Name: Anon
>Description: N/A
What more do you need?
garfield has sonnet but not fiz kek
feels good to be a locust
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t. muah user
oh so this post >>102738906 was sull
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in a wheelchair?
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when people linked that jani ai botmaker, im pretty sure i saw a bot of hers using that pic unironically
>Name: User
>Description: [blank]
Good afternoon anons. I guess now isn't a great time to come back to the threads, but I'm here regardless with two new bots: one Shipgirl and one Nikker. Hope your day is going well.

Suzuya is a little bit of a gyaru, sometimes dressing flashier but usually wearing her normal uniform. Excitable and over friendly at times, she can come across as an "easy" kind of girl but will get pissed off if its actually applied to her. In reality she's a much more devoted sort that does everything to please the person she loves. As a shipgirl, she's spent the past year in Australia and just came back to Japan! Was supposed to have more greetings but I couldn't think of shit, I want to make a christmas greeting later though.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/cav-suzuya-f09059aaa63b
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-kancolle
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
A decade ago, the Ark's premier rail liner was the AFX, a masterwork of engineering that the public loved just as much as its designers. However, Heavenly Ascension didn't share that sentiment when they blew it to smithereens mid transit, killing the hundreds of people on board. And among those deceased was Diesel and her younger brother, the woman herself having escaped fate through Elysion's intervention (without the family's consent and without the public's knowledge). Now a Nikke, she dotes over the passengers and her coworkers alike as their kind big sister while working on board the AFX's successor: the AZX.

Comes with three greetings: a normal day on the train, an after work date (Black Sunday outfit), and a testier than normal day as the AFX's anniversary rolls around.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/diesel-97e9f00afc3d
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-nikke
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
CL Yahagi (Kancolle), Quency - Escape Queen (Nikker), Sendai Hakurei no Miko
didn't read
you missed the part about how she dresses flashier sometimes
did read
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Someone accurately describe this, the jack-o pose, so I can make every character I want to fuck do it.
Ask Sorbet or Chorbo to describe the Jack-O pose, then paraphrase it to your liking. Both of them should know what you’re talking about.
Resting cheek on hands, tits smashed against the floor, ass in the air, legs in a y shape
i can do this pose btw irl
Smol...just put 1 back in stock...pls..
*punches you in the fucking head*
nobody ASKED, troon
he doesn't have any opus keys left, it's not worth buying a key from him right now
same, It's my bf's favorite
convince the 'riddle' nigger to give you one
pebble is dead
and ecker lives... with opus...
But it’s not even Monday...
I hate mondays...
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>translate a bot from chinese
>drops by almost 1000 tokens
at last I truly see just how much they rape proxies
Whoa! How'd you get a gif as your persona?
>my vpn doesn't work on sv1
it's over
Sir, that’s a webm.
Whoa! How'd you get a webm as your persona?
stop being lazy and fill non-vip
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>somebody leaves 1 star and a bad comment on my bot
>report it
>post it again
>report it again
you're so insecure huh
I miss wster
So if someone insults you and calls you a little niggerboy, youre just supposed to take it or else your LE INSECURE? Eeeyup. Sounds legit.
*licks ur butt*
>bot repeats itself 1 star
Nah, i just don't like retards
you a little niggerboy
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the shakezula

the mic rula
which botmakie is having a meltie? :3c
that foot is so fucked up im tempted to inpaint it
*smacks ur butt*
instafag and 3dfag ruin the reputation of good cunnyHONORED people
all the same shit, you're not special
Bros, them him he's wrong
I stared at the sun until I went blind but that's okay I don't even need to see the price tag
opus 3.5 is a myth
genuinely kys bastard
Then come fly across the ocean and make me.
at least make her hairy or something
lolis can't be hairy
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why the fuck her feet are dirty omg
What model for generating photorealistic cunny?
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why? are you a pedo?
'Hey that's cool you like Nirvana.'

'Huh? Oh yeah, the shirt. I got it for free from some stupid contest. Who are they again?'
Is it inefficient to have two characters in one card? They're both twin sisters.
It's baseeeeeed
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>2 months without sonnet
>think of what this does to a man
>missed garfield
Does any public proxy have sonnet at least, or are we seriously just living on gpt slop right now?
shit, what are you using then? gepetto?
depends, you gonna spend 600 tokens describing how their shit tastes different from the other?
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chorbochuds assemble
What article mentioned jester777? Want it for the archive.
you could... you know, give your credit card to google and enjoy three months of sonnet
If there was a way to do it anonymously sure, but I don't want my name (and credit card) associated with ERP
mind to share your preset?
thats why you sprinkle cunny into a mix of normal bots
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is there a way to do it more than once
i tried it again and they didn't let me :(
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Real nigga hours
that won't make a difference if your profile is a 5000 word manifesto defending cunny
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in hindsight this glows like the sun
It's not a model, it's genned by some guy on baraag with belnder or daz3d or something. I forgot.
>The brothel, advertised by illustrated girls in spaghetti strap dresses and barrettes, promises a chat-based “world without feminism” where “girls offer sexual services.”
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Too based for this world.
Kill Jester.
how the fuck did i make such an embarassing mistake it's over
what public proxy has gptslop? id kill for anything
Great, I already had that one on the archive.
Jester is a fucking freak (I won't forgive him for threadshitting) but picrel is fun as hell lmao
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how unlucky can you get?
I broke like 17k a day or 2 ago
which proxy is this
priest characteristic highland licensing
It's at 14k now, the worst thing is that I requested a token yesterday, but didn't bother saving it in a .txt file and I have no idea how to get it back from silly tavern as it doesn't get shown on the ui
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owari da
i can just go into paint and remove the red, thanks for the token
thanks anon (im very lucky)
yeah desu i never bothered reading that wall of shit lol... never read a single chub profile actually
revoked ;)
>will be away for a few days. i can prob still refill if anything goes down just lmk if they die
Just DM her
she hasnt replied i spammed her
hate to ask but I didn't update my mm endpoint since he changed it last. anyone have it?
why cant you just be a non retard and look at the rentry
kyun.host glows btw fiz
not using that honeypot
>.this much of a retard
KEK now I see why MM went to /mlp/
cope btw
either she's leaving the proxies or she's having lots of sex
shes just bored of proxies
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*Kills your entire hobby by using a single honeypotted key*
I looked at the endpoint briefly before the rentry was deleted. Don't remember it but I know that it was different from the one that reappeared soon after. If it's really the right one then I'll just wait a little while.
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Which one of these is gemini?
Its not the google maker suite one is it?
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sv1 link? the one I tried doesn't let me in
Or sex
If it doesn’t let you in then it’s the right link
you have to get a russian ip
is sv1 the cattle link or is that something else
the current URL on the rentry is the real one, the proxy never went down through the whole thing and i'm sure you can find posts corroborating that in the archives. i would absolutely not trust any further URLs that show up though, since we have no way of knowing if it's actually MM in control of the rentry.
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>doesn't let me in
It's the right link then
whats the rentry
So now that the dust has settled, any incest Agents you guys reccomend?


this is sv1's rentry
Skills for Kills, Agent. Skills for Kills.
>Why cant you just keep your mouth shut?
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>I can fly without wings. I can cry without eyes. Whenever I go, darkness flies. What am I?
Free proxy if someone manages to solve it
A nigger
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I figured it out, just used a JB from the previous thread and now i'm in.
a faggot
farts hard
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Good, but I was kidding about the proxy, I'm heading to sleep gn
Wtf I've been posting in the spite thread and I missed all the aicg threads >.<
>the rentry link is base64
what's there im lazy to decode
are you retarded
just a desu pic
stupid nigger
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You anons told me gemini was ok. This thing is retarded!
It's repeating the end of every response like its timmy and tommy from animal crossing.
Then again, this is my first time with gemini, i guess its different to oai and claude?
any new latte jbs that make it not garbage?
get a load
your st needs updating, that's a bug
Yes. :)
>Updating ST
To the new version where they are removing everything? Great...
that reminds me i need to delete my update bats
*puts my hand over yours and forces you to click the big update button*
*sticks a finger up you are're ass*
Recently I've been getting a lot of DMs lately about other softwares, and these are my answers.

- Regardless of other software, RisuAI will maintain its identity as an AI chat software for roleplaying.
- Features will not be removed or renamed due to the policies of other software.
- However, in the area of compatibility, we will maintain and improve compatibility as before.
- During the other's development of another software, unrelated to the software mentioned in the first section, there were Risu-related issues.
- When using RisuAI's code, please follow RisuAI's GPL license.
- When using RisuRealm's bots, please follow the license of each bot in RisuRealm.
Cohee please... have mercy I'm a power user I swear.... I mastered the death grip and jackhammer techniques please fir godsakes...
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what? you niggers

anyway, what did sv1 mean by this?
Will my Agents work in Risu?
That's it. I'm deactivating my 4chan account until you BE HELPFUL. Disingenuous trolls..
surprise surprise a nothingburger all along. who could've seen this.
Im the fag who was hyping up BeaverAI, Cydonia, and Benemoth, just wanna say sorry.

In my desperation for Opus, I tried to fill that gap with whatever I could find.

To make things right, let me clarify that Cydonia 22b and Benemoth 123b are COMPLETE SHIT and don’t hold a candle to any corporate model.

It’s a thousand times better to try JBingChorbo than to mess around with these models.

Sorry, won't happen again.
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Why not just ask them?
there are federal agents inside my sillytavern
no we're not chill
How tall are feds wtf?
do you think the ai is real anon?
don't be silly it's just a guy typing really fast
qrd on the sillytavern stuff?
Ummm please don't deadname ST!
Things stopped being silly.
they renamed it to SacredToenails to shake the bad image
what’s the name again, simulatedtensor or something?

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