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Downloading fedora spin for thinkpad. Long time unironic mint/cinnamon user though my servers are all red hat/rocky.
Budgie vs XFCE? Gut says xfce because the thinkpad only has 6gb ram right now. Budgie is cinnamon-adjacent.
I've been using pass on my computer for nearly 10 years but the support on mobile is truly abysmal. On android the app is abandoned. On ios the app is also abandoned and it was developed by a chinese dude
Seriously considering trying keepass again, but I already know that on the pc the simplicity of passmenu can't be beaten
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>Gut says xfce because the thinkpad only has 6gb ram right now.
Kidings? Never gave a thought on desktop environments after 1+ gigabytes of memory started being a thing.
And do 'window managers' serve any real purpose in the current year? Had FluxBox back in the day, for low-RAM purposes.
t. boomie
i like to keep bitwarden on mobile (don't have an ios device) and it's been great with a selfhosted vaultwarden instance. don't need all my accounts on mobile so it's just a subset i keep on it.
Yeah i'm an idiot. Its been almost three years since I left windows and i'm still a memory-miser. I forget that I don't need much.
What happens if your vaultwarden instance goes down? Do the clients keep the pws locally?
yeah the clients sync any changes locally, so they keep all up to the latest sync
I really don't run any 32bit binaries, what do I "lose" by having a multilib system?
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What's a good text editor able to cope with huge text files? vanilla Vim from Arch repos is surprisingly slow for what i expected. Somehow Sublime Text is slightly faster once it ends loading the file, even.
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Looking at Gentoo wiki on Wayland. There's a list of software but I'm still not getting it.
If I wanted to try out Wayland on any generic Linux distro, I would choose between KDE, Gnome and Sway, right? And if I install Sway, will it pull Wayland as a dependency? Generally when I install Gnome or KDE it will pull Xorg as a dependency. How tf does all this tie together?
I can pull a Xorg desktop from my hat on whim on a barebones Linux system but Wayland says nothing to me. Like where is the "generic-wayland-desktop" metapackage?
>any idea how to stop this?
You don't. You either eat GTK slop in footland, or put up with the bugs in KDE.
>where is the "generic-wayland-desktop"
Wayland is just a protocol for passing information about display state and input events. It isn't a display server like Xorg. You can install just Xorg and have a GUI. Like, they call them "window managers" because that's literally all they do: manage window position and draw borders. Wayland requires a compositor to provide a display server, which is KDE, GNOME, Sway, ...
>Gnome or KDE it will pull Xorg as a dependency
Because legacy X session support and Xwayland.
Linux marketshare grew by 50% in the last 12 months, from 3% to 4.5%

I thought it's just due to more Indians coming online, but even just looking at the data from North America and Europe, it's the same relative gain.
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I have

PROMPT_COMMAND='history -a'
trap 'history -n && history -w' EXIT

In my bashrc to remove duplicate entries in the history file, but if I have multiple terminal windows open and close them in quick succession the history doesn't get saved properly. Some terminals discard their history. The obvious problem seems to be that the history file gets locked for writing so not all terminals can access it, though I'm not sure. Shouldn't "history -a" after every command (PROMT_COMMAND) solve this?
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How would I go about listing keybindings in the bottom left on my sway machine similar to how Manjaro Sway does it?
Just started using linux, how do I set the audio output to 96kHz-24bit?
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forgot pic
If you're using Pipewire, check the main pipewire.conf (probably /etc/pipewire/pipewire.conf) for the settings default.clock.rate and default.clock.allowed-rates. Depending on your DAC hardware, it may be preferable to set everything to 192 kHz or to provide an array of other sample rates, e.g. 176400.
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there is nothing on it
I installed Linux on a laptop, but ran into a problem with steam. It freezes when starting up TF2, and gets stuck at the loading screen. Am I missing a program to make it compatible with Linux?
That might be normal for your distribution, in which case you would need to create a new one, maybe using an example config provided with the package. Please state the name of the specific Linux distribution you're using.
cachyos, so arch
I don't use Arch, but their docs seem to say that they provide an example config somewhere in /usr that you can copy over and edit:

Regrettably, Arch's docs do not seem to have HTML anchors so I can't link you to the relevant section of that page.
I've been down the Free as in freedom software lately that can replace creative shit from adobe. I might use it in linux for the fuck of it but in general I'm just interested in open source.

I don't have a question, not even a real review. Just wanna say that DAMN. Some software is very very good. Some other is fucking garbage. And some other has potential that you know it will never reach.

Besides Blender that I don't use, I think the best open source piece of software I've seen is Inkscape. But I genuinely can't believe it can't work in CMYK. That alone makes it essentially non usable in a professional environment.

Krita is so fucking nice. It looks the part, it is actually used by real people to produce quality stuff and with a little bit of work I feel like it could give gimp a run for its money but this is the one I find the most frustrating because I know they never will, simply because they're not trying to. I found it a little frustrating to use. Probably because I was trying image manipulation instead of painting.

Darktable is pretty impressive but honestly a little clunky. Most sliders are not clear and it was slow on a laptop that handles lightroom perfectly. I guess I'll try rawtherapee.

I tried kdenlive as well and it went pretty ok. I tried animating the scale of a clip and I don't think it actually worked very well, and I was also not able to create a proxy, but honestly this is 100% lack of familiarity. I might try to use it for a professional job I have coming up. Just hope it doesn't crash on me.

Finally Scribus... I don't use Indesign that often but damn, Scribus looks and acts like shit. For me this is the biggest gap in terms of an adobe product replacement.

Next to blender, Inkscape (for screen only) and Krita are really the two programs that I find the best
You don't "lose" anything. It's just extra lib32 libraries sitting there and doing nothing.

For my Gentoo system I went with a no-multilib system because I don't want to maintain any of that crap. When I game I use an Arch container/chroot.
krita is more an alternative to clip studio paint (painting and drawing) than gimp/ps (image manipulation)
sadly it also falls a bit short compared to csp but its very much a viable alternative
When Vim is too slow you need Vi or Ed
>And if I install Sway, will it pull Wayland as a dependency?
Yes. Almost all Wayland compositors are going to pull in libwayland unless you're building something like Cosmic which will probably build everything statically because of Rust crap (even so it'll probably be a runtime dependency for applications)
Default configs are in /usr/share/pipewire. Copy them
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>fixes your distrohopping permanently
>gives you a system that just werks with zero terminal use or tinkering
>gives you a just werks system that anyone can install

To me I just don't understand how people can justify hundreds of hours in some tiling window manager doing all the work configuring and even coding in literal languages like c or haskell(dwm and xmonad) just to get 80% of the functionality of a regular desktop.

I dont need more ive already found my home.
All I need is a functional compositor (not Muffin). Mint should bring back their KDE Plasma edition.
>I dont need more ive already found my home.
It's truly a blessed distro, I finally stopped using 7 last year and it's been so comfy, now I'm excited about new hardware coming out because there's at least an updated OS that I like, I was literally using a computer from 12 years ago just to keep clinging onto windows 7 and get no support, where at least with Linux mint I can get no support, but an up to date browser and a computer that goes fast and doesn't make a bunch of heat.
I don't understand the point of your post.
He's saying that Linux Mint does everything and you don't need to be terminally autistic to set it up
cope over not being able to use a command line
who asked?
I know right?
Although setting up Linux systems from ground up is a no brainer, just get your internets connected.
Being autistic about it is optional.
>with zero terminal use
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An USE flag "hwaccel" exists for Firefox and Thunderbird but it doesn't exist globally. Should I enable it globally on my make.conf or specifically for those two as a package.use? Which one makes Emerge go faster? Are there deeper secrets to this?
Yes why would I need to tinker. IT JUST FUCKING WERKS
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Debian GNU/Linux
Arch Linux
Alpine Linux
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>USE flag exists for various packages
>doesn't exist globally
>"what do"
many such cases
has science found an answer?
>"typing commands means tinkering"
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>gives you a free virus as a bonus
Please be civil, notice the "Friendly"
Go back
Is there anything I need to know when picking a wifi card or do all brands work out of the box?
Recently switched from KDE to Sway (OpenSUSEway specifically) and I have been liking it the window management just feels so much better than traditional DE, any useful programs or addons you can recommend? my biggest pain point right now is the screenshot widget being very basic and not knowing how to swap keyboard input.
The first OP I can find with that text was in 2015

In other words, go back

how to cast from linux to chromecast?
>be me a year and more ago
used to think containerization of everything was amazing(flatpak)
used new filesystems like btrfs and xfs
even had my own build of silverblue
distrobox for all development
>be me now
ext4 separated home and root partition(makes it easy to do backups)
would rather build an application to test it than download a flatpak because i hate the sandboxing
fix my builds instead of using distrobox and containers all the time

I feel like this was a necessary but painful lesson i had to go through.
I think that's because vim is attempting to load the entire file while sublime is not.
What's the text file anon? Daoist scriptures?
they all use the same chipset
why do you hate sandboxing?
How long do you think it will take until nvidia supports HDR proper on loonix?
I heard they got DLSS working now and multimonitor VRR coming soon, there seems to be some progress there
i wouldnt hold my breath waiting
I don't hate it's just that applications are not really designed to behave like that and a lot of issues that pop up can simply be avoided by just running the app which i trust anyway.
I am not gonna pretend I am some kind of novice.
I've been using linux for a decade now.
If my system breaks I can fix it.
Is it that much more difficult?
some are qualcom though, is that ok? i was thinking of getting this one
What's the best note taking and note editing program on Linux? By note taking I mean something like gnome text editor or windows notepad and not text editors like vs-code. I tried joplin and some other ones but they seem to over the top for my usecase.

I used kate before but it seems bloated for a simple note taking app and for just editing random text files, especially since it advertises itself as a full blown text editor like vs-code. I'm using gnome text editor for all this now but I'm looking for something different or better now.
>I used kate before but it seems bloated
kwrite? It's literally the same core but without all the shit bolted on top.
Yes, especially when trying to use one for an access point.
Sometimes it's easier to put things in a container than it is to fix them.

I ran the Qt 6.8 betas to test them long before they were released (it worked out pretty well and there weren't many issues with KDE Plasma this time round and those that did crop up got fixed very quickly by KDE).
Problem: The Qt for Python stuff frequently lags behind because it's developed separately to Qt. They released it really quickly after the final release this time around in fairness to them but that's not always been the case. I simply run anything that uses Qt for Python in Flatpaks now and no longer have to worry.

Also, on the subject of Qt my system is using zlib-ng and this causes build issues in Qt Webengine and Chromium. I got rid of all of that crap now and run them in Flatpaks. I don't have time to figure out which API is lacking from minizip-ng and how to implement it correctly. Really this is something I'd hope the paid engineers at Fedora would fix themselves, because I do like the idea of a fast and modern Zlib, but they're content with bundling Zlib for now in cases where zlib-ng does not work.
Qualcomm is probably supported just fine by the ATH9/ATH10/etc drivers.

Don't take this as a definitive 'yes, it'll work' though, just that historically they've been better about supporting Linux than other companies.
I want something simple like gnome text editor or notepad with a nice UI. I don't like the UI of kate/kwrite.
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>I want something simple
its TOO simple bro. you wouldnt understand
wtf you need a ui for taking notes or random edits? you just type your shit then press ctrl+s and close it
NotepadQQ maybe?

You're doing a really bad job of rationalising what's too bloated about Kate but too simple about KWrite. What exactly is this middling ground you're looking for?
Clipboard widget program?
Also if you're only using this for notes then maybe look for a Markdown editor instead of a general purpose editor. There's a fuck ton of them about and they all tend to be simple enough but still have nice features for writing.
probably wont be doing anything like that. my house is small and i just want some basic wifi (i dont have nbn yet)
alright, ty
I have cracked Hitman 3 (download free demo in steam containing all game files, apply goldberg for full entitlements)(as an owner up through 2 because I've had enough of their purchase structure bullshit) which I am running with the Peacock server emulator in a Wine-GE prefix via Lutris.

I have a freezing issue when some areas are rendered for which the fix seems to be setting PROTON_HIDE_NVIDIA_GPU=1 and don't know how to set that in regular Wine. I see some reference to DXVK's nvapiHack config but don't know/can't find enough to go on that. Can this be done or do I need to add it as a non-steam game to run in proton, hope Steam doesn't do a cute store page redirect on attempted launch, and possibly deal with issues making the server emulator available to it?
Vim, of course
>you just type your shit then press ctrl+s and close it
I'm going to keep hitting ^O ^X like a true chad.
Is Ubuntu good?
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Kubuntu or Neon for a touch based laptop or tablet?

Default gnome ubuntu is awful, and the supposed gestures don't work, leaving me without right click, the gnome on screen keyboard is awful while onboard crashes with ubuntu 22 and 24.
i could never wrap my head around vim or emacs so i just slinked back to gedit
There's no other option than NTFS if I want a drive to work both on windows and linux right? I plan on only keeping vidya in it.
(those are nano keybinds)
Besides exFAT I guess.
You can install to Windows support for additional filesystems.
Isn't exfat case insentive? That's asking for trouble.
Well I checked etx4 and it was either a deprecated barely working shitware or a 200usd option.
There's a BTRFS driver if you have administrative privileges on the machine to install it. It's made by the React project and works very well.

Woah that's really cool, wasn't expecting brtrfs to have it when ext4 doesn't. I'll give it a try with a secondary drive to see if I get any weird issues or performance losses.
Thanks bwo.
not really, why are you considering it?
LXDE brah
funnily enough i typed out nano as well but figured noone used it
>It's made by the React project
>the React project
I felt my blood pressure rising. Clarify it's ReactOS next time.
Yes, the operating system. Obviously the web monkeys can't make a filesystem driver.

I use it when I boot into Windows (which is not often) and it works very well. Supposedly you can even install Windows on BTRFS root but I've never tried that.
It looks nice, I like the vertical taskbar.
The vertical taskbar is a bit shit from its glory days of Unity.

Ubuntu peaked years ago, it's all down hill since.
It's dead. LXQt is good though.
Is a log from and API endpoint shitting the bed and spitting nonsense. I ended up just using less.
>I ended up just using less.
Honestly the best way to go. I have Vimpager configured on my system but I keep falling back to the comfort of less anyway because Vimpager often hangs. I need to undo that, I haven't touched my configs in ages.
my emacs doesnt have that issue btw
Can you use emacs as a pager?
Ubuntu looked good in those Terry Davis videos, it still had skeuomorphic icons
That was Unity, back when Canonical still cared about the Linux desktop. I even used that before I went on a distro hopping stint to the various different Ubuntu flavours and then Fedora, Arch, etc, until I landed at Gentoo.

Unity is still around today but it's not worth using anymore :

It'd be nice if Unity8 (the modern version of Unity, spawned from Canonical's failed Ubuntu Touch attempts, now a community project named Lomiri) ever got to a decent usable state on the desktop though.
Why won't
find . -name 'boobies' -type f
show me all files with the word boobies in the filename?
Just type "find -name "boobies*"
It's an exact match, you want to use the wildcard character like >>102979963

The way you did it, it's searching for a literal filename named 'boobies' and nothing else.
Can I just use boot-repair to restore grub on a computer off a live Ubuntu session?
Or do I have to mount drives and shit?
Doesn't work. I don't get it, there's a file with the word boobies, but I can't find it. Using
find . -name '*.mp4' -type f
shows me all mp4 files including that one, but I just can't find it on itself.
You probably can do it just fine with boot-repair but it's always good to learn how to do it manually anyway.
Is it case-sensitive? Try -iname which will treat uppercase and lowercase characters the same, i.e it'll match 'BooBiEs' and 'boobies' all the same.
Try "find -name "*boobies*"
Also, if that still doesn't work then try a Regex:
find . -type f -regextype egrep -iregex '.*[boobies].*'

Should match all fails with those character sets.
Hmm, yeah okay I found it with
I guess it is a wildcard thing.
Thanks guys, all useful advice.
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Any of you have used this before?
I'm tempted, looks better than writing a makeshift script to download the latest versions of deno, lf, fclones, babashka, etc...
Emacs hangs at opening long files too.
>hope Steam doesn't do a cute store page redirect on attempted launch
Never happened for me.
>and possibly deal with issues making the server emulator available to it?
Never managed to run Peacock correctly, but when I tried with Proton, it would always run one instance. As in if I tried running Peacock and Hitman, Peacock would run and Proton wouldn't start Hitman until I've closed Peacock. Worked around it by running explorer.exe in my wineprefix dir
>curl https://webi.sh/webi | sh

I would not do that.
Installing software is easy anyway, you shouldn't need a makeshift script in the first place.
I have that too, just forgot to paste it here.
It doesn't if you set it up right.
Why does tmpfs not have reflink support? It'd be really useful to be able to quickly duplicate two directories and have the kernel only track the differences in memory.

I suppose I could use BTRFS on Zram but that's too much effort.
I think some people are still working on LXDE though I don't think it's as active as LXQt

The LXDE GitHub has some activity: https://github.com/LXDE
It's the same developers that work on LXQt, they chose LXQt to be the successor. LXDE may still get some fixes here and there but that's it. They're not going to port it to GTK3 or GTK4, etc.

GTK2 is really old now and it shows. It's probably fine on older hardware still though, which to be fair is mostly what it's meant for.
That's what nix is for.
Dear, Flatpak developers,
Please fix the progress bar when piping to Flatpak. This is obnoxious.
are the noto fonts installed?
It's not a font problem, it's because I'm piping to Flatpak those escape sequences have no effect because there's no controlling terminal so it just spews gibberish all over the terminal.

It should detect this and fall back to a simpler progress bar or no progress bar at all.
I want gnome text editor but more pleasing to the eye. Kwrite is even uglier.
my laptop has 16gb of ram and i plan to upgrade it to 32. can i get away with just a small (500mb, say) emergency swap file at 0 priority?
seems like even zram is unnecessary overhead with 16gb ram
Depends on what you do of course. I have 32 gigs and I never run into swap, even when gaming and compiling with 16 threads.
Linux is not Windows.
Linux doesn't give core UI processes special privileges wrt memory allocation because it doesn't have a core UI.
Because Linux doesn't have a core UI to receive special treatment, an OOM killer service is a necessary component of an interactive Linux system.
OOM killers work by selectively terminating processes once res+shr reaches a certain % of logical memory.
If you're OK with having a certain % of physical memory which can never be used as anything but cache, you don't need swap.
If you want to be able to use up to 100% of physical memory for programs, you need at least physical_ram / oom_trigger swap, where oom_trigger is usually around 0.9.
If you're going to have swap <physical_memory size, zram is the most performant option.
Alright, I'm a retard who plans on swapping from Windows to Linux for a bit. What exactly is Wayland and what does it mean for me? I hear a lot about it when looking around and I get that it's a newer version of Xorg, but are there any notable updates that I would be missing if I don't use it? I know it doesn't work very well with nvidia gpus which is a downside for me.
Is it possible to run plasma with vnc headlessly the same way it can be done on wlroots and wayvnc?
It should but Fedora doesn't have lf and fclones on its repos.
I ended using Dbin instead, just worked and has more packages.
wayland or xorg are pretty much what draws the gui on linux. You need one or the other. How well nvidia works with wayland depends on your distro, it's a rather recent change that it works together. If you're afraid of running into errors use xorg.
Pass is just a shellscript that has basically been abandoned/complete for a few years now
Never really thought it was a good idea to have a password manager on your phone in the first place.
That's probably baked into the wallpaper itself
>Fedora doesn't have lf and fclones on its repos.

No fclones though:

Maybe you should learn to write packages. On Gentoo I can easily package anything. Fedora makes life needlessly complicated with shitty RPM tooling though, I know they were supposedly working on some sort of declarative build-system that'd make building random Go and Rust shit easier. Not sure how far along that is though.
Dont use /etc/pipewire/pipewire.conf or its ~/.config counterpart, use ~/.config/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d/pipewire.conf or the /etc equivalent
Quick question:

How can i ssh into my home server like so user@hotname rather than entering the ipv4? I get this issue when doing the former ssh: Could not resolve hostname: Temporary failure in name resolution
You can use either, it doesn't matter. the .conf.d files are drop-ins, where as .conf file is obviously the main config.
Mint/Ubuntu/Debian are 99% of the reason why people distrohop in the first place, their software repos are regularly out of date, full of bugs, and lacking packages. Dpkg is also slow as fuck compared to every other package manager in existence
add something like this:
Host server
HostName 192.168.X.X
User root
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Now you can ssh with
ssh server
ssh root@server
, etc. Configuring the user and identity file is optional, I just put that there for completeness sake.
I ended up editing the hosts file. Is your method considered the best practice?
A while back my laptop stopped detecting an attached display over usb-c alt DP mode. I thought it was due to a driver/kernel update but over multiple versions it's still not coming back.

OS: Arch
nvidia-open graphics driver (iGPU is off in bios)
KDE on Wayland (Same issue on X11)

My work laptop (macbook) uses the display fine.
My other attached display which is just normal Display Port is also working. Not sure where to go with troubleshooting.
Yes, it's the proper way to configure it for your user. You can add extra ssh config options too, whatever you need.

It also doesn't require root.
>dropin dir inside the home dir
for what damn purpose?
Some people like drop-in files because you can add small configuration snippets in multiple files instead of one big file.

It really does not matter though. Configure it however you want, it's your system.
As you said, one is for drop-in configs, which means he only needs to add the relevant config changes instead of all of them while he cant do that with the main config.
spent hours troubleshooting an arch install because I couldn't figure out how to use systemd boot, ended up using grub and after a minute I was done
I deleted the various configs for systemdboot but I'm not sure if it'll end up causing issues later on
I installed devuan with xfce on an older laptop, but whenever I close the lid (having the system running) it freezes completely. The screen does light back up, it doesn't stay black, but it goes completely unresponsive. What can I do about this?
>which means he only needs to add the relevant config changes instead of all of them while he cant do that with the main config.
Sometimes you want that though, it shields you from changes in PipeWire's default config.
Basically what anon said >>102981671
But the difference between drop-in and main config does matter, as said in >>102981676
I need something on mobile because when I'm abroad for work I don't bring my personal laptop
A pipewire update may change options that arent properly reflected in the custom main config and cause issues, while drop in will just go on-top of the main config and override any defaults.
You might need to configure elogind to not go standby when closing the lid.
can you do drop ins for desktop files?
It may also break options and cause a regression though, that's what I meant by "shields you from changes in the default config".

Basically, if you want to propagate changes from the default config then use drop-ins otherwise use pipewire.conf. I use pipewire.conf on my system because I do not want PipeWire to unilaterally "do something different" because of a change in their config. If they deprecate or break something then I'll fix it myself.
From the complaints about Neon I see on KDE's forum, definitely go with Kubuntu. You'll want to get rid of snap (Discover can't update them) and install flatpak or whatever and you'll have to use KDE 5.27, but at least it will be stable.
If you want newer KDE, go with Arch, Fedora, etc.
Maybe i should just install Gentoo eventually. I wonder if there's a OCI image i can use for testing purposes. Portage is my filter.
You cant, you can only replace them.
that's a shame
How would drop-ins for .desktop files even work? You only want to change a single Comment line in them or something?
Yes, I want to change a single line.
Now I either can overwrite the whole thing, but I would miss any changes done to it by upstream (and they could change something important possibly), or change the system one, but every update will overwrite my change again.
Not sure which one is better option.
Write a script that runs at boot or on auto-start that does:
[ -e /usr/share/applications/"${DESKTOP}" ] || exit 1
mkdir -pv ~/.local/share/applications

sed -e 's|^Exec=.*|Exec=blah blah blah' /usr/share/applications/"${DESKTOP" > ~/.local/share/applications/"${DESKTOP}"
sed -e 's|^Exec=.*|Exec=blah blah blah'

Should be like this (you get the idea):
sed -e 's|^Exec=.*|Exec=blah blah blah|g'
Yes, I do the same. If the settings I am controlling in the main config change, then I want it to blow up loudly and catastrophically so that I can fix it right away.
Linux installation instructions are telling me I have to build from source

My genius way around this is to just run the Windows exe with Wine instead, and indeed it works just fine
Kubuntu 24.04 with a 2080ti here, this was accompanied by a lot of "desktop effects were restarted due to a graphics rest" messaged.
Is my graphics card dying?
Advantage of GNOME: I can use ProtonVPN's app (it only seems to work on GNOME, and I'm too lazy for manual VPN config)
Disadvantage of GNOME: it's bloated
Use vopono. Running VPN vendor apps is fucking retarded.
Okay, so that was taken after a reboot when I noticed it starting, and it had persisted after the reboot. Now I rebooted after removing the lines describing a fake monitor I'd added to my xorg.conf and it seems to be behaving itself.

But this kind of begs the question, is it safe to go ahead and try to use wayland on Kubuntu with Nvidia so I can avoid the issue of all monitors having the same refresh rate so any cheap secondary monitor would slow my main one down, or possibly use another method of creating a virtual display that doesn't involve lying to the driver about a monitor being plugged in?
Interesting i haven't heard of that, I guess I could try it in the future
Using a "VPN app" at all is retarded. Configure the OpenVPN or Wireguard service.
Never mind it's still happening it's just happening less now.
How? Right now I'm using wireguird from the aur as the arch wiki recommends but it sucks. Is there a better way to do it?

I download wireguard profiles from protonvpn, is there a simple script that will connect me to any random profile out of the many from my wireguard profile folder everytime I boot?
ProtonVPN app just works (with GNOME) and I'm too lazy to configure shit like that

Being smart with your time isn't retarded - being dumb with your time is retarded
why do youtube embedded videos on 4chan not play audio anymore
>Being forced to use Gnome
>Being smart
Choose one and only one
Are you using the nvidia-open drivers?
I recall since the 555 they were the default for rtx cards, so the old one might be a bit broken.
Or it might just be the gpu dying.
I went through the arch installation and I have a working desktop now but it wasn't the most straightforward process (for me as a noob)
is there any chance of something being broken despite my system looking like it works?
So I found an old dell laptop latitude 2100 what distro could revive that?
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Why is there no Details tab when I open a file properties from Desktop? If I move it to any folder it shows up.
KDE 5.
Okay so more info, there's two grpahics cards in this thing. One was a GTX 1080, which I was passing through to a windows VM, and the other is the 2080ti.
I was using the proprietary drivers (550).
So I tried to edit /etc/default/grub and switch witch card got the vfio-pci driver, that just resulted in nvidia driver being unable to initialize the 1080 and X wouldn't start.
So I tried to boot in recovery mode to see if the 1080 could be used at all, although due to fumbling around in KDE driver manager "recovery mode" is now set to use the nvidia driver and I'm not sure how to change it back. All other options in driver manager are greyed out and I don't know how to fix that.
Also I'm seeing similar junk if I go into "recovery mode" on the monitor connected to the other graphics card, a 1080 (it's actually the same monitor just on another input, GPU pass through and all), but it's not quite to the same extent.

I'd try reinstalling at this point but that drive holds the decryption key and pool information for a BTRFS pool.
Puppy Linux
Tiny Core Linux
how can i keep an updated git repo with my firefox bookmarks and update it everytime I close the browser?
more Indians in Europe and America
Just use Firefox Sync. It's encrypted blob storage. You can even self-host the sync server.
I don't know enough about the graphics pipeline. Trying to figure out how to configure so that older Bethesda games don't shit themselves, particularly on alt tab. It's in Wine so running with DXVK which I thought was supposed to pretty much cover it, but no. Couldn't get Special K working in Wine either which seems to be the main recommendation. In fullscreen, if I alt tab for too long or too many times I return to a black screen and the window spazzing the fuck out making it difficult to get focus and quit it. Windowed, made borderless fullscreen with WM, doesn't do that, as expected, but it instead risks going into a persistent state of fucked up framepacing or something awful feeling. Either way I have to restart the game way too much, especially because this shit can less commonly trigger without alt-tabbing or sometimes it will just freeze and require tabbing out and back in to continue.
Best you can do is Buku
Alpine looks interesting and probably enough for me to make this old thing into a laptop for markdown notation with a decent desktop environment.
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>seems like even zram is unnecessary overhead with 16gb ram
What overhead? And how is the amount of RAM related to this "overhead"?
What wasn't straight forward about it?
>get yourself a partition or something
>put in a Linux userland
>make it bootable somehow
Depends on hardware. And even today PCs can change their boot mode to the 1970s style BIOS scheme case you hate the modern UEFI.
>configure: clock, timezone, keymap, something else
They all go like that, be it graphical Wizard or manual terminal typin.
My CPU is store brand shit and i barely feel like a 2% CPU usage from ZRAM.
If it's noticeable it shouldn't be used.
Some people legitimately need swap Anon.
If it's noticeable you should throw that hardware in the trash because it belongs in a museum, even shitty Android devices can use ZRAM without any issues.
Yes, if something isn't working it's very likely it's because you didn't know to install the component or you misconfigured it.
You can mix traditional swap with swap on ZRAM if you want.

I just went ahead and made /var/tmp/portage a BTRFS mount on top of ZRAM too. It was easier than I expected, zram-init already supports this.

$ sudo zramctl --output-all;sudo swapon --show;free -h
/dev/zram0 15.7G 7G 2.3G zstd 32 62531 2.4G 0B 2.5G 15K [SWAP]
/dev/zram1 45G 19.3G 9.7G zstd 32 84022 9.8G 0B 9.8G 29.4K
/dev/zram0 partition 15.7G 7G 16383
/dev/root/swap/swap2.img file 27G 0B -2
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 62Gi 39Gi 2.6Gi 34Mi 21Gi 23Gi
Swap: 42Gi 7.0Gi 35Gi
Just one more question: is app armor or SELinux necessary for just creating documents and notation/light gaming?
Did you install all the anti-freeze patches and shit? Like Midnight Ride base or whatever? Those games have all kinds of problems on real Windows too.
It's not necessary but it also doesn't have much overhead. I see no reason not to use AppArmor.
Gotcha, just gotta learn it especially when trying to add a new program into the mix.
Desktop software does virtually nothing with MAC in the first place. You shouldn't even notice it
AppArmor is very easy to learn.

All you need to know is:
>apparmor_parser - to load/remove profiles
>aa-status - view status of loaded profiles
>aa-logprof - view logged denials and optionally edit the profile to whitelist the thing that caused the violation
>aa-complain - put a profile in complain mode instead of enforce mode. It'll log denials but won't take action on them.
Gotcha, thanks all
Yup, all the engine tweaks, heap replacer etc.
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Block device compressed on RAM -> ZRAM.
Filesystem compressed on RAM -> tmpfs.
Right? Is there more RAM-tricks on Linux?
No if you ask me but I'm lazy. Do you personally want to restrict your processes?
Just take a normal system, don't make your life hard. It's the desktop environment that makes any Linux system heavy.
>Just take a normal system, don't make your life hard.
Not them but Alpine is actually really nice to use as long as you don't need proprietary Nvidia support (they don't work with Musl libc).

They have desktops packaged (all the major ones) and Flatpak is supported too if you want to run Glibc based software like Spotify or Steam.
I'm trying to install packages for debian, but I get 404 when trying to access the packages. I have tried using apt update && apt upgrade && apt full-upgrade, but it doesn't seem to work still.
nvm, figured it out. I used sudo rm -r /var/lib/apt/lists/*
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Thanks, another question, how do I disable DDC auto-brightness? I thought I was going crazy because Windows has never adjusted the brightness of my monitor automatically.
i globally enable anything i would reasonably expect to want enabled in anything that is likely to use it. like if you have hardware capable of hwaccel, when would you want to enable it for one thing but not another? in many cases also when you enable it for one thing, the libraries needed to support that thing are now installed, so enabling it for something else becomes free or at least closer to free
not to pile on, but while i'm happy you found what you like, you should know that what is ideal for you may not be what is ideal for someone else. there is no single distro that can satisfy everyone. while i would agree there's more distros than is really needed, i would also not go as far as saying only one is needed
>when would you want to enable it for one thing but not another?
Asked case it would have an effect on Emerge's dependency resolving speed.
Idea being that the end result is the same.
not really sure what difference it would have on emerge's dependency resolution speed, that's not something i'm concerned with
that said i do understand the desire to keep enabled flags to a minimum, i've tried that before and it's not worth it for me. instead of explicitly enabling something per-package, it's less painful to consider how likely it is that you would enable it for any package. so like for example, "jpeg" isn't something i would enable per-package, because there's little to no reason i would have it disabled if a package wanted it, and it would make sense to disable it per-package if i did want it disabled for a package. think of it like a white/blacklist, global is your preferred "default", while package.use is for your "exceptions"
>not really sure what difference it would have on emerge's dependency resolution speed
Just a thought: parsing all those flags for every single package or just for specific ones.
>i do understand the desire to keep enabled flags to a minimum, i've tried that before and it's not worth it for me
Not specifically trying to keep enabled flags at minimum either. It's all very "minimal" regardless as any normal distro enables EVERYTHING.
(at least to me it looks very minimal (even when doing everything on a whim))
>"jpeg" isn't something i would enable per-package
Same as there is an actual global flag for it. Not all flags are global you know.
Not him but I've been thinking about distro hopping to nixos and starting a config away to get away from apt based distros like mint.

They even have GUI installer so its not an autistic process setting up like arch is. Then its just rerunning your configuration.nix file.

You can see it as "more work" but really it's less. The app store on mint is at the heart just a front end for apt and flatpak so you save more time putting everything in environment packages.
>have one 144hz monitor and two 60hz monitors
>because I don't have Wayland, forces 60hz on all monitors
>always have to disable the side monitors when I want to do 144hz gaming
I finally bit the bullet and ordered two more of the same 144hz monitor I use. I could've bought cheap 144hz monitors to solve this problem, but I've always hated how colors and brightness differ from screen to screen. I'll finally have a cohesive experience where everything should be the same.
Are there any decent fonts that support ligatures? I normally like bitmap fonts, but I can't manage to get any of the bitmap fonts that supposedly support ligatures to work, so now I am just wanting any good looking font that support ligatures at all.
>tired of GUI just wanna use terminal
>tired of booting up WSL
>tired of windows inefficiency
>too lazy to transfer all files and reinstall everything
Dual boot and migrate functionalities you're using one by one over time.
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Thoughts on OpenSUSE?
It's fine. It exists.
For an RPM-based distro it's definitely a choice to go with if you enjoy KDE specifically.
>slowest package manager
>yast is the most bloated piece of software on the planet, it looks atrocious, and it reverts some changes you do if you don't use it
>corporate-owned distro, that call people who don't actively talk about how much they love troons "rotton flesh"
yeah, this thread loves opensuse.
I think it's perfectly fine. I like yast and I never had any issues with it.
Is there any newer version of picrel, preferably one that can be placed in Plasma's taskbar? This one (multiload-ng) had last commit 4 years ago and no longer works in taskbar.
Forgot to add, I mean something specifically inspired by this. There's a number of monitors that don't show history or don't separate the types of usage by color (e.g. user / shared / buffer / cache for memory), you don't need to bother recommending those, I'm not interested in them.
Is there any reason why the built-in sensor widgets aren't good enough for you?
convince me not to buy a 7900XT for Linux. I don't care about raytracingslop and it has a better dollar to frame ratio than nvidia in that price class
You don't need it. Don't get nvidia either, unless they open sourced their drivers.
Do you need a new GPU?
I see no reason not to pull the trigger on it if you do. The only thing that makes me hesitant to pull the trigger on AMD's top tier cards right now is that they don't offer a meaningful uplift when gaming at 4K. I'm still waiting for the day they make a card that consistently hit 60 FPS at 4K (I don't need more than that). I'd buy that immediately.
According to rumors the 8000 series won't even have a top-end card, they're ceding that space to nvidia entirely.
I know. That's very disappointing if true because I want them to do better. I don't care about ray tracing gimmicks but I really want to be able to game at 60 FPS in 4K without needing upscale crap. The 4090 can do that but I'm not buying Nvidia, not until I see good stability reports using an open driver stack (Nouveau + Mesa + Nvk) and benchmark numbers from Phoronix to back that up.
You now:
>I don't need more than 60 fps at 4K
You in a few years time:
>I don't need more than 120 fps at 8K
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So I fucked something up. I currently have windows 10 on my main NVME. I also have a second nvme and a HDD. I tried to set up duel boot with pop os and later decided that I wanted to try mint as well. So I have windows on SSD #1 Pop on SSD #2 and Mint on HDD. I don't know how, but when I boot from my nvme #1 it boots into mint and I can't get it to boot windows and I am freaking out. It still has all my shit on it a d I can access it on Pop, but it just boots into mint for some reason when I want to boot into windows. I figured that I could just go ahead and install windows 11 with a flash drive made with Rufus to bypass the secure boot and tpm shit, but I can't get rufus to work on either of my linux OSes and balena etcher which I used to make the Linux boot USBs apparently doesn't make windows boot USBs. What do? Im a fucking moron aren't I?
I won't be buying an 8K monitor anytime soon. I doubt they'll come down in price. Good 4K monitors are affordable now though. As always the display tech evolves faster than the GPUs though. I really don't want to use proprietary shitware from Nvidia but I also don't want to invest in a top tier card that isn't going to give me any meaningful uplift.

It's sad that they're giving up on flagship cards but I can see why.
go into your bios settings and make it boot from the windows partition
do a second install, but then set up the windows drive in a vm, this way you can move things over at your own pace
it's very difficult to just slam the brakes and switch to something else on a dime, but if you have access to both it makes things much easier
the boot loader part, I wanted to try systemd-boot because it sounded like a simple solution but I couldn't figure out how to configure it properly, I ended up using grub
the only things I catched for now were the lack of sound (it wasn't just about unmuting), and file permission issues, I fixed everything
I guess if anything else comes up I can just fix it on the spot, it shouldn't be too hard
They were honestly not that mindblowingly bug-free to keep me from trying crazy things like Arch.
Although I benefited from having Ubuntu and Arch at hand simultaneously as I could copy some things from Ubuntu that were broken on Arch like some printer-related crap. Well, not exactly broken but it was kind of hard to figure out what I was missing. (some super weird piece of a ppd file or whatever)
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>crazy things like Arch.
Okay, fair points. Personally I'm happy with 720p, 30fps. Yes I have a shit computer.
I got a 7800XT and it's fine, but kinda regret not going for a 7900XT for ai slop generating purposes.
>I could copy some things from Ubuntu that were broken on Arch like some printer-related crap
I hope you filed bugs for that. Printing has just worked on pretty much every distro I've ever used, even on Gentoo. The fact that you had issues suggests some upstream issue with CUPS.
With 6 GB of RAM you shouldn't have any issues with desktop environments at all. My choice would be KDE, it just works, but if I would have to choose between the two I would choose Budgie for lightweight KDE or XFCE if you want to spend a little bit more time on your configuration.
Technically you can use pass inside Termux, but is Android application for pass really abandoned or just complete and doesn't need more updates?
Anyone actually using Trisquel (or another FSF-approved distro)? Want to try it and see how far I can go with a 100% free distro before I go crazy by stuff not working.
I don't think it's abandoned, at least it worked fine the last time I used it.

I just use Firefox Sync for passwords on Android. I use a Yubikey and it's annoying using a USB C dongle for it (I should have bought the one with NFC support).
Any good program for monitoring sensors where I can pick which ones to display and what they're called? I used to use indicator-multiload but it is unmaintained and renders wrong on xfce now.
Plasma System Monitor?
you can just sync the ~/.mozilla directory between different machines
a git repo can work as well. on either the ~/.mozilla directory or the individual profile directory
Bloated feces.
Sometimes i get nightmares where my pc boots up windows even though i never had it installed in the first place.
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How do I report bugs? Pic related, Firefox shows white pixels in PDFs as translucent. Didn't even know that it could overlay over the wallpaper. Also it smears the text around when I scroll.
If this is distro Firefox then make sure to download Firefox Nightly from Mozilla to test in that first.

If it persists then you can report it on bugzilla.mozilla.org
$ sudo apt policy firefox-esr
Installed: 128.3.1esr-1~deb12u1
Candidate: 128.3.1esr-1~deb12u1
Version table:
*** 128.3.1esr-1~deb12u1 500
500 http://security.debian.org/debian-security bookworm-security/main amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
115.14.0esr-1~deb12u1 500
500 http://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm/main amd64 Packages

So do I go the APT repository way or do I run the Linux 64-bit that I can download off of the mozilla website?
Mozilla has an Apt repo but you can just download the tarball and extract it and run it from there if you want
Downloaded the 64-bit nightly off of mozilla, It works fine that way.
Then it's a bug that's since been fixed and needs backporting or a Debian issue
never seen such a problem
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Are there actually any good desktop environments that work besides cinnamon.

Or is that the only good one because I checked and I think thats the only good one.

KDE audio crackles when you adjust the volume. It literally made me uninstall that.
Me neither
So how do I tell them? This has been going on for two versions now.
Report it to Debian using their shitty email based bug tracker. They'll probably want you to attach the PDF or post a URL to it.
Or just stop using Debian's shitty version of Firefox and add Mozilla's Apt repo. I don't see the point in using an outdated ESR version.
>Me neither
Thing is: chances are it's not really a firefox bug.
>Report it to Debian using their shitty email based bug tracker.
So I'll have to literally give them my email? Nah thanks, I'll wait.
>They'll probably want you to attach the PDF or post a URL to it.
Pick a PDF at random. Done. It's repeatable on each and every PDF there exists, which does have a background (there's PDFs of 0x0 dimensions for reasons).
I don't want to have to fuck around with shit like filing a bug report. I chose Debian because it's the least "having to fuck around with shit" due to stable (supposedly) packages.
Hell, if Apple sold MacOS for non-Apple hardware, I'd buy it.
Thought the same, but it works properly in nightly and beta FireFox.
>it's the least "having to fuck around with shit" due to stable (supposedly) packages.
Those stable packages tend to be a hindrance on the desktop as you're finding out now. You usually want up-to-date software on the desktop it doesn't make sense to force yourself to use years out of date software "because it's stable".
>I don't want to have to fuck around with shit like filing a bug report. I chose Debian because it's the least "having to fuck around with shit" due to stable (supposedly) packages.
As others said, you could install Mozilla's official repo for Firefox and install the latest version from there - maybe the bug is fixed in the current stable release. This guy says it's fixed in the nightly version: >>102991170

You're currently using ESR which is older.
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I need a degree in computer science to file a bug report. Good thing I have one; but, fuck me, how are normies ever supposed to actually use Linux this way.
>Debian bug tracking system
>Copyright © 1999 Darren O. Benham, 1997, 2003 nCipher Corporation Ltd, 1994-1997 Ian Jackson.
That explains it. Doesn't make this ok.
But I don't want to tinker with computers anymore. I think I'll just buy a mac next time, money be damned.
>, but it works properly in nightly and beta FireFox.
which is a sign it's not a general firefox problem.
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>As others said, you could install Mozilla's official repo for Firefox and install the latest version from there
But I don't want to have to fuck around with this anymore anon, I'm getting too old for this shit.
>maybe the bug is fixed in the current stable release. This guy says it's fixed in the nightly version: >>102991170
I don't know what to tell you. Pic related.
>You're currently using ESR which is older.
I'm aware of that.
That feels counter-intuitive. If it was a hardware or other issue with my system, it would happen in both ESR and Nightly, no?
that ESR you use isn't from mozilla, but debian?
Well, potentially they are fucking up something in their package.
>that ESR you use isn't from mozilla, but debian?
Yes, see >>102991149
>Well, potentially they are fucking up something in their package.
Probably. Couldn't find anything in the bug-tracker about it though. Won't post because the Reportbug system wants my clear name (nuh uh)
Post your boot entries for starters:
efibootmgr -v -u

>boot from the windows partition
You don't "boot partitions" with UEFI.
Why wouldn't you use what your distribution provides you?
There were no bugs, it was simply missing a component: https://www.openprinting.org/driver/foo2zjs/
>Printing has just worked on pretty much every distro I've ever used,
Richfag or underaged. Budget printers from around 2010 were a nightmare.
>But I don't want to tinker
Using up-to-date software doesn't mean you have to tinker. Go and install Fedora or OpenSUSE Tumbleweed or something. You'll have a much better time.
>OpenSUSE Tumbleweed
Actually tried that before going with Debian, the Nvidia drivers weren't working properly.
>Why wouldn't you use what your distribution provides you?
But I am? It's the browser that came with debian.
>Budget printers from around 2010 were a nightmare.
Sounds like you just had shit hardware. I remember using some shit HP printer on Ubuntu and it always worked fine because they provide drivers (hplip).

If you're a rich fag you can buy a nice Brother printer though (also supported well on Linux)
>Sounds like you just had shit hardware
Had loads of cheap stuff and it was mostly awful with Linux. These "always worked"-people are just full of shit.
Maybe you should do some research before buying hardware. Buy something that's supported and you won't have issues.
>Maybe you should do some research before buying hardware
Was mostly free gibs and literal e-waste. But just saying.
You use your desktop's widgets or Conky.
>Was mostly free gibs and literal e-waste.
Fair enough. That stuff probably barely works on Windows and macOS, especially if they abandon the drivers and a new release of the OS comes out (pretty common issue).
>loads of cheap stuff
>it was mostly awful
well, yes.
>>gives you a system that just werks with zero terminal use
Don't lie to yourself.
The terminal is absolutely inevitable.
No DE exists for Linux that can free you from the terminal.
Conky made me do this dumb shit

${color grey}CPU$color ${cpu cpu1}% ${exec cat /sys/devices/platform/coretemp.0/hwmon/hwmon2/temp2_input | colrm 3}C${color grey} ${cpu cpu2}% ${exec cat /sys/devices/platform/coretemp.0/hwmon/hwmon2/temp3_input | colrm 3}C$color ${cpu cpu3}% ${exec cat /sys/devices/platform/coretemp.0/hwmon/hwmon2/temp4_input | colrm 3}C${color grey} ${cpu cpu4}% ${exec cat /sys/devices/platform/coretemp.0/hwmon/hwmon2/temp5_input | colrm 3}C
${color grey}GPU$color ${exec nvidia-smi --query-gpu=utilization.gpu --format=csv,noheader | colrm 3}% ${exec nvidia-smi --query-gpu=temperature.gpu --format=csv,noheader}C
All of a sudden i'm getting audio lag. Audio and video are out of sync...
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What's a "platform device"??
Wow, how neatly everything is under /sys/devices/platform/coretemp.0.
Getting temperatures out of my AMD Ryzen is a mess, the sensor is a damn PCIe device.
The temperatures are formatted as an integer with three unused decimal positions. 35C is 35000. It may not be convoluted but it is retarded.
it's over
I learned pretty quickly that you never update unless you absolutely have too.
Only thing I have installed today is google authenticator and ubisoft connect through lutris.
Forgot my rage pic
How can I activate Gnome Activities ONLY on the monitor where it was triggered?
[bluetooth]# scan on
[bluetooth]# SetDiscoveryFilter success
[bluetooth]# Failed to start discovery: org.bluez.Error.InProgress

Why does this happen? I can't connect any bluetooth device to my laptop, the gui bluetooth manager doesn't work either. It worked before, maybe an update broke it I have no idea. On debian testing.
how do you configure fedora xfce to boot to CLI instead of xdesktop?
What OS?
This is a Systemd question. You configure it boot into multi-user.target instead of graphical.target
geany? though i haven't loaded any large files into it yet
How do you get it to boot into a particular partition instead of just choosing the whole drive?
Will my system boot when I change my motherboard?
I just get the same results as your image. Efi variables not supported.
Probably not unless your system has \BOOT\EFI\BOOTX64.EFI or similar which is supposed to be loaded by default by UEFI firmware.

All other loader entries are stored in NVRAM on the board so you'd have to recreate them.
Is it hard to do? I saw a guide but it wasn't easy to follow at all. :( I use arch with a systemd boot.
>Is it hard to do?
no. Just boot the install iso, chroot into your system and reinstall your bootloader. Like you installed it in the first place.
thanks anon, that worked. hope you appreciate this (You) b/c after rebooting i got reset back to the 15 min bot timer
I've never chrooted before. Hopefully it works and easily because I don't want to redownload all again.
that's part of the standard arch installation though.
I used endeavour OS to install.
Well, just follow the arch installation guide but skip the parts you don't need, like pacstrapping the system etc.
Besides installing the bootloader you might have to change the configs where your ssds are referenced.
If you're using UUIDs (and you should) that won't change.
I only have one SSD. I hope it will be easy to set up once it arrives. I'll try updating BIOS first then.
Gentto, finally sorted it out. Just removed all pipewire, alsa and anything related then reinstalled everything.
New thread:
It's easy to do using efiboomgr.
My board is kinda shit and doesn't properly hold any nvram values though, so I just copy the grub EFI binary to the default location every time.
How can I activate Gnome Activities ONLY on the monitor where it was triggered?

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