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/gd/ - Graphic Design

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This is a place to discuss topics about visual or graphic design. Requests for photoshopping or free work go on /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests or /r/ - Adult Requests as appropriate.

#/gd/ @ irc.rizon.net
#4chan-gd @ irc.freenode.net

>What literature should I read to get into graphic design?
The sidebar on the /gd/ wiki has plenty of book reccomendations.

>What programs do I need to get started?
Adobe Illustrator
Corel Draw

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>Can somebody photoshop X? Can somebody make me a logo?
All requests for photoshopping belong on /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests or /r/ - Adult Requests. /gd/ doesn't take requests or do free or even paid work sometimes. However, if you're new at something, asking "HOW can I X?" rather than "CAN YOU make X?" will give you better results.

>Can I post some of my work for critique?
There is usally a critique/What-Are-You-Working-On thread, and that is where work for critique go.

>Can somebody find [font]?
also check out your local torrent site or the font-share thread.
Remember to share and not just take. Also remember that using liscensed fonts in commercial works is a bad idea.

>Where can I find inspiration?

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Make some shitty cover art?
>Make some shitty cover art!

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thank you! that means a lot! <3
I try keeping a fairly loose attitude during my process and not forgetting to have fun with it. it feels like trying to listen to what the thing itself wants to be. perceiving and doodling around, instead of enforcing *myself*, if that makes sense?
downside is some fluctuation in quality, I guess. but once in a while I manage to chisel something out that kinda works.
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this guy's good
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...n-no u...

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form an artistic viewpoint
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Why is this aesthetic wrapped in with the Windows 8 "Metro" theme? They were not even in the same decade. The colorful/grungy and flat style was a thing of the mid to late 00s. Windows 8 was released in fucking 2012. The style was already dying by the time Windows 8 came. There was nothing in this style that look remotely related to Windows Metro. And why is "Frutiger" even in the name? It doesn't have anything in common with Aero other than being in the same decade.

These names people are coming up with make no damn sense.
People who decided to 'own' these things to show their merit to the world as in 'educating' others are 'undergraduate art students', 'neets' and 'young, so don't have a recollection of things in a time span of a decade or two over 14 years ago but thats ok'.

Do not expect them to do things like filtering Google results by a time range. Some of them are convinced that the truth is as good as the 'emotion it invokes', that's why the nonsense clustering and naming. They live in some timeless void where they are driven by emotional stimulus and attention.

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Early 2000s webdesign
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Start with a transparent png for the overall layout with the transparency being the parts where the links nestle between. Then use this:
Wait what the fuck? That's so much more simple than i thought it'd be.
Do you know any good books on 2000s website design?
Don't know any books but most of 2000s web was built on simple basic javascript, html and css which can be learned on w3. You're essentially getting creative with limitations, fucking around with divs and tables.
I wanted to share one other trick though if you're new and just getting started, something you can play with.

that image >>451546
I haven't been to the website to check, but my guess on those red buttons is that they change based on clicks and mouseover. You could change the color or image of them by using these



Using a mouseover or onmouse click to dynamically change elements of a webpage.
Ah yeah, I'm familiar with some basic CSS functions but that's helpful, thanks.
And I couldn't find the right webpage from archive.org, but I did find this cool page. A bit broken even with Ruffle but I can still feel the sovl.

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I no longer know how to make money as a graphic designer Its all so hopeless
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Its so temping to give up & trying to be the BEST & give into feeding retards retarded shit

>how do i get my mind to believe that getting attention & influencing others is > than becoming a good artist & mastering a skill
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500k likes on facebook
I haven't seen an ad for a graphic design job in literally a year where I live. the last job ad I saw I got that job and I've been looking for a new one ever since, nothing.
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fyi a gaanoo/linux now has a font manager, that is basically the same as nexusfont on windows or the macos built-in one, and also provides a font file viewer:

feel free to discuss any other freetard design software that may have emerged or improved recently.
krita looks like a much more ok replacement for photoshop than gimp at this point, including smart layers and free transforms, but can be a bit buggy.

there seems to be nothing that can properly replace illustrator, adobe xd or affinity designer (inkscape has no concept of paragraphs, scribus is too procedural and hard to use for fast web/ui design iteration, the color picker lacks hsl and hsv) unfortunately, but you can prove me wrong.

Hey everyone! I'm new here and i don't really know how this all works but i made my website some time ago now and didn't get much feedback from it, about the design etc...

I'm very curious what y'all think about it, what i should change/improve/get rid of/etc...
Design-wise but also on the overall, comments on anything is welcome! :)

It's a very basic portfolio showing some of my work, still a junior so i don't have much to put in there but i'm working on sub projects to add.

Here's the link:
and thanks in advance :)
looks fine but the images you are using in your projects are low quality.
you can get good quality pictures from unsplash.com

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I'm from the US and am on vacation in Europe and I bought this pate in the store earlier. I really dig the simplicity and color of the design.
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feeling this. never seen it in the US
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I think the new-ish fanta logo is cool
I bought this shower gel and thought the packaging had a cool futuristic look.

Post em schizos
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another legitimate schizo artist
William Kurelek's "The Maze"
LOL thanks for the hindu copypasta indian AI bot
Is that a Jewish golem on the bottom left with one eye? Sure as hell looks it.

Palestine must be free
Spooky fr

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no overarching theme
just post stuff that you like and think other people might like
be it just because it looks cool or you think it's exemplary of what graphic design should strive to be
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I don't really use pinterest, I just scan archives and dumps for magazines and collections and then pick through them
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Sorry, I don't use Pinterest and only come to this board from time to time. Almost everything I have I get from 4chan and slsk
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Then you should know that at the current year of 2023 graphic design is pretty much dead. I was a professional gd for almost 10 years working in both studios and on my own and I can't really find a job anymore. It's not even because of AI to be honest, its because of how the industry works and how bad the corporate environment has become.

There's still web design, 3D and VFX/motion design(primarily 3D too) and if you want something similar or easy to transition then chose one of those but I'm not sure for how long they will be relevant themselves because of the AI which is basically a final nail in the coffin of gd. Of course there are and will be exceptions and maybe you will get lucky to find some obscure local business that needs you, but if you are young and looking for a career in the future you should stop consider becoming a graphic designer. This profession is dead.
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possible. probably not likely, though.
I think the only honest answer is: nobody *really* knows.

there is projects automatizing image to 3d, and other projects trying to automatize manufacturing processes.
so it doesn't seem *completely* crazy.
but at the same time; if what you want to do is local hand-crafting of furniture or creating cad files for mass production, then you are probably save for now.
(my guess)
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I'm glad that my old post generated so much salt.
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The goal is to have a place I can point clients to when they ask "Do you use AI in your work?".

It's a polarizing, nuanced topic - so I wanted to share deeper context and examples of how AI-generated assets can be part of brand identity.

For me, AI speeds up the execution phase, unlocking more time for exploration and creating new modes of visual expression that would often be cost-prohibitive for early-stage companies.
Jesus, are we really going to have AI "designers".

I have to design some "posters". One of those will have "facility rules" on it. Which font would you guys use for making it look like commie propaganda?
Basically, tips and tricks to make some decent communist regime like propaganda posters.
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With very few exceptions those kinds of posters use ALL CAPS and sans-serif block lettering that is intended to display strength, determination and brutal resolve, and tries way too hard. So much so that even if you can't read the lettering they are so over the top in both bold, blocky typeface and stark, in-your-face layout that you can't help but recognize the cliche for what it is.

Basically nothing is a soft sell or an appeal to humanity or individual feelings and even things like letter spacing make few concessions to making anything easy or pleasant or persuasive...they are NOT asking you to think, they are ordering you to agree and OBEY.
>propaganda is propaganda
who would've thought!
this. what would russians even get from western people fighting against each other?
Not all propaganda follows that template, dumbfuck; propaganda can be subtle, it can cajole and flatter and appeal to people's gentler nature as a means of manipulating them.

Totalitarian collectivist propaganda as a rule does not take that approach, especialy once that rule is established. STFU and read a book.

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How are some people getting paid 191k and I barely get 65k a year in a large Midwest city anons
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There are some people getting paid $65k a year and I only make $38k a year.
Your job sucks. Next post.
You guys are getting paid??
that question largely depends on what your occupation actually is

Hey /gd/

I have a question, if I produce images using illegal versions of Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, do these images have any metadata that can be tracked to see if they were illegally produced?

and how do I remove such metadata, I tried googling this shit but it doesn't come up with any real answers on this topic

I'm just getting to the point of completing my 4th as well as 5th gd project for my portfolio and want to upload them all to Behance but also still not cause any problems for potential employers.


Also post your questions/queries
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Has there ever been a /gd/ collaborative project?
I think something like a /gd/zine where people can sign up for a page each would be cool
no topic or anything, just whatever the fuck
Yeesh, this board is slow. Nearly 5 months later, and this thread has barely moved. Well in any case, I figured I should share my new discovery. I figured out a way to trick photoshop into creating the curve I drew here: >>449730
It's a trick I worked out years ago, but never felt it was viable for painting, because it required re-setting a top layer, every time you painted on the bottom layer. So it was just cumbersome. However with this set up, it works universally.

In order to recreate it, just copy what's shown in the image. Not that I "inverted" the band of both curve layers. Making black to white and white to black. If you neglect that, then it won't blend right. If you're like "what the hell is he yappin about?" Just run the color picker across the red line. And you will see how all the colors trace a curve.

That curve is maintaining even saturation, while going from black to white. When you paint on the color burn layer, it will take colors to black, but in a pleasing way that maintains saturation so it doesn't feel washed out like normal black blending. It will also shift the hue down to whichever RBG channel it's closest to. So yellows will gradually hue shift down to orange. And oranges will gradually hue shift down to red. But if you're on the green side of yellow, then it will instead hue shift down to green. If you're on the blue side of cyan, it will hue shift down toward blue. This hue shift appears very even as well.

Painting in the color dodge layer does all the same things, except becoming lighter, and hue shifting "up" rather than down. Orange will lighten to yellows, and blues will lighten to cyans. Again, in an even way.

The downside to all this, is that the colors get crunchy near pure white or pure black. That's simply because there aren't enough colors to divide into such small increments. A natural limitation of math and 8bit color. Also, you can't effect pure white with burn, nor pure black with dodge.
Here are some examples. The left and right balls use the same exact masks. Only difference is, the balls on the right are using basic black and white for shading. Which of course looks like ass. And the left balls are using my set up. Notice how it clings onto saturation and shifts hues.
Beginner here, how do I generate this effect in Photoshop?
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apologies if I'm on the wrong board, 3dgd didnt seem like the right place for his.

Is there any software that could allow me to easily perform pic rel?

I and puppeteering all the images and using a screen recorder on the main, parent media at the moment. It works, but I wonder if there is an easier way

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