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Anal training, gang rapes, brainwashing, torture, sex with monsters.
Whatever the means necessary, the Asylum will rehabilitate its prisoners. An inmate has no freedom and no human rights until he has been reformed into a law abiding citizen. Inhumane treatment? Excessive force? Preposterous! The facility is full to the brim with hardened criminals; devious villains abusing their dangerous powers to commit evil acts. Extreme measures are legitimate! They're born into crime, and violence is their language.
Night Charger the thief, won't hesitate to fry you with electricity, or anyone daring to stand in her way, for that matter. Bad Lotion the gang leader, will beat you up to a pulp with a baseball bat the second you look at her funny, and that's if you're lucky. Piss her off real bad, and she'll stuff your insides with her special gel, turkey style. You'll die all bloated. But the worst villain among them all is Madam Venom, the mafia boss. She might kill you just because she feels like it. Once you realize she poisoned you, it's already too late. Dead on a whim.
Rehabilitate them if you can.



Link Dump:


Recent News:
-Sacrifice Villains is going to get an official English/Chinese translation sometime in the next three months (Still censored tho. Tragedy).
-Bad Lotion's prequel doujin has been translated. It's in the link dump.
-Kenzen 3 is almost there. Four more days to go.
- All the threads on /h got nuked into oblivion for some reason. Fortunately, the archiving process didn't shit the bed, so the previous thread is available in read only like the old ones. In the link dump like usual.
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Important thread thanks OP.

Bad lotion anal waifu for laifu just a shame you can't knock her up in both holes

I'm beatin my shit to kenzen 1 and 2 to prepare
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I need, need bad lotion ass in my life
>Want to pick up the game specifically for Madam Venom's content.
>It's actually mostly Male on Venom instead of Venom on Female.
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It's on 7$ on JAST
>It's $14 dollars in Canadian dollar.
Jesus Christ, and that's the discount price.
There you go.
I see this theard sometimes in the catalog but wait for the official date to ask, is this a good nukige?
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Clockup's twitter just confirmed Kenzen 3 won't be delayed further, for those who where worried. Release in 3 days.
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Yes, better than most, but without reaching top of the line status.
If i had to describe the game in one single word, i'd say "competent". It invests more on worldbuilding than a traditional nukige,so it can feel alive at times. The plot stays on course, it know what it wants, and the story wrap itself up properly at the end. However, the narrative is a little bit on the dry side (well, in japanese that is, maybe the eng version will fare better), especially if you don't like heroes vs villains, technobabble, or sociological observations on utopian society. You might get bored.

Fortunately, despite having its own ambitions Sacrifice Villains doesn't forget it's a nukige, so there's plenty to eat on that side. The sexual content is very fetishistic however, there're stuff in there that people aren't comfortable with. Hardcore level wise, SV sits comfortably along games like Kengoku Senkan, Taimanin, Kuroinu, etc ... Like those, the main sexual attraction is raping strong willed women in a attempt to make them submit; but without dipping into guro territory, one of the things Clockup is known for.
Also, the tone is way less edgy than it has any right to be, given what the heroines go through due to Butcha's proclivities.

Speaking of the man, he did a solid job with the art, and a really good one with character designs (with some fucking exceptions, but i better not start to digress). The voice actresses's performance range from ok to very good, though it's often down to personal preferences.

All in all, i liked the game when it came out, and it kept growing on me as time has passed. For some reason, that eroqe has staying power.

Good to hear. Unless Kenzen 3 is shit and need more time in the oven. Well, we're going to get fixed real soon.
It's so fucking beautiful. I'm in love with her butthole.
>All the threads on /h got nuked into oblivion for some reason. Fortunately, the archiving process didn't shit the bed
How do you find the "look only" archive of threads? Been wanting to know that for forever and google searching elaborates nothing.
are the kenzen games worth it?
It's not my business, but i'm curious anyway. What are you looking for?
Yes, provided that you like unabashed sluts.
To give you the picture, Butcha's works can roughly be divided in two groups; the dark side and the light side.
The first is full to the brim with rape, monster sex, hentai tropes; takes place into sci-fi, fantasy or supernatural worlds and the tone is generally serious with shades of pulp and campiness without ever devolving into tortured drama.
The second is where the Kenzen series belongs to. In that group, the story always takes place in some sort of slut heaven where 95% of the sex is consensual because everybody is so horny all the time. The tone is generally upbeat and narrative stakes are low due to the setting being closer to normal life, especially when compared the other group. It can dip its toes into supernatural on occasion, tho.

That said, a word of caution with Kenzen, don't lower your guard just because it looks safe and vanilla; this game series isn't afraid to jump head first into perversion. Some sex acts might be too much for you, if your hentai power level happen to be too low. We're dealing with omni-sluts here. Thinking about it, they're more akin to idealized sex goddesses than real human, in some sort of way. Well, the Maezono family at least, maybe not all the other characters, but i digress.

Basically, if you like Pooters, or SDPO, there's a good chance that you'll like Kenzen also. Pooters and Kenzen have similar vibes, and SDPO is the literal progenitor.

Pooters Paizuri Day:

All the SPDO chapters:
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I want to see a full fledged scene of Mari being fucked by while pregnant. Didn't she say she had a boyfriend too in the early chapters? What ever happened to that.
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>Didn't she say she had a boyfriend too in the early chapters?
I don't remember that, but even if she has one, i'm pretty sure he's isn't the guy who got her pregnant. He can't win against the protag's seed. That shit has ero-plot armor.

We haven't had any news from Pooters America for a long time. I don't think we're going to see it in 2024.
I made a Nier/Drakengard thread that got nuked. Thanks for your help, definitely saving this link in my notes. You have no idea how long I've been wanting to know how to pull archived thread for.
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You're welcome.

>Nier/Drakengard thread
Oh yeah, i think i remember that one.
Will play it just for her, best girl and not enough scene of her...

Is it out already?

By the way guys, can someone be kind enough to teach the rest of us how to hook the new game?
Not yet. These pics are from a recent Bugbug.news article.

>hook guide for new game?
With Textractor, or something else?
Woops, forgot the link.
once the game gets an official translation, is there any chance for something like an uncensor patch? or could an unofficial fanmade one be possible? are there even any images of the gamecg uncensored at the moment? crying shame to have to see bad lotion's asshole mosiac'd......
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>is there any chance for something like an uncensor patch?
Never say never, but it would take a miracle. Shiravune is a company based in Japan, so they're under the censorship law. I don't think they'd have much to gain from making an over the counter patch, pretty sure they'd have a lot to lose tho.

Has there ever been a fan-patch for a nukige with the size of SV? That would take a huge amount of work. Not to mention that there aren't many artists that have the ability to match Butcha's art. And those who do are busy with their own stuff anyway.

>are there even any images of the gamecg uncensored at the moment?
Only one, as far as i know. The OP pic i made for the previous thread, the only decensored part is Samantha's pussy tho.

>crying shame to have to see bad lotion's asshole mosiac'd
Yeah, that pisses me off. Mosaic during anal penetration, i don't approve, but get it's the law. Mosaic on glorious gaping asshole? Too far. Unnecessary. War crime territory.
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I like mosaics
CG release https://hitomi.la/gamecg/kenzen!-hentai-rinjin-no-sadame-3040512.html#1
>1 (one) anal scene
>0 (zero) double penetration
Torrent is up on nyaa.

Small historical titbit: this photo was taken 15 sec after he realized that someone had stolen his meth.
Butchas obsession with slipping black cocks into his work is still there i see, i'm glad i didn't preorder this. The scenes are pretty underwhelming also tbf.
so, this character's also in SV, they are the same universe?
New Kenzen is such a fucking piece of crap. I was ready for a small amount of scenes. I was ready for a lack of gangbangs. What I wasn't ready for is "Protag-kun's dick is so good, I love him and fuck only him now" bullshit. All that in a turboslutty world. With Chinami, my favorite heroine. I don't even want to do the other routes now.

Sadly the anons from previous threads called it all to a T. Can't say I am not dissapointed though.
My expectations were pretty low given the price tag and it definitely deserves it. There were more than a few scenes that literally had the same composition as one's from the other games like Chihiro's blowjob scene which looks almost exactly like the one from Kenzen 1 but slightly different. I'll still nut to it tho.
>only one gangbang scene
>most of secenes are vanilla themed
I feel scammed
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>It's al vanilla
>It's actually mostly Male on Venom
Picked up
>Girls get properly dark nipples during pregnancy in the new Kenzen game.
Based and pregnant-pilled.
I fucking called it. These fucking kikes forgot what the franchise was about and turned it into a pathetic vanilla harem. Useless fuckheads over at Clockup lost their way.
Finished new Kenzen. God, what a complete and utter trash. What's even the point of releasing it? Most of the scenes are just MC dicking a single girl in his room because it's something we really except from a game set in a casual sex universe. Maezonos don't feel like themselves. Why women from a legendary family of sluts want to be personal cumdumpsters for a random teenager? Between 5 main heroines there is a single scene I really liked (gym lessons for pregnant women in the Chihiro's route). The Chihaya's route at least has some funny dialogue, but actual scenes are vanilla crap too.
Scenes with Kenzen 2's cast are better. Great to see them doing actual sex cop's work. There are only 5 scenes overall (1 per character + 1 harem scene) but it's for the best because otherwise writers would butcher these characters too.
The worst/funniest moment in the game is when MC meets the protag of Kenzen 1 in the Chinami's route. Our schoolboy feels utterly emasculated by the Kenzen 1's chad because he is more alpha, has a bigger dick and Chinami clearly enjoys fucking him. And so in a fit of butthurt the schoolboy asks Chinami to become his girlfriend and have sex only with him now. Chinami AGREES to become a personal hole for some mediocre teenager. What a fucking character assassination! That's not Chinami I know.
Completely agree. I played through Chizuru's route and she felt completely out of character and confesses to this mc compared to how she was written with the Kenzen 1 mc. This felt like bad fanfiction, like in what world does the Legendary Pervert Chika fall for this virgin compared to the last 2 mcs.

I love Butcha U but even some of the art in this game looked way less polished to me compared to SV or Kenzen 1 and 2. In the final harem scene the faces everyone is making look really off to me.
It seems like it was the game made for the audience who wanted to make the Maezonos oneitis for them instead of treating you like another one of the boys using them like the village bicycle. Nothing wrong with that since it's just one game anyway.
>Nothing wrong with that since it's just one game anyway.
It's a lot of time Butcha invested in a mediocre game when it could've been used on better projects like more SV (sequel or doujins) or the Pooter game he was talking about.
Or maybe Kenzen 3 instead of this weird spinoff clearly made for severe schizo aspy manchildren who'd sacrifice the characters integrity for some miserable deranged harem fantasy that makes no sense.
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anyone got the new Ashley set?
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>Super Hero nukige
>Not a single kamen Rider reference
i wait for the release or play the MLT? MMMMMMMMMMMMM
>Playing an MTL
Have some self-respect.
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Wow, okay, a lot of disappointment in Kenzen 3 in here. I guess i'll be a black sheep this time since i pretty much enjoyed playing the game. Well, thinking about it right now, the source of said enjoyment might have been boosted by special circumstances. Coming into the game, i had my own worries about its quality level, but i pretty quickly got reassured by what i saw, and from there, it was a smooth ride.

On paper, it wasn't won, however, due to the way Kenzen 3 came about: anemic announcement, late/cheap official page without sample cgs or demo, and an early date of release followed by a month of delay; to me, that entire mess smelled like the last attempt of a dying company at a desperate cash grab. Fortunately, the quality wasn't in the gutter like i feared it would. Which in itself is quite surprising, given that the content of the game is shorter and more vanilla than i anticipated. It's way more in line with pessimistic anon's prediction from last thread. >>8177454 You got it right, congratz. That said, despite its smaller size and vanilla harem structure, i still had a good time with Kenzen 3, which is saying something considering that tame-ish hentai rarely hold my attention for long. Still, Kenzen 3 is the lesser of the 3 Kenzens, but not by much, imo.

Nope. The minotaur scene hasn't leaked yet.

Wait for the official translation if you think you can. From the looks of it, it's gonna be good.
Official TL is coming out this year so it's bettre to wait
I don't get this repsonse to Kenzen 3. The women are still used good whores, the only difference is now they only want you vs seeing you as one of many random dudes they fuck on the regs.

Do...do you guys WANT to fuck women who actively sleep around? That'd explain the 10 netorare threads...
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Let me guess, you self-insert, right?
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Just treat it as an used goods game and it's ok
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Absolute aspy moron. Did you play the previous games? This is a SWINGING franchise about a perverted world, where everybody fucks everybody, how has you'r retard brain not noticed?

Having all the chicks being solely dedicated to some NEET looser protagonist is straight up plothole that completely ruins the characters because they do not act this way in the previous games. The fucking self-insert shell has no redeeming qualities to speak of but still gets all the girls for himself, its the non-sensical Isekai protagonist trope amplified by a 100.

And its delusional self-insert fags like you, who are the reason they did this. Only incel retards would pay for this and think its good despite the completely annihilation of the characters and its absurd detachment from the franchise.

Sadly, lots of these backward autistic hikikomori roam japan with too much allowance from their parents. Enough of them exists to make it worthwhile for CluckUp.
Doesn't the sequel even have this chick and the mom getting gangbanged by random dudes, which means they're still whoring themselves out after the marriage ending? It's a weird choice for them to go full vanilla. If they want to appeal to that audience, just have routes. You'll satisfy everyone that way. Vanilla route, slut route, or bad end route if you want to reach even further.
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>It's a weird choice for them to go full vanilla.
Not really, Kenzen 3 isn't <maxxximum vanillaxxx> anyway. Yes, mc gets himself a harem, lovely girlfriends, but let's be honest, we all know the tropes; that guy is about one game away to be Tatsturou'ed. If he ever comes back at all. In addition, the main girls are still turbo sluts through and through, we just don't see it as much since we"re prisoner of the protag's point of view.

>The worst/funniest moment in the game is when MC meets the protag of Kenzen 1 in the Chinami's route. Our schoolboy feels utterly emasculated by the Kenzen 1's chad because he is more alpha, has a bigger dick and Chinami clearly enjoys fucking him. And so in a fit of butthurt the schoolboy asks Chinami to become his girlfriend and have sex only with him now. Chinami AGREES to become a personal hole for some mediocre teenager. What a fucking character assassination! That's not Chinami I know.
I respectfully disagree. It's not uncommon for sluts to have a cute/romantic mode too; especially for girls of Chinami's age. To me, her willingness to enter into a exclusive relationship isn't character assassination. That said, if she ever stays in it, then yeah, that would constitute a betrayal of the spirit of Kenzen. She can have her love story if she wants to, but as a perverted hentai character, the sexual exclusivity part can't be allowed to last forever. If anything, her romantic situation should be used as an opportunity to unlock more "specialized" plays.
>If he ever comes back at all.
You know, I'd actually like for a sequel game with the family back just so every one of them can carry around a certified MILF card, if they go down the route of making it so they canonically got pregnant this time around.
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Milfed up Chinami would probably look like pic related. Chizuru would definitely take after her mother. Chihiro might resemble a fit tan chill version of Kikka. And Chihaya, mmh ... dunno, it's difficult to imagine her without her youthful side.
>Not really, Kenzen 3 isn't vanillaxxx anyway.
- Only 1 gangbang scene in the entire game - with a side character that doesn't even has a sprite. (Oh, and there are ZERO new character sprites in Kenzen 3. You would think in the game centered on pregnancy, we at least get pregnant sprites for Maezono girls, but nope) Funny, I enjoyed 2 scenes of the blond gyaru much more than any content with Maezonos, that's how fucking shitty Kenzen 3 is.
- Most of the scenes don't use series' perverted universe in any way. MC is fucking girls in a closed room. So exciting!
- Barely any fetish content overall. Almost no anal even! There is more fetishes in any single route of K1 than in entire K3.
>Yes, mc gets himself a harem, lovely girlfriends
The Kenzen 1's MC already had harem and girlfriends. In fact there are more harem scenes in K1 than in K3. And Maezonos were allowed to be sluts in the first game, imagine that.
- It's not uncommon for sluts to have a cute/romantic mode too; especially for girls of Chinami's age.
Sluttines IS cute/romantic in this universe. It in the name. Kenzen - "Healthy". Being a depraved degenerate slut that spread her legs for everyone is healthy and proper behavior in this world. Kenzen 2 has a villain group that fight for monogamy and purity. In Hiyori's route they brainwash her and turn her into a boring pure girl. MC heroically uses his dick to save Hiyori and make her slut again. The K3's MC is pretty much a K2's villain.
What annoys me the most, there is no future for this series anymore. If Kenzen 3 sells good, future games would be vanilla harem crap. If it sells bad, series will die. It was my favorite nukiges and they fucking killed it. I don't have sympathy for Clockup anymore. None of their dark nukiges from the last five years are as good as Euphoria/Fraternite/Maggot Baits and now they can't make a silly lighthearted slutges either. It was one of my favorite companies and I don't longer even care if they shut down tomorrow.
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Kenzen 3 is more vanilla than its predecessors, but it's nowhere near full vanilla level. Just because it lacks gangbangs or anal doesn't mean it wouldn't scare the maiden with its piss drinking, sex in public, piercings, or maso scribbles, etc ...

Laughable, i know, but that's the way it is. Vanilla is characterized by the blandest collection of fetishes for the benefit of those who are too sensible and/or seek extra cosiness. Sure, to us Kenzen 3 might as be as vanilla as it goes, but that's only because we are long gone degenerates among degenerates.We can be proud of it without erasing the proper meaning of vanilla.

>Sluttines IS cute/romantic in this universe.
In the world of Kenzen, slutiness is amped up and socially acceptable, but not to the point of replacing classic romance; normal people doing normal stuff still exist alongside perverts after all. Just because it isn't on the center stage doesn't mean it doesn't exist in hentai land. Like in real life, even sluts can be romantic when they feel like it, it's not in contradiction with the "healthy perversity" ethos, which is much less about plurality and sex for the sake of sex than want and fulfillment via sex.

>The K3's MC is pretty much a K2's villain.
Come on. You're reaching hard, and you know this. K2 villains aren't villains because they want monogamy, they're baddies because they kidnap people and remove their agency with brainwashing. Of course mc-kun doesn't do any of that. I get that you don't like him, but it's getting ridiculous. What you going to tell me next? That he is the last surviving highjacker of 9/11?

>What annoys me the most, there is no future for this series anymore.
Ah yeah, that explains your reaction. I thought Kenzen was already dead and buried, so i guess i saw a surprise sequel as free bonus round. Who knows if we'll ever get another. That's life. She gives, she takes and can be quite a bitch sometimes.
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Even their most recent game was a total let down. When I look for ClockUp I'm looking for the most extreme possible immoral content there is. And their latest game had like one whipping scene and one beast scene. Pretty tame by comparison. Less than like 20 scenes I think too. I don't know if it was the pandemic or something happening to their director but I went in to their last game looking for Fraternite and got pretty bog standard stuff. Even Sacrifice Villians was more enjoyable since at least they literally electrocuted a girl's asshole.
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It got a site on gog
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Lol, i would have never believed. I guess they can put the patchless version anywhere they want.
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Bad Lotion my beloved...
Best anal wife
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I don't think I've ever fallen for a character as hard as I did for Bad Lotion. It's like Butcha made her tailored for me.
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What do you like the most about her? Visual design? Personality? Sexual prowess?

They are all so good that it's difficult for me to choose between them. I don't thing one of those elements can be removed without seriously hurting the appeal of the character.
Well, obviously her design is the first thing that you'd notice. I'm a sucker for the harsh punk look she's rocking, then we have her attitude. Her brash personality and smugness makes me want to fold her and violate her ass until she's properly corrected.
An then finally we have her fetish, as an assman and analfag, she's just perfect for me.
All in all, Bad Lotion was tailor made for me.
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Interesting. Regarding Bad Lotion's visual design, what i find most appealing isn't the punk aesthetic per se, but what it conveys about her. Petite body type + punk aesthetic + defiant poses and attitude = confident rebel underdog character, a staple, but not that easy to pull off, especially because she belongs to the tiny terror archetype. An archetype rarely taken seriously, for obvious reasons, a small character acting tough and dangerous is inherently funny; nevertheless Bad Lotion manages to avoid the main pitfall her stereotype: being irritating and overly childish. She lay down the fire, so to speak, rather than being the butt of the joke. I can respect that.

Speaking of butt, i'm a proud assman too, a lover of rectal destruction and gaping assholes. In that domain, to the surprise of nobody, Bad Lotion delivers, (Triple fuck that censorship tho. That's criminal), and some things can be said about that, but not now. Right now, i'm more interested in pointing out her proficiency and self-proclaimed professionalism when some sort of sex deal is involved. Of the three main heroines, Kitty is the youngest, but she's by far the strongest when it comes down to pure sexual technique due to the humongous amount of experience she has accumulated from her years of sex work.

Bad Lotion's ability to navigate gangbangs with fluidity, and her ability to use men's arousal and pride to come up on top could almost be considered a superpower on its own. But the fact that those abilities are just the product of bad circumstances + survival instinct + innate talent, that's one of the overlooked things that makes her stand out among hentai vn characters, imo.
Usually, the character archetype with highest sexual proficiency in their won game is either the turboslut, or her older version, the mature man-eater. Bad Lotion is neither of those, and she blows most of them out of water, in term of ability.
Beautifully said anon. I seriously hope we'll get more content with her. Be it doujins or in a new game.
Which game is this again?
Ha, I had that as my phone wallpaper for months and my gf thought it was Harley Quinn
Yes, Buttslut Harley
I always liked to imagine Harley had a thing for buttstuff anyway. She's the kind of girl who's like 'well, I'll let you do it just this once, because you're nice, etc' but she's got a secret box of anal toys, beads, plugs, etc. and she uses them all the time by herself.
Harley is also the kind of girl that would pick up a strapon after you're done fucking her ass and tells you "welp, your turn now!"
Well yeah, the look of terror on the dude's face when she shows she has a harness with a horsecock on it is just *hilarious*
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Kenzen 3.
Trying to convince you to fuck her in the ass, but acting like it's your idea in the first place because she's a ~*good girl*~ and ~*good girls*~ don't like anal, especially as much as she does
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I hope so. A sequel would be nice, game over level of hardcore hentai would be sweet too. The next 2D dream magazine could have extra novel chapter, with associated illustrations. It should be announced anytime soon, i'm checking every day.
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Look at this. Literally made to be facefucked after being done pounding her ass.
She did got some of the former, and plenty of the latter. I would have loved more facefucking tho, of the upside down variant, maybe.
She's got the handlebars for the rough facefucks, that's for sure.
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She does, but the best handlebars are horns, they have no give. Speaking of hair pulling, Butcha probably doesn't like that fetish, i can't recall the last time he drew an instance of it. A simple grab the head and go is usually what he does.
But is Bad Lotion wife material?
Yes she had one ending where she literally becomes a tradwife idol
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Of course. The best wives are those who can kill you anytime. The cuddle or death type.
Women who have been corrected through the power of COCK are the best wife material, and Bad Lotion is a prime exemple.
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I really pray for a sequel, Hope the western release help it
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It should help, as long as it sells well enough. If we get a sequel, i wonder where they're going to go with it. With the way the story and worldbuilding has been set-up, the sequel should follow new main characters, but with Bad Lotion's popularity, i'm not sure they'll have the balls to make a new game without giving her time under the spotlight.

Who knows, maybe they'll try to finesse their way out of it by doing a prequel or a spin(off instead. I wouldn't mind a "Bad Lotion's Anal Adventures"
>I wouldn't mind a "Bad Lotion's Anal Adventures"
I'd love to read about her first anal training with the oji-san who took her anal virginity.
As the case of kenzen, i pretty much expect a new cast with some cameo of the old characters, wonder if they are gonna canon one of the main endings or make a soft reboot like kenzen.
There should be a game where we watch the heroine's lose to various villains and get raped or just one main super hero girl getting kidnapped and corrupted.
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Could be good. She should at least get a dap scene somewhere. Without it, she'll never be crowned the anal queen

A new cast of female heroes getting themselves captured and brainwashed by a villainous organization is the next logical step forward. Getting a subversion of a subversion would feel somewhat weird, but heh, hot Butcha girls are hot Butcha girls; i won't complain about more brainwashing shinanigans if it's the price to pay for seeing beauties in increasingly extravagant/convoluted sexual situations. That's what hentai is best at, after all.
Something i feel about this game it's that it was Made by love and effort, unlike tons of porn vns
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The SV universe is young Butcha's pet project. He created most of the side characters about 15 years ago. The main trio, Masked Nympho, Justopia and the mc are the only brand new characters; which is the main reason why i think that the original intent was to have this new cast entertain the audience with a somewhat self-contained prison adventure while a rich world was built up in the background. A world that would still be there and ready to be used as a playground for the real og protags in a sequel.
Sacrifice Heroes.

I think that's what Butcha has in mind, but he doesn't have the final say. Clockup has it; DMM might have its word to say too. It's complicated. Especially when money is involved.
Her bangs falling back like that so you can see her hairline is one of those details you don't notice the artist actually paid attention to with regards to gravity until you notice it. It's a nice touch by Butcha-U. Minding that he also draws nude breasts sitting naturally thanks to gravity while in clothed sprites he always draws breasts bound up in their support. It's never a "I just draw the clothes over their boobs" technique like other artists do. He redraws their boobs entirely.
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Good eye, i didn't catch that. Butcha should have more pride in his craft. Sometimes i see him lament about his lack of skill when he's comparing himself against some popular non-hentai franchise artist. Either Blue Archive, Honkai, or Genshin; i don't remember which. It might even have been another game since i'm not familiar with those; they all blend together in my head.
Anyway, in order to illustrate his verdict, Butcha put a drawing from that artist with his tweet. The funny thing is, i couldn't see the skill gap. Most certainly because i'm too much of a layman lol. I could tell that the pic was more elaborate, but i was unable to determine what Butcha was yearning from that guy's art. Again, probably because it's too high level for me. All i got was that the pic looked fancy and beautiful in a classic way, but it had a cold ethereal quality to it, which put it far away from Butcha's art in therm of style. Too far to invite direct comparison, imo. In term of raw appeal however, for me there was no contest, Butcha's art is better. But our guy doesn't think the same, i guess it goes to show that he's always looking for ways to improve his craft.

That happened before the birth of his new style, so in the end he did found a way to beef up his game.
Is the hairline thing part a new change, or an old staple? I don't know. But what i picked up on is that his most recent art is getting more and more detailed, facial features are evolving, and body types are becoming more distinct from each other. Whether it's a good thing or not is up to the eye of the beholder. Personally, i welcome the increase in variety regarding body types, especially the new tight ass version >>8185751 reminiscent of Night Charger's. Most of the new faces are appealing, with the exception of Chizuru's. When her visage is facing toward me, i get the vague impression she's fading away. It's almost like she's flattened. Might only be me tho, to each their own.
Artists are literally never satisfied with their own art. It's just how artists are.

>Is the hairline thing part a new change, or an old staple?
I feel like that's something he's always thought about for a while now, but I feel like I'd have to go check on some of his CG in older games to figure out... *Right, I checked and yeah he thought about such details even back then: https://exhentai.org/s/25dd285c19/812216-218

And the breast thing was also a detail he did back then too: Compare https://exhentai.org/s/158cb974dd/865085-1441 to https://exhentai.org/s/1039f2e5b9/865085-1434 for example. Most notable in the cleavage there and how her breasts kind of roll to the sides of her chest without the support.
Honestly, just seeing an artist pay attention to how gravity affects breasts scores them major points in my book. So many either don't bother or don't care and it annoys me no end.

>Artists are literally never satisfied with their own art. It's just how artists are.

"Art is never finished, only abandoned" is a favourite quote of mine, and one that I try to keep in mind with my own shit. You can tinker with something endlessly, but there comes a point where you have to step back and leave it alone, otherwise you'll go mad and start seeing new flaws.
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He did it multiple times even, so it's certainly something he's always thinking about in regards to hair physics. Besides, I think seeing a girl's hairline that you usually don't see because their bangs cover it up is sexy in its own way.
Speaking of which, Aoi Nagisa's probably my most notable artist with a constantly shifting/evolving artstyle. I have to wonder if it's just because they are never satisfied with the artstyle they draw at that point, or because they just forget their current artstyle all the time and have to start from the ground up with a new style.

Like, Yukikaze from Taimanin Yukikaze 1 looks vastly different from her rendition in 2 - in 1 she's more angular and thin and her bodyline is like a rectangle. In 2 she's got a more ample butt and she's got more of a pear shaped body line, also thicker thighs. They really wanted to emphasize that Yukikaze's greatest asset is her ass - and both of those Yukikazes in 1 and 2 look different from how Nagisa draws her now a days.
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My headcanon
Cute anal onahole
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You're right, appears from time to time, it was present in his earliest works too.

For he rack support, i knew about it. Clothed sex is pretty much one of Butcha's mainstay after all. It's a fetish that doesn't get noticed much because it's not as flashy as the others (monster sex, anal sex, or socially accepted public sex, etc ...), but it's actually more prevalent than those. Butcha girls are rarely completely naked when it's time to get the dick. Interestingly, the breast support thing isn't systematic. I suspect that Butcha is attributing a firmness value to each girls; for example, Night Charger and Madam Venom are polar opposites. Night Charger's breasts keep the same shape whether naked, in uniform or in costume (tho, it could be rightfully argued that her villain costume doesn't provide great support). Madam Venom on the other hand, she's a saggy queen, (quite ballsy from Butcha, to be honest; saggy tits don't get much love). Her villain costume does a great job keeping her chest from overflowing. Too great even, to the point that some sort of black magic is afoot. I'm pretty sure that the law of gravity is violated here, but maybe boobs physics are different in the SV universe. Butcha only knows.
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Opps. Meant for >>8193782
Also, quantum boob superposition theory.
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Gonna Story-time the Bad lotion comic
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Poor Ada. She's taking a big one; probably in the ass, like usual.

Since she's able to create different gel body parts of herself, maybe she can assemble them into a slime double? Hot lotion doppelganger wants to know your location.
I know there's only 3 women in re4 and it doesn't make sense setting wise but I wish butcha draws some Hunnigan for some occasion
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I had completely forgot about the radio lady until you mentioned her existence. I'm afraid she isn't on Butcha's radar either, but who knows, maybe she'll have one panel or two in the final version of the RE_FILES coming up in december. Pretty sure the art will have minimal censorship too, since it won't be restricted by fanbox.
guess we're gonna have a surprise after all
Butcha-u seems pretty chill
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Congratz. If he was forgetting Hunnigan before, that's not the case anymore. He's definitively going to draw her for the next comiket. Also, could be the pic is already done, hence the wink wink emoji, but it's funnier to imagine him having the same oh shit moment than me yesterday.

Which fetishes do you think would suit your hunny best?

He is ... until he's told what to do by randoms, when that happens, he starts banning. He doesn't like incivility either.
don't know why but there's something I don't like about that reendition
Remake Ashley VS OG Ashley
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The blackened white of her eyes maybe? That's usually enough to tick people off; it isn't enough to disturb me however.
For me, the source of the malaise can be found in the dichotomy between her hungry smile and the coldness of her gaze. At first glance, she's looks happy to have found her next meal, but her eyes aren't smiling; they seem hollow. It's like she's about to devour someone, but she knows that her hunger will only be satisfied for a short while.

The original pic has a little bit of that coldness, but she's acknowledging the victim, at least. The whole monster vibe is more tenuous.

I also prefer the original version, but the new pic has pantyhose. Pretty fucking sexy. Gimme more of those.
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He likes my comm fan art :D
Ups forgot link https://x.com/butcha_u/status/1834614881305407564?t=5uHzYykIOPoBuZppQ5n2Mg&s=19
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You got a wink wink too. SV2 confirmed.
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>downloading the first gameovers for old time sake
>only to realize most of the fanbox stuffs are just remade of the old one
you cheeky fuck I see your game now lol
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the only difference is I've yet to see leon in the fanbox version
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wish he's remaking this one tho, we still haven't got armpit job for the fanbox
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and the seedbed
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You can call it recycling. Butcha is an ecologist at heart. Very commendable. Joke aside, those Ashley pics are so old. They needed that revamp.

We probably won't see him in this timeline, the villagers got him. Given the "Strewn corpse" description, i think he bumped into chainsaw guy. Many players panic when they see him for the first time, they end up as apéricubes as a result.

True. It doesn't look difficult to redraw either.
I actually prefer the old one where Leon actually failed the rock qte kek
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Lol, that boulder reference is what i wanted to share in the first place.
But when I checked the doujin, the story was different; so I assumed i had misremembered where this tidbit came from. And yeah, i'm with you, Leon getting flattened by a giant boulder is funnier; he should have mashed the X button harder.
Ask the horses
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They seem to like her
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So, in this game you are an evil genius who works a lot with traumas that job it's to brainwash three women by tons of sex and rape with super hero movie logic? that sounds nice
Even the horse understood which hole to use.
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Almost but not quite. The protag isn't evil. That gives you an idea of how truly fucked up this world is. I repeat, the director in charge of the prison raping your body and mind is on the side of Justice -- the good guys.

They have to, it's all instinct. Those lil big ponies are demon horses from the hell dimension; they reproduce exclusively by raping other species. And if you ere wondering, yes, Bad Lotion got impregnated. Fertilization was supposed to be impossible since she was implanted with birth control nanomachines, but those were designed against human semen, not hell nags. Despite having received more than her fair share of horse cum, Night Charger was only able to escape the same fate due to sheer luck; against all odds her nanomachines functioned properly.
me at the right, where is this? a manga adaptation?
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Nope, those are illustrations from the serial novels chapters. The links are are in the link dump. It's all in japanese tho.

That scene is a big jumping the shark moment. I'm not sure what they had in mind when they decided to do it. I guess they must have thought they had fans of sounding in the audience, for some reason? Seems unlikely though, that fetish is so rare in hentai, pretty sure it doesn't come from Japan. Maybe they were out of ideas and felt like they had to scrape the bottom of the fetish barrel? Yeah, one can argue it's something new and original; and sure, i never saw a giant dick getting fisted before, so in that sense it's a first. Is my hentai life better for it tho? Flat no. I have difficulties wrapping my head around what would be the appeal of that fetish. I can see the dom-sub dynamic, but the rest eludes me.

Fun fact: the fisting was only meant to be the beginning. Madam Venom was about about to get her dick in there next, but she got interrupted by labor contractions before doing the deed. We were spared dick in dick action, and while i breathe in relief, i can't help but think that someone somewhere on that tiny blue earth got denied his ultra mega rare favorite fetish. RIP that guy.
Or joke on me, maybe yaoi/futa hentai is actually full of that stuff.
>That scene is a big jumping the shark moment. I'm not sure what they had in mind when they decided to do it. I guess they must have thought they had fans of sounding in the audience, for some reason? Seems unlikely though, that fetish is so rare in hentai, pretty sure it doesn't come from Japan.
And..... what's the twist?
Is there any hentai games that actually have the "i can fix her" without the gang rape or rape in general?
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The fingering giant is back.

The twist of the scene?
The girls all get contractions at the same time so they stop raping the giant villain, they go back home and give birth in the following scene.

Or maybe you meant the twist of the sex scene?
The giant cums like a geyser, Screw Charger is taken by surprise, her forearm gets ejected from the dick and she takes the full force of the ejaculation right on the face. The cumshot is so intense that she loses her grip on the dick and falls backward. Of course, no damage.(For context, the giant was ravaging the city, Godzilla style, and our pregnant trio three fought him, won, and had been raping him for hours by this point). So, Screw Charger gets back up, no problem, except she's in a miserable state. She only got hosed for a small amount of time, but it looks like she took an hour long cum bath. The extra thick semen is everywhere, layers upon layers of cum sticking on her body, one can barely make out the position of her eyes and mouth behind all that creamy mess.

On the top of my head, i can't think of any. Most nukiges fall into the <protec!>, or the <revenge> categories; <me fix her> games are already quite rare, if you remove rape, you better be prepared to go white unicorn hunting. Might be easier to look for character specific <i can fix her> routes instead.
They do vaginal too, this is why she get pregnant
You mean unlucky, after all BL looks very happy giving birth
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>They do vaginal too, this is why she get pregnant
Oops, i got >>8202011's post wrong.

>You mean unlucky, after all BL looks very happy giving birth
She is, but only after the completion of her brainwashing. And even then she had been feeling bittersweet about it, because she had to wait the birth of the foal before having Justopia's baby. So, to comfort Bad Lotion, Justopia promised he'd give her plenty of babies as soon as she'd be able to give birth again. He also adopted the baby horse as his own son, so it wouldn't be left out.
Happy ending? Technically yes, for Whorehouse at least.

Back to the demon horse incident, Bad Lotion wasn't happy at all, but that's to be expected, It's part of her character, she never likes it when she loses her virginity. For her, It's like the ultimate defeat.
>He also adopted the baby horse as his own son, so it wouldn't be left out.
This world is fucking wild, man.
I mean, a young boy (who'll probably have a massive horsecock) raised and trained by Justopia to fuck the evil out of bad girls wouldn't be a bad idea. If anything you just know Justopia will have him practice a lot with Bad Lotion.
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In universe, Justopia did that gesture out of the goodness of his heart.
On a metatextual level, a normal person would understand that the author just wanted to end the story on a laugh.
Me, a hentai scholar, knows the TRUTH. Something is cooking ... an incest spinoff:
As the only male left in the family since dad went working overseas, secretly adopted young horsebro protag must protect his fourteen adorable superpowered step-sisters. But how can young stallionbro protec his family when he's the only one without super powers? Worse, something dark is awakening in him. Is this the demon blood his mother told him about? Now that he's getting weird feelings when his step-sisters are around, broncobro worries about what would happen if everybody knew what was going on in his head. And it might already be too late, hot aunt Samantha and sexy aunt Natasha keep glancing at his groin all day, they must have their suspicions.

It writes itself.
>Bad Lotion: "And you won't bring any girl in this home if she can't take at least 10 inches of hard cock in her ass, you hear me?"
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>Bad Lotion: "I want a daughter who will also be my grand daughter."
>Horsebro implodes

> Justopia: "Man to man, you'll always be my son, but the truth is ... you're adopted. Your real father was a horse."
> Horsebro: "N-N-N-Neighhhh!!!"

>Gyaru Stepsis#4: "Hey step-horsebro, i'd love to ride you once again. You know? Lke when we were kids. Do me a solid and maybe i'll let you ride me next "
>Horsebro implodes

>Aunt Natasha: "Ara, Horsebro? Over here, come to aunty. You always have loved carrots since you were little, don't you? Ufufufu. I have a special one for you. Close your eyes and open wide."
> Horsebro: "N-N-N-Neighhhh!!!"
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The Great debate: who has the best hero desing
>Madam Venom was about about to get her dick in there next, but she got interrupted by labor contractions before doing the deed.
That's sad. I hate when authors suggest that something is going to happen and then they don't deliver.
I dislike all three of them. The least offensive is Bad Lotion's.
So this it's like Superman, but rape instead of fight? Did he also rape Malé Villains?
Madam Venom > Bad Lotion >>> Night Charger
The opposite of how I would rank their villain designs.
My ranking including both outfits is
NC villain >= BL villain > MV heroine > BL heroine > MV villain >>> NC heroine
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Screw Charger's costume is trash, Whorehouse's costume is cute, but for me, it doesn't have any erotic appeal. Captain Utopia's costume is passable.

Tell me about it. I don't like being teased for nothing either, especially when it's about a fetish i like. Dick in dick tho? I pass.
I like how in this universe consent it's literally am alien concept.
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More All Might than Superman. And yes, he can rape males to punish them. It happens once in the game.

The villain costumes are way better, Madam Venom has the best one, Bad Lotion far behind and Night Charger would be good if she lost that stupid mask.

It isn't, it's just very low priority.
Ey i never saw that cover
Bad Lotion's hero costume should put more emphasis on her ass, since it's her main weapon to drain vilains.
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That's bonus art for exclusive SV related merch. It's usually available for a limited time on some digital stores. Form may vary, tapestry, mousepads, towels, asmr CDs, etc ...

An open panty in the back would do the trick? It's Rude exit door after all, that would make sense.
>An open panty in the back would do the trick? It's Rude exit door after all, that would make sense.
Yeah, if Night Charger has her tits out and Venom had her cock out, Bad Lotion should have an easy access to her butthole at all times.
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>And yes, he can rape males to punish them. It happens once in the game.
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True, the justification is there, she uses it all the time. And it's not worse than Night Charger's, apparently she needs to show a lot of skin because it helps her with her electricity powers somehow. I didn't quite get the all details because moonrunes, maybe the official translation will have something that makes sense. Difficult to do better than Madam venom tho, she has the most legit justification. She's wearing what she wants how she wants it simply because she can; who the fuck is gonna stop her? No hesitation, no shame, mini bikini/hermine coat combo here we go. Ready for all weather, hot or cold.

If you know, you know.
At least for the translation they show at the steam video it looks pretty good, i had high hopes for it.
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Looks good so far, aside from the mirror verbal jab, that one was a little bit cringe. I'm hopeful but prudent, it's one thing to deliver competent exposition, it's another to sublimate the erotism of a sex scene with words.
>aside from the mirror verbal jab
I mean they talk like that in modern Hero movies
"Cool catchphrase you got there. You practice saying that in a mirror everyday?"
Whether they talk like that or not in Marvel movies doesn't change anything, that line is schoolyard level. Not like it matters anyway, my expectations lie elsewhere. I'll survive any number of bad lines if it's the price to pay for getting the best ones in the right spot.
God she's so hot
Honestly, I think it would be funny if she swapped to vaginal stuff as a pure hearted hero. The Bad side is ass stuff, while the good side is vaginal. Just for the joke.
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Not a bad idea, in a vacuum. I can see a world where brainwashing has damaged Bad Lotion's mind to the point she develops split personality. Her default mode would still be subservience, so the protag's plans would remain successful, but she'd have extreme mood swings for comedic effect. The two opposite personalities could also work together to produce some sort of good cop/ bad cop dynamic.
that is honestly the best looking womb penetration I've seen for a while
Interesting sounding, though I personally would like to see a spin-off of the family that appears in the game.
Hope they got Them in a sequel
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Those folks? An old anon mentioned they are inspired from the Incredibles family, since then i can't unsee it.

The giant was uber strong, but he had one critical weakness. Due to his gigantic size, he had never been able to experience what real sex is; he was a virgin. When the waifu squad got the jump on him, he didn't stand a chance. Being forced to cum his brain out while being raped ended up being a little bit too overwhelming for him, he couldn't defend himself anymore.
>An old anon mentioned they are inspired from the Incredibles family, since then i can't unsee it
i am that anon and yeah it's literally the incredible family, don't really want to see them back desu i don't see what else they could do
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>Due to his gigantic size, he had never been able to experience what real sex is; he was a virgin. When the waifu squad got the jump on him, he didn't stand a chance. Being forced to cum his brain out while being raped ended up being a little bit too overwhelming for him, he couldn't defend himself anymore.
So far, this thing had
>personality extraction
>Gay sex
>anal birth
What the fuck else? did they left any fetish behind?
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Oh, cool. Old Butcha fans still come here.
>i don't see what else they could do
Story-wise? No idea either.
Hentai-wise? Mmh ... elasti-sex has potential, i guess? What >>8208040 and >>8208110 might be interested in is a game with a strong focus on incest. The usual Butcha incest always feels like an afterthought, so i kinda get why they'd want something more.

>personality extraction
personality "excretion"
no scat, but it can be argued that personality excretion is pseudo scat.
no blacked

There are plenty more missing:
Anal fisting
Electric shocks
Belly inflation
Hidden sex
Cheating sex
Public sex
Rape on defeat
Reverse rape
Large insertions
Mind break
Prego sex
Futa on male
Futa on female
Futa on alien

That all i got right now. I'm sure i'm forgetting obvious ones.
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>no blacked
have sex with black characters it's blacked
>There are plenty more missing:
>Anal fisting
>Electric shocks
>Belly inflation
>Hidden sex
>Cheating sex
>Public sex
>Rape on defeat
>Reverse rape
>Large insertions
>Mind break
>Prego sex
>Futa on male
>Futa on female
>Futa on alien
Men i need this shit for yesterday
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blacked is having sex with a black dick and never going back.

Eating cum stained food
Food in anal cavity
Pet play
Virginity loss
Milf on shota
Futa on shota
Sex toys
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>Eating cum stained food
>Food in anal cavity
>Pet play
>Virginity loss
>Milf on shota
>Futa on shota
>Sex toys
If there's a sequel someday, i am gonna go to japan just to suck butcha-u dick
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For Butcha's sake, let's hope you're a sexy Pooters girl.
Bad Lotion dap
> An old anon mentioned they are inspired from the Incredibles family
Of course they are, same powers in a way but with some changes.

Yeah, what >>8208223 says. I've said it before in a past thread but just the fact that the story introduces this concept of having the perfect genetic match and you got this family of heroes fucking like rabbits and even getting pregnant, raises so many questions (which another anon kindly replied to) that I'd like to see in a different game. Thing is, it might not really make sense because the whole thing with Sacrifice Villians is the corruption of the super hero genre, so changing that to something exclusively about incest might feel out of place.
>blacked is having sex with a black dick and never going back
No it's not lol, it's just having sex with a negro The name came from the disgusting website created by Greg Lansky.
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>past thread
It was last year, right? I recall babbling about the incest family on several occasions, but they all go way back; i think wasn't even OP at the time. Anyway, pretty sure i'm the anon who replied to you back then.

>this family of heroes fucking like rabbits and even getting pregnant, raises so many questions that I'd like to see in a different game. Thing is, it might not really make sense because the whole thing with Sacrifice Villians is the corruption of the super hero genre, so changing that to something exclusively about incest might feel out of place.
Meshing together the family incest system with either villain punishment or hero corruption is doable. With enough tension and drama, anything can be made palatable.

For example:
Labeled as villain by hero society, a young rogue heroine flees Justopian City, and goes into hiding. Holding on the remains of her own sense of justice, she tries to survive in the slums while fighting villains and criminals. But her past is creeping back; devious bounty hunters, opportunistic heroes, and the police are not the only ones after her. Her powerful family wants her back, by any means necessary, as the one who secures and fertilizes her womb will be in position to claim the tittle of head of the family.
Will HEROINE_NAME escape her destiny?
Hear me out
Here a concept : Dead or alive marie rose the day
Bad lotion the night
>it not realted to a certain body type fetish
lmao this soccer mom on 4chan /h/ complaining about disgusting websites
It is objectivelydisgusting. It's blatant propaganda that only coom brained cucks and troons watch. Your reaction tells me you are one of those, or an assmad negro yourself.
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5head genius..
>both are anal fiends
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>It was last year, right? I recall babbling about the incest family on several occasions, but they all go way back
I believe that was this year as I don't remember seeing these threads last year but I might be incorrect. Regardless, yes, I was interested in the story of the game and the incest in the world caught my attention.

As for your example, I like that but I might need to think a little more for something that makes more sense to me.
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Ok, if it's not the older discussion then it must be this one:

>As for your example, I like that but I might need to think a little more for something that makes more sense to me.
Mmh, thinking about it, the example i gave is pretty weak, incest-wise. I attached incest to the main plot thinking it would make it central to the story, and technically it does, but it's pointless if i don't make the incest appealing by itself.

And that's when the problem comes up, most incest hentai stories are about evolving personal relationship between family members. They tend to be intimist by nature, which doesn't mesh well with fast paced pulp entertainment. Looks like you were right, it's more complicated than i first thought.

Then again, the incest scene in SV isn't the usual kind. That scene is less about the disposable characters and their relationships than a demonstration of what the Justopian social system is capable of accomplishing. In essence, the player is experiencing the scene from a top down perspective, quite different from regular incest hentai works in which the norm is to have access to the main character's thoughts.
>Ok, if it's not the older discussion then it must be this one
Similar questions but no, that's not me.

As for your example, I think it was good! Hell, if anything, I'd say probably focus more on the fact that since incest is no longer taboo, then there's lots of things that that could lead to. You already did a good job by saying even the people from her family are planning to impregnate her and that's already very interesting as you could ask what would that lead to? would she resist or give in? Good stuff.

>That scene is less about the disposable characters and their relationships than a demonstration of what the Justopian social system is capable of accomplishing. In essence, the player is experiencing the scene from a top down perspective, quite different from regular incest hentai works in which the norm is to have access to the main character's thoughts.

Right, but even from a top down view, I think it's fairly interesting to follow a group of people and their happenings. You could also include their thoughts, sure, but seeing them going at it without too many questions also sounds interesting because it leaves up to the imagination if they already wanted this or just realized about it.
I remember seeing news of a English release for Sacrifice, is there a date yet?
Q4 2024, no more precision. We WILL get Bad Lotion's asshole this year.
Based, but I'm more a fan of Night Charger.
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Should be last year convo then, i don't know any other:

>would she resist or give in?
Both, i imagine. She'd resist for the first two third of the game; but out of self affirmation and/or rebellion rather than a sense of morality. She grew up in Justopian City after all so she should have a warped view about sex. Letting her begin her journey as a slut doesn't feel appropriate though, better make her a prude virgin by Justopian City standards. Ah, better idea, let's give her an asexual bent with a twist: she'd show no interest in romance or sex for the sake of sex, but it comes to using sex as a combat tool, she'd have no calms about it. In therm of style, she could be ranging from battle maiden, sex arts initiate all the way to the fightosexual maniac lol, but i'm digressing .

The idea would be to have the first part of the game in the slums where we see how she how she's surviving, and how she fights and escapes villains and pursuers, so the main hentai dish would be combat sex. Of course, eventually she gets captured and sent to the Azylum, she passes the entire mid game there getting raped, experimented on and brainwashed like in SV. Once done, the final part would begin by her being sent back to her family, and whether she does her biding or not would depend on branching paths. Main dish would be submissive incest sex, but the flavor would vary greatly depending on the type of family she has. Could be ranging the rich evil noble degenerate type like the Mamiya family with the nastiest fetishes, to the old japanese traditional clan with ceremonial gangbangs, to the well-intentioned modern parangon hero family with Kenzen style sex, etc ...
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>Her family are planning to impregnate her. What would that lead to?
Pregnancy of course. Mmh, more broadly, if i were at the helm, i'd just build up from what happens in SV and try to add a twist somewhere.
Despite its deeply eugenic nature, the Justopian mate selection system receives no opposition from the citizenry because the confidence in the system is high. The population lives in a haven of prosperity inside the dome shield while crime and chaos prospers outside, so it's not surprising that they'd follow along with what is asked of them. The system doesn't need to be self-enforcing since the people not following its recommendations must be few. Then, how to explain our heroine getting purchased? I can see both ways, either her family is evil and able to pull some strings, or the more interesting path imo, keeping her womb inside Justopia City could be raison d'état. In that case, the family would merely be an instrument of the system, a system trampling on the very rights it's supposed to protect. Yum yum thematic irony.
The more specific details can be invented on the fly depending on what's needed for the story. Her womb is just a macguffin after all. It can be coveted or reprensting a danger that must be kept at bay. Example, heroine is supposed to be the mother of the next generation of leaders, or her womb contains special genetic material due to some event happening to her and it's so special that the system needs wants it at any cost. That or her womb is a bomb destructive enough to blow up cities, and the system wants to weaponize it. Or better, the heroine could be a metaphorical ticking time bomb for the system instead. Let's say, without being aware of it, main girl invincible/immortal and her power growth is exponential, but all that power is reset or transmitted when she has a child, or when she gets pregnant.

Nice edit lol. I was thinking of doing it the exact same way. And i concur, Night Charger is scorching hot
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Thanks, I just threw it together in 2 minutes tho. I assume you're OP anon? Its me, Taimanin Animator anon, so you know editing for me is a pretty simple task.
>Its me, Taimanin Animator anon
Where is my Maika video anon? WHERE IS IT???
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Yeah it's me, good to see you back. How is it going? RPGX is ending, but you still have plenty of material to work with, right?
I actually just unironically posted a sample due to a request anon.
>RPGX is ending
Uh.. I'm pretty sure it's not ending anytime soon. Altho the English version ended in August. And yeah, there's literally more material than I could ever hope to touch. My progression has not been what I want it to be due to life. But that's neither here nor there..

I am looking forward to Sacrifice getting a English version tho. Glad I didn't look too closely at that video you linked me months ago.
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Oh, i see. I got the wrong idea. I saw some anons talking about the end of RPGX, some time ago, so when saw that the last batch would feature an Asagi x Oboro scene i just thought "Welp, that's the last send off to the fans, after all those years. It has been taking years, but it's kind of fitting." Glad to be wrong. In insight, the thread would be in flames if that were to happen for real.

>I am looking forward to Sacrifice getting a English version tho.
Same. It took a long time, but the translation is finally coming and Shiravune gave a timetable, so that's reassuring. If i had to bet, i'd say the release is going to happen in December. Just intuition tho.

>Glad I didn't look too closely at that video you linked me months ago.
Hopefully someone will do videos of the english version too, that'd make phone usr
Yeah, that's the one.

>let's give her an asexual bent with a twist: she'd show no interest in romance or sex for the sake of sex, but it comes to using sex as a combat tool, she'd have no calms about it.
I feel the prude for Justopia standards make more sense, that way she could be someone that's around sex but isn't particularly experienced and also views being paired with a familiy member as something strange.

>the old japanese traditional clan with ceremonial gangbangs, to the well-intentioned modern parangon hero family with Kenzen style sex
I think those two would be the best options.

>Heroine gets more powerful when pregnant
I like this one, I think I've seen this somewhere else though, not sure.
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>Heroine gets more powerful when pregnant
I don't remember seeing that trope anywhere, but it must exists somewhere. I doubt we're the first to think of the concept.
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>Never fucking ever a yukikaze 3 or nee main vn taimanin
>page 10 in 1.5h
Why there's a retard bumping every fucking thread?
god i love her for this
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I agree, big jelly Bad Lotion was quite a creative idea. - - - - Wait. You're talking about the prostate teasing aren't you?

>"nice thread" comments aren't genuine.
Nooooo!! This feeling of external validation ... it's being taken away from me!

You're tearing my heart apart bump anon! I thought we had a thing, and now you cheat on me with other OPs? You slut !

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